, elumfcus faut nal WEDNESDAY OCT. tW, 18M5. s&ssg wj'- A.&N.TIMETARLE. l'.i-. Freight. Leaves Columbus.. .8:10 a. in. I:.") p. m. ' Bcllwood ..:: 4 tiriK " " David Citv !:WI " ZOti " " Seward. 10:10 " :00 " Arrives at Lincoln 11 :!" " .S:S0 " The passenger leaves Lincoln at;J:."5 i. ni., and arrives at Columbus 7.00 it. in; the freight leaves Lincoln at V a. m., anil arrives at Columbus at 1 p. m. Nobby hats at Kramer's. Orgaue ! Call at A. & M. Turner'. District court in scsfiiou this week Our building boom htill contin ues. Men's boots at J I .r( u pair at Prledhof & CVit. S 21 tf Vote the ticket tmihl tiroii;ii. It is a good oue. New carpet and oil rlnlh, at Fricdbot & CVh. --Work on the new depot is pro rerising rapidly. Dress OooiIh and Cloaks a spec ialty, at KtaiueiV --Dave Loeli tva-. down fiom Cienoa BuudH) Inct. I5it paints at initioue prices, Co lumbus Lumber Co. .1(1 2-;f Tlio lower I p: ii-.'-) ami largest stock, at Kiftitiin'n. A. M. .Ii'llllilln Illlf lil.HW ilulli Claiks Kit Sumlav School bonk-, btuiik book-, K I KilpntiicL, '.h Mteel. 1 Hit I 1'iaioM, ou:iiih. iimxit. etr , V.. I. Filpatriek, l.'itb htieel. D'.ti It you want baij;ains in IiuoIm and sboes to Homili-m'. Stic bills printed at !bt: .Ioim.-nai. otlice, all t.ll' and pi ices. Tin 'bari!4s niiii-l I'oliivnian Nickols have been u iliiiii nun. If y ii need any ci-i'liinji or fur uisbiu; nods, go to Kramer's. Iient paints in matket at unheard of prices, Columbus Lumber Co. All wool, red twilled flannel, 2. cents a yaid at Kriedbor & Co's. It pays to trade at Ivramui's. Feather and fur trimmings, in large variety, at Kricdbof & Co's. Tom. Cain and wife of Lindsay were Columbus visitors la6t week. The end of this week will see all the water pipes laid in the ground. J. & A. Heitkemper will pay the highest prices for good table butter. Men's all-wool, scarlet shirts and drawers, at oU cents. Fricdhof & Co. Mrs. George Burke, of Omaha, is visiting relatives and friends in the city. A full line of glassware, lamps and (jiieeusware at J. &, A. licit ketnper's. California strained honey at 12.' cents per pound at .T. & A. Hcit kemper's. l'hil. Best's Milwaukee beer always on draft at 1. .1. Smith's on 11th street. 1.1 A good reliable (termau girl wanted in a small family; apply to Loop. .T:rgi. 'H-'.t The .Ioiiknai. is prepared to do all kinds of job work, commercial and otherwise. .lust received, the fine.-t stock of hanging lamps and parlor lamps, at Oehlric.h Bros. Mail orders for goods or samples promptly and satisfactorily filled by C t L. Kramer. Boys' youths' and men's clothing, in great variety, at lowest prices, at Frieiitiof& Co's. Examine our t-tock of dress goods the. fluent in the city, at Friedhof&Co's. "The cheapest stoie in town." See the sign on Utli xlieut, and walk in and note pi ires. Charley Fisher, a former tele graph operator of this city, was in town over Suuday. When in want of a cloak, the latest style, don't fail to examine our stock. Fried ho f & Co. Weaver & Maul tell coal, fruit and feed, all very cheap indeed. That is what you need. 20tf Pat Cary of I'latte Center was in town Saturday and gave the .Toukvai. a pleasant business call. Tho council held a meeting last Saturday night. No business of im portance was transacted. Complete stock of dinner sets and tea sets, newest patterns, just received at Oehlrich Bros. Tho veneering of the third ward school bouse has been resumed and will be finished this week. Wade, eon of Parry Pruitt, was thrown from his bnrse Sunday week, and had an elbow dislocated. Gen. A. J. Sampson, of Denver, Col., arrived here yesterday on business iu the District Court. The Ford Dramatic Co. played to good houses duriug last week. They are at Schuyler this week. Come early eo as to get your pick of hats and feathers while they are going cheap. J. C. Fillman. 1 J. B. McKinley of the firm of McKinley & Cam ah an was in the city one day last week on his way to Kansas. The Journal, is on sale, each week, at the book and news stores of E. D. Fitzpatrick and It. Hartmau, at 5 cents a copy. M. V. Moudy, Esq., a leading attorney of Nance county, is in the city this week attending the session of district court. Congressman Dorsey passed through the city Wednesday on his way west, campaigning. He will be here with Senator ifandersou. W&ffik The Cluther House has added considerably iu the last few weeks to its ability to care. for its guests. The emu mil tec to oversee the building ol our new depot consists of Col. J din Kickly, John McMshon, Mahlon Clolher and hi Honor the Mayor. Wauled. A furnished room, by a single tuau, within three blocks of the poet-cilice. Address, F. A. Taylor. 1 The Columbus orchestra famish ed good music for the Dillon enter tainments Monday aud Tuesday evenings. Republicans sbonld guard against being deceived by democrats pre senting false issues in the present campaign. Don't stand around and urge re publicans to duty, but turu out, roll up your sleeves and go to work yourself. Mrs. M. Loeh, who baa been veiling her daughter, Mrs. Carl Kramer, left for her Chicago home last Suuday. Jobu Dillon, supported by G. W. Walters' Comedy Company played at tho Opera House Monday and Tues day evenings. People must not overlook to nominate township officers in time. The riiy of Columbus is entitled to two supervisors. Mrs. David Anderson left Co tiimliiiM to-day, tor a prolonged visit : her relatives iu Dayton and Springfield. Ohio. Dik. Mail) u Sl ScLug report the l'( cases .i l)phobl fever they have 1..-.-H ntieudiiig iii this community as 1-oiivnleM-enl Saturday last. -Thorough organization is what the lepublicati party wants iu Platte couuty. Cauitbo bad without the actiou of township committees? Hubert O'Brien, foreman of the llumphiey Independent, was iu the city Monday in attendance on court and uve the .Iouknal a pleasant call. Before investing in a sewing machine, orgau or piauo, see A. & M. Turner, at their orgau depot, or ad dress G. W. Kibler, their traveliug halesman. tf Frank Auderson started Wed nesday last for a two week's visit to his old home, Geneseo, 111. Henry A bis has charge ol bis agency during his abseuce. Cloaks! Cloaks! We carry the nicest line of cloaks, newmarkets and short wraps ever seen iu Nebraska, and our prices are the lowest. C. & L. Kramer. 24-8-2t The Athletic Park Association will hold its regular meeting the first Monday in November. The question of selling their gronnds will be decided then. II. J. Hudson, Esq., started yes terday for Lincoln where he goes to attend the session of the grand lodge of the I. O. O. F., which conveues in that city this week. Tripp & Goetzinger's photograph gallery was opened today. It is a fine establishment and lack of space compels us to defer further descrip tion until next week. 1 Martin Reagan will have a sale of 128 head of cattle, 40 hogs, horses, and some farm machinery, at his farm two miles northeast of Colum bus, Saturday, Oct. 30. 25-3 The men working on the stand pipe of the waterworks are delayed a week by the mis-measurement of oue of the iron sheets. The engine house is going up rapidly. The Knights of Labor give a so cial dance at their Hall over the Co lumbus State Bank Friday evening next. All are cordially invited to attend. Tickets only 50 cents. Mrs. Winterbotham's boarding house on Nebraska Avenue is nearly ready for occupancy. It is a large, commodious building aud adds much to the appearance of that street. Miss Mary Turner will shortly give an entertainment, the proceeds to purchase a new organ for the M. K. church. She will be assisted by the best local talent in this city. J. A. McMurphy, formerly pro prietor of the Schuyler Sun, recent ly purchased the Independent at Wahoo. We are glad to see "Tip Top" in the newspaper traces once more. We have a communication from G. W. Galley, iu continuance of a discussion entered in the Journal; also from B. Millett on railroads, which will have due attention, after election. Money to loan at once and with out delay on real estate, in large or small amounts, on time to suit. Promptly, quietly and at the lowest possible rateB. Apply to Gus. G. Becher & Co. 19-tf The Park and Lake Association have finished their excavations. They have not decided yet bow to get the water into it. Parties have made their efforts to rent it as a skating rink this winter. Miss Annie George, of Perry, Iowa, arrived in the city Friday last on a visit to relatives. She waa formerly a teacher of this county, and has many friends who will be pleased to greet her. There can be no serious objec tion to the proposition to increase the room needed by the county officers. The money asked for is in hand, only awaiting the direction of voters to apply it as asked for. M. K. Turner, editor of the Journal, accompanied by his wife and her sister Mrs. G. W. Brown, of Cedar Rapids, Boone county, started east Sunday last; the ladles go on a visit to their parents at Cadiz, Ohio. A man was put under arrest here Monday last, suspected of having been a participant in the murder committed recently at Hastings, this state. He is being held for identifi cation by the Adams county' authorities. The next (nesting of the Colum bus Lyceum will be held iu Maen nercbor Hall, Friday evening, Oct 22d. Music, declamations, essays and a speech by Gee. A. J. Sampson, of Denver, will be the exercises of the evening. Young and middle-aged men, suf fering Irom uervous debility aud kiudred weaknesses, should send ten cents iu stamps for large treatise giviug successful treatment. World's Dispensary Medical Association, Buffalo, N. Y. Lute North returned last week from a three week's hunting expedi tion in Wyoming in company with bis friend Mr. George Grinnell, of New York. He saw O. U. Archer, a former resident of this city, who was iu good health and doing well. The question is not what clothes the candidates (or county attorney shall wear, but who is the better qualified to fill this important office, the man of experience aud practical knowledge or a young fellow that has uever tried a case in any district court in bis life? The dedication of the regular Baptist church will take place Sun day, Oct. 24tb, in Colfax county, Wilson precinct, C miles north of Becker's mill. Rev. Osbern, state missionary, is expected to be present, also other prominent ministers. The public are invited to attend. Died, at Lake City, Kansas. Thursday evening, October 7, 'St, of typho- malarial fever, Mrs. Maud Bralnard, aged 24 years. Mr. Dr. Biaioard was a relative of Mrs. Wil liam Speice, of this city, and had a large circle of friends aud acquaint ances here who regret and mourn her death. J. JSl A. Heitkemper will move their large stock of staple and faucy groceries, crockery, etc., etc., into the rooms now occupied by G. licit Kemper's jewelry store, about the middle of November, and expect to deserve a continuance there of the very liberal patrouage the public has been bestowing upon them. 20tf Leop. Jseggi's new residence ou the north side of 11th street, one door west of John Staufier's place, is quite an extensive house for a young family. It is two stories, one part 40x10, another 32x10, and yet another l.story 10x23. It stands on two full lots, and altogether will make a very handsome and valuable proper ty. The Pacific hotel block at Nor folk, the finest in the city, was de stroyed by fire on the evening of the 1.1th. The building was owned by J. Koenigstein, and occupied by B. F. Lack, of the hotel, Jones & Dexter, grocers; Koenigstein, druggist, and James Wheeler, saloon. The fire was caused by the falling of a chan delier in Wheeler's saloon. In bis capacity as collecting agent J. M. Mactarland necessarily may have made some enemies but no one can justly accuse him of ever having resorted to any tricky or dishonest practices or made any misrepresenta tions. All must admit that he is generous, liberal and open-hearted. Both by education and experience be iB eminently fit for tho position of county attorney. The Journal job department is prepared to furnish, on short notice all kinds of commercial work such as letter headB, note heads, bill heads, statements, circulars, envel opes, cards, dodgers, posters, &c. ; visiting cards; lawyers' briefs; pamphlets; catalogues; sale bills, &c. Satisfaction guaranteed. Orders by mail promptly attended to. Ad dress, M. K. Turner & Co., Colum bus, Nebr. tf Frank Wheeler, son of Daniel H. and Charlotte Wheeler of Platte mouth, aud brother of Myron Wheeler of this city, died at Lincoln October 13tb, of typhoid fever after a brief illness. Mr. Wheeler was at tending the State University at the time of his death. He was a warm hearted, genial gentleman, and will be remembered by many Columbus citizen who regret bis early demise; bis age waa 19. - On last Wednesday evening a goodly number of our citizens met at Mrs. C, H. Gere's for the purpose of reorganizing the Chautauqua Literary and Scientific Circle. Mr. M. Brugger was chosen president, Mrs. J. E. Mnnger secretary, aud Mrs. C. U. Gere was appointed catechiser. This circle has bad a successful existence for two years and it is hoped that the iuterest heretofore taken will be continued and the membership increased. Next meeting at the same place on Oct. 20tb. All interested in the literary work are cordially invited to attend. Thursday last at about four o'clock sparks from the locomotive on the branch road set fire to the grass on Mrs. Brady's farm west of the city, burning up two stacks or her hay. The fire spread rapidly, the wind blowing high, and John Sissle lost a stack of hay, cattle shed, all his straw and an apple orchard of one hundred and fifty trees, besides quite a number of forest trees. It was a great wonder be didn't lose bis barn and other buildings, which were saved only by the quick and bard work of the owner, assisted by his good neighbors, Gray, Randall, and others whose names we did not get They say that if the fire had been n the north side of the track nothing could have saved all the hay, and there is a large quantity of it, stacked in the bottom between that and Jacob Ernst's. This in the third prairie fire we have beard of this season already in this neighborhood, caused by sparks from a locomotive. Tfce Secret Service mC the Peat Ofsace DefMsrtneat Wc have just received a copy of 'The Secret Service of the Post Office Department," by P. H. Woodward, formerly chief of the Post Office Detective Corps. No one man in the Uuileri States is better qualified t write a book ou detection iu the Post Offico Departmeut than Mr. Woodward, who not only has bad fifteen years' experience iu ferreting out robberies of the U. S. mails aud bringing them to justice, therefore, having a most complete knowledge of the subject, but gives by bis bril liant and glowing description a fasci nation which the reader is uuable to resist, and is compelled to follow the words of the writer as be leads from oue accouut to another, forgetting the lapse of time and only stopping when the book is finished. As to the delightful style of the writer is added the thorough truth' fulness of every incident, and each character being drawn from life as the author came in contact with the person described, what more can oue ask ? The best detectives in the United States have been engaged in the cases described in this book, and while the sketches are clothed in all the charms of romance, they rest Irom beginning to end upon the solid rock ot fact. It gives a complete description of the uiauy means ami complicated eonliivauces ot the wil and un scrupulous to defraud the public. Among the most iuteiesliug cases is the well remembered one t.t the "Star Houle" frauds, iu which Mr. Woodward performed the chief part iu collecting evidence against the conspirators and iu tryiug to bring them to punishment. The book is profusely illustrated with two hundred superb i ngraviugs made expressly tor the woik by well kuown artists, which, to gether with the etichautiug stj le of the writer and the elaborate and beautiful cover, make a lrul mag nificent volume. We would like to quote a few in cidents from thiB fascinating book to show some of the mauy methods used by the thieves to escape detec tion ; and also the equally ingenious devices of the detectives, but space forbids, and, therefore, we leave the bookiu the hands of the readiug pub lic, coufideut that it will have au enormous sale, and congratulating its reader upon the entertainment it will afford bim as well as the knowl edge ho will gain by it of this im portant subject. Mi6s L. E. Riley is now canvass ing the city for the book, aud will be glad to take your order. It Bctteel Helen. Our seniors congratulate them selves over their cosy and plcasaut quarters in their own room. For a long time the scniois have been com pelled to resort to all sorts or make shifts, aud fiud quarters where they could. They feel at borne now. The Superiutendeut has introduced a new feature iu the High School, in the way of regularly organized literary classes, which, besides their literary work will have practical exercises iu parliamentary practice. This feature will supply a long felt want in our schools. The exercises are held each Friday at 3 o'clock p. m. The public are cordially in vited to attend these exercises. The work of revision throughout the schools is going steadily on. The classification ot work and detail of plan is much more regular than might reasonably have been ex pected. Parents aud friends are invited to pay frequent visits to the schools and look into the work their children are doiug. Mr. Brindley iu the first ward has moved bis school to the room below where be will be more accessible to bis pupils and teachers. Mr. Brind ley is doing fine work in his room. The teachers and pupils of the third ward building are delighted with the improvement iu their build ing, both iu poiut of appearance aud comfort. The supplementary reading re cently adopted by the Board is well received in most classes aud is filling a gulf that has greatly impeded the teachers' efforts both in readiug aud language. Godfrey, the contractor for the waterworks wells at Fremont, is out in a two-column article setting forth his claims in regard to the. disputes over the cause of partial failure of the works, and says that all ho has ever asked 'is a fair test, "not a test made with a pump that iB defective in any way, shape or manner aud es pecially one that is set contrary to all rules and directions laid down by the manufacturers of the same." We do not believe there will be any oc casion for such trouble as Fremont has had, with the Columbus water works. Under one contractor, well versed in machinery, everything, so far, seems all right. The delay, on account of the immense and unpre cedented demand for material, has fortunately given a good time for digging the trenches and laying the mains. At the business meeting of the Columbus Lyceum Mr. L. Phillips was elected president, W. B. Backus vice president, Mrs. C. A. Brindley secretary, and Prof. Cramer treasurer. The president was here called on for a speech but modestly declined, promising to do so at some subse quent meeting. After the appoint ment of several important committees there was a general discussion of business matters when the meeting adjourned to meet again in one week at place to be designated by executive committee. Daacaa. Be careful. Be careful and save your property by guarding the prairie tires. Mr. Lease, who lives two miles east of bere, lost several stacks of bay aud cattle shed by tire a few days ago. Mr. lii-orge Ifcrney is building a lurn aud making other improvements on lib Platte Valley farm; tbe Loup Valley farm be has sold to parties from Shell Creek. i A terrible accident happened to tbe family of Fred. Gerher of this neigh borhood. Their son Fred, had been en gaged to work ou tbe section of the U. P. It. K. at Schuyler, where be was run over by a train; he died tbe next day. Last Wednesday tbe funeral of Mr. Hans Burner of the Loup neighborhood took place; it was largely attended from different parts of the county. Mr. B. was one of tbe first settlers of that neighborhood, and had a lull share of this world's hardships. May he rest in peace. Aetlce. Notice is hereby given that the delegates elected to represent the counties of Platte and Colfax, iu con vention, to nominate a Seuator for the 13th Senatorial District and a Representative for tbe 25th Repre sentative District, are hereby request ed to meet at tbe Court House, iu Schuyler, on Saturday, the 231 day of October A. D., ISSfi, to place iu nomination said officers aud to trans act such other business as tu-iy couio before said convention. I'.y order ot tho Committee. E. Pom.. E. T. I1oi.si.on. Sec'y. ClittiniiHii Best la ike World. Ottumwa Lily Corn Starch has been brought to the highest attainable quality by employing the best skill aud scientific, aid that money ran fur nish. It is the most strengthening and health-giving food now before the public, and is especially recommend ed for children aud invalids. F.very package guaranteed strictly puie. Iteiueuiber aud ask your grocer tor . t 'urn Starch. Card otThaaloi. We desire to tender our thanks to relatives aud friends for kind asist anre and sympathy reudered us dur iug our bereavement in the Iocs ol busbaud and father. Mils. Maky Marmoy, Mks. G. N. Dekrv, Mrs. G. T. Spoon kr, Mrs. J. C. Martin, Eddie Marmoy. For Sale Cheap. One Halladay Wiud Mill (teu foot wheel), and force-pump, tank and tank house. Inquire of Henry Woods, at Chicago Barber Shop. 25-2t C'reMlua Keaabliraa CaacaN. A republican township caucus will be held at Center Creston school bouse, Saturday night, Oct. 2lid. By order of Ccutral Committeeman. 2 Dr. Power, DeatiNf, Will be iu bis office the last three days of each week, Tours., Fri., and Sat. One set of teeth out of every 10 sets given away. 4-tf LOCAL NOTICES. Advertisements under this head fiv rents a line each insertion. Hides, pelts, wool aud poultry, highest price paid. Office at Jaeggi & Scbupbacb'H old stand. T. Keat ing. ::o-tf For good youug breeding stock of all kinds, call at Bloomiugdale stock farm. A. Heuricb, Platte Center P. O., Neb. ::o-tt Win. .S.Iiiit. makes bootsaud shoes in the hesi styles, and uses only tbe very best stock that can be procured iu tbe market. 52t Waaied. Will pay cash for second-hand beatiug stoves at the Second-hand Store. 2I-lf A o. 1 Para tor Sale, Containing 240 acres of choice land, 5 miles southwest of Humphrey, in this conuty. Terms reasonable. For fur ther particulars inquire or or address T. Keating, Columbus, Neb. 4-tf For Sale. Residence bouse and four acres of land under cultivatiou, east of Hig gins's grove, just outside of city. Price $11(00. Enquire at resideuce.of Mr. or Mrs. Geu. N. Derry. lii-tf Seeead-aaad' Store. Second-hand goods bought and sold at the second-hand store, corner Nebraska Aveuue aud LLb street, uorth side. Also stove repairing done to order. 2G-tf .tloaey! Mcary! Persons desiring small loans on short time should call on Coolidge & Wheeler; chattel mortgage security or good bankable paper. 18tf Coolidge & Wheeler. The Bent Roller Clate Hlafre la Ike World. Every farmer should use them. Sold by D. Anderson. 22-tf Per Sale or Meat. 5 acres of choice laud, good house and otherwise well improved, on easy terms. Close to town. Inquire at tbe Journal office, or of 8. J. Marmoy, tf Harveat aad Wkrenalasr Time. Nothing is more wholesome and nice for all aud bandy for the busy farmer's wife and easier to keep than a supplv of good lamb or mutton. Call at Bloomiugdale stock farm for a nice fat sheep or lamb. A. Henrich. COLUMBUS LUMBER COMFY Will Save You BGTTCHER & KERSENBROCK, DEALERS IS Heavy and Shelf Hardware, Stoves and Tinware, Pumps, Guns and Ammunition. The Celebrated Moline Wagon Sold Here. Sept. 22-tf CW3. O. KKCHER. Established 1870. GUS. G. BECHER & CO., LOAN BROKERS, Real Estate and Insurance Agt's, COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA. Moaey lol.oaa ou Farms at lowest r.it of iutir4l.on -.horl ami lon; time, in amount to suit applicants. Coaaalete AatatrartMor Title to all r.:i Kstute hi IM.tte coiiniv. Notakv Public always in Ohi-'ick. Farm aad City Property tor Male. lanaraace against h'ir Liliiiiiu :uul Tttrirulocx. . and Aceident Insur ance, Buue lint tbe very iel foiup.diie r.-r.-sriilet MleaaMaipTickelN to ami irom all pari in Europe. -JSjuH-'MJ-v Mckinley & COLUMBUS, NEB. Money to loan on improved farms in this and adjoining counties, at current rates. We are prepared to close loans promptiy, in all cases where title and security are satisfactory. Office with H. J. Hudson, on llth street. I2m3 Wl have maile arrangement- to fur nish to the siihsrilrs of this paper, that excellent agricultural ami stork journal, Th A'rhraska Fttrmrr, for the small sum of A er year. The Farmer is published at Lincoln, Neb., O. M. Druse, Editor, anil is devoted to agriculture and stock growing in the west. Every farmer should take it Bend $1.1)0 to this office and we will have the Farmer sent to you. LEGAL NOTICE. To all whom it man concern: Tbe Commissioner appointed to view Hint report upnu the alteration of a pull of the "South Shell Creek" puMie roal described an follows: to-vit: That part of the said road now running anlewisi through the SK X, of tueSW X, of Sec tion !, Town is, Uani-e 2, went, le dis continued and vacated, and that in lieu thereof a new road he located commencing eighty rods west of SK corner ot SE $ of SV H, of Section 0, Town 13, Kange 2, went, and running thence north to a point where the said road will intersect with the na id "South Shell Crek" road, has reported iu favor of the alteration, vaca tion and location as called for in petition. Now all objections to the said alteration vacation and location as above described or claims for damage caused thereby, must be filed in the County Clerk'H office on or before noon of the 0th day or De cember, 1KH, ortue said road will be duly altered, vacated and located as called for without reference thereto. Dated Columbus, Neb., Oct. 4th, I3X;. .Iohn Staukkkk, (let. U. "tM-t County Clerk. Election Xotlre. Notice is hereby ki ven to tlie legal voters or county or Platte, in tbe state of Nebraska, that oulbe-.M clay of November. A. 1. Ikn;, at the places of boltiiiiK the general election in said county, there will be submitted to :i vote of tbe legal voters of said county, the proposition fol lowing, to-vvit: Shall the county Ixiard of I'latte county, in the state of Nebraska, appro priate and e.xtend Sl'.'.ooo.OO of tbe uimppropi i ated moneys now in the treasury of said count v for the purpose of erectiii!' a suitable huililiuu in the city of Columbus, in said count lor the accommodation of the county court, county treasurer. comity clerk and such other of the county offices of said county as may hereafter require rooms and offices for their accommoda tion. The form in which this proportion shall be submitted shall be by ballot. uoii which ballots shall lie printed or writ I en the words "For building for county oftices Yes." or "For building for county offices No," and if ?j of the votes cast shall "have thereon tin words "For building for county oftices Ves," then said proposition shall be declared adopt ed otherwise It shall be declared lost. Ily order of t he Itoard of sn perv iors of Plat t e count v tbis'jd day of September, ltw;. Attest, .Iohn SrAiiKKFit. .1. K. Nokth. Count) Clerk. Chairman. court of ( 'i Suervlsors . J skau ' J Plane Co.. ( Neb. 1 LEGAL NOTICE. To whom it may concern. THK BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF Platte County, have declared the following section lines opened as a pub. lie road,to-wit: Commencing at theS. V. corner ol section 17, Town VJ, Range 1, Eaat, and running thence due east ou section line and terminating at S. K. corner of Section IB, Town 1!, Rauge I, East, and known upon record a the "Oluek" road. Now all objections to the location of the altove described road, or claims for dam ages caused thereby, must be tiled in the County Clerk's.office on or before noon of the t3J day of November, lSSrt. or the said road will be duly established with out reference thereto. Dated, Columbus, Xeb., Sept. -Mst.lxWi. 13oet'P-4t .Iohn Staukkkk. Count v Cleriv. HENRY G-ASS. UNDERTAKER ! COFFINS AND METALLIC CASES AND DKALKR IN Parnltnra, Chairs, Bedsteads. Bu reaus, Table, Safea. Lounges, Ac. Picture Frames and Mouldings. ISTJiepairingo all kinds of Upholstery uooas. 8-tf COLUMBUS. NEB. THE' Money. Get Prices T""" Ajja: LEOPOLD .TJKUGl. carnahan. 9 This Space is Reserved for Henry Ragatz 63 CO., Who have opened up iu the old tjml of Heurv Itagat. a lull aud complete Mock ol STIPLE IND FiNGY GROCERIES. Arrived last week, and a large stock of GLASSWARE, CROCKERY, ETC., To arrive this week. Henry Ragatz&Co., llth Street, Columbus, Nebraska. Oct. SMI This Space is Reserved KiK - Gnissn Bros. SC CO.. Dealers iu CLOTHING GENTS' II Boots and Shoes, COLUMBUS. NEB. 'Irfl'UUy. NO HUMBUG! But a Grand Success. RI. BKIGUAM'S AUTOMATIC WA- terTrongh for stock. He refer to every man who lit it in ue. Call ou or leave orders at George Yale's, opposite Oeblrich's grocery. !i.Kui before Bavins. MISBINu- T. BAUMGART, HAS OPENED A NEW -IN HARTIAN'S OLD STAND ON 11 111 ST., Wltr.RE UK KKKl'S A NICK LINK OK Cttstom-Hafle Fort, SUCH AS Ladies' Fine Shoes, Gentlemen's Fine Boots, Etc., Etc., KVKUYTIUNG KEPT IN A FlUST- Cl.ASS HOOT AXI SHOE KS- TAIU.ISIIMKNT. ENDING DONE ALSO. U2epSJ-y HE LARGEST AN FIIEST STOCK west of Omaha, at GREISEN BROS. Tbe beat uianiifautoriea of tbe country represented. Not to be tiiulcr- hoIiI by nuyboily. Come mid nee prices at GREISEN BROS. This fa tbe most PRACTICAL HIQH-OUT BHOE ever Invented. Jt 13 cry GENTEEI. and DRESSY and give tho tunio protection tn a lioot or oier-j;altir. liti ioa t-nlunt to put ou ant! tho top can Im lutjudtuj to tit cny unklo by tJuiply uut lu tho huUUIU. 1'orbttloby GREISEN BROS. i:;ili oet.'NUtf OubLU BEARItSLEY&JEWELIj, l'liiirKiKioi:. Fas only Uirlle Works ia Ms Co. We liuiille all taiil.iril pnnUs ot uiai-Me anil r.imte liotli KOKKICN atnl AMERICAN", employ tin- n.)t skilled workmen, ant will eoiupete with any m.irlilf workt .11 tin- st.ite. Call ami -ee our work, whether you sire reaily to lu or not; or if not eon venieiit, eiiil u your aililret-. unit we will -inl priee or ei!l on you. hi:ii.ii."j ntoi: h the toll or i-ir.lo.ul. llth St., south of U. P. Depot, It tt SPEICE & NORTH. Ueneral AgeiiU for the .Salcot REAL ESTATE. Union Taeitie, ami Militant! I'atitic R. It. I.anils forsale .it fi 0111 $::.ntitr. HUO per aere for eanhjOi on live or ten ye.iis tune, iu annual ps. uieuts to iinl pur i-lia.ier. We hac al-o a lare ant (Loire lot ot other latiiU, improved aud uuimproved, tor ule at low price- and ou reasonable term. ANobtisini.'siaiid resideueu lots li. the ity. We keep a complete abstractor title to nil real es tate iu rUtte County. C21 COLD ji ri;m. I-tKIS. GROCERIES ! ALWAYS ON HAND A FULL AND S E W M N E O K t J Ul ( E K I K S WELL SELECTED. FRUITS! CANNED AND DRIED, of all KINDS GUARANTEED TO RE OK BESTlJl'ALlTY. DRY GOODS ! A GOOD .t WELL SELECTED STOCK ALWAYS AS Cll EA1 AS Til E CHEAPEST, ALSO BOOTS & SHOES ! 13-THAT DEFY COM PETITION. j& BUTTER AND EGGS And all kinds of country produce la ken in trade, and all tjoods delir- e red free of char ye to any part of the cilif. FLOUE! KEEPONLY THE REST GRADES OK KLOUR. lO-lf J. B. IftEUSMAN. Boot i Shoe Store mm mKFMDjfH Pat. OmgremW B fliVBh IslzAjtfflBVEflllHY Iv i M'i K W IU.Jta.KtIi.1U3 The Colin Male Worn! Afrt'tf