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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (April 7, 1886)
j- - - . - wr".. r jrjfMi.JulSl a" tAr. vrsrr " Jfc'" -a .ipTLT'2 -,-.-. rJA. -iJjrsr -- -- V.-. -i 'jtttrtj?5- -?r. k v; w . wrji V J- - -3X ' Hrf ' ' f t-ir v j jamr"'W.,C. w . r r r . IF R g n ! fe- LrA-TT-' 4fail5ftnl WEDNESDAY, APBIL 7,1886. "Hokebt partisanship it honest cit iaenskip." Senator Spooner. Ex-Fbxsideht Abthuk's health has improved the past week. He is not yet able to leave the house. An exchange calls, upon the senate to demand the papers in the case the rumor that President Cleveland is to be married. The Nebraska City saloon keepers have all signed an agreement not to ell any liquor to any man who is known to have signed the temperance pledge. There is a very general agreement that the Secretary of the Treasury will never resume the onerous duties of his office. The strain has been too great for him, and he cannot return to it without imperiling his life. Mrs. Bruns and Miss Nina Brans, her young daughter, whose home is at Niobrara, Neb., mysteriously dis appeared from Chicago sometime last January, and have not been heard from since, nor have they put in an appearance at their Niobrara home. The President has relieved Brig. Gen. Crook from the command of the department of Arizona and assigned him to the department of the Platte. Brig. Gen. N. A. Miles, now in com mand of the department of the Mis souri, has been assigned to the de partment of Arizona. The speech of Hon. John C. Spooner of Wisconsin in the Senate March 18 and 19, on the relations between the senate and executive departments is well worthy of study by politicial students. It is a clear, logical state ment, and a patriotic protest against the position of President Cleveland. A SMALL fire occurred the other morning at Edgar, Neb., burning the house of J. P. Nelson, valued at 800. Mrs. MoBholder, tenant, suc ceeded in saving most of the house hold goods though in a much damaged condition. The prompt and heroic work of citizens prevented the fire from spreading and resulting in a disastrous fire to the town. Senator Manderson's bill appro priating $200,000 for the sale or the present site and buildings thereon of Fort Omaha and tho securing of a new site within ten miles of Omaha and the erection of buildings thereon for a twelve-company post, is likely to become a law. Omaha is growing very rapidly, her success being due to the enterprise of her citizens. A. J. Anderson, a Swede, whose body wsb found the other morning just east of Boyd's packing house at Omaha, it appears committed suicide by cutting his throat with a razor. From a ticket and papers in his possession he was on his way to Scandla, Republican county, Kansas, where he has a half brother by the name of A. P. Aspergen living. The Omaha Republican says: "Charley Mathewson has been a bank rupt for ten years. He wsb not ruin ed by cards, wine or women. He was ruined in character by a desire to make a big show on a small capital. When disclosure became immanent he departed. The wonder is that he pulled the Wool over the eyes of his friends and acquaintances so long." There are now upwards of 2,000 persons employed in the Treasury building, and investigation shows that at least one thousand visitors are in the department during the day on business. In order to provide pure sir it-is proposed to place fans at the four interior corners of the sob basement and force the fresh air up into the rooms by means of flues or pipes. The Agricultural Department at Washington City has issued a caution to farmers against the designs of a lot of impostors who are engaged in a systematic effort to impose upon them by the sale of worthless seeds. Far mers cannot be too closely upon the watch to detect bad soeds. We learn that already in several of tbe States arrangements have been made to sell and distribute such worthless seeds. Fairbdrt Gazette has this item: "We were shown an interesting relic a few days ago by Wm. Lowe. It was an issne of the first paper pub lished in Ohio, the Belmont Journal, published at St. Clairsvillo, Aug. 7th, 1819. It was a small affair and yel low with age." We have many dis tinct remembrances of events that happened at that old town. The Gazette should havo given the name of the editor. There has just been an investigation of the sanitary condition U. S. Treas ury building, and it is. pronounced deplorable and dangerous, a veritable hot bed of disease. Congress will be asked for at least $100,000 to remedy the evil. At present Congress allows $15,000 a year for repairs about the Treasury, and this sum is speedily exhausted in minor repairs, and very little can be utilized for improving the sanitary condition of affairs. The recent State Teachers' Associa tion held at Lincoln had a large at tendance, and its proceedings throngh nt were of a very interesting character. Some of the papers read ad subjects discussed showed ability si have been spoken of in the bighasi terms of praise. The paper read m the 1st inst, by Miss Hosv ford, of North Platte, received the highest praise. Jamer, Saperiatea deat of the Omaha schools, was alected president for the ensuing year, Miss Greenlee, of Richardson caaaty, recording secretary, and Miss Hewitt, of. Kearney, eorraspaading Lincoln was aeleatad as for holdiag the next ' We took occasion last week to say that according to some of onr demo cratic cotemporaries it would seem to make little difference to the business of this country what political party is in'power, and that the mere assertion of such a doctrine by them will not save democracy from the wrath of the business men. This remark has. stirred the breth ren to unwonted activity, and even our friend D. Frank Davis thinks that "Brother Moses" "never lets an opportunity to bowl slip' Of course anything said by republicans againBt she supremacy of democratic meas ures and democratic men would be regarded by "brother D. Frank" as a "howl." People generally think it does make a difference on business ; people,-gen-erally, know that when an adminis tration of this great government changes from one political party to another, it does make a difference more difference than tho mere change of paying a salary to A. or to B. Tho last democratic administration (Bu chanan) so reeked with treason that Pierce's was, by comparison (but by comparison only with Buchanan) somewhat creditable. It may suit "our brother D. Frank" to say that it makes no difference on business whether this country shall have at the head of its affairs, holding the purse of the nation, conserving all interests, determining the character of her representatives abroad, shaping the policies that lead to business pros perity or business failnre, men who are in consonance with tho progres sive spirit of tho age, or those who look backward continually, and cling with tenacity to evil methods of political action. The Journal is very much assured that the country is not in need of offi cials who think it makes no difference to the business of the country which political party is in power. It has made a difference and it always will make a difference The atmosphere of civil and religions liberty is so permeating in this country that it affects every breathing soul. The country's progress may be stayed by tho chance success of a reactionary political party, now and again, but that progress cannot bo long delayed. It will overrido all opposing' elements, and demonstrate even to blind parti sans that it does make a difference what political party is in power. The blind Chaplain of tho House of Representatives is attracting marked attention to his morning prayers these days. In ono invoca tion he denounces blood and pomp and beseeches the Lord to onable tho intelligent men and women of the land to comprehend that in this Re publican country there can be no privileged class, and that in this ago no aristocracy can be built on the fable of blood, Norman, Guelph or Ghibellene. In another he aBks God to rid tho laud of gamesters and itemizes their transgressions as gamblings in cards or dice or chips or stock, wheat or cotton. Then he conveys to tho "God of Jacob" in formation concerning the strikes and depicts the scenes of horror that may be enacted in every Capitol of Europe and America. He wanted the rich men of the world roused to under stand that the time has come for grinding monopoly to cease, and for corporations to get souls in them, consciences and' human kindness. Dr. Milburn's style of prayer recently is by no means popular with all the Congressmen. Mr. James, a member from N. Y., objected to this last petition being printed in the Con gressional Record, characterizing it sotto voce an "incendiary speech. Apropos of the organization at Lincoln of a Woman's Christian Asso ciation, the Journal remarks : "As a matter of fact, the young women who go wrong have in nine cases out of ten a better, ground of complaint against society as accessory to their failure in life than young men who go wrong. Not so many young women are thrown upon the world and their own resources for a living as of the other sex, but thousands are so thrown every year in every large city and the avenues are few and the opportunity to push their fortunes promptly are far between. A little help and encouragement from their own sex would generally preserve to society and usefulness those who now fall by tbe wayside. It is more espe cially an important work for tbe rea son that when a youug man tumbles in the ditch he is picked up, washed, renovated, and set on his feet again, society generally asking pardon for tbe ditch. When a young woman fails she isn't picked up and renovat ed to any appreciable extent and society never thinks of apologizing. Hence it is better to guard her a little in the outset." News from the great strike at St. Louis and other points up to the 30th ult. givee no evidence of an improve ment in the situation. At cast St. Louis the transfer men had joined the strike and the moving of trains stop ped. At Kansas City a train had been ditched by Martin Scow and James Noonan, two strikers, which after an exciting chase and some shooting, re sulted in the capture of both men by the officers. Noonan refused to obey the officer to hault, and he shot him in tbe leg which bronght him to a sodden stop. On the 3d, a conflict took place at Fort Worth in which three men were killed, and several wounded. The crime of drunkenness is being recognized in more states than Ne braska. No reasonable man will affirm that any one has any sort of right to get drunk, and there the ordinary citizen will draw the line. At Pittsburg, Pa., recently, Jndge Ewing, Jn reviewing a case before him, said : "The man who sells liqnor to as habitual drunkard, knowing him to be such, Ib worse to the community than a thief." When this sentiment becomes thoroughly ingrained ioto tbe better of a community, and is car ried into action, the evils of drunken aeas will be vary greatly lessened, if as The investigation of the Graham tragedy at Springfield, Mo., proceeds slowly on account of the ill health of Mrs. Malloy, one of the suspected parties, who had something to do with the murder of Mrs. Graham the first wife of George E. Graham. . Tho testimony on the 26th ult, disclosed tbe fact that Mrs. Malloy bad used her influence and finally succeeded in getting the bank officers to permit her to mako good their loss and not prosecute Graham for the forgery. The witness stated that she was very much agitated, an anxiety to shield Graham seeming uppermost. She made the statement that Graham was not in his right mind when he did it, and that there was something behind it all that drove him to commit the forgery ; that he never would be ar rested alive; that he carried poison on his person, and would commit suicide before submitting to arrest. Mrs, Malloy asked Mr. McElhaney, cashier of the First National Bank, for a private audience to be held at the bank, at which only a few of her most intimate friends were to be present. At this audience Mrs. Mal loy disclosed the fact that Graham bad a wife in Indiana when he mar ried Cora Lee ; that she was missing, and that the Malloy honsehold was being sharply interrogated by his first wife's relatives in Indiana as to her whereabouts, and that to escape this Graham had forged the checks. She aUo stated in ' this confidential in terview that Sarah Graham came of a low family, and that she could at that time be found in some bawdy house in St. Louis. The restaurant keeper where Graham confessed he and his wife took supper, testifies that there were two women in the room that evening, only one of whom took sup per, but Graham seemed to have out door interviews with the one that was deeply veiled, whom tho witness described in size aud height cor responds with Cora Lee Graham, the second wife of George E. Graham. This testimony in part discloses the theory of the state that by arrange ment that evening Cora Leo Graham, the second wife, camo in with the spring wagon to take the trusting first wifo out to tho Mrs. Malloy's premises, and was ehot in the wagon while on tbe road, and afterwards concealed in tbe old well on tbe Mrs. Malloy farm. A special dispatch from Spring field, Mo., announces the fact of tho close of the preliminary examination of Cora Lee Graham and Mrs. Mol Ioy, for tbe murder of Mrs. Graham. The justices decided that Cora Lee was accessary to the crime beforo the fact and 'that she bo held without bail, and that Mrs. Molloy was accessary after the fact and be held in $5,000 bonds. The court room was densely crowded and the decision gave gen eral satisfaction. Tbe women re ceived the final result quietly. A report comes from McCook, Neb., that the boiler in the bath room of E. P. Sharp, exploded the other morning injuring several persons and wrecking two buildings. Tho explo sion was with such violence it drove parts of the boiler up through the roof and shattered he building. The largest piece of the boiler in its de scent crashed throngh the roof of the Democrat office across the street, leav ing it a total wreck and striking and demolishing a hand press valued at $300. A terrirle tragedy was enacted the other night at Carroll ton, Miss., where thirteen negroes were waiting for their trial to commence, for the attempted assassination of James Lid dell, a prominent citizen, who was shot and seriously wounded by these colored men several weeks ago ; fifty white men rode into the town, went to the court bouse and shot ten of tbe colored men dead and mortally wonnded the other three. Mr. F. W. Bridwell, the Waco, Nebraska, school master, and Miss Mary Wellington, the pretty school girl, with whom be ran away, passed Sunday in Denver in the close com-' panionship of Detective Watrons. It is nn unfortunate affair for Mr. Bride well, his wife, and Miss Wellington, but the legal profession is puzzled to determine his offense under the law. His wifo can alone settle the question by applying for a divorce. News ISvteaw Grand Island has 26 saloons. New York City is 200 years old. In the state of Michigan music is taught iu 36 out of 221 public schools. Nearly all of the New York City aldermen of 1881 are involved in bri bery cases. Grading has been begnn at Weep ing Water on the Lincoln extension of the Missouri Pacific. A medical examining board has been organized at Norfolk for tbe ex amination of applicants for pensions. The Congregational church at Lin coln is to have a $3,000 pipe organ, 19 feet high, 17 feet wide, with 24 BtOpS. Since 1870 Alaska has paid into the United States Treasury over $4,500, 000 rental from the seal fur franchise alone. Land in Connecticut, npon which pine trees were planted a fow years ago, is now worth $100 an acre for its timber. When an aesthetic though fresh young journalist in Connecticut was married the other day his paper came out tinted with rose. The stockman who was recently murdered at the St. Paul transfer, has been identified 'as Buchanan Moore, of Attica, Ind. Christopher Columbus is teaching school at Tabor, Iowa, and William Shakespear is exponnding Blackstone some where in Michisraa. Mas. Anna C Coolidge at Boston I the other day ca'afe ad to coaaplicity in the conspiracy to murder Mrs. Mellen, jr., of Baltimore. A house on a farm six miles east of From out horned a few nights ago. There was but one occupant, a man, who was burned to death. Near Prairie due Cbien, Wis., the othor day tbe hands of two 13-year-old boys were blown off by the ex plosion of a dynamite cartridge. It is reported that young grass hoppers have appeared in great num bers in tbe Toledo (Ohio) section, and farmers are said to fear the worst. The recent high waters have been very disastrous to bridges. It is claimed that-there is now only one remaining across the Elkhorn river. A farmer in Passumpsic, Vt.. made $100 apiece from tbe milk of bis twenty-two cows la6t year, and tho same cows gave him $2,400 during 1884. The smallest man in Pennsylvania is Ellis Reinbart, of Golcsboro. He is twenty-eight years old, thirty-three inches high, and weighs sixty-four pounds. Hugh Hallett, of Lincoln, aged 7 years, had his left eye knocked out the other afternoon by a piece of barb wire thrown at him in sport by a playmate. New York City has only forty seven dwelling bouses which its flro department considers tiro-proof, seven aro apartment, and twenty oue pri vato houses. A small prairie firo did some little damage near Ogalalla one day last week. A large force of men and boys turned out and succeoded in prevent ing its spread. J. H. Linn, of Nemaha, the other day killed a gray eagle which measured six feet eight inches from tip to tip of its wings, and weighed twenty-six pounds. It is said that Dakota farmers aro making plants to grow flax for fuel this summer. It is claimed that a ton of flax straw is worth more to burn than- a ton of soft coal. Wm. Tuttle, confined in the Blair jail charged with stealing honey, broke out the other day and gave the deputy sheriff a five mile chase before he captured him. At a railway crossing at Orrville, Ohio, the other day Mrs. Yachen was killed and her husband fatally injured. Tbei.r buggy was smashed to splinters and the horse destroyed. Heavy rains and high waters flooded last week many places in Virginia, WcBt Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee and Alabama, cansing immense damage to property. Prohibition pumps are fashionable in Dcs Moines now. Worked by bartenders, beer comes out ; but letan officer of the law take a hand at the pump, and only water comes forth. The leading French newspapers take a gloomy view of the situation in the caBt. French iron-clads have been ordered placed in readiness for immediate dispatch for the Mediter ranean. Wm. C. Ackerman, of Hardin county, Iowa, attempted suicide the other morning at the Grand Union Hotel, New York. It is thought he cannot recover, as he took a fatal dose of poison. Three tombstones bearing tbe dates 1686, 1712 and 1746 respectively, were found beneath an old building demolished in Boston a few days ago. The stones were in a perfect state of preservation. Laura A. Miller, aged 19, hanged herself in her parents' houso at East Buffalo, N. Y., the other night, be cause she had been forbidden to attend a roller rink where sho used to clan destinely meet her lover. Patents have been issued to cit izens of Nebraska as follows : Sam uel and W. E. Swengel, Oakland, trace carrier; James H. Woodward, Seward, electric belt; Harvey M. Wilson, Fullerton, pipe wrench. The body of Milton Fisher, of Columbus, Ohio, was incinerated at Pittsburg the other day by the aid of natural gas, the remains being reduc ed to ashes in less than an honr, in Sampson's Natural Gas Crematory. A line of soundings recently com pleted across tho South Pacific from New Zealand to tho Straits of Magellan, by Commander Barker, U. S. N., found 3,000 fathoms near Chatham Island, tho greatest depth. A citizen of Kalamazoo, Mich., an nounces that he has built a gun that will put a ball throngh fourteeu thicknesses of boiler plate and four, feet of oak backing from a distance of fifteen miles. Isn't this a big story? W. M. Taylor, a young man, and his mother Mrs. M. T. Taylor, aged about 60 years, were arrested tbe other day at Marionville, Mo., for tne murder ot M. li. uimmocic, a yonng man, for his horse and buggy. Mrs. Timothy Hurley and daugh ter May, aged fourteen, wero burned to death the other morning in a fire that visited Bronson, Mich. Mr. Hurley and three other children were badly burned, bnt are expected to recover. A cyclone swept across a portion of Bullock county, Alabama, the oth er day and in its path struck a negro church in which a funeral was being conducted. Tho church was blown down, foar persons killed and ten badly injured. Mrs. Ebwa F. Frye, of Cincinnati, has applied for a divorce. She was married three years ago, and her hus band took her to tho theatre that night, accompanied her home and kisBed her good-bye. She has not seen him since. A new gold country is said to have been discovered by a shipwrecked French sailor in Patagonia, between the Straits of Magellan and tbe river Gallegos. Tbe man had collected from the sands a little fortune, when taken off the coast by a steamer. ' The amount of coal in the Pitts burg region is estimated by Professor 'Lesley, of the Peosylvania Geological Survey, at 30,000,000,000 tone. About 11,000,000 are now takcu rrora tbe bed, of which two-thirds" is bitumi nous coal and one-third anthracite. At Oxford, Conn., Jamus Andrews plunged a heavy uxe into the bead of Miss Elsie Williams, who rejected his suit. Ho fled after committing the horrible deed, but subsequently his dead body was fouud where he had committed suicide by taking poison. Fire has started iu tbe Rockwood, Tenn., coal mines. The fire is in three vertical drafts, aud raging furi ously. Efforts are being made to seal op all the vents to stifla tbe flames. It is feared the mines will be destroy ed. Four hundred hands aro work ing there. News from Atlanta, Ga., states that norlii Georgia and Alabama show heavy losses from freshets. Tbe rain fall in Atlanta already has been over ten inches. The rivers are flooded and great Iocs of property is reported. Every railroad leading out of Atlanta has suspended traffic. Recknt news was received at Fort Brown, Arizoua, that tho four Apache chiefs, Geronimo, Chihuahua, Nana and Natchep, with twenty-nine bucks and forty-eight squaws, had uncondi tionally surrendered o Gen. Crook- The captives wero j:.;:od in charge of Lieut. Maus, who i- now conducting them to Fort Brown. A dig fire occurred tho other rooming at Key West,-Fa., burning over fifty house including churches, halls and the San Carlos theater, together with three or four cigar factories and a bonded warehouse containing nearly a quarter million dollars worth of tobacco. It entered the business part of the city and the loss will bo very great. A number of able European scientists buvr. been engaged iu ob serving tho ppota on tho sun with a view to ascertaining whether they have any perceptible effect npon the climato of tho earth. After com paring, notes, they have come to the conclusion that, as far as thoy have been able to determine, I hey cannot say positively whether the activity of the sun, as Bbown by tho spots, mean 8 a decrease of the 6olar heat received by tho earth, or the contrary. SyMplM of the Proceed Imsn of the Hoard of MsipcrviMorM- Wednesday, March 31, '86. Board convened pursuant to ad journment All present but Hess, Olson of Walker, and Tschudin. The terijrimuon of Herman Ludtke as J. P. for Sherman Twp. was accept ed, and John Wise Appointed to fill vacancy. Henry Sassen was appointed con stable for Granville Twp. to fill vacancy. The petition for division of Lost Creek township, laid over at last meet ing, now came up for hearing. Re monstrance also presented against granting the petition. On motion, the whole matter was referred to a special committee of five. Tho petition of Klaus Hohlen and others for a public road, was on re port of committee, rejected. Bup'rs. Hess and Tschudin took a seat with the Board. The county clerk was instructed to notify the Board of Commissioners of Colfax connty that this Board intonds to lay out tbe remaining gap, in a public road on the Colfax and Platte county line, to mako a continuous public road from the north bank of the Platte river to tbe north boun dary line of said counties, and ask their concurrent action thoreon. Board adjourned until Thursday morning April 1st. Thursday, April 1st, '86. 'Board met at 9 o'clock a. m. All present bnt Olson of Walker. On motion of Snpr. Maher, tbe special committee on Court Hoose re pairs were instructed to have a stone walk laid in Conrt House yard. The special commtttee to whom was referred the subject of tolls for public grist mills, reported the following schedule, to-wit : For each bushel of wheat, gronnd and bolted a toll of one-eighth Q4), for each bushel of rye or buckwheat ground and bolted, a total of one seventh (1-7) ; for each bushel of corn or oats, or mixed grain ground for feed, a total of one-fifth (1-5). ' (Signed.) Geo. S. Truman,! J. F.Schure, Com. Martin Maher.) On motion the report was adopted. Clerk of District Court made appli cation for telephone for bis office. On motion to grant, roll called for vote, Brnen, Burke, Clark, Doody, Hudson, Hinman, Maher, Newman, Terwilli ger and Tschudin voting yes 10. Hess, Kicrnan, Olson of Ores ton, Schure, Swartsley, Truman and Weid nor voting no 7. Motion declared carried, and application granted. The Clork was instructed to procure transportation for John 0'Grady,(now in hospital in' this city,) to friends at Connor's station on the U. P. Ry. Clerk also instructed to issue a li cense to John Blaser to run a Ferry across the Loup river near Columbus, upon his paying the sunie of 12.00 and complying with certain forms of law. In the matter of the claim of Jacob Ernst, Guardian of Rosina Kuhn, for $196.39 for taxes paid ou lots 7 and 8 m block 95 in the city of Columbus, on the recommendation of the committee on claims, the same was rejected. The petition for the division of Lost Creek township was rejected with three dissenting votes, viz: Clark, Terwilligerand Tschudin. The committee on tolls to be chant ed for ferriage over the Loup river, presented the following schedule; team horses & wagon round trip 50c, Each additional team, attached to jame 25c. Single horse and vehicle - 25c. Man and horse. 20c. Loose horses, mules, asses and cat tle, each 10c. Loose hogs or sheep, each - 5c. Footmen -10c. Parcels of each, per bundle 5 to 10c. On motion same was approved and adopted. Following bills were allowed oh surplus collected of General Fund lew of year 1882: J.RMoncrief, bal. of salary for Nov., 1885 $ 24.75 Mrs. Margaret Hamer, care or hBSUS ! mtliri ii i ri r Martin Bloedorn, poll tax of '81 and '83 ,. Peter Maag. poll tax of '83 Geo. W. Galley, house rent "for Sheriff, 3 month's- L.Gluck, rent for Co.' Judge's Office, 3 month's W. J. Irwin, Corner on public W. H. Tedrow, Co. Supr., Jan'y 18.00 cod 3.00 ana February.. tifttiittti 165-60 John Wiggins, services as Snpr. 18.00 P.F.Deody, " ' " " 11.50 A. W. Clark, J' 14.80 Mrs. Carstenaen, aid donated by County 26.15 Mrs. Freese, aid for blind hus ' band 7.92 On motion Board adjourned to next regular meeting, the first Tuesday in June, 1886. Mew Eiltloa Settler dalde. Henry N. Copp, the land-lawyer of Washington, has' just issued the tenth editiou of his Settler's Guide. It is an indispensable book for all who are, or expect to be, interested in public land. Settlers will save money by purchasing it, and al! who expect to take up land should get posted on the several lawB under which land can be entered. A chapter, illustrated with numerous cuts, shows how to tell township, section, and quarter-section corners, and explains the syctem of surveys. It gives Commissioner Sparks' orders and several late decis ions and instructions, and full infor mation abont the homestead, pre emption, timber culture, dosert land, and other laws. Tho prico of the book is only 25 cents. It will tell you who ia entitled to enter laud ; how continuous your res idence must be; what improvements you must make; what affidavits you must swear tO; all abont contests and on what grounds they can be com menced ; also about State lands, stone and timber lands, mineral lands, des ert entries, saline, railroads, eoal, townsitc, and other lands ; scrip, war rant, aud other entries, &c. Its pur chase will save you money and trouble, as erroneous statements cir culated by conversation among set tlcrt may, if acted upon, cost yon a content, perhaps your land and im provements. Mr. Copp wishes to ecuro the ad dress of every Mexican war voteran aud widow. Frem Hew Hampshire. In 1863 a cancer doveloped on my lower lip. I wont uuder treatment at once, and from time to time since that have had medical aid in New Orleans, Boston and Now York, with no benefit at all. It has progressed right along, &nd now involves my jaw and cheek. One thousand dollars would not cover the loss sustained through the modical and surgical aid I havo received. I have certainly tried everything and was benefitted by nothing until I took S. S. S. It has done me more good than all else put together, and I believe I will soon be sound and well. Swift's Specific certainly a great boon to humanity. D. D. Ware, P. O. Box 1022, Keene, N. H. For sale by all druggists. Treatise on blood and skjn diseases mailed free. The Swift Specific Co., Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga., or 157 w. 23d sL, N. Y. ADDITIONAL LOCAL. lllsanmrlc TewiMhip. William Schrciber is moving onto his new farm. George Hodel sold his large team of horses last week. This country is still prospering, but news is very scarce. Tho seed-sowing boom was crushed by the late snow storm. Jacob Schwank has fitted up good sheds for his hogs and cattle. Misses Laura and Sybil Butler were out on a visiting tour la6t week. There was born to Mr. and Mrs. Louis Nounburg on the 29 tb, a flue daughter. Tho majority of the farmers of Bismark township now get the "Big Four" from the Columbus Milling Company. They say it is excellent flour, which is a credit to the Com pany and city both. John Scholz who is traveling in the interest of tbe Germania, a German paper, of Milwaukee, Wis., was in Bismark township last week getting subscriptions from all the German farmers hero. They all say it is a very interesting newspaper. This conundrum has been pro pounded by one of the geniuses of Bismark Township: Why are the snow storms in Nebraska like the speeches of a temperance lecturer? Because they are never ceasing. Let ns hear from somo more comical person. . Charlxs. Mwamt PlCaUHaatt ICOaaUU The Hopkins Brothers have rented Henry Barnes's farm. No. 47 school is running well. taught by I. Batchelor. John Johnson lost one of those line bay horses of his this last week. Bert. Devine has moved to St. Ed ward, going to run a blacksmith shop. Miss Jennie Conoell will commence her school in district No. 59 on the 6th of April. Mr. A. Northrop has been confined to the hoose for the last week with his old complaint. Mr. A. S. Stevens of Boone county has moved on tbe farm formerly own ed by M. J. Thomson. March 27th, tbe greatest snow storm for 14 years, but most of the farmers were dragging and sowing when the storm commenced. O. H. Guiles has made a large im provement on bis farm this spring, with a new frame house. A. Fiek had charge of the work. Mr. Dall loaded a oar this last week at St Edward for Dawes county. L. S. Dorman, Harry Smith and Alex. Brooks also started for the same place. Several more of onr town people expect to go soon. O. o OUIXITA!l Sc ATT0RNET8 AT LAW, Office over First National Bank, Colum. bus, Nebraska. W-tf TTEatM AI MATESTEDT, BLACKSMITH AND WAGON MAKER, 13th street, east of Abt's barn, Aprll7,J-tf OCH ft SON'S MsrlT-! aWaWai BaaWaf wfalafaaatTatawaWai Vaftsaaanlafsaal fflatJsaafJaaaa. 33.00 mm WBVtoa-JaatoeVaaJA 30.00 SSSSS COLUMBUS WM. BECKER, DKALKK IN ALL XIMDS OV : STAPLE AND FAMILY: GROCERIES! I KKEP CONSTANTLY OS HAND WELL SELECTED STOCK. Teas, Coffees, Sugar, Syrups, Dried and Canned Fruits, and other Staples a Specialty. Deltrere Free part rtfce City. sty Cor. Thirteenth and K Streets, nearl A. AN. Depot. JOHNSON'AIWDYNE UNDENT PARSONS Th gnu ww m woedtftQ tmu i . XoO rtlirr all maimer of 1mm. Tb UUbrtMWoa r ti:i. Mad mat mtt BMn aaa van wOl ml-mwrm lOUamavsadiilU I1imtw. XotBa1(katBBilmtaa TMlJUbraMoaarosae&bexlfwrW!Btu fr. tbymUaraie.lU.. fcnr:ua-s conaiuoa rowatr is naoiuMiy rura and aicaly eon anrcted. Oaaauaea ia worth a pound of aar otkar kikd. ltim atnotljr a acdlaiaa to ba Kivan with food. I Sold avarywaar. or aant ky mail for M U oana b aapraaa, prepaid. lor SfcOO LEGAL 90TICE. In the matter of the ettUte of Matthew Lowry, an inttitne person. In the court ot Platte county, Nebraska. NOW on the thirtieth day of March, 18S6, came J. J. Graves, guardian or the aforesaid Matthew Lowry, aud prayx for leave to render an account as -euch guardian. It la therefore ordered that the 16th day or April, 18StS. at 1 o'clock p. m., at my office, in Columbm, bu fixed as the time and place for examining and allowing such account. All pomou in terested in said cstato are required to appear at the time and place so designat ed, and ahow cause, if such exists, why said account shall not be allowed. It is further ordered that said guardian give notise to all persons interested In said estate by causing a copy of this order to be published in the Columbus Journal, a newspaper printed and In general cir culation in said county, for three weoks prior to the day set for said hearing. Chas. A. Spkicb, skal.1 County Judge. Mar. 31-3 FINAL PMOOF. Land Office, Grand Island, Neb. Feb.24tb, 1SW.J NOTICE is hereby given that the fol lowing named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof In support of bis claim, and that said proot will be made before Clerk of District Court of Platte County, at Columbus, Nebraska, on Monday, April 12th, 1886, viz Hans Olsen, Homestead No. 10887, for the N. W. , Section 14, Township 20. north, of llango 4 west. lie names the following witnesses to prove his con tinuous residence upon, and cultiva tion of, said land, viz: Erik Eriksen, Swen A. Petterson, Martin Bohen, and Ole A. Tron8on, all of Newman's Grove, Madison County, Nebr. JOHN G. HIGGINS, 8Mar.-w-0 Register. LEGAL jroncE. To Mary E. Antrim, non-resident defen dant: YOU ARE HEREBY notified that on the 13th day of March, 1886, George E. Antrim Sled a petition against you In the District Court of Platte . County. Nebraska, the object and prayer, of which is to obtain a divorce from you on the ground that you have wilfully abandoned tho plaintiff without good cause for the term of two years last past. You are required to answer said petition on or before Monday, tho 26th day of April, 1886. Gkobgk E. Actum. By Macfakxamd & Cowokky, 17th March-U His Attorneys. A.J.ABN0LD, DKALXR IN DIAMONDS, FINK WATCHES, GIwClMa Jewelry AMD IILVERWABL Strict attention given to repairing of Watches and Jewelry. 13" Will not do undersold by anybody. Me fc. ATma, Opptwito Cletkar H II I.1T Tfor working people. Sen H 111 I 1 1 cents postage, and we -u-LI-lJJ- mail yourer, a ioyal. Send 10 will val uable sample box of goods that will put you in the way or miking more money in a few days than you ever thought pos sible at any business. Capital not re quired. You can live at home and work in spare time only, or all the time. All of both sexes, of all atces. arrandly suc cessful. SO cents to 5 easily earned every evening. That all who want work mar taat the business, we make this un paralleled offer: To all who are not well ailsfied we will send SI to pay for the trouble of writing us. Full particulars, directions, etc.. sent free. Immense pay absolutely sure for all who start at once. UOn'l aeiay. Aaaroii oimsun vu. Portland, Maine. forttziz: WESTEBN G01TA6E OfiGAN CAIiOX A. & M.TURNER er . W. H.LEat, TrYUaa; ' fTfcaae organs are f rat-class in every particular, ana so guaranteed. HiaUFHI-HAI Off oastaUaUaiat. Sl-aft. sM? BOOMING! W. T. RICKLY & BR0. Wholesale ami Retail Dealers In Fresh and Salt Meats, GAME. POULTRY, And Fresh Pish. All Kiids tf Saasage a Specialty. - ISTCash paid for Hides, Pelts, Tallow. Highest market price paid for fat cattle. Olive Street, second door north Of First National Bank. 39-tt JACOB SCHKAM, ) DKALKK IN( DRY GOODS ! BMte & Sims, Hats & Caps, fish goods m mm:, LOW PRICES FOB CASH. p 14 -af' w- . BlMSta at Ik tmn. .Oolw Math, Cj ) J . Cbraau trm. r T.I.B. JO PILLS MAKE W, BIOS BLOOD. la. Win poattlTaly onr or trmi im aaat ar a box or oia i ibm. Br.I.8.JOakaOHaV a. lumatrataspaapatot OO.. Cat. M.. Boatoa. otaioc on earth will suae ha lay like li. Ik enrea aatrtan akolara and aUdlaaaata of hen. Ia wort lta wetfht la raid, ninatrated book h-v nail free. aLrtJoA'cJJirf- COLUMBUS Roller Mills! SCBltwM BROS., froprieton. MANUFACTURERS OK Flour, Feed, Bran, Shorts And Meal, AND OKALBR3 IN All Kinds ss Grain. OUR FLOUR BRANDS: "WAY UP," Patent, "IMPERIAL," "IIQ 4f" "SPREAD EAGLE." We guarantee our flour to bo equal to any flour manufactured in the state. We call the attention of the public to the fact that we make a specialty of ex changing flour, bran and shorts for wheat, as good flour and as much of it as any other mill In this part of the state; also the exchange of corn meal for corn. We have put in special machinery for grinding rye flour and buckwheat flour. IsaT Satisfactioa guaranteed. Please give us a call. ai-Feb-'O-y COAL LIME! J. E. NORTH & CO., DEALERS IN- Coal. Lime, Cement. lock Spisg Ceil, $7.0 per ton CvUu (Wys.iig) Call 6.00 " Elta (It-u) ChI S.00 " llacksaith Coal of best quality al ways on band at low est prices. North Side) Eleventh St., COLUMBUS, JTBB. 14-3m PATENTS CHEATS, TtilE 1A1IS AM CIFYIIMTS Obtained, and all other business in the U.S. Patent Oflce attended to for MOD ERATE FEES. Our ofice la opposite the O. S. Patent Oflce, and we can obtain Patents in less time than those remote from WASHING TON. Send MODEL OR DRAWING. Wo advise as to patentability free or charge: and we make NO CHARGE UNLESS WE OBTAIN PATENT. We refer here to tbe Postmaster, the Bupt. of Money Order DIv and to offli cials of the U. S. Patent OMce. For cir cular, sdviee, terms and references to actual clients in your own State or county, write to ci.iwwce., Ojsposlto Patent Oflce, Washington, D. C. V r i S 1 -A . . 'MBm? l-- V- V. . T!."-fcJfT L - - . s. . - - , - " A?