o Rj ..- b ., m c it Iumfaxs f oitroal. Entered at the Post-office, Columbus, Neb., as second-class mail matter. ISSUED EVEBT WEDNESDAY BT M. K. TURNER & CO., Columbus, Ne"l. TKBM8 OF SUBSCBirnON: One year, by mail, iwhtape preiaid, $2.00 Hix months, jq Three months, Payable in Advance. SySpeciinen copies mailed free, on applica tion. TO 8GBSCBIBEBB. WhensubriheTs change their P1.""58: dence they should at once notify ns by letter or Viostal raid, giving both their former and their lt'pofficef-the first. enables toreadUy find the Tname on our mailuw. list, from which, betaK in type, weeach week print, either on the wrapper or on the margin of your. JoCBSAfc, the date to whicli your subscription is paid or ac connted for. Remittances should" be made eitlier by money-order, registered letter or draft, payable to the order of & TO COBBESPOKDENTS. ' All communications, to secure antjonmnst be accompanied by the full .name of the writer. We reserve the right to reject any njanuscn t, and cannbt agree to. return the 8fmVT);?e8,rS a correiondent in every Rcliool-district of Platte county, one of d jiidRment, and re liable in every way-Write plainly, each item seiaratoly. Give us facts. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 14. 1B87. The city Hour mills at McKeesport, Pa., burned the other nipbt, caused by tlerective-flue. Heavy loss $60,000. A KEi'Oirr comes from London that "twenty-two persons were drowned in the recent hurricane off Orkney islands. .Tmrv S. IJakbouk has been nominated bv acclamation for U. S. senator by tbo joint democratic caucus of tlie lrginia legislature. .Tamils Funk, at Wilmar, Minn., the other dav shot and killed his wife and lion nttAmtitfxl in commit suicide. He will not live. Let Congress give us the postal tele graph in some skaie at this session. They will have the hearty thanks of the country, if they do. A iir.roirr of the earthquake that re cently visited Vavispe, A. T., says the entire town has been destroyed and many ieople killed. Senas C. Pkiest, superintendent of tiio New York Central R. K., died at Dtica, N. Y., Dec 4. He had been with the road fifty-ono years. The jnry in the Haddox murder trial at Sioux City, la., agreed upon a verdict on the 9th inst. of not guilty. The court immediately discharged the prisoner. An attempt was made the other night to blow up one of the principal forts at Halifax, N. S. Serious damage was done. There is great excitement among the soldiers. The building which will be completed for holding the national republican con vention next June, at Chicago, will give a total seating capacity of 8,000 with hotel of 500 rooms. The election of President Sadi-Carnot has produced an excellent impression at SL Petersburg. The newspapers at Ilomo congratulate the French people upon tho election. A man named Fogarty, prominent in the rioting at Limerick the other day, was .arrested at Queenstown, Dec. 4. He was about embarking on tho steamer Arizona for New York. The massing of Russian troops at Galicia is causing great apprehension. It may mean war. Warsaw advices, however, may mean defensive action only on the part of Russia. Bowekmajj linos.' stock stables at Lexington, Ky., were burned the other afternoon. Several valuable blooded horses were burned to death, including one recently bought for $5,000. TnE brewing companies at Sioux City, Iowa, Have closed their business of manufacturing beer in Iowa, the federal questions involved in the prohibitory law having been decided against the brewers. It is claimed at Cincinnati that dis trict attorney Burnett, in the United States court was offered a bribe of $20,- 000 if he would obstruct the government on tho Harper Fidelity bank case. Nebraska promises to have the gas excitement for a change. The Journal believes there is something good for us, coal, oil, gas or artesian water below the surface, at no unreasonable depth. It is stated that Senator Farwell will introduce, as soon as tho committee is formed, a bill to perpetuate the national banking system as provided for by title (32 of the revised statutes and suplement arv acts. A telegram from Baracos states that during the recent heavy gale in Cuba, the sea invaded u portion of the city, destroying about one hundred houses. The telegram also reports the loss of the steamer Gunury and an American schooner. The English press, as a rule, are very much in favor of the doctrines enun ciated in the President's message. The great body of the people of this country, however, are not particularly anxious to please England at the expense of our financial interests. Leondat Hamltne, a member of the firm of Freez & Hamline, Chicago, has not been seen for a week, when he left for down town on a street car with a large amount of money in his possession to pay off workmen at the factory; it is feared he has met with foul play. H. E. Williamson, the agent at Crow agency, Montana, has resigned, his re signation to take effect Dec. 31. The late outbreak at the Crow agency is at tributed to his improper conduct, and charges have been preferred against him and are now in the interior department. Members of delegations from Cin cinnati and Omaha, who were in Wash ington last week for the purpose of pre senting their respective claims for the next national republican convention, called at the White House one day last week and paid their respects to the pres ident. The latest news among the well in formed persons of St Petersburg assert that the Russian government's inten- tions are entirely pacific, and that pub lic opinion is in favor of peace. Busman movements on the frontier consist mere ly of the dispatching quicker of a divis ion of cavalry, not with an aggressive idea, but for the protection of certain localities. Chicago obtained the national repub lican convention on the third ballot, with one vote to spare. Omaha had the highest number of votes of any city ex cept Chicago. The first ballot stood as follows: Chicago ' 11 Omaha .............................. XU Cincinnati. .......................... " Philadelphia 7 Minneapolis 6 St Louis 2 On the second ballot Chicago received 22 votes and on the third ballot 25, ob taining the convention. Omaha dele gates worked faithfully and made a favorable impression. It is believed she would have secured the prize this time had it not been for the want of sufficient hotel facilities, which was used through out the contest as an effective argument against her. In the four years to come, strike for your hotel accommodations and you will readily secure the next national convention. After fixing the time for the meeting of the convention for Tuesday, June 19, 1888, the commit tee adjourned. President Cleveland has sent the following nominations to the senate: Lucius Q. C. Lamar, of Mississippi, to be associate justice of the supreme conrt of tho United States; William F. Vilas, of Wisconsin, to be secretary of the inte rior; Don M. Dickinson, of Michigan, to be postmaster general; Charles S. Fair child, of New York, to be assistant sec retary of the treasury; Sigourncy Butler, of Massachusetts, to be second comp troller of tho treasnry; James W. Hyatt, of Connecticut, to be treasurer of the United States. At the conference of wool-growers held at Washington, last week resolu tions wero unanimously adopted declar ing that the wool-growers and wool dealers of tho United States, represent ing a capital of $500,000,000 and consti tuencies of 1,000,000 wool growers and dealers, having read President Cleve land's message, declares its senitmeut a direct attack upon their industry and in positive violation of the democratic platform of 1884. The latest news from Paris is to the effect that Goblet has been foiled by the refusal of Rebot to remain in the cabinet in which portfolios are given to two members on the extreme left Ricard joins Rebot in refusing to enter the cab inet Goblet regards Ricard's action sis a refusal of the union of the left to co-operate and he will probably resign the task of forming a ministry. In such event Rouvier will probably be recalled to the head of a modified cab inet Herr Most, anarchist, who was con victed of misdemeanor, in New York, was arraigned in the general sessions court tho other day. Mcllowe, his cpun sel, argued in his behalf for a new trial. Judge Cowing denied the motion, but granted a certificate to the supreme court at general term, when the whole case might bo heard. Judge Cowing then sentenced him to confinement in the ienitentiary for the ieriod of one year, without fine. Patents granted to citizens of Kansas and Nebraska during the past week, and reported expressly for this paper by C. A. Snow & Co., Patent lawyers, opp. U. S. Patent Offico, Washington, D. C: A. Burnett, Big Springs, Kan., washing machine; J. F. Muir, Topeka, Kan., par cel or cash carrier; O. F. Payne, Abilene, Kan., pump; J. C. Reed, Topeka, Kan., car coupling; W. H. Stigenwalt, Iola, Kan., washing machine. J. P. Waba, Praha, Neb., potato planting machine. A recent report from Berlin states that the bourse was weak on account of the unfavorable view taken by the Pester Lloyd on the relations between Austria and Russia. The Post says: The re ports of the assembling of Russians on the Galician frontier evoke apprehen sions of a blow against Austria. Whether that blow will admit of Germany's re maining at peace is a question which doubtless Russia has long since an swered. Trns chief of the secret service of the treasury department in his annual re port says the counterfeiting now being done is principally the work of Italians who work in bands in different sections of the country. The counterfeiting done during the past year was insignificant The report refers to the fact that all but two of the many skilled operators ar rested since the war are now at liberty, and may be expected to resume their operations at any time. Frederick Rilet, an incorrigible youngster in the juvenile dormitory at St Joseph's home, N. J., took Thomas Jones, aged 4, to the kitchen, gagged him with a "handkerchief, removed the cluld's pants, and delilierately placed him to a red-hot range. One of the sis ters was attracted by the smell of burn ing flesh and rescued the victim. The child cannot live. The tormentor show ed no signs of remorse. A vert important decision, and one likely to be far-reaching in its conse quences, was rendered in the supreme court on the 5th inst, in the so-called Kansas prohibition cases of Mugler against the state of Kansas, and the state of Kansas against Zeibold and others. The judgment of the court was pronounced in a long and elaborate opinion by Justice Harlan, holding the prohibitory liquor laws of Kansas valid. The news from Paris reports the cabi net composed as follows: Goblet, presi dent of the council and minister of the interior; Rebot, minister of justice; Flourene, minister of foreign affairs; Ruiard, minister of education; Loubet, minister of agriculture; Menard-Dorian, minister of public works; Clemageran, minister of finance; Bourgeois, minister of marine; Gen. Fevrier or Gen. Thoma sin, minister of war. At an early hour the other morning at Erie, Pa., two factions of young men got into an altercation, the result of a feud of long standing. Ffteen were engaged in the affair. Henry Weller, and Frank Knapp were fatally stabbed. Half a dozen others were more or less severely cut Eight arrests have been made. James Wilson, alias Hanlan, and Judd Walcott, notorious counterfeiters, were arrested by federal officials the other day at Wilkesbarre, Pa. Their counter feiting establishment, from which they were turning out bogus silver dollars, was located in the cabin of an old boat I at Mill Creek. ' J. B. McDonald was arrested the oth er day at San Francisco for having in his possession plates for engraving fac similes of 5 Bank of England notes. McDonald is said to be a brother of George McDonald, who, with Austin Byron Bidwell, swindled the Bank of England out of a million dollars in 1883 by means of forged bank checks and notes. Peter Bennel, a wealthy and miserly fanner 80 years old, residing at Newport, Me., was found lying on the floor of his house in a pool of blood. When restored to consciousness it was learned that robbers had beaten him and escaped with"$32,000 in gold and bills. He was in the habit of keeping large sums of money around the house. It looks as though the President, by speaking for a faction in his own party, instead of for the whole country, is de termined that the next presidential cam paign shall be fought on the issue of free trade, as against the protection of Amer ican industries. The opponents of that doctrine are glad that the issue promis es to be squarely made, at least, what ever the result may be. Acting Secretary Muldrow has lately rendered a decision on a petition to set aside patents issued to the Union Pacific railway for about 200,000 acres, the land lying contiguous to Denver, Col., alleged to be outside of the grant. The acting secretary sustains the petition and di rects the commissioner of the general land office to make a formal demand on the railroad company for reconveyance. President Sadi-Carnot at his recep tion given the other evening to the re tiring Rouvier cabinet, thanked them for the patriotic devotion they had shown during the recent crisis. He said he would not form a cabinet until after he had consulted with the presidents of tho senate and chamber of deputies and the chiefs of republican groups. TnE other day U. S. Marshal Dyer, at Salt Lake City, as receiver, seized the Mormon church president's office ledgers books, etc., leaving some minor books which he required James Jack, church custodian, to receipt for as the receiver's agent. The church organ makes a loud protest against this "outrage." The secretary of the treasury has made out and delivered his annual re port to the President He frankly gives his views on the tariff, and expresses himself opposed to either the abolition or reduction of internal revenue. He really talks more like a statesman than a partisan. The young man in the employ of the United States sub -treasury at New York, who absconded two months ago with over 810,000, has been located at Winnepeg. As he changed his stolen securities into Canadian money before crossing tho border, he will not be pros ecuted. Word comes from Oshkosh, Wis., that Gen. Bragg will positively accopt the Mexican mission, if it is tendered. It is no longer a secret that Charley Felkner, who has charge of the petitions, is acting under the direction of Gen. Bragg him self. The executive committee of tho coun cil of administration of the Grand Army of tho Republic decided to hold the next national grand encampment at Colum bus, Ohio, in the second week of Sep tember next. NEBRASKA NOTES. The post office at Bendville, Red Wil low county, has been discontinued. Prof. Bessey of the State University is making a botanical map of the state. The President has appointed Victor Dubois postmaster at Winnebago, Da kota county. J. H. Mickey has become sole stock holder of the Osceola bank, by the pur chase of the stock of A. Nance and C. H. Morrill. s The following persons have been granted pensions in Nebraska: John Purnel, Atkinson; Whitehead, Wood River; John W. Savage, Bartlette; J. H. Wood, South Auburn. The store of Byran Bros., near Teka mak, was broken into the other night the safe blown open, and $190 in cash taken, besides jewelry and other arti cles amounting to about $400. Capt Wood's buggy and Dr. Stone's horse attached, stolen some days ago, were found where the thieves obtained them a few miles from Blair. Theentire outfit is in a very bad condition. A report comes from Nebraska City, that at a depth of 400 feet natural gas was discovered. The flow indicates the the presence of gas in paying quantities. Don't lelievo this until you hear fur ther. A call has been issued at Grant for a meeting of the republican central com mittee. Tho meeting was to be held last week to organize the republican party in the new county, and to arrange the holding of a convention in the near future. A well recently ltored on the farm of William Perry, about five miles south west of Talmage, found an eighteen inch vein of coal at a depth of 130 feet, and a quantity of coal oil at a little greater depth. The oil stood the test of burn ing satisfactory. A report comes from Strange that a man and his wife are traveling through that part of the state with a horse and buggy, getting up hotel registers and advertising cards. They came to Strange collected money for some advertising cards and skipped out without getting up the cards. The jury in the Samuel Stevenson case at Omaha, found him guilty of criminal assault upon Lulu Espy with intent to commit rape. The young man, to whom these few words mean some fifteen years in the penitentiary, dis played no concern whatever that was noticable in what was going on. The other night in Nebraska City while a man named Barbour was walk ing toward the Missouri Pacific depot to take the midnight train home, he was attacked by two men, who were fright ened before they could rob their victim. Barbour was severely cut about the head, one gash being four inches long on the top of the head, another splitting his ear. Day before yesterday Ferdinand Hen kle met with an accident which might have resulted much more seriously than a broken ankle. He attempted to go down into his well on a rope, had hardly started down when the rope broke, dropping him to the bottom, a fall of about 27 feet Norfolk News. For some time past there has been quite a run of burglars at Nebraska City. The other evening Mrs. A. Waddington saw a man enter her house about ten o'clock and immediately gave tho alarm to her husband. He was in tho parlor with a number of friends and they were soon in the room which the burglar en tered. He was found hiding in a closet and it took the combined efforts of five men to overpower him. The sheriff was telephoned and ho took the man to jail. The burglar, who is Frank King, was se verely cut in the hand in trying to get an open knife from his pocket Washington Letter. From our regular correspondent.! As a general rule tho sessions of the U. S. senate are exceedingly dull, oxcept to a careful and intelligent observer. Tho debates are usually conducted in a conversational manner, and very rarely, indeed, is an effort mado at oratorical display. A stranger looking down from the gallery upon tho senate, dignified and orderly, would have a very meagre idea of tho immense brain power, logic, and eloquence that could leap forth from a score of lips tho very mo ment that occasion required it, that would arouse the nation from centre to circumference, and on tho wings of cable lightning carry his words as fast as uttered to the court of overy nation on the face of tho earth. There are several cases on record where a speech of some one of our senatorial giants has been read at the next morning's breakfast table in London, Paris, Berlin, and other centres of national power. It is not the American eye alone that watches the U. S. senate. Whilo all are not great debaters, they are wise legislators, and he who has the power to clothe his thoughts in speech on great inter national issues, attracts the attention of the world. I doubt, if you can find a like assembly on the face of the earth, that has the real brain tiower of the U. S. senate. The house of representatives is quite a different ImhIv, and is curiously made up. Here is a great mixture or nation t alities. Has the thought ever occurred to you? Well, we have here for mem bers, the native born American, with his eastern, or western or southern ideas generally all good, but sometimes bad; then there is in this congress, by birth, the Prussian, the Englishman, the Frenchman, the German, the Irishman, the Mexican, the Scotchman, the Swede, and I don't know how many other na tions, and although American citizens and loyal to the government and de serving of all they receive, yet there is a difference of temperament, to say the least, and possibly early ideas that are often hard to harmonize. I do not wonder that the sessions of the houso are a regular pandemonium, and that it requires five official reporters to give an intelligent account of its proceedings. Last winter there was a stranger here from New Hampshire. He took his seat in the gallery and tried hard to keep run of the proceedings, but soon became lie wildered. Turning to the gentleman on his right, he inquired what bill was up. "They are discussing, sir, the army ap propriation." He watched and waited, and not being fully satisfied, made the same inquiry of a gentleman on his left. "They are making a fight on the river and harbor bill," was the laconic and positive response. Our New Hampshire friend waited another hour in wonder land, and finally left, but in passing out inquired of the messenger who attended the door, what bill was up? "An appro priation, sir, for new war vessels." I don't wonder that strangers get con fused; some do to that extent that they can hardly find their way home at the close of a day's session. Of the new senators fifteen are repub lican and twelve democrats. On full vote the republicans will have a majori ty of two a narrow margin, but enough to prevent pernicious legislation. R. In this department the people talk, and not the editor. Each writer must hold hiiueelf ready to defend his principles and his statements of facts. "In the multitude of couuwl there is wibdom." Ed. Journal. 1 Why? What are we, as business men and citizens of Columbus, doing to im prove the business interests of our city? Are we going to sit still and see Lost Creek, Platte Center, Duncan, Benton and other towns get the farmer trade away from us? Is it not a. fact that there is more grain marketed at most of these small points than there is here? What is the canse? The Columbus grain markets are all pooled, and always have been. .Every buyer has the same price; there is no competition. Corn is bringing a better price at all stations around us than here. Now we as citizens must do something to get the farmers into Columbus. Let us let them know we are their friends and not their ene mies. Let us be generous and help them to build an elevator of their own, so that no ring-pool can drive to other markets, but will establish a market such, that ever' farmer will feel, if I go to Colum bus with my grain, I shall get Chicago prices, less the freight. We are voting thousands of dollars for bridges so farmers can come in, but neglecting at the same time to make them induce ments to come here. In my opinion, with but little effort, we can make this the best market in Platte county on ac count of our superior railroad facilities, giving easy access to all markets, and if we can do this we accomplish all. But if we allow things to continue as they are what will be the result? We will complain of business being dull, and wondering why the farmers don't come in. We would all donate liberally to any manufacturing enterprise, but what does any manufacturing enterprise amount to as compared to our farming vicinity? Give this matter a careful thought and let us hear from you. I for one would say let us be liberal with the farmers for it is to them we look for our support L. W. Weaver. Written for the Jocbnal. Wintering Bees. ' BT MBS. J. X. HEATER. This wintering problem occupies much space in our bee periodicals and con sumes much time in discussion at our convention; yet no branch of the indus try is more easily accomplished with a Spxttsponttentt. certainty of success. One thing for every bee keeper to learn - and the soon er ho learns it the better-is this: that the honey beo is wholly unteachable, and in order to become their master you must first be their pupil. After careful ly studying their habits, you may act upon tho general principle of their na tural instincts and thereby greatly as sist them in many ways; but never has a single bee been taught that it is un kind to sting his friend, nor that it would pay better to unite all their en ergies in the storing of honey than the rearing of brood during a late honey flow. As early as the first week in" No vember each colony should be comfort ably provided for their long repose, to give them ample opportunity for two or" three cleansing flights before cold weath er actually sets in. This is imperative to their health and removes much of tho imaginary risk of wintering. Neglect in this matter is absolute cruelty. Think of the thousands of individual bees in a hive and each one suffering the pangs of cold or starvation. Does any one sup poso they do not have the sense of feel ing, just try squeezing one and you will respond to a very slight pressure in such a way as will mako you careful when handling the next one. Who would think for a moment of giving a horso only half a feed once a day to see if ho could winter all his stock that way the next winter, or leave their cattle in tho pasture till spring to save the trouble and expense of stabling? And yet just as foolish and barbarous methods are employed in experimenting with the wintering of lwes. Many using single wall hives leave theiu without furtlier protection on the summer Btands, and invarably those parties report having losses in tho spring. And can we think it strange? Tho moisture thrown off from their bodies rises in a vapor till it strikes the flat cover only an inch or so above the cluster and is quickly con verted into frost. This a continued, the frost accumulating thicker and thicker until some day the sun comes out bright enough to melt it, and it drips down on the cluster below; and that night all will bo frozen in a solid mass of ice and bees. Then others wishing to depart from the laws of nature and make for themselves a name by improv ing on old nature, will extract every ounce of honey from the comb and give each colony just enough sugar syrup to winter on. This is fed to tho bees in such a way that it will all lo stored in the new comb given them and sealed over before cold weather. The object of this being to remove all pollen or beo bread from the hive,as this is an escential food for the young lwes and without it or some substitute for it, brood rearing will not be commenced, and the master imagines he has everything under his own control. Well this plan will work sometimes, for a noted Michigan beo keeper- the father of this original idea succeeded in wintering 20 of his 200 colonies pre pared in that way last year. Yet very many are trying the same plan this win ter with some variations. It is in this as in many other matters; people have an impression that success is measured by the .amount of muscle expended, when a little well-directed common sense would answer a much better pur pose. All systems of wintering have their advocates, some bury the hives in trenches under ground; others place them in a cellar where an even tempera ture is kept by artificial means; while others leave them on the summer stands in double wall hives which are packed with chaff. All things considered, we must prefer the latter to any other meth od, for many reasons, the following are only two of them. It saves an endless amount of labor, for any sane person would naturally take a second thought before deciding that he wanted to carry a lot of hives weighing from 50 to 100 pounds each into a cellar, and then set them out once or twice during tho win ter on pleesant days for the bees to have a flight, and in tho spring arrange them on the summer stand again. Another objection is the expense of heating, sub earth pipe for ventilation etc. When preparing our bees for tho winter in the chaff hive we place three or four corn cobs on the top of the frames cross wise of the hive, then spread a clean cloth over the whole top and fill it with chaff from four to six inches deep. The ob ject of the corn cobs is to allow passage ways under the cloth between the cobs for tho cluster to move from one frame to another when the honey they are clustered over is consumed. This they will do going bodily from one frame to another, while if they were obliged to break their cluster or hunt individually for food, they would in many instances starve with honey on lioth sides of them but out of reach. Our chaff hive has a roof sloping from the center to each side, and as the moisture from the clus ter passes up through the chaff it accu mulates as frost on the cover, but when the sun shines warm enough to melt it, it follows the sloping roof and is carried outside. The heat of the bees below and the warmth of the sun above keeps the chaff warm and dry all the time. All hives should lie tilted forward sufficient ly to allow drifting rain or melted snow to run out at the entrance, which should always be left partly open. It is needed for ventilation; and many times during the winter there are days when the bees can fly and they are very apt to improve all such opportunities. If by any chance the entrance becomes clogged with dead bees and allowed to remain so, a loss of the whole colony is a sure result. For this reason it is well to visit each hive oc casionally on pleasant days and with a bent wire rake out all the dead bees on the bottom of the hive, but great care should be used to make as little noise and jarring as possible. In short, give your bees one hundredth part the care that you give your horse and you may expect to see them in the spring as bright as so many little dollars. ducationaf IDeparfnf. The Province of Education. The legitimate object of all true training, either in school or family, is manhood. In all correct judgments the man is more than his accomplish ments; more than what he can do. Under the cry of "reform" tho atten tion of the community is at times di rected from the main question from the purpose of education to some of its more tangible, specific fruits. It has not yet been permanently led astray. Charlatans, themselves ignorant, have often tried to cover up their ig norance by a petty war on the practices of their age. The very superficiality of their mis-named attainments has led them to attack the surface faults of their time, and in so far as their assaults have led more thoughtful men than tfcMaselves to reform, they have been, ins degree, useful. Their work has been, and evermore must be, of a low rder. The demand has lour, and noiailj Confronted ns that the education in our achools shall be "practical." To this aD agree. Bnt what are we to under stand by "practical?" Here lies the difficulty. Some say: "Teach a child what he shall do in after life." On the face of it, this seems a reasonable proposition. Close examination proves it to be nonsense not worthy of re spectful consideration. Who has the prescience to tell what a child is to do in after life especially an American child? To-day Illinois is represented in the U. S. Senate by a dry-goods merchant, and the Mayor of Chicago was trained as a plumber and civil engineer. It will not be seriously questioned that the man, launched on the world o! affairs, should, so far as he can, devote himself to that which he can do the best and which he can do better than the average of his fellow men. It is undoubtedly tho duty of the farmer, as it certainly is his aim. to bring to market the largest amount of grain and stock in the best condition his farm can be made to produce. But he will be more of a man, and hence a better citizen, if while producing these material products he knows something of botany, chemistry, and geology. Taking more interest in his work by reason of his knowledge of helping science, he will be just so much more of a man- The province of education is to make the man. The exigencies of his lot will determine what the man shall do. The most impractical of all educations is to so train the child as to make him de pendent on some one avocation for his support in life. Intelligence. Let us give our teachers and educa tors that cordial and generous recogni tion that their faithfulness and work deserves. It is a fact that all people who 'are at all worthy like to be recognized, like to have their work appreciated. There is more in this recognition than people dream of. Shakespeare says: "If I should tell thee o'ent his, thy days work, Thou'Idbt not believe thy deeds." but "Words are sweetly placed and masterly di rected. in recognition of work done by the humblest laborer in any and all avo cations. "Take all ears captive." and carries conviction with it. Use your eyes. They are powerful disciplinarians when properly em ployed to this end. Curioaa Cobwebs. No?. 1 and 2. Each have about 210 Questions and Answers upon a variety of subjects, the answers to which are not generally known by the average person. These little books will create much excitement whenever used and at the same time impart much reliable and useful information. A copy will make ever' person more observing and wiser. Price, each 20 cents. Koth, 32 cents. Send for my full Catalogue of ISames, Speakers, etc A. FLANAGAN', list Randolph Su The American School of Chicago is one of those papers that controls good writers for its pages, and also uses a good pair of scissors. Its articles are short, and no long article is admitted unless of very great value. The price has been placed at 0 cents to secure the patronage of the great body of teachers. Send subscription to L. W. Applegate, Boom 5, Hamilton Block, Chicago. The young manor woman who goes mumping for want of some useful occupation in this day ol enterprise has a sorry prospect. Hundreds oi young persons have, after spending a few months ata good institution for teaching the art, become shorthand writers, ami are now acting as aman uensis in all kinds of business offices, at good salaries. It seems the easiest and quickest road to something useful, remunerative, and perma nent to do. Ponder on this and send to the Central Collage or Eclectic Shorthand, 92 Dei born street, Chicago, for their circular. (frog Gtllrge of Bn.iaus ud Peuuvlif. 139 Madison St., Chicago. The Leading College of Business, Penmanship and Shorthand in the Northwest The compre hensiveness of the studies embraced in each of the several courses, the liberal tuition rates, the careful individual instruction and attention, and nwttk't trial free, are some of the superior features of this College. Hemember, also, the great advantage In attending a college in a great commercial city like Chicago. A business edu cation should be received in a Business College in a business city. Your chances of securing a good position as book-keeper, pen artist, or sten ographer are then ten to one. Studies. BOOK-KEEPING. SINGLE and DOUBLE EN TRY.BUSINESS PKACTI C E and OKPICE WORK, Commercial Lair. Commercial Arithmetic, Eng lish Grammar, Heading. Writing, Spelling, Utoa raphy. History, German, Sltortttaml ad Typ to tiling, liutmess Correspondence, Ware Homst Marking, Etc. Departmental THEPREPARATORY, COMMERCIAL OBBU8I NESS.SPECIALPENMAN.SI!lPAflSHORTHAND and TYPEWRITING DEPARTMENTS each un der the management and instruction of an able and experienced teacher. No vacations;studenU can enter at any time. Pleasant, well lighted rooms. Tuition the lowest. No other school in Chicago gives instruction in four systems of shorthand Graham's, Pitman's, Marsh's and Lindsley'a, Write for Catalogue and particulars. Informa tion gladly given. WILSON &UOKDRINQ, Proprietors. The Principal will board six students. Should attend the Metropolitan Business College. 77 and 79 Madison Street, opposite MeVicker's Theatre, Chicago, and acqui Uire a knowledge of BookkeetJinr. Arithmetic. Writinr. Corresoood ence. Shorthand, etc. Able teachers, pleasant rooms. No vacations. This is one of the largest and finest institutions in the United States. O. M. POWERS, Principal. m VI CDTJAITC tor private lines, sold oat- JUUHiiUJiuu right. Circulars fn free. Agents I wanted. Address, BAKBERT TEL., CO., 133 LaSaUe St. Chicago. DU I O Poatoaid. aVflfjOO. p White Cna Will Cbeelara fnc, aSXaVTC rarcataralotMlatMe Ca SBKBI I Aa wnrfe an ttetr h. SANITARY PUB. CO. isaLAitUOT.rtatMi Mention tM Paper. IJeIce to Bridg-e Htailcie: Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the County Clerk is the city of Colnmbas,Neb..up to 12 m., on the 12th day of December, A. D. 1887. for the construction of a bridge across the Loup river near Columbus, according to the plana ana specifications adopted and on file in said office, at which time they will be opened and the con tract awarded to the lowest responsible bidder. who must produce evidence that he has the re quisite machinery, capital, and experience to perform the work in accordance with tho piano and specifications. Each bidder will be required to file attached to his bid a certified check for $1000.00 made pay able to the order of the County Clerk to be for feited to said county as damages, in case the con tract should be awarded to him and he should fail, refuse or neglect to enter into same, and furnish the required bonds for the faithful per formance of same. Copies of the specifications for the erection of said bridge can be had by application to the un dersigned. The board of supervisors hereby reserve the right to reject any or all bids offered. Bidders are requested to be present at the opening of bid. Dated Columbus, Neb., Nov. 10, 1887. Jobs Btavtwem, u5t Conaty eta);, ' ERNST & -MVNUFAOrUBKRSANDDKALERBIN- SUPERB LAMP FILLER AND GOAL OIL CAN COMBINED, m which ior Haiety, conwmeace, cluaalitu (ui)iini ;tiutivim in iiiuiKujjuj turn iHra iat tM tliM Phwiou. Abauu.ifrtym,ranttwl. Ni,illin. u.ilnV.Xr'1. .:"V".m .1, '.,HUer ol. KT-J "X1 Um it ouce anil i ou mall Qrw. thrthv -iv - moum vuv. uiriuuj MitiuK tuiiui cau. r.vrry can maoe oi me very oesl nn, - . mm . r oainplt can and mt sricc. BAKER PEBFECTSTKEL BARB WIRE. SST-If you buy it you kU(X rod of fence from ll) iw.un.l- of wire, which soother willdo.SJ ERNST &, SCHWARZ. Christmas GALLEY BEOS. What better than a good warm coat for your wife or daughter? Bargains will be given for the next THIRTY DAYS, to close them out be fore invoicing. Five Hundred Suits ! Of men's, boys' and children's clothing to close out. On account of the open winter we will close out over 200 overcoats cheaper than ever known in Columbus. Do not fail to see Galley Bros.' bargains be fore buying. Remember these bargains will not last long, we mean to close them out, so take ad vantage of the bargains we shall offer at GALLEY BROS'. Before we Eleventh Mckinley & h m Monroe at: COLUMBUS, NEB. Money to loan on improved farms in this and adjoining counties, at current rates. We are prepared to close loans promptly, in all cases where title and security are satisfactory. Office up-stairs in Henry Building, corner of Olive and Eleventh streets. juiyirmr SPEICE & STOKTH, General Agents for the sale of EEAL Union Pacific and Midland Pacific It. K. Lands for sale at from $3.00 to $10.00 per acre for cash or on five or ten years time, in annual pa) menta to suit purchasers. VW have also a large and choice lot of other land, improved and unimproved, for sole at low price and on reasonable terms. Also business and residence lots in the city. We keep a complete abstract of title to all real estate in Platte County. COLUMBUS. W. T. RICKLY& BRO. Wholesale and a x tiane, Peiltry, aid Fresh Fish. All Kiids of Sauage a Specialty. jyCaah paid for Hide. Pelts, Tallow. Highest market price paid for fat cattle.V3 4 OU Btraat, aacond door sort SCHWARZ, and tum:hcity, cannot bo excelled. It lVllJMltl.M. Vltd' rauK UiHt rank nltaWM nil I ... l':m v ti - irt,iutni ami " - - -i-ivu autt nuui'3 anm)iUKlrito the store with a anit wiirrated lo work saiiiacttril t nil and itut, GARLAND STOVES AND RANGES ALWAYS KOK SALK AT tun k immi. 4J--JI Presents! AT invoice. 34tf H3HR7 RASATS i SO, Have a Fine Line of Staple and Fancy GROCERIES, Crtcktry and Glasswirt, Which were bought cheap for cash, and will be sold at very low priceH. Street, Col run has. Nebraska. novl0-tf carnahan, itfP ?JT NEBRASKA. 821 Retail Dealers in of Firat Vatioaal Bask. 38-tf V V : .c;