The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, October 06, 1886, Image 1

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Prof riettrs aid Publisher .
5T OFFICE, Eleventh St., upstair
n loumalBuilding.
Peryear g.
Six mouths mm
Three months
8 ingle copies .'JIHH.
CASH CAPITAL, - $75,000
Leandkk Gebkaud, Prcs'i.
Gko'w. Holsi, Vice Pies' t.
J um os A. Reed.
R. H. Hknky.
J. E. TAbKKH, Cashier.
ud Exchaasc.
Collection Premptly Made
all Iolan.
Savings Bank,
Capital Stock,
A. Anderson. Pkks't.
O. V. SlIKl.lHIN, Vick Purs' r.
O. T. Hints, Tkkas.
Kuiikut riu.KJ, Skc.
J33" Will receive time deposits, from
$1.1)0 and any amount upwards, and will
pay the customary rate of interest.
jgrWo particularly draw your atten
tion to our facilities for making loans on
real estate, at the lowest rate or interest.
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pon TIIE
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Traveling ttaleflataa.
t3TThee organs are first-class in everv
particular, and so guaranteed.
Buckeye Mower, combined, Self
Binder, wire or twine.
:- PiMps Repaired ou short notice
Pay lalrMt o" 'lMsae
jSTOne door went or Heintz'a Drug
' Store, 11th Street, Columbus. Neb. S
Furniture, Chairs, Bedsteads. Ba
. reaua. Tables. Safes. Lounges,
Sec. Picture Frames and
- I3T Repairing of all kinds of Upholstery
IBut a Grand Success.
t ter Trough for tnck. He refers to
every man who" ha it in use Call on or
leave;orders at George Yale', opposite
Oehlfich's grocery. H-Cni
I Stale Monroe Sts.. Chicago.,
r.-wniMmJnq! k mkj
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i for JseS, i !--. il" tr.ifl
af lrtraiu. rx.iM. -t. iifc
lbmm iito -i-'--"- T:-a
4.1 rj- aamitHir iiua aii a
Cts ssw4 !!
Send six cents tor
postaee-and rereivc
free, a coHIv box of
atfBSA- . anssaiBaT
igooda which will help you to more money
-right awav than anything else in this
world. All, of either hex, Micceed from
art hour. The broad road to fortune
peas before the worker, absolutely
aire. At once address, Tbub Co.,
Aaftsta, Malas.
VOL. XVII. -NO. 24.
A Myttery or the Ftrnou So-Called Colo
rado Doaert.
Few persons have a correct concep
tion of the immense area and peculiar
physical characteristics of that barren
Krtion of Southeastern California
known as the Colorado Desert. It em
braces almost the entire, surface of San
Bernardino County and part of tho
Counties of Los Angeles, Inyo, and
Kern. In other words, it has an area of
between 35,000 and 40,000 square miles,
or more than the combined areas of
New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachu
setts, Connecticut, and New Jersey.
Some years ago a prospector ' deter
mined to extend his search over that
part of the desert that is several hundred
feet below the sea level, and that is sel
dom, if ever, visited by either white man
or Indian. With a supply of provisions
ami canteens of water to last for several
days, and mounted upon a horse accus
tomed to privations, he struck out from
tlte little oasis of Iudian Wells in a
southerly direction, and for sometitue
climbed bills and traverse tfeHeya where
no signs of human presence were met
The daring prospector gradually
worked his way southward for many
miles, until finally, stretched out at the
foot of the ridge as far as the eye could
see lay a perfectly level valley. Its sur
face was seemingly as smooth as a floor
for miles on miles, whilo its appearance
was of the most peculiar nature, being
of an ashy whiteness and without a rock
or protuberance of any kind to break
the monotony of the dead level.
A singular object a mile or more from
the foot of the hill attracted his atten
tion. He shaded his eyes with his hat
brim and looked again and again at it.
If that were the ocean instead of a des
ert at his feet he would surely say that
a vessel lay at anchor there. Surely no
rock ever existed that so much resembled
the handiwork of man. What could it
Slowly he rode down the hillside, de
termined upon getting a closer view of
the strange object. At last the level
was reached, and there, apparently less
than a mile away, lay what was un
auestionablv the worn and battered hulk
of an ancient vessel. The stumps of
the masts still remained, while the high
stern and peculiar shape of the entire
ship betokened its ancient origin. The
bulwarks seemed to have been partially
carried away, probably by the falling
of the masts, whose stumps projected
ten or fifteen feet above the deck. But
otherwise all the contour of the old hulk
was jwrfect though of a design vastly
different from any that had ever been
seen bv the astonished discoverer.
The'prospcctor, with all his faculties
bent upon a close examination of this
strange apparition in the desert, urged
his horse forward, but the ground broke
beneath his weight, and then it was
seen that tho entire surface was but a
crust, an inch or more in thickness, but
not of sufficient strength to bear the
weight of horse and rider. Underneath
tliis crust was a dark-colored mixture of
mud and water.
Horse and rider approached nearer
and nearer, but finally the poor animal
sank so deeply in the oozo that it be
came apparent that it was impossible to
advance another step in tho direction of
the vessel, which now seemed almost
within pistol shot.
Reluctantly the horse's head was turn
ed toward the shore, which was tin ally
reached after a hard struggle. Tho
prospector dismounted and cast about
for some means of reaching tho wreck,
which his imagination had by this time
freighted with all manner of wealth.
ne auemptea to mane nis way fiver mo
crust on foot, but he found that it gave
way almost as readily as under the
horse's hoofs, aud so was obliged to
abandon the attempt Unable to de
vise any means of satisfying his curiosity
by setting foot on the long-deserted
deck that lay so temptingly near, he at
last reluctantly decided to make haste
for the nearest settlement and there
orgauizc a well-equipped expedition
with every applianco necessary for
reaching and making a thorough search
of the' stranded hulk.
But on turning to his horse, a most
pitiable sight was seen. The poor ani
mal's legs were raw and bleeding for
the entire distance that had come in
contact with the muddy deposit beneath
the surface crust, and au examination
showed that this deposit was so highly
impregnated with alkali that it nad
eaten the horse's limbs almost to the
bone, and consequently he was .in no
condition for further travel. The only
thing to be done was mercifully to put
the poor creature out of his sufferings,
and a pistol-ball soon ended the life of
the faithful beast The prospector was
now left on foot to contend with the
multitudinous and almost insurmounta
ble difficulties that confronted mm.
Imagine his condition; his horse dead,
himself lost and with scant supplies of
water and food. However, he knew the
general direction in which the old road
across the desert lay, and he knew, too,
that if his strength only held out and
he traveled far enough to the north he
was certain to reach assistance in time.
He reached a station three days later
and bis life was saved.
When he recovered so as to be able to
travel, he was carried by stage to the
San Bernardino Valley, where he soon
regained his strength, and then impart
ed to a few friends the strange dis
covery that he had made upon his trip.
Among others, the writer 'was told of
the wonderful stranded ship, and cur
iosity was aroused to the utmost Many
theories were advanced to account for
its presence there. The most plausible
explanation, and one easily within the
bounds of belief, was that a long time
ago some hardy mariner sailed north
ward along tho Mexican coast on a voy
age of discovery. Fearing to venture on
unknown seas, he hugged the shore,
never losing sight of land. When the
Gulf of California was reached,- instead
of following the ocean line, ho entered
the gulf, the southern extremity of .the
peninsula bow known as Lower Califort
,nia not being in sight "from the coast of
the mainland opposite. Sailing on and
up the gulf, which unmistakably at one
time extended much further northward
than it now does, and had arms reach-.
ing up into what is now known as the
Colorado Desert, the vessel, missing the
mouth of the Colorado River, was final
ly driven by storm or ran ashore where
theprospector found it centuries later.
The writer, whose curiosity was great
ly stimnlated by the tale, consulted one
of the old padres about rfc '. and from
him'he "learned that in certain ancient
historical volumes in his possession he
had found an account of how some ves
sels laden with gold and all manner of
valuable commodities iu transit from
the East Indies had been dispatched to
the nortbwasd from Acapnia) during
the sixteenth century, in the expectation;
thata route would be foBd byf?WBiob;;
the valuable cargo might be 'taken
directly to Spain, iastead of beimf
transpoxtad across tb wiKU of Masico
and reshipped on the Atlantic coast
These ships had never after been heard
from, ana tbey disappeared as myster
iously from sight as the mirage of the
It was entirely within the bounds of
reason to suppose that one of these gal
leons, mistaking the Gulf of California
for the wished-for passage, had finally j
oecn iosi in wnai is now iuu ueseiu jxi.
all events, there is enough to show that
perhaps no more than 300 -years have
elapsed since the recedence of the wa
ters of the gulf to their present "bounds,
aud hence it requires no violent stretch
of the imagination to identify the wreck
with one of the lost vessels aud to load
it with an imperishable store of gold
and silver.
Three or four enthusiastic souls were
enlisted, and it was proposed to mako a
systematic effort to reach the wreck. It
was finally decided that the onlv feasi
ble plan for overcoming the obstacles
presented by the crust and the alkali of
the valley was to employ broad flat-bottomed
boats made of sheet-iron, such as
duck-hunters occasionally use. These
are .made in sections and. ass easily
transported long distances. A -supply
of light but strong rope was to be taken,
and it was thought that it would be pos
sible to "polo" the boat over the crust
to the wreck without breaking through,
since it would present a broad, resistant
surface and sustain a considerable
Calculations were made as to the
amount of food and water necessary for
the party and the teams that would be
required to haul tho outfit to the desired
spot, aud t" entire plan certainly seem
ed most feasible. But the fact that for
at least three days the discoverer had
been suffering so severely as to be un
able to tell in what direction he had
been wandering after leaving the scene
of the wreck; that he had taken little
notice of the course followed in reach
ing it thereby rendering the retracing
of nis steps exceedingly problematical;
and that during that very season no less
than fifteen persons were known to
have lost their lives on the desert led
finally to the abandonment of the
So the vessel lies there unvisited to
this day, awaiting the advent of some
daring adventurer that is willing to risk
his life in the search. Qeorge F. Weeks
in the Cosmopolitan.
m m
Th Ballon Have an KaTy Time, But O
Not Like the Life.
Housekeeping on board a yacht we
find to be quite an interesting study.
Champagne is one of the cardinal prin
ciples. Many of us do not drink it,
fearing headache, but it is always
"there," and we believe no yacht is
considered properly ballasted without
champagne. Various yacht owners
have various superstitions, however, and
it is said that the owner of the May
flower novor sails unless the white sloop
is fully stocked with melons. Small
wonder, however, that the owners of
racing yachts need some creature com
fort ou board, for on race days every
bit of coal is put ou shore to "lighten
tho ship" and collations are the order of
the day. In some yaehis even tho cabin
furniture is taken out during a race aud
every bit of superfluous' weight is re
moved boats, davits, the heaviest an
chor, etc. No idlers are allowed on
board either. If a guest is invited on a
racing yacht in one of these close and
exciting contests it is with tho under
standing that he is to help the crew, in
order to make up for his weight In
other words, the crew is a Corinthian
one, everybody is ait least expected to
"haul in on the main sheet"
Yacht sailors have a pretty easy, com
fortable time of it, as may be imagined,
and yet many of them do not like the
life. They Ions for tho perils and ex
citements of the deep sea sailing, when
they have once become used to it, and
beg to be allowed to return to the ocean.
Indeed the destination of a yacht is
largely "harboreal." and what with
contrary winds aud equally perverse
calms, with the constantly recurring
necessity of shipping 'more water,' and
a new supply of ice, the ocean wave
gets a good deal ' neglected. The stow
ing of the ice is accomplished in a
highly co-operative manner sue people
and one good rope and tackle all assist
ing at the ceremony. The last ;maa
has the hardest time of it, for he really
has to carry the ice, and on his shoulder
at that Clad in an oilskin garment,
the patient Ludwig stands in the hold,
receives the big lumps of ice, amid
directions from below and above, and
staggering a little under the heavy load,
drops it into the big refrigerator. It
all looks so simple, and is done so sys
tematically, that it is quite impressive.
We mentally resolve to erect forthwith
ropes and tackles in our own house,
and to organize -the cook and the
waiters, and our "big boy" into an
amateur crew, to be drilled into the use
of this tackle which accomplishes such
wonders on board ship, and then it
strikes us that the iceman on land, in a
landlubberly way, aud with the help of
a pair of stairs, accomplished the ice
feat unassisted, save by tongs! But the
rope and tackle are mighty on board
ship, and one of their most curi
ous feats is when a sailor stands on a
gaff aud hoists himself and the sail
liuuiiaucutisiy, nrairucu u uia tunics,
who haul him -below till he has reached
a sufficieufheight; when he slides down
the mast witii his boots on!
How much uleasanter it would be if a
ship could sail always on one tack! No
sooner are, we comfortably established
with deck-chair and cushions, a protect
ing "vash'naak" "against the sun, and
the sad story of the cruise of the
Jeanne ttc,. as a protection against en
nui, thau .the- eternal order- comes,
"Hard-a-lee;" the sailors echo it and fly
to change all the jails, jibs, and giblets,
and we must shift, too. or sit in the hot
sunlight! But the book we hold in our
lap. with its tale' of heroic endurance
and brave endeavor, suggests the wick
edness of grumbling at little matters.
Alas! it suggests as well the folly and
uselessness ofovercareful!y watching
and guarding a boy. Poor De Long,
the child whose foud mother would not
permit .him to; join in any rough or
boyish sports lest be should come to
harm, what a terrible fate was- his!
The -boy for, t-whom -swi aiming- and'
shooting were too dangeroas goes to the
north pole.and perishes of Arctid cold
and hunger!. What a. mockery of "fate '
whaf oriental fatalism is here! Boston
Traveler. .
At the dudery "I see your name is
posted in the papers foe owing money
to Klunder Fitzgummery." "Aw, is ft
now? What the aw figuref"
"Five dollars." "O deramit! That's
cwueli don't chew know." "ItVrough
to show a follow up like that.- to be.
sure." "Cwush it! I don't cayb a wap
faw the showikg np, "bot "five" "dollars,
deah boy, demmitf It's too beggarly.
Why, 1 owe the scouBdwel five hun
dred, don't chew know." Town T9f
. j. r
.' " r
Uer Criticism Upon the Theatrical Re
production or "Uncle Tom'a Cabin."
Not long ago I visited Hartford and
was received at a pretty brick house, all
gables and angles, painted a Quaker
gray, while greeii clinging vines, over -porch
and bay windows added to this
picturesque home. A garden surrounds
the house, embracing veivety lawns and
briglit flower-lwds. Just around the
corner lives Mr. Samuel Clemens, or
Mark Twain, while the adjoining estate
is that of Charles Dudley Warner.
This was before Mrs. Stowe's recent
bereavement in the loss of her husband.
We sat in her cozy, old-fashioned parlor,
where the books' and pictures are all
souvenirs of sweet memories. The Pro
fessor was up-stairs asleep, so sho knew
be did vlfft need her. Near her in the
Bretty parlor sat her twin daughters,
iss Eliza and Miss Harriet, clever, in
teresting ladies. Tho conversation fell
upon "Uncle Tom's Cabin," and, as I
was desirous of bearing her speak of it
I at last said: "Everybody has read
the book. 1 do not think I ever met a
person, who could read at all who was
not familiar with it"
"Perhaps voii think so." said Mrs..
Stowe, "but 1 know of some who have
never read it"
"Who?" I asked, surprised at her
qnaint, positive way of speaking.
Who? Why. tho actors who play
in the dramatized version. I am sure
they never have, or they would havo
gained some knowledge of the book and
characters. Look," s7ie continued, "at
the way they depict Simon Iegree, for
"Let me see," I said, "the' make him
coarse aud brutal, with a red flannel
shirt a wide leather belt, into which is
stuck a knife or pistol, a black beard,
and black hair."
"Yes," said Mrs. Stowe. "that is
exactly how they do make him look."
1 took up a volume of "Uncle Tom's"
and, turning to the description of Simon
Legree, read the following: "He was
short broad, and muscular, a round
bullet head, covered with stiff, wiry,
sunburned hair; he had light gray eyes,
with shaggy, sand-colored eyebrows,
like his hair; his face aud hands were
freckled. He wore brown pantaloons
of thin, light-colored material, the worse
for wear and dust, and a checked shirt,
wide open at the neck." Further on in
the book it speaks of his sandy hair aud
a long linen coat and wide Panama hat
"Yes," said Mrs. Stowe, "I dressed
him like a Southerner and made him
blonde. I had a certain similar man
in my mind as I wrote of him, but the
actors all dress him like a Western
border man. with sombrero, red shirt,
and high boots, and make him of dark
So we went through several of tho
characters. "St Clair," she said, "I
drew as the happy, light-hearted, cult
ured Southern gentleman, with all the
elegant case aud indolence of his class,
clothed in the extreme of fashion, but
iu Southern fashion, so different from
our Northern style of dress, particularly
so at the period the book represents."
"Did you have some one in your mind
when you wrote of St Clair?" said I.
"Yes," she answered. "1 kuow just
such an elegant easy-going man. I
wish 1 could see him upon the stage,
just as I remember him, but St Clair
now is dressed like every man you
Then she wont on at length to discuss
tho inaccuracies of the productions:
"Why. they have Haley and Tom Loker
hobnobbing with Legree; thoy are miles
apart iu the book. They seldom nowa
days introduce. I am told, the incident
I like best in the book."
"What is that?" I asked.
Eva's fall overboard from the Mis
sissippi steamboat aud her rescue by
Uncle Tom."
"And did you never see it well played,
Mrs. Stowe?" I asked.
"Yes; iu fact I uever saw the play
through but once. That was years ago.
I was induced, not long ago, to attend
a performance of the book, but after re
maining a short time aud seeing the
many inaccuracies, I did not caro to
remain through the evening."
Then she told me of a visit she and
her husband mado to Boston, where
they saw tho play of "Uncle Tom's Cab
in" as it was originally produced at the
Boston Museum. As I write I have be
fore mc the old playbill, which certain
ly is fulL of ititerest "Uuele Tom's
Cabin" was first produced on any stage
Monday evening, Nov. 15, 1852. It
was dramatized by Mr. H. J. Conway,
a gentleman of Boston. It ran for 107
performances in those days a remark-
aDiy long nine, ii was reeeiveu wnu
the greatest enthusiasm, and from time
to time in the history of the Boston
Museum it has reappeared, always with
success. The version given at the
museum is entirely different from others,
and is the only one indorsed by Mrs.
There was a panorama of the Missis
sippi River. W hile the steamboat bad
a rocking motion, steam came out of
the huge smokestacks and everything
was as realistic as possible.
It is not likely that Mrs. Stowe will
ever attend the theatre again. The re
cent death of her husband, to whom she
was greatly attached, is a great sorrow.
She is now 75 years of age, but when in
the mood talks as brightly as in her
youth. Sho is short and slender, and
quite as good a walker and as active as
many a young girl.
She said in further referring to her
witnessing the play of "Uncle Tom's
Cabin," that they were both rare visitors
to the theatre and enjoyed the acting
and scenery to the fullest extent the
Professor fairiy clapping his hands with
joy as he saw anything particularly
forceful AThey all live," he said, turn
ing to his wife, "just as you made
them." Then they' enjoyed the com
ments of the audience between the acts.
"One could not help but feel pleased,"
said Mrs. Stowe. "1 hope I was not too
proud. Those were very happy days, full
of life, and hope, and pleasure, as well as
work." Boston Ulvbe.
The Haughty Peer.
There is an old yarn about a haughty
peer of England's realm who had mar
ried. The dignity of his position was
,8uch that if did not occur to him that
there was anything he ought not to
have if he wanted it Large estates
called him lord, and hundreds of ten
,antry, and, like many other haughty old
peers, he did not want to see them go
to bis relations. He wanted an heir.
A child was born unto the haughty
union, and he waited anxiously for the
HBfiDl t
"Well, doctor, what is it? What is UP
It is a boy; a boy of course."
"No, my lord." it is a girl."
"Tut. tut; you' must be mistaken."
"No, riiv lortl. it is a girt."
"A girl! Bless .me! Bless ne! I
thought my wile was iuiiy lniormea oi
my wishes in this respect"
Pamrtu Acton mdU Actretuen of the Pat
X' ho Attained a IUae Old Ace.
v3 erroneously supposed that the
constant wear aud tear of an actor's
calling makes his stay upon the stage
of liW. brief compared with the rest of
humanity m general."
These words were uttered to the New
York-Mail and Erjtres writer by an
actor who enjoys a ripe old age.
"What have you to prove your asser
tion?" "Sfcitis'iuis that can not bo suc
cesssully controverted. 1 will begin with
some of the most notetl aetors and i
actresses, and give their ages when the
tiual curtain was rung down. There
was ., Roger Kemble. the father of
Charles, who led a hard life in his youth
and. reached the ripe old age of 81 years.
Charles Kemble. the father of tho brill
iant Fauny. wa 70 when he passed
away. The greatest of this great family
of actors, John Philip Kemble, gave up
the ghost at CG. He worked hard r.nd
accomplished a great deal during his
si jecessful career. Charles Macklin, the
grev Cf'iylock, weut far over the time the bible and died at 107
years of age. David Garrick. the trage
dian and comedian, wore out his won
derful vitality at ti'J. His wife, who was ,
a noted daiiseiise, came within three i
years of living a century. Thomas Bot
terton. the Drury Iiue tragedian, was
carried to Westminster abbey at the age
of 75, while his contemporary, l nomas
Gray, the Coven t Garden clown, reach
ed a century. Mrs. Kendall's mother,
who was Mrs. Robertson, was 87 when
her summons came. Dowtou, the jolly i
eouiedian, was one year older than Mrs.
Robertson when his humor was s'uulVed ,
out forever. At 80 Macruady ceased to
. ... !.. I.?.. !.. ...... -at ..! .jit. an. I .! .!..-
WIIIU 111 ilia juui aim juiucu mc iiwii
invisible. Mrs.' Frances Abington's
checkered career spun out 83 years, and
"sweet Kitty Clive" was just 74 whon
her bright smiles faded forever. Miss
Foote, who became a countess, was con
sidered very charming at 70, when she
died. Samuel Phelps was 70 aud Buck
stone 78. The great Sarah Siddons, of
whom the poet Campbell wrote a bio
graphy, attained the age of 7G. Mr.
Lester Wallaek's grandmother, iu the
paternal Hue. lived to be U0, his uncle
Henry to be 78, and his brilliant father
to be 73. Jack Johnstone, another an
cestor of Mr. Lester Wallack on tho
maternal side, was a famous Irish come
dian, who died at 78.
"The comedians are long-iived, Henry
and Thomas Placide were 73; Jack
Banister. 77; Paul J. Bedford. 78; Joe
Cowell, 72; William Farrcn. 75; Henry
Slomau. 80; James Quiu. the favorite of
George III., 70; the dashing Liston. 74;
Thomas King, the original Sir Peter
Teazle. 74; T. P. Cooke, 78. aud John
Collins, an Irish comedian. 70. when
their deaths occurred. James H. lluck
ett the Falstaff which Shakspearo drew,
was over 70, and seemed to be in his
prime whem he obeyed nature's call.
"Operatic artists dausuuscs, aud com
posers often attain ripe old ago. Colloy
Cibber reached 87. Reynolds 77. O'Kenfo
80. Mrs. Inchbahl 70. Sheridan Knowles
71), Samuel Lover 70. Cumberland 71),
Murphy 75. Pierce Eagan 77, Charles
Dance 70, Sir Henry bishop G'J, Dr.
Arne 70, Ball 84, Myerbeer 70, Rossini
7G, Haydn 77. anil Handel 74. All these
iliuM'ious men had soufething to-do
with the stage. The once famous prima
donna Mine. Saporiti added one year to
a century, aud the noted tenor De Rosa
was in his ninetieth year when he died.
Taniburini's wonderful voice was hush
ed at 7G. and John Brahatn's at 79;
Mine. Pasta, who could look like Norma,
died at G8. and Henry Phillips, whohad
a rich deep bass voice, lived until 76.
At 05 Caradori-AIIau sung iu coucerts.
Mine. Cataiaui died at 70, Dibdinat70.
Fit.ball at 71, and Horncastle and In
cledon at 70. Charlotte Cushtnan was
near upon tlte seventies when she left
the record of her noble life behind.
George Holland passed away at 71).
Among the profession still alive, hale
and hearty, but up in years, are John
Gilbert, William Warren, Mrs. John
Drew, John E. Owens. Joo Jefferson,
Stoddar'. C. W. Couldock, Charles
Thome, Sr., aud Aline. Pouisi."
EMtu. iilt-m ' Chinese 1'rinces.
The sons of thu Manchu emperors
(hwangtsz) undergo from their tendcr
est youth a system of the strictest edu
cation. Rising about 3 o'clock in the
morning, they first take their lesson in
Chinese literatmv. under the superin
tendence of the onlv tutor who has tho
title of shihfu, or "master." The tutor
rises from his chair as soon as tho im
perial pupils enter, and receives from
the latter a courtesy (.'-cA'mM), which
is then returned in the same form. The
tutor takes the seat of honor, and when
the lesson is learned the pupil brings
up his book, deposits it before his
teacher, and then returns to his seat to
repeat tho task by heart If the lesson
is not learned the tutor requests a eun
uch in attendance to bring tho ferule
(chUny pan), and makes a show of ad
ministering correction. But each im
perial pupil is a.-compauicd by eight
fellow-students (pwan-tul) known in
tho Manchu language as ha-ha-chu who
study the same books as their young
master. When it becomes necessary to
admonish the latter more seriously, the
ha-ha-chu are beaten with the ferule
vicariously; but when the imperial pupil
acquits herself well they are, ou the
other hand, commended or rewarded.
A recalcitrant and obstinate prince is
as the last resort actually himself
flogged, "though probably only nomi
nally, by the teacher, or taken before
the emperor, who directs a eunuch to
pinch his cheeks (cV7 pa-joii). The
late Emperor Tung-chili was frequent
ly tweaked in this way by order of the
empresses. The Chinese lesson occu
pies two hours; after this come tho Man
chu aud Mongol lessons in composition,
given by the teachers whoeujoy the loss
honorable title of setu, aud who are
obliged to meet their pupil at the door
and make the first obeisance. Then
come lessons m various spokcu lan
guages Manchu, Mongol. Tangut
and iu local Chinese dialects. After
these come courses of instruction in
foot and horse archery (i-pu-cien),
athletics, fencing, putting the stone,
eta, (kung-lu-sliih). under the guidance
of a class of instructors called au-ta.
The whole of the young princes' day is
taken up with mental and physical ex
ercises, and they retire to rest at a very
early hour. At suitable intervals their
meals are weighed out to them, aud on
no account are they allowed to indulge
in the pleasures of the table. At the
age of 15 they must marry. One year
before a wife is selected for the heir ap
parent he i. provided with a handmaid
taken froir the families of the inner
banners (t't'-cA't) of the imperial house
hold (nei-wjfu), who must be one year
older than himself, and prepare him for
a husband'.-! duties. Ou his accession
this handmaid (taco liporkobd) receives
the title of Jei, which is given to her
alone amon Uiose inmates of the harem'
who are selected from the inner ban
ners. No on but the empress is allow
ed to pass the night with the emperor.
The emperor sleeps with eight band
maids (cSang-tsai) siitiug upon his
bed, and sixteen others (ta-ying) under
neath the bed. all of them girls from
the ne-wn-fu. Their functiou is to keep
watch over his majesty, and they are
not allowed to sneeze, cough, spit, or
utter any sound. Tho movements of the
emperor after awaking in the morn
ing are signalized by a clapping of
hands on the part of the eunuch on
guard. Once a year on New Year's
day tho emperor and empress preside
at a grand banquet,- the empress sitting
on tho emperor's left hand. This is the
only occasion during tho year ou which
tho emperor can see his wivej together
and compare their respective merits.
The empress presents articles of food
(JSe-shth) to the eunuchs, who receive it
from her majesty on their knees, and
the enqieror performs the same polite
ness to tho women. Hong Kong Daily
A Soatbera Story of Srce and Seora
ful Doc.
The fact that a dog ate the president's
bait Saturday, as telegraphed from the
Lake Saranac fishing-ground, recalls a
similar experience ou the part of a jour-1
nalist and a criminal judge of this city
some years ago at Bay St. Louis, Mis.
The two set out one morning after
breakfast to the end of one of the bath
lug piers to try the fascinating diversion
of rod and reel. In one basket they car
ried a little bait for the fish, and in an
other a little more for themselves. They
set their two baskets beiiind them on the
line of the long and narrow wharf,
dropped their linos into thu water, and
dangled their legs over the end of the
pier waiting for a bite. They had wait
ed about an hour when the judge, get
ting a bite, lauded a largo croaker on
the wharf behind him. He turned just
in time to see the tail of his fish disap
pear down the throat of a big-jawed,
savage looking brindle bulldog. The
judge aud the journalist entertained uo
bill of exceptions in the case, as the dog
looked like he had come there on im
portant business, and wouldn't stand
any fooling. So they sat still aud wait
ed' to drop overboard at the first symp
tom of a further canine invasion.
The dog regarded the anglers a mo
ment with sileut contempt, then he
calmy devoured all the bait iu the fish
basket Next he turned his attention to
the lunch-basket, and literally cleaned
up its solid refreshments. He then start
ed to walk leisurely away, and two sus
pensive hearts begau to beat more free
ly; but turning as if he bad forgotten
something, he again went to tho lunch
basket, aud scratching among the empty
paper parcels, resurrected a whisky
bottlo from its depths, aud rolling it
out on the wharf, let its neck break iu
the fall. Tho bulldog stopped. lifted his
head, and gave the amateur Waltouians
a long aud settled look of scorn; then
he pointed one of his paws at the brokcu
bottle as if protesting against the use of
any more whisky by the party that diry,
and, growling a parting adieu, took an
other'kuot in his tightly-curled tail and
trotted off iu a dignified manner, as if
he had fislt to fry somewhere else.
New Orleans Times-Democrat.
The Gentlemen Drove- Away.
While visiting some fricuds at the
Arlington parlor a few evenings a9 we
heard related the following incident by
one of the principal actresses: Out on
Poso creek a certain youug lady has
settled on a piece of government iand,
has built a house aud is making an
honest effort to secure a title to the
same. Some time ago a teamster drove
up to the door and began uuloading
lumber. Supposing someone had taken
pity on her "single blessedness," she
thanked the man kindly for tho boards.
It subsequently transpired that the ob
ject iu view in bringing the lumber
there was not to increase the lady's
chances of marriage by adding to her
worldly possessions. On the contrary,
a good-looking sii(erinleiideut told her
his instructions from Ben Ali were to
erect on her claim a warehouse in which
some festive "brake-beanior" might
store his wardrobe and rest his weary
bones while acquiring title for B. A. to
this self-same quarter section. Not
many days elapsed before a couple of
dashing young carpenters appeared ou
the scene, armed with hammers and
saws, prepared to construct the afore
said building. As they drove up the
star actress came out of her domicile
with many a smile and courtesy,
and glancing coquettishly along the
barrel of a SViuchoster rillo informed
the "knights of the saw" that if they
attempted to drive a nail she would cer
tainly drive a bullet it is hardly ne
cessary to afd that tho gentlemen drove
away. The lumber disappeared within
thirty days ami the lady is still in pos
session of her land. Ktrn County
Cal.) Echo.
The Best Wash for the Face.
The princess of Wales has been ac
cused of enameling to preserve her beau
ty, and a I.ondon paper denies that her
highness ever uses anything more than
powder and a milky wash tor the face
at night The care of complexiou is a
question of vital importance to every
woman, aud should be, but cleanliness
must always come first I have seen at
balls in this city fashionable women
whose necks were begrimmed with dirt
One passee widow, who has long since
passed the age when the majority of
men and women are compelled to wear
eye-glasses, but who will not .succumb
to any such signs of age, uses her black
hair dye iu such a way that portions of
her neck are always more or less
smeared. Another fashionable woman
of 1113' acquaintance has never been in
vited a second time to visit at several
rather nice houses because on her first
visit ier hair dye and various cosmetics
ruined all the pillow-cases ami towels
with which she came into contact If
my fair readers care for an excellent
wash for the skin which will prevent
wrinkles let them wash their faces
every "night in scalding hot water with
a little bicarbonate of soda dissolved
therein, and, after carefully drying, rub
on a little sweet oil or cold cream. This
was recommended by a well-known
physician to a lady de par le monde.
Town Topics.
Tho Town of Dedham is under pro
hibition law, apothecaries alone being
permitted to sell alcoholic stimulants.
The other day a son of the Emerald
Isle entered a drugstore there, and tak
ing a bottle from his pocket asked for
a quart of whisky. The salesman asked
to what use it was to be put, and the re
ply was "to soak roots in." The order
was tilled aud the clerk, after haudiug
over the bottle' and its contents, inquir
ed in a conversational manner. "What
kind of roots are you going to soak?"
Pocketing the bottle the customer said,
"The roots of me tongue, be labers!"
i Nor t Berwick News.
WHOLE NO. 856.
National Bank!
Authorized Capital of $250,000.
A Surplus Fund of - $17,000,
And the largest luid la fakh Cap
Hal of any haiiK in this part
of the Slate.
tSTPeposit received and interest paid
ou time deposits.
GTDrafts on the principal cities in this
country aud Kurope bought and sold.
E9Col!ectious and all other business
?iven prompt and careful attentlou.
A . A N DE ItSON, Pres't.
SAM'I. SMITH, VicePrcs't.
O.T. KOKN, Cashier.
.1. I. BECK Kit,
.lON'AS WKl.i-ll,
D.T. 31ABTYX, M. D. F. J. ScilUG, M.D.
U. S. Examining Surgeons,
Loeal Surgeon. Union l'acllic, O., N.
15. H . aud II. 31. K. K's.
Consultations in Geruiau and English.
Telephones at otliee and residence.
S3T Office on Olive street, next to Brod
tVuhrerV Jewelry Store.
ftl. I'OK.KII.llJM,
(Ipstairs Ernst building 11th street.
oiii.i.iya; 4c keedek,
Office over First National, Colum
bus, Nebraska. 50-tf
1 . KVA, M. .,
5TOnic and room.-.. Cluck building,
Utb street. Telephone communication.
AJiuro: ui:aii:,m. .,
Platte Center, Nebraska. !l-y
i:kma aATi;Ti?.iT,
lolh street, cant of Aht's burn.
April 7, 'N".-t I
Columbus, Nebraska.
JSTOiliee I lib Stieet. Consultations
in English, French and German. J-('nn
powELL uoim:,
lust opened. Spcci-ii attention ejvcu
to coiuiiiercial men. Has a good sample
room. Sets the best table. Gie it a
trial aud he convinced. fitKtino
lour kuii::v
37"larties desiring Mirve iojr done
.-an addrens iiiu at Columbus, Neb., or
call at my office in Court House.
W. H. Tcdrow, Co. Supt.
1 will be at my nihVeiu the Court House
the third S.iMird.ix ufcich month lor the
examination of luitchurn. :.!) tf
Chronic Diaeanos aud Diseases of
Children Specialty.
gSTOItiec tin Olive .-lret, thlee doors
north of I'lrt-.l National 2-1 y
VJ4:AB.I.I'ri:iC MKOM.,
Office up-stairs iu McAllister' build
ing. 11th St. V. A. McAllister, Notary
Attsrn7 ni lTgti7 Pcfcl e. Sslltctar.
Columbus, : : ; Nebraska.
John ;. uicni.Ns. c. J. jiaiii.ow.
Collection Attorney.
Specialty made of Collection by C. J.
Oarlovv. :M ui
C ll.KIIMCIIf-:,
llth St., opposite Lindell Hotel.
Sell Harness, Saddles, Collars, Whips,
Blankets. Curry Combs, Briuhes, trunks,
valises, buggy tops, cu.hion, carriage
trimmings, &c., at the lowest possible
prices. Repairs promptly attended to.
Plans and estimates supplied for either
frame or brick buildings. Uood work
guaranteed. Shon on 13th Street, near
j St. Paul Lumber Yard, Columbus, Ne-
uiasha. uwo.
Carpenters and Contractors.
Haveaad an extended experience, and
will guarantee satisfaction in work.
All kinds of repairing done on short
notice. Our motto is, Uood work and
fair prices. Call and give u an oppor
tunity toestiraate foryou. EiTSbop on
13th St, one door west of Kridho( A
Cos. store, Colusgbufc.Kebr, tts-T
EVBnsinaasand professiouaJcarda
of fiYOlinasor leaa.pst aaaiasa -
ET Portia adTertisesaents, apply
-- .-
EsTLagal advaxtiMsaanta at statata
rates- -"
Error transient adTartlslng, aaa
rateaon third page.
EsTAU adTartiaasaanta payable
t -.
A Usefal Hairpin.
The value of a little newspaper article
concerning common things is not al
ways appreciated; neither is it always
confessed when acted upon, but there is
one instance to the contrary, as the fol
lowing case shows: Several months
ago tho Free Vress indulged in. a short
talk about hairpins and the many uses
to which they were put by tho ladies.
The writer then went on to tell how
easily hairoins were lost and of tho
efforts thatliad been made to get up a
non-losable. non-pulling hairpin, closing
with the remark that whoever invented
such a pin would have a fortune in it
That hint did the business. The atten
tion of ono of those inventive fellows
was called to it and now he has not
only got tho pin, but a government
patent of it
His invention is as simple as any
other hairpin, and as soon as introduced
to the trade will drive all other hair
pins, that the ladies use to keep their
crowns of glory" in condition, out of
the market. It has three prongs, made
of light stiff, but very elastic wire.
The two outer prongs are bentso that
near their points they touch the Tnnur
title; but the two outer tines are slightly
longer than the inner one and are then
bent a little outward, thus forming a
mouth whicli.-when the put is pressed
into use, takes in a little lock of the hair
and holds it above the point where the
tmes touch each other. The result is
that the pin can not drop out when iu
use aud yet is easily withdrawn by the
wearer, without the slightest injury to
the hair, or other hurt
Economy In Fuel.
Oue of the most difficult things to
teach a girl is economy in fuel. Noth
ing seems to satisfy, but a continual
piling on of coal. As soon as a little
gas has been burned off, a vigorous
shaking and a raking out of ashes fol
lows; then the stove tilled anew, touch
ing and lifting the covers which sooji
become red-hot, and tho process is re-
Eeated from morning till night Teach
er in order to obtain aud secure a
good draft, the coal ought never to be
above the lining; and in this connection
I am reminded of another practice
which seems to come to kitchen girls
by intuition or handed down by tradi
tion; that is, to put sail irons, or llat
irons as generally called, on the stove
over the hottest lire hours before use;
consequently, the are ruined, for if
once heated to redness, will ever after
retain beat but a short time, and lose
their smoothness too. I would rather
lend almost anything else to a neigh
bor than a llatiron. In ironing, have
two holders to use alternately, thereby
lessening the heat of the hand, and in
suring a greater degree of comfort.
Jb J. Blamhitrd, in Good Housekeeping.
Tho Wive of Teheran.
Truly the government of the shah is a
paternal one. writes a correspondent ol
the Ioiuion Globe. The women ol
Teheran went a few weeks ago in a
body to the king's palace and coin
plained that the coilce-shop.-. (of which
an extraordinary number have been
opened lately) took away their hus
bands from their work and their home
duties, causing them to spend all their
money iu drink and smoke, after all,
the drink was merely tea and coffee.
The shah sympathized with the wives ol
Teheran. "He acted promptly, anil, as
the commander of the faithful is said to
have done under similar circumstances,
he ordered that ali the coffee hou.-es in
the capital were to be closed. Closed
they were; closed they remain. The
next day the royal edict went forth that
all the provincial cofiee-hou-es were to
be closed. They, too, were all shut up.
Fancy such an order in a civilized
country! Hut here nobody grumbles.
Tln women, of course, are in ecstasies;
but the haunters of eo!lW:-hou-es, who
form by far the larger proportion of the
male ses in the large Persian townu,
arc iu despair.
l(rttt- ;
Ireland is noted ;. i us beautiful wo
men, ami the girU of Dublin are as
pretty as those of any city in the world.
Thoy have, as a rule. fair, rosy com
plexions aud good forms, and they
know iiow to dres-s the latter. I attend
ed a regatta at D.ilkey. the great yacht
ing place near Dublin, and saw some
several thousands of the better class of
girls of Ireland. The poorer classes
were shut out by the higher prices of tho
iuclojiire allotted to iu, and the crowd
was a kill-gloved one. The girls seem
ed to be remarkably healthy and in
high spirits, and they showed, as I could
judge from the witty remarks I heard
en passant all tins love of humor for
which old Ireland is famous. The
Irish broguo cominir out of the pearly
teeth of a rosy-cheeked, bright-eyed
Irish girl sounds very sweet indeed,
and. were I a millionaire Ainericau
with one or two American girl babies,
I would brinsr them to Ireland to raise
them for the "sake of their complexions.
The beauties are not. however, confined
to the upper classes. I saw pretty girls
everywhere, and many a sweet face
there is among the while-capped servant-girls
of the hotels, and even among
the workers in the fields, or in. tho cot
ters' huts. Cleveland Leader.
wm t -I-
The present Pope is an old gentleman
with a keen sense of humor. Accredit
ed to the Papal Court is a functionary
who represents the political interests of
four Central American republics, and
who is already fairly bedizened with the
stars of almost every order created by
the Pontificate. Not long ago a fresh
negotiation was concluded satisfactorily
to the mother church, and the custom of
giving a new distinction required to be
kept up, but how to do it perplexed the
Papai Chamberlain. Ou application in
the emergency to Leo himself, the latter
said: "This time give, him a snuff-box
with my portrait" The diplomatist ac
cepted the golden gift, detached the
portrait therefrom, aud appeared at the
next audience with it hanging from his
neck. Anothor state negotiation unex
pectedly arose, aud when it vas solved
again there came up the question of a
honorarium. "This time." said Leo,
"give him a marble statue, and see i!
he will wear it around his neck."
Guibollard takes a promenade in the
Salon, in company with a young paint
er who has a picture ou exhibition,
which has been commended by the com
mittee. "Show me," said the former,
"your picture that has secured honora
ble mention." "There it is." said the
artist "portrait of a woman." "Very.
very fine as to execution." said Gnibol
lord, "but how the devil did you come
to choose such an ugly model?" "In
deed, sir, this is my mother," replied
the artist, coloring" quickly. "lour
mother," exclaimed Guibollard with
confusion, "Pardon, monsieur, I am
stupid. 1 ought to have perceived it at
a glance. You are alike as two peas!"
,. ,