HATES OF ARVERTI.H EiTBuainesa and prof eaaional cards of five lines or less, per annasa, Its dollars. tdB For time advertisements, applf at this office. 17'Legal advertisements at statats rates. HTTor transient advertisings rates on third page. ST'AU advertisements parable monthly. 'OFFICE, Eleventh St., up stairs in Journal Building. tirms: Peryear.... . Six months ... Three month . Single copies VOL. XVI.--N0. 21. COLUMBUS, NEB., WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 16, 1885. WHOLE NO. 801. THE JOURNAL; ISSUED EVIKY WEDNESDAY, M. Iv. TURNER fc CO. Froprietori and Publisher. Jutirnal mm mwmm V t- 1 - 4 t r r ?j COLUMBUS STATE BANK! C0LUMBU8, MEB. CASH CAPITAL, - $75,000 D I HECTORS: Liander Gebuard, Pres'i. Geo. W. Hulst, Vice Pres't. Julius A. Reed. R. IL Henry. J. E. Taskeii, Cashier. Ramie ef ' Depeuli Dlwrail u4 Eickaace. CellectleB Promptly Made all PelaU. Pay laterewt est Time Detwh It. 274 HENRY G-ASS, UNDEETAKEE ! COFFINS AND METALLIC CASES AND DEALER IX Furniture, Chairs, Bedsteads. Bu reaus Tables. Safes. Lounges, &c. Picture Frames and Mouldings. tSTRcpairtnj of all kinds of Upholstery Ooods. G-tf COLUMBUS. NEB. HENRY LITERS, DEALER IN WIND MILLS, AND PUMPS. Buckeye Mower, combined, Self Binder, wire "or twine. Pimps Repaired on short lotice jarOne door west of Helntz's Drug Store, 11th Street, Columbus, Neb. 8 :$ e )9 v tf SUGAR CATHARTIC .A COATED CURE Headache, Nausea, Dizziness, and Drowsi ness. They stimulate the Stomach, Liver, and Bowel';, to healthy action, assist diges tion, and increase the appetite. They combine cathartic, diuretic, and tonic properties of the greatest value, are a purely vegetable compound, and may bo taken with .perfect safety, cither by chil dren or adults." EjL. -Thomas, Framing hamHass., writes: "For a number of years I was subject to violent Headaches, arising from a disordered condition of the stomach and bowels. About a year ago I commenced the use of Ayer's Fills, and have not-had a headache since." W. F. Hannah, Gormley F. O., York Co., Ont., writes: "I have used Ayer's Tills for tho last thirty years, and can safely say that I have never found their equal as a cathartic medicine. I am never without them in my house." C. D. Moore, Elgin, HI., writes : "Indigestion, Headache, and Loss of Appetite, had so weakeaed and debili tated my system, that I was obliged to give up work. After being under the doctor's care for two weeks, without getting any relief, I began taking Ayer's Tills. My appetite and strength returned, and I was soon enabled to resume my work, in per fect health.' Ayer's Pills, PREPARED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, SUM. Sold by all Druggists. A WKOD OF WAKIYIXC'. FARMERS, stock raisers, and all other interested parties will do well to remember that the "Western Horse and Cattle Insurance Co." of Omaha is the enly company doing business in this state that insures' Horses, Mule and Cattle against loss by theft, accidents, diseases, or injury, (a also against loss by fire and lightning). All representations by agents of ether Companies to the contrary not withstanding, fr- F. "V. HENRICH, Special Ag't, 15-y Columbus, Neb. LYON&HEALY A Heart Sts-CMcse. 3i mruwiu. Sato, I i. SKlM fll I Hi Una SUivH Sttflk aa4 ik. aKuictea laaVMfcM ami Ip S.4A-V ,Bu4'-0aak. Wm f m A attar auJh aad a I fCtafcaBiaaMa RGlBBBSaCsfc '- j,dk mRw .. BaftagaV aaaaJalaBaaar jBsbj attaai! ar woim4 nil illi Mill r BJBBBf affcaniia? V! mw. SaJ sWsV" CwalV BTB i5 It J . r DUST AND ASHES. the practiced on him all ber wilea Till in love's silken net she caught htm, and showered on him ber sweetest smiles When to ber feet she oaptlve brought Mm. Hut when he pleaded with the maid lo be rewarded as her lover. She sighed a little, blusbed, and said: "Mease wait until tbe summer's over. And then began love's golden dream; To every picnic, even dance lie Took her, and bought Iter lemon cream Aad other things that malduus fancy.- At beach hotels with her he bopped. For she was quite an ardent dancer: At lenatii tbe youth the question popped, And waited for the maiden's answer. It drew the sweetness from bU life. It burned and scorched bltu like a blister; Tus this "I can not be your wife. Hut I will be to you a sister " notion Courier. A LAWYER'S RUSE. How a Nevada Disciple of Black stone Conquered Two Bores. Lively rteht the Kean.it f - tteKxpets seat General Deatruetlou of OSB.ce Ilric-a-llrae An Expensive, ISut Successful, Strataxem. Littleton Coke, a leading lawyer of tho Conistock. i.s. outside of a court room, one of the mildest-mannered men that cvor out up a witness or an intestate estate. Off his legitimate bat tle ground, and in ordinary walks of l.fe. Littleton Coko is patient and long suffer.ng would uot even utter a word that would d .sturb the serene rapacity of a gas-titter. He could .-m liugly 1 aton by the hour to a querulous old womau, complaining that faces were pulled at her by the children of a ne ghbor, vet he had for a t mo tribu lations that harrowed his soul clown to its lowest levels. Through pretense of business in the beg mi ng. two men became vis tors to h s snug and quie. second-floor ollice, wiio presently developed from the r chn.salis state of mere rap d maud-' de.ors nto .such inten-e and act.vc bore that they became the terror of hi-, life. They were men who possessed the facultv of discoursing with much sp r t and volubility for whole hours upon the "incongruousness of incon gru ty." the "womanly nature of women." and other interestiug and in structive subjects. Poor Coke! this "atHict:on sore long t me he bore" without being able to dev se- any. plan whereby he ru ght r d h.m-ell' of the pair who were bringing "down his gray hairs in sorrow to the grave." So deeply did the pteseuce of the twin bores affect him that his heart .sank and his soul sickened at the bare uppearance of either of h s persecu tors. One day. when one of these tireless "toreadoers." whose namcmaybewr.t ten "Jones," was drilling the lawyer through and through, causing him to sweat blood all regardless of a ma- lign coldness that shone in the legal eye the conversation turned upon gar rulity. Although a perfect magpie himself, Jones at once as-ertca that, above all other things, he abhorred a loquacious per.on. man or woman. "Of course." sa.d he, "oue must expect tongue-wag-gmg in the case of a woman, but con stant gabble from a man 1 cau not en dure ,T "Did it never occur to you. Jones," said the lawyer, "that you are yourself a pretty industrious talker, and you a:e by some suspected of having kissed the blarney stone?"' What, me:" cred Jones. "Why, sir, I am really a man of very fo'w words. In' most companies I am sure that I am altogether too reset ved and ret ceut; that through my s leuce. tac. turuity and uucommunicativeuess I am frequently suspected of being, in some sort, a spy upon tho-o present: in fact, that I cause among those in the room a feeling of unea- ness and depres sion." "That. sir. no one will dispute," said Littleton Coke, dryly. The lawyer had seated himself at his open front w ndow, both in order to obtain some relief by gazing out into the street and that the fre-.li a r might fan his brow and cool h .- ris.ng wrath. Glanc ng far down the street he saw a block or mote away. Mr. Sm th bore No. . Tii s was ipecacuanha ujKm ea-tor oil! it was pla u to Littleton Coke that the tw n bore was heading for h!s ollice. A sudden thought flashed across his brain. Turning to Jones he sa d: "It may be all as you .say. but the prooLof the' pudding is in the eating. Now. just for the fun of the thing, and to prove to vou that you do not know joursclf, I'll bet you $5 that you can not go into that closet and remain there half an hour without speaking or coming out" riFtake tbe bet," cries Jonas, with vvac ty. "I am as surv of the money us fl alrealy had it in nry pocket. What time s t now?" "Just half past two o'clock. If you do not speak or come fortii ouMl have won jour mono' at thre"e o'clock. llar in mind, however, that you are to remain .n the closet wth'the door clo-ed in the dark vou know for half an hour, and that you are neither to speak nor come out no matter what ma occur. mute satistactory; but 3011 are uot to set tue nouse on lire, nor are you to lire our revolver through the closet door" "Nonsense!" "And ou are to call me exactly at three o'clock?" Most a-suredly to the minute. AKo. you shall have a chair wh le in the closet 1 will not require vou to stand." Jones had but just been snugly seat ed In the closet and the door "closed upon him. when Smith came pulling up the stairs. both Smith and Jones are dabblers in stocks curbstone brokers and street corner capitalists, both value them selves highly as experts in all manner of mining matters. ' As soon as Smith entered the room he began about h s favorite mining stock. "Well. Littleton." cried he, the Golden Shower is beginning to show up well in the west cros.-cut from the main north drift on the 900 level, at tb uoint where thev ;ir msl-inn- tlm (,r.v.ic4. 'Pl, a2f.Wlr T 1a. n. t...... ! at bed rock will go up now You'll come out all right on it yet The stock has touched bottom. She's touched liottotu . sure! Now she'll go up the least th'ng will end her up!" -I don't pretend to know."" said the lawyer, "but our friend Jones, who is as sharp on stocks as any man of my acquaintance, says Golden Shower has only just begun 'to tumble; that it-w 11 CO so far below bed rock tLatdyna m'te will not send it up swears he would sot give one bit an acre for. such ground " I bmith s eves flashed and h.s hiir bristled. "Ha!" he snorted. "Jones savs that, does he? The ass! What does he know about the Golden Shower, or any other m ne? If you listen to Jones, he will land vour boat for vou devilish qu ck. He hain't a part cle of mining sense, common sen-e, nor sense of any kind, when vou come to pan him out! Lawyer Coke detected about this t'me an uneasy .shuffling of feet in tbe closet. His ' scheme was work'ng. Chuckling inwardly, he sa d: "Why, Smith, I have always understood Jones to be a sharp dealer in slocks, and that he has made some pretty good hauls." "Good hauls!" Smith repeated. "I don't believe he has ever made a split ter. As be has nothing to put into stocks, how in thunder can he get any thing out of them?" "But I have always understood Jones to be rather a heavy "dealer," the law yer said. "Heavy dealer qe hanged!" Jones re- Elied. "He stands before the bulletin oards in front of the offices of the - 4 - brokersi ami-blows by the hour about the good turns he has just made. Never a stook goiis up but he has just bought 500 or l.(KK) shares, and never a stock goes down but he has just sold in the nick of t me. All this time ho does not own a share of anything, except, 1erhaps. some wildcat that is off the ioard. He's the boss liar of the Corn stock!" A sound from the closet as of the 'rating of teeth reached tho ear of the awyer. He smothered a chuckle and proceeded w th the witness: Oh, but you must be wrong. Mr. Smith. You must be wronging Mr. Jones in what you soy. Mr. Jones dresses well, and lives well generally; therefore he must be making something in stocks." "Not a snlitter!" said Smith. Not a splitter, 1 tell you! He owes every body that w 11 trust him. He owes his tailor, owes at his restaurant, owes for his lodgings, and would have ben at the end of his string long ago. but that his landlady and some other fools be lieve h in when he blows about h's big stock transactions. He'll go to where the woodb ne twmeth very soon. You can put Jones down for arcgular dead beat. I shouldn't wonder if he had al ready skipped the town. I have not seen h m for a day or two. besides, I hear that he has managed to get hold of the httie savings of h s landlady, sonic .'S.'iUO " Lfcir!" was heard in a muffled roar, as Jones rushed from the closet with uplifted chair, bristling and foaming w th rage. Smith bounded from his seat at the lawyer's center table, with eyes gog- Jling at -the sudden apparition of ones from a quarter so unexpected, and in looks and att'tude so venomous and threatening. He saw that the dogs of war had been slipped, and that it was to be war to the knife. Impelled by the instinct of self-preservation. Smith grasped an ink bottle from the table and opened the battle by hurling it with all h s force at Jones head. Jones neatly stopped the nus:Ie w.th the bottom of his chair. The bottle exploded w.tli a crash, and a shower of ink flooded the carpet and spattered the walls. As J-m th reached for a paper we ght. Joues let drive at him w.t 1 his chair. Smith ducked his head below the table just in time, and the chair cnishcd into a large mirror. Lawyer Coke loudly called upon the combatants to cease the fray, but their blood was up and the voices of both were still for war. They fired away at each other from opposite sides of 'the table, around winch they were dancing, with books, inkstauds and all else that comes to hand. Jones had just fired at Smith a plaster bust of some great legal light. liich misjed and crashed to atoms in the remains of the shat tered m"rror. when the latter seized upon a biou.e gladiator and whirled it about his head, yelling: "Now I'll fetch ou!" At sight of a missile so formidable Jones made a sudden plunge under the table probably w.tli the intention of grasping Smith by the legs and land ing him upon bis back. Smith, how ever, saw the dodge just as he was in tho act of tiring away with the gladia tor, and. reserving his ammunition, stooped beneath the table to whack Jones's head with it- Finding that there was not ruom in which to sw.ng his weapon. Smith contented himself by trying to punch it into Jones's face and eyes. Smith soon caused a free flow of claret from Jones' no-e aud from a cut he made over his r ght eye, when the latter managed to rct hold of the base of the statuette, at by a sud den push sent the head of the gladiator into Smith's mouth, smashing in one or two front teeth. This unexpected re turn fire, and the pain it inflicted, caused Smith to make an involuntary attempt to rise to his feet, capsizing the table, and tumbling it clear over Jones. In a moment both men were upon their feet and at it. a la Heonan and Savers, both as bloody as butchers. Finding that words alone were un heeded, the man of law rushed in to try to separate the combatants by muscu lai force. He arrived between the pa:r just iu time to receive a left-handed plumper on the nose from the blood blinded Jones. Smarting from the blow and seeing blood flowing over his hands and shirt front Lawyer Coke ran to a uesK ana orousnt iortn a revolver. threatening to shoot dead the man who struck another blow. Observing the bloodv condition of the disciple of blacks tone and the deadly look in his ee. usually so mild, the combatants fell back and ceased hostilities. At the muzzle of his cocked revolver Coke ordered Mu'th into an adjoining room, where he caused h:m to wash the blood from his face and hands, and then escorted him down the stairs and out by a rear passage and door. As Smith took his departure be swore that he never would again darken the lawyer's door. He declared that he had been led into a trap: that an am buscade had been prepared for him: that Coke had concealed Jones in the closet with malice aforethought, and j that he had designedly been led into abusing him. lh:s had been done that at the proper moment Jones might dart out and assault him. He had heretofore thought pretty well of Coke, but this treacherous affair ended their friendship forever, forever, sir!" It is the "last feather." - . Smith being dismissed, the lawyer returned to Jones and set him to wash ing away all removable traces of the combat When about to escort him down stairs. Coke turned and said: "Mr. Jones, before you go I'll trouble you for the five dollars 1 have won of you." "You will? You have the cheek to ask it? Mr. Littleton Coke, you'll never see the color of five dollars from me! Bnt that you have the brass of the devil -you would not mention.it after humbugging me into that closet asa that 1 was! and then bringing in Smith to villify and assassinate me. Yon will probably hear from me in an action for conspiracy. I rejoice that I got ia that stinger on your nose. Never speak to me again, sir, on any occasion." and Jones departed in a towering rage. "Well, well!" cried Littleton Coke, when left alone, as be surveyed the wreck of his office and inspected h a nose in the fragment of a mirror that st:ll remained attached to its frame "Well. I have settled the pair of them, but I must confess that my plan for suppressing bores has turned out an expensive and a painful one. I shall have a nose on me like a prize potato and my oflice looks as if it had been the scene of the latest explo t of the dvnamiters. It has been expensive, but. thank God. the job is done! I've settled two of the biggest bores on the Pacific coast have dropped them both at one shot!" Virginia City (Aiey.) Cor. N. Y. Sun. THE CEREALS. Their Origin and Habitat Growth la Basal Polar Region. Recent numbers of Katuren contain interesting papers by Professor Schubeler on the original habitat of some of the cereals, and the subsequent cultivation in the Scandinav an lands and Iceland of barley and rye more ei- pecially. It would appear that barley was cultivated before other cereals in Scand navia, and that the generic term "corn" was appliedvamong Northmen to this grain only from the oldest times, and that in the Norwegiau laws of the seventeenth and eighteenth cen turies wherever reference was made to tho "Kornskat" or standard by which land in the Northern lam.s was, and still is, rated in accordance with the corn it is capable of yielding the term was understood to apply to barley. Proof of the high latitude to which the cultivation was carried in early ages is afforded by the Egil's Saga, where mention is made of a barn in Helgo land (s'xty-livc degrees N. lat.) used for the stor ng of corn, and which was so large that tables could be spread within it for the entertainment of 800 guests. In Iceland barley was culf- vated Irom the time of its colonizat on in 870 1 11 the m ddle of the fourteenth century, or. accord ng to Jon Storrason. as lately as 4;.0. Irom that period down to our own t rues barley has not been grown in Iceland w.th any sys tematic attent on. the islanders being dependent on the home country for the.r supplies of corn. In the last cen tury, however, var ous attempts were made both by the Dan sh Government and private ind viduals to obtain home grown corn iu Iceland, and the success with which these endeavors wpto at tended gives additional importance to the systematic undertaking, wh'ch has beenset on foot bv Dr. Schubeler and others within the last three years for the introduction into the island of the hardier cereals, vegetables and fruits. As many as .'$82 samples of seeds of ornamental and useful plants, most of which were collected from the neigh borhood ot Chrlstiauia. are now being cultivated at Kevkjavik under the special d reel on of the local Govern ment doctor, Herr Schierbeck, who succeeded in 188: iu cutting barley ninety-eight days after the sowing of the seed, which had come from Alten (70 dog. N. lat). And here it may be observed that this seems the polar limit in Norway for anyth ng like good barley crops. Tbe seed is generally sown at the end of May, aud in favor able seasons it may be cut at the end of August, the growth of the stalk being often two and a half inches iu twenty-four hours. North of 10 deg. or (il deg.. barley cau not be success fully grown in Aorwav at more than from 1.800 to '2.000 feet above the sea level. In Sweden the polar limit is about 68 deg. or 6G deg.. but even there as in Finland, night frosts prove very destructive to young barley. In some ofthelield valleys of Norway, on the other ha-.d. barley may in favorable seasons be cut e ght or nine weeks after its sowing, and thus two crops may be reaped in one summer. According even to a tradition current in Tnele marken. a farm there owes its name Triset to the three crops reaped in the land in one year. Rye early came into use as a breadstufl in" Scand'inav a. and in 1490 the Norwegian Council of State issued an ord nance making it obliga tory on every peasant to lay down a certain proportion of his land in rye. In Norway the polar limit of stimniiT rye is about 69 deg.. and that of w nter rye about 61 deg.; but iu Sweden it has been carried along the coast as far north as 6 deg. The summer rye crops are generally sown and fit for cutting about the same time as barley, although occas onally iu southern Nor way less than ninety days arc required for the.r full maturity. Xalurc. An Interesting Discovery. An interesting d scoveryhas recently been made u connect on with the Fo rum at Rome. On cutt ng into the ac cumulation of the unexcavated portion of the northeast side, ou which stands between the Temple of Antoninus and Faustina and the Church of St. Adriano the row of modern buildings which is ultimately to be removed for the completion of the evcavat'ous, a part of the pavement of the anc cnt street connecting the Forum with the Snburra has been uncovered. It lies at a level of some eighteen inches below the flagged area of the Forum, wh ch dates trom the seventh century. The street extends along the southeast side of that part of the Curia wh:ch is uow the Church of St Adriano. The pave ment is in a fine state of preservation: and on one side of it stands a pedestal, probably of a statue ded cated, as shown by the inscription, to the Emperor Con stantinus the Secoud, by Memmius Vitrasius Orlitus. who was prizfcclus urbis from :5."5 to 359. Large masses of marble, such as pedestals of col umns, pieces of corn'ce, and otherfrac ments, were found one upon another under the accumulat'ons but lately re niored. A. Y. Post. A Silent Partner. A tall woman with a red face and confident manner walked into an up town bank and presented a check. "No good, madam," said" the teller, briefly, "the check is net indorsed." "Nevermind that." said the appli cant for cash, "it's all right; he's mj husband." "It makes no difference. We must have his oWn signature, even if he is your husband." "Well, you g've me a pen and I'll sign his name. 1 jusxwat yau to know, young man, that he's a m ghty silent partner in cur combination and I'm the boss." A'. Y. Tribune. , "Are you papa's boy?" "Yes, air. Are you mamma's bov?" "Yea sir." "But how can vou be papa's boy and mamma's at the same time?" (After" a Dausel "Can't a nim par. riage have two horses?1' Chicago Sun. FIRST National Bank! COLUMBUB NEB. Aitkorized Capital, - - 8250,000 Paid Ii Capital, 60,000 Sarplu aid Profits, - - 13,000 OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS. A. ANDERSON, Pres't. T SAM'L C. SMITH, Vice Pres't. O. T. ROEN, Cashier. J. V7. EARLY, HERMAN OEHLRICH, "W. A. MCALLISTER, G. ANDERSON, P.ANDERSON. Foreign and Inland Exchange, Passage Tickets, ana Real Estate Loans. 29-vol-13-ly is BTT8IHESS CARDS. D.T. Martyx, M. D. F. J. Schdo, M. D. Drs. HaETYH ft 8CHUG, U. S. Examining Surgeons, Local Surgeons. Union Pacific, O., X. 3c B. H. and B. & M. R. R's. Consultations in German and English. Telephones at office and residences. larOffice over First National Rank. COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA. 42-y C 1. EVA US, 91. ., PHYSICIAN AND SUIIOEON. "tSTOuVo and rooms. Gluck building, 11th street. Telephone communication. 4y F. F. RUNNER, 191. ., HOMCEOPATHIST. Chroaio Diseases aad Diseases of ChUdrea a Specialty. tSTOflicc on Olive street, three doors north of First National Bank. 2-ly W. .Yl. CORNELIUS, LA W AND COLLECTION OFFICE. Upstairs Ernst building 11th street. pi J. GARLOW, Collection Att'y. SPECIALTY MADE OF BAD PAPER. Office with J. G. Uiggins. 34-3m H. J. HUMSOU, NOTARY PUBLIC, 3th Street, doors west of Hanmoad Ilosse, Columbus, Neb. 491-y T O. IEEDER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Oflice on Olive St., Columbus, Nebraska 2-tf MONEY XO LOAN. Five years' time, on improved farms with at least one-fourth tbe acreage under cultivation, in sums representing one third the fair value of tbe homestead. Correspondence solicited. Address, M.K.TURNER, 50-y Columbus, Nebr. V. A. MACKEN. DKALKR IN Foreign and Domestic Liquors and Cigars. llth street, Columbus, Neb. 50-y 111-cAI.LlSTER 1IROS., A TTORNE YS AT LAW, Office up-stairs in McAllister's build ing, llth St. W. A. McAllister, Notary Public. JOHN TIMOTHY, NOTARY PUBLIC AND CONVEYANCER. Keeps a full line of stationery and school supplies, aud all kinds of. legal forms. Iusures against fire, lightning, cyclone and tornadoes. Office in Powell's Block, Platte Centei. 19-x J. M. MACFARLAND, B. R. COWDKRY, AtttmruiHoUryTatr'e. Cellicw. LAW AND COLLECTION OFFICE OK MACF ARIjAND & COWDBR7, Columbus, : : : Nebraska. J. J. itIAUGHAN, Justice, County Surveyor, Notary, Land and Collection Agent. fgTParties desiring surveying done can notify me by mail at Platte Centre, Neb. Sl-6m P H.RUSCHE, 'llth St., opposite Lindell Hotel. Sells Harness, Saddles, Collars, Whips, Blankets, Curry Combs, Brushes, trunks, valises, buggy tops, cushions, carriage trimmings, &c, at the lowest possible prices. Repairs promptly attended to. TAMES MAE.MON, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. Plans and estimates supplied for either frame or brick buildings. Good work fuaranteed. Shop on 13th Street, uear t. Paul Lumber Yard, Columbus, Ne braska. 52 6mo. ft R. LAWRENCE, DEPUTY CO. SUIiVEYOE. Will do general surveying in Platte and adjoining counties. Ollice with S. C. Smith. COLUMBC6, NKBRA8KA. 17-tf JS. MURDOCH & SON, Carpenters and Contractors. Have had an extended experience, and will guarantee satisfaction in work. All kinds of repairing done on short notice. Our motto is, Good work and fair prices. Call and give us an oppor tunitytoestimateforyou. 3rShop on 13th St., one door west of Friedbof A Co's. store. Columbus. Nebr. 483-t O. C. SITATsHSTQ-lSr MANUFACTURES OF Tin and Sheet-Iron Ware ! Job-Work, Boofine and Gutter ing a Specialty. 0"Sbop nn Olive Street, 2 doors north of ltrodfeuhrer's Jewelry Store. Ifj-y G W. C'fl.ARK LAND AND INSURANCE AGENT, HUMPHREY, NEBIt. His lands comprise some fine tract in the Shell Creek Valley, and the north ern portion ot Platte countv. Taxes paid for non-residents. Sa'tisfactioa guaranteed. 20 j COAL & LIME! J.E. NORTH & CO., -DEALERS IN Coal. Lime, Cement. Rock Spiif Cetl, $7.00 per tei Carboi (Wyoaiig) Ceil 6.00 " EldoH (Iowa) Goal .00 " Blacksmith Coal of belt quality al ways" on hand at low est prices. North Side Eleventh St., COLUMBUS, NEB. 14.3m UNION PACIFIC LAND OFFICE, S AMI. C. SMITH, Ag't. AND General Seal Estate Dealer. EBI have a large number of improve d Farms for sale cheap. Arso unimproved farming and grazing lauds, from $4 to $15 per acre. fgTSpecial attention paid to making final proof on Homestead and Timber Claims. t5TAll having lands to sell will find it lo their advantage to leave them in my hands for sale. Money to loan on farms. F. II. Marty, Clerk, speaks German. 30-tf Columbus, Nebraska. LOUIS SCHREIBER, II All kinds of Repairing done oh Short Notice, buggies, Wag ons, etc., made to order, and all work Guar anteed. Also tell the world-famous Walter A. Wood Mowers. Beapers, Combin ed Machines, Harvesters, and Self-binders the best made. tarShop opposite the " Tatteraall." on Olive St.. COLUMBUS. 26-m in presents given away. Send us 5 cents postage, iVVV auu uy man you win g-i free a pacKage of goods of large value. luai win siari you in worn mat win m. once bring you in money faster than any thing else in America. All about the 9200,000 in presents with each box Agents wanted everywhere, of either sex, of all ages, for all the time, or spare time only, to work for us at their own homes. Fortunes for all workers ab solutely assured. Don't delay. H. Hal LKTT & Co., Portland, 3Iaine. pAMPBEEJL St NT. CLAIR, PSALKKS IN !Ras and Iron ! The highest market priee,paid (or ran and iron. Store in the Uubach building, Olive St., Columbus, Neb. 15-tf NO HUMBUG! But a Grand Success. R P. BJUGHAM'S AUTOMATIC WA- ler irouiru lor biock. uc men iv every man who has it in use. Call on or leave orders at George Yale's, opposite Oehlrich's grocery. -6m A PRIZE. Send six cents fur postage. and receive tree, a costly box of goods which will help you to more money right away than anything eNe in this world. All, of either sex, succeed from first hour. The broad road to fortune opens before tbe workers, absolutely sure. At once address, True A Co , Augusta, Maine. FARMERS HOME. This House, recently purchased bv me. will be thoroughly refitted. Board by the day, week or meal. A few room', to let. A share of the public patronage is solicited. Feed stable in connection. 2-y Albkiu- Luni. VTOTICE TO TEACH ERM. J. B. IfOBcrlef, Co. Snpt., Will be in his office :t the Court House on the third Saturday of each month for the purpose of examining applicants for teacher's certificates, and for the transaction of any other business pertaining to aehools. f.67-y TTAMllrOJI MEADE, M. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Platte Center, Nebraska. 9-y BttffllaiWamMer mod m OAftOS AT THE WHITE HOUSE Sam Charactartoie One of the sources of revenue of the Government cemes from the White House. In the last three weeks over 8,000 people have contributed to it by sending their card to the President Every statesman who sends his paste board to Mr. Cleveland sometimes gives the Government more than he gets. His card is worth just .0005. When a card is sent to the President the door-keeper at tbe head of the steps regards it closely, sizes up the sender, as it were, aad takes it in to the President. When (the latter has looked at it the door keeper takes it back to his desk ia the ball, and leaves it there for inspection by reporters. At night the cards are done up ia a bundle and put away. At tbe end of a month the packages are taken to tbe cellar, and added to the waste-paper collection. Then the whole is sold. During May the waste-paper brought In over $50. The card portion was worth nearly a half-dollar. An official who examines them every day, sums up the number of callers and the cards as fol lows: "There were 6,000 cards. Every va riety made, from the paper provided by tbe Government to the gilt edge, was 'represented. Of the 6.000 the plurality, or 700, camo from New York State. Every State and twelve foreign countries contributed." Tbe largest number of cards received in one day was 207, on March 25. There were over 350 names written on these cards, and the largest number of names on ono card wan seven. That came from Missouri. The second week of President Cleveland's adminis tration was what swelled the card col lection, for we took in 750, excluding Sunday. Most of the cards were printed, some were written in pencil and iuk. The styles of penmanship covered every system taught, and the writing and or thography of some were very bad. One that came from a Boston merchant had written on the back of the card: 'Want to se the Presadent on maters of offical bisness.' "It is not always the rural or illiterate office-seekers that the bad penmanship comes from. Some well-known men are very poor penmen. George Willinm Curtis writes a straggling hand, and it cannot always be read. It's like all ed itor's penmanship. 'Henry Ward Beecher nearly always has bis cards printed. Sometimes the name of friends who accompany him are written on tho back. Nobody ever tries to decipher it. "Mayor Grace writes n clear hand, but forgets to dot his 'iV and cross his 't's'. "Representative Randall, when he leaves his card-case at home, writes his name on a blank slip in a clear, running hand. Everybody can read it. "Vice-President Hendricks, when he calls, write 'The Vice-President' on a card. It takes him some time to do it Then it can be read easily. Even if he didn't write clearly we would know what it was, because he never changes bis wording. "Senator Gorman dashes off 'Arthur Gorman and friends' easily and quietly. He writes a legible, though a careless, hand. "Senator McDonald has not been to the White House much, and he always brings priuted cards. "Representative Morrison is a fre quent visitor, lie never comes with a card, and writes his name in a lirni, business-like hand that is very legible. He usually brings half a dozen friends with him, and writes under his name, and friends.' ' Washington Republi can. THE THERMOMETER. Learning to Read,Thl IndUpaaaabla In strument In Warm Weather. "Thermometer's gone up considera ble since I passed here an bourago." he said, puttiug his head in at the door of the jeweler's store. "Oh, 1 guess not," said the jeweler, as he affixed his magnifier to hiseye and picked up the works of a watch. "But I tell you it has," cried tho other excitedly, while he .mopped his brow with his handkerchief. "I think you must tie mistaken," said the jeweler as he picked up a pair of tweezers and tightened a screw. "Mistaken!" yelled the other; "d'je think I'm an idiot? Come out and see." "I'm pretty busy," observed the jew eler as he brushed a peck of dust off the mainspring. "What'll you bet it ba'n't gone up?" shouted the other as he danced into the store. "What'll you bet?" 'Well, I'm willing to bet you a dol lar," replied the jeweler. "Done! Come out now and see." They went out together. "What do vou think of that, now?" he yelled; "You ain't blind, are you? The thermometer has gone up five de grees since we looked at it before." "Pardon me," said the jeweler; "the thermometer is in precisely the same place that it was when I hung it uj this morning. It is on the same hook. I see, however, that the mercury has risen live degrees, a change in temperature which the thermometer faithfully regis ters. A thermometer, my friend, neither rises or falls. It is a measure which in dicates a rise or fall of the mercury. Please hand over the dollar, because I am busy and have no time to fooL" "I shan't pay until some better author ity decides the matter." "Well, let us go and find some better authority. I'm willing to let my busi ness go for a little while to prove that I am right." When last seen the pair were hunting for General Daniel Pratt, the great American traveler, who is an eminent authority on all scientific questions. Boston Courier. What James Did. One day a very pious clerical friend, who had consumed an hour of his valu able time in small talk, said to James Harper, the publisher: "Brother Har per, I am curious to know how you four men distribute the duties of the establishment between you." "John," said Mr. Harper, good humoredly, "at tends to tbe ti nances, Wesley to tho correspondence. Fletcher to tbe general bargaining with authors and others, and, don t you tell anybody," he said, drawing his chair still closer and lower ing the tone of bis voice. "I entertaia the bores." Brooklyn Magazine. Nearly 20,000,060 eggs are shipped across the Atlantic to this country. cmeny rrom Antwerp and Uambui zs daring the summer' soaths of year. Chicago fytor-Qcum. RELIGIOUS AND EDUCATIONAL, Mn. Livermore was the first wumaa to ever speak before a Harvard College assemblv. She spoke there recently.- Hartford Post. During the last nine years France has spent dearly $5,000,000 per annum on increasing and reorganizing her uni versity institutions. The New York Advocate claims that the Methodist Church has had 40,000 persons added to its membership in the past three months. The Boston Latin School has 'cele brated its two hundred aad fiftieth aa niversary. It is spoken of as the pio neer institution of the public school sys tem of America. It is a year older th'sa Harvard. Fourteen States have now adopted laws requiring temperance instruction in public schools. The additions the present season are Pennsylvania. Kan sas. Nebraska. Oregon. WLcousia. Ala bama. Maine. Missouri and New Jersey. Chicago Journal. - Th Roman Catholics claim about 100.000 colored members in the United States, two-thirds of whom reside ia the States of Maryland. Kentucky 'and Loui siana. The St. Joseph's Missionary Society began systematic work among thee jMjople about tnirteon ye.irs ago. aud held its first general chapter at Baltimore ten years ago. X. 11 Sun. Tho reported sayiug of Dr. J. P. Newman, General" Grant's pastor: "Great, men can gain nothing front religion, but religion can fain much from great men. is pronounced un true by Dr. Newman, and he gives au thority for this statement: "Great nioa can gain much from religion, but religion can gain uothing from in eat men." X. Y. Tribune. A clergyman desiring contribu tions for a special object, litti-d up an ox horn at the church door. Upon this ho inscribed his aspirations to this effect: "This orn was ouco on the 'cud of a hov. and uow hit his a mis sionary box." It milit have been tho odd I jingle, and it might have been the hnjrlisluuan's zeal, or a combina- olti tiou of the two. but certain it is that this special mis.-ionary box attracted contributions in au extraordinary man ner. Chi-ago Times. - Prof. Blackie is not the only eccen tric master the young men of Ediubnrg University have had over them. Prof. Christison wiios -ou became etiiinent iu Ediubnrjr Medical School once having caught a student winking in his Latin class, ordered him to stand up aud spoke as follows: "No smirking, no smiling, and, above all. no tipping of the wink; for such thing- are hurtful to yourselves baneful to' the republic, and will bring down the gray hairs of your parents with .sorrow to the grave. Hum! by the w ay, that's a very pretty sentence; turn it into Latin, sir.' ihe Chautauqua (N. Y ) Literary and Scientitic Circle, recognizing the de mand for education iu the practical pursuits of life', au ! encounured by the wonderful succeis of it.- loriiier effort-, has decided to add li its ri at school another branch, to lie called the I h tu tauqua Town and Country Club, and to be devoted to the practical sliulv of ag riculture. The most novel feature of the club will be the programme of work. All members wil" Iw expected to .-elect from a prepared li-t one or more pieces of work to b; done ou tin; farm, in tha garden or in the hou-e; to perform the work carefully and thoroughly, and to send iu a written report of the work. llull'a'.o Express. WIT AND WISDOM. The sunshine of life's comes from happy hearts. highway If foolish, nature made man; if wise, man himself had a hand in it. Chicago Ledgtr. A man running a race looks not at th adm'riug witnesses, but only at the mark. Y. M. V. A. Watchman.' Those who have resources within themselves, who can date to live 'done, want friends tho least, but at the same time best know how to prize the m tho most. As benevolence is the most sociable of all virtues, so it is of the largest ex tent, for there is not any man, either so great or so 1 ttle. but he i.s y-t capable of giving aud receiving beuetiLs. It was somewhat embarras-ing for Aunt Jane when Johnny, a few even ings since, at Ji gathering of friend at his mother's hou-e. a-ked: "Didn't vou know the real Noah, Aunt .lane?" Toledo Blade. Some people imagine that to be in solent i- to impress the world with their dignity. The world Is not to be de ceived" in such matters. True dignity sits like a coiouet of jewel-, on the brow of politeness. Arkanscw Traveler. We are glad to lea in from a valued contemporary that "pickled walnuts are now introduced at dinner." If there is anvtlrng we dislike it i- to sit opposite a pickled walnut at dinner and not be on speaking term- with it. 1'hiladeiphia 1're.w. A Western citien wno had been worsted iu a fight was told that he could collect damages. "I did co lect dam ages." he replied inoiirnfulh. "1 col lected everything but a piece of my left ear aud two front teeth; I couldn't hnd those ' A". 11 Times. "A scienti-t says that the way to sleep is to think of nothing.' read Mrs. Smith in" a newspaper. "1 that be true I should say that you would sleep all the time, my dear." .-aid her hus band. "No doubt. .Mr. Smith, for I think a great deal of you." Chicago Tribune. Grandmother "I'd like to go to the rink with you. Johntry." Johnny, xvho doe-n't want to be bothered with the old ladv -"Certainly, grandmother, I'll be glad to haw ou go with me; but you will have to own up to the door keoper that you are over fifteen year of age." Grandmother "Then I guess III wa:t a while xet, Johnnie.' 1'exai Sifting. A man having built a large house was at a Jo- what to do with the rub bish. His Irish steward advised him to have a pit dug large enough to contain it- "And what." said he. smiling, "what shall I do with the earth I dig ud from it?" To which the steward, with great gravity, replied: "Have the pit made large enough to houM it all." N. J1 juik.peitdcnt. Young Featherly. who was dining with the family, was'unremitting in Ids attentions to the eldest dajighter. "I don't jee that sister is eatiri' any salt.' ventured watciiful Bobby. " Never mind what vour sister is eating, Bobby," interposed the father in alarm. 'Little boys should be .-een. not " "Well; she ought to eat salt." Insisted Bobby; " 'cos ma told her las night that everything what Mr. Featherly aid to her must be takes with a grabs ' alt," N. Y. Tima- f- ? vpL