The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, June 23, 1886, Image 1

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.M. K' TUiWSTEll & CO.,
Proprietors and Publishers.
J3" OFFICE, Eleventh St., upttairs
n Journal Building.
- tekmh:
Six mouths
Three months
CASH CAPITAL, - $75,000
LeaNDEK (lEIlllAUD, I'rcs'i.
Geo. W., 7-c 7'iV-s7.
J. K. Tamkku, ('usiiicr.
gM( if Iepoit, IMhcoiibi
Colllo- lrmllj Jtside
all Polai.
Pay lBlnt n 'rime fp
II. 27
HKAI.1'11 IN
Buckeye Mower, combined, Self
Binder, wire or twine.
Pumps Repaired" on sliorl notice
SSrOne door we-t of Heinlz's Drug
Store, 11th Street, Columbia, Neb.
Furniture. Chairs, Bedsteads. Bu
reaus. Tables, Safes. Lounges.
&c. Picture Frames and
XSTIieiuiirinu of all kiml.tof l')holsten
.tf COLl'MM'S. NKIi.
Hewkeho. Xauea, Dizzine?, ainl Drowsi
ness. They stimulate the Stomach, Liver,
and Bowels, to healthy action, assta diges
tion, and Increaso the apjHttite. They
oonibino cnthnrtic, diuretic, uiul tonlo
properties of the greatest value, are a
purely vegetahlo eompound, and may bo
taken with perfect safety, cither lty ehil
dren or adults. E. L. Thomas, Framing
ham, Mas., writes: "For a number of
years I was Bubject to violent Headaches,
arising from a disordered condition of tho
stomach and bowels. About a year ago I
commenced the use of Ayer's Tilte, aud
have not had a headache since. "VT. r.
Hannah, Gonnlcy P. O., York Co., Out.,
writes : 4T hare used Ayer's Tills fot tho
last thirty years, andean pafely say that I
have never found their equal as a cathartic
medicine. I am never without them in
my house. C. D. Moore, Elgin, Ills,
- writes : "Indigestion, Headache, and Loss
of Appetite, liad so weakened and debili
tated my system, that I was obliged to gi vo
up work. After being under the doctor's
care for two" weeks, without getting any
relief, I bogan'-taking Ayer's Tills. My
ppetite and strength returned, and I was
soon enabled to resume my work, in per
fect health.'
Ayer's Pills,
Dr. J. C Ayer & Co., Lowell, Has.
gold by all Druggists.
But a Grrand Success.
terTrough for stock. lie refers to
every man who has it in utc. Call on or
leave'orders at George Yale', opposite
Oehlricb's grocery. ti-Um
Stall A Monroe Sts..Chlcago.
1 HI Mni Tet-1 ay aJ-Irew Ibtsr
itm 13, SIM Vtr-v iltl tnnnjr
I WSGIDnUt .MUt K-ajm. Ifll
n'oupcu, EpMltu. Cap-Lan!-.
c . Nu4. Drain MuW, Stk. mad
- 'wm !.. . . . - . .. u
nam. smary maa uuinu. ntfmMjmf
frfcetfar Aamtmr Iliml iaCfeUleti
k Tjy 7Tj" SeuQ lx cents for
A P III I j Pj postage.and receive
x- - XWXIJ-I. free acobtlyboxof
goods which will help you to more money
right away than anything else in this
world. All, of either sex, succeed from
flrat hour. The broad road to fortuae
7epeas before the workers, absolutely
tare. At OBce address, Tu fc Co.,
AMUta, Malaa.
MH' , vg
I- fJI
VOL. XVII.-N0.-9.
.Tllracaleaus Encape.
W. W. Reed, druggist, of Win
chreter, Ind., writes: "One of my
customer, Mrs. Louisa Pike, Bar
tonia, Randolph couuty, Ind., waa a
long sufferer with Consumption, and
was given np to die by her physi
cians. She heard of Dr. King's New
Dieu-.oviTv for Consumption, and
began buying it nf me. In six
iuouUh' time tdio walked to this city,
a distance of six liiiles, aud ia now so
much improved she ban quit lining it.
She- feels sho owes her lilo to it."
I'YiM trjjil bottles at Dowty & Meit
kemper's DrugJtoro.
Lucai. option electiou were
hciii the other day at many
points in N.rth Cnroliim. The pro
hibitionists carried the day at Raleigh
by sixty majority, aud also at the
following-, places: Concore, Osford,
ICiugstoii, Henderson, Warrenton,
Louiburg, Winston, Salem, Apex,
neauford and Seaboard. The anti
prohibilionistB carried the election
at Charlotte, Durham, Franklin ton,
lieasville, Holly Springs, Morehead,
Aliville, (ialesboro, Littleton aud
Statesville. Tho election was ou the
question of license or no license for
thefale of sp'ritous liquors and goes
into effect at once where prohibition
was carried.
A shout lime ago, a triond of mine,
a ranchman in Douglas couuty, suf
fered (ciribly from cramp colic, and
wiis nearly crazy when I stopped at
bin ranch. 1 at once took out a bottle
of Chamberlin's Colic, Cholera and
DiarrliOM licuiedy, aud gave him two
small doses, relieving bim almost
iustautiy, and perhaps saving his
life. It now forms one of his prin
cipal stand-byp. It has saved me and
my family much pain and suffering,
iiiid I would not be without tliir
jjreat Remedy for any consideration.
O. S. McClain, Real Estate Agent,
:J.0l Sixteenth St., Denver Colo. Sold
by Dowty & Ileitkeuiper.
News from Dublin states that riot
ing continues in the Orange districts
ot Motiagban. At Lurgan several
militiamen were wounded, some
bouses wrecked and several person-"
ebot, somo being dangerously wound
ed. One Tbos. Gallagher was shot
and ha died. Troups wero ordered
from Armogh to clear the streets.
Almost all the constables were injur
ed by stones and bricks.
KfvT ire Up.
If you aic snllciiug with low and
depressed spirits, loss of appetite,
general debility, liordcrvl blood,
v.eak constitution, headache, or any
'i-ctise of a bilious nature, by all
means procure a bottle ol Electric
Cittern. You will be surprised" to see
the .rapid improvement that will
inlliiw; you will be inspired with
now lie; strength and activity will
return; pain and misery will cease,
Bud henceforth you will rejoice in
the praise of Electric Bitters. Sold at
fifty cents a bottle by Dowty & Hcit
kempcr. Nkws from Montreal states lint
the works of tho North American
Chun rompauy, at Tacholaga, were
I urnud the other day, including the
workshops, sheds building, plant
ind appliances. The property des
troyed i valued at $lf0,000.
A nkw method of treating small
pox with ether and opium, the ether
being administered bypodcrmically
and the opium by the mouth, has re
cently bepn tried in Paris with" re
markable riiccms, even in very
severe cases
Itu4-nenM Irnlrst Salic
The It st Salve in the world for
Cuts, Itruises, Sores, Uieen?, Salt
Rheum. Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped
Llauds, Chilblains, Corns, and all
Skin Eruptions, and positively cures
Piles, or no pay required. It is guar
anteed to give perfect satisfaction, or
money refunded. Price 25 cents per
box. For sale by Dowty & Heit
kemper. May 17-1 y
The liostou & Albany Railroad has
a circulating library of 2,000 volumes
free to its employes. A most excel
lent thing, and probably no equal in
vestment of money' brings them s
great a return.
At her home, near Stugatuck,
Mich., tho other day a girt of 12 lay
down to take a nap, aud, notwith
standing medical aid has been iuvok
ed, she still slumbers, and breathes
u at u rally.
John W. Shearer died ou the
train from Lob Augeles, en route to
his home at Moutezama, Iowa, tbd
other uight, between Plum Creek
und Elm Creek.
The Virginia organized militia
contains'tbirty-iour white companies,
nineteen colored, three batteries of
artillery, and three troops of cavalry.
At Comanche, Iowa, the other day
saloonkeepers mobbed a witness in
a liquor case, and threa tened to hang
the prosecuting attorney.
The Pennsylvania Railroad will
not receive applications for employ
ment from any man who is over
lorty-five years of age.
In a quarry near Youngs town, O ,
the other morning, a dynamite blast,
which waa being rednlUd, exploded
killing two men.
Switzerland has a factory is
which a very durable cloth is made
out of a mixture of wool asd peat
She'd a ftreat and varied knowlde, picked
up at a female college, of quadratics,
hydrostatics and pneumatics very
She was stuffed with erudition, as yon stuff
a leather cushion, all the oiogics of
tin colleges, and the knowledges of
the past.
She had studied the old lexicons of Peru
vians and Mexlcans.their theology, an
thropology and neology o'er and o'er.
Sho knew all the forms and feature of the
prehistoric creature s ichthyosaurus,
pleslosaurus, megalonaurus and many
She'd describe the ancient Tuscans, ana the
Itasqncs and the Etruscans, their
griddles and thulr kettles, aud the
victuals that thev gnawed;
She'd discuss, the learned charmer, the the
otogv of Uraniuli, and the scandals of
tho Vandals, and the sandals that
they trod.
She knew all the mighty giants and the mas
ter minds of science, all the learning
ttmt was turning In the burning mind
of man.
But she couldn't prepare a dinner for a
gaunt and hungry sinner, or get np a
decent flipper for her poor voracious
papa, fur she never was constructed
on the old domestic plan.
Lyon Union.
A Trying Beast, and Tot 'Twas
He Who "Did It,"
It is not "sixty years since," although
perhaps half that number of months
may have passed, ono lovely April after
noon a young man might have been
seen to descend from one of those state
ly brown-stone mansions which at that
time adorned the lower part of Fifth
avenue, and join the moving throng of
promenaders. That young man was
the present writer, Frederick Benthuy
Ken Vandcrheydcn, and as I sauntered
on, enjoying the pleasant air, and now
and then acknowledging the greeting of
a friend, or doffing my hat to some fair
acquaintance, I felt what a pleasant
thing life is to one who Is fortunate
enough to be young and free, with
good digestion, good spirits, a fair share
of good looks, and a reasonable portion
of this world's goods. But
"With eiual pace Impartial Fate,
Knocks at the palace and the cottage gate,"
and even then the lame goddess was on
my track. Some hours later I retraced
my steps an abject bondman, and as ut
terly, and for the time hopelessly, mis
erable as any one possessing all the
above et ccteras could well be. The
cause of this transformation well, that
is what I am about to tell.
Already I had reached Fifty-third
street, and was turning to cross the
other side of Fifth avenue. When I was
joined by my friend Bob Van Rcnssclear
Jones, who" proposed that I should go
with him to look at a horse which he
bad just purchased and installed at
Dickefs Riding Acadcnij. Never hav
ing eon the inside of that resort of New
York's aspiring equestrians, I consent
ed, und ail unknowing what awaited
inc. I entered those imposing portals.
In an amateur way I considered myself
something of a juMe-of-a horse, but it
was not easy to find much amiss with
Bob's new acquisition. The animal was
visited, examined, approved, the com
fortable quarters and deft saddling ad
mired, and then I must needs adjourn
to the ring and sec the horse put
through his paces. Bob was a very fair
rider, and watching him make the ani
mal eurvet and passage, I began to con
sider whether it might not bo worth
while to order a horse for myself, and
take a turn with him in the park.
While I stood thus idly leaning on tho
barricade and debating pros and cons,
there came a sharp ting, a door Hew
open, impelled by. some invisible agency,
h girlNh ligiir.e Hitted by me, and a sweet
voice said: "Will you order my horse,
Mr. Wahl?"
I liked tho voice; each syllable fell
distinct and clear and lingered pleas
antly on the ear. 1 felt attracted by it,
I knew not why, and us soon as I could
do so without rudeness, I changed my
position in order to get a look at the
.speaker, and then it was all up with me.
1 ma' as well own it first us last that
then aud there, upon the floor of Dick
ers, I fell over head and ears in fovc
with Milieent Tremaine. Let me try
and picture her as I saw her then and
so many times afterward. She was
mall, with a pretty rounded figure,
quick and darting in her motions as a
bird or a squirrel, and had an arch way
of glancing up from under her eyelashes
that made you think of a roguish child.
Her eyes dark and soft, yet shining,
looked out from beneath a fringe of
short curly hair that would never stay
tucked awav under the prim little Derbv.
but insisted on straying in soft little
rings about her temples and tiny cars.
No'wonder, for the cheek was so soft
mid round aud dimpled that it was small
blame to the curls if the liked to caress
it. A dark gray habit lifting perfectly
to the lithe figure, a Derby hat of the
same color set jauntily a little back
from the face, the neatest and glossiest
of patent-leather boots, and a gold
handled riding-whip completed the
Miss Tremaine seemed quite uncon
scious of tho presence of any one except
her maid, to whom she occasionally ad
dressed a few words as she stood half
concealed behind a pillar waiting the
arrival of her horse. Nor was it long
before tho order: "Send in Miss Tre
maine's Comet." was answered by the
appearance of a chestnut pony whose
6hort, compact form and dark stripe
down the back, as well as his erratic
modes of advance, proclaimed the Tex
as mustang.
The pony, led by an unnecessarily
food-looking groom, upon whom Miss
rcraaine bestowed a smile that ought
to have made him happy for twenty-four
hours, approached the mounting-block.
Miss Tremaine had already descended
into the ring, and stood awaiting the
master whose duty it was to aid her in
mounting. I was already insanely jeal
ous of the pleasant-faced, soft-voiced
young German on whom this agreeable
task devolved, and I began to consider
whether the pony's vagaries would not
justify me in offering some assistance.
The next instant my neart came into my
throat, when the pony, scarcely waiting
for the rider to gain her seat, much less
a stirrup, broke from the groom's de
taining hand, reared perfectly
straight, then, dropping to afi
fours, executed a succession of
bounds and plunges calculated, I
should have thought, to shake not
only the breath from a man's body,
but the very flesh from his bones. Miss
Tremaine seemed in' no wise disturbed
by this eccentric conduct on the part
of her pet, which, in truth, more be
fitted a falling-star than a comet, but
merely saying, in a tone of remon
strance: "Now, Comet! now, Comet!'
she soon reduced him to a reasonable
decree of auiet She was nresentlv
joined by a mie-looking elderly gentle-j
man, presumably her father, from the
likenes3, and together they left the
school for the park. I had now no in
ducement to linger, and soon quitted
tho building as deeply in love as man
could be with a girl whoso name I bare
ly knew, and yet resold, as was ever
knight of old, that there was tho one
woman of the world for rac,
I need not weary my readers with
tho details of the steps I "took to obtain
an introduction to Miss Tremaine.
Moving on the samo social plane, the
wonder was rather that wc had never
met before In fact, there had been in
past times some connection by marriage
between our families, and a faint and
far-away relationship actually existed
a vantage-point of which, once
discovered, I made great use,
and which won me such
favor in the eyes of Milicent's
grandmother and guardian that before
long I was allowcdthp privilege of some
times accompanying the youug lady on
her rides, a smart groom in belt and but
tons doing propriety at the correct dis
tance of forty yards behind. What more,
you will say, could any lover ask? What,
indeed, save that his inamorata should
not love, own and ride a mustang pony.
That (it will out) confounded mustang!
How many times in the park have I
paused to inwardly execrate the man
who first took mustangs from the sphere
where they were useful and perhaps
honored, and brought them to the cities
to be the bane of lovers! Milieent, I am
aware, holds a different opinion, but the
above speech comes from the depths of a
bitter experience.
Milieent doted upon the Comet, viewed
his failings, which were many, with an
indulgent eye, and magnified "his merits,
which' were few indeed. Often have I
choked at the words when, to please her,
I exhausted myself in pralso of the
Comet, and extolled his glossy coat,
bright eyes, small cars, silky mane,
slcudcr legs and tiny feet. Sho
never -wearied of the theme, and
would dilate by the hour upon
the little wretch's perfections until
I actually hated the sight of liira. In
vain did "I purchase a bushel of carrots
and a barrel of sugar with which to win
the Comet's good will. He kicked at
me in his stall, bit me when I fed him,
and once actually butted me over when
I undertook to hold him for a moment
while the groom tightened a girth. Mili
eent said he was only frightened at a
rabbit which ran across the road, but I
shall always bclicvo that he was actuated
by malice prepense.
Certainly no dragon ever guarded a
captive damJel more carefully than the
Comet guarded Milieent. Wlien, in the
earnestness of conversation, I sought to
lay my hand upon his smooth neck as an
excuse for drawing closer to his rider,
the Comet instantly swerving, would
put half a dozen 3-ards between us. Or
if, as the afternoon waned, I endeavored
to keep the horses walking more and
more slowly on the shady oridle-path,
the Comet would hear an imaginary
coyoto on his track, and putting down
his head, would dash through the bushes
and skim along the carriage-road in
open day. Again and again, when tlw
words that were to decide my fate trem
bled on mv tongue, the Comet, suddeuly
shying, has cannoned against me with a
force that brought words of far difl'er
cnt import to my lips. A woman's
French heel jammed sharply against
your knee can inflict considerable pain,
and for the time effectually banishes sen
timent, however bewitching to you the
owner may be.
All this time Milicent's patience with
tho little caynse, the grace and case
with which she sat him, her perfect
readiness to resume any topic of conver
sation, after the interludes of kicking,
shying, and bolting with which the
Comet was ever ready to diversify a
ride, excited me continually to admira
tion, and each day as it passed -saw me
more in love and more determined to
win her for mv wife. If you want to kown
a woman well and test her as a life com
panion, ride with her- day after day,
week after week, month after month, "it
is a critical test; and if she does not bore
you then, you may safely put the ques
tion; she will stand the fcirther ordeal.
A month's companionship had showed
me how fully Milieent could l)ear this
test, and I only sought on opportunity;
but how oiler your hand and heart to a
woman when all you can see of her is a
pair of laughing 6yes glancing archly at
you from between the ears of a rearing
Still, as the proverb says: "Tout vicnl
a qui sail altcndrc" and my day came at
last. It was a misty, rainy morning,
and we hail gone for a long ride out on
the Kingsbriuge road. As we were re
turning, the groom's horse cast
a 6hoc, and he was obliged
to stop at a blacksmith's. Mili
eent proposed that instead of waiting, we
should go round by what she called the
river road, past tho West End Hotel,
and let the groom meet us at the north
entrance of tho park. We turned in ac
cordingly, and finding the road in good
condition, determined to run our horses
for a few hundred yards. Up to this
time the Comet had been behaving un
usually well, and wo were about to pull
up, when the pony, swerving sharply,
rushed up a small embankment and
stood rearing on the very edge, just vis
ible through the trees and shrubs that
covered its sloping sides. Another sec
ond, before I could even check my
horse, tho Comet sprang over tho edge,
a drop of some ten feet, on to the road
- Heaven forbid I should ever know
such another moment! Nothing, it
seemed, could save my darling; the
mad brute must land on his head, roll
over, and then The whole scene
grew dark before me, when I heard a
calm voice, Milicent's own, saying:
"Didn't the Comet do that cleverly?-'
Slowly the cloud passed from my eyes,
and there beforo me sat Milieent on the
Comet as quietly and as much at her ease
as though nothing had disturbed her,
though the pony shook and trembled
in every limb. As she afterward de
scribed the scene: "I gave the Comet
plenty of rein while we were in the air,
that he might see what ho had to do,
sat well oack, and the moment he
landed got his bead up; the clever little
pet did the rest himself."
Not then, however, did I hear this
tale. In a second I was off my horse,
snatched Milieent from her saddlo, and
all the feeling 6o long repressed poured
forth like a flood. There beneath the
cloudy heavens I told her how I had
loved her from the first moment that
I saw her, and pleaded for a won, a
sign, a look, even, of encouragement.
Nor did I plead wholly in vain. In her
own pretty way, amia smiles and blush
es, Milieent gave me the pledge I sought,
and promised some day to be mine.
How long it was before a distant growl
of thunder recalled us to earth I never
knew, bat at length Milieent pushed mo
gently away ana turned to look at the
Comet, who all this tima had stood
like a Iamb. It was wonderful, but
beyond a few slight scratches, the nonv
Md Jtutained no injury, tkoagh o Mar J
I had he been to" 'turning over that the
deepest scrape was on his sorehead. Oniv
Milicent's coolness and, tho pony's agil
ity had saved her. It will oe
liovcd, but beforo wo had reached Man
hattanville tho irrepressible mustang
was as lively as ever, and apparently
more determined to allow mq no chance
with Milieent. He ran for amile down
St Nicholas avenue, rushed round the
corner at One Hundred and Twenty-fifth
street, and before Milieent' could pull
him in had reached' the park, and was
tearing down tho East drive., .Misguided
Sony! ho did not know this-was his last
ay of triumplu Beforo many days had
passed Mr. Dickel was persuaded to aN
ccpt him, together, with a considerable
honorarium, in exchange for a good
looking black thoroughbred of unexcep
tionable manners, which still carries
Mrs. Vanderheyden when it pleases her
to display tho prettiest figure and most
graceful seat in New York in the park,
as of old.
Here, kind readers, ends the tale of
Milly's mustang, properly, in .the old
fasuioned style, with, a" wedding. To
those, however, who have any curiosity
as to his after-fate, I would say that, nil
far as I know, he still lives at Dickel's
After a brief period, during which ho
was on sale, and was very successful in
teaching several young men what they
did not Know about riding he became the
property of my friend Schuyler Van
Wart. Schuyler docs not caro how
many traps he smashes in the course of
a season; neither does the Comet; so
they aro well matched.
Milieent. who has just come in, says
I am very ungrateful, and that if it had
not bcen'for the Comet's freak I would
never have had tho courage to propose
to her, in fact, it was the mustang did it.
Two years of married life have con
vinced me that Mrs. Vanderhevdcn is
seldom wrong. If, therefore, the caso
stands thus, lean only confess my er
ror, take back all the abuso I have
heaped upon the Comet, and acknowl
edge that I owe tho happiness of my
life, the light of my home, to "Milly's
Mustang." Harper's Bazar.
A Cool Spot For American Warm-Weather
Holiday-makers who arc at a loss
wlwrc to go to insure a cool spot, may,
perhaps, be tempted to try Icclaud. It
is not necessarily cool there, notwith
standing tho refreshing sound of the
name, but it is a good deal less likely to
be hot than Swiss or oven Scotch val
leys, and there is a gQod deal more to
see that would be fresh to the visitor.
Nor is the island by auy means difficult
to get at. The Danish royal mail steam
ers make a monthly voyage from Conen-.
nagen to rvevKjaviK, ami uvu oi mem
run all round the island, as well as call
ing on each voyage at Leith. There is
also an Englisli line during the summer
from Leith to Reykjavik. Iceland is by
no means the diminutive country which
people who do not look at large maps
arc in danger of supposing it to be,
when they read that the popu
lation docs not exceed that of a
thirdffateT English town. It is
Siossible to travel from east to west in a
lircct line for a greater distance than
from London to Carlisle, so that the
island is really of very respectable di
mensions. Nor are the pcopl. rcmoto
as Is their dwelling-place from the cen
ters of sweetness and light, by any
means an uncultured race. They have
h:ul a parliament of their own the Al
thingfor now nearly one tnousand
years, and they are a great deal better
instructed than European populations
The ordinary cockney tourist would
hardly find himself at home among
them; but an intelligent observer, inter
ested in the study of nature and in the
ways of isojated communities, might
really do much worse during the sum
mer months than braee himself ui lor
the winter by a week or two in Iceland.
Fishing and farming are the Icelander's
principal pursuits, and fishing is more
important, perhaps, than farming.
There are practically no manufactures
in the country, and trade is so little de
veloped that up to last year the
island did not even possess a
bank, though the Althing was serious
ly occupying itself with the establish
ment of such an. institution. Some in
teresting information on Icelandic fish
erics is contained in the last report pre
sented to Foreign Office by Mr. Consul
Paterson. The Iceland fisherpian's
I)est customers are not his comparative
ly near tieighljors he has no neighbors
at all but tiic Greenlanders, within six
hundred miles but tlie Spaniards. A
good deal of the fish caught goes to
Copenhagen, hut more to apain, auu
Spain gets the pick of the catches.
Wheat-growing is no part of the Ice
land fanner's industry. For that the
climate is not warm enough. He breeds
flocks and herds, and during his short
summer is much concorned lor" the re
sults of his hay harvest These, last
year, were not satisfactory in the south
ern part of the land, owing to the oc
currence of wet weather late in the sum
mer. A further reduction of live stock
was the consequence of tho scarcity of
fodder. In the north, however, the" hay
crop was good, and the farming inter
est there is fairly prosperous. N. W.
Christian Adcoattc.
An Apparatus Adapted tor I-and-Surveylng
and MlUtary Purposes.
An ingenious instrument for ascer
taining the distance of accessible and in
accessible points fronirfie observer and
from each other ha3 been invented by
Dr. Luigi Cercbotani, a professor of the
university of Verona. The apparatus
consists mainly of a pair of telescopes
mounted on a stand and fixed on a tripod
for use. The telescopes are both brought
to bear on the object, and a reading is
then taken from a graduated scale onthe
instrument, which, compared with a set
of printed tables, gives the distance. By,
this means the inventor obviates the
necessity for the base-line, which
has hitherto had to be laid
down in these operations, and ho dis
penses with all trigonometrical calcula
tions. Distances can bsieasured be
twoen far-off objects, ana by means of a
sheet of paper fixed on a drawing board
a rough plan of the country under meas-
urcment can be sketched, in the same
way the distances of ships at sea, or of
moving objects on land, can be deter
mined. The apparatus appears to be
well adapted for land surveying, ant:
particularly for military purposes. In
fact, it is stated to have been already
adopted in the German army in tlu
latter connection, and it is about to be
tried by the authorities of the British
War Department A practical trial wa
recently made with the instrument on
the Thames embankment when iu
varied usefulness waa demonstrated.
St. Jannti Qattttt,
. WW alii bH" laH IbH ! 1 alii aI IHt Ihi
V 1 B
National Bank!
1 -
has an
Authorized Capital of $250,000,
A Surplus Fund of - $15,000,
And the largest Paid la Cnh dtp-
1 1st I of any ban iu this p:irt
of the State.
tSTDupnsils received and interest p.ud
on time deposits.
t3rDrafl on the principal cities in this
country and Europe bought and mild,.
ISCTCol lections and all other business
giveu prompt and careful attontlou.
S AM'L C. SM ITH, Vice fres't.
O.T.KOEN, Cashier.
D.T. Martyn, M. D. F. .1. Scum;, M. I.
U. 8. Examining Snrgcons,
Local Surgeons. Union I'acitie, O., N.
& It. 11. and It. M. R. It's.
Consultation in German and English.
Telephones at office and residences.
JSTOtlice on Olive street, next to ltrod
feuhrer's Jewelry Store.
Upstairs Ernst building 11th street.
Office over First National Hank, Colum
bus, Nebraska. SO-tf
I. KVA.-4MM. .,
Etrotlico and rooms, t'luck building,
11th street. Telephone communication.
AMllVroa MKADE, .11. !.,
Platte Center, Nebraska. !l-y
i:Uh street, east of Aht'h barn.
April 7, S;-tl
)owi:m uoimi,
Justuppiicd. Special attention givrn
to commercial men. Has a good sam:ilc
room. Sets the best table. (Jive it a
trial and be convinced. .i)-:'.inn
i on i:i,mii:.,
JfiTl'jrties desiring Mirciiig dmic
can iiddrchs me at Columbus N-l., ur
call at my office hi Court House.
W. B. Tedrow, Co. Supt.
I will be at Humphrey the 'Jllh, I'latie
i enter the tirstof May, and at iu ofli
iu the Court House on the second of M:n.
all for the examination of teachers .'
Ckromio Diseases and Diseases or
CTsildrea a Specialty.
Groffice on Olive street, three d.iois
north of Firht Nation! Rank. -J ly
Office up-stairs in McAllister's build-
l.?gi.!lth St w A McAllister, Notary
Public. '
Attotaiy iad Hsttry rati e. Cellactsr.
CttlwnlHs, : : : Nebraska.
Collection Attor!y .
Specialty made or Collections by C.J.
Uarlow. !.,
llth St., opposite Lindell Hotel.
Sells Harness, Saddles, Collars, Whips,
Blankets, Curry Combs, Brushes, trunks,
valises, buggy tops, cushions, carriage
trimmings, &c at the lowest possible
prices. Repairs promptly attended to.
TAtiatl SALMOn,
Plans and estimates supplied for either
frame or brick buildings. Good work
guaranteed. Shop on 13th Street, near
St. Paul Lumber Yard, Columbus, Ne
braska. 52Cmo.
JRaors and Iron ! "
a ...... ...........
The highe-t market price paid lor rag
amriron. Store in the Bubach buildin",
OliveU Columbus. Neb. 15-tf
Carpenters and Contractors.
Have had an extended experience, and
will guarantee satisfaction in work.
All kiads of repairing done on short
notice. Our motto is, Good work and
fair prices. Call and give us an oppor
tuuityteestimateforyou. gyshop on
13th St., one door west of Friedbof ft
Co's.sUre.CoIuabas.Nebr. .?
A '
- t
WHOLE NO. 841,
Some of tha Epicurean Morsels Eajoyea by
the Hidalgos.
Tortillas is not only one of the great
Mexican dishes, but one of the women's
chief industries. In almost any street '
there can be seen women on their knees
mashing com between smooth stones,
making it into a batter and finally shap-.
ing it into round. Hat cakes. Thoy spit
on their hands to prevent the dough
from sticking, and bake in a pan of
hotgrcase, kept boiling by a few lumps
of charcoal. Rich and noor buv and
; eat them, apparently-unmindful of tho
way they are made. Hut it is a bread
that Americans must be educated to.
Many surprise the Mexicans by refus
ing even a taste after they see the bak
ers. There are some really beautiful girls
among the low elass of people. Hair
three-quarters the length of tho women
and of wonderful thickness is common.
It is often worn loose,- bnttmore fre
quently in two long plaits. Wig-makers
liiul no employment here. The men
wear long, heavy bangs.
There is but one thing that poor and
rich indulge in with equal delight and
jdeasure. That is cigarette-sniokiug.
Those tottering with age down to the
creeping babe, arc continually smok
ing. No spot in Mexico is sacred from
them; in churches, on the railway cars,
on the streets, iu the theaters every
where at e-to be seen men and women,
of the elite, smoking.
Tho Mexicans are unsurpassed, ser
vants. Their thievery, which is a his
toric complaint, must be con'lined to
those in the suburbs, for those in
houses could not be more honest. Their
cleanliness is something overwhelming,
when one recalls thcT tales that iiavu
been told; of the lilth of the 'rreasers.'
harry m the mornings, the streets,
walks in the plaza and pavements aro
swept as clean as any thing can -be,
and that with brooms "not as good as
those children play with in the States.
Put an American domestic and a Mex
ican sen-ant together, even with tho
difference in the working implements,
and the American will "get left" every
time. But this cleanliness may be con
fined somewhat to such work is sweep
ing and scrubbing; it does not cer
tainly exist in the preparation of food.
The meat express does not by any
means serve to make the meat more
palatable. Generally an old mule or
horse that has reached its second child
hood serves for the express. A fonr
iron rod, from which hooks project, is
fastened on the back of the Iieast by
means of straps. The meat is hung
on these hooks, where it is exposed to
the mud and dirt of the streets as well
as the hair of the animal. Men with
two large baskets, one in front, one
behind, filled with the refuse of. meat,
follow near by. If they wear trousers
they have them rolled up high so tho
blood from the dripping meat will not
soil them but run down their bare legs
and be absorbed in the sand. It is as
serted that the poor do not allow this
mixture in the basket to go to waste,
but are as glad to get it as we are to
get sirloin steak.
,Men with cages of fowls, baskets of
eggs and bushels of roots and charcoal
come from the mountain in droves of
from twenty-live to fifty, carrying
packs which average three hundred
Pulque, which is sucked from tho
mother plant into a man's mouth and
thence ejected into a water jar, is
brought to town in pigskins. The
skins, are filled and then tied on to
burros, or sometimes not frequently
carried in wagons, the filled skin
rolling from side to side. Never less
than four filled skins are ever loaded
on to a burro; oftener eight and ten.
The burros are never harnessed, but go
along in trains, which often number
fifty. Mexican politeness extends even
among the lowest classes. In all their
dealings they are as polite as atlanciug
master. The moment one is addressed
off comes his poor, old ragged hat, and
bareheaded he stands until you leave
him. They are not only polite to other
people, but. among tliemselves. One
poor, ragged woman was trying to sell
a broken knife and rusty lock at a
pawnbroker's stand. "Will you buy?"
she asked, plaintively. "No, Senorita,
gracias" (I thank you), was the polite
reply. Mexico Cor. Pittsburgh Dis
Alvan Clark's Crowning Work Krliiglup
the Moon Within a llumirrd Miles.
The largest refracting telescope in
the world is now in process of construc
tion in the modest work-shop of the
venerable Alvan Clark, the eminent
telescope-maker, in Henry street, C'am
bridgeport, Boston. The two disks of
glass go to form the lens of the great
Lick telescope which will be placed in
the observatory on the peak of ML
Hamilton, a bequest of the Califoruia
millionaire, James Lick. These two
circular glasses are valued at S'JG.OOO
jaeb, and if destroyed thev could not
be duplicated within the next six
months for millions of dollars. The
.iisks were cast in Paris, the order
oeing given five years ago, but the fail
ares were so numerous that they were
not received by Messrs. Clark until
last September' When finished the
lens will be thirty-six inches in diame
ter, six inches wider than the one they
recently completed for the Russian Gov
ernment. Since receiving the blocks last
September, Mr. Clark and his sons have
been constantly at work upon them,
but they do not expect to have them
completed much before fall. When
completed the two lenses will weigh
about 700 pounds. The work of polish
ing the disks has reached that stage
wlnSre the removal of a few grains
more or less from the wrong place
would ruin them. The only instru
ment used is the hand smeared with
rouge, a polishing substance finer than
the finest emery.
Some idea of the power of the instru
ment may be gained from the state
ment recently made by an astronomer,
that gazing at the moon, 240,000 miles
away, that orb by this telescope will
be brought to within .less than ono
hundred miles from the eye of the be
holder. Mr. Clark is eighty-two years
of age. He and his wife on March 25
celebrated the sixtieth anniversary of
their wedding. He was born in Ash
field, Mass., and brought up a farmer's
boy, but bis self-taught skill gained him
a situation as an engineer, at the age of
twenty-two, in a Lowell calico mill.
Ten years later he had become a minia
ture painter in Boston, with a studio in
Court street. All the time that he was
painting these portraits he- was grind
ing away at lenses for a pastime, and
when the daguerreotype threatened the
extinction of the portrait-painting pro
fession he stepped into telescope mak
mg. Chicago Inter Octm,
lirBuslnasa aad prof aaioaalcaxaa
of fivalineaor laas.par aaavm, Iva
dollars. A. m t
& For Uina adrtlamTiaata,aaplr
at this office.
, a3r Lag al advartlaaataau at atatata
3"Tor transient advertlaiatvaaa
rates on third page.
K3TAU adTortlseatents pe.ya.Tsla
About. 150.0rocoj-4as-- of Haw
thorne's "Scarlet Letter"., hare, tfeea
issued. The "House of MTaQGeUa"
did not reach more than naif that num
ber. " l
A draped .shaft of Itallaa marble
twenty-five ' feet' high is to bplaoed
over tne graves
ot ucnorai loomoe
and his wife at Washington, Ga.
will bo made in Italy. .
Horatio Seymour died on Abraham
Lincoln's seventy-eighth- birthday, aaVi
General Hancock died on tat aawgajsi
second anniversary of-Samuel J.n
den's birth. N. T. Sun. "
Mrs. M. E. De Geer, of'8cott'City,
Kan., has pre-empted land, foaftded
several towns, built several hotels and
established several paying newspapers
in Kansas. Chicago Sun. '
Talcot Williams, managing editor
of the Philadelphia Press, has a collec
tion of biographies of notod persons
ready to be nsed as obituaries on their
demise, which is insured f6&rt3,00.
N: r. Tribune. " ' -ii--
"With my own oyea.v said Dr.
Theodore L. Ciiyler to some Yale sta
dents, the other day, "I have seen Mr.
Gladstone kneel by the side of a. com
mon street-sweeper and pray for the
salvation of his soul."
The St. Louis Q lobe-Democrat 9yst
"The recent death of 0. Gratz Brown
carried off the last of the National can
didates of 1872 Grant, Greely aad
Wilson having gone before. Aad tile
death of Horatio Seymour carried off
the l:st of the candidates of 18S8, the
others being Grant. Colfax and Blair."
General Hancock was married in
St. Louis in 18.")0 to Miss Almira Rus
sell, of that city, who survives' hlin.
Probably it was her full name tho dy
ing man was trying to pronounce when
hi! utterance broke into " "Allie,"
"Myra." as ivon in some of the re
ports of his last moments. St. Louis
Elder Thomas Parker Dudley, of
Lexington, Ky., is said to be the old
est Baptist minister in America. Ho
is ninety-four years old, blind and very
feeble. He began preaching in 1820,
and has preached in Kentucky, Ten
nessee. Ohio, Indiana. Illinois. Michi
gan, Missouri, Kansas. Virgiuia, Dela
ware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey and
New York. N. Y. Times.
The richest woman in the world
has lately been discovered. Donna
Isitlora Cousino, of Chili, is the lucky
individual. No one, not even horsclf,
knows the exact amount of her wealth,
which is derived, from land, oattle,
mines, hoifco and ship property to any
extent. In. addition to these' sources
of income she owns the only coal mined
in South America, from which she draws
about 16,000 a month. It is stated
that Donna Cousino is a "remarkabld
business woman."
Society's favorite flower tho
dandy-lion. N. Y. Morning Journal.
A "Young Lady Reader" wishes to
know what will reaiovo greas spots
from a silk dress. A pair of scissors.
N. Y. Herald.
"Mr. Jones, j-ou said you were
Connected with the fine arts; do vntt
mean that you arc a sculptor?" "No,
sir, I don't sculp myself, but I furnish
the stone to the man what uoes."
Brooklyn Eagle.
Little Beggar "Please give me a
penny to buy a-Ioaf of bread." Old
Party "But you can't buy a loaf of
bread with one cent." Little Beggar
"No, but I'm bnyingon tho installment
plan." The Judge.
An old man-of-war sailor, who had
lost a leg in the service of his country,
became a retailer of peanuts. He said
he wa3 obliged to be a retailer, because
having lost a leg, he could not be a
whole sailor. The Judge.
Sigk husband "Did the doctor say
that I am to take all that medicine
Wife "Yes, dear." Sick husband
"Why, thero is enough in that bottle to
kill a mule." Wife (anxiously) "Then
you had better be very careful, John."
N.' Y. World.
"My son," said a stern fathor to a
seven-yeaT-old hopeful "I must dis
cipline you. Your teacher said you
were the worst boy In the school."
"Well, papa," was the reply, "only
yesterday she said 1 was just like my
father." Montreal Witness.
A farmer demanded free admission
to a show on the strength of being in
the same business. "1 fail to see;"
said the manager, "how you make that
out." "Well, I'll tell you," responded
the farmer. "I make my money by
selling specked apples, and yoq make
yours by selling spectators." He was
admitted. Lowell Citizen.
An album containing the photo
graphs of twenty million stars Is being
prepared by a French astronomer. W e
believe that is about the number a man
sees when he sits down in an inverted
position on the icy sidewalk, but how
the astronomer managed to got instan
taneous photographs of them when in
such an awkward position is difficult to
understand. Norrintown Herald.
Wife "I think, mother, we had
better be starting for our shopping.
By the way, John, what are the weath
er probabilities?" John (reading from
the paper) "Heavy rains, followed by
snow, hail, sleet, blizzards, cyclones,
tornadoes, simoons, hurricanes aud
earthquakes." Wife "H'm. how pro
vokjug! Shall we venture out, moth
er?" Mother "Certainly. We are not
made of sugar." Life.
A certain divine, who had wan
dered, in the course of his travels, be
yond the conveniences of the railroad,
was obliged to take to a horse. Being
unaccustomed to riding he said to his
host: "I hope you are not so unrcgen
cratc in these parts that you would give
me a horse who would throw a good
Presbyterian minister?" "Wall, I
duuno," was the reply. "Wc believe
in spreadin' the Gospel!". Y. Indc
pendeiit. Not a Hopeless Case.
Mose Schaumburg had loaned Sam
Bingtom aeven hundred dollars. As
Mose had not seen Sam on, 'the
streets of Austin for several days it oc
curred to him to call at Sam's house
aud find out how he was coming on.
He did not see Sam, but Mrs. Biagtom
was at home. She looked very sad,
and had black rings around her eyes.
"I am in great distress, Mr. Schaum
berg." "Vat vash de matter?"
"Mr. Bingtom has lost his mind and
has been taken out into the country."
"Did he leave dot money mit yon to
pay dot note what comes due next
"Oh, ne, Mr. Schaumburg. he ianot
crazv enough to do that. He has lot
lost nis reasoning faculties eaafar,
Texas Sijlings,