The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, April 21, 1886, Image 3

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--V V f
&DAY APRIL 21, 1886.
hbus,..8:10a. m.
jod...8:35 "
City .9:00 "
...10:10 "
soln.. 11:25 "
2:00 p. m.
2:50 "
3:35 "
6:05 "
8:30 "
r leaves Lincoln at 3:55 p.
is at Columbus 7:15 p. m;
res Lincoln at t a. m., ana
idub at l p. m.
at Kramers.
goes next to Schuy-
of Kof Denver, is in the
of baby cabs at Har-52-2
from 10 cents to $10 at
from 10 cents to $2.00 at
ir money lor tne Maen-
silks, a large variety, at
sly new line of parasols
its at ruinous prices, Co-
iber Co. 50-2-tf
fine cassimeres for
rr m Uoe. overalls lor
Jlark was ont Monday for
iuite a while.
idid lino of new style
Galley Bros.
featcrn Cottage organ for
M. Tdrner's.""
inted to do honso work.
3y Bros, store. 3
ods at Kramers.
; Winterbqtham, of Genoa,
imbns last week.
embroidered robes for
tar at Galley Bros.
lavis is ont for tne nrst
iany weeks illness.
id stylish summer wraps
at Friedbof & Co's.
lot of Easter cards at
Call and see them. 51-1
lints in market at unheard
Uolumbus Lumber Co.
corduroy school suits, a
ty, at Friedhof & Co's.
irnor's health and Coraline
Bale at Friedhof & Co's.
lorth's health has improved,
rain seen on the streets.
cashmere, all colors, at
rard at Friedhof & Co's.
if the finest lines of spring
r goods at Galley Bros.
rill sell as long as the stock
Calico at 3 cents a yard.
C. & L. Kkamek's.
it I will sell. G.W. Elston.
all-wool cashmere, all
sntSrA.yard, at Friedhof &
ralker, auctioneer, one per
IdreBs Humphrey or Lind-
rge and select line of Swiss
burg embroideries at Galley
. Ellston had three valuable
)len from his barn Monday
rmrvilc at TTraTnftp'j.
QUUU ... ...- -
Amy Stephens and Mre.
have returned from Cah-
ry ono-yaru-wiao unoieacnea
nly 5 cents a yard at C. & L.
Berber 25 cents a yard,
bk 35 cents a yard, at Fried
lers are in receipt or. me
ovelties in Ladies' three cor-
id. Immediately, a good
rork in garden. Inquire of
perry. . 1
goods at Kramers.
Leslie and Clinton Chase,
eland, Ohio, are stopping at
Rext. Two rooms over
drug store. Inquire of Gus.
ker & Co.
ebo J. Asher has been ap-
postmastcr at Gardner sta
ts county.
is. Berringer has returned
e west bringing his family and
e to stay.
Clark and Chas. Taylor
Id their fine horses to a gen-
from Nevada.
n't fail to see the new styles
ts, percales, 6ate'ens, ginghams,
Friedhof & Co's.
dozen gents' unlaundried
linen bosom and cuffs, at 50
It Friedhof & Co's.
w goods at Kramer's.
nice assortment of Western
e organs, at A.& M. Turner's,
te the Methodist Church.
zy cloth, the new article now
iQlar, for ladies' dresses, at 20
yard at Friedhof & Co's.
Kummor came over on the
idge Saturday and gave the
f al a pleasant business call.
re are headquarters for Ladies'
r and spring wraps.
C. Ss L. Kbamek.
Mm Kelly was in attendance
court as a juror last week. We
pleased to have a call from him.
' McDuffee has located a home-
&nd timber claim near Akron,
d renorts that a good
chool district 74 contains sec-
I1' 2, 3, and 10 to 15 inclusive;
"strict 43 contains 22 to 27 i-
e, anil 33 QK A Ofi rhontrna
Kramers have greatly enlarged
their clothing department- If in
need of a suit of clothes give them a
A select line of silk embroidered
Newport scarfs, all colors and shades,
prices $3.50 to $10 each, at Galley
Loans on Beal Estate at lowest
rates and most favorable termB. No
delay. Inquire at ,First National
Bank. 35-tf
A fine lot of buggies, carriages
and pbsetons for sale. Call and get
prices before purchasing' elsewhere.
O. L. Baker. 51-3t
The Journal is on sale, each
week, at the book and news stores of
E. D. Fitzpatrick and R. Hartman, at
5 cents a copy.
'Kramers have just received a
new stock of Ladies' Embroidered
Robes in ecru and white from $3.00
to $12.00 a piece.
A stock of stationer's articles fo
sale cheap or exchange for land jo
cattle. Call on or address Joubnax
Columbus, Neb., soon.
$400 to loan on first-class, real
estate security. Call immediately or
address, stating all particulars, M. K.
Turner, Columbus, Nebr. 1
Abner Turner returned from his
western trip last week looking in ex
cellent health. He expects to go
shortly to the Black Hills.
' Jiiss Carrie Haber, who has .for
several months been visiting at her
uncle's, John Huber, left for her
eastern home laBt Tuesday.
A. Smith, boot and shoemaker
Repairing neatly done. "Work solic
ited. Half-soling 75 cents, at Hem
pieman's store, Eleventh st. 34-tf
Mrs. M. S. Drake, of this city,
returned one day last week from
attendance upon the funeral of her
sister at Richland, Michigan.
The Firmin-Jack outfit is travel
ing the State. The Journal has bad
transactions with them sufficient o
authorize a caution to printers.
TV. C. VanGilder, one of the en
terprising business men of Schuyler,
was in town Monday and gave the
Joubkai. a very pleasant business
I Gluck returned Thursday from
Chicago, where he has been laying
in a stock of- goods. He expects to
start next week for a trip to Cali
fornia. Kramers have just received the
latest styles in dress goods, such as
Bonche Cloths, Tricots, Crazy cloths,
Home spun dress goods, and many
A number of improvements are
being made. Everybody is tidying
up around houses and grounds, and
tree-planting, gardening, etc., is the
order of the day.
As fine a lot of gentlemen's shoes
as were ever brought to town can be
seen at Galley Bros. The celebrated
Emery shoe is among thorn, $3 a pair,
a calf shoe, warranted. 7-45-tf
It has been stated by some that
Kramers do not handle boots,- 'shoes;
and slippers, bnt it is a fact they
carry the largest stock and sell the
lowest of any of them, and want
your trade. ''
Money to loan at once and with
out delay on real estate, in large or
small amounts, on time to suit.
Promptly, quietly and at the lowest
possible rates. Apply to Gus. G.
Becher & Co. 19-tf
H. D. McDuffee and Miss Jennie
Campbell, of Allegan connty, Mich.,
traveling through Nebraska and Col
orado, are visiting D. McDuffee. Mr.
H. D. McDuffee has erected a hotel
at Akron, Colo.
Bro. Bixby of the Fullerton
Journal, passed through the city
Monday on his return from Kansas.
He was in sight of the cyclone of
Wednesday last the first he ever saw
and the last he wishes to see.
Confirmation at the German Re
formed Chu.rch next Sabbath, Rev.
Scholz offici.iting. A large congre
gation will no donbt be in attendance
Geo, Carl, Louis, Emma and Katrina
Erb are to receive conformation.
The road bonds voted at Central
City Saturday week were carried, 234
to 51. The roads at that place are
fearfully bad in wet weather, which
fully accounts for the little opposi
tion. So Bays the Courier, in sub
stance. The 67th anniversary of the in
stitution of Odd Fellowship in
America will be celebrated by Wildey
Lodge next Monday afternoon and
evening at the Opera House. Bev.
St. Clair has been invited to deliver
the address.
The following ticket numbers
drew prizes at the Fair of the German
Reformed church, Saturday last, but
have not yet been called for. Hol
ders will pleaBe present them at once,
at the office of Jaeggi & Schupbach :
14, 138, 75, 66, 51, 128, 114 and 89. N
R. H. Henry received Monday
one of the finest horses ever brought
to the west. "Sansomet," is an im
ported Fereheron-Norman, and
brings with him a French pedigree.
He weighs 2220 lbs and will be taken
to Mr. Henry's ranch at Bellwood.
It has been generally understood
aronnd town that Strang Co's. bid
on the waterworks was the lowest,
but we learn that that of Schroeder
Bros, is still lower and includes a
donation of land as a site for the
waterworks, under certain con
ditions. This item appears in last Thurs
day's issue of the National City
Becord, Cal : "Among the .arrivals
Saturday morning were Mrs. J. W.
Early, and son Edward, from Colum
bus, Neb., and they are guests of
Mrs. W. W. and Mrs. A. N. Burgess,
Mrs. Early being a sister of both
ladies. Mr. Earley expects to oomo
to look at tne country. ua
City Craacll.
An adjourned meeting was held
Saturday evening last 'All present.
Minutes of previous meeting read and
The Mayor communicated the fol
lowing appointments: John. Elliott,
street overseer; James Nickle, chief
of police; Thomas McTaggart, assis
tant. J. C. McMahon submitted a propo
sition offering to do 'service as chief
of police at $25 a month; and procure
an assistant at $25 a month. A peti-'
tion was also presented, asking the
appointment of M. Welsh in case ad
ditional police force was needed.
On motion of Lockner, the con
sideration of appointments and peti
tions was deferred nntil next meet
ing. Bond and petition of C. E. Pollock
& Co. were presented, and on motion
ScfcMl Beprt-Bll f M-ar.
Nellie Canavan's Room-John Wig
gins, Edith Galley, Mary Kretzsch
mar, Nellie Schonlen, Alma Schoolen,
Freda Schonlen.
Helen Foster's Room Rosa Wig
gins, Joseph Stovicek, Theresia
Stovlcek, , Anna Hopper, .Olga
Blawat, Loui3a Blawat, Minnie
Schonlen, ' Thea Schonlen, Louisa
Schonlen, Claude Clarke, Lulu
Schroeder, Robert McCray, Willie
Lyon, Mamie Gluck.
M. E. McGath's Room Willie
Little, Charley Stillman, Charley
Raymond, Lute Cushing, Gusaie
Lockner, Lee Rollin, Harry Ames,
Katy Taylor, Clara Lehman, Grade
Gerrard, Ella Compton, Hattie Ber
ger, Ella Routson, Mary Brake, Mar
tha Welch, Callie Welch, Minnie
Suth, Mary thurstou, Minnie Coau.
Mrs. Emma W. Gear's Room Wm.
bond was approved and druggist n Anderson. Bannin lfn,i,rftr rw
permit ordered issued. XrWmI . ai n. tv t
1 nj -1 .w. w .uauuv., vvuu u-
dall, Henry SisBle, Hugo Schutte,
Eugene Tiffany, Hilton White, Maud
Amberger, Anna Becker Mary
Breed, Zura Morse, Mertellir Novell,
Nellie North.
Mrs. Backus' Room-Minnie Becker,
Fannie Berger, Craig Turner, How
ard Routson, Charley Harden, Harvey
Smith, Johnnie Sutton, Willie Dis
telhorst, Frank Salmon.
Mrs. Brindley's Room Freddie
Rawlins, Walter Newell, David Mar
tyn, Johnnie Lamb, Tommie Parker,
Jay Cushing, Ralph Turner, Josie
Tiffiany, Wellie Tompkins, Florence
Routson, Homer Tiffiany, Minnie
Hardell, Anna Rasmussen, Ida
Schutte, Bert Stillman, Bert Young,
Tommy Hannon, Eddio Thurston,
Eddie Fitzpatrick.
AF. Clark's Room Bertie Cool
idge, Charlos Rice, Freddie French,
Ora Clark, David Boyd, Alma
Miss Mullen's Room Werner
Schupbach, Bessie Davis, Maud Mat
lock, Amelia Krause.
Mrs. Ballou's Roem Daisy Hills,
Lizzie Krause, Mattie Hensloy, Irsua
Hurd,Nora Ott, Jacob Louis, Geo.
Stnffles, Carl Johnson, Carl Krause,
Benj. Davis, Fred Bader.
On motion of North, the council
proceeded to receive open bids for
the purchase of water bonds, there
being no sealed bids presented. The
bidders were N. W. Harris & Co., S.
A. Keau & Co., Wm. Cole & Co., of
Chicago; Jarvis Conklin & Co., Kan
sas City, and Cook & Co., Dee
Moines. The highest offer being a
premium of $625on $25,000 by Harris
& Co., the sale was closed, with the
understanding that if a leas amount
of bonds should be issued, a pro
portionate premium should be paid.
An amendment by Lockner to defer
action on bids till April 19, was lost
Bids for waterworks were then
opened, from various firms from Fre
mont to New York, besides James
Pearsall, J. D. Brewer, Schroeder &
Bro., and Columbus Water Works
and Light Co., of this city. The bids
are so complicated that we do not
undertake to give all particulars
some proposing for the whole work,
others for different parts. ,
On motion, the mayor appointed
Ragatz, Whitmoyer and North "as a
special committee to whom were re
ferred all bids, with instructions to
report at next meeting.
A petition was then presented
signed by 41 resident property'
owners of the city asking that, if
practicable, the ordinance authorizing
the issuance of the water bonds be
reconsidered, alleging that they
believed a majority of the property
owners are opposed to the issuance
of said bondB.
On motion of Whitmoyer, the peti
tion was referred to a special com
mittee consisting of Ragatz, Whit
moyer and North.
Adjourned to April 24th.
The Journal job department is
prepared to furnish, on short notice,
all kinds of commercial work, such
as letter heads, note heads, bill
heads, statements, circulars, envel
opes, cards, dodgers, posters, &c. ;
visiting cards; lawyers' briefs;
pamphlets; catalogues; sale bills,
&c. Satisfaction guaranteed. Orders
by mail promptly attended to. Ad
dress, M. K. Turner & Co Colum
bus, Nebr. tf
Buy the Whitehill sewing ma
chine at A. & M. Turner's. It is
guaranteed to give satisfaction in
every particular. It is one of the
very best machines sold, is handsome,
durable, strongly-built ; is easy run
ning, is very easily managed, and
makes a neat stitch. You will save
m oney by examining the Whitehill
before purchasing. Give your orders
to G. W. Kibler, traveling salesman.
D. D. Wads worth and J. H.
Richards returned last week from
their western trip. We have had
short talks with both of them, and
they speak well of the Pacific coast as
a fruit-growing country, and many
localities as healthful, but Mr. Rich
ards thinks that the ordinary farmer
wonld make more money in Ne
braska than there.
. . Anrifs Dan? PirCwt. cf
8pt: IsreUaisS. Atttsduct. Attniuea.
High School
Senior 16 15 93
Junior 48 42 88
MisBCanavan'e24 20 83
Miss Foster's 38 34 83
Mr. Brindley's 30 27 90
Mr. Clark's 33 30 91
Miss Mullen's 23 22 96
Mrs. Ballou's 42 35 83
Miss McGath's 49 44 90
Mrs. Geer's 37 33 89
Mrs. Backus's 25 22 88
Mrs.Brindley'e61 56 91
Total, 426 380 89
family are old and much respected
friends of the editor of tho Becord
and family, who welcome tbena to
onr favored clime."
IT ery ajapertauat.
Wo have engaged a competent
cutter from the east, who will reach
here about Monday. We will be
ready by that time to show a com
plete new line of cassimere for spring
and summer wear.
1 C. & L. Kramer.
L. M. Hoag, who was with A, H.
Crffee & Co., for about . six years,
has accepted a position as prescription
clerk with C B. Stillman at Colum
bus, Nebraska, for which place he
will leave this evening. Mr. Hoag
has grown up here in Carthage and
will leave many friends who wish him
well in his new field. Carthage Jour
nal. Henry Schultz, who has been en
gaged with C. & L. Kramer for some
time paBt, has removed to Beatrice.
Hia work gave excellent satisfaction
to his customers. The Joubkai. was
sorry to see him leave, but Beatrice
will gain a man who attends strictly
to business, and who carries with him
a number of orders for suits.
Tab Wyck CImb.
A number of gentlemen interested
in the re-election of Senator Van
Wyck, met at the Grand Pacific in
this city Wednesday last, and per
fected a state organization for the
purpose named. Several sessions
were held in the day and evening,
closing at ten o'clock, and tho fol
lowing named gentlemen were
selected as officials. It is understood
that the only object in view is the re
election of Van Wyck :
M. K. Lewis, Hastings, president;
Fred. Hedde, Grand Island, vice pres
ident; J. Burrows of Gage county,
secretary and treasury; executive
committee, E. Rosewatcr of Omaha,
J. C. McBride of Lincoln, J. E. La
master of Tecumseh, H. C. Bigelow
of Hebron, A. M. Lathrop of Sutton,
C H. Chailis of Ulysse?, W. F.
Goodwill of North Platte, Dr. L. J.
Abbott of Fremont and A. E. Cady
of St. Paul.
A problem in mathematics for
students at the High School : If the
City of Columbus sells her obligation
to pay $25,000, say in five years, at 7
per cent per annum, and realizes for
it $25,625, at what rate of interest
does the' city secure the loan of $25,
OOOf Answers will be received till
noon, Monday, April 26th.
A. & M. Turner have removed to
North street, opposite the Methodist
church, and will continue to supply
customers with first-class sewing
machines and organs, of which they
have a large supply on hands. G. W.
Kibler, traveling salesman, repre
sents the firm.
Barnhart and Dr. Gerth o the
State Stock Commission went to
Stanton county Saturday to see some
cattle, troubled with anthax. The
Dr. prescribed for them and gave
directions as to care. The diseased
herd Is a half mile from the Platte
county line.
Piames Orsarna aad 8ewlaE Ma
calaes. Those in need of cither of these
articles, and who expect to purchase
during the coming year are hereby
requested to send a letter to the ad
dress of A. & M. Turner, Columbus,
Nebr., stating the fact. The letter
will be placed on file and if a pur
chase is made within a year from its
date, a deduction of $2 from the reg
ular price of a.sewing machine will be
made, $5 on an organ and $10 on a
piano, and the goods delivered. This
deduction we can well afford to make
because we will save more than this
in traveling expenses. AH articles
sold fully guaranteed.
A. & M. Tubneb,
Columbus, Neb.
Around Schuyler in wet weather
the roads get pretty mean, as they
have been nearly everywhere in Ne
braska this spring, owing to the
heavy snows. The Sun tells a story
on a man, well known to many of our
readers :
Q. Bruton undertook to come to
town on Tuesday, mule-back. He
struck a "soft" place, and the next
man that came along saw a mule's ear
sticking up through the mud. They
sent back to the brewery and got a
cant-boos and some "tackle" and
after a bit drew Q. B., mule and all to
terra firms. It was a "narrer" es
cape. Quarles says that's nearer
China than he ever got before.
Word comes from Leigh that the
grade on the new railroad through
there is to be completed within 90
days and track laying started- before
July 1st. For the present there are
to be two stations in Colfax county,
one at Leigb, the other in range 4.
A correspondent of the Schuyler
Mer aid &aas:
"It is understood that Leigh is to
be the favored point on this line, and
that the company will erect an ele
vator as soon as the road is com
pleted. Also a section house and
repair shops, and it is predicted that
Leigh will be a lively burg the
coming season."
Court ProceetlMjp.
April Term, Hon. A. M. Post,
The following cases had been dis
posed of up to Monday evening
Bowman v Wells. Verdict for
plaintiff.' '
Strotman and others v Macfarland
& Cowdery. Judgment of Justice
reversed at cost of defendant in error.
Case retained for trial. Plaintiffs,
Macfarland & Cowdery, to file peti
tion in 30 days, answer in 30 days ;
reply in' 20 days.
D. Kceler v G. W. Elston et. al.
Judgment of county court affirmed,
and petition in error dismissed.
Maria Sprunk v Christian Yeider.
Verdict for defendent.
P. Schroeder v Baker. Dismissed
at defendant's cost.
Newman v Mattice. Demurrer to
petition overruled. Default against
defendants, Medol and Schroeder, for
want of answer.
W. L. Cook v Anna Cook. Dis
missed at defendant's cost.
Gibbs, Sterrit Manufacturing Co. v
Jos. Tschaneur. Continued by agree
ment. Verckler v Home Insurance Co.
Plaintiff's motion to dismiss without
prejudice sustained.
' McAllister Bros, v Singer Man
ufacturing Co. Verdict for plaintiffs.
Aultman, Miller & Co. v Jaworski
et. al. Vordict for defendant.
Augustine v Linaberry. Dismissed
at defendant's cost.
Estate of John Strasser, dee'd.
Order of sale allowed.
State v Slawinski. Dismissed.
State v Jas. Scott. Verdict guilty.
$15 and costs.
State v Jas. Scott. Plead guilty
and was fined $25 aud costs.
State v Fred Curtis. Plead guilty
of assault and battery and was fined
$5 and costs.
Three indictments were presented
by the Grand Jury, but we refrain
iroui puoiisning names because we
believe injustice might thus bo done
innocent persons.
Uittraarlc Towiihip.
Georgo Ilodel has returned from
T. M. Wilson bought a fine sow of
Jacob Karline.
Some farmers have commenced
sowing wheat.
Louis Heiden bought a team of fine
horses bu the 10th.
Otto Mueler has sold somo of his
cattle to Mr. Loscke.
George Hodel sold a large number
of his hogs last week.
Jacob Karline' is putting a picket
fence around his garden.
Palm Sunday was confirming day
at the German church in Bismark,
sixteen pupils getting confirmed.
"I feel for you," said a gentleman
to a soldier who had lost a leg. "Yes
but if you will feel iu your pocket
instead of your mind it would be
much more beneficial to me," re
plied tho soldier.
Quito a disastrous fire occurred
here onthe 16th. George Hodel
started a prairie fire, back-burning
around his hay stacks, but it got into
the hay destroying all of it. A hay
stack of O. D. Butler's was only saved
by great exertion. Mr. H. also lost
his hay by fire last year.
W. II. Swartsley of Bismark closed
bis school in District 2, on the 17th,
with a program. There were quito
a number of young people present.
Mr. S. is an intelligent young man
who has started out to fight tho battlo
of life. We congratulate him, on hi9
success in school teaching, and may it
continue to follow him, as he is well
worthy of it. Charles.
i represent a numoer oi aa good and reliable Insurance Companies aa can
fpund anywhere, and would respectfully ask for a share of the patronage
the public. HEHBV A6ATZ,
11th Street, Columbus, Neb.
OfClaciamaU, Okl.
John Davis, President.
B. P. Marshall, Secretary.
Assets ever
Issues the popular Life Bate Eadow
ment Policy.
Over 600,000 sold in Nebraska ia tse
pst two years, and over 60,000 ia Co -Iambus.
Also makes loans on Real Estate oa
lonp: time at a low rate of interest. For
terms apply to
M. D. THUBSTON, Special Ag't.
Office: At Jocknai. Saaetusa, Co
lumbus. Nebr. 0-tf
Heavy and Shelf Hardware,
Stoves and Tinware,
Pumps, Guns and Ammunition.
The Celebrated Moline Wagon Sold Here.
Wish to announce to the Merchants of Columbus and surrounding country that tbey
have added to the BROOM BfJSINESS formerly carried on by Mr. Berger, a stock of
Which they will sell as CHEAP AS ANY HOUSE WEST QP CHICAGO. 3-In-
spcetion solicited.
Crockery and Glassware
You will always find a FRESH and well
selected stock.
Fsuioy Groceries-and Fime
Terns a Specialty.
"Wo handle the celebrated
IZlfKlkOfBt market price paid Tor.
x country produce.
For good young breeding stock of
all kinds, call at Bloomingdalo stock
farm. A. Henricb, Platte Center P.
O., Neb. 30-tf
Wm. Scbiltz makes boots and shoes
in the best styles, aud uses only the
very best stock that cau be procured
in the market. 5S2t
Cattle will be taken into my ranch
of about 450 acres, to be all enclosed
by fence, at $1.75 for the season.
They will also be salted once a week
with my own. 51-x A. II en men.
The Best Keller date milage la
the World.
Every farmer should use them.
Sold by D. Anderson. 22-tf
Best la the World.
Ottumwa Lily Corn Starch has been
brought to tho highest attainable
quality by employing the best 'skill
and scientific aid that money can fur
nish. It is the most strengthening
and health-giving food now before the
public, and is especially recommend
ed for children and invalids. Every
package guaranteed strictly pure.
Remember and ask your grocer for
Lily Corn Starch.
Dr. Power, Beatlst.
Teeth extracted without pain. The
Dr. will make his celebrated $20
upper sets of teeth for $15. These
sets aro of superior workmanship and
contain two gold fillings. Call on the
Dr. if you want good work. In office,
every Monday, over Ernst &
Schwarz'a. 39-tf
to Beat.
1G0 acres in Platto county, 80 under
cultivation; frame house. Enquire
of C. II. Matthews, Clother House.
For Sale.
Thirty head of marcs and horses.
Also ten head of mules, for cash, on
time or trade.
52-p4t L. D. Clakk.
Application for Druggista' Permit.
Matter of application of Doxety & Ueit
kemperfor a permit to sell liquors as
Dowty & Heitkcmpcr did. on the
12th day of April, 1SS0, file their applica
tion to the Mayor and Council of the City
of Columbus, Nebraska, for a permit to
sen man, spintous and vinous liquora as
druggists for medical, mechanical and
chemical purposes only, on lot 4, block
118, in the second ward in the City of
Columbus, Nebraska, for the municipal
year ending April 11th. 1887.
11 tnere be no objection, remonstrance
or protect filed within two weeks from
the 14th day of April, l&G, said permit
will be granted.
Dowty & Hkitkioiper,
51-2t Applicants.
City orders delivered free of charge.
ygTelephono No. 20.
Kleveata Street
Celaaafeam IVea.
A Ho. 1 Farm for Sale,
Containing 240 acres of choice land, 5
miles southwest of Humphrey, in this
county. Termareasonable. For fur
ther particulars inquire of or address
T. Keating, Columbus, Neb, irtf
Pastare For Colts.
A few colts will bo admitted with
my own to my (partly blue-grass)
horse pasture. Good grass, spring
water, fine shade is there and salt will
be furnished-one a week. Termo.75
cents a month. A. Heikrich,
51-x Platte Center, P. O.
Talce Notice!
All accounts not settled with us,
either by. cash or note immediately,
will be put in an attorney's hands for
collection. Wo mean business. Please
call and settle. Cabbig & Lynch,
10-tf Platte Center.
Berger tc Stareeoa
Wish to announce to the merchants
cf Columbus aud surrounding coun
try that they have added to the Broom
Business formerly carried on by Mr.
Berger, a stock of "Wood and Willow
Ware, which they will sell as cheap
as any house west of Chicago. In
spection solicited.
47-tf Bebgeb & Sturgeon.
Application for liquor License.
Matter of application of Jaceb Ernsttlorf
for a liquor license.
Notice is hereby given that Jacob
Ernstdorf did, on the 20th day of April,
18S6, file his application to the Mayor and
City Council of the city of Columbus,
for a license to sell malt, spiritous and
vinous liquors at lot A, block 11!), in the
second waid of the city of Columbus.
Nebraska, for the municipal year ending
the 11th day of April, 1837.
If there be no objection, remonstrance
or protest filed within two weeks from
the 20th day of April, 1SS4J, the said li
cense will be granted.
Jacob Ernstpokk,
Apr.21-2 Applicant.
i ISJiWaSr'
Or e. W. KIBLER,
Xravellae Saleanaaa.
ffiSTThesc orirnn arc first-class in every
particular, aud so guaranteed.
tninedTuesday afternoon, and are correct
and reliable at the time.
Wheat C2
Corn In ear 15
Corn shelled 18
Oats new 16
Oats (white) 18
Flour 2 403 00
Butter, 1012K
Eggs, 810
Potatoos, new 3040
Hams, 12Kl
Shoulders, 8
Sides, 710
FatHogs 22J8
FatCattle 2 54 00
Rock Springs nut
Rock Springs lump
MoliM Halo Worts;
S 5 00
14 00
6 50
e 00
6 00
Sew Stock or
Carpets iu velvet, tapes and ingrains.
Largest assortment and lowest prices
at C. & L. Kramer's
One yellow, St. Bernarddog, about
a year old. A liberal reward will be
given any one who will return the
same, or give any clue to his where
Special! Saeclal!!
25 dozen ladies' colored border,
haadkerohiefs, warranted fast color,
5 casts apiece, at Friedhof k Co'a.
Clothiaa-r Cletklae!!
Men's suits at $3.50 and u pwards,
at Friedbof & Co's.
YEASLEr Kbebs Feb. 18, by W.
B. Williams, J. P., Alfred T. Yeas
ley and Mrs. Lizzie Krebs, all of
Platte county.
MyebLueschen April 16, at the
residence of the bride's parents, in
the presence of a large number of
friends, by Rev. H. Schumann, Wm.
Meyer and Miss Emma Luescbeu, all
of Platte county.
The undersigned would respect
fully inform tboso who bavo milch
cows, horscs'or other stock' that I can
furnish them with a splendid pasture.
Plenty of grass, nice spring water and
6bade. Will send a herder for your
milch cows every morning, and re
turn thorn in the evening.
51-3t C. C. Milleb.
Advertisements under this head
cents a line each insertion.
Hides, pelts, wool and poultry,
highest price paid. Office at Jaeggi
& Schupbach's old stand. T. Keat
ing. 30-tf
To all whom it may concern:
to locate a public road commencing
at a poiut where the county road as now
located crosses the section line between
sections 23 and 26, township 19, ranee 3.
west, running thoncc on the said section
line to the section corner common to
sections 23, 24. 25 and 2G, in said town
ship, thence on the section line south,
between sections 25 and 2u to a point
where the county road already located
crosses this section line, has filed hi
report in favor of said location: and ths
said county road that runs diagonally
across the corner of section 2G, town 19,
range 3 west, tho said commissioner re
ports recommending the vacation thereof,
and all objections thereto, or claims for
damages, must be filed in the County
Clerk's office on or before noon of the
21st day of June 1SS6, or the above de
scribed road will be established, and the
vacation made as recommended, without
reference thereto.
John Stacffkk,
County Clerk.
Dated this 20th day of April, 188i.
April 2I-W-4
Olive Street, Opp.Oehlrich!s Grocery.
April 14, 0-mo
Hie only llarUs forks in' flatta Co.
We desire to inform our frentls and
patrons that we shall have on hand for
the next 30 d:iy tbc Finest assortment of
goods iu our line ever in Columbus, and
would invite you to come aud see them
whether you are ready to buy or not.
If inconvenient to call, cnd us your ad
dress and We will send you prices, or
call on you. We are also prepared to
by the ton or cir-load.
11th St., south of U. P. Depot,
But a Grand Success.
ter Trough for stock. He refers to
every man who has it in use. Call on or
leave orders at George Tale's, opposite
Oehlrich'B grocery. 9-Cm
W. B. Tedrow, Co. Bupt.
I will be at Humphrey the 21th, Platte
Center the first of May, and at my office
in the Court House on the second of May,
all for the examination of teachers. 39 tf
Red Clover,
Red Top, and
Blue Grass Seed
Herman Oehlrich & Bro's.
General Agents for the Sale of
Grocery Store.
OCR I rllCCmar.liisa ready March
10th. to aay ddreav Ulaatrate and Usu
ererrtalagforLadlM. Genu. ChUdrens
ad Infants wear and Boastketptng
uwtu. at prices tawmr win laoae ox an J
bone In the United States. G'eaplete
MtlafiaetlaB ovaranteAt, or money re
randed. II. . F, KOCH Of. tSQtf,
tk Are. dc iMtk Ot K. Y. City.
dowell iiousi;
platte center, neb.
Just opened. Special attention given
to commercial men. Has a good sample
room. Sets the best table. Give it a
trial and be convinced. 50-3rao
Will Save Ton Honey. Get Prices before Buying,
Union Pacific, and Midland Pacific
R.K. Lands for sale at from $3.00 to $10.00
per acre for ca9h, or on five or ten years
time, in annual payments to suit pur
chasers. Wo have also a large and
choice lot of other lands, improved and
unimproved, for sale at low price and
on reasonable terms. Also business sad
residence lots in the city. We keep a
complete abstract of title to all real es
tate in Platte County.
butterTand eggs
And all kinds of country produce ra
ken in trade, and all goods deliv
ered free of charge to any
part of the city.
i .!
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