The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, August 18, 1886, Image 1

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EdfBasIness and profsaalonalcarn'n
of five lines or lass, per ananas, five
Prsprieters ami Ft blithers . .
13T OFFICE; Eleventh St., vptairs
in Journal Building.
I'urveir ?
XM For time advertisements, apply
at this'biflce. T '
SSTLegal advertisements at statute
STPor transient advertising, sea
rates on third page.
1ST All advertisements payabla
monthly: ,
Six mouths
VOL. XVII.-NO. 17.
WHOLE NO. 849.
Three months
Single copies
A . . B'j W - ' 1
ynnr mnnm ftLnnY "
CiSiZ CAPITAL, - $75,000
' 2(lf
Lkaxder Gekkaud, Prcsyl.
Geo. W- IIur.sT, Vice Pres't.
if ' f
JUI.1118 A. llKEO.
It. II. Hkn'uv.
J. E. Taskkk, Cashier.
mm if y - -
.JO - -
llMik'HVr?leelt, Diicaaai
4JllectIeaM Promptly Jladr
all Pelatx.
Pay laterNt oa Time lefMM
Itu 274
Savings Bank,
Capital Stock,
A. Andkuson. I'kes't.
0. T. Rokn, Tkkas.
JSTWill receive time deposits, from
$1.00 aud any amount upwards, and will
pay the customary rate of interest.
J3TWe particularly draw your atten
tion to our facilities for making loans on
real estate, at the lowest rate of interest.
ISTCity, School and County Bonds,
and individual securities are bought.
'rraveliae Halesaiaa.
Eg-These organs are first-class in every
particular, and so guaranteed. .
Buckeye Mower, combined, Self
Binder, wire or iwme.
Flaps Repaired on sktrt letice
aarOne door west of Heintz's Drug
Store, 11th Street, Columbus, Neb. 8
Faraltare, Chairs, Bedsteads, Bn-
raaas, Tables. Safea. Lounges,
Jkc. Picture Frames and
& Refit ina of oil kinds of Upholstery
But a Grand Success.
t.rTrnui'h for stock. He refers to
every man who has it in use. Call on or
leave'orders at George "Isle's, oi-posii
Oealfich's grocery. !MilP
I Seat a Mwn Sts..CMcas.
WaMmiwnUfJ ""
kTlKCS. W I". . I"??
t ltM..Mt IIJ. UK oo,
So4n "J 0.lfc Hl'Mt
I.1MMI Hii1i, J
"if rfcijvi -iy
. j -rTi"Tr7TiSend 8l esta lor
' k VI LP I. 14 nuiim md receive
JX J.1jI.LJJ-' Freea.$ostly box of
feeds waica will help you w swre
f iAt sway tsaa aaythisg elae us
werU. All, of.eitaer aex, succeed freai
aWt kar The broad read.te fortaae
SL Sfore tte vrerkera, abaelmtelF
ICe? It aVee address,, Tbm Cx.
For the Journal.
That Orpaaas Uaaie.
Iu my first article on tbia subject I
Mated tbat Orpbaus Home, where
many children aro crowded together,
are neither expedient, nor conducive
lo the little wails' best interest, uor
according to what I firmly hold as
the only reliable standard for all
men'p tailh and practicethe word
ol Ciod. In my present articlo I
promifod to try to establish and
prove my points. I will now en
deavor lo redeem tbat promise.
Institutions where many helpless
people are crowded together have
many drawbacks in common, but we
will only speak of Mich for children.
Whatever anyone can possibly do,
himself, he should do without asking
for help. That homes in good, well
regalaled- families can be found, iu
their own neighborhoods for 'all
orphans, is abundantly proved by the
fact that the demand for such chil
dren always exceeds the supply.
What it some families, on account ol
their character, must be denied
there are always plenty others which
niake splendid homes for one or
more childreu. Why apply for pub
lic charity when private interest is
able and willing to supply the de
mand ? All tbat is needed is a tem
porary place of refuge for destitute
little ones and a board of kindly dis
posed ladies and gentlemen who will
maintain it, -aud then find good
homec, and keep an eye on them after
they are placed in such homes.
I say in their own neighborhood,
for I cannot help saying what I have
been aoked by prominent people,
although 1 don't like to eay it. The
question has been raised : Is it wise
and expedieut to briug iuto the
country a lot of little "guttersnipes"
and "street Arabs," the "scum" of
large cities already paet all hope of
reformation? Is it right to bring
into the country prospective vagrants,
paupers, tramps if not criminals from
ci .ics that havo already proper es
tablishments for them 'in abundance?
Such things have happened before.
1 wish to have it understood dis
tinctly, that this is not what I say.
My motto is to help wherever help is
But there are other objections:
Have not many such places become
hotbeds of vices? and have in times
of epidemics, contagious diseases
and such visitations? Does it not
theu seem as though the helpless ones
were- bruugtrt cugetuer7 to De
butchered? Who can think of the
terrors of those great fires in Mil
waukee, in Kaukakee and in Brook
lyn, and of the late wholesale de
struction by a hurricane in a Kansas
City school house, without a shudder ?
Safely, health, life, development
everything seems to raise a warning
band: Keep the helpless ones, keep
especially the little ones out of great
and crowded buildings !
Hothouse plants are not hardy nor
well developed. Children raised in
such institutions, however well these
may be conducted, are like hothouse
-plants. They are not in the world,
as it were, they see it only through
the window. "Iron sbarpenelh iron,
so a man sharpeneth the countenance
of bis friend." In the family the
child gets the discipline of the ups
and downs, the rough and tumble of
iife, of the cares and troubles of the
world, of the good and evil of man
kind, of fortune and misfortune, ol
health and sickness, and who can tell
all the influences at work to develop
a healthy boy or girl, and round
them off in stature, ability aud
character? Many of these influences
never reach the child that is shut up
in such an institution, hence their
development is only a partial one, a
sickly one, a hothouse development.
People begin to see all this. Some
lately established orphanages are
based on what is called the "cottage
plan." A small number of children
only are placed under a matron, or in
a Bmall family in each of a row of
cottages, which is already drawing
near to pastor B's. plan, as described
in my first article. But I must come
to my third point.
Being a firm believer in Almighty
God and in the Bible as His word
intended to be our .sole guide in all
matters of faith and practice, it imy
ultimatum in all questions of , life,
and especially in regard to 'inch a
Godlike work as the care for the
helpless ones.
The Bible speaks of but one sub
stitute-that of the son of God,
offering himself for us. All its other
teachings are matters of personal
concern. All the prayers by the
whole human family added to those
of the myriads of holy angels won't
help a ma if he don't pray for him
self. No proxy of any kind what
ever. Every man has tj give am
account, is held responsible for him
self and bis actions. Now, Mr.
Editor, it is much easier for a man or
a woman to give 5 cents, 50 cents, $1,
$5, $10, $100, $1000, or more dollars,
according to his ability, for the sup
port of an orphans home, than to take
care of an orphan himself. So in all
departments of christian labor. Bat
what does the Bible say in regard to
fasting fighting 'our natural de
praved propensities? "Is not this
the fast that I have chosen? to loeee
the bands of wickedness, to undo the
heavy hardens,' and to let the. op
pressed ge free, and thatyehreak
every yoke? Is it not to deal this
bread to the hungry and tbat thou
bring the poor tbat are cast out, lo
thy house? When thou seest the
naked, lhat thou cover him, etc. Is.
LVIII,C-7, "Bring them to thy house!"
Not stuff them iuto some institution
and lull thy conscience to sleep by a
donation. Personal effort, labor o
love and patieuce! A. II.
The Practical la Kdaratlea.
In these days when the profession
al "educationalist" is epidemic, and
educational method-mongers are
wrangling over the petty details o
school discipline, it is refreshing to
record any suggestion that reveals
insight into the demands impera
tively made upou our schools for
vounir men by the exigencies o
active life. These demands grow
more imperative as work become
more aud more a necessity. The
poor must work to get money, the
rich to hold it. In the course of a
very excellent report Mr. E. C. Car
rigan, of the Massachusetts State
Board of Education, says :
"There are many subjects taught
iu high schools and colleges that
might well be dropped for such a
practical subject as shorthand, a
working knowledge of which is of
advantage in almost every calling.
The great and growing demand for
the business shorthand amauuensis
has created a market for talented
youth, and the results of the work iu
our own school are ample proof of
the wisdom of the committee in add
ing this subject to the curriculum.
The ability to write well has put
many a bright young man from the
counting-room into the corporation
as i6 the case with one of the Vice
Presidents of the Pensylvania road.
The confidential relation which the
amanuensis has to his employer gives
him every advantage, and there is no
doubt tbat if less time was devoted
to the smattering of the sciences aud
the ever unsatisfactory knowledge ol
Greek and Latin, especially by those
who pursue them but for a year or
two, aud these hours were devoted
to something" of every day use, the
world would be just as well off
while the individual would be much
better." Philadelphia Evening Bul
letin. Oae Ussdrea Yean Aro.
One hundred years ago not a
nnund of cnal. not a. niiliin font of
illuminating gas had been burned in
this country. No iron stoves were
used, no contrivance for economiz
ing heat was employed until Dr.
Franklin invented the iron fire-place
which still bears his name. All tbo
cookiug and .warming in town and
country was done by the aid of fire
kindled in the brick oven or on the
hearth. Pine knots or tallow candles
furnished the light for the long win
ter nights, and sanded floors supplied
the place of rugs and carpets. The
water used for household purposes
was drawn from deep wells by the
creeking sweep. No form of pump
was used in this country, so far as we
can learn, until after the commeuc
ment of the present century.
There were no friction matches in
those early days, by the aid of which
a fire could be easily kindled ; and
if the fire "went out upon tbe hearth"
over night, and the timber was damp
so that tbe sparks would not
catch, the alternative- was presented
of wandering through fthe snow a
mile or so, to borrow a brand of the
neighbor. Only one room in any
house was warm unless some of the
family were ill; in all the tempera
ture was at zero many nights In the
winter. The men and women of a
hundred years ago undressed and
went to bed in a temperature colder
than tbat of our modern barns and
woodsheds, and they never com
plained. Exchange.
Cialaeaa a the Pai
Guineas are profitable for the rea
son that they cost almost nothing to
raise. They prefer to seek their own
food in the fields, and seldom come
home for food as long as they can
find a enpply themselves. As a role
they mater and it is best, therefore, to
have thV sexes equal. The hen steals
her nest, bnt cannot refrain from
making a noise when she comes off,
which "betrays her to tbe watchful
farmer. Guineas are valuable on
farms where the range is wide, as
they destroy a very large number of
insects and do not scratch up seeds.
In fact, a flock of twenty guineas will
consume a number of insects so large
as to almost appear incredible, as
they are active and always searching.
They also consume grass and young
weeds, as well as the seeds of un
desirable plants and grasses. The
hen lays about 125 eggs a year, es
pecially if they are taken from her
before she begins to set The flesh
of the guinea is rather dark, but
juicy and of a "gamy" flavor. They
may be raised to remain near the
house by placingjhe eggs under hens,
and add a few chicks to the brood
when the young guineas are hatched.
They will learn from the chicks and
soon become tame and accustomed to
the same' habits as the chicks, grow
ing up with them. The egg reqnire
four weeks for incubation, and are
nsaally batched nnderheus in Ltbe
A rVarravr Escape.
I was suddenly taken very ill at
Eagle Lake, this state, the other day
with cholera morbus, and ueed
morphine to no avail, aud T grew
w or fe and despatched a messenger
for a physician, who brought with
him a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, and
gave me a doso which relieved me
instantly, aud I firmly believe that to
it I owe my lifo and tbo physician
who was unprejudiced enough to
administer it when all olhdrs failed,
and 1 repeat again, I owe my life to
yourgreat preparation.
I remain yours gratefully,
G. D. Waitk, Proscription Clerk,
With ChaH. A. Gray, Watervillo
Minn. Sold by Dowty & licit-
kemper. 15-4
Tiik Omaha Jlepulilican's Lincoln
correspondent, iu writiug up an in
terview with Hon. Leauder Gcrrard
the other day at the capital city,
closes iu these wordt: "Mr. Gerrard
is a very affable and pluasaut gcutle--mantomeet.
He has mauy friend
here and throughout the slate who
will give him a following in tho con
vention. It is not his intention to
make a button-hole canvass; he will,
however, mako several visits over the
Wednesday Mrs. l&iowu brought
to our oflice a couple of tbo finest
"Dutchess of Oldensburg" apples we
have yet seen around this part ot the
country this reason. They were
real gems aud we aro only sorry that
the number was'nt larger. She in
formed us that she had a large or
chard of just such fruit, aud also
stated that sho had a treo loaded
with peaches. Her farm is about six
miles west of town. Bcllwood Ga
Excifemeat ia Texas.
Great excitement has beeu caused
in the vicinity of Paris, Texas, by the
remarkable recovery of Mr. J. E
Corley, who was so helploss he could
not turn iu bed, or raise Iuh head;
everybody said he was dying ot con
sumption. A trial bottle of Dr
King's New Discovery was seut him.
Finding rcliul, he bought a largo
bottle and a box of Dr. King's New
Lite Pills; by the time he had taken
two boxes ot Pills and two bottles o1
the Discovery, he was well aud hud
gained in flesh thirty-six pounds.
Trial bottles of this Great Dis
covery for Consumption tree a.
Dowty & Heitkcmper's.
A committer of the David City
peODle visited Fremont jl nlft, !-
ago to confer with the authorities o
the Northwestern, and endeavor to
induce them to build to David City
They met with about tho samo sue;
cess that the committees from Co
lumbus aud North Bend did, in
other words Ihoy are nono the wiaor
for their trip. Schuyler Herald.
ery Remarkable Kecovery.
Mr. Geo. V. Willing, of Manches
ter, Mich., writes : "My wife has been
almost helpless for five years, so help
less that she could not turn over in
bed aloue. She used two Bottles of
Electric Bitters, aud is so much im
proved, that she is able now to do
her own work."
Electric Bitters will do all that is
claimed for them. Hundreds of tes
timonials attest their groat curative
nnwrtrs. Onlv fifty cents a bottle at
Dowty & neitkemper's.
A heavy rain storm prevailed the
other evening near McCook, Nob
At Indianola a house was struck by
lightning, and all the family perished
husband, wife and two children.
The flesh of the man's hands was cut
to shreds as if with a knife, and he
was paralyzed ; his recovery is doubt
ful. Judge J. P. Uher, of Lawrence,
Kan., was a visitor at Omaha last
week, and a guest of his son. He
was secretary of tho Iutorior in Pres
ident Lincoln's first cabinet. He is
now the ouly surviving member of
that body.
IBa!MleaM Aralca Halve.
Tbe Best Salvo iu the world for
Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt
Rheum, Fever Sores; Tetter, Chapped
Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all
Skin Eruptions, and positively cures
Piles, or no pay required. It is guar
anteed to (five perfect satisfaction, or
mouey refunded. Price 25 cents per
box. Fot sale by Dowty & Heit
kemper. - Mayl7-ly
A large barn belonging to II. J.
Randall, a farmer living near Bea
trice, was burned the other night.
A quantity of grain and hay was de
stroyed. Value of property destroy
ed is estimated at $1,200.
One of the long stables on the fair
grounds at Omaha, was struck by
lightning the other night and nearly
everything consumed by tho flames,
including eight promising trotting
horses. Loss $12,000.
It is alleged tbat tbe common
potato is full of most dangerous
narcotic properties, that are only
rendered harmless by cooking.
What next?
A workingman digging post holes
near Uniontown, Pa., found a watch
which had been dropped by one of
Braddock's officers in a battle 130
years ago. ;
One case ol sunstroke was report
ed, though not fatal, at Des Moiucs
on the 10th.
The Golden Rose.
The receipt by the queen regent of
Spain of tho pope s golden roso has led
some curious writer to put together tho
following particulars concerning tho
flower: Tho first of these roses were
simply flowers of red enamel, represent
ing tho natural color of the rose. Later
the color of the rose was left white, and
a large ruby was put into the center,
the reflection from which gave the petals
a red tint. Innocent XL had a golden
rose made which weighed over eight
pounds, was ornamented with several
sapphires, . nnd represented a value of
over 10,000 francs. Alexander VH.
ordered one rose at 6.000 francs nnd an
other at 4,000 francs. Lately the golden
rose has been worth over 10,000 francs,
and has taken the form of a branch
with several flowers, a natural -rose,
which has been blessed by tho pope,
forming tho center. Of this kind is tho
roso which the queen regent of Spain
has just received. It is planted in a
magnificent silver gilded vase, which ia
a'splcndcd example of Roman work
manship. The roso itself is said to be a
symbol of the Creator; the splendor and
richness of the metal represents the eter
nal linrtif Ttrliif1i currrmnila tlio ilit-ino
and the perfumes and spices, which are
placed in the vase by the pope, symbol
ize the glory and resurrection of Christ.
Tbe benediction of the rose is a solemn
ceremony. The holy father, in his sacred
robes, reads the formula of the bencdic
tiou from a book which is held by a bish
op. Tho other bishops, holding light
ed candles, stand by his side. The high
dignitaries of the papal court surround
the pontiff, holding the incense, the holy
water, the spices, and other perfumes.
Another dignitary, kneeling, presents
the rose to the pope, who reads the pray
ers, blesses the incense, the spices, and
the perfumes, which are in turn present
ed to him by a cardinal. After putting
them into the vase which holds the rose,
the golden rose is blessed, and the cere
mony cuds.
m m
He Hadn't any Situation.
A day or two since a gentleman of
good address called at Gov. Stoneman's
oflice, at thecapitol, and walking up to
ward him said, in a decidedly business
way: "I want a situation."
The governor was somewhat non
plussed at so abrupt and unmistakable
an application for appointment to some
soft place of political favor, and after
hesitating an instant replied: "Well,
what place do you want?"
The caller, with increased attention
to business, replied: "I want a situa
tion, sir!"
The governor followed with two or
three parrying remarks, such as an exe
cutive can so skillfully do after practi-'
cing in turning away oiliceseekers by
the hundred and making them all feel
that the have their pockets full of
"prospects," but which always fail to
materialize. To each of these the pres
ent would-be olliceholder responded
with, "I want a situation."
Finally the governor's equilibrium got
out of hinge and suddenly letting down
two or three of the top bars of oflicial
dignity he started to fire the intruder
Without waiting for words which
were evidently to succeed these, the
stranger quickly put out his hand for
recognition, and with a hearty laugh
said: "How arc you, old boy?"
The governor flushed with embarrass
ment for a moment, but after tho ex
change of a few words he recognized
and heartily greeted Gen. De Lancey
Floyd-Jones, a fellow classmate at West
Poiut when they wore leaving their
teens, ami subsequently ofliccrs of tho
same regiment in the regular army prior
to the war of tho rebellion. They had
not met for a long time, and during
that period advanciugyears had brought
silvered hair and other changes, which
covered the lines of former familiar
faces. Sacramento Hecord-Union.
Wild Boars of Europe.
There is a deal of romance which sur
rounds lint simple mention of the wild
boar. Ho is the gamiest gamo of Europe.-
He is the savagest lighter of all
the wild beasts of the Eastern hemi
sphere north of the tropics. Wolves and
bears arc craven cowards, even when in
close quarters, compared with the wild
boar. He tights until he is actually
killed by spear thrusts, or shot, or torn
to pieces by dogs. He fights not to save
his own skin, but for his charges.
Several sows and their progeny, up to
three or four years old, form a herd led
by one grand old boar. Iu case of
danger the weaklings go to the center
of a circle formed by the stronger ones,
and the old general awaits the attack
and meets the foe. They do not seek
battle, but avoid it, and they are not
dangerous until close pressed, and then
they will not pursue. Thus they do not
interfere with the occupations of the
woodsman or with travelers through the
forest, bub mind their own business if
not molested.
They are said to be the original source
of all our common swine; but, if so,
some notable characteristics have been
entirely lost. One of these is that the
Joung when farrowed are striped yel
ow or tawny and black. The stripes
disappear after a few weeks, but when
the pigs are quite young are very no
ticeable. The hunting of the boar is still re
garded as a national sport in Germany,
and there are several forests where wild
hogs are preserved with great care.
They have their full freedom, and the
herds are kept reduced to just about
that number to which the forest will
afford sustenance. The result is that
the autumn and early winter markets
are kept well supplied with "black
game" This is really very delicious
eating, and the "boar's head" crowned
with ivy still graces many a feast
Calvary regiments in the Prussian
army are being carefully drilled in the
art of swimming their horses across
rivers. At the word "Dismount!" the
soldiers divest themselves of their cloth
ing, which, with their weapons, eta, is
placed upon a raft, which is swiftly
ferried across the river, while the men
take the horses bv the head with one
hand and swim with the other. The
feat is said to be performed with the
utmost precision and rapidity, whole
regiments crossing and recrossing in an
astonishingly short time.
Tennis, as it is at present played, has
only existed for about twelve years, as
it was first played in England in 1875.
It is much the same as band tennis,
which was played in Paris as far back
as 1424. Shakspeare also frequently al
ludes to tennis in bis writings, and tells
us that it was once actually prohibited
as an amusement for the English court
because it favored too strongly of French
fashion and coxcombry.
National Bank!
cox.rrncBt7s. heb.,
Authorized Capital of $250,000,
A Surplus Fund of - $15,000,
And the largest Paid la Jaa Cap.
Iial of any bam; iu this part
of the State.
tSTDeposits received and interest paid
on time deposits.
. BSDTDraftH on the principal eitics in thii
country and Kurope bought ami Hold..
X37Collection8 aud "all other business
giveu prompt .ind'carefurattentinu.
SAM'L C. SMITH, Viccl'rls't.
O.T.KOEX, Cashier.
D.T. Martyn, M. D. F. .1. Sciiuo, M.I).
U. S. Examining Surgeons,
Local Surgeon. Union l'aeilic, O., N.
& U. 11. and It. & 31. R. K's.
Consultations in German and English.
Telephones at otlice aud residences.
BSTOlliee on Olive street, next to Hrod
feuhrer's Jewelry Store.
Upstairs Ernst building 11th street.
Olliec oyer First National lUuk, Colum
bus, Nebraska. ."0-tf
I. KVANS, 31. !.,
JSTOilice aud rooms, (iluek building,
11th street. Telephone communication.
4v MEADE, HI. D.,
l'latte Center, Nebraska. !-y
itsaii nit..ifcirr,
loth street, cast of Aid's barn.
Apiil", SC-tt
powt:i.L iiousi:,
Just opened. Special attention given
to commercial men. Has a good sample
room. Sets the best table. (Jive it a
trial and be convinced. .r0-omo
ISTl'arties desiring surveying done
tan address me at-Columbus, Neb., or
call al my otlice in Court House.
W. H. Tedrow, Co. Supt.
1 will be at my otlice in the Court House
the third Saturday of each mouth for the
examination of teachers. oil It"
I F. ItUrVftEM, 31. !.,
Ch'roalo Diseases aad Diseases of
ChUdrea a Specialty.
tSTOflice on Olive street, three doors
north of First National Uauk. ti-ly
Office up-stairs in McAllister's build
ing, 11th St. W. A. McAllister, Notary
Attcraiy aai Uotuj rati e. Collietcr.
Columbus, : : Nebraska.
Collection Attorney.
moons oaelow,
Specialty made o'f Collections by C.J.
Garlow. 34-m
P ii. ftirsc'OE,
'llth St., opposite Lindell Hotel.
Sells Harness, Saddles, Collars, Whips,
Blankets, Curry Combs, Brushes, trunks,
valises, buggy tops, cushions, carriage
trimmings, &c., at the lowest possible
prices. .Repairs promptly attended to.
r Plans and estimates supplied for either
frame or brick buildings. Good work
guaranteed. Shop on ISth Street, near
St. Paul Lumber Yard, Columbus, Ne
braska. 52Cmo.
Raors and Iron ! "
The highest market price paid (or ragB
and iron. Store in the Bubach building,
Olive sU Columbus. Neb. 15-tf
Carpenter and Contractors.
Havehad an extended experience, and
will guarantee satisfaction ia work.
AH kiads of repairing done on short
notice. Our motto is, Good work and
fair prices. Call aud give us an oppor
tunitytoestimateforyou. H"Sbop on
13th Stose deor west of Friodhof
Co's. stars, Columbus, Nebr. 483-v
She sat In her littlo rcekinr-chatr, a-sihinf
and twirling her thumbs:
"Ob, every tbinjr for my doll is done, and nev
er to incnillnc comes!
I haven't a morsel of sewing! Dear Mother,
in nil the town.
Can't you flnil me one doll, no matter how
small, who will wear out her jfownl"
Mary E.Wilkins, in St, Nicholas for August.
Near Cannclton, Pa., the ground
heaves and pulsates just like the human
Eggs aro said to be cheaper and more
plentiful this year than at any time
since 1860.
A solid bed of alum 500 feet thick has
been discovered in Graham County,
The discovery has been made that a
bcctlo, common in Southern Europe, is
a never-failing antidote in cases of hy
drophobia. Tho San Frnneiseo Bulletin reports
that a lady at San Diego, aged 70 yenrs,
gave birth to a daughter July 12. The
husband's age is 7o years.
Rose Leslie, whose immense size made
her famous as a circus attraction, has
died in Lowell. Mass., aged '25 years.
Sho weighed G15 pounds, and measured
live feet three inches in highL
The elms of Flushing, L. I., are suf
fering for the third year from the rav
ages of the larv:c of the saw-lly. an im
port from Germany, which, very curi
ously in its native country, confines its
ravages to the pine forests.
- Salicylic suet is used in the German
army as a remedy for foolsores. eta, in
stead of the salieylic powder formerly
employed. It is composed of two parts
of pure salicylic acid and ninety-eight
pans oi me uest mutton suet.
The popular superstition concerning
the unluckincss of spilling salt probably
originated in Leonarda da Vinci's pict
ure of "The Last Supper," where Judas
is represented as overturning the salt.
Sonic jcople always throw a pinch of
the spilled salt over their right shoulder,
hoping thereby to prevent misfortune.
Merritt KanotT, of Creston, Iowa, re
cently met with a novel though distress
ing accident. He was carrymjr a )en
holdcr behind his ear. ami as he threw
his head to one side the holder fell to his
shoulder, sticking in his shirt. As ho
straightened up the oud of the holder
entered his ear and punctured tho
drum, destroying the hearing.
Lightning struck- an oak in Tippeca
noe County. Indiana, and tore it into
splinters. It is said that each year's
layer of the growth of the tree seemed
to have been separated from the other
and split into strips uhout half an inch
wide. After completing its work on
tho oak tho lightning ran thirty rods
along a wire fence, melting the wire in
many places and tearing each post out
of the ground.
Queen Victoria once being at an im
portant ceremony in a North of England
city, a paper was brought to her for her
signature. Of course shu inscribed it
as usual: "Victoria, R. et I." Then her
favorite daughter's signature was de
sired and was duly written: "Beatrice."
ed to sign the'paperr and, not to be out
done by any mere royalties, she unhesi
tatingly wrote: "Mary."
A well-known comedian for the past
two years has carefully clipped and
pasted in scrap books all the reported
misdeeds of clergymen that he saw.
Now when he hears of a sermon on the
immorality of the stage he at once sends
the preacher a letter filled with statistics
as to the number of preachers in jail,
tho number that he thinks ought to be
in jail, the nature of their sins and
crimes, and like pleasing facts.
Last year 279,000,000 stamped envel
opes were sold by the government
They were worth 5.773.000. Envel
opes, which in 1SG9 cost $4.80 per 1,000.
can now he sold for $1.80 per 1000, and
the extra letter size that then cost $b
arc now sold for $2.40. The proposals
for bids for the next four years will in
clude two sizes called baronial, about 3
by 4 inches, for the benefit of ladies who
like to use fancy note papers.
In some of the more primitive settle
ments of Canada they are ready to langh
at any joke, however old. A humorous
lecturer recently appeared in a small
back town in Ontario, and in the course
of his remarks said that no piano is
needed in a hou-e where there is a male
infant, because "there is always music
in the heir." Tho laughter that follow
ed lasted ten minutes by a stop-watch,
and one young man was taken out in
Work on the Broadway underground
railway will be commenced in the fall
and completed in two or three years. A
new road will be constructed under
Broadway, from curb to curb. A brick
wall, with iron pillars on each side, will
be the onlv wall of separation between
the front cellars and tho new road, and
a correspondent thinks it will not take
long for the owner of a corner store at
one of the underground stations to see
that a store there will pay him better
than a coal cellar.
The first written speech read in the
United States Senate was by Isaac Hill,
of New Hampshire, a firm supporter of
General Jackson. When about half
way through he suddenly lost the thread
of the discourse, and stopped, evidently
embarrassed. His wife, who sat in the
gallery almost directly over him, com
prehended the situation, and said in a
voice heard all over the Senate cham
ber: "Mr. Hill, you've turned over two
leaves at once." He immediately cor
rected his mistake and proceeded with
his remarks, amid a roar of laughter.
Gen. Sheridan says he is delighted
with his new experience as a suburban
farmer. Instead of sending his wife
and children to a crowded seaside hotel
or fashionable resort this year he rented
a thirty-acre farm near Washington,
where he picks his own peas, digs his
potatoes, and enjoys freedom from in
trusion which has to be endured good
naturedly at watering-places. The Gen
eral drives to town every morning and
returns in the afternoon. The enjoy
ment of seeing his children loving Moth
er Earth, he says, is far more happiness
to him than hc"has ever experienced at
all the fashionable resorts.
The bread-fruit tree grows everywhere
in Southern Central America, and is a
veritable forest king. It attains im
mense proportions, the trunk often be
ing from 10 to 12 feet iu girth, and the
branches reach out so far as to cover a
circumference of perhaps 100 and 150
feet Its leaves are very large and thick,
of a rich dark green color on ono side
and a silvery tint on the other. In
shape they somewhat resemble a broad
vase or flower pot 12 or 15 inches long
and 10 wide. The fruit, with which
ono tree will supply a whole neighbor
hood, looks like a small, oblong water
melon with a rough rind, and takes a
yellowish tint when ripe.
"Around the shapely twenty-eight-inch
waist was a pink satin belt sup
porting a red-wbite-and-blue sask.
From right shoulder to left hip was a
garland of marigolds twined with green
ribbon ending in an elaborats. ibow
largely mixed with lavender silk.
Around the neck was a cascade of black
chenille, while the hat. swathed in pink
mull, had four red feathers drooping
limply in the 90 degrees of weather.
Coarse brown-and-white stockings and
clumsy slippers with red bows and gilt
buckles graced hcrnotdiminutivcfeeL"
This is tho way a California country
girl was rigged out when her beau took
her to tho Fourth of July celebration on
the fifth.
The frost bell is doubtless tho means
of saving many tons of grapes in the
northern portions of California, where
the frost' sometimes docs so much dam
age. It' consist of a wire running from
different parts of the vineyard to the
house. On the vineyard end of the wire
is an apparatus that rings a bell at the
house when the thermometer descends
to a certain degree. When the bell is
let off the occupants of the house know
that their vines aro in danger and im
mediately repair to the vineyard and
light fires in different quarters, and thus
prevent, through the agency of this in
genious electrical device, the logs of tons
of the most luscious fruit grown on ton
Pacific slope.
Artificial Noses.
Artificial noses arc generally attached
to the face by spectacles. About five,
years ago a Sun Francisco dentist made
for a Chinese woman, whose face was
horriblv disliirured. a celluloid note
The organ was attached by a gold'
springy to the upper jaw in tho manner
in which single teeth are aflixed. The
spring ran up to where the bridge of
the nose should havo .been, and to this
spring the artificial nose 'and lip were
attached by an india-rubber loop. Tho
combined pressure of the spring and
india-rubber drew the celluloid mask so
close to the face that, beiug molded to
fit the cheeks, it would have looked
quite natural but for the lack of tran
sparency which living tissue possesses.
Of course our funny paragrapher had
to have his say after this bit of news
appeared. Ho at once boldly stated
that a man out west had a cork nose.
"When he keeps sober," said tho writ
er, "it gives him no trouble; but when
he is out drinking with friends they
want to borrow it for a stopper every
time they lose the corks out of their
There is a true story of a French sena
tor, a very handsome man, who had a
large nose of which he was somewhat
proud. He was once riding in a train,
when a child, who was iu the same car
riage, and who had watched the states
man for some time with dilated eyes,
began to cry as if its heart would break.
The mother could not console it The
little one was afraid of the senator's big
nose, and the mother quietly explained
that her child had jiut conic from the
masquerade, where he had been partic
ularly excited by the display of large
noses. She concluded bv requesting
the statesman to take off his nose, "for
you. I sec," she explained, "for some
good reason best known to yourself, are
SroUww3U.tJ'ver.roi.vI " u.'l'W.cenAiAr
ate her, assuring the lady that his
proboscis was not a false nose, but his
own. "Touch it," said he. The lady
gave a pull at the senator's nose, but it
did not come off in her hand. "A
thousand pardons," she said; "but pray
oh pray, hide it with your hat!" The
distinguished statesman complied with
this singular request, continued his
journey with his nose in his hat, and
tho child s screams subsided. Urook
lyn Magazine. ,
Feeding Work Horses.
According to the New York Star the
following is the method of feeding the
horses of the Adams Express Company,
in New York: "In the morning, the
first thing, we give our horses each
about seven pounds of oats, with about
a quart of shelled corn and a double
handful of good hay. At noon we give
them a good peck of chop, made ot
ground or crushed corn, white mid
dlings, and bran. Every other night
we give them about ten pounds of hay.
and every night eight or ten pounds of
clean rye straw for bedding. We don't
give them hay every night, because if
we do they won't cat their chop up
clean. By giving it every other night
we find they always eat up their feed.
We water them three times a day be
fore they go out, when they come in.
and after wo clean up for the night. Of
course the drivers, when the horses aro
out, give them water when they need
it In warm weather instead of cracked
corn and middlings, we give com meal
and wheat bran. Our horses have to do
hard work, but we keep them in good
condition. That is a general statement
of the way we feed horses. Of course
in particular cases, we have to use judg
ment When a horse is dull and blows
over its feed the best tiling is to take it
away. The chances are that the next
time it will eat up clean. Don't allow
a horse to stand blowing over its feed.
My men are particular also to clean the
manger out well before feeding and not
allow any stale or sour feed to bn left in
the manger. There is nothing like re
gularity in feeding. When horses don't
nave enough at one time, aud then per
haps too much at another, you cannot
expect to keep them welL I said we
Sve the horses hay every othec night a matter of judgment If you
find horses on their feed and eating it
up clean, you can give them hay every
His Feelings too Deep for Profanity.
The gentleman whose profanity, when
called upon, was not equal to the occa
sion has been beaten. Dr. Chismore is
an extensive traveler and has spent
months of his life wandering through
the wilds hunting for shooting and fish
ing stories. On one of his trips he met
a character who as an experienced guide
and swearer held the first position in
the mountains. They were dragging
themselves one day up a very badtrail
and the guide had a pack on his horse
that gave him a lot of trouble. The
nuisance would fall off on one side and
then on the other, and littlo expletives
would follow each little accident Final
ly the pack fell off and dropped into a
canyon a few hundred feet.
"I watched the fellow," said Chis
more. "He had delivered several origi
nal and new oaths and I thought, this
would fetch something stunning. Hie
face worked and he ground his teeth as
he stood looking away down at the
pack. Once or twice I thought he
would break out with a blue streak, but
finally he set his lips, put his hand in
his pocket; took out his revolver, and
fired six shots into tbe air. Then he
went down and brought up the pack."
San Francisco Chronicle.
A beautiful white blacksnake has
been captered near Jewell, Md. ltui
Jsst long and as white asnulk. ,
jp'x -