The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, October 12, 1887, Image 2

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Entered at tho Post-office, Columbus, Neb., as
second-class mail matter.
Columbus, Neb.
txbxs of snBscaipnos:
One year, by mail, postage prepaid, $2.j
Six months. jtq
Three months
Payable in Advance.
BTSpecimen copies mailed free, on applica
tion. . . e f , " e
' w 'tosttbscbibebs. -
Whan subscribers .cliangetheirplao8 of resi-
""""dence they should at once notify us by letter or
Po2dd7iving botn-their former andtheir
muuiiid Ijoot nfMnr thn mwt ambles us to readily
SndeameTn bur mailing list, from which.
, lingintyivreoacheeklmeitheonthe
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All communications, to secure irttcntioitfiniwt
bo accompanied by the full name of the writer.
We reserve the right to reject any nianuecnpt,
t i . Ma cannot agree to return tho same. We desire
rJr-a- Sn vrv school-district of
- Platte county, one of good judgment, "-
'?. UabhV In every way.-Write plainly, each item
separately. Give us facts.
- ,J .WEDNESDAY, OCTOBEK 12. 1887.
Republican County Ticket.
For Clerk,
For Clerk oj the DWnet Court,
For Suiwrintendont of Public Instruction,
For Coroner,
' : RepaUican Judicial Ticket.
For Judges Fourth Judicial District,
-- p, A. M. TOST,
Tobacco riiANTS were killed by the
frost on Sunday evening as far south as
,Ashyillo, N. C.
The last legislature did not secure a
vote or confidence out of. the republican
' , state convention. Bee.
The last state convention must have
been a pretty lively one, from all ac
counts that are given of it.
J. M. Macfaklaxd, Esq., was re-elected
chairman of the central committee of
tho Fourth Judicial District.
Gen. Pitoaibn Mobbison, United
States army (retired), aged ninety-two,
died tho other day in Baltimore.
Matob Fittleb of Philadelphia has
offered a reward of S500 for the arrest
and conviction of Policeman Johnson's
Akthub H. Snelij, acting paying tel
ler of the Fulton bank, Brooklyn, was
arrested tho other morning. He was
short 12,000.
Srx million feet of valuable lumber in
the yards and on the docks at Meno
minee, Mich., burned tho other night,
valued at $100,000.
Ten deaths from cholera have occur
red on board the ship quarantined in the
bay at New York. Ten persons are still
sick with the fatal disease,
$J ike emergency men have been arrest
ed for connection with tho mnrder of
John Kinsoloa near Arklow, last week.
This news comes from Dublin.
As tho campaign goes along it is more
and more seen that tho so-called dem
ocratic county ticket is a Kavanaugh
ticket entire. The "Boss" brooks no op
position. A thief entered tho residence of
Joseph Arthur, near St. Joseph, Mo.,
Iho other evening, chloroformed the
family and robbed tho residonco of $350
in wish.
TnE comptroller of the currency at
Washington issued a call for reports of
the condition of tho national banks at
the closo of business on Wednesday,
October 5.
An Evening JbtmiaVi special Tort
Huron says Tho tug Orient owned by
Fair Haven, Mich., was lost onljako Erie
tho other day. Her crow of six men
were drowned.
A shock of earthquake was felt
throughout Greece alono the other
morning.. The disturbance is said to be
the strongest on tho northern and
southern shores of tho Gulf of Corinth.
" f The mills of the Bloomington (111.)
." Boiler Mills Company were completely
destroyed by fire the othor evening. Tho
firo is supposed to have originated in
tho dust room. Property destroyed ib
vnlued at $80,000.
A bepobt comes from Dublin that at
Ennis the prisoners under examination
for complicity in tho murder of Constable
- - Wholohan, the informer, committed for
trial. Bail was refused. The populace
cheered the prisoners as they were led
back' to jail.
' -
A bepobt came from London the
other day that a mass meeting was held
. at Tower hilLattended by 10,000 persons.
Speeches were made from six platforms,
condemning tho government's Irish
policy and the conduct of the police at
The .announcement from New York at
Baltimore of tho completion of the
Western Union, Baltimore & Ohio deal
created Ho. surprise at Baltimore. It is
understood that the terms are $5,000,000
of stock of the Western Union and a
i ' ;tcaah payment'annually of $60,000.
- The only way for a party to mako rare of suc
cess is to starve the yellow dogs off, and noml
i nato candidates whom any prudent business man
would be willing to employ in conducting bis
.. private business affairs. Otnaka Bee.
That is just what the Republicans of
Platte county have done irithe selection
m of their ticket every man of themtrost-
Vf. worthy and, competent to transact the
!? business of the office for which he is se
I -- At Bichmond, Ya, the other day in
the United States circuit court Judse
Vj- Bccde5 Attorney-General Ayers $500
jfor'jbnnngsnit'iirider the law knows
'as'the "Coupenrprua," in,disobedl
s his Injunction order, and com
.Vinittedlnm to 'the .custody of the mar
f abal'tratil the fine was paid. .He also
, fined the commonwealth .attorneys of
5-Farqtiierand Louden counties for dis-!,s-
obeyingthe same order, and committed
-tbemuatu tne nnee were pua -ana suiie
'lira deaiiweod.
HearyJ. HadsoB,
Bepublican nominee for County Judge,
was born in London, Nov. 28, 1822. He
moved to America; in 1851, accompanied
by his wife and three boldest children.
He lived in Illinois until April 1857,
when he Nebraska, where he
has lived ever since, raising a large fam
ily, each one of them an honor to their
To give even an outline of Mr. Hud
son's public career would more than fill
all the columns of the Joubnatj. In the
early days he was elected representative
from Monroe, Platte, Dodge and Wash
ington counties to the legislature, but
was "whittled" out of tho position in a
contest; later along,in 1SIU2, he served
a term in the legislature, and was unani
mously selected by his fellow-members
as one of the managers for the House in
the impeachment trial of Gov. Butler.
Mr. Hudson has been three times post
master; Justice of the Peace eleven
years consecutively, and afterwards six
years, resigning the position; county
clerk three times; county commissioner,
three terms: as count' supervisor, under
township organization, he is now serv
ing his second term, and is chairman
of the board.
For the office of Connty Judgo Mr.
Hudson is peculiarly well qualified a
man of family and experience, he real
izes tho importance of faithfully guard
ing the interests of the widow and the
children in the settlement of estates of
decedents, and he would see to it that
iustice bo done. For an intelligent dis
charge of the duties of tho office, with
great credit to himself and with honor
to the county, no one questions Mr.
Hudson's ability to far exceed his com
petitor. He ought to be elected unani
Lewi J. Cramer,
Bepublican nominee for Superintendent
of Public Instruction, was born nt Tiffin,
Seneca county, Ohio, Dec. 7, 1847. In
his youth ho attended school, and did
such work as boys brought up on a farm
arc required to do.
Mr. Cramer has a diploma from Hei
delburg College in his nntive city, and
holds a Nebraska State Teacher's Cer
tificate for life.
His present position as head of the
public schools of this city he has held
for the past eleven years, an unusual, we
may well say, remarkable "tenure of
office," from numerous school boards.
He is well acquainted with the people
of the county, thoroughly so with tho
teachers, and with the needs of the public
school system of Platte county.
Every man, woman and child interest
ed in the welfare of the schools should
make an effort to have voters cast their
ballots for L. J. Cramer.
There is a growing tendency by the
people to regard school and judicial
matters as a little asido from politics
generally. If this feeling is allowed to
prevail, Mr. Cramer will receive a unani
mous vote.
Henry Rickert,
Tho republican nominee for County
Clerk, was born in Oldenburg, Germany,
in 1850. In 1858 he came to Nebraska
with his parents, his father pre-empting
160 where Henry now lives. In 18C5,
when Henry was fifteen years of age, his
father died his mother is still living
with her son and only child. Mr. Bick
ert now owns 400 good acres of land in
Shell Creek valley, and is a man highly
esteemed by his neighbors and his ac
quaintances generally. In Bismark
township, where he resides, ho has held
the office of justico of tho peace, olerk,
school director and treasurer, and has
always Bhown ability, honesty and faith
fulness in the discharge of duty. When
Mr. Rickert was a lad of fourteen he met
with an accident that permanently bent
his spine, but does not prevent- his do
ing's full work.
Wo can assure our readers that Mr.
Rickert is, in every way, worthy tho
office for which he is nominated.
John H. Sacrider,
Tho republican nominee for Clerk of the
District Court, was born in Duchess
countj', New York, March 3d, 1839.
At tho age of twelve ho became a resi
dent of Illinois, living first for a short
time in La Salle county, afterwards in
Henry county. He passed his youth
partly on a farm, at school and as a clerk
in a store.
In 1862, ho joined Company D of the
56th Regiment of Illinois Volunteers,
and served his country as a soldier,
faithfully and well, until March 28, 1865.
In 1871, sixteen years ago, Mr. Sac
rider came to Platto connty, taking a
homestead under the government his
valor helped to save, tho hundred and
sixty acres in Monroe township that has
since been his home.
Mr. Sacrider is a man of good judg
ment, a scholarly, well-informed man
and an excellent penman. He will fill
the office of Clerk of tho District Court
with honor to himself and the county.
Jadge Maxwell.
The republican state convention,
which met at Lincoln on last evening
did honor to itself in the renomination
of Judgo Maxwell as candidate forjudge
of the supreme court His many years'
service on the supreme bench have made
for him, throughout the length and
breadth of the state, a record for ability,
faithfulness and honesty that will bring
to his support the intelligent, honest
voters, of all parties at the November
election. As we have said before, upon
the integrity of our courts rests the
foundation of air-our liberties as citi
zens, our judges are the bulwarks of our
National and individual independence.
The republicans of Nebraska may
point with pride to the result of the re
cent convention. IHatr Pilot.
Campaign Lies.
Republicans it is already apparent
that the current campaign in this county
is to be one of unusual activity on the
part of our political enemies, and it
does seem as though nothing will be so
low that some of them will not resort to
it. We shall keep this paragraph stand
ing during the campaign to be added to,
as the campaign proceeds. ATat7 these
lies to the counter.
That Becher will foreclose all the
mortgages he has taken as loan agent,
in case he is not elected treasurer.
ThatHenry Carrig will be Kavanaugh's
deputy, if K. is eleoted.
That Bloedorn is a sot.
Pmtad Marshall.
They are two of the best judges in the
state, pure, able and impartial, and
should 'receive the support of the entire
district without regard to party. David
vny Tribune.
Evidences accumulate to show that
canning companies are doing well in the
west The Council Bluffs Nonpareil
has this toaay of their institution, and
there is no reason why the business
should be:better there than in Colum
bus: Tb6 com cannia eeaaon is orer f or thla year,
and the Council Bbiffs Canning Company put up
Just 1,606,000 cans. SeTeral hundred thousand
cans of tomatoes hare also been put up, and the
total product of the factory will exceed 2,000,000
cans. That's gcod enough for this season.
The Blair Bepublican of a recent date
gave the following facts concerning the
establishment at that place a smaller
town than Columbus:
A call at the factory this week shows tomatoes
coming in rather slowly; hare not ripened as
fast as was anticipated. The reserve crop will
soon pour in and aUtlie help that can be gotten
will be required to handle them.
Though several car loads of goods have been
shipped, and 500 cases are labeled and boxed
each day, immense stacks of cans and boxes nil
and overcrowd the warehouses.
Last Saturday two cars of corn wore shipped
to Lincoln, Neb., wholesalers; Wednesday ship
ments were made to Ft. Fetterman and Chippewa
Falls, Wisconsin. Goods aro shipped east and
west and Blair, Mo. Valley, Omaha and other
Nebraska cities are large consumers.
Ho far 1000 gallons and 13,000 three-pound cans
of apples have been prepared for market. In all
over 400,000 cans of goods have been put up.
There are new in warehouse 13 cars of corn, 4
cars of tomatoes, S cars of peas, 2 cars of apples
and one car of beans.
The State Convention.
The republican state convention is rep
resented as a very exciting one. The
candidates for supremo judge were Max
well, the present incumbent, Judge A.
M Post of this judicial district, and
Judgo Dilworth of Hastings. Mr. Mav
well's support was doubtless a surprise
to the friends of the other candidates,
he having on the first ballot within two
of a majority of the vote cast the bal
lot standing: Maxwell 274, Dilworth 162,
Post 69, necessary to a choice, 276. The
second ballot was: Maxwell 360, Dil
worth 141, Post 21 total vote 552. The
nomination was then made unanimous,
and Judge Maxwell responded to calls:
Gentlemen of tho convention:
1 thank, you for this nomination. If again
elected I will endeavor to perform my duty
patiently, faithfully, impartially and fearlessly.
I again thank you for tho nomination.
On the announcement of the name of
Dr. B. B. Davis of Red Willow county,
his nomination was made unanimous.
For the other member four names
were announced: W. A. McAllister of
Platte, Geo. Roborts of Knox, J. F.
Buckner of Pierce, and J. L. Knight of
Custer. The first ballot gave: McAllis
ter 249, Roberts 209, Buckner 65, Knight
29. Second ballot, Roberts 318, McAl
lister 226.
Democratic Judicial Convention.
The democracy of the Fourth Judicial
district met at the Court House, this
city, last Saturday. The convention
was duly organized, E. F. Gray of Fre
mont presiding, and Mr. Simpson of
Saunders acting as secretary.
An informal ballot taken under a mo
tion offered, by Zentmeyer, resulted as
follows: Sullivan 51, GUkison 39, Mil
ler 11, Loomis 4, Ewing 3.
The first formal ballot: Sullivan 54,
GUkison 42, Miller 8, Loomis 4. J.J.
Sullivan of Platte county, and J. R.
GUkison of Saunders county were
thereupon made the unanimous choice
of the convention, Mr. GUkison re
sponding in a very modest speech for
the honor conferred.
A goodiiT number of our exchanges
are calling for an extra session of tho
legislature for the purpose of securing
some law that would result in reducing
tho very high freight rates in this state.
Now if an extra session can accomplish
this object, we say by all means let us
have an extra session; but we doubt if
the men who wore elected last fall, and
a majority of whom were controlled byj
the railroads last winter, can be made
to pass such a law as tho people demand.
We doubt if such a law as is needed can
be passed nntU a new legislature is
elected. When that time comes if thoso
interested, the farmers, will put their
shoulders to the wheel they may ac
complish a vast amount of good. Schuy
ler Herald.
London sends out this report: It is
now patent to say to every body that to
govern Ireland by means of the coercion
laws is utterly impossible, and to no one
is this fact more plainly apparent than
the ministers thomsolves. The action of
the court in dismissing the sumonses
against Lord Mayor Sullivan and Mr.
O'Brien, after the short session of blus
ter on the part of the Dublin officers,
brings the bungling method of the gov
ernment to a climax and hastens the
time when English disgust at the lack
tact and abUity of the English ministry
to deal with the question of the hour
wUl so forcibly manifest itself as to
drive the blunderers from power.
Last week the people of Sioux City
and country round about, were engaged
in holding a com palace jubilee, which
was to continue all the week. The city
was elaborately decorated, tho materials
used being exclusively corn and other
products of the field, and there was a
large attendance. The opening exercises
occurred in the palace. Mayor Clelland
made an address of welcome, and ex
Senator Van Wyck, of Nebraska, pro
nounced an oration before the great au
dience. Patents granted to citizens of Ne
braska during the past week, and re
ported expressly for this paper by C. A.
Snow & Co. patent lawyers, opp. TJ. S.
patent office, Washington, D. C. W. C.
Best, Seward, sliding door fastener; E.
F. Hardin, Lincoln, car door fastener;
E. Harriss & J. N. Tiger, Waverly, cul
tivator attachment; P. M. Hobbs, Wy
more, cow milker; J. M. King, Hebron,
pruning hook; J. W. Thomas, Weeping
Water, corn planter.
Word comes from Dublin that Cal
linan, one of the men implicated in the
killing of Constable Whelahan, and who
turned state's evidence, was taken the
other day to Ennis. There he testified
against accomplices, he swearing as to
the plot against Sexon and identified
seven of the prisoners as having parti
cipated in the killing of Whelahan.
The Republicans of Colfax county
have selected the following ticket:
Treasurer, John Prokes; clerk, M. D.
Cameron; clerk of court, M. L. Dunlap;
sheriff, Chris. Kroeoger; judge, E. T.
Hodsdon: superintendent, L. L. White;
surveyor. E. E. Greenman; commis
sioner, G. H. Moore; coroner, E, Lam-hofer.
The work of eviction continued at
Sweedor, Ireland, on the 5th. The in
mates of Widow Bowie's stoutly re
sisted the evictions by throwing boiling
water upon them. The bailiffs demol
ished the house, and the chimney hav
ing tumbled, the debris took fire.
Owing to the hostile demeanor of the
spectators, the police were ordered to
prepare to fire, whereupon Constable
Staghsery advanced and threw down his
rifle, declining to obey orders.
The secretary of state at Washing
ton, received the other day a note from
the Chilian minister, to the effect that
Mrs. Kilpatrick embarked at Valparaiso
on the 10th ult:, for Now York, on a ves
sel carrying the remains of Gen. Hud
son Kilpatrick, lato United States min
ister to Chili, destined for interment in
New Jorsey
An Old Man While Lost. Exists Elrvnt Days
On Water.
Halifax, N. S., Oct. 5. A miraculous
escape from death by starvation is re
ported here. T. V. Woolick, formerly a
prominent dry goods merchant, started
on foot to inspect a farui at Lake Lands,
in tho Mount Uniack gold district, a
wUd uninhabited country. His failure
to return elicited no surprise, as it was
supposed he had gono to visit some
friends. It now transpires that he lost
his way in tho bush and" that ho existed
on water for eleven days. When found
he could not articulate. Ho succeeded
in finding tho track of tho Windsor &
Annapolis railway. Ho laid down, at
tached a piece of his shirt to tho remains
of his umbrella, and stuck it in the
sand, as a sign of distress, to attract the
attention of trainmen. It was not notic
ed until Friday, when a passing freight
train rescued him, after an eleven days
ghastly experience. Ho is 60 years of
age. Omaha Republican Special.
Our Position.
We do not bolievo in trying to ride
both sides of tho fence. No reliable
newspaper will be guilty of such a farce;
on the contrary they should declare
their position on all public questions
which may como within their jurisdic
tion. The Argus has from timo to time
expressed its political principles. It has
been honest and sincere in theso ex
pressions whether they grated on tho
oars of friend or foe, and because of this
honesty of purpose we do not entertain
the idea of deserting tho policy which
we think is right because it clashes with
the convention held in Platte Center
Therefore with all duo respect for
others who may differ with us, and
granting overy citizen a right to his
opinion, we must say we think the nom
ination of Mr. Kavanaugh for the office
of county treasurer was a fatal blunder
of the democratic nominating conven
tion of Platte county.
WTe do not believe Mr. Kavanangh is
the choice of tho democratic people
while evidently he is tho choice of the
political jobbers and wire-pullers. Theso
men are not always fair representatives
of the rank and file of democracy.
The Argus does not propose to be a
secret enemy, politically, of Mr. Kav
anaugh. We will not work against him
smiling in his faco and knifing him in
the back at the same time commonly
called "work on tho quiet," but, be
lieving that Mr. Kavanaugh lacks in
every essential qualification to lit him
for the office of county treasnrer, wo un
hesitatingly declare that we cannot sup
port him, and would be glad of tho op
portunity to help elect a man more
fitting. Platte Center Argus.
The Strongest and Best.
The work of tho republican conven
tion Friday was a guarantee of victory
at tho polls and that tho management of
the affairs of Platte county will fall in
honest and trustworthy hands. The
ticket is clean and as capable a ticket,
from top to bottom, as has over been
put before tho people, and tho solo ob
ject of tho convention seemed to be, not
how can we scoro a point and win a
nomination for a certain candidate, but
to tho contrary, which is tho better and
most capable man and what action shall
we take to the more fully meet tho
wishes of tho people. W6 Lava not the
information at hand to give a personal
history of tho candidates who appear at
tho head of our columns, but they are
aU old residents of tho couuty, anil are
known to bo strong and capahlo men,
each for the offico for which they woro
GU8. a. iieciiek
needs no endorsement from us, for ho is
known to be onoof the most prompt and
thorough businessmen in Platto county,
and if placed in the treasurer's office
the peoplo will have the satisfaction of
knowing their county interests aro in the
enre of one of the most competent ac
countants and business men in tho
county. Ho is not only prompt, thorough
and capable in business, but he is
obliging, genial, pleasant and social
which aro all desirable qualifications for
a county official. Becher's election is
beyond a bonbt Everybody knows
our candidate for sheriff, who has grown
to manhood and spent Iho better part of
his life in Platte county, and who is as
popular as he is well known. In all his
years in our midst, conducting as ho has
a'lively business interest, thero is not
ono man to say ho has ever done a dis
honorable or mean act, and with a heart
as big and generous as it is bravo and
kind, ever prompting him to magnani
mous and noble deeds, thero is not a
man within the borders of our county
who wUl go further or do moro to oblige
a neighbor or assist a friend than M. C.
Bloedorn, of Humphrey. Capable, hon-
est, popular and qualified tho Fates
have decreed that he shall bo next
sheriff of Platto county.
5 n. j. nuDsoN,
our nominee for county judge has lived
and withstood the wintry blasts on the
cold and treeless plains of Nebraska for
lo these thirty years. He i3 the pioneer
of pioneers; before city, county or state
had boundaries and organization he was
here, and ho haB never been given a
trust or charge that he did not execute
with abUity and fidelity, and tho faith
ful old citizen wUl be honored with a
complimentary and majority vote for
his long and useful life in our county.
Ik j. cbaheb,
the superintendent of tho Columbus
schools was asked and entreated by men
who have the educational interests of
the county at heart to accept of tho
nomination for countysuperintendent.
His position as teacher is as good as the
office tendered him by the convention,
and he reluctantly consented, as poli
tics has no charms for him. He is every
whit a gentleman, and possesses the
qualifications mentally, morally and so
ciaUy to place the schools of Platte
county on a more elevated and better
Elan and would do honor to our schools,
onor to our county and honor to him
self, and he is a worthy candidate for
your support and suffrage. It our
readers expect him to succeed to the
superintendency through the same ques
tionable mode of electioneering as has
done service in the past in this connty
he wiU never be the guardian of our
schools, but if the people are looking
ior an uucawu, roimeu ana capable
officer, and desirous of having a gentle
man to superintend the educational in
terests of our chfldren L. J. Cramer is
such a man.
is without doubt the best surveyor in
Platte county, and why wouldn't it be a
good idea to elect ono who is thorough
and learned in every branch and detail
of the business.
the candidate for county clerk, was
waruuy enuurseu Dy me convention as
a man eminently qualified for the posi
tion, and unless the voters of Platte
county desiro to establish a little official
monarchy and crown John Staufferas
their King during natural life and his
heirs and assignees thereafter, Mr. Rick
ert will be elected.
is" a splendid penman and a good schol
ar, and, if elected, wUl make an, efficient
clerk of the district court.
rn. F. J. SCHUQ
was elected coroner two years ago by a
handsome majority, and tho next inquest
he is likely to hold officially will bo on
the poor misguided democratic candi
date, ono J. C. Caldwell, who is now sick
unto death at Lindsay. Humphrey In
Dick Ellis, brakenmn, was killed by a
train the other day nt Auburn. The re
mains were sent to Franklin Grove, HI.
Judge Cochran in tho Eleventh dis
trict, has been unanimously nominated
by the Republican convention for dis
trict judge.
Mrs. Foulk of Lincoln, was so terribly
burned tho other morning by tho use of
a gasoline stove that she died in a few
hours afterward.
Tho republicans of tho Fifth Judicial
District held their convention the othor
day jint! nominated Judgo Morris, or
Crete, by acclamation.
Tho railroad bond case against Butler
county, has been decided in favor of the
county, which is thus relioved of an in
debtedness in all amounting to 890,000.
Judgo Itanier wjis nominated in the
Tenth .Judicial District, by a unanimous
votoof tho Republican convention. It
is claimed that he will increase the Re
publican majority in that district 1,000
Tho judicial convention for tho sec
ond district Wiis hold in Lincoln on tho
afternoon of tho 5th hist.; Judgo Chap
man, of Plattsmouth, and Allen Field,
of Lincoln, were nominated by acclamation.
Governor Thayer tho other day ap
pointed J. B. Dinsmoro of Sutton and
Martin Ennis, of Douiphan.Hall county,
delegates to the national butter and egg
association, to bo held Nov. 1st to 4th, at
Manchester, la.
A very hearty welcome was tendored
Governor Thayer upon his return home
tho other day from the Centennial com
mission at Philadelphia, and the Na
tional Encampment of the G. A. R. at
St. Louis by tho city officials and citi
zens of Lincoln. Mayor Sawyer de
livered tho welcoming address, to which
Governor Thayer made a nice and happy
The B. & M. detectives have boon at
work since tho burning of the bridge
between Lincoln and Crete, on the night
tr tho 5lh ferreting out tho incendiaries.
The burning bridge when discovered
was found saturated with coal oU, and
three men were seen by a farmer near
the bridge at the time. Friday even
ing detectives brought two colored men,
arrested on suspicion at Dewitt, and
yesterday Marshal Pettioned, of Bea
trice, brought the third man, whom he
had arrested in Beatrice. Tho three
protest their innocence, but the detec
tives claim they havo good evidence on
which to hold them.
An accident occurred Tuesday morn
ing at tho west end of the switch at
Big Springs whereby Engineer Feu
wick suffers a broken arm and a cut on
the head, Fireman Corry a bruiso on the
left sido of his back and on his left
shoulder, and Brakeman Carlson a
sprained ankle. AVhoover had used the
switch last had failed to put the pin
into its place to fasten tho switch to its
placo, and, though tho switch was not
open, tho rails did not meet as thoy
should, and tho engine and several
freight cars wero ditched. None of the
injured men aro likely to suffer any
thing moro than temporary inconven
ience while awaiting recovery. North
Platte Telegraph.
Washington letter.
From our regular corresiondent.l
Tho Treasury. Department is in a
quandary again over tho surplus ques-
tion and the buying of bonds to relievo
business distress. Its seasons of re
laxation seem to bo exceedingly spas
modic and of short duration. The time
of filling tho sinking fund expires on
tho Slh, and what thon to do is a most
serious question. It is two months yet
before Congress can give any relief, and
how to bridge the interim is very an
noying and perplexing. The Secretary
has had a conference with the Wall
street bankers, and returned just in
season lo have a short interview with
tho President before he left for the
west. It is said that the Secretary
questions his authority to go much
further, though tho Wall street sharks
have no qualms of conscience on that
point so long as they havo bonds to sell
at a good ronnd price, but don't propose
to tender them very lively at the last
bid of the Secretary. Tho result of the
interview with tho President is not
known, as they are extremely reticent
at tho Treasury Department, but the
presumption is that no definite policy is
settled upon up to this writing, and that
telegraphic communication and special
messengers will have to be relied on.
This will Badly mar the pleasure of the
President's trip, and of course cause
moro or less delay and confusion, and
all for the want of some fixed, settled,
and definite policy in regard to our
finances. All this uncertainty and per
plexing anxiety could have been easily
avoided by calling an extra session, and
making amends for tho criminal neglect
of the last Congress. If tho adminis
tration were alone the sufferers, we
could view tho situation with some com
placency, but where tho entire people
are involved, such lack of forethought
seems most stupid.
Our democratic friends have talked a
good deal during the past thirty months
about Jeffersonian simplicity, and ap
plied it with wonderful dexterity to the
present administration. The fact of
history is this: Jefferson rode down
Pennsylvania Avenue on his nag, tied it
to a post near the Capitol, and unos
tentatiously passed through the cere
monies of his inauguration. Today
President Cleveland is careering
through tho land in a 8200,000 train of
cars, beckoning for ovation and ap
plause. An eye half open can see the
ridiculousness of such an absurdity.
A moro oxtravagant-.and profligate sub
version of official position was never be
fore witnessed in this country, and no
wonder that the labor re-unions of Mil
waukee, Chicago and elsewhere, refuse
to join in the demonstrations of wel
come, and characterize the proceedings'
as "smaclriag too much of the homage
paid to royalty in Europe." No wonder
there is bitterness and heart burning!
among the laboring masses of the
The Inter-State Commerce Commis
sion, like all other Bureaus and De
partments of Government, is required to
submit to Congress at the beginning of
every session, estimates for tho coming
fiscal year. The law requires that theso
estimates shall be in tho hands of the
Secretary of the Treasury by the first of
October. Most of them generally come
in later. But tho Inter-State Commerce
Commission is on hand like a sore
thumb this year, and wants $3,500 for
the Secretary and $159,000 for other
necessary expenses making a total of
S200,000. Tho present appropriation is
$100,000, and that was thought at the
time to be extravagant. But here in
less than eight months, a democratic
reform, economical administration, pro
poses in actual report to Congress, to
double tho amountl Some inquisitive
fellow might ask, what do wo get in re
turn? That is a question, my dear sir?
that is puzzling othors than you and
me, and it may be a long time before a
satisfactory answer is given. The ex
pense is all we get now.
Sparks, the Commissioner of the Gon
eral Land Office is constantly id trouble,
and he don't seem to learn anything by
experience. After thirty months of ser
vice, he is apparently as ignorant in re
gard to his duties as Nicodemus was re
lative to the second birth. The Secre
tary of the Interior Department has
frequently had occasion to reverse the
decisions of the Commissioner so un
justly rendered against the western
land settlers, and is now engaged on
another batch. Sparks acts on tho
hypothesis that every land takor is a
rascal, and should be watched and
treated as a thief. He is in vory bad
odor in the Department as well as
throughout tho couutry, and it is well
known that the Secretary and othor high
officials of the Interior desire most ar
dently his resignation. It is not un
likely that a demand will be made for
his absolute dismissal. R.
Drunkenness or the Liquor Habit Positively
Cured by Administering Dr. Haines
Golden Specific.
It can be given in a cup of coffee or
tea without the knowledge of the person
taking it; is absolutely harmless and
wiU effect a permanent and speedy cure,
whether the patient is a moderate drink
er or an alcoholic wreck. Thousands of
drunkards havo been made temperate
men who have taken Golden Specific in
their coffee without their knowledge,and
today believe they quit drinking of their
own free will. IT NEVER FADLS. The
system once impregnated with the
Specific it becomes an utter impossibil
ity for the liquor appetite to oxist. For
full particulars, address GOLDEN
CINCINNATI, O. jan!2-87y
Judgo Kinkaid has been nominated
for judge at Valentine and Judge Gas
lin at Hastings.
Inveterate Case of Erysipelas Cnred.
Gentlemen My little daughter was
sorely afflicted with erysipelas every
spring and fall for eleven years, continu
ing for about two months each attack.
It affected the whole skin surface with
redness, thickening of the skin and often
followed by a pustular eruption. The
physicians failed to relieve or arrest it,
but the case grew worse every year for
eleven years.
At the beginning of one of her spells I
commenced the use of Swift's Specific.
In a few days it brought out a profuse
pustula eruption, which in a few days
passed away, leaving the child perfectly
well, and she has not had an attack or a
symptom of the disease since, now three
years ago, and has been in perfect health.
Have given her a few bottles every
spring and fall, and she has had no re
turn of the disease.
I know that S. S. S. cured her, for she
had it every fall and spring from the
age of three years to thirteen years.
She is now sixteen years old, and has
not had a spell in three years. Yours
truly. J. W. Cxtxx.
BryantsvUlo, Ky., Feb. 28, 1887.
Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases
maUed free.
The Swift Specific Co., Drawer 3, At
lanta, Ga.
N(lee efNpeeliU Cleetlaa.
Notice Is hereby.given to the legal voters of
Columbus Township, in the County of 1'lnttc
andHUte of Nebraska, that a special election
will be held at the usual place of voting und
holding elections in said Township, on the ".'ctli
day of October, A. 0. 1887, for the purpose of
voting on the following propoflitloii, to-vit:
Shall the Bttard of Supervlsorsof Platte county.
Nebraska, issue the coupon lwindR of said Co
lumbus Township, in said Platte County, to
the amount of Ten Thousand Dollars, to aid in
the construction of a public wagon bridge across
the Loup river in said Columbus Township?
Said couimn bonds to be issued in sums of Five
Hundred Dollars each, to be made payable to
bearer, to be dated on the First day of Decem
ber, A. D. 17, and to become due and payable
Thirty years from the date thereof, with inter
est at the rate of Six percent, per annum, pay
able annualy on the First day of December in
each year upon interest coupons thereto at
tached, both principal and interest payable at
the Fiscal Agency of the State of Nebraska, in
the City of New York. State of New York, and
said coupon bonds or any portion thereof In
sums of not less than Five Hundred Dollars shall
be made redeemable on the First day of Decem
ber of any year at any time alter Twenty Years
from the date of the said coupon bonds at the
option and upon the call of the proper officers
of the said Platte County; and shall the said
Board of Supervisors of said county of Platte
cause to be levied on the taxable property of
said Columbus Township, an annual tax suffi
cient for the payment of the Interest on said
coupon bonds as It becomes due, and after Ten
years from tbe date of said coupon bonds, shall
the said Board of Supervisors annually cause to
be lev lea on me laxaoie property oi ine saiu
Coinmbus Township, an annual tax sufficient to
pay Five per cent, of the principal of said cou
pon bonds, and at the tax levy preceding the
maturity of said coupon bonds, shall the said
Board of Supervisors cause to be levied on the
taxable property of said Columbus Township
an amount of tax sufficient to pay the principal
and interest due on said coupon bonds? Said
coupon bonds shall be issued, registered and
sold by the proper officers of said Platte Coun
ty, and the proceeds thereof shall be raid to
the Treasurer of said Platte County to be held
by said Treasurer as a ipeciulfimd to be dis
bursed only on theorderof theTownshlp Board
of the said Columbus Township in payment of
one-third the cost of construction or said wagon
bridge; and tbe said wagon bridge shall be
imiit across the Loud river in said Columbus
Township, witnin ouo nunarea yaras oi me
place where tbe present wagon bridge across
the said Loup river In said Columbus Township
is located; and If two-thirds of the votes cast at
said election shall be in favor of tbe proposition
hereby submitted, the said Board of Supervi
sors Jnnll be authorized to execute and Issue
tbe said coupon bonds.
Tbe form in which this proposition shall be
submitted, shall be by ballot, upon which bal
lots shall be written or printed the words,
"For wagon bridge bonds and tax Yes." or
"For wagon bridge bonds and tax No," and if
two-tbirus of the ballots cast at said election
shall have thereon the word, "For wagon
bridge bonds and tax Yes," then the said prop
osition shall be declared adopted, otherwise it
shall be declared lost. At said election the polls
shall be opened at eight o'clock in the forenoon
and close at six o'clock In the afternoon of the
said 26th day of October, A. D, 187, and said
election be otherwise duly conducted in man
ner and form as provided by law.
By order of tbe Board of Supervisors of Platte
County. Nebraska, this 16th day of September,
A. D. 1887.
attest: H.J.Hudbow,
Johx Stauitkb, Chairman,
County Clerk, as-
aavv- aBa?
SfcsaaVaaH9 mr- p,
MaaaaaBKasBsMBaavBH. -.-..
a -Ejjjj
j-. -,..i, . ". . u;uu win utM. uo wmioui li ior nve timctt iu cost It wirk in
law cans a woU as Binallou thereby avhjK the frequent and annn, icMTto ."ro wSn S
-- CaaaKLaaHaHalHHaHl
iiAJiau' KnBtKfeaVr&!!ai3LaVSlrafi3iiaBauaaaK rTi -
&"lt yon buy it yon KetlOO rod of fonco from 100 ptmnibt of wire, which no other will do.tM
Mm AaZkA. I
Mckinley &
Money to loan on improved farms in this and adjoining
counties, at current rates. We are prepared to close loans
promptly, in ail cases where title and. security are satisfactory.
Office up-stairs in Henry Building, corner of Olive and
Eleventh streets. juiyusur
General Agents
Union Pacific and Midland 1'uciiic It. K. 1 jindn for bu! nt from 3.00 to f 10.00 per aero for each
or on five or ten jearn tim, iu annual iviyinpiitH to ttuit purchaser)). Wo have also n lartce and choioa
lot of other lands, impro til and unimproved, for anient low price and on rvoeonablo tennit. Alito
businetw and residence lota iu tho city. We keep a complete abstract of title to all tubI eetate iu
Platte County.
Wholesale anil
STiresIb. esuts.
(Jane, Ponldy, a ul Fresh Fisb. AU Kinds of Saisage a Specialty.
CSCaiili iMiiil for Hides, Pelts, Tallow. Highest inarkot price paid for fat cattle.5
Olive Street, second door north of Firat National B?nk.
Heat Itadiator.
"In peace prepare for war;" in summer, pro
pare for winter, and among your preparations
don't forget that if yoa can save ou-third to
one-half on your expense for fuel, by an ap
pliance of little coat, it will payjou to take a
uiue iniumu iu proviue juuroeii wiut one.
Francis Marak. jr of Everest. Kan., the in
ventor of tho appliance referred to, is hero tiin-
poein oi territory, anu nan made some sales of
Tho appliance is an ordinary drum except that
it is divided into apartments running the length
of the drum: one of these is virtually a contin
uation of the pipe, when tbe damper is not
turned, and makes a direct draft when desired
for starting a fire; when tho damier is turned,
the partitions are so arranged that the heatnl air
and smoke go alternately upward and down
ward through all the apartments (usually five in
number, owinir to the relative iize of uioe and
drum) and finally up the chimney. The. princi
Dle is Dreciselr the same as that of the famous
Mennonite heating furnace, and applied to cook
or heating stored, utilizes a great deal moro of
the heat evolved from the fuel than is done by
the ordinary drum. The pictures of progress
are these:
A fire, on the ground, under, the open canopy
of heaven; two posts, a cross stick and tho pot
of victuals hanging over tho fire.
8econd, the same, only a rude wall around, and
a cone-shaped roof, with a holo in tho middle
for the smoke to curl out at.
Third, the open grate, in the open fire-place, a
great portion of the heat escaping up the chim
ney into the outer air.
Fourth, the stove.
Fifth, the stove and drum, increasing the
amount of surface heated by the same fuel.
Sixth, the irreatly improved drum, or Radia-
Tob, with a more intense and therefore more
penetrating heat from tho same amount of fuel;
forminx a reservoir for heat oxceDt as it escaDos
through the metallic enclosure, and what littlo
sets out throuuh the chimney.
Abundant certificates can ho given from those J
who have used the IUDiator that it does all
that is claimed for it, but the following aro suf
ficient: Blue Hills, Nebr., )
I have tested the qualities of the Marak Radia
tor, and it gave satisfaction in every particular
he claims for it. Da. A. J. Kodoehh.
Columbus, Nkbr.. )
June 14, 1887. )
I have tried Francis Marak's patent radiator
on my cook stove and found it to do ail that he
claims. It caused the kettla to boil and the
oven to heat, quick; with one-half the fuel we
had been using without the Itadiator. We got
breakfast with 10 corn cobs, and the oven was
hot aaoaah to bake biscuits. '
John L. Stuboxox.
EEIST k SClffilZS.
-L- -
hsssb.7 it.:-L" a sa
Havo a Fine Lino of Staplo and Fancy
Crockery and Glassware,
Which wero bought cheap for cash, and will bo sold
at very low prices.
Street, Columbus, Nebraska.
for the sale of
Itctnil Denlerain
west of Omaha, at
The best manufactories of the country
represented. Not to be undersold
by anybody. Come and see
prices at
pnuanvtr iwi.
It to vory
the nrrmrrnTnrtlnn hnnrnrriini fi
convenient to pot oa aad the top caa be adlwM w
lata Oct. 'tw-tf