The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, May 04, 1887, Image 4

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WHALING on the sound.
Lookout and Sicaal Poles A Whale In
Sight Embarking for the Chase Capt
ured and Towed Asliore Cut lp and
Tried Out Tor Oil.
The off shore fishery Is still au organized in
dustry in Ainaganiett, Easthampton, Bridg
bamptou ami Southampton, four villages
and townships forming the extreme eastern
end of Long Island. Walking their foaming
beaches in summer days one sees in some
prominent sand dune a tall pole firmly
planted on the sand with cleats nailed upon
it at intervals, so that it can bo easily as
cended. "Within sight, perhaps a mile dis
tant, is another, and so the coast is belted
with them from the Hamptons on the west
quite beyond Amagansett. These are thi
lookouts' of the. whale nhers,and also servo
the same purpose when the menliadennreon
shore in the spring. On a cold, wintry morn
ing some one a patrolman from the life
saving station perhajis discovers a school
of whales a mile or two offshore. Heat
once climbs the nearest pole and swings his
jacket as a "weft." Bright eyes are ever
on the watch, and at once a huge fish horn
Is hounded in the village ordering a rally,
lazy ponies are liarnessed into crazy wagons,
the three loats' crews jump in and they are
off on a gallop to the beach, followed by all
the able bodied men, womn and children of
the village.
The great whale boats are drawn up on
the sands near the boat house, the latter con
taining oars, harpoons, lances, the coiled
harpoon line anil other implements of the
chase. Hairy, brawny arms run the boat
down to the marge, over which at regular
intervals the breakers throw their carpets of
foam. The men stand statuesque by the
Bide of the boat until the smallest of the
"three brothers" (for so they term the
graded series of waves which form the
ryhthm of the sea) breaks, when they run the
craft in with a rush and pull out in the lull
beyond the foaming crests. Once outside
the line of surf the loat steerer at the helm
takes a look around for the whales. They
are about a mile out, feeling on the "britt"
(a miuuto sea animal of a reddish cast) just
beneath the surface, occasionally coming up
to "spout."
The loat steals cautiously on the quarry,
the harpooner in the bow weajion in hand,
while we on the beach watch with bated
breath the result It is no easy matter to
approach a whale under these circumstances.
A grizzled old veteran, with hands on hiis,
indicates some of the difficulties: "Ef yeou
cum up on the side the brute sights ye an'
makes off; cf yeou cum up directly in lib
wake he senses j-e in some curious way and
off he goes. You'll see the cnp'n'll cum up
quarterin' like."
The boat was very near one of the largest
of the whales. Presently we saw the iron' "
flash and bury itself in the monster, the har
pooner exchange places with the boat steerer,
his long, gleaming lance in hand, and then le
canie sensible that the boat was leing borne
with terrihle swiftness beyond our ken. Less
and less it grew, now a Finall speck on the
horizon then vanishing altogether.
"They may go at that pace for twenty
mile," said the veteran. 'More than 'once
I've found myself out there indicating the
horiron), no land in sight, fast to a whale,
an meblw a fog or storm comin' up. The
chances arc. though, that in a mile or two
the whale'U lie on the water and sulk. Then
the boat'll steal up and the cap'n'H give him
the death thrust witli the lance. Them's
pretty e-ti-itin' times. I've be'n tliar often.
The blow grazes the black, shiny hide, the
cap'n thrusts; an' when he pulls out the lance
a shower of blood f oilers, offen drenching the
boat's crew. If possible the lance is given
another thrust, then it's well to back water,
for the beast soon goes into the death flurry,
an' would break a cast iron boat to pieces if
it struck it. The whalo sinks once it is dead,
and the men mark its iosition by a buoy
with a nag uttached. The sinking in deep
water is n bud thing for the whalemen. A
whalo that sinks in 200 fathons is apt to stay
On the beach tiie boat landed during the
night, and the men finding shelter at station
0, came into town in the morning reporting
having sunk the whale about ten miles out.
On the third da' the quarry is expected to
rise, and the men row out, returning with it
late ut night Next morning there is quite
a stampede to view the monster, which has
formed almost the sole topic of gossip in the
stores for the past two nights. It lies bump
ing in the surf, having grounded some little
way out, a huge, black, bining mass, one fin
upright, and the huge nukes swaying in the
urf. Capt. Edwards is six feet high, but
when he stands upi ight beside the fin liis head
is on a level with its tip. The men suarm
upon the whnle like the Liliputians on Gul
liver, maintaining their footing by sharp
prods in their boots and by the stout hawser
fastened round the flukes and carried to an
anchor on shore. As it lays these four
wagons and teams "tandem," do not com
pass its length, and two tall men one stand
ing on the other's head would not reach to its
upper surface.
Edwards began operations by cutting with
his spade a deep incision in the neck forward
of the flu and continuing until he struck and
unjointed the huge vertebra?. Next the lip
of the head was taken off, expsing the
upright row of whalebone lining the cavity
of the mouth with is hairy filaments, used by
the whale in straining the "britt" on which
it feeds. This is the most valuable part, bone
having ruled at times during the past few
years as high as $3 per pound Next the men
nttack the IkkIv, cutting long furrows around
the animal and then by cross lines dividing
the blubber into large, square sections, which
are towed ashore. The men work lively, for
a storm is liable to break upon them at any
time and sweep the prize from its hold.
"When one side lias been stripped the huge
carcass is turned at flood tide and the re
maining side stripped. Meantime far up the
beach under the protecting dunes prepara
tions for trying the blublwr are progressing
with vigor. Tho trypots set in brickwork
will hold 180 gallons each, and weigh COO
pounds. There is but little wood besido eucli
kettle the scrapple will feed tho Arcs, after
the first kettleful is boiled. The trying coes
on by
night and by day. Detroit Free
Private Dalzell Writes to the Children
About the It-ojs 1b Blue.
Would you like to see the soldiers at din
ner in their camp? They are called Boys in
Blue, for their coats and pantaloons are
bright blue and so are their caps. They all
dress just alike. There arc thousands of
them. Did you ever see 10,000 big, grown
up boys in a field together? I have seen
more that that take dinner in camp. They
keep their caps on their heads while they eat.
They sit on the green grass. They have no
table to eat off. You see no table cloths
there. Their cups are made of tin and so are
their plates. They have no saucers, and
most of them use no knives or forks. They
use their fingers and pieces of boards to eat
Is not that queer?
Look on their plates. There yon see on
each plate a piece of fat pork with not a bit
of lean, and four spoonfuls of beans, and
four or five white crackers as big a your
saucers. These crackers are hard as a rock,
but the boys have strong, sharp teeth. Look
in ther tin cups. They are fall of hot, black
coffee, without any milk. Sometimes they
have sugar to put in, but no milk. They
have no cows in the army to give milk.
They kill and eat all the cows they r" get.
They do not always have such a good din
ner. That one was a nice 4th of July din
ner. Sometimes they have had no plates or
cups, and nothing at all to eat but hard
.tack, which they bad in their pockets, and
this they had to eat as they marched along
the road, for the man who was their master
would not let them stop long enough to get
One day they marched thirty miles and
had not a bite to eat. They were awful
hungry, and some of them said bad words.
Some of them found some grains of corn
which the horses had left, and they cracked
that with their teeth. They said it made a
good dinner. Another time they were going
along very hungry and found a patch of
turnips and pulled them all np and ate them
raw. Many times they -went to bed on the
cold snow in winter without jany supper.
Soldiers have no booses. They sleep on
blankets oat of doors every night, and when
they get cold they get boards orraikand set
them on Are to get warm. They lire oat of
doors just like rrfcsaad cows. Sometimes it
Make them sick, and 10Q.000 of than got 1
- --.
cold and died. Ineir iatnersana motners
did not see them they were so far off. You
know they all had guns and hid to fight for
you and the flag. Many times they were in
battle when the guns were shooting all day
and all night and had not a bite to eat. So,
you see, they had a hard time. Thousands
of them got killed and more din
ners. Private Dalzell in Cleveland Leader.
Portraits of Ideal Ancestors.
An artist speaking on this subject the other
day said:
"It was only the other day that I had a
request from a wealthy patron of mine who
had very little idea of art to paint the por
trait of an ideal ancestor for him. that he
might hang it in his parlor. He was willing
to pay a good price, so I finally consented,
and gave him a very respectable ancestor at
a moderate cost. The picture now hangs' on
the walls of the moneyed man's drawing
room and receives its due attention from
visitors and guests. I have since heard that
quite a business is carried on by a little Ger
man in the Bowery in the sale of ancestral
portraits. He lives in a dingy subcellar full
of old moldy paintings and dust and cob
webs. He will supply you with an ancestor
at a few hours' notice, from a king and a
queen down to a humble squire. He attends
all the old picture sales and buys old, cracked,
seamed and discolored portraits for almost
nothing. These constitute his stock in
In the first place the pictures are unde
niably old, and what shoddy family but
reverences age and blood? These pictures
are altered to suit the taste of the purchaser
by inserting a coat of arms, and perhaps
making some trifling alterations in the face.
The changes make tho picture unrecognizable
from its former condition, and the host who
exhibits the portrait to his guests after din
ner can lie as much as he wants to about the
family relic with little chance of ever being
found out. It is certainly true that this age
is a progressive one, where a man can pur
chase a coat of arms for a small sum and a
great-great-grandfather, slightly 'damaged,'
for $10 or $13." New York Journal.
New Method in a Kestaurant.
"I don't like to have my order shouted out
by the waiter and related by the carver,
and then howled by the cook and brought to
me by the waiter agaiu announcing the con
tents of the plate at the top of his lungs."
It was a discussion in a moderate priced res
taurant. Not a man in it but yielded
ready assent to the objection of tho sjieakur
to tlie general mode of giving orders for
meals in vogue almost everywhere. Next
day the proprietor said: "It is absolutely
necessary to call out the orders in the rush
of the midday trade, but in deference to
what I heard yesterday I have arranged a
bill of fare in such a way that tho waiter and
carver may shout at each other without ex
posing tho diner's choice of viands. Every
article of food or drink on tho bill is num
bered. The soups, for instance, aro num
bered from ono to twelve. Cousonune is
number one. If the customer chooses that
soup tho well trained waiter will call out
one,atul the server will repeat 'One. and
eventually tho diner will receive his consom
me. Boston baked beans is numbered forty
three; ham aiul eggs is thirty; and so on.
Of course, the curious customer may know
what his ncighliors order by referring to the
list, but few will do that. The scheme will
undoubtedly add to the popularity of tho
plebeian dishes, which are. after all, the
most profitable ones to the caterer. I am
only waiting to set the scheme in operation
until my waiters have familiarized themselves
with the list. They must know- the numbers
so thoroughly that they will not have to
consult the bill to know the number of any
dish except tho uncommon ones." Now
York Cor. Chicago Herald.
Interesting to Labor and to Capital.
An exeriment in tliat phase of co-operation
known as profit sharing has been in
operation during the year 188rt in the Wes
terly granite quarries of Mr. J. G. Batterson. I
of Hartford. The yearly accounts have not I
yet been made out, so that the detailed re
sult in dollars and cents is yet unknown, but
its general effect upon tho industry is de
clared by Mr. Batterson after a vear's t-ial
to be very satisfactory. There liave been uo
31.AA&CS, t-UU 1UL-U U0 1UUHCII UUt MJr .!! il
othc-r's work, which has consequently been
well done; there has been uo question as to
the employment of union or non-union men,
the workmen have supervised themselves to
a great extent and thus saved expense, and
there has been no trouble with contracts.
In an instance when the unskilled laborers
demanded on increase of pay, in accordance
with a tariff established in Maine, the system
rendered easy the avoidance of a strike, the
increase being granted with the understand
ing that it should be deducted from their
share of the profits at tho end of the year.
The statement of the financial result is
awaited with interest, as the plan seems to
give promise of a solution of many of the
difficulties in the relations of capital and
labor. Boston Post.
Origin of the Hornpipe, Reel and Jig.
The dance called the hornpipe is said by
Brewer to have originated in tho west of
England. The Imperial Dictionary describes
it as a dance which originated in England
and is very popular with British sailors.
Tho reel is defined by the Imperial as a lively
dance peculiar to Scotland. All the dic
tionaries define tho reel as a lively Scottish
dance. Hannah More writes to a friend:
"As Westmoreland was so near to Scotland,
you would naturally be fond of a reel." A
jig was originally a lively tune, and was
afterward applied to a quick, light dance
which followed the music. The Irish jig is a
dancing tune of two or three sections, written
in six-eighth time, and the dance to which, it
is played is a great favorite with the festive
Irish. The jig, however, is not peculiar to
Ireland. Shakespeare in "Much Ado About
Nothing," act 2, scene 1, speaks twice of
wooing, as like a Scotch jig, hot and hasty."
Journal of Commerce.
The Flavor of Cigars.
Smokers cannot understand why cigars of
tho same brand and selling at $G0 or $70 per
1,000 have different flavors, and do not all
seem to be equally good. AU these cigars
are made from the same qualitv of Havana
tobacco, paid for at exactly the same price j
ny tue manufacturers, but the difference in
flavors is brought about by the sweating and
other processes through which the different
fnctnrie! nut: f.Viir tvfcc Hun rrff M-tr f,L
its way of treating the tobacco and another i
factory has another wav, so that the cigars
coming from the two factories will differ in i
flavors; though the tobacco is exactly the
same. The skill of a cigarmaker, too, has a
groat deal to do with it. You can give tho
same quality of material to two men and
each will produce a good cigar, but one will
smoke better and have a finer flavor the
ono made by the better cigar maker. Dealer
in Globe-Democrat.
Steatnboatmen'a Superstitions.
Most river and steamboat men are full of
wild theories and pet superstitions. On any
craft that floats in some conspicuous place
or quiet corner you will find a "mascotte,"
most frequently a horseshoe. For myself I
have not much faith in these theories or
superstitions, but I have frequently noticed
that whenever I find and pick up a horse
shoe I am certain to have a run of gooi
luck. So when I see one, as I did a while
ago, I stoop down, pick it up, put it in my
pocket and carry it to my office. I do not
know what will come of to-day's find, but I
have on all previous occasions mode an im
portant sale of steamboat machinery that
day or within a day or two. When I am rid
ing in a carriage and one of the horses dro
a shoe I get out and pick it up. Commodore
Manion in Globe-Democrat.
it is saul that Maj. Ben: Perley Poore,
the Washington correspondent, delights in
tko uso of the words of that dreadful old
man in David Copperfiell who repeated
over and over, "Oh. my eyes and limbs?
Oh, my lungs and liver! Oh, goroo, goroo!"
The other day the playful major saw a
friend walking in front of him, so he stole
np quietly behind, jammed the friend's hat
down over his eyes, grabbed him by the
throat and the hair, and shouted in his
deepest tones. "Oh, my heart on fire? Oh,
my eyes and limbs! Oh, my lungs and
liver! "Oh, goroo, goroo!" By this time
the victim managed to get away, and turned
a fa -e full of wrath and terror on the tickled
joker. It was a face Ha j. Poore had never
seen in his life, and the owner had never
seen Maj. Poore, who male the best apolo
gies possible, and left the stranger ruminat
ing upon the strange characters one meets.
New York Sun.
Henry !. Stanley receives $20,000 a year
exing as the figurehead called vice general
of the Congo state, and is said to lunulas a
wonderful inlaenoe over the yrttl
Very Carious Examples of the Practice.
Whole FaiulUe Boycotted for Tears
and Team What Cold Will Accom
plish Outcast Women.
Boycotting, differing in some particulars
from tho way in which it is done in the
land where the English term originated,
has been practiced for ages in India. There
s this great difference between Irish and
Hindoo boycotting: the former is based
mainly on political, semi-political, or fiscal
reasons; whereas the latter is practiced on
purely social or religious grounds. Then
tho Lish is severer than the Hindoo method
in this sense, that no tradesman will sell
anything to the boycotted man, who is
more or less like a prisoner in his own house;
whereas a boycott! Hindoo can buy any
thing anywhere or go to any places he lifcw,
nnly people will not go to his bouse or asso
ciate with him or his family in any way.
On the other hand, the Hindoo is severer
thou tho Irish boycotting In that the latter
may be only temporary, and rises at the
caprice of tho boy cotters; whereas the for
Tier ii often permanent, or can be dono
sway with only by going through certain
expiatory rites or costly ceremonies, which
oaio hard even on the richer classes. A
man may be boycotted in Ireland for no
fault of his own; bat in India boycotting
follows upou a breach of observance of soma
time honored custom, or by any public
sffensa against traditional notions of pro
priety. Indian boycotting is allied to out
casting, but is quite distinct from it and not
jolf so severe. A man can lose his caste
only by breaking ono of its well defined
rules, which are quite different from mere
customs for observances. An outcast
man is necessarily boycotted; but a boy
cotted man keeps his caste all right as long
s ho does not act against its rules. Again,
a man may be outcast, but not bis fam
ily for that reason; yet his relations will
be boycotted if they associate with him.
Let me now cite some examples. Some
years ego a learned Pundit gave his daugh
ter in marriage when she was a few years
older than the prescribed marriageable age
among the Hindoos; and the offense was
rendered doubly heinous by the perpetrator
being a Brahmin of high order. He was
strictly boycotted accordingly; and, I be
lieve, notwithstanding his great reputation
as a scholar and a benevolent person, and in
spite of his endeavors to propitiate the Brah
mins in many ways, he is still avoided by
orthodox Hindoos. A whole family has
been boycotted for receiving and associating
with one of its members who returned from
England and had lost his caste through eat
ing with Englishmen. One gentleman has
Men boycotted forever for getting his
widowed daughter married.
If anybody's son or daughter-in-law
associates with non-Hindoos publicly the
offending individual is outcasted and the
whole family is boycotted. If a son does
not mourn for his deceased father iu the
prescribed manner he is boycotted. In some
parts of India men are boycotted for wear
ing trousers of European fashion or, in
deed, any dress that was not worn by their
ancestors of a thousand years ago. A well
known historical example of Hindoo boycot
ting is that of the Jeypore royal family,
which was boycotted for hundreds of years
by the other Rajpoot royal families for being
tho first Hindoo family of princely rank who
offered a daughter in marriago to a mogul
empeior. In Rajputana whole tribes are
of ton boycotted if somebody does not proper
ly observe the -traditional customs or forms
a connection with a lower caste or with non
But nowadays boycotting can be raised in
India by a judicious use of the almighty
gold. I may mention a well known case.
A distinguished Hindoo gentleman and
merchant of a large Indian town was
, boycotted for reforming propensities.
old orthodox mothsr, who lived in the
country, on the occasion of a religious
festival directed the servants as usual
to distribute ofTerinrs of rice, fruits and
sweetmeats among the Brahmins of the
neighborhood. To a man they refused to
accept the san-c on the ground that her sou
was deserting his caste. The old lady was
deeply chagrined and began to be mortally
afraid of the destination of her soul after
death. On hearing this her son went down
to his country house and ordered the serv
ants to take the offerings again to the Brah
mins, this time placing five rupees on each
of the plates. The expedient answered won
derfully well. The very Brahmins who a
few hours before had turned away the serv
ants ignomiuiously uow came running to the
merchant's house and literally scrambled for
the presents. This story seems to justify the
saving of another rich Hindoo that "caste
was in his iron chest."
Boycotting and outcasting are made
double oppressive to Hindoo women, and for
the most trifling reasons. A married woman
not putting the sindoor (a red powder) on
the parting of her hair is boycotted. In the
country if a mother-in-law eats or lives in
the house of her son-in-law before her
daughter has a child she will be at once boy
cotted. A young married lady was boy
cotted for not observing some ceremony at
the birth of her child. A man can regain
his caste by performing the expiatory rites;
but an outcast woman, especially If she
has broken away from the zenana or asso
ciated with non-Hindoos is never taken back
to her caste. Hindoo in St. James' Gazette.
A Selection of Savings Which 8eesn
Have m. Foundation la Fact.
There are many proverbs about snow.
Some have relation to signs by which the
number of storms during the season are to
be calculated and others to the number of
storms in the following winter, while still
others claim a connection between the moon
and tho snow. Passing by these, it may bo
interesting at the beginning of the scow sea
son to have a selection of the proverbs
which seem to have a foundation in fact.
Snow is generally preceded by a general
animation of man and beast, which contin
ues until after the snowfall ends. When the
first snow remains on the ground soma time
in places not exposed to the sun expect a
hard winter.
It takes three cloudy days to bring a heavy
If tho snow flakes increase in size a thaw
will follow.
If there Is no snow before January there
will be the more snow in March and April.
Tho more snow the more healthy the sea
son. Heavy snow In winter favors the crops of
tho following summer.
A snow year, a rich year.
Snow is a poor man's fertilizer, and good
crops will follow a winter of heavy snowfall.
If much snow be spread on the mountain
in winter the season of planting will be made
blue with verdure.
A heavy fall of snow indicates a good year
for crops, and a light fall the reverse.
Much sleet in winter will be followed by a
good fruit year. Boston Journal.
Homage to Boston Beauty.
The occasion was that of a fashionable
wedding in a fashionable church. Tho bride
was the patrician daughter of a house that
dates its proud name back possibly to Char
lemagne or farther, and the bridegroom no
whit less distinguished in ancestry. The
solemn knot had been tied amid a throng of
the haute noblesse of the city, all friends,
relatives and acquaintances of the happy
pair, who were admitted by card, and the
procession took up the line of march to their
carriages. As is usual on such occasions,
tho striped awning drew an eager crowd to
catch a passing glimpse of "the bride and her
attendants, and such a goodly crowd had
collected on this day that the muscular police
had a hard time in keeping the curious ones
at a respectful distance from the bidden wed
ding guests. Among those unbidden on
lookers was one of those irrepressible New
England- maidens of Irish parentage who
are ever ready with their eager eyes and
quick perception to take in every situation
without losing any of the attendant details.
As the last carriage drove op in front of the
awning for its owner, the irrepressible, who
was on one tide of the openings la the awn
ing, called across to a friend of the same age
on the opposite side, "That is the last of
"Have you seen 'em all, Mary Abb?"
eked the friend.
"Yes, I have; I seen 'em all, and my, ain't
they homely? Cone, let's so hosse." replied
I tho irrepressible, without a ray of envy in
I her quick black eyes as she skipped merrily
j away. Blue blood! where is thy boast?
Boston Post
A Carriage Maker's Experience.
Wall street men are looked upon bv the '
I sellers of good things and luxuries as tho
beet customers in the city. A member of a
leading carriage manufacturing firm, speak
ing of the bulls and bears the other day, said:
"It is not the extremely wealthy man or th
ono who gets ms fortune by slow accumula
tion who is our best patron. Tho Wall
street man whose fortune hangs on the
I fluctuations of the market is the one, he is
! liberal and open handed, and when he strikes
1 it rich he spends the money freely. When
he is on the right side of the market aud
makes a haul he wants a Delmonico dinner,
a carriage, the theatre and all the good things
going. He acts regardless of expense. When
ho is down, he is clear down: when he is up,
he is away up on top. And when he gets a
carriage he wants a good one: no fixing
over of an old one for him, no refurnishing,
no new linings; but he must have a brand
new article right up in style,
i "By contrast, there is a customer of ours
who is reported to bo worth $30,000,000
whom we have been trying to induce to pur
chase a now carriage: he needs it, and says
so; but bo has not been as fortunate in specu
lations as he expected, and ho feels poor! I
suppose he will liuvo tho old carriage fixed
, up and do until he makes a ten strike.
; Another, a $3,000,000 patron, is running on
the same line, and his wife can't lead him to
' see his way clear to the purchase of a new
I vehicle. Your Wall street man who lives
' on his margins and who is up to-day and
I down to-morrow is the best customer of them
' all. Ho lives while he lives and then waits
for the next wave." New York Tribune.
A Triumph of French Cookery.
Many wonderful stories have been told
about the perfection to which the culiuary
art has attained among our neighbors :cro
tho channel, but the following, which we
hav every reason to believe has never be
fore appeared in print, is worthy a place in
the collection. It was related to tho writer
by a gentleman who had it from the lips of
ono of the chief actors in the story.
During the Crimean war an English officer)
high In rank sauntered one quiet afternoon
to the French lines and accepted an invita
i tiou to dine with some oCicers of tho allied
army. Tlw repast counted of several
courses, each ono in the opinion of tho Eng
lish olllcer being more tempting end delicious
than the last. On leaving be asked es a
favor if ho might be informed of what dishes
he had partaken, and particularly the two
last ones.
The ccok was sent for and was much em
barrassed when told of tho Englishman's re
quest. On bsiug picsscd ho replied with
some hesitation that tho last two dishes were
compounded of fragments of meat and poul
try which had been discarded as offal by the
English cooks, and which were collected day
by day at tho rear of the English officers'
tents. Chicago Tribune.
Tho Distance of the Ilorison.
What is the distance of the horizon from
the sea shore? Ouing to the curvature of
tho cart'i's surfaco the distance between a
spectator on tho sea shore and the dip of tha
horizon becomes greater according to the
height of the spectator above the level of
tho sea. The rule for measuring this distanco
is as follows: To the height of the eye in feet
add half the height and extract tho square
root of the sum, the result being tho distance
in statute miles. Henco if the spectator's
eyo v.cre sir feet abovo tho level of tho sea
the distauco would bo three miles; if his eye
wera ten feet above tho lovel of the sea tho
distance would be nearly four miles, and so
on for any height above the sea level. Chi
cago Tribune.
King Ludwig'a Palaces.
The authorities of Munich have opened to
j tlio public at fifty cents per bead the four
granu palaces lert Dy the hang Ludwig.
Already a sum equal to $100,000 has been
secured, and it is believed that by treating
the palaces as museums enough money will
be obtained in time to liquidate his late
majesty's debts. Now York World.
You came so near that once, aod thea
Stood in the awkward way of men.
As, with your eyes beat on me so,
I watched the crimson sunset glow,
And night closed la on field sad fen.
I felt your purpose grow and grow;
You did not ask could I say No?
And who shall say what might hare been?
You came so near.
Your arm slipped ah, be still, my pen!
I but drew back; then close aain
Ycu drew me close. Your head bent law
A eudden noise ! You let me go.
Oh, was tt not a pity, when
You came so near.
-Ruth HalL
The Growth of Fencing la Popularity
Among Society LadiesA Frank Con
fession front a Fair Athlete An Old
Fashioned Exercise.
The frail, tired young, thing with flabby
muscles, a drug store complexion, and a
tendency to do the clinging vine act, went
out of fashion some time ago with a dull,
sickening thud, to use a venerable and
chestnutesque expression. "The typical
American beauty" no longer looks as
though her food didn't agree with her. She
is as robust and husky as a milkmaid, al
though she still retains her clear cut beauty
of features and slender hands and feet. The
reason for this perfect development among
ladies of the leisure class may be largely
traced to private gymnasiums in the city
where nearly every form 3f athletic culture
Is taught. Many of tho wealthy homes in
Chicago have their private gymnasiums
where the daughters of the houso may pre
serve health, gain muscle, and have a jolly
good time all at once. The effect of this
sort of training may bo seen at once.
"I can tell by a lady's attitude alone,
whether sho is an adept at gymnasium work
or calisthenics," said an observing gentle
man who is an enthusiast on the subject.
"When you see a lady stand on both feet,
with her shoulders back and her head erect,
you may be sure she has acquired it by
what, if it were not so interesting, would bo
called hard work; and it is worth years ad
ded to her life, to say nothing of tho banish
ment of headaches and all those ills whicb
come from inactivity and acquired indo
lence. It is natural for a woman to lean
against some object a chair, a piano, or
even a man if nothing else is handy. Gen
erations of tight hieing and bad shoes have
left their mark in this tendency. I don't
know how else to account for it."
A young lady, a pupil in the athletic class
at the conservatory, iu speaking of the ob
ject of her entering for a course, frankly
confessed that her reason for it was to at
tain perfect physical development rather
than to become an expert in fencing, for
that was the means used. "Too know,"
she continued, "a society lady must have a
good figure and must know how to uso it.
My physician told me that dancing was not
enough, and not the right kind of exercise
to accomplish what I want and so I took to
the foiLs."
Many mothers prefer to train their daugh
ters at home, and one lady living on Michi
gan avenue has her two daughters don their
last summer's bathing suits and go through
a series of calesthenics, such as the lady her
self learned at a private seminary in her
youth. Each girl takes a corner in the room,
her face turned toward it, her heels placed
together and her bands flat on either side.
Then as tho mother counts they bend for
ward, the shoulders going beyond the hands,
whieh are kept firm and bracing them back
ward. The feet are not moved. After this
swaying motion, has been kept up for two or
three mnutes the daughters are allowed to
The next exercise, wheh is an old fashioned
one, is carrying a pail of water on the head
and performing simple evolutions without
allowing any to spill. This gives a graceful
poise to the head aud shoulders, which is
noticeable in the lower class of Italian
women who bear extremely heavy burdens
in this manner. These simple exercises and
scores of similar ones are within the reach
of any one who cares to cultivate their phy
sique without recourse to training schools o
private tutors. Inter Ocean.
A Michigan Lumberman's Pbilaathreple
Scheme for the Benefit of Chicago's
Poor A Model Establishment la Every
WayGenerous 'Offer.
A wealthy Michigan lumberman, inspired
by purely humanitarian motives, has started
to do for the poor of Chicago what the city
should have done long ago. He is not even
a resident of the city and has no interests
hero beyond a praise wort hy desire to benefit
mankind. His name is Charles r . Kuggk-3
aud his home iu Manistee, Mich., where ha
has built up a great lumbering industry and
accumulted property that aggregates some
thing like $2,000,000. Mr. Buggies is a bach
elor and spends a good deal of his time and
money in performing charitable acts. His
pet whim, and one that has won him the
reputation of being a mild sort of crank, is
that the public ought to be induced to take
frequent baths. Summer and winter he
takes a baUi regularly every morning, aud
he points with pride to the fact that he has
never known a sick day in his life. This he
attriutes entirely to cleansing his skin from
One day last summer while in Chicago he
noticed that a great many persons whom he
met on the streets and iu tho horse cars were
personally very 'dirty. On making inquiries
be found that 25 cents was the lowest pricoat
which a person could obtain a bath, so he
determined to establish a bath house here
where the prices would be within reach of
even tho poorest. It did not take long to get
, this project started, and he began by leasing
the first floor anil basement of a large brick
building on west 3Iadisou street. This local
ity was well selected as being the most ac
cessible from all part? of tho city. It cot
, nearly $13,000 to tit the place up, as no
j money was spared in making it both com
fortable aud attractive. Aug. 21 the baths
, were opened to tho public at prices ranging
j from 3 to 10 cento. Mr. Ruggles in estab
i lihing these prices had no idea that the place
could be made self sustaining the first year
that it was in oeratioii, and he counted ou
the city to help him out by furnishing freo
vater. His first move in this direction met
with no end of opposition. Mr. Ruggles
consulted au attorney and was told that any
charitable institution, indorsed by two tax
payers, was entitled to receive water from
the city free of cliarge, and ho hah now
made an open appeal to tho mayor.
Any one who visits the place and seej tho
accommodations that are furnubed for a
mere trifling consideration can but admit
that it is a charitable institution of tlie high
est order and one that is entitled to public
consideration. On entering one steps into a
neat office tastefully furnished and separated
from the rest of tho establishment by a wire
screen. On the left is the cashier's desk
where a woman appointed by tho Women's
Christian Temperance union presides. If
you want a bath you present your money
and the cashier hands out u ticket ou which
is printed the number of tho room you are
to occupy aud tho length of time you are
permitted to remain. This ticket is taken
at the gate by ono of the porters who con
ducts you to tho room, shows you how to
operate the hath, and gives you any atten
tion that may be required. When the ticket
is given out tho cashier jots down the num
ber of the room ou a time sheet and when the
bather closes tlie door of his apartment tho
fact is known in the office by means of an
electric annunciator similar to those used in
hotels. Time' is then taken and noted ou the
sheet imdcr the number of the room. Tlie
bather is permitted to remain tv. enty minutes,
and if ,i no one waiting hv; can stay us
long us he desiits. If the room is wanted for
another the cashier touches an electric button
when the allotted time ha-s expired and this
i ings a hell in the room, informing the bather .
that he must dress.
The bath rooms, fort -four in number, are
raiige-1 in two tiers and in double rows. In
the lirst tier there are sixteen rooms, each
five feet six inclirs long a:.d fivo feet wide
and of sufficient height to accommodate tho
tallest persons They are divided Into ex
clusive apartments by pine partitions of hard
oil finish. Not a speck of dirt can be seen
on the w ood work, which is carefully scrubbed
every night. In these rooms is a metal tub,
lined with porcelain and with faucets for
hot and cold water. Printed rules, which
are by no means stringent, are placed on the
walls of each compartment, and there are
also directions for manipulating the fixtures.
Ventilators connecting with a high shaft are
placed in each room to cany oft" the steam
and beat, so that the tenqtei-ature never
varies, while the atmosphere is at all times
healthful and pleasant. There are towel
racks, brushes, shampoo bottles, a folding
chair, foot drains, hooks ou which to hang
clothing, and in fact all the appurtenances
necessary in fitting up a fii-st class modem
bath room. These baths are lurnished for
10 cents each, and a reduction of 2 cents is
allowed to those who bring their owu towels.
An iron staircase leads to the upper tier,
which contains twenty-eight rooms. These
are fitted up in a similar manner to the
rooms in the lower tir only they are some
what smaller, and instead of a tub have a
large shower fixture. The shower batlis
cost but ." cents, or S cents if the bather briugs
towels. The bather undresses, and after
drawing a rubber curtain in front of him to
protect his clothing from being splashed he
stands on a drain under the fixture and turns
ou a shower of hot and cold water. The
shower and temperature of the water are
regulated by the bather himself.
In the rooms set apart for women are largo
mirrors with combs and brushes, but the men
after dressing descend to the basement,
where a largo toilet room is fitted up, and
when their toilet is completed they can leach
tlie street without returning to the office. In
going out they paw through a large barber
shop, which is handsomely fitted up, and
where a shave can be obtained for 10 cents.
This is part of tho establishment. When the
bather loaves his room an indicator drops
down over the door, showing that tlie room
is in disorder. Ouo of tho porters at once
enters and gives it a thorough scrubbing.
It is then ready for another occupant.
Having established 'the baths ahd demon
strated beyond question their importance and
value, Mr. Ruggles now offers to donate the
plant to the city if the city will agree to
maintain tho present low prices and devote
whatever income may hereafter be derived
to enlarging the establishment end extend
ing its usefulness. Chicago Tribune.
Markers Instead of Pencils.
A glance at a ball programme usually
suffices to convince one that writing is a rare
accomplishment among dancing men, and
they should be thankful for the new markers,
which take tho place of pencils. They con
tain the owner's name in raised type and a
little ink pad, and are furnished with a clasp
by which they may be fastened to a gentle
man's watch chain or to en order of dances.
The only objection to them is that they quite
preclude the possibility of mistaking one's
partner's name, a thing which some naughty
girls occasionally do. Boston Transcript.
The Plates' Crops.
Sarah Winnemucca writes from Lovelock,
Ncv., complaining about the destruction of
the Indians' crops by the cattle and hogs be
longing to white people, and asks if there is
no law for the protection of the Piutes'
M. Pastenr'a Portrait.
An artist is painting a portrait of M. Pas
teur from a photograph, and applied to him
for "further particulars." M. Pasteur's an
swer was: "Face, pale yellowish; eyes, dark
gray; grayish beard; hair scarcely gray."
Tbe Battenberg; Baby.
Queen Victoria is said to have taken an im
mense fancy to the Battenberg baby. She
gets down on her royal hunkers and says
"Goo' just like any other grandma.
A Chance to Rest.
Gentleman (to hod carrier) Doesn't it
make you tired, Pat, to climb that bidder all
Fat Yes, sir; but I have foine rest comin'
down. Life.
leasts of Lite.
Thomas Bailey Aldrich, who has just been
undergoing the ordeal of a birthday anni
versary, says a man should either die as
SO or live to be 900. New York World.
Cloths dipped Into hot potato water are
recommended for knaediate aad coaaplete
relief lath severest cases of rbsuaiatlauL
Can Neither Pass nor Xaket Next.
The railroad conductors rend the air
with bine streaks of complaint because
the prohibition of passes will not allow
railroad companies to pas3 their families
free. This is the weakest thing yet.
The members of the conductor's family
are no more entitled to free passes
than they are entitled to shares in the
company's stock. The pass system was
a nuisance, and it is hoped that it has
been nlxriished.
Frb-htfal Waste.
Consumption carries off its thousands
of victims every year. Yes, thousands
of humau lives are wasted that
might be saved,for the fact is now estab
lished that consumption, in its early
stages, is curable. Dr. Pierce's 'Golden
Hfedical Discovery"' will, if used in time,
effect a permanent cure. Tt has no equal
as a remedy for bronchitis, coughs and
colds. Its eflicacv has leon proved in
thousands of cases. All druggists.
A little 8 years old daughter of John
Sharkey, of Greeneastle, Ind., went the
other day to Blaine's saw mill to gather
up kindling. She was stooping under
the belt to the revolving shaft, when the
wind caught her hair and shawl in the
ut-ii, ciiuiiiKi'ug mem so as 10 tear me
tangling them so as to t
entire scalp loose and wrenching
cords of the neck dreadfullv.
Their Bawlaea Uocnulaar
Probably no one thing has caused
such a rival of trade at Dowty &
Eleitkemper'a drug store aa thoir
living away" to their customers of so
many trial bottles of Dr. King's
New Discovery for Consumption.
Their trade is simply enormous in
this very valuable article from the
fact that it always cures and never
disappoints. Coughs, Colds, Asth
ma, Bronchitis, Croup, and all throat
and lung diseases quickly cured.
Yon can test it bofore buying by
getting a trial bottle free, large size
$1. Every bottle warranted.
A gentleman of Boston, who has a do
in Hinghum, had him brought to a tele
phone in the latter place, and when his
master in Boston called him the dog
went wild with delight. This is the
first dog talk by telephone that wo have
noticed reported.
The Population rCelstsubMw
Is about o,0fl0, and we would say at least
one half are troubled with some affection
ol the Throat and Lungsras thoe com
plaints are, according to statistics, more
numerous than others. We would ad
vice all not to neglect the opportunity to
call on us aud get a bottle of Kemp's
Balsam for the Throat and Lungs. Trice
50c and 1.00. Trial size free. Res
pectfully, Dr. A. Heintz.
A memorial will be
atone by the British.
built for Glad-
Salt Hhi-uui or Ki-zrnnt.
Old sores and ulcere,
JSonldhead and ringworm,
Pain in the back aud apine,
Swelling of the knee joints,
Sprains and bruises.
Neuralgia and toothache,
Tender feet caused by bunions, corns
and chilblainB, we wurrant Hoggs' Trop
ioal Oil to relieve any and all or the
above. Dr. A. Heintz.
There are JSOttyXX)
United States.
Bohemians in the
Keeping the bowels open and regular
is ono of the greatest secrets of human
health. People are seldom sick when
thoir bowels aro regular. They are ael-
dom well when they are irregular.
When a physic is necessary, St. Pat
rick's Pills will be found to be all that
can be desired. They regulate the
bowels and liver and cleanse the entire
system. Sold by Dowty i Beeher.
James Russell Lowell has sailed from
Boston to Europe.
Itch, Prairie Mange, and Scratches
of every kind cured in 30 minutes by
Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. Use no
other. This never fails. Sold by
0. B. Stillman, druggist Columbus.
Maj. John E. Blaine, brother of Hon.
James G. Blaine, died at Hot Springs,
"Be wise today; 'tis madness to defer."
Don't neglect your cough. If you do
your fate may be that of the countless
thousands that do likewise, and who to
day fill consumptives' gravea Night
sweats, spitting of blood, weak lungs,
and consumption itself if taken in timo
can be cured by the use of Dr. Pierce's
"Golden Medical Discovery." This
wonderful preparation has no equal for
lung and throat diseases. All druggists.
Fifty of the two hundred striking sil
versmiths in the employ of Tiffany .fe Co.
New York, have returned to work.
A Great Sstrprlee
Is iu store for all who use Kemp's Bal
sam for the Throat and Lungs, the great
guaranteed remedy. Would you believe
that it Is sold on its merits and that
each druggist Is authorized to retund
your money by the Proprietor of this
wonderful remedy if it fails to cure you.
Dr. A. Heintz has secured the Agency
for it. Price 50c and SI. Trial site Jrte.
At Huntington, Ind., a few days ago a
freight and construction train collided.
Three men were killed and three wound
ed. Do "Von Know
that BeggB Cherry Cough. Syrup will
relieve that cough almost instantly and
make expiration easy? Acts simulta
neously on the bowels, kidney and liver,
thereby relieving the lungs of the sore
ness and pain and also ' stopping that
tickling sensation in the throat by
removing the cause. One trial of it
will convince any one that it has no
equal on earth for coughs and colds.
Dr. A. Heintz has secured the sale of it
and will guarantee every bottle to give
satisfaction. 3feb23
In the house of deputies, City of
Mexico, speeches were made the other
day favoring the re-election of Diaz.
I have used Chamberlain's Cough"
Remedy, in fact, will now use no other
kind, it properly relieves coughs and is
uneqnaled for the throat and lungs.
Robert A. Neff, Comedian, with Peck's
Bad Boy Co., Denver, Col., March 1,1887.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is sold by
Dowty & Beeher.
William A. Hearatt's flour and Baw
mill at Wajumea, Mich., was burned
recently,' loss $40,000.
Purify Your Klood.
If your ton-uc is coated.
If your skiu is yellov,- and dry.
ir you have lils.
If you iu.n fever.
If you pi. tliiu or nnrvntis.
It you .--re bilious-. (
If you are const :jf-jed. i
If your hones :u-lic.
If your head achei.
If you have no appetite.
If you have no ::mliti'ou, one
bottle of l.Vggs' Mood Purifier and
Blood Maker will relieve anv and all of
the aliine complaints. Sold and war-
ranted by lr. A. Ifeinl:.
Many niilron's h.ive represent.Uivrs
before the- hner-stiite lonimisjon plead
ing -for tlie suspension of the section re
lating to long and short haul.
II race ;.
are Seeling depressed, vour
appetite id p ior. ou fire bothered
with lie:u!.i-lie, ou are fi "t-ty,
nervous, i"d generally out of sortd,
it'd want to bmce up. Drace tin.
. but not
with stimulant, spring
; medicine?, or bitter., which have for
; tueir basis very cheap, bad whisky,
j whicb Blimil,ae for a ,,
i ,t.
iud then leave, you iu worc coudi
lion man before. What you want
an alternative that -will purify
start healthy ari-in ot L;vur
Kidney e', re-tors your viiahtj,
jrivo renewe-t hcni'.h and
j strength. Such a medicine ou
Hud in Electric P.itteir, and
only 50
i cent a bottle at Dowty & Heitkemp
i er'o drujj store.
It w;w stuted in the Sew York
Tribune the other day tli:.'t the lease of
. the OiesroM railroad mid Navigation
! Company's property l::id !.-en .shjued
and sealed Jo th. Luton IV.cilt.- th
tho Oregon Short line oruiii;.::i!;i.
Th.' !J S'.V. : ;.- v. .ii i ir
Gut, l!:uven, S's l? , i-n!
Kiieutn r-Yier rVreJ. T.-i.t-r. '..' tjp-'l
Hand-, C'lilbl.iius Corns. a.d W
Skin KrUjitiourt, and petit! vol cine-
Piies, or no pay required, ii is u.r
anteftd to-jivc perfect s'lMsfactinsi. or
money refnnded. Price f em! per
box. For bale by Dowty Sc Beeher.
west of Omaha, at
The 1h?sI manufaetorifrf of the eountrj
represented. 2vot to be undersold
b anybody. Coim-atid dec
pri.-.-i .it
This fs the jtost PRACTICAL HIGH-CUT
SHOES ever Invented.
Itls voryQKNTKELand DRESSY end gives
the samo protection ss a boot or ovet-g&lter. Itls
convenient to put on and tho top con bo adjusted to
fit cnyastiou? simply BOYlng tho buttons.
i:tth net. c-tf
Au OflVr Worthy AHt'iiiiuii from
Every ltr.ndi'i of the Journal.
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HUNSIUNK: For )outli;alxo forthose of all
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DAUC HTKItS OF AM.KR1CA. Lites full of
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monthly by True A. Co.. AtitfUMa, Maine, at SO
cents iHr jear.
practical, M-n.Mble taier will proven laxm to all
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pears equal to tlie occasion. It in ttroiijf and
found in all its varied departments. Handsome
ly illuntrate.1. Published ipouthlj by.ll. Hallo tt
i Co., Portland, Maine, at 50 cents per year.
infr. Good ifouBekeepintr, Ifood Cheer. This
handsomely illustrated paper is devoted to tho
two most important and noble industries of tho
world- farming in all its brunrhe housekeep
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monthly by Georgo Stinsou Jc Co., Portland,
Maine, at 50 cents per year.
3yWe will M?nd frc-efor one ear. whichever
of tho above named paiers maj be chosen, to any
one who pars for the Journal for one jear in
advance. This applies to our sudscribers And all
who may wish to become tuibcril)ers.
JSPWu will send free for ono jear, whichever
of the above-papers may be cho-en, to any sub
scriber lor the Journal. whoe subscription may
not be paid up.jtho shall pay up to date, or be
yond date; provided, however, that such payment
shall not be less than one jear.
J3T"Toanone v:h hands us payment on ac
count, for this r'Ir, for three yenrs, we shall
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papers; or will t-ond one of them four years, or
two for two jortM, ;is maj be preferred.
ISThe dccribM pnfrs which we
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ltf M. K. Trp.NF.ii & Co.
Columbus, Neb. Publiset-rs.
This Jf agaziae portrays Ameri
cas tkaagftt aad life firaat eceaa te
oceaa, is tiled with pare high-class
literatare, aad cast be safely wel
comed la amy family circle.
tttt 2c. mssTyem it mar;
Umpli Com of turn wmfar medio mm if
ettpt of 2$ eta.; ttuk matter. IS tU.
Tttmlmm LIm with either.
1. T. SUSS SON, Pnhlliisn,
ISO & 132 Pearl St., If. Y.
Pab CngTes''. flSaVPJBj-
as aBBm'Sav.
gLtgH lw pt.j.Ktk.M
Serattase, Coatraetei
ffraiaa, Mastles,
Strata, Srapu'oae,, -HoefAU,
StiffJeiate, Screw
Backache, Weraw.
Galls, Swiaaey,
Sores, Saddle Galls.
Spavia Piles.
secomplUbea for everybody Meetly what Udalnirl
forlc Oasof tb reasons for Um great popularity or
the Muttaag Uolmeat to found la Its aalvereal
applicability. Ererbody needs such a medietas.
The Lamberasaa needs It In esse of accident.
The Ileasewlfe needs It for geaerslfsmuy dm.
The Caaaler seeds It for his teams sad hu mau.
The Mcchaale Beads It always oa hU irork
The Mlaer needs tt la case of emergency.
The Fleseerneedslt caa'tget along without It.
The Faraser need It la his bouse. hU iUM.
sad his stock yard.
The Steaateeat naa er the Beetieea aeede
tt In liberal supply afloat and uhore.
The Herse-faacler needs It It t bt but
friend and safest reliance.
The Sieck-grewer needs It It will gave Ulm
thousand of dollars sad a world of trouble.
The Railroad saaa needs It and will need it as
long as hU life Is a round of accidents and danger.
The Backweedamaa needs It. There la notn
Ingllke It as an antidote for the danger to Ufa.
limb and comfort which surround the pioneer.
The Merchant needs it about his store among
his employees.- Accidents wtU happen, and whoa
these come the Mustang liniment Is wanted at on ce.
Keep a Bet tie lathe Hoaae. TU the boit of
Keep a Battle la the Pacterr. Iu Immediate
I ass la case of accident saves pain and toes of wages.
Keep a Settle Alwayela the Stable for
ee when wanted.
This iniritution ireiiriM younc moi1
thorough! for Tearhinff. for Ilusinens Life, for
Adutinsion to Collet, for or Mt-di.-Hl
Schools, for Public Spetdcing, in Instrumental
and Voeal Music, in Drawing and Painting, and
iu Elocutiou. Short-hand and Tyie-writing.
iu the Normal Dnrtmiit, thorough w-fitnu-tion
is given in alt branches required for
auy cert incite from Third Grade to State I'roy.
fff hll tlllll.
The Hiisinees Course includes Penmanship,
Commercial Correirfiniience, Commercial lw
and Book-keeping, with the best method of
keeping Farm, Factorj, Ranking and Mercantile
accounts. (Five premiums were award.! to
this department at tlie recent State Fair.)
Kxeuses are very low. Tuition, Room Relit
and Tuble Hoard are placed at coot, an murly at
Spring term begins April 26, 1S87. Hiimmer
term U-gins July 5, lvi7. For particulars ad
dress M. K. Jo.neh.
nov2-t"tf Fremont. Neb.
AH kinds nf Renaitiug done on
Short Notice. Buggies, Wag
ons, etc., made to order,
and all work (iuar
anteed. Also sell the world-famous Walter A.
Wood Mowers. Reapers, Combin
ed Machines, Harvesters,
and Self-binders -the
best made.
: on Earth
roUB 6S0CD 70S CTZX.
oaiLV aauuiiiKf
Tas no ottir l
to be made. Cut this out and
return to ut. and we will swid
J oil Trie, something of great
value ami ininrtrfnn... tn
wui .in ;uiri jm iu uuiiiiesH WHICH will, bring
jou in snoieuiomey right away than anjthing in"
the world. Anjonecnndo the work and live at
home. Kither ivx; all ages. Something usw,
that just coins money foi all workers. Ve will
start j ou: capital not needed. This is one of til
genuine, important chsnres of a lifetime. Thosw
who are ambitions and enterprising will not d
lay. Grand outfit free. Address, Thck A Co.,
!... -:n ...... i. . - . . v v ... . y
Augusta, jiaine. decSJ- mj
We are now vt
narml fn fnrrii.h
all clas- with employment at horns, the whoU
of the time, or for their snare moments. Uuoi-ni-ss
new, light and profitable. Persons of either
sex easily ecrn from TA) cents to i.U) per eteuing
and u proportional sum by devoting all their
time to the business. Roys aad girls earn nearly
as much as men. That all who see this may send
their address, and tent the business, we mak5
this otter. To such an are not well satisfied w
will send on dollar to rayfor the trouble of
writing. Full particulars and outfit free. Ad
drM. Okobok & Co., Portland, Maine.
Blacksffll and W3io Mate
EJTShop opposite the ,4Ttterall," on
Olive St.. COI.UMBU8. 26-m
Tpr j oi2rfi!
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