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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 19, 1885)
:: v'SZ- iy-' . &4- 'i. -V j. THE JOURNAL. - 166V ;VRY WEDNESDAY, M. K. J, JRNER & CO. Proprietors aid PtMiskers. 'OFFICE, Eleventh St., up siairs in Journal Building. terms: Per yew... SiXjBOBthB Three months . . Single copies... . 1 COLUMBUS STATE BANK! COLUMBUS. MSB. CASE CAPITAL, $75,000 DIRECTORS: Lcaxdkr Gerhard, Pres't. Geo. W. Hdi.8t, Vict Pratt. Julius A. Reed. R. II. Hekry. J. E. Taskek, Cashier. tx m- Rep It, &laceamt Excmws;e. Cellectl aptly Made ill lelata. jr tcreaft Tle Deyw- 274 ItM. HENRY G-ASS, XJJSTDERTAJSZER ! COFFINS AND METALLIC CASES AND DEALER IN Faroitare, Chain, Bedsteads, Bu- reaus, Tablea. Safea. Lounges, Arc. Pictura Framaa and Mouldings. M3T Repairing of all kinds of Upholstery Goods. 6-tf COLUMBUS. NEB. ItEALER IN WIND MILLS, AND PUMPS. Buckeye Mower, combined, Self Binder, wire or twine. Flaps Repaired en short nelife 'One door west of Heintz's Drug 8 Store, 11th Street, Colutuhus, Net). THE BEST boon ever bestowed uikui man Is perfect health, aud the true way to iiiurc health It to purify your b'ood with Ayer's Sar.a parilla. Airs. Eliza A. dough. 34 Arliuj: ton st., Lowell. Mass., writes: "Every winter aiiil .iriiir my family, includiiu; myself, ue several Itotf les of Ayer's Sar saparilla. Experience has convinced me that, as a powerful Blood purifier, it is very miii'li superior to any other preiiaratiou of Sarsaiarilla. All persons of scrofulous or consumptive ten dencies, and especially delicate children, ure sure to be greatly benefited by It use." J. W. Starr, Laconia, Iowa, writes : " For years I was troubled with Scrofu lous complaints. I tried several different preparations, which did me little, if any. good. Two bottles of Ayer's Sarsapa rilla effected a complete cure. It is my opinion tb?; this medicine is the best blood Purifier ' of the day.' C. E. Uptou. Nashua, N. H., writes: ''For a number of years I was troubled with a humor iu my eyes and unable to obtain relief until I com menced uiug Ayer's Sarsapariiku Ihae taken several bottles, am greatly beue f ted, aud believe it to be the hot of blood purifiers." R. Harris, Creel City. Ramsey Co., Dakota, writes: "1 have been an intense sufferer, with DypejMa. for the part three years". Six mouths ago I began to use AYER'S Sarsaparilla It has effecied an entire cure, and I am now as well as ever." Sold by all Druggists. Price At; Six bottles, $5. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass., U. S. A. , A WOID OF WARNUVCL FARMERS, stock raisers, and all other interested parties will do well to remember that the "Western Horse aad Cattle Insurance Co." of 'Omaha is the only company doing business in this state that insures Horses, Mules aad Cattle against loss by theft, accidents, diseases, or injury, (as also against loss by ire and lightning). All representations by agents of etaer Companies to the contrary not withstanding. ' P. V.HENRICn, Special Ae't, 15-y Columbus, Neb. ILYON&HEALY 1 MaafMSta..CM ' WBlMiamllUntiltnll SBZmazzi tmrntu. Oram MjaiA u4 3EiasaV bbbV Jkm maaaU bH Ih amwiMni m nam aasH mm bibj ladte MM IS mm VOL. XVI.-N0. 17. THE COMING OF THE ROSE. The tar-tnuaed rates, which are never seen Except by elves ou the dewy green. Were rolled apart at a touch to-day. And all the roses are ou their way, romlnc to IU the land with Ug-ht, To crown the summer with garlands bright, Sweet within sweet and fold on fold. Crimson and white, and cloth of gold This with Its fiery heart aglow. That with the luster of falling snow, See them toss on the prickly hedge. See their foam on the meadow's edge. Blooming as fair by the roof of thatch As where a princess may lilt the latch. Scattering- odors pure and sweet On the dusty road or the throiudng street, Banting the grasp of a rude desire By the jealous watch or the sentry brier Everywhere Is the fragrance poured: Earth Is a garden of the Lord. Pride of the bower and light of the lane. The rose is timed to a merry strain: Music and perfume. Joy and June Nothing is jangled or out of tune. Bird atilt on the jeweled spray Weaves the rose in his rollicking lay: Child at sport by the cottage door Meverwas half so glad berore: Little wren In the hidden nest Chirps of the pleasure that fills her breast. - Which is the lovelier, bud or The clasp that hides, or the bloom that grows Fairer and braver hour by hour. Till we gaze entranced on the perfect tlower? Somebody wiser than you or I. Dear little questioner, must reply. L as I stoop to your rose-bud lips. Gates through which innocent laughter trips I. as 1 bend with a kiss to meet The wistful eyes in their candor sweet Know that the bud so fresh and free Is the dearest thing Iu this world to me. Jlargartt E. Sanatter, in Harper' Young Ptuple. CUPID AND CUT RATES. A New York Scalper's Romantic Love Story. i TUB SCALPER'S NARRATION". They say that "all is fair in lore aud war." The railroad companies have found out that there is a good deal that is not fair in this war of cut rates. You may think this is a joke. If you've got any such foolish idea as that into your head, just tackle the first stockholder you meet and see if he don't teiryou It's cold, hard truth. This sort of funny business between the trunk lines you cut my throat and I cut yours, so to speak has made it lively for us. Too lively, to be honest with you, when we come to figure up the profits. I'd rather see less people here in" my.. Broadway a i office and more money. Don't you see for yourself that it is less wear and tear on the nerves, not to speak of the furni ture, to sell twenty tickets a day at a clean commission of three dollars a ticket, than to 'sell .one-hundred on a fifty-cent margin, not to speak of hav ing to turn ourselvos inside out as a universal railway guide and bureau of information for two hundred more peo ple, who finally go to some other fellow's shop to buy" their tickets? The theory of our side of the railroad business ami the basis of our' success when we have any is that half the world wants to get something for notli- iug, Buiuciuiug iui less mail u is worm, something cheaper than the market price. So you see, we don't have any very altitudinous opinion-.of the class of folks who mostly patrouize us. Our best customers are fellows who could just as well afford to pay full rates and never know the difference. Of course, though, a good many poor people come here, and in helping' them save a dollar or two dollars, 1 feel as though we are regular out and out, died-in-the-wool philanthropists. Funny customers? Do we have any? Do we have anything else? I would like to ask you. Some of them are reg ular, but mostly transient. I'll tell you about one of my regular customers -if you'll keep it to yourself. If it should f'jet out the boys 'would have the grand augh on me, from Canal street to the Astor House. It was about six weeks ago just six weeks ago to-day if you are so particular 'about' dates that a young woman came in and asked: "What does a ticket to Chicago cost?" "Seventeen dollars' Tsaid. Without another word she walked out exceot, I believe, she did say: "Thank yqu" in a very low tone. The next day she came again and asked the same question and got the same answer. The third time she came. which was the day following,.I noticed her more closely. She was "very plain ly dressod, but somehow her dry goods looked better than some that cost a pile of money. She knew how to wear things like a lady. She might have been a saleswoman or a school-teacher or anything of that sort that a lady might be who was down in her luck. She looked pale and sad, but there was somethlag brave in ier eyes that made a fellow respect .her. At anv rate, it made me pull oft" iny hat and lay my cigar down and there are mighty few folks I ever do either for in business hours. "What is the price of a Chicago tick et to-day?" . "Sixteen dollars," I said. There was just a little glad streak came into her tired face at the drop of a dollar that made me wonder how glad she would look if the tumble had- been five times as large. But she only said "Thanlcyou." and walked quietly away as before. I wondered if she would come again, but the next day she was here at about the :ame time. Prices had stiffened up again, and I felt like a brute when I had to say "Seventeen dollars" instead of "Fifteen." which I would much rather have said, and I be lieve I should, and pocketed the loss, if so many other people had not crowded around. She opened her large, blue eyes at me as though she thought I must be mis taken. After she had repeated the question to make sure, and had received the same answer I hadn't the courage to look her in the face when I said "Seventeen," and so made believe I was terribly busy with some letters she walked away more slowly than usual The next three days running the rates stood still at seventeen dollars, and "My Customer" I'd got to calling her so in my mind came and went regu larly at the same hour. Then early .the next morning we xt aewsof a big break. Prices were "all at sixes aad sevens, but we started injit fourteen dollars to Chicago. When She ame I .suppose it does not cost anv more to put in a capital than a smafl s" 1 felt a little nervous about tellino aer. To tell the honest truth, I was afraid sle would buy a ticket and that would be the last I would see of her. Then I thongfel to myself: "It'e none of your business, anyhow. What do you care what right have yeu to' care?" And I had to answer back:.. "Not any." And besides; it was evident she was so anxious to go that I would rather she woidd g Hit weald ajafe Wjfle least bit happier.' It was rather a fit-used-to-beiaff-disauuointed' aortal mione in which she askid her xcgn1aTf$Ktiom, but there wa" plenty of life and snap, and it sounded good' to hear the wav la which she?said: "Oh, I thank you!'! when L?fjold her "Fourteen." just aa though"! was responsible for it and made all fne rates for the whole country. But she didn't buy any ticket all the same, and it may be foolish for a scalper to say and' a scalper who is not in the habit of getting left to own up, fair and square, that I was downright relieved when she did" not plank down fourteen dollar on rav counter. It was fourteen dolfars the next day, aud she asked me if I thought it would fco any lower. I told her everything was so mixed up it was impossible to tell, but the chances were that tickets would yet sell for twelve dollars And perhaps les. "Do you think they will get as low aa ten dollars?" she asked. And then I knew her figure and what she was waiting for. and I was glad to size up her pile at last "I wouldn't wonder if it got down to ten," 1 said, "but I don't know how soon it will be, and I hope you are in no hurry about-going." When that tly clerk of mine heard what I had said about hoping she wasn't in a hurry, having seen her com ing in or going out every day for two-' or three weeks, he thought I was trying to be sarcastic, and the continental idiot laughed. i I-irst she looked at him andthen at me with those great, blue eyes, and then, without a word, she walked away, and somehow I felt as though I would not see her again. I haven't got the ugliest disposition in the world, but I believe I would really have enjoyed choking that fly clerk until he was half 1 dead. As it was, 1 told turn in cutrate times the profits would not allow the luxury of two clerks, and as he was the last to c )nie he should be the first to go, and that he could look for another place at the end of the week. When he turneApale and said he had a sick motigSand two little si-dors to support, on hwten dollars a week, of course I could do nothing but keep him: but I gave him some advice about laughing in the wroug place that be wout forget to his dying day. She didn't come the next day, nor the next, nor the next I was getting nerv ous and too cross for auy earthly use when, ou the fourth day after my fly clerk laughed I sav the fourth da3' after, because he hadn't laughed since in she came at the usual hour. "Tickets are eleven dollars to-day," I said, before she had time to ask her regular question, and I could not help showing that I was glad to see her again, although for the life of me I dared not say so. And then, without giving her time to speak, 1 ratt'ed on: "You've had so much bother and trouble waiting, though, that I will make it ten to vou if you are in a burn to go." 1 diii this to make up for the rudeness of my tly clerk, but it was an effort that took nerve, I tell you. for I was suce this woul 1 be the 'last f her. and that, of all thingsVwas what I didn't wanVto see. : , "I thank you very much," she said, "but I am able to pay the full price when I buy a ticket." : When she was gone Ijtvas ratberglad to know that her pride hadr prevented her accepting my offer of a dollar's dis count, for it gave, me still another chance of see'ng;her even if ten dollars should Le the next day's rate. It wax selfish, I know, and I own up to it, but Ufjlt as near like a fellow who is .sentencgrto be hanged and then gets a reprice for twenty-four hours as I hopeTever will feel when I fouud the nextday's rate was twelve dollars. For two days this was the ruling price, and then the cut rate fell to ten dollars. Andlnowmy only thought was: j.Jy "Will she. come here once more'or will she buy;, her ticket of soqnfrone else?" & jff' - She did eomc-CJi 5 "X see by tnis morning s&paper that the price of a ticket' Chicago to-day would be ten dollar$krshe said, very demurely. "Is thajfoWect?" She hauded maflten dollars in silver, mostly dituesjnd it toolc .me a long while to coujpit 1 knew I -would not see her aaM, and I was iu thaV$tate of mind tbBT wanted to do something for her when she could not refuse. "J. '001 have made a mistake," I said. Sh4Bfurned pale, and I saw her little- hand tightly grasp the edge of thel counter as she asked: "Ls there not money there not ten dollars?' enough? "Oh, yes, enough, "and more than enough; here are twelve dollars see?" Then I counted out before her the ten dollars she had paid me and the two dollars in quarters that I had hasti ly slipped in with her money, and then handed back to her two dollars. She was about to say something furiher, but I said: "Excuse me, but I am too busy to bother about change. What train do you wish your ticket for?" "Eight o'clock to-night," she said, hesitatingly, still holding the two dol lars in her hand. I made a memorandum of the number of her 'ticket 3.684 as I stamped it, put it in an envelope and handed it to her. " Still she hesitated and was about to say something more, and again I said: "Excuse me your ticket is all right please don't bother me aoout that change again. I wish you a very pleas ant journey and hope I may have the pleasure of selling you a ticket again some time." Without waiting to hear a word I rushed out, catching one farewell glimpse as I passed, and dropped in at the r.val cut-rate office next door to talk over the situation. But for the life of me, if I were called into court to testify, I couldn't tell one single word that was said. When I went back to my office she was gone, and I didn't care whether Chicago tickets sold for ten dollars or ten cents or didn't sell at all Now-1 am a business man, a practical man, a cut-rate man, a scalper, but a sudden inspiration dawned on mc when I looked at the number of the ticket she had bought 1 knew the train on which she was going. I, too, would go to Chicago on the same train and if in any way I could serve her if I could win her confidence to the extent of being al lowed to do something for her there would be the profit .of my trip that would be nigger and mote comfortable than any profits my. books ever .showed. my.uooKs ever.snowea.a. .mt' - . n T. around lively in orderfL;Wf.c!t,utalk about ,l nw .for, J0"1" 1 nad to rush to get away, for it was the worst possi- ble time forme to leave, and when I got to the station the train was just pulling out and it was a close call that 1 caught it at alL n. THE CONDUCTOR'S CRAFTEK. Queer. experience a conductor has? Yon are inst right be- does. There are cranks of assorted siaes oa every' train, till it saakes sae tired, aad I aia't oat U sy J TgB J v v w r w w SW -1 COLUMBUS, -NEB., WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 19, the tired kind.' rvejfaen railroading train boy, brakeniaaTand conductor twenty-two years, and I've seen thing! to make a fellow laugh-fill he split, and tragedies real tragedies to make a white man's heart acho. But sad and glad, first and last and all along be tween, I have, newt Had. anything strike me more in a heap than the other night when I had one -of them Broadway cut-throats I meancut-rate, scalping fellows on my train. He swung on just as I did, as she was pull ing out. and' went direct to the smoking car and took a seat, although he baj a whole section in the Chicago sleuter and is well fixed. Our Pullman ductor put me on him as a scaloer or wouldn t have known who he was from a side of Illinois sole leather. When I came through punching tickets the scalper says to me in an off-hand sort of a way: "Say,T conductor, keep an eye out for ticket So. 3,681, and when you come back let me know where it is'located." handing over a first-class cigar a he spoke. "Allrighl," said I, thinking there's a woman in the case, or else some fel low has put up a job on him about that ticket and he is laying for him. When I found 3,684 it wasn't any woman or any job only a poor, hump backed cripple, fit to make vour heart ache to look at A bright face and all that -too bright for the kind of a body it was hitched to just the sort of a face to make a fellow want to kick up a row with all creation that snch things could be. He wasn't in a sleeper, neither, but in a day car, all wrapped around with shawls and made comfortable-like as though somebody loved him, and had fixed him to go through with as lit tle bother and shaking up as possible. Well, I went back after f d been through the train, and said to the scalper, who was puffing away nervous like: -I have found jour 3.G84." "She's in the Chicago sleeper, aia't she? She's comfortable, isn't she?" "Well," 1 said, "you'd better see for yourself. 'She' is in the fifth seat from the front, on the left-hand side in the next car back." He thr.'w his cigar away and hurried into that car. A moment later he came back, looking black and ugly. "What do you meau bv monkeyin witli me?" he said, "tf'herc is the young lady with Chicago ticket No. 3,684 .'" "I dou't know your racket,'1 said I, "but if you think I'm fooling about it just walk back with me and I'll soon convince 3011." He followed, and when we had reached the cripple s seat I .-aid "Excuse me, ir, but is youi rour ticket for Chicago?" With that he reached down, aud hauling out his pr.cket-book handed me ticket No. 3,684. The scalper stood close by and I held my lantern up while I looked so that he could see plaiu at aI fan ma same time, mere was a vacant seat behind the cripple and the scalper, without a word, sat down in it. I went ahead to smoke. When I came through next time the scalper had the cripple in his arms and was carrying him back to his own section in the Chicago sleeper, while the train boy followed with the cripple's things a shawl, a bag, a pil low for his back aud a big envelope box full of lunch. The cripple was put into the scalper's lower berth, while he him self climbed into the upper, and that's all I know about them, except that I thought then, and 1 think now, and I ain't ashamed to say it. that whoever and whatever that cripple was, it was a kind act the way that Broadway scalper treated him. III. THE SCALt'KIt RESUMES AND CONCLUDES. It was a great piece of good luck on my part, as I am Mire that vou will agree, that I found Her brother on the train. He is unfortunate in having a crooked back, but bis head is so level and his brain so bright that no one ever thinks he is deformed. At first I was disappointed in not finding Her; but after all it was better in every way that I met Her brother. It was for him She bad saved up money that he could go. to friends in the West who are able and willing to help him, and not for a trip for herself. He was arood enough to take pity on me, because I was so lonesome, and consent to share my sleeping-car section with me. I jrnever rode with a more agreeable fel ls Yiovr in my life, and we Darted erimt friends when I finally was obliged to leave him in Chicago and come back. He aiso sent a message to his sister here in New York, which he said 1 must de liver personally, and as he made such a point of my doing it in person I couldn t refuse. Now it just occurs to me you have been tco inquisitive all along, and I didn't'stop to think who I was talking to; and so I will not, under any con sideration, tell you who She is er what a grand, brave struggle She has been making for her invalid mother and her unfortunate brother. But having thoughtlessly gone on as far as I have, I don't suppose it can do an-real harm to say that, whatever her name may be now, a week from to-day it will b3 the same as mine, and I'd like to give everybody a free ride to wherever they want to go, or do anything in reason to make everyone as happy as I am now, regardless of the fact that if cut rates save money to s'Otne people, they have given me or will in a few days give me a mother-in-law and a lame brother-in-law to care for, not to men tion a wife too good or the best and squnrest scalper, who ever drummed up business on Broadway, and so I go in for cut rates to the end of the chapter. Detroit Post. Creating a Coolness. "1 am so glad to know you, Mrs. Johnson. I am an old acquaintance of your husband." "Indeed!" 'res, long years ago, twenty years ago, before he knew you. I was his first love. We were indeed be trothed." "Yes, my dear," put in Mr. John son. "Yes, that was very lonir affo." "But you have not forgotten it, John, aave you?" "No, no; but" "Do vou remember our parting? O. how sad!" "Yes. it was: but" ". " . w"c I?tU5lu"V.u,e,r ina 01 ners as welL See this, Mrs. Johnson. Let me give you this. It was the ring John, your husband, pressed upon my finger when his heart was free, when we pKghted.our troth. 1 give it to you be cause " "Why, John! I declare. If it isn't the ring you said you lost; the ring I fave yon when I was engaged to you in 1865." - There's a coolness among 'die three aow. JfcrcAan Traveler. FIRST National Bank! COLUMBUS, HER Aitkoriied Capital, Paid Ii Capital, Sirplns aid Profits, - - $250,000 60,000 - 13,000 OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS. . ANDERSON, Pres't. SAM'L C. SJUTH. Vice Pres't. O.T.ROEX, Cashier. J. W. EARLY, HERMAN OEHLRICH, W. A. MCALLISTER, G. ANDERSON, P. ANDERSON. Foreign and Inland Exchange. Passage -Tickets, ana Real Estate Loans. - at-voI-UMv BUSINESS CARDS. D. T. Martyx, M. D. F. J. Sciiug, M. D. Drs. MABTYN & SCHTJG, U. 8. Examining Surgeons, Local Surgeon?. Union Pacific, O., N. & B. II. and 15. & M. R. R's. Consultations in German and English. Telephones at office and residences. fjarOfllce over First National Bunk. COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA. 43-y C. D. F.TANS, IN. O. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. J3TOfliee and rooms. Gluck building, 11th street. Telephone communication. iy F. F. RUNNEll, 91. !., HOMtEOPATHIST. Chromic Diseases aad Disease of Childrea a Specialty. fpF Office on Olive street, three doors north of Firbt National Bank. 2-ly TXT M. CORNELIUS, LAW AND COLLECTION OFFICE. Upstairs Ernst building 11th street. p .1. GAKLOW, Collection Att'y. SPECIALTY MADE OF BAD PAPER. Office with J. G. Higgins. 31.!! in H. J. HIIlMOi NOTARY PUBLIC, 2th Stre t, 2 doors west of IIsBtstoad Hoase, Columbus, Neb. 4l-y T O. KGEDER, A TTOIiNET AT LA W, Office on Olive St., Columbus, Nebraska 2-tf MOXEY TO 1.0AI. Five years' time, on improved farms with at least one-fourth the acreaze under 'cultivation, T11 sums representing one- third the fair value or the homestead. Correspondence solicited. Address, M.K.TURNER, fM Columbus, Nehr. V. A. MACKEN. DKALKK IX Foreign and Domestic Liquors and Cigars. 11th street, Columbus, Neb. JiO-y TyicAI.LISTEIt BROS., A TTOBNE YS AT LA W, Office up-stairs in McAllister's build imr. 11th St. W. A. McAllister. Notary Public. JOHN TIMOTHY, NOTARY PUBLIC AND CONVEYANCER. Keeps a full line of stationery and school supplies, aud all kinds of legal forms. Iusures against fire, lightning, cvelone and tornadoes. Office in Powell's Block, Platte Centei . 19-x J. M. MACFARLAXD, B. K. COWDERY, AttorstjuiKotujPablfe. Csllsstor. LAW AND COLLECTION OFFICE OK MACFARX.AMD& COWDBR7, Columbus, : : ; Nebraska. J. J. MAUGHAM, Justice, County Surveyor, Notary, Land and Collection Agent. tfParties desiringsurveying done can notify me by mail at Platte Centre, Neb. 51-Cm Tj M.RUSCHE, llth St., opposite Lindell Hotel. Sells Harness, Saddles, Collars, Whips, Blankets, Curry Combs, Brushes, trunks, valises, buggy tops, cushions, carriage trimmings, &c, at the lowest possible prices. Repairs promptly attended to. TAME8 HALnO.H, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. Plans and estimates supplied for either frame or brick buildings. Good work guaranteed. Shop on 13th Street, near bt. Paul Lumber Yard, Columbus, Ne braska. 52 Gmo. T Ji. LAWRENCE, DEPUTY CO. SURVEYOR. Will do general surveying in Platte and adjoining counties. Office with S. C. Smith. COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA. 17-tf J. S. MURDOCH & SON, Csrpenters and Contractors. Havehad an extended experience, and will guarantee satisfaction in work. All kinds of repairing done on short notice. Our motto is, Good work and fair prices. Call and give us an oppor tunitytoestunatcforyou. ISTShop on 13th St., one door west of Friedbof & Co's. store. Columbus. Nehr. 483-v o. o. SFTAisrisroisr MAXUFACTURKa OP Tin and Sheet-Iron Ware ! Job-Work, Xoofins; aid Gutter ing a Specialty. r fjgrshop on Olive Street, 2 ' doors north or Urodfenhrer' Jewelryfltore. uk 46-y 1W.CM1K AND lNSUBS?N$kAGENT. LAND HUMPHRMfNEBlki His lands comprne some fimvtraets la the Shell CreeeflPalley, and thetnorth ern portion ol?lstte county .-Taxes paid for non-residents. Satisfaction guaranteed. 20 y ir . imtpal 1885. COAL LIME! J. E. NORTH & CO., -DEALERS IN Coal, Lime, Cement. Fork Spiig Ceil, Carboi (Wyoniitj) Coil.. EltleH (lawn) Ceal ..$7.00 per tai ... 6.00 " ... 5.00 " Blacksmith Coal of best quality al ways on hand at low est prices. North Side Eleventh St., COLUMBUS, NEB. 14-3m UNION PACIFIC LAND OFFICE, SAMX. C. SMITH, Ag't. AXD General Real Me Dealer. 5TI have a large number of improve d Farms for sale cheap. -Also unimproved farming and grazing lands, from ft to ?!." per acre. U3TSpecial attention paid to making final proof on Homestead and Timber Claims. ETAll having lands to sell will find it to their advantage to leave them in my bands for sale. Money to loan on farms. F. H. Marty, Clerk, speaks German. ."0-tf Columbus, Nebraska. LOUIS SCHREIBER, All kinds of Repairing done on Short Notice. Buggies, Wag ons, etc., Bade to order, and all work dinar anteed. Also sell the world-famous Walter A. Wood Mowers, Reapers, Combin ed Machines, Harvesters, and Self-binders the best made. tSTShop opposito Olive St. the "Tattersall," on COLUMBUS. 2K-ni i8LPK B- A.. FOWLEIt, ARCHITECT, 1505 rams St., - OMASA, HIS. PLANS AXD SPECIFICATIONS FURNISHED for all kinds of Public Buildings and Private Dwellings. Architect of Willard Block, Child's Hospital, Residence or Hon. J. M.Thurston, Residence of Hon. John I. Redick, Omaha; Residence of (Ion. G. W. E. Domcy, Masonic Hall, Fremont, Neb; Residence of C. C. Crow ell, Esq., First National Bank, Blair, Neb; Residence of Thos. Bryant, First National Bank, Schuyler, Net., and ma ny others. 43-mti in presents given aicay. Send us 5 cents postage, ivuu anu oy man you win get free a package of goods of large value, that will start you in work that will at once bring you in money faster than any thing else in America. All about the 1200,000 in presents with eaeh box Agents wanted everywhere, of cither sex, of all ages, for all the time, or spare time only, to work for us at their own homes. Fortunes for all workers ab solutely assured. Dou't delay. H. Hal lttt h Co., Portland, Maine. pAMPBKfLIj Sc MT. CLAIR, DBALKRS IN Rags and Iron ! a The highest market price paid for rags and iron. Store in the Bubach building, Olive st., Columbus, Neb. 15-tf NO HUMBUG ! But a Grand Success. R P. BRIGHAM'S AUTOMATIC WA- ter Trough for stock. He refers to every man who has it in use. Call on or leave orders at George Yale's, opposite Oeblrich's grocery. y.6m A PRIZE. Send six cents for postage.and receive free, a costly box of goods which will help you to more money right away than anything else In this world. All, of either sex, succeed from first hour. The broad road to fortune opens before the workers, absolutely sure. At once address, Taua A Co., Augusta, Maine. TOTICE TO TKACHERS. J. B. af oncrisf, Co. Supt., Will be in bis office st the Court House on the third Saturday- of each month for the purpose of examining applicants for teacher's certificates, and for the transactton of any other business pertaining to school. ft67-y TTASiisvroa MEADE, ra. ., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, I Platte Center, Nebraska. 9-y fiuituiSWaiDMer Mini no-n t r.P- WHOLE NO. 797. GOLD MINING IN CALIFORNIA. Maw sad for What Kcatoa K XegUctod. It Braa ss Whoa the discoveries were made 'on what is known as the Comstock lodge gold-quartz mining in California began to ba neglected. The wonderful silver bonanza of Nevada threw evervthingr else in the way of mining into the shade. Silver mining stocks were sold at so much a foot, and the pries mounted into the thousands. There has bejn a quarter of a centurv of mining on the Comstock lode. "The operations there have been of a gigan tic character. A few men became mil lionaires. As for the great army of operators, they finally became poor. There is not a dividend-paying mine to-day on that lode. Nor has there been one for a long time. When the silver-aiininjr interests of Nevada fell down below the dividend-paying point and assessments all round were the or der of the day. atteution was turned to other mining fields. But, singularly enough, there was no real revival of gold-quartz mining in California. The great mineral belts of Arizona and New Mexico begaa to attract attention. There were rich silver-lodes there, and the impression was deepened that in Arizona, in particular, a mineral belt would be found exceeding in richness the famed Comstock lode. Many good mines have been fouud iu Arizona, aud .no doubt there are many more yet to be developed. But no dis covery has been made of anv thiug like the importance of the .silver discovery of Nevada a quarter of a cen tury ago. A great deal of prospect ing has been done in the Republic- of Mexico, and many importaut mines have been acquired by Americans. But, while there is a possibility of a vast mining interest to be developed in Mexico in the interest of American miners, on the whole the mineral de velopment has gone slow in that coun try. 1 here are many drawbacks, the duties on supplies have been heavy, and the discount on silver, added to the various taxes, has gone a long wavs to keep down the proli:a, Yet it Ls probable that oue of the greatest miuing Held-! of the world will be within the limits of the Mexican Republic. What is uiusi onuy 01 observation to-dav is the revival of interest iu gold-quartz mining in California. This has resulted in part from the decline of mining in terest of Nevada, the heavy discouut of silver, and the small number of dividend-paying silver mines in all the country usually designated as the Pacilic caast. A large number of abandoued gold mines have been er habilitated of late. The annual pro duction of eold had falleu below twenty million dollars in this State, and a large part of that product was represented by the gravel mines. Slowly the gold-quart, interest has been creeping up. There are just now no well-detinedgold-bearing lodes car rying from sixteen to twenty dollars a ton whichare begging for purchasers. The processes for extracting gold have been greatly improved; machinery has been perfected, mining eugineers and experts know aow to get the last pos sible dollar out of the rock, and the yield of many of thee low grade mines has become "very satisfactory. When it is once extracted there Ls no discount ou tne bullion. San Franvisco Dull tin. LLOYD'S. Dwcriptlou and History of u WeU-Knowa luatitnliou. As to the early history of the classi ticatiou of ships there is no date, but we all know how dull is the famous chapter in the "Iliad." where even Homer was caught napping. In a more or less imperfect form clasiiication of merchant ships must of course have existed contemporaneously with ma rine iimiir.itice, while Gibbon already speaks of nautical insurance as being common with the Romans. Such ships 1 sts were, it apjK-ars. at the end of the Seventeenth Century to be seen by merchants in the dtt'ereut coffee houses of the city, and among these the establishment kept by a certain Kdward Lloyd, who seems to have been a man of unusual ability and enter prise, was the moat frequented because the bent posted up. That the house was well known was shown by the fact that Steele "makes it the theme of a Tatler" paper, that Addison names it iu the "Spectator." and that in a poem of the period a character says: "Now to Lloyd's i-oHVe house, he nevt-r rails To rend the letleri and attend the sales." It aoon occuned to Lloyd to ssleni ati.e these lUts. and he "started ou h!s own account a shipping chronicle "Lloyd's News." which began in 1696 and was issued three times a week. At tirat these lists were written and passed from hand to hand, like the news letter of the period, but in 170' it was printed un der the changed title of "Llovd's L'sL". Soon after, the principal underwriters and brokers, who hail long made the coffee house their meet ing place, formed themselves into an association and took up their head quarters near the Royal Exchange, setting up on a permanent footing The great institution which has flourished ever since ou the same pot and has made the name of Lloyd a household word all thw world over. Some of the earliest lists issues have jwrished by fire, but that of 1776 is preserved and here we first read the now familiar name Al, which has passed into the common speech, but was at first mere ly intended to designate a ship of the first cla4S. These lists were issued to subscribers only, and so strict were the rules concerning them that to leud a book or allow a non subscriber to see it entailed forfeiture of member ship and at the end of each car very subscriber was bliged to deliver up his old book b fore a uew one was issued to him. At one time, if the book were lo-t or stoleu. the person to whom it belonged was refused auother, although will jig to pay for jt. The subscriptions formed the only source of revenue for the soc.cty. wliich then numbered onic hundred and thirty members. Some discontent arising as to the difficult questions of classifica tion, a rival book was issued by a company of ship owners, and for a while the two books ran in antagonism to each other, though from the first Lloyd's took a better positiou and car ried more weight The elder society aLso at once appointed surveyors in twenty, four of the chief ports of the United Kingdom and from the begin ning showed that earnest desire alter equity and liberality that has distin guished their operations throughout their career. London Society. It is no indication that a cat knows the value of money because it always carries its purrs with it. a? AsTKKTflUi EBBwaiaM aad rof Uaal carda of mVeliaMor lea, per aaamat, It dollars. g For time advertiaemeata, apply" atthiaoace. ISTLegal advertise! rates. tents at statate ETFor transient advertlaiaa;, rates on third pace. TAU lontalj. adrsrtisemeats payable OF GENERAL INTEREST. The pearl fisheries off the Lower California coast are said to have pro duced fifteen million dollars last year. Placing gold-fish ia salt water for" a space of thirty minutes will kill the fungus which of tea afllicts them to such a. great extent. Chicago Herald. The juice of the Bartlett pear, ia. some medical cases, is used in Califor nia, both as food and drink At first the invalid grows thin upon the diet, but in a few weeks gains strength. Last year 3.457309,017 cigars aud. 994,334,000 cigarettes were maaafac tured in the United States, requiring over 91.000,000 pounds of leaf. In 187S not 40.U00.000 pounds were, used. A'. Y. Sun. The Irish jaunting car, which has been under the ban since the Faoraix Park tragedy, has again come into fa vor, the Prince of Wales having used one on his recent visit to the Lakes of Killarnev. Nearly all the sheep-shearers of California come from Santa Rosa and travel in bands during the shearing easou, many hands making quick work even with the large flocks. San Francisco Call. Mr. Arthur L. Shutnway writes to the Cleveland Plaindealer that fifteen mines of magnetic iron have been opened in Cuba within the past six mouths, by Cubans, Spaniards aad a second American syndicate. Last autumn the loggers of the Northwest adopted a rule pledging a reduction in the log supply. The result' shows a decrease of 873.938.1K)0 the fig ures for 1884 standins .V-W.OuO.OUO against ,Sb'4,562,000 for 1885. Chicago Inter-Ocean. A prominent New England farmer predicts that Massachusetts farm?, which were tilled by the Pilgrims and their immediate" progeny, are teuding toward wildness. and may some day form a proper field for the uew settler. Iioiton I'ost. The city of Lo Angeles, Cal., has a population of about 35,000, Its streets are lined with eucalyptus and pepper trees, and with handsome business1' ' blocks, which are more numerous and' costly thau iu most Americau cities of five times the population. A wonderful man has been devel oped iu Los Angeles, Cal. T. W. Hell man, to whom a large estate was re cently bequeathed, proposes lo deed it to the two orphan asylums of that city. He says he has as much money as he needs, and that he will not accept gifts from an' oue. A child with two tongues is said to be living at Yonkers, N. Y. The secoud has grown from the root and ou top of the first. The mother lirst noticed it when the child was three days old. It was then quite small, but now that the ch:ld is two years old it is nearly as large as the real tongue. .V. J". Putt . A Pittsburgh philosopher says: "There is something wrong with the way in which young men of to-day shake hands. I either get a shake which impresses me with the idea that the other party doesu't care whether we shake or not. or I suddenly feel, my hand grasped with a vice-like grip which makes my back ache. i'hu young man of to-day wants to show either his languidness or his muscle." rati a 1 --iue nouse or soouing wreu is a bird peculiar to Southwestern Texas. Its melancholy note is described as very impressive. It begins in a high, clear key. like the tinkling of silver bells, ami descending gradually from one chime to another, it .suddou'v fal ters, breaks off and sobs like u child the song dviug away iu a gasp. The song is heard only in the opening light of dawn, and is repeated but a few times. The singer is rarely seen dur ing the dav. A. Y. Sun. Upon one occasion when Artcuuis Ward was in London a children's pafty was arranged by the great humorist, and to which one of the sous of Johu Bright was invited. The boy returned home aglow with delight. "Well." sa'd the English statesman to his sou. "did you eujoy yourself, my boy?" "(), in deed I did," exclaimed the little bright, "and Mr. Ward gave mc such a nice name for vou, papa." "What was that?" inquired I In; father. "Why. hu asked me how that gay and festive cuss, the governor, was!" replied the child. Urtxik ' Magazine. Up at the ('rand Central station the other day, a; :i New York paper, there was an agitated young man and an agitated young woman. Bride aud groom they were and it wa- a wedding tour they were taking. Iu a big hara toga trunk they hail packed their silks and their broadcloths, along w.tli a toilet set with which some generous friend had equipped them. That toilet set was of celluloid, and iu its rough journey the cellulo'd had ignited, the good bg trunk aud its contents were 111 ashes, aud a wedding tour was brought to a sharp teriuinat'on. Near Astoria. Ore., there is a de posit of clam-shells which cover an area of over four acre.-, uud is p I d iu places to a depth of over four feet. The amount of shells is incalculable. Over one thousand loads have been hauled away to make roads, but that amount is hardly noticed in the dimi nution of the immense heap. From time to time relics of the old clam-eating tribe that made that place their headquarters are found. A party re cently fouud a clam-opener. It was made from a whale's tooth, is about eight inches long, aud is ground sharp at the end. There arc some s xtcen inches of soil on top of these immense clam-beds, on wliich grow fir trees, some of them four hundred years old. Chicago Times. Willing to Keep the Rain Off. "Do you want the use of this um brella?" said a lad to a gentlemau who was coining dowu the elevated railroad steps at Cortland t street, one rainy afternoon last we.k. "How much w 11 ou charge to take me to the Cortlandt asked the man. street ferry?" "Anything you'll give me," respond ed the boy. The uiuu took the umbrella, and tbe boy walked beside him uutil they reached tbe ferry. Then he handed tbe boy a quarter and the umbrella. "This is getting to be quite a busi ness for us fellers," said the boy. "You see. on rainy davs we get an umbrella, hang around the ferries and elevated stations, and tackle everybody we see without one. Most everybody gives us a dime or a quarter except working-girls. The other day I took a young miss about sixteen from the Cortlandt street ferry to a Broadway stage, and when she was getting in sae said 'Thank you.' and gave ate a five- cent smile, aad that was alt xou I was ssad." N. J. 8m. '. . "wf ikV