The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, September 22, 1886, Image 3

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    K , .- .
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iris '
Ps. Freight.
Leaves Columbus.. .8:10 a. ui. 1:."i0 p. ni.
Bellwood...S:3T " 2:3. "
" David City 9:00 " 3:20 "
" Seward. ...10:10 " C:00 "
Arrives at Lincoln. . 11:25 " 8:30 "
Tlic passenger leaves Lincoln at:i:55 p.
in., aud arrives at Columbus 7:00 p. in;
the freight leaves Lincoln at 0 a. uiM aud
arrives at Columbus at 1 p. in.
Boom the Fair.
Splendid weather.
Head Kramer's ad.
Prepare for Iho Fair.
Be sure to read Kramer' ad.
County Supervisors iu eessiou.
' f Organs ! Call at A. & M. Ttirner'a.
Kramer's ad. iutereto all. Read
Latest styles in dress goods at
Everybody is putting up all the
hay they can.
Platte count Fair, Sept. 28 to
Oct. 1, inclusive.
C. & L. Kramer .mike dress
. goods a Hpecinity.
F. M., of Albion, Suu
- dayed in this city.
D. MoKvlvny wan up from
Schuyler Tliiirtduy.
Gen. MoKi-ivey uf Ful'erJou was
iu town litnl wr.d-:.
Bunt paints at ruinous priivn, Co- !
lumbus Lumber Co. f 2-if
School bnolcH. hlniil; book-, K. D.
Fitzpatrick, Lilh MrcH. 2 Nitf
A. Henry, Kj , ot Oitiuha, spent
.Sabbath last iu this cii.
. Mr. It. 11. Cowdt-ry iH confined
to her bed with .sickness.
Pianos, orrani, inu-ic, etc., E. I.
Fitzpatrick, L'ith Mrtvt. KUf
Sale bills printed at the .Iokunai.
otlice, all styles and price.
Come to the Platte County Fair
for everybody will bo there.
Wanted. A school by a male
teacher. Box 127 Columb'is. 2p
Mrs. (5. G. Bowman visited the
state fair at Lincoln last week.
Eight pounds of pure Ohio ma
ple sugar for $1 at Basmusseu's.
Best paints iu market at unheard
of prices, Columbus Lumber Co.
Jacob CrciHon returned last
week from his business trip to
Goods of all kinds cheaper than
the cheapest at the fi and 10c store on
11th street. 1
Phil. Best's Milwaukee beer
always on drait at P. .1. Smith's ou
11th street. 15
Ladies go to Kiamer'a for new
dress goods.
The .ToniJNAL. is prepared to do
all kinds of job work, commercial
' and otherwise.
Have you seen the bargains of
fered at the 5 and 10c store, Slill
man'e old stand? 1
The material used in the stand
pipe for the Columbus waterworks
will weigh 05,000 lbs.
Henry Lubker has a very nice
plan of a dwelling houe which he
expects to erect shortly.
Mrs. T. Gregorius is having a
neat dwelliug house erected in the
northeast part of tho city.
"Van" Myers has a couple of
"flyers" in training, which will start
in the races at the coming lair.
The building enclosing the ma
chinery at the waterworks will be in
the shape of a T and will be built of
" brick.
Norfolk was selected as the place
for holding the next annual session
-of the North Nebraska M. E. Con
ference. The Jouksai. boys and friends
ot Mr. Garlow were the recipients of
a box of splendid cigars set up on his
wedding. .
Lost Sept. 14 th package of
dress goods on road between Stearns
Prairie and Columbus. Leave at
this office. 1
Mrs. J. S. Miirdock, Mrs. Hud.
M urdock and her sister, Mips Jennie
Hilkins aro visiting their old homes
in New York.
The Journal is on sale, each
week, at the book and news stores of
E. D. Fitzpatrick and R. Hartman, at
5 cents a copy.
Wantkd A good girl to do
housework. Liberal wages. No
weekly washing to do. Inquire of
Gus. G. Bccher.
Joseph Loeb, of Chicago, was in
the city Sunday on a short visit with
bis sister Mrs. C. Kramer, aud
brother Dave Loeb.
The surplus fund of the First
National Bank is now $17,000, and
RobL Uhlig has been added to the
list of stockholders.
Our reporter neglected to men
tion last week the birth -to Mrs.
Thos. McTeggart, Sept. 12th, of a
daughter, weight 12 pounds.
Tho U. P. coal chute is to be
quite an institution, and a wonder
ful amount of material is on the
- grounds, for its construction.
For a piano, organ or sewing
machine, call on or address A. & M.
Turner, who will see that one i
placed, aud guarantee satisfaction.
The Journal is indebted to Mrs.
W. N. Hensley for some of the most
luscious plumbs ever tasted. What
is more, they are the Nebraska wild
plum cultivated.
T. Baumgart, late of Danville,
IU., has opened a very Bice boot aud
shoe establishment at Dartman's old
stand on 11th st, and asks a ehare of
. pnblic patronage.
Read it through Kramer's ad.
Wanted. A lady of education aad
refinement, to fill an honorable and
lucrative position. Address, at once,
"M. H. R.," this office.
D. Frank Divis, editor of the
Democrat, in company with his
brother, Elmer, of Oxford, Neb., gave
this office a pleasant call Wodoesday
James Pearsall has the sub-contract
for the erection ot the engine
aud boiler house for the waterworks,
work on which is soon to com
mence. II. Kersenbrock takes the place
of John Wermutb who goes to Oma
ha. The business, hardware, ma
chinery, etc., will be continued at the
old stand.
The ladies of the Aid Society of
the M. E. church will furnish meals
at the Hammond House during the
week of the Fair, for the benefit of
the M. E. church.
J. K. Calkins returned to Lusk,
Wyo., Wednesday, after a two weeks'
sojourn iu this section. He is pub
lishing there a very interesting pa
per aud is doing well.
It is calculated that three weeks
time will suffice to complete the
waterworks, after the arrival of the
material from the' east, which has
been coming in very slowly.
Wo give elsewhere the result of
the Prohibition convention at Schuy
ler for this district. Colfax county
prohibitionists nominated Hon. A.
M. Walling for the legislature.
Word has been received here
u-.Hii National City, that Mr. aud
Mr-. G. Seliulte, late of this city,
!mvi) hut, by death, one of their twin
babes, a daughter six months old.
Pout's Manual, a recognized au
thority iu matters, puts
the gro-ts earnings of th railroads of
tho United States during tho past
year at -f772,fS0.000 in roumd num
bers. Chas. Schroeder has had word
from the manufacturers who are to
furnish the stand-pipe material for
the city waterworks which would
indicate that the shipment would be
made coon.
Money to loan at once and with
out delay on real estate, in large or
small amounts, on time to suit.
Promptly, quietly and at the lowest
possible rates. Apply to Gus. G.
Becher & (Jo. 19-tf
Dr. Hunt, the dentist, will be in
his office over First National Bank
the first week in October. It will be
to the interest of all persons wishing
dental work doue to await his return
the first of October. 20-3t
Few M. E. ministers, with whom
our people aro acquainted, have been
changed in tho Grand Island district.
Rev. J. Q. A. Fleharty has beeu
transferred from Clarks to St. Ed
wards, in Boone couuty.
Wm. Tillman, a former resident
of this city, now holding a position
iu the state charitable institution
located at Gleuwood, Iowa, was in
the city a couple of days last week
renewing old acquaintances.
We are indebted to A. J. Thatch,
secretary, for a complimentary ticket
to the Madison County Fair, Oct. 7,
8 and 9. Madison county is capable
of having a first-class fair auy good
year, which this certainly is.
Charlie Morse opened his meat
market Monday morning, one door
north of the post-office. He has a
very neat place, is an exceedingly
clever gentleman to do business with,
aud deserves a good share of public
Chautauqua Literary and Scien
tific Reading Circle. The first
meeting of 188G-87 for the purpose of
organization, etc., will be held at the
residence of Mrs. E. Geer, Monday
the 27th inst., at 7:30 p. m. New
members are cordially invited to join.
R. II. Henry left the city some
days ago to attend the re-union of
bis old regiment, the Eleventh Wis
consin, at Madison, Wisconsin. Mr.
II. accompanied him and will visit
her parents of the same state. Of
course R. II. will be back in time for
our fair.
Eddie, son of D. W. Jenkinson,
at Monroe, this couuty, was recently
tipped from a wagon and thrown
with such force against a wind-mill
as to dislocate and fracture his
shoulder. Drs. Martyn & Schug
were called and now report the lad
getting along nicely.
That fine invoice of tea, direct
from Yokohoma, Japan, has arrived
at JuHhs Rasmusseu's, and it is of the
finest quality. Everybody is invited
to call and get a sample of it free.
A trial will convince the moat
skeptical connoiseur that it is a most
delicious and purely wholesome
article. 1
R. Hartman, in his new place on
Olive street, two doors north of the
post-office, has one of the neatest and
best book and stationery stores in the
state. Everything is arranged
tastily, and kept in the nicest order.
Call on him for school supplies of
all kiuds, miscellaneous books, fine
candies, musical instruments, &c.
About ten days ago little Bertie
Post, daughter of Hon. A. M. Post
was thrown from a pony, and, al
though her arm was badly swollen
at the time, nothing serious was
thought of the matter until Drs.
Martyn & Schug were called in, who
found that the limb had been broken
at the wrist. We are pleased to an
nounce that she is now doing well.
Buy tho Wbitehill sewing ma
chine at A. & V. Turner's. It is
guaranteed to give satisfaction in
every particular. It is one of the
very best machines sold, is handsome,
durable, strongly-built ; is easy run
ning, is very easily managed, sad
makes a Beat stitch. You will save
money by examining the Wbitehill
before purchasing. Give yonr orders
to G. W. Kibler, traveling salesman.
Marriage Belle.
The Presbyterian church was the
scene of a brilliant event, at noon
Tuesday of last week, that event
beiBg the marriage of C. J. Garlow,
a prominent young attorney of this
city, and Miss Mamie Winslow, only
daughter of Hon. H. M- Winslow.
The church was handsomely dec
orated for the occasion, the floor in
front of tho altar, and pathway lead
ing to It being literally strown with
flowers. At noon, the pair were
ushered in to sounds of the "Wed
ding March." After the ceremony,
performed by Rev. J. W. Little, tho
party, accompanied by a number of
invited friends, repaired to the
Clotber House, to partake oL an
elaborate dinner prepared for the
occasion, after which the pair left for
an extended eastern tour.
The groom wore conventional
black, while the bride was attired in
a magnificient robe of white surah
satin, coirtbined effectively with
silver brocade. The costume was
en train, with long veil ornamented
with Marshal Neil roses, tho latter
being furnished by an Omaha florist.
White kids extending above the
elbow, satin slippers, and a diamond
pin, presented by groom, and corsage
bouquet of rare roses completed this
elaborate toilet, the whole being fur
uished by Mandel Bros., Chicago.
The presents were numerous, and
costly, below we give list, so far as
Mr and Mrs 11 M Winslow, parents of
bride, f too in gold, silver knives, forks
and s-poons; George Winslow, brother of
bride. $5 in gold; groom to bride, dia
mond pin; .1 S Cooley, Omaha, handsome
-iht-r water pitcher; I' W Heinrieb, set
oi silver fruit knives; P Winslow and
wife, Illinois, silver and crystal spoou
bolder; Mr and Mrs A .1 Arnold antl Mr
and Mrs W A McAllister, handsome
cake basket; Misses Eva and Minnie
McKcan, unique napkin rings; Miss
Amliurger, gift of money; Mr and Mrs
Ed Fitzpatrick. bronze ink stand and
gold pen; Mr and Mrs .1 G Higgins,
silver pickle castor; Dr and Mrs Still
man, large album; Mr aud Mrs Krause
aud Mr and 31 rs Lubker, pearl agate,
coffee and tea urns; Mr aud Mrs Q W
Clotber, silver syrup stand; Mr and Mrs
31 S Keid, plush holder and broom; 31 r
and 31 rs John Wiggins, silver mustard
bolder; Mr and 31 rs J E and Mr and 31 rs
W C Van Gilder, silver cake basket;
sauce dishes, and fruit stand of crystal
and amber, from Sabbath School class,
Misses C Welsh, L Tiffany, X Welsh, A
Kausdell, F Tiffany, 31 Welsh; 31 r and
31 rs Hoay, barbotine vase, and perfumery
stand ; Misses G and 1 Gerrard, barbo
tine vase; Dr L Hoe, handsome napkin
rings; 31 r and 31 rs W J Welsh, crumb
brush and tray; 31 r and Mrs Sheldon,
card receiver; 31 r and Mrs Brodfueher,
napkin rings; Iroin Court House Club,
31cssrs Stauffer, Carrig, Newman, Ted
row and Kavanaugb, handsome silver
fruit dish; silver nut cracker and picks,
Misses Laura and Sybil Butler; silver
and crystal jelly stand, 31 rs G G Bow
man -and daughter; handsome lamp, 31 r
aud .Mrs S Dickinson; 31 rs and 31 is
Tedrow, statuette; 31 r and Mrs Zim
merman, fancy towels; Day id Dowty,
carving set; 31 r and 31 rs Hull and Mr
aud 31 rs Fobes, $5; 31 r and 31 r s George
Siiuouds, Illinois, $10; Bessie Sheldon,
perfumery; Clarence Sheldon, carved
easel; Mrs A S Winslow, Kankakee,
Illinois, bed linen, spun and woven
nearly Ml years ago by sreat, great,
grandmother of bride; fancy knitting
work from an aged lady friend, 31 rs.
Beunet of X. Y., aged .
Thomas Flynn, living one mile
and a half northwost of the city, was
visited by a very severe fire Sunday
night, occurring at 12 o'clock. It
destroyed all his stables and sheds,
five mules, two horses, four sets
double harness, two sets single
harness and all his farming imple
ments. The property destroyed is
valued at $2,600. Mr. Flynn believes
that possibly one-half the loss may
be covered by insurance. Still it is a
big loss for a man to sustain, who
has accumulated it by his own labor.
The stock and everything was at
tended to about the stables aud shede
before dark and no smoking about
the premises in the evening. When
Mr. Flynn first discovered the fire it
was burning in two places, in the
north end of the stable and some
distance away in the long shed and it
is reasonable to suppose the premises
were set on fire.
Gus. Becher returned Wednesday
from a trip to Rapid City. He gives
a very interesting description of affairs
there. Hulst, Price & Ab. Turner
are engaged in the lumber business
and do tboir own sawiug, at their
mill about eighteen miles from
Rapid City. They have forty men on
their pay roll there. Gus. says that
the city has a population of about
3,500, that business is good, that
there are several $10,000 residences
going up, and that that section has
every thing needed for a building
except the iron.
Jonas Anderson of West Hill
wa in town Thursday last and re
newed his acquaintance with the
Journal. He says crops in his
neighborhood turned out splendidly,
in fact tho farmers will have a good
average crop of all kinds of grain.
Mr. Anderson informs us that he is
busy building a new residence and
when completed will commence
work on a new barn. Mr. A. has
stayed with Nebraska eighteen years
and is coming to the front.
The public schools opened in
good shape, with a fair attendance in
all tho departments. Teachers and
pupils were at their posts ready and
anxious for work, after their some
what protracted vacation. The out
look for good work is promising, all
along the line. Several changes will
be made during the year. The in
troduction of supplementary reading,
It is thought, will aid materially in
developing a better state of reading.
Fare the Fair.
C. S. Stebbins, Gen'I Ticket Ag't of
the Union Pacific, has informed J. G.
Rontsoo, Sec'y of the Driving Park
and Fair AaaocUtiaa, thai Um rail
road fare will be redaced from ser
roanding territory to one and one
third fare one way, as far as Fremont,
Central City, Norfolk, Albion and
Cedar Rapid. 21-3
Preklbltiea CeaveatleM.
Resolutions adopted by the Pro
hibition convention of the 13th Sen
atorial District and 25th Representa
tive District, at Schuyler, Sopt. lCth.
Whereas, a political party seeking
coutroL should give assurance of good
goverumeut, aud
Wheuras, to establish justice lo
insure domestic tranquility and pro
mote the general welfare "are essen
tial to good government, therefore
liesolved, that there being an ad
mitted and Irrepressible conflict
between such principles of good
government and tho traffic in alcohol
ic beverages, self protection on tho
part of this government demands the
total destruction of such traffic.
liesolved, that equality before tho
law and at the polls (for thoso not
minors, alien?, .idiots or criminals)
is the essential basis of justice, which
should be secured at public expense,
giving no advantage to capitalists or
to corporations.
liesolved, that irresponsible power
is dangerous to all free institutions.
The control of a nation's transporta
tion must not be left in irresponsible
hands ; public highways should be
owned by the public and oporated by
the government in the interest of tho
general welfare.
E. A. Gerrard of Columbus was
nominated for state Senator in the
13th District, and J. L. Sanderson of
Schuyler for Reproseutativo from
the 25th District.
CemtiHS; Uvea Cm.
Butler County Fair, Sept. 21-24.
Madison County Fair, Oct. 7-9.
Boone Couuty Fair, Oct. a-8.
Pla'ite County Faik, Columbus
Skit. 28 Oct. I.
Democratic State Convention at
Hastings, Oct. 7.
Republican State Convention at
Lincoln, Sept. 20.
Republican Congressional Conven
tion Third District, Fremont, Oct. 1.
Democratic Congressional Conven
tion Third District, Norfolk. Oct. ftth.
Republican Platto County Conven
tion, adjourned session, at Platte
Center, Saturday, Oct. 0th.
Bfi.t Im the World.
Ottumwa Lily Corn Starch has been
brought to tho highest attainable
quality by employing tho best skill
and scientific aid that money can fur
nish. It is the most strengthening
aud health-giving food now heforo the
public, and is especially recommend
ed for children and invalids. Every
package guaranteed strictly pure.
Remember and ask your grocer for
Lily Corn Starch.
The Journal job department is
prepared to furnish, on short notice
all kinds of commercial work such
as letter heads, note heads, bill
heads, statements, circulars, envel
opes, cards, dodgers, posters, &c. ;
visiting cards; lawyers' briefs;
pamphlets; catalogues; sale bills,
&c. Satisfaction guaranteed. Orders
by mail promptly attended to. Ad
dress, M. Iv. Turner & Co., Colum
bus, Nebr. tf
A Card.
The friends of W. A. Clark, de
ceased, desire to unite iu expressing
their heartfelt thanks to friends and
neighbors for their many acts of
kindness during the last illness of
husband and father.
ltr. Fawcrm UeatiMt,
Will be in bis office the last three
days of each week, Thurs., Fri., and
Sat. One net of teeth out of every
10 sets given away. 4-tf
Calto. Saturday, Aug. OH, to 31rs. 31.
C. Calto, a son, weight 0 pounds.
Bkrobr Sept. !th, 'S, to 31 rs. A.
Berger, of this city, a son. Father and
sou both doing well'.
Kramki: Saturday, Sept. 18th, to 31 rs.
Carl Kramer, a bouncing boy of standard
weight. Carl is happy and was kept
busy for two days ''netting 'cm up" to
bis friends.
Floyd .Ionks Sept. 20, by Judgit C.
A. Speice, Archie L. Floyd aud 31iss
Mary 31. Jones, all of this city.
Schkokdkk Hotknsbk Sept. ISth, by
Judge C. A. Speice, at bis office lu this
city, John 15. Schroeder and Mi;.;.
Sophia llotenser, all of this couuty.
Fiizpatkick Thursday, Sept. lfith, of
heart disease, Clara, wife of John
Fitzpatrick, aged 22 years and 11 months.
Advertisements under this head liv
cents a line each insertion.
Hides, pelts, wool and poultry,
highest price paid. OfBco at Jacggi
& Schupbacb's old stand. T. Keat
ing. HO-tf
For good young breeding stock of
all kinds, 'call at Bloomingdale stock
farm. A. H enrich, Platto Center P.
O., Neb. 30-tf
Wm. Schiltz makes boots and shoes
in the best stylos, and uses only the
very best stock that can be procured
in the market. 52t
A e. 1 Farm fer Nale,
Containing 240 acres of choice land, 5
mileB southwest of Humphrey, in this
county. Terms reasonable. For fur
ther particulars inquire of or address
T. Keating, Columbus, Neb. 4-tf
Fer Hale
Residence house and four acres of
land under cultivation, east of II ig
gins's grove, just outside of city.
Price 11(300. Enquire at residence, of
Mr. or Mrs. Geo. N. Derry. 15-tf
The Keat Keller date Hlsiae ia
the Werld.
Every farmer should use them.
Sold by D. Anderson. 22-tf
Fer Sale.
Cash or time, young team, mare
aud horse ; 3 good saddle ponies ; 1
young Hereford bull ; several piggie
sows, also 100 head feeding steers.
2l-p-2t . D. Andkkson.
Meaey! Meaey!
Persons desiring small loans on
short time should call on Coolidge &
Wheeler; chattel mortgage security
or good-bankable paper.
let! CootrDGl WxiU.
Ia Marveet aaa Threshlas;
Nothing Is more wholesome and
nico for all aud handy for the busy
farmer's wife and easier to. keep than
a Hiipplv of good Iamb or mutton.
Call at Bloomingdale stock farm for
a uice fat sheep or lamb.
A. Hen rich.
New Meeeael-haad Store.
, Storrs Bros, will open n second
hand storo on north side track op
posite Friedhuf & Co's. ou corner,
where they will buy all kinds of
second-hand and bankrupt goods ;
those having goods of this kind will
do well to call and see them. It
Our quotations of the markets are ob-
taiued'i'uesday afternoon, and are correct
and reliable at the time.
Wheat f.O
Wheat new 47
Corn in ear 13
Corn shelled lit
Oats new IT
Oats (white) .- 10
Flour 240:500
Butter, T10
Kirgs, 10
Potatoes, uew 2o30
ilams .....-...-.. !
Shoulder's, 0
Sides...... 10
MVK STOCK. .-.,,
Fatllogs HWSH
KatCattlo 2 o0&3 SO
CuAL- r on
Iowa & 00
H ml " H
JltllU ...
Kock Springs nut ""
-kock Spring.. lump ' o
'Carbon 00
Colorado b ""
wat adopted by tin l-gNlatiiri" of
the St ite of NVbr.-1-S.a, at the inet-eulb
Se?.Miii t hereof, and approved March "ili,
A. P. 1", proposing an amendment to
Section four (I)11 Article "three (X) ol
the Constitution of .:iiil Slate, ami that
aid section an amended, nhall re id a-,
tollmv. tn-vil:
Suction I. The term orotlicenl niein
ber of the Legislature -lull be two
years, anil thev shall each leceive pay at
the rate ol live dollars per da durini;
their sitting, and ten eeuls for ever
mile thev shall travel in going to and re
turning from the place or meeting or the
Legislature, on the most usual route;
Vroviilcd, however, That they shall not
receive pav for more than sixty days at
any one sitting, nor more than one liiiu
dred days during their term; that
neither members of the Legislature nor
employes sJiall receive auy pay or
perquisites other than their salary and
mileage. Eaeh session, except special
sessions, shall be not less than sixty
days; after the expiration of foity days
of "the session no bills nor joint resolu
tions or the nature of bills shall be in
troduced, unless Jtho Governor shall by
special message call the attention of tin
Legislature to the necessity or passing a
law on the subject matter embraced in
the message, and the introduction oriiills
shall be restricted thereto; 1'rovidttU
The ballots at said election shall be in
the following form:
"For proposed Amendment to the Con
stitution relating to the Legislative De
partment.' 'Against proposed Amend
ment to the Constitution relating to the
Legislative Department.' "
Thererore. 1, James W. Dawes, Gov
ernor ol" the State or Nebraska, do hereby
give notice in accordance with Section
one (1), Article fifteen (1..) of the Con
stitution, and the provisions or an act
entitled "An act to provide the maimer
or proposing amendments to the Con
stitution and submitting tho same to the
electois of the State," approved Feb
ruary l."lh, A. D. 177, that said proposed
amendment will be submitted to the
qualified voters or this State for ratifica
tion or rejection at the general election bold ou the 2d day of November, A.
D. 1S-S.
In WrotKss WiiKiiKOK, I
have hereunto set my hand aud
" caused to be affixed the Great
Seal or the State or Nebraska.
Done at Lincoln, tins
Twentv-sixth day or July, A
D. 1SS0, the Twentieth year of
the State, and of the Inde
pendence of the United Slates
the One Hundred and Eleventh.
Uv the Governor,
Jamks W. Dawks.
K. I. Koookn,
Secretary of State. 4 Aug :tm.
In the District Court or Tlatte Couuty,
Makia Bryan, Plaintiff,
Edward Bryan, Defendant.
To Edward Bryan, noii-resident de
fendant: You will take notice that on
tht ::istdav or August, 1S;, Maria Bryau,
plaintiff herein, filed her petition in the
district court or i'latte county, Nebraska,
against said Edward Bryan, defendant,
the object and prayer ol" which are, to
obtain a divorce iVom you ou the ground
that jou wilfully deserted the plaintiff
and have iieen wilfully absent from her
for more thau two years last past, with
out an) reasonableor just cause, and also
praying that the caro aud custody or your
child Albert Edward, may be awarded to
her, and ftir such other relier as equity
may require. You are requited to an
swer said petition ou or before the 11th
dav or October, lSJ.
Dated August ."1st, ISM!.
Iscp4v Maria Bryan, IMaiutin.
This Space is Reserved
3s CO.,
Dealers iu
Boots and Shoes,
Will Saw You Mommy. Get Price hmi ov Buying. ktf
m Aprw
Heavy and Shelf Hardware,
Stoves and Tinware,
Pumps, Guns and Ammunition.
The Celebrated Moline Wagon Sold Here.
Established 1ST0.
Real Estate and Insurance Agt's,
MttBey te Lean ou Farms at lowest rates or interest, ou short and Iou time,
in amounts to suit applicants.
Complete AltNtravtN of Title to all Keal Estate in PHtte couuty.
Notary Public always in Okkick.
farm nnl C?i(y Property lor Mule.
iBNHrmre against Fire, Lightning and Tornadoes. Life ami Accident Insur
Hfe, none but the verv best companies represented
M!eunNhiTicliet to and from ail parts iu Europe. 'JSjuly'.soVy
Mckinley &
Money to loan on improved farms in this and adjoining
counties, at current rates. We are preparad to close loans
promptly, in all cases where title and security are satisfactory.
Office with H. J. Hudson, on llth street. I2m3
;rT! JTT--TVS5
C. $ L. KB AM Eli always lead. lVe have just received
our fail Fall stock of
Dry Gotds,
Drtss Gotds,
Ladies' and Children's Undtrwaar,
Cation Flannals,
Cloaks, Yarns, Etc., Etc.
We will make v" tlie LOWEST PRICES. Cmue ami trade with us.
We will SAVE YOtF MONEY, if vou have to come 50 miles.
"We alo CVvrry the Lavet Sroolc ot"
Clothing and Boots and Shoes,
Pants and Overcoats to Order.
Without Uotiu; juices today, we aaure vou that we will sell the eheai
est ami have FRESH, NICE OOODS.
-AVe carry NOVELTIES ami LATE STYLES, Midi sa you find no
where else. Come ami trade with ua, or seiul ior sampler or &eml u mail
Wetv York Cheap Cash Store, Columbus, Neb.
Custom Made Wort,
Ladies' Fine Shoes,
Gentlemen's Fine Boots,
Etc., Etc.,
K. J. t'HAN. WII.I.Y,
Colunittii, Nelna-ka.
3rMlic- llth Stieet roiwiiltatlona
in hii;;lli, Preiifli ami tJeruian. 'J-i-Um
Crockery and Glassware
Vou will always tlml a FltESH and well
selected stock.
Fancy Groceries and Fin
Teas a Specialty.
We handle the celebrated
Cedar Rapids Flonr and Feed.
lallfhewt market prls puld tor
country prouce
City orders delivered free of charge.
I3TTelehon' X.W.
i:icuth Mlret
l'.t-tf 4'uImii1hm. f-lt.
Tie only Uirbls Works in Me Co.
We lrtiidlp :i!l standard grades ot
nisrlde and granite holh KOltKHSN and
A.MKKK'AX, emnlny the most skilled
workmen, and will compete with any
marlde works in the tate.
fall ami ee oltr work, whether Oll
are reitU to hV r not; or if not con
venient, 'send iih your address and we
will send prices or call on you.
by the ton or ctr-load.
llth St., Bouth of U. P. Depot,
General Agent for the Sale ol
Union Pacific, aud Midland l'adnc
U.K. irou$a.Oto$IU.OO
neracre for canh,or on live or ten years
time, iu annual iifcyineiilt-to uit pur
chasers. We have alsf. a large and
choice lot of other laud.s, improved aud
uuimproved, for sale at low price and
on reasonable terms. Aiscbusinesfcand
residence tots in the city. We keep a
complete abstractor title to all real es
tate iu Platte Oounty.
N K W LIN K OK ( KUf Klil KS
CANNKI) ANl IK1K!, or all KlXHa
And all kinds of country produce ta
ken in trade, and all goods deliv
ered free of charge to any
part of the city.
ill Mi
The Colite MM Works!
r - .