Br--, 9 Sk. K '- Jf &ohxmbxx$ 0nruaL WEDNESDAY, DEC. 14, 1887. A. iS. TIME TABLE. Pass. , Freight. Leaves Columbus SiMa.m. 4:5i.m. Bellwood 8:I3 " 5:25 " David City I SW " 6:10 " Seward 10:0.-. " 8:15 " Arrive at Lincoln ll:15 " 11:45 fm .... 1.....a T.inMiln at 3Ti!i n TTl.- HT1I1 arrive at Columbns 70 p. m; the freiKht leaves Lincoln at 7:00 a. m., and arrives at Columbus at J.-WO p. m. UNION PACIFIC TIME-TABLE. OOINO EBT. Atlantic Ex. I:0S a. m it. 1ih1 " 823 " OOISO WEST. Pacific Ex. 11:13 p in. Denver 1:55 i. m. Ni. 24 Fr't . S-S5 p. m.lNo.23 Fr't.. 4:25 Chicago " 2:41 p. m. (i. 1. local. . H:iu OUFor.K BKAXCII. Phxs. arrie 155 p. m.Ltsavi. . Fr't " 1050 " ILeae. . ... 8:15 p.m. .. 800 a.m. ALBION BRANCH. Arrives 150 p. m. I Leaven 2:10 p. . The mixed train on the Albion branch con nects at Genoa with a niixed train for hullerton and Cedar Rapids. J. It. Mmoheb, Apent. Sorictn Notices. SSfAU notices under thin heading will ! charged at the rate of $2 a year. A LEBANON LODGE No. 58, A. F. & A. M. -ft--Kegular meetings 2d Wednesday in each ljK month. All brethren invited to attend. j. e. Nobth, w. M. H. P. Coolidok, Sec'j . 20jul Snow Saturday. Head Pittenger'd Btory. Dill pickles al E. Fold's. Clothing at cost ut Miller's. The .TomiNAL office Tor job work. -Bed quilta only i)0o at Kramer's. Subscril)e ihw for the Jourkal. To Stoen llaRselbalch's for tfood rif,'8. Organs! Call at A. & M. Turner's. Good Scotch capa at Miller's forf0c. Tlunrich loans money on town prop erty. -Now suit inns just received at Kra mer's. The .Iouksai, for job printing of all kinds. - Christmas trees, order early at Fitz's." 3-31 -it The largest stock or fur caps in the city at Miller's. Buy of Arnold and jet a chance for tho gold watch. -Mr. Dana has sot up his new hay p ress at Richland. See the purest diamonds at lowest figures at Arnold's. - Xmas goods follow the crowd to E. 1). Fitzpatrick's. -Overcoats and 'suits at very low ligures at Kramer's. Don't loose your Journals contain ing Pittenger's story. Sheriff-elect Bloedorn takes an oc casional day in the city. Best line of Christmas presents at lowest prices. A. J. Arnold. Mufflers, Hdkfs. and other useful holiday presents at Kramer's. As good as the best, and as cheap as the cheapest, at J. B. Delsman's. Choice buckwheat Hour and maple syrup at Herman Oehlrich .t Bro. J. C. Fillman 6eems to le recover ing rapidly from his severe illness. Toys -the great western rush has commenced at E. D. Fitzpatrick's. Delsman keeps good goods, and will not allow himself to le undersold. - Cloaks and dress goods in great variety and very cheap, at Kramer's. The best, assortment of dinner sets and lamps at Herman Oehlrich & Bro. - Mr. Saunders of the Platte Center Argus gave us a pleasant call Monday. Four dollars will buy a good over coat at Miller Bros., regular price $6.00. -Crockery, glassware and lamps at the lowest prices, at John Heitkemper's. Don't buy any real estate without getting an abst ract from Gus. G. Becher & Co. 15-tf Lost A pair of spectacles, with leath er case. Please leave at the Journal office. Tho finest car load of choice Xew York winter apples at Herman Oehlrich Bro. 3-30-Gt. --David Smith has some specimens of ore from his brother Frank's mine in Idaho. Gus. G. Becher & Co. have complete abstracts of all real estate in Platte county. 15-tf Subscriptions for the Nebraska Family Journal, 31 a year, taken at this office. - Dwelling houses and business build ings for rent. Call at Weaver's real estate office. Canvass tho merits of the Domestic sewing machine before investing money in any other. lOtf Miss Alice Cowdery, formerly of this place now of Lincoln, has been dan gerously ill. Early Rose, Early Ohio and Snow flake potatoes for sale for seed. Wm. Jones, Columbus. 34eow-tf When you insure with Henrich yon know that you will be dealt with honor ably in case of loss. Julia Moore has a communication in today's Journal concerning reports in circulation about her. The Columbus State Bank makes real estate loans on most favorable terms. Money on hand. No delay. 1 The M. E. church are making an effort to liquidate their church debt. It appears to be about $500. Henrich is general agent for the in surance of horses, mules and cattle for Platte and adjoining counties. The city advertises for bids for the purchase of $30,000 bridge bonds, to be received up to noon, Dec 24th. P. W. Henrich is expecting a visit Boon from Denver relatives, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Walker and J. S. Henrich. The Western Cottage Organs are the best. Get prices of G. W. Kibler, travel ing salesman for A. & M. Turner. tf The new pastor for St. Mary's . church, Grand Prairie township, is Rev. Anthony. Humphrey Democrat The $30,000 city bridge bonds of Columbus were presented to the state auditor Friday hut for registration. All wool double-fold triquots 50 cts per yard, at Kramer's. Dried beef, chipped ready for table use, at John Heitkemper's. For candies to hang on the Christ mas tree call at Herman Oehlrich's. 31-3 The celebrated Lehigh hard coal, $13 a ton, delivered. L.W. Weaver k Co. 32-4 Perfumery sets and fancy goods suit able for Christmas presents at Stillman's drug store. 1 Trade with us and get the ticket that will draw the gold watch and other prizes. A. J. Arnold. 4-34-2t Fred Reed begins a school in Cres ton twp. next week. The Journal will be glad to hear of his success. Dried fruits, raspberries, prunes, plums, currants, apricots, apples, dates, raisins, at John Heitkemper's. Henry Behrens and John Brugger sold fine lots of hogs in town last week, one getting $4.80 the other $4.90 a hun dred. Buy the "Red School House" shoes at Kramer's. They give the best of sat isfaction, for children's wear particu larly. The Journal is on sale, each week, at the book and news stores of E. D. Fitzpatrick and G. S. Davis, at 5 cents a copy. The whereabouts of Arch Floyd, who left the city several weeks ago leav ing numerous debts lehind, are not yet known. v - Sheriff-elect Martin C. Bloedorn moves to the city today, and will occupy one of Mr. Gluck's residences near Prof. Cramer's. George Moore and Miss Lydia Hill, daughter of Til ton Hill, were married Nov. 23d, at. Richland, Rev, W. T. Price officiating. Creston expects to get tho exten sion of the B. A. M. from Schuyler next summer They say they are on the sur veyed route. Thursday morning last at about six John Quinn lost his barn by lire, with 1,500 bushels of oats, 1,000 of corn. In sured for $200. Don't be deceived by unscrupulous insurance men, but deal with Henrich, who has been in the business in Platte county for years. Members of the Hyperion Chautau qua Club had a supper and entertain ment at Mr. E. O. Wells's residence Saturday evening. - A. & M. Turner are sole agents here for the sale of the celebrated Western Cottage Organs, excelled by none, and equal to the best. tf Money on hand, no delay in com pleting loans. Rates and terms as low as the lowest, and as good as the best. Gus. G. Becher & Co. 15-tf - He must be sick indeed who would prefer the soft south to such fine, invig orating weather as we have lately been enjoying in Nebraska. Kwong Ong, at Chinese laundry, Eleventh street, Columbus, Neb., has on hand a fine line of new fashioned French goods; call and see them. lp The Circulating Library is now in full blast at Fitzpatrick's; $2 member ship fee; 150 volumes. Increase the number of books by joining. See ''Business Notices' for sale of horses, cows, steers, wagon, buggy, etc., by D. Anderson, Dec 23d, at 1 p. m., without reserve, on long time. 2t Before investing in a sewing ma chine, organ or piano, see A. & M. Tur ner, at their organ depot, or address G. W. Kibler, their traveling salesman, tf - A. & M Turner are selling tho Western Cottage Organ and Domestic Sewing Machine, both of which stand at the head of their class, and are guaran teed. lOtf - Wheat was selling as low as 35 cents in town Monday. There seems to be a small screw loose somewhere. Perhaps the Farmers' Association can find just where it is. - Steen Hasselbalch has purchased the Johnson livery stable on 13th street, and will continue the business. He has a new line of buggies and can fit you out with a good rig. Subscribe for the Nebraska Family Journal. Thirty-two columns of choice reading matter, news, stories and mis cellany every week, for $1 a year. Is sued by M. K. Turner & Co. tf Buy the Henry F. Miller pianos of A. te M. Turner equal to tho very best. A musical instrument that costs as much as a small dwelling and lasts a life-time should be a good one. 33tf Only one span of the Loup bridge swayed down Saturday last; a half day's work will set it right again, and by the time this reaches yon, the bridge will undoubtedly be safe again for crossing. The Columbus Journal and the Nebraska Familt Journal, both pub lished by M. K. Turner & Co., Columbus, Nebraska, for $2.00 a year, if paid in advance. Specimen copies sent free to any address. H. H. Lee, who is state agent for the Iowa State Insurance company, was in the city Sunday. He recogni7es the fact, since he made his residence here, that Columbus is a good point to cir culate from. A petition of the patrons of the schools, numerously signed, was circu lated last week, asking the school board to employ Prof. W. B. Backus to take the place of Prof. L. J. Cramer. He was duly elected. Edward Alstot and Henry Lake are in jail here awaiting a charge of bur glar which is said to have been com mitted at John Riley's saloon in Genoa, last month. Mr. Riley missed consid erable liquor. Drusa, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Miller at Bliss, Wheeler coun ty, aged six years, died Sunday of croup. Mrs. Henry Hockenberger of this city started Monday morning to be with her mother, Mrs. Miller. From John Schmoker of Duncan, in town Monday, we learn that in a race with hand cars by section men between Duncan and Silver Creek, one man was nearly killed, another badly wounded and a third --done up." The following officers were elected - i,o. -nr-i.i. ti, "nv. jj t n n p Tuesday Dec 6, 1887: H. C. Newman, N. G.; H. A- Mueller, V. G.; C. A. New man, Secretary; C A. Speice, Treasurer. H. J. Hudson, J. E. Hoffman and Chas. Wake, trustees for the ensuing term. The Fire Store has just received a full lineofclothing,overcoats,underwear, boots, shoes and a full line of gents furnishing goods, and are etill selling for 50 cents on the dollar. P. W. Hennch and C. J. Garlow made a trip last week through Platte Center, Humphrey and Lindsay. The last, Mr. H. says, is just now a pretty lively little burg, a large quantity of grain being purchased by dealers. I will sell $650.00 worth of property for $350.00; s. e. hi block 7 Oida, worth $100.00; lots 3 and 4 block 19 Stevens Addition, worth $300.00, and 5 acres near Fair ground, worth $250.00. This is a bar gain. Who wants it? L. W. Weaver. Mending old skates was the chief occupation of the young lads about town Saturday, besides some of the lasses. They are looking forward to good times this winter, and the open air should certainly be better than skating on roll ers under a roof. George N. Crawford, late of Omaha, and John W. Early of this city have formed a partnership as real estate and commercial brokers, also loan, invest ment and collection agents room over First National Bank. The Journal wishes them success. Harry Robison was arrested at Mendota, HI., but let go again, us the officers could learn nothing further from parties here ordering the arrest. He wrote here to learn what people thought of him, and to know why he was put under arrest. Sleek youth. O. C. Shannon has been appointed deputy clerk of the district court for this county, has given bond and entered upon the duties of the office. Ora is a good penman, and is capable of filling the office very creditably to himself and to the satisfaction of the public. As we go to press, the county su pervisors are in session.all present, work proceeding in good shape. Full particu lars next issue. The contract for the Loup bridge was awarded to the King Bridge Co., of Cleveland, O., at $38,000, the bridge to be completed July 1, 1888. John Wise and T. M. Wilson were pleasant callers at these headquarters Saturday, but we wish that some fellow who has a tremendous hard grip would quietly take hold of John's baud some day and squeeze the juice out of it, just for fun, but we want to be there to see. - Charles Fuller, formerly of Schuy ler, but who for the past two or three years has been holding down a claim six miles west of here, dropped in on us to day and surprised us. Mr. Fuller is assisting D. N. Miner in his carpenter work here for a few days. Garfield Co. Quaver. An old attorney remarked the other day (after meeting with defeat at court) that his instructor told him when study ing for the law that there were two ways to do when the court went against you: one, to take an appeal; the other, to go to the village hotel and talk against the "jedge." He preferred to take an appeal. Round-trip tickets will be sold at the Union Pacific depot, this city, Dec. 23d to Jan. 1st, good for one day going and to Jan. 3d, '88, to start on return trip, for 1 l fare These will be honored on Union Pacific and allied roads within a radius of 200 miles from Columbus. A good opportunity to visit friends during Holidays. John Wuetrich of Butler township, narrowly escaped a serious accident Sat urday while coming to town over the Loup bridge. Going over the spans that sunk, he got off with his team, just as the bridge -lowered, and the horses had to scramble considerably to keep the weight of the wagon from pulling them down. Sthphen Waggoner has been ap pointed shipping agent of the Farmers' Association of this neighborhood; at the meeting last Saturday the auditing com mittee consisting of J. C. Swartsley, J. H. Drinnin, A. W. Clark, J. Merrill, and John Watson were appointed to locate a site for a grain warehouse for the As sociation. The Association adjourned to meet at the Court House, Dec. 24th. From the Carlsbad (Cal.) Sea Lion we learn that, Ira Mullen of National City is therefor the Holidays; G. Schntte will move into his palatial residence next week; J. H. Richards, visited some old Nebraska friends at Pomona; Col. S. C. Smith and wife are spending this week in San Diego and National City visiting friends and relatives and making some purchases to further beautify their al ready handsome cottage. The clerical swindler who eonfi denced the Central City bank some weeks ago was caught in New York by Pinkerton's detectives. It seems that Pinkerton could make nothing of the case until he got a description of the man from a newspaper paragraph. He then recognized an old offender, a man who had been released from the Illinois state penitentiary a short time since. It is best to publish all such escapades give the facts. In the case of Dr. D. P. Shevlin against the village of Platte Center for services during the small pox farce, and wliich came up before Jndge Cowdery, of Columbus, a judgment was rendered in his favor of $55.00, the plaintiff pay ing cost of about $20.00 out of a claim of $63.00. The village had simply "referred" his account to be itemized before pass ing upon it. Even at $55.00, his charges were exhorbitant, and there is some probability of an appeal being taken. Argus. Hon. O. A. Abbott of Grand Island passed through the city Saturday on his way to O'Neill. He has lived in Ne braska twenty years, and, like all the rest of us, has unbounded confidence in the future of the state. He had recently been at Broken Bow, Custer county, a comparatively new town but a lively, solid sample of what the newer portions of the commonwealth can do in these latter years brick blocks and dwelling houses comparing very favorably with cities of greater pretentions. E. O. Glines, living on the John Ey man farm six miles west of Platte Center, came to the city Wednesday of last week with his boy,and since 4 o'clock of that day nothing can be heard of him. He had $80 or $90 in money and it is feared he has met foul play. He is a heavy-set man,weighs about 200 pounds, medium height, with chin whiskers, and is about 45 years old. He left his boy at the train, telling him he would take a later one. His wife was in the city Mon day, and knows of no reason why he should leave home. PERSONAL. Mrs. L Gluck went to Omaha, Friday. H. M. Winslow was an Omaha visitor Friday. John Lisco of Clarks was in the city Monday. J. B. Shillito of Grand Prairie was in town Saturday. C. C. Berringer visited G. Heitkemper at Hastings last week. R. L. Rossiter of Platte Center was in town Tuesday morning. P. W. Henrich and C. J. Garlow, Esq., were at Lindsay last week. Miss Chambers of Niobrara is visiting her friend Miss Stella North. Rev. A. Henrich was a pleasant caller at these headquarters last week. James Bell of David City was in town Thursday night on his way to Omaha. D. A. Lord of Denver came in from the west Thursday, remaining several days. Darwin Clark was down from Creston Friday. That little burg is flourishing finely. Wm. Eimors, one of the chief business men of Humphrey, was in the city Sat urday. Byron Compton came up from Omaha Thursday. He likes the Gate city and his school there. E. B. Hall of Genoa took a business trip to Fremont and Omaha last week," returning Thursday. W. M. Robinson of Lincoln, one of the most genial traveling men on the road, was in town Saturday. D. N. Jennings expects to leave this week for his old home in Minnesota, where he has not been for five years. Geo. M. Baird of the Cedar Rapids Republican, was in the city Monday and gave ns a brotherly call. Come again. F. W. Barnes and family of Madison passed through the city Wednesday, bound for San Diego, Cal., where they spend the winter. John and Wm. Craig of Schuyler pass ed through the city Monday bound for Cedar Rapids to make a short visit with G. W. Brown's family. Mr. Griswold, wife and daughter of Minneapolis, who have been visiting Mr. G's brother, Rev. Griswold of this city, left Monday for California. Mrs. Eliza (Parks) Postle of St. Paul, Howard connty, passed through the city Monday homeward bound. She had been visiting relatives at Creston. Mr. Lincoln of Pierce, Neb., a heavy stock man of that county, stopped over night last week here with his friend H. M. Winslow. Ho was on his way home from Chicago, where he had been with two car loads of fat sheep. Mr. and Mrs. John Newman of Look ingglass were in town yesterday. John has sold his farm of 160 acres, 110 under cultivation, to W. Wrilson of northeastern Iowa, for $2,500 cash, and expects to re move to Columbus after the 1st of March. John P. Thompson of Custer was in the city Monday on hie way to Kansas City. He is an old friend of A. J. Ar nold and well known to many of our older citizens. He had with him a spec imen of tin ore from the Tin mountain near Custer, and he says that the valua ble metal is being put out there in fine shape. An English syndicate represent ing $10,000,000 with $2,000,000 paid up, has been formed, and are getting every thing in readiness for very active opera tions. That section of country has tin in very great abundance, and it is only a question of a few years when the im portance of this wonderful foundation of wealth and prosperity will be made manifest to everybody. A Card. Editor Journal: As yon have pub lished what purports to be a paragraph from a Denver paper concerning me, I wish to say this: that I did marry Her man Schitterer, but against my own will. My mother compelled me to do so. I was but fifteen years old at the time. While living in Denver, Mr. S. com menced keeping the company of other women and gambling, coming home abusing me like a dog, and not providing me with provisions'for the house. I did get a divorce from him, but did not marry again. Notwithstanding my com pliance with my mother's will, I have, through the wicked talk of others lost my mother's love and today, where I was once known and had many good friends, I now have none. When one's own mother believes the ill that others tell and puts her child away from her it is pretty hard to bear. Here I am, sick, with my babe to care for and support, when, if it was not for people's vile talk, I might be with my mother today. Julia Moore. The Lake and Ice project promises to be a good thing in many respects, for the city. The young are to have an ex cellent place for amusement, summer and winter, fish are to be raised, and a crop of ice, good and solid, during the winter. Inquiries are being made from other portions of the state as to the success of Mr. Arnold's project; the State Fish Commission are interested in results and ask for a report. It may be the means in helping to call greater attention throughout the state to the profit there is in fish culture. If so, it will be of general benefit, for Nebraska streams and artificial ponds, well stocked with fish, means considerable towards the general welfare. Hall & Turner now have the right to manufacture and sell the Marak Ra dirtor in the counties of Platte, Nance, Madison, Stanton, Butler, Polk and York. There is no doubt but it saves fuel and is a good thing to have, those using them placing the saving at 40 to 50 per cent. The firm have had difficul ty in getting castings,' on account of sickness of the contractor,but they think now that within ten days they can supply the radiator to those who have al ready ordered. Agents wanted. Apply immediately, addressing the firm at Co lumbus. 34.2 FoBBd Dead in Bed! For a family to find a father and hus band dead in bed is a sad thing and it is safe to say will never occur to folks that buy goods at the Fire Store. Such pri ces on overcoats, shawls, cloaks, under wear, arctics, men's and boys suits, caps, and lots of other things, including a nice line of Christmas goods were never quoted here before. Go in and see the bargains. THE OMAHA WEEKLY BEE. A Magaileeat Seleetioa or Preniiatfl to be Awarded to Sabaerlbern How the Pab liflher or the Bee Dtrtribate a Large Naa ber or Valuable Premiims Among Their PatroBM. The publishers of the Bee are this season offer ing its patrons the largest and most Taloable list of premiums that has ever been awarded by them. For the past seTen years the Bee has annnally distributed among its patrons a large number of Taloable and useful articles, increasing the num ber and Talue each year as the number of sub scribers increased. This system was first inaug urated by the publishers about eight-'years ago as the means of collecting back pay, securing renewals and increasing the circulation of the Bee. In this it proved a success. Several thou sand dollars back dues were collected which would otherwise have been almost entirely lost or expended in enforcing collections through agentti or attorneys, and the subscription list was increased from 3,500 to over 35,000 in seven years. Each successive year a larger number of sub- scribers was secured and the list of premiums was proportionally increased. During the first year only a small portion of the articles distributed were procured in ex change for advertising. When the marked in crease in the circulation became known to the merchants and manufacturers, they willingly offered their goods and machinery in exchange for advertising. In this manner a very valuable selection of premiums was secured, with a com parative small outlay of cash. Almost all the more valuable urticles are obtained in this way. Nearly the only outlay in cash made is for the minor premiums, such as books, cutlery, etc. These are purchased at the very lowest wholesale rates in very large quantities. In this way it is made possible to award such a magnificent lot 6f premiums to subscribers, and send each the laier for one ear for the price of two dollars. The following is a partial list of the article to be awarded at tho next distribution: 80 acres of fine land in Colfax Co., Ne braska, valued at $1,200 00 One Omaha city lot 700 00 One Aultman &. Taylor thretthing ma chine 685 00 One Heilman threshing machine 665 00 One celebrated Weber upright piano. . 656 00 Four parlor organs valued at from fll5 to 175 00 One Registered Holstein bull MX) 00 One Jersey bull calf 100 00 And a large variety of valuable implements, live stock, guns, watched, household goods, etc., etc., valued in all at over $18,500. The old patrons of the Bee need no assurance of the stability and reliability of the paper, nor do they need to be informed of the principles it advocates, the fearless defense it makes in behalf of the producers and uncompromising opposi tion to corporate monopolies. It is almost indispensable to the industrial classes of the great est. Send your name and the names and addresses of your friends for frei sample copies of the Bee containing the full lift of premiums and a large number of acknowledgments from old sub scribers who have received valuable premiums in former years. The subscription price of the Weekly Bee in cluding a premium is $2.00 per year. Address all orders and communications to The Bee Publish ing Co., Omaha Neb. 3 City Council. Adjourned meeting. Dec. fith all present. The report of the street commissioner that he had purchased supplies for the month of November of Ernst & Schwarz $4.30 and of Columbus Lumber Co., $71.80, was referred to committee on claims. The communication from R.T. Whelp ley relative to balance due him for fire hose was referred to committee on claims. The bond of city treasurer Delsman for the faithful disbursement of the receipts of 'the bridge bonds was pre sented with P. Jos. Schmitz, Anton Heitkemper, John Haney, Terrence Brady, F. E. Marty, John Heitkemper, and Wm. Gerhold was approved. The committee on claims reported recommending that the judges and clerks of election at the special election of Oct. 17, 87 and the general election of Nov. 8, 87, bo allowed $2 each as payment in full. Accepted and bills allowed on levy of 1882. The following bills were allowed: Columbus Lumber Co $ 6 2." Jaeggi A Schupbach 41 07 Thos. McTaggert, chief of police for Nov. 50 00 J. W. Byrne, police for Nov 50 00 CM. Taylor, " " mo.endg. Dec. 3.. 50 00 James Itowin, packing valves 3 00 Committee on clainiB reported on bill of Thos. McTaggert as fire warden 6 months, $90, recommending that the bill be rejected. Adopted. Bill of John Elliott for $21.50 for work on the streets was accepted and bill placed on general file. The bills of P. A. Krause for $12 for hardware and of Henry Abts $1.00 for drayage were referred to committee on claims. Tho ordinance concerning occupation tax was referred to judiciary committee. The city clerk was directed, on regis tration by the state auditor, of the $30, 000 bridgo bonds of the city, to adver tise for sealed proposals for said bonds, receivable to noon of Dec. 24, '87. Council adjourned to Dec. 24, 2 p. m. Drunkenness or the Liquor Habit Positively Cured by Administering Dr. Haines' Kolden.Speciflc. It can be given in a cup of coffee or tea without the knowledge of the person taking it; is absolutely harmless and will effect a permanent and speedy cure, whether the patient is a moderatedrink er or an alcoholic wreck. Thousands of drunkards have been made temperate men who have taken Golden Specific in their coffee without their knowledge,and today believe they quit drinking of their own free will. IT NEVER FAILS. The system once impregnated with the Specific it becomes an utter impossibil ity for the liquor appetite to exist. For full particulars, address GOLDEN SPECD7IC CO., 185 RACE STREET CIN CINNATI, O. janl2-87y The Grand Island Independent must have been roused by something that it overheard, as witness: "Men don't get rich who spend seven days in the week whining and squirting tobacco juice at a crack in the sidewalk, while they are holding down a dry goods box on some corner. Hustle, rustle, grab the but end of the first opportunity and lift yourself out of the quagmire of hard times, but don't sit around and croak. Grand Island don't need any such snivling sidewalk whiners. If you don't like our town get up energy enough to draw your shiftless carcass to some town you do like." Brown: Where did you get that dress overcoat? Smith: I got it at the Fire Store, just look at it, sleeves lined with silk, half roll and faced with silk; only had to pay $9.00. Broxcn : I guess I will get me one. Smith: If you don't like this kind, you can get a heavy beaver for $8.00,and all other goods at 50 cents on the dollar. A. & M. Turner have made arrange ments to sell the Henry F. Miller piano, and will guarantee it to be as well made in every particular as any piano manu factured, no matter of what name. Call on or address .G. W. Kibler, traveling salesman. 33tf A Card. For the many kindnesses of neighbors and friends during the last illness of our babe we desire to tender our sincerest thanks. Mb. and Mrs. G. W. Barnhabt. Notice. The undersigned has for sale, hay and straw, by the load or stack. Apply to John Plumb, on the Galley Bros, farm 3 mile east of Columbus, 83-3tp BCTTCHER & KERSENBROCK, DEALERS IN Heavy and Shelf Hardware, Stoves and Tinware, Pumps, Guns and Ammunition. The Celebrated Moline Wagon Sold Here. Sept. 2-2-tf OUS. Q. BECHER. Established MO. GUS. G. BECHER & CO., LOAN BROKERS, Real Estate and Insurance Agt's, COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA. Moary to ! on Farms at lowent rate or interest, on abort anil Ion tun, in auiounta TO SUIT APPLICANTS. 4'0Mlefct Abstracts of Title to all Heal Estate in l'latto county. Notary Public always in Office. Kara aa4 City Prraerty for Half. Inaaraatw against Fire, Lightning and Tornado. Life and Accident Inkuhince, nono but the very best companies represented. Kteaaihii Tickets to and from all parts in KuroK. 'JSjulyHrt-tf NEW HARNESS STORE! Just opened, on north side of Thirteenth Street, opposite Herman Oehlrich & Bro's. A complete stock of HARNESS AND SADDLERY OOODS OONSTANTLiY ON HAND, Ply ZfcTets, ZEBcfbes, TXTliips, Eltc LI6HT DOUBLE AND SINGLE HARNESS A SPECIALTY. Farm Harness always on hand at the lowest living prices. Repairing promptly and neatly done. Call in and examine our goods and get prices before buying elsewhere. 22-June7-tf. Written for tho Joubn l. SILVER BELLS. Strong and true am the hands tolay HinginK the bells swung to and fro, Bnt let me sing in my hnmble way A song from the bells of long ago; A trembling song rang down the years Sweeping past in their might and pride. And Bweet yet sad with the hopes and fears Of a boyish groom and maiden bride. A welcome song sang the silver bells When a wedding march was its jubilee How the years are gone, but the echo tells Of the whispered vows and constancy. And Father Time that autumn day Paused but. to praixe your golden hair And hurried by in his busy way With only n touch of his foot-print there. Oh! silver bells in your changing tone Scarcely a sorrow ye bring to me. While many have wept their weary moan Like rain on their fourth of a century. Our wedding bells with the sun o'erhtwd And the balm of Truth like an angel grace Sing of the years with love made glad And a rose a-bloom in a queenly face. Sweet babes are ours, and their merry glee And the starry eyes and rosy lips. With the first bright suns of a century Have left the world in a cold eclipse. Glad friends may come, oh! silver bells With laden hands that we all shall ken. While love brings but a heart that tells Its only gift to a silver pen. Mary B. Iimcu. Frenchtown, Neb. Shell Creek Items. ' Mr. David Thomas lost a valuable mare by colic. Mr. Thomas Jones was also unfortunate in this respect; he lost .a fine colt by epizootic Mr. A. Henrich sold a fine high graded young bull to Mr. George Lamb. He has the finest lot of calves in Platte county, perhaps in the state. "You bet!" THiorA in tnllr nhnnt a certain rich wid ower viewing the daughters of the land. Aitenuon, ye miuuie ugeu uhuub, wiuuwo and ladies no need to wait for leap- year. Uut it's well to "iook oeiore you leap!" Miss Tillie Steen, the yonng "school nio'iim" rtf flint rint. R1. TjromiHAS tn hilVG good success. The youngsters think the worm or uer. Pav r IT Riinx nf Snnnrlfirfl eonntv has made a visit to his daughter, Mrs. Lieeield. living on wm. uioeuorn s lann on Shell creek. Snonlrinrr nf Win. KlrtAdorn. the .JOUR NAL, always so wide awake, was behind the time this once in not telling 11s reau- ara ilia lmnnrtnnt f.not. that Will. WOB presented with a ten-pound boy a week or two ago. Joy to me worm: Soon the new officers will enter upon tliair rlntina nrivilpcrpR. honors and profits, also upon their trials and trou bles. May tney Dear ineir nonors meeniy nnrl nnt. liAcnmn ircrhflnrini?! The wri ter says happy are the defeated ones, they will not be envieu, oiamea, Bcoiaeu, and can mind their own business. One tt t1o trontlonion Rtflnninc 111) and out. when asked before election, if he would not run again, said, "Wo, wire says 11 1 would she would apply for a divorce." X. Y. Z. Monroe Items. Mr. Kenyon has built a new house. There was a dance at J. Gillan's Friday last. Geo. -Dutcher and Marshal Waite vis ited Genoa Wednesday of last week. Although we had no religious services here, Thanksgiving was generally ob served, for all who had a turkey were thankful and those who had none said blessed be nothinir. Considerable corn is snowed under and farmers begin to feel a little doubtful about being able to gather it very soon, as so much haB been blown off and is frozen to the ground. During the recent storm Wm. Pollard's new house was blown from the brick foundation, tearing the foundation near ly all down. Isaiah Lightner, who has been absent about three months in northern Dakota, returned Tuesday of last week. T. d. x. The above received too late for last week's issue. District 44 and Vicinity. Our winter weather thus far compares favorably with the weather of southern Missouri. J. N. Taylor of Columbus is making many sales of his Pol-and-Chinaware in tisement in the Journal." F.G. Dana of Columbus, with his trac tion engine and cornsheller passed here last Thursday, en-route for Bichland where he will engage in baling hay and shelling corn. Harry Hickok of Fullerton, arrived here Friday evening and ib stopping at Joe Drinnin's; his face bears evidence of the severity of the recent blizzard at that place, it being badly frozen. Bismarck Towasfeip. T. M. Wilson visited the Bismark academy on the 12th. Anna Sissle returned home from a visit to Miss Etta Moore, last week. Geo. Hodel sold his hogs on the 12th; he also butchered several beeves the next day. George is always to the front. We noticed twelve loads of hogs going by Monday; this demonstrates the fact that there are some hog raiaera in this LEOPOLD JJEGGI. T. F,A5SLJlfce 5z CO. part of the county. . Otto Mueller is still husking corn and hauling it to C. H. Sheldon. Some of the other neighbors who are done husk ing are hauling theirs away, too. Charles. DIED. HOPKINS-At Platte Center, Dec. 2d, Ira. son of Mr. and Mrs. George N. Hopkins, aged three and a half years. BARNHART December 11th, Kae. infant son of Mr. and Mrs. U. W. lfciralmrt, aged 8 months, 8 days. Tho afflicted family have tho heartfelt sympa thy of their large circle of friends in the Iimh of their household treasure, who, though so young, was so strong in their affection. gusiness Notices. Advertisements under this head five cents a line each insertion. FOR SALE. I have twenty nice June pigs, also a few thoroughbred boars that I will sell cheap. T.C. Bursa. yj-tf FOR good young breeding stock of all kinds, call at Bloomingdale stock farm. A. Hen rich. Platte Center P. O. Neb. 30-tf WM. SCHILTZ makes boots and shoes in the best styles, and uses only the very best stock that can be procured in the market. 52-tf ORDER YOUR HACK OR 'BUS of Walcrnf Bros, at reasonable rates, to the Skating Park or other places of pleasure. Telephone 33. 30novS7-tr FOR SALE cheap and on very easy terms, by reason of age of proprietor I he lextfarm in Nebraska, ttlO acres. Apply to P. W. Henrich, Columbus. Neb. 35-tf NOTE LOST. I hereby warn tho pnblic aminst negotiating for a oromixsiory note as follows: Given Nov. Sth, 1887, for $40. nnd duo Oct. 5, 1888, bearing no interest, anil signed by Wm. rliitt ana Henry Dpoerry, and pnyulilo to Hugo Shaad. The note whs lost by me Saturday. Dec. 10th. The finder of the note will pleaxe leave it with Carl K miner. Hcoo S11 v u. TJK)R SALE On long time without reserve, in J. front of rav old business stand in Columhux. Friday. Dec. Std at 1 o'clock sharp, without re servation, on 10 months time, one large Iay mare rt years old, one saddle mare xny .1 jirn old, one iron gray mare good for sai Idle or work, one red cow 5 years old, one large steer calf, one lumber wagon, one second band buggy, one low track stock feeding wagon, SO head large 3 years old steers, two-thirds fat. ai-'Jt D. Anderson. LeSal If el ice. Edward J. Baker and Iver Johnson, cooiixnu ing the firm of Baker c Johnson, and doing business in Cheyenne, Wyoming Territory, de fendants, will take notice that on the 21st day of November, 1H87, N. K. Fairbanks & Co., a corpo ration organized under and by virtne of the laws of the state of Illinois, plaintiffs herein, hied their petition in the district court of Platte county, Nebraska, against said defendants, the object and prayer of which was to have an at tachment issued and placed in tlie hands 01 the sheriff of Platte connty, Nebraska, who on the said 21st, day of November. 1H47, attached the following described lands and tenements, as the property of Edward J. Bakert one of the defend ants in this action, under said order of attach ment, to-wit: all that part of lots five, six, seven and eight, in block eighty-two not included in the depot grounds of the U. P. Ity.; tho north half of the south half of the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter of section twenty-four, township seventeen north, range one west; part of lots seven and eight in block fifty -seven, in the city of Columbus, commencing at the south west corner of lot eight in hlurk fifty-seven run ning thence eighty-eight feet north, thence eight feet east, thence eighty-eight feet south, thence eight feet west to the point of beginning, and the following real estate as the property ot Iver Johnson, one of the defendants in this action, to-wit: lot six in block threw and lot three in block fifteen in Stevens addition to the city of Columbus: lot number nine in Holinan's out lota to the city of Columbus, to secure the payment of an account for goods sold and deliv ered by the plaintiff to the defeniLints, for the amount of $321.82, and interest at the rate of seven per cent, per annum f nun Oct., 'Jttth, 1887. There is now due and unpaid on said account the sum $321X2, for which sum with interest from Oct. 28th, 1887, plaintiff prays for a decree tliat defendant be required to pay the same, or that said premises be sold to satisfy the amount found due. Yon are required to answer said petition on or before the 9th day of January, 188H. N. K. Faihbanks & Co.. Plaintiff. By W. A. McAllister and Kennedy & Martin, its attorneys. Dated Nor. 30, 18S7. 32-lt Xatler. The lease nnd sale contracts to the following described educational lands in Platte county, Nebraska, have been declared forfeited for non payment of interest and rental, and will bo subject to lease at the office of the county treasurer of said county 011 Tuesday, the 3d day of January. 1888. at 10 o'clock a. in. of said dav, and so continue from day today until leased, viz: Ne - of sec 1G twp 19 r 3 west, and ne " of se !iof sec IB twp 19 r :' west, and 11 4 of sw and nw ' of se "4 ofsecSCtwpl'rl cast, and sc '1 of sec 1C twp 17 r 2 west, and nc "4, of see 16 twp 17 r'2 west, and s of w of see IG twp 20 r 3 west, and nw '4 of nw J4 of sec 3ti twp 17 r 1 east, and w H of ne U of sec 3$ twp 1" r 1 cast Provided tVe owner of :t sale or lease contract to above land may redeem the same by ptying delinquency and cost of advertising at any time lie fore the land Is subject to lease and un til a bid or application has been made to lase the same, hut said owner will not be allowed to rvdeem after a bid has been made. A bid or application from the owner of forfeited sale or lease contract will not be considered or received. .lOSKI'H SCOTT, Com. Pub. Lands and Buildings. C. A. XEWMAJf, 34-3t County Treasurer, Agent. ESTKAY NOTICE. Taken np, on my premises. Nor. 24th, one fourth mile south from Bucher's mill, THREE SHEEP, one back, one aid ewe and one young ewe. The owner will please call and pay charge. - P.WiijrjN. Dw.2,1867. 3-it C0LTJM1US MAJtmi. 0rOor quotations of the markets are obtained Tuesday afternoon, and are correct and reliable at the time. OBAIN, XTO. Wheat 33 Com in ear 5 Oats 22 Rye 85 If lOQP ..................... 4US3 Uv Bnckwheat .................... Kf M PBOOCCX. Butter Mtt Eggs Potatoes 50 XXATS. Hams IS Shoulders ... 8C1 OlUV .................................. . C lavr stock. JTftl DOSS Wv'W Fat cows KmS30" Fat steers $300eIW COAL. Iowa $300 Hard, Pennsylvania I'00 Hard. Colorado 1200 Rock Springs, nnt W Rock Springs, lump 7 00 Colorado 6 00 TIE milt ill FIIEST STIK west of Omaha, at GREISEN BROS. The best manufactories of the country represented. Not to be undersold by anybody. Come and see prices at GREISEN BROS. Thtel3th6BKtPBACrIltAIjUK2UTt7T inrotacueaasaDootoroTer-ffaiter. ikw convenient to pnt oa and the top can bo adjusted ( It cny ankle by simply movlngtaa buttons Xbrsaloby GREISEN BROS. I'ilh Oct. 'cti-tf 3STEBRASTCA FAMILY : JOURNAL. A Weekly Newspaper issued every Wednesday. 32 Columns of reading natter, con sisting of Nebraska State News Items, Selected Stories and Miscellany. SSSnmplo copies sent free to any address.5 Subscription prico, $1 a ytar, in livtact. Address: M. K. Tunjnat Co., Columbus, Platto Co., Nebr. K t THE NKr 60 DAYS WE OKFKK OUK I.4KCK AND COMPLETE STOCK OK GENTS' Furnishing Goods ! BOOTS &. SHOES, AT dreatly-i-Rednced-i-Prices ! 3J("all, examine (IimmIs and learn prices. Greisen Eros. & Co. 22sep!5-y. GROCERIES ! ALWAYS ON HAND A FULL AND NEW LINE OF GROCERIES WELL SELECTED. FRUITS! CANNED AND DRIED, OF ALL KINDS. (! UARANTEED TO BE OF BEST QUALITY. DRY GOODS ! A GOOD AND WELL SELECTED STOCK AL WAYS AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAP EST, ALSO BOOTS & SHOES ! 8-THAT DEFY COMPETITION. - BUTTER AND EGGS And all kinds of conntry produce taken in trade, and all goods delivered free of charge to any part of the city. PLOUE! KEEP ONLY THE BEST GRADES OF FLODR . 10-tf J.M.I WKOIDjHf rat. CoagrwajyMLM 0JBfef !"" J H K Special wm