The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, August 05, 1885, Image 3

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. 5"
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OJf it V9-
r -v-r, i.,3-
-r--. -
jfWu ibuf itowl
Leaves Columbus... 8:10 a. I
Bell wood.. :S:35 ?
" David City .9:00 "
" Sptiiuvl- 10?10 "
. -S.-M p. at.
: sao ""-
3:85 "
6:03 "
Arrives at Lincoln .11:13
The passenger leaves Lincoln at 3:55 p.
m., and arrive! at ColumbMS 7:15 j. bu
tbe freight leaves Liacrta atGa.aMa
arrive at Columbus afl p..
The Journal has decidedly the
large! eirrnlation of.tofOewipitir
published in Platte county aad is the
Tjnly one primed wholly ia the com
t y. The Journal is the ofleial paper
of the county, and publishes, by
authority, the proceeding of the
Board of Supervisors, the road aotitj
tiea authorized, and all other county
printing required by law to be pub
lished in a county paper.
You can buy 20 lbs. of rice for
$1.00. 1
Headquarters for machine Sils at
Wermuth & Switcher's.
Try White Pine Soap. Sold by
-Herman Oehlrich & Bro. 3-ll-5
.Threo pounds honey locust seed
for H at J. B. Desman's.
The best of Flour at the
ptiees, at .1. B. Diana's, -
Fremont is looking after the roads
leading to her business houses.
Pride of the Kitchen Soap, for
cleaning tinware, at Win. Becker's.
Bitoon Makfs for Sale. i have
twenty that I will sell. G.W. Elstou.
The Deering has taken the cake
as it always does, and everybody
kuows it. It
Money to loan on real estate. W.
B. Backus, attorney at law, 12th street,
Columbus. 4-tf
The Cyclone ball uine of this city
will play a game at Platte Center
Sunday next.
G. W. Elston came home from
Iowa last week with twenty head of
fine work horses.
Money to loan in almost any way
desired on real estate security at Gus.
G. Becher & Co'. 52-tf
Flower pots at the blue grocery
on corner opposite Li ml ell Hotel. J.
& A. Heitkemper.
At the blue grocery you will find
the largest assortment of crockery
and glassware in town. 4-13-3t
-Oan. . Becher 4c Co. Head
quartern Tor cheap Kfeawuhip
TickelK, hold est time.
We have only two Refrigerators
left, which we offer at a reduced
price. Wormnth & Birttcher.
We lenru that a daughter of W.
J. Wynand of Walker Twp. died on
Satmdav last of fcarlet fever.
The . v. Dr. Goodnle will hold
services at the Wattsville school
house on next Sunday the 9th.
Quite nn addition has been added
to the Presbyterian church to accom
modate increasing congregation.
Harvey's Ivory Pearl Polish at
Herman Oehlrich & Bro's. GiveB
linen, muMin. &c, a hard, pearly
Mr. Maty to, a Polnnder working
for Andrew Dabney near Humphrey,
was struck by lightning and killed
Thursday last.
Lost, from the Paccific House, a
red cow six year old. A reasonable
reward will be fciven for knowledge
of her whereabouts. 1
John Timothy, Esq., dealer in
school books, stationery, etc., at Platte
Center is the authorized agent of the
Journal at that place. 5-tf
Col. Whitmoyer has beautified
his residence property on Q street by
the addition of a neat and substantial
iron fence and stone walk.
The celebrated Emmett "Dot's
me" cigar, the finest 5 cent cigar ever
made, clear Havana filled. A. & M.
Turner, sole agents Columbus Neb.
No church services next Suuday
at the Episcopal church, as the Rev.
Dr. Goodale will be absent to officiate
fit Lost Creek. Sunday school as
James Steever succeeds J. C.
Hartwell In the publication of the
Clarks Mesenyer. The former will
engage iu the grocery business at
White Pine Soap will wash in
hard water as well as joM, and is the
cheapest t-oap ever offered on the
market. For sale by Herman Oehl
rich & Bro.
Teachers will be expected to fur
nish certificates of attendance upon
the County Institute, to the local
boards of education when they apply
for situations.
There will be a trotting race, mile
heats, three in five, at the Driving
Park next Saturday afternoon between
horses owned by Lute North and
Hud. Muvdock.
Dried blackberries, cherries
raspberries, plums, prunes, apricots,
peaches &c, at the blue grocery on
corner opposite Lindcll Hotel. J. &
A. Heitkemper.
'Installation of officers at the I. O.
G. T. hall next Friday evening. One
hundred and twenty-five have been
initiated by the Colombus lodge since
its organization, May, 1884.
Charles Davis has the contract
for ihe fine, two-story brick to be
erected south of Oehlrich Bros, gro
cery. It is to be 22,x60 feet a solid,
substantial $4,000 structure. v
It will be a cold day when the
McCormick agents get away with the
"Deering" ou sales. Two to one.
Farmer's of Platte county know that
the Deeriyg will stand by them. It
Colnmbus lodge has received an
invitation from Fremont lodge, I. O.
6. T. to attend a mass meeting in that
city, Aug. 15. The friends of tem
perance are included in the invitation.
'TBij -.Y-.
?' J"!
ia tbecity;irniif
ton, waf. he wmi iksv , try
mecbsikal-haawVoa tmTtUscpet
that plica.. -9 V. - -
Wedaaayv.altaia paa 1H, a
yanag iaia raaasNy fraai fleraway,
aamed Haka, warkiaf ""oa Jaha
Emst'e tarn aar Daaaaa wat aroB
t rated. wfia Wtaa4 dfei about two
boars later.-, . . -
Peter Laary, farpcrly a clerk at
the Clothcr TBrihise, writai a Jetiar
from Gordaa that aU RasaviHa ra
ceatly twa aea wcraafaat, aa af
them fatally. It is. a areUy rough
country p thero .
rrof'Tafcatiaeof Nebrakka City
and Prf.WB. Backas of thU city
aad Mrs. Aaatia of EHthara, are
assitting 'Sapt..MoBcrief la'iastUute
work. Abant forty teacher are in
attendaaea thos far.
Seaaaa tickets for taa f fth aaaaa)
fair of taa Columbat Drlvlag Park
and Fair Association, aiatittiag one
person during tka fair, aaay toiad at
ILfJO &M M'la W 'Or aac-
retaryJ. G. Rantsan. ' -
Yon will find it to your advan
tage not to buy a sewing iuachiae
until you have canvassed the tnarils
of the light-running Domestic, sld
here by A. & M. Turner, only, G.
W. Kibler5, traveling salesman. 2
Died July 25th, &c, two "Deer
ing" self-binders, &c. McCormick
Agents. If you call selling two
"Deering's" to your one' "McCor
mick," dead, where is the McCor
mick's life? Krause, Lnbker & Co.
Campbell & St. Clair's card will
be found elsewhere in today's. Jour
nal. Rags and iron have always been
a drug on this market, but now it is
to be hoped that those having them
will be able to realize something for
The Chicago & Northwestern
road will carry all ex-soldiers for one
fare for round trip to attend Gen.
Grant's fnneral, provided they attend
in uniform. Address J. H. Moun
tain, Traveling Passenger Agent,
Kjauee, Lnbker & Co. have thi6
season sold thirty-two of the only
reliable, the "Deering" self-binding
harvesters in Platte county, and can
furnish testimonials from that num
ber of well-pleased farmers. They
defy any -other agent showing up that
kind of a record. It
We leant 'that court reporter C.
C. Valentine will soon leave Colum
bus for Lincoln where he contem
plates opening a short band school.
The best wishes of many friends will
go with him and his estimable wife.
MynnrWheeler is to unite with -him
in the school work.
At the meeting of the school
board Monday the following teachers
were selected, -completing the list:
Miss Helen Foster, primary, 2d ward ;
Miss Nellie Cannavan, secondary, 2d
ward ; Mrs. W. B. Backus, secondary,
3d ward ; Mr. Clark, 1st ward. The
schools begin the second Monday of
The Nebraska Grand Lodge of
Good Templars will meet in Lincolu
in September. Reduced rates can be
secured by persons desiring to attend
its sessions. As most of the work
Will be done in the subordinate de
gree members of the lodges will be
assured of pleasant associations. Let
Columbus be well represented.
Joe. Gartbartz, Mike Maduro,
Adam Cyborano and Frauk Corupa
were arraigned before Police Judge
Henslcy Monday morning on a com
plaint of disturbing the peace while
iu attendance at a dance on the ''bot
tom" Sunday night. It was a clear
case, and the Judge gave each of them
$5 and costs, with the promise that
they would "do it again."
All ex-soldiers and members of
the G. A. R. in Platte county are cor
dially invited to meet with Baker
Post No. 9, Saturday, Aug. 8th, 1885,
in their hall, and go in a body to the
Opera House, to attend the funeral
services of our late comrade, Geu.
Grant. All members of Baker Post
turn out. H. D. Coau, Post Com
mander, W. A. McAllister, Adj't.
It is the intention of the manage
ment of the County Fair to have a
childi en's -day, which will be Tues
day Sept. 18, 1885, at which time all
the school children in Platte county
and their teachers, will be admitted
free. All the teachers in the county
are requested to report to the secre
tary the number of children in their
schools, that they may be supplied
with tickets of admission. J. G.
Routson, Sec'y.
The County Superintendent of
schools says in reference to a par
agraph concerning him iu last week's
Journal, (correspondence from Cies
ton) that he has visited, withiu the
last month, every school in session in
Creston except one ; in that one the
teacher had begun her school without
a certificate, and her school was
closed two weeks before he had sup
posed it would. LaU fall, also, he
was in Creston on two different
occasions, on school business.
The enterprising agents for the
Deering, Messrs. Krause, Lnbker &
Co., believing in the liberal use of
printer's ink, are indeed reaping
golden sheaves for their belief. They
have 60ld this season, sixty three
Deering machines. Thirty-two of
these are Deering self-binding har
vesters, twenty-five Deering and
Warrior mowers and six Deering
light reapers. And still they are not
through, expecting to sell twenty-five
aaore of these all others .excelling
mowers. it
i3' Sir wt iMl i xja.3
Doaoa aaaaa ?-fri aaave -warn
&&$!&,&-a:? "
" -- - c 5P "sTsll r- VjaX,
cumr,. iiiffPT iriwr
: rr.fc. ,
aoaaijW Maaly attache total
rUsiaai:ars:iaary Wakk
, aha Ufa tsawj attwaaa tka Daar-
For the
af Mr rrieMa, alt
aW friaada W jMNarJa We
say that waUa aw f Mil m Wfta
MeXrawafcaaak la the iaai at
actio oaly oaa aaehiaa, aad 41a-
posing of aaly aa via: ta Ifo-Baary
Walch, taak t t aha assma laid
twa Jlaarias;- ssaf tilisra aad aakt
two, viz.-a' to Mr. Jaa. fi. Wilkt
aad oaa to Mr. Haary ohtai.- Wa
sold two. Daasiafs while thay dia-
pasad of oaljraHa MeCarailok Ays,
there's the rah.
We gifc tt: oar oasapatiaff aisrhisis
its jast data, helieviag ia tha asaxha,
"Do anfo ptaars as yaa w'aaM hava
them do1 uata yaa," bat whaa attackad
as appears ia last waak's Joukkal,
we siBfit at least explaia aad drire
the peg .wharrk beloasjs.
The Daarlaf ,lraot daad hat Uvsth.
It is not are asleep.VAad'wasai aar
cosapetitors daclara, aa thay did, that
"This adds twa store nailt ia the
Deering's cofla,"they asada'a mtis
take. Jestaad af haiaa twa iajlslhr
tha IXaWiag V cmm,-il'is'tw(ih-mom
in the McCormick agent's eyas.
We would most respectfully refer
anyone wishing information as to the
merits of the Deering to anyone
of the now over one hundred owners
and operators in Platte County of
Deering self-binding harvesters, more
than double the number of any other
make. Respectfully,
Krausk, Lubker & Co.,
Agents for the Deering.
The Democrat says that the new
paper talked of for this place is to be
republican. The latest we heard was
that it was to be an administration
democratic sheet. Since the post
mastership has not got to Hensley,
the old proprietor of our Democrat,
and the land-office receivership has
not been delivered over to Higgins,
the new proprietor of the Democrat,
the administration po licy has not been
warmly received by the democratic
organ, hence the talk of a party paper
that will uphold the righteousness of
the administration of public affairs
by G rover Cleveland, who seems in
capable of taking the advice so boun
tifully ladled out to him by our Dem
ocrat. Instead of trying to overcome
the will of the present proprietor of
the Democrat by starting a new paper
against him (which is too' costly for
all the fon there would be in it) why
not bring something to bear upon the
presidential end of the line? What
is a stomach made for anyway, but to
be fed, and when the pigs squeal why
can't a little corn be thrown into the
pen? It may be th::t the supply of
corn is short, and the number of pigs
"long," and consequently the presi
dent i- not equal to the task of feed
ing to the full, but somehow-the fel
lows who have all along, or nearly all
along, bad office, don't feel right to be
without one, either county, state or
federal, and to quiet their nerves and
stop the fearful squealing all over the
land will be silent music to the ears
of those who are not asking for office.
Byron Millett filed the other day
his answer in the superior court in
Denver, Col'., to the complaint of his
wife praying for a divorce, ne
denies all the charges, injuries and
offences made against him by his wife
in her complaint, averring that those
which would be material in ber Com
plaint are wholly false, which in
cludes the criminal charges she
brought against him and afterwards
cauetl to be dipmissed in the justice's
court. Mr. Millett also in his answer
filed a cross-petition or complaint
agaiust his wife, in which he asks
that he may be divorced. He charges
her with wholly disregarding ber
marital vows, with extreme cruelty,
breach of the trust and confidence
betwoen man and wife; that she aud
ber sister Susan B. Frantz, there re
siding, wickedly, falsely and ma
liciously conspired agaiust the peace
and happiness aud good repute of
Mr. Millett and wholly without
reason falsely accuse him of neglect,
unfaithfulness and abuse towards his
wife. The cross complaint relers
specially to the criminal charges
which his wife brought against him.
He asks that Susan B. Frantz may be
made a party in the case, and that
upon a final hearing she be ordered
to convey the real estate held in trust
by her to Mr. Millett. These are the
substantial facts in the case as we
have gathered them from the Denver
Rlraclc fey l,is;hkaiac; aad la.
Ktaatly Killed.
Eugene Rink, a boy 14 years old,
whose friends live in this city, while
herding cattle for John Haney Satur
day, was killed by lightning. ''Jack
or Diamonds," a well known and val
uable running pony belonging to Mr.
Haney was killed at the same time.
When found, the boy and horse were
lying close to each other, the boy with
the halter strap iu bis hand and the
horse with a tnft of grass in his
mouth. Mr. Haney tells us that the
lad had been with him but three days
and that he was under no necessity to
stay out in the storm, but lost his life,
probably through his determination
to be with his herd.
By the direction of the Bt. Rev.
Bishop of Nebraska, the Bev. Deao
Millspsugb has announced a convoca
tion for the North Platte deanery, to
be held in Columbus, Sept 16, 17, 18.
The Bishop and the clergy of northern
Nebraska, and also representative lay
men of the parishes north of the Platte
are expected. The literary exercises
will be of a high order of excellence.
The friends of the church are request
ed to make preparation to attend, and
to entertain the members from abroad.
Program biter.
SA-i. .
JJjy ,,,t'.',ll,l'l-l - f-.k-.-
Jasjaaracr fc aaMtsatwaasiP
-- IsBa taalsaal tMsaaav.feMSaaam- I fMVaW
... raald Oehlrich has returned from
hJaWHin tria.
Maria M. Blattery . started
far Chadren.
slfa Hisjhji, af taa Dmrnowt,
at OsaaiT hat w k.
O. L. Baker was at Frasaaat Moa-
laay,'takiag ia Foraaaafh's circus.
T. H. Phillips aad fasaily af Oitsav
wa, la wa, are visiting at Dr. Martyn's:
WHL Hagel returned yesterday
a trip to the northwestern part
Uf tfcf Slata.
Ola. Oleaa, a farmer ciUxea of Co
laaihas, aaw of Nance ceanty, wa ia
teem yesterday.
B. L. Reseller of PUtte Ceater was
in the .cite: Saturday aad gave this
Arthar'Tnasaas, of the' firm of
Starret Thomas of Clarks, Neb.,
was ia the city last week.
C. C. Strewn, Esq., of 111., the first
editor of a paper in this city, The
Golden Age, ia in towa for a few
Mrs. filackman, of Glen wood, Iowa,
is ia the city on a visit to her son and
is stopping with H. P. Coolidge's
Messrs. Cookiogham, Tate, Bloe
dora, Hamptoa, Briggle. Abbot and Humphrey were in'town
Mrs. Martin, who has been visiting
her son J. C. for several weeks,
started for her old home in Pennsyl
vania, Monday.
Mrs. . J. Turner with her daugh
ters Anna and Rena, returned Mon
day from a visit to friends at
Kalamazoo, Madison county.
Ed. North started Sunday for North
Vernon, Ind.,- where he will visit a
couple of weeks and then accompany
his sister, Miss Rose, on her return
John Sharpe, whose home is at
Steubenville, Ohio, has been spending
several weeks in Nebraska. He start
ed Monday eastward, expecting to
look at some localities in Iowa and
Illinois before he returns home.
J. A. MacMurphy proprietor of the
Schuyler Sun was in town Wednes
day of last week and gave this office
a pleasant call in the absence of the
editor. Glad to see you, Mac, even
though it may happen to be by proxy.
MeMorlal Exercises.
In accordance with the proclama
tions of the president, of the governor
of Nebraska, and of the mayor of the
city of Columbus, all business pur
suits will be suspended on Saturday,
August 8th, 1885, in honor of the
memory of the great commander.Gen.
Therefore, our citizens are request
ed to meet at the Opera House at 2
o'clock p. in. of said day and observe
the same in accordance with the fol
lowing pkoguamme:
Meeting to be called to order at 2
o'clock p. m. by Hon. M. Whitmoyer.
Music by band.
-Prayer by Rev. E. J. Robinson.
Hymn by choir.
Reading selections from scriptures,
Rev. MeiBsler.
Music by Msennerchor.
Address, Rev. O. V. Rice.
Hymn by choir.
Reading of resolutions.
Benediction, Rev. Samuel Goodale.
John Hammond,
John G. Routson,
W. A. McAllister,
Committee on behalf of Baker Post
No. 9, G. A. R.
J. E. North,
Lrander Gerhard,
A. M. Post,
Committee on behalf of citizens.
Committee on vocal music, Geo.
G. Bowman, W. M. Cornelius and
E. Pohl.
Committee on decoration, A. Lock-
ner and W. A. McAllister.
The progressive spirit shown by
our citizens in various ways is exem
plified by the recent change in the
First National Bank. Although its
paid in capital has been the largest of
any Bank in this part of the country,
it was deemed expedient to increase
tho same from $50,000.00 to $00,000.00
which with its surplus and undivided
profits makes the actual paid in capi
tal close on to $75,000.00. Under the
National Banking law stockholders
are liable in double the amount of
Btock. Another feature which will
commend itself to our citizens and the
patrons of the Bank especially is the
connection of J. P. Becker, Gerhard
Schutte and Jonas Welch as share
holders names familiar to our citi
zens from the early history of our city
and state. The Bank will continue
under the old and popular manage
ment of its president and cashier, A.
Anderson and O. T. Roen. The most
liberal policy consistent with sound
aud safe banking which has marked
its course in the past will be assured
in the future and backed as it is by
its stockholders, whose combined cap
ital repiesents over half a million dol
lars, this institution will rank with
the wealthiest Banks in the State. 1
"JfcCersaick at the Bead
I would say that I was present at
the field trial on the farm of Henry
Welch, and was told by their agent
that the McCormick was a clear sale
before the trial came off. As to the
lightness of draft, the horses were
taken off from the McCormick foam
ing with sweat, and hitched to the
Deering, and while going less than
twice around a ten acre lot cutting
and binding the same width of swath,
the sweat dried up. The Deering
agents sold two machines on the
field, and in my judgment their ma
chine, the Deering, was in every way
superior to the McCormick.
1 G W. Fulton.
The Journal job department is
prepared to furnish, on short notice,
all kinds of commercial work, such
as letter heads, note heads, bill
beads, statements, circulars, envel
opes, cards, dodgers, posters, &c. ;
visiting cards; lawyers' briefs;
pamphlets; catalogues; sale bills,
Ac. Satisfaction guaranteed. Orders
by mail promptly attended to. Ad
dress, M. K. Turner & Co., Colum
bas, Nebr. tf
2 r ( Continued from second page.)
Walker, Scuure, SwarUley, Tschudin,
Vaidner jutl Wlfgins voting no 9.
eWMoa declared lost
rVMfction bv Snn'r Olson of Creston.
I taattithe bills for costs presented by
jLnerK of District Court in case
;Wo,-State -of Nebraska vs. M. B.
e.-be and the same are hereby
ted. Boll called for vote Braun,
maa. Olson of Creston. Olson of
waixervschure, Swartsley, Tschudin,
Weidner and Wisririns voting ves 9.
1 Barke, Davies, Ernst, Kiernan, Maher,
:- m 'Silt ' J '-KT.1 '
Manner, xerwmiger auu nnson
Hreliajg ao 8. Motion declared car
ried,, and bill reconsidered and re
vMstion by Snp'r Rossiter, that all
bils, costs or accounts arising from
misdemeanor cases in the District
Coart be consolidated, and action
takes? on the whole lot at one ballot.
Motion by Sup'r Olson of Creston,
that all costs and accounts arising
from' the following cases, viz:
Case Ho. 890, State of Nebraska vs.
Joha Shannahan, clerk of the district
court costs $9.03. Case No. 970, State
of Nebraska vs. Harry C. Niblock,
clerk of district court costs $13.93.
Case No. 944, State of Nebraska vs.
Harry C. Niblock, clerk of district
court costs $1858. Case No. 890,
State of Nebraska vs. John Shanna
baiv clerk of district court costs
.116.23. Case No. 828, State of Ne
braska vs. Belnholdt Brandt, clerk of
district court costs $17.28. Case No.
829, State of Nebraska vs. Reinhold
Brandt, clerk of district court costs,
$1638, air the -foregoing cases being
"misdemeanors," also the following
schedule. of claims as witnesses aris
ing from or connected with tho fore
going or other misdemeanor caeeB
to-wit :
C. D. Barlow, witness State ys.
Brandt. claim 344.00, allowed. . SO CO
Archie Flovd, witness State .
Paiste. claim $4.20. allowed... . 2 00
W. N. Hensley, do 2 10
Geo. Fairehild, do 2 10
Wm. Loseke, witness State vs.
Shannahan l." 20
Mrs. Wm. Loseke, do IS 20
Eddie Morris sey, do IS 00
John Reagan, do . 14 t!0
Dan Keagan, do 14 60
I)r.Powell,do 14 40
Patrick Carey, do k 14 80
D. Eickmeyer, do IS 20
John My rial, do 14 00
D. Eickmeyer, do 7 60
Patrick Carey, do 7 60
Wm. Loseke, do 7 60
Mrs. Wm. Loseke, do 7 60
Mrs. John Maber, do 5 20
John Mortal, do 7 60
John Keagan, do 7 60
That the foregoing accounts all of
which were allowed by this Board
yesterday, that the action theu taken
is hereby re-considered, and the
accounts and costs heretofore enumer
ated, jointly and severally are hereby
rejected. Roll call for vote Braun,
Newman, Olson of Creston, Olson of
Walker, Sen u re, Swartsley, Tschudin,
Weidner and Wiggins voting yes 9.
Burke, Davies, Ernst, Kiernan, Ma
her, Rossiter, Terwilliger and Wilson
voting no 8. Carried.
In the matter of the personal taxes
of E. A. Gerrard assessed in Lost
Creek twp. in the 3'ear 1870, the same
property having been assessed in Co
lumbus twp. the com. on finance rec
ommended that same be stricken from
the tax list. On motion the report
was adopted aud treasurer ordered to
cancel the said taxes.
The following bills were allowed
and clerk instructed to isuc war
rants :
J. Peters, erroneous taxes paid for
vcars 1870 and 1SS0 $ 23 Sl
M "Whitmoyer, for Icjjal services
rendered county. 17S 00
J.G.IIiggins, att'y.Gcrr.ird & Zei:?
ler vs. Platte county 2S 00
J. C..Covdery, J. P. costs State V.
WtarKoute -
D. C. Kavanaurh. sheriff costs, do. .1
Henry Gais, coflin for Chas. Ernva
and" for unknown bodv and dray
ing 20 00
Ernst, Sohwarz & Co. nidse. .. 32 73
Motion that in the matter of the
taxes paid by U. P. R. R. Co. through
error that warrants on the county
general fund levy of 1885 be issued
lor amouuts. Carried.
V. P.Ry. Co., error of 1SS0 taxes on
N E i, of SE , IS. 17, 3v . . 4 37
P. P. Ky. Co., error of 1S77 taxes ou
SW M, of SE M, 2S, 19, 4vv. . 6 .V.
In the matter John B. Kyle vs.
Platte County and Ellen Kvlo vs.
Platte County, and Gerrard & Zeiglcr
vs. Platte County, on motion the
same were laid over.
The following accouuts were al
lowed on the county general bridge
fund of 1885" under the "Newman
resolution" of July 8, 1884, and clerk
instructed to issue warrants for same:
JacggiJfcSchupbach,account Coin m.
bus twp 31 fcO
Wm. Eimers, do Humphrey twp 41 01
County Treasurer Newman pre
sented hN semi-annual report to the
board. Motion that report be ac
cepted and adopted and the clerk be,
aud is hereby instructed to enter
same upon the record. Carried.
On motion board adjourned until
the last Monday iu September, 1885.
Muell Creek Itenis.
The Creamery is beginuing to be
more popular among the farmers
one alter an other is falling into line
with the aimy of cream farmers.
More felt binders have been bought
this season thiu ever betore. May
the farmers gel a fair price for grain,
else pay day will come too noon tor
many a one.
Mr. D. II. Davin has had auother
affliction. His youngest daughter
Jenny was thrown from a pony and
the second or third day brain fever
set in and two physicians attended
her. Glad to say she is better uow.
Boys like to go swimming now as
often as well as the recruit said
when asked by the drilling officer:
"now often ought the soldier to
bathe? Answer. "If possible a9 often
as possible.'' So the boys; but they
ought to be careful not to bathe wheu
they arc heated, or right after meals.
Everybody as busy as can be in tbe
harvest field, pretty warm too. Many
a one may feel like the little boy said.
to bis dog: "How easy a life you
have of it, Carlo; you need not waeh,
nor comb, nor go to school," and
many a oue might add "nor go into
the harvest field to work either!"
But then Carlo is only a dog, you
"No oue can have peace unless his
quarrelsome neighbor allows him to,"
is an old saying. No one cau have a
nice clean farm free free from sun
flowers, cockleburrs and fire weed,
unless bis careless neighbor learns
also to keep his farm clean. Some
states have laws requiring tbe exter
mination of tbe Canada thistles.
Nebraska needs a law to compel
slovenly farmers to keep their fields
and especially the roadsjdes aud tbe
Hoes of their farms clean of cockle
burrs, sunflowers and fire weeds. If
they don't care their more careful,
industrious and thrifty neighbors do.
X. Y. Z.
Fralt JTarM.
Tbe Millville fruit jar is the best
and handiest fruit jar made. Call
and examine before buying else
where. For sale at tbe blue grocery
on corner opposite Lindell Hotel.
J. & A. Heitkemper.
Heavy and Shelf Hardware,
Stoves and Tinware,
Pumps, .Guns and Ammunition.
The Celebrated Moline Wagon 'Sold Here.
t la the WrM.
Ottumwa Lily Corn Starch has been
brought to the highest attainable
quality by employing tho best skill
and scientific aid that money can fur
uisb. It iB the most strengthening
and health-giving food now before the
public, and is especially recommend
ed for children and invalids. Every
package guaranteed strictly- pure.
Remember and ask your grocer for
Lily Corn Starch.
Mhtaken kltwary HUtlce.
The1oiice apptjafiag in our last
-week's issnerof tfeBAlMth ot-lh
Deering geff-binding harvester, Is a
falsehood, aa those who caused the
notice to appear in the columns of the
Journal know only too well. The
Deering liveth! Liveth to the de
rision of its competitors. Yea, verily
the Deering liveth, reigning king of
the harvest field. It
Slewey te l.eaa.
Five years' time, on improved farms
with at least one-fourth the acreage
under cultivation, in sums represent
ing one-third the fair value of the
homestead. Correspondence solicit
ed. Address,
M. K. Turner,
50-y Columbus, Neb.
Is hereby given that I will hold the
Annual Teachers' Institute in the city
of Columbus, beginning Monday,
August 3d, and continuing two weeks.
All teachers inteuding to teach in the
county are expected and requested to
attend. J. E. Moncrief,
9-x County Supt.
Mallow! JIattea:!
Farmers should eat in harvest and
they will keep strong and well. For
a nice fat sheep or Iamb, call at
Bloomingdale stock farm.
A. Hf.nricii.
The following is a list of unclaimed
letters remaining in the post-office, in
Columbus, Neb., for the ween endiug
Aug. 1. 18ST:
. Miss Serene Austen.
C T. B. Cox.
II Margara neny.
M-Mr. Frances; McLaughlin, Oiex
R Chas. VT. Robertson, 2.
S A. Sbeitoii.
If not called for in 30 days will be sent
to the dead letter office, Washington, D.
C. When called for please say "adver
tised," as these letters are kept separate.
U. J. Hudson, P. M.,
Columbus. Nebr.
Advertisements under this head five
cent a line each insertion.
I pay the very highest price for
hides aud pelt, office at Cannon &
Weaver's. T. Keating. 4C-tf
For good youug breeding stock of
all kinds, call at Bloomingdale stock
farm. A. Ilcnricb. 'A0-tf
Wm. Schiltz makes boots aud shoes
iu the best styles, and uses only the
very best stock that can be procured
iu the market. 52 1
For fiue candies, nuts and cigars, go
to the Temperance Billiard Hall. 7-tf
Wr have made arrangements to fur
nish to the subscribers of this paper,
that excellent agricultural and ttock
journal, The Ni lii-nsla Farmer, for the
small sum of $1.00 per yenr. The
Farmtr is published at Lincoln, Neb.,
O. M. Druse, Editor, and is devoted to
agriculture and Mock growing ii. the
weM. Every farmer should take if
Send $1.00 to this office and we will
have the Farmer sent to vou.
I.aad for Male.
120 acres in Platte Co., 25 acres
broke. Address D. R., care ot .foou
nai. office. 4-tf
Piaao Tor Snl.
A good piano for nale at a bargain.
Call upon .Mrs. Page, at the residence
of Cha. A.Speice. 12-tf
For Male.
One second hand hoi-e-power
(nearly new) of Aultmau & Taylor
inaiiulactiirp. Enquire of M. Whit
moyer, or Krause, Lubker & Co. 12tf
IloHMe aad Lot for Nai.
Iu the wchtem part of the city.
Those wanting to oav all cash or ex
change borees or cattle for part of the
consideration, address 1). O., care of
Joiikvai. office. 4-tf
Hal!! HallM'.!
I have several high grade two and
three-year-old bulls to pell cheap.
Also about 50 nice spring calves.
14-2 D. Andei:son.
A yto. 1 Farm for Nule,
Containing 240 acres of choice land, 5
miles southwest of Humphrey, in thi?
county. Terms reasonable. For fur
ther particulars inquire of or address
T. Keating, Columbus, Neb. 4-tf
Plenty of hard brick at Flynn'ii
brick yard, two and a half miles
north ot Columbua. Delivered iu
town, at the kiln, or put into the wall
at reasonable rates. We defy com
petition. 8-tf
Laid Ter Hale r Kcat.
2,000 acres of land for sale or cash
rent. Improved or unimproved farm
land, bay land, pasture and wood
land. Reasonable terms. Call at
once on Becher & Co., or the uuder
signed. 51-tf Patrick Murray.
To Builders and Contractor.
BIDS will be received till 12 o'clock
noon, Saturday, Aug. 29th. J883, for
the construction of three spans of a bridge
across the l'latte river south or Duncan.
Spans to lie 28 ft. each, straining beam,
with a 12 ft. roadway; 3 pile piers, 3 piles
in each, 10 in. by 10 in. by SO feet, with
cap. Also repairing on the present
structure. Plans and specifications on
file in the office of the County Clerk, Co
lumbus, Nebr., where bids are to be
By order of Butler Town Board.
15-4 Supervisor.
i Z
APPLICATIONS will be received for
privileges on fee Fair Greoada dur
ing the uth annual Fair, Sept, , 9t,
10th aud 11th, ISO. is follows:
Dining and lunch hall 110 00.
Lemonade, pop, cider and coafeo- , .'Z
tionery..:.. .. '..-.
Tobacco and cigar .. 5
Photo gallery fi
Hot candy, pop-coru and nuta ft
Target gun, stand ,$
Swing 509
lUky racket 500
No exclusive privileges grauted. Othr
privileges may be eontractedfor bv -ferring
with the Vice President- " 1
15-1 Secretary.
1 r- niVAI. PBaBK.
Land Office at Grand JsUadrNefc.,t "
June 29th, 18J5: f
NOTICE is hereby given that the
following-named settler has tiled
notice of his intention to make final proof
in support of his claim, and that said
proof will be made before the Judge of
the District Court, at Columbus, Nebras
ka, on the Sth day of August, 1S8, viz:
Karolina Smolinski, widow of Carl
Smolinski, Homestead Entry No. 8390, for
the N. Yi of S. W. K, Section 10, Township
IS north, of Range 4. west. He names the
following witnesses to prove bis con
tinuous residence upon, and cultivation
of, said land, viz: James Kiernan,
Nicholas Koch, Cornelius Koch and
Christian Lin duller, all of West Hill
P. O., Platte Co., Nebr.
10- C. HOSTETTER, Register.
To all whom it may concern:
vacate a road commencing at north
line of Section 5, Township 19 north, of
Range 1 east, and running thence in a
southeasterly direction through said
Sections, and terminating at southeast
corner of said Section 5, has reported in
favor of the vacation thereof, and all ob
jections thereto or claims for damages
must be filed in the County Clerk's office
on or before noon of the 21st day of Sep
tember. A. D. 1SS5, or such road-will be
vacated without reference thereto.
Columbus, Nebr., July 15th, 1883.
13-4 County Clerk.
Tax-Sale lotice.
To W.U.Kelloxo:
You arc hereby notified that the prop
erty described as follows, to wit, the
northeast quarter of the southeast quarter-Section
six, Township seventeen,
Range two west (N. E. of S. E. Sec. 6, 17,
2w), also the southeast quarter of the
southeast quarter of Section six, Town
ship seventeen, Range two west (S. E.of
S. K. or 0, 17, 2w) all situate in l'lutte
county, State of Nebraska, was purchased
by J. A. Hood on tbe 2Sth day of Novem
ber, 1883, at public sale at the Treasurer's
office in said Platte county, for taxes
assessed on said land for the year 1882.
That said land was taxed in the name of
Y. II. ICellow, and that the time for the
redemption of tbe same will expire on
the 28th dav of November, 1883.
15-t ' J. A. HOOD.
Platte County Nebraska, have de
clared the following section lines open as
a public road: Commencing at a point
where section line between sections 14
and 23, Town li, Range 3, west, inter
sects with Shell Creek road, south side,
and running thence due west ou said
section line, and terminating at a point
on said section line between sections 18
and 1!), Town 1!, Range 3, west, to con
nect with eastern terminus of Davidson
Road, and known as the "Johnson Road."
All objections thereto and claims for
damages, must be tiled in tbe office of tbe
County Clerk at Columbus, Nebraska,
on or before 12 o'clock noon of the six
teenth day ot September, A. D., 188".
Dated Columbus, Nebr., July 9, 1883.
John Staukkcu,
12-4 County Clerk.
To all whom it may concent:
X to vacate a road, it being a part of
Shell Creek road south side, commencing
at hilf section line north and south in
Section 20, Town 18, Range 1 west, and
running thence in a southeasterly direc
tion to tbe Columbus and Madison road
in Section 28, Town 18, Range 1 west,
and terminating at said point, has re
ported iu favor of the vacation thereof,
and all objections thereto, or claims for
damages, must be tiled in tbe County
Clerk's office on or before noon of the
26th day ot September, -A. D., 1883, or
such road will be vacated without re
ference thereto.
Columbus, Ni.,.luly 2I. 1883.
14-n.i-.-4 County Clerk.
Tax-Sale Notice.
To A. J. Zeller:
Ton are hereby notified that the prop,
erty described Its follow-), to, wit, the
northeast quarter of tbe northeast quar
ter of Section two, Township twenty,
Range one east (N. K. N. E. 2, 20, le), tbe
northwest quarter ot the northeast quar
ter of Section two. Township twenty,
Ranye one east (N. W. N. E. 2, 20, lo), the
southwest quarter of the northeast quar
ter of Section two. Township twenty,
Range one east (S. V. N. E. 2, 20, le), the
southeast quarter of the northeast miar
ter of Section two. Township twenty,
Range one east (S. E. X. E. 2, 20, le), all
situate in l'latte county, State of Ne
braska, was purchased by J. A. Hood on
tbe 28th day of November, 1883, at public
sale at the Treasurer's oflice in said l'latte
county, for taxes assessed on said land
for the year 1852. That said land was
taxed in tbe name of A. J. Zeller, and
that tbe time for the redemption of the
same will expire on the 29th day of No
vember, 1883.
13-3 J. A. HOOD.
The Board of Supervisors of Platte
county, Nebraska, have declared tbe fol
lowing section lines open as public roads:
Commencing at the N. E. corner of
Section 3(1, Town IS, Ranee 2, west, and
running thence due south on section line,
to tbe northeast corner of the N. E. i of
Section 12, Town 1", Range 2, west, and
terminating at that point, and kLOwn as
the "Scbilz Road."
AUo a public road commencing at the
S. V. corner of Section 3-1, Town 18.
Range 1, east, and running thence on
Section line due west, and terminating
at tbe S. W. corner of Section 32, Town
18. Range 1, east, aud kuowu as the
"Sheldon Road "
Also a public road commencing at N.W.
corner of Section 18, Town 19. ICinge 1,
west, and running thence due east on
section line and terminating at N. E.
corner of Section 18, Town 19, Range 1,
east, and known as the "Nick Adamy
Also a public road commencing at tbe
N. W. corner of Section 21, Town 18,
Range 2, wet, aud running thence- east
on section line, ami terminating at tbe
N. E. corner of Section 21,-Town 18, Range
2, west, and kuown as the ''Extension of
Nicholson Road."
Also a public road commencing at the
N. V. corner of Section 18, Town 19,
Range 3, west, and running thence due
east on section line until it intersects tbe
Shell Creek Road, aud terminates at that
point and known as tbe "Nelson Road."
All objections thereto and claims for
damages must be tiled ia the office of the
County Clerk-at Colnmbus, Nebraska, on
or before 12 o'clock noon of tbe 18th day
of August, A. D., 1885:
Dated Columbus, Nebr., June 12, 1883.
Jobn STicnu,
12-4 County Clerk.
r Claetaaatl.
Joha Davis, PreaU t.
V. Mafhall, acmary-
Assets a?er-
Issuer the pef alar Lite Kate JCadow
ment Policy.
Over flOO.oan aM In Nebraska ia tke
p-st two yeauaaa over ,! la,, Co.
Alto make loans oa Real Estate on
lour time at a low rate et Interest. For
terms apply to
M. 1). TaUKOTOHV Special Ag't.
omen: At JOWUUL Sanrt . Co-
fimtw, Co
f nimbus, Near.
Crockery and Glassware
You will always fiad a FRESH and welt
selected stock.
Crrog am Ttm
t .
- .! - - '
We handle tbe celehrated
Ctfar Raiuls Floir aif Fni.
Illftrteat market prloe paid for
country produce.
City orders delivered free of charge.
(Telephone No. 26.
Rleveata Afreet,
42-tf Clasa aa lYra.
Our quotations of the markets are ob
taInedxuesdayafternoon,and are correct
and reliable at the time.
Wheat 60
Corn In ear 23
Corn shelled 23
Oats new, 13
Rye..... 25
Flour.".."."."."..."..."."..".".".."."." 2 4043 00
Butter, 7010
Potatoes, new 23Q40
Hams, U12K
Shoulders. &8
Sides, 67
FatHogs 2 80(43 60
FatCattlc M W
Sheep 300
Iowa S & 00
Hard 14 00
Rock Springs nut Jj J
Rock Springs lump
r.rhn 1! OU
Colorado "
("'his House, recently purchased bv me,
will be thoroughly refitted. Hoard
by the day, week or mea!. A few rooms
to let. A share of tbe public patronage,
is solicited. Feed stable in connection.
2-y Albkrt I.irw.
Rags and Iron !
The highest market price paid tor rags
and iron. Store in tbe Bubach building,
Olive St., Columbus, Neb. 15-tf
tttit TVor working people. Send 10
H r I 1 1 ce,,ts PHage, ntl w wil1
-ii--l il JJ- mail jouree, a loyal, val
uable sample box ofgoods that will put
you in the way of making more money in
a few days than you ever thought pos
sible at any husine. Capital not re
quired! You can lie at home and work
in spare time only, or all the time. AH
or both sexes, of all ages, grandly suc
cessful. 30 cents to f easily earned
every evening. That all who want work
mav tet the busines, we make this un
paralleled offer: To all who are not well
HAtistied we will -end$l to pay for the
trouble of writing u. Full particulars,
directions, cte , sent free. Immeuse pay
absolutely sure for all who start at once.
Don't delay. Address Stinson Co.,
Portland, Maine.
McCormick Uarvbstixi Machisk Com
pany. Plaintiff.
Jamkh Birn.EK, and Pat Dukkey, Deft.
To Pat Duffey, Defendant:
will take notice that, on the 10th dy
ol July, 1883, John Rick I v, a Justirc of
the Peace in and for PUtte County,
Nebraska, issued an order of attachment
for the sum of $34.41, and interest from
July 10th, 1JJ83, at 10 percent, per annum,
in an action pending before him, wherein
The McCormick Harvesting Machine
Company is plaiutitt', and James Itutler
and Pat Duffey are defendants, that
property, consisting of notes and money
ln the possession of Ira B. Briggle aud
Cookingham and Bender, has been seized
by garnishee process, in said action.
Said cause was continued to the 8th
day ot September, 1883, at 9 o'clock a. m.
Thk McCormick Harvesting Machink
By McAllistkr Bro's., Its Atty .
And all kinds of country produce ta
ken in trade, and all goods deliv
ered free of charge to any
part of the city.
10-tf J.