The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, April 13, 1887, Image 3

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GTolnmbns gourwal.
Leavrt) Columbus
David City
Arrives at Lincoln
830 a. m. 4:15 p. m.
8:43 535 "
87 6:10 "
10.05 ' 8:45 "
11:15 " 11:45 "
The iKiMteuKer lea vet Lincoln at 3:55 . m., and
arrittM at Columbus 700 p. m; tbe freight leaver
Lincoln at 7200 a. m., and arrives at Columbus at
2.-00 p. m.
Lettuce, Radishes and Green Onions
today, at Hickok, Halm & Co.'s. 3-1
-HE" read it.
Use Hygeine kalsomine.
HE" at E. D. Filzpatrick'a
TLe Journal office for job work.
3 towels for ten cents at Kramer's.
Organs! Call at A. &. M. Tnrner'a
Dress lawns and parasols at Kra
mer's. .Tames McDonald i3 down from the
For shoes and Elippers go to Kra
mer's. IS. R. Cowdery Hundayed in Co
lumbus. Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Gray went east
Ottoman wall papers at Stillman's
drug store.
You can save money by buying hats
at Kramer's.
Call and inspect our new stock at
Galley Bros.
- The largest line of robes in town at
Galley Bros.
Geo. Ileiderof Council Bluffs was in
the city last week.
The sprinkling of the streets began
yesterday morning.
Choice cranlierries 10c a quart at
Herman Oehlrich's. 40-tf
Alabastine and Hygene kalsomine at
Stillman's drug store.
Wanted- Girl to do housework. Good
wages. C. B. Stillman. Sltf
See the groat railroad scene, at
Opera House, April 18th.
Commercial printing neatly and
quickly done at this office.
Dan Faucelte is treating his harness
shop to a fresh coat of puint.
A full line of ladies boucle jackets
from $1.25 up at Galley Bros.
First-class wages given to a real
good girl. Mrs. J. G. Higgins. 50-2t
-The best of groceries, at lowest
prices, at E. Pohl's, on 11th sU 45-tf
Misses Emma and Belle Lisco were
visiting Miss Megath last week.
"Under the Gaslight," at the Opera
House, Monday eve., April 18th.
New line of cassimere and jeans at
the lowest prices at Galley Bros. 8-49-tf
As good as the best, and as cheap as
the cheapest, at J. B. Delsman's.
Use Hygeine kalsomine wall finish,
for sale by Chas. E. Pollock .v. Co.
Delsman keeps good goods, and will
not allow himself to be undersold.
Miss Olive Dodds has gone to Peru
to attend the State Normal School.
A choice lino of fresh fruits, con
stantly on hand, Hickok, Halm & Co.
Cheap money on farm loans at Co
lumbus Savings Bank Loan & Trust Co.
Chas. E. Pollock & Co. have Hygeine
kalsomine, the lest for ceilings and walls.
Money loaned on chattel securities
Columbus Savings bank Loan & Trust
- Win. Martin of Pennsylvania is vis
iting his sister Miss Ida Martin of thiB
Wanted A girl to do housework.
Good wages given. Inquire of A. M.
Parties are negotiating with the
city council for the purchase of our lire
Some canned cherries at the Lindell
Heuse Sunday didn't result in anything
For Rent.
A large business room on Eleventh
St., suitable for dry-goods establish
ment. Inquire at the .Toubnai. office.
Robert Uhlig Notary Public office
with Columbus Savings Bank Loan &
Trust Co. 51-G-4t
Do not fail to see the dock scene in
"Under the Gaslight" Monday evening ,
realistic en ecu.
FreUht. Jolumbua Savings Bank L. & T. Co.
is offering good terms on farm loans,
come and see them.
Wanted. A dry goods clerk at Miller
Bros, one with some experience prefer
red, can get work right off. 49-tf
Remember we carry one of the
largest stocks in the city and will not be
undersold for cash. Galley Bros.
Clothing! Our spring stock of
clothing is now complete. Our prices
are always the lowest. C. & L. Kramer.
J. & A. Heitkemper are selling
crockery, lamps and glassware at prices
that are interesting- to all wishing to
Mrs. Ellen Meyer, of Lincoln, arriv
ed in the city Monday and will be the
guest of Mrs. E. D. Sheehan during the
The Joubnaii is on sale, each week,
at the book and news stores of E. D.
Fitzpatrick and L Sibbernsen, at 5 cents
a copy.
Union Meat Market, telephone 44,
for choice meats of all kinds, and poul
try. Van Alstine & Lingner, Nebraska
Avenue. 51-4
The smoke stack on Jaggi & Schup-
bach's mill was drawn a little to one
side by Saturday's breezes bursting a
guy rod.
Supervisor A. W. Clark of Colum
bus township was in Saturday to receive
a road grader that the township had
Columbus Savings bank L. & T. Co.,
is able to give as good terms as any
one, on fire, lightning and tornado in
surance. Do not fail to examine our large
line of Oriental laces, from 2 inches to
45 inches wide at very low prices at Gal
ley Bros.
Win. Ryan is about to let the brick
contract for his building on 1 1th street,
and we understand work is to commence
- J. S. Murdock is engaged in erect
ing an additional room to the east of Dr.
Martin's building on 15th street, occu
pied by A. Anderson.
There are pleasant railroad rumors
afloat concerning Columbus. In this
regard, gives us no rest until they change
to accomplished facta.
-One who knows gives Senator
Meikeljohn of Nance county the credit
of helping to represent Platte county's
interests in the legislature.
The best goods are the cheapest.
We have the exclusive sale of Chase &
Sanborn's celebrated coffees, in this
city. Hickok, Halm & Co.
Miss Kittie Cowdery arrived home
from Brownell Hall school at Omaha
Saturday last on a short visit to her
parents. She returns to-day.
Special scenery has lieen painted by
L. L. Graham of Kansas City for the
production of "Under the Gaslight" by
home talent Monday evening.
Before investing in a sewing ma
chine, organ or piano, see A. & M. Tur
ner, at their organ depot, or address G.
W. Kibler, their traveling salesman, tf
- His Honor J. E. North went around
the first of the week with his right eye
bandaged having had it struck by flying
real estate during the storm Saturday.
The Lincoln Journal struck it
pretty well in attributing the sand
clouds Saturday to Kansas dry weather
and the wind blowing strongly from
The Sunny Soata.
A. M. Jennings, who returned Satur
day week from the "sunny south," sub
mitted to the reporter's pump with the
following result Ho had gone as far
toward the equator as Fort Smith, Ark.,
which point he reached January 9th.
There was a white frost that morning,
and, although it had been colder a few
days before, the robins, red-birds, and in
fact all kinds of warm-season birds,
ipre "whoopin' it up," lively. This
seemed a little strange, as only a very
few days before, he had left here with
the thermometer groveling at 20 below
zero. Mr. Jennings thinks the south a
pretty good country for farm work,
where a man can raise what he uses, in
cluding the hogs which literally take
care of themselves, living on acorns and
running wild in the woods until near
butchering time and then being pam
pered a little for the knife. A man's
fuel in that country don't cost much
to begin with, he don't have very severe
weather to fight against, and besides,
good oak wood caq be got at $1.90 a
cord, and coal at $1.00 and $1.50 a ton.
When asked what kind of a country it
was for mechanics, his brief answer was,
"No good." The trouble seems to be
that there is little money in the country.
Among other odd things that Mr. J.
speaks of during his trip is a town in
Barton county, Mo., called Liberal,
which is four or five years old, with a
population of 1,000, has no officer and
has never had, except a recorder of
deeds, and has never had either a church
or a saloon.
The Old and the New.
The old council adjourned si tie die
last Saturday evening, the last act being
a motion by Councilman North that the
thanks of the retiring council be ten
dered to Mayor Carl Kramer for the able
and impartial manner in which he had
presided over the deliberations of the
council. This was the handsome thing
to do, and was but justice to Mayor
Kramer. The late council, including
Ragatz and Lockner and North, will
long be remembered by citizens of Co
lumbus, as holding the reins during a
very important epoch, and doing their
duty well.
The new council elected E. D. Fitz
patrick as their president, and the Jour
nal hoies that city affairs will have the
full and fair attention of council men
elect, and that the end of the year may
see Columbus in even better situation
than at present.
S. S. McAllister, Esq., was too much
A complete assortment of wall pa
pers can lie found only at Stillman's
drug store. 2-lt
Honahan will sell his entire stock of
boots and shoes, at bottom prices to cash
Call on Honahan for prices before
purchasing you boots and shoes else
where in town. 2-48-4
Gen. A. J. Sampson came down from
Denver Thursday to be on hands at the
''Donnell trial.
You can deposit as little as $1 with
the Columbus Savings Bank and receive
interest thereon.
Never loose sight of this fact:
Kramer carries the largest stock and
sells the cheapest.
The best assortment of carpets and
dress goods can bo found at the lowest
. prices at Kramer's.
Baby carriages, Bird cages, Boys'
express wagons, Base Balls, Bats, etc. at
E. P. Fitzpatrick's. 45-tf
Those wanting first-class sale bills
4 and posters of any kind, should call at
the Journal office.
. The largest and best assorted line of
fancy canned goods and dried fruits at
.J. & A. Heitkemper's. 43-3-tf
A. Henry. Esq., and wife of Omaha
were in the city over Sunday, the
guests of R. H's. family.
Ed." Westcott came down from
Cedar Rapids Friday. He is well pleased
frith his prospects there.
Whiten your ceilings and walls with
' Hygene kalsomine, Chas. E. Pollock &
Do. agents for Columbus. 4-50-2
New lawns, nansooks, checks, India
. linens. Mulls and a full line of satins at
all prices at Galley Bros.
Some time before long, we learn
that the Ladies' Aid Society of the M
. church will hold a fair.
,y " Long time loans on perfectly good
it- I0 security ought to command a low
rate of interest these daysv
G. Heitkemper of Hastings waa in
town a couple of days last week. He
reports that city on a boom.
The newly-appointed judge, Hon.
Wm. Marshall occupied the bench of
fhe district court yesterday morning.
interested with his law business to lie on
his back. He walks stiff, but talks
strong and thinks he will get along all
right in a short time.
Our stock is now complete in cloth
ing, boots and shoes, hats and caps. All
are cordially invited to inspect our
stock and prices. No trouble to show
goods, at Galley Bros.
Chris. Meedel was in town Wednes
day on business, and gave us a call.
Chris, is one of the earlv settlers of
Platte county, coming here in 1859, and
has great faith in Nebraska.
W. B. Backus returned home from
Ogallala last week, where he had been
hunting and looking for timber claims.
He says the county in and around the
new town of Grant is booming.
Col. Stevens was in town Monday,
and being questioned for news, said that
he was about to investigate his onion
farm to know whether there was any
seed left, after Saturday's wind.
Rev. Tasker, in the southwestern
part of the state writes of considerable
destruction there by prairie fire, and of
spending twelve hours of a night recent
ly fighting the destructive element.
A very few drops of rain out of a
cloudy atmosphere, as we go to press
Tuesday afternoon everybody hoping
for some rain, although grass, small
grain, etc, seem to be doing very well.
There will be a meeting of the Con
gregational Ecclesiastical Society at the
Congregational church tomorrow (Thurs
day), 8:30 p. m. Important business is
to come before the meeting. All mem
bers are requested to be present.
Probably Nebraska never saw a day
when real estate was more active and in
clined higher than Saturday last. At 2
o'clock there was a darkening of the sun,
during which chickens went to roost and
lamps were lit in dark shops. This
lasted but a few minutes however.
The trustees of the Columbus brass
band consummated a sale of a complete
set of instruments to the new band just
starting at Platte Center, Saturday last.
iuusic nam cnarma. to sootne tne sav
age breast," and Ihe average Centerite
should be satisfied, having now two full
fledged bands.
Mr. Pruyn,near Schuyler, started a
fire in his pasture to burn off the old
grass, but a high wind coming up the
fire got beyond control and didn't stop
until it burned off another man's mead
ow a, stable, a half-mile of trees, a con
siderable amount of hay, and endanger
ing fences ana dwellings.
Last week, the well known barber,
Henry Woods, was adjudged insane, and
was taken to the insane asylum at Lin
coln. It would not be so harrowing if
his friends could indulge the hope that
his mental aberration was only tempo
rary. To be hopelessly insane is prob
ably the worst temporal misfortune that
could befall a reasoning creature, and
Mr. Woods and family have the heart
felt sympathy of all their acquaintances
After completing work on Martin
Meyer's dwelling-house, Nick Blaser ex
pects to take a trip to the old country,
to be gone until September, and he has
promised to write to the readers of the
Joubnaij his impressions of the old
world, after an absence of twenty years
in America. Mr. Blaser has been a very
faithful, hard-working man, in all these
years never idling his time awav. He
deserves not only this respite from
business, but many another, and his
many warm friends will wish him a
pleasant visit and a safe return.
At Van Alstine & Lingner's meat
market may be seen quite a curiosity,
the same lieiug a chicken having three
legs, all beinjr perfectly formed. Frank
is in a quandary as to whether he had
better buy up other curios and start a
dime museum, or sell out to some es
tablished institution of that kind.
Spencer Campbell, from whom the
chicken was purchased, when told about
the freak of nature, remarked, "If I had
known dat chicken had three legs you
couldn't hab bought him for one dollah;
no, sah!"
Southern California.
We succeeded last week in "running
down" Mr. Clark, but. did not find space
then to publish our interview, and can
only now give a very brief summary
of the full accouut of affairs that we had
from him.
They traveled nearly all the time thoy
were there, determined to see and to
know fully as much as possible in the
time of their sojourn. Notwithstanding
the reports of their early season, they
saw no grass that a cow could graze on
except in one little valley near the
ocean. The explanation of this was that
mis nau oeen one oi tneir dry years
no rain to speak of during the winter.
We notice that, although they claim to
be able to cut five crops of alfalfa a
year, (and this is their grass), alfalfa
was selling at $25 a ton. Condensed
milk is used a great deal, and it is
"measly stuff;" butter is worth 75 cents
sometimes reaching $1.50; the best Hour
costs S3 a cwt.; eggs are 30 cents to 60
cents a dozen.
Their water is not near so good as
ours, an oi it being warmer. Tlie pur
est and liest water they bad at Colton,
from an artesian well. Ice is almost an
unknown quantity there, being sold
about as drugs are here, in very small
quantities, and so high that very few
can afford the luxury.
where Schutte, Wadsworth, Smith and
Richards are interested. Mr. Clark
thought one of the very nicest sites they
saw for a large city and a good health
resort. The peculiar turn of the coast
and the general conformation of the
surface of the country thereabouts,
makes a splendid view of the ocean and
inland, while valleys both north and
south operate as immense funnels,
through which the heavy mists and fogs,
universal everywhere else near the sea
level, are drawn aside from Carlsbad.
Beside the Columbus gentlemen named
above, who are more or less interested
in Carlsbad, is Mr. Frazier, the original
proprietor who, by the way, married the
widow of Bart. Hunt, formerly of this
city. An investment of $8,(M)0, they have
already sold $32,000 worth of lots, and
this not one-tenth of their purchase.
national crrr.
This suburb of San Diego is as near
nothing as could well be, with such a
high-sounding title.
(to be continued.)
School Report Roll or Honor.
Senior Grade-Chattie Rice, Phonnie Cushinir,
Grace Geer, Kate Early, Nellie Lynch.
Junior Grade-Jesse JJecher, Willie Coolidge.
Jennie Socrider.
BIr. Shaft's Room Charles Raymond, Herman
Brodfuehrer, Minnie Loth, Minnio Coan.
Miss Canavan's Room Willie Lehman, Eddie
Baker, Harry Graves, Johnnie Wiggins, Frank
Hchrant, Edwin Bissell, Lonie Schroeder, George
Loshbaujrh, Eddie Allbaagh, Louie 8cureiber,
Adolph Luers, Ethel Galley, Abbie Hard, There
sia Stowecek, Mary Kretzscnmar, Annie Hoppen.
Miss Ransdeil's Room Claude Clark, Lola
Schroeder, Ernest Kretzschmar, Belle Rice,
Robbie McCray, Johnnie Clark, Meda Dietrichs,
Annie Graves, Johnnie Allbaagh, Josie Stovicek,
Otto Hagel, Frankie McTaggart, Anna Trnmpi,
Johnnie Stovicek, Birdie DnsseL Harley Dussel.
Frankie Welsh, Hina Seipp, Lloyd Rowe, Earle
Galley, Roy Coleman, Henry Ragatz.
Miss McGath's Room-Maud SIcCray, Lillie
Boshell, Maud Naylor, Mary Henry. Mary Little,
Alice Elston. Mertellia Novell, Hatty Berger,
John Randall, Lee Rollins, Harry Ames.
Mrs. Goer's Room Nellie Hardell, Alice Lath,
Louise Carnahan, Allen Slemmons, Eugene
Tiffany, Willie Anderson, Hilton White.
Mrs. Backas's Room Nina Rice, Anna Taylor,
Clara Berger, Eunice Warnick, Craig Turner,
Charlie Hardell, Josie Tiffany, Jay Cushing,
Wallie Novell, Ralph Turner.
Mrs. Brindley's Room Nellie Carnahan, Ho
mer Tiffany, Eddie Rawlins, Anna Berger, Anna
Rasmnssen, Bertie Post, Belva Rice. Daisy
Mr. Brindley's Room-Mazie Albangh, Mamie
Uhlig, Vince Galley, Charlie Segelke.
Mr. Clark's Room Jane Clark, Ora Clark,
Bertie Coolidge, Chaddie Arnold, Irvie Speice.
Robert Melntire, Jennie Tannahill, Alma Segelke,
Clara Clark, David Boyd, Herbert Davis, Charles
Miss Martin's Room Katie Louis, Amelia
Krause, Francis Jones, Frazier Clark, Frank
Kurt, Eddie Jones, Bessie Davis, Jake Louis,
George Schrnm.
Mrs. Ration's Room Mettie Hensley, Emilie
Segelke, Annie Vok, MaryVok, Bethy Schup
bach, Lida Davis, Annie Jones, Rose Stuffel,
WiUie Clark, Freddie Berger, Willie Graves.
Steven Gerber.
Mr. Hurd's Room Anna Blaser, Charlie Blns
er, Fred Blaser, Clarence Clark, Eugene Clark,
Anna Grittin. Harcus Griffin, Andy Erb, Nellie
Browner, James Browner, James Grithan.
Heavy and Shelf Hardware,
Stoves and Tinware,
Pumps, Guns and Ammunition.
Wanted ! Wanted !
The Celebrated Moline Wagon Sold Here.
Every body to know that I have received my large
and well-selectrd
a us. a. BECHER.
Established 170.
The city election last week resulted
as follows: Mayor, J. E. North; clerk,
D. Dowty; treasurer, J. B. Delsman; en
gineer, J. G. Routson; members board
of education, David Schupbach, Geo.
Lehman, Jonas Welch. The total dem
ocratic vote for mayor was 200, against
W for Gray, the prohibition nominee.
Rontson's total vote was 159, against
Eusden's 127. Councilmen: 1st ward,
Chas. Segelke; 2d, L. Schreilier; 3d, E.
D. Fitz patrick, the latter by a majority
of two over C. G. Hickok.
Anton Heitkemper, we learn, will
soon open up a cigar manufactory in
this city. Columbus is an excellent
distributing point for any wholesale
business, and home tradesmen should
patronize and give aid to an- institution
that gives employment to laborers and
tends to gather and ditribute monev at
home. Tony is an old hand at the
business and will doubtless be success
ful. Chicago IlarberShup.
Mrs. Henry Woods desies us to return
her sincere thanks to the many friends of
the family who have befriended them in
a time of misfortune and sore trouble,
and to call attention to the fact that the
Chicago Barber shop will be conducted,
as heretofore, in a first-class manner in
every respect She asks a liberal share
of public patronage. j
The Journal job department is pre
pared to furnish, on short notice, all
kinds of commercial work such as letter
heads, note heads, bill heads, statements,
circulars, envelopes, cards, dodgers, pos
ters, etc; visiting cards; lawyers' briefs;
pamphlets; catalogues; sale bills, etc
Satisfaction guaranteed. Orders by
mail promptly attended to. Address,
M. K. Turner & Co., Columbus, Xebr.
City Council.
At the meeting of April 11th, the rules
heretofore in force were continued, until
otherwise ordered, and committee on
public property changed to committee
on public property and waterworks.
-Luu lion iiiutui lucii uppuillieu 1116
committees as follows:
Judiciary: Whitmoyer, Schreiber,
Finance: - Segelke. Fitzpatrick,
Fire: Schwarz, Fitzpatrick, Schreilier
Public Property and Waterworks:
Whitmoyer. Schreiber, Segelke.
Police: Fitzpatrick, Hughes, Segelke.
Claims: -Schreiber, Whitmoyer, Se
gelke. Printing:-Schwarz, Schreiber, Fitz
patrick. Streets, Grades, Sidewalks and Bridg
es: Hughes. Schwarz. Wbitmover.
The petition of L. Gerrard and others
for a sidewalk from Nebraska avenue to
North street, north side of 13th st., re
ferred to committee.
The treasurer and clerk were author
ized to forward the last three water
lionds remaining unsold, to S. A. Keau
& Co. on terms heretofore agreed upon,
amount 83,075.
The bond and contract of Whitaker
for sprinkling streets was accepted,
Council reserving right to make such
mrtlier regulations as they may be
deem necessary in regard to the same.
The matter of the sale of the engine
was left to committee on lire with an.
thority to act.
Bonds were approved and license
granted as follows: saloons: Step. Ryan,
R Brandt & Bro., P. J. Schmitz, Wm.
Bucher, V. A. Macken, Geo. Wandel, J.
P. Abts, S. L. Downing, Paul Hoppen,
W. A. Schroeder; Druggists: Dowty &
Becher, A. Heintz, C. B. Stillman, C. E.
Pollock & Co.; as sellers of liquors: Jos.
nenggler, Geo. Wagner.
Det. Enrollment. Averane. Per C-nt.
Senior 17 13 100
Junior 2! It) 82
Mr. Bhaff'n 22 18 82
Miss Canavan's 21 23 M
Miss Kansdall's 37 34 ir
Miss McGath's 39 32 U2
Mrs.Geer's 22 19 htj
Mrs. Hackus's 37 31 HI
Mrs. Hrindley's 3tl 24 78
Mr. lirindley 's 2d 21 92
Mr. Clark's 28 2T. W
Miss Martin's 30 27 90
Mrs. Ballou's 30 29 81
Mr. Hurd's i: 12 80
Total 387 333 8G
Real Estate and Insurance Agt's,
UIS&SS0" F"m8 " ,OWe8t ra,eS ' ict".a ahrt and Ion time, in amonnts to
i oaialct Atatrart af Title to all Real Estate in Platte county
Notahv Public always in Office. unij.
Far aad 1'ltjr Property far Sale.
Lifk akd Accident IxstnttN-cc-nonelmt
Yon can aave monor b- baying of me. I cor
dially invite you to
Come and See,
lasaraare acainst Fire, LiKhtnin and Tornadoes.
uiu icr) ucti companies represented.
StraMihla Ticket to and from.all parts in Kuro.
Hisaiarrk Township.
George Hodel purchased a cultivator
last week.
E. Stickly has moved into the Hoag
land house.
Several new houses are being erected
in this neighborhood.
L. H. Loavy has been re-enirnired for
the summer term of school.
A spelling-school in the evening of
the 7th closed W. H. Swartsley's school,
mere were aiso some miscellaneous ex
ercises which did credit to all concerned.
The annual school-meeting April 4th
resulted in the re-election of R. C.
Mueller for director, but as he declined
to serve, the two remaining parties
of the board will appoint one. The di
viding of the district was not conceded;
the contract for flooring the school
house was let to Stephen Burke for S20,
the lumber and everything to be fur
nished by him and the job to be com
pleted by the 18th as the summer term
will commence on that date.
The town meeting on the 5th develop
ed nothing of much importance except
the levying of a tax, the summary of
which is as follows:
That Bismarck Township levy the
following tax: mills
linage mud ,j
General " ." o
Total "7
Provided, that the county builds all
the bridges, but if it does not, and the
law is changed from 7 mills to a higher
limitation, then Supervisor Swartsley is
instructed to make the following levy:
General fund 5
Bridge " 5
Road " 2
Total f2
Lin this deiartuieut the people talk, and not
the editor. Each writer must hold himself ready
to defend his principles and his statements of
facts. "In the multitude of counsel there is
wisdom." Ed. Jocknal.J
About twenty of Johnie Huber's
friends gave him a grand snrprise on
Wednesday eve the 6th, it being his
eleventh birthday; he was the receipient
of some very nice presents, and the
little folks had a happy time. After a
lunch including ice cream and lemonade,
the young gentlemen accompanied the
girls home, wishing for many returns.
District Court Proceedings.
John Walker v. I). C. Kavanaugh. Replevin.
Verdict for plaintiff.
Wilbert Fortune v. M. J. Clark. Wnlicr for
plaintiff. $12T.O0.
James O'Donnell v. O. N. & H. II. It. It. Co.
Damages. Verdict for $5,000.
Mary Smala v. Geo. Hlorasta. Bastardy. On
trial yestenlay.
Wm. (iodkin v. Platte County. Finding for
plaintiff, $li'i.O0.
W. (J. Smith v. 8. C. & P. It. It. Co. Motion
ftir new trial overruled.
Hazard & (',,. v. Sells. Verdict for defendant.
Mathias Urick v. Wm. Edwards. Verdict for
plaintiff. $1.2o.
Lyon & Healy v. M. C. Bloedorn. Replevin.
Verdict for defendant.
( State v. John Shanahan. Shooting with intent
to kill and wound. Guilty.
State v. James Moore. Dismissed.
State v. Brandt & Wolf. Unlawfully selling
intoxicating liquors. Guilty; fine $100.
State v. S. J. Davidson. Dismissed.
State v. Jolin Kaus. Information filed disos
ing mortgaged property.
A local correspondent of the Schuy
ler Quill is inclined to le ironical, thus:
"I guess we don't want any Sunday School
here, but just give us a deck of fifty-two with a
liigh, low, jack, and the game on the sunny side
of a hay-stack with our children and small
brothers looking on and we can enjoy ourselves
all day Sunday. That's right. Train np a child
in the way he should go and he will not depart
from it.'"
in this afljetion.
Fred. Reimer, who has been on quite
an extended southern visit, returned to
this city Friday last looking in good
health. The climate of the southern
states is very fine, but take it all in all,
Nebraska is good enough for him. His
wife remains in Alabama for some time
yet, visiting her friepds.
No more free hunting and fishing al
lowed on my'farm. G. W. Stetexs.
Platte Center Items'.
Born, to Mrs. R. Gentleman, on April
2d, a girl.
John Eusdan, county surveyor, was
in town Saturday surveying.
J. B. Drane of Columbus is working
for J. H. Watts, laying brick.
Ed. Ballon was in Columbus Saturday
and Sunday, visiting his parents.
Ed. Overton of Norfolk was the guest
of S. E. Phillips last Wednesday.
Mr. Consendine of Ames was the
guest of Wm. Edwards Wednesday.
Charles Carrig is digging the cellar of
a residence on the lot recently owned by
Joe Sobns.
N. J. Gentleman returned Tuesday
from Omaha, where he has been attend
ing a commercial college.
The high wind Saturday made work
for the tinners and carpenters, by blow
ing down signs and eave troughs.
The plans and specifications are being
made out for the new school house, and
the next move will be a court house, to
adorn the hill west of the depot.
Monroe Items.
Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Miller have a
young daughter.
Alfred Peterson lost a valuable three-years-old
colt last week.
Miss Fanny Geer, (teacher) spent
several days in Columbus last week.
Weather dry and very windy. Farm
ers have nearly finished sowing small
Win. Sipple returned from Iowa Wed
nesday last, bringing with him a fine
team of mules.
At school meeting in District 39 J. J.
Jndd was re-elected treasurer, and it
was decided to have only seven months
school the coining year.
We are pleased to notice that Sunday
schools are being organized in so many
districts, and hope the good work may
still go on until there is a Sunday school
in every district, then all children can
have the privilege of attending Sunday
school; but when they have four or five
miles to go,fnrmers are apt to think it is
too hard 011 their teams, and tliv
should rest on the Sabbath, and the re
sult is the children acquire the habit of
idling away the Sabbath, and habits
formed in childhood are apt to go with
T. D. X.
us through life.
Everybody to call at J. & A. Heitkem
per's new store and examine their large
and well assorted stock of staple and
fancy groceries. One door west of Kramer's.
J! ectiMK r Nupervlors.
Notice is hereby given that a
special meeting of the Board or
Supervisors of Platte county, Nebr.,
will be held at the court house in
Columbus, in said county, on the lCth
day or April, A. D. 1887, atone o'clock
in the afternoon or said day. ror the
purposo or approving the bonds or the
town officers of Lost Creek towhship.
By request or seven members or the
Board orSupervisorsorPIattecouqtv,
Nebraska. John Stauffek,
April 7th, 1887. County Clerk.
t Vf
The Young People's Society of Chris
tian Endeavor meet at the Congrega
tional church every W'ednesday even
ing at 7:30. Leader, Mr. Clarence
Sheldon. Topic, God's service a choice.
Joshua 24:15.
For Sale or Rest.
My place of residence. Terms moder
ate. For information apply to Gus. G.
Becher or C. J. Garlow.
SO-1 John- G. Hiooixs.
"A farmer who named his cow Zephyr.
Because she waa snch a fine bephyr.
tough? rt6oMh fro to kxrfthatwaa
And now he'a a little bit dephyr."
Boone L'oauty's Last Tragedy.
St. Edward, April 8, 1887.
Ed. Journal: Whiskey has again got
in its work in this community, and the
result is one of our neighbors, Warren
Long, was laid away in his grave to-day,
and Ed. Carr, his whiskey-crazed as
sailant, will be tried for his life at the
next term of court to be held at Albion.
The following are the circumstances
connected with the tragedv. Our vil
lage election took place Tuesday last,
and as the day advanced, Carr began to
fill up with liquor and along toward
evening began to be abusive. Some
where about 9 or 10 o'clock Mr. J. C.
Vizzard. proprietor of the Fremont
House, who was attending the an
niversary party of our P. M, H. A.
Shaffer, being held at Hardy's Hall, was
informed that Carr and a companion
were trjing to get into the hotel to at
tack some one. Mr. Vizzard came down
and taking- in the situation at a glance
promptly knocked Carr down and threw
him off of the sidewalk. Carr im
mediately got up and said he would fix
Vizzard and asked one or two of the
bystanders to let him have a gun; being
refused and remonstrated with, seemed
only to increase his anger and he finallv
said he knew where he could find a gun
and started in the direction of his em
ployer's office; here, he secured Mr. Wei
ker's shot gun and returned and, his not
finding Mr. V. seemed to enrage him still
more. William Blecher told him to put
the gun away or he might shoot some
one and the answer came promptly,
"Shut your month or I will shoot you,"
at the same time raising the cocked gun
in a threatening manner. Mr. B., see
ing that he was in earnest and meant
mischief, quietly stepped to one side;
others were threatened in the same way;
finally, Mr. Long came up and seeing
Carr with the gun said in a quiet way,
"I am going home, and Ed., you had
better put that gun away and go home
too." Carr repeated the threat that he
had made to Blecher and others and
Long, apparently thinking he was not
in earnest, stopped with the evident in
tention of pleading still further, when
Carr raised the gun, fired, and Long
fell. He then lowered the muzzle of
the gun, looked at his victim a few
moments and walked off leisurely, oc
casionally looking over his shoulder to
see if he was being pursued. Long was
immediately carried into the hotel parlor
and in ten minutes he breathed his last.
The charge of shot had struck him
squarely on the chin in front, and had
become imbedded in his head, throat
and neck. Sheriff Daniels and Coroner
Clark were notified and about 4 o'clock
in the morning arrived at St. Edward,
The Bheriff found Carr in his bed at the
elevator office, and when requested to
get up, and surrender for the crime of
killing Long, he claimed he knew noth
ing about it, didn't remember 6eeing
Long, etc. The coroner's jury rendered
a verdict that Long came to his death
by being shot by Carr, and that the
murder was willful. Mr. Long leaves a
wife who is expected to become a mother
at any moment.
His brother of this neighborhood E.
D. and Winfield S. of Chariton, Iowa,
and his sister Mrs. Jos. Reynoldson of
Plum Creek were present at the last
sad rites, and to see his poor, aged father
and mother at his grave to-dav bowed
down with grief over the loss of their
first born was a spectacle of sadness that
caused many to Bhed tears. One result
of the sad affair is that many who have
been in favor of a licensed saloon in St.
Edward have come forward and said,
"No, this is enough; we will deal with
the cause hereafter instead of granting a
license. It is far easier to prevent crime
by stopping the cause than it is to deal
with it after the crime has been com
The writer has never been a pro
hibitionist, honestly thinking that it
some way deprived a iierson of some of
his inalienable rights, but I now lielieve
that one of the most sacred rights we
have is the right to defend ourselves
against crime, and the germs of crime
that lurk in every drop of liquor that is
manufactured. This is a fact that will
be admitted by every intelligent person,
regardless oi their previous views on
license or prohibition. To say that lie
cause drug stores and .so-called tem
perance billiard halls will sell on the
sly and that it is better to have a licensed
saloon is all folly.
In some parts of the country rattle
snake oil sells at a good price. Suppose
a man in order to make money easy
withqut any very hard wprk waa to start
3 rattlesnake farm in town and tell na
the snakes were perfectly harmless if we
only kept out of their way, we would
object of course, but just think or him
and his friends trying to get a license on
the plea that the license money would
help educate our children, and if the
snaKes KUleil any of our children
could indulge in law suit with"
snake-hatcher. I tell you there are
some things that money can't pay Tor.
It cau never pay for a murdered hus
band, a father, a son, a brother, and
ruined households. One murdered
father cannot be paid for with idl the
I money that has ever been made by the
saie or all tne liquor that has been sold
sinco the vile stuff has been manufac
tured. If it was your father, husband,
son or brother, wouldn't you think so,
reader? E. D.
Ed. Columbus Journal: The fol
lowing article has been furnished the
Democrat for publication. As he may
be delicate about inserting it, I furnish
you a' copy, supposing that you woidd
not like to see him deprived of the lmii-
efit of the article from such cause.
E. A. Gerrard.
"Ed. Columbus Democrat : By an
article in yours of the 8th inst., I find
that yon are much exercised over my re
marks with reference to your former
article entitled 'Prohibition in Kansas.'
In those remarks I took occasion to say
that possibly you might be correct from
your standpoint, though, after reading
the law of Kansas, I find that vou were
miHinformed in retjard to the facts.
lerhaps your conclusions in vonr last
article, regarding myself as" Trohib-
monisi, may be ifentlenmnlv n.l
courteous (from your standpoint), and
possibly there may be some compensa
tion for my being accused of running a
democratic annex in that (7jro hundred
dollars worth o.y;xtr' from vonr stand
point), and possibly you mav be misin
formed as to these facts. -1 believe pro
hibition is coming. I believe it to be
right .and best for our people, and that
it will not lie very much or long delaved
by either your article on prohibition in
Kansas or your compliments to mvself
. t'ruuiuuiuinsi. as l do not happen
to edit a paper and was not informed
that you could not lienrwithequuniinitv
the suggestion that you, like Gov. Mar
tin of Kansas and other great men
might change your mind upon a longer
acquaintance with the subject, or even
of the value or that space, if it icas the
best part of the paper. I hope you
will publish this as a full vindi
cation of yourself and a fair warn
ing that Prohibitionist is dead, haviii"
inadvertently come within range or a
buj yitn.
E. A. Gerrard."
we ckkkk our i.ak;k and
compi.ktk stuck of
Furnishing Goods !
tireatIy-:-Rr dnced-:-Prices !
S( 'all, examine (Jooils and leam
Greisen Eros. & Co.
Roller Mills!
The person who stoops to write an
anonymous letter is no friend, for by his
cowardly proceeding he has proven him
self to be an enemy. Let the true friend
come bravely to the front and prove his
assertions, and we are willing to listen.
Bnt we advise you not to resort to the
above referred to, contemptible, pro
ceeding again, or we will find other
means of reaching you which are not so
pleasant. 'A word to the wise is suffi
CB&CDE& BEOS., Proprietors.
Flour, Feed,
Bran, Shorts
And Meal,
k:r:m-Avniza'to - "
.1- D -""n,k Apnl 4th, of conw-stion of
Urn lnnpj, Mitw Maswe Meade of Valentine,
Mel).. late if tins city, aged 11 years and 10
gasiness Notices.
Advprtiitemtntu iitiiLp I.7U 1. 1 c -.
line each insertion.
TyriLLKTT SKED. Miilett ml for sale by D.
Andemin. Aleo 2 nonies and 10U nin.
yearling ulcere.
XlOKtpo.1 younic breeding stock or all kimb,
1 "Sf KloominKdale xtock farm. A. Hen-
"vi mile euicr r. w,
, Neb.
WM. SCHILTZ makes boots and hhoeu in the
utock that can lie rrocurtd in the market. 52-tf
TJIOIJ SAIJJ cheap and on very easy terms, br
sA&Br A"i,ly to K w- hrh-
H0fK!-N y . r11 ,-o.c:,,, iit "
fh..Z.i I 1 .1 pr,n, Wlth ,,r without cut
of horve and on both pa,r and muMin. Joua-
Ai. buildinf.oinKittitwnew U. 1'. deiot. 51tf
-pitAIIUE KlX(i is the name of th ImnUin.
c.UI)ack..hnKHli Shin- stallion atAbta'
ivl- 1 ,U.l)e ,M J V,l"n,MM MoniL.v TWfcys
anil Uh nuili.. u:..i .. - r . J
1'- "- ('CUTIS 1KKKK.
Al! Kinds s Grain.
"WAY UP," Patent,
Wo guarantee our flour to be equal in any
manufactured in th Mate.
We call the attention of thi public to the fart
that we make a upe.-i.dt of eschannintf rjour,
bran and hort for wheut.-uHKr.! ttouraml n
much or it bm any other mill in thiit part of the
Mate; also the exchange or com imal for corn.
We hate put in npecial machinery (or KriadiiiK
rye floor and buckwheat Hour.
G?SatifBction Kuamnteed. 1'leaso tow in
a cull: .Ifelert-y
Red Top,
Blue Grass, etc.,
SI heb. m;-4iiiu
always ox hand a full and nkw link
N E". f " iw',P?,, K'vra tlmt on or aln.ut
i.lh day or Novemlier. Iwrt. the firm kno
a Knuue. Lublin- & Co.. and tianMctinirfo
ne?? in the firm name of Krause, Lnbker.Vro
in the city of ('olnmbiw. Piatt cmntrLi.Jtli
was totally dissolved, and all the notes ami
account- due said finrfwere old and a&dto
Henry Lubker, one of the member of said firm"
who became the nolo owner thereof, and I hereby
Bive notice to all debtors tobaid firm topaTn,,
5dT?nMrny ,,!?rMB tf ceP m,f r attorney,
and 1 farther Kie notice to all persons not to
buy any note or note .-i tr JL..t 1.1T '
Co.." Iarin ct.te later than Nov. th?Wi.
"" Hesav Lubkeb.
"MMke FatreC2reat.
Cmulc aad HC Market
aaa ike L,arcet NlaackterlaV
wrB!cU,"r -- K
We hllQW oervoru -arhat ,.. 1 .
wVth Kite imEw&t irifflS
"fiance lot." IS aaieTk 11 iS frTo
wild-cat proirty han.l lS-T-Z" If "T ??
. - m -ct tiwr Hnn
.Tery investment will double in V
0ANXAiAr!, $OF" ,IXDS'
iyr. also
And all kinds of country produce taken in trade
and all Hoods delivered free of charire
to any part or the city.
D. Andwsox, Columbus,
W ! I-, .i JK-& Sp-to Omaha.
iii "" "" tronu.i larma on com.
r i
i !!