The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, January 12, 1887, Image 3

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Pas-. Freight.
Leases Columbus. 8:10 a.m. 1:50 p. m.
'" Bellwood .8:35 -' t!:.' '
" David Citv.ihOO " 0:20 "
- ." Seward... 10:10 6:00 "
2 rrives at Lincoln 11:35" S:W)
The passenger leaves Lincoln at 3:55 p.
n., :tid arrives at Columbus 7:00 p. in;
the 'reight leaves Lincoln at 0 a. m., and
ayives it Columbus at 1 p. m.
3ridge election next Tuesday.
Organs ! Call at A. & M. Turner's.
Money on chattel pecuruy. llcn-
- insurance at living iRtos
Read the bridge proposition aud
vote yes.
Saml. Wieo is up troni Atchison
vis-ting bis folks.
Men'e boots at $1.50 a pair at
Friedhof &Co'a. S 24-tf
New carpet and oil cloth, at
Friedbol & Go's.
Mrs. Win. Taj lor whs on the
tick list last week.
Pearl Bouusteel is visiting young
friends iu the ciiy.
lijnrich has large calendars. Call
"and get oue. Free.
Clo'hiug! Clothing! Huy your
clothing at Krauicr'r. o7-2t
We are still t-liiujr $2 00 over
coats. C. & L. Kramer.
Great reductions on cloaks and
dress goods at Kramer' d.
Jno. Wermath of Guuiha wan iu
town several days last 7erk.
Go to Honabau's for custom work,
only firel-clas nhon in town. 2-l7-4t
Valkntikes "jgly, horrible val
entines, at K. D. FiizpHtricic'-j "IS 4
The Columbus colouy at Lincoln
came up Saturday in lull iorcu.
Ail wool, roJ twilled Annuel, 2,")
cents a yard at Fiicdboi & CoV.
Feather and Jar trimmings, in
large variety, at Fried ho f & Co"s.
Go to Ilotiahau iar bcote and
shcea, bargains to cas'i customers.
Cyrus Davis of Aticnissn was in
the city last weei inning friends.
Walentines! Jieautifal, Elegant
Valentines at E. B. Fitzpatrich'x.
Ai good as the Lent, and as cheap
as the cheapest, at J. IS. Delsrnau'a.
Overcoats at the lowest prices.
('ai.lkv Ifisos.
r 'Vpple cider, fresh and sweet, 40
cts. a gnllcn, at V. A. Schroeder's.
The Jine6t line ol ladies' wraps at
Galley linos.
J. & A. Heitkensper will pay the
highest prices for good table butter.
Men's all-wool, scarlet shirts aud
dravTers, at .10 cents. Friedhof &
Insure with Hemicli. Lowest
rates. fi-3S-tf
Delsman keeps good goods, and
will not allow himself to be under
Always Fkesh St. Louis Anheuser-Busch
Beer at Will. Schroe
der's. 28-tf
Boiled cider for making rnince
meat and apple butter, at Weaver &
Hfcid's 34-tf
One mixed train a day is now
running on t'ie Northwestern road to
Wanner weather the last two
days and some are piedicting a Jan
uary thaw.
A full line of glassware, lamps
and qucensware at J. & A. Ileit
kemper's. California strained honey at 12
cents per pound at .7. & A. Heit
kemper's. Dowty & Becher is the now
firm name of the late firm of Dowty
& Heitkemper.
Tho Joukxal is prepared to do
all kinds of job work, commercial
and otherwise.
Just received, the finest stock of
hanging lamps and parlor lamps, at
Oehlrich Bros.
Bovs' youths' and men's clothing,
in great variety, at lowest prices, at
jedhof & Go's.
Examine our stock of dress
goods the finest iu the city, at
Miss Mazie Elliott returned last
week from a visit to her brother
Hans at Postville.
When in want of a cloak, tho
latest style, don't fail to examine our
stock. Friedhof & Go.
The 6treet railway ie to be the
next enterprise for wide-awake
"'young cities of Nebraska.
Complete stock ot dinner sets
Mid tea sets, newest patterns, just
received at Oehlrich Bros.
-Al. Rickly returned to his home
At Ruehville, Friday last, after a two
.weeks' visit with friends here.
Willie Meagher and Frank Cow
dery have been appointed as pages
for the house of representatives.
We know the best place in Co
lumbus to insure, is at the office of
P. W. Henrich, over State Bank, tf
W. E. Bance who has been visit
ing friends iu Iowa for the past week
returned home Monday evening.
Just received, a new line of New
markets at bottom prices, at
Galley Bros.
. Mrs. C. Brake, who has been
visiting in Minnesota for the last
three weeks, returned Saturday last.
Boettcber & Kersenbrock re
ceived yesterday three car load6 of
pressed brick from Lincoln for their
tnew business house, which they will
rec( aext spring.
You will nlwayg get the lowest
prices at
5-31 J f Gallry Bros.
Next seeson ought to be a very
fruitful one it we are to measure it
Mom the amount of snow-fall on
A flat car loaded with iron was
ditched at Gardner station Saturday
morning caused by a jonrnal burn
ing out.
Gus. Krause has had put up, by
Mr. Elliott, a good sized barn and
buggy shed a space of 48x30 feet,
all told.
The Journal is on sale, each
week, at the book and news stores of
E. D. Fitzpatrick and It. Hartman, at
5 cents a copy.
It. It. Price, formerly proprietor
or the St. Edwarcs mill, Boone coun
ty, died last week at Riverside, Cal.,
t consumption.
Mips Alice Kingston went last
week to Bellevue College, an institu
tion that i- gaining quite a reputatiou
throughout the state.
Martin Maher tells us it is won
derful the amount of shipments being
made on the Northwestern road from
Lindsay and Cornlca.
Mrs. B. M. Gillcn of Monroe
township came down last week for
a two weeks' visit with her parents,
Mr. aud Mrs. John Elliott.
Don't renew your insurance
hotore seeing Henrich. It will cost
you nothing and save you money.
Office over Columbus State Bank.
lugvard SIberson, Monday re
ceived his appointment as Notary
Public, thus enabling Becher & Co.,
another convenience in their businoss.
20,000 bu3hels of good milling
wheat wanted immediately at the
flouring mill of Jaeggi & Schopbach,
for which good prices will be paid.
George W. Elliott, a farmer uear
Beat: ice, put into market during '86,
$G05 worth ot fat hogs. He thinks
hog mike a good item of farm pro
duct. Before investing in a sewing
machine, orgau or piano, see A. & M.
Turner, at their organ depot, or ad
dress G. W. Kibler, their traveling
taleptuan. tt
Hon. W. S. Craig of Burt county
came up trom Lincoln aaiuraay, ana
visited the Journal editor's family
till Monday morning, when be
returned to duty at the Capitol.
ttvmemher, we are never under
sold on good goods, at
'Galley Bros.
The Misses Bauer entertained a
large company of their friends Thurs
day evening last. A very enjoyable
evening it was, and the general de
siro is that there be more such social
Frank North is court reporter
for the Fourth Judicial district, with
a salary of $1,600 a year. This is a
protty good score for Prof. Backus,
who gavo him lessons into the re
porter's style.
Mrs. Jackson will give a recep
tion at her house for the benefit of
the Presbyterian church, Wednesday,
January 12tb, 2 to 3:30-4 to 5:30
7 to 10 Tickets 50 cents, aud there
have been a goodly number sold.
The Millers of Nebraska had a
meeting last week at Omaha, or
ganizing an association for mutual
benefit. Schroeder Bros, and Jaeggi
& Schupbach were present. Another
takes place at Lincoln next month.
Sheriff Kavanaogh went to Lin
coln Monday morning with the in
sane man Smith of Lost Creek town
ship, with the understanding thai he
return with Hamer who has been
pronounced incurable, but harmless.
We have been compelled to
postpone some editorial letters con
cerning Colorado; a lengthy com
munication in regard to Omaha, and
also one on the oil and gas region at
Tfffin, Ohio, until a more convenient
The Loup river ought to be
bridged here by a good, solid sub
stantial bridge. No additional levy
is required. You are asked to say
whether $10,000 now in the county
treasury and unappropriated shall be
used for this purpose. Say yes.
Let us have the local news from
your neighborhood tho happenings
that are interesting to the people.
We need no family or personal quar
rels, on one side or the other. No
newspaper can possibly thrive on
animosity, and for excellent reasons
should not.
L. McCulIom and family arrived
in the city Friday last stopping with
Mr. David Zimmerman till Saturday
aftenoou, when they went to St.
Edwards, Boone county. He remov
ed to southeastern Tennessee about
two year? ago, but returns to Ne
braska for good.
The following officers, selected
Friday night will look after the
interests of the Lyceum for the next
month: Maynard Hurd, pres. ; Ida
Martin, sec. ; W. II. Henrich, treas. ;
executive committee, J. E. Munger,
L. J. Cramer, C. J. Garlow ; C. A.
Brindley, critic.
Eddie Clark, son of Edward, who
had been employed about three
months at the Western Union Tele
graph office, received a very nice
present in the shape of a purse of
money during the Holidays from the
other employes. The world, as of
yore, is in need of good, industrious
lads who will make useful men.
H. Rickert and Hellbusch hare
threshed this fall for 43 farmers with onr
New Agitator, which we bought August
24th, 1SS6, from Boettcher & Co., Colum
bus, Xeb., manufactured by J. I. Case &
Co., Racine, Wisconsin, the following
bushels of grain: wheat 7,891, oats 30,015,
barley 3SS, rye 436, Hungarian 281, buck
wheat 77.
Hknry Bicskrt,
John F. Hkixbusch,
Carl HaxLBUscH,
Dated Dc. 28, 1886.
A dremt atata!
Columbus never saw such a rush
for'goods as the people have made
to the great Slaughter Sale of men's
and boys' clothing and overcoats in
the Wm. Lamb store. "Did yon ever
hear of a man buying a good suit and
overcoat for $4.75? Men's wool sox
10c? Men's buckle Arctics $1.00? I
Men's calf-faced shrunk yarn .mitts
35c? Men's heavy undershirts 15c?
Come across lots and don't stop for
fencesif yon want, some of ;the bar
gains. Onlyja few more days of this
great sale. 1
A seriesof meetings, continuing
for a week at least and probably
longer, will be begun next Sabbath
at the Congregational church. Rev.
Rice will be assisted by Rev. Wm.
Wellman of Kansas City, and one
6ermon each evening will be deliver
ed. All are invited.
At the meeting Monday evening
the following were elected officers
for the Engine Co. : Foreman, Wm.
Schilz; 1st assistant G. Friscbholz;
2d assistant, L. Easlinger; Foreman
ho6e, O. L. Baker ; Assist., C. Schudy ;
Sec, Ingvard Siberson ; Treas., Jno.
Becher; Janitor, T. McTeggart;
Trustees, J. P. Schmitz, E. C. Halm,
G. Friscbholz.
We are in receipt of a communi
cation from Lindsay signed that is
too violently personal for our col
umns. The writer avers great friend
ship for Mr. Hay ward, characterizing
him as a "genial, gentle gentleman,
the only ftiend I had." But it grieves
him to think that "he has fallen into
the clutches of 'Old Bloker,' a big,
tal porpoise shorter than he is wide."
Wash. Fulton was iu town Mon
day on business. He informs us that
his son Wm., whose accident we
made mention of at the time, is re
covering veiy nicely. He lost his
right haud and about two inches of
the arm above the wrist. The lad,
ten years old, has borne his affliction,
from the moment of the fearful acci
dent up to now, as bravely as any
hero could.
On Sabbath the 16th inst., Rev.
W. W. Harsha, D. D., president of
the college in Bellevue, Neb., will
preach in the Presbyterian church iu
this city. Rev. T. L. Sexton, D. D.,
superintendent of Presbyterian mis
sions in Nebraska, will preach on the
23d, and on the 30th the services will
be conducted by the pastor. These
services will begin punctually at 10)4
a. m., and 1-Z p. m. All are cordially
Bnt la the World.
Ottumwa Lily Corn Starch has been
brought to tho highest attainable
quality by employing the best skill
and scientific aid that money can fur
nish. It is the most strengthening
and health-giving food now before the
public, and is especially recommend
ed for children and invalids. Every
package guaranteed strictly pure.
Remember and ask yonr grocer for
Lily Corn Starch.
The Journal job department is
prepared to furnish, on short notice
all kinds of commercial work such
as letter heads, note heads, bill
heads, statements, circulars, envel
opes, cards, dodgers, posters, &c. ;
visiting cards; lawyers' briefs;
pamphlets; catalogues; sale bills,
&c. Satisfaction guaranteed. Orders
by mail promptly attended to. Ad
dress, M. K. Turner & Co., Colum
bus, Nebr. tf
Herman Natenstedt, a black
smith of this place for several years
past, left these parts Monday night
week, owing a great deal here and
there for goods bought, money bor
rowed, security on notes, etc., etc.
Losses of individuals, we are told,
run all the way from a few dollars to
as high as $300. Yesterday, there
was quito a crowd of attorneys at
Judge Speice's court contesting for
their clients, over the property that
Mr. N. left.
On New Year's day the beantifnl
opal and diamond ring given by A.
J. Arnold was drawn by C. If.
Elston, who held the lucky number,
43. For eaeh purchase of $1.50 worth
of goods of Al., betweon this and
June 1st, '87, a ticket, non-transferable,
will be given the purchaser, en
titling him to a chance for one lady's
gold watch, one pair lady's cuff
buttons, one miss's lace pin, one
lady's lace pin, one gold ring. Mr.
Arnold does as he agrees. 38-2
St., John had a very respectful
hearing from a large audience com
posed of all grades of opinion on the
liquor question. The writer was not
present, but learns that, from St
John's Btand-point, he made a strong
plea for prohibition. With other ar
dent probibiton workers, he claims
that their issue will elect a president
of the United States in 1892. We be
lieve that St. John did not claim, in
his lecture that the prohibition ele
ment elected Cleveland.
The new board of Supervisors
now in session are representative
men of the county, and we believe
will give general satisfaction in the
discharge of their duty. Success to
you, gentlemen. The Journal be
lieves your office the most important
one in the bounty, and one in which
you are more liable to censure than
to just credit. Do your exact dnty
under the law and your oath of office,
and you need have no fear but your
constituents will approve your work.
From Mr. Moran of Creston, who
was in Saturday on business, we
learn that the B. & M. have made a
second survey from Schnyler np
Shell Creek, .and LoBeke creek, and
that it is now announced the road
will be constructed on this survey ;
there has been considerable sickness
in Cresten this winter, mainly ty
phoid fever Mrs. Henry Johnson
died two weeks ago, and Mr. T. K.
Matson's family are all sick; Ed.
Graham is about erecting a steam
flouring mill, and two grain elevators
are to be put up by B. F. Morehouse
and Messrs. Smith Filler.
8kl Mepart-toll trHrair.
Senior Grade Chattie Rice, Phon
nie Cushing, Delila Davis, Nellie
Lynch, Anna Turner, Martha Tur
ner. Mrs. Backus's Room Enor Clother,
Minnie Becker, Carrie Novell, Katie
Flynn, Phenie Bowman, RosieFlyun,
Clara Berger, Howard Routson,
Charlie Hardell, Freddie Rollin,
Eddie Thurston, Eddie Fitzpatrick,
John Little, Josie Tiffany, Ralph
Turner, Jay Cushing, Walter Thomp
son, Craig Turner.
Miss Ransdell's Room Mamie
Gluck, Lester Lehman, Louise Bla
wat, . Belle Rice, Robbie McCray,
Anna Graves, Johnnie Albaugb, Otto
Hagel, Josie Stovecek, Kittie Kav
anaogh, Meda Dietricbs, Henry
Ragatz, Willie Hoppen, Frank Mc
Taggart, Carl Yensinger, Anna
Trumpi, Vina Weber, Johnnie
Stovecek, Birdie Dussel, Frank
Welsh, Hina Seipp, Lloyd Rowe,
Ernest Kretzschmar.
Junior Grade Minnie Meagher,
Walter Henry, Bert Galley, Willie
Coolidge, Lee O'Donnell, Fred Cof
fey. Miss Canavan's Room Annie
Hoppen, Ethel Lundy, Therosia
Stovecek, Abbie Hurd, Eddie Baker,
George Hulst, Willie Lehman,
George Loshbaugh, Frank Ransdell,
Frank Scbram, Louie Schreiber, John
Wiggins, Fred Weber, Louie Schroe
der, Johnnie Sutton.
Mr. ShafTs Room Anna Hamer,
Ida Baker, Minnie Lutb, Anna Nay
lor, Katie Carrig, Charles Raymond,
Fred Naylor, Edwin Hamer, Gustav
Mr. Clark's Room Gertie Wells,
Bertie Coolidge, Chaddie Arnold,
Irvie Speice, Johnie Staoffer, Clara
Mclntire, Robert Mclntire, Luther
Jones, Willie Hoage, Ora Clark,
Clara Clark, Alma.. Segelke, Carl
Hoehen. Herbert Davis. Itoy Cor
nelius, Freddie French,David Boyd,
Charlie Rice, Willie Rickly, Wil
liamDietrichs. Miss McGath's Room Phoebe
Gerrard, Gracie Gerrard, Clara Leh
man, Elsie Moie, Mary Henry,
Bessie Sheldon. Alice Turner, Maud
Naylor, Maud McCray, Mary Limb,
Anna Becker, Lillie Bushel, Carrie
Simmons, Ella Compton, Hattie Ber
ger, Mertellia Novell, John Randall,
Charley Welch, Alonzo Haddox,
Herbert Henry, Harry Ames.
Mrs. Ballou's Room Willie Clark,
Benjamin, Davis, John Mueelmnn,
Joseph Clark. Freddie Berger, Con
nie Keating, Jesse Newman, Steven
Gerber, Emil Pohl, Willie Heusley,
Harry Lawrenre, Mettio Heusic,
Lily Keating, Olga Egger, Augie
Early, Ernilic Segelke, Jessie Berry,
Lida Davis.
Mr. Brindley's Room Mazie Al
baugb, Jessie Schram, Mamie Uhlig,
Anna Hoehen, Tommy Boyd, Mag
gie Wellman, Nellie Uoisington,
Florence Tigner.
Mrs. Geer's Room Nellie Hardell,
Frances Barnhart, Mary Elston, Alice
Luth, Lucy Taylor, Willie Coffey.
Mi68 Martin's Room Amalie
Krause, Francis Jones, Henry Keat
ing, Arthur PobI, Charlie Mclntire,
Frank Kurt, Maud Matlock, Roy
Matlock, Margie Geer, Maud Wil
liams, George Schram, Bessie Davi9,
Meta Pohl, Minnie Tannahill, Jake
Louis, Eddie Jones, Mary Seigen-
ATingt Bally Pir Cut. ef
Sip't. Earallmiai. Atttsiuei. Aituiue.
High School
Senior 15 14 93
Junior 32 30 94
Mr. ScbafFs 24 23 9ti
MissCanavan'e28 25 89
MissRansdeirsSo 33 92
Miss McGath's 43 39 91
Mrs. Geer's 28 24 86
Mrs. Backus's 42 39 93
Mrs.BrindIey'e45 42 93
Mr. Brindley's 28 25 89
Mr. Clark's 32 31 97
Miss Martin's 35 32 91
Mrs. Ballou's 47 44 94
Suburban, Mr.
Hurd 18 14 78
Total, 453 415 92
Blsaiark Tewaaalp.
The snow is quite deep in this vi
cinity. George Hodel's nephew returned
home last week.
The bogs are going by in large
numbers every day.
Mrs. Barbara Lampp is visiting
her parents, Mr. and Mr6. Dreher.
Christmas and New Years were
duly celebrated in this vicinity ac
cording to Nebraska style.
The enrollment of the Bismark
Academy has now increased to forty
three, the largest which has ever been
withiu its doors, in honor of which,
a debate has been organized which
is held every Friday afternoon ; there
is also one in progress at W. II.
Swartsley's school in the district east
of here. The visitors at the above
named place during the past week,
were, Mrs. Winters, Mr. and Miss
Lutb, T. M. Wilson, George Hodel,
Misses Laura Butler and Belle Mon
tayne, Maynard Hurd, teacher of the
Reed school, and Jacob Karline.
Celaaaaas &.yceaaa.
January 14.
Piano Solo Mrs. C.J. Garlow
Recitation Jesse Becher
Select Reading Ida Martin
Declamation Nettie Van Alstine
Recitation Nellie North
Recitation Mrs. C. A. Brindley
Speech Fred Jewel
Duet Anna and Martha Turner
Essay Miss McGath
Debate, Should secret societies be tol
erated? Affirm, H. J. Hudson, "W. A.
McAllister. Deny, C. A. Brindley, C. J.
January 21.
Piano Solo Clara Lehman
Recitation Willie Coolidge
Oration c. A. Brindley
Song Emma Bauer
Recitation W. A. McAllister
Essay Louise Bauer
Recitation Minnie Becker
Song Mary Turner
Sway Clara Weaver
Debate, Should old Bachelors be sub
jected to civil disabilities? Affirm H.
D. Sbaff, J. E. Munger. Deny, D. Frank
Davis, L. J. C'ramtr.
A Letter lYeaa Kyrra IMIlIett.
Denver, Colo., Jan. 1st, '87.
isr. iuucibbi ib not uniy uecoining
popular as a physician, but bis recent
lecture before the "Yoke Club" has ;
made him a favorite in social and I
literary circles. The purpose of this I
club is scciai and intellectual ad-1
Mr. A. M. Doland and family have
gone to St. Joe to live. Before
leaving, tneir cnimren nad a second
attack of scarlet fever. They had the
first attack several yeara ago in
Council Bluffs.
Many of your readers will remem
ber Mr. J. H. Lawrence, formerly of
Colfax coonty, Nebraska. He is now
located at Brighton near Denver, and
is regarded by bis neighbors as a
reliable man and good citizen. His
brother Warner does not show np
very often.
Ex-Governor Albinus Nance called
on your correspondent. He and his
wife were on their way to California.
It seems that Mrs. Nance has very
poor health.
I propose to answer Charlie Brind
ley's queries privately before another
new moon. Charlie is a good young
man, but his interrogatories some
times are more pointed than are the
observations of Hank Woods, who is
one of the most modest of men. Does
Mr. Brindley recollect the time, that
after studying Cooley, Story, Black
stone and the Nebraska statutes, he
wont down to the brick school-house
to demonstrate that bonds for a mill
or factory was in accord with the
fundamental principles of jurispru
dence? It his memory is defoctive,
we nan refer him to Professor Cramer
or "Bob" Clark.
Mr. A. B. McKinlayJoue of our
promising ynuugjegal lights, speaks
of his former schoolmate Professor
Backm of Columbus in very com
plimentary terms.
Bykox Mii.lett.
Too cold.
Our literary society has been pro
nounced a decided success.
Godfried Marty went to Fremont
Tuesday, on a visit to bis best girl.
John Jeuni has moved, toCoIum
bus, where be will remain until
Marofl's ehooting match was not
very largely attended on accouutiol
cold weather.
Mr. J. Brugger comes up to the
mark in bog raisiug, having told
twelve loads of swine last week.
The crowd at Mr. Helen's sale was
apparently a good one. We have not
been able to get particulars, but un
derstand that everything sold well.
With the departure of Mr. Keisp,
Neboville loses one of its earliest and
best settlers. May our loss be his
In this cold snowy weather, when
we are unable to leave our own quiet
neighborhood, the Journal is a
telescopic view of the busy outside
world. We could not do without it.
If it is not too late, Mr. Editor, ac
cept the best wishes for the New
Year, from B. X.
The new year started in pretty
cold, the thermometer showed 28
below z6ro, Saturday.
The sale at Mr. James Davison's
Monday Jan. 3 was fairly attended
notwithstanding the cold breeze.
Tho postoffice is also turned over
to Mr. Joe Borowiak, be having been
appointed by the authorities, Mr.
C. S. Webster retiring.
Our saloon and restaurant business
has changed hands. The new pro
prietor, Mr. F. Luchinger from Co
lumbup, took charge January 1.
Everybody should turn out Jan. 18
to vote "yes" on the bridge question,
thus let the county put up a perma
nent bridge across the Loup, one
that will stay in good shape. S.
A Card.
We wish to return sinccrest thanks
to the firemen and our neighbori for
their assistance while our buildings
were afire on the 3rd inst. We feel
very grateful for the aid rendered by
the bucket brigade; had it not been
for them without doubt our whole
lot of buildings would have been
burned ; alBO to the ladies who ren
dered very efficient aid in removing
goods from the bouse, to each and
every one we feel very grateful.
Also to Mr. Cbas. Schrceder for
furnishing water from the water
works, when not accepted by the
city ; he has our thanks.
Albert Luth,
Alice Luth and Familt.
Ernst -Thursday Dec, 30tb, 1886, to
Mrs. Will Ernst a boy, weight 10 pounds.
Sutuff Steenis In this city, Mou
day, Jan. 10th, by Judsre C. A. Speice,
William D. SutHff, to Miss Jennie. M.
Steenis, both of Creston.
Advertisements under this head
cents a line each insertion.
For good young breeding stock of
all kinds, call at Bloomingdale stock
farm. A. Henrich, Platte Center P.
O., Neb. 30-tf
Wm. Scbiltz makes boots and shoes
in the best styles, and uses only the
very best stock that can be procured
in the market. 52t
John Hempleman's Grand Double
Store has been opened. John is set
ting up the cigars and cider. Come
round ; goods are cheaper than ever.
For Sale Cheap aad ea Very
By reason of age of proprietor the
but farm in Nebraska, 640 acres.
Apply to P. W. Henrich. Columbus.
Heavy and Shelf Hardware,
StOVeS and
The Celebrated Moline Wagon Sold Here.
Sept. at-tr
E$tabluhed 1870.
Real Estate and Insurance Agt's,
5T on Farms at lowest rates of interest, on short and lonjr time,
in amounts to tuit applicant.
Caplete Atotracta ef Title to all Real Estate in Platte county.
Notaby Public always in Offick.
Favraa am Cltr Proertv rr
laamrmace against Fire, Lightning and Tornadoes.
anee. none but the very best companies represented.
awaiavjYicKets to anu from ail
Mckinley &
MoswG.-taE maoMEns,
Money to loan on Improved farms In this and adjoining
counties, at current rates. We are prepared to close loans
promptly, in all cases where title and security are satisfactory.
Offloe with H. J. Hudson, on llth street. I2m3
iiiafPBiattiafi aiaaiaYB'"'' o"
r9Mav5&slBiTaiTaiTaiVal kaJS&&: 9
faaamUafl avJisHaiaaaaaiaaaaaaa M SBt
raSaTTTTHlPllriiF':f':""'i x
Highest Palest Paid for Ml Kinds f firaln.
Our Flour is kept for Sale by all itheLeading Grocers iu this section
of the State.
Col-ujao.'bTas - TeToxaslsa.
Oae Male Waated.
Immediately, for cash.
385 Geo. Spoon er.
Fer Sale.
Residence house and four acres of
land under cultivation, east of II ig
gina's grove, just outside of city.
Price $1600. Enquire at residence, of
Mr. or Mrs. Geo. N. Derry. 15-tf
MeaejrX Itteaey!
Persons desiring small loans on
short time should call on Coolidge &
Wheeler; chattel mortgage security
or good bankable paper.
18tf Coolidge & Wheeler.
Or. W. aL. CU,
Veterinary surgeon, has returned to
Columbus, and will remain for the
winter. The Doctor is prepared with
a full and complete set of Imple
ments, to do first-class work in every
respect. Treats all animals, horses,
cattle, swine and sheep.
Upstairs Ernst building llth street.
for the xext
Furnishing Goods !
Greatly:-Rediced -Prices !
'Call, examine Goods and
learn prices.
Greisen Bros. & Co.
Guns and Ammunition-
Life and Accident Intur-
parts In Europe.
Oar Standard Grades are:
Red Seal,
Eight Break,
Buckwheat Flour, Rye
Flour, Corn Meal, Uran
Short and Chopped Ft-eit of
nil kinds.
We have made arrangements to fur
nish to the subscribers of this paper,
that excellent agricultural and stock
journal, The Nebraska Farmer, for the
small sum of $1.00 per year. The
Farmer is published at Lincoln, Neb.,
O. M. Druse, Editor, and is devoted to
agriculture and stock growing in the
west. Every farmer should take it
Send $1.00 to this office and we will
have the Farmer sent to vou.
Henry Ragatz
Have a Fine Line of Staple and Fancy
Which were bought cheap for cash, and
will be sold at very low prices.
llth Street, Columbus, Nebraska.
Nov. 10-tf
Clocks, Jewelry
Strict attention given to repairing of
Watches and Jewelry. I3TW111 not be
undersold by anybody.
Opatwlte Gletacx Hemse.
AW Rays and Iron ! "
Toe highest market price paid for ran
aad iron. Store in the Bubach bulldiav,
live at., Columbus, Xt. IMf
Cnstoi-Iale Wort
Ladies' Fine Shoes,
Gentlemen's Fine Boots,
Etc., Etc.,
west of Omaha, at
The best manufactories of the country
represented. Not to be under
sold by anybody. Come and
see prices at
Tb!s Is the most PBAOTIOALi HIGH-OUT
SHOE ever Invented.
Itfa very GBNTZEXi and DBESSYandgtvea
the eame protection aas boot or over-Walter. Itl
convenient to put on and the top can ho adjusted to
fit any onkla by elmply moving tUabottono.
For ftale by V
13th Oct. '6-tf
His only UarHi forks in Plitte Co.
Wo handle rll standard grades of
marble and granite both FOREIGN and
AMERICAN, employ the most skilled
workmen, and will compete with any
marble works m the state.
Call and see our work, whether you
are ready to buy or not; or If not con
venient, send ns your address and we
will send prices or catl on you.
by the ton or car-load.
llth St., south of U. P. Depot,
General Agents for the Sale of
Union Pacific, and 3lidland Pacific
R. R. Lands for sale at from $3.00 to f 10.00
per acre for cash, or on live or ten years
time, in annual payments to suit pur
chasers. We have alno a large and
choice lot of other lands, improved and
unimproved, for sale at low price and
on reasonable terms. Alsobusinesitand
residence lots in the city. We keep a
complete abstractor title to all real es
tate In Platte County.
And all kinds of country produce ta -ken
in tradet and all goods deliv
ered free of charge to any
part of the city.
II w
La 'BiV.BPBiawaaTCBaaBr4
at iaW .afafafafafafafafaV anl
saaar kfcaV BliaBBL Maw
Tbe Coloiis Hale Works!
1 fBBWSVBaaaaaaaTf akaaR