The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, August 04, 1886, Image 4

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Maw Iws UtM Were Wrecked ay Cksace
sad Craelty.
The extract from a Washington letter
to the Chicago New headed "Buchan
an's Tragic Lore Story," copied into
the Tribune recently, is called by people
here who claim to know a mass of
errors. His love story as told by them
and they assert they have often heard
the particulars from" his own lips, and
farther that it can be verified by mariy
'till living in Lancaster is to this
effect: The young lady to whom Mr.
Buchanan was engaged to bo married
was Miss. Anne Coleman of Lancaster,
not of Philadelphia. Mr. Buchanan at
this time was not "practicing law in a
remote part .of Pennsylvania," but was
a member of the Legislature, residing
in Lancaster, next door to theColemans
in East Hng street j He "was a lawyer
bvfprofessiooand-wentvtb -Lancaster
from franklin county, to study for the
bar when a boy. Ilis engagement to
'Miss Coleman was long before he pur
chased his country-seat of "Wheatland."
The Colcmans were a auiet, early-going-to-bcd
family, and Air. Buchanan
was never allowed to sec his fiancee
after 9 p. m. The young couple were
accustomed to tako regular evening
walks, but it was always reqnired that
the Udv ber at home by 9. They were
noted hroiighout the city as the hand
somest and most affectionate pair the
place could boast
One night, coming from Harrisburg,
the stage was delayed (no railroads
then), and Mr. Buchanan did not reach
Lancaster until after 9. Knowing that
he would not at that hour be permitted
to see Miss Coleman, he called upon a
friend, Mrs. Jenkins, and accompanied
her sister. Miss Harriet Olds, to a ball
at the house of Mrs. Bosanna Hubley.
TheColemans of-coursc heard of this,
and, being very proud, they felt that an
indignity had been placed upon their
daughter, and insisted that the match
be broken off. The young lady herself
wished to keep faith with her lover,
and was so much distressed and so un
willing to accede to the commands of
her parents that she was sent to Phila
delphia. Mr. Buchanan never saw her
alive again, nor could lie attempt to
communicate with her, for he did not
know where she was. Ho called at her
house the morning after the ball, but
was denied admission, and all he could
learn was thai; she had left the town.
She came to Philadelphia by the stagot
which took nearly two days for the
'ourney, stopping over night at Down
ngton at what was called the Half-Way
House. The same stage in a few days
brought her dead body back. Mr. Bu
chanan never doubted that she took
poison and often expressed that belief.
It was also the general opinion. The
Colemans never spoko to Mr. Buchanan
after the ball, even declined further ac
quaintance with those who remained
.his friends, and would have prevented
him looking upon the corpse. The
woman, however, who prepared the un
fortunate young lady for her coffin let
him into the house disguised in female
attire at 1 o'clock in the morning, and
he had the melancholy satisfaction of
seeing once more the features of the girl
he loved so fondly. He is said to have
had the sympathy of everybody in his
deep sorrow. He was greatly affected,
and for two years, in his own words,
was 'scarcely himself There is a
probability that this sad experience in
fluenced all his after life, and it is cer
tain that he never again thought of
marriage. There were no intercepted
or delayed letters, and the story of the
broken leg is all imagination.
It may be worth while adding that
Miss Olds, the innocent cause of all the
trouble, remained single, and that only
about ten years ago she was burned to
death at her home in Lancaster, her
clothes taking lire at a grate. Phila
delphia Letter to Xew York Tribune.
Earthquakes and Other Earth
We are accustomed to think of the
land of the earth as something solid
and fixed; and, as a testimonial of this
impression, the Latin phrase terra
firma, firm land or solid ground, has
been naturalized in the languages of
nearly all civilized peoples. On the
other hand, we speak of water as un
stable. But the geological history of
the earth and the more careful observa
tions of modern times have taught us
that these ideas do not correctly repre
sent the qualities of the land-masses and
water-masses of the globe as compared
f with one another. The ancient shorc
' marks on the continents and the phe
nomena of elevation anil subsidence
that have been observed in historic
, times, confirming their evidence, show
that the land and the ocean are con
tinually changing their level as to one
another; and it has further been mado
evident by experiment as well as by a
priori reasoning, that it is not the ocean
that changes, but the land which under
goes alternate movements of elevation
and depression. An earthquake-shock
is a phenomenon well adapted to de
stroy the faith of any person who feels
one in the fixedness of the earth; and
such, by the evidence, is the effect for
the time on all who experience theso
shocks. Even the light pulsations
i which sometimes pass over parts of the
. United States occasion panic and excite
a momentary impression that every
thing is falling over or sinking away;
while the more violont shocks that are
felt in crrthquake-infestod countries pro
duce indescribable terror; and such cat--jastrophes
as those historical earthquakes
Jof Lisbon- and Caracas, and the moro
recent ones of Ischi and the Strait of
Sunda amouut to a demonstration that
the reason for such terrors is real, and
that the continents also can not escape
the general law of change and perish
ability. Earth-movements the name by which
these phenomena may be most con
venient) described are various, and
comprise, so far as they are now con
sidered, earthquakes, or sudden violent
movements of the ground; earth-tremors
or minute movements which usually
escape attention by the smallness of
their amplitude; earth pulsations, or
movements which are overlooked on ac
count of the length of their period; and
earth oscillations or movements of long
.-period t and large amplitude like the
- .shifting of levels of land-masses which
attract attention from their geological
importance. Some of these movements
have only recently begun to attract at
tention. They are all intimately as
sociated in their occurrence and their
origin. Popular Science Monthly.
i m
"j ii ''
A valuable discovery has been made
whereby the faded ink on parchment
may be so restored as to render the
writing perfectly legible. The process
consists in moistening- the paper with
water, .and then pass over the lines in
writing with a brush which has been
wet in a solution of ammonia. The
-writing will immediately appear quite
dark in color, and this color, in the case
of parchment it will preserve. On
paper.! however, the col6r gradually
fanes again; but it may be restored at
r -; pleasure by the application of the sul
phide. The explanation of the action
n of tliis sBBstaacciis very simple. The
iron which enters into the composition
of the ink is transformed by the reac
tion into the black sulphide.
Mocking birds canx be taught almost
anything in the way of tunes. Macon,'
need, to boast of a bird, that whistled
"Dixie,"" and years ago, a-Frenchman,
7, , .traveled about the country playing airs.
upon tue piano wnicn ins Dim wouia
follow accurately. At the Pulaski
r BSmai, in Savannah, a negro used to
nlto to tanas his master whistled.
ImirtrNf Cases That Have Come to
the Notice or a Clergymaa Tue Trag
edy of a Choree Girl.
Speaking of the many features which
enliven the matrimonial market a well
known clergyman said to a Boston Olobe
reporter: "One of the many remark
ablo cases I recall is that of a beautiful
young girl who was married to a
wealthy man of three score years and
nine. The acquaintance was made at
one of our theaters, where Laura was
engaged as chorus girl. The brief ac
quaintance ripeneu into a strong re
Srd, and finally, they were married,
lira after a time tired of her aged
partner and sought her old haunts, aud
on any pleasant day she might be seen
upon the road behind four handsome
coal-black horses, in her barouche, the
flashiest in town, with some half a
dozen young swells. The husband look
ed upon all these peccadilloes without a
word of remonstrance, and -endeavored
all the harder to wean her from the evil
influences which surrounded her, but
without avail It was but a few months
after their marriage that the wife, de
serting husband and home, took pas
sage on a steamer for Loudon, and, ar
riving there, occupied quarters with a
well-known elocutionist who had fig
ured prominently in the social world,
and who had sailed a week previous for
old England. The two were married
within a few days by the queen's chap
lain and started" for the coast for their
honeymoon. On the first day the
couple retired at an early hour, but
when morning came the domestic found
the husband of a few hours stretched
cold and dead across the bed, a small
blue circle in the forehead where a bul
let had entered. He had taken his own
life. TKe young man's family made in
quiries regarding the character of tho
widow, and when tho reports came in
so detrimental to her honor and repu
tation she was' sent out into the world
to fight its battles alone, unearcd for
and unknown. The first husband be
came a victim to grief and died, and
the brido, weakened by the forced dis
sipations. survived him but a short time, !
and the remarkable career begun so
auspiciously, so happily, ended in tho
bereavement of three families.
"Only a few weeks ago a handsome
team drove to mv door and a moment
later a lady and gentleman entered our
a. a J m a k A m a1S S rk A r 1
apartments and asked to be married.
The lady was young, beautiful, and
wealthy. The husband to be was a
common sailor, the odor of tar still
strong upon him, while every feature
snowed a barrenness of even ordinary
ability. I led the lady to another part
of the room, when I asked an explana
tion. AH I could get was that they j
were bent on marrying and if I didu t j
do it some one else would, and at last j
the knot was tied and the couple drove
away. I have since learned that Jack
returned immediately to his ship and
took passage to Liverpool, where to-day
the couple-Tivo in contentment
"Another f singular incident in my
career as a minister was the marriage
of tho father of one of the most promi
nent political officers of the state. What
makes it more interesting is that the
offspring was not even aware that his
parents were lawful husband and wife.
While at a public reception a few weeks
ago I was introduced to the nfan in
Juration, and remarked that years ago
had married his father to an estima
ble young woman. The son, after a
moment's reflection, left the house, say
ing that he would investigate the mat
ter, but whether he did or not I cannot
telL It was years before that the hus
band, having buried his wife, retired in
seclusion with only a housekeeper to
assist in the management of the house,
and they lived as tueh for many years.
One afternoon a neighbor visited me
and inquired whether I had married the
couple, but I knew nothing of their mar
riage and told him so, but it was only a
few weeks later that 1 was visited by
the husband and his housekeeper, who
expressetl a desire to be wedded. 'Have
you your certificate?' I asked. No; ho
had none with him, but promised that
if I woidd wait a few moments he would
obtain one, as he had made application
years previous and had been granted
his papers. He posted home aud re
turned with his certificate, old aud yel
low with age, but the legal instrument
and they were married on the spot and
the son was the legal offspring of that
"I have met couples who would not
be married with metal rings, and I have
cut circles from the groom's gloves to
satisfy them. I have known of the
church key heing the substitute for the
wedding-ring, of a clergyman's stop
ping a wedding service because the
wedding-ring was diamond instead of
the ordinary band, and of no end of
trouble being caused by a wedding-ring
which the bride mistrusted to be brass
being placed on her finger, and I recall
an instance where a common curtain
ring answered the purpose of a more
suitable and costly one. The question
of fees is a most interesting one, and in
my experience as minister I have re
ceived almost every sum, from a silver
dollar to a check for $100, and almost
every conceivable gift from a copy of
the church ritual, elegantly bound, to
less portable but more valuable evidences
of appreciation."
Tho Language of the Train.
To sit on one scat and put your feet
on another signifies. "I am not accus
tomed, to upholstered furniture at home."
To occupy four seats on one ticket
means, "1 am a hog." To lean half
way out of the window in order to see
tho country means, "There are no glazed
windows in my house." To turn a front
seat and ride backward, staring the
whole car in the face, means, "I may
not be pretty, but 1 think I am." To
expectorate on tho car-floor means, "I
have no carpets at borne." To say of
the station that yon "cannot see the
town for the houses," sigpilies, "I have
never been anywhere before." To drink
all the water in the tank and go to
sleep at 8 o'clock in the morning
means, "I was out with the boys last
night" To be bounced off the train
means, "I'm dead-broke." To chase
your children away from your own seat
to be entertained by the other pas
sengers signifies, "I cannot afford to
keep a nurse." To talk so loud the
.whole car can't help hearing you signi
fies, 'Tin telling all I know.'1 To bore
a reluctant stranger with your conver
sation signifies thatyou ought to be
taken out and shot To eat your dinner
with both hands meaus that you would
eat like a gentleman if the railroad com
pany gave you time. To whistle in the
car signifies that you have no ear for
music. To drum on the window with
your fingers shows that yon do not
know how to drum. To walk through
the car with alighted cigar in your
mouth indicates that it is your first
cigar. To do any or all of these things
just when you feel like it signifies that
you are away from home and are going
to enjoy yourself in your own way ana
you' don't care who knows it To be
run over by a truck-load of theatre bag
gage on the platform signifies "I seem
to be in the way." To go into the res
taurant and come out wipiner vonr
mouth with the back of your hand
signifies "I am a prohibitionist but I
am not bigoted." To cnagge a $50 bill
for a plain old farmer from Schoharie
means "I am out $60." To run up
town five minutes when the train stops
only three means "I am liable to get
left" To bay an expired limited ticket
j. over the Boston & Maine and try to ride
i over the Eastern Railroad with it means
i "I am a fooL" To urn a half-fai-A hv
1 tellihsr the conductor that vour 9-vear-
old boy will be 5 next June means "I
. am a liar." Vnr ninotrr-Mtt, 'n.uATKMM
mmv m ww t av sj mm TUT a uajsja3v4MCv40
19. f. &:&! &g " seat Stc
means "somebody is going to. stand
up." BurJcUe. .
"" m a
Why He Never Swears.
'I never swear," said a jolly, fat
traveler from Kansas City, to a writer
in the St Paul Globe. "And as well as
I can remember I never uttered but
five or six oaths in my life, and they
were all pronounced about the same
time. Before and after that I never
found it necessary to use a profane word
and I believe 1 have as much temper as
any man, and have as many things to
annoy and trouble me. It's all non
sense to hear men talk about nut being
able to content themselves in that par
ticular. They can all quit it if they
only will. Every one of them keeps
from swearing while he is with women,
and if ho ean do it then, he can quit it
'My swearing bee? O, yes. When
I was a boy I longed to swear as much
as any boy, but the teachings of my
mother, who died when I was quite
small, came to mo and I was actually
afraid to swear afraid that something,
I could not tell what would happen to
me. One evening I made up my mind
to swear the next day. The following
morning, after breakfast, I went down
under an old culvert and began to swear
like a mate on a steamboat I had not
got through all my combinations, for I
combined all sorts of oaths, when the
culvert caved in. I got out in time to
save mj'self from a horrible death, with
an oath on my lips. I took that caving
in business as a direct hint to mo to let
up. 1 still feel that way, and nothing
could induce me to use a profane
m s i
Wonderful Photographs.
I am sometimes moved to wonder
whether the photographs which line the
shop-windows are, considered beautiful
by their feminino originals. What
might be called a contortion craze has
invaded the photograph gallery, and
women have their pictures taken in
poses that would have made their
mothers gasp with amazement twenty
years ago. This is not only true of ac
tresses, but also of women who are so
cially eminent One well-known leader
of New York society not Mrs. Potter,
by the way is on exhibition in nunior-
nun prtmp
ot a photograph winch de
. picts her, in gorgeous evening attire,
- 1 ? 4 ff.1V !..-. - A 1 A - - - -
reclining at half-length upon a low
chair, with her arms stretched back
over her bead, holding a huge feather
fan aloft She is looking at the fan,
and the effort throws her bead so far
back that the tendons of her throat'
stand out like whip-cords. It is a thea
trical and suggestive pose. Tho lady
would not for an instant think of as
suming it in a drawing-room indeed,
she could not without "causing infinite
scandal and yet she allows herself to
be photographed in such a pose, and is
exhibited in a dozen shop-windows on
the principal thoroughfares. Even Miss
Ada Rchan, who is usually acknow
ledged to be a woman of good taste, has
had herself photographed in a some
what similar manner. Only the bead
and neck arc shown. Tho view is from
in frnnt nnii tJiA rliin in hold fin hirh in
the air that one sees nothing but a long
throat very much strained and topping
off in a sharp-pointed chin. Above the
chin may be seen, in a dim horizontal
perspective, the features of Miss Rehan,
the nose alone rising distinct from the
somewhat blurred hue of the face. Tho
photograph is life-size. Tho effect is
unpleasant N. Y. Cor. San Francis
co Argonaut.
The Danger of Kissing.
The custom of kissing has been con
demned by the wise and frowned upon
'by tho religious, but has managed to
thrive despite it all, and is still love's
great artillery and best ally. Why
tactilo sensations from a limited labial
surface have been found so very agree
able, and why they should have con
tributed so much to the poetry and pair
ing off' of the human race are questions
quite worthy of full discussion. Kiss
ing, we are told, began with the birds
and reaches its most perfect evolution
in man. It has a long history, there
fore, and may well bo considered a per
manent feature in human society
solacing grief, increasing joys, promo
ting wedding engagements, and fur
nishing a permanent source of inspira
tion for the artist
But an enemy to the kiss has appear
ed in Washington, D. C, in the person
of Dr. Samuel S. Adams, who devotes
seven columns of the "Journal of the
American Medical Association" to ex
posing tho "dangers of kissing." Every
thing has its dark side. The dark side
of kissing, as viewed by Dr. Adams, is
both moral and physical. Among
women and between children and adults
it has degenerated into an insincere,
unmeaning, and common-place saluta
tion, when it should be reserved only
as an index of affectionate feeling. But
the weight of tho doctor's argument is
expended in showing the possible evils
which come from the promiscuous kiss
ing of babies and children by adults.
Tuberculosis, diphtheria, infectious
fevers all are possible on actual results
of kissing. A veritable instance is cited
in which the drum of the ear was rup
tured by a kiss applied to tho external
auricular appendage! A kiss of such
suction force reminds one of Benedict's,
which had "such a clamorous smack
that at the parting, all the church did
echo." Although we may not realize
as he does the widespread and endemic
character of the kissing habit in Wash
ington, we can ouly trust it will prove
a safe
place for the international oon-
-Mcdical Record.
Variety In Food.
Often a sickly, waning appetite can
be stimulated by some exceedingly
simple change in tho commonest articles
of daily food. Slices of dry bread are
uninviting, but tho same bread lightly
browned, with a delicately-poached egg
resting on the crisp toast becomes al
together another item in the bill of fare.
Cold beef or mutton have become
standard dishes for wash day or other
slim dinners. But an accompaniment
of pickles for the one, and jelly for the
other, makes all the difference in the
world between tasteful and bald utili
tarian housekeeping. Oatmeal porridge
is a most excellent breakfast dish, yet
it is well to occasionally substitute in
its place berries or other fruit, or even a
change to pearl hominy, or cracked
wheat or cornmeal mush. I know
there are forty different ways to prepare
potatoes, and should not be surprised to
learn that there may be fifty, yet how
few are the tables, especially In the
country, where one sees this vegetable
except in the stereotyped boiled whole,
mashed or fried. A great variety of
delightful dishes can be made with ap
ples at all seasons of the year, whether
one has fresh or canned fruit Break
fast dinner or tea need not lack a
healthful relish if one has a dozen or bo
of apples within reach. I do not enu
merate the host of what are known as
made-dishes," which can he so quick
ly and easily concocted out of remnants.
I know it is worth the trouble to set on
the family table, not courses of elabor
ate dishes, but a wholesome, agreeable
and yet economical diversity of food.
Lucy It. Fleming, in American Agri
culturist. Atlanta is the third largest snuff
market in the world. .London comes
first. New York next and Atlanta third.
Lorillard sold 808,000 pounds of snuff
in that city last year, and other makers
abbot 150,000 pounds. One house there
' old 66,000 pounds. In Macon
1sh sold 175,000 ponndeV
I -"'" V "'
The-Story of David Davis' Fortmme.
"Judge David Davis made one of the
luckiest deals in Chicago property ever
known," said a real estate agent yester
day; "in fact he was fairly forced by
circumstances into an investment wnicn
made him a millionaire. Just about
forty years ago, when Davis was a
young lawyer, struggling for a living,
an Eastern client a manufacturer,
placed in his hands for collection a bill
against a Chicago firm, which was on
the verge of bankruptcy. The bill was
something like $3,000, and the firm,
though in hard luck, were honest and
were willing to do the best they could to
satisfy their creditors. They told the
young lawyer that they couldn't raise
any cash, but they had some land on tho
outskirts of the city which they were
willing to give up. Davis, thinking
that even land was better than nothing,
accept the proposition, aud a deed was
made out iu his name. A fow weeks
later ho met his client iu St Louis, and
told him what had been done. But the
client was not satisfied.
' 'That will never do,' ho exclaimed;
you had no authority to take land in
settlement of our account It takes
money to carry on business, and we
must have cash. We don't want any
wild Western lands. This will never
"And the client expressed so much
dissatisfaction that tho young lawyer
took it very much to heart Ho deter
mined to try and make a new basis of
settlement with the debtors. He came
to Chicago, but could do nothing with
the firm. He tried to sell tho land, even
at a sacrifice, but could find no pur
chaser. Chicago was then a town of
only twelve or fifteen thousand popula
tion, and nobody foresaw that in a
quarter of a century it would spread all
over the surrounding prairie. Reluc
tantly, and more to satisfy his client
and his own sense of wounded honor as
an attorney, he decided to take the land
himself. He went to Bloomington, with
some difficulty raised the money, sent it
to his client, and retained the deed in
his own name.
"His honor in this case was the foun
dation of his large fortune. That land
consisted of eighty acres lying between
Twenty-sixth and Thirty-first streets and
west of the tracks of the Pittsburg, Fort
Wayne & Chicago Railroad Company.
For several years the taxes on this prop
erty kept the young lawyer land poor,'
and his homing was constantly in the
market, without purchasers. He finally
realized that it was good property and
held to it He paid out a good deal of
money for taxes and assessments, but
ten years ago he sold one-half of the
tract for $375,000, and the remaining
forty acres, with the eighty houses
which be has erected thereon, are esti
mated to be worth a cool million.
Nearly one-half of his whole fortune
consists of this 'wild Western land'
which his indignant client and his own
honor forced upon him forty years ago."
Chicago Herald.
a i a
Pay of Congressmen.
When a member dies his pay ceases
on the day of his death. The salary of
the successor commences tho day after
the docease of the former member.
though the election may not occur for
several months. The new member, in
other words, draws pay for time he
never served.
A member is allowed 20 cents mileage
each way, or 40 cents a mile odc way,
and he can check for the full amount of
both trips when he takes his seat He
is allowed $125 a year for stationery.
The most of this sum is pocketed.
The members draw their money in
different ways. There are probably
twenty of the present House who let
their salaries rim into nest eggs. Among
these are Scott and Evcrhart, of Penn
sylvania; Powell, of Illinois; Boutelle,
of Maine; Henley, of California; Jones,
Stewart and Reagan, of Texas; Ells
bury, of Ohio: Stone, of Massachusetts,
ana Wakefield, Minnesota. Scott has
over a year's salary owing him about
$6,000. The other members mentioned
have from $1,000 to $3,000 to their
credit There are a couple of dozen of
members who always overdraw, or,
rather, borrow from the head of tbe
bank. They borrow or get in advance
sums ranging from $10 to $300. and at
the end of the month they have noth
ing. The great majority of the members
draw all that Is coming to them at tho
end of each month, particularly those
who have their families with them.
Some of them never sec an outside bank,
but let their monthly salary remain and
draw it out in small sums. Others take
out their salaries and place them in
other banks. But this is not done as
much as formerly. A number of them
got caught in the MIddleton Bank that
roke some time ago.
Moat of the members do all their
financial business over the counter of
the Congressional bank, and some of
them pile checks up as high as $60,000
in a single session. Washington
m i s
Ancient Cities of Hoadnraa.
While Guatemala boasts more ruined
aboriginal cities. Central Honduras was
once the scene of a high condition of
civilization. Near the source of the
winding Chemelicon, on the left bank
of the river, are situated the ruins of
Copan.the capital of a great and powerful
aboriginal kingdom. The temple walls
are fallen, but the stones that compose
them are sculptured with graceful
hireoglyphics vastly different from the
uncouth signs and symbols that cover
the late obelisks and temple walls of
the famous ruiqed cities of Egypt Re
cent investigations prove that tbe once
great Indian capital at Copan must have
been founded thousands of years ago,
shortly after the half-destroyed world
recovered from that terrible cataclysm
that covered it with the desolating deb
ris of the drift period. Indeed, it is
probable that; like UxmaL it has been
several times rebuilt, for its ruins betray
traces of several styles of architecture
that embrace different epochs of civili
zation. But the stories told by the
moral sculptures and the hieroglyphic
covered obelisk remain a profound
secret to the savants of the day. No ro
sette stone has been discovered tore
veal the mysterious histories they relate,
nor can we over hope to learn them.
The language of the builders has disap
peared with those who raised these
stupendous monuments.
California Nomeaclafre.
Some day when the people begin to
study the nomenclature of this great
country they will be puzzled consider
ably to tell where some of tbe names
came from. Quite likely they will go
clear away back centuries before M9
and prove that America must have been
known to the ancient Assyrians. There
will be lots of fun for the future arch
aeologists. There is a station on one of
the railroads, and a town with a church,
a saloon, and the usual camp followers
of civilization, which bears the euphon
ious name of Eltopia. The ancient
Greeks may perhaps be held responsible
for this in the future, but the plain fact
is that a congregation and a minister
wandered out to that place and found
it all too inconvenient to address their
religious reports from a place bearing
the name given to it by the miners of
"Hell to Pay," so they changed it into
Eltopia. San Francisco Chronicle.
Streator, IU.. has a cat that delights
in killing snakes, but she nearly saet
her match the other day when she
tackled a big farter snaks It colled
about her body, and" the two rolled
around on the ground until the teeth
and claws of the cat got her the victory.
Mow while oiir Solon are rteel'liur oat pea
leas, awl ponlinir our surplus wlta beat
of intention. 1 nrvaent. a a ber4 of. the
Give a pension f..r lire to that nun siM"
lnr for mch SNtrlaii virtue as tbia ia
worth biii.!ir-w:Ti ciui tish all iy ion
aniiirobonioMimour lyirnr. an.l tell tbe
at might truth without suakinir or swerv-
Otvi n rwMmtiin to Mm nho trailoa naas with- !
out cbcil:tir. iin! ii-Hi n Rood talu without
ever n.paiinir. mul i pious ut home as
he'a pious ut uuvilti all wen of UtU
stamp u'otl u pension.
Give a pension to Mm. wboth.-r married or
tingle, who Is never i pioud with all
tm-ii t c-.'iuiiiniiile; Itjon imve miiv loft
thou Hit ci it- of tlilit Jl isle prtfbtfulutb
himself ik you.- kinJ'l uitciiU'itt.
Philadelphia lias a saloon that took
in $a-'5.0() last y.;.H
In (he Island ol Java there are twen
ty lcltcr-pross printing olhc.-s.
This season':. .rang.: rop in southern
California nggr.::it-tl 7'A).U00 boxes, or
108.000.000 onto-..
John Newman, who has put died in
Soviur County. 'lVuiif.s-cu, u reported to
have bt:.!ii 1 17 rars old. Ho never was
nioris than ten miles away from the
place vh-iv was born, and was one
of tlu: lii-ht white children born in Ten
iuse!. Charles Qu.mmi. tho originator of tho
IK-iliMni dog-dado, ami who held for a
oug tiin.; tin! liiiis of champion clog
dauer. is ilyin ( iMiiMimption in the
SisU-rs' Hospital at Kansas City. He
began !ilo as a bootbhtck.
Crystalled viol.'ts at $G a pound are
tlus very Li!ost things in contectionery.
Candied rMi Ifa's are also very popu
lar, (litis tike to ealllowttrs and will
pay as high as $10 a Kuud for some of
the more exjH-nsiv,: kinds. They aro all
brought from France.
The famous full-length portrait of
President Arthur hangs on the east trail
of tho Red Parlor in the White House.
At Mrs. Cleveland's lat re-.-eption it was
noticed that tho much-criticised red rose,
which originally lay at his feet, hud been
painted out.
A party, under the direction of officers
of tin United States Geological Survey,
is about to inuki) an extended explora
tion of Crater hake in National Park.
It will be necessary to lower them 1,000
feet down the stony crags in order to
reach water.
George La Blanche, the Boston prize
fighter, told a Buffalo reporter that less
than four years a;o he was a conductor
ou the New York Central Railroad, be
tween Syracuse aud Buffalo. He said
that he was al.soa marine at the Charles
town barracks. Hence his uame "Tne
In 1875 Miss Emma Wilson, of Rose
bud. III., married her second cousin,
who died, leaving her two children.
Then she married another second cous
in, the first rou-iiu of her lirst husband,
aud he died, leaving one child. Two
weeks ag slu: married another second
cousin, a brother to her lirst husband.
One of the Pharaohs has been disin
terred at Kulak, near Cairo. The mum
my was diiir up in the presence of the
IvheiKve. and proves to be tlio remains
of U.-i mors Mi. of i he twoutieth Egyp
tian d nasty, who rcivncd about 1100 B.
R. and wan a ue:u descendant of the
Metiepiiiah who w:is probably tho
Pharaoh of Exodus.
A resident of New Haven
writes as
follows of Mrs. Murr.iv, who recently
secured a divorce from v H. H. Mur
ray: "Mrs. Murray has a tine practice
iu this city. Shu has an excellent loca
tion and in in v warm friends. She is a
bright, energetic, hopeful woman aud
deserves much praiso."
A Connecticut peddler who had been
selling clocks "like hot cakes" in Ken
tucky, the terms being $'J down and the
buyer's own time for the remaining $3,
explained to au eastern drummer that
be had a profit of $1 apiece out of the
first payment, and the rush of business
was to be explained by the fact that the
purchasers thought that they were each
beating him out of $3.
Twenty-six years ago Joseph Loth of
New York City was au invited guest
when the Putnam Phalanx of Hartford
visited the grave of Gen Putnam. At
that time a subscription paper was cir
culated to secure a fund to erect a monu
ment over "Old Put's" grave, and Mr
Loth put down his name for $10. He
heard no more about the monument un
til last week, when he read that it was
about to bo erected. Thereupon he
made good his subscription by sending
$10 to Adjutant Tyler of tbo Putnam
Fred and Willie Gerster, aged 0 and
11, tired of their home in Cincinnati,
so they packed a big basket with pro
visions, stole 93 and a pistol from their
father, and set out to see the world.
And they saw it for three weeks, sleep
ing in barns, selling newspapers, and
blacking boots in Dayton and Toledo,
and were in a fair way to become thor
ough tramps when the advertisements
of their frantic father led to their ap
prehension and return to the parental
roof. They say that they have had all
the tramping they want.
The rejection of Mr. William K. Van
derbill by the Jockey Club in Paris has
occasioned much comment in New York
club circles. It is generally thought
that Mr. Vanderbilt did not act wisely
in allowing himself to be proposed for
membership, as ho had not been a resi
dent of the gay capital sufficiently long
to enable him to become well acquaint
ed with the club members. The Jockey
Club of Paris is an organization very
chary of admitting new members, ana
Mr. Vauderbilt's rejection, for these two
reasons, does not signify anything in
"Cousin Ben" Folsom is in Omaha
looking after the Folsom estate in that
citv, which is worth from 9350,000 to
$500,000. The Omaha Bee reports him
as thinking of hiring a secretary and
keepinjr a scrapbook. "Some of these
paragraphs are very funny," said Mr.
Folsom, "but the one that accuses me
of wearing a scarf-pin as big as a half
dollar with a red rooster with green
feathers is a monstrous exaggeration.
You can say 'officially that I nave too
much taste 'to wear a scarf-pin of that
size Here is the pin. You will see
that it is no larger than a 10-ccnt piece
and is simply a Florentine mosaic
Marie Hebron, 13 years old and black,
was committed to the Industrial School
in Baltimore by ber mother, who said
she couldn't do anything with Marie.
She' baa a room on the ufth floor. One
dark night she got out on the roof, hunr
from the eaves by her bands, and
dropped to a building beneath, thence
jumped to the roof of a house adjoining,
got on the veranda, slid down a post to
the ground, scaled the fence, and went
home. Her mother at once notified ihe
police, and one of the force went to .re
arrest Marie. He couldn't find her nn
til he happened to stick his hand np a
chimney. He felt something, and
ppeu ana pulled, and down came
e blacker than ever, and angry.
About six months ago a man' giving
his name as James Eustace secured 'an
audience with Secretary Lamar. He
asked tbe Secretary If he rememberfd
having lost a- pocketbook containing
notes and money to the amount of ov
ers! thousand dollars in 1874 while a
Representative from Mississippi. The
Secretary replied that he did. Eustace
then said: "Do yon further remember
telling the finder of the pocketbook that
if he wanted a favor he would not have,
to call upon you in vain? Well, I am
the man to whom yon made that prom
ise. I have been' unfortunate since
then and need employment badly. The
Secretary told him to report for duty the
feetasME -aatffllPf. UeaargLJak
place on the laborer's roll at $840 a
year. The incident found its way into
Srint, and camo to the knowledge of
asses M. Martin, of Springfield. 3tfo.
LMm wees oecreiary iiuar received a
as an impostor, tie said Eustace was
one :jf , his neighbors, and bad often
. -fan...... n ,i? .. j-!T Iu
hcaroFtim tell the story of finding the
Secretary a money and the latter's
promise. Eustace has received his dis-
I missal from tbe department
Ihejr Had Fin With The Snake.
During the noon hour among the
workmen employed in improvements
along the railroad west of Sterlington,
N. Y., one of the bosses noticed the
other day that a gang of Italians had
found some amusement in their shanty
which kept them in a constant state of
hilarity for nearly the entire hour. Just
before it was time to resume work the
boss walked to the shanty to see what
it was that so excited the merriment of
the Italians. He found three or four of
the laborers with sticks Bix or seven
inches long in their hands. One of
them stepped to one side of the shanty,
thrust his stick quickly at something on
the Ground and then jumped quickly
back, at which tho spectators laughed
The boss made bis way through the
men to see what it was at which the
Italian thrust his stick, and came in
sight of it as one of the men had made
a thrust,' and jumped back just in time
and far enough to escape the fangs of
an enormous rattlesnake, which sprang
at the man and then quickly recoiled
on the ground for another spring as an
other Italian advanced.
The snake's eyes glittered with rage,
and its rattle filled the shanty with the
noise of its vibrations. The boss shout
ed to an Italian who was advancing for
his turn at the sport and said a few
words in Italian which caused an in
stantaneous clearing out of the cabin.
The Italians had captured the snake in
some way while at work, and, ignorant
of its deadly nature, had dragged it to
their shanty, where for an hour they
had played with the reptile, escaping
its fangs only by extraordinary good
Tho snako was killed. It was nearly
five feet long, and had a splendid set of
rattles, seventeen in number. Even
after the snake was dead not one of the
Italians who bad so fearlessly tempted
death while ignorant of the venomous
cnaracter oi too snake would go any
where near it and when they had oc
casion to enter their shanty they crossed
themselves and, left it again as hasitly
as they could.
Patti's Loyalty To Her Friends.
A London paper, m speaking the
other day of Patti's talent for keeping
tbe love of her friends through good
and through bad report, recalls to mind
ber lifelong friendship for a blind
schoolmate of her early childhood. Tho
families of the children were neighbors
in New York, and tho little girls were
constantly together, confiding their
childish secrets to each other, and com
forting each other in every little sor
row, until finally the time came whep
they must separate, Fatti going abroad,
to become in time tho most famous
singer in the World, and her friend re
maining to meet her destiny a sad
one first the total loss of her eyesight
and then the death of her lover. The
two did not meet again qnnl fortnne
had come to each, extending to one nil
the gifts of the gods; taking from the
other even that which she haj. The
meeting was ah affecting one. The
blind woman recognized her friend's
voice, and Patti in a moment had her In
her arms, kissing her poor, sightless
eyes and making every demonstration
of joy at seeing her and pity at her con
dition, while the other passed her hand
over the great diva's face, trying to
mark any change therein. Then fol
lowed an exchange of confidences as in
olden time, the two women sitting with
their arms about each other, like two
school-girls, and during Patti's stay in
New York they were almost constantly
together, and anyono who saw her ten
derness for her helpless friend would
have understood why it is that Patti
keeps so many warm admirers.
e i a
Failure of Sllk-Cal tare In the United
In the year 1882 the Department of
Agriculture received many letters from
persons interested In the culture of silk,
and distributed a few silk-worm eggs,
but there was no general distribution.
In 1884 the department appropriated
$15,000 for the encouragement of the
Industry, and a special agent was ap
pointed to attend to tho work, the de
partment offering to send egzs to any
one who would try the experiment of
raising them. I should judge, howover,
that no very favorable .reports were re
ceived, as, jU a meeting of the American
Association 'for the Advancement of
Science, in 1885, as reported in Science,
Professor Rfley: stated that the culture
of silk bad been tried in the United
States for fifty years, and all that the
experiments had shown so far was that
sdk could be raised over three-fourths of
the United States if there was a market
for the cocoons. He considers tbe in
dustry best conducted on a small scale,
and adapted for women and children
who have no other way of earning
money. The profit of three persons to
be estimated at fifteen to twenty-five
dollars for the season, provided the
cocoons bring one dollar a pound a
price, by-tbe-way, which only the best
cocoons bring.
The care of silk-worms is decidedly
wearisome, interesting though it may
be; and certainly any woman enterpris
ing enough to start in the experiment
of raising silk, and strong enough to.
do the necessary work, might find somo
more profitable way of utilizing her
Mr. Edward Atkinson, at the same
meeting of the association above men
tioned, maintained that the culture of
silk in tbe United States was not desir
able, since there was no lack of em
ployment, as tbe high rate of wages
shows, and we can not afford to do for
ourselves what foreign laborers will do
cheaper; and. moreover, the raising of
silk has always been carried on by the
poorest and most inefficient peoples,
who, as they rise in the social scale,
abandon it, as is now coming to be tbe
case in Southern France France being
onable to compete with the cheap labor
of China and Japan. Margarette W,
Brooks, n Popular-Science Monthly.
i a
A writer in London Truth pronounces
Mrs. R. Ogden Dorcnius of New York
"the most astoundingly fine-looking
and attractive woman" he ever met,
and waxes most enthusiastic over her
hair, which M. Auguste, the leading
Paris hair-dresser, was badly fooled by.
He was called in to dress it "I shall
take the? liberty," said be, "of remark-'
ing that Madame has a charming little
face, but the load of hair she wears
doesn't suit it It's ridiculous to crowd
on false braids to that extent" And
then, as he let down coil after coil and
found that every hair grew straight out
from the scalp, he fairly gasped with
. - -
By the carelessness of the pressman
tbe music on the fourteenth page was
printed upside down, and the mistake
was discovered too late to reprint the
edition. Our musical readers have the
option of standing on their heads or
turning the page over when they want
to p&y the piece. San Franciscan.
ia i a
A Texas physician claims to have
foandtae microbes of dengue fever,
and that the disease can be avoided by
Tancinatiag with attenuated vima, "
Be Warned
alaaae. Kidney iMeaMef aMJ he prevented
7 jnrlfyiBg, renewing, and htvigorataag
UMBfeodwHaAyeraSamperUk. When,
. taroafdWlHT,. taeUdayi
If perverted, these organs re the Wood of
fU needed cotaaaat, aawuaem, which is
paaeed off In the ariae, while worn out
nutter, which they shook! carry off from
the blood, Is allowed to resMia. By the
use ( Ayet's 8anafarilla, the Udaeys
are restored to proper action, and Atbu
nuaBria,or Bright' s Disease
b preveated. Ayera SarsaparUla also
prevents iniammatioa of the khlaeya, and
other disorders of these organs. Mrs.Jas.
W.TFrfM, Forest Hill st, Jamaica Plain,
Mass., writes : t !m e had a complica
tion of diseases, but my greatest trouble
has been with niy kidueys. Four bottles
of Ayer's Sarsaparilla made me feci like
a new person; as well and strong as
ever." W. M. McDonald, 46 Summer st,
Boston, Mass., bad been troubled for years
with Kidney Complaint. By the use of
Ayer's Sarsaparilla, he not only
the disease from assuming a fatal form,
but was restored to perfect health. John
McLellan, cor. Bridge and Third sta,
Lowell, Mass., writes : "For several years
I suffered from Dyspepsia and Kidney
Complaint, the latter being so severe at
times that I could scarcely attend to my
work. My appetite was poor, and I was
much emaciated ; but by using
my appetite sad digestion improve.!. :u-..l
my health has been perfectly re;on-d.
Soldjby.all Druggists.
Price $1 ; Six bottles, 95.
Prepared by Dr. J. C. Aver & Co., I.o ell.
Mass., U. S. A.
two Trllej Billy bJ..B Oaiii. Cj3s:U B:ui.
St. Paul,
am- Milwaukee.
Minneapolis, Cedar Rapids,
Dubuque. Davenport.
Hock isiana, i-reepurt, Kockrord,
Elgin, Madison, Janesville,
Beloit, Winona, La Crosse.
all other I'uiiita
Northeast anil Southeast.
For tlirmi-li tiik.t.-. cull on tlio Tirfcot
Ai;ent :tt Columbus, Nebr:i-k.i.
Pullman Si.kki-kks the Finest
Dining Cars in 'imc Wokli are run on
tbe main lines ot ihe ClaU-itjSo, II
waakce Ac Mr. I'nml Ky, anil every
attention is paiil to pisseujjers by cour
teous employe of the Company.
K. Sillier, A.
General Man er.
V. 11. ('arpraler,
(5en'l Pail. Asj't.
J. P. Tucker, ru. II,
Asi't Ueh'l Jian. As-
. lleiiMuril.
't Pass. At.
J. T. VltkrU, iiouM Sup't.
AU kiutls of Uq.aiiiug
Short Nolire. BujrgieM,
dime oh
ons, etc., niuile to order,
and ail work d'li.u-
Abo sell the world-famous Walter A.
Wood Mowers. Beapers, Combin
ed Machines, Harvesters,
and Self-binders the
beat made.
EfT.Shop opposite tbe "Tattersall," on
f)liv St.. COLUMBUS. iW-ra
-Op ',
Cheapest Eating on Ear tl:
Take no other BnuiU
TTTJIT T)for working people. Send 10
H Vl I J cents postage, aud we will
i J J. niaii youree, a loyal, val
uable sample box of goods that will put
you in the way of making more money in
a few days than you ever thought pos
sible at any business. Capital not re
quired. You can live at home and work
in spare time only, or all tbe time. All
of both sexes, of all agei, grandly suc
cessful. !0 rents to' $" easily earned
every evening. That ail who want work
may test tbe business, we make this un
paralleled offer: To all who are not well
satisfied we will send $1 to pay for the
trouble of writing us. Full particulars,
directions, etc., sent free. Immense pay
absolutely sure for all who start at onca.
Don't delay. Address Stinson & Co.,
Portlaad. Maine.
!Eff$rAPat f Thebooaraa
W auveniser to coa
Csqlt, be be experl-"-11
or otherwise.
It contains lists of newspapers and estimates
of the costof advertising. Tnalvertiscrwh
wants to spend one dollar. Amis Ui it tha in
formation be requires, while forhiia who will
Invest one luiii.Iretl thaneand dollars ia ad
vertising, a scheme ia indicated which will
meet his every requirement, or ean be made
to do so btf slight changes ea til arrimlat by cor
retpendtnee. lt editions have been Issued!
Sent, post-paid, to any aditress for 10 cents.
Write to EO. P. ROWaXL A CO,
apTBaait.PrtatiaglfoaasSa.), SewTocsv
BlacKsmith and Wagon Miiker
General Heal Estate Dealer.
Z2TI have a ttigu number of luijtrovod
'anus for stale ohrap. Also unimproved
f:u iniii" ana grazing lauds, fiom $i ta$ ft
per aere.
ti?" httt-iitiou p:iid t.. niikhiv
liiiitl jiroor oo Hnni--teail aud
tF i!iiiiK lamU ell will tin, I it
!i uuir ail . ml. -. t l.-nvr tla-lii in my
Iminl- lnr ale. Money l. Ii-ai. on i.-muii.
K. II MitrU.i'lnk. .,.t:t.,
'' U t.i!!i,l.u . :,
elt.-l. .
Kill: -
.lt:i I'rW'iiit
Hi- Xfru-tt i
I lalti Uivci
1 tut- iu the
The Country is Wonderfully.
Cheap Lands fer x&U. in th virinity
of llit Iivelf town of Sterling.
Grand Openings for all kinds of Susi
nuts. Present population of
Town 500.
it9"Seiiil for r.irmlnr.. to
JS-v Sttilinjr. UVliI i-(... rulcr.i.lo.
t.illy, except Sunili.Vii. Price, ji; im per
j ear iu advance, post-tire free.
Iievoteil to e'leral new- ami original
matter obt.iiueil Ineil the Pcpirtiueu: of
Agriculture nfl other I'epai tiuctita oi
:be (internment, relating to tho forming
ml planting iuterets.
An Advocate. of Itepublit'an principle.
i?irwin fearli-HfU and fairly the acln
f Courets and the National Adiuiuin
iratiou. Price, $t.wo per year in advance,
pontage free.
K. W. FOX,
Preciilent and .Manager.
Tbe National Kcpuhlican and the
Columbus .Touknal, 1 ear, 2.fi0. !-x
Cures Guaranteed!
A Certain Cure for Norvoiis Debility,
Seminal Weakness, luvoluutary Emia.
modx, Spermatorrhea, and all disease oi
tbe enito-uriuary organs caused by sulf
ahiise or over indulgence.
Price, $1 (Hi per box, six boxes $.1.00.
DR. WARN'S SPECiriC No. 2.
For Epileptic Fits, Mental Anxiety,
Los!, of Memory, Softening of the Brain,
and all those disputes of the braiu. Pri.-o
ilM per box, six boxes fi.00.
For Impotence, Sterility. Iu either sax.
Loss of Power, premature old atce, and all
those 'Uiseaies requiring a thorough in
vigorating of the sexual organs. Price
$'.Oo per box, nix boxes $10.00.
For Headache, Nervous Neuralgia, and
all acute diseases of tba uervott system.
Price fc per box, six boxes $if0.
For all diseases caused by tbe over-use
of tobacco or liquor. This remedy is par
ticularly efficacious in avertiug palsy and
delirium tremens. Price $1.00 p- '.ox,
six boxes $5.00.
We Guarantee a Cure, or agree to re
lund double the nnney paid. Certiticata
iu each box. This guarantee applies to
each of our five Speciucs. Sent by mail
to auy address, secure from observation,
ou receipt of price. Be careful to mention
the number of Specific wanted. Our
Specifics are only recommended for spe
cific dieases. Beware of remedies war
ranted to cure all these diseases with one
medicine. To avoid counterfeits aud al
ways secure tne genuiue, order only fnuu
Columbuo, Neb.
Health is Weahh!
Da E. C. West's Kkxts ad Beats- Tbxat
BTxr.aanaaraateed.speciae for Hysteria, Dizat.
neas. ConTnlsioca, fits. Kerrooa Nouralsia.
Heacbo,NToaa Prostration conaedbrthausa. -o(
alcohol or tobacco. Wakefulness, Mental Da- .
pramou. Bof teniae of ths Brain revolting ia in
sanity and leadiac to auaMy. decay and death.
Prematura Old As. Bamnneea, Loss of power
In either sex. Involnntary Losses and Bperraat
orrhcea caaaed, byoTer-exertion of thabrain.aelf
aboaaor ofer-indulgencc. Each, box contains
one aonth's treatment. $UX)abox,orsiXDoxes
for$&uueentbymaH prepaidon receiptor price.
To care any case. With each order reeerfedbyae
tor six boxes, accompanied with $3X0, we will
send tha purchaser oar written Guarantee to re
fund taa aaeaey if tbe treatment dosSBOtsSssI
Bears. Guarantees leaned only by
Sola Prop's West's Liver Puis.
m presents given away.
Send us .1 cents postage,
and by mail you will get
free a package of goods of large value,
that will start you in work that will at
once bring you in money faster than any
thing else in America. All about tbe
$.'00,000 in presents with each box.
Agents wanted everywhere, of either
sex, of all ages, for all the time, or spare
time only, to work for us at their own
homes. Fortunea for all worker ab
solutely assured. Dou't delay. H. Hal
lett & Co.. Portland. 3Iaine.
tow? nmt ' I'ailaat
i''! .atcai
"'" aaa Mmte-.y giaia u-mmtu. w u w
MMtaMMrictlymflM. Ttoyarapnlr
?Tffc.-h "HaawHa. BaswCMaa. Likn.
aus jM . VirnUkr .a . Bmnol
U'J i." ' fcaalnaa, ! f m m i ,,.fcrawa i, a,
mufc. wstcft.m a as w. mwm si, OtitZ.
-...., .. ,.-.-- --IM-f
more moaey than at anything
se by taking an agency for
e neat selllaa book out. Ha-
giaaers succsed grandly. Noae fail.
Terms Area. Haixbtt Book Co , Port
lsad, Maias. i-m-j
njyj i m I
aaaaaaaaaBBaaaaaagli JATji twffB
- - ,J".-rA