k 6 . 4(tolsUarmil, WKDKODAY 6EPTEMI1ER 29, 1. A. AN. TIME TABLE. l'aio. Freight. Leaves Columbus.. .8:10 a.m. bW p. b. Bsll wood... 8:85 " 2:35 " David City .9:00 " 3:20 " Seward 10:10 " 6:00 u Arrives at Lincoln.. 11:25 " 8:30 " The passenger leaves Lincoln at 3:55 p. m., and arrivea at Columbus 7:00 p. m: the freight leaves Lincoln at 6 a. m., and arrives at Columbus at 1 p. m. Fair week. Bead Kramer's ad. Organs ! Call at A. & M. Tomer's. Carpet slippers 35s at Uonahan's. Kramer's ad. interests all. Read it. Misses calf shoes 50c at Hona ban's. 23-3 Latest styles in dresd goods at Kramer's. Gen. John M. Thayer was in the city Sunday. Platte county Fair, Sept. 28 to Oct. 1, Inclusive. C. & L. Kramer make dress goods a specialty. Sheriff Gregg ot Kreiuout in till unheal d from. Best paints at rutuous prices, Co lumbus Lumber Co. 50 2-tf Mrs. VVr. II. Doildridgo U visit ing frieiulu iu the cit School books, bWnk book. E L. FilzpHtrick, 13th strn-l. ti lti'.t --"Jitck" Martin waa doivu Irutii Silver Creek last week. Piauoa, orgauc, mimic, etc., E. I). Fitzpatrick, 13th Hrwl. lt If you waut bargiiu in boots and shoes go to Ilotiahaii'a. Sale bills printed at the Jouunal. office, all Kt)les and pricey. Couio to the Platte Omuty Fair for everybody will be there. Uev. S. Goodale came down from Rapid City lat week. Wanted. A school by a male teacher. Box 127 Columbus. 2p Hon. John A. Kehoe of Platte Center was in town Monday. John Beitkemper was on a visit to Platte Center, Monday. Eight pounds of pure Ohio ma ple sugar for $1 at Kasmuseen's. Best paints in market at unheard of prices, Columbus Lumber Co. Fresh oysters of the best quality alwayB on hand at Raemusscn'e. 1 Hon. J. G. Higgins came down from Grand Island Saturday last Esquire Caldwell was a sojourn er in the city a few days last week. Gents' fine calf shoes at bottom prices at Honaban's cheap shoo stboo. W. H. Randall recently sold fifty-ono Bteers at f 50 each a good sale. Mr. and Mrs. R. U. Henry re turned from their eastern visit Fri day last. J. U. Reed returned Friday from the east, very much improved in health. Mrs. J. L. St. Clair fell down cellar last week and got pretty badly hurt. Phil. Best's Milwaukee beer always ou draft at P. J. Smith's on 11th street. 15 Ladies go to Kramer's for new dress goods. Frank Mitcbel, a former Colum bus boy, is down from the Black Hills country. The Journal, is prepared to do all kinds of job work, commercial and otherwise. Mr. Loeb, of Chicago, father of Mrs. Carl Kramer, is visiting in the city this week. Just received, the finest stock of hanging lamps and parlor lamps, at Oehlrich Bros. A. Y. Miller is down from Wheeler county, looking in excellent health and spirits. Mrs. W. H. Randall has gone on a visit to her old home in New York the first in eleven years. Complete stock of dinner sets and tea sets, no west patterns, just received at Oehlrich Bros. Leopold Jseggi, so we learn, is to put up a $4,000 residence on 11th street, near John Stauffer's. Brother Saunders of the Platte Center Argus called en us last week when iu the city. Come again. Harry E. Phelps, editor of the Schnylor Herald, was in town Mon day and gave us a fraternal call. Be sure to read Kramer's ad. It has been announced that the M. E. church will be dedicated one week from next Sunday, Oct. 10. Attend the Fair this week. All appearances indicate the best ex hibit in the history of Platte county. Prof. J. E. Moncrief, principal of the Genoa schools, was in the city Saturday, looking as robust as usual. A man is in town with a good ked telescope, through which yon can gaze at the heavens for 10 cents a gaze. The work of digging ditches for the water mains commenced Wed aeeday morning last oa Eleventh street. Sale at John Shannahan's near Lindsay P. O., Oct. 4th; horses, cattle, hogs, farm implements mad faraa of 160 acres. The delinquent tax-list is in the buds of the printers, and will ap pear in the 'next issues of the Democrat and Joubnal. For a piaao, organ or sowing machine, call or addresa A. M. Traar, who will at tkat ia placed, and gear aatee aatiifactiea. nnTw Read it through Kramer's sd. Wasted. A .girl to do general house work.. Call at reridrace ef A. Anderson on 15th street. A. M. Parsons ef Scheyler, was ia towu Wednesday last kbakiug hands with his old-time friends of this city. Robt. O'Brien, of the Humphrey Independent, was in town 8atarday last and gave the Journal boys a pleasant call. The firm of Wermoth Bcett eher has become Boettcher & Ker- senbrock, John H. having purchased into the firm. The Joukkal. is on sale, each week, at the book end news store ef E. D. Fitzpatrick and R. Harttman, at 5 cents a copy. Follow the crowd rom the air to itzpatrick's. It See Galley's new advertisement in today's Journal. He believes in printer's ink, and he has a hoase chock full ef goods. Messrs. Luers and Schaffroth have furnished the Park and Lake Co. with one of their Challenge wind mills for pumping water. Jaeggi & Schupbach of this city, took the first premium on flour in three different classes at the state lair. They bad a splendid exhibit The official proceedings of the t'ouuty Supervisors have not yet reached us from the Clerk's office they will be lengthy when they come. The ladies of the- aid society of il.u M. E. church will give an oyster M.jiper lb evening of (be 29th and 30th at the Hammond House, price 35 cents. Mr. B. R. Cowdery, who has been very ill for some time, grtw maidenly worse last Wednesday, the .'rieudn almost despairing of her life, tor a time. Rev. A. W. Suider attended the meeting of the York Baptist Asso ciation I list week and goes to the Eikhorn and Loup Associan this week at Stauton. Last week the W. C. T. U. had a session at the Congregational church, this city, Mrs. Hichcock of Fremont, presiding, and Mrs. C. G. Hickok, acting secretary. We go to press Tuesday morn ing, Urn week, to give the boys of the office a chance to attend the Fair. The holidays a printer gets are earn ed by extra work. Milton Reader who returned last week from a two weeks' visit to his parents at Ovid, Michigan, says that that state has aa average crop and is in a prosperous condition. Drs. Martyn & Schng relieved Sam. Rickly of a tape-worm Wed nesday last that measured sixty soven feet in leugth; Sam. says it was only the last halt of it Greisen Bros, ft Co. have just opened up one of the finest lines of goods ever brought to Columbus. They talk to tno public tnrongn a new advertisement this week. Miss Lizzie Davis, Mrs. J. W. Early, Mrs. J. D. Brewer, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Routson, Wm. Tyrrel, Mrs. Wm. Walker and Mrs. M. Abts attended the fair at David City last week. The steel bands for the stand pipe arrived last week, and a party examining them at the depot Sun day estimated that 9,950 rivets would have to be clinched in patting them together. Oliver Risher of Platte Center was in town Saturday and gave the Journal a pleasant business call. He reports Platte Center as doing well this season in the way of im provements. Money to loan at once and with out delay on real estate, in large or small amounts, on time to suit. Promptly, quietly and at the lowest possible rates. Apply to Gas. G. Becher ft Co. 19-tf Th experts, who examined the Fremont waterworks, reported, in brief, that the pump was not quite what it should be, and that the water supply lacked considerable of being up to the mark. Miss Kittie Cowdery was sum moned home from Brownell Hall school at Omaha last week on ac count of the serions illness of her mother, who, we are pleased to note, is now much improved. We learn that on Thursday next at the Fair Grounds a game of base ball will be played between Colum bus and Albion nines for a purse of 100. Base ballists are somewhat agitated over the event. B. H. Gonlding of Lincoln, an old-time newspaper acquaintance of the editor, called on ns Thurs day last, while in town on insurance business. B. H. is about as much of a politician as he ever was. Senator Van Wyck and wife were in town Friday night, returning 'from David City, where the General made a speech to a very large and enthusiastic assembly, in attendance on the Bntler County Fair. Miss Belle Parsons is succeeding finely with her elocution class. It is increasing in numbers, and, ia a short time, will probably have a more central location, viz, the large hall over Fitzpatrick's store. Several Colambas people were at the Batler County Fair last week, among whom we recognized Mr. Raymond aad son, L. H. North, Mr. end Mrs. L. D. Clark, Dan Condon aad daaghter, aad W. Rontsoa. A large party of excursionists are expected from Albion Thursday aext to witness the game' of ball between representatives ef these two towns. The Albion hoys are coming down loaded for "bar aad will give oar hoys a close 'tussle' -A saaa skipped his board blir at Shepherd's last Saturday, takiBg with him seme small tarns of hor rowed noaey, bat Mr. Shepherd overheated hisa by telegraph at Maason and had him broeght back. The ladies of the Women's Cbri :ian Temperance Union made a can vas of the city last week soliciting subscriptions for the maiateaaace of a library and reading room ia Co-' laaibos. A very commendable en terprise for any city. Bafalo Bill's WUd Wast show closed at Mariner's Harbor, N. Y., last Satariay. Ia Nevember they open ia Madison Sqnare Garden. In early April they sail for Europe. Fred. Matthews has made his engage ment for the European tour. This week will be aa eventful one in Nebraska for the politicians and, later oa, for -the people. Polit icial leaders and workers 'should do their work as being responsible to the people for their acts, because they have their iaterests ia trust. The new M. E. church of this city will be dedicated one week from next Sunday. There will be an effort made to have all the M. E. ministers who have formerly filled the pnlpit here present on the occa sion and take part ia the exercises. a Dr.?. Chas. Willy has loeated in this city for the practice of his pro fession. Ho comes among us highly recommended, and may be found at his office three doors west of Dr. Hciniz's drog store on 11th street. See his card in this issue of the Journal. "Jack" Ellis leu Friday - night last tor National City, California. He has been employed on the farm of C. E. Morse the past four years and was always found at his post of duty. He will be missed by his numorous trieuds here. Mr. Wm. Lisco, sr., accompanied him. T. Baumgart, a genial, enter prising business man recently arrived from the east aud has located in this city in the boot and shoe business, Utirtman's old stand on 11th street, where he will be pleased to meet any one wishing anything in bis line. Read bis advertisement. The Lake and Park managers are having considerable done this fall. Eighteen scrapers were at work last woek and did a considerable amount of excavating. Some of the young folks of the city are already suggesting what a fine skating rink it will make this winter. Ebenezer Gray and his aunt Mrs. Phoebe Moore arrived in the city Thursday, and went over Friday to Osceola to visit Wm. Welch's family. They, with Miss Mattie Cochran, take the train here for Colorado Springs. Thoir old Ohio friends, the Journal family, were very glad to see them. Fare f the Fair. C. s'. Stebbins, Geu'l Ticket Ag't of the Union Pacific, has informod J. G. Routson, Sec'y of the Driving Park and Fair Association, that the rail road fare will be reduced from sur rounding territory to one and one third fare one way, as far as Fremont, Central City, Norfolk, Albion and Cedar Rapids. 21-3 Bay the Whitehill sewing ma chine at A. ft M. Turner's. It is guaranteed to give satisfaction in every particular. It is one of the very best machines sold, is handsome, durable, strongly-built ; Is easy run ning, is very easily managed, and makes a neat stitch. Yon will save money by examining the Whitehill before purchasing. Give your orders to G. W. Kibler, traveling salesman. The Journal job department is prepared to furnish, on short notice all kinds of commercial work such as letter heads, note heads, bill heads, statements, circulars, envel opes, cards, dodgers, posters, &c. ; visiting cards; lawyers' briefs; pamphlets; catalogues; sale bills, ftc. Satisfaction guaranteed. Orders by mail promptly attended to. Ad dress, M. K. Turner ft "Co., Colum bus, Nebr. tf A goodly number of our citizens have gone to Lincoln to assist in se curing for oar eminent townsman, Hon. Leander Gerrard, the nomina tion for governor, aad we hope to placo his name in oar next issue, as the standard bearer for the republi can party in Nebraska in the coming campaign. If he is nominated and elected, the people may confidently expect to have the duties of that high office faithfully discharged, and justice done to all interests. A portion of Platte Co's. del egation to the Republican state convention attended the congressional convention of the First District at Beatrice last Thurs day evening as ' lookers-on. The Howe Church was very orderly. PatO'Hawos was called on for a speech, and at the close asked for an expression of preference by the con vention of a repablicaa caadidate for aext president. None were men tioned but Logan and Blaiae, oae side yelling the other down ; a divis ion of the house being called for, K was plainly evident 'that Blaine was far ahead ia that crowd. Bvcmaa, Madison County Fair, Oct. 7-9. Boone County Fair, Oct 5-8. Platte Countt Fair, Columbus Sept. 28-Oct. 1. Democratic State Convention at Hastiags, Oct. 7. Repablicaa State Coaveutioa at Lincoln, SepL 29. Repablicaa Coagressioaal Conven tion Third District, Fremont, Oct 1. Democratic Coagresaieaal Conven tion Third District, Norfolk, Oct. 5th. Repablicaa Platte County Conven tion, adieuraed session, at Platte Center, Saturday, OcC9tfa.V " - nUanaavrk Xawsislilm. " Bismark is still booming. Threshers are making the grain fly. Everybody is getting ready for the Fair. John G. Dreher is celling the greater part ul his bay. The Bismarkers are getting ready for corn-husking. Wm. Scbreiber is improving the buildings on his fatm. Messrs. Heiden and Noureburg have each purchased a new wagon. O. D. Butler's brother from Boston is visiting him. Robert Heiden and Emil Carr are going with the steam thresher. Matthew Folts is running William Gerholdt's threshing machine. George Hodol has a large numbor of fine cattle which be is feeding. This would be an excellent time for plowing, if the ground wii9 not so dry. nUMI WW IM BUM IU IIUglOBS bridges being put iu, and roads be ing graded up. This weather has Rome resem blance to summer weather, the thermometer standing 94 in the shade. Messrs. Wagironer and Barnes' engineer left for Iowa last week to see his wife, who waH sick and not oxpectpd to live; she recovered, J however, and he relumed on the 20th. John G. Dreher, sr. loft for Ar apahoe, Nebraska, li-t wek to visit his two 1vigliien, M r. John L;tinp and Mrn. William Schnteo, who re side there; ho expects to look up a location and remove ! lliat viciniU next ppring. There whs a caucus a Ahrc-nsV Krhool house on lower Shell Crek, on the 25lli, for the iurpune of nomi nating candidate) for fall election:); we bavo not heard the result yet, but are pretty euro the best men were nominated. Chaklfs. Frenioat Convention. Redacetl Btallreatf Ratew. Do I en ales to tho Third Republican congressional convention, to be held at Fremont on October 1, 138G, will be furninhed transportation over the Union Pacific roads, and Sioux City & PaciGc and Fremont, Eikhorn & Mi(6onri Valley railroad at ouc aud one-third fares for round trip. Dele gates will each pay full tare to Fre mont, taking receipt from their lo cal agont. On surrender of such re ceipt they will be furnished return ticket for one-third fare. Fremont, Sept. 20, 18SG. L. S. Irving, J. W. Love, Secretary. Chairman. ntenabllcaa Coaaty Coaveatiea. Notice in horeby given that the Republican County Convention ol Platte county will convene pur suant to adjournment, at Platte Center, on Saturday, the 9th day ot October, 188C, at 2 o'clock p. m , for the purposo of nominating a county ticket and selecting delegates to the senatorial and float representative districts. A. M. Post, 23-2t Presideut. Beat la tae World. Ottumwa Lily Corn Starch has been brought to the highest attainable quality by employing the best skill and scientific aid that money can fur nish. It is the most strengthening and health-giving food now before the public, and is especially recommend ed for children and invalids. Every package guaranteed strictly pure. Remember and ask your groce& for Lily Corn Starch. ateeltcaer aad Kemeabreck Thankful for the very liberal patronage bestowed upon the old firm, we respectfully ask a con tinuance, which we hope to deserve by selling good goods at fair prices, and doing all in our power to ac commodate our customers. 1 Boettcher & Kebsenukock. Dr. Pewerii Deatlut, Will be in his office the laBt three days of each week, Thurs., Fri., and Sat. One set of teeth out of every 10 sets given away. 4-tf Faraen, Leek Here. Thirty bead of tino young western mares for sale all in foal ; must be closed out at once. Cash or on time. 23-2t C. C. Miller. DIED. Finnen Monday, September 20th, Michael Fiuuen, aged 54 years, 8 months. The death of Mr. Finnen's daugh ter, Mrs. John Fitzpatrick was re corded in last week's Journal. Mr. Finnen was sick last spring, of ty phoid fever, and, it is said, never fully recovered his health. Schram At St. Paul, Sept. 27th, 9 a. mi of Bright's disease, Michael Schram, aged 40 years. The deceased was a former citizen and merchant of Columbus, a genial gentleman beloved by all who knew him, He had been complaining of illness all summer, but, we believe, was not thought to be very seriously ill until lately. Dr. Scbug, of this city, was called to see him last week, but pronounced him beyond re covery. Aa invitation was sent out Mon day by Wildey Lodge I. O. O. F. of this city for the brethren to atten d the funeral at 1 :30 p. m. of the 28th. LOCAL NOTICES. Adrertisementa under this head fiv cents a line each insertion. Hides, peltp, wool and poultry, highest price paid. Office at Jaeggi & Scbopbacb'a old stand. T. Keat ing. 30-tf For good yonng breeding stock of all kinds, call at -Bloomingdale stock farn. A. Henricb, Platte Center P. 0.,Nb. c " 30-tf Wm. Scbiltz makes boots and shoes in the best' styles, and uses only the very best stock that can be procured iu the market. 52 1 A . 1 Kara ftor Sale, CiMitaiuing 240 acres of choice land, 5 miles routhwest of Humphrey, in this county. Terms reasonable. For fur thi r particulars inquire of or address T. Keating, Columbus, Neb. 4-tf Fr Sale. Residence house and four acres of land under cultivation, east of Hig gins' trrove, just outside of city. Price $1600. Enquire at residence, of Mr. or Mrs. Geu. N. Derry. 15 tf Tate meat Keller date silage ia ae wena. Every farmer should use them. Sold by D. Anderson. 22-tf money ! Money Z Persons desiring small loans on short time Bhnuld call on Coolidge & Wheeler; chattel mortgago security or good bankable paper. 18lf Coolidge & Wheelek. la llarveat aad Tkreshlajr TlMC. Nothing is more wholesome and nice for all and handy for the busy farmer's wife and easier to keep than a supply of good Iamb or mutton. Call at Bloomingdale stock farm for a nice fat sheep or lamb. A. II EN RICH. New Second-nand Mtere. Storrs Bros, will open a second hand store on north (tide track op posite Fricdh'if & Co's. on corner, trhare they will buy all kind o second-hand and bankrupt goods; thojo having go.-iN of this k;od wi5! do well to call and fee them It l.ucrN A 44-It2tath, Will put o:i our Comity Fair (i round i hi re!, a 1-1 ft- l)i:b!e Ileader. Chttllengo, power wind mill tor grinding and ehelliusr corn and pumping water. All fanner-, phould come to tho Fiir, and not mins seeing that mill. 1 PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS, A JOINT RESOLUTION' was adopted ly tho legislature of the St-itc of Nebraska, at the Nineteenth St'DMOii thereof, and approved March 5th, A. D. lbS."), jiroo-ini; an amendment to Section lour (-t)o! Article three (3) of the Constitution of -aid State, and that :-aid section as amended, shall read as follows, to-wit: 'Section 4. The term of office otmem !er of the Legislature shall be two ears, and they shall each receive y at the rate of live dollars per diy during their sitting, and ten cents for every mile thev Minll travel in going to and re turning from the place ot meeting of the Legislature, on the most usual route; Provided, however. That they shall not receive pay for more than sixty days at any one sitting, nor more than one hun dred days during their term; that neither members of the Legislature nor employes sb.ill receive any pay or perquisites other than their salary and mileage. Each session, except Ppecial sessions, shall be not less than sixty davs; after the expiration of forty days of'the session no bills nor joint resolu tions of the nature of bills shall be in troduced, unless the tiovernor shall by special message call the attention of th Legislature to the necessity of passing a law on the subject matter embraced in the message, and the introduction ofbilN shall be restricted thereto; Provided, The ballots at said election shall be in the following form: "For proposed Amendment to the Con stitution relating to the Legislative De partment.' 'Against proposed Amend ment to the Constitution relating to the Legislative Department.'" Therefore. 1, James V. Dawes, Gov ernor of the State of Nebraska, do hereby give notice in accordance with Section etna (1), Article fifteen (15) of the Con stitution, and the provisions of an act entitled "An act to provide the manner of proposing amendments to the Con stitution and submitting the same to the electors of the State," approved Feb ruary 13th, A. D. 1377, that said proposed amendment will be submitted to the qualified voters of this State for ratifica tion or rejection at the general election to be held on the 2d day of November, A. D. lSbO. In Witness Whkiikok, 1 have hereunto set my hand and caused to be affixed the Great Seal of the State of Nebraska. Done at Lincoln, this Twenty-sixth day of July, A. D. 18S0, the Twentieth year of seal the State, and of the Inde pendence of the United States the One Hundred and Eleventh. Ry the Governor, Jamks "NV. Dawes. E. P. Roggkn, Secretary of State. 4 Aug 3m. This Space is Reserved KOK- GnmBros. 2z CO., Dealers in CLOTHING BENTS 6 Boots and Shoes, COLUMBUS, NEB. 22sep8G-y. R. O. BOYD, MANUFACTUaXK OV Tin and Sheet-Iron Ware ! Job-Work, Boofine aad Gutter ing a Specialty. IQTShop on Olive Street, 2 doors north of Brodfeuhrer's Jewelry Store. 32-tf COLUIBUS LUMBER COMF1 Will Save You METTCie & -DEALERS in Heavy and Shelf Hardware, Stoves and Tinware, Pumps, Guns and Ammunition. The Celebrated Moline Wagon Sold Here. Sept. 22-tf OUS. . BECHER. Established 1870. GUS. G. BECHER & CO., LOAN BROKERS, Real Estate and Insurance Agt's, COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA. HI aey t Leaa on Farms at lowest rates of interest, on short and long time, in amounts to suit applicants. CfeMBlete AtMtract ef Title to all Real Estate in Platte county. Notary Public always in Okkicjc. Parai aml City lrperty Tor MtIe. lanaraace against Fire, Lihtiiiu autl Torn.idoes. Life and Accident Insur ance, uuuc but the very best cuuip.iuies rcpr -siMiled MteanaMkipTicketM to and from all purls in Kurope. tJSjuly'Mi-y Mckinley & COLUMBUS, NEB. Money to loan on improved farms in this and adjoining counties, at current rates. We are prepared to close loans promptiy, in all cases where title and security are satisfactory. Office with H. J. Hudson, on llth street. I2m3 GREAT EARTHQUAKE -A.T- riltlllHlinniimilllllllllll!IIIIIIt!llltl!illltl!l!!lllll!ISIIIIIIIIIIIIlHIII!IUIIIillllliiiilllllt m ll.W &$fl iV - VfsV " I.VBsTbVI !Sp! ramSt XSs( V iiiiiiiiiiiuitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiitiiu C. $ . KRAMER always lead. Wc have just received our full Fall stock of Dry Btods, Drtss 6oods. Carpets, Ladits' and Children's Undtrwcar, Hosiery, Cotton Flannels, Flannels, Blankets, Cloaks, Yarns, Etc., Etc. We will make yon the LOWEST We will SAVE YOU MONEY, if von We also Oarry the Largest Stock of Clothing and Boots and Shoes And Pants and Overcoats to Order. Without quoting prices today, we assure vou that we will sell the cheap est and have FRESH, NICE GOODS. ' SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR MONEY REFUNDED ! -We carry NOVELTIES and LATE STYLES, such as vou find no where else. Come and trade with us, or send for samples or .-ond us mail orders. New York Cheap Cash Store, Columbus, Neb. 3C1.W THE Money. Got Prices KERSENBROCK, LEOPOLD JJKGGI. oarnahan, MPS aw 'V -V PRICES. Come ami trade with have to come 50 miles. un. Make before Buyim. aVaP R lip qp v i.y T. BAUMGART, HAS OPENED A NEW -IX lAfiTUfS OLD STAID 01 lltt ST., WHERE US KKKP3 A KICK UXI OF Cnstom-Hade fori SUCH Ladies' Fine Shoes, Gentlemen's Fine Boots, Etc., Etc., EVKUYTIIING KEPT IN A FIUST CI.ASS BOOT AND SHOE ES TABLISHMENT. KIDIH DONE ILSO. 22aepty C unrBKU. ss. co. DEALERS IN- v Bas and Iron ! Tin highest mnrkrt prire paid tor rags Hint iron". Store iu the Uubaeh building, Oiive -tt., Coluuibuu. Nob. 15-tf GROCERIES, Crockery and Glassware You will always tind a FltESil and well selected stock. Fancy Groceries and Fine Teas a Specialty. W! hnnc!l the celebrated (MarEaisE Hitches! mnrlcct price pnlJ ics-r country pivxliwe. City orders delivered free of chary ESTTtfU'iilione N. tic. FROM & WAKE, Klevrulh Sri--, V)-tf l'o!uintni.l. CBl r iiiin. A .3iSa33 S &JKSila BEARUSLEY & JEWELL, 1'HOI'KIKTOIIS. lis only liarllo Works ia Mo Co. We Uiiulle all standard trades of marble and granite both FUKEKiN and AMEKICAN, employ the most skilled workmen, and will compete with any marble worktt in the state. C.dl and ue our work, whether ou are ready to buy or not; or if not con venient, send us jour address and we will end price or call on you. HIIU1IU STO.E by the ton or c-ir-lo id. llth St., south of U. P. Depot, SPE1CE & NORTH. General Agents for the Saleol REAL ESTATE. Union Pacific, and .Midland Pacific R.R. Landhforsaleat from$U.0 tc10.00 per acre for cash, or on tive or ten year time, in annual payment? to uh pur chasers. We have .ilsc. a lar:t aEd choice lot of other lands. Imj.rovi-tf ar d unimproved, for sale at iow prire and on reasonable termu. Alobtisina and residence Sots in the eity. "U e kep a complete abstract of title io all real es tate in PUttc County. C21 coL.ii.nsu. :?5. !.- GROCERIES! ALWAYS ON HAND A rl 1.1. A. .EWLISEOif OK -Ci.ltlllt WKLLSELKiTEi. FRUITS? CANNED AND Dill ED. ot -ill MINDS GUARANTEED 'lO P-L vf BEST QUALITY. DRY GOODS i A GOOD & "WELL SELECTED STOCK ALWAYS AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST. ALSO BOOTS & SHOES ! ETTHAT DEFY COMPETITION. Jgj BUTTERAND EGGS And all kinds of country produce ta ken in trade, and all goods deliv ered free of charge to any part of the city. FLOUR! KEEP ONLY THE BEST GRADES OF FLOUR. 10-tf EEJMIAIV. raeSii enr ill Mb Worn AprT-tf - & a t5