The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, June 23, 1886, Image 3

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    $etnitltts fan real,
Fas. Freight.
Leaves Columbus. .8:10 a.m. 1:30 p.m.
Bell wood... 8:35 " 2:83 "
" David City 9:00 " .1:20 "
Seward.. ..10:10 " :00 "
ArrfYes,at Lincoln 11:25 " 8:30 J
Tic passenger leaves Lincoln at 3:5,1 p.
m., and arrives at Columbus 7:00 p. m;
the freight leaves Lincoln at 0 a. m., and
arrives at Columbus at 1 p. m.
Wjck will Sarely le acre
Bdaake taespeeca.
Hose Team Races, Foot Races,
Base Ball, Dances, Fireworks.
Everybody come.
Go to R. C Boyd for stoves.
Best gasoliue stove on earth at
R. C. Boyd's.
Seed buckwheat for sale at J. P.
Becker & Go's. G-4
New 6tock of lawns just re
ceived at Kramer's.
Best paints at ruinous prices, Co
lumbus Lumber Co. 50-2-tf
Gentlemen's fine caasimeres for
suits at Galley Bros.
Horace Hudson of Silver Creek,
was in town Monday.
Men's and boyb' soereucker dnats
and vests at Kramer'.
Ladies and children's straw hats
very cheap at Kramer's.
Tho growing crops are cominjr
along very satisfactorily.
A splendid lino of new Rtjle
ginghams at Galley Bros.
Ladies' embroidered robes lor
summer wear at Galley Bros.
Bet paint iu market at unheard
of prices, Columbus Lumber Co.
We make ladies' fine shoes and
slippers a specialty at Kramer's.
Ed. Policy, a former resideut of
Columbus, wa9 in town Monday.
Parasols! Parasols 1 From 10
cents to $10 a apiece at Kramer's.
Episcopal services Sunday next
at Lost Creek, by Rev. S. Goodale.
One of the finest lines of spring
and summer goods at Galley Bros.
Columbus Savings Bank Loan &
Trust Co., is now open for business.
Buoou Makes foi: Sale. 1 have
twenty that I will sell. G.W. Elston.
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Kimes of
Humphrey, visited Coinmbus Mon
day. .Tno. Walker, auctioneer, one per
cent. Address Humphrey or Lind
say. A largo and select line of Swiss
and Hamburg embroideries at Galley
Mason jars, all sizes, aleo jelly
tumblers, cheaper than ever, at Ras
musfien's. Sells Bros, had the largest street
parade of any 6how that ever visited
Wanted, girl to do general
housework. Inquire at Galley
Bro's. store. G-tf
Gentlemen's suits made to order
on short notice, and in tho latest
stylo at Kramer's.
Brandt Bros, havo taken down
the objectionable screens spoken of
in the council proceedings.
Jas. W. Steever, editor of Clark's
Messenger, was in town Monday, and
gavo the Joubkal a 'pleasant call.
Mrs. Nicholson of Salt Lake
arrived in tho city Wednesday morn
ing, and will visit her sister at Crest
on. A select line of silk embroidered
Nowport scarfs, all colors and shades,
prices $3.50 to $10 each, at Galley
Wj received this week a com
plete new stock of straw hats for
Mm and Bojv WCar, at C. & L. Kra
mer's. Loans on Jtcal folate at lowest
rates and most favorable terms. No
delay. Inquire at First National
Bank. :t5-f
Columbus Savings Bank, Loan
& Trust Co., will nmko loans on
real estate, at the lowest rate of
interest. 8-2
If money, needed, the Columbus
Savings Bank Loau & Trust Co., will
make loans on farms, on very, reason
able terms. S-2
The Journal is on sale, each
week,t the book aud news stores of
E. D; Fitzpatrick and It. llartman, at
5 cents a copy.
Children's Day next Sunday at
the M. E. chtirch 10:3U T!ii i in tin
ly a service ot song by tht- chiidnm.
All are iuvited.
A. Smith, "boot Htm hafumUer,
Repairing neatly done. Work solic
ited. Half-solini: 7f cents, af Ilcm
pleman's store, Eleventh c i. 'Mlt
' Remember there is no delay in
payiug money, by making a loan on
real estate with the Columbus
Savings Bauk Loau & Trust Co.
Columbus Savings Bauk will
receive time deposits from $1 00 aud
aay amount upward, and the custom
ary rate of interest will bo paid.
Mr. I. Sibberusen is our only
autnorized agent, all others represent
ing themselves a9 coming from us
are frauds. G. G. Bccher & Co.
Two darkies, following with the
show, were arrested here Monday
by the Sheriff of Dodge county, on a
charge of stealing clothing. Bad
R. C. Boyd, one of the very best
workmen in bis lino that ever did
bwiaees here, is prepared to do roof
img, ipjouting and all kinds of job
work in Ub.
As fine a lot of gentlemen's shoes
a were ever brought to town can be
eea at Galley Bros. The celebrated
Fir-rrr abac is amoag tbs,jf3 a pair,
calf aloe, warranted. 7-45-tf
e VsHB-HaSaa
Boom! Boom!!
Is Headquarters for 4th of July Goods.
All the household goods of A.
Henry will be sold Wednesday, June
HO, at his late residence on Olive St.,
at auction.
Two men started from Grand
l3land last week in a boat to make
the trip to New Orleans. They
turned back long before they got
halt way to Plattsmouth.
Col. Wm. Marshall and court
reporters Valentine and Wheeler
went to David City Monday morn
ing. Tbo boys said the Col. would
be back to the circus Monday even-
Money to loan at onae and with
out delay on real estate, in large or
small amounts, on time to suit.
Promptly, quietly and at the lowest
possible rates. Apply to Gus. G.
llechcr & Co. 19-tf
Mrs. John Meyer, now of Lin
coln, has been in tho city "several
days visiting old friends; when she
returns to the capital city tomorrow,
she will take with her, her niece,
Mies Mamie Shcehan.
We return our sincere thanks to
the many kind friends and neighbors
for their kind assistance during our
IIenky Clavburn,
Anna J. Clayburn.
Tho first meeting for the practice
of the operettas "Laila" and "Golden
Hair," conducted by Mrs. Page, will
bo held at the Congregational church,
Thursday, June 24, four o'clock p. m.
All Interested are invited to attend. 1
Business men have been solicit
ed lor advertisements for another
periodica! for Columbus, a religious
monthly, to be odited by the min
isters of this city. This will make
the fourth publication for Columbus.
S. L. Hollman of Michigan City,
hid., made us a pleasant and unex
pected call Thursday of last week.
We did not notice any change iu Mr.
Hollman since ho was a citizen
among ns. Business is still his
leading idea.
Mrs. Charles Usher, a lady two
miles cast of town, was bitten on the
finger by a rattlesnako last Saturday
morning. The wound was immedi
ately cut out and by tho last account
the lady was doing well. Hum
phrey Independent.
J. B. Wasson, of Worchester,
Mass., was in tho city ono day laBt
week. Mr. Wasson has relatives in
Butler county, with whom ho has
been visiting, and has tajcen a little
turn over the country to examine the
lands, improvements, etc.
The Journal has recently in
vested in seven hundred dollars
worth of printing material fresh
from the hand of the polishers, and
we assure our customers that we are
fully prepared to furnish job work
"with neatness and despatch."
Jno. B. Kyle will have a sale at
the U. P. Stock yards in Duncan,
Friday, June 25th, on very reasonable
terms, and liberal discount for cash.
Don't fail to go if you want to buy
calves, heifers, cows, steers, work
oxen or sheep. Friday, this week.
A. & M. Turner have removed to
North street, opposite the Methodist
church,- and will continue to supply
customers with first-class sewing
machines and organs, of which they
-have a large supply on hands. G. W.
Kiblcr, traveling salesman, repre
sents tho firm. ,
The Schuyler Sun says: "Our
Butler county friends may rest
assured that the C. & N. W. R. will
be built on the north side of the
Platte through the townB of North
Bend, Schuyler and Columbus, if
built at all ; of that fact we have re
ceived sufficient assurance."
The man who was drowned in
Lewis's slough several days ago has
been since identified as one Ilodgen,
a German, who had recently been at
work on the C. & N. W. R. U. iu the
north part of the county. He bad
money due him from the company,
hiid owned a team besides other
Mr. and Mrs. Cha. E. Brindley
started Monday for a sojourn of five
or six weeks at Cleveland, Hocnester
aud Niagara Falls. None need rec
reation more or deserve it better
than the faithful teacher who holds
a sroverniug rein over thirty or forty
children every working day for nine
or ten months of tho year.
E. D. Fitzpatrick has purchased
the Marshall Smith, two-story, brick
building recently occupied by tho
post-oifice, and will shortly move
into it his large stock of stationery,
toys, fancy goods, news depot, &c.
Ed. is a "rustler," and wo aro glad to
chronicle this additional evidence
of his prosperity in business.
Bny the Whitehall sewing ma
chine at A. & M. Turner's. It is
guaranteed to give satisfaction in
every particular. It is one of the
very best machines sold, is handsome,
durable, strongly-built ; is easy run
ning, is very easily managed, and
makes a neat stitch.' Yon will save
money by examining the Whitehill
before parchaiiag. Give yonr orders
to G. W. Kibler, travaliag sal
A black satin .parasol with heavy
black lace. Any one finding it please
leave at the Journal office. Liberal
reward given.
A very pleasant party consisting
of twenty-six ladies and gentlemen
met at the residence of Jacob Ernst
north of tho city last Friday eyening,
and passed the time in pleasant,
social dancing. At eleven, a fine
supper was served, and shortly after
the crowd dispersed, all delighted
with the enjoyments of the evening.
Will. T. Rickly & Bro., the en
terprising botchers of this city, have
just been notified by the government
that the contract has been let to them
for furnishing beef to the Indian
Industrial School at Genoa for the
ensuing year, beginning 1 July '86.
If the government contractors had
all been as honest and faithfnl as this
firm the. national debt would be a
good deal less than it is.
The Journal job department is
prepared to fnrnisb, on short notice,
all kinds of commercial work, such
as letter heads, note heads, bill
heads, statements, circulars, envel
opes, cards, dodgers, posters, &c. ;
visiting cards; lawyers' briefs;
pamphlets; catalogues; sale bills,
&c. Satisfaction guaranteed. Orders
by mail promptly attended to. Ad
dress, M. K. Tomer & Co., Coinm
bus, Nebr. tf
llMmlatIea IVatlee.
The partnership heretofore exist
ing betweon R. C. Boyd and R. Jenk
insou under the name of Boyd &
Jonkinson, is dissolved by mntnal
consent, R. Jenkinson retiring. R.
C. Boyd collects all accounts duo the
firm, and pays all debts owed by
them, except what is owiug for
pumps, pipe and pump fixtures.
R. C. Boyd,
R. Jenkinson.
Columbus, Neb., Jute 17, 1886.
Having purchased the Marshall
Smith store-room in the two-story,
brick block on 13th street, I will,
about the first of July, remove my
stock of drugs, window-glass, wall
paper, etc, in which commodious
room, I hope to receive all my old
customers, and many new ones.
Thanking you for the patronage
received at the old stand, I solicit its
continuance in the new.
9-2 C. B. Stillman.
New Lrfcsrtlean
Having purchased the Eimer build
ing on 13th street, we have placed in
it our large stock of grocries, crock
ery, glassware aud seeds.
Very thankful for past favors, wo
cordially invite all former patrons
to continue with ns at the new place,
togetbor with as many others as
may be attracted by good goods at
fair prices, and a steady endeavor
not only to satisfy but to please cus
tomers. Oehlrich Bros.
Mrs. Jackson has again placed
her friends under many obligations
by one of her gracious acts of hos
pitality. By invitation some twenty
assembled at her residence Thurs
day last, and after a time agreeably
spent in social enjoyment, were most
sociably entertained at one of the
"Teas" which she so well knows how
to provide. If a few more ladies in
Columbus would imitate the example
of Mrs. Jackson, the place would be
altogether more lively, and onr fami
lies bettor acquainted with each-
Everybody is invited to come to
the Coinmbus City Park next Sun
day, the shadiest and coolest place in
Platte county. Time and money have
not been spared to make this the
nicest and plearantest Park in the
State. Yon will find there a double
target stand, a fine swing, a large and
commodious dancing hall with good
music and all kinds of refreshments,
served by Brandt Brothers, and their
assistants. Music and fun will com
mence at 10 a. m. Good order and a
quiet social time is guaranteed by the
proprietors. Hacks and busses leave
Henry's corner every ten minutes for
the grounds. 9tf
Prem fr Sale.
$500 cash will buy a 31x46 Camp
bell, country cylinder press, in good
order, only having been run three
years, if applied to immediately.
This is less than half price, and is a
bargain. Reason for selling, am
putting in a larger and faster press.
This press will priut an eight column
paper easily, and does good work.
Sample sent if desired. Must be sold
at unoe, or will bo tradod to (Jhirago
parlies who would charge at Iea6t
$700 or S00 for it. Address
Fred. Chamberlis,
SpringvIIle, Iowa.
Editor Independent. 6x
Fatal Herae Mick.
John Austin, a boy thirteen years
old and adopted son of John Haney,
living some five miles east of this
city, was kicked by a horse of Mr.
Haney's at the stable on the farm Sat
urday week, from the effects of wbich
he died in 24 hours ; notwithstanding
the best physicians were in attend
ance, they were unable to save his
life, which was a very sad affair to
Mr. Haney; as he highly esteemed
and loved the boy for bis good quali
ties, and spared no service to save
bis life. We learned that the accident
occurred this way. The man who
attends to the horses on the farm
was engaged in giving them feed,
and had fed all except the one that
kicked the boy, and this horse got
restless, turned a little and backed in
the stall. The boy standing near saw
the horse's position, spoke to him to
"stand up," at ihe same time kicked
the horse on the pastern joint, the
horse, at the same moment, with
great force, kicking the bey in the
abdosie, producing U fatal resnlt
above stated.
June 14.
Contract with McCrea & Wbittaker
was ordered corrected to correspond
with original proposition.
Communication from citizens' meet
ing with reference to violation nf the
laws by "certain persons," and an
assurance of hearty support to the
city and county officials in an effort
to enforce the laws, was received.
The applications of D. Faucotte and
O. C Shannon for exemption from
poll tax as members of Fire Com
pany were referred to city attorney.
Tax, 13.50 of Carl Wysocki, was
ordered stricken off.
Certificate of registry of Coinmbus
water bonds ordered spread upon the
On motion of North, lots 3 and 4,
block 120 were purchased for $800,
Hughes, North, Ragatz and Schwarz
voting aye, Lockner and Whitmoyer,
no. Whitmoyer moved as a sub
stitute that waterworks be located on
the northeast corner of Frankfort
Square, Hughes, Lockner and Whit
moyer voting aye, North, Ragatz and
Schwarz, no, decided by the mayor
voting no.
The city engineer made superin
tendent of the work of constructing
the system of waterworks in behalf
of council, and directed to stake out
and locate site for engine house,
pnmping apparatus and stand pipe,
on lots 3 and 4, block 120.
June 16.
At this meeting, the petition of 22
residents was presented requesting
that, if R.Brandt & Bro. should not
at once comply with the law reg
ulating their business and remove
screens from their doors and win
dows, council should revoke their
license. The mayor stated that he
had ordered him, through the police,
to take down the screens, and that he
had refused to do so. "Now, I
believe," says the Mayor, "we should
do just what these petitioners ask."
Petition referred to Committee on
Mayor authorized to execute con
tract with McCrea & Whittaker.
City engineer instructed to set
grade stakes wherever needed for
cleaning out ditches for drainage
June 17
Engineer's plan showing location
of buildings and stand pipe for
waterworks approved.
On motion of Lockner, $2,000 was
set apart for making connections to
water takers.
Report of Ragatz and Hughs of
committee on police touching the
petition of citizens closes thus:
"The prosecution of such a complaint
is opeu to any ono who may feel him
self aggrieved, and the City Council
or the members thereof have no
greater duties, rights or powers to
prosecute such offences than any
other citizen, aud until there is a con
viction, the Council has no authority
to attempt to revoke his license."
The report was adopted, Hughs,
Ragatz, Schwarz and Whitmoyer
voting aye, Lockner and North no.
Ordinance providing for pumping
station of waterworks was passed
and approved.
Engineer was instructed to make
an expense bill of probable cost of
tb6 entire system of waterworks and
submit the sane at next meeting.
City Attorney was instructed to
prepare an annual appropriation bill.
While the Journal is thoroughly
averse to saying a word that would
injure this community or Platte
county abroad, -we know that law
lessness is best assailed at the begin
ning, before its grip is fixed. The
proceedings of Sunday last at the
new Park southwest of, and outside
the city limits, were exceedingly dis
graceful. Not having been present, we can
not speak from personal observation,
but our information is that the
various assaults made originated
from drunkenness, aud that beer was
dieposed of on the grouud, contrary
to the law. It seems that several of
our citizens,present through curiosity,
andjno way inclined to quarrel, were
assaulted and beaten without cause
by the rowdy, showmen who were
afterwards, by the county authorities,
pot under arrest and fined.
We had hoped that the first ex
perience of the proprietors of the
Park wonld lead them to discon
tinue the Sunday feature of the con
cern, and also modify anything else
that might not be in full accord with
tho spirit and the letter of law.
None are too humble to demand its.
protection, and no man must bo al
lowed io violate it with impunity.
Every good interest of town and
county depends for continuance on
the due observance and enforcement
of the law.
Park II ill Oraaaa'n Heme.
Dr. W. L. Armstrong, a man of
very generous impulses has deeded a
quarter section of land with improve
ments near Postville, to an organi
zation, for the purpose of establish
ing a home for orphans.
A public meeeting, in furtherance
of the enterprise, is announced to be
held Sunday afternoon, June 27, 3
o'clock, at the Opera Houbo in this
Everybody is invited to attend.
It is a purely humanitarian associa
tion in which every generous-hearted
man or woman can take an active
la the WrM.
Ottnmwa Lily Corn Starch has been
brought to the highest attainable
quality by employing the best skill
and scientific aid can fnr
nisb. It is the most strengthening
and health-giving food now before the
public, and is especially recommend
ed for children and invalids. Every
package guaranteed strictly pure.
Beaeaber sad ask jour grocer for
t Lily Corn Sttrek.
Crops fine,
Weather fine,
Financial condition fine,
And all of these combine,
To make the farmers happy.
William Schrciber lost a colt last
The wheal is heading out in this
News is scarce in this vicinity,
owing to the farmers being busy
cultivating corn.
The recent rains and ensuing hot
weather have caused the corn to
spring up as if by magic
The neighbors are all making pre
parations in anticipation of the
glorious celebration here on the 5th
of July. Charles.
W. J. Irwin is building an addition
to his barn.
Mrs. J. M. Johason has recovered
the use of her arm.
Nels Anderson lost his best horse
from colic this week.
Nels Cbristenson, Swen Swensen
and W. F. Hanchett and sons have
eaeh bought a binder.
Mrs. T. L. Hall and Miss Anna
Adamson visited at Palestine Satur
day and Sunday of last week.
Last Monday during the hail storm,
wbieh was quite severe, Mr. George
Glass's two-year-old colt broke bis
lariat rope and in some way fell and
broke its neck.
Frauk Larson and Swen Eckluud
have been home after prospecting in
Dawson aud Dawes couulies, and
have come to the conclusion that
Platte county is as good as any to live
John Berlin, who has been absent
for the last four years, has returned
home. During his absence he has
traveled through California, Oregon
and Washington Territory, but he
thinks Nebraska is as good as any
state he has seen. Dann.
Ed. Journal : Please permit me,
a tax-payer, to utter my protest
against the assumed power of the
Board of Supervisors, assumed by
them as a Board of Equalization of
assessments. I deny them the power
to vote, by motion or any other way,
the reduction of any individual's or
company's assessment. If they havo
that power, what is the use of
Assessors ?
Each tax-payer could be notified
to seud in a list of his taxable
property to the county clerk aud the
board of supervisors could vote each
man's amount of valuation and tax,
as their prejudices, likes or dislikes,
or other motives prompted them. I
claim that the late acts of our Board
of Supervisors have made the assess
ment of 1886 illegal, have illegalized
tho whole thing, by reducing in
dividual's and company's assessments,
aud should bo stopped before it
comes to a head. I understand the
definition of equalization to mean,
tho evening up or balancing of a
thing. To illustrate: if my near
horse has more than his share of the
doubletree, and by that means draws
less of the load than the off horse, I
do not saw off the long end and spoil
my doubletree, but find the center or
middle and put the pin there, so that
each draws his share of the load and
no damage done. If I could not find
tho center exactly, I would do the
best I could and let the responsibility
rest where it belongs. In the assess
ment, that responsibility would rest
with the assessor. For tbo board to
assume tho power to say what my
valuation shall be is to say the least,
a dangerous position and does not
legally exist.
A Tax-payer.
In this department the people talk, and
not the editor. Each writer must bold
himself ready to defend his principles
and his statements of facts. "In the mul
titude of counsel there is wisdom." Ed.
To the Editor :
As an old citizen of this city, as
one familliar with her adversities and
her prosperities, I have taken a deep
interest in all that pertains to her
advancement and welfare. Jt is an
undisputed fact that what benefits any
part of Platte county, in a correspond
ing ratio, the city of Columbus is a
During the past week while tbo
county Board was in session, I bad
the pleasure of meeting very near if
not quite all the members of that
Hon. Body, and while each one has
apparently a keen eye to the welfare
or bis own township, I havo found
from general conversation, that they
are equally Interested iu the com
mon weal of the whole county.
The members are a representative
body of men, men of advanced and
progressive ideas, men who are sac
rificing valuable time for the public
good, at a very'small stipend and le ss
thanks in return.
I do not believe their services have
been duly appreciated by tho citizens
of this city, or, for that matter, by the
mass of the people of the county.
Jt is the easiest thing in the world
to find fault, and usually the most
narrow-minded person has a largely
developed bump of that character.
When this Board is iu session,
would it not be an 'encouragement
for them if more of onr tax-paying
citizens would lake an interest in
their proceedings?
Yon would not be making more
than half the sacrifice in time that
Will Sato Yom
Heavy and Shelf Hardware,
Stoves and Tinware,
., Pumps, Guns and Ammunition.
The Celebrated Moline Wagon Sold Here.
many of them do, and it wonld show
that their honest efforts for the pub
lic welfare are appreciated, at least.
Yon will find them all gentlemen.
You will find tbem all laboring faith
fully and impartially, for the best
interests of the county. They may
have made some mistakes. It would
be a wonder if they had not. Town
ship government was a new and un
tried problem in this state.
The laws enacted were crude and
Even the best attorneys of the com
monwealth were nnable to unravel
somo of its glaring inconsistencies.
In spite of all this, our Board have
done good work. Good hard com
mon sense has nutan gled many of
the legal knots. Let the people be
honest about it. Give them credit
for what they have done.
Dr. Pwens leaiit,
Will be in his office the last three
days of each week, Thurs., Fri., aud
Sat. One set of teeth out of every
10 sets given away. 4-tf
Advertisements under this head five
cents a line each insertion.
John Hempleman is now selling 3G
boxes of matches for 25c. 3-4t
I hereby annouueo that my horse
aud surrey are not for sale.
1 Mas. G. G. B.
Rooms suitable for office or sleeping
rooms over Pollock & Go's, drug
store. Inquire of Gus. G. Becber &
Co. 7
Hides, pelts, wool aud poultry,
highest price paid. Office at Jaeggi
& Schupbach's old stand. T. Keat
ing. 30-tf
For good youug breeding stock of
all kinds, call at Bloomiugdalo stock
farm. A. Henrich, Piattu Center 1.
O., Neb. 30-tf
Wm. Sihilt7. iimlffiB hootsand nhoes
in the beat atvles. aud uses onlv the
very best stock that cau bo procurod
in tne market. ozi
Cattle will bo takon into my ranch
of abont 450 acres, to be all enclosed
by feuce, at $1.75 for. the season.
They will also be salted once a week
with my own. 51-x A. Heniucii.
Iat Arrived.
Twenty head of fine young brood
marcs for sale at O. L. Bukor's barn.
rr Male Ckeaa.
Good, second-hand safe, in good
order. Terms easy. Inquire of Gus.
G. Becher & Co. 7w4
The Beat Keller date mage la
tae WarM.
Every farmer should use them.
Sold by D. Anderson. 22-tf
Cown Takes Up.
Two cows taken np at J. P. Beck
er's farm north of the city. Owner
will prove property, pay ch-irjjrea aud
take his stock. W. H. Randall.
A IV. 1 Farm for Male,
Containing 240 acres of choice land, 5
miles southwest of Humphrey, in this
county. Terms reasonable. For fur
ther particulars inquiro or or address
T. Keating, Coinmbus, Neb. 4-tf
Take Naftlce!
All accounts not settled with us,
either by cash or note immediately,
will be pot in an attorney's hands for
collection. We mean business. Please
call and settle. Carbig & Lynch,
46-tf Platte Center.
Pastare Far Celttf.
A few colts will bo admitted with
my own to my (partly blue-grass)
horse pasture. Good grass, spring
water, fine shade is there and salt wilj
be furnished once a week. Terras 75
cents a month. A. IIeinrich,
51-x Platte Center, P. O.
fJMs fer Haildlaa- a aew Scheel
Haaae, Iltrlct He. 7.
Building to be 22 ft., 1G ft.
wide, 10 ft. high between floor and
ceiling; brick or stone foundation;
wainscotted with flooring to the
windows ; 2 windows and one door
on the east and west sides, and one
on south.
Work to be let to the lowest bid
der. The board reserve the right
to reject any and all bids. For fur
ther particulars address H. Peterson,
Columbus, Neb. All bids to be in by
12 o'clock noon, July 1st '86. 7 3p
.eft-mt Nolle.
To all whom it may concern:
The Commissioner appointed on the vacation
and re-l(K-Htion of apiirt of the "Spring Hie"
roiul. as follows, to-wit: Coiuiueiicln at the
northeast corner of section 10, Uvn 17, range
3 west, and running thence east on section line
to the i section comer or the north line of sec
tion 12. town 17, range a west, for location, and
that the road now existing from the line be
tween sections 10 and 11. nmniiiir In a north of
easterly direction to the i section corner on
north fine section 12, in said township, for va
cation, has reported iu favor of same with
modifications and tiled his plat in the olllcoor
the county clerk.
AH objections thereto, or claims for damages
must be filed In the oMcc of the county clerk
on or before noon of the 2"ld day of August
l&SG, or such roads will be established without
reference thereto. J OHX STA UFK Kit,
Comity Clerk.
Dated June 23d 1880.
Lefrml Xetlee.
To all whom it may concern.
The commissioner appointed on the vaca
tion, alteration and re-location of a certain
line of road known astheOtti.i Koadonthe
line between sections 19 aud 20, in township 20,
range 1. west, running north and south; also
that part of a road running east and west on
quarter section line of sections 19 aud 20, In
township 20, range 1, west, to conform to a plat
with full description on file in offlnaof couuty
clerk bas reported in favor of the same.
All objections thereto or claims for damages
must be fital in tne office of the county clerk
on or before noon of the 23d day of August
1888, or such changes will be made and road
established without reference thereto.
By order of the board of supervisors.
County Clerk,
Dated, Jane 23d 1888.
Mom7 Oft Prio
--1 , ;.
To all whom it may concern:
A locate a public road commencing
at the S. TV. corner of section one, ( 1)
township eighteen, (18) range one, (1)
west, and running thence due east on sec
tion line and terminating at S. E. corner
section six, (ti) town eighteen, (18) range
one, (1) east, hac reported in favor of the
establishment thereof.
Also, the Board of Supervisors did in
regular session, on June Sth, 1880, open
the following section lines as a public
road, to-wit: Commencing at the S. E.
corner of section fifteen, (15) town nine
teen, (19) range three. (3) west, running
thenco due north on section line about
eighty (80) rods, to intersect with the
public road running on west side of Shell
Creek valley, where said public road
crosses the east line of said section 15.
Now all objections thereto, or claims for
damages, caused by the location of either
ot the above roads must bo filed in the
County Clerk's office on or before noon
of the tenth day of August, 1880, or tho
roads will be established, without refer
ence thereto.
lty order of the Hoard of Supervisors,
Joun Staufkkk,
County Clerk.
Dated June 8th, 1880. NMt
To all whom it may concern:
X 1'latte Couuty, in regular session,
on June 10th, 1SW," declared the following
section lines opened as a public road,
to-wit: Jouuucnciii on the Township
line botwecn Granville and -Burrows
Townships, at the S. E. corner of Section
thirty-two, (32) Town twenty, (-J0) Range
two, (2,) west, running thence north on
the section line between sections thirty
two and thirty-three, and sections
twent -eight and twenty-nine, and in
tersecting the Shell Creek road, at the
X. W. coruar of section twenty-eight,
(28) Town Twenty, (20) Range Two, (2)
West, and to be known as the "Couch
Road," and all objections thereto, or
claims for damages, must be tiled in the
county Clerk's office on or before moon
ofthelUtb day of August, ISA!, or such
road will be established without re
ference thereto.
By order ot Board of Supervisors.
Joun Stauffkk,
County Clerk.
Dated June 10, lSSti. S-w-4
To all tohom it may concern:
Platte County, Nebr., in regular
session on Juno 17th, lSg-J. declared the
following section lines opened as a pub
lic road, to-wit: Couimcuciug at tho
S. V. corner of Section !), Town 18,
Range -f, west, and ruuuing due e:i?t, on
the section line, aud terminating at the
S. E. corner of Section 10, Town 18,
Rauge 4. west.
All objections thereto, or claims for
damages must be tiled in the office of the
County Clerk on- or before noon of the
23d day of August, 1S8B, or bucIi road
will be established without reference
By order ot the Board of Supervisors.
John Staukfkk,
County Clerk.
Dated, June 23d, ISSU.
Chicago Herald
once a week, and the C'hicayo Herald,
once a day, for one year. 9H.M9. The
JOUKIVAI, and the Weekly Herald,
one year, 93.75.
31. K. Turnki: & Co.,
12mayS6-x Columbus, Nebr.
Or -. W. KIKI.KK,
TraTeliag; Malenmaa.
13T"Thesc organs are Grst-class in overr
particular, and so guaranteed.
Olive Street, Opp. Oeblrich's Oroeery.
April 14. lnio
Red Clover,
Red Top, and
Blue Grass Seed
Herman Oehlrich & Bro's.
Grocery Store.
before Buying.
Ort'laclaaatl, !
. P. Marshall, cr ataxy.
Assets ver
Issues tke popular Life Rate Badew
ment Policy.
Over 500,000 sold ia Nebraska la tke
pt two years, aad over S0,0M lm Co
Iambus. A la a mafraa In.M nm Hull 'KstatS O
long time at' a loir rate of later est. For
terms apply to ......
M. D. THURSTON, Special Agt.
Omcw'. At Journal Saactum, Ce-
lumbns. Nebr.
Crockery and Glassware
You will always find a FRESH sad well
selected stock.
Fancy Groceries mmd Fime
Terns a Specialty.
We bandle tbe celebrated
Illffflieat market price paid for
country produce.
City orders delivered free of charge.
ySTTelephone No. 26.
RleTemtm Street
Our quotations of tke markets are ob-
tainedTuesdayafternoon,and are correct
and reliable at the time.
Wheat 62
Corn in ear ID
Corn shelled 10
U at s ue vf . .. ........ ..... I,
Oats (white) .-. IB
Klonr 240ft300
Butter, 6fll0
Ej;i;, i(8?
Potatoes, new -f
Uams, 12Xl
Shoulders, 810
Sides, ?1
raiuos ;.",
KatCattlo 2 7.r4 00
CoAL- . r on
Iowa r'2
Hard 100
Rock Spring nut 8 60
ltock Springs lump 09
Carbon 00
Colorado R 00
The Coin MartlB Worts!
lb onlj Haitii f orb in Mi Co.
We desire to imunu our irnuui sun
patrons that wc shall have on hand for
the next 30 days tbe Finest assortment of
goods iu our line ever tn Columbia, and
would invite you to come and sue tbem
whether you are ready to buy or not.
If inconvenient to c-tll, seud us your ad
dress and we will send you prices, or
call on you. We are also prepared to
by the ton or car-load.
11th St., south of U. P. Depot,
UenMral Agents for the Sale of
Union Pacific, and Midland Pacific
It. K. Lands for sale at from $3.00 to $10.00
per acre for cash, or on tiye or ten yeara
time, m annual payments to suit pur
chasers. We have also Urge aud
choice lot ot other lands, improved and
unimproved, Tor sale at low price and
on reasonable terms. Also business and
residence lots in the city. We keep a
complete abstractor title to all real es
tate in Platte County.
And all kinds of country produce ta
ken in trade, and all goods deliv
ered free of charge to any
part of the city.