The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, April 14, 1886, Image 1

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    F "
viaV" "
issued evt wkdmesday,
Proprietors and Publii her .
idTBaainaaa anAjproffcaaiOMlcarda
of fiva Unas or lass, par assssi, . Its
837 For. time advertissmaaU, apply
at this office.
Legal advertisements at statata
jSTPor transient advertising, sea
rates bn third page.
ETA11 advertisements payable
&TOFFICE,-leventh St., vp Hair
tft Journal Building.
Per year
Sis months
Three months
Single copies
VOL. XVI.--N0. 51.
WHOLE NO. 881.
! uitmilius
I i
CA SI1 CA PITA I, - $75,000
Lkandku Gekkakij, Pra'i.
Gko. W., Vice Pros' t.
Julius A. IIekik
It. II. Hknkv.
J. E. Taskkii, Cashier.
. - -
Baak of IMpenit, WlnroiiBl
Collection Promptly Jlade o
all iPelmtM.
Pay lalnroMi ob 'rime Wepow-
Buckeye Mower, combined, ScSf
Binder, wire or twine.
Panps Repaired on short notice
JSrOne door west of llcintz's Drug
Store, 1 1th .Street, Columbu, Neb. S
Farniture. Chairs, Bedsteads, Bu
reaus, Tables, Safes. Lounges,
&c, Picture Frames and
tZTIicpairhig qf all kinds of Upholstery
As a reliable remedy, in cacs of Croup,
Whoopiug Cough, or 6uddeu Colds,
and for the prompt relief aud cure of
throat aud lung diseases, Aycr's Cherry
rectoral is invaluable. Mrs. E. G. Edgcrly,
Council Bluffs, Iowa, writes : " I consider
Ayer'a Chprry Pectoral a most important
remedy for home use. I have tested its
curative power, in my family, many
times during the part thirty years, and
hare never known it to fail. It will re
lieve tho most serious affections of the
throat aud lung, whether In children or
adult." Johu 11. Stoddard, lVterburg,
Va., writes : "I have never found a med
icine equal to
Cherry Pectoral
for the prompt rolief of throat aud lung
disease peculiar to children. T consider
It an absolute cure for all Mich affections
and am never without it in the houc."
Mrs. L. E. Herman, 1ST Mercer st., Jersey
City, writes: "I hare always found
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral useful in my fam
ily." B. T. Johnson, Mt. Savage, Md.,
writes: 4,For the speedy rare of sudden
Cold, and for the relief ot children itfllict
ed with Croup, I have iicver found any
thiHg equal to Ayer's Chsrry Pectoral.
It is the naoet potent of all the remedies I
hara ever used." "NY". II. Stickler, Terre
Haute, Ind., writes: "Aser Cherry
Pectoral cured my wife of a bevero lung
affection, supposed to be Quick Con
niraptlou. We now regard tho Pectoral
m a household noccssity. E. 31. Breck
CTiritLrfl, Brainerd, Minu., writes": "I
am subject to Bronchitis, and, wherever I
go, am always siuo to hare a bottle of
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
with me. It ts without a rival for tho euro
of bronchial affections."
Dr. J. 0L Ayer & Co., Lowell, Hut.
Tot sale by all Druggists.
' phis House, recently purchased by me,
L will be thoroughly rclitted. Board
by the day, week or raea!. A. few rooms
to let. A fcharcoftho public patronage
is solicited. Feed stable in connection.
2-y ' Aluert Lirra.
Slate A oroeSU., Chicago.
WW mb4 fn! to sny nUmi Umv
So, ago pica, il Lnp.l;
IiUiiiiih. siu. a imm.
Sundry Rud Onltffc Kmkto
Dram II&mt. St&fb. afid
lb. fclto ladnUct instruction sad Es-
Im As-.ltcr Eu4k U4 lU
(ICWa Buul Unit,
Send sir cents fnr
postagc,and receive
free, a hnr nf
goods which will help you, to more money
right away than anything else ia this
world. All, of either sex, succeed from
f rat hour. The broad road to fortune
opeas before the. workers,, absolutely
sure. At, oace addreta, True : Co.,
AufEtta, Maiae.
SBTa a-
Simple Way of Settling- Labor TroaUaa
Tbe First Strike.
The rostoii correspondent of the Hart
ford Evening Post makes tho following"
points on strikes:
There is a very simple way of settling
this trouble and worry about wages cx
istinjr between employer and employed,
but there is such an obstinate quality in
tho mind of man that one must hammer
for a long time before attention will bo
paid, like an advertisement for a day,
that, however valuable its announce
ment, fails for want of repetition. I
have had the honor of making quite a
number of valuable suggestions that
might have proved useful, if adopted,
but though I imparted their merit to
sonic pretty good talkers, I never heard
of one of mv schemes beinir favored.
Although discouraged, I present my
scheme, which may prove successful un
der tho circumstances'. Thw is to edu
cate all directors and stockholders In
manufacturing coinpunies'i'i.the .use., of
looms and mines and other machinery
in our factories, until, upon occasion of
a strike, they may be nblo totakc hold
and do the work themselves, and thus
attest the soundness of tho claim for
more pay. " This is just as easy as roll
ing olT a log, ami must result one way
or other. I saw a strike, many years
ago, among the printers on the Post,
when Colonel Greene was editor. It
was for three cents more per thousand
ems. Ho refused to pay it, let them
strike, summoned tho heads of his de
partments Tall printers), took off his
coat and all pitched in with a will to
get out the paper. The colonel had
achieved his lirst stickful, when, in at
tempting u correct an error in the
tyjes, he squabbled a line. He looked
at it a moment and then said, "Boys,
'tis worth it Go to work." This they
did, and harmony was restored. Un
doubtedly the mode that I propose would
result pretty much the same way, or
might prompt to the establishment of a
new class of operatives, the stockhold
ers aforesaid choosing to spin their
own yarn and pocket the pay. The
"haniV in this case might go to stock
holding and thus know how it is them
selves. The lirst strike among our working
coph 1 think, was at Dover, N. II., in
1827 or '8. The Cocheeo works wero
established in 18'20, and the operatives
were almost entirely American girls,
who deemed that weaving nnd spinning
were butter than farming, and became
factory girls" on the erection of the
works at Dover falls. A small factory
up tho river was No. 1, and the works
at the falls were Nos. 2, 8 and 4, as I
believe they arc at the present time.
Everything went on spinningly and
smoothly until the year of which I write.
There were exactions on the part of the
corjoration that tho independent spirit
of the fair spinners and weavers could
not brook. A rule was made that the
great iratcs snoulu be shut at bell ring
niir, and those who were late should
through the counting room parage way
to do marked lor reduction ot pay,
largely disproportioued to the delin
quency. Thjs gave great offence, other
measures awakened opposition, nnd on
a lino morning the mills were idle.
Every operative w:is out, leaving the
overseers to run them alone. i.1 They met
at some convenient square, and, form
ing a procession, with a full band, and
bearing the American Hag, they parad
ed the low n, under a leader whom I
well knew, a year later, and a stalwart
manly guard of one for their protection.
The corporation came down at once,
the offensive rules were withdrawn for
the time and everything went on har
moniously. But there arose, again,
threats of war between James F. Cur
tis, a new agent, and Mill No. 2. Ho
was not a fortunate selection for the
office, as he had been a sea captain, and
endeavored to introduce ship's disci
pline among his crew of girls. It would
not work, and a general irritation pre
vailed. The climax was reached when
he ordered the windows of No. 2 to be
nailed down to prevent intimacy with
tho yard. This was done'ovcr night,
and in the morning when they had
found out what had been done and one
of the loom girls had fainted, their an
ger knew no bound". A strike in that
mill was tho consequence, and every
girl left their looms for the park. I saw
the excited crowd from an upper win
dow opposite, and such a clatter of
tongues ha ot been heard since BabeL
Agent liurti. was sent for and went
among them, angry at first, but that
bird wouldn't light, and he came down
to coaxing, lagging them to return, ar
guing the necessity for the nailing
down, which excited them the more,
until he compromised the matter by al
lowing tho windows to be open part
way. "Other inducements were given
and they returned to their work, but
during the altercation with him they
had spotted shis black coat with cotton
locks until he looked like a new descrip
tion of leopard.
IiOngevlty of the Ancients.
Can a man reach or pass, the age of a
hundred years? is a question discussed
in a most interesting manner . in a re
cent number of the Poputhr Science
Monthly. liuffon was the first one in
France to raise the question of the ex
treme limit of hnman life. Inhis opin
ion, man, becoming adult ot sixteen,
ought to live to six times that age, or to
ninety-six years? Having been called
upon to account fof the phenomenal
ages attributed by tho Bible to tho pa
triarchs, he risked the following as an
explanation: ".'Before the flood the earth
was less compact than it is now. The
law of gravitition had acted for only a
little time; the productions of tho globo
had less consistency and the body of a
man,- being more supple, was more sus
ceptible of extension, being able to
grow fof h longer time than now."
The German Heusler has suggested
on the same, point that tbe nucicnta did
not divide time as wo do Previous to
the age of Abraham, the year among
omc people of the East was only three
months, or a season; so that thc: had a
year of spring, one of fall, ono of -winter.
The year was extended so as to
consist of eight months after Abraham,
and of twelve months after Joseph. Vol
taire rejected tbe longevity assigned to
the patriarchs of the Bible, but accept
ed, with question, the stories of the
great ages attained by some men in In
ia, where, he says, "it is not rare to
gee old men of one hundred and twenty
rMn. 'T1,a .,.: V t. ! Jl J
gisfc, Flourcns, fixing the compjete de
velopmcnt of man at "twenty years,
teaches that ho should live five times as
long as it takes him to'become an adult
According to thi3 author, the moment
of a completed development may be re
cognized by the fact of the junction of
the bones with their apophyses. This
junction takes place in horses at five
years, and the Horse does not live be
yond twenty-fivo years; -with the ox at
four1 yeajs, and it docs not live over
twenty years; with the cat at eighteen
months, and that animal rarely lives
over ten year?, With, man, ft fe elected
at twenty years, and ho only exception
ally lives byond one hundred years.
The same physiologist admits, however,
that human life may be exceptionally
prolonged under certain conditions of
comfort, sobriety, freedom from care,
regularity of habits, and observance of
the rules of hygiene; and he terminates
his interesting study of the last point
with the aphorism, "Man kills himself
rather than dies."
m i
What Made a Drummer Happj.
"Every man who travels Is occasion
ally taken for some other man," said a
Chicago drummer, "and sonio amusing
mistakes occur on this account Once
in awhile a man will meet another man
who looks a good deal like himself.
About three months ago a resemblance be
tween myself nnd another man resulted
in a little profit to myself, and I ain't
ashamed to tell of it, as everybody
thinks it honorable to beat a railroad
company. I was on a train coming in
to Chicago to stay over Sunday, and
had a ticket from tho station where I
got on to ono about twenty miles this
side. I had bought it in the hotel,
cheap, of a drummer who had changed
his mind about running up this way,
nnd at that station I expected to get off
and buy a ticket to Chicago. I noticed
that the man who sat in the seat in
front of mo looked a good deal like
myself. Ho wore a round hat, while I
had on a traveling cap, but in feature,
build, beard and other respects he bore
a siriKing resemuiancc to mc. wncn
the conductor caino around I noticed
that this man had an annual pass, and
the conductor asked him where he was
going. The passenger said he didn't
know yet; he might get off at , or
he might go on through to Chicago.
Tho station he had mentioned was tho
ono where I was to buy my ticket and
sure enough he got off thero as I did.
As I entered the station to get my ticket
I saw tho pass-holder jump Into a 'bus,
nnd just then an idea entered my head.
I didn't buy a ticket but went Lack to
the train and took the seat the pass
holder had just vacated. I kept on my
hat which 1 had put on before leaving
tho train, ami which, being a round ono
like that worn by the pass-noldcr, made
me look more than ever like him. When
the conductor came along ho looked at
mo and says, 'Going through with us,
are you?' " 'Yes,' savs J. and that was
the end of it "I rode into Chicago on
that other man's pass as big as life. I
didn't save much, only $5.70, but it
a ! a vara
was so easily and peculiarly done that I
felt as good over it as if it had been a
hundred. I won't mention the name
of the road or of tho station for fear of
getting the conductor into trouble. I
wouldn't want to do that you know,
becausc's he's a conductor after my
own heart" Chicago Herald.
m i m
Filial Affection.
Youth (just returned from college)
"Why, father, how shabbily you dress,
nowadays! I think it is too "bad, your
going around in such shabby clothes,
it mortifies me, I assure you.
Father "I can't help it my dear boy.
It has taken all my savings to give you
an education and supply'ou with pock
et money, and keop you well dressed at
college. I did intend to have got a new
suit this spring, but you need a fashion
able spring overcoat and spring suit,
and the little sum I had put aside for
myself must go to fix you out u a styio
becoming a gentleman. I hope you'll
excuse me, John, but I really can't wear
ar.v better clothes than I do now."
Youth 'vwit'n a magnanimous air)
"Why, nry dear father, I did not for a
moment think you were so hard up as
that Here 1 have been giving all my
cast-offs to the second-hand clothes man
for a mere song, and never for a mo
ment thinking that you might need 'cm.
But that's got to bo stopped. We're
both about a size, and, in future, you
must have my clothes as soon as they
become too shabby for mc. And. more
than that, father, I won't wear thorn so
long as I have been in the habit of do
ing. I shall get a new suit every few
months, aud you can wear the old ones
before they are scarcely soiled.
Then the father fell upon the youth's
neck and kissed and blessed the fate
that had given him such a kind and
considerate son, and then he ran to the
door and shouted to the hired man to
bring tho lean calf out of the barn and
kill it and make a feast adding "for
my son has shown this day that he is
anxious to have his old father look re
spectable." Boston Courier.
Baron Fava SurpriHetl.
A gentleman who attended the presi
dent's dinner to the diplomatic corps,
on Thursday last, tells roe an amusing
story about introductions in the' east
room on that cheerful occasion. CoL
Wilson, who acted as the official intro
ducer, knew many of tho legation peo
ple but not all of" them, and in several
cases he was obliged to ask the names
of persons approaching tho president
and Miss Cleveland lnsforo presenting
them. Soon after tbe first introductions
h:ul been made, a jouug man with a
foreign look, banged hair, carefully
waxeil mustache, and eye-glasses came
tripping along. "What country?"
asked Col. Wilson, leaning forward and
expecting to listen to foreign tones.
"Albany," was the response. "And
name?"" continued the coloncL "Mr.
Cassidv," was the response, in very
plain English. The Colonel laughed a
little laugh and presented "Mr. Cassidy,
of Albany, N. Y." Tho colonel turned
to the next comer and pursued the same
formula. A swarthy gentleman with a
superbly dressed woman on his arm
reponded to tho first inquiry, "Italy,"
and to tho next "The Baron Fava,"
Not stopping to reflect, CoL Wilson an
nounced, "The Baron and Baroness
Fava, of Italy." Minister Sotcldo, of
Vcnezuola, who stood at tho colonel's
elbow, pulled him by tho sleeve in great
tribulation "My dear colonel, n he ejacu
lated, "you have made a great mistake.
It is not tho Baroness Fava.. Est Is
anozzcr ladde." But It was too late,
and the pair were passed along the en
tire receiving line as the Baron and
Baroness Fava. Boclicstcr Union.
Someone wrote to tho Manchester
Eng.) Examiner asking if Earl'de
ray was theson and heir of the Mar
quis of Kipon. In its "Answers to Cor
respondents" the paper replied that he
was adding by way of explanation
that it was only a courtesy title, the
young gentleman being "In point of
law plain Mr.. Robinson." The Mar-
auis did not like this, and the next day
ispatched the following missive to the
offending journal: "Lord Kipon? does
not wish the Manchester Examiner sent
any more."
J m . mi?
A foreign device for cutting stone
consists of a cord of three steel wires
rather loosely twisted together, running
r? " .js like a band-saw. The
swift succession. of Mows from the. rid
ges of ihe cord delivered along a nar
row line (disintegrates the stone rapidly.
A Popular Pastime Abmbc th
Itaata of Deamark.
When the ports of the Baltic are
closed by ice in tho winter tho inhab
itants of the Danish islands and coasts
take to sail-skating, a pastime which
besides serves to keep up communica
tion between them. The sport requires
much skill, and sail-skating can bo
learned only after a great deal of prac
tice. When once acquired, however,
it affords keen pleasure, and those
practicing it feel as if they were act
ually flying through the air, especially
I if there is a good breeze blowing. Tho
sail used Is m two parts, and formed
of a light but strong fabric, stretched
over a wooden frame carried on the
back by tho skater. Tho center cross
pieces which is placed at tho height of
the shoulders, is fastened round the
body by bands crossing the breast nnd
passing round the waist, so that they
can be tied in front Cross-nieces at
tached to the lower corners of tho sail,
are held by tho skater crosswise, by
which ho is able to trim tho sail and
steer himself by it. If tho skater de
sires to bo carried along by tho wind
ho must stand upright, without; how
ever, stiffening the body too
much, and bending backward
according to the force of tho
wind. Practice, as in other cases,
makes perfect, and enables tho skater
to utilise tho whole force of the wind.
If tho latter is too strong the topsail is
lowered, which moderates the impulse
derived from the sail. By inclining tho
sail in one direction or the other the
skater may tack to starboard or lar-
Doaru. wnen it is desired to run
against tho wind, by skating in the
usual way, the sail Ls folded up, nnd
the body bent in such a way that the
sail no longer offers a purchase to the
wind. To make the return journey the
sail is again unfolded. If the skater
sustains a fall he generally falls back
ward, and on to the saiL Considerable
speed may be attained in sail-skating,
but it is less than with sailing ice-boats
in a strong wind. If the skater no
longer desires to use tho 6ail he tikes
it down and folds it up, when it may be
carried like an umbrella. In severe
winters it is not unusual to meet with
numerous bodies of sail-skaters in
Danish waters who are trying. to excel
each other in speed. The sound be
tween Sweden and Denmark, when
frozen over, is often crossed with ease
by parties of skaters on pleasure bent
using the wind while it lasts. The
sportsmen of Copenhagen often use
this means of locomotion when they
wish to reach rapidly spots where wild
duck and geese have been observed.
Chicago Interior.
Fashionable Washington Wrinkles That
Aro ruxzllng to Strangers.
The etiquette of cards at Washington
puzzles many strangers. Tho 6izes and
styles of cards aro governed by the sea
son, and autographs or written cards,
ono authority states, are to be used only
among intimate friends. A married
lady should always use the prelix
"Mrs.," and 6he should always use her
husband's name. Tho use of her own
name is an indication that she is a
widow. Tho corners of ladies' cards
in Washington usually contain their
residences and their calling day. It is
common for a lady to tako her hus
band's card with her, and it is by card
that half of tho calls of Senators and
Representatives are made. The ladies
do the calling. Tho custom of turning
down cards prevails here to a larger
extent than in anv other parts of the
United States. To one who under
stands the languago of the turned cor
ner there is considerable advantage in
it. Tbe following diagram will illus
trate it:
ViBtta. Felicitation.
The signification of a card received
with either of tho corners turned as
above indicated means: Visite, a social
call; conge, a visit of leave-taking;
condolence, a visit of sympathy; felici
tation, a visit of congratulation. Turn
ing down tho whole right end of the
card shows that the visit is intended
for all receiving. This explanation
will bo news to many, and we have
known girls to lie awako at night
woudering why certain Senators' wives
turned down the ends of their cards
and others did not. Harjicr'a Bazar.
A White Man's Love-Making and a Col
ored Imitation.
Years ago a planter was courting a
certain young lady in tho sunny South.
Ono day he ordered his negro coach
man to drive to the residence of his in
amorata. The next morning Cuffcc observed
bis master and the young lady proceed
ing arm in arm to a summer house
around which vines had overspread,
making it a cool retreat from the 6ultry
Bo It known that Cuffcc, on his ar
rival, had fallen desperately in lovo
with tho ebony cook in the kitchen, but
he was dumbfounded in tho presence
of this sable woman, the art of love
making being to him an almost un
fathomable mystery. Cuflfce, however,
was bound to learn, and be silently fol
lowed tho pair to tho sliadv bower.
Parting the vines with is hands, he
very cautiously peeped within. There
on n bench sat the young lady, and
kneeling on the ground was bis master,
who was holding her hand in his. Cuf
fee heard these words:
0, your eyes are like dove's ey
Your alabaster neck sets me on fli
O, Cupid!"
As quick as possible Coffee disap
peared from the scene. Ho returned
to the kitchen, turned a kettle bottom
side up, seized the bewildered Dinah
and seated her on the kettle. Then
getting down on his knees, he took
'both her hands in his, and with
lifted eyes, exclaimed:
Oh, your eyes are like dog's cycsl
Your y aller blasted neck sets me on fire.
Oh, blue pot!"
The last seen. of .that unfortunate
darky he was fleeing from the wrath to
come, followed by sundry stove sticks
propelled by the irate and very indig
aaat'Dinaa. Texas Siting,
National Bank!
Authorized Capital, -Paid
In Capital,
Surplus and Profits, -
A. ANDERSON", Fres't.
S AM'L C. S3I ITII, Vice Fres't.
O. T. KOKX, Cashier.
Foreign and Inland Exchange, Passage
Tickvts, anil Kcal Estate Loans.
X Sfl-vol-fa-ly
D.T. Martvn, 31 D. F. .1. Scnuo, 51. D.
II. S. Examining Surgeons,
Local Surireona. Union Pacific, O., X.
& 15. II. and 11. & M. R. IPs.
Co:iuItatiou in German and English.
Telephone- at ollire and residences.
BSTOfiVe on Olive street, iut to Urod
feulirer's ,leilrv Store.
t'l4lairs Ernst huililiiig lTtri street.
i. i:i:i:ui:K,
Otliee on Olive St., Columbus, Nebraska
i. i:vai, 91. .,
GSTOtlicc and rooms. Cluck building,
lltli street. Telephone communication.
Platte Center, Nebraska. -y
Chronic Diseases and Diseases of
Children a Specialty.
BSTOllicc on Olive street, three doors
north of First National Bank. 2-ly
2th Stteet, i doors nest of Hammond House,
Columbus, Neb. 4!)l-y
Five yeais'thne, on improved farms
with at feast one-fourth the acreage under
cultivation, in sums representing one
third the fair value of tbe homestead
Correspondence solicited. Address,
."iO-j Columbus, Ncbr.
cAlililSTCK BROS.,
Office up-stairs in McAllister's build
ing. 11th St. W. A. McAllister, Notary
W. B. Tedrow, Co. Supt.
I will be at my ollice in the Court
House on tbe 15th, lGtti and 17th of
this month for the purpose of ex
amining teachers. 3!(-tf
Attsnio; i Uct7 foil e.
11. It. COWDKRY,
Columbus, : : : Nebraska.
J. J. MAUCillAN,
Justice, County Surveyor, Notary,
land and Collection Agent.
B3TFartics desiring sur eying done can
notify mc by mail at Platte Centre, Neb.
lOiiN ;. moriiNS.
c. .i.1;aulow,
Collection Altor.ev
in ide of Collections
by CI.
::i- m
llth St., opposite Lindel! Hotel.
Sells Harness, Saddles, Collars, Whips,
Blankets, Curry Combs, Rruslies, trunks,
valises, bugKy tops, cu.-liions, carriage,
trimmings, .Vc, at tho lowest possible
prices. Repairs promptly attended to.
Plans and estimates supplied for cither
frame or brick buildings. Good work
guaranteed. Shop on i:ith Street, near
St. Paul Lumber Yard, Columbus, Ne
braska. r.J limo.
AMl'ltKIjl. Sc CO.
6T Raors and Iron ! a
The bighct market price paid for rags
and iron. Store in the Uubach building,
Olive St., ColumbuB, Neb. 15-tf
Carpenters and Contractors.
Havchad an extended experience, and
will guarantee satisfaction in work.
All kinds of repairing done on short
notice. Our motto is, Good work and
fair prices. Call and give us an oppor
tunitytocstimatcforyou. JSTShop en
Kith St., one door west of Fricdhof &
Co's. store, Columbus. Ncbr. 483-y
Tin and Sheet-Iron Ware !
Job-Work, Hoofing and Gutter
ing a Specialty.
igrShop on' Olive Street. 2 doors
north of Itrodfeuhrer's Jtuvelry Store.
The Insignificant Quantity ot Gens Fotuid
la This Country.
It is a remarkable circumstance that,
although this country Ls so rich in
its mineral resources, and the world
draws from us a great part of its sup
ply of the precious metals, we have, so
far.discovercdhero only an insignificant
quantity of precious stones. The total
value of the gems proper mined in the
United States in 1884 was less that
$35,000, and yet we imported during
the same year more that $1,000,000
worth of diamonds and other precious
The subject is elaborately treated by
George F. Kunz in a recent volume on
"Tho Mineral Resources of the United
States," published by the Government,
and his paper contains an array of
facts of very great and peculiar in
terest. Diamonds, it seems, have been found
in various parts of the country, but
chiefly in California aud North Caro
lina, though the largest diamond yet
discovered here was dug up by a la
borer, thirty or more years ago, in
Manchester, Va. This stone, not at
lirst recognized, weighed originally
2:1$ carats, and when reduced by
cutting, 11 11-16 carats, and it was
deemed so valuable that at one time
$6,000 was loaned on it, though now,
because of its undesirable color and
certain imperfections, it is not worth
more than a twentieth part of that sum.
The California diamonds, found in
fifteen or twenty different places, the
most prolific being Cherokee Flats,
liuttc County, aro of all the colors
known in the stone, white, yellow,
straw, and rose, but they arc generally
very small, ranging in value from tch
to fifty dollars each. The largest, dis
covered at French Corral, weighed
seven and one-quarter carats, and
many are unearthed whose value in the
rough is not less than one hundred dol
lars. Diamonds arc also found in
Xbrth Carolina, in association with the
flexible sand stone, called ilacolumitc,
which is peculiar to that State, where,
too, sapphires of notable brilliancy
have appeared. A sapphire found at
Jenks' Mine, in Franklin County, is one
of the linest known specimens" of the
emerald green variety, and because of
its great rarity is probably worth one
thousand dollars.
Fine specimens of crysoberyl, a stone
wiiiuu sometimes is almost equal in ap
pearance to the yellow diamond, and is
principally obtained in Brazil and Cey
lon, liave been found in different parts
of New England, New York, and the
Southern States, and the spinel, a
lxautiful gem, which is often sold for
Oriental ruby, is distributed the same
way. The best crystals of topaz come
from the Platte Mountains in Colorado,
one of these, weighing one hundred and
twent3'-iive carats, being an extraor
dinarily fine gem. Only insignificant
quantities of emeralds and beryls have
liecn found within our boundaries, but
garnets, which, although smaller, are
equal to the best of AfrMk and Cey
lon, are discovered on the Col
orado river plateau. The amethyst
is quite common in New England, and
appears in several places in the South
ern States. One specimen, found near
Cheshire, in Connecticut, rivals in color
the best amcthvst of Siberia, but the
most remarkable native amethyst is
that lately deposited in the National
Museum by Dr. Lucas. It is a turtle
shaped, prehistoric cutting, 2 3-4 inches
in length, 2 inches in width, and 1 1-2
inches in thickness, is transparent and
Of all the gem stones, however, the
greatest revenue, in 1884 ten thousand
dollars, comes from smoky quartz, the
finest specimens of which are found at
Bear Creek, in Colorado. There arc
also many beautiful examples of the
less valuable stones which are in de
mand for cabinet collections, such as
the green feldspar, or Amazon stone,
found at Pike's Peak.
But, so far, comparatively little at
tention has been paid to the search for
precious stones in tho United States,
(hough their use is much more general
among our people than among thoso
of other countries. Very likely if the
hunt was pursued methodically and
persistently wo should not be sending
millions abroad annually to buj' dia
monds, sapphires, rubies, emeralds and
other brilliant and beautiful stones for
the adornment of our women, and to
lend additional glory to tho hotel clerk.
Yet, however great the results obtained
from such a search, tho actual profit
derived from the industry would prob
ably fail to justify and properly reward
the" labor expended upon it. N. Y.
m m
A Question Which Eminent Scientists An
swer In the Affirmative.
A great deal has been written to
show that animals think and reason,
jnst as man docs, though in a lower
degree. Perhaps some of our readers
may notice things in animals which
show that they have a great deal of
intelligence, even if they do not reason.
Mr. Paul Brocca, the French author.
devoted much attention to this subject.
It has been said of animals, writes Mr.
Brocca, that their actions are always
mechanical and without method. This
may be true of domestic pets, who arc
influenced almost entirely by the human
beings around them, but does not the
beaver change his plans, acting now as
builder, now as miner, according to
circumstances? Besides this, every
one knows that the bee frequently sul
stltutes pentagonal, or five-sided, for
hexagonal, or six-sided cells, and that
this alteration in the work is made
only when necessary. It has also been
saiu that animals do not reason. What
then is done by the foxes, which in
Thrace arc driven on to the ice to test
its strength? These animals step care
fully ana lightly, with their heads in
clined, and turn back suddenly directly
they discover by the sound of the ice
cracking that it is not safe to proceed
farther. A dog which, in following a
scent, arrives at a cross road is seen to
stop, consider for a moment, then
plunge" along one of the roads, sniffing
cautiously, turn back aid try another
road in the same manner, and finally
dart unhesitatingly down the third, ft
is evident that his logic tells him that
as hi3 pre has not taken one of the
first two roads examined it must neces
sarily have taken the third road, so he
he does not waste time in further inves
tigation. That this is not mere instinct
is shown by the fact that a dog some
times makes a mistake in such a case,
and that when the fact becomes evident
I he slinks out of sight of the hunters.
looking a picture of shame and humili
ation. Foresight is a quality the po.ssesion
of which no one will deny to ants- and
bees, and the former certainly have a
sense of compassion. This is displayed
in the tender care bestowed on "the
wounded during the terrible- battles
fought between different tribes of auto.
The suffering and helpless ones are not
left to perish, but are carried off of
the battlefield bv a regular ambulance-corps.
No ono doubts the ex
istence of memory in animals, and as
to ambition, is it necessary to recount
the pitched battles which take place
in bee-hive3 between the different can
didates for royalty? How can one
firetend that man only has the gift of
anguago! He must bo blind indeed
who docs not sec that all animals have
some means of communication with
each other. To give only ono example:
there is no nossiblo doubt that anta
make themselves understood by their
fellows, by means of tho touch of their
delicate, sensitive antennas or feelers.
Before a war, a council i3 held, and
messengers hurry about. Scouts or
spies aro sent out, and the attack is
hastened or postponed, nccordinsr to
then reports. All this could not be
done without a very complete method
of communication, for the giving and
receiving of orders, etc. Moreover, if
animals had no language, how could
they teach their young? That they do
teach them is evident from the fact of
young foxes in countries where the an
imals arc hunted being infinitely moro
wary than full-grown ones in other
lands! How else are we to account for
this than by saying that the parent
foxes tell their children of danger, and
to avoid it? American Agriadturist.
Th Deplorable Btato of School-IIoaseH lc
Many Rural District.
A teacher who has lately been travel
ing through the country was forcibly
impressed with the need of calling the
attention of teachers and school officers
to the condition of country school
houses and grounds. The latter in
most cases are the very picture of des
olation. Treeless, fence impaired, gate
hanging on one hinge, last year's
weeds telling the story of carelessness,
when not trodden down, house open
underneath and in every way les
cared for than a thrifty farmer's barn
yard. Now enter the simple room.
The furniture, consisting of a couple
dozen box seats, in which the children
arc almost hidden from view, is ar
ranged without order or system. An
gular, straight-backed and seeming bet
ter calculated to punish criminals in,
rather than comfortable seating for
school children, a single broken chair
(how happens it that the chair is al
ways broken?) a single box-desk per
forming the ollice of a teacher's table,
a broom, a poker and a half-bottomlesa
coal scuttle, sifting its contents on the
lloor, constitute the furnishing of the
room. Now look about you. The
plastering has fallen off in patches and
has been so botched and daubed over,
that it is hard to distinguish the orig
inal from the patches. The stove is as
innocent of blacking as a pile of old
iron, and the crooked stove-pipe sceni3
hanging overhead like Damocles' sword
bv a hair; two window lights are sup
plied by shingles, a third by a sheet of
foolscap paper, and others open or
stuffed with rags.
If boy culture was half so well un
destood as pig culture, or was deemed
half as profitable, the school-rooms and
premises would be the most attractive
places to be found in village or com
munity. Send a boy to such a school,
taught by a new teacher every term,
let him return each evening to a book
less firesido. where he hears of nothing
but corn and cattle, and where no pains
arc taken to furnish him with innocent
amusements, and then wonder why he
seeks the city as soon as he can cut the
proverbial apron strings!
One great reform is demanded.
Farmers can easily understand the
advantage of keeping the same hired
help from season to season. Why does
not the same common sense "guide
them in tho employment of teachers?
There is scared' a school district to bo
found that is not able to employ a man
or woman for eight months in the year.
Then let them find the right one, let
'him make his home in the district and
be made to feel that his work is a per
manent one by paying him living
wages and by assisting him, and offer
ing the needed encouragement, and
give him to understand that a part of
his work is to keep the premises in an
attractive condition, nnd furnish him
the needed assistance in performing his
School oflteers are not bound to dis
miss a teacher for every complaint
they hear. Generally, it is best to
kindly mint out their faults, and let
them remain, when faults are real.
Teachers try hard to please Their
curse is, they are subject to the criti
cism and their reputation is in the
hands of those who know the qualities
of a bull calf a good deal better than
that of a teacher, and whose ignorance
of the whole subject they are called
upon to manage, fairly stated, would
make a volume on the "theory and art
of education. N. C. Cuinjtbc'll, in Cur
rent. m
A Kind Gentleman Whose Writing I'rovert
Him to He iT?IarrlcI Man.
A stranger was yesterday writing a
letter at the desk in tho corridor of the
post-office when a woman with a jostal
card in one hand and the other tied up
in a handkerchief came walking up
and eyed him in a wNtful manner.
"Ah! you want to write a card,
madam," he observed.
"I don't believe I can, sir. I have a
letter from my husband, who is in
Cincinnati, and I want to let him know
I got it."
"I see. Give mc the card his name
is- ?"
"Peter Jones, sir."
"Exactly. Peter Jones, Esq., Cin
cinnati, u. rtow then.
He turned the card over and rapidly
"Mr. Jones your letter, the lirst
for three weeks, is at hand, and tin
two dollar bill has been noted. I am
half sick, out of wood and provisions,
and tired of lying to the landlord.
Either come home and attend to busi
ness or chango your name to No Good
and never dare to address mc again. I
am, sir, your patient, but determined
He read it to her in a well-modulated
voice, and she held up her well hand
and exclaimed:
"Oh! thanks! That's beautiful. Why.
I couldn't have done so well in a week!
You must surely be a married man
She trotted away to mail it, and went
out of the ollice with a smile all over I
her face. Detroit Free Frets j
Baron Tennyson says that JSdfa
Poo is the literary glory of America.,
Ex-Seuator Davis, of West Virginia,
has given ten thousand dollars towards
a high-school at Piedmont.
A negro gjrl Uving near, Camilla.
Go., answers to tho namo of Mamie
Queen Victoria Southern Belle Atlantic
Beauty Baker.
Colonel A. II. Markland, who was
tho head of the army ma&sarvke dur
ing the ,wur, is preparing a book of
stories and reminiscences illustrating
the lighter side of the great rebellion.
Chicago Sun.
Lieutenant Grecly now wean lon
Dnndreary whiskers," and these, with
his eyeglasses, give him a dandified air
rather than the appearance of one wfcQ
bearded the great bear In his arctio
den. .V. Y. Mail.
Mr. Buskin recently satd, "m a
lecture on "Art: "I do not speak of'
the Celtic race because I should now be
expected to say Keltic; and I don't
mean to. if only for fear that I should.
next bo required to say St. Kekella."
George W. Cliild3. of the Philadel
phia Ledger, has been niado an honor
ary member of the Baltimore Typo
graphical Union, the oldest printers'
union in the United States. Mr. Child
is a good typesetter. Philadelphia
Rev. T. Do Witt Talmago expresses
the opinion that he who has no reason
for his matrimonial choice except a
Erctty face "is like a man who should
uy a farm for the dahlias in the door
yard." Moreover, "there aru times
when the plainest wifo is a queen of
beauty." A'. Y. Tribune.
Patti had some odd experiences at
Bucharest. The ladies of the audience
saluted her by throwing a hundred
white pigeons upon the stag.'. And
then a "supe" who had climbed up
into the stage loft to have a look at
her, fell down nnd nearly killed him
self, awd a cry of "Fire!" was raised
which almost caused a panics
The biggest man in Cincinnati is
Fred Madison, who stands six feet ten
nnd a half inches In his stockings,
measures sixty inches around tho
shoulders, weighs two hnndred and
fifty pounds nnd is only twenty-ono
years of age. He got his growth out
among the Iumlicr mills of Puget
sound and salmon fisheries of tho
Columbia river. Cincinnati 2Viwcs.
The Boston girl doesn't sav: "Let's
leap the gutter. She remarks: "Lot
? sudden Ij- overleap the marginal de
pression of the public thoroughfare."
"I ln-'Hcve in woman suffrage, of
course I do." said Mra. Shuttle, as she
threw down the evening paper. "Now,
there's Queen Victoria; she makes just
as good a speech as an King." C'Ai
cago Tribune.
"A very funny play, you say?"
"Yes. Indeed. A couple- of dentists'
agents travel with us constantly, bot
tling the air In the theaters during the
performance, and their employers use
it for laughing gas." Tid-BiLt.
Lady (to applicant) "What wages
will you expect as mirse?" Applicant
"How ould u the babby, mum?"
Lady "Seven months." Applicant
"Without laudanum, imim, two dollars
and one-half a wake; wid laudanum,
two dollars." Harper's Bazar.
A London correspondent says:
"You can not be asked to the Queen's
ball unless you have been nt ctirt tho
same year."" That settles It. We shall
not look for an invitation this season.
Owing to a rush of job work we could
not have attended any way. Xorris
town Herald.
A tenant had been dancing all
night over the head of his landlord.
At six In the morning the latter comes
up-stairs and complains bitterly of tho
annoyance. "What annoyance?" asks
the tenant. "Why, haven't slept a
wink all night,"" is the answer.
"Neither have 1," says the tenant; "aud
yet I don't make a fuss about it." N.
Y. Telegram.
Magician (pointing to a large cup
board) "Now, ladies and gentlemen, X
take the liberty to present to you the
Isst pi e on the programme. I beg a
lady in the audience to nsc-jnd the
stage and -'nter this cupboard. I will
then clcs-.- it, and when It is opened
6he will have disappeared entirely." A
man to his wife "Here, old lady, you
go on the stage!" German Joks'
Wife "Well, Ned, what do iu
teink Charlie wants now? He asked
me to-day if I wouldn't help him tease
ou to buy him a bicycle." Indulgent
father (who once had ambitions him
self) "Bicycle? Nonsense. The boy
can't have it. Tell him to go up in the
attic and fall down two flight of stairs.
It will be just about thu sani" tiling,
and save mo one hundred dollars."
Swncroille Journal.
A codfish f the only Annvmnl that
nin't got no neck. There :ilnt but ono
kind of a fish in the World that live on
the latul and Y round in the air, and
that is a fish-hawk. A Codfish Las a
large mouth ami my suuday school
Teechers got a large "mouth too. Two
kids got fiteing in the vtry one day
and ono of em pulled quite a lot of Hare
out of the other kids Hod and tho
Snporingtending pounded one of his
Eeers with a book and so flu-y quit. A
fish would look funny if they" had legs
and could run. Boilon lj, in Bik(wi
Origin of n Chestnut.
Tho term "chestnut," in its latest
use, applies to txle jokes twice-told
tales, and generally to whntcver is es
pecially trite. It originated In Phila
delphia, and was used previously in
connection with the old Chestnut Street
Theater of that city. If tlwi lemark,
witticism or story was musty with age,
it was said to be old enough to be got
off at that theater. The dittingipshmg
characteristics (A the entertainments at
that place of amusement were so well
known that the word "chestnut" very
readily came to have its present slang
meaning in that city, and from there it
worked itself out until it has come'io
be National. Buffalo Times.
At the Table.
"Maria, what is Augustus muttering
"Win-, he won't cat his soup, dear.'
"Won't eat his soup what do you.
mean, sir?"
"I don't like it."
"Don't like it, ch why, when I was
a boy I was glad "enough to have dry
bread and meat for my dinner. Just
bread and meat sir."
"Well, it's a good thing you married
in our family, then, par' TAs Mwn-