The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, December 22, 1886, Image 3
;) Colem&usfonmal, WEDNESDAY DEC.2, I88G. A.&X.TIMHTAULE. Pa.. Freight. Leaves Columbus... 8:10 a. in. 1 :" p. m. Bellwood. .H'.IX " '2:X " ' David Citv 9:00 " 3:20 " Seward... "..10:10 " C:(H) " Arrives at Lincoln. . 11:25 " 8:30 " The passenger leaves Lincoln at 3:55 p. in., and arrives at Columbus 7:00 p. in: the freight leaves Lincoln at 0 a. in., aud arrives at Columbus at 1 p. m. Splendid winter weather. Silk mufflers at Kramer's. Next Saturday ifl X-mas day. Follow the crowd to "Fifr.&'." Organs I Call at A. & M. Turner's. Useful holiday gifts at Kraraor's. Arthur (tray is vlsitlug friends iu Illinois. Yesterday was the shortest day of the year. Men's heavy overcoat only $2.00 at Kramer's. 8-34-2t Ed. Boggs of Duncan was in the city Tuesday. Dauce. Christmas night at the Opera House. Frank North came home from Omaha Sunday. Miss Canavan was a Beat: ice vis itor last Sunday. Great handkerchief sale at Kra mer's this week. Men's hoots at $1.50 n pnir t Friediiof & Co'. 8 2-1 tt New carpet and oil cloth, at Fried hoi & Co's. John F. Wermuth waa up from Omaha last week. Dr. Martyn made a hu-iness trip to Genoa Monday. Best paiuts at ruinous prices, Co lumbus Lumber Co. 50-2-tf Free calendars for 1SS7 al Gus. (S. Becher & Co.'. S:t :tt E. J. Baker was Mown from Cueyeoue la&t week. Mrs. tlndje Post has linen on the sick list the latt week. Mrs. G. N. Willi Iffi for Cali fornia ou M outlay last. -School books, blank books, E. D. Fitzpatrick, Kith street. 2-10tf Cloaks aud dress jc.mjiIs at re duced prices at Kramer's. Piano, organs, mimic, etc., K. D. Fjspaltiefc. 13th street. UJtf Ed. Polley of Sewnrd is visiting Banker Anderson's lamily. Sale bills printed at the Joiikn'ai. ofrice, ali styles and prices. Silk aud linen handkerchiefs iu cp-'iless variety at Kramer'. --The Jouitj. ais editor was "under the weather" last week. Every kind of job work done and well dono at the Journal office. Best paints iu market at unheard of prices, Columbus Lumber Co. All wool, red twilled fianuel, 25 cents a yard at Friedhof & Co's. A Christmas dinner will be serv ed at the Congregational church. Feather aud fur trimmings, in large variety, at Friedhof & Co's. Supervisor Swartsley has sold 25 of his best hogs to C. II. Sheldon. "" "Mr.. David Anderson returned Friday laBt from her eastern trip. Lorenzo Clark has purchased sev eral lots and a farm in California. An good as the beet, and as cheap as the cheapest, at J. B. Delsman'e. Apple cider, fresh and sweet, 40 cts. a gallon, at W. A. Schrocdcr's. Miss Kate Smith of St. Edwards is visiting Mr. and Mrs. O'Donnell. The finest lino of ladies' wraps at Galley Bros. Bont Speice and fiiend from Plattsmouth will visit Judge Speice. Myrou Wheeler of Omaha visited Coolidge' Tuesday and Wednesday. J. & A. Heitkeraper will pay the highest prices for good table butter. Men's all-wool, scarlet shirts and drawers, at 50 cents. Friedhof & Co. Miuce meat, celery and oysters for Christmas at Hickok, Halm & Co.'a. 2-lt Delsman keeps good goods, and will not allow himself to be under sold. Mr. aud Mrs. Payne from Central City are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Scott. Always Fkesh St. Louis Ad-beuser-Busch Beer at Will. Scbroe der'e. 28-tf Miss McG&th of the city schools will Holiday at Clarks with her mother. John F. Bixby, editor of the Genoa Lender, was iu town Thurs day last. Mr. aud Mrs. L. W. Tubbs will spend the Holidays with Mrs. H. P. Coolidge. A foil line of glassware, lamps and queeusware at J. & A. Heit kemper's. California strained honey at 12.j ceatt per pound at J. & A. Heit kemper'. Mrs. Charles Davis, who has been ill for the past two weeks, is now convalescent. .- The Journal is prepared to do all kinds of tab work, commercial and otherwise. Just received, the finest stock of banging lamps and parlor lamps, at Oahlrich Bros. Albert Parker of the High School will ipend the Holidays with bis mother at Clarke. Mr. Benj. Musgrave of Butler towaihip is visiting Mr. tod Mn. Backus, of this citr.y Overcoats at the lowest prices. Galley Bros. Extracted California honey 10 cents per pound -nt Ilickok, H.ilm & Co.'a. Boiled cider tor making mince meat and apple butter, at Weaver & Reid's. 34-lt Consult your own best interests aud buy your clothing new at Kra mer's. You will always get the lowest prices at 5-31 tf Galley Bros. We know the best place to iu ure is with Henrich. Remember this is a fact. ' 3-35-lt If you don't see Henrich before you insure, you will lose money, ltemember this. Boys' youths' and men's clothing, in great variety, at lowest prices, at Friedhof & Co's. Examine our stock of dress yoods the finest in the city, at Friedhof & Co's. Al. Kickly is down from Rush villo and will visit friends here dur ing the holidays. Sociable and wedding reception at the Episcopalian church Thursday evening, Dec. 23d. Mr. and Mrs. Peckham are spend ing the winter with their daughter, Mrs. M. Whitmoyer. Gus. Schroeder, a Columbus juvenile, is about to take out a patent on an electric motor. J. A. Turner attended the funeral of Levi Jenkins at Kalamazoo, Madi son Co., Thursday last. When iu want of a cloak, tho latest style, don't fail to examine our stock. Friedhof Co. Dr. Schug went to Fullertou Saturday last on professional busi ness, returning Monday. We wiil have a good crossing over tho Loup river shortly provid ing it hard enough. Complete stock of dinner sets and tea sets, newest patterns, just received at Oehlrich Bros. John P. St. John, the noted temperance lecturer, will speak in' Columbus Jauuary 4th, 1S87. Birdie and Nora McConniff of Lincoln will spend the Holidays with Miches Minnie and Ida Meagher. Frank Stewart returned home from southern Kansas last week where he has lieeu for some time. Just received, a new line of New markets at bottom prices, at Gallry Bros. R. L. Rossiter, postmaster at Platte Center, was in the city Wed nesday last and visited the Journal chapel. C. A. Whaley of Green River, Wyo., will spend Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Lehman, of the Grand Pacific. For odor cases, toilet sets and goods suitable for Christmas presents, go to Stillman's Drug Store, 13th Street. 34-2 Mrs. Frank Fields and throe chil dren, who have been visiting Mrs. C. B. Stillman. went to David City Tues day last. For holiday presents, yon muet not fail to call at G. Heitkemper & Bro's., as they have the largest line in the city. The editor of the Journal went to Denver Thursday last to attend the funeral of bis sister, Mrs. A. J. Sampson. Alex. L. Phillips, of Omaha, is in the city visiting his parents Mr. and Mrs. L. Phillips and his sister, Mrs. I. Gluck. And now comes Louis Kramer and "sets 'em up" on the arrival of a ten-pound boy. Here's long life to the boy, Louie. The Journal is on sale, each week, at the book and news stores of E. D. Fitzpatrick and R. Hartman, at 5 cents a copy. Those who want insurance at living rates should call on P. W. Henrich, non board agent, office over State bank. The ladies of the Methodist church will give a supper at the Masnnerchor hall, Wednesday even ing, Dec. 29, 188G. Red echool house cards for every child aud the red school house war ranted shoe for every child and lady at C. & L. Kramer's. The finest selection of watches, clocks and'jewelry will be found at the jewelry emporium of G. Heit kemper & Bro., Columbus. 29-4-tf The programme of the Lyceum New Year's eve is a most excellent oue and we trust it well be listened to by an immense audience. If you want your watch repaired in first-class manner, leave it with C. C. Berringer, manager for G. Heit kemper & Bro., Columbus, Neb. Remember, we are never under sold on good goods, at Galley Bros. At the Council meeting last Sat urday evening it was decided to advertise for bids on 600 feet of 4 and 5-ply hose, 4 nozzles and couplings. Col. E. L. Merritt, who ba been visiting friends in this city the pa6t two weeks, returned to his home at Springfield, Ilk, one day last week. Misses Stella North and Kittie Cowdery were the guests of their schoolmate, Miss Daisy Train, of Norfolk, Friday and Saturday last, says the Neics. Frank Anderson, of the Geo. Wagner Agency, is bound to have enough ice for nso next summer, as the large addition being built to their ice house would indicate. Oranges, lemons, bananas, cran berries, Malaga grapes, figs, dates, raisins and the choicest liae of confec tions la town, c We Aave them. 2-35-lt &ICKOX, Hal fc.c. The German Dramatic Co. of Omaha gave a good entertainment at the Opera House, this city, Thurs day evening last to a well pleased audience. Before investing in a sewing machine, organ or piauc, see A. & M. Turner, at their organ depot, or ad dress G. W. Kibler, their traveling salesman. tf Dr. Hunt, the Deutist, will not leave Columbus as was" his intention. He will continue to do business by himBelfin his office over the First National bank. It We will open up the largest stock of silverware ever shown in the city of Columbus, as soon as we move into the new brick corner. G. Heit kemper & Bro. Miss Rose 'Osborn, one of the High School scholars, will leave for her home at President, Thursday. She will not return to the High School again. Hon. G. G. Bowman, of this city, will take part in the operetta "Pene lope" at Schuyler Now Year's eve. G. G. handles the character of "Pitcher" to perfection. The National City (Cala.) Record Bays that J. W. Early and family of this place will soon remove to that point. This is news to many of John's friends in these parts. Capt. Hammond arrived home from Lincoln Monday night. As the Capt. is an old friend of Gen. Thay er'? we expect he will receive a good appointment 'under the new adminis tration. Money to loan at once and with out delay on real estate, in large or small amouuts, on time to suit. Promptly, quietly and at the lowest possible rates. Apply to Gus. G. Becher & Co. 19-tf Just at present Gus. G. Becher & Co. are better prepared than ever be fore for making real estate loans, at reasonable rates and terms. It will pay yii to call and see them before borrowing elsewhere. 33 3 Frank Heitkemper returned from Hastings last week aud may hereafter be found at bis father's 'j'owelry store, from which under the tutorship of C. Berringer, he will soon become a full Hedged jeweler. Mr. Dave Blum, formerly with Kramer of this city, was recently manied iu Chicago to Miss Mandia Strauss of that city. Mr. Blum is now a resident of Broken Bow, this stato, where tho young couple will hereafter reside. E P. McCormick, a former citi zen oi this ritv, has purchased the Oakdale Journal office and will take pnsession of the same some time next month. "Mac." knows how to get up a good paper and will doubt have good success. A tiro started in Phelps's stable at Schuyler on the evening of the 15th iust., burning the Herald office, Phelps's law office, Babcock Bros.' barn and the Schuyler reading room. One horse perished. No oue knows how the tire originated. Milford high school scholars engage in a pleasing pastime. A number are assigned to prepare es says upon the lives and characters of historical personages, leaving out their names, aud giving ouly such facts as are usually omitted. The others guess the subjects of the sketch. A series of meetings will be be gun about the middle of Jauuary at the Congregational church. They will be under the direction of Rev. Wm. Wellman who has had work for a year with different churches in the state with eminent success. It is hoped a general interest will be taken in these meetings. The price of the Daily Lincoln Journal, Jan. 1st to Mar. 15th, will be .$2.00. This will contain the whole proceedings of the legislature from the day of organization, and day by day bills introduced, action on bills, &c, including a full digest of the laws, a list of laws repealed, aud amendments made to existing laws. 34-4t Mr. Gus B. Speice has been ap pointed by theBoard of County Su pervisors, Clerk of the District Court for Platte county, in place of G. Heitkemper removed from the county to Hastings. Gus. under stands the details of the office, hav ing been deputy for two years, and the appointment will give universal satisfaction. Any person purchasing goods to the amount of $3 00 at J. B. Dels man's will be given, free of charge, a ticket which entitles the holcdr to a chance on any of the following articles : a No. 3 Singer Sewing Ma chine, a $5 Album and a fino silk Mu flier worth $3.50. Chances will be good until Dec. 31, 18SG. Remem that J. B. D. is never undersold. 33-4t The Journal job department is prepared to furnish, on Bhort notice all kiuds of commercial work such as letter heads, note heads, bill heads, statements, circulars, envel opes, cards,, dodgers, posters, &c. ; visiting cards; lawyers' briefs; pamphlets; catalogues; sale bills, &c. Satisfaction guaranteed.. Orders by mail promptly attended to. Ad dress, M. K. Turner & Co., Colum bus, Nebr. tf The bridge and board of trade meeting at the Town Hall Wednes day evening last was well attended by our active business men. Carl Kramer presided and D. Frank Davis acted as secretary. Remarks were made by Leander Gerrard, J. E. North and others. A committee of five, consisting of Taylor, North, Jacggi, McAllister and Davis was appointed to draft constitution and by-laws and report at the meeting this evening. An organzttion look ing to united action of oar business men and citizens generally ii bound a great beneit to Colombo. A Nad Accident. John H. Smith, better known in this vicinity as Johnny Brady, son of the widow Brady, who lives three miles, northwest of this city, met with a frightful accident between 7 and 8 o'clock Friday evening last while on duty a yard master for tho U. P. Co. at this place. He made a mis-step in jumping from the switch engine, had his lest foot caught under the pilot and before the engine conld be stopped one or more wheels had passed over the foot. Immediately following the occurrence he was re moved to St. Mary's hospital, and next morning upou examination, the limb was found to be so badly mangled tha an amputation was found necessary, which operation was performed by Drs. Martyn and Evans. Under the kind treatment of the Sisters, he is now doing as well as could be expected under the circumstances. Johnny ha3 beon in the employ of the Union Pacific Co. for mauy years aud is well thought of by a!l who know him. John Herring was manipulating the engine at the time of the acci dent, but no blame is attatched to him as he is considered an unusually careful man. Later. Just as the Journal forms were goiug to the press last evening we received the sad nows that John ny Brady had died at G o'clock Tues day evening. It seems that he re ceived internal injuries which doubt less caused his death. The Teiitlng; of Our Water- work. In the presence of the Mayor, the City Council, the Fire Department aud citizens generally, and uudor the supervision of Engineer J. E. House, of Omaha, our waterworks were partially tested ou last Friday and proved to be entirely satisfactory. But iu order to ascertain if the pumps will do their work and MirtiHU a million gallons of water a day, whether the boiler is economical, an I the water supply ample, and the pipes properly laid, a thorough ttst by au expert lasting at least 24 hour.- with indicators, meters and ot'ior scientific instruments, must be uiidd. Such a test would c.jst from $15'.) to $200, but wo believe, tor the satisfac tion aud vindication of all, it would be money well invested to mike it. Mr. Ctiarles Schroeder, the contract or, ha" been rather slow in fulGlling his contract, bu! for that he is not altogether accountable, and mide from that w believe he has f.iith f'jlly carried out ail hi- agreements and given u- a lira'-rSa' Hytcm of waterworks. The city schools will c!oe for the Christmas vacation on Thursday of this week. Examination tor the term will begin ou Wednesday. The work throughout is iu tin:; shape. Tho hoard, teacher aud parents are to he congratulated on the progress being made. There will he public exercises iu all the room on Thursday after noon. The public are cordially in vited to ntteud these, as well as the examinations. It is human nature to seek approval for work done no mat ter what it is; let parents thiuk ol this und encourae their children by giving a tow hours to school visita tion. School will begin again on Monday, Jan. 3d, 18S7. G. R. Xunnelly ("Antelope Dick") the peregrinating printer, lec turer and physician, it would seem from the following, taken from a recent copy of the St. Joseph, (Mo.) Ifews, is still among the living and able for duty. "Dr. G. R. Nunnelly, the reformed gambler and drunkard, will lecture at Mendclsshon Hall to morrow evening. It will be a treat to hear him. He is well known to most of our ppople, and his lecture will be received with a great deal of interest by all his old friends. Ad mission, 25 cents to any part of the house. Mrs. Lydia C, wife of Joseph Crites, died Sunday, Dec. 12th, at Plattsmouth, of consumption, aged 07 years, 11 months and 11 days. She will be remembered by most of the readers of the Journal of this city, where for a number of years the family resided. She was the mother of Hon. A. W. Crites, of Washington, D. C, and Mrs. B. S. Ramsey of Plattsmouth. She was a christian woman and much respected by all who knew her. Lincoln came down with an ofl'or of cash and other property to the amount of $293,500 and secured the Methodist University location by a vote of 14 to G of the locating com mittee. At this writing it is not known precisely where the buildings will be located, but it is understood that the contract specifies that it shall be within a radius of three miles and a half of the post office. The appointment of our towns man Mr. B. F. Cowdery a9 assistant secretary of state is a good one and oue that affords us great pleasure. "Ben" should never have accepted a positiou on' as useless a thing as the railroad commission and he acts wisely iu stepping down and out. What we regret most is that he and his worthy family will move to Lin coln aud we will lose him. Mr. If. Kretchmar carelessly threw his Souday pants containing a $20 gold pioce into a corner of bis room and left them there. A thief carefully removed the paufs, took charge of the gold coin and left a letter of thanks in the pockets of -the pant, as a token of remembrance. Mr. K. has the pants as they didn't lit the thief. Patents granted to citizens of Ne braska during tho past week, and reported expressly for the Journal by C. A. Snow & Co., patent lawyers, Washington, D. C. : S. J. Hull, Stella, rein muff; E. S. Durfeo, Lincoln, rail scraper and snow plow; T. E. Cal vert, Lincoln, railway switch stand and counectiou. fridge nad Board el" Trade ' Meetlaar Our citizens must not forget the meeting at the town hall this (Wed nesday) evening. By proper organi zation and united action we can keep op me Doom tor uoiumbus and make uimuj uccucu juipruvoiuvuta Colaataas Lycean. Dkckmbkk 24th. . Piano Solo Otto Pohl. Recitation Claude Clark. Recitation Willie Coolidge. Essay Mrs. W. B. Backus. Impromptu Speech Select Heading M. K. Turner. Piano Solo Mary Henry. Recitation Clarence Gerrard. Recitation Robt. O'Brien. Debate: Should the president of tho United States be elected by the popular vote? Affirm, W. M. Cornelius, H. .1. Hudson; deny, C J. Garlow, W. II. Leavy. Dkckmrer 31. : . t., jMrs. Garlow Piano Duet, jMrs McAj8tcr Opening Remarks W. A. McAllister Recitation Miss Ida Martin Select Readint; Jo bn Wiggins Song Miss Helen Stockdcll Essay D. Fran k Davis Recitation S. McDonald Music Macnnerchor Orehestra Recitation Carl Kramer Sons Miss Mary Turner INTKRMISSIOX. Song Stella North Oration II. I). Shaft" r.w. (Anna Turner I,IILl JMartua Turner Essay Mrs J. E. 3Iunger Recitation Miss Nellie North Essay W. B. Backus i ;.. . jFalbaum l,,el Cornelius Fmday, January 7, 1S37. l'iauo solo Clara Lehman. Recitation Claude Clark. Oration Mayuard Hurd. Sons Emma Bauer. Essay L.J. Cramer. Select Reading Rev. Suider. Essay Mrs. Ballou. Select Readiug Anna Turner. Debate: Should the Chicago Anarch ists be hunjf. Affirm. W. A. McAllister, ,1. E. 31 linger. Deny, W. II Leavy, Fred. Jewell. Uaacaa. Today ( December 22d) is the shortest in the year. When the days are growing longer tho winter is growing stronger. Corn im all cribbed now In thi neigh borhood and prices better than lnt year at this time. IIUMI1C34 is very brisk iww at thi- place, owinn to trie Lmiji bridge beinsj out at Columbus. A bay market has opened up now at this place, oil'eriug fair prices. A press will be operated in the near future. Tho president's message was read and considered. It is jut a- good as a milk soup; whoever will partake can do so, and who won't may let it alone. S. The IloiaelieNt 3Iaa la 'olam bati A well as the handsomest, and otheis are invited to call u Dr. A. llcintz and get frtf a trial bottle of Kemp's Balaam for the Throat aud Lungs, a remedy that I .-.tiling entirely upon its merits and is guaranteed to cure and relieve all Chronic and Acute Cough. Asthma, I'.ionchilis and Consumption. Price . cents and $t. Dec'2'J-Si; 4'lirlMtiuai In oiii1b(;! And you will not be ready for it till you have inspected our stock of holliday goods. Fancy glassware iu great variety ot designs. Decorated china, aud beautiful hangiug lamps. Fruits, confectionery, etc., etc. Hickok, Halm & Co. DIED. Sampson Dee. 1.1th, at her residence iu Denver, Colorado, Kate I., wife of A. .1. Sampson, aged 41 years. The deceased was a daughter of A. C. Turner, ot this city, aud well known to many of the Ohio, Iowa, Nebraska and Colorado readers of the Journal. She leaves her husband, two daughters and one son to mourn the loss of a fond wife and mother. We quote from the Denver ZViftune Republican of Dee. ISth: FUNERAL OF MRS. A.J. SAMPSON. SAP AND IMPRK&UVK SERVICK3 HELD YESTERDAY A LARGE ATTENDANCE. The funeral services of 3Irs. A. .J. Sampson were conducted yesterday as follows: Prayer by Dr. G. De La 3Iatyr, brief discourse by Dr. D. II. Moore, read ing of 3lr9. Sampson's favorite hymn No. 6.'i4 by Rev. N. A. Chamberlain, remark by Dr. H.A. Bue.htel, prayer by Dr. A. 1$. Hyde, bencdie'ion by the Rev. Dr. . De Lh .M;.t r. The pall bearers were Judge S. II. Elbert, Judge I. E. Barnum, Hon. Fran. Church, Hon. 31. N. 3Iegrue, Captain S. D. Barnes and Dr. J. C. Shattuck. The house was crowded with friends and neighbors, sadly eager to pay their last tribute of respect to the dead, and evince their tender sympathy lor the bereaved family. From the opening prayer to the closing benediction the words of the speakers were tender and appropriate to an unusual degree, and while strongly eulogistic, all felt, with the Iter. Dr. Moore, that no words could over-state the regard in which 31rs. Sampson was held in this community. Since her death telegrams and letters from various -parts of this state and else where have been received by the be reaved family, of such tenor as to Bhow that not only in Denver, but wherever she has lived, her memory is precious, and of no oue was it ever more truly said: "None knew thee but to love thee, Nor named thee but to praise." Though always devoted to the family and the home, of which she was the center, yet prior to the time when the disease, which has now proved fatal, laid its restraining hand upon her (five years since) she was active in church iinl social life. Her beauty and grace of person, her genial manners, her well stored mind and her charming voice, rare in its strongly sympathetic quality ; all these qualities made her welcome in any circle of cultivated Christian people. No word ot bitterness ever marred her conversation. In all her years of suf fering her sunny temper and her Chris tian faith were never dimmed. She talked little or her infirmities, even to friends, biding them instead, by such constant cheerfulness and such thought fulness for others that few realized with what heroic fortitude she looked daily into the face of death. Her influence for good in this city will not soon die; to those who were nearest, her memory will be a life long benediction. Jenkins At his home in Kalamazoo precinct, 3Iadison county, Neb., Tues day, Dec. 14. 185, at 8 p. m., Levi Jenkiu, aged C'J years. 5 months and 8 days. Mr. .IctikiiH was born at Canadaigua, New York, in 1317. Iu 181 1 be married Miss Julia Gilpin. .Mrs. Jeukins and two sons, Charles and Edward, remain to mourn the loss of husbaud and father. For some years the deceased resided in Michigan. In 186C he came west to Iowa, thence in a few years, to Nebraska, where he has since made bis home in Kalamazoo precinct, Madisou county. In 16C3 ho joiued the mb 3Iichigau In fantry, remaining with his regiment till the close of the war, wheti but four bun- COLUMBUS LUMBEE COIFY Will Save Yon BfETTCHER & -DEALERS IN- Heavy and Shelf Hardware, Stoves and Tinware, Pumps, Guns and Ammunition The Celebrated Moline Wagon Sold Here. Sept. 22-tf GITS. G. BECHER. Established 1870. GUS. G. BECHER & CO., LOAN BROKERS, Real Estate and Insurance Agt's, COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA. .Heaejr t lan on Farms at lowest rates of interest, on short and long time, in amounts to suit applicants. CMlete Abstracts ef Title to nil Real Estate in Platte county. Notary Public always ix Office. Fans aasl City ftrerty Tor Male. latmrmBce against Fire, Lightning aud Tornidoe. Life and Accident Insuv ance, none but the very best companies represented. riteasBIilp Tickets to and from all parts in Europe. 28july'?6-y Mckinley & MOBTGME m0MMBS. COLUMBUS, NEB. Money to loan on improved farms in this and adjoining counties, at current rates. We are prepared to close loans promptly, in all cases where title and security are satisfactory. Office with H. J. Hudson, on llth street. I2m3 dred of th eleven who formed the regiment, returned to their homes. He was with Sherman in his famou March to the Sea, and fought in the lint bit tit? i'f the war. He entered the army with that loyalty which he displayed through life, to his friend, hi" home and bis country. He was a man strong in character, generous aud sympathetic in miiid and heart. Duriug the past few mouths he has been a sufferer from Hright's disease of the kidneys. "Stealing away like the tars ot tlu morning, Passim; away ere So let him tcal lovingly, Ouly remembered done." the day hat be;tiii; away, gently ami bv what hi' bai Kest la the World. Otturuwa Lily Corn Starch has been brought to the highest attainable quality by employing the best skill aud scientific aid that money can fur nish. It is the moat strengthening and health-giving food now before the public, and is especially recommend ed for children and invalids. Every package guaranteed strictly pure. JJcmember and a9k your grocer for Lily Corn Starch. LOCAL NOTICES. Advertisements under this head fiv cents a line each insertion. - Milch Cows. A few choice fresh cows for fealc by P. S. Griffin. 'MA. For good young breeding stock of all kinds, call at Bloomingdale stock farm. A. Henrich, Platte Center P. O., Neb. SO-tl Wm. Scbiltz makes bootsand shoes iu the best styles, and uses only the very best stock that can be procured in the market. 52 1 fSprin styles of Wall Paper are beginning to arrive at Stillman's Drug Store, 13th street, between the stores ot E. D. Fitzpatrick and Oehlrich Bros., aud be wiil offer you a good selection at about twenty-five per cent, below Omaha and Lincolu prices. '.'A 2 fr'aacy Hogs- A few choice, young hogs for breeding purposes, for sale cheap by 35-lt C. G. Hickok. For Male Cheap aid oa Tery EaiyTemsi By reason of age of proprietor lite beat farm in Nebraska, 040 acres. Apply to P. W. Henrich, Columbus. Neb. 35-tt Pahlic Notice. For rent, 90 acres' of No. 1 farm land for cash, time or share?. Sued furnished if desired. Also 3 cow?, 4 steers and 6 last spring calves. AIfo 20 head of hogs all in good condition. ht miles northwest of Platte Center. 33-4 G. A. Kf.ur. I'or Sale. Residence bouse aud four acres ot land uuder cultivation, east of liig gina'e grove, just outside of city. Price I1G00. Enquire at residence, of Mr. or Mrs. Geo. N. Derry. 15tf 3Ieaey! Jloay: Persons desiring small loans on short time should call on Coolidge & Wheeler; chattel mortgage security or good bankable paper. 18tf Coolidge & Wheei.f.k. Dr. W. L. Cook, Veterinary surgeon, has returued to Columbus, and will remain for the winter. The Doctor is prepared with a full and complete set ot Imple ments, to do flret-class work iu every respect. Treats all animals, horses, cattle, swine and sheep. THE Money. Get Prices KERSENBROCK, LEOPOLD J.KGGI carnahan, Wv have made arrangements to fur-tii.-h to flu suliM-riltors of this paper, thnt i-xcellont agricultural and stock journal. The y l.-it.Lu Farmer, for the small sum of $1.00 per year. The Fanner is puhlNlii'd at Lincoln, Xeb., O. M. Druse, Kditor, and is devoted to agriculture and stock growing in the west. Kvery fanner should fake it Send $1.0f) to this ortice and we will have the Fanner sent to vou Henry Ragatz Have a Fine Line of Staple and Fancv GROCERIES. CROCKERY, AND GLASSWARE, Which were bought cheap for cash, and will be sold at very low prices. llth Street, Columbus, Nebraska. Nov. 10-tf I! KOIl TIIK NEXT 6o DAYS WK OFFKR OUR l.XHC.K AMI COMVLKTr. STOCK Or G-E2STTS' Furnishing Goods ! BOOTS & SHOES, GrealIv-:-RdiK'fcd-:-lrires ! l 139"CttlI, e.vtminu fioodt and ! learn pricen. Greisen Bros. & Co. sppS;-y. before Bavin. Sn ME -aprT-tt- T. BAUMGART, HAS OPENED A NEW -IN- HARTMAFS OLD STAND ON lltll ST., WIIRRK II K KEEl'S A NICK LINK OF Cnstoni Made Ml, SCCII A! Ladies' Fine Shoes, Gentlemen's Fine Boots, Etc., Etc., KVKUYTIIINO KKl'T IX A FIRST CLASS HOOT AND SIIOK KS TAKLISHMEXT. MENDING DONE ALSO. 22sepS6-y TIE LAMEST 1111 FIIEST SUCK west of Omaha, at GREISEN BROS. Tho best manufactories of the country represented. Not to be under sold by anybody. Come and sec prices at GREISEN BROS. OntuJa This b the most PRACTICAL HIQH CTJT SHOE over Invented. Ul3ver7GENTEEI and DRESSY and gfvoa tie carao protection as a boot or orer-jtalter. itU convenient to put oa and tho top can l wrjiioted to lit snv unklo by eioip! moving tlio button. Torsaloby GREISEN BROS. ItftliUet. tf-tf BEARDSLEY & JEWELL, l'KOHUKTOK.s. the only liirbb Works ia Platte Co. We handle all standard ura'l; of marbleanil trrair.te both FOUKUJN aud AMERICA??, emiiUy the moit skilled ivorknifii, ami will compete vvitli any marble works in the state. Call and ore our work, wlmtlier you are ready to buy or not; or if no: con venient, scud in your addrett and we will nend prices or call on you. iti;n.ii3fd .N'roni: by the ton or car-load. llth St., south of U. P. Depot, iv-tf SPEICE & NORTH. (lenbral Agents for the Sale ot REAL ESTATE. Uuion Pacific, antl Midlaud 1'ariiic U.K. Lauds for sale at from$3.oetu$10.u0 per acre for cawb, or ou live or ten year time, in annual pa.ymeutb to suit pur chasers. We have also a large aud choice lot of other lands, improved and unimproved, for sale at low price and on reasonable term. Alobusinesaiid residence lots ir. tho eity. We keep a complete abstract of title to all real es tate in I'Utte County. U21 COl.D.tlKlTS. :KB2. GROCERIES ! ALWAYS ON HAND A I'ULL ANI NEW LINE OF GKOt EUIES WELL SELECTED. FRUITS! CANNED AND DRIED, of all KINDS ;rAKANTEED TO BE iF It EST (il A LIT Y. DRY GOODS T A (IDODA WELL SELECTED STOCK A L WA YS AS C H E A 1 A TII E CHEAPEST, ALSO BOOTS & SHOES ! J3B-TIIAT DEFY COMPETITION. BUTTER AND EGGS And all kinds of counlri produce ta ken in trade, and all yoods deliv ered free of charge to any part of the city. PLOTJE! KEEPONLY THE REST GRADES OF FLOUR. 10-tf J. II. WEI.SJfAIV. Boot i Sboe Store WXFNDjHf fit. CongrMSHLM 0H) J oLrn'M Toe Coin Marole Worn! V. C