The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, June 23, 1886, Image 2

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Nevada hM 1,500,000 acres oflud
for tale.
Okx man ia Lyon connty, Iowa,
ku a flock of 5,000 chiclcens.
Barbers at Findley, Ohio, refuse
to share customers daring a thnnder
-Tmuue an ao many rats in Kansas
City that each policeman Is famished
with a terrier.
Prokikeht Georgia farmers are
preparing to substitute Chinese for
negro labor on their plantations.
A buhch of seren-headed wheat.
mtm feet three inches in hight, was
exhibited in Stockton, Cal., last year.
A Portland, Ore., paper mill gets
paper stock, jnte butts, from Calcutta,
far the atannfacture of manila paper.
Recently burglars simultaneously
broke into twenty-five houses in
Macon, Ho., and secured much
Central City has organized sev
eral bnildinr comnanies. One is
talking of bnilding a $12,000 Opera
House and another an $8,000 hotel.
The officials of Neligh have im
posed a special tax on every business
saaa within the limits of the town in
order to pay for pnblic improve
ments. Three doctors worked three hours
on the neck of Mrs. Ella Brown, in
Fremont, the other day, and success
fully removed a number of distress
ing tumors.
It is claimed that the Elkhorn
river runs a third more water than
it did six years ago, as can be vouch
ed for by those who have lived there
that long.
Lightning killed six head of stock
the other day on the farm of E. A.
Abbott, near Fremont. The bolt
slid on an iron fence and hit every
head near it
The largest pearl in the world was
sold in London recently for 650.
It was two inches long and four
inches in circumference, weighing
three onnces.
An exchange says that the Kear
ney people just at present are
troubled with an extra amonnt of
cheek on account of the prevalence
of mumps in that community.
Senator Logan has introduced a
bill in the Senate to provide for tbo
location and erection of a branch
homo for disabled volunteer soldiers
west of the llocky Mountains. It ap
propriates $150,000.
The unofficial returns from every
county in Oregon except two, indi
cate that the republicans have elected
a congressman, superintendent of
public instruction and slate printer.
The democrats have elected tbo gov
ornor and treasurer.
The village of Rawley Springs,
Vs., was almost completely destroy
ed by fire the other morning. All
places of resort, with the exception
of the Baltimore house, were burned.
Property burned was valued at $130,
000. A stork passed near Cheyenne a
short time ago depositing hail stones
as large as hen's eggs. In some places
they were piled six inches deep.
The storm's track was four miles
wide and forty or fifty miles long.
Eli Owens, who recently crimin
ally assaulted a young girl named
Ida Grim, (his wife's sister), it Thay
er county, was forcibly taken from
the jail at Hebron, Neb., the other
sight by a mob, who hanged him to
a tree nntill he was dead.
A professional beggar died re
cently at Rio Janeiro and left a for
tune of $200,000. A Rio journal re
marks that tho discovery should oc
casion any surprise, as it is well
known that many of the begzers of
that city are worth irore than those
who bteeow alms upon them.
One result of the enforcing of the
Iowa prohibition law is a druggists'
circular with a list of forty-two
kinds of liquor which may be had
by signing a statement that the buyer
is not a drunkard and will not use
the flaid only for necessary medicine.
iSiGflre at Muscatine, Iowa, one
day last week. The Mnsser Lumber
Company's mill was entirely destroy
ed, also the Muscatine Manofactur
ing Company is burned out. It is es
timated that 2,000,000 feet of lumber
have been destroyed. Several dwel
ling houae were burned.
The Secretary of ihe Navy has re
cently written to the Prenident of the
board of inspection of vessels at New
Tork, saying the department is anx
ious to obtain a list and description
of those steamers of our merchant
marine which in time of oeed may be
called upon at once as auxiliary
craisers for transports, or for special
Detdtt Sdrvetor Hawes has re
cently nude a survey of the Elkhorn
river, and ha made a report ef bis
wark to the county officers, in which
he shows that it is possible to build
a canal from the Elkhorn river into
the ssaall streams near Omaha and
drain the Elkhorn into these streams
far the water to be used for mills and
Dr. Morrison Mdnford, of Kan
sas City. Mo., editor of the Times,
was.aaataadserioasly wonaded the
ther afteraaos by W. D. Carlisle,
mUwverofthe sasae place. At the
aasMtiBM two bystanders were fa
tally waaaded by Carlisle, ha empty
ing fcia revolver iata the crowd while
trying to escape. The tragedy -re-tUtaifrosa
the publication in the
2ttnet of certeiB articles reflecting;
mm th intimacv and character ef
Mr. Garliala a4 Miss Grate
w It Llca 1st Esisjlsuid.
America is by no meanaindi Cer
ent to the contest now on in Eng
land. The end of Parliament has
been fixed for June 24, and Glad
stone has issued an address to his
Miolothian constituents, giving his
reasons tor asking their support
"It is only a sense of the gravity of
this issue which induces me, at my
period of life, when nature cries
aloud for repose, to seek, after sit
ting in thirteen Parliaments, a seat
in the fourteenth." In his most ad
mirable address, he strips the sub
ject of all verbage, and outlines the
issaes in crisp, earnest words. "There
are two clear, positive and intelligi
ble plans before the world. There
is the plan of the government, and
there is the plan of Lord Salisbury.
One plan is that Ireland should,
tinder well considered conditions,
transact her own affairs. His plan is
to ask Parliament to renew the re
pressive laws and in force them reso
lutely for twenty years, by the end of
Which time he assnres ub that Ire
land will be fit to accept anything in
the way of local government, on the
repeal of the coercion laws, you may
wesh to give her."
It had been charged that Glad
stone's proposed measures tended
towards the dismemberment of the
empire; he shows to the contrary,
that his method of home role (which
may likewise be applied to Scotland
and England) is in the interest of a
consolidated, nnited empire, adding
strength, stopping heavy, constant
and demoralizing waste of pnblic
treasure, abating and gradually ex
tinguishing ignoble feuds in Ireland,
developing the resources of the
country, (the natural consequence of
a free and orderly government), re
deeming the honor of Great Britain
from the stigma fastened on her al
most from time immemorial in re
spect to Ireland by judgment of the
whole civilized world.
The campaign will bo watched from
this side of the ocean with unusual
interest, and the anticipated result,
while it will vindicate the wisdom of
England's greatest statesman, will
also show that the great example of
self-government on the western con
tinent has not been without its effect.
The first official reception given
by the President and Mrs. Cleveland
on the night of the 15th, is said to
have been a very brilliant affair.
The decoration of the White House
was on the same grand scale as at the
wedding. Mrs. Cleveland was at
tired in her wedding dress. Her
only ornament was a diamond neck
lace, a wedding gift of the President,
and a magnificent boquet of white
roses, worn at the corsage. She had
a smile for everyone, and a word for
man?, and hor winsome manners
captured all. The reception was one
of the largest ever given at the White
House, there beins not lesa than two
thousand distinguished guests pres
ent; among others Mr, and Mrs.
Fredrick Donglass called to extend
their congratulations to the President
and bride. The reception closed9 at
10: 45, after which the President and
Mrs. Cleveland retired, accompanied
by tho cabinet officers and their
wives, and partook of a collation
spread in one of the private apart
ments of the mansion.
Mrs. H. A. Babcock and Mrs. J.
P. Williams, sometime ago consented
to perform the duties of a visiting
committee for six monthc,to the Home
of the Friendless in this state located
at Lincoln. They have performed
their duty and made their report. On
their first visit they fonnd a great
many sick and the Home lacking suf
ficient help. "At this visit," they
say, "we found eighty inmates, rang
ing from the babe to the old ladies
department, with eight employe to
assist in the performance of domestic
and other duties." They say in their
report to the board of managers that
from their investigation and examin
ation of the affairs of the Home they
have implicit faith in Mrs. Slaughter,
the superintendent, and believe her
capable, earnest, kind-hearted, un
tiring in her effort to promote the
best interests of the Home in all its
details, and we hope you may be
able to retain her.
Our neighboring town of Osceola,
in Polk county, was visited on the
evening of the 14th by a terrible
storm of rain, doing an immense
amount of damage to property and
crops. The town is situated on the
east bank of a small stream called
Davis creek, which flooded the low
lands to a wonderful extent, and at
one time it was thought it would
clean the valley of the Republican
Valley railroad track, but the last
report from there says that only one
mile and a half of the track was
washed away and the road bed en
tirely destroyed, but swimming was
in order. The depot was swept from
its foundation and floated about
thirty yards. Lumber and every
thing of the kind carried away. The
loss is estimated at $26,700.
We see no hope of relief from the
Democratic party, nor the Republic
an either, if such men as Van Wyck
are to be sat down upon. While
there are doabtless other men in the
state equally worthy of the confi
dence of the people, we see no good
reason why Van Wyck should be
thrown overboard in fact, no reason
at all. Again we say, he is the best
asan that ever represented Nebraska
in the United States Senate, and is
now recognized throughout the land.
Nance County Journal.
Quite a aamber of candidates are
beiag pushed forward for the sena
tor's place that will be vacaat whan
Van. Wyck's term expiree. They
might as well hold their places, for
atoss a better man is spoken of than
we have heard of so far, wa well
till remain arm ia oar belief that
Van Wyck will be his ewa
"-Genoa Mntmrprite,
Egerly, two I
Beulah and Mary
little girls of Hagersto
Md prior !
to the wedding, sent a handsome
boquet to the bride-elect, and siace
the marriage have received the fol
lowing letter from Mrs. Cleveland ia
her own handwriting:
Executive Mansion,!
Washington, D. C, ?
June Uth, 1886.
My Dear Little Friends : What
good fairy prompted my two little
unknown friends to remember me so
sweetly on my wedding day?
Whoever the fairy which I thiak
was your little loving hearts, I thank
you most sincerely, and the Presi
dent joins me very cordially.
Sincerely your friend
Frances Cleveland.
Dr. Richmond, of St. Joseph, Mo.,
Friday morning of last week, entered
the office of Col. Strong, manager of
the Herald, and while sitting with
his back to Dr. Richmond and with
out a moment's notice the Dr. drew
his revolver and fired one shot into
Col. Strong's neck, and ia quick suc
cession fired two more shots, 'and
Strong fell. Richmond then turned
mi waikad outside and shot him
self in the temple. It is impossible
to say at this writing whether it will
prove fatal or not Strong died in
five minutes after he was shot. Col.
Strong leaves a wife and three sons.
Dr. Richmond is believed to have
been insane.
The eighth annual exhibition of
the Nebraska Institute for the Deaf
and Dumb was held on the 15th inst.,
at their institution near Omaha. The
school now numbers one hundred
pupils, ranging from 7 to 24 years of
age, with eight teachers employed to
furnish all the instruction, and
judging .from the exercises at their
exhibition reported in the Omaha
Jie.nuhUcan of the 15tb, doubtless
gives evidence of the faithfulness and
ability of those' teachers in their
work. The institution is said to be
well managed, and J. A. Gillespie,
the Superintendent, cannot receive
too much .praise for bis work.
The Sturtevant house room, No.
25 second story, in New York, was
the place of the tragic end the other
day of the honeymoon of a young
couple from Kansas City, Mo., who
registered as Winfield Lee Thomp
son and wife. When the alarm was
given and the door forced open
Thompson and his wife lay side by
side on the floor. Mrs. Thompson
was shot in the back of the bead and
died in a short time. Thompson had
a bullet wound in his head and
breast, but they are not necessarily
fatal, and in his hand was a revolver.
What caused the tragedy is a mys
tery. A later report of W, B. Thomp
son, in New York, who killed his
young wife and shot himself, is that
he is still living, being kept under
the influence of morphine, and his
physicians are of the opinion he may
finally recover. It is belioved now
the cause for the terriblo act was the
fact of his marriage against the wish
of his father, and his financial straits,
which caused him to brood over his
troubles, and rather than meet his
father, broke his penniless condition
to his young wife and be turned to
disgrace, he conclnded to end her ex
istence and his own.
One day last week a terrible storm
visited Denton, Texas, and adjacent
counties, which did a great deal of
damage to property in its course,
wrecking and blowing down many
bouses and killing some persons. The
residence of Dr. Rutherford was
blown bodily from its foundation
and turned over. The family escaped,
having fled to the storm cave. At
Pilot Points, Bloomfield, Mekinney
and Pleasant Valley numerous resi
dences, churches and bridges were
blown away, but no fatalities re
ported. News Xtotes.
Burglars are operating near Ar
lington. Tramps are becoming an epidemic
at North Platte.
It costs about $50,000 a year to
keep Montana lunatics.
By a recent census, Lincoln has a
population of 27,000.
The Comstock mines disburse
$200,000 monthly in Virginia City.
It is stated in an exchange that
mad dogs have appeared near Madi
son. The German infantry is trying
bicycles and tricicles for military
Mks. Cleveland is said to be a
"thoughtful and cxquteile piano
pla er."
Drnvkk sinners aie Hnalcljed Irom
their evil ways by a colored lady
SyuiKKFXS are placing havoc iu
in many corn fields in tho western
part of the state.
It is claimed that there are fewer
widows iu Missouri than any other
state in the Union.
So far as has been hitherto ascer
tained, the elephant is practically
proof against poison.
Some sort of epidemic has struck
the Jack rabbits in Nevada, and they
are dying by hundreds.
It is claimed that there is more, un
developed land in the state of Maiae
than in anywwestern state.
When rnn to its full capacity, an
Akron, Ohio, match factory turns
out 57,000,000 matches in one day.
Chinese carpenters in California
have abandoned their antique tools
and adopted American implements.
Korea has not had a good harvest
in seven years. A famine prevails,
aad 500 persons have starved in
It is now proposed to fond all the
obligations of Lanisiaaa aad make
the debt af the commonwealth aboat
Jt is natural to suppose that Danet
and Plato will be talked about at the
Concord School of Philosophy the
session soon at hand.
The weekly bank statement in
New York shows that the banks
now noid xi4,K3,uuu in excess of
legal requirements.
A. D. Fobes and Wm. Young
wanted at Kearney for forgery, were
brought from Chicago by Sheriff
Schars the other day.
Mrs. N. B. Simpson, of Filley,
Neb., gave birth the other evening to
triplets, all boys, combined weight
about sixteen pounds.
O. T. Brown's elevator at Cort
land, Neb., burned to the gionnd the
other morning. Property destroyed
worth $8,000. Incendiary.
The 233 cities and towns in the
United States that have horse street
Railways use 16343 cars, 84,577 horses
and have 3,340 miles of track.
A dispatch the other day from
Toronto, Ont, states that Vancouver
is in ashes. Three thousand people
are homeless. They need help.
At Cedar Rapids, Iowa, a bolt of
lightning tore from a bible on a
church pnlpit the Book of Numbers,
leaving the other pages uninjured.
Three hundred volunteer observ
ers are now investigating thuuder
storms in New England in connect
ion with the United States Signal
The Senate of the United States
has rejected the nomination of John
C. Sholds, of Michigan, to be chief
justice of the Supreme court of
It is reported that President
Cleveland is about to Tsbaoge his le
gal place of residence from Buffalo,
N. Y. to Washington, Albany or New
York City.
What is said to be the largest
schooner in the world is soon to be
launched at Bath, Me. She will
have a coal carrying capacity of
2,600 tons.
News comes trom Auckland, New
Zealand, that one hundred natives
and ten English persons lost their
lives through the eruption of the
volcano of Tarawaera.
A woman at North Adams, Mass.,
has dug a cellar this spring for a
large, new house, and she quarried
the stone heiself to wall it.
In the criminal court at St. Louis
the other day the attorney for Max
well asked more timo it which to
file affidavits etc., preparatory to the
arangement to a new trial.
Charles Rilev of Chicago, has
been held by the coroner's jury to
answer to the grand jury for tbo fires
in tenement houses on Central street,
iu which nine persons were suffocat
ed. Gen. SonoFiELD the other day
notified tho commissioners at New
York, that the United States troops
guarding tho tomb of Gen. Grant at
Riverside Park would be removed
Juno 30.
A furious wind and rain storm
visited the town of Bushnell, 111.,
the other afternoon and collapsed a
circus canvass, injuring about thirty
persons, several dangerously. Con
siderable damage was done to grow
ing craps.
It is stated upon good authority
that three of the lords justices of
England have decided that love
letters belong to their writers, who,
in case of estrangement, may demand
them back.
A small hail storm at Hastings,
Neb., the other evening broke about
five hundred window glass in differ
ent parts of the city. It is thought
the crops are not damaged to any
great extent.
Joseph Shirk, who left Kearney a
short time ago with a surveying
party, committed suicide in Wyoming
a few days ago. His wife resides at
Kearney and his remains will be
brought home.
Two thousand Indians from
Nevada and Utah are holding a
grand encampment on the Humbolt
river. Many foreign tribes are rep
resented. The object of their meet
ing is not known.
The Stromsburg Republican has
recently changed hands, Eric John
son retiring and C. J. Liudstrom
taking charge. The incoming editor
announces that the paper will be a
square-out, republican paper.
William Young, wanted at Kear
ney, Neb., for forging $700 worth of
paper and selling mortgaged prop
erty, is under arrest in Chicago.
Sheriff Schaps, of Koarney, .started
last week after him.
Some people clnitn the chances are
that the Filicide of the crazy King of
Bavaria will be found to he a murder.
His dear relatives it is (.aid wore in
no mood to stand any such foolish
ness from him as the arming of bis
L. E. Hicks, who was appointed
by Gov. Dawes to examine the coal
discovered by Mr. Gearhart Kohlp,
of Cedar Co. Neb., has made bis re
port to the Governor, stating that
under the law Mr. Kohls is not en
titled to the premium.
Italian bees are sold at $5 a colony
in parts of Georgia. They Increase
at the rate of 100 per cent, per annum.
One bee keeper reports having taken
1,200 ponajls of honey from forty
colonies this spring. The honey,
extracted from the comb,, sells at ten
cents pound.
Fannie Shrader, of Logan, Neb.,
while out horseback riding the other
evening was thrown from her horse
and dragged ia a circle a number of
times until nearly all her wearing
apparel was torn from her person.
Tbo horse came home a little after
sundown, bnt without a rider.
Search was immediately made and
she was foand about half a mile
away dead' aad her person braised
aad saaaglad ia a shacking afteaaar.
Six boys were arrested tho other
day at Odd, Neb., ranging from 8 to
20 years of age, for throwing stones
at a passing train "of freight cars and
breaking the glass in the windows
of the caboose, on the P. & M, rail
road. ' They .were let off with a nom
inal fine-and co-tis.
It hap recntly been stated at IIil
ifax on good authority, that the
British government has issued orders
to make no more seizures of Amer
ican vessels, except when the viola
tion of the treaty of 1818 is so open
and flagrant that it cannot be winked
Democrats are getting somewhat
sick over the investigation of how
Senator Payne, of Ohio secured his
election, andiow some of them
claim that tho Senate is composed of
seventy-six members, more than
sixty of them attorneys, agents or
officers of railroads, telegraph and
coal oil monopolies.
Leander Shelenbarger and Mi
randa Shelenbarger his wife were
arraigned the other day iu the Dis
trict court at Nebraska City, charged
with cutting the throat of Margaret
Catborine Shelenbarger, their daugh
ter. To the chargo of guilty or not
guilty, they ploadcd not guilty, and
are held over to the September term
for trial.
Clark Wilson, a hortetrader from
Beatrice, was slugged the other night
at Nebraska City, Neb., while cross
ing the Otoe street bridge. Tho as
sault was made tor the purpose of
robbing him. Wilson gave the alarm
and Garbes camo to his relief, and be
lieves his aasatlHut would have kill
ed him, it he had uot como upon
them when ho did.
Thk pork packing houpuof Speerny
& Barnes, at New Haven, Conn.,
took fire the other morning, and was
still burning at the time of the re
port, and would undoubtedly be com
pletely destroyed. Several firemen
had been injured. The value of the
property LuriiPd will be betweeu
$300,000 and $400,000. Insurance
A Maryland farmer proposes to
grow wheat year after year on the
same land without plowing. His
plan is to sow 200 pounds of bone
meal per acre, soil the straw to the
paper mills, and expend the money
obtained for it in bone meal. After
harvest burn the stubble to kill
weeds and get rid of rohbirth. Then
harrow repeatedly, sow the hone
moid and sued, and so coutiuue year
after year.
A report last week from Rcalgo,
Nicaraugua, that a terrific eruption
occurred in May from the volcauo
Momemtomho, from tho effects of
which the city of Managua, capital
of the country, bad been practically
destroyed by a violent earthquake
which accompanied tho eruption.
The earth upon which the city was
built suddenly sank soon after the
convulsion began, three feet below
its former position.
Give It a Fair Trial.
About twenty years ago I dis
covered a little sore on my cheek,
aud tho doctors pronounced it cancer.
I have tried a number of physicians,
but without receiving any permanent
benefit. Among the number were
one or two specialists. The medicine
they applied was like fire to the sore,
causing intense pain. I saw a state
ment in the papers telling what S. S.
S. had done for others similarly
afflicted. I procured some at once.
Before I had used the second bottle
the neighbors could notice that my
cancer was healing up. My general
health had been bad for two or three
years I had a hacking cough and
spit blood continually. I had a
severe pain in my breast. After
taking Bix bottles of S. S. S. my
cough left me and I grew stouter
than I had been for soveral years.
My cancer has healed over all but a
little spot about tho size of a half
dime, and it is rapidly disappearing.
I would advise every one with cancer
to give S. S. S. a fair trial.
Mrs. Nancy J. McConaughey,
Ashe Grove, Tippecanoe Co., Ind.
Feb. 16, 1880.
Treatise on blood and Skin Dis
eases mailed free.
The Swilt Specific Co., Drawer 3,
Atlanta, Ga., 157 w. 23d st., N. Y.
To tfae resident ami owners or tho fol
lowing described lot- and Mocks in the
Citv of Columbus, .'rask:i.
OTICK IS HEREBY irivcn that at
a r irtilar meetiiiK of the City
Council held on the "th day of .hint:,
lbSO. a n solution was passed ordering
the following dcai-rilted sidewalks to !;
Beginning at the southwest corner of
tdoek seven in Oerrard's addition to the
City of Columbus, t..em-e eat in front of
lots 7,8, 9, 10, 11 and 12, block 7, and lots
7, 8, !. 10, II aud 12, block 3 of fierr.ird's
addition, to the southeast corner ni said
block M. Thence starting at the north
west corner of block 3, of Turner &
Hulst's sub-division of out lots 0, to said
City of Columbus, and running east iu
front of lots C, 5, J, 3, 2 and 1, block .'t.
Lots ti, 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1, block 2, lots 0, 5, 4,
3, 2 and 1, block 1, of Turner & Unit's
sub-division of out lot 9, thence in front
of lots 4.3,2 and 1, in block 54, of the
City of Columbus, Nebraska.
Said sidewalk shall be of plank 2 inches
thick, and 4 feet wide, to be laid on 3
stringers, two of which shall be 4 x4 and
one 2x4 in center, and be placed on the
erade that shall be established therefor
y the City Engineer, and unless the
same is built within 20 days from the
16th day of June, 1886, the contract for
building same will be let to the lowest
responsible bidder, and the cost-therefor
will be
taxed against the above de
property as a special sidewalk
David Dowty,
City Clerk.
we will furnish to
both our old and new subscribers,
the Omaha Weekly Republican and Jour
nal 'at the very low rate of 99.7 per
year, thus placing within the reach of all
the best state and county weeklies pub
lished, eivlnir the reader the condensed.
geBeral and foreign telegraphic and state
news of tap
wee-, fry jor
a year aaa
b. lattsicd.
Rolled Mills!
SCBBSOEft BUS., Proprietors.
Flour, Feed,
Bran, Shorts
And Meal,
All Kinds s Grain.
"WAY UP," Patent,
"We guarantee our flour to be equal to
any flour manufactured in the state.
We call the attention of the public to
the fact that we make a specialty of ex
changing flour, bran and shorts for
wheat, as good flour and as much of it as
any other mill in this part of the state;
also the exchange of corn meal for corn.
We have put in special machinery for
grinding rye flour and buckwheat flour.
.3T Satisfaction guaranteed. . Please
give us a call. 24-Feb-'G-y
Savings Bank,
Capital Stock,
A. Andkrson. Pkks't.
O. W. Sheldon, Vick Prks't.
O. T. Kokn, Trkas.
Robert Uulig, Sec.
13 Will rereive time deposits, from
1.00 and any amount upward, and will
pay the customary rate of interest.
aarWe particularly draw your atten
tion to our facilities for making loans on
real estate, at the lowest rate of interest.
JSTCity, School and County Bonds,
and individual securities are bought.
mm&sl v
Cheapest Eating on Earth
Take no otlwr Branny
nail v rsmuiBiB.
TTTilT Tfor working people. Send 10
H rij I i Kcents postage, and we will
,11 Nil AX. maj youree, a royal, val
uable sample bos bf goods that will put
you in the way of making more money in
a few days than you ever thought pos
sible at any business. Capital not re
quired. You can live at home and work
in spare time only, or all the time. All
of both sexes, of all ages, grandly suc
cessful. 50 cents to $3 easily earned
every evening. That all who want work
may test the business, we make this un
paralleled offer: To all who are not well
satisfied we will send $1 to pay for the
trouble of writing us. Full particulars,
directions, etc., sent free. Immense pay
absolutely sure for all who start at once.
Don't delay. Address STINSON & Co.,
Portland, Maine.
Obtained, and all other business in the
U. S. Patent Office attended to for MOD
Our office is opposite the U. S. Patent
Office, and we can obtain Patent in less
time than those remote from WASHING
advise as to patentability free of charge;
We reler here to the Postmaster, the
Snpt. of Money Order Div., and to oflii
eials of the U. S. Patent Office. For cir
culars, advice, terms and references to clients in your own State or
couuty, write to
Opposite I'atmilOflii'u, Washington, D.C
Tin and Sheet-Iron Ware !
Job-Work, Roofing and Gutter
ing a Specialty.
ISTShop on Olive Street, 2 doors
north of Brodfeuhrer's Jewelry Store.
George Scheidel for liqur license.
Notice is hereby given that George
Scheidel did, on the 12th day of June,
1SSU, tiled his application to the Board of
Village Trustees of Platte Center, Platte
Co., Neb., for a license to sell malt,
spiritous and vinous liquors at Platte
Center, Neb., for the year ending the 1st
of May, 18S7.
Iftherebeno objection, remonstrance
or protest file within two weeks of the
12th day of June, 1S, the said license
will be granted. George Scheidel.
dealer in
Clacks, Jewelry
Strict attention given to repairing of
Watches and Jewelry. ETWill not be
undersold by anybody.
Jfm, Ayw,Of a HoCIotkr How.
Teas, Coffees, Sugar, Syrups,
Dried and Canned Fruits,
and other Staples a
G4lft' Dellrered Free to any
part or the City.
Cor. Thirteenth ayul X Streets, near
A. AN. Depot.
ThM silla war wowUrftil diaeovary. Ho otl
rIievti all mamaar ef rttiaaaa The lnibrraaUon an
umUM, Croup, , AsUUMt, BrosehlUa. Xmraltfa. Khimirtlwi . SlMdiac at ta Zoom.
bm. uiuaa, nmonngvavgn, w aoopiafCOUB. casarx. Cbolarm Morbus. DraUin. CbMu
. XJflBCT Tronbl . mndBplnlPUlM n. Pamphlet fro. Dr. L 8. Johaam Col. Bealaa. ---
pillewarwawomdarftU diacOTerr. Mo othanUka than ta the world. WU paattivaly our or
all maaaar ef rttiaaaw The lafiirmatlon around eaah box la worth tan timaa tfca mat of a ha at
piiut. naa out aeons laam ana you wui arsraya oe inanarui. uaepiu a aoee. lllir?rat pawralti
I-.--:. SoldaTaTTWhere.eraentbyiuallfbraSe.tnttaiapa. Dr. 1.8. JOHNSON OO.. M c.H. St.. Boataa.
oneriaajra uoatunooi
I'otrdar la absolutely
.! m 1i...
pure ana nisaiy con-i-cntritad.
One ounce
is worth a pound of H BJSI SSSj
iuij omer kuo. 1(ISSfa BSS1 SI Bl Si
(tnutlyammlloine toMBIBl Th BL
be irivea with food. wlBBBa Si Si
gold everywhere, or tent by mail for 2fi cunU la aUBi
Six oaua by ainreea, prepaid. for $6 0O.
stood that we, having the
Largest Stock of First-class, Farm
Machinery in Columbus, are Selling at
We Sell The
We sell Halladay, Eclipse, and other Wind Mills
We are Sole Agents for this part
of the State for
"CEUTEB DAE" .TOTES ASD BANES, to Bet Sim llaasfutand.
We have the largest anil best selected stock or HARDWARE in town. We make
our own Tinware, anil lo roolinir, spouting, etc., at reasonable prices. Repairing,
Plumbing and Pump Work promptly ami satisfactorily done. Come and con
vince yourselves that
Near B. & M. Depot, - - COLUMBUS NEB.
At my premises, April Sid, 'SO,
six years old, star in forehead, right
bind foot white, and branded on left
thigh. Gko. S. Lamq,
May21-w-5-p Piatt Center, P. O.
U holcsale and Retail Dealers ia
Fresh and SaltMeats,
And Fresh Pish.
All Kiids ef Saisage a Specialty.
XdTCash pId for Hides, Pelts, Tallow.
Highest market price paid for fat cattle.
Olive Street, second door north of
First National Bank.
Boats & Shees, Hats & Caps,
wsmi good: aid mmn
34. tt
xxw. axes
m. i
will amaka aana lav
llka n. It ouree
ebiekea cholera and
BBS BJSBJ SBV Mm SV all itlaaaeea of aana.
BlSBSLSI amSrl SB laaal
BBH Si SI wSVr BBBIaa wa Si linn In will fin
- w. S 14 lb. alr-tlht ttn ease, SI i byaall. Sl-fteV
lULCY. JOBMSOJI 4 00. ltoeMa.
We have a large stock of
the finest Buggies and
Spring Wagons for the
money, ever brought to
this State. Selling them
At TTHrTl Send 10 cents postage
IT I h I ind we wiU raail yoa
-" - - -- free a royal, valuable,
sample box of goods that will put you in
the way of making more money at once,
than anything else in America. Both
sexes of all ages can live at home and
work in spare time, or all the time.
Capital not required. We will start you.
ImraeBse pay aure for those who start at
once. SnxbON Co., Portlssd, Mais.