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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 2, 1885)
A.WVI THE JOtTBNAL. ISSUED KVIEY WEDNESDAY, M. Iv. TTXRaSTER & CO. Proprietors and Publishers . & OFFICE, Eleventh St., up ?tairs in Journal Building. tirms: Per year. . Six month Three months Single copies . . 1 COLUMBUS STATE BANK! COLUMBUS, HEI. CASH CAPITAL, - $75,000 DlIlECTOlfe: Lkakder Gekrard, Pres'l. Geo. TV- Hulst, Vice Prcs't. Julius A. Reed. R. U. Hen by. J. E. Taskeu, Cashier. Baak of leielt, Dlscsamt amd CschaaKe. CollectloBN Promptly Made 11 PIat. Pay latere! est Time fJeae-It-- HENRY GASS, TJISTDEHTJSIER ! COFFINS AND METALLIC OASES AND DKALKK IX Furniture, Chairs, Bedsteads. Bu reaus. Tables, Safes. Lounges, &.C.. Picture Frames and Mouldings. TST Repairing of all kinds of Upholstery Goods. C-tf COLUMBUS. NEB. HENRY LITERS, DEALER IN WIND MILLS, AND PUMPS. Buckeye Mower, combined, Self Binder, wire or twine. Pimps Repaired on short aotice JTOne door west of Heintz's Drug Store, llth Street, Columbus. Neb. 3 INDIGESTION To strengthen the stomach, create an appetite, and remove the horrible depres sion and despondency which result from Indigestion, there is nothing so effective as Ayer's PilN. These Pills contain no calomel or other poisonous drug, act directly oa the digestive and assimilative organs and restore health and strength to the entire system. T. P. Bonner, Chester, Pa., writes : "I have used Ayer's Pills for the past 30 years, and am satisfied I should not have been alive to-day, If it had not been for them. Thev Cured me of Dyspepsia when all other remedies failed, and their occasional use has kept me in a healthy condition ever since." L. X. Smith, Utica, X. Y., writes: "I have used Aver's rills, for Liver troubles and Indigestion, a good many years, and have always found them prompt and efficient in their action."' Richard Xorrls, Lynn, Mass.. writes : "After much suffer ing, I have been cured of Dyspepsia and Liver troubles By Using Ayer's Pills. They have done me more good than any other medicine I have ever taken."' John Buniett, Troy, Iowa, writes: "For nearly two years my life was rendered miserable by the hocrors of Dyspepsia, Medical treatment afforded me only temporary relief, and I became reduced In flesh, and very much debili tated. A friend of mine, who had been similarly afflicted, advised me to try Ayer's Pills. I did so, and .with the happiest results. My food soon ceased to distress me, my appetite returned, aad I became as strong and well as ever." Ayer's Pills, TREPARED 3T j SI. J. C. AID fc CO, LowelL For sale by all Druggist. A HOKD OF WAKXHT6. FARMERS, stock raisers, and all other interested parties will do well to remember that the "Western Horse and Cattle Insurance Co." of Omaha is .the only company doing business in this state that insures' Horses, Mules and Cattle against loss by theft, accidents, diseases, or injury, (as also against loss by fire and lightning). AH representations by agents of ether Companies to-thc contrary not withstanding. P. W. HEN'RICH. Special Azt, 15-y Columbus, Neb. LYON&HEALY ti a lam Sts-CMease. UmllmmWiiMt IAMD CATALGK2WK. u. Oram Mm Stall ta4 So7--Saa4 Ontlk ( an? wm mJ fSSSSWI " aTCtate fie VOL. XVI.-N0. 19. EDISON. UUgd aiisfartBBM Wklck Have Overtakes the fcUectrlc KU(. Although the system of lighting New York houses with the incandescent elec tric light has made great strides daring the last three yean, and although wa now have one whole district of nearly a square mile partially lighted by ths Edison system, it can not be id that the business has been a bonanza for anyone concerned, not even Edison him self. It has been generally supposed, however, that the wizard of Meulo Park has so managed things as to derive con siderable pergonal profit out of his pat ents. Consequently I was somewhat surprised to day to learn upon good authority that Edison is now far from a rich man. and has very little authority even in the company of which he is sup posed to be the bead. Like all invent ors, he believed that there were millions in his patents, and although he sot enough ready money out of the company, to enable kirn t 'live comfortably, he took nio-t of his pay in stock. Now, while the Edison Company has done a tremendous amount of work in making the lamps, laying mains, and introduc ing its system, the expenses hav6 be -n enormou-. It is a new business, and every step was more or less of an ex periment: much work had to be done over two or three times, and many cost ly blunders were made. The result has been that the stockholders have not seen much money in the shape of dividends. and xoiison. reiving largeiv upon nis stock for reward, has practically noth ing. Besides, there has been a good deal of disappointment in the company over this state of things and an attempt was maue nearly six months ago to turn Bilison out. at least, to render his po sition of no authority. It was claimed that he was no business mau, which is probably true, and that the company could get on better without him. which Ls probably untrue. For a time Edison succeeded in beating his opponents. I hear now. however, that they are get ting the upper hand, and that Ed son's voice in the management of the concern which bears his name is seldom hea -d. Out of the quadruple apparatus for sending four messages along one wire at the same time Edison made the money with which he began his electrc light experiments. He was sufficiently well known in 1877 to attract the atten tion of capitalists to his schemes, and the s'ock of the Edison Electric Light Company, after the tremendous news paper aJvertsing he got in 1878, roso to fabulous prices. I remember that early in ViJy Edison's stock was quoted at $2.HX) for each one hundred dollar share. If Edison had not had faith in his own scheme, he might have sold out then and have been a rich man to-day. He kept his stock, and worked night and day in the service of the company. Like most new things, there were d?f Acuities, delays and expenses of which no one dreamed. It took him a year more than he calculated to get" his system in operation, and the cost was double the estimates. It had been an nounced that the new light would eon far less than eras. As a matter of fact it costs far more, and it was not long after the company got its works in op eration that the stock fell in value and Edison found him-elf with a good deal of fame to show for his eight years' work, but with but very little money. Since the first station was opened, two vears ago this coming summer, very little money had been made, and the work of extending the business has been slow. In the way of putting in isolated plants some money has been made, but not by Edison person ally. Of late matters have gone from bad to worse, and 1 am sorry to say that the famous inventor shows signs of being bitterly disappointed. He Ls no business man. and spends mofe money on experiments than would suf fice" to support five ordinary famile-i; hence his present financial depr-sion. Fortunately, hi Ls likely at any moment to bring forth something uew. and there are alwavs plenty of men raily to put money into his. "schemes. He is now living quietly in a little fiat off Broadway in Efghteenth street, for which he pays a thousand a year, and working, hard at a device for te'egraph ing between a moving train aud sta tions along the line. There is already one company with a similar project tud an apparatus for achieving this re sult, but Edison thinks he can" do bet ter. A". Y. Cor. Charleston (5. C.) News and Courier. "WORTH WHILE." Weterr Is Worth Doing- at All, I Worth Doing- Well. Prince Albert Victor, the prospective heir to the throne of England, made his maiden speech the other day to an as sembly of lads of his own age. "What ever is worth doing at all is worth do ing accurately," he said: "whether you sharpen your pencil or black your boots do it thoroughly and well." A young lad who wa3 a pupil at Rugby school was noted for his bad penmanship. When his teache-s re monstrated, he replied: 'Many men of genius have written worse .scrawls than I do. It is not worth while to worrv about so trivial a fault" Ten years later this lad was an officer in the En glish army, doing service in the Crimean war. An order he copied for transmission was so illegible that it was given incor rectly to the troops, and the result was the loss of a great many brave men. A few years- ago the keeper of a life savmg station on the Atlantic coast found that his supply of powder had giTen out. The nearest village was two or three miles distant, and the weather was-inclement He concluded that as it "was not worth while to go so far ex pressly for such a trine." he would wait for a few days before sending for a :ic -ply. That night a vessel was wreck ei within sight of the station. A line could have been given to the crew if he had been able to use the mortar, but he had ho powder. He saw the drownins men fensh one by one insight knowing that alone was to blame. A few davs afterward he was dismissed from the service. The experience of every man wilL suggest similar instances that confirm the truth of the young Prince's advice to the lads of his own age. Whatever Ls right to do should be done witk our best care, strength and faithfulness of purpose. We Have no scales by which we can weigh our duties or determine their relative importance in God's eyes. That which seems a trifle to us may be the secret spring which shaft move the issues of life ana death. Tooth's Companion. Soutk Carolina people complain that they are unable to buy good straw berries in taeir markets'for the reason tbattke test an sninW Nsrtk sar 1 A NERVOUS GROOM. Bow the Practical Gall ef a Chicago Jav tlce Disconcerted Him. Two friend chanced to meet on Grand Avenue the other day and each seemed to be glad to see the other. One was evidently a traveling man and the other, if one were to judge by the nervous twitching ot his eyelids, and the way he constantly gazed about him. had the appearance of a person who had rob bed a bank, or murdered some one, and was momentarily expecting to be nabbed. "I say, Ned," said the commercial looking" gent "Whatbaveyou been up to, that makes you size up every one so suspiciously?" "Oh, nothing much," said the other, "but can you keep a secret. Jack?" "Well, if there is one thing that I can keep better than another, it's a secret," replied the one addressed as Jack. "All rijht. if that's the case, I don't mind telling you. The fact is, I am married." " "Oh! come off! You don't mean to sav that vou have gone and done it, do you, Ned?" "Hi at s just about the size of it. Jack You know the young lady that I have been ice-creaming and waiting upon for the last six months? Well, night before last. I went around as usual at eight o'clock to make her a call, and the old man lit on me with both feet This sort of discouraged me, but Nellie made a sneak out of the back door and we held a council of war. It didn't take us more than fifteen short minutes to make up our mind to elope, and so before another sun had como and gone we wre in Chi azo before a Justice of the Peace, jaud Nellie and I were soldered together as tight as three dollars could make us." "Ls that all? Why, Ned, you are as nervous as a hen with its head cut off. Lf it has that effect upon people to get married, I ilont want any of it in mine." 'Oh. it ami the marrying part of it that makes me nervous; in fact, I rather enjoy it, but its the infernal gall of that justice that has unstrung my nerves. You know that when a young fellow embarks on a matrimonial voyage, no matter what the circumstances may be, if he loves the girl his only thought is of her aud his future happiness. Every thing looks as smooth and flowery to him as a good, healthy imagination is capable of seeing; and as for their ever being unhappy, why the thought never enters his head. Well, when the jus tice had rung down the curtain on the last act of iir little matinee, and I had 'ponied up,' life called me one side and said: ''Young man, this getting married is a very serious thing, and should be looked upon as such. While there are hun dreds of men getting married everyday, and living happily with the women of their choice, there are, on the other hand, thousands, aye, I might say tens of thousands who do not live hap pily together, and in consequence life is a burden to them, and they meet death with a smile. Now, young man, what I am getting at is this: 1 have some blank divorce papers here, and for the small sum of five dollars I will fill one out for you in such a way that in case you andlyour wife ever wish to dissolve partnership you will have the means riirht in the "family, thus saving lots of trouble and expense.' "That. Jack, Ls what has nearly given me St Vitus dance. The words'of that old reprobate set me to thinking, and instead of looking forward to joy and happiness. I can think of nothing but burnt beefsteak, mother-in-law, and all sorts of unpleasant things. I am going home this afternoon to square Nellie and myself with the old man, and I suppose I will get another dose there. Say, Jack, if you should happen to run onto any vounjf fellow who contemplates mar riage, by eloping, tell him to go to a minister, and steer clear of a Chicago justice. Ftck's Sun. THE GREAT PYRAMID. Reason Why the Egyptian Should lie Explored. Pyramid Now that Great Britain is dominant at Cairo, w.,u!d it not be a good idea to clear away the sand and rubbish from the Great Pyramid, right down to its rocky foundation, and try to discover those vast corridors, halls and temple, containing priceless curiosities and treasures with which tradition in all ages has credited the Great Pyramid? This wonderful building, of such ex quisite workmanship, was erected many years before any of the other pyramids, which are only humble imitations, built by another nation, and also for other purposes; for neither King Cheops nor anybody else was ever interred be neath this mighty igasg of stone. The smallest pyramids also exhibit neither the nicety of proportion nor the exact ness of measurement both of which characterize the first pyramid. From in ternal evidence it seems to have been built about the year 2170 B. c, a short time before th : birth of Abraham, more than 4.000 years ago. This one of the seven wonders of the world in the days of ancient Greece is the only one of them all still in existence. The base of this building cavers more than thirteen square acres of ground. Its four sides face exactly north, south, east and west It is situated in the geographical centre of the land surface of the globe. It was originally 485 feet high, and each of its sides measures 762 feet It is computed to contain 5.000,000 tons of hewn stones beautifully fitted together with a mere film of cement And these immense blocks of -stone must have been brought from quarries 500 miles distant from the site of the building. The present well-known King and Queen chambers, with the various passages, might also be thoroughly examined by means of the electric or lime lights. The Astronomer Royal of Scotland some years since closely and laboriously examined all that is at present known of the interior of this enormous building. He states that the measurements in the chambers, etc., show the exact length of the cubit of the Bible namely, twenty-five inches. This cubit was used in the building of Noah's Ark, Solomon's Temple, etc He also maintains that the pyramid shows the distance of the sun from the earth to be 91,840,000 miles. Cor. SL James Gazette. It is estimated that four thousand Danes will come to thi country this year, most of whom wQl settle in the Northwest Most of the immigrants from Denmark as farmers in good cir cumstances. The majority own farms, and when they come to "this country they bnnr considerable money with them. Chicago Times. mum A surgeon, who wished to compli ment the-heroism of a soldier who had just bad .his leg amputated, toM him that he' had stood ir like a wtmn,2f. jr. &(w $. (i"ultimliHi COLUMBUS, NEB., WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 2, BEEF BRAINS. They Are ta Demand Just Xsw-Hov They Are Procured. "These arc the brains of Colorado cattle, just slaughtered and fresh." said a gray-haired man to the keeper of a restaurant on Madison street yes terday. "I've sold all but this dozen, and you can have 'em for 2." The restaurant-keeper showed a disposition to purchase and asked the man to dis close his wares. In a short time the brains were removed from a bucket and placed on a large platter. They were covered with coagulated blood antl looked anything but palatable, but the seller aid that a wash in warm water and salt would remove the objectiona ble features and impart to the brains a wholesome odor. He was given his price, and was told that the restaurant was a ready market for all such viands. "Yes. the brains of cattle are a treat at this season of the year," said the ca terer, "but we have difficulty in secur ing a supply. A great many people are infatuated with sweetbreads, especially those whose stomachs are of the weak sort. Now, the brains of cattle are in greater demand than sweetbreads, and when it becomes known that the dish can be secured here epicures Jrom all Sarts of the city will pay me a visit loreover, the dish is a nutritious one. and when prepared by a French cook is. fit for the gods. Yes I'll sell those at sixty cent per order, and you can see that there is quite a profit in them. The cause of tne small supply is attributed to the manner in which cattle are killed iu Chicago. One would think that whsre thousands of cattle are slaugh tered daily there would be an abun dance of brains, but such is not the cae. Some of the butchers slaughter their cattle by stoving in their skulls with a sledge-hammer. Others shoot them through the brains, and when cat tle are killed that way the brains are unfit for food. The "blood coagulates there. and besides the brains are smashe I into a jelly. Thev have to bj taken out whole and handfed carefully in order to dispose of them to custom ers" The little man who makes a living by supplying restaurants with brains was seen, and he agreed with the caterer. He said: "Packers have no use for th brains of cattle, and, in fact, it is the only part of the beef that U not used. As a dish it is the finest in the restaurant line, but it is hard to get 'em. When the butcher severs the head from the 1 oJy and removes the tongue, t take the head one side and with a cJiisjl re move the front of the skull. A couple of twLsts of a knife blade remove the little chords aud out it drops. Without much difficulty I cau get two dozen a day. I sell them for two dollars pel dozen, so you see it's not a bad busi ness.' "Do you have to oav anything foi them?" " "Not anything to speak of. Maybe 1 buy half a dollar's worth of beer for the butchers a dinner time. I can wel. afford to do that" "You en oy a monopoly of the bus! ness." "A what?" "You have the business all to your self; "Yes, kiud of: there were soaie fei lows who 'iLshed for brains' for a while, but they looked upou it as a dirty bus! nes and quit" The men who entertained such opin ions were correct The "brain man,' as he L called, was not attractive in ap pearance, his clothing being bespattered with blood from head to foot. Ckiaujt Tribune. PERSIAN POETRY. Ita Characteristics Pointed Oat and Theli Relation. Persian poetry had its birth in a coun try conspicuous for natural advantages, a country distinguished for the mildness of its climate, the clearness of its streams and the perpetual verdure of its plains; a country of lofty mountains, inland seas and rolling rivei; the land of the gazelle, the camel and the caravan.; a land abounding in fruits and flowers, full of pleasant gardens and enlivened with the songs of innumerable birds; a land where millions of butterflies of the richest colors were wafted through the summer air. In this land of the olive, the date, the pomegranate and the fig, where the palms of the South met the pines of the North, was reared a nice of men combining in a rare degree in genuity, vivacity, intellectual force, subtlety and refinement of manners. The Persians early acquired repute as a people of taste, invention and art stic skill. The finest silks, the richest vel vets the costliest brocades, the softest and rarest carpets and the most splen did tissues were of Persian origin. The art newly dLeovered in America and Europe, how to combine great variety of colors with perfect harmony, and tc delight the eye with soft and "pleasing gradations, pfodui ing a rich composite effect from the simplest elements, wa original with the Persians centuries ago. The very figures of floor cloth on which the Shah Mahmoud walked in the tenth century, the shawl patterns that adorned the heroines of Jamiud of Hafiz ari imitated in the looms of England and the United States to-day. In archi tecture and t:w line arts, as in decora tiveart. the Persians of the middle ages achieved a notable success Their clfief cities showei" .-pendid palaces. filled with gems of art and sparkling with jewel-, and stately mosques with white or aurt dome. Xorth American Review. A Traveler's Return. An Indian explorer, known as Ihc Pundit A K .in the employ of the Indian survey, has jut returned from journeyings in Thibet, during which he spent a year in Lhasa, the cap'tal ol Thibet, and the Rome of Buddhism. Before this traveler only four Europeans of this century have visited Lhasa. Hue and Gabet, the French missionaries, were driven from the city forty vears go,-after living there a" few months. Moorcroft was killed after he left tha city, and another traveler was permit ted to remain there-only a few davs. He says the city is crowded with temples, and has its Vatican in the mouastery at Potola, where the Dalai Lama live, who is regarded as the incarnation of Buddha. This building is surmounted by five gilded cupolas, which, when sparkling in the sunlight present a daz zling spectacle. It contains numerous images one of which is seventy feet high. During the festivals in the mid dle of February the Thibetans gathered to Lhasa, from all over the country to pay homage to all the gods and godess es who are supposed to be present These ceremonies last about a moatk, at the end of which all the citizens an considered to have become -purified for; Thary r. London Times. FXRIT National Bank! Aithrixed Capital, Paii la Capital, Sarwlis aad Prelts, - .8250,000 60,000 - 13,000 OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS. A. ANDEBSON, Pres't. SAM'L C. SMITH. Vice Preset. O. T. ROEX, Cashier. .1. W. EARLY. HERMAN OEHLRICH, W. A. MCALLISTER, G. ANDERSON, P. ANDERSON. Foreign and Inland Exchange, Passage Ticket, anu Seal Estate Loans. 29-vol-13-lr 1TJ3HE88 CASD8. D. T. MaBTYX, M. D. F. J. SCHCG, if . D. Drs. KAETYH ft SCHTJG, U. S. Examining Surgeons, Local Surgeons. Union Pacific, O., N. &. B. H. and B. & M. R. R's. Consultations in German and En 'lish. Telephones at office and residences. HrOfflce over First National Bank. COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA. 42-y p I. EVAXS, 91. D., PHYSICIAN AXD SURGEON. jSTOfliee and rooms, Gluck building, llth street. Telephone communication. -y HOkCEOPATHIST. Chromic Diaaase aad Diseases of Ckildrem a Specialty. iSETOiIice on Olive street, three doors north of First National Bank. 2-ly LAW AND COLLECTION OFFICE. Upstairs Ernst building llth street. C.'1 J. GAKLOW, Collection Att'y. SPECIALTY MADE OF BAD PAPEIt. Office with J. G. Higgins. 3i-."m TT J. BUOSO.-, NOTARY PUBLIC, 2th Street. 2 doors went of Hammoml House, Columbus, Neb. 49I-y J J. KEEDEB, A TTORN'ET AT LA W, j Office on Olive St., Columbus, Nebraska 2-tf HOEY XO -bOAIf . Five years' time, on Improved farms witk-at least one-fourth the acreage under cultivation; fn sums representing one third the fair value of tbe homestead. Correspondence solicited. Address, M.K.TURNER, .")0-j Columbus, Nebr. V. A. MACEEN, DKALER IX Foreign and Domestic Liquors and Cigars. llth street, Columbus, Neb. 50-y jl rcA-LLlSTER BROS., l TTOR2TEYS A T LA W, Office up-stairs in McAllister's build ing, llth St. W. A. McAllister, Notary Public. Ton: TIMOTHY, NOTARY PUBLIC AND CONVEYANCER. Keeps a full line of stationery and school supplies, aud all kinds of legal forms. Iu-jures against tire, lightning, cyclone and tornauoss. Platte Centei. Office in Powell's Block, ty-x J. St. MACFAKLAND, B. K. COWDERY, Cdla. LAW AND COLLECTION OF OFFICE MACFARLAND & Columbus, CO WD BR r, Nebraska. J. J. .HAUGHA3I, Justice. County Surveyor, 2fotary. Land and Collection Agent. Parties desiring surveying done can notify me by mail atPIatte Centre, Neb. tji-bm Tj- U.KUSCHE, llth St., opposite Lindell Hotel. Sella Harness, Saddles, Collars, Whips, Blankets, Curry Combs, Brushes, trunks, valises, buggy tops, cushions, carriage trimmings, Ac, at the lowest possible prices. Repairs pn mptly attended to. TAMES NALTiO.1, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. Plans and estimates supplied for either frame or brick buildings. Good work guaranteed. Shop on i:tth Street, near St. Paul Lumber Yard, Columbus, Ne braska, o'l 6mo. T 11. LAWKEiHt'E, DEP UTY CO. SUR VL YOR. Will do general surveying in Platte and adjoining counties. Office with S. '. Smith. COLUMBUS, XKBRASK . lT-tf J. S. MURDOCK & SON, Carpenters and Contractors. Havehad an extended experience, and will guarantee satisfaction in work. All kinds of repairing done on short notice. Our motto is, Good work and fair prices. Call and give us an oppor tunitytoestimateforyou. "2TShop on 13th St, one door west of Friedbof & Co's. store. Columbus. Nebr. 483-v o. c. sTTAisnsrosr SMXCrACTUBZK OK Tin and Sheet-Iron Ware ! Job-Work, Koofine and Gutter ins; a Specialty. fisT"Shop on Olive Street, i doors north of brodfeuhrer's Jewelry Store. 4-v pi WrCLAK K LAND AND INSURANCE AGENT. HUMPHREY, NEBR. His lands comprise some fine tracts in the Shell Creek Valley, and the north ern portion ot -PI?tte county. Taxes paid for non-residents. Satisfaction guaranteed. 30 j 1885. COAL LIME! J. E. NORTH & CO., DEALERS IN Coal. Lime, Cement. Rock Spiig Coil, Carboi (Wyonii?) Coal.. Eldon (Iowa) Coil ...$7.00 per toi ... 00 ... 5.00 " Blacksmith Coal of best quality al ways on: hand at low est prices. North Side Eleventh St., COLUMBUS, NEB. 14-3m UNION PACIFIC LAND OFFICE, S AML, C. SMITH, Ag't. ASD General Real Estate Dealer. Z3TI have a large number of improve d Farms for sale cheap. Alio unimproved (arming and grazing lands, from $4 to $15 per acre. JTSpecial attention paid to ma kin: tinal proof on Homestead and Timber Claim. 15?. 11 having lands to sell will nnd it to cbeir advantage to leave them in my hands for sale. Money to loan on farms. F. H. Marty, Clerk, speak German. 30-tf Columbus, Nebraska. I0UIS SCHBEIBEE, II AH kinds of Repairing done 01 Short Notice. Buggies, Wag ons, etc., Bade to order, and all work Guar anteed. Also sell the world-famous Walter A. Wood Xowers. Beapers, Combin ed Machines, Harvesters, and Self-binders the best made. 13rShop opposite the "TattcrsalL" on Olive SU COLUMBUS. 2f-m ire presents given away. Send us 5 cents postage, iuuu anu oy man you win get jree a pacicage of goods of larze value, that will start you in work that will at once bring you in money faster than any thing else in America. All about the $200,00) in presents with each box Agents wanted everywhere, of either sex, of all ages, for all tbe time, or spare time only, to work for us at their own homes. " Fortunes for all workers ab solutely assured. Don't delay. H. Hal lett fe Co., Portland, Maine. pAMPllEtLL efc ST. CX.AIB, DKALKRS IS Ifcasrs and Iron ! " The highest market price paid tor rags andiron. Store in the Bubach buildiutr, Olive st., Columbus, Neb. l.T-tf NO HUMBUG! But a Grand Success. RP. BRIGHAM'S AUTOMATIC WA- ter Trough for stock. He refers to every man whohas it in use. Call on or leave orders at George Yale's, opposite Oehlrich's grocery. " fUJm A PRIZE. Send six cents for postage.and receive free, a costly box of goods which will help you to more money right away than anything else in this world. All, of either sex, succeed from tirst hour. The broad road to fortune opens before the workers, absolutely sure. At once address, Truk & Co.. Augusta, Maine. "VOTICE TO TEACHERS. J. B. Moncrief, Co. Supt-, Will be in his office at the Court House on the third Saturday of each month for the purpose of examining applicants for teacher's certificates, and" for tne transactton of any other business pertaining to schools. 567-y FARMER'S HOME. This House, recently purcha-ed bv me. 1 will Ik: thoroughly refitted. B-urd by the day. week or mea!. A few room ti let. A share of the public patronage is solicited. Feed stable in connection. 2-y Albert Luth. H A.WILTO.I MEABE, Jl. Ik, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Platte Center, Nebraska. 9.j BttMMOT mm nnn WHOLE NO. 799. JIG MONKEYS. Good Story on Adam For fc AChlsi of Um Old Block, The boys tell a good away jokes om Uncle Admsa ForepauglOlM circus Adam a an old Pennsylvania Dutch man, rich, but a little '.'near." That Is, be looks after the dollars pretty well, and wants ever dollar to go as far as it can. His son. young Adam, or ''Addy,' as the boys call him, is a chip of the old block, or in other words there is a good deal of the old Adam in the young Adam. The old man has great confidence in 'Addv," who is one of the greatest trainers of wild animals in tbe world, but the young man is full of jokes, and the old man comes in for his share, though he never believes that he, is be ing made game of until it is all 'over. Last year "Addy" was in Europe look ing up curiosities, and one day bis father received a cablegram saying, "I have bought two monkeys that weigh nia hundred pounds each. Cable me twenty-live hundred dollars." Adam read the message and handed it to his mana ger, sayine: "I told you dot boy find something la Europe dot make you hair stand up straight. Dem is the biggest monkeys ever vos" "But, Mr. Forepaugh." said the man ager, "you are not oing to send the money, There are no such monkeys, weighing as much as a horse. There is some mistake." "I send de money," said Adam. "Dot boy has struck a lead of monkeys and donrt you forget it. You 'can't till vot kind of monkeys dey get from the interior of Africa. Ven we get dere small monkeys, ve get just in de edge of Africa. Now dey get clear in de inside of Africa dey get monkeys de full size. You wouldn't believe it ven dey got goriUa first, neider," and old Adam be gan to arrange to cable the money to Addy. "Well, if Addy has got a nine-hundred pound monkey, I will eat him." said the manager. " "It Ls unreasonab'e. and I wouldn't pay the money till I saw the monkeys, if I was you." "Veil, vat's de use my seeing 'em.' said the old man a little" vexed. "Addy, he seen 'em. and daff settles it. If daft .boy cable me he got a dwarf eighteen ieet high, he got him, dot's all. You can't fool dot boy on monkeys. He knows more about monkeys dan all de other showmen. Vot do we know about big monkeys tree bur tousand miles :avay? Dere miht be monkeys big as elephants for all we know. I send de money to-night." and he did. The next day the old man got a cable from "Addy" as follows: "Money received monkeys dead." Old Adam was pondering over the message when the tnanager came in. He banded the message to the manager and said: "Vot you tink?" The manager said he knew all the time there was no such monkeys, and it was his opinion Addy wanted fpme money pretty bad. and look that way to deceive his poor old trusting father, and get the money. The old man thought a minute and then said. "Veil, vot is it your business? Vot you kicking about? Addy vant de money, and he got it, ain't it. Dot vos my boy." and he went out laughing and slapping his sides at the joke Addy had played on him. Peck's Sun. Texas. An Englishman, writing heme from Texas says: There are no game laws except as to close seasons, which are ittle regarded, in that vast wild country. 'For protection a six-shooter may be carried, except in the towns; but should never be shown unless for immediate use, when " 't were well 't were done quickly," or the other fellow will get the drop on you. But if a stranger avoids saloons and speaks civilly, he need never get into a "muss;" and if you treat the boys "white.' they will treat you "right square, you bet your sweet life," and "will dearly love to make you comfort able," as a Texan landlady remarked to us. They will share their "chuck" (food) and their Ixst quid of tobacco, and they may accept ammunition or to bacco or a shooter in return fur services rendered, tyit do not offer them money unless you wish to have your hair parted; and. above ail, remember that in Texas, as throughout America, Jack is as good as bis master. A person who cannot help swaggering Jbout British superi ority had much better keep the broad Atlantic between himself and Texas; while another person with bis mouth shut and his eyes open will thoroughly enjoy that country. Roman Remains in Bavaria. The remains of a larju Roman villa fatted with extensive baths have been recently discovered nt Eining. near Abensberg supposed to be the ancient Abusina a town in Bavaria on the Abens Riverr near the Danube. The heating apparatus has been found in very perfect condition, together with many curious and interesting architect ural details. But what is perhaps of more interest still, the skeleton of a wo man has been found, having by herside a jug, a glass urn, and tear-bo'ttles the last usual offering to the dead. In ad dition to thto, there was the apparatus of her toilet, including hair-pins, pearl necklace, and bracelets. Some sculp ture was also brought to light, though in a very broken state; but one piece, a woman's head in m?rHe, was very well executed iiuleed. A "votive" atone was also found with an inscription of four lines, dedicated, as an offering, in honor of 'lDea Fortuna Augusta Faus tina." A large number of Roman weapons, coins, spoons, rings, and fibula;, and many other articles, with Roman bricks, tiles, and stamps in con siderable numbers, were also discovered among the foundations of this interest ing villa. N. Y. Evening Pout. The other day some Denver doctors killed a terrier by cutting its throat and withdrawing Its "blood. They let it re main dead for something more than three hours, when they proceeded- to force into its system fresh blood drawn from a large Newfoundland mastiff. In twenty minutes from the time the first warm blood was injected the terrier sneezed, and in another half hour was sleeping in a warm blanket, apparently recovering from an illness. In two days it was running about, and is now a well and hearty terrier. The truth of this story is vouched for by the Denver Noes. Lignum vita; .stands first amon; ur native woods in power to resist "isj deatation," which means in the cemstw test compression in alineperyeadicalflr to tbe liber. .STBmsineM aad profMaioaaJ cards of fir limes or less, psx sshsi, Its dollars. 0For tints adTsrtlssmsats, applr st this oScs. BTLesal advertisements atstatats rates. JflTTor traasisat advsrtlsiac. rates oat&ird asfs. QTA11 sdvartlsssisats asyabls taly. PERSONAL AND IMPERSONAL. Clarence A. Freeman, the checker champion of America, is trweaty-six years old. He claims direct descent from the Pequot Indians. The widow of Barrios had the rep utatiou of being the most beautiful girl in Guatemala when th General stole her from a convent. Laceyvilltt. Bradford County. bouts of a fourteen-year-old boy who weighs two hundred and thirtv-two pounds, and is yet growing. He expects to pass his mother, who turns the seals at four hundred pounds. , The Earl of Selkirk, whoss litis has become extinct bv hi, death latsly at St. Mary's Isle. Scotland, was saa of the founder of the Selkirk settle ment in Canada. Paul Jones once dropped down on St. Mary's Isle and carried on the family plate while ths Earl was away. It was recovered, sad tke family have it to-day. Captain Eparaim D. Ellsworth sad wife. tne. parents of Colonel E. E. Ells worth, who lost bis life in-that famous staircase at Alexandria at tbe outbreak of tbe war. are living at Mechanics ville. N. Y., in a comfortable little cot tage adorned with numerous mementos 'sacred to the memory of their gallant son. whose monument can be seen from one of the windows. Troy Time. Mrs. Lovoy Glover, of Canterbury, N. H.. who died recently, aged one hundred and eight years, bad for more than twenty year praved every morning and night that God would- not allow her to become a pauper or be buried as one. and tbe in telligence of her death had no sooner got abroad in the town than the good people contributed a generous sum. which paid all the burial expenses. Boston Fod. The mortal rem hi m of Beethoven and Schubert are to be transferred from their present resting place to tho new Central Cemetery in V.enna. It is a melancholy fact that the-jrcmalns of Mozart have been misla'd. and there is no .sign to indicate where he was interred. It was to avoid such a eon t'ngency that Wagner prepared bis own tomb in advance, and Ii.itl it in scribed with the .solitary word-. "Rich ard Wagner." The announcement that Mr. Mor gan, of Kentucky, mother of the late Confederate cavalry General, has been left property worth one million dollarj by a deceased relative in Paris is true. Ex-Congressman Thompson arranged all the papers in the case of E. T. Hal sey. of Louisville, who has gone to Eu rope to settle up the etnte. The late Baroness who bequeathed the property to Mrs. Morgan was a niece of tbe lat ter without direct descendants. t'ht go Herald. The versatile Ellen Terry, the act ress, first married Mr. Watts, the art ist. That gentleman, having obtained a divorce, was succeeded by Mr. War dell. Not satisfied with Iter second choice. Miss Terry ditorced him. and. settling her affections upou Charles Kelly, iiecame his wife. Incompatibil ity sooii separated them, and uow death, by the removal of Mr. Kelly, has severed all entangliug alliances. The London paper? arc saving that Mr. Irving will marry Miss Terry now that she is free aniiu. "A LITTLE NONSENSE." He was just lighting his cijrar. be fore leaving for the uirht. "Do ou like wax matches?" he akcd. "No, I prefer live ones," ,-he answered. They are eujjajrcd. Norristown Herald. "I wish I were a muff." -aid a dev guested poker player "Why so?'" in quired his astonished friend. "Because then I might have a chance of holding a fair hand once in a while." -V. Y. Herald. One McLeod. of Balt'more. has been kilted by a pin board hurled against him by the w.nd. P.ttc it up on the outer wall, ye cd lor-! bored to death by wind. Hi nghti niton lie jtublicttn. "What' that man doing there, waving that little ,-t'ck?" said a coun tryman who was at th- theater for the first "That is the leader of the orchestra." replied hi- cit cou-iiu. "The leader! O. cs. A a niu-iciaii. I suppose, he beits all the others."' "No; he beaN t nie."-'(u I' The sam-old attract on: '"Ynu'te coiun Crtitii the rink." ald the amulet; ta r To the outb v.-ao a on Iit a t'tijf; "Pray tell me wlml Uie attraction tbe re To-night It rancv katjuj." He rubbfil hit spine. oJ bla fca betrayrtl His bosom's uir.taUon; The a:nv old attraction i ther." be Mtid. "The attraction of xr-.ivitutfou." liOilori ('ourmr. Belkins to his friend (.obbletun "Say. I hear that ou have married your washer-woman." Cobbleton "Ve-;." H. -"What on -arth prompted you to i lower your--IfJ" C "Well, it was this av I owed hr for wash ing. Sa:d that if I d.dn't pav her she would ".i" uif. Marr.ed her to prevent litigation. Now -he'll n-ver ;et a cent." - Arkammr Tranter. The widow Flapjack, recently of Austin avenue, got two new gentlemen boarder-. "Are tlio-e two ent!eiueu married?" she a-ked of G-Ihoolv. who is a regular boarder, "No. and thev are rich. One of them ovv us a goat ranch." "You don't -:v -o." .i:d Mp.. Flapjack, and tripping out into the kitchen, -he whispered to the cok: "Put three extra beau- in the co-?e null when you grind the cotle.- thi- af ternoon." Te-xm luting . Two Women. Did ou t-ver hear two married wouieu take leave of each other at the gate on a mild evening? Thi- Ls how they do it: "Good-be! Good-bye! Come down aud see u- soon." "I will. Good-bye! Good-byoe' Don't forget to come -oon." "No. I won't. Don't you forget to come up." "I won't. He -lire and bring Sarah Jane with you next time." "I will. I'd have brought her up this time, but she wasn't very well. She wanted to come awfully." "Did she now? That was too bad! Ue sure and brinr her next time." I will; and you be sure and bring baby." "I will." I forgot to tell you he's cut an other tooth." "Youaloift say so! How many has he now?" "Five. It makes him "awfully cross." "I dare say it does this hot weather." "Well, siood Irye! Don't forget to come down." "No, I won't Don't you forget to come up. Good-bye." And they sep arate. Exchange. The day Is aot distant wbea it will everywhere" be considered a duty to plant a tree for every one that is felled. If civilization can not sbow its superi ority over savagery in ways like thess it will have much to answer for. Chicago HeraieL