The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, August 11, 1886, Image 1

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L 111
MtJk. TtJItlSTEIi & CO.,
' Proprietors and. Publisher.
OFFICE, Eleventh St., vftair
n Journal Building.
Six mouths
Three months
Single copies
. 1
CASH. CAPITAL, - $75,000
Gko. W. Hulst, Vice Pres't.
Julius A. Reed.
It. II. Henry.
J. E. Taskek, Cashier.
o ,
aak of' rilti OlwcaemS
CllectleBN Promptly Mae .
II leit. J i
Favy latere! e Tim Oepan-
Savings Bank,
Capital Stock, - SI 00,000.
O. Y. Sheldon, Vice Pkks't.
O. T. Hof.n, Trkas.
Kobkut ITlILIG, Sec.
3TWiH receive time deposits, from
$1.00 and any amount upwards, and will
pay the customary rate of interest.
ISTWc particularly draw your atten
tiou to our facilities for making loans on
real estate, at the lowest rate of interest.
83JCity, School and County Bonds,
and individual securities are bought.
Or i. W. K1BLKK,
Travel iae Salesmaa.
j3Thefie organs are first-class in everv(
particular, auu so ;uarani.eeu.
Buckeye Mower, combined, Self
Binder, wire or twine.
Pups Repaired oi sfcert letice
CT-One door west of Heintz's Drag
Store, 11th Street, coiuniuus. "
r J
Furniture, Chairs, Bedateade, Bu-
rami, Tables, Safes. Xioaagaa,
Jkc. Picture Framea and
TRepairiuaof all kinds of Upholstery
But a Grand Success.
ter Trough for stock. He refere to
every man who has it in use. can on or
leave orders at George Yale', opposite
Oealricfc's grocery. s-6n
Sate Boerse Ss..Cca.
WUt ii fff tLari
" j lu fejimvitefl
.-" rr37.r -cir iii
lMtnuoffw. iw. --. .i
f- Inthaf MAJfttlte &tttl
mw-"- z . . --. .
( OA BuJ Mle.
. TmTT r7T7 Send Bis eents for
AKK I .Hi potage,aud receive
A lXA.LiXA freCj & costly box or
roftdi which will help you to ore money
riEht sway than anything else ia thi
werld. All, of.either nex, succeed front
Jrat hour. The broad road to fortune
mm before the workers, absoUUly
Sre? It enee sddreM, Tm Co,
Te tke Famrn' aallassMn' Uaiam
of 01iTe.BmtierCaatr. Helk, Ex-
ylaimiacaie Actions te the IT.
The Journal, by request, publish
es the following copy of s letter from
Senator Van Wyck :
Washington, June 21, 1886. Nich
olas Miller, Esq., Corresponding
Secretary Farmers' and Laborers'
Union, Olive precinct, Butler Co.,
My dear sir; Tours containing
the following resolution received :
"Resolved. That the members of
this Uniou would request Senator
Van Wyck to explain thepurpose for
which he offers a bill to authorize the
Union Pacific railwav to use its sink
ing fund guarantee for the building
of additional railroads, and in what
way will it benefit the farmers who
i ave bees looking to him u the do
lender of their righto aiid interests."
The former managers of the- Union
Pacific railroad from its construction
under the Credit.. Mobilier until its
consolidation ' with the bankrupt
Kansas Pacific were guilty of the
most unblushing frauds against the
government, the., smallest stockhol I-
ers and gross injustice upon tne citi
zens doing business.
The issuer of additional stockajuirt
bonds.guaranteed was in direct viola
tion of statute that provided linos and
imprisonment for such transgrepsiot:.
When the stock was inflated to par
and above, the pirates unloaded and
escaped safely with the plunder.
They should have been pursued and
compelled to diegorge, as highway
robbers and horse thieves are. Un
fortunately they were not. Another
management sneceeded to the con
trol of the road, who, while lament
ing its wrecked and ruined condition,
failed in their duty by not pursuing
the plunderers, but contented them
selves by bewailing the inability to
make extentions and branches, to re
tain and to increase the 'business
tiibutary to the road. It was first
deemed advisable to allow them to the money deposited in the sink
ing fund to pay their debt as it came,
due, which, if prudently and honest
ly invested in branch roads under the
control and belonging to the gov
ernment, would be as safe -as when
in the treasury, but many of the
citizens of Nebraska preferred to
have congress give permission to the
road to use its credit which waa pro
hibited by the law of 1873.
To this there could bo objection,
if done honestly, and the branch
roads should not represent in stocks
and bonds a dollar more than actual
cost in cash of its construction.
This would be a new era in rail
road building when it should be done
without watering stocks and bonds
if so the government could not be
injured, for not a dollar is taken from
the siuking fund nor a dollar less" to
be paid yearly iuto the sinking fund.
Certainly the farmer and the citi
zen cannot bo injured if honest rail
road building can be inaugurated.
This brings us to the most import
ant point the regulation of rail
roads. You must remember that in 1879,
while in the State Senate, I introduc
ed a bill to make the rate of passen
ger transportation on railroads threo
cents per mile, and other regulations
effecting freight rates were proposed,
how the railroads howled, their high
priced lawyers and cheap editors
They denounced you and me as
enemies of the State ; that we would
drive away capital; that no more
railroads would be bnilt; that sec
tions of the State then without rail
roads must remain so ; that our lords
and masters would spurn ns, give us
no more the benefit of their society
and money if we dare even propose
to legislate for the benefit of the
people the majority.
The satellites and sopple tools -f
corporations said, "wait until the
railroads jure built, then regulate ;"
but you and I said, "no ; let us be
honest and regulate and agitate." As
usual, the railroads controlled the
men whom the farmers elected, but
we kept oa agitating, and capital
came and railroads were built. We
knew thea there was no danger ; cap
ital woald came where it could make
more capital sb readily. You and I
desired the building, of railroads, but
we insisted they should be controlled
and managed honestly to the benefit
of the people, and aot to their injury.
Is it not remarkable that the same
gang of corporation henchmen, the
same tools of the Union Pacific, as
well m other railroads, denounce me
for advocating the same principles
now that I did in 1878 -the honest
building and regulation of railroads?
After 1878 the agitation continued.
In 1880 the railroads, through the
men of your election, again defeated
you and the three cent milage and
regulation. The agitation went on
and railroad building went on. The
railroad cappers who insisted that
agitation wonld step railroad build
ing were false prophets. Through
repeated betrayals by their repre
sentatives the people becoming more
determined, and the same old gang
let slip the dogs of war and abuse us
becaase we are willing reads eeoald
be built, provided they are built
torefBlatstaaeiwhaaaailt For lam'
years nine-tenths of the people of
Nebraska desired railroad regulation,
the reduction of passenger aud
freight rates, yet after much labor
and tribulations and disapointmeut.-,
the nine-tenths of the people succeed
ed last winter for the first time in
obtaiuing from the legislature of
their own election a small portion of
of their demands in a three cent
passenger rate for a portion of the
State, leaving the west end of the
State where the people need the
benefit the most, to pay the old rate.
The people voted against the com
mission yet your own legislature dis
regarded your vote and yielded to
the demands of corporations, by im
posing a commission which' practical
ly benefits no one but the clerks
drawing the salary. One result is
that much corn remained ungather
ed, and much sent to market netted
only a small pittance per bushel or a
small pittance per car load. The
telegraph and railroad rates are about
four fold west of the Missouri, com
pared with the rates between the
Missouii river and Chicago, and
while the people are omnipotent,
you seem to be powerless to stop the
It is no answer to say that a few
men who have been laboring have
not accomplished all they sought.
Had you stood by them shoulder
to shoulder, and placed a solid legis
lature at Lincoln, with ability to
withstand the blandishments and
r m
other influences of corporations
then you would have some reason to
ask why the failure.
You have been groaning under
these burdens, lo these many year.
Rest assured these perpetrators wil
never remove the wrongs by moral
suasion or genteel entreaty. Stiil
you groan and suffer and vote as the
railroad power through their shysters
and schemers and cheap John editors
allow you or else elect men whom
they easily capture.
Now, you wil) allow me to ask you
a question, why you don't champion
and defend your own interests aud
resist the generally successful effort
of the above class to use you to your
own injury?
Try it once; do your own thinking,
your own voting, your own legis
lating. Take charge at the bottom.
You run the caucustes, the priniarieo,
county aud State conventions and the
iegifclature. Elect men to the legis
lature who will dare t j enact a law
that passenger and freight rates
within the State shall not exceed the
rates between the Missouri river aud
Chicago, and you will relieve your
selves of one of the heavy burdens
and will place you on an equal
footing with the rest of mankind aud
save you from being punished be
cause you livo west of the river.
Corporation missionaries will warn
you of the danger from your ig
norance of railroad matters, but you
cannot possibly do worso than the
gang who robbed the people and
wrecked the Union Pacific Make
the effort to the extent of your power.
Editors and lawyers subsidized by
railroads will be bad confidential
advisers at this juncture. I kuow
you will pardoa me for making a
personal allusion that during a pub
lic life commencing thirty years ago,
eight years in congress from New
York, in the constitutional conven
tion of Nebraska, six years in the
State senate, and five year! in the
United States senate, it has been my
privilege to iatreduce and vote upon
many measures, boldly to proclaim
my opinions, necessarily at times to
antagonize the opinions and policies
of others and thus awaken opposition,'
yet at this time the only act or vote
for which I am arraigned is that 1
favor honest railroad building where
watered stocks and bonds shall, for
the first time, be placed under con
demnation and be prevented by act
of congress. I will have reason to
feel the mission of life has not been in
vain if this much can be obtained
from tbo American congress.
I was at one time criticised by the
ultra high protectionists because I
advocated free lumber. 1 could not
see why the pine barons should tske
from one to three dollars per
thousand feet as a gift or bonus from
the dwellers and toilers on the
prairies. And the people of Nebras
ka, without regard to politics,through
tbo legislature of 1883, passed a res
olution unanimously endorsing my
course on that subject So, too, I
was criticised for speech and vote in
favor of the Reagan bill and the
people of Nebraska, by their legisla
ture of 1885, by large majority,
adopted a resolution favoring the
same bill and the "howlers were again
left, with, the ground cut from under
their feet.
You also remember whea in the
United States Senate I secured an
amendment to a cable bill actually
fixing the rates, and the howlers
said, "what of i the people of Ne
braska never use the ocean telegraph."
Bat it was of Infinite value to enact
a precedent recognizing the foil
power of congress ia such matters.
So it will be of still greater benefit,
the recognition by congress of the
iniqaitiesof the system of stock
wateriag aad the .exercise of the
power to prevent it ia the future on
all roads it may coatrol. This same
gang, ready Ufrid orgaaized wealth
and corporate favor, howled them
'!' '
selves hoarse when, with others, on
the last night of the session of the
Nebraska Senate in 1S77, I aided in
preventing the repeal of usury laws
of "the State, and in 1S79, when we
secured the reduction of the rate of
interest to seven per cent., not to ex
ceed ten by special contract.
So the same unscrupulous crowd
with brazen falsehood, charged that I
opposed tho State ticket of 1884, when
I was merely exposing and de
nouncing a system introduced or in
augurated by the State school board,
whereby iu violation of law the
school lands were to be leased in
large bodies at nomiual rates to syn
dicates, and wero actually being thus
absorbed, and private offices in Lin
coln were placarded with advertise
ments to sell, and rent school lands
at rates which the board, if honest or
caring for the public interest, could
have obtained. This spoliation of
the school domain was checked by
full exposure and a decision of the
court that the State board had grossly
violated the law, aud were warned
to do so no more, and now instead of
l lie State leasing at 40 cents per acre,
tbey are leased for $3 and upwards,
ai d in this way tho school fund was
protected, but the same gang uttered
ire snuie piercing howl, aud I was
(alsely denounced as opposing tho
S'ate ticket. '
When from the committee on pub
lic lauds I reported an amendment to
the house bill giving the president
the power to use the military iu pro
tecting the public doirain and re
moving illegal fences, great sym
pathy was expressed by the same
gaug for the suffering syndicates and
I was the only one worthy of censure,
but the feuccs went, the syndicates
went, the cattle wero moved west aud
hundreds of thousands of acres made
tree for occupation and became the
h mes of happy toilers, aud following
up the settlors ou the desert waste
tie locomotive of the Chicago &
Northwestern and the B. & M. .ire
i hoing the song of the husbandman.
And we are also willing the engine
ol the Uniou Pacific should waken
the echoes, particularly when they
accept the condition, "no more
watered atocks and bonds on the
reads we consont they may build."
I thauk you for your letter aud
resolution. It is an indication ot
greater interest in public affairs and
gi eater watchfulness of representa
tives by the farmers aud Jaborers of
the State, which we trust may result
in great good not only to the State
but to tin) nation.
Yours truly,
C. II. Van Wyck.
Your CoMBly Fair.
Now is the time to mako up your
miud to do something for your home
fair. Every farmer -and citizen
should uot only resolve but do some
thing for his local fair. The county
fair is supposed to represent tho pro
ducts and resources, as well as tho in
telligence and enterprise of you:
county. This being a fact it is incum
bent upon every citizen to do what
ever is possible to do consistently,
at least do something to encourage
the institution. The gotting up ot
fairs is at best a thankless business.
Fair managers, as a rule, receive lit
tle credit for their laudablo efforts,
while on the other hand they are sure
to be the recipients of much abuse,
fault fiuding, and criticism. Mauy
people go to their home fair and
make themselves particularly obnox
ious to the few public spirited citi
zens who have made the fair by their
contributions aud exhibits, by rudely
ciiticising overybody and everything
and loudly averring that they could
beat this or that exhibit at home.
Nothing is more disgusting to un
prejudiced visitors and investment
seeking strangers than this chronic
style of declaiming and grumbling
from the very persou who should be
identified with the institution.
The county fair should represent
the resources, intelligence and enter
prise ot your county. Products of
the farm, orchard, field, shop, the
home, in fact every induetry, busi
ue6R, profession, and institution of
the county should be represented by
i's best products aud offering?.
Amusement and daily attractions
of a high order should be provided,
eo that every class of people might
come together, have a good social
time, getting acquainted with each
other, comparing notes with your
neighbor, learning how this and that
success was made in your line of
business, and studying the relation
of your business with that of some
other. Every one could well afford
two or three days recreation at a rep
resentative fair and at the same time
profit himself by observation and in
quiry. Every farmer, merchant and manu
facturer, has something that he or his
home can exhibit that will be of in
terest to hundreds of others as well
as creditable to himself. Think what
a showing your county would make
if one in ten did something .in this
Indicate to the managers of the
fair association that yon propose to
be identified with the fair this year.
Don't let any prejudice or- personal
matter stand in your way. Ike
change. a --
- A fire alarm system is to be in
troduced at Liacoln.
? .
The surrounding counties of Holt,
Antelope, Pierce, Cedar Dixon, Da
kota and Madison are largely in th"
majority among the farmers for Van
Wyck. Al of them can be defeated
by remaining away from the prima
ries thus leaving the selection of
delegates to a few politicians. Go
to the primaries. All of you take
notice of the call of your precinct
chairman; compare bis watch with
yours, so as to besuro and bo there
on time: select your own delegates;
take none but true Van Wyclr men,
do uot be in doubt as to any ; 6tand
(irmly by each other, don't give way
tor chattel .mortgages or grocery
hills; be true tovyour interests and
there will be no such word as fail.
You will then return to the senate
your defeuder; stay away from the
primaries and you are lost. Niobra
ra Aie.
A Harrow Eitcape.
I was suddenly taken very ill at
Eagle Lake, this state, the other day
with cholera morbus, and used
morphine to uo avail, and I grew
worse and despatched a messenger
for a physician, who brought' with
him a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera aud Diarrhoea Remedy, aud
gave me a dose which relieved me
instautly, aud 1 firmly buliuvo that to
i' I owe my lite aud the physician
v ho was unprejudiced enough tr.
ti'uiiuister it when all others failed,
and I repeat again, I owe my lite to
v ur great preparation.
I remain yours gratefully,
G. D. Waite, Prescription Clerk,
With Cbas. A. Gray, Waterville,
Minn. Sold by Dowty & Heit
kemper. 15-4
Frederick Ehdk, a laboring hand
and discarded lover of Minnir
Luitke, a young girl about seventeen
yais old and daughter of John
Luitke, where he was employed, had
bten discharged by the father aud
forbade to visit his daughter. One
evening last week he met the girl out
in the field uot far from Staplehurst,
Neb., where she had goue for the
0 ws, placed a pistol at her head and
li ed, killing her almost instantly.
1 ho father hearing the shot went to
!icr relief aud was met by Elide aud
l ot in the breast, severing the mai
irtery leading to the heart, uud iu ti
very brief time he died. Ehde then
returned back to where lay the dcat
tiody of tho girl, placed the muzzle ot
tl.e pistol to his templo aud de-
bcratcly blew out his brains.
W. H. Bolton, chief of division
hi cond class matter at tho Chicago
postouicc, wri arrested the other day
charged with the embezzlement ot
public funds by means of false re
turns. The inspector claims he has
tiaced a shortage already of 10,000
and iufimates that the total will reach
tr.0,000 or. $100,000. John I. Stowart,
a weigher, was also arrested.
A a
Dowty & Heitkempcr can always
be relied upou, not only to carry in
tock the best of everything, but to
st cure the agency for such articles a
have well-known merit, and are pop
ular with the peoplo, thereby sus
taining tin: reputation of being al
w a) s enterprising, aud ever reliabl .
Having secured the agency for the
oi lebrated Dr. King's New Discovery
(or Consumption, will sell it ou a
positive guarantee. It will surely
euro auy and every affection ot
Throat, Lungs, and Chesr, and to
chow our confidence, we invite you
to call and get a Trial Bottle Free.
F. Steinmetz, his wife aud child,
were crossing the bridge over the
Nemaha the other evening, near
Talmage, Neb., with a span of mules.
The frightened mules shied and
backed against the railiug; breaking
down, all were precipitated iuto the
water, thirty feet below, drowning
all three persons.
Aa Annwer Wanted.
Can any ouo bring us a case of Kid
ney or Liver Complaint that Electric
Bitters will not speedily cure? We
say 'they can not, as thousauds of
cases already permanently cured and
who are daily recommending Electric
Bitters, will provo. Bright's Disease,'
Diabetes, Weak Back, or any urinary
complaint quickly cured. They pur
ify tho blood, regulate the bowels,
and act directly on the diseased parts.
Every bottle guaranteed. For sale at
50c. a bottle by Dowty & Heitkcmpo.
During a thunder storm the other
day lightning struck an oil tank con
taining 35,000 barrels of oil near
Elba., A posse of men from tbo
Camden works, of Parkersburg, and
a cannon from Marietta, Ohio, went
up to check the fire and keep it from
spreading to the other tanks of the
same capacity in- the immediate
tVaclcIen'M Aralca Salve.
The Beat Salve iu the world for
Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt
Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped
Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all
Skin Erup UonB, and positively cures
Piles, or no pay required. It is guar
anteed to ;;ive perfect satisfaction, or
money relauded. Price 25 cents per
box. Foi sale by Dowty & Heit
kemper. Mayl7-ly
The first shipment of tea is now
being made over -the Canadian
Pacific Railroad.
, i S LJt -S
V sWiiBMBft iHH
r wBsf
National Bank!
Authorized Capital of $250,000,
A Surplus Fund of - $15,000,
And the largest Paid ia Cawh Cap
Hal of any banK in this part
of the State.
tSTDeposits received and interest paid
on time deposits.
ESTDraftsou the principal cities in this
country aud Kurope bought and sold.
larCoIlections and all other business
given prompt and careful attontion.
A. ANDERSON, Pres't.
SAM'L C. SMITH, Vice Pres't.
O. T. KOEN, Cashier.
J. P. BECKElt,
D.T. Mautvn, 3L D. V. J. Scuug, 31. D.
U. S. Examining Surgeons,
Local Surgeon. Union Pacific, O., N.
&B. H.and B. & 31. It. It's.
Consultations in German and Kn
Telephones at office aud residences.
E?Oflice on Olive street, next to llrod
feuhrer's Jewelry Store.
Upstairs Ernst building 11th street.
Oltiee over First National Hank, Colum
bus, Nebraska. f0-tf
1. KVANS, M. !.,
JSTOHice and rooms, Gluck building,
lltli street. Telephone communication.
Platte Center, Nebraska. !-y
loth street, east of Abt's barn.
April 7, 'sC-tf
.lust opened. Special attention given
lo lomniercial men. Has a good sample
n' in. Sets the best table. Give it a
ti bl and be convinced. f.O-oino
IParties desiring surveying done
cm address me at Columbus, Neb., or
call at my office in Court House.
W. H. Tedrow, Co. Supt.
I will be at my office in the Court House
be third Saturday of each mouth for the
xi.mination of teachers. 39 tf
f. f. uuarrvER, m. d.,
Clirenio Diseases aad Diseases ef
Ckildrea a Specialty.
iSTOffice on Olive street, three doors'
km tti of First National Bank. t!-ly
Office up-stairs in McAllister's build.
Ing. 11th St. W. A. 3IcAllister, Notary
AttcKtr ud HsUry Pall e. Cclltetor.
Columbus, : : : Nebraska.
Collection Attorxey.
Specialty made of Collections
Garlow .
by C.J.
llth St., opposite Lindell Hotel.
Sells Harness, Saddles, Collars, Whips,
Blankets, Curry Combs, Brushes, trunks,
valises, buggy tops, cushions, carriage
trimmings, &c, at the lowest possible
prices. Repairs promptly attended to.
Plans and estimates supplied for either
frame or brick buildings. Good work
guaranteed. Shop on 13th Street, near
St. Paul Lumber Yard, Columbus, Ne
braska. 52 Gmo.
Rao's and Iron !
The highest market price paid for rags
and iron. Store in the Bubach building,
Olive at., Columbus. Neb. 5-tf
Carpenters and Contractors.
Haveaadan extended experience, and
will gaaraatee satisfaction in work.
All klads of repairing done on short
notice. Our motto is, Good work and
fair prieea. - Call aad give us as oppor
tuaityteestimateforyou. yyshop on
13th Stoae door west of Krisdhof A
Co's. stars, Celusibus, Ksbr. 483-y
Iv' It
WHOLE NO; 848.:
A, new court houso is beiug built
at Culbertson.
President Cleveland ha signed
the oleomargarine bill.
The cost of cremating a corpse in
Paris has been reduced to $3.
President Cleveland last week
votoed four more pension bills.
It is said the room in which G rant
died remains untouched iu every de
Snow fell on the 3d hist., ou Mouut
Washington, to the depth of one and
a halt inches.
,The Australian colonies of Great
Britain have a population of 3,375,
Utt), and a debt, of $000,000,000.
The California legislature last week
elected A. P. Williams U. S. Senator
to fill out the unexpired term of the
late Senator John P. Miller.
A vike started the other day in an
empty ice house in Dos Moines, la.,
causing its destruction with nine
ther buildings. Loss, $20,000.
Dudley Hubbard, a colored
barber ot (J rand Island, Neb., sud
denly became insane the other morn
n g and cut his throat with a razor.
Hubert O. Thompson, leader of
the county democracy, was found
dead in hi bed tho other moruiup,
it the Worth House, Now York
The names of tho men arrested
and charged with robbing tho post
office at Minueapolis are Thoma9
Finucand, N. S. Thompson and
A man in Pittsburg has just
patented a machine with which to
blow glass by compressed air, which,
it is claimed, will revolutionize the
The hop crop throughout New
York state has been greatly damaged
it not entirely destroyed by lice; a
-Hidden advance in the price of hops
is the result.
Out of titty-sevcu well-known
.Vtw York lawyers interviewed by
the Jurist, fifty-two held that the
constitution ot New York docs uot
prohibit women from voting.
Henry Dare, of Fairfield, Neb., a
marble aud tombstone dealer, one
v ening last week very suddenly aud
.ir. steriously disappeared, and has
not since been seen or heard of.
!da Dickinson, of Udell, Neb., at-
nipted to commit suicide by taking
norphino. She was still alive at
t report lroin the scene, but little
po entertained for her recovery.
Michael Welch, a young boy
-. veuteen years old, living near
A burn, Nob., angry becauso his
brother relused to let him go to a
1 nee, went to the haymow and
hanged himself.
A laborer at the waterworks at
Beatrice, Neb., was badly injured the
thcr day by a heavy piece ot pipe
rolling upon him iu a trench. Uit
.'Hinc is not known, aud it is supposed
e will uot recover.
There arc titty large washing
arges on the banks1 of the Seiue, in
France, which are made use o
y 38,000 washerwomen. The gov
ernment wants to move these barge.
o avoid the contamination of the
Maud S. covered a quarter of a
mile in 30 secoude, the other day
on her 'weekly trial, at the Bonner
farm, near Tarry town. Mr. Bonner
bilioves she will be able to beat her
own record of 2:08, the. best-in the
The Rev. W. W. Downs, of Boston,
has finally made such disclosures,
as fully exonerate him from the
charges brought against him; and
his persecutor Deacon Joseph Storey
was found guilty of adultery and ex
pelled from the church.
Nathan II. Diehl, a young farmer
of New Windsor, Carroll county,
Maryland, the other day deserted his
yi uug and handsome wife and babe
and eloped with their seventeen year
id servant girl named Maggie
i'ushing. They were traced to Bal
more aud there lost.
The corner stone of the M. E.
church was laid Monday of last
week at Fairbury, Neb. Large con
gregation present and addresses made
by Revs. Noble, Cramb and Elder
Roberts. Tho building will bo of
brick, (JOxCO feet and will cost
between $G,C00 and $7,000 when com
pleted. John Pearson, of Lawrence, Kas.,
shot bis wife and then deliberately
placed the pistol in his mouth and
blew out bis own brains. The bullet
entered bis wife's bead just below
the left ear and lodged back of the
i ose. She cannot live. Tbey never
i.ved happily together and he left a
note saying it was bis wife's fault.
Peter II. Pattigar, editor of the
Berald and present postmaster at
Millerstown.'Pa., was the victim of a
very severe horse-whipping by
women the other night. He bad pub
lished in his paper some uncom
plimentary and slanderous remarks
about a party of temperance ladies
who had attended a pic-uic in the
3BusinessaMd profeasioaalcarda
of ftTSliaesor lass, par aanmai, It
dalUrs.- - -
tTFor time advertiseateata; apply
at thin office. a
ETLegal advertlMatents atatatata
TFor transient adTertleiaf , aea
rates on third page.
HTAU advertiaeaseata payable
Oae HaaU aealml. Aeelaer gaitestgea,
mbA Om to 18 years H,
The Connecticut cat. says a Norwich
correspondent of the New York Sun, ia
attending mainly to - routine hnshmes
this year, but here and there is one that
shows a trace of genius. Mr. Amos E.
Cobb of this town has a remarkable
Joung- cat It ignores mice entirely,
t will have1 nothing1 but red squirrels.
It goes out into the moods each Beam
ing and catches one red squirrel. One
squirrel lasts for a whole day's meals.
The hind quarters serve for breakfast,
the' fore quarters for dinner, and the cat
tapers off her appetite by picking the
hide and head for supper. It is nard
work to catch a red squirrel napoinir.
rand the cat realizes that one squirrel
must go a long way. tone brings all her
catches to the house, and tho backyard
is strewn with red-sqairrel skins turned
wrong side out Mr. Cobb has in his
veranda a lot of wire cages, all com
municating with each other and each
provided with play-wheels, and in the
cages sixteen squirrels which a has
caught in traps. The cat often aits for.
an hour near the cages with her eyes
closed and with a very benovokat ex- '
pression on her face, aad accidentally
she lets her paw fall inside the wire for
the squirrels to play with. Fooling
with that sleepy paw has nearly cost
three squirrels their lives. She has not
got one of tho wired squirrels yet, but
she has hope, and spends an hour each
day before the cages.
Arthur Keller of Treston has a cat
that catches partridges. She gets about
one a week. When she cannot catch a
partridge, mice. birds, ground-moles,
and rats are good enough for her. Now
and then she takes big dying grasshop
pers, and flies off a window-pane. It is
worth the price of a ticket to a dime
museum, Mr. Keller thinks, to see his
cat chase a Hying grasshopper. The
grasshopper starts off, flushed with hope.
and with a satirical flutter and buzz
that manifests its opinion of a thing on
legs trying to run down a thing that has
both legs and wings. The grasshopper
sails away in a side-long direction about
a dozen rods and plumps down in the
grass with a wiry chip that is meant to
sav to the cat that the grasshopper can
take that little skip not less than twenty
five or thirty times and not get tired,
but rather enjoy it The cat nowever,
means business, and, with tail erect and
daws outspread, is at the first station
almost as soon as the grasshopper has
alighted. The grasshopper has to got
up again and be off with an alacrity
that takes its breath away, and before
it has taken half a dozen flights it is a
very surprised and serious-looking grass
hopper that blindly dashes in a zigzag
way before tho pursuing cat At the
end of the sixth or seventh inning the
cat generally nails her prey to- tho
ground ia the stubble. A fat flying
grasshopper makes a dainty lunch for a
Rhode Island cats are noted for lon
gevity. In other state cits that are uot
chewed up by other eats die of old age
before they are 10 years old. They stay
out too late at night on feuccs and
shed-roofs at the expense of their emo
tional natures, anil their vitality is
early exhausted. Rhode Island caU are
less frivolous. They keep their heads
cool and do not overwork themselves at
night Henry Cliff, in that state, owns
a eat that is 18 years old. and her facul
ties are all perfect Age has etched her
whiskers' ends and tne fringe of fur
along her sides with peculiar designs in
fink, hence Mr. Cliff ealls her "Finkey."
u other resects she is in a normal
feline condition. Mr. Cliff takes excel
lent care of this cat and does not re
quire that she shall earn her own living. .
She lives on the fat of his larder aud
takes only oue stroll around the house
daily for exercise. Shu scorns mice and
all other cheap, coarse food. A mouse
might run between her feet aud she
would not take the trouble to step ou
him. All she has to do is to sit on the
veranda, close her eyes, aud look wise.
Mr. Cliff hopes to keep her alive until
she is 20 years old. It is believed that
Pinkey is the oldest cat iu Rhode
Salmon-Poarhiuvr In Canada.
The unlawful act which the wardens
most carefully guard against is "drift
ing." One or two poachers will steal
out at night carrying a jcculiarly made
net in their canoes. They stretch this
across the head of a Kol; and it is so
weighted and buoyed that it stands up
right, reaching nearly to the bottom.
As the current causes the net to drift
down stream, one canoe stays at each
end to keep it straight There is usually
a white rope at the bottom of the net
Seeing this, the salmon raise themselves
a little, only to be caught by the gills in
the meshes. When the shaking of the
net shows that one is caught the poacher
quickly paddles to the spot raises the
net kills the fish with a blow on its
head, and throws it into the canoe. In
this sneaking way, nearly all the sal
mon in a pool may be netted out in a
night If the wardens happen to come
along in their dug-outs, they try to seize
the net and identify the poachers. Then
there may be a tight and perhaps a
canoe will be sunk, and a poacher or a
warden will get a sold batli. On one
river, the poachers used to station a boy
on an island below them, with a horn
which he blew whenever the wardens
approached. One of the latter was so
active that the poachers resolved to
punish him. They took an old worth
less net and stretched it out into the
river from a rock on the bank. A rope
I was rove through the net and the shore
end made fast over a pulley to the traces
of a horse. A boy stood beside the
horse, and two poachers in a canoe held
the outer end of the net Down camo
tbo warden, poling along in his dug
out and pulled the end of the net away
from the seemingly unwilling poachers.
He began taking it into his dug-out
congratulating himself on his prize, and
had hauled it naif-way in, when the boy
on shore struck the horse, which started
on a full gallop up the bank, jerking
the net after it In a flash the net was
polled out of the dug-out the latter up
set and the astonished warden pitched
into the river. But I hope the poachers
were punished in their turn. For if
these lawless men had their way, there
would be no salmon left in the rivers,
and no such glorious sport as fly-fishing.
Ripley Hitchcock, in SL Nicholas.
m i
A correspondent in Los Angeles, Cal,
writes: There is a woman here who is
selling small fruit and vegetables to
educate herself in music. She has been,
she says, "starved for music all her life."
but now, at forty years of age, in spite
of her poverty and discouragement, she
is cultivating her voice, which is really,
a fine one. An odd and pitiful sight
was this woman, with her broad sun
hat and linen duster, at the piano the
other day, playing and singing for a
wealthy lady m valid, while her vegeta
ble wagoa. Hood waking at the doer.
: . j