The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, September 23, 1885, Image 1

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Proprietors and Publishers.
ETBusineas and profeseionalcards
of five lines or less, per annum, five
I? For time advertisemeats, apply
at this oSce.
SSTLegal advertisements at statute
3TFor transient advertising, see
rates on third page.
EJTAU advertisements payable
X3T OFFICE Eleventh St., up Hairs
in Journal Building.
Peryear. .. .
.Sir mouths
Three months
Single copies
. 1
VOL. XVI.-N0. 22.
WHOLE NO. 802.
( uhunbtts
CASH CAPITAL, - $75,000
Leandek Geukaud, Pres't.
Geo. W. Hulst, Vice Pres't.
Julius A. Reed.
R. H. Henry.
J. E. Taskeu, Cashier.
Basic of Deposit. Dleconmt
smd Kxchaace.
CellectioBM Promptly Made
mil Potato.
Pay latereNt Tlnse -lt.
Furniture. Chairs, Bedsteads. Bu
reau Tables. Safes. Lounges,
&c. Picture Frames and
T3T Repairing of all kinds of Upholstery
Buckeye Mower, combined, Self
Binder, wire or twine.
Paups Repaired on short notice
S5TOiie iloor west of Hcintz's Drug
Store, lltli Street, Columbus, Neb. S
Your Hair
should be your crowning glory. Ayer's
Hair Vigor will restore the vitality and
color of youth to hair that has become
thin and faded; and, where the glands are
not decayed or absorbed, will cause a new
growth on bald beads.
waw the youthful color and vigor
BLfL X of the hair be preserved to old
age? Read the following, from Mrs. O.
Norton, Somervllle, Mass. : "I have used
Ayer's Hair Vigor for the past 80 years;
and, although I am upwards of 60, my
hair is as abundant and glossy to-day as
when I was 25."
jvn assured, that a trial of AVer's Hair
JDJj Vigor will convince you of Its
powers. Sirs. 31. E. Goff, Leadville, Col.,
writes: "Two years ago, my hair having
almost entirely fallen out, I commenced
the use of Ayer's nair Vigor. To-day my
hair is 29 inches long, fine, strong, and
THyiliyUf Ufa and strengthened
JUElHXlWXJI by tbc use of
Ayer's Hair Vigor, the hair regains its
youthful color and vitality. Rev. H. P.
Williamson, Davidson College, Mecklen
burg Co., X. C, writes: "I have used
Ayer's Hair Vigor for the last ten years.
It is an excellent preservative."
nr the use of Ayer's Hair Vigor, Geo.
AX A. Dadman, Waterloo, Mo., had
his hair restored to its original healthy
condition. He was nearly bald, and very
gray. He writes: "Only four bottles of
the Vigor were required to restore my
hair to its youthful color and quantity."
TTOTlJl Ayer's Hair Vigor cures dis
UBMJifjr eases of the scalp. F. H.
Foster, Princeton, Ind., writes: "I had
been troubled for years with a disease of
the scalp ; my head was covered with dan
druff, and the hair dry and harsh. Ayer's
Hair Vigor gave me immediate relief,
cleansed the scalp, and rendered the hair
soft and pliable."
Ayer's Hair Vigor,
lr. J. C. Ayar &. Co., Lowell, Mass., V. I. A.
For sale by all Druggists.
FARMERS, stock raiser, and all other
interested parties will do well to
remember that tbe "Western Horse and
Cattle Insurance Co." of Omaha is the
enly company doing business in this state
that insures Horses, Mules and Cattle
against loss by theft, accidents, diseases,
or injury, (as also atrainst loss by fire and
lightning). All representations by agents
of ether Companies to the contrary not
withstanding. P. W. HEXR1CH, Special Ajft.
15-y Columbus, Neb.
Ststt a Honret StcChicsta.
I ft im 00 nn, zlO Encrani
lr Inntm Sate. Caa. BrW
lr i... laWU. C-lmMm.
i Studs. Dram Majors Stafi. u
hfc. mim laclfcW 1 BilrnrtlM i
if .eHmT
E- IfW
Mm Who Old Xot Ifava Implicit
ConUdenee In lli Wile
'Well, what is it?" said the money
elerk at the United States Express office
the other day, as a man with a pro
truding under lip and defiant con
tempt for grammar halted before him
and put his dinner-bucket on the
"Hain't this the place where you
take money that's to be sent some'rs?"
said the man. standing on tiptoe and
speaking in a low tone, as he leaned
forward over the counter.
"Ye: d d vou want to make a ship
ment?" "Huh?"
"D il you want to send some money
"Well, no: not this inornin': but I
reckon I will shortly, an' so I dropped
in as I wa goin' along to git a lew
items about it. It was all right for me
to dron in, wasn't it?"
"Oh. yes; certainly. What did j-ou
want to'know?"
"Well, now, s'poaen I send forty
dollars or sich matter to mv sister in
Waukegan, an' she never gits it?"
"Hut she will get it if you send it."
"Yes: but how do I know that,
though? S'poscn the train runs aga:n
sumpin. stands on its head, ketches
tire an' burns up. where's my fortv
dollars then?"
"In that case the company would
make it good."
"I sav the company would pav it
"Hut I wouldn't want it back. I'd
wan't my sister to have it. That'd be
my main reason for sendin' it."
"She would get it. The company
would pay it to her."
That'.- all right, then. But s'posen
-otuebody bulldozes your man on the
cars with a club, as I heard was done
some'rs not long back, an' slides out
wUh the money, who stands the racket
then me or the company?"
"Th' company, of course?"
"Whether they ketch the man or
"Ye ."
"Ha n't there no giggin' back on
"No: not a bit of it."
"No cotuin back at me with drawback-.,
or per cents for this'n that?"
"Not at all."
It's every dollar of it forked over
to mv sister is it. no matter what hap-pens.-'
"Yes; everv cent."
"Is it jist the same in case of be n'
struck by lightnin'?"
My wive's half brother the one in
Michigan had a barn struck ty light
nin' ouest. sot on lire an hiiMit dowu.
an' I'm switched if the company he
was insured in didn't crawl out of it
somehow or uther. an' he's lied his
noe to the grindstone ever sense on
accounts of it. You say your companv
never takes a uiau bv the nape of the
neck even if it gits a chance to?"
"No. The company guarantees to
put your money through, and it will do
it, or make it good."
"That's all right, then, an' my olo
woman hain't .so tormented smart as
she th'nks she I."
"Why so?"
"She said there wasn't nosafe way of
gittnf the money to 'Lia Ann but to
have her go an' take it to her. Hut I
thought 1 could see through her l.ttle
game, an' so I concluded Il g t a few
item s and find out for imsclf how the onraveled. Between you an' me.
I've ;ot a bulky sort of a not on the ole
woman wants to Hare out a little with
some new duds, an' if she wa to g t
her claws nu to that money I don't
b'lieve 'Liza Ann would ever see a red
of it, uotwithstand n1 she was good
enough to lend it to me U.te a spell
ago. when I was considerable hard up.
My ole woman is well-meanin' an' a
niiddlin' pr mp housekeeper, but she's
ruther too deep sot on tomfoolery to be
tiusted much in money matters, "an' I'd
about as oon put money iuto a bank
an1 give up hopes of it at onst. as to
have her g t her hands on it She
don't mean nothin' wrong about :t I
reckon, but I s'pose she jest can't help
it, an' she wouldn't have that money
about her ten minutes befo-e she'd go
to fooliu' it away on bustles an' back
hair an' sich other i.on-ene as she'd
happen to get her in'nd sot on. I'm a
good deal much obleeged to yon, s'r,
an' I'll gve you the handl n' of that
money as I come along to-morrow.
Even if you ruled out 1 ghtnin I d
it a blamed sight quicker' n I wo.ild the
ole woman.'' Chirauo Ledger
The Growth of tbe Trade In This Article
Im the United Stat.-a.
Said a well-known manufacturer to a
reporter: "The consumption of choco
late in the United States ha had a won
derful growth. In 1878 we manufac
tured into chocolate goods 24.000 bags
of raw cocoa: last year we ued .14.000
bags, an increase of ."50.00(1 bags in live
years. The next five years will see a
still greater rate of increase. When
Humboldt discovered the use of the
cocoa plant in his travels, he 1 tile
dreamed of the immense business that
was to grow out of the concoction of
his first cup of chocolate. It s to-dav
fairly in the way of becom ng one of
the principal articles of food through
out the world, and tends eventually to
supplant tea and coffee as a beveraire.
As a llavonng it alrea ly stands next to
vanilla, which heads the 1 st. and it is
used u all branches of cookery, patry
anil cream, aud for baking purpo-e
generally. Fifteen years ago I weut
on the road to sell in a small wav
chocolate soimIs of mv own manufac
ture, and I was laughed at for my
pains. At that tine the consumption
was 1 m led in this country to the few
large c ties in wh'ch the " fore gn ele
ment predom'natcd. The article was
elsewhere comparatively unknown.
"The taste for chocolate is au ac
quired one. and the public had to be
educated to the loe for it. and like
tobacco and beer it is at first distasteful
and even nauseating, but also like them
when once the taste is formed it is not
easily surfeited. It probably tires the
taste less than any other confection,
and this accounts 'for its presence in
nearly all the candy that is sold to-dav.
Chocolate is one of the most healthful
foods known, and in its pure state may
be used to ar. unlimited extent w.thout
harmful effects. In Europe it has taken
nearly half a century of unremitting
labor on the part of manufacturers to
fairly establish the uublic taste for
chocolate, but Americans take to it
rapidly, and in fifteen years have
learned to love it and look upon it
almost as a necessary of life. The va
rieties of chocolote preparations are
almost legion, for it enters into the
manufacture of both food and drink."
M. F. Tribune.
Way Staid Citizen wti Perturbed a
"I was both surprised and grieved,"
said Mr. Samplan,i "when I awoke
and found a midnight intruder in my
bed-chamber. I do hate to be awakened
from a sound sleep, and I had always
rather meet strangers by daylight and
take a regular introduction.
"Well, this man this very audacious
man had the impudence to light my
gas and point a pistol at me. Yes, sir,
and my gas bills are oetrageously high,
and his pistol was probably loaded. I
do hate to see a man so utterly heedless
of other men's rights. It might have
softened the matter some had he been a
gentleman in his speech, but he wasn't
so no, sir, he wasn't. As I opened my
eyes and sat up in bed he growled out
in a voice like a sea-lion.
"Be quiet, old man, or I'll bore your
brains with a bullet!'
'Do you suppose I'd use a man like
that? Never! I'd have some decency
about me, especially if my victim's wife
was beside him. My wife awoke, of
course, and when the burglar saw by
her looks that she was about to scream,
he turned tbe pistol at her and said:
" 'Come now; but if you open that
potato-trap of yours I'll pin your head
to the wall!'
"Think of such language from a per
fect stranger! Think of the insult to my
wife's mouth! No one will ever know
how badly she felt. She just fell back
on the pillow and cried, and the auda
cious burglar he clicks the lock of his
pistol two or three times to keep us
scared and then remarks:
" 'Come, old coon. I want you! Git
up and pint out the valuables!'
"The brassiness of it! Wanted me to
help him rob my own house! I was so
amazed at his impudence that I got up.
He sat down in a chair near the door,
pointed his deadly weapon at my heart,
and orders me to go ahead and collect
all the money and jewelry and leave it
on the stand. Did you ever hear of the
like! 1 wanted to argue the case a bit,
for I'm a man as doesn't like to be sent
to State Prison for robbing his own
house, but he thunders at me:
" 'Lively now, old spindle-shanks, or
I'll make a corpse of you.'
"I assure you that 1 was considerably
perturbed. Look at these legs large
enough to bear up an ox. Had he any
right or reason to use the term spindle
shanks' He was no gentleman no
gentleman, sir. I picked up about $200
m cash, two watches and a lot of jewelry,
acd when I turned them over to him he
further revealed his nature. Instead of
thanking me for the size of the contri
bution he growled out: 'Dura ye, for an
old skinflint, but I'm a good mind to
bore ye!'
"I'm no skinflint, as all my friends
swear to, and I had given him all we
had in the house. After growling for
awhile be orders me back into bed,
threatens us with death if we move even
a toe before daylight, and then goes
down stairs. Here he eats up our pies
and cakes, breaks up all our plated sil
ver, carries off the milk jug and butter
dish, and in going away leaves the doors
open for cats anumosquitoes and moth
millers to come in.
"I tell you what such things go far
to vex a good citizen and make a bad
man of him. I want to be treated like
a gentleman, especially in my own
house. I don't like to have strange
people enter my bed-room at midnight
and brow-beat me. No true gentleman
will compare his wife's mouth to a potato-trap,
and no man tit to appear ia
good society will call me spindleshanks,
old coon, etc., unless we had both been
drinking and were having a hilarious
time. I feel perturbed, sir very much
Ferturbed, and if the thing occurs again
shall certainly go to the police about
it-" Detroit Free Prest.
Youngsters who Ape the Habtta mad
Small Vice or Their Elders.
The middle-class girls of Holland are
certainly very pretty. They have soft,
clear skins and bright complexions.
They are decidedly piquant in appear
ance, much more so than their sisters
over the Rhine. This year the favorite
color is parrot green of various shades,
which seems to suit their brown hair
and eyes amazingly. They wear the
high crown, fashionable hat, with a
string or two added. As for the back
crinoline now the rage, I have seen
nothing in size or sway to equal the
achteruit of the fashionable girl of Am
sterdam. The literal meaning of the
above word, I am told, is "behind tbe
horse." Everyone smokes in Holland
that is, every .male body. One could
almost believe that the male bodies are
ushered into the world with a cigar
in their mouths. The mollifying
efforts of tobacco sooth the infant
Dutch boy in the cradle, add variety to
his youthful sports and pastimes, and
when he becomes old enough to run of
errands, or, if of well-to-do parents, to
sit at table d'hote with bis father aad
mother, forms the chief occupation of
his life. Walk the streets of Amster
dam early in tbe morning and observe
the most diminutive office-boy sweeping
the sidewalk, polishing the door-plate
or cleaning the windows with a six-inch
cigar in his mouth. It is no uncommon
thing for a boy ten or twelve years old
to address you seriously, "A beetue vuur
ini jn heer as u ocfcciC." And sober,
zray-haired men give them the desired
light and pass on. I have seen a boy
not over fourteen years of age dining
with his parents at table d'hote at the
Amstel Hotel light a large cigar, when
the wax tapers were passed, as they al
ways are in Holland, immediately after
dessert, aud calmly puff away, much to
the astonishment of the British matrons
and British papas present In railway
carriages American and English ar
rangementstare reversed, smoking car
riages being the rule and "no smoking"
the exception. Cor. San Francisco
Pearls deteriorate by age, contact
with acids, gas and noxious vapors of
all sorts. A leading importer advisee
that pearl necklaces, which are liable to
deteriorate by coming m contact with
the skin, be restrung once a year, as
drawing the silk thread out and through
the pierced parts tends to dense the
pearls. In Ceylon, we are assured on
fairly good authority, that when it is de
sired to restore the luster to Oriental
pearls the pearls are allowed to be
swallowed by chickens. The fowls with
this precious diet are then killed and the
pearls regained ia a white aad lustrous
state. A. Y. Post.
A Solano County, (California,) maa
has four wives living, has been divorcee!
six times, three times from one womaa.
aad has been married sevea
San Francisco ChronitU.
A good mechanic gets four dollars
a week in Holland.
New Orleans is to have a Castle Gar
den, which she hopes to make as famous
as that in New York.
Cheese rinds are disposed of by
making them into cement for mending
glass and porcelain. Chicago Herajd.
The best time yet made between
New York and Liverpool is six days,
nine hours and fifty minutes. N.'Y.
A convict in an English prison per
fected the style of lawn tennis racquet
now the most popular among British
Petroleum was known to the dwell
ers on the shores of the Caspian Sea,
and'u some parts of the Valley of the
Euphrates, five hundred years before
the Christian era. Alexander the Great
made use of it in the burning of Baby
lon. There are degrees of excellence
even in baked beans. A South End
restaurant recognizes grades in this es
culent, aud advertises, "B.iked Beans,
ten cents. Choice Baked Beans, fifteen
cents." Boston Saturday Keening Ga
zette. There is a peculiar regioii on the
border of the Colorado desert, about
110 miles east of Los Angeles, Cal.,
called Palm City, where npo fruit is
produced at least four weeks ahead of
any other locality in that section of Cal
ifornia. iSan Francisco Chronicle.
Yesterday a little girl did not want
to go to school because it was "too aw
ful hot." When asked if she liked win
ter better she said: "In summer it is
too hot to go to school and in winter it
is too cold. 1 like the weather just
right." Wilmington(DeL) Xetvs.
A preliminary British company has
been formed with" a capital of $100,000
to make geological investigations, en
gineering plans and estimates for a rail
way tunuel between Great Britian and
Irela d. It seems to be ussumed that
the cost of the tunuel would be
The birds of Louisiana, papers of
that State sav, will soon be exterminated.
Thi colored people there not only make
oinls an article of food, but have begun
to us their eg;s for the same purpose.
The vrar of the partridges, robins,
wrens, "mocking birds, and all others
that they can get their hands on, arc
The Berlin Aquarium has at last
accomplished the difficult feat of show
ing a school of live herring in its salt
water basin. Tiiese fish are so delicate
that when caught in their native ele
ment even a moment's exposure to the
air will kill them. They had. therefore,
to be caught under water and to be care
fully transported from the seaUoird.
Climate never made a breed of fast
horses. The development of racing
stock in California is due to a few
wealthy men who have bpen willing
to spend their wealth on breeding es
tablishment':, where the be.-:t imported
stallions and mares are kept, aud if the
business should ever be neglected Cali
fornia hor-es would degenerate aud win
no more races. Sun Francisco Altu.
Browsing animals are proving as
destructive to C'aliforuia forests as lire is
elsewhere. Herds of sheep aud cuttle are
driven up to the mountains ever' year
to graze, and they devour every green
thing from the foothills to the meadows
on the summit of the ranges. When
the grass tails the oung seedling trees
are eaten off, or the bark peeled so that
the undergrowth is entirely destroyed.
Chicago Fleruld.
llow Indian Unite Are Fabricated to
To discover an Indian grave is, of
course, a red-letter day for the archa.'
ologist. Now, Indian graves are manu
factured to order, it would appear. At
least the following recently occurred in
New Jersey: A Philadelphia Flint Jack
secured a half-decayed skeleton from a
Potter's field in the vicinity, and placed
it in a shallow excavation on the wast
ing bank of a creek in New Jersey,
where Indian relics were frequently
found. With it he placed a steatite tobacco-pipe
of his own make, a steatite
carving of an eagle's head, and beads;
with these were thrown numbers of gen
uine arrow-heads and fragments of pot
tery. The earth was blackened with
powdered charcoal. This "plaut" was
made in November, and, in the follow
ing March, during the prevalence of
high waters and local freshets, he an
nounced to an enthusiastic collector that
he knew the location of an Indian grave,
and offered to take him thither for fifty
dollars, the money to be paid if the
search proved successful, which of
course it did. The cranium of that Phil
adelphia pauper passed through several
craniologists' hands, and was gravely
remarked upon as of unusual interest,
as it wis a marked dolichocephalic skull,
whereas the Delaware Indians were
brachiocephalic! Dr. Chailes C. Abbott,
in Popular Science Monthly.
"Matilda!" he exclaimed, the per
spiration irrigating the rootlets of his
tawny locks. "Matilda! I love you."
"Henry," she replied, clubbing with
her fan the mosquito who was dining oft
her damask cheek, "Henry, it does you
"And," resumed Henry, with his
voice far below the middle stud of his
immaculate shirt-front; "and do you.
Matilda do you er love me?"
'No, Henry," replied Matilda, with a
Christian-huniility-and - resigned-to-niy-lot
frankness; "nor Henry, I do not love
you, but I tsteem you as a "
"Oh, stew that." vociforated Henry,
"none o' your esteem you as a brother;
that's too hoary a chestnut for me."
And Henry on that same hour tbe lady
forsook. "True, he had to; but, never
you mind, he forsook her all the same.
Boston Transcript.
How it Works.
Mistress "What? you want your
wages raised already' Why, you have
not been in this country a month: you
know nothing of American housekeep
ing, and, I am now paying you as much
as the most experienced servants geL"
Maid "Yes, mum; I know, mum.
But you see times is very dull, now."
"1 should ay they were."
"Yes", mum.' Me brother Mickey is
on a strike' me cousin Jim's out of
work; me cousin Philip and cousin John
and cousin George, they all had their
wages reduced."
"Well, what has that to do with it?"
"You see, mum, I must take care ot
tbe whole family now, muai." Phil
(klpMa Call.
National Bank!
Aitkorized Capital, - - $250,000
Paid Ib Capital, - 60,000
Surplus aed Prelts, - - 13,000
A. ANDERSON, Pres't.
S AM'L C. SMITH. Vice Pres't.
O. T. ROEN, Cashier.
I. W. EARLY, '
Foreign and Inland Exchange, Passage
Tickets, ana Real Estate Loans.
D. T. Martyx, M. D. F. J. ScilCG, M. D.
U. 8. Examining Surgeons,
Local Surgeons. Union Pacific, )., X.
4 B. H. and It. A M. R. R's.
Consultations in German and English.
Telephones at office and residences.
larOffice over First National Bank.
I. KVAXS, 91. D..
t3rofliee and rooms. Gluck building,
11th street. Telephone communication.
Chromic Diseases aad Diseases of
Ckildrem a Specialty.
EJTOfflce on Olive street, three doors
north of Firbt National Bank. 2-ly
91. COsCHiELlUH,
Upstairs Ernst building 11th street.
f A. OAKLO W, Collection Att'y.
Office with J. Q. Hlggins. 34-3m
xth Street. 2 doors went of HaaMOad Homo,
Columbus, Neb. 491-y
Office on Olive St., Columbus, Nebraska
Five years' time, on improved farms
with at least one-fourth the acreage under
cultivation, in sums representing one
third the fair value of tbe homestead.
Correspondence solicited. Addrefts,
,r0-y Columbus, Nebr.
Foreign and Domestic Liquors and
llth street, Columbus, Neb. fl0-y
Office upstairs in McAllister's build
ing, llth St. W. A. McAllister, Notary
Keeps a full line of stationery and school
supplies, aud all kinds of legal forms.
Iusures against fire, lightning, cyclone
and tornadoes. Office in Powell's Block,
Platte Centei . 19-x
Attorair ui Hotiry TsXt e. CslUcttr.
Celumbtts, : : : Nebraska.
j. jr. nAiiGHAi,
Justice, County Surveyor, Notary,
Land and Collection Agent.
fgTParties desiring surveying done can
notify me by mail at Platte Centre, Neb.
llth St., opposite Lindell Hotel.
Sells Harness, Saddles, Collars, Whips,
Blankets, Curry Combs, Brushes, trunks,
valises, buggy tops, cushions, carriage
trimmings, &c, at the lowest possible
prices. Repairs promptly attended to.
Plans and estimates supplied for either
frame or brick buildings. Good work
guaranteed.. Shop on 13th Street, near
St. Paul Lumber Yard, Columbus, Ne
braska. 526mo.
T H. LAWMEftfjE, '
Will do general surveying in Platte
and adjoining counties. Office with S. C.
Carpenters and Contractors.
Havenad an extended experience, and
will guarantee satisfaction in work.
AU kinds of repairing done on short
notice. Our motto is, Good work and
fair prices. Call and give us an oppor
tunitytoestimateforyou. 3TShop on
13th St., one door west of Friedhof &
Co's. store. Columbus. Nebr. 483-v
Tin and Sheet-Iron Ware !
Job-Work, Soofins; and Gutter
ins; a Specialty.
iSTShop on Olive Street, 2 doors
north of brodfeuhrer's .lewelry Store.
W. g,ABK
His lands comprise some fine tracts
in the Shell Creek Valley, and the north
ern portion of Pl9tte county. Taxes
paia tor nos-resiaents. satisfaction
guaranteed. 20 j
Uaotttloa BUhopluc Signs Whlca IaU
ct so Anlml'a A(.
Aphthae or thrush, a disease of the
mouth, is very common among young
horses. It consists of small red
patches and vesicles on the inside of
the cheeks: also on the tongue. The
mouth is hot aud fever sh. and the ani
mal will frequently allow the food to
fall out of it from iuab 1 ty to masti
cate. The principal means to be em
ployed are a paste made of equal parts
of honey and powdered bavberry bark,
or borax; the part; to be anointed
every night. To promote healthy ac
tion,' and purfy the blood, give one
ounco of flower of sulphur, two ounces
of powdered golden seal, and one
ounco of powdered sassafras, mixed
and divided into four parts, mixing one
part in scalded shorts every nighL
This treatment applies to all classes of
There is no doubt that a colt some
t'mes sutlers considerable pain from
teething, in consequence of tin resist
ance which the teeth encounter from
unyield ng gums. The pain docs not
ar:..e. as some suppose, from the point
of the tooth pressing upward against
the gum, but from the downward
ressure the roots of the tooth com-pre-s
ng the dental nerve-consisting in
local irr.tatton. which, if not relieved,
deranges a pari or the whole of the
nervous system. The remedy is a sharp
gum lancet. Make an icision r.ght
down to the point of the tusk or tooth,
and the animal generally experiences
relief. If he labor under sympathetic
fever, appears irritable and nervous,
give him a drachm of asafuetida. in thin
gruel, keep the owels soluble and let
the diet be light.
Owing to the unequal wear of some
horses' teeth, the'r edges project and
become harp: they are then apt to ir
ritate and wound ' the mucous mem
brane on the inside of the cheek. In
such cases an in:-reaed How of saliva,
impi-rfcct mastication and loss of tlesh
wdl lie not ced. The remedy is a
BisfiGping consist; in making arti
ficial marks on horses' teeth to give
ill em the appearance of youth. It is a
species of imposition so" repreheus.ble
that all honest horse dealers have set
the r faces against it. It is called
'R-shop'ng." from the name of the
scoundrel who invented it. .The horse
of e ght or nine years old is cast.
and. with an engraver s tool a
hole is dug in the now almost
smooth surface of the corner teeth,
and in shape and depth resembling the
mark in a seven-year-old horse. The
hole is then burnt with a heated iron,
and a permanent black stain is left; the
next pair of nippers are sometimes
touched to imitate tne brown color of
the natural mark. However dexter
ously th:: operation may be performed,
the fraud is easily discovered by thosa
who are in the' habit of examining
teeth. If the horse is aged, it may be
known by the appearance,
such as gray hairs, sunken eyes, deep
hollows above them. The bones are
prominent, 1-ps flabby and the hipper
of the lower jaw. instead of appearing
angular, approach, as the auimal ad
vances in years, to the horizontal. -
Philadelphia Record.
A I'ath WhTch Can Br Iravrted But
The stm. as it lingered on theedgeof
the Horizon s nkinir so slowiv thatoue
might say that it regretted to leave the
world in diirkness lighted up his face
until the grandchild asleep on his knee
would hardly have recoguied him had
-he opened her eyes.
Old and feeble aud gray ready to
bid farewell to earth he was a child
again, aud his mind had the thoughts
oi a child. The sun had gone down
and the duk had come on for h-m tens
of thousands of time.-, without ques
t on, but this time he felt afraid and
Oh! sun, do not leave me just yet.
Wait until I am a man. aud 1 shall care
not whether it .s day or night."
Ami the sun whispered back to him:
I have .een ou pass from child
hood to manhood and back. You can
not travel the path again."
"But wait a little longer. When I
have grown to be a youth the coming
of night w 11 have no terrors for me.
'Alas! old man." answered the de
clining sun. "a irranil old tree can not
become a shrub a::a:n. It may be
spl utered or uproot-d by the burri
cam but it must die as a tree."
"Then rema n w th me!" pleaded
the old man. "Mv limbs are feeble,
aud vour light will safely guide my
-That I can not do. but I will send
the moon to cast lu-r rays upon the
earth aud soften the darknos of
n gh."
And when the moon came the old
man's locks were changed from the
gold of sunset to the silver of evening,
and the furrows of age were melted
aud softened tint I they could no Ionget
be seen. Aud he whispered to the
"Do not leave me tonight, for I am
old aud afraid of the darkness oi
n ght."
"1 can not stay beyond my fixed
time." an wenil the moon, "but when
I go I will send the star- to keep you
"I had a Wife children friends.
Brinz them back to me from the my.
tcr ous unknown."
"Alas! but the dead arc dead!" And
the moon went awav and the itars
came, aud the bid man pleaded:
"I am old and lonely. Hear rue com
pany dnr'ng my br ef stay on earth."
And one br.ght star answered for all
the rest:
"A hard greater than m- n'-controls
our movcn.ents. Look beond us."
And the tar- drew aside the mvst t
ved. and the old man's eyt looked be
ll nd it. Thev lighted up with the fires
of youth -of hope -of aut c pat on of
deep satisfaction. His a::'d face grew
young h . limbs rega net! their
strength his blood coursed a- in the
veins of a man n his pr nn:. The stars
held the veil as'de but a moment, aud
yet he had seen enough.
The child -lept on. but the arms
around it gave up their strength.
The niirhl-winds toed the old
man s yr.iv locks, but he gave no heed.
A hand was la d on his shoulder and a
voice whNpered in hi& ear. but he gave
no s gn. The grai-' old tree had g ven
up its life on earth n beg n anew be-b-nil
the ve 1. -Detroit Free Press.
In Pennsylvania the figures show
170..VJ4 males to I7C.46o females. In
V rginia they bring to light the fact
that there ae 745.51.! ma es to 70,!7G
females. In 111 nols there are 1.586.
5z9 males :o only 1.41M.34S femaUis. or
more t:ian 95 hW of am excess of the
former. Pittsburgh Post.
Th Vehlrlr, ued by th ColonlU SM
Year, ago.
The Virginia planter of the richer sort,
who was said to live with more show
and luxury "than a country gentleman
in England on the estate of three or
four thousand pounds a year,"showed a
strong liking for the statelv six-horse
coach, with postilions; but it was not
until 1720 that wheeled carriages were
recognized in the legal price-list of the
Virginia ferries. In the other colonies,
also, the coach was valued as a sign of
official or family dignity, and some of the
richer Carolinians carried "their luxury
so far as to have carriages, horses,
coachmen, aud all, imported: from Eng
land"; but in Carolina, and everywhere
north of Virginia.tho light open "chair"
or the covered chaise was generally pre
ferred. These woro better suited to the
roughness and sinuosity of the roads
than the coach. The chaise was a kind
of two-wheeled gig, having a top and
drawn sometimes by one, and sometimes
by two horses; the chair had two wheels,
but no top; the sulky, which was much
used, differed fAim'the chair chiefly in
having room for but one person. All these
seem to have been hung on straps, or
thorough-braces, instead of springs.
Boston ladies in the middle of the eigh
teenth century took the air in chases or
chairs, with negro drivers. Boston gen
tlemen also affected negro attendants
when they drove their chairs, or rode on
saddle-horses. But in rural regions,
from Pennsylvania northward, ladies
took delight in driving about alone in
open chairs, to the amazement of Euro
pean travelers, who deemed that a para
dise in which women ceuld travel with
out protection. Philadelphians were
fond of a long, light, covered wagon,
with benches, which would carry a doz
en persons in an excursion to the coun
try.. Sedan-chairs were occasionally
used in the cities. The Dutch introduced
sleighs iuto New York at a very early
date; but sleighs for pleasure, though
known in Boston about 1700, only came
into general use iu the northern proviu
ces at a somewhit later period. The
first stage wagon in the colonies was nin
from Trenton to New Brunswick, twice
a week, during the summer of 1728. It
was a link in the tedious land and water
journey from Philadelphia to New York,
and travelers were promised that it
would be fitted up with benches, and
covered over, so that passengers may
sit easy and dry. Century.
Soine Allrgorin. a Good Way after Kop.
Which Teach Healthy Moral.
A Crow and a Hare met by chance
one day, and were so well Pleased with
each other that it was Agreed to form a
"The first thing in order," remarked
the Crow, "is to select a Home, which
will, of course, belong to both of us.
Have you got your eye on any particu
lar Tree?"
"Tree!" echoed the Hare, "why, we
want a burrow, of course."
''Burrow! But I can't live in a Hole?"
"And I can't Climb a Tree!"
"If you didn't intend to Consult my
Wishes why did you Propose this Part
nership!" "And if you weren't ready to give
way in these little Matters why Accept
my Proposals?"
They were Hotly Disputing and
Abusing each other when the Fox came
along, and being Appeafed to for his
Opinion he said:
"My Friends, while you are both
wrong, you have still exhibited rare
Judgment. The Human Family alone
are Fools enough to Marry First and
.Quarrel over their likes aud dislikes and
Nature's Incongruities afterwards.
The Bear and the Wolf had been
Warm Friends- for many years when the
Wolf one day asked for a Loan to help
him out of" a Tight Squeeze. To his
utter Astonishment the Favor was
Promptly Refused.
"Haven't we been Friends?" asked
the Wolf.
"Truly, we have!"
"And don't you wish to be in the
"It is for that reason," answered the
Bear, "that I refuse the Loan. If
you have no Trouble ia repaying me
you will Depend upon me in all Future
Emergencies. If you fail to repay you
will Become my Enemy for Life."
(Jo to your Friends for sympathy to
your Pawnbroker for loans. Detroit
Free Prest.
The Adoptloa of the National Knalga by
the Continental C'ongres.
The subject of a flag or standard was
considered early in the Continental Con
gress; and, on the 14th of June, 1777,
this resolution was passed:
KfM(ihril.rhnt ttiotlajf or the thirteen United
States be tliirtcvn stripes, alternate red and
while. Ibattbe Union be thirteen stare, white,
in a blue Held, representing a new constella
tion. The admission into the Union, after
the establishment of the present Gov
ernment, of Vermont and Kentucky a?
new States, caused the number of star?
and stripes to be increased to fifteen
each; and the subsequent addition of
live other States led the followingenact
uient, which is vet in force, approved
on the 14th of April. 1818:
An Act to cstablUh tbe Hair of the United
Beit nnicttil lnj the Srutite nnil tome of Hep
tatniatitt uf the L'oiteil Stiitea of Amrtica h:
CunutrmVHitinUlta. Tbat from and nfterthe -ttli
day of July next, the ttajr or the United State
be thirteen hori.on al itripes; alternate red
and white: that the Union be twenty utars.
white in a blue field.
Se 1 And ir 't ftirthrr entcUd. That on ti
admission of every new Statu into the Union,
one star be add-l to thv union or the flay;
and tbat uch addition fhall take effect on
the -1th day July then next ucoeedin- gucb
Whenever, American sees
this glorious ensign of his country, the
stripes recall to his mind the birth of the
Republic, with the events that surround
ed it: the stars suggest it wonderful de
velopment in size, iu resources, and in
power; and, in homage to the national
grandeur and protective authority which
it represents, wherever he beholds it
whether in mid-ocean floating at the
head of a passing ship, or waved aloft
in tbe streets of foreign lands, he lifts
his hat to it with a patriotic feeling of
filial love and pride. Edmund Alton in
St. Nichrtas.
There is a simple bliss that follows
in the wake ef frugal aud careful habits
of life, which even wealth can not bay."
National Live Stock Journal
A mail down East is lecturing on
M'nce P.e." Still he does not tell u
what is in it. Oil City Derrick.
We presume that if .General Frank
Hatton journeyed to Russia he would
become General Frank Hattoff. Ctor
rcnt. The discovery has been made that
the world does not revolve with the
same momentum it did a thousand
years ago. but it still swings round fast
enough to satisfy the man with a
heavy bill comingdue. Chicago Trib
une. '
It is sa'd that a successful type
setting machine has at last been put in
operation. We go right smart on ma
chinery, but we want to see it trot
around the office hunting sorts and
stealing leads before wo take much
stock in it. Chicago Ledger.
A dude, who fell oft a New York
ferry-boat, offered any one who would
save his life $1.50. The offer was final
ly accepted by an old woman who
wanted capital to set up an apple-stand,
but she didn't make a move until this
fact was fully expla'ne I to her fellow
pasetigers. Detroit Free Press.
Nothing makes a man prouder than
to find when he has got his garden
nicely laid out and the seeds all in, that
every hen within a mile of him seems
determined to have a claw in the job,
and show him how she would have ar
ranged matters if he had consulted her.
Fall Hirer Advance.
-Then and Now.
lie called uic I'opsey. Sweet, and fet.
When wo began our married tile.
Ills guiding star, his loved Annette,
UN hope, bis joy, bU dull In if wile.
The-. fond endearment are all o'er.
And though bU heart no doubt U true.
I hour thoe pretty names no more.
For now he calls mo "uy there, you !
Judge "Did vou Witness the acci
dent?" Witness "I did." Judge
"At what distance?" Witness "Sixty-seven
feet and nine inches." Judge
"How do you know so exactly?"
Witness "Well. I knew that 1 would
!e summoned, and I prepared niys. If
for alt the foolish (uetions that 1 knew
would be put to me in a court of law."
X. Y. Telegram.
Tenant (to owner ot Hast Side Har
lem Hat)- "Some of the plaster in my
kitchen fell down lar night, and I
want you to fix it." Landlord: "What
caucd it?" Tenant: "The man who
occupies the lloor above sneezed."
Landlord: "Well! Some people think
because they pay twenty-two dollars a
month rent they can carry ou just us if
they lived in a Roman citadel." A'. 1'.
Seven Separate and Ulittinet Way of Coin
mittlng Matrliuuuv.
There are seven separate and distinct
ways in which the nuptial knot may be
tied, the attend ng expense of the differ
ent modes varying !rom $1 toSl.000.
The least expens ve, and the one seldom
adopted, except in cases of elopement,
is that afforded by the Justice's office.
There a couple can be lirmly united in
the spnee of a minute for a small Mini.
It is customary for a groom to dress as
he may plca-e when th marriage i, to
l.e performed In a Jiit.ce. mi. I a dress
.Miit would be sadly out of place in the
iuut'.' law office. The one great ad
vantage of the jiiitice-shop marr.agi is
As -oine people object to being mar
ried by a Justice of the Peacer prefer
r ng the sanction of the church in addi
tion to that of the law. the young peo
ple may vi-it a parsonage instead of a
.1 notice's office with the sum.' preiiar.i
t on The ceremony may'l.e fully as
informal wlieii at the minister's home,
the only difference being that not less
than t"j. and better -till :" or S10.
should be paid for the service, although
there is no fixed sum oharged. The
most popular ceremony among peo
ple who do not class thciu
helves as in "society." and aUo among
many who do. is a iju'ct home wedding,
where the brde s attired in a suit of
pla;n white or a traveling dress, and
the groom iu a plain black or brown
bus ness suit, and where only a few
friends and relatives are present. The
affair is informal. pcrhap3 a modct
supper or lunch being served after the
ceremony is jierform-d. and the entire
epeiisi- to the gioom be ngcovcred by
a '-0 bdl. or ev u le-s. This is the
most pupu'ar wedding ceremony, and
this is the way in which fully seventy
five per cent, of oimg people are mar
ried. Next in point of favor and ine.x
pens enes is the informal church
wcdil ng, being sim Iar in all thing-, ex
cept that the service is performed
wtth'n the port tl of the hunli. If
the affair is strictly privato. the bride
aud irroom may he unsupported or
have br desmaids and groomsmen, as
they plea-.e. In the latter case full
dre-s suits' should be worn, increasing
the expense. The "full dress wed
ding " as t may be called when the
ceremony is performed at home, isnevt
in favor. Elaborate tioiisseau. full
dre.-s u ts, bride-maid-, and grooms
men, flowers A abundance, and a ho-t
of inv.ted ffiiests are the re-juisites
followed by a recept on. fexst or lunch,
as the contracting part es may desire.
The seventh and last and most pop
ular is the full-drc'S affair performed
in church. Among people who desire
to create a st r in society th s is the
favorite. It is expensive, and in many
cases unsatisfactory. Milwaukee Jour-
The London Ragamuffin.
The jMMiuin ragamuffin will never
compla n. He never expects or even
hopes that h's condition will improve;
he is as much a fatalist as the Turk. 1
once asked an 'iiteresting little boy
with a pale, careworn face and an in
telligent express on, if he ha 'ever won
dered why it wa- that In had iioth'ng
but rags; why it was he had no !oots.
and sometimes no bread to eat. while
I had plenty of everyth:ng'J He look
ed up at me with a calm, pat ent ex
press on. as much as to -ay. "I have
never wondered at such things."
"Tell me."' I persisted. have you ever
thought about this d flerence?" "It's
the Lord's w 11." he repl ed tritely: but
he seemed reluctant, when I pressed
him. to explain what he understood br
the i ord's wdl. At lat in a tim'd,
burred voice he said: "It is all the
Lord's doing, this way; you are grand
like, and drcs nice, and lives in a big
house, and you have a planner, and
and." he looked round the room that
he might enumerate all our titles to
consideration "and a sofy: so the
Lord sees as how you are gentlefolks,
and He think lots of such 1 ke as
you. But we are verj- poor, we are.
Mothcrpawns the blankets, and father
beats mother, and swears awful. We
ain't got no Sunday things; we're all
raggety, so the Lord don't take much
notice on us." English llluttraUd