The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, August 19, 1885, Image 2
JT3S1 SSsS &S- 2L.23fcJ r-V'- - - v-" 5- ? 5S -.' thwrtu JPtictiri) WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 19, 18. The White Haose is bow closed to -visitors and will sot be re-opened til the return of the President. Owing to nonpayment of taxes, nearly 200 corporations have been en joined from transacting business in New Jersey. The suppression of the rebellion in the northwest cost the Canadian gov ernaunt'12,000,000, besides a number of Taluable .lives. In compliance with Mayor Boyd's order, the drinking places and saloons in Omaha all closed the other night promptly at midnight. . The New York World announces 'Ihatan less thanfive months $102, OOflSiifcas been raised to complete the statne of liberty pedestal. The Grant family will spend the remainder of the summer at ML McGregor, after that time Mrs. Grant will return and reside in New York. The anti-monopolists of the state will hold a convention in Lincoln, Wednesday, Sept 16th at 2 p. m. Platte county is entitled to 10 dele gates. . The party in power in Georgia, the Democracy, has passed every law asked for by the temperance people. New Jiepublic, teniperance organ of Nebraska. Judge Cobb, the present iacam bent, will probably be re-nominated for Supreme Judge by the Republi cans and Judge Wakely of Omaha by the Democrats. The prohibitionists will hold a state convention Tuesday, Sept. 15, at Lin coln. The basis of representation is one delegate to every thousand popu lation, according to census of '85. The cattlemen are now busily en gaged in removing their cattle from the Indian Territory. It will keep them in active motion to get off the leased lands 210,000 head of cattle by the time limited in the President's proclamation. J. Deedlev, a farmer near Mead ,?ille, Neb., had his eye eight injured by a cartridge exploding the other day. When he reached home be found that his wife had eloped with Al. Rogers, a neighbor. They left on horseback. A warrant was issued for horse stealing. Maxwell, the St. Louis murderer of Preller, has finally disclosed what will be bis defence, that he conspired with Preller to obtain a life insurance for Preller; that the dead body found in tho trunk was not the body "of Preller; that Preller left St. Louis the same day be did, and is still alive. If any one wishes to know the spirit of the great west, let him study Chicago, which is a city representa tive of the animating purpose of this growing land. Take, for instance, the proposed monument to Gen. Grant; while other cities are talking, Chicago has already raised a fond of 132,000. It is hardly probable that Judge Cobb will be misled by the talk of Mb stepping aside now, and reserving himself to occupy Van Wyck's seat in the U. S. Senate. A bird in band is better than a dozen in the bush, and the Judge is too discreet, we imagine, to be led off by shadowy improba bilities. It appears from a recent report from Plymouth, Pa., that no sooner had the epidemic ceased raging in that unfortunate town that it is suc ceeded by another plague, in the form of dysentery, which is scarcely less terrible in its effects. Over one hun dred and fifty cases are now under treatment. Margaret Kkaly, a young Irish girl only a short time in this country, died the other day at Camden, N. J., suddenly, of what is supposed to be a genuine case of cholera, all the Symp lons in the case being those identical with Asiatic cholera. A rigid exam ination is being made by Dr. Beal to determine the character of the disease. The citizens of the east will find out that cyclones are not confined exclu sively to the west and south in this country. Only a small cyclone visit ed Norwood, N. Y., the other night killing Michael Martin and Mrs. David Fitzgerald and injuring several other persons. The damage inflicted in Norwood and vicinity is estimated at 1150,000. Lord Palmerstov ouce remarked that the drawbacks and objections to war are somewhat, mitigated by the fact that it teaches geography to per sons who otherwise would never learn it. We incline to the opinion that the tuition fees in such rases are entirely too high and wholly unnec essary, except in cases of rebellion agaiast a republican form of govern ment. The cholera panic in France is in creasing daily. The average depart ures from Marseilles by railway alone are about two thonsand a day. At Hai Phong, China, there were seven teen deaths from cholera the other day and sixty-six persons were down with, the disease. Cases of sickness resembling cholera occurred in the Odeaaaa suburbs, and in consequence all arrivals from Marseilles have been prohibited. Alvin H. Sydenham of Kearney was the eacceeeful candidate for the cadetship at West Point. Young Sydenham was successful once before a to his scholarship, bat was rejected becaase he was too iat-footed. It is aaw thought that that objection has bee overcome. His examiaatioa papers are said to have been, very ex cellent, and that the entire class of fearteea applicants did honor to Ne Waaka. We notice that Howard A. Bewaaf Lost Creak was among taa Notts. I In the ordinary aaUra f life the beet possible resaedy agaiast ills aa4 troubles it to be 'prepared for them, and vet it afta aaaaeas taat ne amount of preparation, wfll' answer the purpose, because the unexpected has happened. It does aotaaaci.a function of reasonable men to provide agaiast or to be continually anxious to provide against a far-off contin gency, but doubtless it is well to keep an eye to windward, and note well all the indications of a coming storm. It is not advisable for America to be alarmed at the ravages which, the cholera is making in Spain, but we certainly cannot be.oninterested spec tators of what is there transpiring. When such a scourge as the dreaded and dreadful Asiatic cholera, trailing along the sea coast, carries away its victims by the thousand, daily, we may well feel at least a far-off inter est, not to say anxiety concerning its movements. We are told by an authority in such matters that the United States ran look towards Havana for the danger signs of the dread disease, rather than towards the old country. However this may be, and whether there is ground for immediate concern, it is a dictate of prudence for American cities, town and villages to thor oughly cleanse their borders of all foul impurities that tend to breed corruption of the atmosphere and of the waters. The utmost care and watchfulness regardiug pure air and water, wholesome, ripe food, and cleanly habits and surroundings (which are at all times conducive to health) are not to be neglected now. There is no telling where, when nor even just bow this scourge may strike, (if it docs at all reach us), be cause facilities for travel are now so great that it may be carried thousands of miles in a few days, and gain so strong a foot-hold that scores in vil lages, hundreds in towns, and thous ands in cities may be carried away before it ceases its ravages. It is a wise rule always to hope for the best and prepare for the worst. Judge Solon Thatches, of Kansas, a member of the commission appoint ed to visit Mexico and South America in the interest of trade between those countries and the United States, arrived in Washington the other day from Liverpool and called upon the secretary of state. The secretary of the commission, Mr. Curtis, is expect ed to arrive in a short time. In the course of Judge Thatcher's conversa tion he stated that in every country they visited, except perhaps Chili, they found the authorities and people desirous of strengthening their rela tions with the United States. They said: "We look upon the United States as our mother country, but have received no attention from her. Foreign powers have sent commis sioners to visit us and have endeav ored to strengthen the feeling between themselves and our country. This visit of yours is the first intimation we have bad that the United States takes an interest in us." Judge Thatcher added that all the countries visited were in favor of a convention of the North aud South American countries to consult on commercial and finaucial interests, the United States to take initiative steps and uame the topics. The Omaba Republican of August 8th contains a lengthy editorial touch ing the libel suit of its editor, Mr. Nye, against James Creightou, be cause of what be had said in regard to the Republican being an organ of the Union Pacific R. R. Co. We rather like the spirit of the article, it seems candid and fair, and Mr. Nye's declar ations as to freedom from bias may be regarded by him as the exact truth. The Journal wishes to say to him, in all personal kindness, that the best way for him to get rid of the odium (which he evidently thinks attaches to him in the minds of the people, as a railroad organist) is to invariably, unceasingly, unflinchingly advocate the cause of the people as against the exactions of railroad and other corpo rations. Throw yourself upon the side of the people in such a way that he who runs may read that the Re publican is a hammer in the hand of a mental giant to knock down the strongholds of the people's oppres sors. In such case it would be an un necessary waste of time to sue Jim Creighton or anybody else for what is now charged as libelous talk. The Papillion Times remarks that "if John M. Thurston had not been a railroad attorney he would have rep resented Nebraska in the United States Senate before this." Railroad companies are in the habit of in ducing the bright young men who start out in their career to advocate the people's interests, to change their pace, and work for something sub stantial. Thurston is one of the brightest men in the west, so far as the ability of speech-making goes, and if to this was added rock-rooted fidelity to public interests, John M. would hold a very high place in people's regard.' But they know where Thurston's interests are, and are not pleased wheu it is assumed that he would represent them in any case of contest with railroad com panies. A scandal occurred the other day at Rochester, N. Y. A Hungarian woman appeared in the city and claimed that she was the wife of Ed ward H. Makk, EL. D., editor of the Rochester Volksblatt, a man of liter ary attainments and a fine linguist, who steads high in journalistic and German society. He publishes a card asking that judgment be suspended till the woman shall bring an action in the courts, when he will show the falsity of her claims. He denounces the woman as a blackmailer. The local board of health at Mon treal his declared small pox at that plane bow epidemic ' Tfce Lms Tree a?l The Lone Tree cloud burst last Thursday night accomplished more damage than at first appeared. The barst occurred about eight miles up the valley, and contractors Myres and Mean ware the greatest sufferers. In Myres' camp three persons were cirowned and in Mears' one. Mr. Myrea.was in his tent with his family wbenYhe flood came, and he says" the water rose six feet in one minute. His tent, bedding, supplies, every thing even to the clothing of the family, was swept away, an'dvit was with the greatest exertions that the lives otitis children wero saved. Mrs. James Shepard of his camp was overwhelmed by the water, and with her little girl in her arms attempted to get up in a tree. It was too much, and the child was torn from the courageous mothers grasp by tne mad rush of the waters. A young roan was trying to make his way out with her other child, a little boy, but was unsuccessful, and the child was swept away., A man by the name of George., Jewell, also in Myers cm ploy, waB drowned, and an unknown man, hired' that day in Mears' camp. Jewell is known to have a sister in Kansas City, and a cousn in St. Louis, Mo. In all, four persons were drowned. Three were fonnd next day, and buried, but the little boy of Shepard's was not found till Tuesday morning. The two men were buried in the Lone Tree valley and the two chil dren at Bordeaux. It is a sad blow to Mr. and Mrs. Shepard. Myers aud Mears, on contracts five and six, lost about $2,000 worth of property each, in a few minutes, and all the clothing, bedding and utensils of the entire camps was washed away. They are beginning to get straight ened out, however, and some teams were put to wori this week, while a new outfit of supplies is going in. Chadron Journal. Another seizure of Peoria whisky was made the other day at the railroad depot at Philadelphia, Pa. The cargo nnmbered about one hundred and fifty nackaoes. and was composed of J "funny" barrels of the same pattern as those recently found in certain wholesale liquor establishments. When the liquor has been poored out into buckets it has been found that it measured a greater quantity than the guager's rods showed. This led to an investigation and seizure. Maxwell the alleged St. Louis murderer arrived the other day at San Francisco aboard the steamer "Zelandi" in charge of officers. He refuses to make any statement res pecting the crime with which he is charged. After landing he was dir ectly placed in prison, and while there, when accosted, he said bis name was Dangnier and he was a French man, a native of Paris, aged 34. The Paris National says there are in France 36,000,000 of human beings who work bard from morning to evening, and do barm to no one. There are besides in that country 300,000 rascals who rob and murder, and who pass by the name of the army of crime. Newa Hete. Old St. Louis families use negroes as pall-bearers. Chicago is growing faster than any large city in the world. There were 725 deaths from cancer in New York city last year. The government last week shipped from San Francisco east .$1,000,000 ot gold. A state bank commences business at Gibbon, Neb, with a capital of $50,000. It costs about $1,000 to raise a man from infancy to the age of twenty one years. Human skulls are almost entirely used in building the temples in Dahomey. John Boland, of Lincoln, Neb., died the other day from the effects of sunstroke. One of the belles at White Sulphur Springs decorates her pony with red and white roses. Gladstone's intended visit to this country has been postponed ou ac count of ill health. A foot bridge one hundred feet long is being built across the Raw hide near Fremont. One day last week 4,171 new cases of cholera and 511 deaths were re ported throughout Spain. The exports of cotton goods from this country have been larger so far this season than ever before. Nevada Territory in limits sur passes New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland and Delaware combined. A cedar log was struck at San Bernardino, Cal., while sinking au artesian 'well, at a depth of 105 feet. Cremation -in Paris will soon be available for the general public at the small cost of $2.50 for each operation. St. Petersburg news states that it has been decided to add fifty torpedo boats to the Russian fleet in the Black Sea. The bone-gathering industry is giving employment to many settlers in the extreme western portion of Nebraska. Mrs. Helen H. Jackson, a well known authoress, died the other evening of cancer in the stomach, at San Francisco. The wife and three children of Joseph Holtam, of Davenport, Iowa, were poisoned the other day by eating canned salmon. A wild man, said to resemble Jo Jo, the dog-faced man, is in jail at Norristown, Pa. He was captured near that place. Incomplete cholera returns at Madrid oue day last week show 9,935 new cases and 17389 deaths through-' out the country. North Concord, N. H., the worst storm for years visited this place, greatly, damaging highways and parts of the Ogdensburg railroad. At Keokuk, Iowa, farmers report from a number of localities that grass-j hoppers are abaadaat and likely to destroy crops, especially corn. A-sailok direct from Marseilles, died at" Bristol, England, the other dav a case of genuine Asiatic cholera. Of course that region in alarmed. jj George Ginger shot in the headj and killed William Scbaefer the other day near Chadron, Dawes county, Neb. The murderer was immediately arrested. Peter Carraber, was drowned the-other afternoon in Union Creek, near Madison, Neb., while bathing. He leaves a wife and two small children. . A great number of German spies have recently, bean discovered in diff erent parts of France. The govern ment will order them out, of the country. Recent letters from Suakia receiv ed at London say the troops are dying like flies. It is stated that the offi cials will not report the true condition of affairs. It is said of the 180 tornadoes which occored last year within the boundar ies of the Union, only 50 visited the western states and territories, while the southern states. had 102. An old woman who has posted nearly 5.000 raedieal -receipts ialo a book during the past forty years has never been ill a day in her life, and she is growing discouraged. There is to be a total eclipse of the sun Sept. 9th, of the present year. The only land from which the phase of totality will be visible is the shore of Cook's Strait, in New Zealand. The foremost belle at a California summer resort is not beautiful, and her wardrobe is not commandingly fine, but she drives a four-in-hand of zebras, and that fixes her in the public eye. , Frank Reese, of Gibbon, wa6 the other day taken to the asylum at Lin coln. At Kearney he became very violent, requiring the efforts of the sheriff and three others to put him in the car. The cotton crop of the south is re ported to be the best known for years ; the yield will largely exceed any pre vious crop. It is now too late la the season for the caterpillar to do the crop any serious injury. Peter Uabegger was found dead in a field where he had been at work not far from Beatrice, Neb., the other day. The verdict was death by sun stroke, ne leaves a wife and two daughters in Switzerland. In the Chickasaw natiou the other day David Huntou shot aud killed his cousiu, Samuel Smiley, in a qoarrel about the ownership of some horses. Huuton fled. He was pursued by Smiley's friends aud slain. The other night a wonderful water cloud burst over ''Green wick town ship, Pa., the water falling with ter rible force, washing out fields aud swelling streams.' The water-fall raised the Schuylkill four feet. Homceopathists claim a new proof of the correctness of their theories in the discovery that the famous tree from the bark of which quinine is obtaiued furnishes no quinine unless it is grown in a malarial region. It is believed from information re ceived that cholera and dysentery are causing great mortality among the Russians on the Afghan frontier. About 44,000 soldiers are now station ed in the Trans-Caspian Territory. Thomas Dentner's ten year old son living some distance south of Ainsworth, Neb., was thrown from a horse the other evening, and bis foot caught in the stirrup, and he was dragged three-quarters of a mile, and picked up dead. At Debusk's ranch, Trinidad, Col., durinir a thunder storm, a herd of eighteen horses were driven against a barb-wire fence by the violence of the wind. The wire conducted a stroke of lightning through the herd and thirteen fell dead. A heavy storm passed over Beat rice, Neb , the other morning. Dur ing the storm the Episcopal church wa struck by lightning and the stee ple torn off. The barn of T. B. Wad dell, near Odell, was struck and burn ed, and with it several horses and mules. Pat Lahay, who could not swim, got beyond his depth in water at West Point, and sank for the third time. Il took an hour, after his res cue, to restore him to consciousness. He knows it is easier to die than to come to life after you have been drowned. Charles A. Lindewold was arrest ed the other day in Castle Garden on the charge of trying to hire six yoang emigrant girls to go to Chicago for immoral purposes. One of the girls said she met him at her mother's home in Sweden. He was expelled from the garden but not prosecuted. Miss Jessie Wishart, living in Pawnee county, Neb., was returning the other morning from a short buggy ride with her brother, when the horses got frightened and ran away upsetting the buggy and throwing Miss Wishart violently to the ground, causing injuries from which she died an hour later. The family of Daniel Ashbaugb, jr., near New Philadelphia, O., were poisoned the other day by eating toad-stools. One boy died and the mother and a yonng child are not ex pected to live. Two girls named Richardson, from the Dayton Or phans' home, who were visiting the famm. are in a critical condition. te SaaTer- IiT. oold be wanting to suffering bu- not sound a note of to the use of Mer- minerals in aad skin dis- readervauld sea the horrible suffering, fnl wreck1 A rvmr Watnatea? sr Hausama We teelamat aaaw in the dotykHve mauitv if waSam. warning kvregaL cory anBTber puo the traaament of bAd eases.Vf the the air o buiuaii health aud bappii sh by our correspondence thosi bo have been dosed wituese mine poisous, be would sjaasder .K - with error. Arsenic, ury, Antim , uu auuiuu w x i AM YaSjIa f Y). siotu are som of the remedies t or- diaarily 1 for these dis s, and they are 1 poison. Do, t take these pois They mi dry up your diseas r a few da and with it yon will Mercurj Rhenma- tism, which bring u years of torture. The cur ems to sink into the bone?, oiaeh drives the poison into stem, only to lurk there and k the tender organs of the bod the lungs, the throat, the nasal s and stomach. Hundreds of pen. ve been made deaf, and a gre ai blind, by the use of Mercury P h. Beware of Mercury- Pot Mixtures r Specific. gotten up in i ation o A few grain sugar of dropped into a these imi on will cause the Tsonous dru o fall to the bottoVand show the nger of using, thfli. Swift's Spec lirely'metable, and is the is en- t tonic fordaaamte ladies and ctiiid . BBBBr. .. . and old.BaVple in the world. ttse on blood and frkin dismses msawd tree. . roe switt speciuc Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga. The lata' trial 'lla;e ef iae Halve .'raalc. In the di .tiu.'iit of Botany and Horticulture a s'udy has been made of the premature dropping of the plums, to which attention has fre quently been called. Two causes have been found, as follows : 1st. Many of the plums were pierced when young by an insect known as the Plum Gouger (Anthen omus prunicida') which laid one or more eggs. These hatched into little grubs, which may now be found in the stone eating the kerdel. In a short time the grubs will hatch into email browu beetles. These will lay eggs in the young plums next spring, and so continue the mischief. The remedy suggested is to aljow the pigs to eat up all the infested fruit. Keep pigs in your plum orchard. 2d. The other disease ot the plum is due to a parasite fungus which causes the tissues of the fruit to rot, and finally to dry up into a black mouldy mass. Upon examining such plums uuder the microscope a fungus was found to which the name of Oidium fructiyenvm has been giv en. We may for the present call it the plum-rot fungus. It grows through the tissues of the plum, and produces myriads of rpores. The lat ter are blown upon other plums, and germipating there produce more rot, and so on. The disease is therefore highly in'cctidiH. mid the presence of oue rotting plum may become the cause of the destruction of the greater part of the crop of a tree. The early removal of all diseased plums (now of course too late for this year) is the only practicable remedy. As the fungus germinates more quickly upon injured spots, i frequently accom panies the Plum Gouger mentioned above. I shall be glad to bear from corres pondents as to these diseases. Charles . Bessey. ADDITIONAL LOCAL. Hie. - Dear Journal : Many of the read ers of your valuable paper may not hare heard of this locality of hill and vale, Twill endeavor to inform them of this part of the country we lire in this section that Boss Walker had the audacity to name hard scrabble flatts, io itg early days when the set tlers were somewhat behind and the land not fully tested as to its richness. This modern Eden lies between the Looking Glass and Shell Creek in Township 20, Range 3 and 4 west of the sixth principal meridian. It is settling up rapidly with the hardy sons of toil who will not leave a stone unturned iu their efforts to make this once desert and birthplace of the coyote, bloom. Mr. Joseph Schroder, one of the first settlers here, is a host in himself in beautifying the side hills with grape vines and all kinds of shrubbery. Joe. was born a flor ist; be also imported a few choice stands of Italian bees ; he says as soon as he gets around to it he will treat his Irish neighbors on Shell Creek to both wine and honey. Just imagine how the Pats will smack their lips as they swallow down Joe's, iadustry. Last year we had a new Importation in the person of the Hon. James Ha mos of Colfax, aud also John Shana han of Platte Center, two staunch husbandmen who tore up more virgin soil this season than was uncovered at the great battle of Sbiloh and his excellency James Butler's palatial res idence is situate on a beautiful north ern slope overlooking the flats and has a fine view of Schroder's vine yard. Mr. Butler's field of buckwheat affords a fine range for Joseph's bees. Joe. says when they come home at intervals from their tour of inspection they seem scarcely able to light at ease, they so overload themselves with the nectar they steal from Jim's. blossoms. Butler says unless Joe. divides be will place a shotgun in bis buckwheat in future. And here lives Nils Gonison, a late arrival from Mis souri ; he deals to a considerable ex tent in sweets, also ; the only differ ence is that Nils is a sorghum boiler and the writer can assure you be is master of his calling. I might as well state that this is a mixed community composed of Persians, Medes, Daues and Swedes, with a scattering of Eng lish, Irish, Scotch, topped off with a sprinkling of Italian and Bohemian Dutch, bot the grandest sight of all is to 6ee Jeremiah Sbanaban's herd of short and long horns and some with no horns in the sunlight of the morn ing as they ascend McKellen's bills ia droves, superintended by Austrian Pomar, who has full charge of this grand outfit. Jerry furnishes the Austrian with four grey hounds, three fox bounds and two curs, lest some of the defendants of Charles XII, who inhabit the, mirror country, might make an inroad oa the Austrian chief and carry bim and his master's booty beyond the confines of the Voorhees. The Austrian's side-arms is always uasbeathed;.sboaId be be invaded, the strife will be terrific. Mora anon, Bost or TBS Huxs. rOTICI OF ATTACH!!! mmick Harvesting Macbii L'OM- fany. Plaintiff, AGAINST irrLKR, and Pat Duval'. Defts. To JPmtrfey, Defendant: OAID CENDANT, 1W DUFFEY, O.willt! kaotice tfcati tne lutn uy ot July. V John Bicaar, a Justice of the Peace Land foawPtatte County, Nebraska, is r of attachment for the sum o: d interest from July 10th. 1885. r cent, per annua. in an action pern efore him, wherein rvestlng Machine Tne Aiccormtc Company is pi nit James miller ana rat i u: efendants. that property, co tingoMotet andmonor in tne posi on or IRBW. Hrisgle ami Cookinzhtawand HenderBki beu seized bv earniaave process in aaaViction. Snidlse was rontiauPrnto the 8th day okwxptembpr, 1885, nt 9NocIc a. m. ThkcCormick HarvrstinMUachink C'eWTANY. y McAllister Bro's., Its-ty's I0TICE P10BATE OF WILL. Irvin J. Slatter,v, deceased. In County Court, Platte County, Neb. The State of Nebraska' to the heirs and next of kin of the said Irvin .1. Slattery, de ceased: TAKE NOTICE, THAT UPON FILING of a written instrument purporting to be the last will and testament of Irvin J. Slattery for probate and allowance, it ia ordered that said matter be set for hearinir the 7th dav of September, A. !., 1885, before said County Court, at the hour or one p'cloct p. m., .it wntcn urae any person interested may appear and contest the same; and notice of this pro ceeding is ordered published three weeks uccexively in the Columbus JOURNAL a weekly newspaper, published in tli Slate. In testimony whereof, I-have hereunto set mv hand and the SKAL seal of the County Court, at Columbus, this 17th day of August, A. D., 1885. John J. Sullivan, County Jud?e. 17-3 Tax-Sale Votice. .7. Zeller: u are nercov noiinea tuai un: prop described as folio Ws, tof Wit, the :st quarter or the noriareast .iuar- ection two, Townanip twenty, Kaneem east (N. K. S.MI, tiO. le), the northweamuiarter ot theSrthcast quar ter of Seaman two, 'Frnship twenty, Ranee one datkf N. WJKK. 2. 20, le), the southwest qulkr otTe northeast quar ter of SectionkafTTownship twenty, Range one east (9HN. E. 20, le), the southeast quartenfle northeast ouar ter of Section o.mrnship twenty, Range oaceasfW. G.m 2, 20, le), tdl situate in PMle couutSmUate of Ne braska, wasrrchabed byk. Hood on the 28th dan November, nat public sale at tbjKeasurcr's office iiVd Platte county, V taxes assessed onaid land for th4rear 1892. That said Bd was taxedAwa the name of A. J. Zcfimand thatAWe time for the redeniptiouthe nimanrill expire on tne rain uayaauio veaVer. 1835. J. A. MV In the District .Court of Platte County, L. Nebraska-. VfT Famnik A. Eylkr, Plaintiff, Boyd Jacob Pbtkk Eylkr, Defendant. To Boyd Jacob Peter Eyler, .non-resident defendant. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that on the 17th dv of August, 183.', .Fannie A. Eyler, plaintiff, filed a petition against you in tue uisinci court 01 Platte county, Nebraska, the object and prayer of whieli are to obtain a divorce from you on the ground that you have wilfully abandoned the plaintiff without good cause for more thau two years last past, and that you, being of sufficient ability so to do, have failed, neglected and refused to provide a suitable main tenance lor the plaintiff. You are re quired to answer snid petition on or before Monday, the 28th day of Septem ber, 1885. Fannib A. Eylkr. By Kkxdsr & Hknslky, her Atty's. 17-1 K0AD NOTICE. Tol horn it may concern: THFlBOMMISSlONEIt, J0FOINTED X toAate a road, itHrug a part of Shell CrBVroad snuthjaws, commencing at half sewon line Jph and south in Section S9,Vkn lHrage I west, and ruanlag theaesbpnutbeaoterly direc tion to the CoBflTs and Madison road in Section 2rt, TK 18, Range 1 west, and terminatinBawaid point, has re ported in favtVi nkmyacation thereof, and all objecsflKs thefto, or claims for damages, m-T be fileoBn the County Clerk's oavon or befonoon of the 'JCth duyvSeptember, jBD., ISS'i, or such rojawwill be vacatedHth out re- ferencaVereto. CobflRms. Neb.. July -21. 188-T .IOHN STAUF i.c-4 county Tax-Sale Notice. II. Ktllow re hereby notihed tbataVG prop ertypaacrtbed as followsjawwit, the nortbJauarter of the sflHTeast quar ter Seclik six, Townjflp seventeen, Range tW&kst (N. E.taa. k. Sec. u, 17, 2w). also loutbewquarter of the southeast o ctioc six. Town- shin seventeen; two west (S.E.of S. E. of 6, 17, 2 situate in l'latte county. State otflnPAjta, was purchased by J. A. Hood-Wthe 1B-ay or Novem ber, 18KJ, at jaflrlic salelke Treasurer's office io ssFPlatte couk for taxes assessedaid land for tUvfear 1S82. That sajKnd was taxed in faHiame of W. U-Pllow. and that the tinlMaT the redejeaWion of the same will exHam on tbeFh dav of November, 188.. .1. A. HO X SALS OF LANS. T Y VIRTUE OF A LICENSE ISSUED JJ to me by Hon..Altred 31. Post, Judge or the Fourth Judicial District, or the State of Nebraska. I will on the 19th day of September, 1885, at the Court House in the city or Columbus, Platte county, between the hours or 1 and 2 o'clock p. m., offer for safe the following de scribed real estate, situated in Platte County, Nebraska: S. W. X, of S. W. i, Sec. 23, Twp. 20, R. 1 west, of the sixth principal meridian, being the real estate or Matthew Lowry, an insane per son. Terms: One-hair, cash; remainder one year from day or sale, with interest, secured by bond and mortgage. J. J. Graves, 17-4t Guardian or Matthew Lowry. PMVLLEGES AT THE FAIE ! APPLICATIONS will be received for privileges on the Fair Grounds dur ing the Sth annual Fair, Sept. tn, utb, 10th and 11th, 1885, is follows: Dining and lunch hall $10 00 Lemonade, pop, cider and confec tionery 00 Tobacco and cigars ,. 5 00 Photo gallery 00 Hot candy, pop-corn and nuts " 00 Target gun, stand 00 Swing .- .100 Baby racket 00 No exclusive privileges granted. Other privileges may be contracted for by con ferring with the Vice President. J.G.ROUTSON, 15-5 Secretary. Tax-Sale Notice. To Ellen Foley: You are hereby notified that the prop erty described as follows, to wit, the northeast quarter of the southwest quar ter of Section 30, Township 18, Range 1 west; aUo the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 30. Town ship 18, range 1 west, all beiag situate in Platte county, State of Nebraska, was purchased by J. A. Hood on the 28th day of November. 1883. at public sale at the Treasurer's ofiee ia said Platte county, for taxes assessed on said land for the year 1882. That said land was taxed in the name of Ellen Foley, and that the time for the redemption or the same will expire on the 28tb day or November. 1885. 10-3 J.A.HOOD. NOTICE OF 8AII. BY VIRTUE OF A LICENSE FROM the District Court in and for Platte County, State of Nebraska, the sub. scrlber, guardian of Florence and Grtcie Stull. minors, will sell at public vendue, at the Court House, in the City of Col umbus, ia said Platte County, on the Uta day of September. 1885, at 10 o'clock p. m., the one undivided afth part of block No. twenty (20), ia Stephens' addition to the City of Columbus, la Platte County, Nebraska, beloagiae to said miaors. AexoavtM. Snnx, 17-4t Guardian. COLUMBUS WM. BECKER, PKALKU IN ALL ICINGS OK STAPLE AN i FAMILY : GROCERIES! I KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND A WELL SELECTED S I'OClf . Teas, Coffees, Sugar, Syrups, Dried and Canned Fruits, ' and other Staples 3 Specialty. dtod Delivered Free iu any purl of the 4:ity. Cor. Thirteenth and 'K Streets, near A. AN. Depot. D R Y G O O D S THE REVOLUTION ry CLOTHING HOUSE ! I. GLUCK, Proprietor, ! ON II ND A M'LKNDID MOCK OK READY-MADE CLOTHING, DRY GOODS, CARPETS, HATS, CAPS, Etc., Etc., AT PIMCKS- TIaT WEBE MEYER HEARD GF BEFORE II CBLIHIIS. 3STI bu my jrooil.. .trictlv for ca.h, and will -rive mv -tis tomcr the lm-tit of it. Give Me a call and Convince- Yourself of the Facts. - aillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllH ailllllHi jflErfiKi jbt 2ttfi5't IU ala mm sP"H fe $ ?S m OS iaaiiiiMlaVaVajB O -S K. O m II Q2 BJBV 2 Ba g as 8 m aMiaafc S ti 8 . .2 O 53 Sr3 Ml 0 h Sr Ofe- aX aiB LB r--H efa Q mk laaaaiiiiiX O J2lZ ST M aau H 1 alalai 5 2 ft m m i 'I s&a i PTI aasaaaaaaaaaflLi Q ?H rf " H gug F E"l O sa9 SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBh IBBBfeWsSBBBBiaaSHSaaS'iBPa aHaiiaHisiiiisl iE99siiiE!Sr -? aaa BOOMING! CHEAP FUEL! Whitebreast Lump Coal 5.00 ' ' Sal " 4.50 IVuiun tiity II 7.00 Colorado Hard " 10.00 . J2TA i;ooi supply. TAYLOR, SCHUTTE& CO. 15. tf JACOB SCHKAM, )DKAinCK I.N'C DRY GOODS! Boots & Shoes, Hats & Caps, FUBHISBIH6 GOODS ASS NOTIONS. LOW PRICES FOK CAS. ;u-tt O L O T -AND- H I N G Simplicity of the Deering, 7 pieces. saoaid 62 'SQUiqwsyi jaq?o q pasn jattotn paBondraoo lir--5 w . " J. U-