The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, December 16, 1885, Image 2

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The London Times sometime ia
October had seven yards of political
A gas well has been struck at Loaf
Pino which gives indications of all.if
bored deeper. - P.
Tax illness of Emperor William
excites the greatest anxiety throngh
oot Gcrmaay.
It cost' the people of tail conatry
$6,500,000 to feed and blanket the In
dians last year.
"Mat the doge devour your boat,"
is the cheerful safatioa of Moslem
ladies to Christians in Constantinople.
Thibt? forty-acre tracts of school
land were sold In Antelope couaty
last month at an average of. $7 aa
The President has nominated Jona
than F; Gardner, of Nebraska, for
surveyor general of Nebraska aad
Oscak Wilde says the trouble
with him is; that he can see aagels
where other men can see only flesh
and blood.
The president's' message is a
longthy document which will be read
by fewer persons than generally un
dertake such a task.
Pensions is the one item of public
expenditure which seems to have no
peace ba?is. The pension estimate for
the year beginning July 1st next, is
The secretary of war has detached
Now Mexico from the department of
the- Missouri and annexed it to the
district of Arizona, with Gen. Crook
in command.
Banks, a lawyer of Calbertson,
Nobr., accused of frauds In accepting
.fees from contesting clients, has been
notified by a vigilance committee to
leave the town.
Queen Victobia the other day at
Winsor Castle personally Invested
Lady Randolph Churchill with the
insignia of&the imperial order of the
crown of India.
Total returns for members of par
liament received at London np to the
afternoon of the 4th, shows 273 liber
als, 215 conservatives and 53 national
ists to be electod.
Assistant Postmaster General
StevenBondecides that a woman caa
not be an offensive partisan. An ex
change, says he is a man of most
excellent judgment.
The U. P. fence gang haye been
putting up fences along their track in
Boone county, and the Argus says it
was astonishing the rapidity with
which they put them up.
Federal Judge Cobubn was noti
fied tbo other day of his suspension
from office. This news comes from
Glcndive, Montana. The charge
against him is offensive partisanship.
At the gas works at Kansas City
an explosion occurred totally wreck
ing the building. The engineer was
eeriouBly injured. The gas supply
failing, lamps were in great demand.
It is stated in the news from At
lanta, Ga., that Judge McCoy, of the
United States district court has is
sued a restraining order against the
declaration of recent prohibition la
A tauty of rowdies from Turkey
Crock undertook the other night to
run the town of Bloomlngtoa, Neb.,
but Goo. Martiu, Bob. Ingram and a
young man named Gooding were
jailed and fined $10 each and costs.
The Atchison, Topcka & Santa Fe
Railway Company has established
fonrtcen reading rooms at points
along its lino for the benefit of Its
employes. A sensible investment
that will pay five hundred per cent.
The epirit ot "Old Dad Riley" has
recently appeared in the person of
H.' A. Chittenden, of Montelalr, N.
J., who offers $500 to any one who
will prove that the earth revolves on
its axtn or that it moves around tho
The Dagget habeas corpus case from
Cincinnati has been decided by the
supreme court of Ohio, discharging
the defendant and holding the Cincin
nati and Cleveland registry law on
constitutional. Judge McIIvane was
The Omaha signal station reports
that the wind storm of the 4th was
the most powerful that has visited
that section for fifteen years. At the
Omaha bridge the velocity of the
wind was sixty miles an hour, hurri
cane figures.
The republican senatorial caucus
have decided that bills relating to the
presidential election aad also presi
dential succession should be introduc
ed as soon as practicable, and after
proper consideration should be passed
Charles Brant, living near Dil
ler, Neb., on a wager of $50, hasked
the other day 125 bushels of corn in
the wagon in less than nine hoars.
They mnst have big corn in the
vicinity of Diller, out at which to
make up this big story.
The Methodist Sunday school at
Lincoln numbers between 500 and
G00"member, and is said to be the
largest in ihe state. By the way, one
of the reasons for Nebraska's good
record is that ber people are wide
awake, intellectual, and ambitions ta
excel. "
The Schuyler Herald gate ia a
pretty side bit on the editor ef the
Omaha Republican by suggesting ta
G6v. Dawes that, having pardaaai
"Detective" Poued, he eeght to ia
setisjfttaiag handsome for Detective
FreaJfye, who earned disUactiaa ia
the FJtraMB case.
la the House Carlisle was re-elected
After the orgaaizatiea or the. Sen
ate and House they bath adjourned1
oat of reepect to the lata Vlee-Pres-fraie, Iadfaaa, Kansas,. Keatneky,
ideat f
After the reosipt aad alepeeitiaa of
taa Prealdeat's ateeeage aa other has
iaees of importaace was transacted
aad the eeeaioB adjoaraed.
I -7la taa Senate on the 9th eemoim-
aortaat Mils warn latrodaoed; r
A Mir by Wilson to prohibit the
ailiag aT-aawaaapew- eeatelalag
lottery advertisements, and prescrib
ing a peaaJty far violation of-the
By Van Wyck to tax aapateatad
made owned by railroad companies ;
alee far the relief of settlers and
paroaasors of taa pnblic domaia in
Nebraska aad Kansas.
By Blair, a joiat resolution to
amend the constitution of the United
States extending the right of suffrage
to women. Also proposing an
ameadmeat in relation to alcoholic
liquors, aad other poisonous bever
ages. The time la the House was occu
pied by the discussion of Springer's
code of rules for the government of
the House and the transaction of bus
iness. Edmunds introduced a bill to pro
vide for the establishment of a postal
telegraph. Dofpb, a bill to repeal the law of
last session providing for the settle
neat of claims of officers and ealisted
mea of the army for loss of private
property destroyed ia the military
service of the United States.
Wilson of Iowa, a bill to promote
peace among the nations. A grand
measure and should be perfected.
Plumb, a bill to open to homestead
settlement certain portions of the
Indian territory.
Van Wyck, to establish an addi
tional land district in Nebraska, the
northwestern corner.
By Call, to repeal all enactments
prohibiting pensions to wounded sol
diers aad officers, without proof of
By Plumb, to make aa additional
article of war, to prohibit gambling
among the officers and in the army.
By Voorhees, to repeal the statute
of limitations on the allowance af
pension arrears.
The House is still engaged upon
the proposed new rules.
Battiet "D." Fifth Artillery had
arrived at Salt Lake, and five com
panies from Fort Douglas, waiting
for them at the depot, escorted them
to the camp, three miles oat A
blindiag snowstorm prevailed all day,
bat the military display attracted
great crowds, which stood sullenly
by without a sign. As the band
reached the corner of Temple block it
struck up a lively air, which continued
till past that aad Tithing block. Gen.
McCook was at the bead of the column
With his staff. Flags were flying and,
with magnificent accouterments, the
battery made a grand and pleasant
sight. The battery comprises four
guns and seventy men, under com
mand of Major Rawles.
News from Fort Fred. Steele says
that the troops quartered at that place,
at Fort Russell, at Fort Washakie, as
well as those at Rock Springs and
Evaaston are in receipt of orders from
Gen. Howard to hold themselves in
readiness to take the field at a
moment's notice. The order -directs
that fifteen days' rations be provided
and each man carry five hundred
rounds of ammunition. None of the
officers know why the order was
issued nor to what point it Is propos
ed to send them. The opinion pre
vails however, that the threatening
attitude of the Mormons at Salt Lake
has caused its promulgation and that
serious trouble is really apprehended
It seems from all accounts, that the
storm of the 4th, which prevailed all
over the central and eastern part of
Nebraska, was the most severe of any
that has visited this part of the state
for tea years. In the course of this
storm many individuals have sus
tained damage to their property. At
Central City the new Methodist col
lege building is reported damaged to
the extent of $3,000 or $4,000. From
reports of the storm it mast have
been more severe east and south than
it was in this vicinity. This wind
storm lacked nothing but the saow
to constitute a real old-mshioaed
Nebraska blizzard.
In a Republican caucus held by
senators it was understood that it bad
been decided to consider and treat
each nomination sent la by the Pres
ideat for confirmation on its own
merits. The opinion wae expressed
that good mea appoiated to office
because they were democrats should
be coafirmed, except ia cases where
their predecessors were removed
upon anfounded charges brought for
the evideat purpose of making va
cancies. Ia each cases it wae urged
the administration shoald be held np
to give the removed officials aa oppor
tunity for vladication.
Gbxat enthusiasm was displayed
ia Londoa apaa the announcement
or the result of the electieas ia the
city. All foar of the nationalists can
didates, T. Harriagtoa, E. D. Gray,
T. Sullivan aad W. Marohev Wer.
successful by large majorities. Sul
livan aad Harriagtoa made epeechee
ia which they exhorted the popalsace
to preserve taa- peaee. A number of
Amerlcaa flags were carried ia the
E. W. Fox, president aad manager
of theNaUeaal Republican Co., at
Waeaiagtoa, ie evidently tha right
maa ia the right place, and ie doing
axeelleat work ia the pabliahng.ef
the National Bambliem. Members
of the pally everywhere, ia eaaeerih-
lag far aad reading his live joaraal,
will at the same time he furthering J
the iatoreete of their party. I
So many letters come to this office
asking in what States and Territories
women now have full or partial mT
raga, that we republish" ike Nat
Women have school suffrage 1a Oafte-
n. " . . - mm
Maatachaeatta, JUcaifaa, juaaeeota,
NeWakv NearBampealon, New
York. Jfermont, aad Oregon ; also la
Idaho 'Territory. Ia Idaho eln(
women or widows,, reaiqeats or a on--trict-aad
therein, may vote as to special dlstriat
taxes. In Wyomlag, Utah aad Weak
'ain "V i i . jail
suffrage. -Single wosaaa aaL widavj
have municipal suffrage la England,
ateotland, 'Oatirevaytla,;iad
Madras.. Slaglawoaiea aaa1 widows
who owa real aetata aava.ParHnjaea
tary suffrage ia.tae lata af nana. All
these rights have been gsaated wiaala
the last seveateea years. This dona
not look as if the cause were "pro
gressing backwards" so rapidly as ite
opponents try to believe. Woman's
Twenty youasr mea ia a
towa have formed a club with the ex
pectation af redaciag their liviag ex
penses to two dollars a week for each
member. This is a sensible applica
tion of taa advantages af co-aaeratiea
and whether they are quite saceeeefnl
or not, they will no doubt gain much
useful experience in habits of self-denial
and economy. Such a clab is
more creditable and more profitable
thaa most of the clubs which young
mea with limited resouraaa think it
incumbent on them to join. Clab
for the cultivation 'of economy ought
to become fasbioaable. Em.
At the Beviercoal mines, Missouri,
the other night firing of pistols and
guns was kept up. between the black
and white miners, without serious re
sult. Women and children were sent
away from the mines and trouble ia
expected. A meeting of citizens has
beea held to take measures to restore
order. Three hundred stand of arms
have arrived, aad the sheriff is organ
isieg n company of negro miaers to
remain inside the atockade of the
mlaes and fire at all white miaers
who come withla mage. Every man
aad boy at Ithe mine who is able to
handle a gun is armed.
Thebb is aa old signboard hanging
under the trees on the chief street in
Bethlehem, Pa,, weather-beaten and
blistered, whereon is seen a square?
shouldered house, presenting to the
spectator its gable ead, before which
mine host, attired ia brown knick
erbockers, m coavarstag with aa old
Indian in a red blanket; aad another
ia a yellow blanket, while a traveler
la a bag wig, gallopiag upoa aa ex?
cited steed, hails him with aplifted
arm. Furthermore, we are informed
in good English print that this is the
Moravian Sun Inn, established in 1758.
Mas. Samuel Fades, of Goldsvi lie,
Pa., the other day had occasion to go
into the garden to speak to her hus
band, who at the time was at work
among bis bees, and as she approach
ed the hives, a number of bees flew
into her face and stung her several
times. She was stung in one of her
nostrils, on the upper lip and at the
base of the cartilage dividing the two
nostrils. Her husband and physician
applied the usual remedies, but in
forty-five minutes from the time she
was siung, she died in convulsions.
A singular case, Indeed.
Joseph H. Oadeb, a farmer liviag
about ten miles from Lincoln. Neb..
in Stephens Creek precinct, com-1 "re clearly defined, understood, and
miiA ..;m. M. . i.. ..v LTaiscussed than ever before.
mitted saicide one day last -week by
cutting his throat with a raaor. He
wae in good circamstaaees aad owns
a farm in that precinct Hie wife
being dead, the homo is occapied by
the family af a tenant aad his youn
gest daughter bad come from a sis
ter's living near by to visit bim 'and
she was the only member of the
family present when be cut his throat.
Two carpenters near Council Bluffs,
have invented a mining machine
which premises to work a complete
revolution in that industry, because
the gold can be separated without the
use of water, aad a maa caa carry the
machine wherever a man can walkVjbe
thus doing away with the great ex
pense of carrying water to the pay
dirt, or transporting that to water. A
compaay has been organized to man
ufacture the machiae and place it
upoa the market
A convention wae held tha other
day at Baldwinsrille, N. Y., by two
thousand producers of tobacco. A
permaaeat organization was effected.
A radical change In the tariff law was
recommended as follows: Leaf to
bacco contained In any package, bale,
box or ia balk, suitable for wrappers
exclusively, if not stemmed, $1.25 n
pound on the whole contents of snch
package, bale, box or bulk of tobacco.
The secretary of the treasury has
seat to congress his estimate required
for the fiscal year aadlag Jane 30, '87.
The total amoaat required for all the
expeaees of tha government is $330.
581,552, which is 116,678,153 mora
thaa' the sum called for in the estimate
submitted last year, aad $50326,710
mora than taa aggregate appropria
tion for the preseat fiscal year.
Tax other evening while the tug
boat Dory Emory was towing a stone
barge ap tha East river her boiler ex
ploded opposite sixtaaath street, New
York. rThe report of the explosion
was heard far two miles. A aamber
of boats pat off to render aetistaace
bat ao trace ef the tag eoald be found
aad It ia believed she sank immediate
ly with all oa board.
Nxws from Winnipeg says the re
mains of Rial have been removed
secretly from Begiaa, oad to hie
mother's home, where taa frieads will
have aa opportaaitv to view them.
aad, after rellgieas services, taa body
will be taken to St Boniface CethoHc
cemetery for barial.
lmajtam Letter.
ijjfnm our regular correspondent.)
Washington, Dec. 7, 1885.
TKKcity is full of people, and the
leaf, session of the forty-aiath con
gress began to-day at noon. Prob
MfMO congress ever opened more
ejtBMlyQand with less excitement thaa
tale, -me usual there were crowds of
pie at the capltol to see congress
As-usBal-ei-the bea-innis? of
a aew sessloaltnere were'many'new
facesna the 'fleer .of the House, aad
the old time battle, confusion and
other famllUrlyynaofjt members were
introduced, aadthere was an inter-,
Vhaageft4ioaaBiulatlQas. during the
hoor recoiling- noonv The old
Mouse ofllcar ar ware, re-elected, ex-
feept the chaplain, Rev. Mr. Lindsay.
This place was given to Mr. Milburn,
the aliad preacher of Chicago. Rep.
rosea tativc Reed, of Maine, was hon
ored with the complimentary vote of
the Republicans for speaker. This
makes Mr. Reed virtually the leader
of the minority. He is considered
the ablest -man ia the House on a
quick retort. He Is very strong also
ia attacking and answering the op
posite party in debate. And indeed
most of the debating ability in the
Hoase is on the Republican side.
The Senate, which is always quiet
and orderly, was unusually so to-day.
It met, organised by electing Sen
ator Shermaa president pro tern, to
succeed Mr. Hendricks, and adjourned
tbroagh respect to the memory of the
late VicePresideat, whose chair was
covered with black.
The President's message Is ready
for congress whenever congress is
ready to hear it, which will probably
be to-morrow. Although great cau
tion has kept the message from pre
mature publication, its contents are
pretty well known. It will be use
less for me to give you its points,
however, as you Viil probably read
it in full by the time this reaches
The forty-ninth is the first Dem
ocratic congress to meet under a
Democratic administration since the
days of ex-Presideat Buchanan. The
country will be watohfal to see how
much the party has learned since
treasoB shouted in tho capitoi and
plotted In the cabinet.
Twenty-sir years have passed
away, thirteen congresses have come
aad twelve have gone since, on the
first Monday in December, 1859,
James Buchanaa, the last Democratic
predeceeeor of President Cleveland,
sent his annual message to congress.
Some of the senators aad represen
tatives who assembled at the capitoi
to-day were there oa the first Mon
day in December, 1859. If they will
cast their eyee over this beautiful
city, recalling what it was then and
noting what it is now, they will have
a guage by which tV measure the
change wrought in the nation during
those twenty-six years.
Every measure of public policy
which has contributed to the magni
ficent advancement of the country in
all these years has been a Republican
measure, and has been carried against
the united and unrelenting opposi
tion of the Democracy.
There is much preparation for the
finauclal battle to be fought this win
ter. Hon. Manton Marble is still cor
responding with members of Congress
aad endeavoring in every way to put
before them facts and figures, upon
which arguments on the silver ques
tion binge. It is claimed that the
basis of financial Iegislatioa will bo
The Hoar succession bill, or some
thing closely resembling it, is likely
to be brought forward early, and
there are no indications that the Re
publicans will offer any opposition to
it. During the last session the Senate
secured the adoption of the plan to
make cabinet officers the successors of
the President and Vice-President in
case of the death, removal, or disabil
ity of both. The bill failed in the
House by the obstructive manage
mentof a Democrat from Connecticut
Mr. Eaton.
But the first subject brought to the
1 attention of the House will probf.bly
revision of the rules. Every
member wants them changed, there is
no question about that The trouble
Is In finding enough members who
want the same change. Each mem
ber sees how a certaia change would
promote the passage of his little bill,
aad he will vote for that In the
multitude of schemes, the outcome is
These were 2,314 fires in London
last year.
It is said that it costs London $3,
000.000 a year for gas.
Taos. Jakes, of Gaiasville, Florida,
is said to be the father of 53 children.
"Habd time parties'' are a form of
social diversion in Virginia City, Nev.
Tbebb is a mule in Teaaessee that
is eevea feet high and weighs 1,800
The Northwood, D. T., Hsadlight,
it is reported, was recently pied by a
The latest list of American beetles
describee 9,490 species on this conti
nent alone.
These have beea nineteen deaths
from hydrophobia in London during
the past jeer.
Slab Hollow, Vt., has petitioned
tho poet-office department for a mere
digaified title.
Tube are 452 womea editors in
Eaglaad more thaa ia all the re-
mainder of Europe.
Suicide is iacreasiag in Berlin to a
frightful extent la one day lately
there were ten case.
Tube are aboat 3,000 women
voters oa the lists ia Toroato. They
have fall municipal suffrage.
Tax Iadiaa boys la tha Edacatioaal
Home, at Philadelphia, are to be ad
mitted to. tbo public schoois. ...
rr-J -v
A .Cleveland paper says a Urge
number of young' men of that city
paiat and powder their faces. ,
Queen Victobia's personal sar
vaaisAFraaeis -Clark, who Jakes the
place'oftna late John BrownV-
It is said that apple trees in some
parts ot California are producing a
second jcropofjruit this season.
r Tax .entire. peninsula. boarding on
Coal Harbor, Washington Tyt has
beea laid out In 25-foot town lots.
A Caufobhia man blasted a huge
boulder a short' timaigoand recov
ered rH,00tr la gold; from the debris.
A Los box paper is raising a fund
to purchase Christmas toys for chil
dren ia tha hospitals and alma houses.
Rbt. Sr umbo, the great Eegllsh
preacher, Is suffering from' heart dis
ease and is permanently broken in
Tax Tippecanoe Paper Mills, in
Carroll county, Ind., were burned the
other night, involving a loss of
The man who raised the first Amer
ican flag Ob Caliiornia soil is now
living in O : fll name is Jacob
P. Lee0e.
Paper is ux made in France from
hop vines, and it is claimed that the
fiber secured is the best substitute
for rags yot obtained.
At the democratic caucus held at
Richmond, Ya., the other night Hon.
John W. Daniel was nominated for
United States senator.
The potato was introduced into
France 100 years ago, .and the Agri-
cultural Society proposes soon to
celebrate the anniversary.
When a man dies in Andaman,
Society Islands, they paint him red,
white and blue, so great Is their res
pect for the American flag.
The Great Eastern, the largest ship
in the world, is to be moored in mid-
ocean as a kind of half-way house for
vessels crossing the Atlantic.
A Fbknoh oculist has offered a prize
of $3,000 for the best easily carried
instrument for the improvement of
bearing in cases of partial deatness.
A vibe the other morning at Iowa
Falls destroyed the Burliugton rouud
bouse and two engines. The value
of the property is estimated at $20,000.
The drunken murderer of the An
derson brothers of Tecumseb, Mich.,
Aaron Palmer, has not been captured,
nor is there a clew aa to the direction
be baa taken.
Santa Rosa, Cal., has a wonderful
town clock. Whea the hour baud
points at six aad the clock strikes
seventeen the people then know that
it is exactly 12 o'clock.
The employment of women under
gtound is prohibited in Great Britain,
but the British Factory Inspector re
ports that 4,458 are at work in min
ing operations above ground.
The sky glows which began two
years ago still recur far south as well
as far north of the equater, if one may
beliove letters from New Zealand on
one band and Sweeden on the other.
Febd. Wabd was transferred the
other day from the stove shop in Sing
Sing prison, where he was employed,
to the office of Perry & Co., in the
prison, where he was set to book
C. A. Ray, of New York City, on
account of jealousy, shot his wife in
the left cheek tho other evening, in
flicting n serious wound, and then
shot himself through the head, dying
almost instantly.
Late news from Algiers states that
earthquakes have thrown down many
houses at Moscora Blidz and Medeab
and destroyed three-fourths of the
town of Moila. Thirty-two persons
have been killed.'
Mrs. Birdie Schboyeb, a younz
aud pretty woman, killed herself
with strychnine at Norwich, Ohio,
the other night, and a few hours later
her husband took chloroform, but
had not, at last report, expired.
It is stated at London that five
British battalions have been ordered
to proceed to Egypt. A dispatch
from Cairo says Gen. Stevenson will
leave for Wady Haifa and assume
command of the Egyptian forces.
It is said that if a person bitten by
a mad dog will go into a Turkish
bath and stay there for seven days he
will recover. The poison in the
blood, it is believed, will be eliminat
ed by vigorous and steady perspira
tion. An aged sinner In the Connecticut
valley has been convicted of poison
ing his neighbor's cattle. His method
was to take the cores out of apples,
fill the cavity with paris green, and
scatter the bait among the grass in
the pasture.
At Akroa,Ohio, the other afternoon
a sewer which was being constructed
caved in, burying seven laborers, foar
of whom were crushed to death, aad
three others injured so badly that they
will probably die. The cave occurred
without n moment's warning.-
Pbof. Babnabd of the Yaaderbilt
University, at Nashville, Tenn., has
discovered a aew comet ia the cob
stellatioa Taurus. It is faint aad
small. It is claimed that this Is the
fifth prize of $200 won by Prof. Bar
nard for the discovery of comets.
A report comes from Rapid City
that a man by the name of Harvey
Ewing committed suicide the other
day at Deadwood by shootiag himself
through the head with a shotgun. All
that could be learned of him was that
be came to the Hills in search of
A Roman astronomer claims to
have made the interesting discovery
that the planet Mars ia inhabited by a
race of intelligent people who are
trying to make the acquaintance of
the people oa earth. Caaaot this
woaderfal astronomer fiad eat a safe
way of commaalcatioa with them? j
An exebaugo 8ys it is proposed
in Spain toot&rt.a fleet of ships, rep
resenting alffmaritime nations, from
the'little portjof Pales, in Spain, Aug.
3,1892, the 4Q0th aaaiveniary of the
sailing of Colambjaji, and to have the
fleet .sail to Sao 'Salvador over the
rouakeaiaae great discoverer.
Fbidebicx Hausxeter, Jg., 0p
Tareutum, Pa., a son of a well-to-do
German, died the other day.of.trleh
noeis, andrit""fhV tImeor'thTs"'report'
the father mother, two brothers and
three sisters are expected to die of
taoeanto iwsais.Tw wssks hsfsea
they ate a salad containing raw pork.
, ,An English clergyafan Is aathoriry
for the statement that dariag tha
great volcanic eruption ia Java two
years ago, the'great tea wave which
followed the terrestrial convulsion
washed ashore eaormoae rocks af
coral formation, weighing from thirty
to fifty tons, which were borae inland
several miles.
A becent statement was made ia'
London that the British expeditionary
force, under Gea. Prendergart, ar
rived at Maudalay withoat any re
sistance being offered by the Burmese
government provisionally in Queen
Victoria's name; The European
who remained at Mandalay on the
outbreak of hostilities aro safe. .
At the State Creek iron mines,
near Olympia, Ky., the other day a
fearlol explosion occurred by which
eight men wero badly hurt. John
and Lafe Slater. John Mountroy aad
Charles Reflet t are supposed to be
fatally injured. John Slater was
blown fully twenty-five feet. Both
of Reflett's eyes were blown out.
The Civil Servfta Reform League
of Philadelphia passed resolutions the
other day instructing Its executive
committee to prepare a bill for intro
duction into congress, making it a
misdemeanor for a member of con
gress to solicit the appointment of any
one to public office. Copies of the
resolution will be sent to every con
gressman. Petoea Oak.
In 1878 I was poisoned by contact
with poison. qak. I put myself under
the trealmeut of a homeopathic
physician in Mobile, who treated me
three months with varying success,
but uu cure. I then went under
treHsmout of one of the prominent
allopntbic physicians for months with
no better results Then I went to
New York and secured the services
of one of the most distinguished
pbyhiciaus there, who prescribed for
me for weeks and failed to give
reiief. I then went to Philadelphia
and went under the care of the cel
ebrated Dr. Agnew for many weeks,
and derived no appreciable benefit.
Disheartened, I returned home and
suffered on for some years. I went
first to Healing Springs, Ala., then to
Hot Springs, Ark., and then to
Blount Springs, Ala., from all of
which I received some benefit, but no
permanent relief could be secured.
Iu 1882 I again put myself under the
care of one of the best physicians,
aud alternated between comparative
rolief and sufferings that seemed
beyond my power to bear. It seemed
no matter what I did, as if it were
impossible to rid myself of the poison.
In 1884, in October, when in desper
ation, but having very little faith in
it, I commenced using Swift's Speci
fic. After I had taken a number of
bottles, I felt that my digestion aad
general health was improved, but so
far as I could tell the poison was still
in mf system. After I had finished
the second dozen bottles I began to
see a change for the better. Nearly
every sign of my dread affliction had
disappeared, my skin was clear and
in its normal condition, and again I
believed that I was forever free from
tnis tern Die amiction. l nave now
completed my forty-eighth bottle,
and feel free again, with no sign of
any eruption but n few pimples,
which I believe to be the last faint
signs of the result of my terrible
blood poisoning. I cannot say too
much in praise of the S. S. S.
J. E. Sherman.
Mobile, Ala.
For sale by all druggists.
Treatise on Blood and Skin Dis
eases mailed free. The Swift Speci
fic Co , drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga., New
York 157 W. 23d st.
At my place of business in
I will sell my entire stock of goods
worth 910,000, consisting of
Dry Goods,
Boots & Shoes,
., , Hardware &c.,
At Greatly ReJicei Prices
Commencing on the 1st day of De
cember, '85. After the 1st of De
cember, I desire all persona indebted
to me, to call and settle their aceonate
promptly, withoat fail.
Taken np by the subscriber oa als in
closed Unas In Lost Creek township,
Platte Ceanty irebratcaon the 21st day
of Hevember, 188, s
while legs and belly, and snaeosed to be
ten years eld. I O. Shot.
December 14th, 1896. 34-p.f
To, Cofftat, Sugar, Syrups,
DriwsJ artsl Canntd Fruitt,
and othar Stasias a
Bftellvereel Free
pmrt ! the City.
Cor. Tkirtnth and K Streets, near
A.JtN. Depot.
Tails. Is
After this great thundering aud roaring noise of the " one-day cheap
sale competitord" ha passed away,
Steps now to the front, and proclaims that he will from this -Jay on not only
hold a one or two days cheap sale, but will hold a cheap sale Irom this day
on up to tho 1st dav of JANUARY next. Everything in my store has
oeeu marKca awai UUW.N, from
a rea oanaanu 10 a line wedding suit
real facts, for when I say a thing 1
Israel don't depend solely on selling Dry Good tor a living, :n hi tle
rires income enough from other sources to live very comtortablvj aud he has
made np his mind toake it quite interesting in the Dry Goods and Cloth
ing line just for the fan of the thing, and give the citizons of Platte county
and surrounding couatry the benefit of this fun while it lasts.
The heaviest striped Cotton
Shirting 08
Lonsdale and Fruit of tho loom
Bleached Muslin 08
Fine Unbleached Muslin 05
Heavy twilled lied Flannel. . . .20
Good Shirting Flannel 12
A good Bed Comfort C5 "
A very good " 1.00
An extra heavy largo size Mar
seilles Quilt 90
A good Carpet 18
-.. ,TiU fiM,,y y l0 mJ 'eada nat my stock will always be kept up to
it s fullest capacity, and I will be very happy to show yon through and post
yoa oa prices, ao matter whether yoa
Irwin .1 Slattorir f1fntaAfl In 'mitittr I
court, Platte County. Neb. The State
of Nebraska to the heirs and next of
kin of the said Irwin J. Slattery de
of a written instrument purportiair
to be the last will and testament ot Irwin
J. Slattery for probate and allowance, it
.. u.un. .. . O...U " " iuj
Hearing me sxsi uay oi uecemoer, a. u. i
1885 before said County Court, at the
hour of 10 o'clock a. m., at which time
any person Interested may appear and
contest the same; aad notice of this pro
ceediag is ordered published three weeks
successively in the CoLUMnus Journal.
a weekly newspaper, published in this
In testimony whereof, I have
hereunto set my hand and the
seal seal of the County Court, at
Columbus, Nebr this 1st day
of December, A. D. 1885.
Johx J. Sullivan,
3Mt County Judge,
F1M AE. IB1001
Land Oflce at Grand Island, Neb.,)
Nov. 24th 1885. f
NOTICE is hereby given that the fol.
Iowing-named settler has filed notice
of his intention to mako final proof in
support of his claim, and that said proof
will be made before Judge of the District
Court at Columbus, eb., on the 9th
day of January, 1886, viz:
John Jenni, Homestead Entry No.
10683, for the S. E. , Section 24, Town
ship 19 north, of Range least. He names
tie iouowiBg witnesses to prove bis
continuous residence upon, and culti
vation of, said land, viz: Peter Brixuis,
of Colfax County Nebraska, Henry ller-
genhan, Jacob Beiss, Herman Johannes,
of Platte County Nebraska.
ZXS JOHN O. HIGGIN3, Register.
-c?BBm -
IBjftTTaese organs are arsi-cia
particular, and so guaranteed.
3"Tae organ are Irst-class in every I
Wiiteareast Limp leal
Nat "
taaeality "
Ularaao Hard "
. 5.00
. 7.00
Boots & Shoes, Hats & laps,
a paperof pins to a t,ilk dress, and from
ot clothes. This is no "as
jas or wind, but
mean it,
Very heavy Canton Flannel . . .08
15c Cotton Batting 10
Germantowu Yarn, per lb...
A good heavy winter Coat . .
" " Overcoat
A good white Shirt, linen bo
8om and cuffs .7.
An extra good scarlet all-wool
buy or not.
Proprietor of the Revolution Store.
I nAUPBKM, rr. ci,aik.
Rao-s and Iron ! "1B
.................... .................
The highest market price paid tor rajrs
I and iron. Store in the Bubach buildimr
..rv .,, UU1UIUUU9, eU. lit-ll
Obtained, and all other business in the
U. S. Patent Office attended to for MOD
Our office is opposite the L". S. Patent
Office, and we can obtain Patents in lest
time than those remote from WASHING
advise as to patentability free of charire;
We reier here to the Postmaster, the
Supt. of -Money Order Div.. and to otlii
cialu of the U. S. Patent Office. For cir
cular, advice, terms and references to
actual clients in your own State or
conntv, write to
Opposite PatentOffice, Washington, D.C.
II FIT T)for working people. Send 10
II Pi I J I oentB PostKe nd we will
mx mall youyv, a royal, val
uable sample box of goods that will put
you ia the way of making more money in
a few days than vou ever thought pos
sible at any business. Capital not re
quired, l ou can live at home and work
in spare time only, or all the time. All
of both sexes, of all ages, grandly suc
cessful. 50 cents to 15 easily earned
every evening. That all who want work
may test the business, w make this un
paralleled offer: To all who are not well
atisf ed we will send $1 to pay for the
trouble of writing us. Full particulars,
directions, etc.. sent free. Immense pay
absolutely sure for all who start at once.
Don't delay. Address Stixbox A Co,
Portland, Maine.
: I