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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (April 7, 1886)
"" l1Tk. . - --- Vv W""' I -,-v - -4 i -K J, - Jt?c Vj , --W Iri V Is k fe? s KT v :S- RUNNING A FURNACE. While His . There are few things in this world so tsyas running a furnace. That is what Jones thought when he pat his in last fall; though, to tell the troth, the opinion was not original with Jones. It was suggested to Jones in the first place by the man who sold the furnace, but Jones received the opinion as a sort of chromo thrown in with the furnace, and utilized it as though it were his own properly, as in deed it was. The first time that Jones attempted to - buiW a fire in his new furnace, he sue ceeded admirably in nuking a roaring blase with the kindlings, in blackening his hands and face and transmuting himself into the semblance of a burnt- cork serenader of the Meitnerium or 8enegambian variety, and in driving the family incontinently from the house by that peculiarly pungent odor which is sent forth by heated stove-polish fresh from the shop; but he was not so suc cessful in accomplishing a fire. The kindlings behaved in a most praiseworthy manner, allowing them selves to be consumed to the uttermost splinter, but they failed miserably in transferring their warmth to the coal which Jones had very liberally shoveled atop of them. In fact, when the flames had finished the kindlings, they appeared to have considered their part of the con tract completed, and unceremoniously went about their business elsewhere. Then Jones proceeded to fill his hair and cover his clothing with dust by means of the shakor, which the dealer had assured Jones could be operated without raising sufficient dust to soil a lady's pocket-handkerchief. Unfortun ately, Jones did not have a lady's pocket handkerchief with him at the time, or he would, perhaps, have demonstrated to the world that whereas this shaker might be somewhat careless in regard to the person and clothing of a great horrid man, it was eminently punctilious in. its regard for the pockeWiandkerchaef of the fair sex. But, however it might have been with the supposititious handkerchief afore said, there could be no doubt about 'the possibilities of that shaker in the dust-raising line so far as Jones and his environment were concerned. The dust not only covered his exterior, but his ears and nose and mouth were .crowded with it His teeth were as fall of grit as a game cock, and at every inhalation the carboniferous de posits in his lungs grew more dense. Jones got the thing cleaned out at last, but his natural beauty was not im proved by the experience. He had perspired plentifully, what with the neat of his own exertions added to .the artificial heat which the kindlings had created in the furnace (not to speak of the temperature his temper had acquired by this time), and the dirty streams which constantly flowed adown his face on to his linen did not add to the cleanliness of his appearance. Then he filled her up again and touched her oft. It was all right this time, and in less than a half-hour every window in the house had to be opened to prevent its occupants from slow but jcertain cremation. But tliat was not 'the fault of the furnace. It was all owing to the weather being so unseason ably warm. "Wait until we have a cold day," said Jones. I Well, next day it was cold enough to suit an arctic adventurer. "Now," said Jones, "we'll show 'em how to keep warm!" And as he shov eled in the coal it is remarkable how much coal a furnace can get away with when its appetite is all right he ehuckled to himself as he thought how snug and warm he should be, while Thompson's folks, across the way, would be shivering like a slack sail in a gale of wind. ; By this time Jones had a roaring fire. "That'll do,'1 he said, with a glow of satisfaction irradiating his features; "that'll do." Then he went up-stairs, to find Mrs. Jones and the children hud dled about the register, looking more like the family of Harry Gill of chatter ing memory, than the wife and off spring of John Jones, owner of a new and improved furnace. And they continued to chatter, not withstanding Jones did little else all day long than to pile the anthracite into the greedy maw of that furnace. Ho opened the cold-air box, he shut the cold-air jbox, he shut this damper and opened that check draft; Heaven knows what he 'didn't do. But it was no use. The at mosphere above the cellar floor was arctic, and his wife and children were not happy not so happy, perhaps, as the Thompsons, across the way, who circled about their red-faced stove, and 'quite forgot to shiver; nor so comfort ablo as the sparrows on the chimney 'top, for there seemed to bo no lack of (heat there else why should all the spar (rows in the neighborhood porch thereon, :as about a famuy hearth? The weather began to moderate that night; then the furnace, to show that it jeould be versatile as well as the weather, began to -send up a fervent breath '.through the registers, and by the time jthe mercury outside had risen to sixty degrees or thereabouts, the temperature in the Jones domicile was climbing up among the eighties. Up go the windows again. Jones still thinks that it is easy enough to run a furnace, but if you want to know how to run it so as to have a cool house on a warm day, and a warm house when 'the weather is cold, you musk ask some body with more experience than he pos P. S. Jones has a new and improved furnace which he will sell cheap for cash. Boston Transcript. e METAL SHIPS. ,Y1m Preeea t Deplorable Stat of the Great. est 3f avx la the World. ! When timber gave place to iron and steel in the construction of war ships, .the naval possibilities of Great Britain -became practically illimitable. Prior to that great change, the British admiralty, after exliausting its home supplies of oak, had to seek in the forests of Italy and of remote countries those hard, curved, twisted and stalwart troos which alone sufficed for the massive frame work of its linc-of-battle ships. How recently it has escaped from this neces sity may be inferred from the fact that the present writer, on taking office at the admiralty in 186S, found her Maj esty's dock-yards largely stored with re cent deliveries of Italian and other oak timber of this description. And here it may not be inappropriate for one whose earliest professional studies were devoted to the construction of wooden ships, but whose personal , labors have been most largely de voted to the iron era. to pay a passing tribute of respect to the constructive genius of those great builders ia wood who designed the stanch and towering battle ships of the good old times. Skillful, indeed, was the art, sound, indeed, was the science, which enabled them to shape, .assemble and combine thousands of timbers and planks into the Grace de Dieu of. Great -Barry's day (1514), the Sovraigno of the Sejs of Charles' roign (1637), the Boyal William of half a century later (lfe2-92), the Victory, immortalized by STelson, and in our own early day such aaperb ships as the Queen, the Howe Mi scores of others. Only those who hwvenutdw a study of the history of sea saiaMtectare can realise the difficulties whisk the designers of each structures kti ta evercosse. Wife issr kstraWiism at km anal fS awaa wwesF iwoweisnv ww 1B9Bv SJBBBBaa. ited for ship-building purpose! the na OttsHv for ransacking the forests of the wjrld for timber suitable for the frames ard beam-knees of ships passed away, and Great Britain, which early became, and thus far remains, first and groatosl in the production of iron ami steel, was thus invited to such a development of naval power as the world has never seen. The mer cantile marine of England at the present time furnishes a splendid demonstration of the readiness with which thecommer? cial classes have appreciated this great opportunity; but the royal navy, by al ancholy counter-demdnstration. and most universal asaeui, bupmuod a uu shows that neither the capabilities ox a 'race nor the leadings of Providence suf fice to keep a nation in its true position, when it falls into -the hands of feeble and visionary administrators. Any one who will contrast the British navy of to-dav with the British navy as it might and would have been under the administra-' tion, say, of such a First Lord of the Ad miralty as the present Duko of Somerset proved himself in every department oi the naval service five-and-twenty years ago, will understand the recent outcry in England for a safer and more powerful fleet Sir Edward Reed, in Harper' Magazine. CU BRAN'S WIT. A Fow Samples or tho Saliva of the Wit tiest of Irishmen. To the bench Curran could be at times unceremonious. In his early days Judge Robinson made an attempt to extinguish the rising advocate. Rob inson, it was currently reported, owed his elevation to the publication of political pamphlets, remarkable only for their slavish meanness and scur rility. In arguing his case Curran said he had consulted all his law books and could not find the principl e contended for. "I suspect, sir," said Robinson, "that your law library is rather 'scanty." "It is very true, my Lord," said Curran, "that my books are not numerous; but I have prepared myself for this high profes sion rather by tho study of a few good books than by tho com position of a great many bad ones." Curran was occasionally nonplussed by a witness. Inquiring his master's ago from a horse trainer's servant ho could get no satisfactory an swer. "Come, come, friend," urged Curran, "has he lost his teeth?" "Do fou think," retorted tho servant, "that know his age as ho does his horses by tho mark of the mouth?" Once foiled by a Limerick banker with an iron leg, Curran in his address to the jury said that his leg was the softest B art about him. In a debate in tho ouse of Commons he stated that ho needed no aid from any one, that ho was proud to be "the guardian of his own nonor." "Indeed," exclaimed Sir Boyle Roche, "I congratulate Mr. Cur ran on his holding a sinecure. " Lord Clare was a determined enemy of Cur ran while he was at the bar. The Lord Chancellor ruined his practice at tho Chancery court, and his clients were always sufferers. Indeed Curran stated that the losses in his pro fessional income from the ani mosity of Lord Clare amounted to no less than 30,000. Tho incidents in court in consequence of this disagree ment were sometimes ludicrous. On one occasion when it was known that tho advocate was about to make an elaborate argument in chancery. Lord Clare brought a Newfoundland dosv upon the bench with him, and paJn much more attention to the do than to The barrister, and the fact was com mented on by the profession. At a ma terial point in the argument the Chan cellor lost all decency, and turned quit, aside to fondle the dog. Curran stopped at once. "Go on, go on," said Lord Clare. "Oh, 1 beg a thousand pardons, my Lord!" was tho ready reply. "I really look it for granted your Lordship was engaged in consul Uilion." Temple Bar. ROOFS OF PAPER. Preaoaaced Superior to Either Slate or Shingle Covering;. A roof pronounced superior to that of slate because of its lightness and other advantages is now made of anj fibrous pulp. From this tiles of any shape desired are formed by pressure under machinery or by any other method which may suggest, itself. Pressed into the design wished for the pulp tiles aro parlinfly dried, previous to being subjected to a water-proof solution. Thoroughly impregnated with the preparation to resist moisture they are baked to harden in them the water proof mixluve. After the bakiug the tiles arc treated to a mixture imparting an enameled surface; to this is added a coating of sand, whereby the pulp is rendered proof against the action of lftat or flame. By the use of different colored sands a variety of tints may be imparted to the tiles, which, after the application of the enameling mix ture aud sands, are baked a second time, after which they are ready for use. Be side the inherent lightness of pulp tiles, which obviates the necessity of a heavy frame to support a weighty roof, the pulp tile, being tough and not brittle like slate, is far less liable to be broken from blows, stones thrown upon them or human footsteps. Again, slate tiles can not be laid compactly together On a roof on account of their brittleness, which prevents their being drawn tight ly together by nails. Through the fibrous pulp nails may be driven as close home as in shingles, thereby bind ing them closely to the bed and together without any possibility of lateral move ment or being blown away in a high wind, as slates loosely fastened on roofs sotfrequcntly arc. Nails penetrate the pulp tiles more easily than shingles, and lie closer together, being more clas tic than wood. Boston Journal of Com merce. GREAT INDUCEMENTS. How Mom Sehaaaabara; 8arprised the Clerk on New Year's Day. On tho last day of the late year 1885, Tom Snickerson, a young man in Mose Schaumburg'sBoss Clothing Emporium, intimated that he was going to quit "Do you really vants to kervit my employments?" asked Mose. "Yes, Mr. Schaumburg, you are pay ing mo only seven dollars a week and you treat me as if I was a yellow dog. I can no longer put up with such low wages and harsh treatment You don't seem to think that I have any feelings, but I have." "You must not kervit my employ ments. I would not lose you for mil lions. I vants you to consider yourself as identified mit dot Mose Schaumburg Boss Clothing Emporium. No, Mishter Snickerson, it vould preak my heart to lose you, indeed it vould. I vill see dot you have no more causes of comblaint about harsh treatments." "Yes, but how about raising my sal ary a dollar a week, making eight dol lars in all?" asked Snickerson. "I vould "not raise "dot salary, but I tells you vat I does. You say dot I treat you like a yellow dog. Veil, from now on I treats you no more like a yellow dog, but chust de same as ven you vas a scbentlcmen. How you likes dose in ducements, eh? You did not expect I would make dose concesshuns, don!t it? I likes to make pleasant surprises for my clerks dot New Years on. Dot ish dot kind of a man Mose Schaumburg vos.-1' Texas Siflinas. Poets and philosophers are the real thinkers of the world. The iithoma tioian asftong scholars is a sacro litre A CHINESE YARN. How Ah Yah Xade the Paddla Exactly Like the Steward. Many amusing stories have been told of the tendencies to and power, oft imitation possessed by the Chinese. There is the tale of the naval officer giving a pair of trousers to a Chinese tailor in Hong Kong with instructions to make an exact duplicate out of cloth he selected.' When the new garment was produced it had a patch on the leg "aHe samo oiler pair." And then there is the ! time-honored narrative of the Mongol- ! J fSSJSSSSt & a likeness given him, including the rent in the canvass of the original picture. ' But here is one that never has been published, and whose incidents came under the writer's eyes. When the good ship N. B. Palmer touched Shanghai in her voyage of 1870 Captain Charles P. Low discharged his second steward and superseded him with a Chinese boy name Ah Yah. The steward, George Stewart by name, was in his seventy-second year and, by tho way, was making his fifty-third voyage between New York and China and had to, on account of his old age, put many tasks on his assistant that the first stew ard generally performs. OldJGoorge had been in Low's employ for many J'cars, and was retained in tho sen-ice argoly on that account One day when the Palmer was plowing through the Indian ocean on her passago home, George undertook to teach Ah Yah how to make a pudding for tho cabin table. Ho stationed the Chinese boy alongside of him in front of the table in tho pan try. Before them was a tin baking dish, into which George would place the ingredients of tho desserts, explain ing as best ho could to his protege, who as vet could comprehend onlv littlo of even pigeon English, what he did and why ho did it Tho condensed milk was diluted, tho raisins carefully picked, the sugar dexterously sprinklod and so on. When tho eggs wore cracked on tho side of tho pan, George tried to make Ah Yah understand that as thoy had been laid a long time, and were not in over' instanco preserved in perfection by the salt they were packed in, he must bo careful to test each one before it went into the pan. He would crack the egg, place it to his nose, and if good, would empty the contents of tho shell into the mess, and if bad, throw it away into a slop bucket Ah Yah stood mo tionless, but observant, until tho pud ding was prepared for baking. Then he smiled indolently, and declared: "Me can do alloc samee." George determined to try him, and next day gave him the articles necessary to a full-grown pudding. Ah Yah took up a position almost in George's foot prints of the day beforo, and George leaned against the counter at the end of the pantry, and watched him. Tho boy handled tho milk, raisins, sugar, flour, bread and the rest with a cleverness that interested the old steward. The eggs tho learner broko on the edge oi the nan, just as Georgo had done, smellcd of every one, Jhrew several away and put the others where they be longed. When tho boy was through, tho steward was satisfied that a good job had been performed, and that his scholar was apt as the quickest of his countrymen. Ah Yah boro his triumph forward to the galley to have it baked.. Ho hand ed the dish to tho cook, a hot-blooded West Indian, who was about to place it in the oven, when, all of a sudden, as ho leaned over the oven door, he uttered some remarkably profane languago,and inquired in tho same tone what old George meant by sending him a stink ing thing like that to cook in his galley. Ho would ouduro all the fire of the wicked horcafter before ho would put it into his stove, and said more things to the same effect Ah Yah did not know much English, but there was no mis taking, in tho very atmosphere of tho place about this time, that something was very wrong about that pudding. Henry, tho cook, after relieving his mind temporarily by his outburst of in dignation, stalked aft and into tho pan try, demanding to. know why ho should be insulted by having sent to him a pud ding made of rotten eggs. Georgo was astonished. He placed his nostrils over the dish, and found, suro enough, that at least two or thrco bad egga had gone into the pudding. The old man was atl loss what to sav, but ho almost apolo gized, to tho "doctor" inoxplaininghow narrowly ho had observed tho Chinese boy in his operations, and how ho was sure that Ah Yah had tested every egg beforo using jt There was only an im promptu dessert for tho cabin that day. The steward thought about tho disas ter for several days. Then he decided to give Ah Yah another trial. The same routine was gone through, with tho samo caution and the same rosult. Again the pudding was sour. Old Georgo was fairly dumfounded, and finally got mad. He would teach that Chinaman to mako a pudding or die. Ho tried again and again. One day ho caught on to the fact that Ah Yah in variably used up seventeen egga, throw ing away five. Other attempts revealed the fact that Ah Yah each tirao threw away the fourth, eighth, eleventh and sixteenth egg. At last tho mystery was explained. Old George nearly cracked his cheeks with laughter, and rushed into the Captain's room with tho story. Ah Yah was summoned before the Cap tain, and solemnly interrogated as to why he should not be punished for wasting so many of the ship's eggs. The now terrified boy, holding up his fingers, exclaimed: "Mvmakeo plud- din k' nlShA ........tSt M 2- HJ. ....... nl.. n iw uicu vxvru. nu eiiioaiieu slcventee egg. Tiline flour, sleben, eight leben and sixtee no good throw away. My makee alee samee Gog." An Yah was not punished. Hartford Times. m MAM RALLIED. A iAdjrWho Succeeded la Holding- the Fort and a Goose. "R-r-r-r!" went the telephone in th Gratiot avenuo station the other day, and when tho captain called "Hello!" a voice inquired: "Aro you the police?" "Yes; who are you?" 'A boy. There's a big rowup here." "Where?" "On St. Aubin. I'll tell if it's neces sarv to send the wagon." Things were quiet for a moment and then the tcloahono rang again. Well, how is it?" asked the captain. "Purty serious, but I'll telephone you again." There was an interval of three min utes beforo tho captain was rung up again. "Well?" "You needn't send the wagon. There were three of 'cm. They nad lost a gooso. They said we had it Mam called 'em liars. They sailed in. Thoy goi the t mam in between the wood-shed and o trooso-pen and made the hair llv. but mam found a club and rallied, and Eon ortcr see them women climb! Mam olds the fort and tho goose. Good bye!" Detroit Free Press. Spontaneous Gratitude. Scene in a street car Seats all occu pied. Enter young lady. Young gen tleman rises and oners his place. Young ladv slams down into it ' Young gentleman (inquiringly) "I" beg pardon?" , Young lady glances at him silently. Young gentleman unbuttons his over coat ana produces an audiphone. Grasp ing it firmly in his teeth he 'bends for ward in bland but resolute expectancy. J roung isuy gives up inc struggle, yells "Thank s-s-s!" and leaves the ear at the msst eromnifrNews-Littir. INDIAN MOUNDS. . ' Ceaceralaf- Those Stand ta ( Wlsooasla. One authority speaks of an Indian mound as a common grave, such as one .tieets with in any cemetery. The Average farmer, driving his city guests 'over country roads, points with his whip into an adjacent field at a circular hillock, with the base like a charcoal pit and rising more gradually to a point near the top, saying: "That's an Indian mound." As the guest shows his interest in tho subject and strains his eyes to catch sight of the object the accommodating farmer keeps pointing out the mounds every little way. In truth, half the mounds pointed out are not genuine, or if they are no ono knows about it, as they have never been opened. It is scarcely plausible to assert that tho Indians passed all their timo building mounds. If thoy did they might havo been in better business. A Wisconsin reporter who has ridden fast and far in company with inventive drivers had an interview with an emi nent Searcher after mounds on the sub ject Ho said that ho was convinced, as far as any ono could bo convinced when tangible proofs woro wanting, of tho Asiatic origin of the people Who mined copper on the south shore of Lake Superior, and earlier .still on Islo Royale, and who built what is known as Aztalan. "There aro a great variety of mounds in the State," ho said, "but all divisions that have been mado yet aro not to be depended on. Tho earliest that were built were tho sacrilicial mounds and tho mounds of adoration. Tho latter were built so that tho rising and sotting sun could be seon from them. They were invariably built round. Tho sacrificial mounds wero square, as their remains indicate. The size of tho mounds dopended on tho case with which the soil conld be moved. Thero are also round mounds in which a great many skeletons are found when they are opened. Tho sacrificial mounds are not very plenty in this part of tho State, nor, in fact, in any part. Tho remains of ono aro situated on tho cast bank of the Chip pewa river, near Beef slough, and another on tho point of land at tho confluence of tho Red Cedar and Chctek rivers, in Northern Wisconsin. A path of effigy mounds has been traced from Chctek Take to Cedar lake, in Bar ron County. In a swamp west of Lake Chctek, flooded by water now, is tho old road tho early caravans used to travel. Thcso traces are all that re main of tho raco that once worked tho early copper mines on Lake Superior. In Wisconsin by far the larger propor tion are effigy mounds, while in Ohio tho animal mounds do not probably number a half dozen, and tho largest of them is entirely separated from tho inclosures. Two bird mounds occur in Putnam County, Ga. With these exceptions tho effigy mounds belong to ono local it' and to a people who had not tho characteristics of contempor ary nations. It is also probable that the people who built thcso mounds were not the samo who constructed the burial mounds. It is the remains of tho effigy mounds that wo want the btatc to appropriate monoy to pur chase." "How much land would it take?" "About thrco hundred acres in dif ferent parte of the State. It is the square mounds that arc most signifi cant, as their relative position shows the way the peoplo traveled." Alluding to tho magnitude of the work done by this strange people, ho said that the excavation on Islo Royale, Lake Superior, showed that thousands of men had worked there at a time. "Whole cartloads of hammers were found there. In Ontonagon County and at Kewaunee Point, on the south shore of tho lake, tho excavation ex tends for fifty miles. Tho Indians of tho present day are a different race, for the work of the copper mines was abandoned soveral hundred years ago. In fact, it is my theory that" the con quest of Mexico by Cortez and the shutting down of work in tho copper mines was at tho same time." It is probable that some measure will bo considered to appropriate a sum of money to buy the land on which the mounds aro situated. Milwaukee Wisconsin. HUMOROUS' EPITAPHS. v Some of the Briefest Tombstone Inscrip tion Ever Written. A good epitaph never comes amis. Probably one of the briefest overwrit ten was on a man by the name of Thorpe. It was simply: Thorpo'8 Corpse. But one written on Dr. Cains, the founder of a college, was quite as brief: "Kin Cains." (I was Cains.) And another on a certain Mr. Ma- glnnis: "Finis Maginnis." Camden, in his "Remains" a col lection of fragments illustrative of the habits, manners anil customs of the ancient Britons and Saxons gives ex amples of great men who had little epi taphs. Tor himsolf it has been sug gested that tho namo of the work itself would bo the most fitting: "Camden's Remains." An importunate tailor is said to have had this couplet written above him: "Here lies W. W., Who will nevor mora trouble you, trouble you." On tho tombstone of Dr. Walker, who wrote a work on "English Parti cles," is inscribed: "Hero l.os Walkor's Particles." Douglas Jerrold proposed tho follow ing for Charles Knight, the Shakes pearian critic: "Good Knight." On the eminent barrister. Sir John Strange: "Hero lies an honest lawyer that Is Strange." Christian at Work. Tupelo Gum and Willow Oak. Considerable attention has been lately directed in tho commercial and industrial value, at least prospectively, of tho tupclo gum and willow oak timbers of Mississippi. After various and thorough tests the first named has been pronounced almost as soft and light as cork, and the whitest timber in the valley. It is extremely light, can not be split, whilo at the same time it is very tough, tenacious, and will bear a heavy strain, its various qualities rendering it specially valuable for buckets, pitcters, trays, ox-yokes, and almost all kinds of water Vessels, as well as for many other purposes. Tho water or willow oak is said to bo second only to the live oak, is almost as hard when seasoned as is tho latter, and for the rim and spokes of wheels is alleged to have no suporior, while for ship building it will almost equal the livo oak in its firmness and durability. Tests have been made of the crushing capacity of this wood, and also of its transverse strength, with remarkably favorable results, the published data showing that it is one-third stronger than any white, red, or black oak, and only one-eighteenth less than live oak. 2fc K Sun. mum About one per cent of all deaths are classed as sudden. Of these four out of five are referable to causes act ing directly on the brain -and its ap pendages; one in seven to the heart; and one in seventy-five to the longs. SUCCESS IN LIFE. BlemeaU Kecesesrr t MSB Achievement of Dlstlaetloa. In a recent address before tho Georgia State Medical Association, Dr. Searcy Etatcd that the physiological conditions of success in life depend mainly upon a j vigorous, healthy action of the brain and nervous system. It follows, there fore, that the otruetural integrity and functional capacity of tho brain aro matters of tho deepest importance, and their preservation and improvement aro of vital moment. Tho author boliuves that much would bj accomplished, could wo discover the ways in which the brain capacity is increased and lowered. Tho problem is a most' delicate one, for up to a certain point the receptivity' of tho brain is directly Eroportlonal to tho strain already rouItt to bear upon its capacities. An even balance between tho brain functions is an essential elumeat The superior man must ha-o tho ability, not only to comprehend, but. in an equal dogroo, to discriminate; he mint bo able to s.-lectfor a purpose. Besides tho ability to learn, a man, to ba success ful, noeds tho power to verify his learn ing, to dt'duce his own conclusions, aud to oxueutu his purposes with persist ence. A simply erudite man is not ncce3 s.trily .successful. On tins contrary, ho is often :hc rjverso, a perfect failure, for hivjk of the saving virtue of com mon sonse. Tim e.ipaeity to receive is of tmtnll valu'j unloss it bo coupled with an ability to :i'litni, arrange and imp.irt. It fri i!i.ntly happens that a man who is simply a schohir aud noth ing elso is at an absoi'ii disadvantage in tho preseur oi an unlettered man who is blessed vith .i i inherent excel lence of capacity in tho thrco depart ments of brain action. One need not bo educated to this trait though it is tin: adslition of education to such natural gifts that brings dis tinction. It is not an exaggeration to say that many a m-.iu of eminence has had occasion to envy hid humbler asso ciates tho possession of those so-called commoner merits which would havo given his own attainments a greater availability. Naturo apparently re quires a certain amount of the concreto to maintain a mental equipoise. Tho man who can learn, reason and exe cute with equal facility possesses tho elements of success, oven though his qualities jbo of but an inferior order; whilo one who has any of thcso facul ties abnormally developed at tho ex pr 1130 of the otliors will always bo crip pled by tho nbsen.-n of tho essential features of a successful life. Scientific American. THE RIGHT TIME. The Importune of nn Apparently lasts'. nlfic-tiit Matter. Timcliivess is as important as fitness. Tho riht thing may become wrong unless it is in tho right time. Look well to the time of doing anything; thero is a timo for all things. If your wifo looks wearied r.nd worn out bo Kitr it l not the right time to tell her that lh dinner is not hot, or that tho broad is sour. Comfort her cheer her up. Use the ten thousand littlo strati- gems you were wont to handle so skill fully in tho old days to bring out tho smiles around her lips. If you are annoyed or vexed at people, just remember it is not the right time to speak. Close your mouth shut your teeth together" firmly and It will savo you many a useless and un availing regret and many a bitter enemy. If vou happen to feel a little cross and who among us does not, at some time or other? do not select that season for reproving your noisy house hold flock. Oao word spoken in passion will mako a scar that a summer of smiles can hardly heal over. If you are a wife, never teaso your husband when ho conies homo weary, from his d.iv's work. It is not tho right time. Do not ask him for expen sive outlays when he has been .talking about hard times it is most assuredly the wronjj tim. If ho has entered upon an under taking against your advice, do not seize on tiie moment of its failure to say: "I told you so! the riirlit time in fact it is nevor the for those four mono- syllables. " O. if tho people only knew enough to discriminate between tho right time and tho, there would bo less domestic uniuippines., less silent sor row and lew estrangement of heart. The greatest calamities that over shadow our lives have sometimes thoir germs in mutters as apparently slight its this. If you would only pause, reader, before the stinging taunt, or tho biting sneer, or the unkind scoff passes your lips patro just long enough to ask yourself: "Is it the rijrht time for mo to speak?.' vou would shut tho door against many a h.-art-aehe. Th world hinges on lit tl thinirs. and tiinro are man' more trivial than the riht time aud the w rong. D iplisl Weekly. A GOOD STORY. An Apecilate llluUntln;; tit.' Coarage of thrt t.-tta IVeiMcnt ttitrtloIJ. A retired army otlicer of high rank told me a new story about Gariiold'a canal days. The subject whieh brought out the story was tho question as to whether President Garfield much moral courago. The officer said: "Whether James A. Garfield had moral Murage in a high degree or not I do not know. I am suro he possessed a remarkable am untofphysical courage, and I hoard of an instunce of this while he was yet in Congress. It was ou tho Pittsburgh, Fort Wayno & Chicago road. I was coming from Chicago to Washington. As wc nearcd Fort Wayne a gentleman cam.) into tho sleeper, and, asking my permission, sat down beside mo. In tho courso of conversation ho informed nw that ho was division superintendent of tha line, and upon learning that I was going to Washing ton he asked: 'And now is Jimmy Gar tiold getting along dm?:i than;?' I told him I was acquainted with Itepresenta tivo Garfield, and he then went on to say that he had been the Captain of a canal boat in connection with which Garfield asaboj was driver. He said that Garfield was vol y brave at that time that he would relit any fellow that dared knock a chip oT his shoulder. One Saturday night, sud he, 'when we tied tno boat up to sk p for Sunday. Jimmy came to me and asked if he might not leave tho boat untl' starting time the next day, as ho wauted to go to a little town about twclvo miles off. I gave him permis sion ami away he went. The next day shortly after noon ho camo back with a pair ot'thj blackest eyes I have ever seen on boy or oan. I asked him what was the matter, and he told me thero was a boy in tho village where ho had been who blasted to a friend of his somo months previous that ho could whip Jim Gartield out of his boots, and that ho had decided that as soon as he got the chance to go to tho town he would givo him the opportunity of doing so. He had walked all that twelve miles and back again merely to tight tho boy, and I think" he whipped him. After I re turned to Washington I told Gartield this story. He laughed, but would not affirm that it was true nor deny it" Carp, in Cleveland Leader. The Mexican Government sapporta ten thousand public schools wrta a ties equal to mtrnj of ow oolltfee, MISCELLANEOUS. The copy of the first book on arith metic, of which only another copy is known, fetched the moderate sum of forty pounds at a sale in London the other day. It is estimated that fifty thousand conversations take place over the wires in New York every twenty-four hours. For each messago'thore must bo at least fire "Helios," which would mako two hundred and fifty thousand "Helios" going over tho wires daily. JT. T. Trib une. Relic-hunters are a kind of luna tics, sometimes harmless, but often otherwise, and generally foolish, their particular vanity being alliod to that of peoplo who inscribe their insignificant names upon public edifices and monu ments. Ncwburypori Herald. A tailor in Boston has completed an exceedingly expensive overcoat for a gentleman of that city. Tho value of tho coat is said to be four thousand dollars, though it is claimed that the garment could not be duplicated for a much larger sum. It coutains sixty nine Russian sable skins of the Quest quality. Boston Globe. A lady at Santa Rosa. Cal., applied to the city authorities lately for per mission to shoot rats with a rifle around her premises, which are insido tho city limits. On being asked if she could take tho life of a rat at fifty paces, she answered that sho could not, but her sister could blow a humming-bird's head off at thirty paces. San Francix co' Chronicle. Pastel paintinsr is takinsr its place amongst tho art work cultivated by ladies, l no working of it is pleasant; thero is no dLsagreeablo smell as in oil painting, no tedious waiting for tho paint to dry; one can begin or leave off as suits the fancy. Any effect can be produced, front tho most delicate trans parency of ivory to tho intense dopth and richness of oil painting. Chicago Journal. Advertising in Japan sometimes attains a height of originality ami force unsurpassed " in tho most progressive country. A bookseller of Tokio adver tises: "Books elegant as a singing girl. Print clear as crystal. Paper tough as elephant's hide. " Parcels done up with as much care as that hfstowed on her husband by a loving wife." and other advantages which, it'is strange to say, tho advertiser finds too many for languago to express.' Says "Halston" in the New York Times: "A distinguished Now York physician, having listened to tho record of a millionaire's bill of faro remarked Sointedly: 'Tho average rich man of ow York is not a 'gourmand. The food eaten on Fifth Avenuo costs less every day than that eaten on any other avenue of the city. A vast doal more monoy may bo spent for service, but food itself is eaten in less quantities and in less variety by tho rich than by the poor in New York.' " Prof. H. L. Fairchild, in a scientific locture in New York, stated that while wc always think of tho dry land as tho truo place of stability, as a matter of fact it is the ocean which forevor main tains its place and the land which is continually oscillating. Ho informed his auditors that Manhattan Island is irradually sinking, and that if thoy lived long enough they could find tho sea covering tho place With great consideration lie relieved their minds by saying that there was time enough to finish tiie lecture before the island sank. Tho president of the New York Press Club has been prcsonted with a gavel made from a large chip of tho keel of the old ship Now Orleans, which has lain in Sackett's Harbor sinco the war of 1812, when it was built to meet the St. Lawroncc, which tho British sailed into Lako Erie. Sho was nover used, however, as peace was declared beforo sho was couiploted. The gavel is turned and carved, anil a silver dol- diin extends along the handle. The lammer is mado of a bolt of Swedish iron taken from tho wood above a port hole of tho vessel. A remarkable escape from an alli gator is narrated by the Sylvania (Ga.) Telephone. A Mr. Oliver and a negro servant were out searching for hogs, and at the edge of a nond discovered a peculiar looking pile of leaves, which they poked into with a polo, when out leaped an alligator and gave chase. Mr. Oliver took to his heels across the pond on the ice, but slipped and fell, aud the dreaded reptile overtook him. Ho thought his time had certainly come, but in his desperation seized his formid able foe by tho upper ami lower jaws and held its mouth open until the negro came up and put a stick in it, thus propping its jaws apart and rendering it helpless. Ihoy then killed tho sau rian, which measured something over six feet in length. BISMARCK AT HOME. How the Man of Blood mad Iron Appeared to a Stranger. The Chancellor's wife, a tall, aristo-cratic-looking woman, with decided but pleasing features, and in an elegant though simple toilet, received each guest as he arrived with gracious affa bility. Standing close beside the open portieres, past which tho eyo glanced into the family living rooms, she was a true type of the position she holds both in home and public life. A noble wife and mother, she has faithfully stood by her husband's side from tho very com mencement of his political career. A Chicago paper declares that Bis marck's wife is her husband's private secretary! How far this statement ia true we do not pretend to say, but an old friend of the family has repeatedly told us that during the saddest time that Germany has witnessed for tho last fifty years, when Bismarck, dis heartened and dispirited, retired to his small property of Schonhausen, thero to vegetato'as a small Prussian land owner, while brooding moodily over all his grand political schemes, his wife never for a moment lost heart, but was able to inspire her husband with ever fresh courage and hope. A number of old friends and acquaintances quickly surrounded the noble hostess, whilo the remainder of the guests streamed on toward the billiard room to tho right. the windows of which look out on the street. In front of one of the sofas lies a handsome bear skin the animal was slain by Bismarck's own hand; and on a bracket stands the magnncenj vase, with the King's portrait and a view of his castle, which King William pre sented to the Prince after the wars of 1866. The crowd and theheat increased every moment. The Prince, wc were told, was in the big saloon. Hurrying thither, we saw our noble host, standing just inside the door, in animated con verso with some earlier arrivals, yet, notwithstanding, quite ready to greet every new-comer sometimes evon stretching out both hands to right and left with hearty welcome. How well and bright he looked! That was always the first thing that struck ono on seeing this man. His face, from his long country sojourn at Varzin, has re gained its healthy coloring, the eyes are no longer so deeply shadowed by the overhanging brows or tho far rowed forehead of last year, his hair is of that light Saxon hue which defies both time and impertinent curiosity, and the figure is as firm and upright as the youngest man there present. On this evening he also wore his fa vorite and most comfortable dress thai Is, vntform, bat not in strict accordance with ndft4kM.C!tfMferr JtmnuU. THE BEST boou ever hftowed Ui'oii nan Is perfect health, and the true way to injure health I to purify your b!ood with Atei'a Sawa pariHa. Mrs. Eliata A. douh. ai Arling ton st., -Lowell. Mas., writ: "Ercry winter and spring rov family, including myself, um sorersl boUlcs of Att' Sar aparilla. Experience has convinced mo that, a a powerful Blood purilier. It U very much superior to any other preparation of Sarsaparilfcu Alt person of xcrofulous or consumptive ten dencies, and especially delicate children, are sure to be greatly benefited by lu ue.n J. W. Starr, Lacoals, Iowa, write : 'For yoars I. was troebled with Scrofu lous complaints. I tried several dhTcrcnt preparations, which did mo little, If any. good. Two bottles of AVer's Sarapn rllla effected a complete cure. It Is my opinion tluu tbU Medicino li llio bet-'t blood Purifier of the day." C. E. Upton, Nashua. X. II., writes: "For a number of yuars I was troubled with a humor In my ejc, and unable to obtaui relief until I com menced uslmr Aycr's SanapariHa. I have taken acrcral bottles, am j-Kithr bone dtcd, aud bclierc It to bo ths best of blood IHiriflcn. K. Harris, Creel City, Itnnuey Co., Dakota, writes: "I Imto been an laicise sufferer, with Dyspepsia, for the past thi-M ycare. Six mouths ajo I bugan to u AYER'S Sarsaparilla It has effected an entire cure, nnd I am notr as well as cvor." Sold by all Druggbts. Price $1 ; Six bottles, $5. Prepared by Dr. J.C. Aycr A Co.. Lowell. Ha., U. S. A. tiii: OMAHA & CHICAGO O:- THE Chicago, Mmto and St. Pan! Railway. THE BEST ROUTE From OMAHA TO TXXJ EAST. Two Trains Dailj Brtwrfa Omaha Chicago, and Milwaukee, St. Paul, Minneapolis, Cedar Rapids, Clinton, Dubuque, Davenport, Rook Island.Freeport, Rockford, Elgin, Madison, Janesville, Beloit, Winona, La Crosse. And all other Important 1'olnts Kail, Northeast mid Southeast. For through tickets call on tho Ticket Ageni at coiumnus, reur.tK:i. Pullman $i.ucikks and tho PiKr Dining Cars in the World aro run on tho main linot of the dsienaje, .11 Il waakee Sc Ml. taal ly, and every attention ii ptid to pissouger by cour teous employ e of the Company.. t. Miller, General Man A. V. II. Cnrpeater, ger. Gen'I Pass. Aic't. J. F. Tascker, Asi'tOea'l Man. dee. II. Heafbrd, Ass't las. Ag't. J. ''. Clurlc, (icu'I Snp't. Feb. 17-1 LOUIS SCHREIBEK, 11 All kiids of Repairing done Short Kotiee. Baggies, Wag obs, etc., siade to order, aid all work (inar- aateed. oi Abo sell the world-famous Walter A. Wood Mowers, Bimpers, Combin ed Machines, Hairesters, and Self-hinders the best made. CrShop opposite the " Tattersall," on OH re St.. COI.UM BUS. 26-ra Denver to Chicago, Denver to Kansas City. Denver to Omaha, Omaha to Chicago, Kansas City to Chicago, Omaha to St. Louis, BIST LINE PROM WEST TO EAST! SURE CONNECTIONS LOW RATES BAOCACI CHICKED THROUGH. Through tfokets over the Burling ton Routs are for sol by tho Union Paolffo. Donvor A Rio Grand and all othar principal railways, and by all asants of tho "Burlington Routs." For further Information, apply ta any aajant, or ta P. S. lUBTI,C,lT'tAg OMAHA. XEB A book of 1M The best book for aa advertiser to eoa alt, be he expert, enced or otherwise.' llBtaofHewsBaBersandesttauLtes of the eostof adverUainsr.Tbe advertlserwho waste to spend one dollar, lads in itthela fcraatton be reqalrea. while forhini who will Invest one hundred tbonasad dollars la ad- MtlriM m. wkai la indicated Which Will test his every reqalreaieat, or cea seat to d eaaKfti ekmmgmmtOf arrjssSat sw raweaesae. lav eontoas aave oeea anat.iioat.Bald. to aar address for W WrJto to Q0. P. BOWBU. Sfe ncwsPArxK ,MtwT Blacksnutit sma Wagon HaKer mwm ltmntalna ADTSSHBIaat UNION PACIFIC LAND OFFICE, SAUL. C. SMITH, Ag't. ani 1 i EsTI have a Nro .number of improved Farms fr onle cheap. AU uniinprovod Tannin and grazing land, from $t to Su per acr. SSTSpecitl attention paid t. nuikinc flnal proof on Ilomealead and Timber Claim. t3T II having lands, to sell wilt find it to iJiclr advanta! to lf:iv. them in my ham! for 3lo. .Moncv to loan on forms. K. !1. Marty. Clvrk. ..junk Herman. ;w-lr Coliiml.n-, Nebraska. FREE LAND! -KOlt- FARMERS & STOCKMEN Inst beyond tho Nebraska PJatle River. lino on tho Tho Country Is Wonderfully Productive. (heap Lands for sale i'h the vicinity of the liTdy town of Sterliyg. Grand Openings for all kinds of Busi nets. Present population of Town 500. tiySeinl for cire nl.trx to PACKARD & KINO, '.- Sterthnr, Weld lo., folorado. ESTABLISHED IN I860. Tin-:- AVASIIIXHTOX, r.C. rjlly, ev.:.t Stindiy. Price. (j.(h) per year in advance. free. -T1IK WEEKLY MIME MUM. Devoted to general new and original matter obtained'tront the lep irtuiont of Agriculture nnd other UcpartmentH o the Government, relating to the firming aud planting interest. An Advocate or Republican principles, reviewing fearleatly and fairly the act of Controls and thn Xatioutt Adminis tration Price, 1.00 per year in advance, pobtage tree. E. W. FOX, President and Mauagor. The National Kkiuolican and the Colcmbu Journal, 1 year, fi.M. 32-x Cures Guaranteed! OR. WARM'S SPECIFIC No. 1. A Certain Cure for Nervous Debility, Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Emis sions, Spermatorrhea, and all disease!! of the genito-urinary organ.- caused by self abuse or over indulgence. Price, 1 00 per box, six boxes $5.00. DR. WARNS SPECIFIC No. 2. Per Epileptic Fits, Mental Anxiety, Loss of ilemory, Softening of the Brain, and all those diseases of the brain. Pria fl.00 per box, six boxes $5.00. DR. WARNS SPECIFIC No. 3. For Impotence, Sterility in either sex, Loss of Power, premature old age", and all those diseases requiring a thorough in vigorating of tho sexual organs. Price $2.00 per box, six boxes $10.00. DR. WARM'S SPECIFIC No. 4. For Ilcadache, Nervous Neuralgia, and all acute diseases of the nervous system. Price 50e per box, six boxes $'i50. " DR. WARNS SPECIFIC No. 5. For all diseases caused by the over-uso of tobacco or liquor. This remedy is par ticularly efficacious in averting palsy and dolirium tremens. Price $1.00 per ov, hix boxes $5.00. We Guarantee a Cure, or agree to re fund double the money paid. Certificate in each box. This guarantee applies to each of our live Specifics. Sent by mail to any address, secure from observation, on receipt of price. Be careful to mention the number of Specilic wanted. Our Specitics are only recommended for spe cific diseases. Beware of remedies war ranted to cure all these diseases with one medicine. To avoid counterfeits and al ways secure toe genuine, order only from DOWT1 Sc CHI, DRUGGISTS, Columhiw, Neb. 19-1 ReaM is Wealth! Db E. C West's Nxsts aicd Bbaii Treat- T a narantMfl mwifia for IlTStenO. DlZZI- ..-. - -. r- m.r - xi- : H il.n Namu Pro.tra.tion caused DT the I ijonramaoa, xiis, rerrou iicunuga, of alcohol or tobacco. Wakefulness. Mental Do prtaaioB.BoRaincof the Brain malting in in sanity and leadimr to misery, decay and deatB. ris-astme Old Age. Barrenness, Loss of power la either sex.ImroInntary Losses and Spermat orrhoea rsnssil brover-exartion of tko brain. selr atasaor OTer-indolgenco. Each box contains oao month's treatment. $1X0 a box, or six boxes tnrlSflCL sent by mail prepaidon receipt of pnos. WJC CFAKAXTEE SIX BOXES Toemre any esse. With each order reeeiTedbras for six boxes, accompanied with $5X0. w will seed the psreheseronr written guarantee to re faadtaa Boaer if the treatmeotdowaota&BSt eare. Gasxaateea i nedonbjby JOHN a WEST & CO., M2 W. MADISON ST., CHICAGO, ILLS., - Sole Flop's West's liver PHIs. in present given away. Send us a cents postage. i ww anu dt man you win gee , free a package of goods of large value. inai win start you in woric urn win-at once bring you in money faster t hah any thing else in America. AH about tbc f-200,000 in presents with each box. Agents wanted everywhere, of either sex, of all ages, for all the time, or spare time only, to work for us at their own homes. Fortunes for all workers ab solutely assured. Don't delay. H. IIal urrT Jt Co., Portland, Maine. S50O REWARD! laaiMib(MJimiifcaarcMfbr&ha1 w MMt cw wttfc Wf TipUlt U-r KLU. wantk m. Vmt trimly imili.1 was. TWy tw ywly wptotK-t mMkitaaaiMta. kertaM. fcNtffawwn. lrahlriaMib Imnoi u COL.M a jaTw. aCoSJ!. TTTTIVr were raoaey than at anything; II I IV ,8e by taking aa agency for " J"L1 the best selling book out. Be- jtiasers succeed graadly. None fsil.' Tanas free. aUixarr Book Co., Peru laBS, Make. 4-SJ.y General M Dei NATIONAL BEPOBLIGAN 1jU nuuT laaasssJBJSBpjiTji e wtBJ $200 v . v ? a, 'wi y - vii 3 ?jLrJ2 I Ml ii M'UIIIII II IBM IWiJil 1W JH'nl iwiiii c is?-