The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, September 07, 1887, Image 1

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VOL. XVIH.-NO. 20.
WHOLE NO. 904.
Cash Capital
UEO. V. HUI.ST. Vic- Prew't.
J. K.T1SKKR. Cashier.
Raik of plt, IM(Hni
atad CxchnHxe.
t"llectlBN I'romptly "rtlc n
aII Pel tat.
Pray latcrritl Timo WeM
IAn. 274
Savings Bank,
Capital .Stock,
SI 00,000.
A. ANDERSON. Pren't.
O.T. ROEN. Trwis.
VVilI rocuiio time ilfixwitM, fnni $1.0(1
kin! Hit) amount upwards, and will pay the cus
tomary ruto of interest.
t?C""V particular!) draw jour attention to
our facilities for nmkiiiK Iohuh on nl estate, nt
Uiu lowest rate of interest.
tryCity, School mikI County Rendu, ami in
dividual securities are Imuk1i(. Wjune'stfy
Or . W. RIBI.RR,
Tra-fr-ll-ats !-.
CBTtitMO ononis are first-class in eTerj ir
ticular, unci ho truarantocd.
Buokeye Mower, combined, Self
Binder, wire or twine.
Flaps Repaired on short notice
tX"Ou door west of IleiinVs Drugstore. 11th
street, Coluraba. eh. 17uovSMf
Purnltara, Chairs, Bedsteads, Bn-
ratu, Tables, Safes. Lounges,
etc., Picture Frames and
tWjtitjHiii-itig of all kinds of Uphol
stery Gootls.
Obtained, and all other basinet in the U. 8.
Patent Offico attended K for MODERATE
Onr Bee is opposite th U. 8. Patent Office,
and we can obtain Patents in lees time than those
remote from WASHINGTON.
fend MOTHlL OK DRAWING. We advise as
to patsBtability free of chance; and inako NO
We refer here to the Poetmaster, the Bupt. of
Keney Order Div.,and to oBcials of the U.S.
Patent" Office. For circolani, advice, terms and
referent to actual clients in your own State or
county, write to
Opposite Tatent Office, WaehingtoafurC.
i "HlJTBfi aT- -
The Owl a IMrd or 111 Omen-Stories. of
the Peacock The "Adjutant," 'the
Crane and the Cuckoo legend of the
Chakwa Lot Money.
The very interesting quotations from the
"Folk Lore of British Birds" tempt me tell of
pome curious superstitions current in India
about Linls. lean only mention a few of
them those that come to my mind at the
moment. It may be mentioned, however,
that some Indian legends and sayings about
birds will bo found in the pages of the "Hindustani-English
Dictionary," by Dr. Fallon,
the only man, European or native, who, so
far a? I am aware, ever attempted to collect
these stories and sayings.
In India as elsewhere the common owl is a
bird of ill omen; but a white species is held
in high esteem by the Hindoos. The white
owl is always supposed to bring good luck;
hence it Ls held sacred to the goddess of pros
jerity, and the people are pleased when it
builds its nest in their houses. In the coun
try these birds often establish their quarters
in the darkest nooks and corners of old
house, breeding there generally twice a year
and producing five or six young ones at a
time; and all their screeching and shrieking
is endured for luck's sake. It is considered
great good fortune to get a glimpse of a
white owl in the daytime. The crow bears
tho same, evil reputation in India as in other
countries; its cry thrice repeated being
thought a suro token of death. But in some
parts a crow or raven cawing only once on
the left of a young woman is held as a sigu
that her rover is coming to meet her. The
name of the bat is never uttered at night by
the common jnople, tho lelief being that tho
utterer would soon lose all his property.
A curious legend about the rhakwa, or
Brahniiui duck, Ls found all over India. For
some indiscretion two lovers were turned into
Hrahininl ducks and condemned to pass the
night apart from each other on the opposite
banks of a river. All night long each asks in
its turn if it shall join its mate, and the an
swer is always No. "Chakwa, shall, I comer
"No, chakwi." "Cliakwi, shall I comer
"No, chakwa." The chakor, or Indian red
legged jMrtridge, which is found all over the
Himalayas (tho hen lays from ten to fif
teen eggs), is said to be enamored of the moon
and to eat fire at the full moon possibly
from the fact of its seeming ,to hover about
the moon. The appearance of- the cliatak, a
small bird, is held to presage a good shower
of rain; the bird living only on rain drops
and always crying for them.
Tho ieacock is said to scream and dance
with joy at the sound of thunder, and he
"dances, dances on; when be looks down he
weejH anon" (at tho sight of his ugly lee t,
they Kiy). The peacock is credited wltli a
strong thievish proitensity, as appears from
this saying: "The deer, the monkey, the
patridge, and the jieacock rob the field of its
store." Anything that Ixjtraysitself is likened
to "a peacock in the thief's house" a saying
founded on the btory of a peacock which
swallowed a gold necklace brought home by
a thief. This bird is sacred to the Hindu god
of beaut-, who is represented as riding on it.
The kite, the hawk and tho vulture art all
regarded as very unlucky birds. The screech
ing of tho first brings serious misfortune, the
night of the second famine and oppression.
and the approach of the third death. By
whirling a kite round the head of a Moslem
child on a Tuesday or Saturday and then let
ting it go great blessings are insured to the
little one. Fowlers trade on this suerstition.
Kites sometimes carry off gold ornaments;
and Mohammedan women say the reason is
because the young kites will not open their
eyes till some gold js placed in the nest; hence
the saying, "The philosopher's stone is in the
kite's nest." The half mythical garuda, a
kind of eagle sometimes called "adjutant,"
is the mortal enemy of snakes. The legend
goes that the mother of garuda quarreled
with her sister, who was the mother of tho
snakes, respecting tho color of the hole that
waa produced at the churning of tho ocean;
and since that time there has been constant
enmity between their descendants. On the
occasion of garuda's marriage, tho serpents,
alarmed at the thought of his having children
who might destroy them, made a fierce attack
on him; but he slew them all save one, which
be has since worn as an ornament around his
neck. To this day superstitious Hindoos re
peat the name of garuda three times when
walking in the fields and going to sleep at
night, as a safeguard against snakes.
The crane is considered to be the most cun
ning of all birds. It stations itself quietly by
a pool, apparently absorbed in meditation
till it sees a fish to dart upon. So the word
"crane" has become synonymous with the
"hytioerite, traitor, etc." in Sanskrit and the
languages derived from it A crane is said
to have betrayed the hiding place of one of
tho Pandaya brothers, whose adventures are
described in the Sanskrit epic Mahabharata.
The pigeon is thought to be auspicious.
Pigeons are carefully reared in houses, which
they are believed to preserve from decay.
Tho dove is looked upon as a harbinger of
good luck. The sight of a pair of doves by a
young married lady whose husband is away
from home means that he will come back to
her soon.
There is a woman's saying that the cuckoo's
note heard on the right is an excellent omen ;
and yet the cuckoo is held to bo an unlucky
bird in most parte of India. The bird papiya
of the parrot species, is said to cry "My eye
is going" from the legend that once a man
seeing many wicked deeds doue before
his eyes, died uttering these words, and was
transformed into the bird. Suierstitious
people are afraid to do anything wrong be
fore a papij'a, lest it should betray them.
One little bird bears the curious designation
of "the bird of the lost money"; because it
seems to utter in a low voice something that
means "Oh! have you kept, or have I kept
itP There is a tradition that its first ances
tors were a man and wife who, having lost all
their wealth, died heart broken and were
transformed into these birds. The country
folk believe that if you jingle money before
them they will curse you, believing it to be
their own. St. James1 Gazette.
Publishers 'Who Drive Hard Bargains.
Fabulous Sums for Special Work.
It has recently been made public that Rich
ard Henry Dana, Jr., receivod only $250 for
his popular book, "Two Years Before the
Mast," while his publisher made a fortune of
$50,000 by it Dana was anxious to sell bis
manuscript, and, ho being at that time en
tirely unknown, the publisher drove a bard
bargain with him. Very different are the
prices which have been paid to some writers
after they have become famous. Mr. Glad
stone has just received $1,250, or about
twelve cents a word, for his article in the
current number of a magazine. Even this
amount seems small when compared with the
fabulous sums given for special work. Dick
ens was paid $5,000 each for two stories for
Boston magazines, while The New York
Ledger gave him a like sum for his rather in
ferior tale of "Hunted Down." In this little
story there are 1,000 lines, with an average of
eight and a half words, or thirty-eight letters
to a line; so that it was paid for at the rate
of fifty-seven cents a word, or nearly thirteen
cents a letter. The manuscript was literally
worth its weight in gold, for Mr. Bonner af
terward had it bound, and it was sold for
$500 for the benefit of a fair.
A larger sum proportionately was given
Tennyson for his poem on "England and
America In 1782," for in this there are only
twenty lines, for which be got $250 a line.
Some one mathematically inclined has flg
Hred oat that the laureate received on that oc
cataon nearly half a dollar for each stroke of
bis pen. These are exceptional figures, bat
au uterary wore is better paw bow wan ever
before. Take Goldsmith, for example, who
sold his ever delightful "Vicar of Wakefield"
for 60, and who, after the success of "The
Traveler," refused the 100 offered by his
publisher, as he found on computation that
this would be at the rate of a crown a
couplet, and be could not conceive of a poem
being worth that sum. What would be have
said bad he been offered, like the modern
poet, 50 a line.
Of our own writers, Longfellow has, per
haps, been the most generously paid. His
"Hanging of the Crane" brought him $3,000,
whilo the friend who conducted the negotia
tion was given $1,000 a suggestive contrast
to the manner in which genius was rewarded
two centuries ago, when Milton sold the
greatest poem in the language for 5. J. B.
Clapp in Boston Globe.
Tet the Picture Is There.
It fa a curious fact, perhaps not known to
tho general reader, that the exposure of a
photographic plate makes no appreciable
change in its appearance. It is a creamy
white, semi-transparent piece of glass when
it goes into the camera. It presents precisely
the same appearance after the son has
stamped the picture upon it The most pow
erful microscope would not detect any change.
The most expert photographer m the world
would be unable to decide whether or no a
plate has been exposed.
Yet tho picture fa there. It only requires
"development" to bring it out Aad that is
what this "dark room" is for. The least ray
of natural light would spoil the plate. But
light strained through ruby or yellow-colored
screens of translucent paper or glass fa de
prived of those rays which are so easentaJ
and at the same time so fatal to photographic
The operator places his plate in one of the
"developing peas;" pours over it a certain
combination of chemicals, and, lol a marvel
ous metamorphosis begins. The white surface
darkens, and as the chemical continues its
action, the picture' grows on the plate before'
his eyes, until the scene or object on which
the lens was turned fa ss accurately repro
duced as though caught and held in a magic
mirror. Boston Transcript
For a Million aad for a Ceat.
It has recently been stated that two of the
largest checks for money ever drawn in New
York have just been framed; the first for
$1,000,000, signed by C. Vsnderbilt, and the
second for $0,000,000, signed by W. H. Vsn
derbilt When I was a clerk In the banking boose of
Jay Cooke & Co., $1,000,000 checks were not
so uncommon as to be thought worthy of
framing. At that time, about 1868, the
government was converting the 7-30 notes in
to new 5-20R. Jay Cooke & Co. used fre
quently to deliver $1,000,000 in 7-30at a time
to the sub-treasury, and we thought nothing
of it I remember going over with $2,000,000
and getting a check for that sum and interest
I carried in one lot to Fish & Hatch $1,000,
000 new .VJOs. They were just off the govern
ment presses and were numltered consecu
tively. For these I got a check for a million
and some odd thousands. The smallest check
that I ever saw was for one cent It was
drawn by a western official in the treasury of
the United States. That check excited more
remark by the clerks who saw it than any of
the $1,000,000 ones. Cor. New York Tribune.
A Plaaterer's Platform.
To facilitate the operation of plastering a
device has lately been invented, termed a
plasterer's platform, which is set on castors
and may be elevated or lowered to wall or
ceiling as the convenience of tho workman
may require. Accompanying this arrange
ment Ls au improved two band trowel, and
tho platform is capable of extension in a hori
zontal as well as in a vertical direction. Thus,
by the combined use of the two, all cumber
some staging and the old time hod and short
single handed trowel are dispensed with. The
mortar is placed in an extensible trough,
which Ls suspended on the platform at a point
and in a manner convenient to workmen; the
apparatus can readily be moved endwise from
room to room, and the cost of laying on either
plaster or hard finish is said to be thus much
reduced. New York Sun.
Spontaneous CombastioB.
A little experience of my own may be sug
gestive. Having occasion to stain some wood
work in my store after business hours, I
mixed the stain in boiled linseed oil and
wiped the work off with large rags. These
oily rags I rolled up in a tight ball some five
inches in diameter and threw them on the
floor at the rear end of the store. Fortu
nately I stopped to do some writing, for at
the end of half an hour rbegan to smell burn
ing paint I hunted for tho cause out doors
and in, upstairs and down, and finally, stum
bling over the rags, tho ball broke open and
revealed a mass-of fire. The inside of the
bunch was all a live coal The next day, to
convince doubting Thomases, I tried the ex
periment over again, and in three-quarters of
an hour had a brisk fire started by spontane
ous combustion. Cor. Chicago Tribune.
At the Villain's Throat.
One of the most admired performers in a
sensational drama recently produced in Cin
cinnati was a big bulldog, that at a critical
point in tho play came bounding out, and,
seizing the villain by the throat, or there
abouts, bung on like grim death, amid up
roarious applause. The other night he
grabbed the man as usual, but something
gave way, and the dog fell near the footlights,
and then be stood there and calmly ate a big
piece of liver, which had been fastened under
the villain's throat.and had hitherto been the
incentive for the dog's exertion. New York
A "Boomerang" Shell.
Another new shell, which is called the
Mitrailleuse, after tho celebrated fieldpiece of
that iiamo, Las been invented by a mechanical
engineer named Thimon, who has served in
the artillery. This terrible engine is pro
ductive of four different results. It shatters
the object at which it is aimed, and, continu
ing its course, sends twelve bullets forward
and the same number backward, finally ex
ploding and discharging 144 bullets. Experi
ments will be made with the new engine at
Perigueux in a few days. Paris Cor. London
Ice of a Glacier.
With regard to glacier ice, a eurious specu
lation has recently been made, according to
which the Aletsch glacier, situated between
the Juugfrau and the valley of the Haute
lllioue, if it were cut into blocks of the size
of tho Paris Bourse, and these blocks were
put side by side, would furnish sufficient ice
to form a double ring round the earth along
tho equator. Most of the Swiss glaciers are
far too difficult of access to make it probable
that they should ever be utilised for indus
trial purposes. New York Sun.
Ignorant of tho Country.
"I have been conductor on a Pullman car
running between Chicago and Hornellsville
for the past five years," said a young red
headed man in a suit of blue clothes, "but I
must confess that I never saw a single station
on the lino between Chicago and Youngs
town, O., and I pass them all three times a
week. No, I am neither blind or deaf; but
you see the run between Chicago and Youngs
town is made at night, and I have no oppor
tunity to see the towns west of Ohio.
Chicago Herald.
As Dlamlaatod Cathedral.
The great Glasgow cathedral was lighted
throughout with gas for the first time a fort
night ago, and the effect fa said to have been
exceedingly fine, as the brilliant light fully
reveals all tho interior beauties of the build
ing, which have hitherto been concealed;
while from the outside nothing can be finer
than the view of the long liaa of stained (lass
windows. Chicago Times.
Tho Men, Toaats aad Capital Employed.
Difference Between Hand Made
I-oaves aad Those Made by Machinery,
loaves la tho Orea.
A loaf of bread the most Ingenious ma
chinery has been devised to make it; ma
chinery that will beat the hand all to pieces
in purity, quickness, and the quality of the
article turned out In the large establish
ments a machine mixes tho sponge, makes
and kneads the dough, and dry heat in brick
conduits bakes it, while steam in coils of pipe
gives the delicious gloss to the upper crust
To the average consumer a loaf of bread
seems to be just what its name implies; but,
then, one of the leading concerns in the city
turns out seventeen varieties of bread Eu
reka, home made, Vienna, hotel, Pullman,
brick, pan, American cream, Canada, Jumbo, a
new process, corn, Graham, all rye, half rye, '
and Hamburg. This does not include pum
pernickel and schwarzbrod of the sturdy
Teuton, nor the savory horn bread of the
French gourmand.
Of leading firms who have made the pro
duction of bread an object of big investments
there are five hi the city. One of them em
ploys sixty teams, 100 eople, a capital of
$100,000, and turns out 14,000 loaves of bread
evoryday. The five firms, together with a
dozen wholesalers, havo not less than 800
teams, 1,500 men and $1,250,000 employed,
while the estimate for the 343 retailers is
1,000 teams, 2,000 men and $750,000 capital,
making a total of 1,800 teams, 3,500 men and
$2,000,000. All these agencies are busy from
morn till night, and part of the latter, to
turn out the 300,000 loaves of bread which,
an experts estimate says, are daily consumed
in Chicago, not to speak of rolls, buns, twists,
cakes and crackers.
Afoafpf bread an everyday occurrence,
yet what a difference between the small baker
who "sets" his own sponge, kneads his own
dough with big, red knuckles not overclean,
and then goes to rest for a nap with a piece
of underdone dough for a pillow, waiting
till the "rise" comes, and the steam bakery.
Its worth ones while to make a trip through
one of the big establishments, especially at
this time of the year, when the streets are
cold and the sidewalks slippery. The spong-
l.ers, mealy all over, make the sponge the
yeast and just enough flour to give the mass
consistency on huge, ilat tables, which are
rolled into a warm room, the temperature of
which is kept to a certain degree with great
Then the sponge, after it has fermented,
together with the necessary flour for the
bake, is turned into a hopper, where "con
ductors" with eccentric arms knead the
dough until it is perfectly "even" and "done."
Tho same hopier brings the dough to huge
troughs in the Imsenient, where the mass Ls
allowed to rest for another "rise." timed
with almost alcwlute certainty. Then the
ttenchmen mold the loaf, after the piece of
dough lias lieen weighed. This, of course,
has to be done by hand, and so exierieuced Ls
a first class ltencliinaii that he has but rarely
to add to or take from the lump of dough
which is to make tho loaf of a certain weight
Twice the dough is "worked over," two
lumps being handled at the same time by the
benchmon, whoso left hand must bo trained
as well as his right Then the oven man does
the baking, either in separate pans or on long
trays, according to the quality of tho crust
In the ovens the heat is so well regulated
that the oven man knows to a second when
his bread is done, it scarcely requiring a look
during tho baking. Dry air ducts do the
baking for common bread, while steam coils
at the ceiling of the oven permits moist heat
to be turned on at any momont for a fine
fluLshingof the crust Boys do the dumping
of the bread from the ovens into the baskets,
and then it is ready for the last two handlers,
the driver and the grocer. In the bakery
visited the common five-cent loaf of bread
weighed seventeen ounces; Eureka bread,
costing six cents, and one day old, weighed
eighteen ounces; home made bread, also six
cents, had the same weight one day pro
ducing a shrinkage from one-half to one
ounce, and a six cent loaf of Vienna bread
weighing between sixteen and seventeen
"There is a common belief," said the baker,
"that when flour goes down 50 per cent,
which, of course, it never does, bread ought
to go down 50 per cent too, but, you see, a
loaf of bread requires just the same handling,
machinery and capital invested whether
flour is $1 or $2 a barrel." Big concerns pur
chase the flour in large quantities and keep
it a certain length of time before it is used.
Old flour makes better bread and permits of
exact calculations for rising of the dough and
the bake.
White-hooded sisters of charity do not a
little driving in the bread line, gathering in
unsalable loaves for the poor in their care,
and. as to stale wheat bread, paper hangers
use not a few leaves to clean wall paper and
smoky ceilings. Lincrusta-Walton, the new
ornamental composition for wainscoting and
plafonds, is almost exclusively renovated by
being rubbed with stalo bread. Chicago
Herald. '
Hannah Leone's Occalt Iaflaeaee Over
tho Great ActressMedjeska's Notion.
Hannah Leone's history has never been
told, and as it gives an interesting page in
theatrical history it fa worth relating.
Hannah many years ago married a worth
leas fellow named Leone, and after enduring
with him for a few years she finally left him
and accepted the position of a dresser to
Adelaide Neilson. Hannah is a short, hump
backed woman, but she has pleasing features
and some call her pretty. From the time
she first accepted the position with Neilson,
np to the time of that talented actress' sad
death, Hannah performed her duties without
ever making a mistake. Her duties as a
dresser consisted in packing and unpacking
her mistress' wardrobe and in dressing Neil
son for the stage. As Hannah was obliged
to know where every article was and at a
minute's notice be able to place her hand
upon it, it may readily be seen that her duties
were not only onerous, but that they also re
quired a great deal of bead work to success
fully perform.
Hannah exercised some strange occult in
fluence over Neilson, and it is said that that
most beautiful but most wayward woman
feared and loved no one but her, and that one
look from Hannah's clear eyes had more in
fluence over her than the prayers and en
treaties of a hundred friends. Certain it is
that Neilson loved the quiet little woman, for
after her (Neilson's) will was read it was
found that she had bequeathed to Hannah
Leone the most beautiful and valuable set of
jewels of her priceless collection.
After Neilson's sad death in Paris Hannah
returned to this country, and for some time
remained in privacy ; but iii 18S2 or 1883 she
became Modjeska's dresser, and she was with
the latter until last falL
Modjeska, like other great actresses, has
her pet superstitions. First among them is
that if she goes on the stage at the first pro
Juction of a new piece without rubbing her
hand over a humpbacked person's back the
play will be a dismal failure. Hannah, on
account of her hump, was invaluable to Mod
jeska, but owing to some disagreement she
was finally discharged.
At the production of "Daniela" in New
York a short time since, after everything
was ready, Modjeska refused to allow the
piece to go on unless she could rub her hand
over a humpbacked person's back. The stage
manager was in agony until he haommed to
espy a numpDacxea man in the audience.
The manager quietly had him called upon the
stage, and after Modjeska had daintily
caressed his hump with the tips of her fingers
she consented to make hor entrance upon the
stage, and the play moved smoothly on.
Hannah Leone is a finely educated woman,
speaking three or four different languages,
and it is owing alone to the great love she
boro Neilson that she has never risen to a
higher place in the world. She is living at
present in New York, quietly, on one of the
uptown streets. She has had many offers
from great actresses to enter their service,
but has not considered any of them favorably.
New York Star.
Disappearance of Mallards and Teat
How Professionals Hunt.
The only explanation of the disappearance
of tho ducks from.their former haunts near
the city is the destruction of the feed wild
celery, water cress, wild rice, etc. During
the past month these plants have died in such
quantitiesthat the ducks have fled to other
feeding places, and' those that remain behind
are remarkably thin and have a fishy flavor.
The unusually low water in the river and in
the swamps, in consequence of which most of
the lagoons are dry, may have something to
do with the disappearance of these swamp
plants and the flight of the ducks.
The ducks have retired deeper into the
swamps, and Lake Ieray and Bayou des
Allemands have become the hunting grounds
for mallards and teal. The latter is one of
the oldest hunting grounds in the Union, and
the supply of game is apparently as inex
haustible to-day as it was a century and a
half ago, when the Dutch hunters from whom
the bayou is named supplied, the town of New
Orleans with ducks. There are over 400 pro
fessional hunters on Bayou des Allemands
alone, and from the single station of Bayou
des Allemands, on the Southern Pacific roads,
no less than 1,000,000 ducks were shipped to
New Orleans last year, and as many as 12,000
in a single day. The average number killed
each year by a good professional hunter fa
The profe-BiionaJs hunt in parties of from
ten to thirty, and have regularly organized
camps in the center of the swamp. They
havo their rudo huts built in the higher
patches of ground, and running from their
houfios for miles back in the prairie are
ditches that they have cut, and which they
keep always open. It fa through these
miniature canals that they push their pi
rogues when searching for ducks. Both sides
of the bayou are complete networks of these
ditches, running in all directions. The most
rigid observance is maintained of the rights
of ownership of these canals. It is this that
prevents amateur hunters from accomplish
ing much in tho way of shooting ducks, as
they have no use of these canals and are un
able to force their pirogues, or dug outs,
through tho thick matted grass everywhere
covering tho swamp. Even the professionals
find this grass very troublesome, and more
than half the ducks killed are lost in it
Nearly all the best hunting grounds in the
bayou have thus been taken up, and tho ama
teurs ore left only the outlying districts,
where ducks are few and tho hunting bad.
Just west of the duck fields are the snipe
and woodcock grounds, in St Mary parish,
where a good hunter will pick off 350 snipe
and 150 woodcock a day. Both snipe and
woodcock are abundant just now, and there
are some pralrio hickens to be found also.
The supply of these, of wild turkeys, deer,
rabbits, and other game, is making good
some of the deficiency due to the lack of
ducks. New Orleans Cor. New York Sun.
The Market for Sassafras.
"It's twelve years now since I began to
supply the Chicago market with sassafras,"
said Thomas Sapp, the other day. Mr. Sapp
is a tall and portly gentleman from Indiana;
his hair is gray and ho wears on his chin a
tuft of whiskers of the same shade. "Yes,
sir, I've been in this line twelve years and I
have somo customers now that I had at the
first When I started out I didn't have much
of a trade, but I have built It up until now I
get rid of about $000 worth a year. Ob, yes,
it's a pretty fair business. You see the sassa
fras that I sell and that which fa sold in the
stores are two different things. I cut mine
when the sap is in tho root, the stores get
theirs when the sap is in the boughs making
leaves. I calculate that sassafras is good fot
everybody. Now I come from the Terre
Haute region and I know what I am talking
"Sassafras has different effects upon differ
ent ieople. The best way to take it is to eat
a little of it every day. Some folks will take
a whole hunch and chew it down at once.
That's no way. Some others will boil it
down, get the strength out of it and drink it
all at once. That's no way, neither. The
way to do is to eat it a little at a time. It re
laxes the system and opens the pores, letting
the impurities pass out in that way. Now
there's one man in tbfa town that I have sold
tojfor twelve years, and from the fact that
during all that time he has been in one place
and at one desk I suspect that he's a pretty
steady man. He says it does him good and I
guess it does. What does the sassafras tree look
like Well, well, now, the sassafras tree
looks like it looks like I should say that- it
resembles well, it looks more like the black
gum than anything else that I know of. It's
a great tree." Chicago Herald.
Tho Culloarr Artist's Despair.
The French delegation sent over to the inau
guration of the Bartboldi Statue of Liberty
was entertained at dinner by the Union League
club. And what a supper ! A supper such as
only the wedding feasts of Gamache could give
an idea. The dishes served were of the most ex
quisite and costly description; the confection
ery was of the most learned and artistic sort;
dish after dish came on selected from a bill
of fare which covered no less than an enor
mous page of closely printed text Nothing, in
fact, was wanting except the appetite to do
honor to a banquet worthy of Sardanapalus.
At midnight the first course was still in
progress. The chairman thereupon took a
decisive step He summarily put a stop to
endless pageant, and ordered champagne to
be served.
I have since learned that this firm resolve
on the part of the chairman proved almost a
death blow to the cook of the club, an Italian,
whose amour propre was at stake. He had
dreamed of out rivaling his most formidable
competitors of New York by setting before
real connoiseurs a repast which, from first to
last, should prove a gastronomic crescendo of
the highest order. In his despair, the cook
was with difficulty prevented from thrusting,
not a sword like Vatel, for he had none but
a kitchen knife through his body. Kind
words, however, brought him round to a
calmer mood. Take consolation, O grand
culinary artist! for the French delegation,
despite its poor appetite, has retained a last
ing sense of your merits. M. Charles Bigot
in Paris Revue-Bleuc.
Take SufBcleiit Drink.
Medical authorities now declare that it fa of
vital importance to health that the system
should receive daily a sufficient quantity of
water to amount to what sailors would call a
"flushing;" that is, .sufficient to wash away
the waste. Most of the matter which should
be excreted is solid, and requires a compara
tively large volume of fluid to dissolve it m
that it may be cast off, an example of which
may be seen in the case of uric acid, which
needs several thousand times its weight in
water to dissolve, or else it crystallizes in the
shape of calculi, or produces other disease.
Three and a half pints of water or other clear
fluid, not obstructed by semi-solid contents,
should be taken daily by every adult, and by
Urge people as much as four and a half or
Ave pints, In order to keep the cells of the
kidneys well washed out the effete waste
matter from the possibility of depositing itself
where it may do harm, and the system in
health generally. Harper's Bazar.
Any Trivial tittle Thing Easily Becomes
a CraseFun With Beaa BasePara
phernalia of tho Game-Drawing m
"The man who will invent a new parlor
game that will catch the fancy of society
needn't trouble himself about the little cares
of this life." said a society man. "All tho
circles high and low are thirsting for some
thing new, and whoever gets in with it first
fa sure to make a fortune. Now, to show you
how easily a trivial little thing becomes a
.craze, I nave only to call your attention to
the bean bag game. It isn't the old bean bag
that you toss from one row or line of persons
to another, bat a game that requires a little
skill in throwing. That's the secret of the
whole thing the throwing. You want a
number of bean bags of different sizes, a piece
of painted canvas, with a hole in it, and ap
pliances to stretch the canvas between the
folding doors dividing two parlors, and when
you've got them you've got the new craze
complete. I've seen twenty married men
and women throwing bags at the hole in the
canvas for two hours, and they seemed to
enjoy it so much that they were reluctant to
stop and go borne. If you bear a business
man complain of a sore shoulder you can
truthfully suspect him of bean throwing.
There is a sort of excitement about the game
that makes it popular, but it wont run very
long. Men like it because they want to
demonstrate to their wives that they can
throw straighter than women; also because
it makes them think of the days when a shin
ing silk hat was a mark for a snowball or a
"Of course there are prizes for the best
throwers as there are for the best players of
progressive euchre, and once the things gets
in motlou everybody does his best to get the
best prize. There are ton sizes of bags, and
they count from 10 to 100, the latter of course
being the largest bag. A thrower begins
with the ton, and if he succeeds in putting it
through the hole in the canvas lie tries to
send the twenty bag after it, and continues
to throw until he scores a miss, when he has
to give way to the next person on the list
The paraphernalia of the game, as you can
see, is simple, yet it can be made to cost a
good deal of nioneyjf any anylmdy has a no
tion for costly things. I am credibly informed
that the genius who inveuted it has already
made $20,000 from tho manufacture and sale
of bags and canvas, awl that bis profits are
increasing every day.
"There is another form of amusement that
is coming into favor very rapidly, though ib
isnt nearly as popular as the beau tiag. It is
the drawing of objects on paper and slates
blindfolded. I was at apart' the other night
when a contest of this kind was gotten up by
some of the ladies, and it proved a source of
genuine fun.
" ' Now,' began one of the ladies who pro
posed tho game, 'I will blindfold Mr. M
and let him try to draw a pig.' Mr. M
was accordingly blindfolded, a pencil was
put in his band, and ho Ugau to truce tho
outlines of a porker ou a piece of drawing
paper. It was funny, I tell 'ou, to watch
that pig as he develujd it AVhen ho got
through and removed tho handkerchief from
his eyes to catch a glimpse at his work he just
said, 'Rata, that ain't a pig. I can do better
than that'
"He was right It wasn't a pig, and it
would havo taken a greater genius than any
that saw it to have likened it to any object to
be found above ground. There were two or
three stock yards men in the party, men who
buy and sell hogs every day, and not one of
them came nearer a pig than a pig itself
could if it had a penciL All this may look
trivial to persons who don't get a great deal
of parlor entertainment, but I assure you it
was good fun for everybody there, it doesn't
take much to amuse people who are at all
inclined toba domestic in tlieir tastes, and the
simpler the game the more popular it will
become. That's why irogressive euchre has
stood so long." Chicago Herald.
Georgia Dialects.
In former days Georgia that Ls the great
crackerdom of Georgia was settled from
little colonies of other states and countries.
Thus, each section preserved traces of the
local dialect spoken in the region whence the
settlers emigrated. In the mountain countries
people say "we'uns" and "you'uns." "kin
you'uns tell we'uns the way," etc. In wire
grass Georgia these, expressions are not used
except in rare instauces. In the mountains
they call it a "hunk o' bread," meaning u
piece. In the wire grass it fa a "chunk '
bread." Bo it goes. What is coiumou in one
section fa strange hi another.
What fa said of the whites is especially true
of the negroes. The negroes of the northern
and middle counties speak a dialect that Ls in
many ways different from the outlandish
gibberish jabbered by the salt water darkies,
whose gabble is about as intelligible as the
chatter of rice birds that infest their own
tide water plantations. And yet the guilelesi
author will hear a conversation between two
city hackmea and retire to his study and
evolve a dialect sketch that is a cross between
the tarwbeel twaddle and the talk of the
typical dude minstrel with formidable shirt
front and burnt cork accompaniments. At
lanta Constitution.
Hit Salary Didn't Go Up.
"I had been working for three years for one
of our old time wholesale houses," said a De
troiter who was calling up reminiscences,
"and I finally concluded that I ought to have
a raise of salary. I began on $4 per week
and was raised to $6, but there it had stuck
for two years. The head man of the firm
was a cold, stiff, austere man, who seldom
recognised an employe ami was known to be
hard hearted. I hesitated a lonf tiino before
daring to approach him on tho suljt-t nearest
to my heart, but one day I slid into the
private office when I knew he was alone.
"'Well, sir,' he smqa out, short as pie
" I I came to to'
"Came to what, sir!'
" 'I I came to ask you if you you didn't
" 'See. here, William!' he uud as he wheeled
around on me, 'if my daughter loves you, and
you love her, I've no objection to your mar
riage. Fix it up between you and don't
bother me again.'
"The old roynardt Ho bail a daughter,
but I had never spoken to her in my life, uud
he knew it He answered me the way he did
to stop me from asking for a raise of salary.
It was a year and a half after that before I
was lifted to $8 per week." Detroit Fret
Everday Side of a Very Commonplace
Occupation Bat Uttle Glory.
"There to one thing I never could under
stand," said one of the oldest of the central
office detectives the other afternoon, "and
that Is why there should be such a fascina
tion to most parsons about the life of a de
tective. I think about half the youth of
America must hold fa their dearest ambition
to be detectives some day. I aappose the
great nasaber of trashy hooks thrown on the
public every weak whjph portray the life of
a detective as all excitement and glory are re
sponsible for most of it-books like the lurid
staff pabhshed over the name of Allan
Pinkerton, and which Allan Pmktrton had
about as much to do with as you or L
The truth fa that there fa precious little
that's ffckiag ui ttffl kw. of glory in a
detedffs's Hfe. Were not forever going
aboa J dfagufaes and tracking down express
robbfm aad desperate nmrderers at the risk
of oar jives, loan toll yon. There isn't oue
detojjfveia ton thousand that ever has any
experience remotely resembling the wiia tales
that are continually being told about us. If
Fifth avenue millionaires should be continu
ally described as habitually sawing cords of
wood every morning before breakfast the
public would think it very strange, woulln't
itf But that wouldn't he half as uuuatural
as .constantly describing detectives as un
earthing strange and mysterious crimes by
means of clews of red, red hair or a broken
toothpick, Tho average detective fa really
not much more than a watchman. Ho differs
from an ordinary patrolman principally hi
that be wears no uniform, has no regular
beat, and fa rappoaed to have greater ability
and discrimination. The larger part of bfa
work fa not a bit more interesting or exciting
than that of the average patrolman. He may
recognise some old offender on the street and
run him In, watch some important building,
hunt up somebody's stolen watch in a pawn
shop, stay up all night in the rain or snow to
keep an eye om a boodle alderman's back uoor,
or go out to Chicago and bring back some
criminal who is wanted here. If ho is good
looking and has a polished address he may be
assigned to somo big ball or party to see that
the guests dont runoff with the spoons, but
ten chances to one if hoVon the force twenty
years he'll never do anything more exciting.
In order to get the precious privilege of
leading his hum-drum mid uncomfortable
kind of a life, most of us have served hard
apprenticeship iu tho ranks of the police and
demonstrated the possession of sense and judg
ment iu some emergency such as may nover
happen to more than one man in 10,000."
New York Commercial Advoftiser.
Kunalng an Account.
It is a convenient thing to have a standing
account at a store, where you can go at any
time, order what yon please, and have it
charged, without the worry of having to con
sider whether you havo money in your
purse to pay for it or not, but it is also true
that these items, small though they may be,
mount up with appalling rapidity into a sum
that always surpasses expectation. Besides,
this, the very best calculators, and those who
generally use a wise economy, buy thing9 in
tins way which they could easily do with
out did they take the time for reflection
which cash payments would often compel.
It is so easy, when an article that seems nt
the time desirable ls seen, to order it sent and
charged for, tho temptation overcomes the
buyer before the strength which comes from
looking at the matter on all sides enables her
to resist the impulse to buy. Often purchases
are made in this way and regretted, while
something that was for more necessary must
in consequence be gone without
Merchants understand that a great deal
more is likely to be bought where there is a
running account than when cosh is paid
down, which explains their readiness to trust
thoso whom they havo reason to bclievo will
pay what thoy honestly owe. The excess will
in nine cases out of ten, more than couqwu
sato for the loss of interest upon the out
standing sums, though there is no question
but that they sometimes lose large amounts
by the failure of individuals through mis
fortune, sickneKS, duath or deliberate rascal
ity to discharge their debts. Emily S. Boutou
in Toledo Blade.
A Monuiiu.nt to Napoleon III.
A very violent controversy Ls going on in
most of the luqiers on the proposal of Hig.
Negri, syndic of Milan, to erect tho monu
ment executed in honor of Napoleon III, in
1S73. The Milanese, remembering Napo
leon's efforts for the liberation of Lombardy,
and his triumphant entry into Milan by the
side of Victor Emmanuel In 1850, opened a
subscription to erect a monument to him.
The well known sculptor Barsaghi was
charged with its execution, and at the clou
of the Milan exhibition in 18S1 it was to havo
been ereuted. But unexpected opposition
arose from a strong faction of the advanced
party. They rembered that iu 18t Louis
Napoleon's troops opposed at Mentana tho at
tempt of the Italian volunteers to liberate
Rome, and protested loudly against the exer
tion of this monument in a public square.
Serious disturbances ensued, und it was de
cided to let the question stand over. It Ls
now thought that the municipal council will
iusist upon the erection of the monument
Home Cor. London News.
The Effects of Mafhria.
It does not matter at all whether the ma
laria springs from a rocky sub-stratum which
keeps the surface water from lutssing oiT, as
on Staten Island and much of tho coast knolls,
or from underground streams, as in tho lower
half of New York city, or low river flats,
whether those of the Bronx or tho 1'otomac,
or a country barnyard, or a combination of
sanitary blunders in an uptown mansion, sea
side villa or princely schloss. Malaria Ls bad
air, and wherever it comes meansjirst ague,
then rheumatism, then death, and the last
not before it is wished for. As a clever doc
tor and inspector of the board of health told
the writer in a charming, but unsanitary,
house iu one of the healthiest places around
New York: "You must either have things
put in order or die, or else you will wLsh you
had died." New York Mail and Express;.
The Hot End of the ,Ioke.
Here is a good story told of Roddy's caval
ry. One day the troopers were about to go
into battle, dismounted, leaving every fourth
man to hold the horses. The men were drawn
up to count from right to left Of course,
every fourth man felt jolly, and this is the
way the count went on:
"One, two, three, bully 1"
"One, two, three, bully!"
Gen. Roddy heard each fourth man call out
"bully." His face flushed. When all had
called off he said:
"Numbers 1, 2 and "bully" will go into the
fight as dismounted cavalry. No. 3 will hold
the hones."
There were a good many sick "bullies" that
day. Atlanta Constitution.
Seeking- an Expert Opinion.
"Are you an actor f asked a lanky look-in
man, addressing a Ufa to habitue.
"I am, sir-r," was tho reply; "ar-r-e you
looking for talont?"
"Not exactly, but I want to ask you wliat
kind of wood, in your opinion, makes thulxat
railroad ties?" New York Sun.
Stitches in an Overcoat.
A Vienna tailor, wagered recently that it
took more than 40,000 stitches to make a win
ter overcoat To decide the question a coat
was ordered, and a committee of experts sat
to superintend the work, as well as to see thai
no unnecessary stitches were made. Tho re
sult was announced as follows: Body of the
coat, 4,780 stitches: collar, 8.05t; sewing col
lar on, 1753; buttonholes, 2,520; sleeves, with
lining, 0S0; pockets, 921; silk lining of lody,
with wadded interior, 17,t3; braiding, 2,72m.
Total, 30,019 stitches. Keicheubergcr Zeifc
A Hymn of Grace.
The Nashville university singers, a Land of
colored students, aru traveling in Canada.
At a hotel in Brantford the other day, after
they hail taken their places for dinner, they
began to chant a hymn as grace, but were in
terrupted by a Chicago guest shouting: "Stop
tliat singing!" The singers desisted, al
though earnestly requested to proceed. Tho
interrupter, after dinner, was ordered to seek
another hotel. Now York Sun.
A Fine Dinllnction.
Lawyer Now you know the man isn't
truthful, do you not?
Witness I wouldn't like to say so, sir.
Lawyer Why notf A milder way of
stating it would suit you better, (terhapsf
Witness Just so. I wouldn't like to de
cide as to the veracity; but I know that be
is decidedly unhfatoricaL
The Rothschilds, who now control all the
quicksilver mines in tho world, are said to bo
intending extensive investment in gold
National Bank!
Authorized Capital of $250,000,
A Surplus Fund of - $20,000,
And the laiwHt Pal A la Cash Capital of
any lnuik in thin art of the State.
tSlVotitrt recehed and interest 4iut ou
CfifIraft ou the principal oitit n in this coun
try and Kurot! bought and Mold.
t3'oHs?tiou and all other buttineet tciveu
prompt and careful attention.
O.T.KOEN. Cashier.
gushtrss Wrfe.
D. T. Mautt.n, M. D.
K. J. Sciiun, M. D.
U. S. Examining Surgeons,
Local Surgeon. Union Pacific, O.. N. &
H. II. and R .t M. IU RV.
Consultation in Ccnnan und English. Tele
phoned at otiice mill reHideueeH.
Cft'-OHiiv ou Olivo stnvt. next to Ilrodfueh-
rern jev.eirj Blow.
TTAittUlO .HKAi;!ll. .,
Platte Center. Nebraska. tf-y
vyf a. ncAi,MiTi:i;,
.tTTouxKr.t- xor.inv I'uituc.
OlJiis-ui-ntairn in llenrjV Imililiiif,-. corner of
Olm.nml nth Htr.s-N. miRKUsVj
I'lmtnin Ern-I Imildiiii.. Illli stiei t.
'-rii..Y" jtMi,
tC-Onl.TH left at Arnold' or at hi liotn.t
will n-ceiw. prompt iitteutioii. "luyss7J'.m
tiJt.i.iVAr Kt::ii:ic.
Ollii-o over First National Rank. CoIiiuiIuih,
Xelraka. MMf
rifvsici ix .ixn xriHtKox.
"Ojli.e and riMiuiH, (ilii.k Imil.linj,', tllli
reel, telephone citmmiiiiM'ation. .y
.11. flMIMKIM.I,
.irroh'XKV r xor.ucY rrni.n;.
CrrOitiis. over Ki.-sl National Rniilv.Coliini.
lilts, ISelirnoka.
luurv i:iimii--,
coi'xty arni'KYoR.
i4fKMv dextrine siirveiiiK doiiit can ail
dress. me at ('.luuibiix. Neb., or call at mi ollico
in t ouit House. fUnajhti-y
jv -;i: ioti:aiii:hn.
W. H. Ted row, Co Sapt.
I will l. at inj othYe. in the Court House the
llnril hatiirija ,,r month for the examina
tion of teacher. y.Mf
K. J. 4 HAS. , 1,1',
Columbia. Nebraska.
,ffl.m''v, ,l,h K,','-t. Consultations iu En
glish, trench uud ' muni. l"im.iri)7
vy "-" linos,
onej KojmN l-tw-en any iwiintM of the city,
hand suitable for pi.iMti.riu: ami buil.Hiik' pur
IMwrt. furnished iu any part of city or on board
cars nt le prices.
JOHN . UKilllNS. C. .1. .HARLOW.
Collection Attorney.
Sptcialtj made of Collections by C. J. (Jirlow.
. r. fti;:' er, m. i
Chronic Diseases aid Diseases of
Children a Special tr.
58piliceon Oliieslrcet, threo north of
rirst National Hunk. 'j.iy
rp ii.ri;k;iii-:.
Nth St., opposite Lindell Hotel.
Sella Harries. KniiilI.(oIIarri.WhipM. RIanketn,
( urry onih, lini-hex. tnmkx, isd'sex, biitfft-y
top-, rie-hioiiH. carriage trimmi'mc. Ac, at tho
Iouit-t p.-.Hil,Ie prie, h. h'e4iirH prompt h at
tended to.
Tin and Sheet-Iron Ware !
Job-Work, Roofinj and Gutter
ing a Specialty.
Cs7Nl.op on Oliie stn-et, 2 doors north of
RrtHlfiiehrer's.lew.-lr Store. yj-tf
can live at home, and innke more
money at work for u-. than at any
thing e!w in the uorlil. ('ul.ital not
needed: ou are M.irted free. Koth
s.-xe:all iw. A uj one can do the work. Ijire
eariiiPK sup. from 1 r..t tatt. ( itlj outfit ami
tiTii: liw. I! tier pot delny. Cisottyou nothing
toceuil u jour iu!!rer.r. anil hud out; if yon am
wi.-ejou will doiHiat once. H. Hai.i.ktt A Co.,
I'ortlHiuI. Maine. docXJ-'sSy
100 paces.
. tioolctoran
lnuMBa,, advertiser
.RTISINC '. u llc cxporl
"" '"' ..''' or fitherwiie.
1 1 contains Ii-tso! newspapers ami estimates
of the cost oradvertisiii;.TlieadvcrtNer who
wants to scn1 one dollar. Umls m ittlie in
formation he reriiitrca. while forhim who will
invest one hundred thousand dollars in ad
vertising, a scheme is indicated which will
meet hit every rermlrement, or can be matte
todotoby ilightchti-nrjtamsilji arrivtdat bycor
respomlenee. It'J editions have been issued.
Sent, post-paid, to any address for 10 cents.
Write to GEO. P. KOWELL A CO.,
(lOSpruoaaUPrluUngUouseSq.), Now York.