u - h & n it i ft-i i I : H w-i ff1 .Ti M m Ltti riff Sfl . pi it.1 iM 1 u lir - I U r WEBSTER'S SPELLER. EVOLUTION OF THE ONCE POPU LAR "SPELLING BOOK." Koah TVcbKters Great and SneeefMfnl KatorprlHeThe Fortune's of a Con necticut School Teacher Work The Fatuous "Select Fables." One of the books much in vogue in the colonics, Thomas Dilwortli's "Now Guide to the English Tongue," nnd when first pub lished, nbout 1740, it was probably a great Improvement on its predecessors, for it hod great run in both countries. To-day, in glancing through it, it seems nearly worth ies; and this opinion of it began to take shape towards the end of the Revolution, when Joel Barlow probably only expressed public sentiment in complaining that 1ads once lugged iato it when young are afraid of all kinds of grammar all their days after." At this time Noah Webster, fresh from Yale college, was prcsonted with an $S bill of Con tinental currency (worth about half that sum fen specie) by bis father, and told that he must strike out for himself. To a Connecticut ool kge brad lad this was equivalent to saying, Teach a school," and teach he did, first in Hartford and then in Goshen, N. T., and from practical experience became convinced of the worthlessuess of Dilworth. To a native bred Yankee an error is some thing to be corrected, and a poor piece of work something that needs improving. IVeb ftar sec himself to the task of reforming the "New Guide" a work of no mean proportion with the lack of philological knowledge in this country at that time and after two years of hard study completed his revision, when he traveled through the states, en deavoring to obtain copyright laws in order to protect bis work. Returning to Hartford with partial success, he next sought a pub lisber, but of course without success, so, with the aid of a loan from Joel Barlow, he was driven to the necessity of taking the whole risk upon his own shoulders; and Hudson & Goodwin, printers in Hartford, printed in 1784 5,000 copies, taking from tho author a bond to make good any deficiencies there Bight be. Webster bad originally intended to call his book The American Instructor," but by the advice of Dr. Ezra Stiles, president of Yalo college, the title was changed touAGram raatfcal Institute of tho English Language," ad nothing proves the real merit of the work a strongly as the fact that for twenty years it bora that title, and yet lived, though at the end of that period the name became "Tho American Spelling Book," and still later, in revised form, "The Elementary Spelling Book." The book proved a great success; edition after edition was called for, and sup planted nearly every book of its kind pub lished in this country. It was the custom then for authors to sell to the printers the right to print editions for a certain number of years, and accordingly Webster sold bis privilege to printers in Bos ton, Hartford, Albany, New York ami Phila delphia, for transportation was then so diffi cult that none of these printers could inter fere with each other's sales. The copyright was soon of great value; in 1T83 the book was selling at the rate of 500 a week, and in 1790 the sales in a single state were 30,000. For years the author lived on the proceeds from the speller, while many publishers were coin ing money out of it In 1S17, when the work was revised, one printer gave him 3,000 a year for his term of copyright, and another $40,000 for the privilege of printing editions for fourteen years. By 1818, 5,000,000 copies bad been sold, and by 1847, 24,000,000, or an average rate of nearly 400,000 copies a year, and from this time on it is safo to estimate the sales at a million copies annually. Each printer varied his editions in particu lars to please his own fancy. The Philadel phia printer "embellished" his with a portrait of tho "Father of his Country," and Mr. Thomas, Uio great New England printer, not to bo outdone, ornamented his with a vile wood cut of what purported to bo "Noah Webster, Jr., Esq." This wood engraving and tho absurd title of the book woro made for want of a better the points of attack by those at enmity with him. "Mr. Grammatical Institute," "Mr. Institutional Genius," "Mr. 'Squire, Jr.," were roiiio of tho names applied to him, and William Cobliett went so far as to draw up a mock will, in which he be queathed him six "8panish milled dollars, to be expended on a now plato of his portrait at the head of his spelling book, that which graces it at present being so ugly that it scares the children from their lessons; but this legacy is to be paid him only on condition that hs leaves out the title of "Squire' at the bottom of said picture, which is extremely odious in an American school book, and must inevitably tend to corrupt the political prin ciples of the republican babies that behold it." To all who studied the speller, the part that probably made the greatest Impression was the "Select Fables." These were an after thought of the author, for they do not appear in the earliest editions. How many have car ried along, in after life, the moral lessons taught by "The Country Maid and Her Milk Pail," "The Fox and the Swallow," "The Cat and the Rat," "The Fox and the Bramble," and many other equally sharp examples of evil doing, which were probably quite as effi cacious on the ethics as the corrections in pronunciation were on the language of the children. The spelling book slowly underwent altera ations. The printers discovered very soon that the title was clumsy, and changed it to "The American Spelling Book." The author was constantly simplifying and improving, for although soon occupied in his dictionary, yet be always seemed to feel an especial in terest in his first venture, and well he might, for almost his whole support was derived from the book. Others copied his ideas, hop ing to obtain a share of the profits, and as the century advanced the book was slowly driven out of New England, the land of its birth, by the improvements in school books, yet the sales increased steadily, and it found refuge in the south and west, and even trav eled to England. In a revised form it helped to educate the Confederate youth during the rebellion, and to-day it can still be found in schools here and there throughout the country. THE SOIL OF WYOMING. The Laud Cat by Gulches and "Draws." The Valleys sad "Bottoms." East Nebraska is a prairie; west Nebraska, with its alkali streams and sand hills, begins to take somewhat of the character of this country, with its strange unevenness. But in Wyoming wo reach the consummation of roughnet, in what may have once been prairie. To be sure, as we look from a car window, if in the spring, wo may see the strange muuumeut-like sandstones and the crater-liko knobs about a "plain," so seems it, of thousands of acre of verdure. The land, as a rule, is an alkali, soft limestone and sand stone formation, the homo of the nutritious buffalo grass and sagebrush. Attempt to ride across ono of the plains and you find how great the disparity. The land is cut in every conceivable direction by abrupt gulches and "draws," with perpendicular sides from thirty to one hundred feet deep, entirely concealed by their character until you are right upon them. There is no water in these in this season. They usually follow tho natural watershed, but head anywhere ami everywhere upon the plain, and, strangest of all, ore as deep and abrupt in their head as any where. You find the valleys but u repetition of what you x-o ou a larger scale from a poitit of eminence an apparent plain, and yonder a crater-like bluff but ujwn ascending its steep side you are Mirprised to find its summit but tl.e boundary of another plateau, with gulches deeper and wider. I spoke of valleys a moment ago; this country Kas none after the fashion of any eastern conceptions. The streams are few and far between, usually from twelve to twenty miles and more, and then the merest rivulets, at this season, after minYing tor miles in their course, and occa sionally breaking out spring-like and flowing a short distance These rivulets have narro w "bottoms" often quito fertile, but scarcely saore than garden spots, with a few scrubby cottonwoods and box-elders, entirely hidden from view by the proximity of the ncigulxu--iag bluffs. When wider and more like val leys, as is the bottom of tho Platte, tltcy are too sandy for cultivation. It k only by Irrigation that even the "bottoms" are made productive. It is along these bottoms that the TWttV have been accustomed to water and that the ranches havo been built All thU beautiful country to look upon is utterly lw yoai the reach of the plow or any agri.-ul--taral crop, aad is only saved from utter oesert oy too sprnig nuns, wnicb grow the grass m a short month or so. Just break tho sod for any purport) and tho soil is tho sport of tho winds. The only pos sible hope would bo in artasian wells, but they could not be reached for thousands of feet, and possibly not then, without great .nn lmt with success nrobablv scarce enough to supply man and beast Thoro ore at present four ways by which men can nc quiro land in the territory homestead (100 acres), pre-emption .iw). timDcr culture iiwj and desert reclaiming (04. Now none jf these rights can be exercised except along the streams, and then tho very loosest construc tion must bo made of tho conditions applic able only to an unbroken prairie. Wyoming Letter in Detroit Free Press. Memory of Faces. There are as few peoplo who can remember faces as there ore who can remember and ro call facts, though people generally think it is very easy. I have had some amusing ex amples of the success of somo of these people In these undertakings. Now on 'chnnge we have 3,212 members, nnd compliaieutaries to bring the total up to 4,400 people. Of course a large number of thesj peoplo are not on 'change once a year, but when they do come a person must know them and not stop them, as when they do visit tho floor they generally have visiting friend with them, ami to stop them would bo embarrassing. To assist me in remembering these peoplo I have made a study of faces, and now I rarely see a stranger that I do not note some peculiarity about him by which I can identify him. Tho habit has grown so that I often register in my memory men with whom I Lave no connection, and who I will probably never see again. So you see this is a study, whether ono has a faculty for it or not, and when a person talks about being able to do so offhand, he is talking about something he don't know any thing about The other day a friend of mine came up to me at the door on 'change, ami said ho would like to bet mo the dinners ho could pick out as they passed each oue of forty men on the floor, whom I was to name as they came in. I had tho satisfaction of eating a very good dinner at his expense. I picked out forty men, of course not those who live in the bull pit, but men whose names he knew, and whose faces he bad also seen. How many do you think he secured out of the forty? Just eleven. Cor. Globo-Demo-crat Work of the Telegraph Operators. I presume there is a more appreciable dif ference in telegraph operators than In any other class of workers in the world. The old timers delight in talking of receiving lifly words a minute, and sigh wearily as they re fer to auld lang syne and the decadcuce of speed in the present generation. This is all very well, but thirty-five words per minute is considered far above the average, and when an operator is receiving even that num ber he is pushed, and frequently resorts to ab breviation. Lady operators as a rule are ac curate, but are physically incapable of the heavy work entailed by press reports for city papers. Put a lady operator at the instru ment in a small city where pony reports ure ceived and she will tako twenty words a min ute and dp it welL Btit when it comes to using the stylus on manifold, where a largo number of copies is to be taken, a lady doe: not possess the requisite physical strength t accomplish tho task. Operators are eccentric, and their style of work differs greatly. Once theybecomo set in a certain channel they never change, and while experience gives them better control of their work, there is no perceptible improvement in penmanship. Telegraph operators who can carry on a con versation and receive at tho same timo are very scarce. Cor. GIobe-Dcmtcrat Fishing for False Teeth. "What do we do with u man who has swal lowed bis false teeth'" repeated a Washington Iwulovanl physician with a merry laugh. "Fish for 'em, my boy, fish for 'em. How! A very unique way, I can assure you. False teeth usually lodge in the (Esophagus. We take the sufferer and lay him on his back. Then we open his mouth and drop a delicate rublier hook down his throat This hook is attached to tho enilof a silken cord, ami is facilitated in accomplishing its errand by a small piece of silver which is fastened near tbe barb and serves as a 'sinker'. A delicate contrivence at the end of the cord tells you when the hook meets with any resistance. After angling for a short time tho expert at the business is bound to get a bite from the teeth, providing, of course, they have not fallen into tho sufferer's stomach, and then the work of hauling them out begins. This is a rather delicate task, but if the fisherman knows what he is about (and he does, you know), there is little to fear. It is a very pretty experiment, but, happily, there is litUe demand for its practice." Chicago Herald. lfnw Donkey Parties are Conducted. Donkey parties are tho latest thing in the way of a social gathering in Milkwaukee. A largo slihoutte representing a tailless donkey is cut out of paper or cloth and fastened upon thewalL To each guest are given a cambric tail and a pin. Then they are blindfolded, ons by one, placed in a corner opposite the donkey, whirled three times around, and then started on a blind search for the donkey, upon which, if they reach it, tho tail is to be pinned. If the guest goes in another direction and stumbles against a wall, door, chair, or anything else, there he must leave the tail Tbe movements of the blindfolded are apt to be ludicrous. The person who makes tho best effort to place tbe tail upon the donkey where it belongs re ceives a present of some kind, while the guest who makes the most unsuccessful effort gets the booby prize. New York Sun. A War la Needed. My recent tour through Texas convinced me that that state is ripe and thirsting for war. Almost every business man in Texas is of the opinion that tbe state could spare at least 20,000 useless fellows, adventurers and sharpers, and the easiest way would be to have them killed in war; so when that Mexi can imbroglio came up they were elated over the prospects ef such an opportunity, and were willing to drop money into the hats of every tramp that came along to help to ex cite the people. They attribute the vast and rapid growth of northern cities since tho war to this riddance of unsavory material, and expect that the time is not far distant when they will be called upon to send some of those bullet stoppers beyond tho Mexican borders to try and civilize tho knights of the lasso. Cor. Globe-Democrat Who Is the Great Man? It is not the habit of people to suppose that a great merchant or financier ranks with a general who has won battles, but it not un commonly happens that tho general is a mere granny outside of his profession, and that even the battles to which he owes his celebrity were won as much by accident as by skillful design. As to the display of courage called for by war, it is not greater than men engaged in the life saving service, firemen and engi neers and the police force are constantly called upon to exercise. While it is not un natural that commanders of the first rank should be admired, it is certain that there is a good deal of vulgar and unnecessary toady ism to epaulets in general. Commonplace military officers wont compare with good mechanics in very many admirable traits, and they cut too wide a swath socially. Pittsburg Chronicle. How they Dress in Japan, The Japanese are complaining that the comic opera "Mikado" has sent Japan back twenty years in the popular opinion and es teem. The Japanese have not worn oriental costumes for fully that length of time. The Mikado dresses like any English or American gentleman, and so do all of his subjects, ex cept such of the extreme lower classes who are too poor to afford to buy modern clothes. Upou great court occasions the oriental spirit comes out in gay colors and a superabund ance of gold and jewels, but cut and design are European. Chicago Herald. U Kemarkable Strait. A diner-out who had bad more than hit share of the wine was carefully feeling hi: way home at night, when ho unfortunately stumbled against the circular railing which surrounded a statue. After having gon around is about seven times, tbe hopelessnesi of his situation flashed upon him, and hi sank down upon the pavement outside with a despairing shriek: "The scoundrels. They've shut me in here!" Chicago Tribune. An Klectrtcml Feeder. Experiments tried with a new electriaal device for use in feeding sheets of paper to printing presses prove quite successful. It is automatic, and notice of any trouble is signaled at once by ringing a belL Boston Budget ON TIIE MISSISSIPPI. TIMES WHENG UERRILLAS MADE LIFE UNPLEASANT ON STEAMERS. Confederate Partisans Fishing for Fed eral Gudgeons Steamboat Passengers Under Fire How the Bobbery of a Widow Was Peremptorily Stopped. Ono of tho amusements of the period was to take a run on a steamer up to Cairo. It was generally an exciting amusement The banks were haunted by guerrillas, who some times carried with thom a six pound gun, and who quito often made life on tbe steamer unpleasant They were skillful fishermen, thee guerrillas; they angled for Federals, and they employed the most tempting bait Ono of the forms of bait need was cotton. A boat pushing along the stream would spy a half dozen or a dozen bales of cotton piled on the bank, and would at once steer for it with a view of buying it if there was an owner, or cribbing or "confiscating" it if nobody was In the vicinity. The steamer would run alongside, throw out the gangplank, aad get ready to tie up to some tree, when there would suddenly be beard shrill yells, vol ley of musketry would follow, and a whoop ing crowd of butternnts would board the boat, "go through" the safe and the passen gers, take everything valuable and portable, and then decamp Many a Yankee gudgeon bit at this cotton bait, and was hooked beyond rescue. In time the cotton hunter grew more cautious. He edged very gingerly toward the tempting dis play; he came up, just touching the nose of the boat to the landing without throwing out the gangplank, so as tote ready to sheer oil at the slightest sign of danger. Ono has often seen a wary trout tow approach a tempting worm ready to tarn tail and send away in case of anything suspicious or tho sign of a hook in the appetising appearance. There were bends in the river where the guer rillas could He concealed antll the boat was within close gunshot, and were able to send in a half dozen volleys before the imperiled craft could get out of range. One day, be tween Memphis and Cairo, the Hillmanwas proceeding leisurely up the river without any suspicion of danger. A passenger was stated in the barber's chair being shaved, whan a cannon suddenly opened oa the beat Tho first ball killed the barber and passed on without in the least interfering with the cus tomer. PA6SEMOKBS VRDBB WtMM. On such occasions there was little to be obtained in the shape of provision for safety. Everything about a steamer was so frail that in place of being a protection thsspper struct ure really added to the danger from the flying splinters. About the only thing available was to lie flat on the floor with tbe head or feet toward the direction of fire so as to ex pose the smallest possible portion of the form to the missiles of the guns. While lying there the roar of the artillery, tbe yells of the Con federates, tbe crash of the shot through tbe woodwork, the noise of tearing timber, the momentary expectation of being skewered by a long splinter or being bored through longi tudinally with a round shot, wars anything but pleasant It seemed to the pssssngnr hugging the floor and trying to make him self into a compa not larger than a knitting needle that the boat was an eternity in getting away from the locality. It was a time whan the swiftest boat on the 'river apparently made no better time than that of ths slowest of snails. Boats plying on the river were subject to visitation at every wood yard. The officers expected these visits and prepared for them. They would leave a few hundred dollars in the safe for show, and the remainder of the money they would hide tn the mattresses. When boarded by guerrillas they would open tho safe after a little persuasion, and the robbers would take the cash contents, satiated that they had secured all tbe available plun der. Many of tbe boats were captained by Confederates, a fact which was known to the bushwhackers, with the result that such boats wero not disturbed or were occasionally halted and searched as a matter of show for the bene fit of the galleries. I recall ono instance in which tbe robbery was on the other side. The Platte Valley was convoying a company of new troops down the river when, at a point between Cairo and Memphis, the boat made a landing to get some wood. There lived in a little log house at tbe point a widow with four sons, all of whom were In the Union army, with the entire sympathy of the mother. The valorous recruits swarmed ashore and "went through1' the premises of the old lady in a brief time. Every chicken, egg, bit of meat, everything edible, including pigs and calves, and any thing and everything in tbe house which attracted the fancy of the raiders, and which could be eaten or sent home as a trophy, was gobbled up and carried on the boat A WBAK COaTJfAHDBK. Tbe captain of the company tried his best to restrain the men, but, while well inten tioned, he was weak. He was from the same locality as his men, and many of them called him by his first name instead of his title, and apparently had no respect for him. The officers of the boat offered such objec tions as they dared, and the old lady stormed, wept, avowed her Union sentiments, aad as serted that this fact and that she had four sons in the Union army should protect her from ruin by tbe northern men. It was all useless. The men laughed at her, and scoffed at the claim that she was a Union woman. The boat was about to cast off the lines, and the old lady was reluctantly being forced down the gangplank, when suddenly a clear voice was heard above the clamor: "Captain, form your men in line 1" The voice was clear, penetrating, and filled with imperative suggestions. There was a quick cessation of the uproar. Everybody turned to look on the speaker. He was a slender man in dtisen's clothing, a stranger whom nobody knew, of commanding appear ance, and a stern face, whose firm lips and deep, flushing eyes showed intense earnest ness. "Fall in, men!" came from the captain after he had glanced at the stranger. The men did so at once, and then all looked at tbe stern civilian. 'Consider your company under arrest, sir! Let every article ts&en from that woman be returned without an instant's delayl" The soldiers hesitated a single moment "Quick march, there, now!" rang out from the civilian, with an impatient stamp of the foot, as he noticed the hesitation. At once the men moved out, and ashore, deposited their plunder, and sneaked back sheepishly on the boat "Who are your asked the captain, as the boat backed away from the landing. "I am Gen. Schuyler Hamilton," was the answer, "and your command shall remain under arrest till they are given an officer who can control them!" "Poliuto" in Chicago Times. ITALIANS AS RAILROAD BUILDERS. Supplanting; Irishmen oa Great Con tractsTalk With a Contractor. Heman Clark, who is associated with John O'Brien in building a large part of the new aqueduct, is one of the most extensive rail road contractors in the United States. He employs men by the thousand all over the country and has had a long experience with laborers of all nationalities. His attention was called to the statement recently pub lished that the Italians were rapidly supplant ing the Irish in all kinds of contract work in New England. "It is not only true in regard to New England, but of all parte of the coun try," ho said. "On all the big railroad jobs throughout the west yon will find Italians in droves. In fact, I think I might safely say that at present fully SO per cent of the bands employed on this kind of work are Italians. On some roads they are employed almost ex clusively. "To be sure, they are not nearly as good workmen as tbe Irish, bt they can be hired at cheaper rates so much cheaper, Indeed, as to more than make op what they lack In abil ity t Then they are as a rale quiet and indus trious. They live cheaply and save almost all they earn. Their one aim is to snake what they consider a fortune 4500 to 91,000 and go back to Italy, where they can Uve atease for tbe rest of their lives on this amount They never shink of settling hers, being snneh like the Chinese in this respect They are su perior to the Celestials, however, as workmen. Tbe Chinese are of little use for outdoor work. On one job we had on the Pacific const there were o,000 of them employed. I discharged every one of them. It didn't pay to have them around at any wages; at least I thought so. An Irishman looks down on an Italian. He considers hhn far beneath him, and where the modern Romans are esn plyedm large nsmbsrs yonV see tin) Irish superintending them as section bosses." "Do yon consider the Irishman the most efficient railroad laborerr "The Irish and the Scandinavians are the beet We employ a great many of the latter. They are good hands and like the Irish aro ambitious, only their ambition takes another form. They are always on the lookout for a place to settle down, and buy a little farm. When they havo earned enough to do this they go back to this spot and become in time good citizens. The Italian simply works for money and this he carries around with him or else banks it here in Hew York. They come to this country in droves brought over of course by the padrones who bear almost the same relation to them that the Six Com panies did to the Chinese. They are increas ing every year. Except in the east they liavo ; not yet become a factor in politics. They are averse to strikes and hence employers : find them useful as a sort of balance wheel iu the troubles that are constantly arising be tween themselves and their help. For this reason their emigration is encouraged.' New York Tribune. AN OLD "FORIT-NINER" TELLS HOW BEARDS WERE POPULAR IZED BY CALIFORNIA PIONEERS. rae Story of Oradnal maaeinatlott from the Razor A Picturesque Lot of Men In the Land of Gold The Doctors to the Kescae. "The early gold seekers In Calif ornia con ferred a benefit upon the country uncon sciously, it is true which I havo never seen niAntirmd but for which the vounser eren- eration can hardly be grateful enough." The speaker was one oi roe oiu lony-nmcrs; k vu itnmkinar of the tinnl dinner at tbe Associated Pioneers of California, which he bad anenaea. " w nen x was a vramcr man." he continued, "no one in any part of tbe United 8tates with which I was acquainted was permitted to wear a beard. There was an unwritten law against it, which was more strictly ooeyea man uu statutes uMlnit mnrder or robberv. A man with a full, flowing beard, such as may be seen any where tn a wauc oi nve minutes, wouiu uvo homi followed and hooted at bv a crowd of boys in any New England town; while a mustache was an open coniesnon ioai uif wearer was a rowdy and a social outlaw. The wearer would not have been admitted to membership in any church, nor unless he was a military officer received into any re spectable circle. Side whiskers could bo worn, or chin whiskers; but the lines were drawn against the complete thing or the shaded up per Up by a public opinion so strong ujui u. seemed immutable. IN TBK LAND OK PROMISE. "The gold excitement broke out, and in almost every town and village there were some who caught the fever and started for the land of promise. We had a bard time of it; the fortunate fellows just as hard a time as the unfortunate, except for the courage that success brings. There was no leisure, and little inducement for self adorment in tbe absence of women. We got careless about observing the rules of our old civilized life, and one of the first evidences of this was that one after another we stopped shaving. It took too much time, and our razors got dull, or our bits of looking glass lost or broken; and soon every mining camp on tbe coast was filled with full bearded men. 'Early in the fifties, the men who had left wives and children or sweethearts at home, and who had raked together a few thousand dollars, began to return; some to bring their families back and others to pay off the mort gages on their farms and remain. We had been free from the trammels of tbe old civil ization long enough to be indifferent to some of it arbitrary rules, and then we were con ceited euough to think that our adventure had given us the right to bo recognized as heroes, and didn't mind wearing a sort of distinguishing badge. So a large number of us returned to our old homes with much tbe same appearance that we had in the mines. "We were decidedly a picturesque lot, I suppose, and wherever we went wero imme diately recognized as returned gold diggers, and received the respect among our old neighbors that our supposititious wealth, alas! only supposititious in many cases command ed. In no very long time there were few towns in which there were not several re turned Californians; aud, as tho novelty of full beards began to wear off, the real im provement which beards made in some men was seen. Huge jawed, long lipped men came back absolutely handsome. DOCTORS TO THE RESCUE. "Then the doctors entered tho field young men with weak lungs and bronchial troubles seemed to be cured. At first the climate of' California and tbe exposure of camp life ob tained the credit, but after a winter at home it was believed that the protection given by the beard should share the credit, and soon many of the physicians, especially in New England, advised then- patients to cease shaving. The innovation now made its way rapidly. 'By the advice of tbe doctor was as satisfactory an answer to all comments as it is in the same part of the country when one is caught taking his 'bitters' before dinner. "It was some years, however, beforo the prejudice of generations became so weakened that preachers could wear beards without severe comment on the part of some mem bers of their congregations, if not secession from their folds to those of shaven shepherds. It is a tradition that the late Professor Stowe adopted a shrewd device to rid himself of the bated razor. He was delivering an address, so the story goes, on slavery, and as be be came impassioned with the subject "he ex claimed: 'This curse must and will be wiped out; the day of freedom for all men in our land is coming, and razor shall not touch my face until it dawns.' He was probably one of the first Congregational ministers to wear hair en his lip. "When it became allowable for any who chose to wear a full beard, entire emancipa tion followed easily enough, and men began to trim thoir beards to suit themselves, until before long they could wear mustaches alone without causing remark. We old forty niners created this revolution we who came home; and in tbe advantages to health, to say nothing of the improvement of the moral tone of community which is caused by the overthrow of every senseless superstition, I think that in this we did more good than did the gold we brought home." New York Tribune. A Proposed Stage Novelty. "There is one thing I am in favor of." said a bald headed man in tbe Chicago Opera house tbe other evening, "and. that is tbe abolishment of the drop curtain. What do you think of an innovation that would permit the audience to witness the skill of the scene shifters and stage setters A person takes more or less interest in watching the construc tion of a fine building. Why wouldn't the same thing hold good in a theater It would be of great interest to most people to watch the construction of a mica cascade or the rapid growth of trees and hills under the magic touch of men in overalls. The con trivances used in producing a full moon would also prove a source of wonder to the specta tors. To thoroughly admire the art of stage setting one mustoe the details. The pin itself is no novelty; but tbe process by which the metal is stamped into a pin cannot help but be interesting. With a good orchestra to grind out music I think the mechanical end of a show when exposed to the audience would prove highly entertaining." Chicago Herald. Keeping Up the Barriers. As long as mother and father, knowingly or unwittingly, will in the presence of tbe child continue to associate with the term Jew all that is deemed undesirable and objection able in man; so long as writers of prose and verse, history and romance, of nursery tales and Sunday school books will continue to picture the Jew as the embodiment of avarice, passion and dishonesty; so long as the child will be taught to hold the Jew responsible for cruelties practiced by others; so long as tbe Jewish child will continue to be told of cruel ties practiced upon its forefathers because of their religious belief, and be taught to look upon all not of its faith as strangers and idol aters so long the barriers cannot fall. Jew ish Messenger , The Cowardly Walrus. Mr.- Elliott denies the courage and ferocity commonly attributed to tbe huge, hideous monster known as the walrus. It is, on the contrary, abjectly timid, and so covered with a wrinkled, warty, pimply hide as to recall degraded human "bloats." Its enormous ivory tasks are need only la digging clams, and are very loosely planted in their osseous COURTSHIPS OF BIRDS. NATURALIST HOLDER'S VERY INTER ESTING COLLECTION OF FACTS. The Sandhill Crane's lllrd Circus Frolics ef Feathered Dancers The Uummlsf Bird's Fight for a Wire Other Curious Courtships. In some of tbe African tribes wbeumar riago is proposed by tho dusky lover tho coy maiden puts him through a course of physical sprouts that is considered a test of Ids capa bilities as the protector and supporter of a family. He appears before her and her friends and goes through a scries of ground aud lofty tumbling that would do credit to a professional athlete leaps into the uir, strides aloug to show his walking powers, and throws his limbs this way aud that to show the development of muscles; finally, if be makes a good exhibition, he is accepted, and over afterward tho woman does all tho hard work, tbe groom having demonstrated, how- ever, that be can do it if pushed to the walL Among the cranes, especially tbe sandhill cranes, almost exactly the samo thing can be i seen in the mating season, and if any one can approach a flock at this timo they will be re paid by a most remarkablo sight veritable bird circus. A relative of mine bad a large marsh upon his estate, and here the great j birds made their summer home; buildiug their curious nests there and rearing their young. The marsh was surrounded by high grass, and it was his practice to creep through and watch the birds unobserved. The antics they went through it would be impossible to describe now they would caper along in pairs, stepping daintly with tbe winning gait of the ideal exquisite, lifting their feathers or wings, taking shortstops and gradually work ing themselves up to a bird frenzy of excite ment, when thoy would leap into the air and over each other's backs, taking short runs, this way and that, all for the odlficatiou of the females standing by, and finally, after a series of these exhibition, the different birds selected their mates. nouo or feathered daxcebs. Among the birds of tbe western hemisphere tho cock of tbe rock ranks next to the crane in the strangeness of its evolutions. Tbe bird is confined to South America aud is about the sizo of a small pigeon; lias a bright orange web in tho male, with a plumelike arrange ment on the head. It is a proud bird, prin cipally building its nest in rocky places not frequented by man. At the commencement of the breeding season a party of birds num bering from ten to twenty, assemblo, and selecting a clear space among the rocks form a ring or circle, facing inward. Vow a small bird takes its place in the center and begins to hep about, toss its head, lift its wings and go through all the strange movements possible that appear to bo watched with great intents by the rest When tbe performer fa thor oughly exhausted he retires to the circle and another bird enters the ring, and so on, until all have put through their paces, when the paire probably make their selection. Often the birds are so exhausted after the dances that they can hardly fly, lying panting ou the rocks. In England tbe courtship of the great Eng lish bustard is a rare sight, the magnificent creature performing most of its love antics in the air, making great swoops downward, al most touching the ground, then rising aloft to hover over its mate, uttering a peculiar cry, then alighting and vying with the turkey in it proud aspect Tbe great Otis Ben galiensis struts alout like a peacock, hum ming the whilo in a curious series of notes, supposed to bo tho dulcet tones addressed to the female bird. The courtship of the humming bird Lta IKirticularly arduous operation, tho lover having to fight his way to nuptial life. Sev eral species of these little living gems are common in my dooryard and aro engaged hi a continual warfare with each other; often the engagement is carried on with such vigor that the birds are injured. A friend near by tells me that in observing these contests she is positive that at times the male when finding that he is being worsted feigns death, aud drow to tbe gruond, in fact, plays possum, to escape, and carries it to such an extent that she has gone out and picked the bird up and brought it into the bouse, where it soon recov ered. SOKE CURIOUS ANTICS. There is one in South America known as Florisuga mellivor that performs some curi ous antics during the courtship season. It resembles some gorgeous insect as it darts through the air, its head and neck being a beautiful metallic blue with a border of white, other portions being a rich mji trreen. The tail, which is pure white, can bo I expanded so as to form a semi-circle, and when in tbe air with tbe tad feathers out stretched it looks as though it were resting on a twig. For several moments the little creature will remain literally suspended in the air with this curious cross piece vibrat inga sine1"1' mode of courtship. In the water birds we find many carious courtships, especially in tbe albatross, that is a most devoted lover and mate. Even when tbe female is on the nest he will stand by, and go through the meet extravagant mo tions and uttering curious shrieks, which sound like laughter, hi return for which the female gently caresses him with her bilL The nest of this bird resembles that of some flam ingoes, being about two feet in height and ten inches in diameter, the top falling over the edges, so that when deserted by tbe birds they form convenient seats, and are so used by sailors who hunt the bird to secure tbe leg bones for pipe stems. Near the borders of southern California is found a bird called the sunato that has a strange courtship. It is about tbe site of a magpie. During the mating season four or five birds collect together and seem to vie with each other in the extravagance of their posturing wooing now in rows, now single, in a regular dance, and by way of music ut tering loud, discordant squawks. Their long tails ore lifted high in the air during this per formance, and their entire behavior fa re markable in the extreme. There fa hardly a family of birds but what we find has some such peculiarity, leading to the conclusion that there are certain traits that are very much alike in all forms, from man down ward. Professor C. F. Holder in Ban Fran cisco CalL Hereditary Insanity. The physical defects of fathers are more frequently reproduced in the offspring than those of the mother. In cases of men tal disease the tendency is in the op posite direction. Insanity is much more fre quently transmitted from the mother than from the father. According to French au thorities, 279 out of 407 cases of mental affec tions were traceable to mothers. Herald of Health. ' Two Thousand Tears Old. A small case in the numismatic collection at tho mint attracts no little attention because it contains but a single coin, and the interest doesnt decrease when the inscription fa read: "Struck in tbe Philadelphia mint at least 2,000 years ago." Of course our Philadelphia isn't meant, but Philadelphia in Asia Minor. Philadelphia CalL Co-operatloa in a College- The faculty of Princeton college have agreed upon a plan to admit students to a share in the control of the college. Under the plan, a committee consisting of twelve undergraduates ix seniors, three juniors, two sophomores and one fresh manwill be elected by tbe students for friendly conference with tbe faculty, who, it is believed, will thus be enabled to administer the discipline of the college with greater ease and justice to all concerned. Frank Leslie's The Paris Bon Marche. Tbe celebrated shop called tbe Bon Marche in Paris has a "band" or orchestra composed of 250 of the men and women connected with the establishment. The other evening; writes a correspondent, they gavo a concert in the huge balls of the store, and eminent artists liko M. Fauro, of tbe Grand opera, were among the singers. There were no less than 7,000 people in the audience. Chicago Times. Cure for Blight's Disease. Some eight or ten years since. Gen. Scbenck was afflicted with Bright disease, and never expected to recover, but an old Vermont physician put him on a strict diet of stale bread and skimmed milk, which restored him to health, and he is now enjoying his old ige. Boston Budget BO many mujum mtm w mrm wmm m the streets of Paris that, police rapilaftfcau hn iiwgM naosssanr. IN WITCHING TtMB. Tli ii UM Ins isiiilihis Is liii im And tarons the aadsJght'a envois cofct . fold bv fold. Aad hi the settle aeds the sire. And the dene droops aad maids draw aigber Fsrh Ttt tht rssm irf tt itinr. (So do the bashful seek the bold mwttoMagthnel) Ea as this hear, when revels the. And tbe spent nurth and mood require SoBMthlag to stir tbe sense or hold The soal In awe, tksss tales were told Told, while the ssokerlag names expire, uwtetdag timet Austin Dobsoa. Personal. Mr. N. H. Frobilchutoiu, of Mobilo, Ala., writes: I take great pleasure in recommending Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption, having used it for a severe attack of Bronchitni anil Catarrh. 'It gave me instant relief aud entirely cured me nnd I have not 1hd afflioted since. I also beg to atnto that I had tried other remedies with uo good result. Have also used Electric Bitters and Dr. King's New Lire Pills, Kith or which I can reeouiinoud. Dr. King's New Discovery ror Con sumption, Coughs and CoKIm, is m)ld on a positive guarantee. Trial bottles free at Dowty i Beclior'a drug store. Prof. Edward Olson, for n long time connected with the University of Chica go, is to take charge of the Dakota uni versity as president. The MsMMclleef JImsi Im C!wmi. As well as the handsomest, and ethers are Invited to call en Dr. A. Helntz and get fret a trial bottle ef Kemp's UaSsaui far the Throat aad Lnfcgs, a remedy that is tiling entirely upon its merit aud is guaranteed te cure aad relieve all Ckrenleaad Acute Coughs, Asthma, Bronchitis snd Coasumptioa. Price M) cents SndSK Deca-Ho Boswoll P. Flower hits arrived in Paris and with an urch glance toward Albany says that Cleveland's renoiuiuution anil re-election are assured. Ad v ire to CoBaMptive. On the appearance of the lirat symp toms -as general debility, loss of apa tite, pallor, chilly sensutious.rollowoil by night-eweats and cough -prompt meas ures of relief should bu taken. Con sumption is scrofulous diseaso of the lungs; - therefore use the great anti scrofula, or blood-purifier and strength restorer, Dr. Pierce's 'Golden Medical Discovery." Superior to cod liver oil as a nutritive, and unsurpassed as a pectoral. For weak luugs, spitting of blood, aud kindred affections, it has uo equal. Sold by driurgubt the world over. For Dr. Pierce's treatise on con sumption, send 10 cents in stamps to World's Dispensary Medical Association, titio Main street, Buffalo, N. Y. Sarah Bernhardt is said to havo shock ed her dear Paris by emphatically de claring, "l cannot play any morn in Paris. Your Parisians aro too poor. I like butter on my bread. So I will havo to return to America." Bfer pet tiger, which she is pleased to call an Algerian black cat, has been fined 100 franks for disturbing neighboring families. Neither whiskey, ginger, blacklierry brandy, or anything else begins to equal Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera aud Diar- roja Remedy for bowel complaint. It is the only medicine that always cures bloody ilux, cholera morbus, dysentery and diarrhoea, and it never fails. It costs 25 cents and is worth 25 dollars when needed. Mr. A. Finley of Bain bridge, Putnam county, Ind., writes that Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy cured him of a severo at tack of diarrhoea, tbe first doso quieted and eased the pain and tho second dose cured him completely; he also says that he cured s bad case of bloody dux with the same bottle. Sold by Dowty & Becher. Lester Wallack is occupying his sum mer retreat on the shore, near Stamford, Conn. English Spavin Liniment removes all Hard, Soft or Calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Sweeney, Stifles, Sprains Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle. Every bottle warranted by C. B. Stillman, druggist, Columbus, Nob. Tho oldest general in the United States army is William Selby Harney. He wub born near Nashville, Tenn., in 1800 and entered the army in 1818. Weaderfsl Care. W. D. Hoyt & Co., Wholesalo and Re tail druggists of Rome, Oa., says: We have been selling Dr. King's New Dis covery, Electric Bitters and Bucklen's Arnica Salve for four years. Have never handled remedies that sell so well, or give such universal satisfaction. There havo been some wonderful cures effected by these medicines in this city. Several cases of pronounced Consumption have been entirely cured by use of a few bot tles of Dr. King's New Discovery, taken in connection with Electric Bitters. We guarantee them always. Sold by Dowty k Becher. The fugitive McGarigle was a vain man in his days of prosperity. He kept a scrap-book and pasted therein all newspaper notices concerning himself and his doings. ffteasie FeMJllaii PmsIs Allow a ceqgh te run until it gets bsyead the reach ef medietas. They eftea say. Oh, it will wear-away, but in most cases it wears them away. Could they be in duced to try the successful medietas called Kemp's Balsam, which we sell oa a positive guarantee to eure, fhey would inaiedlately sse the excellent effect sfter taking the irst dese. Price 60c aad flJOu. Trial aitt fru. Dr. A. Heists. Ex-Representative Frank Hurd, of Ohio, is so much pleased with the demo cratic platform in that state that as a free trader he will take the stump for the ticket Worth Yoar Atteatios. Cut hl oat and mail it to Allen &. ('.. Au- gaiitA, Main, who will (tend you free, somethinir new, that jnnt colon moer ror all workoni. An wonderful as the electric light, at (trauma at pure gold, it will prora of lifelong value and importance to you. Both aexe. all ages. Alien & Co. bear expense of starting you in baiaws. It will bring you in more oash, right away, titan anything elite in this world. Anyone anywhere can do the work, and live at home also. Better write at once; then, knowing all, should you conclude that you don't care to nngage, why no harm is dona. 4-ly Every man thinks he is about right himself. An old Quaker said to his wife: "All the world is queer except thee and me, and thee is a little queer." (titod Wage Ahead. Ciwirgo StitiMin t Co., Portland. Maim, can givo yon work tliat you can ,t and livu nt home, runkiiiK :n-at imy. You aiv -tnrU-.! tw. tV.j.i tal not nv.W. I.I1ih..vm. Alia. Cut thi out and writo.it ..no..; tu, Iiaii will ! domt iT you couchitl.. n.: to (:o to work, nr:.-r you Wru all. All inrti.-id.irt Hw. Hm imvoit: work in this world. j.ty Charles Dickciuj the yottn;,vr, gives ' tho iirst public rwulinus in this country ' tho evoniiii.' of (Vl. -JT.. at Uliiokrin hall, in Nw York. Do Not Think r.r:i JL.meut that catarrh will in tiuio wvar out The theory is r-ilsy. kn try l lo!iovo it W cauao it would bo jilcas-mt if irtt: but it is not, as all know. Do not. h-t ..ny .iut. attack in tho h.id remain ttn-utbduod. It is liable to iluivloii-i into catarrh. You can rid yourself of thv cold and avoid all chance if catarrh by usin Dr. Saeu Catarrh I&ih.hIv. ir already af fected rid yourself of this tri:M..boino diseaso speedily by the sumo iiiecus. At all dru&fists. Senator Spoonor writes from l'nris that his month in Holland was delight ful. Ho and his family will be home this month. ItucUicifH Arnir.n Salvo. Tnn Best Salvi: in the world for Cuts, Bruises. Sores, Ulivrs, Suit Uucum, Fever Soros, Tetter. Chopped lissruls, Chilblains, Corns, ami all Skin Krup tioiiK, ami positively cures lilis. or no pay required. It L giuniKieed to give perfect satisfaction, or iiioiu refunded. Price 2T eenis prr box. For cale by Dowty & Becher. july27 THE CHEAPEST BAT1NQ ON EARTH i ASK YOUR QhOOSH FOR THEM! TBASKITISKOOIU'AKY, BT.XOXJlB.lt.Q- AND BUSINESS COLLEGE. FxG33Q.orLt aSTeTo. This iiiHtitntinu prtrtir- yoiiui; (U thoroughly for Ti-Hchin, for Kiipim-cH Lifts for Adiuinttioii to Colli1, for jtw or Medical HchooN, for Public H-akinx, in Iutrmueutnl aud Vocal Mnxic, in Drawing and Priiiitinic. and in Elocution, Short-hand and Tjpe-writiriff. Ill tlin Normal DrjKirtuiOut, thorough in atrurtion iw ijivt-u in all liranuhes rt-qmred for any ctrtifientt from Third fimne to tjtntu 1'ro fetMiontd. Tim Huaiut-tiH Coiirre inclu.Iio lYiiiiia!ihip, Commercial Corri-Mrfiinl-civ, Commercial Ijiw and Book-ke'iiii, with tlu bt-t int-tiual- of kevpiDK Farm, Factor, liaukinK mid Mercantile) accoUutH. (r'ivo premium were uwanlcti to this department at the recent State Fair.; Espensert are very low. Tuition, ltoom Itent and Table lioard :ir placed at cit, ax nearly a pomiible. Spring term U'sint April it, 1;7. Hummer term begini July 5, t"C7. For particulate ad dnu 31. E. Jonfs. nov3-8rtf Fn mont. Neb. $1,500! VsoeUnlle of Patent CheM and Checkerboard, ad- vsrusug we ctisDratea synTita biock nemedies and lEKWASS or l.Oa. ir you fall to Sad It oa this small board call on your drncxtst for falMse. HandsomelrlJthographedboardVFKEJC; or ssnd S3 cents for postage to us. OOUGH blocks; From Mason Long, the Conrerted Gambler, roar Wavns, Ind.. April 5, 1381. I hare siren the ayavltaCoagn Blocks a thorough trial. Ther cured my little g1rl(3 years' old) of Croup. My wife and motaer-tn-law were troubled with coughs of long standing. One package of the Blocks has curen them so they can taut "as only women do." w Mason Long. iWORH BLOCKS. LIMA. C Jan. 25, 1887. The Synvlta Worm Blocks acted like a ebana In expelling worms from my lit tle child. The child Is now well aad hearty. Instead of May and sickly as before. Jonx G. BOBBIXSOX. IUCKIEMY ILOCKS. The Crest Mantes sad Dyseaterr Checker. Dsxraos, On July Ttb. "SB. Our six-months old child had a seTera attack of Summer Complaint. Physician could do nothing. In despair wa tried Synvlta Blackberry Blocks recommended by a friend snd a few doses effected a complete cure. Accept our heartfelt Indorsement of your Black terry Blocks. Ma. axd Mas. J. bahzilut. The Synvlta Block Remedies are The neatest thing out, by far. Pleasant, Cheap. Convenient. Sure. Handy. Reliable, Harmless and Pure. No box; oo teaspoon or sticky bottle. Iut up tn patent packages. MS Domes 3 Cents. War ranted to cure or money refunded. Ask your drug gist. If you fail to get them send price to THE SYNVITA CO., Delphos, Ohio, V Ww IXH RECEIVE THEM rOSTPAII). rCUECKJUUJOAJW VltEE with each VllUKU, LOUIS SCHKEIBER, if. All kinds of Repairing June oh Short Notice. Buggies, Wa; itr. rt ons, eur., aiaue to or tier, and all work (iuar- anteeil. Also tell the world-famous Walter A Wood Mowers. Reapers, Combin ed Machines, Harvesters, and Self-binders the best made. aCsTShon opposite tbe " Tatter null," on Ollvs St.. COLUMBU8. 2tf-m TRAgKS - a AMI . BBSBSsfcasBSBM'- -"? -t eJrf&qggELsBB BBBBBe!sBBBBbKJS'--5v SHNv.SBBBBMeVsBBBS 3BK,;g LS"-Bsssssfi$'-ssssW' g J aljEeSSSffSsMSBSBSBBSSBBBBBiSTaSflr lSSSlaM MMOMMAL SCHOOL BWsmillanflWaiu Matte BEAST! Mexican Mustang Liniment siatiea, leratekst. CsatraeUi Lnabafo, Isrsias. Muscles, XksuaiatisB. Strains, Zrastioas, Bans, Stiteaag, KosfAu, Scalds, StuYJoiats, Sersw Stings, Backseat, Worms, Bites, Galls, Swisney, Bruises. Sores, Saddle Galls. Bunions, Spavin Piles. Coras, Cracks. THIS GOOD OLD STAND-BY accomplishes for everybody axaoUy what UcUliunt forlt. Ono of the reasons for the great popularity cf the Mustang- Liniment Is found la Its universal applicability Everybody needs such a medicine. The LasBtorssaB needs It Incase of accident. The Ilaasewif needs tt for general family use. Tk e Caaaler needs It for his teams and hU men. The Mechanic seeds It always oa hU work beach. Tho Mlnernecdslt lacaseof emergency. The Vieaeer needlt-caat getalong without It. The Farmer needs it la hi house. hU stable. aad his stock yard. The Steaasheat aaaa er the Beataaaa needs It la liberal sapply afloat and ashore. The Horse-fancier needs tt-lt U hU best friend aad safest reliance. , The Steck-srewer needs It It will save him thousands of dollars aad a world of trouble. Tho Railroad ataa needs It and will need It so long aa his llfo Is a round ef accidents and dangers. The Backweeasssaa needs It. There U noth ing like It as an antidote for the dangers to Ufa. llrab and comfort which surround the pioneer. The Merchant needs It about hie store among his employees, accidents wiU happen, and wbea these come the Mustang liniment Is wanted at once. Keen a Settle la the Ilease. TIs the best of economy. Keea a Settle la the Faetary. ItslsuBediate ase la case of accident eaves pain and loss of wages. Keen a Battle Alwaya la the Stable far ase whea wanted. PUBLISHERS' NOTICE. An OIIVt Worthy Attention IVinn Every IlenuVr of the. .lisurnal. louu rnoicK k rouu ;ot rtvr.ns, KKsr. SUNHIUNK: K..r ..iiI!i;ii1m f..rt!i.. of all tiKfr. uIiohm lunrth nri not witlu'ml, in a hntnl .Mm pur. tiHi-ful nml immt iutert-rtint; inpfr; it ic pulili.-htil monthly lj K. (". AuVn A. t'o.. Villain!1., Mnitic, at M ci-uti n year; it i- linntl som.'l) illuflrntt-d. DAUtillTKCS OK AMKIW'A. LIti-i full .f KM'fului'M nrc worthy of reunrtl ami imitation. "The hand that ruck tl:iMT.ul!"riili 1. 1 hi will. thnnncli its Kt'i'tli. ;aiiil;u( infliiem-.-. Kiuplmt irally n womanV Kt;iT in nil liriinclus of ht-r wortcaiii! fxaltnl Miitn.il in tin world. "Kt.-r-I'til fiti!ii" i- thii ft-timiatioii from which to I'nihl. liniiitr-oiiiflj il!iitmtii. rul.lixh.il monthly 1 Trno A i '., AikkIh. Muiur. at M i"i ni i r ji-ur. niK ii:rr:ru. hoi'skkkki ki: asi I .All IKS' l-'IKrailtK l'()MI'MO.N. Tl.m lnu'ti-iil. wtifilile iMifporuill provoa Ixxui to H iioiiM.-U.vit rn ami l.uli. uho n-iul it. Ilium a Imiiiii.II.'.-. h.'lil of iiM'fiiln.'-, anil itn ahility ni x:iih .-.iml ! tho ix-rn-.ii.il. It i ntroriic uil -oiiml in all iln wiri.il ih-partiin-ntH. IIiiiiiIkoiiii' l illiixtrat.-il. ruhlinhcl monthly I. 11. Ilalli-tt .V t'o.. I'orlia.'nl, Maim, at Mlt-fiit x-r jnnr. KAUM AND IIOUHKKKCm:. :oo.l Farm iiik,'. tioixl lioii-kt.'t.ini.'. (tooil I'ht-tT. Thin haiuh-onit'ly illm-tnil.-.! jai-r irf (huoNnl to th tttomiCT-t iiiiM.ilaut ami iiohlo inilutri-n of thn yiorhl fin mini; in all iln hrnm-hrw hoiiM-ki--iiiK : -.-r l.-partin.iit. It in ahloaml ui to tin- iroi:r-r.-.tti timer; it will Im found practical anil of irieat K-ncral iiwfnln.-1-H. l'iibliiht.l inonihlv ly tli-orf."' Stint-on A t'o.. Portlanil, Mai m at M -mtn ir ji-ar. r1 V will wml fn-o for on., ji-ar, w hirimvnr of !:iImi naim.l l-ai-.Te may ImchoM'ii, to any on.- who pay for the Joiiu.sal. for ou year iu Blnm-o. '1'lii-t applies to our Hiiiti-ribtr ami nil who may ih to l--omt. Milm.-riU-rs. ,"""' will M'lul fn. foronii ear, whiclmviT of tin iiIhjth papetH may Im chotn.u. to any riib-fi-rilH-r lor the JorjHN f. whoM-fiilwcription may not Im paul up, whot-hall my up to latii, or bo joml date: proviil.il. hi. never, that Much payment nhall not ! h-fN than one jear. fc-'-To anyone who hands ns pa)inPtit on ac count, for this pai'r, for thrvi yearn, wt Khali wnil frw foroiiHjenr. all of thealxive dift-riUl pniers;or will wml eue of them four years, or two for two ji-nrs. at may bo preferred. ixTViuf above dehcribed iiajmru which w oiler f rim with our, are nuiont; the lx-t and im.ct Micoefful published. We ttimc-ially recommend them to our xulmcriliem. nnd Imlittvo nil will hud them of real UHefuInewn and great interest, ltf 31. K.TuHNEn A Co. Columbus, Neb. PublitthfrH. BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATRD. This Masazlae portrays Ameri eaa thought aad life from oceaa to ocean, is tiled with Bare high-class literatare, aad caa he safely wel comed ia aay family circle. IMC 2SC. HI3A TEAM If bUR. Samplt Copy of turrtitt numbtr malM upon re etlpt of 25 ett.; back uumbori. 15 ttt. Prewilasa List with either. Aidrtts: B. T. BUSI SON, FiUlifcan, ISO & 132 Pearl St., If. Y. TBS C&SAU of all S03KS of AS71TTDE& Condensed into one Volnme. PIONEER nt TJTATn HEROES Mil DEEDS. The thrillin;adventnre of nil the hero extilor em anil frontier fiKhtfr with Indian, out law nnd wild lmaotM, oyer our whol country, from the earliest timt- to the present. Lives and fa mc:iiH exploit of DoSoto, I-nSalle, Stamlinh, Iloone, Kenton, llrady, Crockrtt, Bowio. Hous ton, ("arson. Custer, California Jm, YViJil Hill, KiilTalo Hill. Heneralx Mile and Crook. Krent Indian Chief i and ncore of other. Splrn.il.IlT IHuMralrd with '-"JO fine eiiKr.tviiin. i.3IKT3 WAHTIT. Ijow-irired,a!id lmat anything to Mill. Time for iyiaent allow wlaentMnhort of ftindn. II. SCAJISlKLhACO.. auir-l-fui 8t. luiB. Jlo. 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