The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, October 06, 1886, Image 4

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I ' Wfeere Iiove Was Not.
Oaoe In a dream 1 saw a blackened world
Hung nigh In space, by bitter winds oer-
dhjwu; i
And there no forests were, no flowers Brew, i
No rivers flowed: but all wns dark and drear. ,
And on that emoke-encircled sphere there
No cities full of life; no children spent
Glad hours in play; there laughter no er was
And day was endless day, and night ne'er
With tired husband secMng home and wire.
And "homo" was but a mocking echo there.
And walking o'er that world I met a man.
Or ghost of what was man, wau, staring-
And bowed as though with age, albeit his
Were fair, and ecemingr youthful was his
fHCC ,,.
And unto bim 1 6aid in question: by
This waste and desolation, and where are
!tte people that once dwelt upon this world.'
And slow he made reply. "But yesterday
Did Love remove bis court from this drear
Which was as fair a world ns ever camo
From the Creator's hand, and now. 60 soon.
That Love is flown has como this awful
change . , .
The chcerlessncss, the people dead and
t gone."
Ho turned from mc, it seemed, and 1 awoke
Back in a world that Is controlled by Love.
Meredith Nicholson.
Song of a Lily.
Her lino array was wrought in looms of air.
And woven by tho shuttles of the sun.
In noiseless warp and woof of tissue fair.
And kindly juices from the warm earth won;
And all of wandering odors that were sweet
Were caught within her silken web of light;
And perfumed rains that wept around her
Their fragrance yielded in the summer
Tho lily toiled not. spun not. yet she grew
In loveliness supreme, from day to day:
A hand Divine imparted every hue.
And clothed her in her beautiful array.
The boon of dews, and rain, and as a kiss:
Her white and suppliant petals, clasped in
Gave silent thanks amid created bliss.
01 if such issues, spring from gifts of thine.
If such unfoldings on thy bounty wait.
The ambient airs which nurse the llfo dlvlno
My soul shall steep, my spirit satiate.
It shall be mine with suppliant band to claim
Tho utmost boon thy treasuries may bold;
Why should the lily's bloom my spirit shame.
When Earth is rich and Heaven Is raining
Clara Thwaltca.
They had a love-quarrel. Ethan
Nash nnd Tilly Fogg had been the
mnct nnmAst nf lovers, esneclallv Tilly.
Ethan did not betray half the warmth
about it that she did, because it never
was in him; but if ever man wanted
more devotion, and affection, and all
that sort of thing than Tilly Fogg gener
ously lavished on Ethan Nash, he must
have been an unnatural and exacting
For some days they had been very
careful not to speak to one another.
No two people ever tried so hard to
bo entirely indifferent each to the
At last it got to be so bad that Ethan
had stayed away from Tilly for two or
three weeks. How he managed to do it
was a mystery, and always will be; it
can be explained only on principles of
contraries, and sulks, and oddities.
It was getting to be rather unpleas
ant, considerca in all points of view.
There was poor Tilly almost dying from
the treatment, though she never would
have entered a complaint of any sort in
the car of any living soul; her eye was
beginning to lose a little of its usual
brightness 1 could sec it plainly enough
and the red roses on her cheeks were
fading rather fast
There happened to be another young
miss in the village, who had been teach
ing the district school during the sum
mer, and had finally concluded that it
would be tho plcasantest thing she
could do to stay through the winter, too,
and visit around. Just at this particular
time sho was staying at Squire Judkin's
house. Her name Was Lucy Doane.
Lucy Doane was just the smartest
girl, in her own estimation, I think I
ever knew. Having been selected to in
struct tho 3oungcr portion of tho chil
dren tho past summer in nccdlowork
and a-b, ab, and being considered com
petent to keep the smallest ones from
rolling off the benches, while asleep,
upon the floor, she somehow reasoned
heraelf into the complacent idea Jthat
there was no lady in tho place who
could beat her in conversation, correct
grammar, or, indeed, any of tho accom
plishments that were going.
She wore glasses with silver bows,
mitts on her hands, and always kept
her work-bag on her left arm. A per
fect picture of a "school-marm" in all
the person's parts and qualities.
At this particular time there was a
deep fall of snow on the ground, and
the sleighing was glorious. Bells and
belles made the old country roads mer
ry, far and near. There were parties
without number to tho neighboring
towns, making up merry dances in
every old tavern-hall, where the screech
of the liitdiu had ever resounded.
Well, to make the story as short as
possible, Ethan received a very neatly
written note one afternoon from Lucy
Doane, written in her characteristic
style of precision and firmness, all cor
rectly phrased and spelled, 63'ing that
she would bo very happy to accept his
polite invitation to go to the next ball
over at Uptieid, anil would hold herself
in readiness accordingly.
What's all this!" exclaimed Ethan
when he had fairly read the note
He was puzzled and confounded.
"I never invited Lucy Doane to go to
the Upheld ball in my life! Why, what
does bhe mean? I'm sure 1 don't know
how to proceed in such a case!"
Which was all perfectly true. Ethan
Nash was in a regular quandary.
So he came right over to consult with
me about it. Why he selected me out
of all the rest of his numerous acquain
tances in the village. I never knew, and
irobably never shall, but he came and
aid the matter plainly before me, aud
says he:
Sow, John, I want your advice."
You shall have it, with all my
heart," says L
"I'm in'a regular fix," said he. "You
sec, the way of it is this: Here I've got a
letter from Lucy Doane," producing it
from his pocket, and holding it out at
arm's-length, "and sho says in that let
ter that she is very happy to accept my
kind invitation to go to the sleighing
party up to Upheld, when the fact is I
never asked her to go with mc in my
I could not holp 6miling.
"Rather awkward," I suggested.
"Isn't it? Now I wish you would tell
me what I'd better do about it"
"Yes, what would you do? You see, I
must do something."
"Oh, certainly; that letter must be
answered somehow."
"Then what would you say to it
How would you try to get out of it,
I'd up and thank her for accepting,"
said I, "and then I'd secure a nice sleigh
against the time came around and carry
"You would! The Old Harry must be
in you!"
"On the contrary, I assure you it's
just the best thing you can possibly do.
Just take my advice for once and see
-what will come of it"
He hung down his head, put the note
in his pocket, and suffered himself to
think of it
There was uo chance of escape. He
saw for himself, thanks to his native
common-sense, that the best way to
silence that battery was to walk straight
up to it.
Which ho did, and sent back his mes
sage of tbanks to Lucy for deigning to
comply with his request
The afternoon of the sleigh-ride was
cold and biting as you would care to
read about Even at noon the sun had
not Mt a single icicle to running at the
aves, and the snow in the road-track
was as smooth 'and polished as mar
ble. "I've got my sleigh," said Ethan to
mc, in a rather confidential manner.
"It's Ben Ball's cutter. He didn't want
to use it himself. Jake's going with a
two-horse establishment But mind you
I had to pay for it!"
When the twilight advanced what
little there was of it at that time of the
yearI S;lw Ethan Nash driving up
pell-mell with ToinNickinson's fiery lit
tle mare, the cutter digging her heels
like a sledge after a reindeer. Ethan
bad as much as he could do to manage
Subsequent to that slight glimpse of
Ethan, buzzing by my window as he
did, I caught no other until I stood in
the little ball-room, having ushered in
(as I thought) a very handsome young
lady in a fancy dress with "fixings'
to correspond, and taken a modest, if
not decidedly timid survej- of the floor.
There was Ethan in full feather. He
was dressed "with all his might," and
couldn't have spared a single item of
his inventory without damaging ins el- j
fectivencss decidedly. 1 fact, he meant i
to be killing.
Near where he stood sat Lucy Doane, I
simpering and whimpering behind her i
half-spread fan, her round face as red
as a wasting winter-apple, her eyes up
turned to him in an exceedingly lan
guishing style, and lots of young girls
surveying them with feelings so mixed
that 1 shall be excused from describing
By the bye in came Tilly Fogg with
Edward Marks.
How Ethan did stare straight
at her, and how she did stare straight
back at him; I sat where I could see it
all; and there were others that saw it as
well. For a few minutes the friends
and acquaintances of each party were
instantly engaged in regarding their
conduct :
Ethan instantly threw his eves nD at
the opposite wall. just as if there were '
i. m:ii.. v : l. :
no buun person :u miy j;s "lu
room. On her part, to exhibit a proper
degree of resentment she pursed her
pretty mouth, gave her head a contempt
uous toss, and acted as independently
as if she was to lead off in the dance
herself that night; and knew it
Well, and what was a little strange,
too, she did lead off, standing with her
fiartner, who was a young student ol
aw in the office of Siinfre Docket at tho
head qf the figure.
How elegant she looked in her taste
ful dress and with her beautiful color!
What an air of queenly pride she
portrayed as she smoothed down the
glossy hair on her temples and looked
over the rustic crowd a if she knew
well enough that she was the belle of
tho evening.
Ethan stood a good way down the
floor, and it was noticeable what an
everlasting chat his fair partner Lucy
Doane kept up for him behind her
well-spread fan. Only once or twice
Ethan's eyes wandered up to where the
little figure of Tilly Fogg was standing,
but Lucy Doane watched every move
ment and brought him back to his
senses again.
As for Tilly, she was perfectly wretch
ed, though slic did laugh and chatter so
much with her partner, the young law
student There was excess in her
actions, aud that was enough to betray
Anyone with even half an eye could
sec that at once. But no doubt it as
sisted to heighten her beauty; for but
for this unhappy pressure on her pride
and her self-will, there would have been
no such suffusion about her cheeks, nor
no such imperious expression about her
beautiful eyes.
"I don't sec but what we arc really
making out a nice time of it" said
Ethan to Lucy.
"This is line very fine!" said Ed
ward Marks to Tilly at about the same
It was something of a coincidence,
and deserving of a chronicler, as here
it finds one.
When we went down to supper the
confusion was cxeossivc.
They all rushed into the supper-room
in a state bordering on despair, acting
as if there was but one chance in a
thousand of their ever getting another
mouthful to cat in the world.
The tables groaned, and so did those
who sat down to them before the got
up. There was a smart business done
for some time in the way of eating, and
hungry folks might have looked with a
hearty relish and envied them.
The party broke up toward early
morning, dancers, fiddlers, and all. By
the dull light of the stars that winked
and twinkled so steadily far off in the
sky, they sallied forth from before tho
door in "their sleighs for home again.
Ethan and Lucy Doane felt consider
ably sleepy on their way back, and, as
a consequence, very little was said by
cither during their brisk ride. As for
Tilly and the young student, she was
entirely unhappy, and he was shall
1 confess ltr a very little "mashed!
j It w:is easy enough for everybody to
see now that Ethan Nash and Tilly
t loved one another, and this show of in
difference on their nart was the greatest
i piece of mere acting heartless and hol-
. low imaginable.
j The rest of us who knew all this and
more, too. from the beginning, deter
mined to put an end to it They had
been living on "stuff' a great while
longer than they ought to have done.
So the next d:ry there was a concert
ed arrangement made among ourselves
to bring them all together.
It was over at Susan Wilde's house.
and the hour was just before tea.
i .. . n .
rirstcamc in hihan. lie was going
round to dissipate the day through, and
we knew at about what time he would
be there. Then followed Lucy Doane
She was all smiles and syllables, for
she felt confident as she ever wanted to
be that she had at last won tho heart of
Ethan Nash.
In her presence, however, he was
rather quiet than otherwise. The mo
ment she came in he stopped talking.
She saw it and half stopped, too.
By-and-by, who should run up to tho
door, all muffled up to her pretty eyes,
but Tilly Fogg! She had been sent for.
for that was at the bottom of the ar
rangement. It could never have suc
ceeded without her.
She came clear into the room beforo
she knew who was there, and the mo
ment the startling intelligence revealed
itself through her eyes she made a
movement as if to have retreated with
precipitation, had not Susan stood close
at her back, and crowded her along so
as to shut the door. There they were,
then, all together; not one of the three
unhappy parlies had previously thought
of such a thing.
"Now," said I to all hands, "what's
the trouble?"
"Yes," said Susie Wilde, who was a
real good little girl, "what is the matter,
sure enough?"
"Why?" said Tilly, reining herself in
proudly, and looking everywhere but
at Ethan.
"Who said anything was the matter?"
blurted out Ethan, who couldn't have
held his tongue to save his life. .
"See here," said I. "You, Tilly, arc
very unhappy. You needn't tell me
you are not for 1 know well enough
you are; I could see it last night"
She tried to be indignant but made
only a poor feint of it
"Now. Lucy," 1 continued, "what
made you go so readily to the dance
with Ethan if he never invited vou?"
Lucy was instantly as mad as a March
"He did invite mc, I'd have you to
know!" she exclaimed, fixing her spec
tacles anew tton her nose.
"He didn't!" broke in one of the girls
who was in the secret "We did it We
got up that invitation ourselves!"
"And I " she hesitated in her confusion-
"Then vou didn't " chimed in the
relieved Tilly, for the first time speak
ing to Ethan.
"No, never!" tic answered with ready
"Then I forgive you!" said Tilly,
much lightened in her mind. And she
cordially extended her hand.
Ethan not only took it but he kuew
his duty well enough to turow his arms
about her and kiss uer besides.
Lucy Doane flounced out of her chair,
and started for the door.
"I don't care," said she; "I've been
engaged this ever so long to tho minis
ters son over in Filield, and now I'll
marry him!"
"I would," amiably answered Ethan,
not letting Tilly quite go out of his
And the party was made smaller by
the suddeu withdrawal of the brisk lit
tle "school-marm."
The rest of us sat down to a supper
a real hearty country supper and a 1
grand good lime we made of it too. I
There was no more trouble for Tilly
and Ethan; their differences were all
Jean Pegolan, farmer of Eyevcttes, is
in a good humor this evening. Around
him the wind is sighing among the
leaves of the trees the melancholy song
of autumn, while the low sun is sending
its red, level rays through the branches.
The sky is dark blue, tho scent pene-.
t rating and spicy of the fallen leaves
fills tlie forest and Jean Pegolan, moved
half unconsciously by the ripe, mellow
beauty of all around him, touches his
good "gray mare with his whip lightly
to hurry her on her homeward way.
it is true that tho German army is
marching on Paris; true that the Prus
sians have pillaged a village here,
burned a farmhouse there, and even
that they have shot some inoffensive
peasants now and then; but after all,
what is that to Jean Pegolan?
His horses, his cattle, his fields have
not suffered from the marauders.
In the town wltere he has just sold his
crops he saw sonic Prussians and real
ly they were not such monsters but
men like ourselves.
Just as he turns at the Croix-Verte,
the village with its high church tower,
the weathercock on the top, turned to
burning, molten gold by the rays of the
setting sun, meets his eye.
At that sight Jean Pegolan smiles,
already he tastes in imagination the
good soup smoking on the table in ex
pectation of iiis arrival, and his mouth
"Allons! Hue la Grise."
But la Grise stops suddenly. A Ger
man aide-de-camp has ridden up, nnd
forced to draw rein bj' the narrowness
of the road, and Jean Pegolan, being
rather slow in turning out for him, the
officer raises his whip and the lash cuts
across the farmer's face from car to car.
Certainly the farmer of Eyevettes has a
most profound" respect for the conquerors
of his native land, but at this blow rage
filled his heart Standing up in his cart
he returns it with interest
The heavy wooden seat comes crash
ing down upon the head of the Prus
sian, who tumbled off his horse with a
broken skull.
In the forest tho trees are tall; silence
broods over all; the moon is rising
slowly above the horizon from behind a
veil of light, transparent clouds.
Pegolan. his rage gone as quickly as
it came, glances teariuHv about him.
The Prussian has tumbled head fore
most into a dry dilch, his heels high in
the air, his face buried in the mud at
the bottom. There is small fear of his
returning to relate this adveuturo to his
brothel's in arms.
"Alloiih! Hue la Grise!" And the
mare bounds under the lash and sets ofl
for home at a gallop.
They have all been driven like a ilock
of sheep into the church the peasants
of the neighborhood.
Thev are huddled together in the nave
of the. building sonuiTvury pale, others
very red the throats of all choked with
fear. Through the tall, tin painted win
dows of the church a crude light falls,
cutting large bleak squares upon tho
rude blouses and lighting up cruelly
these faces, of which terror has drawn
the lips and pinched tho nostrils. Above
tho altar, between two unlighted wax
tapers, hangs a great plaster image of
the crucified Savior; its outstretched
arms seemed to be blessing those below.
From the graveyard surrounding the
church come the heavy, pungent odors
of the dying leaves, mingled with the
chattering of the sparrows quarreling
among the tombstones.
The evening before a German patrol
had discovered at the crossroads of the
Croix-Verte the body of the murdered
Uhlan lying in the ditch murdered by
one of the cowardly peasants without
At dawn a battalion of Saxon chas
seurs has marched into Eyevettes, and,
by order of tho commander, alt the men
round about have been driven into and
shut up in the church. They have been
given till noon to discover and deliver
upvthe assassin to justice. That time
past and the murderer not found, the
village with its outlying farms will be
set on fire.
Half-past 11 has just been tolled from
tho clock tower. (3. if they, tho peas
ants, only knew who this assassin, this
murderer, this bandit was, who had
brought them into this predicament,
how gladly would they deliver him up.
If necessary, they would hang him with
their own hands. But alas, they do
not know, and time is passing. He
who could free his neighbors and
friends from this embarrassment, who
could say to them with truth: "Tho
murderer, the assassin, the bandit it is
I behold him!" he is very careful not
to utter a word. Seated in the shadow
of one of the confessionals, his cap
drawn down tightly over his eyes, sick
with fear, Jean Pegolan thinks of his
wife so young and enticing; of his
cows ruminating peacefully in the mea
dow; of his hay bursting "through the
; windows of his granary; and he tells
himself that to die now is to leave all
these good gifts of Providence forever.
Would he not therefore, be very stu
pid to confess? After all, he did not
mean to kill the Prussian; he had no
idea he struck so hard. And with those
j arguments he quiets his conscience.
j If the lot to die falls on an innocent
man, why, so much the worse for the
poor wretch yes, everybody .lor Him
self in this selfish world.
Ding, dong, ding. Eleven and three
quarters riug out from the church stee
ple. Only a quarter of an hour left to them
to make up their minds.
The vibrations of the bell die slowly
away, and silence, like a great dark
bird, falls down upon the vaulted room.
Then the regular, heavy tread of a
company of soldiers is heard outside
a harsh voice calls "Halt!" and the
butts of the muskets fall with a hollow
clanging sound on the ground. De
cidedly it is time for the prisoners in
the church to discover the murderer.
Now one among them whispers a
name. It is only a whisper, yet some
how every one has heard it Quickly,
quickly those about who have no desire
to be shot or turned out of houso and
home take it up it resounds from
every side.
Jean Pegolan draws'a great breath
of relief. It is not his name that he
hears. It is that of a poor wretch, half
, woodcutter, half poacher a "red" who
I voted non at the plebiscite. The mis
erable man has a sickly wife and three
small children, of whom the oldest one
has just begun to run about alone.
The death of the father will leave his
familv frh flio ffcf tinnrrui- Itrit if fio fltft
not absolutely kill the Prussian, he is
capauiu ut nuiuj: u. xueu, too, ne is a
beggar a thief and tho others are rich
farmers, honest tillers of tho soil
Yes. justice beforo mercy.
In vain the unhappy wretch protests
his innocence of tho crime, affirming
that the day and evening of the murder
he did not leave his hut He had hurt
himself the day before in felling a tree.
All day long he lay on his bed; they can
send for his wife, she will boar witness
that he is telling the truth, lu vain he
drags himself on bis knees from this
one to the other, praying in a voice suf
focated with agony for mercy, for pity,
not for himself, but for his sickly wife,
his children of such a tender age. Sil
ence, stern, inexorable, replies to his
From his corner, bathed in sweat,
Jean Pegolan listens to the condemned
man's pleading, dreading that the pnry
ers of the unhappy wretch may succeed
in melting his hearers' hard hearts, and
he may obtain the mercy for which he
implores a useless fear" on Pegolan's
part. The peasants are only too relieved
to have at last found a way out of their
difficulty. They arc anxious to have
done with the matter, to be rid of the
ight of this man, who kneels thero tear
ing his hair and shrieking out curses on
them for their selfishness aud cruelty.
And the great white image of Christ
bends over them all; his gracious head
crowned by the cruel thorns.
Now tho portals of the church door
are suddenly thrown wide open, show
ing the square outside bristling with
bayonets. In the doorway appears the
platoon of execution, their guns shining
m the warm, dusty light which falls
down from above. Twelve o'clock rings
out from the belfry.
A volley of musketry rings out, fol
lowed by u short, panting shriek, and
tho corpse of the beggar lies there in
the dusty road, his blood gleaming in
the sunlight stains the soles of the shoes
of the soldiers as they wheel about;
while the mounted German officers look
down scornfully its they ride away, upon
the body of the French coward who died
screaming like a woman.
Jean Pegolan is returning to his farm.
Sapristi, how pleasant it is to be home
again. The hens are comfortably
scratching in the barnyard, the pigeon's
cooing on the roof," the ducks lazily
swimming up and down tho pond.
From ttie outhouses, which have for
tunately escaped the depredations of
the Prussians, comes the grave lowing
of the milch cows, to which the strident
neighing of La Grise responds. The
sheaves of wheat upon the granary
floor fill the inclosure with a warm, yel
low light; above the piled up hay
threatens to burst through tho low win
dows. The farmer of Eyevcttes gives himself
a shake; he feels that his shirt is still
damp upon his back. He enters his
house. A woman it is his wife is
kneeling, weeping by tho bedside. She
rises at the sounifof the opening door.
"What, have they not shot you?" sho
exclaims. "It was you," she continues,
"who killed the Pntssiau at the Croix
Verte. After you were gone I found the
blouse you wore there was blood on
"Keep quiet, keep quiet It is quite
true. But you will not betray mc?"
"Have no fear; but you," returned his
wife with a shudder, "you you let an
other man be shot in your place?"'
"It was not my fault. It was the
niairie who made the choice."
"Jean Pegolan, you wretch; you
wicked coward, adieu."
Pegolan has fallen into a chair. Deep
down in his heart there stirs a feeling
akin to ivmor.e. And as tho cart drives
off. carrying away with it his wife, who
has left tiim to return to her parents, ho
remains huddled up in his chair. Even
ing draws on. The Saxon battalion
marches away to the sounds of life and
The wife and children of tho murder
ed man are left to die ot hunger. By
this time Jean Pegolan had recovered
his .serenity. After all. those bandits of
Prussians did not burn his farm. 7'c
plc liar.
i A correspondent wi-hes to know
how editors spend their leisure hours.
Leisure hours! O, j'es; they spend them
catching up with their work. Burling
ton Free l'ress.
I An exchange tells how to make an
umbrella case. Easy enough steal the
umbrella. But who ever heard of an
umbrella case being brought to trial,
anyway. Darlington Free l'ress.
In a bathhouse. Customer (frantical
ly) Here! I say! There are no towels
here. Proprietor In a moment sir.
The gentleman in number seven is near
ly through with it. The Itambler.
A philosopher says that only through
failure can success be attained. This is
perhaps the reason that so many mer
chants purchase expensive houses after
having failed. New Haven News.
An advertisement reads: "Wanted, a
young man to bo partly out of doors
and partly behind the counter," and
the Cleveland Leader asks: "What
will be the result when the door slams?"
Guest (rising excitedly from the table,
after tasting an olive for the first time)
"It's sorry I'd be to disturb the hilar
ity of the mating, but I belave some
joker's been salting the guseberries!"
"How is this, son-in-law; you went to
the ball last night and here it is scarce
ly two months since yon lost your wife?"
"I acknowledge it- belle mamma, but
then, you know, I dance so sadly!"
French Fun.
There are little, sweet pretty, and
green oases all through the desert of
life, but the fat man who breaks a sus
pender on a hot day when running to
catch a train doesn't think of this.
Boston Courier.
Wanted the address of an officer
serving in the battle of Gettysburg
above the rank of Major who didn't
"save the day" or "turn the tide" at
some critical point of that momentous
struggle. Washington Star.
They have some bright pupils in the
Tyngsborough schools. At the examin
ation the other day n boy was asked,
"What are the warmth-producing
foods?" His reply was, "Cayenne pep
per and Jamaica ginger." Lcwiston
(Me.) Journal.
When you have an etching of Millet's
"Angelui" don't put a Japanese fan
under it and when your longing for
Greek art is gratified by a plaster cast
of the Venus di Milo don't enhance its
beauty with a surah scarf drape.
Toronto Olobe.
' A local paper in Virginia chronicles
that mosquitoes are very thick this
spring. e never saw a very thick
mosquito, nor do we fear one of that
sort The sting's the thing, wherewith
he jabs while hovering on the wing.
Philadelphia Vail
Dumley Fish may bo good brain
food, but 1 can't see that it has any ef
fect upon me. Robinson How often
do you eat it? Dumley I've been eat
ing it three times a day. Robinson
You don't eat it often enough, Dumley.
New York Sun.
I "The picture is very fair, Brown, bnt
you look too sad." "Yes, 1 looked aad
on purpose. You see it's for my wife,
who is in the country, and if it looked
bright and cheerful she'd be coming
home to find out what the matter was."
New York Times.
"Well, now, Mary, the cook, has left
us," said she, in deep distress, "and
what sort of shape are we in now?"
"In the shape of a polygon," he respond
ed with great glee, for be was a para
grapher, and had never got off a good
thing so impromptu before. Judge.
I Attheclub: Breakfast time. '"Walt
taw." YesMr." "G.vo mo, aw, some
oatmeal, a toiu.-itnw salad, a u-oll, and
a pint of St. .jtiiien." "Ysir. And a
nice littlo stunk or chop, air?" "Steak!
Chop! Ciks it! Do you think 1 am a
tnuck dwivar?" joiv.-i Topics.
"Look hero." remarked Do Wiggs to
the corner grocery, "litis pavement is
awfully ii iprciy. Wuiy don't you. throw
some sand on it?" -Can't ;et a bit,"
replied the grota-r. "Well, throw some
sugar over it; the pavement won't know
the difference." "Chestnut!" yelled the
Proprietor to Clerks I have procured
a complete stock of medieiues. gentle
men, and .should any of you bo taken
suddenly ill while tho b.iso-bali season
continues at the polo grounds, you will
not need to go home, as I can prescribe
for you myself right here on the prem
ises. I'uek.
Mrs. A went into the kitchen ono
morning and informed Ellen that Mr.
Thompson, a neighbor and a prominent
resident, had committed suicide. Ellen
looked at her with an expression of
mingled astonishment and disgust, and
said: "Oli-h-h. mum. has he? Wid
who?" Harper's Monthly.
Customer (to drug clerk) "What do
you charge for arsenic?" Drug clerk
(suspiciously) "What do you wnnfit
for?" Customer "I am a French caudy
manufacturer." Drug clerk (suspicions
allayed) "O. I beg pardon sir; I
thought perhaps you wauted to take it
yourself." New York Hun.
First detective Hist; I'm on the
track of a burglar. Second detective
Hush! So am I. There's my man.
First detective Saw loukee here, that's
my brother: he's all right Como. help
me catch my man. See him there?
Second detective -Coiiioiuitl you; that's
my father. Omaha Wortd.
Now that Niagara rapids have been
safely navigated there is but one moro
world to conquer. If smut: man will go
into Wall street and come out unseratch
ed the Niagara Falls herd will not ho
worthy to blaek his shoe. 1 hero's a lig
gate to immortality. Who'll be Iho
first? Columbus (O'fl.) Enquirer.
"I wonder if I would look well in
black?" saitl a briilo ot but three
months' standing to a lady friend.
"Why. a.o any of your relatives serious
ly ill?" -No buttny husband insists
on having uvd cucumbers every morn
ing for breakfast, and 1 cannot talk
him out of thorn." t'hilndelphui News.
"Mr. Jones, yon might lend me that
novel. I have Ixvn wanting to read it
for some time." "1 am heart-broken
at being compelled to rclnse, my dear
niidame; but i'vi; mado it a tule not to
lend books they an; never returned.
Tho prnot is b fore yon. Yon sec how
well stoeki d with volumes my shelves
are? Well, thev are all borrowed!"
Now comes an iconoclast and says
that there is a colored man who lives
at Mount Vernon, wlioro George is
buried, and he told a lady that on on
there was a liulu .slave boy named Ike,
who lived in Mr. Washington's family,
and that what George really said was:
"I cannot toil a lie. lather. Ike did it:"
but that tin- fatiier didn't hear .straight.
At-ttf Yutk PosL
"Got any "ggs to-day. Mr. Coltl
cheosf?"' "Ye . sir. plenty of thetn."
"Ate ilii'V liv.-.b?" "I'roh. sir. a tho
tlowois thai ihem!' Then I don't
want an." "Don't want any?'' "No,
sir. I'm going to lecturo to-night, and
I thought if 1 could run across some
stale eggs "
" "Stale, .sir! Thero
hain't an egg in that barrel that was
laid this year." I'hUaddphia Call.
Young Lady (to a young minister)
I trust that our leaving last evening
during the Kuruioii did not annoy you.
Mr. Whitochokor. Bur mamma felt
very ill. and we. thought it best to go.
Young Minister (profusely) You did
quite right. Mi.v Smith. 1 assure you I
was not annoyed in the least. Young
Lady You are very kind to say so, but
1 suppose vou get leed to that sott of
er yes. pour mamma, is a dreadful
sufferer at times. A'ew York Sun.
Minks "See hero, Biuks. you must
Im getting crazy. I hear you backed
your old nag against Lightning last
week." Binks "1 did.'" "You'might
have known you'd lose. Lightning is
the fastest horse in seven counties, and
ours can't go a milo in four minutes."
"'lhatisail right, but 1 know Light
ning's driver, aud my old nag would
have won if it hadn't been for an acci
dent" "What .sort of an accident?"
"Lightning's reins broke." Omufia
It I Maid to be Haunted ty th Ghost of
Charlie Rom.
People tell some strange stories abont
Cockenoes island, a pretty bit of land
containing about twenty acres and sit
uated three miles to the eastward of
this place, writes a Norwalk. Conn.,
correspondent of the Boston Olobe.
The island has had the reputation of
being haunted by the ghost of the ill
fated Charlie Ross, and for years it has
been untenanted save by parties of
campers-out one of whom, the other
day, rescued the unfortunate German
boy who was found floating in a water
logged boat two miles offshore.
A story which is devoutly believed by
people living in the vicinity of the island
is inai tne cones oi naruc noss lie
buried in some portion of the island,
nnd within a week something has hap
pened which has caused considerable
excitement hereabouts.
About the time of tho excitement over
the kidnaping of the boy two hard
looking citizens were often seen on the
island. They occupied a house that
still remains standing. People who
visited the island were peremptorily
ordered off the place by these men, but
a number of people caught a glimpse of
a little boy whom the men appeared to
guard with jealous care, and they al
ways strove to get him out of sight as
quickly as possible whenever anyone
visited the island. Tho great anxiety
of the men to keep the boy out of sight
aroused suspicion, and the men and
their prisoner were at once connected
with the kidnaping case.
Many attempts wcro made to got a
good fook at the boy, but they failed.
One party, consisting of three well
known citizens, two of whom are liv
ing, landed on the island one day and
hastened to the house. Their approach
was unobserved, and they attempted to
get inside the house, when one of the
men, with an oath, blocked the door
way, and, whipping out a knife, threat
ened to stab the first man who dared to
cross the threshold. The party had not
prepared for such a warm reception,
ami they beat a hasty retreat
One day tbo two men were seen leav
ing the island, but the boy was not
with them. Ono or two men immediate
ly set out in a Doat and visited tho
island in the hope of finding the lad.
They reached the old honse and found
it deserted- The premises looked as
though the late occupants bad left for
good. Everything had been removed
or destroyed. Not a trace of the lad
could bo found. The nieu did not come
back, and the 6tory is that tho child
was murdered in the old house and his
remains buried on the spot Many
fiartics dug up the dirt floor of the cel
ar, but without finding any trace of a
The other day an elderly man, poor
ly and roughly dressed, rowed out to
the island and visited the house. Sever
al residents who saw him declare that
he bears a close resemblance to one of
the two men who lived there so mysteri
ously years ago. The old man drew
some plaus of the honse and made some
rough measurements of the cellar near
the east wall. The man left as auietlv J
1 as he came, and refused to answer any
Immediately after the old man's visit
somo young fellows went to the island
and out of curiosity, commenced to dig
near the wall where the mysterious
stranger had taken measurements, and
they unearthed a human skull and
several bones so they .said. Their story
is accepted by the towusfolk. although
thero are thoao who say that the bones
thev dug up probably belonged to the
dog the two men used to keep at the
I Several old residents say that tbo ap
pearance of the lad who was kept a
t prisoner on the island tallies exactly
i with the description of the curlv-haired
Charlie Ross as printed in tho news
papers. One or two gentlemen living
here believe that he was murdered on
the islaud, and will make attempts to
clear up tho mystery.
footprints" in the kock.
Traces of a Race Discovered oa Stone
Fourteen Fret Underground.
A block of stone some twenty-four
inches square arrived iu this city a few
days since aud is now in the office of
Mr. H. H. Leavitt. late United States
Consul to Maiiaqua, Nicaragua. It is
an object of curiosity, for deep in it is
the impression of a human foot, which
fact is rendered all the more singular as
it was taken from a stratum fourteen
feet below the earth's surface. This
specimen, for after all it is only a speci
men not merely an isolated block
curiously impressed was taken from
the bottom of a stone-quarry which for
a space of 200 feet long aud seventy feet
wide bore traces ot the countless feet ot
adults and children. No particular
direction of motion was indicated by
the imprints, as the toes pointed in
many ways, which would not have been
the case had the movement been a com
mon one among tho race oi people who
left their footprints on the sands.
Several blocks cut from the same
stratum were sent to Vienna during the
last year and are now in the National
Museum, but the geologists nnd scien
tists were unable to arrive at any con
clusion as to the period when the im
prints were made, as the gentlemen
who sent them did not send specimens
of tho overlaying strata. This Mr. Lea
vitt guarded against, ami he showed to
the Herald rejiorter yesterday specimens
of every strata to the number of eleven,
as well as an engineer's diagram of the
quarry and exact measurements. The
stoueitsolf is a remarkable specimen.
The foot is most ciearly defined, the
lines, curves, and toes being most dis
tinct having sunk into the soft material
since turned to stone some five inches.
A gentleman well informed gives sever
al reasons to show it is the imprint of
the foot of a prehistoric man.
Mr. Leavitt says that he visited tho
quarry with several gentlemen, and
tnat he had the block cut. The quarry
is near La kg Manaqtta, which is forty to
fifty feet below it on the dead level.
Large trees at one time flourished on
the surface, which is now in the vicin
ity of pasture The whole district is of
volcanic formation to a great depth, as
shown by the many swells in the towns
and neighborhood." As near as can be
judged the strata in the quarry are
level, do not vary in sequence and very
little in thickness. Several strata are
alike, save that the underlying ones are
solidified. For instance, stratum 12, in
which the footprints are to be found, is
the same as stratum 3, ten feet above it.
It is a dark gray conglomerate, very
porous.-no cracks or fissures, and full of
pieces of hard black cinder.
No. 11, overlaying No. 12, is the same
as No. 4, a dark gray indurated mud
called talpitate. It is not used for any
purpose. Through No. 11 are numer
ous horizontal veins or streaks full of
impressions of leaves and twigs. Of
these Mr. Leavitt has several specimens;
they are similar to coal specimens, save
in color. Stratum 5 is of indurated
mud, light yellow color, interspersed
with shale of "some material and with
pumice. Local name of stratum tal
pnga. No. G, loose gravelly black sand,
grains rounded, as though by action of
water, nnd precisely similar to the sands
on the bank's of the lake.
The stone, if its date may be fixed,
may tend to throw some valuable light
upon the story of man leforo the Aztecs.
Mr. Leavitt will invite scientists to see
it at his office in the Stewart Building.
New York Herald.
A Pipe that wan Made for Longfellow and
Some Pictures front Africa.
Anyone who keeps his eyes open can
learn a good deal, savs the Boston
Olobe. especially if he keeps them direct
ed toward the shop-windows of the
principal streets of a great city. Shop
windows and show-cases contain nearly
all the materials which make up the
world's fairs and industrial expositions,
and they are to be seen at all times and
without admission fee.
A section of this permanent exhibi
tion which is just now of more than
ordinary interest, is contained, in the
window of a mineralogist and dealer
in precious stones and curios on Tre
mont street In the midst of an attract
ive array of Brazilian agates. Burmese
amber, set stones, antique earthenware,
ivory carvings from India, and vases
from Japan, is to be found a large and
elaborately carved pipe, which was to
have been presented to the poet Long
fellow, but which wns not finished until
after his death.
A German residing in Illinois, and
named Hermann was the artist who de
signed and carved the bowl, employing
for the purpose rod Indian pipestone,
such as Longfellow referred to in his
poem of "Hiawatha," from which poem
the carver is supposed to have drawn
the inspiration for his task.
The bowl of the pipe is five inches
long, and it is can ed to represent the
face of an Indian with closed eyes, sur
rounded wilii leaves ami ferns. The
pipe has a long stem of wood, covered
with the bark -and trimmed with
Another exhibit in this section of the
permanent world's fair of Boston is a
collection of ostrich eggs, each of which
is covered with pictures executed by
native South African artists.
Upon one of the eggs pictures of
various animais and binti arc drawn in
a style showing no influence of foreign
or civilized tuition. The figures are
shaded with scratches in the surface of
the egg shell filled in with some black
substance. The scratches in the draw
ings are crude and painfully regular,
allowing only a guess at the creature
intended to be represented. No at
tempt is made at grouping or systemat
ic arrangement of the pictures in any
way, but each seems to have been
drawn wherever room was found for
another effigy. This decoration was
the work of a Bushman belonging to
one of the savage tribes in the remote
interior of Africa.
The illustrations upon another of the
eggs show the influence of a civiliza
tion a stage further advanced than that
of the preceding. Alternating with
groups of strange flowers strangely
colored are figures of natives of South
Africa painted in crude colors and in
more or less stiff and artificial attitudes.
A Zulu warrior, who would be recog
nizable from his shield and spears with
out the title lettered underneath, stands
in a photograph-gallery pose on one
side, while a Malay fruitscller in an ec
centric suit of clothes, stands upon the
other. The pictures executed in colors
are from the bands of Kafirs, semi-civil-feed
natives, who live in the vicinity ol
the South African towns.
Chauncey M. Depew and Franklin B.
Gowen both entered the railway world
uiago, Milwaukee and
SIM fiiw ay.
Two Tntoi DUly trtwtja Cnsia, Csia:ll BIcffj,
Chicago, -ani- Milwaukee,
St. Paul, Minneapolis, Cedar Rapids,
Clinton, Dubuque, Davenport,
Rock Island.Frecport, Rockford,
Elgin, Madison, Janesville,
Beloit, Winona, La Crosse.
An.l all other Important INnut K.tst,
Nirthe:it :tuil Southeast
For through tirkH: !! on the Tirkft
Agent at Columbus, Nelrak i.
Pullman Si.rn-KKa and Uw Ki.nksi"
IIM.7 t'AKs in 'inn Voi:i.r an niu on
tin- in :i in lines oi the 4?hi-:tK;o. TSit
waakerft St. Faal ft, ami evtrv
attetilion is p.iiit to ii,,Mit"i-. iv ctmr
teoiis employe of tin- Company .
St. Mi Hrr. A. V. II. C'strtM-nter, Jlau ier. iivu'l !. .M.
J. V. Tufkfr, eo. II. I3mi Hon .
Ax'llWl Man. A't l'as3. Ajj'l.
I. '1. Ciarlc, iieu'l .Snp't.
Kel. 17-1
All kiuds of Kenan iii- don? uu
Short Notice. Buggies, Wag-
ohs, eti, made to order,'
aud all work (iiiar-
Also sell the world-famous Walter A
Wood Mowers. Beauers, Combin
ed Machines, Harvesters,
and Self-binders -the
best made.
ETShop opposite the "TattcMall,' on
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Cheapest Eating on JB&rthr
Tako no other Brand
Obtained, and all other business in tbe
U. S. Patent Ortife attended to for .M01
Our otlieu in opposite, the 17.3. Patent
Otllce, aud w. ean obtain Patents in less
tirao ttMtn those remote from WASHING
advise as to patentability free ofehrxre;
and we make NO CI1 A KOK UN LESS WE
We rcler here to th Pos.tmatT, the
Supt. of .Mouey Order liv.. aud to ottii
cials of tbe U. S. Patent Ortiie. Vor cir
culars, advice, terms and lelerenees to
actual clients in your own State or
county, write to
C. A. 8I'0 W Jk CO..
Opposite Patent Otlire, Wa-'tiiuton, I.C
Chicago Herald
once a week, aud the Chiragn Hirald,
oufe a day, for one year. fjWXM. The
JOIJKNAl and the MVe.U.v Herald,
one year, S9.75.
31. K. TiritNKR & Co.,
PJmay.SG-x Columbus, Nebr.
TrriT T)for working people. Send 10
H VA I J I ee,ll!' postage, and we will
-- ' - mail oifrtr, a loyal. al
uable kample box bf oods that will put
you in the way of making more money in
a few days than you ever thought po
ible at any biisinos. Capital not re
quired. You can live at home and work
in spare timo only, or all the time. All
of both sexes, of "all aire, grandly "
cestiful. .10 cents to $." ea-iiy earned
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may test the business, we make t!ii un
paralleled offer: To all who ace not well
satisfied we will send $1 to pay for the
trouble of writing us. Full particulars,
directions, etc , sent free. Immense pay
absolutely sure for all who tart at once.
Don't delay. Address Stixhon .v- Co.,
Portland. Maine.
HEREAFTER wc will furnish to
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Xal. at the very low rate of Mg.?5 pet
year, thus plactnir within the reach of all
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lished. itlig the leader the condensed,
general and foreign t" legraphie .mil state
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A book of 100 pagef.
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Sent, uost-naid. to any address for lo cents.
Write to GEO. V. ROVKI.I. 4 CO.,
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U on IUe la tfcllmtelfcl
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'. our auiaoroea agena.
R QrWrniilh nnd Wonnn WoL'
UlUUuUlllIIll UllU II lltiUll lliUuu
I w' bbV T IbiiJbbwbbw r sbB bMbbm BraB 09su xH
las! tfssrecKorj nj
i General Real EsiatcDealer.
EtTI have a large number of improved
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per .icre.
, JSTSpeetal attention paid to making
final proof on Homestead and Timber
J2T Ml having lands lo sell wilt tiud it
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F. II. Marly, Clerk, speaks German.
W-tf Columbu, Nebra-ki.
-lust bryntiil tho Nebraska line on Hit
Pl.i'le Kit er.
The Country is Wonderfully
Cheap Lands for sale in the viciHity
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Grand Openings for all kinds of Busi
ness. Present population of
Town 500.
JTSeiid tor eirriiiars to
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l:illy. except Suniliv. Price, $." per
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An Advocate of Kcpuhliran principles-,
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For all diseases caused by the over-use
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We Guarantee a Cure, or agree to re
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Health is Wealth!
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To euro any case, vlth each order roceiTOdbyaa
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in presents given away.
Send us 5 cents postage.
juvrir ami oy man you wilt get
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Aetit-. wa ted everywhere, of either
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time only, to work for u at their own
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WE will jt the wtrm -rwr.l lot ny n of Ltwr fi irii!r
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tiauar itikUr complkd with. Tity n ponly Tt-tUtW.uJ
sv-rfll to pre utUbcUcn. Bnw Coutti. Lug to n,. too
Utafapillt,oU. rr J. by u dnroUu. D..W.0I
JOHN C. M lS V. HWw St, ChWi.
tuswitl tl. test s Bilp?
Wf TTVJ more money than at anything
It 11 ,:,,e ui' li'S n agency for
1 j. 11 lBe )t.t s,l.nill;r oook out Be.
iricuers succeed grandly. None fwil..
Terms free. Hallbtt Book Co, Port
land, Maine. 4-32-y
2"h "TIT i 1
$011(1 nnn
'-ar V