The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, May 26, 1886, Image 3

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"Leaves Columbus,.. 8:10 a. m.
2:00 p. ni.
8:35 "
0:05 "
8:30 "
" David City 9:00
" Seward. ...10:10
Arrives at Lincoln.. 11:25
The passenger leaves Lincoln at 3:55 p.
m., and arrives at Columbus 7:13 p. in;
the freight leaves Lincoln at 6 a. m., and
arrives at Columbus at 1 p. m.
County Clerk Stauffer visited
Omaha last week.
Treasurer Newman was on the
sick liBt last week.
fafLotspaf nesaAodst AunM'e.
-Beat paints at ruinous prices, Co
lumbus Lumber Co. 50-2-tf
i Gentlemen's fine cassimeres for
f suits at Galley Bros.
r eetRy,plramerV
. A splendid line of new style
""4- ginghams at Galley Bros.
The Western Cottage organ for
-eale at A. & M. Turner's.
Ladies' embroidered robes for
Teummer wear at Galley Bros.
Mac Murphy has sold his Schuy
ler Sun to Howard & Hastings.
t Beat paiats in market at unheard
f prices, Columbus Lumber Co.
-MjttTWhite was at Omaha last
' wwjsyplYI goes to Iowa on a risit.
-Oa'e of the finest lines of spring
and summer goods at Galley Bros.
Charles Schroeder visited the
Nebraska metropolis Saturday last.
Baoon Makes for Sale. I have
twenty that I will sell. G.W. Elston.
Jno. Walker, auctioneer, one per
cent. Address Humphrey or Lind
say. Mr. and Mrs. B. It. Cowdery
took the train Monday for a visit
tt-WilljA &4mantho
iflhestmrSt prjf eM- cjpntrjro-
dx "jh
A large and select line of Swiss
and Hamburg embroideries at Galley
Julius Rasmussen was at Chi
cago last week on a visit to his sister
S. J. Marmoy was visiting last
week his daughter Mrs. J. C. Martin,
at Silver Creek.
John Stewart has lost a team
worth $300 ono by a runaway, the
other by disease.
Foe Rent. Two rooms over
Chinn'e drug store. Inquiro of Gus.
It. Keener &cp.
W&ulmk compact girJlo
hBewoME. KoodiSKs.ABy
3L Anderson, of the First Na
tional Bank, was in Chicago last
week on business.
tFoiiowjtne cro:
DsJff.Hats. rai
id toBaVre.
D. J. McKelvey, formorly of this
place, has opened up in the jewelry
business at Fullerton.
lot ol
Calkins, lately of the Dem
ocrat, Is about to Btart a newspaper
at Silver Cliff, Wyoming.
"or cloifeg, gott Krai
; caanvByou JRo
Icle iaVaff line.
nice assortment of Western
WTho "fiaweye'MAi mowpkall
siV fojprsalBaOTliaik Lurk&
SNew, noL nobbypraw lMJfc for
Iflos, gatnenftndBchWureBpmt
lammfTe. -
& ior jHPMueu
E.vtftzpWdft. 3-3t
vcineJFaBat JsT aft Elfenatraftv's
-T 3-31am
At ata complate assorjaBnt oMll
SI VvM allHds, JTced,W
V C.!BW.l.:BaSK BM
ouiih uriigipDic. --
J. K
For ciyjfcg, gytt KramA ;
wl thcaaIvyouPoMr yA
f avnpmcle aWaT linesV BL
t Cottage organs, at A.& M. Turner's
ODDOsite the Methodist Church.
ill irand geLatcqualq
thfKeaatm, Wfinns ArShi
auflVKrs nradswMf Co.
A select line of silk embroidered
Newport scarfs, all colors and shades,
prices $3.50 to $10 each, at Galley
Loans on Btal Estate at lowest
rates and most favorable terras. No
delay. Inquire at First -National
Bank. 35-tf
Wm. York of Illinois, a friend
of Chap. Taylor, wan here last week
looking up a ranch for the cattle
Every ticket will draw a prize
at the fair aad dance of the W. Y.
Bissell Hose Team on Wednesday,
Jiae 2d.
The Columbus Cornet Band have
. been engaged for the 4th of July.
Columbus is going to celebrate in the
food old style.
The Journal & on sale, each
week, at the book and news stores of
. D. Fitzpatrick and R. Hartman, at
fi CMts a copy.
The first signal flags were put up
Moaday evening. They appear
twenty-four feet above Jaeggi &
Bcaapaach's mill.
A stock of stationer's articles for
sale cheap or exchange for land or
cattle. Call on or address Journal
Colambus, Neb., soon,
Jnae 2d, at the Opera House,
the W. Y. Bissell Hose Team will
held their fair and dance. Turn out
i a good time.
G. C. Barnum, a tourist from
Colambus, Neb., was robbed of $150
em the overlaad train at Lathrop the
1 day, San Francisco Chronicle.
LawsaWA m AaaMm11 aM4aawata awLat'
The A. O. U. W. are to have a
separate grand lodge for this state.
The first grand lodge is called to meet
at Grand Island Juue 8th.
-I A. Smith, boot and shoemaker,
Repairing neatly done. Work solic
ited. Half-soling 75 cents, at Hem
pieman's store, Eleventh sL 34-tf
"Doc" Neisius, the man who was
"drowned" in the Missouri last
spring, left this section of country,
last week, between two days.
Nick Blaser, in town Monday,
told us his two boys, Louis and Nick,
were to start that evening for Oregon,
where they go to look over the
The Journal has a clean towel
now, on its painted door, the promis
ed gift of Carl Kramer. In thiB, as
iu all other things, Carl is a man of
his word.
We have received Vol. 1, No. 1
of the Grand Island Times, a neat,
newsy, well-printed, six column
folio sheet. May it live long and
be prosperous
The Kearney Hose Team have
signified their intention of being
present at our Fourth of July cele
bration. We are sure of three teams
in the running race.
Al. Mitchell, a former Columbus
boy, but for eome time a resident of
North Platte, arrived in the city last
week and haB accepted a position
with C. & L. Kramer.
(p As fine a lot of gentlemen's shoes
las were ever brought to town can be
seen at Galley Bros. The celebrated
Emery shoe is among them, $3 a pair,
a calf shoe, warranted. 7-45-tf
D. D. Wadsworth & Co., this city
sold last week their stock of groce
ries to Mr. John Schuman, of Cor
ning, Iowa, who will continue busi
ness at the same stand.
About five miles of track has
been laid on the Grand Island &
Wyoming Central railway. The
grading for the same is nearly com
pleted to Broken Bow, this state.
Mr. Saml. Hunt, a former citizen
of Columbus, is ono of the principal
actors in the Buchanan Comedy Co.,
aud received quite an ovation Mon
day evening on his first appearance.
While many sections of the
country have been visited by cy
clones, tornadoes and disastrous
storms, Nebraska has been singular
ly exempt from storms so far this
Dr. Schug, it seems, must havo
become an offensive partisan. He
has stepped down and out, and Dr.
Stillman takes his place on the IT. S.
Board of examining surgeons for
this place.
Gerhard Kohls, of Cedar Co.,
Neb., has made affidavit to Governor
Dawes of the fact that he has discov
ered a twenty-six inch vein of coal at
a depth of 400 feet over on the north
ern border.
J&- Money to loan at once and with
out delay on real estate, in large or
small amounts, on time to suit.
Promptly, quietly and at the lowest
possible rates. Apply to Gus. G.
Bcchcr & (Jo. 19-tf
Arnold Oehlrich retorncd Friday
last from quite an extended western
trip. He thinks California a good
place for Invalids, but for all other
purposes Nebraska is plenty good
enough for him.
Geo. Spooner has a brick press
ing machine by which he can turn
out 25,000 a day, and in 12 or 15 days
will have on hand any amount of
good hard brick. The first kiln will
be "fired" tomorrow.
Buchanan Comedy
Norfolk News.
Hannna, brother
to the
handsome Harry who reigns at
Zeimer's when tbe boss is out, will
arrive in the city this evening from
Cadiz, Ohio. He comes to stay and
grow up with the capital. Lincoln
Mason Bell is at work on tbe
stone foundation of Wm. Bucher's
new residence on 9th street, west of
the Catholic church, which, when
completed, will be one of tbe finest
in tbe city, and will cost Mr. B. $2,
000 or more.
At their regular weekly meeting,
the directors of the Columbus L. B.
& L. Association loaned another
$100 at a premium of $13. Three
buildings are to be erected shortlu
the result of a welK conducted
sociatiou of this kind.
Henry Gass started yesterday for
Switzerland, his native country, on a
two mouths' visit. He will doubtless
find many changes 6ince his de
parture from there, eighteen years
ago. John Gesin will have charge of
his business during his absence.
The editor of tbe Journal took
a trip to Chicago last week, on the
way visiting John George's folks at
Perry, la., and B. F. Kennedy's at
Audubon. Their old friends, many
of them readers of tbe Journal, will
be pleased to know that they are en
joying their usual health.
The school board has engaged
Cbas. T. Driscoll of Omaha, the able
architect who planned the High
School building, to draw up plans
and specifications for veneering the
3d ward school house with brick.
Bidders and contractors can see plans
and specifications at Kramer's.
- A. B. Orgren, secretary of the
seminary at Stromsburg, this state,
was removed from his office by the
boafd of directors recently for al
leged unchaste conduct towards one
of the female students of tbe school.
Mr. O. is a married man of family,
aad promiaeat ia chareh circles.
4-AVilliamat& ShumjfAuccR
havween nlavjoavo
it tmOpem iousV thi
em Tbe
comky lsFan veil
wellwcseras tbe nan
-s. c.
Michael Abts left Monday for
Weeping Water, where he goes to
work on the grade of the B. & M.
between Weeping Water and
Jacob Gutter, one of the first
ee-tlers of old Platte, was in the
city last week and gladdened the
heart of the printer by paying for his
Journal away in advance.
to Turner have removed to
North street, opposite the Methodist
church, and will continue to supply
customers with first-class sewing
machines and organs, of which they
have a large supply on hands. G. W.
Kibler, traveling salesman, repre
sents the firm.
A foot race for $500 a side be
tween John Pardoe of Columbus, and
an unknown of Pierre, Dakota, will
be one of the attractions on the
glorious Fourth. Don't forget the
fact that Columbus offers the moat
and largest prizes, for all the usual
attractions on a Fourth of July cel
ebration. The committee on 4th of July
celebration invite the other towns
in this county to come to Colambus
on the 3d or July and participate in
the festivities of the occasion. The
committee desire the assistance of all
the citizens of the county. We want
all to come here and have a grand
time together.
The Fremont Normal has ar
ranged for a summer school for
teachers. Persons desiring to take
up new studies should enter as early
in June as possible. The six weeks
beginning July C, will be devoted
mainly to reviews and teachers'
drills. Primary and intermediate
methods will be taught in a superior
Invitations are out for the mar
riage of Dr. C D. Evans and Miss L.
Rose, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. E.
North, May 27 tb, at the residence of
the bride's parents. The Journal
tenders its congratulations before
the event. The young couple deserve
untold happiness, and the Journal
unites with their hosts of friends in
bidding them God speed in the voy
age of life.
acting of
Fremont, Neb, is making exten
sive preparations for the firemen's
tournament to be held at that place
August 24th to 27th Inclusive. The
citizens want it to be the largest that
has ever been held in the state.
About twenty-five teams have signi
fied their intention of taking part
and competing for the prizes. They
have raised about $2,000 to be dis
tributed in prizes.
The "W. Y. Bissell Hose Team"
will hold their fair and dance Wed
nesday, June 2d. They have se
cured some very valuable presents to
be raffled off on this occasion ; among
the number is a $45 violin. Tickets
for dance $1.00, also entitling the hol
der to one draw; spectators' tickets,
35 cents; tickets for the drawing, 25c.
A cordial invitation is extended to
all. Committee.
IX. Buy the Whitehill sewing ma
I thine at A. & M. Turner's. It is
guaranteed to give satisfaction in
every particular. It is one of tbe
very best machines sold, is handsome,
durable, strongly-built ; is easy run
ning, is very easily managed, and
makes a neat stitcn. You will save
money by examining the Whitehill
before purchasing. Give your orders
to G. W. Jubler, traveling salesman.
re inti
ly a lim
ts will
st serve
eacn rotnerane
First come, first
Tbe Journal Job department is
prepared to furnish, on short notice,
all kindB of commercial work, such
as letter heads, note heads, bill
- heads, statements, circulars, envel
opes, cams, aoagers, posters c. ;
visiting cards; lawyers' briefs;
pamphlets ; catalogues ; sale ' bills,
&c. Satisfaction guaranteed. Orders
by mail promptly attended to. Ad
dress, M. K. Turner & Co., Colum
buB, Nebr. tf
A note in the National City
Record, Cal., says: "J. W. Early, of
Columbus, Neb., has purchased
twenty acres in the Jamaica, of Eliznr
Steel, near the tea acres recently
purchased by A. N. Burgess. Mr.
Early is one of those wide-awake
business men who snap at good bar
gains like a hungry toad at a fly, and
it would not surprise us if he got his
irons into several fires before leav
ing thfa section. It is such men we
need here."
Mrs. O. T. Roen, children and
servant, while out for a drive Sua
day evening came nearly having a
serious runaway. While crossing
the railroad track on Olive street,
the horse got scared at the noise from
a locomotive, and although Mrs. R.
held on to the reins heroically, the
animal became unmanageable, and
started on a lively pace down Olive
street, but O. L. Baker being near the
scene used his pluck and activity ta
good advantage and soon bad all
things to rights agaia.
-Aferchantaand otiflB-who
siremo oflevecial aftreawms
comvtitoratme nV faiMiould
do (Mat ice,Hornfltr thewec'y,
J. (BRAtson,Mhe JorHA-L,
Col uaa; Nebr. 4-2
1 A.&M
The Buchanan Comedflfaampany
gsjBa fine enJnunmMt nday
efSpg, and JdMioo JihrodA the
weH ThereVweA several kcial
feaSps of AlonVy might's fcer
fornKce tbflf we worth sewal
pricSpf adaisBion.klr. Bucbank's
violinoloflvas one wbhese, anon
selecHi My the
anotbeVKsides the good
all tholjape.
WThe Jomr
sjDt out fto-
laSto suchiaaa
BrsSed, toBd
inamVeir adyaw
ar theMir
d nuaawar
paBhlet. (9
Ui aaW
m reoeHd.
FiM come,
am Anymwe
desSngo reSh the
aVaU (
coimvy, Ahouaa at I
selSJof thB cfc
opfbf pagmjpiO
$3 h pager
Catenates t Havre a New Depet.
Through the kindness of Mayor
Kramer we are permitted to print
the following correspondence which
fully explains itself:
Columbus, Mat 18, '86.
Mr. S. R. Callaway, General
Manager TJ. P. R. R., Dear Sir: As
Mayor of this city I take the liberty
of addressing these lines to you to
ask if anything further has been done
by you to give us the much-needed,
new depot, and to earnestly request
you to use your kind influence and
give us a good substantial building
at once. A good depot is a per
manent improvement and would help
your business here, as well as be a
great convenience to us. Awaiting
an early reply, I remain,
Yours, truly,
Carl Kramer.
U. P. Railway Company.,)
Omaha, May 20, '80. ,
.Carl Kramer, Esq., Columbus,
Neb., Dear Sir: I beg to acknowl
edge the receipt of yonr letter of May
18th. Tbe depot at Colambus will
be built this summer.
Yours truly,
S. R. Callaway.
L. A. Clark, agent for tbe B. &
M. in this city, showed us Monday
last quite a novelty in the shape of a
gavel, the wood for which he has
been collecting during the past two
years. The work has just been com
pleted by Messrs. Murdock & Willis
of this place and is perhaps the
greatest mechanical curiosity in tbe
United States. In tho handlo are 13
different pieces of wood obtained
from and representing the 13 original
states of the Union. In the ball of
the gavel are different piecea rep
resenting 37 states and territories,
including one piece from the Dis
trict of Columbia, aud one from
Canada, tbe total being 50 pieces
neatly finished and put together. A
silver baud will encircle the ball of
tbe gavel appropriately engraved, and
will be presented by Agent Clark on
the 9th of Juno, at Indianapolis, to
the National R. R. Agents Associa
tion, of which he is secretary.
Mr. Clark will no doubt receive the
hearty thanks of the Association for
this unique memento.
The Norfolk News gives a
lengthy account of what it desig
nates as tbe leading industry of that
place the Norfolk Brick Company's
Works, an industry established there
some seven years ago by J. F. Flynn,
formerly of this place, and son of
LThos. Flynn. The plant now includes
a 25-horse-power engine, a Mil
waukee pressing machine with a ca
pacity of 45,000 bricks a day, and a
Quaker pressing machine operated
by horse-power, and capable of turn
ing out 16,000 bricks a day. Dry
sheds, kiln sheds, wind-mills, &c,
constitute the remainder of the plant.
The company are making 50,000
bricks a day, and have contracts for
over 2,000,000 brick. They employ
50 men and boys, and their weekly
pay roll foots up fully $500. A. P.
Pilger last year became a partner in
the business, but the entire work,
says the News, is under the super
vision of Mr. Flynn. And thus do
the Columbus boys get ahead.
All our Columbus readers know,
of course, tho circumstances sur
rounding tbe family of Aaron Cue.
He met with an accident last winter
by which he lost his fingers, and is
yet so disabled that he cannot help
himself. Not having been a capital
ist before his injury, his little means
were long since exhausted. We
know that, when able, he was a very
honest, industrious man, anxious to
do well for his little family, and now
we feel sure that tho good people of
Columbus who really desire to as
sist a worthy man in trouble will be
glad of an opportunity to do so by
donating cast-off clothing for his
four children, ten and under, the
three older being girls. Anything
intended for the family can be left at
the office of H. Ragatz on 11th street,
or at Mr. Cue's residence, near An
derson's stock yard.
Plaaesw Onraas aad Sewlasr Ma-
T Those in need of either of these
articles, ana wno expect to purchase
during the coming year are hereby
requested to send a letter to the ad
dress of A. & M. Turner, Columbus,
Nebr., stating the fact. The letter
will be placed on file and if a pur
chase is made within a year from its
date, a deduction of $2 from the reg
ular price of a sewing machine will be
made, $5 on an organ and $10 on a
piano, and the goods delivered. This
deduction we can well afford to make
because we will save more than this
in (Hvalinrr avnnnono All .: 1
sold fully guaranteed. I
A. & M.Turner. ,pTBa2r, ,r
Columbus, Neb.
Some wide awake salesman is
advised to give the residents of this
vicinity an opportunity to examine
and secure a copy of tbe latest and
best Sectional Map of our Great
State. Nice little points of geo
graphical accuracy have received the
most careful attention. Location of
towns and lakes, and the exact course
of streams and railroad lines are
faithfully represented, as well as the
irreirnlarities of snrvev and flavin.
lions of section lines. The renowned
MP Bh,"' BMd' McNaI,y &
vm., no-i juuurun tureei, imcago,
have favored us with a copy of this
fine work, and we remark that
pecuniary success surely awaits the
coming salesman. 5.3
- . a r m ah hh a m . & m t
itrteeata Ai
leetlasr ef
ke Cell
:latiea, at
I fhBMh
ftca afsse I. aad
This ir
ion to interest
all. At
papers on
various topics
read and dis-
cussed by
All' session
lleminwam abroad.
e open tdanublic,
ana an an
ost cordially
Come to
first session.
afternoonMnd get a programme. Bev.
A. F. Sbfrrill of Omaha, will preach
Tuesday eyeaipg.
Sckeal Mepert Mell tfRntr.
Miss Canavan's Room Edwin
Bissell, John Wiggins, Willie Cain,
Grace Clark.
Miss Foster's Room Margie Geer,
Tberes?ia Stovicek, Annie Hoppen,
Louio Schreiber, Edwin Allbaugb,
Louisa Blawat, John Clark, Henry
Ragatz, Otto Hagel, Frank McTag
gert, Robert McCray, John Albaugb,
Belle Reice.
Mr. Brindley's Room Tommy
Boyd, Mamie Uhlig, Eulilla Rickly,
Louisa Stuffol, Mazie Albaugh.
Mr. Clark's Room Clara Mcln
tire, Gertie Wells, Bertie Coolidge,
Chaddie Arnold, Maggie Scholz,
Clara Clark, Eddie Hoppen, Roy
Cornelius, David Boyd, Alma
Segelke, Freddie French, Willie
Miss Mullen's Room Henry Keat
ing, Abbie Keating, Anna Stauffer,
Bessie Davis, Eugenia Weddell.
Mrs. Ballou's Room Olga Al
brecht, Lily Keating, Elenora Ott,
Lizzie Krause, Esther Johnson, Oscar
Albrecht, Jacob Lewis, Wally Ott,
Carl Johnson.
Miss McGath's Room Katie Tay
loy, Clara Lehman, Bessie Sheldon,
Ella Compton, Hatty Berger, Ella
Routson, Nelly Post, Mary Henry,
Phebe Gerrard, Elsie Morse, Francis
Turner, Emma Kuntzelman, Herman
Brodfuehrer, Charley Stillman, Gussie
Lockner, Lute CuBhing, Lee Rollins.
Mrs. Goer's Room Maud McCray,
Mary Lamb, Anna Becker, Mary
Breed, Frances Barnhart, Maud Nay
lor, Henry Sissle, Alonzo Haddox,
Willie Anderson, Bennie Brod
fuehrer, Charles Breed.
Mrs. Backus' Room Alice Lutb,
Uattie Baldwin, Enor Clother, Anna
Taylor, Fannie Berger, Mamie Crip
pon, Howard Routson, Charlie Har
den, David Martyn, Tommy Parker,
Johnny Lamb, Freddie Rawlin.
Mrs. Brindley's Room Tony Brod
fuehrer, Clara Berger, Jay Cushing,
Josie Tiffany, Johnie Little, Eddie
Thurston, Eddie Fit zpat rick, George
Brodfuehrer, Homer Tiffany, Ida
Schutto, Bert Stillman, Bert Young,
Albert Rasmuseen. Mattie Post.
Anrirt Bill? Ftr Cut. of
Stp't. XsnUaiat. Attcsluet. A:talac.
High School
Senior 1G 15 91
Junior 34 31 91
MissCanavan'e23 21 91
Miss Foster's 43 38 88
Mr. Brindley's 29 25 86
Mr. Clark's 30 28 93
Miss Mullen's 21 20 95
Mrs. Ballou's 43 40 93
Miss McGath's 43 40 93
Mrs. Goer's 34 31 91
Mrs. Backus's 31 29 94
Mrs.Brindley'646 42 91
MExcIteaaeat la Texas
Great excitement has been caused
in the vicinity of Paris, Texas, by tho
remarkable recovery of Mr. J. E.
Corley, who was so helploss he could
not turn in bed, or raise his head;
everybody said he was dying of con
sumption. A trial bottle of Dr.
King's New Discovery was sent him.
Finding relief, be bought a large
bottle und
srbox of Dr. KtargVlfeir-l
Life Pills ; by the time be had taken
two boxes of Pills and two bottles of
the Discovery, he was well and had
gained in flesh thirty-six pounds.
Trial bottles of this Great Dis
covery for Consumption freo at
Dowty & Heitkemper's.
lr Aatl-Xoaacce.
Those who are afflicted with the
tobacco habit, and wieh to get rid of
the desire to use it, either Bmoking
or chewing, should canvass tho
merits of tbe tobacco taste-destroyer,
which is an infallible cure. Sent
by mail post paid at $1 porbox.
State and county agents wanted.
Address, E. B. Hall,
Genoa, Nebr.
General and sole agent for
states west of the Mississippi river.
Can be had also of tho proprietor, R.
S. Miller, Wilmington, Delaware,
Testimonials will be published
next week. 5-2
M Ts Teacher aad Directors.
l nave roaae arrangements witn
the managers of the Fair Association
to provide a liberal premium to tbe
district which furnish tho best set of
regular examination papers. Tbe
teachers of the several districts will
please take great pains in having
their pupils prepare their papers as
it will be a great encouragement.
Mark plainly with pen and ink the
name, age, years, No. of District and
name of teacher on the paper.
W. II. Tedrow,
5-4t County Superintendent.
m yftrv atemi
arkable Kecevery.
lwr. ueo. v
Willing, of Manches
ter, Mich., writes : My wife has been
almost helpless for five years, so help
lesB that she could not turn over in
bed alone. She used two Bottles of
Electric Rittcrs, and is so much im
proved, that she is able now to do
her own work."
Electric Bitters will do all that is
claimed for them. Hundreds of tes
timonials attest their great curative
nnwpra. Onlv fiftv cents a bottle at
Dowty & Heitkemper's.
T Oar short stay in business has been
a profitable one, and we wish to
thank our customers -for their liberal
support. In closing out, we make
room in our midst, for at least two
more families, and hope the new
proprietors, Messrs. Williams &
Shuman, may receive a liberal 6hare
of patronage.
5t David D. Wadsworth & Co.
Will Save You
I represent a number of as good and reliable Insurance Companies aa can
be found anywhere, and would respectfully ask for a share of the patronace
of the public. HOKY BAG4VZ,
11th Street, Columbus, Neb.
Heavy and Shelf Hardware,
Stoves and Tinware,
Pumps, Guns and Ammunition.
The Celebrated Moline Wagon Sold Here.
1 1st tke WotM.
Ottumwa Lily Corn Starch has been
brought to tbe highest attainable
quality by employing tho best skill
and scientific aid that money can fur
nish. It is tbe most strengthening
and health-giving food now before the
public, and is especially recommend-1
ed for children and invalids. Every
package guaranteed strictly pure.
Remember and ask your grocer for
Lily Corn Starch.
:c1cleaH Aralca Halve.
The Boat Salve in tho world for
Cuts, Bruises, 8ores, Ulcers, Salt
Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped
Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all
Skin Eruptions, and positively cures
Piles, or no pay required. It is guar
anteed to give perfect satisfaction, or
money refunded. Price 25 cents per
box. For sale by Dowty & Heit
kemper. Mayl7-ly
Menaarlal Day.
Will be duly observed in Colum
bus. Exorcises will take place at
the Opera House, 2 o'clock next Mon
day afternoon, Rev. J. L. St. Clair
delivering the address. The schoolp,
wo learn, will take part in the sing
ing. Everyone is cordially invited
to attend, and no doubt the occasion
wil' be a very interesting ono.
Weather Slsaals.
Jilue Sun general rain or snow.
Blue Star local rain or snow.
Blue Crescent clear or fair
Bed Sun higher temperature.
lied Star stationary temperature.
Bed Crescent lower temperature
-Blaek Square coldxMBe.
aat Tal
uitngs i
iceived avpmplete
rted suitings and
for men' wear,
feet fit onvlevery
a be cheeafully
C. & L. Kramk
Lit Weel! Wool!! Weel!!!
enable us to pay 'the highest- market
price for wool. Farmers will find it
to their advantage to call on us before
selling. Weaver & Reid,
3-4t Marshall Smith Brick Block.
Dr. Fewer, DeaftlNt
ill be in bis office the last three
days of each week, Thurs., Fri., and
Sat. One set of teeth out of every
10 sets yiven away. 4-tf
Strcktbr May 21?t, to Mrs. George
Streeter. a son, weight 1C pounds.
George is reported as wearing his hat
away to oce tide.
Stkknis ANDRK8S At his office in
this city, by Cbas. A. Speice, Countv
Judge, Henry "W. Steenis and Miss Car
rie Andress.
Advertisements under this head
cents a line each insertion.
lides, pelts, wool and poultry,
gbest price paid. Office at Jaeciji
& Schupbach's old stand. T. Keat
ing y 30-tf
'or good young breeding stock of
all kinds, call at Bloomingdale stock
farm. A. Henrich, Platte Center P.
O., Neb. 30-tf
JrWm. Schiltz makes boots and shoes
in the best styles, and uses only the
very best stock that can be procured
I inJfae market. 52t
LCattle will be taken into ray ranch
of about 450 acres, to be all enclosed
by feuce, at $1.75 for the season.
They will also bo salted once a week
with my own. 51-x A. Hknuich.
Vf have made arrangements to fur
nish to the Mibscril'crs of this paper,
that excellent agricultural and stock
journal, The. Nebraska Farmer, for the
smt-Il sum of $1.00 per year. The
Fainter is published at Lincoln, Neb.,
O. 21. Druse, Editor, and is devoted to
agriculture and stock growing in the
west. Every farmer should take it
Send $1.00 to this office and we will
have the Farmer sent to you.
Far Male er Trade.
umber wagons. 3 buggies and
2 spring wsgons; L. D. Clark.
Honey . Get Prices
JttT meraej
1 vfShave loflfA
nevartrock ofinn
woasas sntaaaa
WeHarantie a B
gariSBnt onanoneMwi
rcfuafasd. m
m ResneVra
The Best Kller date fllaare la
JL- she Werld.
civury larmcr uuuuiu uae mem.
Sold by D. Anderson. 22-tf
A. IVe. 1 Farm fr Sale,
Containing 240 acres of choice land, 5
miles southwest of Humphrey, in this
county. Terms reasonable. For fur
ther particulars inquire of or address
f I T. Keating,
Columbus, Neb. 4-tf
PaMtare Fer Celt.
A few colts will be admitted with
my own to my (partly blue-grass)
horse pasturo. Good grass, spring
water, tine shade is there and salt will
be furnished once a week. Terms 75
cents a month. A. Heixrich,
51-x Platte Center, P. O.
i4 Take Netice!
All accounts not settled with us,
either by cash or note immediately,
will be put in an attorney's hands for
collection. We mean business. Please
call and settle. Cakbig & Lynch,
46-tf Platte Center.
Jsjk Berger St Stargeea
Wish to announce to the merchants
of Columbus and surrounding coun
try that they have added to the Broom
Business formerly carried on by Mr.
Berger, a stock of Wood and Willow
Ware, which they will sell as cheap
as any house west of Chicago. In
spection solicited.
47-tf Berger & Sturgeon.
Chicago Herald
once a week, and the Chicago Herald,
once a day, for one year. . Tbe
JOIJallVAE. and the Weekly Herald,
one year, 99.73.
M. K. TUKJJKR & Co.,
12may86-x Columbus, Nebr.
FOR 11112
Traveling; Nalennai.
ISTThese organs are first-class in everv
particular, and so guaranteed.
Olive Street, Opp. Oeblrich's Grocery.
April 14, (j-mo
Red Clover,
Red Top, and
Blue Grass Seed
Herman Oehlrich & Bro's.
Grocery Store.
r. p. MunivEat, at. n
Ckremie Diseases amd BIsemi
Cailarea a Specialty.
CftOffice on Olive street, three
north of First National Bank.
before Buying.
traioir CEXTRAX
ort'laclsmsui, art.
John Davis, President.
B. P. Marshall, Secretary.
Assets ever
Issues the popular Life Bate Endow
ment Policy.
Over 500,000 sold in Nebraska la the
psst two years, and over 50,000 la Co.
Also makes loans on Real Estate on
lonjc time at a low rate of interest, t or
terms apply to .....
M. D.THURSTON, Special Ag't.
Ovfick: At Journal Sanctum, Co
lumbus. Nebr. 40-tf
Crockery and Glassware
You will always find a FRESH and well
selected stock.
Fancy Groceries amd Fime
Terns a Specialty.
We bandle the celebrated
Cedar Rati Eonr ami FWd.
Illslieat market price paid for
country produce.
City orders delivered free of charge.
Telephone No. 2G.
Rleveata Street
Celaataan. Nea.
tainedTuesday afternoon, and are correct
and reliable at the time.
Corn in car
Corn shelled
Oats new,
Oata (white)
Potatoes, new
jaams,. ..............
2 40g3 00
FatHogs 3S9SS
Fat Cattle 2 75(4 00
CoAL . r nn
Iowa J2
Hard "00
Rock Springs nut J "
Rock Springs lump n
Carbon 00
Colorado 6
Tie Colite Mail Worts!
Ihfi only lairtli forks in flatte Co.
We desire to inform our Trends and
patroHS that wc shall have on band for
the next 30 days tlie Finest assortment of
goods in our line ever m Columbus, and
would invite you t come and see them
whether you are ready to buy or uot.
If inconvenient to cll, tend us your ad
dress and we will send you prices, or
call on you. We are also prepared to
by tho ton or car-load.
11th St., south of TJ. P. Depot.
Qsnaral Agents for the Sale of
Union Pacific, and Midland Pacific
R.R. Lands for sale at from $3.00 to $10.00
per acre for cash, or on live or ten years
time, in annual payments to suit pur
chasers. We have also a large and
choice lot of other lands, improved and
unimproved, for sale at low price and
on reasonable terms. Also business and
residence lots in the city. We keep a
complete abstract of title to all real es
tate in Platte County.
And all kinds of country produce la
ken in trade, and ell goods deliv
eredfree of charge to any
part of the city.
I aaV BaasaaamJafsaa
aft" .TiTu- - frJsaaaaaaaaaaaaff