The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, October 06, 1886, Image 3

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i : r- .,-,.,.. .--,
Leaves Columbus... 8:10 a. m.
Bellwood...8:35 "
" David City .9:00 "
i Seward. .10:10 "
1:50 p. m.
2:35 "
3:20 "
0:00 "
8:30 "
Arrives at Lincoln.. 11:25 '
Thr ntKuprnrpr leaves Lincoln at 3:55 I).
in., aud arrives at Columbus 7:00 p. in;
the freight leaves Lincoln at 0 a. iu., and
arrives at Columbus at 1 p. iu.
Nobby hats at Kramer's.
Corn is getting ready to crib.
Organs! Call at A. & M. Turner's.
Carpet slippers 35c nt Honahan'a.
"Jim" Scoit is down from the
Misses calf shoes f0 at" Houa
hau's. SI-:
Will. Winterbotluun was iu town
Meu's boots at ! f0 a pair at
Friedhof & CoV. 8 24 tf
New carpet ami oil cloth, at
Fried hot fc Co'h.
Dress flood' and CnakH a sj'ec
iiilty, at Kramer':).
Mcnlfl at all JiMiirs nt Ktrly &
Austiu's restauraut. 1
' - -Refit paint a nt ruinous price. Co
lumbus Lumber Co. -r0 '2tt
Fie.-di oynlj-rn l the cnU or plutr,
at Karl & Au-tinV I
School IiohKh, blind, Imoljn, K. 1.
Filpntiiek, l.'llh street. 'J Itflf
I'lriutf. organr, muiie. ! . K. I.
Fit'pati'ick. Kith hired. Wtt
It you want barsjni'H iu bunts
aud ttllOCri r to llouahniiV
Sale bills printed at the Journal
office, all stlen and price-.
If you need :my clothing or lur
nialiinn gooilrt, jjo to Krnuu;tH.
licst pit: inn in market nt unheard
of prices, Columbus Lumber Co.
All woo!, red twilled tlauucl, 2f
cents a yard at Friedhoi & (Jo's.
It pays to trade at Kramer's.
Feather aud fur trimmings, in
large variety, at Friedhof & Co's.
Mr. and Mrs. M. C. White, of
Vermont, are guests at Dr. Martyn'e.
Gents' fine calf shoos at bottom
prices at Honahan's cheap shoe sthoe.
Men's all-wool, scarlet shirts and
drawers, at 50 cents. Friedhof &
Miss Ella King of Albion was a
guest of the family of Rev. St. Clair
last week.
Phil. Best's Milwaukee beer
always on draft at P. J. Smith's on
11th street. 15
Charley Landers was in the city
fair time, and showed that lio can
yet play ball.
Mr. aud Mrs. Callaway of Iiutler
-county attended the Platte county
fair last week.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Kramer, of
Kearney, were visiting friends iu this
city last week.
The Jouknai. is prepared to do
all kinds of job work, commercial
aud otherwise.
Just received, the finest stock of
hanging lamps and parlor lamps, at
Oehlrich Hroa.
-Mail orders for goods or samples
promptly aud satisfactorily filled by
C & L. Kramer.
Boys' youths' and men's clothing,
iu great variety, at lowest prices, at
Friedhof & Co's.
Examine our stock of dress
goods the finest in the city, at
Friedhof & Co's.
Samuel C. Smith returned Tues
day of last week from his trip to
southern California.
Early & Austin have opened up
on 12th street, one of the finest res
taurants in the city. 1
John Keller has been very sick
the last few days, something border
ing on typhoid fever.
Wheu in want of a cloak, the
latest style, don't fail to examine our
slock. Friedhof & Co.
The Republicans of Boone county
have nominated John Peters as a can
didate for the legislature.
Complete stock of dinner aati
and tea sets, newest patterns, just
received at Oehlrich Bros.
Early & Austin keep their res
taurant open until after 12 o'clock
every night. Give them a call. 1
The Albion (?) base ball nine
were not quite cute enough to get
away with the Columbus ''boodle."
Geo. Shellito while feeding a
threshing machine Wednesday last,
had bis hand cut pretty badly. A rgus.
Adjourned session of the Platte
County Republican Convention at
Platte Center, neit Saturday, Oct. 9.
A. J. McKelvey and "Billy"
Vizzard of St. Edwards were in
terested spectators at the fair last
A. T. Rowe will have a sale of
stock, farm implements, household
goods, &c, at his farm near Lost
Creek, Oct. 1G.
The Journal is on sale, each
week, at the book and news stores of
E. D. Fitzpatrick and R. Hartman, at
5 cents a copy.
The ladies of the Congregational
church will give a dime social at the
chnrch this (Wednesday) evening.'
All are invited.
- The lowest prices and largest
stock, at Kramer's.
Thomas Began secured the con
tract for grading roads in Columbus
Twp., being the lowest bidder; be
begaa work Monday.
For a piano, organ or tewing
machine, call oa or address A. & If.
Tumt, woo will see that oae if
placed, aid guarantee satisfactioa.
.n... - .
The balloon man alighted on the
back of one of W. H. Randall's cows
Friday Inst. This wa his 623d air
vo age.
It y-u are h'tious. tk Dr.
Price's "Pleasant Putative Pll:ts."
the original "L'ttle Liver Pill." Of
all drujrjii-ts.
II. P. Coolidge and bis brother
from North Platte start today for
Correctionville, Iowa, to attend a
family reunion.
The Argus says that Martin
Maher and Henry McCabe recently
put chased 72 bead of steers from
Gerrarc & Zeigler.
The County Convention Satur
day promises to be a lively affair.
There seems to be a little fun ahead.
Every delegate should be present.
Charlie Morse has got back bis
race horse, Gen. Grant, from Polk
county. He 6ays Judge Snider has
the bet (arm barn "you ever saw."
The Chicago Comedy Co. arrived
iu the city Sunday last on their way
to Albion, where they fill an en
gagement this week, during the fair.
J. Swygert was in the city
Friday of last week, and gave us a
p'ea-ant call. He reports crops of
nil kinds excellent in his neighbor
hood. - Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Garlow re
i3i nod from their weddiug east,
Friday. They had a pleasant aud
delightful journey and visit with
- Ed. Jeukiiis, of Kalamazoo, was
in the city last week. He was on bis
tetmii from the Republicau stale con
vention aud took iu the last day of
our tair.
- M. Kellucr ot Madison is ereet
uig an elevator ai the new slatiou ot
Granville, five mites uorthwest ot
Humphrey. The work is to be done
by steam.
lie tore, investing iu a sewing
machine, oigau or piaue, see A. & M.
Turner, at their orgau depot, or ad
dress C W. Kibler, thrir traveling
.-alesman. tf
Cloaks! Cloaks! Wo carry the
nicest line of cloaks, oewmarkets and
short wraps ever seen iu Nebraska,
aud our prices are the lowest. C. &
L. Kramer. 24-8-2t
Geo. B. Griunell, editor of the
Forest and Stream, New York, ar
rived one day last week and, accom
panied by Lute North, started on a
bunting trip.
Mrs. Albert Moorefield and son,
of Chicago, were in the city part of
last week visiting friends aad attend
ing the fair. Mrs. M. formerly re
sided in this city.
"Bob" Clark, of North Bend, was
in town last week taking in the fair.
He informed us that he has quit
telegraphy and become a bloated
lumber merchant.
Rev. S. H. Tucker, formerly of
this couuty, is now in Vermont,
dutifully staying with aged parents.
Otherwise Nebraska is iu every way
preferable to him.
Postmaster R. L. Rossiter of
Platte Center, Hon. L. Clark of Al
bion, J. C. Post of Elwood, aud Rey.
J. A. Hood of Schuyler were visitors
in the city last week.
Rev. J. W. Phelps, Presiding
Elder of tue Omaha district, has been
announced to preach the dedication
sermon at the new M. E. church iu
this city next Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Winterbotham re
turned to their home at Genoa, Sat
urday. Mr. W. was a delegate to the
State republican convention and took
in the fair on his return.
J. H. Drinnin will thresh today
with a steam thresher (straw burner),
owned by Geo. Lawrence. This is a
great saving of horse flesh, and no
extra charge for threshing.
A Chicago traveling man re
marked that the umpire who en
deavored to fill that position in the
game of Friday last was "rank"
enough to go over the fence.
Christ. De Wall, living on Rev.
Dr. Henrich's farm, passed through
town with two squashes for the fair,
weighing 2301bs., measuring G It.
7 iu. in circumfence. Argus.
Money to loan at once and with
out delay on real estate, in large or
small amounts, on time to suit.
Promptly, quietly and at the lowest
possible rates. Apply to Gob. G.
Becher & Co. 19-tf
Prof. Backus's bird dog has been
stolen four times already in a few
weeks. The last fellow was made to
pay up all expenses, and the Profes
sor vows that the next man will be
sent over the road.
J. A. Hcitkemper & Bro. expect
to remove their grocery to R. H.
Henry's frame building now occupied
by G. Heitkemper and D. Dowty,
whose establishments are to be re
moved to the corner brick.
Phil Cain says that be hasn't
seen a day in all the time he was in
Colorado that began to compare
with Monday in Nebraska, and be
says, too, that Nebraska wind doesn't
understand the rudiments of a breeze.
Phil. Cain, accompanied by his
mother, arrived in the city Thursday
last from Colorado Springs, Col.
We are glad to note that Phil, has
improved in health. They will visit
here a short time and then return to
Jas. Gardner had a fiue gray
horse at the fair, Le Count, jr.,
weighing 1,425 lbs. and five years
old. Though so large, the horse has
good action, and is famous for his
walking ability, which is a quality
that ought to be cultivated is the
John Schtnocker put in a half
acre to onions, planting the Red
Wethersfield seed, aad he will have
a harvest of 60 worth of the finest
lot of oaioas we ever saw, averaging
as big as your fist. The twe he
leaves at the Joobnal eftce 'Measure
fourteta inches ia circasafereace.
Hon. II. J. Hudson arrived home
Saturday night from his trip to
Boston where he was in attendance
on the session of the supreme lodge
of Odd Fellows of the U. S. The
graiid parade was one l the largest
and finest ever witnessed in that city.
Mr. U. reports having bad a general
good time.
The two corner lots on North and
Thirteenth streets, north on Thir
teenth and east on North, are shown
by the record as transferred to J. R.
Meagher, (U. P. Ag't,) also the corner
lot, west on North, and north on
Twelfth, and somehow the report is
out that on the latter is to be pnt an
eating-house for the road.
The Omaha fair premium lits
printed last year's dates for Madison
fair, and a number of our neighbor
ing exchanges thoughtlessly took the
dates from this list. The papers are ex
cusable under the circumstances, but
those who printed laBt year's dates in
the premium list ought to be spank
ed. Chronicle.
A lad named Beardaley of Silver
Creek was relieved of 80 feet of tape
worm by Drs. Martyn & Schug.
This must be quite a country for that
kind of animal product. We hear of
one very corpulent man who is (be
owner ot a tape but fears to kill it,
lest be becomes still more corpulent
iu consequence.
Rev. J. L. St. Clair was especial
ly called to Albion last Wednesday,
to unite in marriage A. W. Ladd,
editor of the Boone Couuty Xcwx,
aud Miss Emma Fox, of that city.
Printers and editors are generally
unlucky, but Ladd has captured the
nice Fox tnat time, and will receive
uiauy congratulation.
Mr. Palmer, contractor for the
Maud-pipe for the water-works, is ou
the ground, with all needed material,
aud fifteen workmeu, busy with his
contract. Everything is goiug along
swimmingly with the water-works,
thirty-live men are engaged in dig
ging ditches, and the work all arouud
is being ruebed in good shape.
Ford's Metropolitan Dramatic
Co., supporting the great comedian
Billy Marble, will commence a
season of one week at Opera House
this city, Monday Oct. 11th.
The name of Billy Marble also
i6 sufficient guarantee that the com
pany is first-class. The company
produce the latest and best plays of
the day.
Messrs. Tripp & Goetzinger are
preparing to open a first-class
photograph gallery opposite the new
Henry block, with an entire new
outfit Mr. Tripp who has had 7
years experience in this business,
lately with Dr. McAllister of this
city, will guarantee his work to be
the best in this part of the slate.
Call and examine his work before
going elsewhere. 1
The petit jury for the term of
the District Court beginning Oct.
18th, is: Tbos. Odenthal, Irwin
Nickelson, Ed. Maher, Henry Ripp,
Wm. Fabey, Jos. Tilsdorf, Charles
Miller, John Fisher, Jo. Schmitz,
Ed. Irwin, Cornelius Kocb, Ed.
Keuscber, Gottlieb Kummer, Geo.
Wescott, Chas. Reinke, B. W. Ellis,
C. S. Eddy, Patrick Murphy, Abel
Coffey, Jno. O'Brien, J. B. Wolfe,
A. F. Winnell.
The Journal job department is
prepared to furnish, on short notice
all kinds of commercial work such
as letter beads, note heads, bill
beads, statements, circulars, envel
opes, cards, dodgers, posters, &c. ;
visiting cards; lawyers' briefs;
pamphlets; catalogues; sale bills,
&c. Satisfaction guaranteed. Orders
by mail promptly attended to. Ad
dress, M. K. Turner & Co., Colum
bus, Nebr. tf
At the last re-union G. W:
Kibler of this county met an old
comrade, John Reed, now living in
Douglas county, whom he had not
seen since he carried him off the
battle field at Jonesboro, eight miles
from Atlanta, on the Macon railroad,
wounded while tearing up the track,
so wounded that he couldn't help
himself. The meeting: was a verv
cordial one on both sides, and many
an incident of march and battle and
camp was rehearsed.
John Dillon, the celebrated come
dian, under the management of Geo.
W. Walters, is booked for the Opera
House, this city, Oct. 18th and 19th ;
Nellie Walters, under same manage
ment, Oct. 28th and 29th. When the
managers of the Opera House Co.
succeed in securing such talent, gen
erally known to be above the average,
Columbus theatre goers should turn
out and show their appreciation, with
crowded houses. Dillon played here
several years ago and was considered
"A, No. 1."
The Omaha Kcpublicrn says that
a company with a capital stock of
120,000 has been formed in Omaha
for the purpose of sinking a shaft to
the depth ot 3,000 feet, with a view
to obtaining either coal, gas or oil,
and, if possible, of thus settling the
question of cheap fuel in Omaha.
Arrangements have been made with
W. M. Martin, of Findlay, Ohio, to
take charge of the enterprise and
put down the hole. Something
similar to this would be a most ex
cellent thing for Columbus.
The county running race at the
fair last week was interesting and
very closely coatested between May
Morning owned by P. S. Griffin,
Sleepy Charley owned by Wm. Con
nelly, aad Cowboy owned by."Shep"
Raymond. Sleepy Charley won first
heat, May Morning winning two last
heats straight by half a neck. May
Morning is sired by Allen Percy.
Hambletonian, and is the first one of
the 'Percy colts that we have seen
tried on the track. He proved him
self possessing good etayiag qualities ;
Dieoa tens won aarabUjty If
Ckatetk-Twa E4aaFclt
WaatMfe fee Fally
A force o! masons is al baud, un
der the fciijiervisioii ot a very capable
man, Mr. fc. I Jeter, to erect the new
depot here, ami the coal chutes,
both of which structures have long
beeu badly needed for the better
transaction of the company's business
at this point.
Tbe depot is to be located between
Eleventh and Twelfth streets, be
tween Olive and North, aud also
between the main track aud that of
tbe Omaha, Niobrara & Black Hills
It is to be of stone, with pressed
brick aud red saud-stone trimmiugs.
It will be 97 ft. 2 iu. long, and 34 ft.
2 in. wide. Tbe circular end will
face east, and a bay window on the
south side, facing the main track.
This part ot the structure will be 38
ft. 8 in. wide.
The building a handsome
ouo, iu appearance resembling tbe
one just completed at Valley. Mr.
Jeter thinks that if the material ar
rives as needed, the buildiug will be
euclosed this mouth.
At the same lime work will go
forward on the coal chutes, the
plaua lor which we have not yet
seeu ; we luaru that these will be
sutiicieul to supply tue increasing
demands ot the tuaiu aud brauch
roads lor years, aud consequently
they must be of ample capacity, and
with all the uppliauces for the quick
loading aud unloading of large
quantities ot coal. This btrudure
will be located uear the Uompuu's
water tank.
O.L. Baker has the contract torgiad
iug tracks for switches west of the
present depot, aud both north and
south of the tuaiu track, so we in-er
that the yard is to he removed
We hope these are hut the begin
ning ol a long series of impsove
lueulrf here by the Union Pacific
Company. Their business on the
brauch lines to Norfolk, to Albion,
to Fullertou aud Cedar Rapids, all
radiating at this point, has grown
beyond all expectation in the lime
since these lines were constructed,
and the outlook for the years to come
is equally good, so that, with the
settlement of the country and the
capacity of the tributary regiou for
farm products, almost doubling each
year, it becomes an easy problem to
figure the great importance of this
city as a railroad center iu the uear
Let every mau put his shoulder to
the wheel, make all the improve
ments be possibly can ; let our capi
talists, our building associations, and
all who can borrow money at a liv
ing rate, put up dwelliug-houses
and business houses, because there
will be use for all of them.
Keep the ball in motion.
Xfce Fair.
The Fair last week was undoubted
ly the best ever held in the couuty,
the exhibits being very full in nearly
all departments. We note some of
tbe more salient features.
John Wurdemann and Geo. Randall
bad good displays of sheep.
As to hogs, tbe breeds represented
were, Berkshire, Poland Chiua aud
Jersey Red, J. N. Taylor taking the
bulk of tbe prizes. Special mention
must be made of an unusually large
and fine boar exhibited by Tobias
Cattle were well represented from
tbe herds of Wiuslow, Sheldon aud
Gleason, J. N. Taylor and S. O. Ray
mond, with a fine lot of grades from
W. II. Randall and J. N. Taylor.
Tbe entries of horses in all classes
were uuusually good, iucludiug ani
mals belonging to Jos. Gardener of
Nance county, Jas. Haney, J. N.
Taylor, A. Sullivan of Colfax county,
Nathaniel Rice, R. H. Henry and Jas.
In roadsters, S. O. Raymond's
name is conspicuous on tbe list, he
getting all the awards but one which
went to Michael Savage.
In tbe exhibit by Boys and Girls,
of saddle ponies, premiums rangiug
from $5 down to 25 cents, as follows :
to Eva Clark, Chas. Stillmau, Chas.
Raymond, Mellie North, Lee O'Don-
nell, Elsie Morse, Earl Pearsall,
Harry Ames, Jno Huber, jr.
Tbe fine specimens of poultry were
exhibited by Peareall, Routson, Ran
dall and S. O. Raymond.
Ten prizes on root products were
captured by G. W. Stevens and R.W.
Teatbcr, also twelve premiums on
On corn there' were 11 entries, Geo.
Scheidel and Herman Backenhus
taking 1st and 2d premiums on white
Mrs. M. Brugger took a premium
on 5 lbs. of honey.
Mrs. J. N. Heater had a display of
300 lbs. of while comb honoy, which
would have been a credit to any
county, state or national exhibit in
tbe world. One wishing to become
conversant with the art of bee-culture
could here see all tbe latest applian
ces used in tbe business, such as
smokers, surplus foundations, empty
frames, latest patent devices for cag
ing tbe queen bees, drono excluders,
honey extractors, etc.
In the women's departmentwas a
multitude of articles manufactured
and used by tbe ladies, and entirely
"too numerous to mention." Andrew
Mattis bad tbe first and only display
of dried apples ever made by Platte
county, and we noticed Mrs. W. A.
McAllister's name conspicuous on the
award list for jellies, preserves, etc.,
she also taking 1st premium and the
Journal's special premium on bread
(hop rising), Mrs. Wm. Thurston
getting the same for bread (salt
On cakes we notice tbe names of
Mrs. Wm. Thurston, Miss Ella Wells,
Mies Akes Plumb.
Ia the exhibit by schools, Dist. 10
NEW 11.1.
- -'---J
took two prizes, while Clara Lehman
gets tbe Fitzpatrick gold pen.
Tbe business men with, in all clns
e, nici display jn their lim, were
C E. Pollock Co., Krause, Lubker
& Welch, Fried hot & Co., C. & L.
Kramer. C. B. Still man, Bojltcher &
Kerf-enhrock, L nts Schreibcr, Luers
& Schaffroth, the Flouring Mills, etc.
Gen'l. Sup',. S. O. Raymond, Trcas.
John Stauffer and tbe gate-keepers,
Taylor and Wallace, did their work
in excellent shape, but tbe bulk of
tbe actual work done, in makiug
preparations and looking after every
thing fell upon the industrious Sec
retary, John G. Routson, with a good
counsel back of him, R. II. Henry.
Further particulars we give next
The entire receipts were $1,147.
The weather was all that could be
desired, and hereafter there will be
pronamy no question of success, as
interest is increasing in Platte Co.
County Trotting Itace
S. O. Itayniomt. "Gladiator," 1st $ 2t Oil
C. K . Morse, "Bessie Tumor," 2.1 . 10 ihj
County Running Kuee
r&tUriflin. "May Morning," 1st.
Wm.t'onlev, "Sleepv Cuarley,"2
S. O. Raymond, "Cowboy," 3d . . .
Three Minute Class
S. O. Uajmoud, "Gladiator," Nt
Fred. Kobarre, I'athtiuder," 2.1.
J. It. Munson, "Lo-ian Chief." :U
2-40 Class
.lim Zibble, ''Gray Charlio." Nt .
J.S. Aldri(-b,'Fh-etsteis," 2d
K. S.Clark, "Little J'reh," 3:t ...
l'ouy Kunuing Race
S. O. Itavmoiid, "Cowbov." lit . .
Jo. T. Anderson, "Nellie A," 2d
.1. S. Keueday, "Hip," .'Ed
Free-for-all Trotting
.1. D.Creigbteii, "Hillv Ford." Nt.
N.F. "William S." 2.1
Fred. Robarre, "Tiunlalear," :.t
County I'aeiug If.iee
K. II. Henrv, "Hill," 1st
.Matt Leonard, "Gold luM."2d
2.. 00
in oo
2." (Mt
2.1 00
2.1 00
120 00
co no
20 Ot)
2.1 00
1.1 00
10 00
200 no
100 00
.10 00
2t 00
ii! Oo
M on roe I lent.
MiH Ctiiru Ls vlriifiii her rnuaiii,
Mi I (J!eij.)ii.
Mrn. Jorii-ub Huliiiioiieal lias beeu
ftlliete.i with ii felon on her liAUil,
but at preriout writing it U RomewiiHt
Hiiiiui Smith, whoe baud watt in
jured while Ihreahiii", has so far re
covered nn iu bo able to reMiiue
Mr. If. Ciirtwrirbt'ci brothers from
Iowa have been spending the past
week witb bim liere; they tire well
pleased witb ttiid country.
Our young people fully believe tbo
old adage that "all work aud no play
luaketi -Tack a dull boy" and parties
and otber entertainments are ot
frequcut occurrence ; last Friday
evcuiug a pleasaut entertainment
was giveu by Mr. and Mrn. Wm.
Mr. and Mrs. John Sailer of
Illinois are visiting their daughter,
Mrs. Alfred Peterson. They like
this country, witb tbe exception of
its lack of fuel, but think that cau be
remedied in a short time if every
farmer would plant a few acres of
forest trees, as it is much easier to
make a timber farm out of prairie,
than prairie oat of a timbered farm.
T. P. X.
Weather Keport.
Review of tbo weather at tienoa
for tbe month of Sept. 188C.
Mean temperature of the mo degV U4.0.1
Mean do of same mo. last year-dei;' (K1..12
Highest temperature oil the 22d,
Lowest do on the .'Will dejjs
Ordinarily elear day
Very cloudy days
Calm days
H igh winds day s
Number of days" on which rain fell
Inches of rain fall
Do of same month last year
Thunder etorius 2d, (itb, 14th.
Slight frost 2Sth, 29th. First kill
ing frost :!0tb.
No frost occurred during tbe same
month last year.
Meteors 21st, 22d, .'iGtb.
Canie llutiehctt returned from a
mouths visit at Overton, Wednesday.
We had our first frost to injure
vines last night up here on the ridge.
Lizzie, youngest daughter of .1. II.
aud Pamelia James, died last Wed
nesday, aged six years. Wo sympa
thize with the afflicted family, but
"It ia well with the child."
Prof. Z. C. Rush, of St. Edward,
the P. M., Mr. C. aud Carrie and
Martha Hauchett started from Pales
line yesterday morning to attend tbe
Loup and Elkhoru Valley associa
tion at Stanton.
The Democratic County Con
vention was held nt the court bouse
iu this city last Saturday, the 2d.
John J. Sullivan, Eq., and One Ter
williger were nominated tor repre
sentatives to the legislature; A. N.
Edwards, for coroner, aud N. (iou
driug of Humphrey for county at
torney. A. Jaeggi, E. M. Newman,
J. E. North, J. A. Kehoe, I). F.
Davis, E, J. Couch, C. E. Willard, J.
C. Caldwell aud S. W. VV. Wilson
were elected as delegates to tbe state
Mepablicaa Coaaty fJoavealioa.
Notice is hereby given that the
Republican County Convention of
Platte couuty will convene pur
suant to adjournment, at Platte
Center, on Saturday, tbe 0th day ot
October, J88C, at 2 o'clock p. m , for
tbe purpose of nominating a county
ticket and selecting delegates to tbe
senatorial and float representative
A. M. Post,
23-21 President.
Ir. Power Oeatlst,
Will be in his office tbe last three
days of each week, Thurs., Fri., and
Sat. One set of teeth out of every
10 seta given away. 4-tf
Will Save You
-.-r irvv VrV"
Heavy and Shell Hardware,
Stoves and Tinware,
Pumps, Guns and Ammunition.
The Celebrated Moline Wagon Sold Here.
Sept. 22-tf
Established 1870.
Real Estate and Insurance Agt's,
JIoey te Loan on Farms at lowest rates of interest, on -diort and long time,
iu aioouuts ttisitit applicants.
Complete AlMttracla ot'Tllle to all Real Ktate in I'tatte eouutv.
Notary Public always in Okkick.
I'arM ! City Property tor Mule.
lasamace against Fire. Lightning and Tonudoet. . and Accident Insur
ance, noue but tbe very best companies represented.
tttenniftfclp'ricketM to and from all partn iu Europe. 2Sjulv'0-v
Mckinley &
Money to loan on improved farms in this and adjoining
counties, at current rates. We are prepared to close loans
promptiy, in all cases where title and security are satisfactory.
Office with H. J. Hudson, on llth street. I2m3
Reftt la tke World.
Qttumwa Lily Com Starch has been
brought to tbe highest attainable
quality by employing tbo best skill
and scientific aid that mouey cau fur
nish. It is the most strengthening
and health-giving food now before the
public, and is especially recommend
ed for children and invalids. Every
package guaranteed strictly pure.
Remember and ask your grocer for
Lily Com Starch.
Coming; Event.
Madison County Fair, Oct. 7 !.
liooue County Fair, Oct. Ti-8.
Democratic Slate Convention at
Hastings, Oct. 7.
Democratic Congressional Conven
tion Third District, Norfolk, Oct. fth.
Republican Platte County Conven
tion, adjourned session, at Platte
Center, Saturday, Oct. !)ih.
I-'armerM l.ooU Mere.
Thirty head of fine young western
mares for sale all iu foal ; must be
cioHcd out at once. Cash or ou time.
2:i-2t C. C.
IIoppkn Sept. 27th, to Mr.-. Paul Hop.
pen, a son. All well.
Pearson Wolin In this eity, Oet. .',
l.sSrt, hy .ludgeC. A. Speiee, .lolm IVar
so and Miss Kuima C. Wolin, both ol
I.ookiuggUss, Platte county.
Haorl FlSKCV Oct. -Ith, at the resi
dence of the bride's parents, by Kev.
Henry Lohr, ol" Polk couuty, Mr. Will.
Hagcl aud Miss .leiinie V. Fineey, both
The Journal's good wisht-.. go with the
new ly-married couple.
Mkade Tuesday, Sept. asih. 1S;, at
Valentine, after a sickness of about a
week, Wm. Meade late of this eity.
Mr. Meade moved from Minnesota iu
the tall of 1877 aud lived iu Platte county
until early in tbe spring or '.t;, then he
went to Valentine, and took up a pieee
of land, wheu returned and. accompanied
by his family, started for their tutiuv
home; wheu within about thirty luilex of
their destination, be took Bick and died.
1 1 i remains were laid to rent ou his land
in Cherry county.
Advertisements under this head
cuiiti a line each innertion.
Ii v
Hides, pells, wool aud poultry,
highest price paid. Office at ifaeggi
& Schupbacb's old stand. T. Keat
ing. :to-tr
For good young breeding stock of
all kiuds, calf at blooiiiiugdale slock
farm. A. Heurich, Platte Center P.
O., Neb. :iU-tt
Wm. Schiitz makes bootsand shoes
in the best styles, and uses only the
very best stock that can be procured
in tbe market.
A Mm. 1 1'ara Cor Stale,
Containing 240 acres o! choice laud, 5
miles southwest of Humphrey, in this
county. Terms reasonable. For fur
ther particulars inqnire of or address
T. Keating, Colnmbus, Neb. 4-tf
For le.
ftesideuce house and four acres of
land under cultivation, east of Hig
gins's grove, just outside of city.
Price $1000. Enquire at residence, of
Mr. or Mrs. Geo. N. Derry. 15-tf
Money. Get Prices
rVVYirn '
The HeNt Roller date Hiajce la
the World.
Every farmer should use ' them.
Sold by D. Anderson. 22-tf
fEfclray N of Ire.
Came into my herd, a dark red
heiler; the owner will prove prop
erty, pay charges, and take her
away. (2Iwf) D. Andkrsov.
For Male or Keat.
5 acres of choice land, good house
and otherwise well improved, ou
easy terms. Close to towu. Inquire
at tbe Journal j.fliee, or of S. J.
M annoy. tf
Jloaey I Meaey !
Persons desiring small loans on
short time should call on Coolidgo &
Wheeler; chattel mortgage security
or good bankable paper.
i:i'kay fto-ric:.
Taken up, at my premises, five
miler northeast ot Columbus, Satur
day Oct. 2d. 1880,
One roan steer calf,
One red steer calf,
very small. The owner will prove
property, and pay charges.
24-ii-p. John IIrurim;.
llarvent aad
Nothing is more wholesome aud
nice for nil and handy for the busy
farmer's wile aud easier to keep than
a supply of good lamb or multou.
Call at Illnomingdale stock farm for
a nice fat sheep or lamb.
A. IIrnkh'h.
Xew Necoad-haad Store.
Storrs Bros, will opeu a second
hand store on north side track op
posite Friedhof & Co's. on corner,
where they will buy all kinds of
second-hand aud bankrupt goods;
those having goods of this kind wiil
do well to eall and nee them. It
This Space is Reserved
Qreisen Bros.
Healers in
Boots and Shoes,
before Bavin.
a hoke
T--i u
CnsM-Iale Wort,
Ladies' Fine Shoes,
Gentlemen's Fine Boots,
Etc., Etc.,
S Ras and Iron !
The highest market prieo paid tor rags
aud iron. Store iu the Uubach building,
olive st.. Columhiu. Neb. lft-tf
Crockery and Glassware
You will always find a FRKS1I and well
selected stock.
Fancy Groceries and Fine
Teas a Specialty.
We handle the celebrated
Geaar BapiOs Flour and Feed.
LHftliewt market price paid for
country protluoe.
City orders delivered free of charge.
jgrTelephone No.W.
RleTeata Nfreet,
l!t-tr 4;olaariaM.:el.
Us only Marble Works in Platts Co.
Wt: handle all tamlard irrailua of
marble anil granite loth FOKKKJN and
AMKKtl'AN. 'inploy the most skilled
workmen, aud will compete with any
marble works in the slate.
Call and m-i- our work, whether you
are ready t buy or not; or if not eon
Venieul, send Us your address and we
will send priees or eall on you.
by the ton or car-load.
llth St., south of U. P. Depot,
(ieuMral Agents for the Sale ol
lluion t'acittc, and Midland r&ciflc
K. It. Lands forsaleat from $o)0 to $10.00
per acre for cash, or ou live or ten years
time, iu auuual payments to suit pur.
ehasers. We have also a large and
eboice lot of otber lands, improved and
uuiiuproved, for sale at low price and
on reasonable terms. Alsobuainentand
residence- lots in the city. We keep a
complete abstractor title to all real es
tate iu PUtle County.
And all kinds of countri produce la
ken in trade, and all goods deliv
ered free of charge to any
pari of the city.
. m. BEftJUIAIV.
Mm A
le Colili Maie Worn!
It-Sf '.