The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, March 24, 1886, Image 1

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    "h-J Z i
Vfk yliG&P
J- -
Proprietors and Publisher .
t3T0FFICE.-tteventh St., vp stairs
in Journal Building.
terms: v
Peryear i
Sxmoriths 5t)
Three months
filoglc copls
CASH CAPITAL, - $75,000
Baaaanl iBaLaf
M .aaLaALaal " BaH H "MaaPlBaB Maaflr T aai BaH XJaLaT BaH
ofl-reHa wh
EV For Uata
13Lgal adYsrtlasnsttts
tarPor transisart
rates on third pasjv.
VOL. XVI.-N0. 48.
WHOLE NO. 828.
OTAJl av
Leandeb Gebkaud, Prcs'l.
Geo. W. Hulst, Vice PresH.
R. H. Hssky.
J.- E. Taskeh, Cashier.
BaBk f UepoHit, lnce-m
ud ExchaRK
Collection k Promptly "
all Polmtff.
Pay latere! Time Oep-
Buckeye Mower, combined, Self
Binder, wire or twine.
Pumps Repaired on short notice
SSTOne door west of Heintz's Drug
Store, 1Kb Street, Columbus, Neb. S
ttistdert-Aier !
Farniture, Chairs, Bedsteads, Bu
reaus, Tables, Safes. Lounges,
&c. Picture Frames and
tSTIiepairitia of all kinds of Upholstery
Should bo kept constantly nt hand, for
uso iu emergencies of tho bouicho'd.
Many a mother, startled la the night by
Uic omiuoui sounds of Croup, find tho
liltla sufferer, with red and swollen frier,
gasping for air. In such cases Aver's
Cherry Pectoral is invaluable 3Irs.Eir.ni5
Gcdncy, 159 "West 12S St., New York,
writes: " "While In the country, last
winter, my little boy, three years old, was
taken ill with Croup; it seemed as iMc
would die from strangulation. Aycr's
Cherry Pectoral was tried In small and
frequent doses, and, In less than half an
hour, the little patient was breathing
easily. The doctor said that the Pectoral
saved my darling's life." "Mr. Clin. 1.
Landon, Guilford, Conn., writes: "Ayer'a
Cherry Pectoral
. Saved My Life,
and also the life of my little son. As he
is troubled with Croup. T dare not La
without this remedy in the house.' llrs.
J. Gregg, Lowell, Mass., writes: 3Iy
children have repeatedly taken Aycr's
Cherry Pectoral for Coughs and Croup.
It gives immediate relief, followed by
cure." Sirs. JIary E. Evans, Scranton,
t Pa., writes : ''I have two little boys, both
of whom have been, from infancy, subject
to violent attacks of Croup. About mx
months ago we began using A ert Cherry
Pectoral, and It acts like a charm. Iu n
few minutes after the child lakts it. be
breathes easily and rests well. lery
mother ought to know what a blessing I
have found in Ayer's Cherry Pectoral.'
Mrs. Win. C. Rcid, Freehold. N. J., w rites :
'In our family, Ayer's medicines have
been blessings for many years. In cases
of Colds and Coughs, we take
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
aud the Inconvenience Is soon forgotten."
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Xaas.
Sold by all Druggists.
This House, recently purchased by me,
will bo thorougbly refitted. Board
by the day, week or him!. A few rooms
to let. A' share of the public patronage
is solicited. Feed stable in connection.
2-y Albert Ltrrn.
Mcta a Koaroe Sts.. Chicago.
WMmbJ wraU la as;
far UA 100 1. 210 Eijt.uii
Ma. Cap. Ben
&u'W C&D-Lami
g' - Dram MtnA Staff,, aad
ik.mktoc"adeTeUPMi3asd Ki
te iMbv Hn uJ a
A PRIZE, jjg
six cents for
.and receive
i costly box of
goods which will help you to nore money
right away than anything else 'in this
world. All, of either sex, succeed from
frit hour. The broad, road to fortune
peas before the worker", absolutely
are. At eaee address, im C
Agata, Maiae.
Primitive Method by Which They Ax
Gathered from the Beds of Streams .
Mr. H. N. Collier, who has visited
the diamond fields of Brazil and mado
a study of the dazzling gems, gave a
reporter some interesting facts. Mr.
Collier first visited the diamond fields
cf Brazil in 1871.- He landed at Rio
Janeiro and obtained a permit from'
tho Emperor Dom Pedro to go into the
interior. The fields were six hundred
miles from Rio, and could be reached
partly i)v wajron routes. At that time
j the fields were worked by slaves in the
i most primitive way. The total cost of
all tne machinery used in surface work
at tho fields was not more than one hun
dred dollars.
"When a miflicient quantity of dirt
has been gathered from the beds of
hallow streMns the washing begins.
The washers that catch the diamonds
and let the dirt and water pass thapugh
are nothing but large and small sieves.
TejJpQfciiUthedjams .
l I I I '
1 I I I I
I I - I I I
"L catches tho large and S the small
gems. 1 saw a diamond embedded in
the sand when I first arrived and
pitehed it out with my cane. In the
rough it weighed '$ 9-32 carats, and pol
ished a carat and a half. Of course 1
had to pay well for it to the owner of
the field. There is no doubt in my mind
that that country is still rieh in undis
covered diamond fields. Whj in the
Province of Goaz there arc fields
that I was told had not been worked
for sixty years. The natives outside
of the cities absolutely know nothing
about the rich diamonds that can be
found in certain localities. The circle
of their lives is very small, and the'
have no enterprise or push. How is
the diamond trade conducted? Why,
it is done just like any other business,
pretty much; the bankers and mer
chants paying so much for diamonds in
the rough or polished. At tho mines
diamonds aro always quoted in the
rough. They do not sajso main carats,
but so many aetavios, which is about
17J carats," less a thirty-second of a Tho export duty on them is one
per cent., and the oilicials arc vigilant
and always collect it. But that export
duty is small compared to our import
tax'of ten per cent. Every tiling in
Uio Janeiro is done by a system of red
tapeism circumlocution. A foreigner
immediately upon his arrival, has to
report himself to the chief of police and
get a passport to go about. In leav
ing, another passport has to be ob
tained. I met the Emperor several
times at his palace and participated in
a jubilee demonstration at the time he
departed for Europe. Of course, like
all autocratic governments, there is a
groat deal of buncombe and llashy mil
itary shows. In buying a ticket to
leave the country, it is necessary to
give the Government thirty days' no
tice of your intention to pufchaso pass
age and sail."
"What is the difference between a
Brazilian and an African diamond?"
The specific gravity of a Brazilian
diamond is greater than that of an Afri
can diamond, and hence the former
will weigh more. The Brazilian is al
so much more brittle and difficult to
cut. They have more brilliancy and
mor3 specks in them than African
gems, and as Ixilliancy is one of the
requisites to create value, the Brazil
ians aro generally the best. The shades
of most of tho Brazilian stones are blue
and steal color. The Africans arc gen
erally white and yellow. More than
one-half of the diamonds sold come
from Africa. In 1869 diamonds reached
the highwatcr mark in prices, and have
declined in value from fifty to one hun
dred per cent This fact is due, of
course, to tiie extensive fields discov
ered in the Transvaal country. Europe
of course, receives by far the greater
number of diamonds." Ar. T. JImi7 and
Some of the Trials aird Tribulations of
the Retail Stamp Clerk.
"The average ingenuity of the human
family," said a retail stamp clerk at
the post-oflice, "must be very small.
Why, there is not one person in five
hundred who has gumption enough to
iut a stamp on a letter. I see the pro
cess gone through with about a thou
sand times a day, and I ought to know.
All the people at my window begin by
putting the stamps into their mouths,
closing their mouths, rolling their eyt;s
Hko a m m trying to swallow a pill
and moving the stamps around in their
mouths until they are perfectly sat
urated with saliva. Then they lay
them on the corner of their envelopes
and bring their clenched fists down on
them like a pile-dri cr. Then come
the profanity. . 'Sec here, clerk,' they
say, 'this stamp is no account. Won't
you please put a little mucilage on it.
So strange that they can't put enough
mucilage on the stamps to make them
stick.' Now, tho trouble is that these
people lick and chew all the gum off
the stamp before the try to affix it;
and if the gum were an inch thick, it
would meet with the same fate. The
way to put a stamp on is to moisten
the gum very slightly, and then
lay it on the envelope, and with the
end of the forefinger slip it back and
forwards once or twice until the saliva
and the gum are mixed. I have been
licking stamps for forty years, but I
have never yet met with ono which
would not adhere, if it was treated in
this way. Another thing people like
to kick about is the refusal of the clerks
to take torn notes and great piles of
nickels and pennies in payment for
"Are they not bound to take them?"
'Not much. The Government has a
treasury for the redemption of muti
lated currency, and. tnere is no more
sense in expecting the post-office to re
deem it than in expecting tho paymas
ter of the navy in doing so. If it was
once understood that we would take
torn bills, we should have no .other
mcjiey to-handle and nothing
do. We would embark in the Danking
business, and 'somebody else would
bare to be hired Co attend to the ' post-1
omce. Then, as to nickels, three-cent,
and peaaaetvtke post-office reg
ulations expressly provide that wo aro
not bound to take over twenty-five
cents' worth from one person. But
they keep bringing them to use in
large quantities, sometimes rolled up
in paper and sometimes slung in an old
hankerchief. It is all in vain, how
ever. Then, how they do kick against
telling what is in their package and
against directing them before they are
"What's the use of thatP"
" Why, all the uso in the world. If
we didn't exercise any supervision over
what was put into the mails, every bag
ful of mail that left here would be
soiled with nasty ointment or hair oil,
even if the post-office were not blown
up with some explosive. Now, we do
not require people to tell us exactly
what they have got in their parcels,
but only its general character, such as
dry goods, leather, wearing apparel
and so on, but they stick like blazes
even against that. Then, as to ad
dressing their letters and parcels be
fore they bring them to us to be
weighed, that also is indespensable. in
order to aveM-givmg- misleading infor
mation. We sometimes weigh some?
thing in an unsealed envelope, and
tell the postage, on the theory that it
is unsealed. Then the man goes off,
puts that amount of postage on it, and
seals it, thereby doubling the rate. The
consequence is that his letter is re
turned to him for want -of sufficient
postage. Then he goes to the postmast
er and howls; and swears that he put
exactly the amount of postage on the
letter that we told him to put on it.
Again, we weigh a parcel of merchan
dise that is not directed, and sell the
man the stamps for it. We ask where it is
going, but the man is sullen and makes
some answer that we do not catch. Wc
take it for granted it is going to some
place in the United States. But he
goes off and directs it to Belgium. It
jrets stopped and returned to him of
course, as no merchandise can be sent
by mail to anyplace outside of the
United States. Then the man goes to
the postmaster and howls, and says
that we expressly told him that the
parcel could go to 'Belgium. See?
"Have you seen the Annual Postal
Guide for 1886, just out? It announces
sonic rather interesting changes in post
al rates."
"What are they?"
"One relates to photographs. You
would be surprised if jrou Knew what a
larro percentage of the mail matter
weighed by us is photographs. Here
tofore a strange anomalv has existed
in the postage on them. We have been
charging a cent an ounce for them
when sent to any place in this country,
and only a cent for every two ounces
when stilt abroad; that is to say, it
cost two cents to send two ounces of
photographs, unealed to the West side
of the city, and one cent to send the
same package to Turkey, India and
Arabia. Now, however, photographs
are ruled b- the department to be
printed matter, and they go, when un
sealed, all over the civilized world,
nearly, at thn Kite of two ounces, or a
fraction thereof, for two cents."
"What else has been changed?"
"Some changes have been made in
the rulings concerning unmailable mat
ter. The rule has been, for a long
time, that candy and cake oould not be
sent by mail unless inclosed in a tin or
wooden box. These articles are very
troublesome in tho mail. If candy can
go, any kind of candy can go, and
candies are sent that melt and run, and
defile and glue together all the other
mail .matter in the same pouch with it.
Cake is worse still, and, strange as it
may seem, gives the department more
trouble than any other kind of mail
matter. It is always wedding-cake,
and very rich. It not only breaks up,
gets scattered through the pouch and
leaves great grease spots on all the
other mail-matter, but attracts the rats,
so that they cat through the pouches
and through the other mail-matter to
get to it. Experience has proved, now,
that even inclosing cake and candy in
tin or wood does not remedy these
evils; and consequently a late ruling
declares cake, candy and all sorts, of
confectionery altogether unmailable.
This will break the hearts of a great
many brides and bridemaids, but it is
indispensably necessary."
"Any thing else?"
"One fhing more; glass has been al
most ruled out, too. Hitherto glass
has been admitted when inclosed in
tin or wood. This was required, not to
save loss by breakage, but to prevent
the broken glass from giving the lock
jaw to all the mailing clerks. It has
now been found that even these pre
cautions are not sufficient, and it has
been ordered that glass shall not be
mailed unless first inclosed in a cloth
bag, and then in a tin or wooden box.
This refers even to spectacles and open
faced watches, as well as to china-ware
and crockery. Most people would
rather give up mailing them than go to
this much trouble." Chicago Journal.
Useful HIuU for the Tidy and Careful
Wash black stockings thoroughly in
strong salt and water; wash again in a
weaker solution, and finish by a thor
ough rinsing iu clear water. Stockings
thus washed will not crack.
To relieve hoarseness and tickling; in
the throat: Make a gargle of the white
of an egg beaten to a froth, adding a
half-glass of sweetened, lukewarm
Discolored tea and coffeepots maybe
cleaned by filling them with water in
which two or three tablespoonfuls of
wood-ashes have been placed, and let
ting it boil up, then wash thoroughly
with hot soapsuds, and rinse.
Mustard water will cleanse the hands
after handling odorous substances.
A mixture of rain water, cologne
an d glycerine should be kept by those
ho are troubled with roughness of
the skin. Apply to the face and handa
alter washing. Bean water is also
good for rough skin. Put a handful in
a bag and dip it in warm water and
wash with It.
To remove the dust from carpets,
pin a wet cloth over the broom. Also
to make the broom wear as long as
two, draw a stocking leg over tho
brush, and with a needle and twine sew
Ijhrough, and dampen the broom every
Lime powder well sprinkled where
cockroaches abound will drive them
away. Philadelphia Press.
A countryman "was standing on
one of the wharfs tho other day watch
ing the process of hoisting an anchor
of a ship which was srettinc under
1 weigh, and, as ho sa'w'th'e hngo iron
use irom me water to me "xo, ,neave,
oh!" or the sailors, he remarked: "Ton
may heave high and ".heave low, .but
you will nvor get that nea crooked
tmng mroufc tfea uoie hota; know
potter, 'i-ttfirrijptss-
-At least four incorporated towns in
Colorado are at an altitude of over nine
thousand feet above the sea.
Prof. Landmark, Chief Director
of the Norwegian Fisheries, asserts
that salmon sometimes jump perpen
dicularly sixteen feet.
Scorpions, spiders and various in
sects have been observed to remain
motionless if any person blows strongly
upon them in a vertical direction.
Canon Farrar came to this country
for a rest and took away twenty-five
thousand dollars. He will take the
rest on his next visit. Philadelphia
A burglar in Weld, Me., was de
tected by a snowball from the heel of
his boot, which corresponded precisely
with a similar snowball found in the
6tore after the robbery.
The New Orleans Creoles make a
sleeping draught of lettuce leaves
boiled to form a tea. The lettuce-leaf
tea is administered in large quantities
before going to bed to cure .sleepless
ness. 2?1 TT Times.
A New York negro pleaded not
guilty to a charge of highway robbery
with such fervor that he might have
escaped had he not pulled out the com
plainant's handkerchief to mop his
perspiring brow. N. Y. Herald.
To stop a runaway horse the Rus
sians have a light cord with a slip
noose in it about the horse's throat,
with the cord running through the sad
dle ring and over the dasher, at hand
for the driver to pull upon at the horse's
first attempt to run. A little choking
stops him.
A miner on the head waters of the
Columbia River, in British Columbia,
has found, so he alleges, a deserted
mining town, where the billiard tables
still stand in the saloons and letters arc
lying in the post-office bearing date of
1856, Not a soul has been near the
nlfion fevr ro'irs ffltirnsin Times.
r.v. .. j.... w . . s
Some twenty colonies have been
established in the Santa Fe district of
the Argentine Republic. Their terri
tory occupies ninety-five square leagues,
and the settlers number 1,359 families.
During the last thirty years the district
has grown through colonization until
it Has a population of 110,000 souls.
At Trieste, on the Adriatic, they
say the wind is so stable and enduring
that you might accept a bill on it, and
George Augustus Sala says the breezes
of Wellington, New South Wales, have
such steady habits and are so strong
that he frequently uses them as a desk
on which to draw a draft on London.
Massachusetts registered over six
thousand insane persons in her asylums
and hospitals during 1S85 an increase
of two hundred over the previous 'ear.
The annual cost to the State of this
form of relief exceeds ."$1,000,000, not
reckoning the $""o0,000 of interest on
the value of buildings, etc. Boston
The telegraph system of the Brit
ish Islands, under control of the post
office, now amounts to one hundred
and fiftj'-six thousand miles, and em
ploys seventeen thousand instruments.
The standard rate is twelve words for
a sixpence, address included. Press
messages alone now average one mil
lion words a day.
"Sir," said the wanderer, as he
entered the sanctum, "I come to ask
your assistance. I have lost my right
leg." "Advertise for it," said the
busy editor, without looking up from
the paper. "Special rates in lost and
wanted column, and half money re
funded if article advertised for is not
recovered. N. . Star.
The blind Mr. Fawcett, late Postmaster-General
of Great Britain, was
an enthusiastic angler. 'He performed
if anything hotter than the seeing,"
says his biographer, "whether because
he waited-more patiently to strike until
he felt his fish, or because he was more
docile in following the directions of
his skilled companions. He had great
success in catching salmon and trout,
and in trolling for pike in the winter."
One of his trophies was a twenty-pound
A great deal is being said -about
hydrophobia that would be better un
said, and the dog will be charged with
the killing much oftener than he
should be. The work of old rusty
nails, whose wounds have healed
months ago, and the many other pro
ducers of tetanus will all be laid at the
kennel door of innocent "old dog
Tray." In all the. United States, with
its fifty-two millions of people, there
have not been in the entire year over
twenty-five deaths from hydrophobia
by the agency of three million dogs.
It was only two months ago that
Mrs. Sharpe's hired girl left her to get
married, and yesterday Mrs. Sharpe
was much surprised to receive a call
from her former lady of the kitchen.
"I want to come back to work for ycz
agin," said the latter, with an air of
resignation. "Why, Bridget, what's
tho matter? I thought you were going
to get married?" "An',"please ma'am,
so I did. But, you sec, John he struck
luck in the lottery, and so we hired a
cook. An' now, please ma'am, I'd
like to come back an' be boss once
more." Boston Post.
He was only a stray waif of a yel
low dog with no ancestry to boast of,
but as he sat upon the wooden seat in
one of our city parks with a little
child's tiny arm lovingly entwined
about his ugly thick neck, and a sweet,
cooing voice saying in his ear, "I lovo
you, little doggie, he was as proud as
any prize setter in the land. "Is that
your dog, little boy?" asked a police
man, as he passed the happy couple.
"No, he doesn't belong to me, only
I'm acquainted with him," answered
the affectionate friend of the little
tramp dog. Boston Home Journal.
There is an allusion of local inter
est in a book of verses recently printed
in London. The verses are by the late
William Maguire, who, whatever may
be said of his poetry, was an expert
rhymster. One jingle goes:
Why do you cry, my sweet Mrs. Flanagan.
When you will soon have your own des
man again;
Whom the first wind will bring borne Iron
the Delaware,
Brimful of sovereigns and such other yellow
Ho is driven into some port to the west of ua
(A thing that might happen, dear, to the best
of us).
Where he is sighing, sobbing and chattering
Night and day long of bis own dear Cath
erine, Distinctly Philadelphia street cries,
collected by a local reporter, contain
some melodious calls. Besides the
music of the rag man and oyster man,
there is.heard the negro patriarch sing
ing, "Hominy man, come out to-dav,
selling sweel hominee! nominee!"
And the watermelon vendor says:
'.'Here's your ripe watermelons. Try
.'em before you buy 'em! All red." A
curious cry is: "Peppery pot, all
smoking hot!" and another humorous
cry is, "Crabs a-walkin', crabs- a-talk-in
crabs a-bifin', crabs a-fightiu
fresh crabs, er-r-r-abs!"--epii
flw. ...
National Bank!
Aotktrired Capital, -Paii
Ii Capital,
Siiflis and Profits, -
I SAM'L C. SMITH, Fie Pres't.
t O. T. ROEN, Cashier.
Foreign and Inland Exchange, Passage
Tickets, ana Real Estate Loans.
., - 29-vol-13-ly
D.T. Martyw, M. D. F. J. Schug, 31. D.
U. S. Examining Surgeons,
Local Surjreon. Union Paciiic, O., N.
& B. II. and II. & M. R. R's.
Consultations in German and English.
Telephones at office and residences.
ISrOflicc on Olive street, next to Brod
feuhrer's Jewelry Store.
Ult.t:iir Ernst building 11th street.
Office on Olive St., Columbus, Nebraska
D. KVA.'N, Ifl. .,
SSrOflieo and rooms, Gluck building,
11th street. Telephone communication.
TTA-fiiiro: MEAUE, HI. .,
Platte Center, Nebraska. !-y
V. P. RIIiliiVI-'K, Itl. D
Chronic Diseases and Diseases of
Children a Specialty.
ESTOlhVe on Olive street, three doors
north of Firbt National Bank. 2-ly
Slit Street,! doors went of Hammon-l Honse,
Columbus, Neb. 491-y
Fie vcars' time, on improved farms
with' at least one-fourth the acreage under
cultivation, in sums representing one
tliird tho fair value of tbe homestead.
Correspondence solicited. Address,
0- Columbus, Nebr.
Office up-stairs in McAllister's build
ing. 11th St. W. A. McAllister, Notary
W. B. Tedrow, Co. Supt.
I will he at my ollice in the Court
House on the t ird Saturday or each
month, for the purpose of examining
teachers. 3i-tf
Attorn? m4 Ssit-y Prtl e. CelHrtor.
Columbus, : : : Nebraska.
J. J. tlAIJCJIIA.lf,
Justice, County Surveyor, Notary,
Land and Collection Ayent.
Gyi'artic9 desiring surveying done can
notify me by mail at Platte Centre, Neb.
Collection Attorney .
Specialty made of Collections by C. J.
Garlow. 31- m
llth St., opposite Lindell Hotel.
Sella Harness, Saddles, Collars, Whips,
Blanket?-, Curry Combs, Brushes, trunks,
valises, buggy tops, cushions, carriage
trimmings, &'c, at the lowest possible
prices. Repairs promptly attended to.
Plans and estimates supplied for either
frame or brick buildings. Good work
guaranteed. Shop on 13th Street, near
St. Paul Lumber Yard, Columbus, Ne
braska. .2 Gmo.
i !Raors and Iron ! "
The highest market price paid (or rags
and iron. Store in the Bubach building,
Olive St., Columbus, Neb. 15-tf
Carpenters and Contractors.
Havehad an extended experience, and
will guarantee satisfaction in work.
All kinds 'of repairing done on short
notice. Our motto is, Good work and
fair prices. Call and give us an oppor
tunltytoestimateforyou. "g?"Sbop on
13th St., one door west of Friedhof &
Co's.tttore. Columbus. Nebr. 48S-V
:r. O. BOYD,
Tin and Sheet-Iron Ware !
Job-Work, Roofing and Gutter
ing a Specialty.
ISTShop on OUvo Street, .2 doors
north 6t Urodfeuhrer's Jewelry Store.'
-- T
How He Defeaded HlatselT Wkea AceaMd
of Tarkey Steallas;.
"Mexican Peter," is something of a
celebrity in his native county. He won
his sobriquet, if not his laurels, when
serving as a body-servant to his young
master, "Marse John," during the
Mexican war. Now, our hero is not
free from some of the failings of his
race, and the shrines of pious Mexicans,
with their gold and silver ornaments,
did prove a most special pitfall and
temptation to poor Peter, in vain did
"Marse John'1 instill into the African
mind lessons of higher morality, with a
wholesome blending of the terrors of
the law when coming in the garb of
strict military discipline; the Fact re
mained the same: in the time of temp
tation Peter had to be closely watched.
When the war was over "Marse John"
went to Washington, and Peter was
sent home to "ole marster." For a few
short hours after his home coming he
stepped a hero, with many tales of the
marvelous to tell. Harinfiiwhic sus
picion of how matters stood, "ole mars
ter," with a sly twinkle, said: "Now,
Peter, what did you bring back from
your travels to show us?"
This was touching a tender spot, and
Peter's countenance fell as he said: "I
'clare, ole master, Mars John didn't
hab no conseieco 'bout dat thing at all.
Much as dar wuz to git, all I could
fetch home wuz wun lil silber gord "
displaying with a mixture of pride and
melancholy a little image of some saint
that might or might not have been of
the precious metal.
Time rolled on, and the proclama
tion emancipated Peter from "Mars
John's" conscience, and at various sun
diy times he profited by his liberty of
aetion, and finally found himself in
liuibo for unlawfully possessing him
self of a neighbor's turkey, and was
tried in the court where "Marse John"
was a practicing attorney, and
"Marse Peyton," another mem
ber of the family, the grave and
dignified Judge. The evidence was
oveqiowering, and to plead "not
guilty" impossible, so Peter could
only request to be " 'lowed to splain
how he got in de trouble." Antici
pating a treat, the request was granted,
and solemnly the court awaited the de
fense. Not "without a certain dignity,
the old man arose, and the explanation
bt-gan: "Gentmun, I won't say I 'aint
got into dis trouble, 'cause 1 sholy is,
and hit troubling me "nough; but in
justice J mus' tell how it all cum upon
me. Fust, sum blame la at de door
ob Marse John. He good man, good
as gole; but he wun contrackted, not
say wun sting, farmer, He got de
ole thrashiu-machine he had 'fore de
war, what leave mos' ob de wheat in
d straw, and dat fack 'tice ole Mis'
Simpkins' tuckeys to cum dar, an'
.'.cratch in de straw an' eat. Now iley
wane dar an' do dat so long tell dey
je. shine, and, gentmun, when a tuckuy
shine, he fat, an' I look at dem shining
tuckeys so long tell I 'gin to feel
mor'lly bound to have one, an' I got
one. Now dat's de fust reason, but
chiefliest dis trouble come to me 'cause
ole Mr. Simpkins wa'nt no gentmun.
Ef I had been dealing wid a gentmun,
things ud '.a bin diilunt; but he wuz
pore white folks, an' ez I only knowed
de ways of gentmun, I wa'nt no match
for him. 1 docs know a gentmun.
Didn't me an' Marse John here an'
Marse Peyton dar all come outile same
estate, and who ever fetch de word dey
wa'nt gentmun? Well, me an' de ole
'oman an' de chillun had jes dun eat
dat tuckey, an', to sabe de scand'l ob
de thing, I had pit all de feathers an'
bones in de Dutch oven my Dutch
oven Mis' Sally gib me when I hear
somebody knock at de door. I went
to de door, an' dar stan' ole Mr. Simp
kins! Now some pore white folks is
wus dan p'inter dogs, dey so peersome.
Mr. Simpkins come in; he look round,
an' walk straight to my Dutch oven
Mis' Sally gib me. He peep in; he
find de feathers an' bones, pull um all
out, an' jes laff most outlandish! Wuz
dat a gentmun? Now de cote knows
all, an I couldn't set here quiet tell
dey did." It is needless to say the
ruling of the "cote" was not very
severe. Harper's Magazine.
The Dangers to Which Nervous and "Har
ried" People Are Subject.
Some men are in incessant action,
early and late and all through the day.
They have no time for family or friends.
As for holidays, the les3 for them the
better. They have inherited a nervous
temperament, and arc doing just the
wrong thing with it allowing it to
huny them to an untimelv end. They
wear themselves out. Their brain is
ever in a state of morbid activity al
most like that of an insane man.
To all such we say: Early learn to
use restraint, or, in spite of all later
volitions, your momentum will steadily
increase, and sooner or later there will
be a break-down. The more nervous
tbe 'temperament, the greater the need
of husbanding the nervous energy by
intelligent self-control, by appropriate
diversions and by frequent seasons of
absolute rest. The machinery may be
of iron, but it needs to come toastand
still at times.
Many persons, not of a nervous tem
perament, specially hurry at their
meals. They have vigorous appetites,
and they eat voraciously. Now, swine
can do this safely, but they have a vig
orous digestion, and have nothing to
do but to digest what they eat. It is
otherwise with human beings. Tnat
kind monitor "enough" is seldom
heard in season by those who cat in a
hurry. Rapid eating is generally ex
cessive eating, with, in due time, dys
pepsia, "bilious attacks." liver com
Elaints and gout. Besides, not only
ealth, but the good of all concerned,
demands that the mealtime should be
one of restful leisure, pleasant inter
change of thought, and social cheer.
Many persons hurry to catch the de
parting fen-boat or cars. They barely
get aboard by hard running or perhaps
UKt fail. Such acts may start a heart
trouble, or increase one already started,
or precipitate it to a fatal termination.
The London Lancet, giving an account
of two recent deaths from hurry and
exertion, one a young man of twenty,
the other a girl of sixteen, adds: "How
often has the hurry to catch a train, or
some other sudden exertionr throwing
extra work on a dilated, fatty or other
wise diseased heart, resulted iu fatal
syncope? Remember, people often
have heart troubles without knowing
it. Youth's Companion.
m e
A man named Conly, living in one
of our Northwestern Ohio counties, and
aged seventy years, won one thousand
dollars the other day by walking seven
miles in less than seventy minutes. It
would seem as if the time were not far
distant when there won't be anv fur
ther use for young men whatever. j
c4VfnHHtc fixammtr.
Tfce AOveatarea ef a Oerauw
Dr. Jules Dobrincke, one of the few
white men, and the only German, Jrho
has performed the perilous and aa it
was at one time regarded tho impracti
cable feat of crossing the Anstraliaa
continent from tho south to tho north,.
is in the city. The expedition, con
sisting of tho doctor and six other,
started in tho beginning of March,
1875, and took an almost doe nortff
"After nine and a half months'
travel," said the doctor, "wo reached
falmerston without losing a man, ex
cept a native who died of a surfeit
when our partv was about two weeks
on its way. The chief object of the ex
pedition was to survey the west of
Eyre lake for the Government of
South Australia, and to report as t
the general character of the land trav
eraeu. inc oniy incjaenis ox now
- tharmarkedthtrniue'oeairdijiico
ersed. The only incidents of note
wnen wo were led astray from our
proper route by fatamorgana or mirage,
and once when we had to ward off an
attack of hostile aborigines. The
mirage appeared near Lake Eyro and
appeared to every one of the party to
be a landscape exactly like what might
be expected in that neighborhood, con
taining a lake, the color of which in
dicated that it wa3 fresh water. Wo
went ten miles out of our course be
fore finding out our mistake.
"The hostile tribe attacked us near
tho Ashburton range in North Aus
tralia. They were armed with spears
and arrows, and I was the only ono
wounded in the party, having received
a spear thrust in my left arm. Ono
volley of our rifles served to disperso
our assailants; and we went on our
way unmolested thereafter. We found
traces of blood on the trail, but wo
had no particular desire to follow them
up to see whether any of tho crowd
had been killed or not.
"On our second expedition in 1877,
one year after Giles had started with
his expedition from Perth for Adelaide,
which journey he successfully carried
out, we starte'd from Adelaide for West
Australia, but failed to reach the coast,
and after losing one of the members of
our expedition, we were compelled to
turn south and make for King George's
Sound, which we ultimately reached,
and from which wc returned to Ade
laide by steamer.
"Of the more notable exploring ex
peditions which have attempted to
cross the continent mav lie mentioned
that headed by Dr. Leichardt in 1848,
and that of Burke and Wills in 1860-61,
neither of which three explorers sur
vived to return, and Leichardt was
never heard of.
"McDougall Stuart was tho first to
travorse the continent from Adelaide
to the Malayan sea, which he did in
1862, and along the route taken by him
the transcontinental telegraph line
was laid. Several minor expeditions
followed, fitted out by flic South Aus
tralian Government, and in some cases
by private enterprise; but ours was
the first expedition after Stuart's,
which went in a compact body from
the south to the north of the continent.
I intend on my return to Australia to
form an expedition, to be led by myself
in person, to search for Dr. Leichardt's
remains, or at least for reliable indica
tions of his fate." Suit Francisco
Wherein It Sarpasos It Aristocratic Ri
val, the Toboggan.
Rome had its chariot races and
Greece its Olympian and Isthmian
games, the glories of which have been
sung by poets innumerable. But what
were they as inspirers of enthusiasm
compared with the Albany bob? The
patrician youths of the Eternal City or
the ardent competitors on the shores
of the iEgean never know the tingling
sensation of sliding down hill with a
score or more companions on a light
ning bob, with gong sounding, horns
blowing, and a steersman in a dazed
condition of mind, uncertain whether
he will run into a horse car, a police
man or a snowbank. Tho most frantic
struggles of the charioteers in the Fla
vian circus, or even in Byzantium, when
the wars of the greens and blues were
at their height, could not be compared,
in the estimation of the adolescent Albanians,-
with the excitement of a nice
between two well-appointed bobs on an
icy slope, with the delightful uncer
tainty of where thoy mayland.
The toboggan may turn up its nose,
or what serves for that nasal organ, at
what it considers its plebeian rival,
and claim certain fashionable preroga
tives. But the bob holds its own in
popularity, and goes its shining way
down hill in triumph. The dainty to
boggan must have a slide especially
constructed for itself; the sturdy bob
asks for nothing more than a fair
sprinkling of snow, and never winces
if it encounters a cobble-stone or two
on its journey. It does not believe in
"discreet silence, either, but lustily an
nounces its approach with all the dis
cordance that brass, tin and the lungs
of its crew can furnish. It is as ten
derly cared for when not on duty as
the petted toboggan could wish, and
when in its snug quarters it is regaled
with stories of its powers narrated by
the enthusiastic crew in their adjoining
The aesthetically inclined may not be
able to discover" any quality of the
beautiful in the bob, but the small boy
does, and is readv to argue on the sub
ject at a moment's notice. Buskin says:
"Any material object which can give
us pleasure in the single contemplation
of its outward qualities, without any
direct and definite exertion of the in
tellect, is beautiful." Now, the bob
does not call for any direct or definite
exertion of the intellect, but as for its
outward qualities any small boy in Al
bany will tell you they are "immense."
It has the appearance of the felicitous
fulfillment of functions in many things
such as getting to its destination in a
hurry, spilling its crew occasionally in
the most unexpected manner, and never
pausing for a moment to consider what
may be in its way. There are occa
sions in the brief life of a bob when it
indulges in a sort of royal progress or
triumphant procession. On such occa
sions it is hauled around the streets
with a brass band playing uncertain
music before it and a legion of enthu
siastic urchins after it, The bosom of
the bob, if the carpenter had provided
it with such an appendage, would on
such occasions swell with pride, and its
steel runners would glisten with pleas
ure. Albany Argus.
m m
The stenographer's fees in a pro
longed contest over a will in a New
York court were nearly eight thousand
Edwin Booth's fall :
Thossas Booth.
--General Nelson A.. Miles; it-
Yonnzest msa of his raak la thelli
Statos arBy,.aacLthe oalyJme wa1
come froaa ami lift, vmmgo
The new Swedish Baasistec tst.ths
United States Is named .Kolt. .Thsj
way to pronounce this riame'krtdMghv
in the middle sad Uek th sties P
EL Louis PostZHipatcT
"crenorai wesiey saemw, uw,(
mandant at West Point, is atatt-i
with a round, red face and -aail
silken mustache. He-stands as i
as his cadets are instructed
2f. r. Herald.
Henrr F. GiWr. of the
Exchange, London, who recently: sated
for -London, after a flying t$
United States, is oiidv thirty-five. Tears
old, yet he has crossed Uie Atlsatio
just fifty times.
Merced Ccmntv.CaT.V:choasft of
the largest man In the State iaUMpsa
- f -goa" of ItfclCean AiefclhsfA a asafiVuf
.. . . . 1.1 ,."i-.- i
Nova Scotia, lie is over
high and built in proportion,
wears a No. 10 boot and carries
own last.
Joseph Cook refers to thoAaaert
cans in a recent lecture as "tho. jnost
drunken race on the planet;" but Canon
Farrar says that "tho temperance cause
in the United States is far in advance
of tho temperanco cause in England."
St. Louis Qlobe.
Mrs. James K. Polk has found It
necessary to deny tho report that she? is
a Catholic. While she has the highest
respect for that church, she is and
always has been a Presbyterian, and
was once called a blue Presbyterian bo
causo opposed to dancing. Chicago
Inter Ocean.
Senator Ramsey, of Minnesota,
several years ago gave his wife tho
choice between a block lot in Minne
apolis and a nice new bonnet. Disre
garding the traditions of her sexahe
took tho lot and recently sold itfor
ninety thousand dollars. The present
value of the hat she had in mind at
the time is not known. Chicago Mail.
Of Rev. Samuel Francis Smith, au
thor of America's nearest approach to
a national hymn, who is living in New
ton Center, Mass., at the ago of seventy
seven. Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes, in
his poem, "Tho Boys," wrote:
And there's a nice fellow of oxcclfent pith.
Fato tried to conceal htm by naming- biia
Out be shouted a song for the brave and the
Just road on his medal, "My country, ot
"Diamond Joo" Reynolds in ono of
tho millionaire curiosities of Chicago.
He invariably wears a plain gray suit
without an overcoat, a hat several aea
sons behind, pruncllo gaiters that have
been out of style for years, and always
has in his phirt-front'a first-water dia
mond as largo as a filbert and as bright
as a dewdrop. Ho owns moro grain
elovators than any man in tho country
and ship3 more grain than any two
men on the Chicago Board of Trade.
Chicago News.
West Brookficld, Mass., has six
couples who have experienced more
than fifty years of wedded bliss, and
one of the marriages was fifty-seven
years ago. One of the marriage cer
tificates recently issued by Town Clerk
Bush was to Rev. W. B. Stone, aged
seventy-five years, and brother of Mrs.
Lucy Stone Blackwell. The veteran
groom's brido was Miss Martha Robin
son, aged seventy-one years, the sister
of Mr. Stone's first and second wives,
and also of ox-Governor Robinson, of
Kansas. Boston Journal.
A Boston barber says: "A perfect
temper in a razor is a happy accident."
How like women razors must be!
Lowell Courier.
A knight of tho grip married the
girl who dusted his room and furniture
because he said ho understood dusters
were very useful traveling companions.
Merchant Traveler.
Little Johnny, on being asked by
his school teacher if he knew what was
meant by "at par," replied that "ma
was always at pa when he came home
late." Philadelphia Call.
Fogg Phew! open tho window,
the room is full of gas. Fendcrson
That can not be, for I took the pre
caution to blow it out boforo I lay
down. Boston Transcript.
Pasteur was so snccccssful with
the Newark children that it is said ho
will next tackle a Jersey mosquito.
But if the mosquito sees Kim first he
won't. Yonkcrs Statesman.
A man camo into a eigar
store, bought a cigar and threw a bad
five-cent piece on the counter. Ho
was hurriedly departing when the
dealer called after him, "Hold on,
hold on, it's bad!" "Never mind,"
answered the purchaser as he quickly
passed out, "I'll smoke it anyhow."
N. Y. Commercial-Advertiser.
Adelaide Chapman, an American
girl nurtured on Boston beans and
other intellectual comestibles, is creat
ing a sensation in operatic circles In
Italy. Bnt she does not do it in her
own namo. She calls herself Mme.
Adda Adini. Will Mile. Addi Adinl
pleaso explain why Adelaide asido her
proper name? Norwich Bulletin.
Brown I never could endure that
Jones, he is so infernally lazy. Smith
Is he lazy? Brown Too lazy to wink.
And the worst of it is he sets such a
wretched example that everyone about
him gets to be just as shiftless as he is
himself. .Smith Is that so? Brown
Yes. They do say that even yeast
won't work in his house Somerville
A Yankee who had never paid more
than a shilling to sec an exhibition,
went to -a New York theater one night
to see the "Forty Thieves." Tho ticket
seller charged him three shillings for a
ticket. Passing the paste-board back,
he quietly remarked: "Keep it, mister;
I don't want to tjee the other thirtv
ninc," and out he marched. A". Y. In
dependent. Japanese etiquette requires that
tho lady shall give the signal for the
termination of a visit from a gentle
man. Japanese customs arc singularly
like our own. In this country the lady
gives the signal for the termination of
a visit, and the signal is: "George, I
think I hear ps)a out in the backyard
untying the dog." The signal never
fails. Boston Courier.
At Sing Sing.
Visitor Don't you find your quarters
here rather close and uncomfortable?
Convict Oh, no, I'm used to this
sort of thing.
Visitor Ah. I see. You have been
confined for a long time?
Convict No. sir; only a month. Bat
before I came here I lived a number of
years iu a New York Hit. Life.
ir .