I A lumbus journal WEDNESDAY NOV. IT. INrO. frsj&i?'ig A.& N.TIME TABLE T.1?. Freight. 1 :ro p. in. Leave Colunilxi". S:Na. m. Kellwood S::5.1 " David Citv !:Uft ' Reward. 10:10 ' Arrive at Lincoln ll:'2-" " :!:a :tHi s::W) The passenger leaves Lincoln at :" p. j in., aud arrives at coinnuin i:ip. m; the freight leaves Lincoln at r. a. in., aud arrives at Columbus at 1 p. m. Organe ! Call at A. & M. Turner'?. Great closing out sale at Kra mer's. Work b:i- begun on tho I 1 coal Hcbute. Will. U. Hale visited Oman one day last week. The Lyceum was again conven ed last Friday. Men's boolH at .$1 f0 a pair at Friedhor & Co's. 8 24-tl New carpet and oil cloth, at Friedbof & CVh. IJest paint a at ruinoiiH prices, Co lumbus Lumber Co. ."0-:Mf Mirs .Tennic Thomas is visiting at Mrs. A. Anderson. School books, blank book?, K. I. Kit'patrick, Ilttli street, t Will John Wermulh whs in town severa1 day bint week. Hev. A. Il-Mirich. ol Tosiviile was in the city Friday. Pianos, organ?, niinle, etc . !'. I Filpatiick. i::tli -licet. Mtl --Come to Kramer's before the biggest bargain are gone. ('. V L. Kramer aie in-.king cxlra inducement to customer-. Take advautuge ol our cloning out Hale. ('. Sr L. Kramer. It you want bargains in boot? aud shoe? goto llotialmn's. --Sale bills printed at the .Ioi:i:nai. otlicc, all st les and price. Kvery kind of job woik done and well done at the .Ioitkvai. ollice. A paper that is So he read by the family fehould at leat be decent. ltest paint in market at unheard ol price?, Columbus Lumber Co. All wool, red twilled". flannel, i cents a yard at Friedho: k, Cc'p. Feather aud fur trimming?, in large variety, at Friedbof & Co'. It must io' Our entire stock of cjothing at once. C. .S: L. Kramer. A food as the best, and as cheap ! i.t the cheapest, at J. It. Desman's. .. & A. Heitkemper will pay the Litest prices fir good table butter. Men's all-wool, scarlet shirts and drawers, at .0 cents. Friedbof & Co. Dels man keeps good goods, and will not allow himself to be under sold. Call and examine before buying else where dock. Alway Fi:rs-h St. my goods J. S. Mttr-2-1 t-p Louis An- beuser-Dusch Deer at dor's. Will. Schroe-2S-tf Choice winter apples, : bushels in a barrel, only ?2.i0, at Weaver & Keid's. 29--J Oil-boiled calico? only 4 cent?, worth 10 cent?, during our closing out sale. 29-7tf A tull line of glassware, lamps aud queensware at J. & A. Ileit kemper's. California strained honey at 12'.j cents per pound at .1. & A. Ileit kemper's. Feed grinder?, hand and power corn shelters, at '. IJ. K ratine's at low prices. No deception, uo misrepresenta tion. Come to the cloning out sale at Kramer'?. Tho .Ioi'k.vai. is prepared to do all kinds of job work, commercial and otherwise. - .lust received, the finest slock of hanging lamps aud parlor lamp?, at Oehlrich Bros. W. H. HeeS hah purchased the grain business o!' .laeggi & Schup baeh at Duncan. Tlieo. Wandd, of Omaha was in the city over Sunday visiting his brother George. Roys' youth?' and men's clothing, in great variety, at lowest price, al Friedbof - Co'?. .lust, received a full and complete lino of staple ami lancy groceries at J. S. Murdock's. Etamine our stork of dress jjoodh the finest in the city, at Friedbof & Co". I lev. Father Flood of Omaha was in town Satuulay. looking in bin tiMial good health. When in want of a cloak, the latest tyJo, don't fail to examine our Htock. Friedbof & On. Weaver & ileid noil coal. It nit and feed, all very cheap Indeed. That is what you need. 2(tf Complete stock of .dinner sets and tea set, newest patterns, just received at Oehlrich Bros. Down go prices! Latest style watches and silverware, opposite Clother Hotel. A. J. Arnold. :J0 4 Maynard Hurd is to teach at the J. H. Reed school house north of the city, beginning on the 29lh of Nov. Schuyler is divided into five districts for fire alarm, with distinct taps for each district. A good thing. Rev. M. Jacobs, a noted evangel ist, is to aid the Baptist pastor in a revival, to begiu in about two weeks-. For holiday presents, you must ot fail to call at G. Heitkemper & Bro'i., as tbey have the largest line in the city. tt&&rb J. E. ISIoncrief of Genoa wag in the city Saturday, looking pretty feeble after his attack of typhoid tever. Hon u- Lightner, brother of Mm. Hans Elliott, ot Sacramento, Cala., has been visiting his relatives in this county. Wc arc abont making a change iu our business, and ofler great re ductions on all our goods. C. & L. Kramer. The linest line of heating stoves iu town at G. R. Kraase's at away down price. Come and convince yourselves. 6-30-2t The Jodknal is on sale, each week, at the book and news storei of E. I). Fitzpatrick and It. Hartman, at f) cents a copy. E. A. IModgett was iu through the snow yesterday. He save his neighborhood is iu'fjood shape every way for the winter. Mrs. G. W. Brown, and Mrs. M. K. Turner aud child returned Thurs day from their three weeks' visit to the old Ohio home. Come and get figures on pumps and wind mills before baying else where. I am prepared to make low prices. G. R. Kratue. G-'10-2t The linest eelectiou of watches, clocks aud jewelry will be, found at the jewelry emporium jtfG. Helt" kemper & Bro., Colombo. 29-4-tf -l'rof. W. B. Haciua received Fi itlay a diploma from the Chautau qua Literary aud Scientific circle for a course ol four years reading. - It you want your watch repaired in firM-class manner, leave it with C. C. Iterriuger, manager for (J. Heil kemper & Bro., Columbus, Neb. -Mr. Myers, a business man of Norfolk, gave us a pleasant call Mon day. He tells u that that thrifty tmrg is to have a daily newspaper. Mis? Kiltie McKim. who ha been teaching the school near Dun can, is sick, and." during her illness, the school is being taught by Ed. toj:. P.etoio iuvestiug in a sewing machine, organ or piano, see A. ft M. Turner, at their orgau depot, or ad dress (.'. W. Kibler, thoir traveling salesman. tf Fred. Jewell, of the Columbus marble works, has been in town this week, delivering orders and smiling on his many friends. Cedar Jiapids Jiepuhlicaiu "Charter Oak" and "Fidelity" cook stoves and ranges, the very latest patterns, at G. R. Krause's. Trices low. Don't forget to come and sec them. Wo will open np the largest stock of silverware ever shown in the city of Columbua, as soon as we move into the new brick comer. G. Ileit kemper fc Bro. Rev. St. Clair will preach next Sunday evening on Communism and Anarchism from a Christian stand point. His hearers may look for a strong sermon. S. M. Barker, vice-president of the Nebraska State Fair Association, was in tho city several dayi last week visiting with bis daughter, Mrs. Theo. Friedbof. Walter Phillips on 15th street, anticipating cold weather, is erecting a nice two story stable to shelter his stock, with sufficient room to store away all his feed. R. U. Henry has just completed a sidewalk, wide, thick and strong, around his premises, corner of Olive and 11th sts. When R. II. does a thing, he does it well. Before buying anything in hard ware, stoves, tinware or the machin ery and implement line, come and see me. I am making very low prices on everything. G. R. Krause. One day last week, a woman was caught doing some shop-lifting iu one of our principal stores. She was made to drop the goods, which she did, along with a flask of whisky. Mr. aud Mrs. C. J. Garlow are now in their new residence on 15th street aud ready to receive callers on Tuesdays aud Thursdays, also even iugs of same days, from 7 :tf) to 10 p. m. - Rev. A. W. Snider reports quite an awakening in the revival meetings on Prairie Creek. A large number of conversions are reported, and a church is to be organized in the near future. Col. Whitmoyer relumed one day last week from his uorthwostern trip iu this state. The Col. don't draw much on his imagination in describing that, portion of the country. Money to loan at once aud with out delay on real estate, in large or small amounts, on time to suit. Promptly, quietly and at the lowest possible rate?. Apply to Gus. G. Berber & Co. 19-tf We print elsewhere a paragraph in regard to diphtheria at Seward. Ve hope it will so attract the at- tention of some parent that the life of a child may be saved, or its sick ness prevented. Al. Rieder goes to Lincoln to take charge or Jaeggi & Schupbach's flour store there. Those who have occasion to deal with him there will find him reliable and accommodating. Success to him. Monday last Messrs. SmMivau and Bowman went to Omaha ou legal business. We suppose that while there tbey will look after political matters a little, also, being members of the next general assembly. J. & A. Heitkemper will move their large stock of staple and faucy groceries, crockery, etc., etc., into the rooms now occupied by G. Heit kemper 's jewelry store, about the middle of November, and expect to deserve a continuance thereof the very liberal patrojnga the peWIc has bees bestowlag apea tam. .-' ' S6tf Twenty tenement houses could be rented in Columbus in the next two weeks. The fact is that, no matter how many such houses, at reasonable rent are put up, they are never idle for any leugth of time. I have a large stock of cook and heating stoves on band, aud in order to reduce the stock, will make special low prices for the next 30 days. Come and convince yourselves that I am in earnest. G. R. Kraase. Delicate diseases, as nervous de bility aad premature weakness, however, Induced, radically cured. Sead 10 cents m"stai for treatise World's Disc aalMl'-. Jledical Aaso- ciation, G63 MaiawlfWMO, N. Y. J. W. Coria, travaliig passenger agent of the F., E. & M. V. R. R., called on ua Monday. He tells us that the road is pushing on past Douglas, and aat the country along the line is developing wonderfully. A pretty down on Uds heavy snow come region aV Nebraska Monday night, and when denizens looked out Tuesday morning they realized for the Irst time this season that Nebraska Vat really in the snow belt. Snow storms, have been visiting several of -the eastern states; they have nqw.etf.Qpk. this city. . Monday evening, and at this writing Tuesday 10 a. ra., the suow, moved about by Nebraska -zephyrs, is quite interest ing to the Columbus school boys. The Humphrey Independent says that W. A. Pelkenton, working on a Northwestern pile driver, was thrown to the grouud, sixty feet, Monday ot tart week, and severely injured, though uot internally. His nose and cheek bone were broken and one foot badly crushed. Cniou Thanksgiving exercise will be held at the Presbyterian church Thursday, Nov. 2.1th, at I0::'0 a. in. Rev. A. W. Snider of the Baptist church delivers the sermon. The church choirs are expected to unite in furnishing the music. A large attendance is desired. W. S. Cook, late ticket ageul and operator for the U. P. at Schuyler, Neb., and son-in-law of D. Anderson of this city, has resigned his position at Schuyler, which he has held for the past five years, and associated himself in the publication of the Jlaili'oiul Jleporler, at Council Bluffs, Iowa. Willie, a ten year old son of Geo. W. Fulton, while working aronnd a corn shelter on Shell Creek Thursday, bad his right hand caught in the geariug aud literally ground oil' to the middle of the fore arm. The flesh was so lacerated that Dr. Schug had to take off sonic more to trim it up in good shape. Monday evening last some of the private pupils of M"ib6 Belle ParsonB gave a rehearsal, at which a number of visitors were present. The ex ercises showed considerable improve ment on the part of the pupils. Miss Parson b is certainly proving herself a talented teacher of elocution, and deserves patronage. O. H. Archer and E. O. Eakins of Elk Mountain, Wyo., came down from the west Sunday. They ex pect to pass tho winter in Nebraska. They are very much iu love with their home on the mountain meadow. They live about 5600 feet nearer the heavens than Columbus people, and there is considerable difference be tween their climate and ours. On last Friday eveniug Rev. St. Clair's family was visited by a num ber of ladies and gentlemen, with pouud packages of the good things of this life, enough in number to glad den the hearts of the good minister and his family. In questioning him about it be said be was very sore the next morning, but did not attribute this to the pounding. By one of our exchanges, we see that the B. & M. are about to con struct a new line from Wahoo to Bellwood, which of conrse means Columbus as the end of the line. This will make it 85 miles to Omaha by the B. & M., instead of 92 as now by the U. P. If Columbus is made the eud of this division, as she is now ot the Lincoln line, it will be another feather in her cap. Patents granted to citizens of Ne braska during the past week, and reported expressly for the Journal, by C. A. Snow & Co., patent lawyers, opp. U. S. patent office, Washington, D. C. : M. F. Seeley, Fremont, hop per; J. H. & T. D. Morris, Seward, permutation lock ; S. W. Coglizer, Weeping Water, trough for watering live stock ; J. M. Dragoo, Fairfield, receptacle for pool balls. The Journal job department is prepared to furnish, on short notice all kinds of commercial work such as letter heads, note heads, bill beads, statements, circulars, envel opes, cards, dodgers, posters, Ac; visiting cards; lawyers' briefs; pamphlets; catalogues; sale bills, &c. Satisfaction guaranteed. Orders by mail promptly attended to. Ad dress, M. K- Turner & Co., Colum bus, Nebr. tf The literary and musical enter tainment given at the new M. E. Church last Wednesday evening, be sides being a financial success, was excellent in every other respect, and the audience were not only entertain ed but highly delighted by the two songs by the Mseunercbor, the recita tions by Miss George, Miss Parsons and Carl Kramer and the music by Gus. Falbaum, Mrs. Evans, Miss Martha Turner, Miss Stockdel, Mrs. Macfarland, Misses Mary and Anna Turner and Mr. Norton. Miss Sarah Fitzpatrick was not present, being indisposed, which was regretted, as she is among .the recognized excellent musicians of the town. Elsewhere we publish an account of the fearful wreck" which occurred on the U. P. three miles west of North Bend the other morn ing. D. Anderson of this place had five car loads ofpyer 100 head of fa! cattle all ki'.ledbut 40 head, which were crippled and damaged until they were worthless. We learn that the U. P. compauy promptly and sat isfactorily adjusted his loss the next morning. The outire loss to the company will reach $75,000. It is predicted by those who ought to know that a great many miles of railroad will be laid in Ne braska thsjcoming year, more than in any previous year of her history. Every company operatiug in the state, it is understood, is prepar ing to make busy work on ex tentions in the spring. The experi ence acquired from railroading in Nebraska has fully demonstrated the fact to those eugaged in the business that it takes but a 6bort time for local roads to become self-sustaining- G. W. Hoover, who lives on a farm 4 miles east of Ulysses, met with an unfortunate accident on Mon day of last week, occasioned by Mr. O. C. McGarvey setting fire to a stack of straw, which ignited the prairie grass and spread before the heary wind with great speed, burning 500 bushels of oats and corn for Mr. Hoover, a stable with contents, in cluding a valuable mare, aud numer ous tanning articles. Mr. McGarvey feels very sorry that he started the tire on sueji a windy day, as the loss to Mr. Hoover is a heavy one. Pis patch. ilraHtlOeueert al l'remoaf. Congregational church, Friday evening, Nov. 111. Mr. Nahau Frauko. director of the college of inti'ne, Omaha, violin, piano and organ solos. Edith Edwards Frauko vo calist. Marion Liwell dramatic recitals. These artists have a nation al reputation, aud the entertainment, in all it features, will be unsurpass ed. Tho music-loving people ot thi?. city can go aud return on the regular afternoon aud evening traius, aud many will no doubt avail themselves ot this rare opportunity. 1 Adolph Berger, the broom man ufacturer of this city, is extending his business, selling his brooms at whole sale in all the surrounding burgs. It is just such enterprises as this, though small in their beginning, that bring prosperity to a town, because they give employment to laboi, make capital remunerative, increase the in habitants and the business of a city, aud draw money hither in a larger stream than flows away for the raw material. It is to just such men as Berger, energetic, irrepressible under very adverse circumstances, plucky aud persevering, that tho world owes much. The dreadtul malady, diphtheria, seems to cling to Seward, and our physicians are apparently unable to eradicate the disease No other town in the state, so far as we kuow, is so alllicted with this terrible scourge. Tbero must be some reason for this, and the peoplo of Seward are doing themselves great wrong in not investigating the matter. If by drainage, removal of nuisances, or other sauitary measures, the disease can be driven out, it should be done, and that promptly. Too many chil dren have already been buried, and no effort should be spared to find and destroy the cause of the disease which baffles the skill of our best physicians. Outside of Seward there is uo diphtheria, and we believe it could be driven out of this city by proper investigation aud effective measures. Seward Jie porter. Opera IIoae. Miss Belle Parsons, teacher of Elocution, will give an entertain ment at the Opera House Wednesday evening, November 24th, 18SC, con sisting of recitations, vocal and in strumental music. The following will he the program for the evening: Overture The First Settler' Story .lohu Spicer's Lreture .. Orchestra Will Carleton u "Knives" . . Mrs. Diaz lisi Jlelle ParhOiu. Snii "Within a Mile of Kdinhoro Town" .Mrs. C. I. Kvans. Lanca lp the AKIe to the Wedding" Miss ISelle Parson. Song Messrs. Cornelius, ISowmau. and Parniini. 'Meriky'.x Conversion," Hock of Ajres, Desprer linker Faltmuni Wilson A mm .Mis l.clle l'arons. Son, An Aria from Linda di (hainotii x Mrn. C 1. Kvaii!. Fourth of .Inly at .loiiesville Jaiuh A lien's xcifc. Mis Kelle Par.oii. Mllslc Orchestra Potion .Scene troin Itomeo and Juliet Shaksjtmn'. Miss IJelh- Parsons. -Coli'iiibus is becoming quite a city for literary and musical enter tainments, and probably uo place in the state can excel it iu this respect. A strong desire to learn and to im prove has brought good teachers to the rescue, and pupils are working with a vim. With good literary work in the schools, with an interesting and profitable lyceum well attended each week, with an excellent teacher of elocution, having public and private classes, with several faithful teachers of music whoso patient work has long been known and ap preciated, with the Maennerchor, famous already, at the annual gatherings of the Bund, Colum bus citizens may well be allowed to congratulate themselves not only ou present acquisitions, but on the hopes for future good. Intellectual delights always help and never harm, and let every parent, every man who has a busiuess interest in the city, do what tbey can to further these matters. A public library aud readiug room would be in the direction of right living and right thinking,-and it is a means of good that the grown people of this community owe to the rising aeration. C'elaatbaM Lyceaa. FRIDAY, NOV. 16 1886. Piano Solo, Elsie Morse; Oration, W. II. Tedrow ; Essay, Mrs. J. E. Munger; Select reading, Miss Cana van ; Recitation, Bessie Sheldon ; Essay, Mrs Billou; Declamation, W. A McAllister; Kecitation Kittie Taylor; Sung, Mary Turner. De bate : Was the mouey expended iu the purchase of Alaska by the U. S. a prudent investment? Affirm, J. E. Munger, II . D. Shall'; Deny, F. A. Clark, C. A. Brindley. Friday Nov. 20. Piano solo, Mamie Ublig; recita tion, Zura Morse; select reading, Miss Megatb ; five minutes speech at the cali of the president, from some one present, the subject to be given after the speaker takes the floor; song, Quartette; essay, Mrs. W. B. Backus; recitation, Eva Clark; speech, L. II. Leavy; essay, D. F. Davis. Debate Should au educa tional qualification be required of voters in Nebraska? Affirm, C. J. Garlow, M. Hurd. Deny, W. B. Backus, L. J. Cramer. December 3d. Piano duet, Mrs. C." J. Garlow aud Mrs. W. A. McAllister; recitation, Claude Clark; select reading, John Wiggins; locitation, Anna Turner; impromptu speech at the call of the president; tecitation, Ida Martin; essay. Clara Weaver ; orMion, Rev. St. Clair; essay, Mr. Goetzinger; song, Mis Stockdel ; piauo solo, Mrs. Macfarland. Debate Should railroad freights be regulated by Saw? Aflirm, J. E Munger, C. A. Brindley. Deny. H. J. Hudson. L. A. Claik. Hl la tkt World. Ottutnwa Lily Corn Starch has been brought to tho highest attainable quality by employing the best skill and scientific aid that money can fur nish. It is the most strengthening and Iiealtli-giviug food now before the public, and is especially recommend ed for children and invalids. Every package guaranteed strictly pure. Kemeuiber aud ask your grocer for Lily Corn Stench. 'l'liuakstvlB(? Dlaaer sail Mapper Will be given Nov, 25th at 'i p. m. and till 12 p. m., at tho Miounerchor Hall, by the ladies of the Gerinau Lutheran church. Tickets, 25 cents. Everybody cordially invited. 29-15 lr. Fowrrm leatlsl, Will be in his office the last three days of each week, Thurs., Fri., and Sat. One set of teeth out of every 10 sets given away. 4-tf BIRTHS. Wii.non" November !lh, to Mrs. V. 1. WiNon of I.ot Creek, a daughter. Costki.lo November lllth, to Mrs. Martin Co.ttello, a son, weight 10 lln. Hays Wednesday, Nov. 11th, to Mr. Patrick Hays, a daughter, weight 1." lbs. MARRIED. Winoisoii Spichiokr Nov. Tth, by icrv. Schnltz, Gu stave Windisch and Mi Lizzie Spiehigcr, all of this city. S.mitu SI.OSS At the residence or the bride's adopted mother, iu Lost Creek, Nov. ::d, 'feO, by Rev. Goodale, Henry Smith and Miss Irene SIoss. The recep" tion va held Thursaay evening at Mr. Smith's. Krown HOLT At the residence of the bride'- parents, six miles northwest of Columbus, Weduesdav evening, Nov. M, 1S!M, by the Uev. .1. W. Little, Mr. .lames M. Brown, of Hising, Neb., and Miss Amelia 31. Holt. Drkss Potter At the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Potter, Nov. d, by Kev. S. Goodale, Thomas Dress and Miss Nellie Potter. A hur.dred guests sat at the tables, and the happy couple received many useful pres ents. J'latte Center Argus.' LOCAL NOTICES. Advertisements under this head liv cents a line each insertion. Hides, pelts, wool aud poultry, highest, pi ice paid. Office at Jaeggi & Schupbach's old stand. T. Keat ing. . :io-tf For good young breeding stock of all kinds, call at Bloomingdale stock farm. A. llenricb, Platte Center P. O., Neb. :H)-tf Wm. Schiltx makes bootsand Bhoes iu the best styles, and uses only the very best stock that can be procured in the market. 52 1 A full line of drugs, medicines, window glass, wall papers, and hol iday goods, at Dr. Stillman'H drug store, l'Uh street, between II. Oehlrich & Rro's. and E. D. Fitz pal rick's. 2SM For Male. 'au or rime. Three nice mare ponies, 1 span of choice young work horses, 1 Hereford hull. 'JO-p'l D. Anikrso'. A o. 1 Farm lor Male Containing 240 acres of choice land, 5 miles southwest of Humphrey, in this county. Terms reasonable. For fur ther particulars inquire of or address T. Keatiug, Columbus, Neb. 4-tf Ktray Notice. Came to my premises, 0 miles north of Columbus, one steer ' years old. Owner can have the same by proving property, and payiug charges. 2H-:!t-p Pktk Sciiaffkoth. For Kule. Residence house aud four acres of laud under cultivation, east ol Hig gius's trrove, just outside of city. Price $1(100. Euquire at residence, ot Mr. or Mrs. Geo. N. Derry. 15-lf MrcoHithnil Htorf. Second-hand goods bought and sold al the second-hand store, corner Nebraska Aveuue aud 13th street, uorth side. Also stove repaiiing doue to order. 20-tf lr. W. L. Cook, Veterinary surgeon, has returned to Columbus, and will remain for the' winter. The Doctor is prepared with a full and complete set of imple ments, to do first-class work in every respect. Treats all animals, horses, cattle, swine aud sheep. COLUMBUS LUMBER COMFY Will Save You BinCHERL& -ikali:i: ix- j Heavy and Shelf Hardware, Stoves and Tinware, Pumps, Guns and Ammunition. The Celebrated Moline Wagon Sold Here. Sept.22-tf GUS. O. RECHKR. Established 1S70. GUS. G. BECNER & CO., LOAN BROKERS, Real Estate and Insurance Agt's, COLUiMBUS, NEBRASKA. Tloaey l.oaa on Farms at Itntest rates of interest, ou short and loin; time, iu amounts to suit applicants. Coasplete AlMtravtMerXitletoall Iteal Kiate in PIMlVcnunty. Notary Public always in Okkiuk. Farm aad City Property for Male. laitaraace against Fire, Lightniug ami Tornadoes. l.,j and Accident Insur ance, none but the very best companies represented. HtraatMBift Ticket to aud from all parts in Kuropc. july'ttt-y McKINLEY & CARNAHAN. XlJTJ (&M6Mii4rt mltidfi Mt: V Wim V 04:' VWMil w m: m.w T'tT m r t v. yl Tr 4MWMBM wwtmwwjm COLUMBUS, NEB. Money to loan on improved farms in this and adjoining counties, at current rates. We are prepared to close loans promptly, in all cases where title and security are satisfactory. Office with H. J. Hudson, on llth street. I2m3 The Kewt Roller CJate lllaee la the World. Every farmer should use them. Sold by D. Anderson. 22-tf .Hoary! .Weary! Persons desiring small loans ou short time should call on Cnolidge & Wheeler; chattel mortgage security or good bankable paper. liStf CoOI.IIXiK & Wiikki.ki:. ."Votire et'lNNMolatloa. The firm doing business under the name of Kuinnier & Stenger is this day dissolved. IC II. Kuinmer will collect all account0 due said firm. It. It. Kummkk, Albert Stknukk. Nov. 1st, 188(. 211-3 la llarveHt aad Thrrxhlas; Time. Nothing is more wholesome aud nice for all and handy for the busy farmer's wife and easier to keep than a supply of good Iamb or mutton. Call al Iiloomingdale stock farm tor a uice fat sheep or lamb. A. Hknkmh. DiNAolatlea Notice. The co-partnership heretofore ex isting between G. It. Krause, Henry Lnbker aud W. J. Welch, under the firm name of Krause, Lubker & Welch, is this day dissolved by mutual consent, Henry Lubker and W. J. Welch retiring. G. It. Krause will carry on the business of the late firm, and to bim are due and payable all accounts and notes due the firm, except those assigned to Henry Lub ker and W. J. Welch. G. It. Krause also assumes all liabilities of the late firm of Krause, Lubker & Welch, both notes aud accounts. Agreed to by and between us this 4th day of November, A. D., 188fi. G. It. Kl'AU:)., Henuy Lubukk, :$2-:t W. J. Welch. Habile Male! The undersigned will sell at public auction the following property at his farm 2 miles west ot Lost Creek, Platte county, on Wednesday, Nov. 21, 18SG, 10 o'clock a. ni. sharp, 1 span 2800 lb. gray geldings, 1 pan 2000 black mares, 1 span 2200 lb. horses, 'I head of 1200 lb. horses, 5 pouies, 1 three-year-old colt, 2 two-year-old colts, 1 one-year-old colt, 1 three-year-old mule colt, 1 two-year-old mule col', 2 sucking mule colts, 1!) head fat steers, 38 head feeding steers on full teed, 45 yearling steers, 20 cows, I high grade bull calf, 15 head calves, 40 head rat hogs, 40 bead sboats, 4 set double harness, 1 heavy saddle, 1 light saddle, 2 lumber wagons, 1 double buggy, 1 single buggy, 2 mowers, 1 stacker, 2 push rakes, 1 sulky rake, 1 stalk cutter, 1 corn shell er formerly owned by S. S. Sauford, 1 iron drag, 1 gang plow, 1 stirring plow, 200 tons hay, a lot of small tools, both farm aud carpenter, house hold goods, etc., too numerous to ti.eutiou. Teams will meet Columbus, Albion and Norfolk trains. Lunch on the grouud. Terms: All sums under $20. eah ; above that sum, ono year's time on bankable paper, 10 per ceut. interest, 10 per cent, oil for cash. I have rented my farm aud give possession Dec. 1st. This property must he sold without reserve. L II. Jewell. John Hubek, Auctioneer 20-2 Lrsnl ollc. To all whom it may concern: The commissioner Hpitoiiitfd to vim and re port upon the location of a public ro;wt coin iiiriiciiig at the sv comer ot the he qr of ne qr of sect ion 15. town 1!, range a wcm. and run. niii1,' a direct aiiKle southeast to the v corner of the ne qr ot se qr of saiit section r, and thence terminating, and kowu upon the record as the "McCane" road, has reported in f,ior of tbPMtine. " Now all objections thereto, or cImIiiu fr damages caused thereby, must be tiled, in the comity elerk'n offico on or before noon of the 17 tli day of December. 1840. or the sHd road will be located us culled for, wlthour reference thereto. Diited Columbus, Nel, Oct. l.'ith. Km;. John Sr.f kkki:, 23-K County Clerk. THE Money. Get KERSENBROCK, LKOPOLO .T.t'GGI Wi" have made arrangement to fur nish to the subscriber- of this paper, tluit excellent agricultural and stock journal, Thr Xihrusku 'nrinn; for the Miiall sum of $1.00 per year. The l'lirntrr is published at Lincoln, Xeb., O. M. Druse, Editor, and i devoted to agriculture and stock growing in the west. Kverv fanner should fake it Send 1.00 to this otllce and we will have the J-'artirr sent to vou. Henry Ragatz cSc CO., Have a Fine Line or Staple and Fanev GROCERIES, CROCKERY, AND GLASSWARE, Which were bought cheap lor cah, and will be .old at very low prices. llth Street, Columbus, Nebraska. Nov. to-tr ial i! Mil: TIIK NKXT 6o DAYS wk Ol ikk oris i..i:i;k am CO.MHI.KI K MOCK Ol CLOTHING GENTS' Furnishing Goods ! BOOTS & SHOES, AT ClreaHv: Kcihnetl :-PriiM ! I3r(all, e:iiiiiiu: (i).(.di ami ', learn pricm. j Greisen Bros. & Co. J-J.-epNl-y. ; Sdbc before Bavin. T. BAUMGART, IIASOl'KXKDANKW -IN HARTMAtf S OLD STAND ON 11 ill ST., WltKKK UK KKKHS A NICK LINK OK Custom Made Ml, MJCll AS Ladies' Fine Shoes, Gentlemen's Fine Boots, Etc., Etc., KVKUYTHING KEPT IN A FIKST- Cl.ASS HOOT AXI SHOE KS- TAKLISU.MKNT. EMDIMB DOME ILSO, . x i-isepMJ-y TIE LABGEST 110 FIIEST STOCK west of Omaha, nt GREISEN BROS. The !6Ht inHinifrtCtorie.s of the country represented. Not to be under sold ly anybody. Come and see prices at GREISEN BROS. OutalJa Tht la the most PRAOTIOAI. HIGH-CUT BHCE ever Invented. Ills u-ry GENTEEL and DRESSY and gives thd eamd protection aa a boot or o er-;;utter. 1 1 In runt enlont to put on unci the top can Im juljmted to lit tny ankle by tlmply iao in Ua buttons. 1'or &alu by GREISEN BROS. lotll Oct. 'M'-tf BEARDSLEY& JEWELL, ri'.Ol'KIICItiK.s The only Mi Works in Platte Co. We liiiulle all standard irrad'.-s of liiarl.Ic aud uratute l.otli KoltKICN and A.MKUU AX,i'!iiilj tin- most skilled workmen, .mil will comjietc with any marldc works m tin- si.-ite. Call anil ee our work, whether you arc ready to liuv or not: or il not e'on eiiient, ci'iiil lis j inn- address and we w ill send priccr. r call on you. iii.ii.u vio.i: hy the ton or c-ir-Ioad. llth St.. south of U. P. Depot, l'.i-tl SPEICE & NORTH. OetnT.al Agents for the Kale of REAL ESTATE. Uuiou I'acitic, aud .Midland 1'aiitie U.K. Lands forsali: at frotu.'t.octoflii.tiii per acre for cash, or on five or ten years time, in annual pxyment to suit" pur chasers. We have al.o a lar:;e and choice lot of other land, improved and unimproved, tor sale at low price and on reasonable terms. Alsoliisiiiesaud residence lot ii the city. Wc keep a complete abstract ol title to all renl es tate in I'ltte County. 2t tioi.iiH iti;. ::i. GROCERIES! AI.WAVm on hand a fui.i. ani NKW MNKOFtJKorEltlKs, WEI. I. SEI.EfTKI. FRUITS! CANNED AND DKIED, of all KINDS ;i akanteed to be ok KESTO.rAI.lTY. DRY GOODS! A OOOD.t WELL SELECTED STOCK ALWAYS AS CHEAT AS THE HEATEST, ALM) BOOTS & SHOES ! iSfTTHAT DEFY CU.MTKTITION. jJ BUTTER AND EGGS Aitd ull kinds of count rt produce ta ken in trade, and all yoodx deliv ered free ofchurije to any part of the rity. FLOUR! KEETONI.Y THE BEST C.KADES OF FLOUK. lu-tl .I.K.UKEJMfAIV. II1. Sill 1 1 YSSsSJiMlrMiliH BlW R.JU.la.lS3. Tie Coloius Male Worn! pr7.tr