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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (April 7, 1886)
'Stir "i ' TV "- . . -, fc X '"JfcE -. -w 4 . , " f . ' V " -- vw-.":' ? ' v r-- -j ?-. "'- - v - - "j -JL. k j-:"- .-"-- - i 1 f c e "JZ?i UmkisMtiwl, WEDNESDAY APEIL 7. 1886. A. K. TIME TABLE. Paii. Freight. Leaves Columbus,.. 8:10 a.m. 2:00 p.m. Bell wood... 8:35 ' 2:50 " " David City .9:00 " 8:35 " " Seward 10:10 " C:05 " Arrives at Lincoln.. 11 :25 ". S:3G " The passenger leaves Lincoln at 3:55 p. m., and arrives at Columbus 7:15 p. m: 'the freight leaves Lincoln at 6 a. m., and arrives at Columbus at 1 p. m. J. . North is on the eick list. Mrs. J. B. Deleman was ill last week. J. D. Brewer iB home again from the east r Ira Mullen started for California Monday. ' School began Monday after a week's vacation. Choice sauer kraut at Herman Oehlrich & Bro's. 34 . Best paints at ruinous priceB, Co lumbus Lumber Co. 50-2-tf Baby carriages and express wag ons at Henry Gass'e. . Gentlemen's fine cassimeres for suits at Galley Bros. Miss McGatb went to Clarksville Monday of last week. Miss Mary Tschudy of Lincoln is home on a week's visit. m Wm. Walker made a business visit to Lincoln Monday. A splendid line of new style ginghamB at Galley Bros. The Western Cottago organ for sale at A. & M. Turner's. One second hand cook stove, No. 8, for sale at Henry Gass'e. 2-48-4 John Walker, Lindsay, P. O., -auctioneer, at one per cent. 42-lf Ladies' embroidered robes for summer wear at Galley Bros. Mrs. L. D. Clark and daughter startod for California Sunday. Charles Winship of Fremont, was in town Monday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. BackuB went to Duncan Tuesday of last week. Best paints in market at unheard of prices, Columbus Lumber Co. Ono of the finest lines of spring and summer goods at Galley Bros. Bkood Mares foe Sale. I havo twenty that I will sell. G.W. Elston. 4-tf A largo and select line of Swipb and Hamburg embroideries at Galley Bros. Miss Mazy Elliott has returned home from a six week's visit to North Bend. A. M. Jennings came down from St. Edward Saturday, returning yes terday. ' S. P. Ecberg has returned from Omaha, expecting to mako Columbus his home. Fou Kent. Two rooms over Chinn's drug store. Inquire of Gub. G. Bechor & Co. J. K. CalkinB, lato manager of the Democrat, started for Chadron Monday morning. John Freeman wout to tho farm again yesterday. John is a stalwart, on general principles. Gushing time for railroads, i. c., tho water gushes from under the ties as tho trains pass over. Theodoro Wandel came up from . Omaha Saturday for his furniture. Ho likes his position at Omaha. A communication on connty mat ters and one on Sam Jones's quitting tho use of tobacco go over to next week. A select lino of silk embroidered Newport scarfs, all colors and shades, prices $3.50 to $10 each, at Galley Bros. ' Loans on Heal Estate at lowest rates and most favorable terms. No delay. Inquire at First National Bank. 35-tf Mrs. Ed. Jenkins of Kalamazoo, Madison county, accompanied by her son Lee, is visiting her father, A. C. Tomer. Carl Kramer has taken the con tract of keeping tho Journal office towel clean onco a month during the ensuing year. The Journal is on sale, each week, at the book and news stores of . D. Fitzpatrick and R. Hartman, at 5 cents a copy. Miss Nettie Van Alstine has closed her school near Genoa, and is having a visit at home with her friend Miss Bell from Norfolk. Elmer Sheets, ouo of the live teachers of Colfax county, was in town Saturday. He reports a build iBg boom for Schuyler. Next Sabbath, Rev. O. V. Rice Will preach on the subject "Man," in the morning, and in the evening will begin a series of sermons. Mrs.Geo. Barnhart received a box of California oranges from her- father Guy C. Barnum; they were extra good, as we happen to know. Next Sabbath evening "Rev. J. L. St. Clair will preach upon The Fast Young Man postponed from last Sabbath week on account of illness. L. C. Taylor has had bills struck off by the Journal job department for a stock sale at his premises 14 miles northeast of Creston, April 10. A stock of stationer's articles for -ale cheap or exchange for land or cattle. Call on or address Journal, Columbus, Neb., soon. The Kramer's are receiving the first iastallmeBts of their new spring mm& summer goods. Louis returned from the east last Friday. A. Smith, boot and shoemaker. Repairing neatly done. Work solic ited. Half-soling 75 cents, at Hem pieman's store, Eleventh st 34-tf Columbus school district, has 1017 children of school age, as against 915 last year, according to Milton Spate, who ku jaat eomnlotod tho r- s. A Card. ' We have received jourspring stock of dress goods, carpets, hosiery, laces, etc, and'respecttully csk you to come and' inspect the same. Our prices are such as will induce you if in need of anything to purchase of us. "We can duplicate Chicago and New York prices on anyiuing you wish. Orders by miil promptly and carefully at tended to. C. & L. Kramer. John Elliott was at Omaha last week on a visit. He reports Omaha as having increased wonderfully since ho resided there, several years ago. W. B. Backus gave us quite a pleasant visit last -Saturday. He re ports everything lovely at Jackson where he and family have been visiting. Wo have received 25 ladies New market?, spring styles, which we will sell at $5.00. They are really worth $10.00. Come and get one. C & L. Kramer. The communication concerning the West Creston school exhibition got side-tracked in the Journal office, for which wo apologize to all concerned. Any one interested in knowing tho whereabonts of Rev. E. L. Sher man, formerly of this city, will be gratified to know that his post-office is Oneida, Illinois. Mr. Jaeggi and Mr. C Kramer of the railroad committee will go to Fre mont in answer to a telegram received today from E. B. Hall of the Chicago & Northwestern R. R. As fine a lot of gentlemen's shoes as were ever brought to town can be seen at Galley Bros. The celebrated Emery shoe is among them, $3 a pair, a calf shoe, warranted. 7-45-tf The Wilberforce Concert last evening at the Opera House, was well attouded and the performance was of a superior order. Democrat-Ncics, Xenia, O., Oct. 24, '85. Mrs. Phillips of Elkhorn, and Mrs. Wilkinson of Blair, Neb., mother and aunt of G. W. Phillips, arrived in the city Saturday last and will visit Walter's family during the week. Louis and Julius Phillips, while huuting Saturday killed 130 ducks in five hours, 24 of which got away, being only wounded. This beata Bisflcll and Arnold's last fish story. Fred. Matthews went overland last week to Norfolk with the stal lion "Curly." The horse was shipped from there to Cbadron, and then taken to Col. M. Whitmoyer's ranch. Money to loan at once and with out delay on real estate, in large or small amounts, on timo to suit. Promptly, quietly and at the lowest possible rates. Apply to Gas. G. Bccher & Co. 19-tf Ed. North goes to Valentino this morning to take a position in the Receiver's office there. The patrons of that office will find Ed. courteous, capable, honest and faithful a young man to be trusted. March 4th, J. F. Scbure, super visor for Burrows township, lost his dwelling and most of its contents by fire, caused from a lamp. Loss on house $250; on furniture, etc. $100, covered by insurance. Wo will not 6ay that no house in Omaha, Lincoln, Chicago or New York can equal us in tho style of job work, but we will say that we have dono work for Chicago gentlemen and gave them excellent satisfaction. Chas. H. Sage, who for the past two years has been the popular pas senger conductor on the B. & M. run between Columbus and Atchison, has, we learn, been promoted aud will take chargo of "the station aB agent at Endicott. W. C. Austin, coupler, and F. E. Parkington, leader in the Fitzgerald Hose Team of Lincoln, wero in the city Friday of last week, returning home Saturday. The first named gentleman U a brother of James Austin of this city. Herman Natenstedt has removed his blacksmith and wagon maker shop to 13th street, cast of Abt's barn, where ho will bo pleased to meet all his old customers and as many new ones as he can accom modate with good work and fair prices. A business letter from Hon. John Kerr, of Carbon, Wyoming, contains a line in reference to O. H. Archer, formerly of the Journal force, viz, that he is doing well on his ranche at Elk Mountain, Carbon county. Mr. Archer is very much pleased with the country. Elsewhere oar readers will find the professional card of Judgo-Sulli-van and J. G. Reeder, Esq., attorneys. These gentlemen aro well known to all our local readers as thoroughly capable and trustworthy. Business entrusted to them will be promptly attended to. Nicholas Blascr, father of John, Nick and Fred Blascr, of this county, died on the eleventh of lat month, at his residence in Aarwangen, canton of Berne, Switzerland, at the ago of 91 years. He was a man of cheerful disposition and very much liked by his acquaintances. ' " The entertainment given" by tho Wilberforce Concert Company at Shoemaker's Hall on Tuesday even ing was highly appreciated by .a crowded house. ' The singing wa$ splendid and the elocutionary exer cises by Miss Brown were above the average. McLednsboro (JW.) Leader. JTo.12,1885. The Republicans of the different wards of the city met Saturday at 4 p. xa., and selected delegates to the city convention, as follows: 1st ward, Wm. Walker, John Hoffman, W. A. McAllister, W. M. Cornelius; 2nd ward, H. J. 'Hudeon, M. H. White, B. R. Cowdery, Henry Ragatz, M.,'K. Turner;. 3d ward, J. Rasmus am, J. E. Ifoncrief, M. Wbitmoyer, J. M. Macfartand, J. G. Boutson, W. B; BaekM, 6m. Locknor. ' The Elect! We give the election returns so-far as the different clerks could remem ber. The official canvass will be made tomorrow evening, and next week we will complete our table. Carl Kramer is the, next mayor and Mr." Hughes has been- added to the number already in the conncil, which, with the re-election of Col. Wbit moyer, makes the conncil republican, four to two. It is but justice to L. A. Clark to say that he did not know of his nomination until the morning of the election, and that, running against a very strong man, and with out effort on his own part, he yet was not the worst defeated man that run. The school board remains as it was. Mr. Cowdery continues as police judge and J. G. Routson will do the surveying for the city. ; ft. S a c g. 3 OFFICE " " : and- a 5s : s CAXDIDATK. ? J, ; ; p. Mayor D. Schupbach, d 103 77 18198 Carl Kramer, r 59 86103248 60 S.C.Gray.p 7 Clerk David Dowty,d 116108 56280119 H. J. Hudson, r 43 53 65 161 Wm. Tyrrel, p 11 Treasurer J. B. DelBman.d 121115 47 283137 L.A.Clark, r 35 46 65 146 II. Murdock, p 14 Engineer J. G. Boutson, r 48 65 E. A. Gerrard, p 12 Police Judge JohnRickly,d 68 27 27 122 . J. C. Cowdcry, r 8213179 292170 John Hammond, p 12 Councilmen Louis Schwarz, d 109 60 J. H. Galley, r 49 JohnWalgraff, p 11 I. Gluck, d 25 Hugh Hughes, r 133 108 L. MSaley, p 43 31. Wbitmoyer, r 78 C. G. nickok, p 35 Members School B'd J. X. Taylor, d 63 76 25166 C.A.Speice.d 64 79 22165 W.A.McAllister,r.... 48 62 64174 Julius Rasmussen, r-... 31 54 59144 In tbo table, "d," ur" and "p" stand, respectively, for democrat, republican and prohibition candidates. Tho AlUlett Ivrc,e Case. Our local readers will remember that Byron Millett, Esq., formerly of this city now of Denver, has been en gaged in a law snit against his wife for divorce. The result is told, thus, by the Tribune' Republican of the 28th ult. : The long-contested and much-talkcd-about Millett divorce case came to an end in the Superior Court yesterday by the jury a verdict awarding a divorce to Mr. Millett and denying Mrs. Millett's claims. The jury was out about two hours, and the verdict was not at all unexpected. Mrs. Millett brought the suit for divorce, alleging all sorts of mis demeanors against her husband, the disgusting details of which have beon given to the public in one way or another. Mr. Millett denied these charges in toto, and filed a cross-bill in which he asked that tbo divorce be granted to him instead of to hia wife. One of the points in the cross-bill was that his wife was the mother of a girl child, born to her nearly ten years ago, and that she had rcpie sented to him (Millett) that this daughter was her younger sister. Of these facts, he claimed, he did not know until his wifo began proceed ings against him. The evidence went to disprove Mrs. Millett's charges, and to prove the allegations made by Mr. Millett, and the jury had no hesitancy in finding a verdict for him. A result of the trial will be to transfer certain property, heretofore held by Mrs. Millett, to the possession of Mr. Millett. When they wero married, Mr. Millett bought a nice little home, and furnished it. When Mrs. Millett applied for alimony, Judge Rogers gavo her possession of the property, which was then bringing in a rental of $40 per month, until such time as the case was finally determined. The property will now go to Mr. Millett. Tho annual meeting of the Platte County Bible Society was held at the Congregational church last Sunday evening. Rev. G. W. Wainright and Rev. Stuart of Hastings, were present, besides Revs. St. Clair, Rice and Lit tle. The following officers were elect ed: J. W. Little, president; Anna C. Turner, secretary; R. Hartman, treasurer. After which Rev. Wain right delivered an excellent sermon. Since the last annual meeting, there have been $39.63 worth of bibles dis posed of. Otto Kumtner tells us that Wed nesday night of last week at 12 o'clock, as tho folks wero leaving the West School Honse on Platte Island, a very brilliant meteor, apparently tho sizo of the full moon, shot across tho heavens from southwest to north east, bursting into a thousand pieces at about thirty degrees from the horizon. No sound was heard, .so that the moteor must have been a great ways off. The Aatl-E.lceasw Ticket. Saturday evening at the office of John Hammond, Justice of the Peace, the following ticket was placed in nomination : For mayor, S. C. Gray ; clerk, Wm. Tyrrell ; treasurer, Hud son Murdock; police jndge, John Hammond ; city engineer, E. A. Ger rard; councilmen 1st ward, John Walgraff ; 2d ward, L. M: Saloy ; 3d ward, C. G. Hickok. State Alliaace Ceaualttee. Tho chairman of the committee has issued his circular appointing Jbis city as the next place of meetinir for -the committee, and April 14th as the day. J. Burrows, president of the' State Alliance, will also be present The committeemen of Platte county aro D. L. Bruen, X. Oleson, of Cres ton, and W. A. McAllister. The Madison Chronicle men are trying to unravel the mysteries buried in the earth. They state it in this way : A skeleton was unearthed the other day with a 'small copper coin in one hand. The remains of an editor, most likely, who. tried to take his wealth along with him." Mistaken, gentleman, tho coin is too largt. Reported for the Joubnal for the week ending last Saturday,' by Gus. G. Becher & Co : Ellen Sheehan to: John Flakus, $1000; w H nw Ji, 82, 17, lwSO acres. C. B. & Q. K. B. to A. F. Winell, $040; e K? h 19. Wf l6 acres. Gottlieb Born and wife to Otto Born, $1500; w Jf ne Ji, se & ne Ji, and ne tf, se Ji, 10, 20, 3w, 160 acreB. Thomas D. Boblson and wifo to Theodore Bipp, $100; part.sw Ji, no Ji, 24,20,2w. John F. Miller and wife to Samuel C. Smith, $75; part lot 6, block 84.. O. X. & B. H. B, B. to Dr. Wm. Ed wards, $125; lot 4, block 7, aud lot 2, block 13, Platte Center. James B. Devino and wife to William Ylzzard, $2000; ne , 20, 19, 4, 1G0 acres. Daniel J. Foe and wifo to Hiram F. Candy, $1000; w J$, Be Ji, 28, 19, lw, 80 acres. C. B. & Q. B. B. to ArnoIdDanven, $480; se J,3, 20, 2w, 160 acres. S. A. Bonesteel and wife to O. X. & B. H. B. B., $1050; undivided H out lot 7. Johntickly to Chas. Schrocder, $240; north i lots 1 and 2, block-97. John C. Bansdell to S. M. Bansdell, $1; n Ji lots 7 and 8, block 153. O. X. & B. H. B. B. to Joseph W. Lynch, $125; lot 3 and 4, block 8, Flatte Center. O. X. & B. H. B. B. to C. C. Carrig and J. W. Lynch, $50; lot 6, block 8, Platte Center. O. X. & B. H. B. B. to Eliza Craighton, $90; lot 4, block 1, and lot 1, block 2, Platte Center. Engclke Buss and wife to J. F. Hob bonsiefken, $2000; sw Ji,30, 19, le, 160.74 acres. Mary Strasaer to George Cielocha, $20; lot 1, block 18, Jacksou. M. T. Barlow et. al. to Mary Hays, $1; lots 7 and 8, block 13S. Elizabeth PhillipB and husband to Mathias Engel, $435; lot 1 and 2, block 160. 8. L. Sturtcvant and wife to Emma W. Geer, $700; lots 16 and 17, block' B, Co lumbia Square. Wm. Bucher and wife to Louis Held and Albert Klug, $1200; part lot 7, block 65. Thos.Ottis toF.M. Cookingham,?150; lot 8, block 10, and lot 1, block 9, Ottis' 4th addition to Humphrey. Gus. Connell and wife to Harry New man, $225; lot 6, block 112. Harry Xcwman to John Hempleman, $200; lot 6, block 112. F. F. Greeno to Bcnj. F. George, $100; lot 2, block 23S. John L. Xelson to John Blomquist, $1500; sw Ji, 18, 20, 4w, 148.39 acres. Joseph H. Hughes and wife to Andreas Petersen, $1600; se , sw J, and aw K, se iy 9, 18, 2w. Joseph H.Hughes and wifo to Carstea Petersen, $700; nw i, se iy 9, 18, 2w. Bertha Wemlorff to C . G. Wcndorff, $1; e i, and nw J, 35, 19, 3w. Mepabllcaa City Coaveatiea. Mot pursuant to call, electing M. K. Turner chairman, and W. B. Back us, secretary. Tho roll of delegates was then called and found as printed elsowhere, except that W. M. Corne lius was represented by proxy, J. W. Early. The ward delegates announc ed candidates for councilmen as fol lows: 1st, J. H. Galley; 2d, Hugh Hughes ; 3d, M. Whitmoyer. On motion of J. E. Moncricf, a com mittee waB appointed to moet a like committee from the Democratic con vention, then in session, and a6k them to nominate one member of the school boardfrom each party. The chair appointed as such committeo of con ference J. E. Moncrief, Henry Ragatz and Wm. Walker, who, after being out a short time, reported that the Democrats agreed to appoint a liko committee in a short time. The following ticket was then plac ed in nomination : For mayor, Carl Kramer ; clerk, H. J. Hudson ; treas urer, L. A. Clark ; city engineer, J. G. Routson ; police judge, J.C. Cowdery. At this point, announcement was made that the Democratic convention had nominated two candidates for school board. The convention then placed in nom ination W. A. McAllister and Julius Rasmussen as candidates for school board. A central committee was appointed, consisting of H. P. Coolidge, B. R. Cowdery and J. E. Moncricf. Weather Report. Review of the weather at Genoa for the month of March, 18S6. Mean temperature or the mo deg's 28.95 Mean do of same mo. last year-dog's 33.59 Highest tempcraturo on the 23d, degrees 61 Lowest do on the 10th dogs below zero 7 Ordinarily clear days 11 Very cloudy days 18 High winds days 4 Calm days 12 Xumber of days on which rain fell 8 Inches of rain and melted snow 2.82 Do of same month last year 0.34 Inches of snow tor the month 34.60 Do of same month last year 4.45 Snow on ground at tho end of month, 8 inches. Prevailing winds S. E. to N. E. Thunder and lightning on the overl ing of the ISth. Extcnsivo prairie fires on tho 23d. Cranes fly north on the 26th. Heavy storm of snow from north east commencing on the 3d and con tinuing for CO hours, the heaviest fall (18 inches) in the last ten years, and until I had examined my records I thought it to bo tho heaviest since my residence in Nebraska, but I find that the snow storm of April '13 to 1C, 1873, was deeper (20 inches) and more destructive in its effects, the water in streams larger than the Beaver, was completely absorbed, so that there was no flow for more than a week. On the 16th tho ice in the upper Loup commenced breaking up, fol lowed by gorges and consequent rise of water ; on the 17th the lower por tion of the city of Columbus was flooded and a considerable part of the wagon and railroad bridges carried away. Dr. Pewers, Deatist. Teeth extracted without pain. The Dr. will make his celebrated $20 npper sets of teeth for $15. These sets are of superior workmanship and contain two gold fillings. Call on the Dr. if you want good work. In office every Monday, over Ernst & Schwann's. 39tf Fer Meat. The store building known as the u Sheehan Saloon," near the U. P. depot ; also the Bar Fixtures. This is a fine chance for a live man. It is the oldest saloon stand in Columbus. In qnire of Backer to Co. ' 47-tf West Creates School; Ed. Journal : Permit me through your excellent paper to return my thanks to the parents and scholars of tho West Creston school for their kindness to me during tho past ternr of school.' I came among them tho first of last December, a perfect stran ger, but made many happy acquain tances for whom I shall always cher ish the kindest regards. I found them, indeed, a very kind and 'gener ous people. I closed my school at this place Thursday, Feb. 25tb, and on Tuesday evening, March 2d, 18S6, we gave an exhibition which was well attended and the best of order was observed throughout the entire performance, for which wo. aro thank ful to those present. This speaks well for a community and for the school. The following is tho program of the exhibition which was well ren dered: Song, D. I. Clark, James Brown and others ; declamation, Chas. Devcny, "Give the little boys a chance"; declamation, Freddfo and Maud Wescott ; dialogue, "Don't want to catch it," Gus and Ida Schroeder; declamation, "Fritz and I," L. E. Ed dy ; declamation, "The kicking mule, 01 ga Schrocder; song, D. I. Clark and others; dialogue, Keeping your eyes open, Delbert Wescott and Geo. Fulton ; declamation, Tbo fool's com plaint, Ida Schroeder; dialogue, Tho boys conundrum, Cbarlio and Ida Devcny ; declamation, The five dolls, Olga Schroeder; song, D. I. Clark, and others ; dialogue, Tho evil there is in it, Clyde Clark and Henry Geotz; declamation, Tho house maid, Ida Devcny ; dialogue, Tho cookiug cup, Misses Amber Clark, Mabel Wescott and Libbie Belknap; declamation, The taffy pulling, Guy Clark; dia logue, Darby and Joan, Miss Ettie Fnlton and Messrs. F. E. Davis and Alva Wescott ; declamation, A catas trophe, James B. Miller; dialogue, The letter, Sidney Potter.aud George Fnlton; declamation, The beggar's petition, Dennis J. Bice; dialogue, Watermelon pickles, Ettio Fulton and Delbert Wescott; declamation, Two pictures, Oipha Belknap; dialogue, Why ho was not afraid, John Fulton and Mcrton Sage ; song, D. I. Clark and others; declamation, Lament of Jacob Gray, Jack Swezey ; dialogue, The Irish servant, J. L. Lake and D. J. Bice; declamation, Little boy's lecture, Charlie Devcny; dialogue, The no nothings, D. J. Bice, Alva Wescott, Willie Fulton and J. L Lake; select reading, Meston Sage; dialogue, Tho school marm with a wart on her nose, Mi6scs Minnie Beyer, Eliza Belknap; declamation, Woman's work, John Fulton ; song, The bull dog, John and Lewis Scud der, D. I. Clark and W. H. Dean ; dialogue, The old country aunt's visit to the city, Misses Eliza Belknap, Ettio Fulton, Minnie Beyer and Sie Allison ; declamation, Not made that way, Charlie Devcny ; dialogue, Aunt Betsey's beau, Misses Mabel Wescott, Libbio Belknap, Amber. Clark aud Minnie Boyer and Guy Clark and J. L. Lako; 6ong, Hear dem bells, Miss Eliza Parks and Messrs.- J. F. Parks and James Brown ; song, Good night, Misses Eliza Parke, Minnie Beyer and Mr. J. F. Parks. J. L. Lake, Teacher. St. Edward. The new Presbyterian church is nearly completed and wili bo an orna ment to our sainted city. L. C. Thompson and II. C. Stevens expect to start for Dawes county on the Gth or 7th, to locate if tho country Buits them. Mr. Ed. Case and several others from our midst are taking advantage of tho railroad war, aud aro going to California. Miss Viola Abbot, tho juvcuilo music teacher of St. Edward, gavo a concert with her class at the M. E. church April 1st. It was a success, reflecting much credit on Miss Abbot as a musician and teacher. Bishop W. X. Nindc will dedicate tho new M. E. church at Genoa, Sun day, April lltb, and a very large at tendance is expected, as tho opportu nity of hearing ono of tho twelve bishops of tho-M. E. church, repre senting a membership of nearly two millions, is very rare in this part of the west. As several havo asked tho result of M. J. Thompson's trip cast in 6carch of his mother's friends, wo would 6ay after making a careful inquiry, ho found one uncle and family, ex-Senator Warren at Lnbarp, Indiana, who gave him all the information desired, and ho had the pleasuro of visiting with his mother's sisters, who had lost all trace of him fifteen years ago. On March 25tb, as per announce ment, "Tho Afflicted Family" was played before a largo andienco in Hardy's Hall, and to say that each ono played their part well is no more than juBt to them. Miss Clark as "Betty, the Servant Girl," was irresistible and her song, "Tho Servant Girl," com posed by Mrs. "Dishcr, was loudly cheered aud encored. We understand tho troupe havo had invitations to visit several of our neighboring citios. X. DiMtrict 1 aid Vicinity. n. H. Tnttle of Sterling, Ills., stayed over Sabbath with Squiro Drinnin. Miss Annio Hogan of Upper Shell Creek is visiting her sister Mrs. Mary Sheedy, arriving Friday. Luko Killorau is making arrange ments to move on his claim, in the southwest part of the state aud im prove tho same by breaking, plautiug, otc. Our best wishes go with you, Luke. At tho school meeting Monday COLUMBUS LUMBEE COIFT 4 . Will Save Ton FIRE INSURANCE, 1REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENCY, FTE1 fBT RAGATZ, Agent. I represent a number of aa food and reliable Inamranot Companion aa can be found anywhere, and would respectfully ask lor a share of the patronace of tho public. HENHYBAGATZ, 11th Street, Columbus, Nob. WERMUTH & BGETTCHER, DEALERS IN Heavy and Shelf Hardware, Stoves and Tinware, Pumps, Guns and Ammunition. The Celebrated Moline Wagon Sold Here. BEKGER & STURGEON Wish to announce to the Merchants of Columbus and surrounding country that tbcv havo added to the BKOOM BUSINESS formerly carried on by Mr. lierger, a stock o'f WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, Which they will sell as CHEAP AS ANY HOUSE WEST OF CHICAGO. ES"In spection solicited. lOmarSiuo Henry Krugger was his own suc cessor to the ofBc9 of moderator. After the meeting opened the director refused to act as clerk, whereupon a point of order was raised, the chair not being willing to rulo. A motion was put and carried, giving tho direc tor permission to call some person to tho clerk's chair who could write, after which everything went on lovely. Our winter term of school closed March 25th. Declamations and essays from tho scholars were well rendered. Remarks "for the good of the order," wero mado by Mr. J. H. Drinnin and Mr. L. Byrnes, Sr., and a touching farewell address from the teacher to his scholars. Mr. J. Man ahau who has just finished a success ful term of fivo months, has becu em ployed by tho school board to teach the summer term of three months, commencing April 12. Tho board considered his services indispensable, and so continue him in tho good work. Best la the World. Ottumwa Lily Corn Starch has been brought to tho highest attainable quality by employing the best skill and scientific aid that money can fur nish. It is the most strengthening and health-giving food now before the public, and is especially recommend ed for children and invalids. Every package guaranteed strictly pure. Remember and ask your grocer for Lily Corn Starch. BIRTHS "mttleoi 4th '86, a daughter. MARRIED. SMITH GILBERT At the residence of the bride's parents, in Laconia, N. 11., Feb. 24th, 'S6, Mr. V. J. Smith of this citv and Miss Annie Gilbert, of Laconia, N.'H. The happy couple took qnito an ex tended trip throngh Canada and arrived hero a week ago where they intaud making their luture home. Tbo Journal wishes the newly married couple a long and happy life. LOCAL NOTICES. I Advertisements under this head live cents a line each insertion. Hides, pelts, wool aud poultry, highest price paid. OfBco at Jaeggi & Schupbach's old stand. T. Keat ing. 30-tf Wm. Schiltz makes boots and shoes in tho best styles, and usc3 only the very best stock that can bo procured in the market. 52t For good young breeding stock of all kinds, call at Bloomingdalu stock farm. A. Hcnrich, Platte'Ccnter P. O., Neb. 30-tf Itad Tor Male. 120 acres in Platto Co., 25 acres broke. Address D. It., care of Jour nal office. 4-tf Tree Tor Sale. Asb, Boxoidcr and Catalpa. In quire of Fred. Stcnger, 1. mils' cast of Colnmbus. 49-3p Waated. Stock to herd at Rowo Ranch, six miles west of Columbus. 49-2p A. T. Rowe. The Heat Roller Gate Hi age la the World. Every farmer should use them. Sold by D. Anderson. 22-tf Potatoes. Five hundred bushels early Ohio potatoes for sale at 50 cts. a buhhel nt my hemse, three miles west of Colum bus. Good for seed. 49-2p Patrick Murray. deed Paatare. I will take cattle and horses for my pasture, miles west of Platto Cen ter. Halt section fenced. Good well water. Horses 75 cts. a month, and cattle $1.75 for the season. 49-3p Exemerc Secut. THE Money . Get Prices 20-tf BEK6EK Sc NT UK GEO. A We. 1 Farm fer Sale, Containing 240 acres of choice land, 5 miles southwest of Huraphroy, in this conntv. TprmR rpannnfihln. Vnr fnr. thcr particulars inquire of orddress r. Keating, uoiombus, .Nob. 4-tf POWELL housi; rLATTE CENTER, NEB. Just opened. Special attention given to commercial men. Lias a good sample room. Sets tho best tablo. Give it a trial and bo convinced. SO-Sino for Meat. Two hundred acres No. 1 land, good for corn or oats. Wili furnish everything and givo one-third of crops, or ronter furnish everything and I take one-third. 49-2p Pathick Mdrhat. Take. Not ice! All accounts not settled with us, either by cash or nolo immediately, will bo put in an attorney's hands for collection. We mean business. PIcaso call and settle. Carbig & Lynch, 46-tf Platte Center. Oerauta lasaraace Ce. This Company represented by Clark & Tato of Humphrey, settled my claim in full, twenty days after my loss. I would rocommond them to the people of Platto county as prompt, courteous and ready to fulfill all agreements. lp J. F. Schoke. Bersjer St Stargeoa Wish to announce to the merchants of Columbus and surrounding coun try that they havo added to the Broom Business formerly carried on by Mr. Berger, a stock of Wood and Willow Ware, which they will sell m cheap as auy house west of Chicago. In spection solicited. 47-tf Berger & Sturgeon. FOREST TREES!! I'cr Thousand. White Ash $150 Box Elder 1 75 WhiteElm 1 300 Sycamores 3 00 Soft Maple 2 50 Lyndon (Basswood) Catalpa 5 00 48-4t John Tannahill. Herd Notice. W. T. Kicklv & Bro. will have charge of the Rickly ranch, south of the Loup river this season, and will take all the cattle and horses they can get for the season at reasonable rates. This is one of the Guest stock ranges in the west, living water and plenty of shelter. Special rates to parties having 50 head aud npwards. Call on or address, W. T. Rickly & Bro., Butchers, Columbus, Nebr. 48-4 to Veha Hetapleaiaa! For your Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes and Groceries. A few of his low prices are here given : Arbuckie's or any other pack ago coffee, 15c each or 7 for. .$ 1 00 Climax, Spearhead or other plug tobacco, per lb 45 Soda or saleratue, 4 papers fdr. . 25 Soap, usually Bold 4 for 25c, at 5c per bar, aud regular 5c bars, C for 25 Matches, 25 boxes for 25 Salt, per barrel 1 75 Starch, all kinds per package. . . OS Scrubbing brushes 10 A good winter cap 25 Gloves and mittens, from 25c upward, and everything else cheap in propor tion. 11th street, next door west of Ruscbe's harness shop. 3S-14t Red Clover, Timothy, Red Top, and Blue Grass Seed ATT Herman Oehlrich & Bio's. Grocery Store. IG-:lm NO HUMBUG ! But a Grand Success. RP. BRIGH AM'S AUTOMATIC WA- ter Trough for stock, ne refers to every man who has it in use. Call on or leave orders at George Yale's, opposite Ochlrich's grocery. 9-Cm before Buying imOV UJUTJaVJaX LIFE INSURANCE CO. Or Claclaaatl, hie. John Davie, President. . P. Marshall, Secretary. Assets ver $2,250,mt. Issues the popular Life Bate Endow ment Policy. tvar ann nnn anlrf in Nebraska ! the pnst two years,'and over 50,000 ia'Co 1UEBDU8. Also makes loans on Real Estate oa Ion;; timo at a low rate of interest. For terms apply to - ' M. D. THURSTON, Special Ag't. Offick: At Journal Sanctum, Co lumbus. Xebr. 40-tf . GROCERIES, Crockery and Glassware You will always find a FRESH and well selected stock. Fancy Groceries an 4 Urn Teas a Specialty. Wo handle tho colebrated Ceflrt ills Floor aMM Highest market prloo paid Tor country produce. City orders delivered free of charge. ISTTclephonc No. 26. FROM & WAKE, Klereata Street l(Uf Celaataam IVea. COLUMBUS MARKETS. Our quotations of tho markets arc ob tained Tuesday afternoon, and are correct and reliablo at the time. GRAIN, AC. Wheat CO Corn in car 16 Cornshellcd 18 Oats new 16 Oats (white) - 18 Rye 30 Flour 2400800 I'KODUCR. Butter, 1012K E?gB, 8(8110 Potatoos, new 33030 MKATS. Shoulders, 10 Sides, "10 LIVK BTOCK. FatHogs 36003 80 Fat Cattle "7004 00 COAI" . r nn Iowa ?5 00 Hard 14 CO " Rock Springs nut " " Rock Springs lump " J M Carbon 00 Colorado 6 0 Mite Marl Works! BEARDSLEY& JEWELL, Proprietors. UOSniEHTS, BSASSTQSES, STC, ETC. ISfThK being the only shop in Platte county whure any carving or engraving is done, wc ai-e,of course, enabled to give better general satisfaction than any agency. 11th St., south of U. P. Depot, COLUMBUS, - NEBRASKA. SPEICE & NORTH. General Agents for tho Sale of REAL ESTATE. Union Pacific, and Midland Pacific R.R. Lands for sale at from $3.00to10.00 per acre for cash, or on live or ten years timo, in annual payments to suit pur chasers. We have also a large and choice lot of other lands, improved and unimproved, for sale at low price and on reasonable terms. Also business and residence lots in the city. Wc keep a complete abstractof title to all real es tate in Platto County. 621 COLUMBUS, NEB. GROCERIES! AIWAYS ON HAND A FULL AND NEW LINE OK GROCERIES WELL SELECTED. FRUITS! CANNED AND DRIED, of all KINDS GUARANTEED TO BE OF REST QUALITY. DRY GOODS ! A GOOD & WELL SELECTED STOCK ALWAYS AS CII EAP AS THE CHEAPEST, ALSO BOOTS &SH0ES ! -TUAT DEFY COMPETITION. BUTTER AND EGGS Andall kinds of country produce la. ken in trade, and all yoods deliv ered free of chary e to any part of the city. FLOTJE! KEEP ONLY THE BEST GRADES OF FLOUR. 10-tf J.B.mEEJiMA!t. a-l EcmV raaaLLBW lata! -V Apr7-tf rc rif-