& t B . c Hi I I J- 1 t J 3V V 9 ft i ISI H 3 ' I if: W. J. r i ;r. 1 i p. I f(tlKsfirMl WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 18SG. btonl . tts FtttoXei, CclsaluJsTst., u(Ki eliH aitttr. "Act well honor lies." your part, thore all the The Umatilla Iudians had aboot eighteen thousand acres in wheat this year, Cbatek Lake in southern Oregon is over 2,000 feet deep the deepest in America. Chili has granted the widow of Vice Admiral Lynch a pension of f6,000 a year. Minister Cox to Turkey, was about starting for home on a furlough owing to ill health. New Obleans expended $2,000,000 in building improvements during the year ending September L The city council of Minor, 111., has passed an ordinanco forbidding the sale of cider inside the city limits. It is estimated that about one hun dred thousand species of flowering plants are now known to botanists. Tns lumbermen of Fairfield, Mo., are preparing to cut upwards of 25,000,000 feet of lumber thiB winter. The bank statement at New York last week shows the banks then held $87,034,000 in excess of legal require ments. The Suequebanna is the thoroughly Pennsylvania name of a $250,000 steel steamship just lauuehed ou the lakes at Buffalo. A Canadian great-grandfather was recently present at the christening of his one hundred and seventeenth de scendent. The newest weapon of war is an electric sword. Run a foemau through with it and death follows from tbo shock. A TWELVE-rouNDER brass cannon that saw eervice in 1770 is part of the armament of tho new Canadian cruiser Arcadia. A. G. Sedgwick, special United States agent to Mexico, positively denies tho charge of intoxication brought against him. To show how cheap cotton goods are, a Boston lady recently made a child's dress for ten cents, nine cents for material and one cent for thread. Alva Millek, aged 10, a daughter of John Miller, of Wilber, Neb., was killed by lightning the other after noon while playing on the sidewalk. No man has ever lived a right life who has not been chastened by a woman's love, strengthened by her courage and guided by her direction. The twentieth State Fair for Ne braska, just closed at Lincoln, has been a decided success iu every par ticular. In attendance and fiuancial success. The virtues do not all abide with the man who assumes them, because it has been the policy of more than one deceiver to "assume a virtue, if you have it not." It has been suggested and propos ed to use in case of dead bodies, cementation as eomething better tbau incineration, or the present mode of interment. The Denver Electric Railway is proving a prolific source of run-a-waye. Horses, not understanding what the motive power can be, are very much afraid of it. The Hewbrew Standard, in describ ing persons lookiug after felicity saye, "Mauy run about after felicity like an absent-minded man looking for his hat, which is on his head." The public school of this country now employ over three hundred thousand teachers, and pay $C2,000, 000, a not very flattering annual average of a little more than $200 each. James Fkost, the mau who drove off a team of mules belonging to Mose Alleu, near Bluo Springs, Neb , was captured the other night near Marys ville. Mo., with the team in his pos session. Deputy United States Marshal Bracket arrested the other morning at the St. Paul Work House W. J. Glenn on the charge of being impli cated in tbo Minneapolis postoffico robbery. A man was recently fined $5 in the Denver Police Court for fast driving, and a man who was run over by him and made the complaint, was fined the samo amount for using profane language in tho encounter. Late news from Coroa states that the deaths from Asiatic cholera, from July 15 to 25, numbered 3,170. Since then, from 200 to 497 have died daily. Coffins could not be obtained, and the bodies were wrapped in sacking. The Journal is under obligations to John Fitzgerald for a pamphlet on the Irish question by Gladstone, I The History of an Idea, II Les sons of the Election. It is a pleasure, a delight to read what Gladstone has to .say, and this volume will be treasured in the Journal library. A most astonishing phenomenon of the Japanese earthquake was the splitting of the Papandayang Moun tain. In a flash of lime it was split into several parts. Where the lone Mountain had stood loomed up seven Deaks each some 7,000 feet high. " i- v j I Herr Schmidt, an accomplished I LA.i:.llntflt rlts mama mnwna I German horticulturist, who was some I time ago sent to Eaet Africa to introduce tbe cultivation of- Europ ean kitchen garden vegetables and cars, reported that after repeated trials tbe experiment, has completely Jailed. The following is from the last Fremont Tribune. We hade known of the matter at the time, but suppos ed that something had since been kaown: On the 21st day of August, Robert Gregg, a well kaown citizen of Fre mont and ex-Sheriff of Dodge connty left on the U. P. road telling his wife he was going to Columbus. Sinco that time nothing has been heard of Mr. Gregg excepting a short conversation with the Sheriff of Platto coanty at Columbus when he said he was going to Chey enne. Mrs. Gregg is suffering great uneasiness regarding his absence as she says, "although his business as a private detective has often kept bim away, he always kept ber posted as to his whereabouts and usually told his mission and probable route." He disposed of his cigar store and busi ness but a short time before he left and the supicion of his friends is that be possibly may have nfet with some accident. Fremont Tribune. Lucius Fairchild, Commander-in-chief G. A. R. was at Charleston, S. C, and investigated, in person the unfortunate condition of her citizens, and is satisfied that a large sum of money is yet required to re lieve their actual wants, ' besides what has already been received. He feels confident that every comrade will do what he can to bring com fort and happiness to-tho stricken people He therefore requests the department commanders to call each post in their departments at once to appoint a committee which shall col lect such sums as their comrades and fellow citizens in the cities, villages and on the farms may desire to con tribute. Money should be transmit ted to department headquarters, whence it will be sent to W. A. Coweteray, Esq., mayor of Charles ton, and distributed undor the di rection of a committee to the relief only of the worthy and necessitous. A long time ago Commander Mor rison, of tho Royal Navy, published some observations ou earthquakes. He said "earthquakes generally fol fow close on the heels of eclipses. At the period, of the earthquake many aspects will bo found between the planets in the heavens." The Boston Advertiser says "in the present instance an eclipse of the buu on August 29th. Jupiter nd Uranus were in conjunction with the moon August 31st On the same day there were important aspects between the sun and Jupiter and between Mara and Uranus. Mars is at present in Scorpio, which has been supposed to be another circumstance favoring the production of earthquakes". Platte county sends to the re publican state convention a solid delegation for Hon. Leander Gcrrard for governor. It is said that Mr. Gerrard is in the race to stay, and will have considerable backing from the northwest. It is very evident that the governor will not be nom inated on the first ballot, and uo con fident predictions can be made as to the outcome of the race. Mr. Ger rard has lately entered the field, but is an experienced politician. Lin coln Journal. ' The members of the convention, representative men from the various townships, who unauimously and enthusiastically expressed their pref erence for Mr. Gerrard for governor, can do much during the coming week to further the good cause. Let us have, not only a voting delega tion of seven, but a working delega tion of seventy at Lincoln. At a convention it often happens that a good deal can be done in a little while, by a score or two of solid workers. James G. Blaine, jr., and Miss Maria Nevins were united iu mar riage on the 13th inst, iu the rectory of St. Joe's Roman Catholic church iu New York City, Father Thomas J. Ducrey, pastor of the church, per forming the ceremony. Miss Nevins is a daughter of Col. Richard Nevins, of Columbus, Ohio, and her maternal grandfather was Hon. Samuel Me dary, a long-time editor of the Ohio Statesman. Young Blaine is said to be the favorite of his distinguished father. Recent news from Havana states that the springs that appeared not long ago near the village of Ceibadel ague continue to flow in undiminish ed volume, and, in spite of efforts to deflect the water from its course, the inundation is increasing. A portion of the village is now more than three feet under water. The inhabitants are panic stricken and are leaving the locality in increasing numbers. We believe that Platte County Re publicans have a fair show to secure the nomination of Hon. Leander Gerrard for governor, and it becomes r rAnnhiic in th ennnt? to everv reDUbucan in the countv to put his shoulder to the wheel and make good, the purpose of our county convention in commending him to the republicans of the state as a suitable man to fill tho high office of governor. Near Middletown, N. Y., is a curiosity that is creating widespread attention. It is a spring, the water f which is cold as Ice and as clear as crystal. In digging down two or three feet, wherever the water has touched everything is crystalized. Leaves, grass, feathers, and grass hoppers can be clearly traced id the beautiful white limestone. Large numbers of these specimens are be ing carried away daily. "Were you aot a little bard oh Mr. Carnes last week ?" asked a friend. D Mwer, all we have to say is that fce of Mr CarBMB 8tyle of serving the public ; Mr. Caraes is a very pleasant gentleman, socially, and has a great deal more than or dinary ability. I his political saean- bom, to-to speak, he has the merit tent I aadl of being ceaaieteat, persiitast toli. It was reported last week at Fort Benton, Mont., that a bead of Indians were out among the white people on a horse-stealing and murdering ex pedition. News of their depreda tions had been brought to the Fort by a courier. Cowboys went in hot pursuit of the Indians, and if they should como up with them they will give them a hard deal. The trial of Thomas Casey, charg ed with robbing a stage coach of 0,000 government funds last January was in progress last week in the dis trict court at Cbadron. Ten law yers were engaged in the case and fifty-one witnesses were examined. The jury, after fully considering tbe evidence, returned a verdict pro nooncing Casey not guilty. Jas. McDonald writes us from Holt couuty that their senatorial and representative district elected Yan Wyck delegates by a vote of two to one. The delegates are : H. G. Cross, C. H. Gardiner, O. Wallace, M. Y. McElheny, J. A. Phillips, L. A. Woodward, L. Cleveland, J. Leather man, A. H. Rungan, J. W. Hunter, P. Hagerty. TeraaBt. The returns from tbe election show that the republicans have car ried their ticket by an increased ma jority. Ormsbee, republicau candi date for governor, received 37,031 ; Shurtlefl; democrat. ,17,091; Seely, prohibition, 1,832. Edmunds will have a large majority of the repre sentative Malae. Maine has gone republican and elected her governor by over 12,000 plurality. Every congressional district carried by big majorities. Both branches of the legislature will be strongly republican. The prohibi tion vote is much smaller than had been expected. An interesting ghost story is told that a widow living at Fiulay, Ohio, is visited every evening by her de ceased husbaud, who still clings to tbo old rocking chair, oven though his bones lie in the cemetery. The chair begins to rock every evening, and the widow is sure that her bus dand's spirit occupies it. The Omaha Jtejmblican charges that "Democratic campaign docu ments are being franked through the mails. Before the days of phenomen al honesty and Jeffersonian simplic ity such a thing would be referred to by tbe organs as an infamous out rage upon tbe horny-handed tax payer and honest yeomanry." We have received a call for a peo ple's state mass convention to meet at Liucoln October 8, which we will publish next week as a portion of tbe political history of the times. Tbe object of this meeting is to nominate a state ticket and to select delegates to a national convention Feb. 22, '87 at Cincinnati. Wind storms near Hartford, Conn., and New York City occurred tbe other evening. At tbe former place its course was through the timber where it cut a straight path an eighth of a mile wide, aud at the latter place was very severe displac ing every loose thing in its course. A Fable. Children at school have been known to work hard for tbe "rewards of merit" that are distributed at stated times, but there are school child ren not a few who try to learn, without reference to rewards of merit. Waihiagtaa letter. (From our regular correspondeut.) Washington, September 14, 188G. Of all tbe Cabinet officers of tbo present administration, Mr. Bayard appears. to be tbe most ill-starred in bis selection of men. We have long been traduced of foreign nations be cause of the ignorance and vulgarity of tbe members of our diplomatic and consular service. The Sedgwick scandal has scarcely been silenced, when we hear of another in relation to our Consul at Hong Kong, ex-Senator Robt. E. Withers. Tho poople of the great Chinese city most have very little respect for America, if they judge her by ber representa tives. Of late serious charges have been laid at tbe State Department against the present consul there. It is alleged that be defrauds American sailors stopping at Hong Kong. A rigid investigation will be made, and it will probably result in Mr. Withors's recall. Gen. Aitkins, the Commissioner of Indian affairs, has ordered the agents at various places on tho Sioux reservation to issue invitations to the different bands.to attend grand feasts to be held at the agencies. The ob ject of this is to count tbe Indians, and thus arrive at some approximate idea as to how many there are on the reservation. Gen. Aitkins believes that tbe Government is now furnish ing rations for.a much greater num ber of Indians than really exist, and since Congress has failed to make an appropriation for a census taken in tbe regular way, the Commissioner thinks that a call to a feast will cer tainly bring tbe Indians together, and enable every buck, squaw and pap poose to be counted better than by any other method. It is a big step from the Sioux res ervation to the bureau of Engraving and Printing, but the subject of bow to make money is always interesting, and I propose to explain it to your readers free ot charge. Tbe green backs, banknotes, bonds, silver and gold certificates, and postage and revenue stamps used by tbe United States are printed at the bnreau of Engraving and Printing in this city. The engraver takes a piece of soft steel, covered with wax, .on which the design to be represented is. lifjBf f trrtd. He then scratches tan Upt of the design on tbe wax, and put tbe plate into a bath of acid, which eats into the steel through tbe Tines cut through tbe wax. The latter is then removed and the plate hardened in a fnrnace. A cylinder of soft steel is. then rolled over the plate, receiving the impression thereon. From this cyl inder, now called a die, any number of plates can be made. After tho plato has beeu carefully inspected, it leaves tho engravers' bauds, aud is sent upstairs to the printer. As every note has two colors of ink upon it, it must be priuted twice. Usually the outer edge is printed first; then after being dried and dampened it receives the impression of the portrait or vignette. Then it is numbered, tbe white edges clipped off by a little machine, and smoothed under a powerful hydraulic press. It is now ready to be sent to tho United States Treasurer, who affixes tbe great seal, or if it is a National Bank note, it is sent to the bank to receive the signatures of the presi dent and cashier. It may be thought that there is danger of some of tbe money being lost or stolen as it passes from hand to hand. But this great money mill moves even its most petty detail with such clock-work system, that every piece of money, finned or otherwise, and every piece of paper accounted forj and the least iSjUf u larity in one printer's return1 would be at once noticeable. It may not be generally known that American engraving is far su perior to that of any other nntiou, and that in thi country the art ha been brought to such perfectiou that atthepreseut time notes of fifteen European and South American na tionalities are printed in the United States. Mnlt Lake City, Ulan. September, ISSfi. Dear Journal: Much might be said, ot interest to your readers in regard to tho route from the east to California, but I have not time to more tbau hint at these. Your cor respondeut went to California via tho Atlantic and Pacific or middle route and is now returning via tho Central Pacific. On either of theso there aro nearly a thousand miles in which the discomforts far exceed tbe pleasures. In our experieuce the middle route, said by so mauy to be so hot aud un pleasant, was not so disagreeable or uncomfortable as has been the Cen tral Pacific. On the Middle wo on countered tho "Mojave Desert" at "Tbo Needles," just after crossing the Colorado river. The day before we reached Tbe Needles tbe thermometer stood 130 degrees above zero aud the night before, at midnight, 108 degrees above zero, and yet we experienced no special inconvenience from the heat in travelling across that desert, during the entire day, as the breeze caused by the moving of the car was sufficient to make us comfortable. The auu was bo hot that by noon it was impossible to hold your hand on the car brake wheel. On the Central Pacific we suffered more with tbe heat, and combined with it was an intolerable dust whirl) did uot trouble us ou the other route. At condensed milk for our coffee and in formed that there was not a cow living within 150 miles of that place. Here and at Laguna, Gallup, Navajo Springs, Yucca and other points we saw plenty of Indiaus, each repre senting different tribes. The chil dren aud men were ever ready to ex hibit their skill in tbe use of tbe bow aud arrow, when any of tbe passen gers were ready to put up a nickel or piece of silver for tbem to shoot at, as was always done wheu we stopped long enough for this sport. But there was one peculiarity about them in this, that they would not shoot at or for a copper piece of money, nor even a ten dollar gold piece, copper and gold being worthless in their es timation. They are practically monn-melallists, but their standard is strictly silver. We are now at one of tbe most In teresting points in our country at the present time; interesting not only because of tbe nice city, the beautiful parks or section of country in which located, the noted Salt Lake near whose head it is located, but also because of the institutions of the Mormons and polygamy which here prevail. Every one is able at once to apprehend the fact that polygamy is most infamooB, and should be sup pressed, and yet many may bo dis posed, honestly, to believe that Mor moniBm may only be a matter of opinion and hence should not bef in terfered with by our government, as should polygamy. In conversation with intelligent citizens of Salt Lako we were assured that Mormonism ia but little better than polygamy ; that the latter is infamous in its relation to the family circles, while the former is traitorouB in its relation to the government; that there is no prin ciple or teaching in Mormonism that is in harmony with our republican institutions, but that on the other hand tbe teachings of Mormonism are undemocratic, and disloyal to tbe government. The gentiles of this city and territory have been made to rejoice with exceeding great joy at tbe appearance of bo many old sol diers on the way to and from Cal ifornia. Perhaps ten - or fifteen thousand old soldiers have stopped here going or coming, and their presence has given new courage to the gentiles and corresponding de pression tc tbe Mormons and poly garni sts. These have been led to realize, as never before, that this government was supported and de fended by these men ia tbe hour of need aad should their service be again demanded they would be just as ready to respond. Public meet ings were held in the city and many representative old soldiers were' enabled to give a word of cheer to those living here, who are loyal to the principles of our government. We aiteudvd services in the Mormon Taberuacle. This is a very large building, well represented in its out-, side appearance by the half of a water- melon, with the rut side downward, except as to size. It prescntfe uo artistic beauty whatever from the outside, Ike rounded roof going down to within ten or fifteen feet of the ground. On the inside it is 150 by 250 feet, will teat fifteen thousand people nnd in taid to have held, at one time, twenty thousand people; it is provided with a grand organ, said to he the second best in the United States; the choir is com posed of from forty to fifty voices, nearly equally divided between male and female voices, tbe male voices being on one side of the great organ and the females on tbe other, at a half angle to the audience; iu front of the organ and within the line of the choir are three pulpits, one elevated above the other, each of which has a platform with seats, upon which are a number of rep rcHenlatives of the church, occupying the first, cecond or third pulpit or platform, according to their standing in the church. After the opening exercipea of singing and prayer, ten elders or the chinch step in trout of the aliar whoie they proceed to break the bread for the cacrament, which taken from five to ten minutes, when ten young hoys mke the bread to pass through the audience, and in a similar way dispose of the wine. The pa-isiug oi the bread aud wine occupy a irieaf pmt oi the. time of the service. Soots after the bread is staited through the congregation the preacher commences his crti)on, without any regard to ihe other part of tho Porvicp. The day wo were there a Mr. Hoherto, who for eighteen months past has beeu en gaged in missionary work (as he called it) in the United States, but principally iu the southern states, preached. His text was, "Blessed are ye when men revile you and persecute you, He." You may well conclude what the character of the address was. Wo nevor saw an audience gathered anywhere which iu every appearance seemed to rep resent as low au average of intel ligence, culture, or refinement, in proportion to the number present, as characterized that iu tho Mormon Taburniclc. It seemed to bo com posed very largely of Englishmen, who from their appearance looked to be the mmt "hull-heailed" or ail English people, Swedes and Nor wegians, belonging to that class of which it has been said, if their leaders were to tell them to kill a man because he was opposed to them, they would at once consider it a sacred aud religious duty. It Moruiouibiu is to he judged by tho cuaracter of the audience which we saw, and not by what it has done and is doing, even that would be enough to condemn it. The advent of two lines of railroads to this place, the coming of thousands of people, tbe determined stand of the gentile peo ple and the influence of the govern ment, all combined, will speedily hasteu the day when this "Twin relic of barbarism" shall be wiped out from the face of the earth, as it should be. Honest, intelligent believers iu tbe Mormon faith else where, should make one pilgrimage to Utah and stay thefe long enough to learn what Mormonism is, in its stronghold, and they would forever thereafter renounce it. But enough for this time, as my letter is already too length)'. A. J. Sampson. orrfsponbeiue. In this department the people talk, and not the editor. Each writer must hold uiiUkHf ready to defend bis principles and his statcineuts of facts. "Iu the mul titude of counsel there is wisdom." Ed. Jouknai.. Headquarters, Sept. 12th, '86. Editor Journal : Chas. H. Van Wyck must go. We have said it, We have no use for him he is not our style of a man, and we can't de pend on bim in au emergency; any man occupying the position he does, and who has the brazen effrontery to appeal to tbe people instead of ap pealing to us, to decide who shall be our next Senator, shows that he is imbued too much with the principles of tbe common herd to again adorn that great conservator of tho interests of organized capital known as the "American House of Lords." The idea that the people 'should be allowed to express a preference as to wbo should represent them in the U. S. Senate, is not only supremely absurd, but if allowed to become a common thing would entirely do away with the little love feasts and distribution of money always con nected with the election of U. S. Senators in our. state legislatures, practically taking the bread out of our children's mouths and leaving our best machine woikers stranded for want of an occupation. Yes sir, to uso a homely but expressive phrase, "It is a ground-bog case with us." We have either got to beat Yan Wyck or go to work with tbe com mon herd, and that woold be a mighty cold day for us, and those depending on us for fire wood, and that other thirsty crowd depending on us for their supply of fire water. No sir, we will camp on his track and turn looso on him our best trained prevaricators. We will de nounce bim as a demagogue. We will turn loose our big dogs tbe, Metropolitan papers, and we will throw a little more cold mush to our little yelpers through the different counties and between the big dogs in onr cities and the little curs barking through tbe country we will make it so hot for Yan Wyck that he will be glad to return to the common herd nnd his farm down in Otoe couuty. Look at bis record on that little scheme where our boys bad some thing like 3,000,000 acres of govern ment land uicely covered up on the Northern Pacific. It was bis doings that compelled us to unload for tbo benefit of the common herd. Yes, and he helped them get away with our little Backbone R. R. scheme down in Louisiana and many things that I will explain in my rifext. Financier. ADDITIONAL LbCAL. Bimark Tews.nt.Ip. Jacob Karline has been sick. Road work was in progress last week. Louis Heiden, er., is selling bis old corn. John McGill, jr., has purchased a new top buggy. The late rain stopped the threshing for some little time. C. II. Sheldon sold a large number of bis fine bogs recently. Deedrich Bartler has got a wind mill put up at his house. George Hodel bad part of bis wind mill blown down last week. Messrs. Crauu and McGill are puttiug up new buildings again. Messrs. Heiden and Mueller are enlarging and walling up their cellars. Robert Heiden returned on the 8lh from Ohio, where he. has been staying with friend:- for come time. Quite a number of the farmers hero have a Jurye amount ot threshing to do, aud rioiiie have already thro-dms!. Euiil ('arr lecentiy returned from Iowa, where he had leen to visit his aick mother, whom he reports much improved. There was quite a prairie fire here one day last week. It originated at au old hay Mack aud would have destroyed considerable property had uot liismarck's citizen turucd out in force and subdued it ; as it was, Jacob Suhwauk lost about eight loads of hay. Quite an accident happened here the other night. As Ferdinand Roinke was going home with a load of lumber, his team became frightened at thu rattling ot the lumber and ran away, throwing Mr. Reiuke off, and injuriug him, it is thought, fatally. The wagon was all broken aud the team litorally cut to piece?, in O. I). Butler's barb-wire fence, after having run about a mile. Charles D. Wilson was plowing the other day ; he hadn't been pursuing that healthful occupation loug before we noticed bim goig out of the field with horses galloping, lines flying, and his coat left behind him. After a little inquiry we found that he had plowed iuto a bumble bees uesl ; some few stung the horses and one made acquaintance with C. D'a. baud, but did no further injury. Charles. Diiacan. Geese are coming. Swallows are going. Corn is maturing fast. Tbe busk is rather lose, indicating a mild win ter. For parties feeding cattle for mar ket, this point would afford a splen did chance to furnish all tbe corn, bay, straw and water needed for the purpose. Mr. S. M. Rossom, station agent at this place, just retured nfrom a visit to his brother who lives out in the mountains west ot Laramie; he re ports regular winter in that region. Our friends Messrs. John and Win. Ernst, made a Urge shipment of their last year's corn, last week, a traiu load of seven cars, parties from other points have been patronized, and homo trade was uot takeu iuto consideration. From a MlmlNter. Rev. C. T. Clark, a member of the South Georgia Methodist Conference, writes from Tatnall county, Ga.: "One year ago I was taken with rheumatism, and became almost helpless for over three mouths. All tbe remedies used seemed to tail un til 1 commenced to use Swift's Specific. I have taken fivo bottles, and am perfectly sound and well again. I would have written sooner, but wailed to see if tho cure was permanent. And now I unhesitating ly reccommend S. S. S. as a safe and reliable remedy for rheumatism. I have all confidence in its virtue." It .HeTer Falls. I have bad blood poison ever since October, 1885, and obtained no re lief from any treatment (and I tried several) until I commenced taking Swift's SpeciOc. In ono month I felt as well eh I ever had. I also bad a good appetite, and was entirely free from the painB in my shoulder aud head, which had tormented me so long. Now all tbo sores and swellings from my bead are gone. S. W. McCahtek, No. 76 Madi son st. New York, April 30, 18 80. Treatise on blood and skin diseases mailed free. Tbe Swift Specific Co., Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga. New York, 157 w. 23d street. Votice to lon-Eeident Defendant. To Julia Manahan: You are hereby notified that on the SOtu day of August, 1X86, Joseph Manahan filed a petition against you in tbe district co'urt of Platte county, Nebraska, the object and prayer of which are to obtain a divorce from you and for tbe custody of all the children tb'at are tbe itue of the marriage, on tbe following grounds: (l)Tbat you have, at sundry times and divers places, committed adultery with one William Edgerton, and (2) that you wilfully abandoned tbe plaiutitf without good cause. You are required to answer said petition on or before tbe 20th day of September, 1886. Joskph Manahan, Plt'lT. By bis Atty's, Higgins A Garlow. laep-Jw 60LDi I IsMs vi scans, sat tkoss bo writs to ISttsMaaCa.rorttaBd.llaUt.vUlrtctiTS , nm BVarasttoa ssosi wots wuc& temmdo-mmA l!vaaibnA-tSAlilifiAw ifrosisloUBsray. Boas bsts I lenraJNlssdsT. akssriss, toss old. CspKal stisoslrsl. TossissMrtsi fras. then soslsftst sacs rfaraoTsncasuiiuiiiiaM, im. 38-y COLUMBUS WM. BECKER, DEALER IN ALL KINDS OK :STA1LK AND FAMILY: GROCERIES! I KEEP CONSTANTLY OX 11AX1) WELL SELECTED STOCK. Teas, Coffees, Sugar, Syrups, Dried and Canned Fruits, and other Staples a Specialty. O- Geodw Dellrered Free to part of the City. Cor. Thirteenth and K Streets, near A. ifc JV. Depot. JOHNSON V-CtT&Be Diphtheria. Croup. Asthata. Bronchitis. DiATfhota. Kidney TronbUa. and Spinal Diseases. ucinnuH. ububu. """" LatuB.WBfionirii PARSONS': PILLS These pills were a wonderful dlacorerr. No others rcurve an ouur or auim. log uuormauoa around easa box la worth tea tl: (j " -. mb. T . -T rule, jrtaa out aooox uea ana yoa will always be thaanul. Oaevlll a m free. S3ldererjrwhere.orsentbymaiiraT33o.lnstaiaps. Dr. I. S. JOfcrsOsT re. or seat by mail far 33a. in stamps. Dr. I.S. JOfcrsOsTlOO.. MAKE HENS LAY- .iKriuMii uonamou - o-rdtr la absolutely pure and highly con centrated. Onoounoe is worth a pound of riT other kind. It ! trcetly a tcrrticiaa to be giveu with rood. ILnM uMHVKA-A -..-..- . 'v ! i ywyiy. wr a.ui LEGAL NOTICE. In the District Court of IMattc Countv, Nebraska. In the matter of thu estate oi t lianes lleitsiuaii, deceased. N' OW, OX TIIIStfeTH DAY OF Al'- Kiist, 18$i;, this cause eame on fnr hearing on the petition of I. .1. NieboN. executor of uaid estate, heretofore tiled in this case, praying for a license to sell certain real estate belonging to the estate of said deceased, to-vit: The west half of the northwest uuarter. of section tifteen, and the south half of northwest quarter of section ten, all in town-hip twenty, north, ramje one, ean of tin sixth principal meridian, iu said 1'Ialle County, Nebraska, to pay the debts and liabilities ol said deceased: It is therefore ordered by the Court that this caiue be continued for service of notice, and that all persons interested in said estate ap pear before the Judge or said Court at the Court House in Col umbus iu said County or Platte, on the 18th day of Octohe r,lbN!, at one o'clock p. m., to show cause why licence should not be granted to said Kxeciitor to sell saitl lands, to pav the debts and liabilities of said deceased. It is further ordered that a copy or this or der be served by publcation iii tin Coi.um hus . Iouknai., published in -aid couuty for rour successive weeks, prior to said IStb day ofOetober. 1SM A. M. Post. State or Nebraska,) Judge. Hatte County, f "" I, O. lleitkeiuper. Clerk of the District Court iu aud lor said county, do hereby certify that the above and foreijoiug is a true and correct copy of the original or der in said cause, as the same appears of record aud is on tile in my office. Witness my hand and the seal of said Court at Columbus this tiSth day of Au gust, A. D., IMStf. G. Hhukkmi-kk, By (J. Si'kice, Clk.Dlst.Ct. Dept. I.pt4w Notice of Chattel Mortgage Sale. "VTOTICE is hereby given that by virtue i of a chattel mortgage, dated on the loth day ol Jlay. 1SA1, and duly tiled for record in the oth'ce of the county clerk or Platte county, Nebraska, on the 'JTith day or May, 13A",aud executed by D. I,. Arm strong to C. II. Davi, to secure the pay ment of the sum of flll.oo, and upon which there is now due the xim of 100.00, together with $."o.imi damages for nou fulnllnient of contract. Default having been made in the payment of saiil sum. therefore I will sell, at public auction, the properly luereiu uescriuen,viy:uuesieam boiler, pipe and tittings belonging there to, one small sheet-irou boiler, three Iron crates, two vats, one crane, one vice, two nine tongs, two monkey-wrenches, four wooden tallies ami trays, live casus of tin fruit cans containing about 2,000 cans aud all the ti.vtures belonging to the can uiug house ol'C. II. Davis. Sale to take place at the canning house situated immediately hnek of ((chinch's grocery store iu the city of Columbus, Platte county, Nebraska, ou the 7th day or October, ss at one o'clock p. m., of said day. Dated llth day ot September, lssi;. C. II. Dams, - .Mortgagee. By his Atty's Higgins .t (Jarlow. l."Seplw LEGAL NOTICE. To all whom it may concern : The commissioner appointed to view and report upon tbe location or a public road commencing at the S. K. corner of the N.E. yA of N. E. i or Section IS, Town IT, Itangc 1 cast, and running thence south mile more or less, on section line to S. E. corner or N. K. or S. K. i or Section 18, thence wet be tween the N. E. and S. E. '4s or the S. E. i of Section 18 until it intersects the "GottschalK" road, has reported iu favor of the location thereof. The same commissioner upon the vaca tion of that part or the "(Jottsehalk'' road lying between the above described intersections and station No. ." or said road, has reported in favor of vacation thereof, as requested by petitioners. Now all objections to the location or vacation of the above described roads, or claims for damages caused thereby, must be tiled in the County Clerk's office on or before noon or the lt;th day or November, 180, or the said lines or road will be duly established, and va cated, as called for without refcrcuce .thereto. Dated, Columbus ci., ept. hui isfett. John Stauffkk, Scptl.4w County Clerk. NOTICE OF SALE. In the matter or the estate or Columbia I). Clother, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that in pursuance of an order of Hon. A. M. Post, judge of the district court of Platte county, Nebraska, made on the 4th day of September, 1SXJ, for the sale or the real estate hereinafter described, there will be sold at the Clother House, in the city or Columbus, Platte county, Nebras ka, on the Uth day or October, lsX, at one o'clock afternoon, at public vendue, to tbe highest bidder for cash, the interest held by said Columbia D. Clother, de ceased, in the real estate belonging to tbe late Iirm of C. D.& G. W. Clother, to wit: The undivided one-half interest iu and to lot No. eight, in block No. eighty-six, iu the city of Columbus, Platte county, Ne braska, on which is erected a hotel, known as the Clother House, subject to the liens thereon, anil also the undivided one-third interest in and to the east half of lot No. seven iu said block No. eighty six in said city, subject to the liens thereon; said sale will remain opeu one hour. Dated Sept. 15, IS. IGkorgk A. Scott. Administrator of the estate of Colombia D. Clother, deceased. 15sep4w j.-.v.j ...,iirHm "jniu lorwciUlUIHlBni, Hf "T ISTl " " " T "TV " .T BOOMING! W. T. RICKLY & BK0. U holesale aad Retail Dealers ia Fresh and Salt Meats, GAME, POULTRY, And Fresh Fish. Ali Kinds of.Satisage a Specialty. UarCasu paid Tor Hides, Pelts, Tallow. Highest market price paid for fat cattle. Olive Street, aecond door north of First National Bank. 3!MI JACOB SCHKAM, )PKALKR IN( DRY GOODS! Boots & Shoes, Hats & Caps, FMI5HHS GOODS AID NOTIOXS. LOW PUICES FOI. CASH 34-tt JUHDYIIE LINIMENTS (roup UthmaJSroBefcltls. Kwindgto. BhwsiMis. ZlMdla at tfee ton. ;Un Coutfi.vrhooplMCoush. Catarrh. Cholera Morbus. DtmUit. ChraSS .and Spinal PI aeaa eaPaaphlat freo. Dr. L 8. Joaaaoa C. Boatoa. auav Xenrali . : T - T -- like them latlia vl. will earS will Mkohsaalay Ilk it. It oum 11 diseases oThsas. & worth Its w4t.t fa sold. Illustrated osMhsa eholsra and .Tr . T -T T - r J" T iT MJMm a eV wWMJIUsl el ju, COLUMBUS Roller Mills! .CfflG.EE DUOS., Proprietors, MANUKACTUKKKS OK Flour, Feed; Bran, Snorts And Meal, AND DKALEKS IN All Kinds s Grain.. OUR FLOUR BRANDS: 'WAY UP," Patent, "IMPERIAL," "BIG 4," "SPREAD EAGLE." "We guarantee our flour to be equal to any Hour manufactured in the state. We call the attention of the public to the fart that we make a specialty or ex changing Hour, bran and shorts for wheat, as good Hour and a much or it as any other mill in this part of the "state; also the exchange or corn meal for corn! We have put in special machinery for grinding rye Hour and buckwheat Hour. I3T Satisfaction guaranteed. Please give us a call. :M-Feb-'tS-y SO-' 2 o-c-s-o . f- X s -, 074 1 3 0 "" i,- . A tM a . joq Kvi EL sE t" 1 n a 2-3 33ias-5Is? en osa os3 3 3 '- r? - ta r 9 o goo Pair -A . A.J.ARN0LD, DKAI.Ei: IN DIAMONDS; PINE WATCHES, CleckN, Jewelry AND SILVERWARE Strict attention given to repairing of Watches and Jewelry. J3T"W1I1 not be undersold by anybody. Ne-BJaTABtie, Opposite Cletfcer Heaasi. Red Clover, Timothy, Red Top, and Blue Grass Seed Herman Oelilrich & Bro's. Grocery Store. 4C-3m R.CBOYD, MANUFACTURER OK Tin and Sheet-Iron Ware Job-Work, Soofin? &d Gntttr ing a Specialty. fiTShop on Olive Street, 2 doors north or brodfeuhrer'a Jewelry Stor. 32-tr MAKE MONEY! We want Agents, both ladies and gen- tleiuen, to sell our Standard Works. Gift Books, Family Bibles and Albums. 1 revious experience unnecessary.' Posi tions worth from V4 to3Mper year. Now is the time to commence. Do not delay but address at once, E. P. JOBDAN & CO., St. Louif,Mo. 16-w-lO. i tho ass or a box or pssraraiy curs or aX.M..Basaaa. thS w ' J - I . I '''I S . 1 rt yj-rci. ;--vV