r . S. .& 4 a ri ?t i.i 'i J ( : J ... ' o. . S 3 w. U i i I-. if II U . " . ' i5 a THE JOURNAL. , WEDNESDAY, JULY 22, 1885. fettrti st tte P-rtiSe., G:!s&:. Sib., a: re4 dan sitter. A THOUSAND CHEERS. A thousand cheers for a blighted life. The lonely one we daily meet. The sad. Bad lot a knlpht in thestrlf Is trodden down by rapid feet. He needs our hand in the heartleas race, The voice oflovc might calm hU fears. Our smile might brijrhten his careworn face, Inspire his life with a thousand cheers. A thousand cheers for the Bcwinjr ffirl! With her tired hands and her keary heart Though pure In 6oul unknown In the whirl Of money-makers in city mart. O beautiful flower on the toilsome path, O jewel rare for the weary eyes, O thought sublime that her toiling hath A thousand cheers from the starry skie3! A thousand cheers for the honest boy, Unlearned la scheme of tame and wealth, Whose steps are heralds of restless Joy The restless joy of rugged health. The clouds may shadow, some sunny day. This picture giirwltli morning light. But honor on earth still finds a way And room enough for a deed of right. A thousand cheers for the man of mlghtl "Jlp bravely strives when others fail, WhVmarcbes on to the losing fight When rights go down and wrongs prevail. The man who bears the scorn and the frown And Censure's bitter blastlngbreath. Receives, at last, a dear-bought crown, A thousand cheers at the gates of death. K. II. Callahan, in Current. A SWEET APOLOGY. How a Miss of Seventeen Con quered Her Lover. 1 wish you wouldn't fidget so, Har ry. How lo you expect we can get these pictures arranged when you jog gle the' table in that outrageous man ner?" m Well, Ini sure, Nell," answered the accused, deprecatingly. "it's rather rough on a fellow to be compelled to sit the best part of an evening handling the paste-pot and sorting fancy cards. 1 thought vou had outgrown that sort of thing when you put away your school books." . "That shows all you know," was the contemptuous rejoinder. "As if these albums were not all the rage, and ' Alice, so good and thoughtful, bringing all the newest and loveliest cards from Paris. Why, my dear boy, (this in a triumphaut'tonc,) my book will b a long way the most beautiful one in town." "Yes, I know," muttered the young man, with a reprehensible lack of inter est "But you promised to let me row you across Silver Lake this evening- The moonlight nights are nearly gone and we haven't settled any thing yet, Nellie." "Can't you talk before Alice? I'm sure we necdu't mind her." Here I, being the Alice referred to, hastily rose and offered to resign my position as "paster-in-chicf." "No, no," Nell exclaimed. "I'am going to get more paste," I answered. "Why don't you use mucilage?" queried Mr. Harry, in a conciliatory tone, resigning himself to the inevi table. "Because we haven't any and they are out of it at the stationer's, so we thought a little home-made material would do as well" "Oh, no, it won't," ejaculated Harry; "with alacrity. "1 wouldn't do any more just now. It would Ixj far better to wait and finish your work with the proper stuff. Come (this very plead ingly) a little row will do you good, and Miss Alioe will perhaps join us," con tinued our hero, with a suspicious lack of warmth. Gracefully decliniug the invitation, I watched the young lovers slowly tread ing Miller s lane. About an hour had elapsed, and I was comfortably doiug niy hair preparatory to seeking my downy couch, when Ntll rushed in niy room with blazing eyes and heightened color, and. Hinging her self on a chair, exclaimed: "Harry and I have had such a row." "Indeed, 1 replied, unmoved by a atatcment whose recurrence could be estimated as happening about once every twenty-four hours. Yes," said Nell, s-omewhat crushed" by my lack of sympathy, "and, Allie, it was all about a miserable box of bon bons which Fred Clarke, that clever .young lawyer, brought me from the city. Harry said he wished 1 would get over my childish love for sweets, that it was ruinous to the digestion, to say notiiing of my lovely teeth. I told him he only made my health an excuse, that the truth of the matter was jealousy. Jeal ousy about poor Fred, and he 'needn't think because he had just taken his doctor's diploma that he could com . mence practice with me as first patient. Well, 3ou ean readily uuderstand. dear, how one word led to another, but when Harry wound up iu his conceited way by declaring medicine to be a noble profession and law a despicable one, I tell you I couldn't stand it. and I in formed his highness that I would never speak to him agaiu unless he made roe an apology, and what do you think? The wretch laughed and walked off sayiug: 01i, ccrtainlv, Miss XicolLs. I'll make a sweet apology, " and with a burt of tears sweet Nell, who after all was little more than a mere child, relapsed into despa'r on a man-me fdy, there , by reducing the red ribbon to irre deemable dampness. 1, with my five years' seniority, hardly knew what con solation would prove most ctlicacious iu ' 'soothing iudignant seventeen. It was useless to indicate that it was a mere boy and girl spat about a st'e-k of canity, or that it was quite proper for the incipient physician to object to an undue indulgence in sweets, or to luut at the flattery which is always con veyed by the, demon of jealousy." All these suggestions were received with scorn, from the indisputable fact that Harry had made biiu-eli disagree able "froiu the. lirst." objecting to the harmless .amusement of "making an album," giving vent to sarcasms re garding the pictures, the paste and various otlu-r things connected with the artistic employment. "Nell Nell!" yelled the musical Tommy, as my cousin's brother was called." -Here's a package for vou." Wc were most comfortably disposed on an old :liawl, with books" and work, in' the grove, just Jo the left of the old fashioned farm-houc. No reference had been made to the last night, but my Nell had lost that buoyancy of spirits which rendered us all her willing subjects. Full of curi osity we awaited the coming of the dreadful boy. who burst upon us breath less but grinning, bearing aloft a heavy parcel about the sue of a large cocoa nut. He dropped it into her lap and gasped: With Harry Blessing's com- pliments. The colored nian brought it and he said there was no 'answer. Hurry up: let's see what it is. I'll open it I'll cut the string. Here's a knife," volunteered the voluble and obliging Tomim. The .removal" of sundry rolls of the thick brown pr.per disclosed to -our gaze a round, glass jar, securely sealed, .filled with some thick, goldeu fluid. What can it be?" we exclaimed, hanltaneousty. "What a lovely color," added Nell. "There's no label on it. I wonder wkat " she paused and turned the pretty jar slowly round and round. "Why, yon two gooses," politely re- rirnf Tom. "why, it's honey rtraiiftri hosey. Old maa Blessing is EUY-aboat bees, andyoar lMM'kaovs bam 8Mr youaro on swmtt, aadot mars he'd be smre to tend you soma, of the first crop." "But isn't it a little early in the. sea son for honey, Tom?" I ventured. "Early! Of course not Why I see' d a whole row of jars just like them in Killer's grocery, yesterday." This decided all doubts on the matter and with a happy laugh and brimming over with importance, Nell dispatched Tom to ask auntie if we might have hot biscuits for tea, "and Tommy, dear," added our heroine in-inuatingly, "You'll run over to Willow "farm, won't you, with a note, and Til finish your reins before you get back?" "All right, see that you do," waa the patronizing response, as he rushed off to execute his mission. As soon as he' was well out of sight and sound Nell exclaimed: "Wiry, Alice, don't you see? Why. it's as clear as day. Poor Harry; how clever of him." Perceiving that I did not comprehend, she continued: "Don't you remember how provoked I was because Harry de clared emphatically that of course he would make me an apology 'a sweet apology' and here it is" holding it up against the sunlight triumphautty. "I shall send him a dear little note, saying the apology is accepted, ami ask him to tea," anif claspiug fheswe.il treasure in both small hands he hastened to the house and lost no time in penning the few words which would pardon and recall the erring one. Aunt Mary gave us carte blanche, and much delight was expressed at the prospect of light biscuits, fresh butter and golden honey. Prompt to the moment came the re pentant swain. . Ureeted with smil 9 was he by a lovely little maiden, dressed in an exquisitely fitting pale blue ca-h-mere robe, particularly Incoming to my fair cousin. Not a word was said iu reference tt the past. As for Harry, he looked a picture of puzzled delight at h's 'ove's magna nimity. We seated ourselves abqut Aunt Mary s bountiful boatd. and after each had been served with cold chicken, jelly and light snowy bi-cuits. almost too hot to touch, conversation began. "Nell'e, what in the world have you got that thing for there?" inquired Air. Blessing, indicating the jar. "Just wait and you'll see." nodded our pretty hostess, as wit'i dexterous fingers she quickly loosened the top. At this moment 1 noticed a pecnliai smile pass over Mr. Blessing's coun tenancc. Expectant Tommy, who could na longer restrain his feelings, deiuander liberal and immediate distribution. "Tom, keep "quiet!" tried Nell. "It"' my turn lirst." "Of course, that's only-fair.'" echoed the chorus at t- e table. "But hadn't you better wait till " "I don't seethe reason why." .stam mered the bewildered Harry. The chorus unit d in a full crv of "Oh, hush!" "That'll do!" "GivJ us some!" etc., etc., until our fr'euJ Harry was rendered quite inaudible. Nell poured a generous quantity of honey over her dclic'ously-buttered biscuit. "All!" murmured she, raising it to her lips. "Ah!" . echoed the sympathetic chorus. The lovely mouth closed quick ly over a goodly bite. Nell!" shrieked Harry, "what are you doing?"' and grasping her arm he sprang from his chair, overturning the jar and ruining the blue cashmere for ever. My cousin covered her face with a napkin and fled from the room. I fol lowed her. Mr. Blessing did not wait further developments. Tom rolled on the floor in ecstacy of merriment, while poor Aunt Mary and Uncle James were leu solitnrv and surprised at the fa table. Is it necessary to tell oir readers how vainly poor Harry tried to explain that in the humility of his spirit he had pur chased a large jar of the very finest liquid glue at Killer's grocery, and how he contemplated helping with heart and hand to complete the album which had occasioned so much disfurbance. He had brought a charming collection of peace offerings, and was ua'urally con fused to find his mucilage placed upon the supper table? I am sure you "will readily see that nothing short of unceasing devotion to fancy picture albums, albums large and small, of all sorts and shapes and size?, together with a.collectioa of character cards from all corners of the civili.ed world and. in addition, an humble sub mission to the inevitable in the, form of cream chocolate bonbons thea. ar.d not until then, did our fair Nell accept "a sweet apology." Springjicld (Muss.) Union. FASHIONS IN GLOVES. The Swede Mousquetalre to lie the Kator Ite Till Summer. The fashionable stvle in gloves changes to a certaiu extent everv sea son," remarked a large importer and manufacturer of gloves, on Broadway, and he stretched a number live kid to lit a number eight hand. What causes the changes?" "The style of dressing has all to do with it For instauce, this summer the close-fitting, taiior-made suits for la dies, from the length of the sleeve and its i altern, require a five button glove. The glace kid is the mo-t popular for these suits. Six and eight-button gloves were often cut down to live buttons to meet the demand. As long as these close-titting suits are worn the live button gloves will he in vogue. It is the rage in Paris, and New l'ork does not. remain long behind that city of fah!on." "What style of glove will be worn by the ladies this summer?" "The old style, Swede mousquetaire. will still be worn and in a great measure supplant silk gloves. For dress occa sions the Swede glove in light tau shades will be worn almost exclusively. It is rather straug.? that in the dead of summer kid shonld be preferable to silk. Well, the Swed'sh kid is light and cool and more dressy than silk. The most popular color is a subdued mouse color. "The most expensive glove is the pink red. Indeed they are so high priced that a very small and select stock only is kept on hand. When the famous pink parties came off during last year the gloves were generally made or ordered direct from Paris. "A new style of glove which does not seem to become popular is the three button kid, with black Spanish lace at the top. In the first place they are too expensive and then the three buttons are not enough to give them the style of five buttous without the lace." .V II Mail and Express. Putrefaction. At a recent meeting of the Glasgow Philosophical Society Prof. McKendriek and Mr. J. J. Coleman gave an ac count of some receut experiments on the effect of low temperatures on the jmlrefactive process and on vital phe nomena. They found that the contin ued exposure of putrescible fluids to a temperature of one hundred and tweaty degrees below zero did not prevent putrefaction, showing that the micro organisms causing putrefaction ave not killed even by this extreme cold, a tem perature probably lower than any pre vailing in the Polar regions, so that micro-organisms might exist even thare. They hoped to continue their experi ments with an 'atmosphere at a tem perature of one hundred and fifty de- oeiowzero. -ju. x .cvk. AMATEUR NURSING. A Foad and Fashionable Delusion Dis pelled. Ah. me, how the truth does differ from fict'on ! Doesn't the hero of novel or play invariably get hurt, if at all, in the way of a broken leg or something that lays him up'in a nice, clean-manner compatible with sentimentality? Moreover, isn't it the rule that the hero'ne, turned nurse, shall find her employment in that capacity madecon genial" by the dut'es of smoothing the dear fellow's forehead and reading to hu:i? That's romance. Here's reality. The pastor of m. church j an earnest Christian, a practical doer of good, and all th it sort of philanthropic th'ng. He is all the wnile making up v siting committees for the tene ment house poor. cold-victual distribution coteries, and second hand clothes agencies. He got it into his benevolent head not long ago that some of us girls ought to do amaetur nursing in the public hospitals. The dea toak well, because we had heard that Loi.dtiu aristocratic maidens were pract.cmg it. and he speedily had iix enthusiastic volunteers. We went J ro"gh with a preliminary training t the extent on reading a book of direc lioas of nurs ng. Then we rcportud for duty. We were to form a kind of relief gang, each girl to devote one whole day in six to actual attendance in the ward of a certain hospital. Our services were accepted. We drew cut3 for turns, an I I h t the first day. Early next morning I presented myself, in a very plain but neatly-litted bib and tucker, lo the house physician of the institution I flattered myself that I was prepared for any fate which duty m'ghl impose upon me; but down deep in ray heart of hearts I was hopefully expectant of the broken boned hero of the novel and the play for a patVnt. What was my joy, there fore, on lhiing assigned to a chai in ex actly that line. What I mean is that both his legs and one arm had been fractured. Of course, he wasnr't pre cisely the ideal thing. His brow wasn't as hgh and white as the fictionist had described, a stubble growth of beard impaired whatever of beauty his face might ordinar ly have po-sussed, and they had stuck him fast in a structure of splints and plasterofparis so that hisone immovable position was not picturesque. I was bound to make the best of him. however, and at the lirst opportunity I suggested that I might read the morn ing paper to him. Unless you want to drive me crazy, young woman," he growled, unaware that I was a volunteer, and not a hired hospital attendant, "you'll kindly keep your tongue quiet." The shock was somethingdreadful. I withdrew to a corner and wept. When that was done with I returned to lind hint asleep and snoring. But I made on.' additional effort to realize my ex pectations On his showing the lirst .signs of awaken ng. and betraying pain by" low sighs (qu.te romantically). I quietly stroked his fevered brow. He was wide evl in a minute. For hea en's sake don't bang and plow my head." he excla med; "lcan't stand it." I have only a vague recollection of how the rest of the day wore wearily away. One of the fondest of my delu sions was dispelled; but when the next day's volunteer and I came to compare not s, and she related how she had been allotted the care of an old bummer just over an acute attack of delirium tremens. 1 concluded that I had been rather fortunate. I'd had a broken limbed pat'ent. at all events, though his behavior had not been all thai 1 had expected. On the whole. I don't th'nk that amateur nursing has ihe ele ments of fashionable popularity. Clara IMle, iu Ciuviiin'ili Enuiiirrr. UNSHOD HORSES. An Experiment Olten Tried, ami Alwajrt Without Succe. It seems somewhat strange that be cause a few men try to save the expense of shoeing that so many others should think, against theirown common sense, whether it is possible to use horses without shoes or not, and many have made their horses suffer pa'n trying the experiment In nearly every part of the world where horses are used the at tempt has been made without success, except iu countries like Algeria, where the ground is sandy and soft. Not withstanding the fact thai it has been proved to all intents and purposes that horses must be shod, people still try to work them without shoes and make the unfortunate animal that happens to le the'r property suffer needless pain. While horses suffer without shoes, it is to be feared that with them they often have to bear much pain through the carelessness of the black .siulhs. As a general ruje there is too much iron put in the shoes, and, what is worse, the foot is often made to fit the shoe, instead of the dioe tilting the foot While the foot is protected by the shoes the joints have to bear the concussion cau:ed by the hard metal and the ground meetii at the force they do. and promising young horses often turn lame from navicular and other d'seas -s. from this fact. A new style of shoeing has been tried and found to be a great improvement; but the public, notwithstanding they know the present style of shoeing is to some extent wrong, are loth to try anything new. The wall of the foot is jeally the only part that requires protection," and why is it necessary to cover half of the foot with iron? When a horse is turned out into a pasture for any length of time a careful owner will generally have tips put on, or a narrow piece of iron put half-way round the front of the hoof. This prevents the wall from being broken awa as it often is when the ground is hard, and when the animal is brought in again the foot is found to be sound, the frog has become pliant and cons'derable expansion is to be no ticed at the heels. The frog, there is no doubt was meant by nature to save concussion and prevent slipping. Why can not it be used on the hard and slip pery roads? This has been tried, and with great success, and the shoes that are used last much longer than the ones used at present and save the horse's legs to a greater extent. The shoe is let into the wall and round the sole of the hoof to within two inches of fue jiecl, and the frog is allowed to come in contact with'the ground. It has been used on both carriage and draught horses in some of the largest cities in the world, but has not become gener ally known, owing to Jhc fact that blacksmiths as a rule object to give up their old style for a new one that they fancy not so profitable and difficult to learn. The frog in its natural state is soft and like rubber, and if tje knife is kept away from it it will become of great benefit on slippery roads and do away with the most injurious things of all, "corking" or "heels." Lameness is often caused by contracted heels pro duced by careless shoeing, and if more owners would only go to the shoeing shop and see that shoes are made to fit, the noble animal that not only gives theni pleasure, but also puts, money into their pockets, would be saved many weeks of unnecessarj' torture. Kansas City Journal. Ml A yoangman never thoroughly appreciates what big hands he has, and how clumsy his fingers are. until his young lady asks hint te butien her glove. i It-Costs Too Much Because It Is Too Loss; In Slaking. Pork, as a rule, costs too much, and this is because it is too loug in mak n- It costs too much when it requires more, than one j-ear's growth to make :.(KJ or 350 pounds. It is not so much the quant ty of feed which makes up the cost as the t me in which this feed is used. A pig A"0 days old may have eaten I,."i00 pounds of corn and ma le a weght of )Kt pounds on it. wheh leaves :i good profit, wh'le one 4..ii or olWdus old may cons me the same quant.ty of corn but it w:ll weigh not more lhai -:Hi pounds, which w.ll leave a loss. And th s s be:-aiise one winter sb passed through during Wh'eh either no gain in we'glit is nnule or there "s an actual loss m tie h. It e. 11 i t p.;y now, if it ecrdid, to thiowavra teed in the mere support of 1 fe. L'nle-: the food .s spent with the mot prol.table re ults money is lot. and as winter feeding n.oslly results iu loss of weight, or at the best requires a large con sumption of food to supply the neces sary loss of heat, winter feeding can not be profitable. There is neer any wisdom in polng to extremes The "happy mean" N al ways the best Forcing the feetl ng is eos'tlv. and a larger quantity of lood crowded into an animal ih-m cm ba healthfully ass milattd and t-.mied into flesh is a u eles waste just a- mueh as the too slowly matured an mal U. In rearing pig-, then, it is a lviable to have a system, and ai range the meth ods of Keeping them to suit it For inslanc. no p gs should be fed over winter but the breeding stock. -Ihe brood sow- should have p gs in March or earlier, and thce pigs reasonably well fed .should weigh -j:0 or ."00 pounds by December. It "s pla'n to every expert pork grower that thoie suggest. ons iniph- a oixl deal more than apf cars at lir-t s ght. To have pigs so early suitable pens, properly warmed, must bo rov de.l, and this is a point which re pilres a good deal of cons deration ami preparation, ami to feed p gs reasonabl. well is a matter upon which a volume mi;ht well bo written. But som few suggct'ons on th s point should b made just h"te. More p gs are hurt and mote pork i. wasted by unreasonable feed ing in both diree'iions than in any other Way. Overfeeding pro duces diseas . which puts back the pigs and wastes both t:ine and food. Spare feed ng mere' prevents lull growth and lo-e fine. What are needed are full feeding of peifectly wholesome and appropriate food. Th's means a varied ilhl of green lnTL-age. such as grass and clover, or other green for age, as rye, barley, peas, or corn, with tome grain or ground feed, and. lastly, full feeding on corn for a finish only. It means, also, sound corn and not half-matured, innutritions gra'n, which i only lit for food after it has been matured by cooking. Too much corn feeding produe 's the worst of dis eases the inlc-t'ua' fever caused by. the non-asimilation of a large part of Ihe food, and Ihe ton-ciuenr. excess of carbunai on- matter :n the blood, a d spinal lucning t's. which produces tin .y frcjuent paralysis of the hind quaile--. So that the most profitable way is to ktc; the animals always iu high condt o:i and perfect health and to finish w th the corn feeding as rap :d!y as possible. X. Y. Times. UNCLEArTLY HABITS. A.U Annoyance to WhlU Farmers and Dairvtiien Are Stttijici. Among the annoyances which farm el's and dairymen have, is that of un cleauly hired help. Milk, uutler and cheese are latterly so large an clement on the farm, that both male and female help are required to aid in milking. And although it mat' seem unreason able. et it is a difficult matter to get all of such help to observe .strict habit of cleanliness. Some will not even wash their hands in the morning be fore milking, nor clean the cows teats, or brush the cow's side of looo dirt or straw where tloy have b en lying down. All of these things go more or l's into the milk. The larger particles may be strained out, but the essence of the" dirt and filth is never removed, but add to the ill flavor of the milk, cream or butter. The writer has had experience for yoars past with this k'nd of trouble. Generally male help is the worst in the practices of this kind, and yet there arc enough samples of dirty female help. So scarce is go.,d help in some parts of thecouutry. girls who will not wash their hands Iwfore peeling or slicing potatoes for break fast, nave to be tolerated, though breakfast be eaten with a poor appetite. And we have known hired hands go lo the breakfast tabic right from the stables, without washing, and if pro tested with would leave employment when the farmer was in a pinch for help. Any man who has run a largo farm-for twenty-five years, and has had to board all of the hired help at his own table, has experienced enough to sour the sweetest nature. Thoe who have had no experience can scarcely bel eve the practices of filthine.s of some hired help. And while they do not believe, they are probably eatingat each meal some of the products of these same dim hands and filthy practices. It is a line thing that all people do not see all of the dirty processes which t.elr food paeses through before it reaches their tables. Whine there is considerable milk and butter to be handled, a neat and cleanly hired hand is a perfect jewel on a farm or in a dairy. Cau any one, devise a plan for an improvement in this department of industry. foira State licyistcr. -m A Flowery Name. An Austin colored man, Jim Webster by nam.-, of rather limited education, and whose memory is- rcmark.ab.ljr de fective, was recently "(blessed witfi a son. His wife, who is more intelligent determined that the son anil heir should have a Irish sounding name, and select ed a verv beautiful one. When the- child was presented to the clergyman for baptism the latter said: "Name this infant' .hni scratched his head for a whihj, and finallv said: Squash." ' Dats no proper name for a Christian child." "Sun-Flower, den." Once more the clergyman shook his head incredulously. Jim Websterleaucd over and whispered to his wife to givo the right name. Hyacinth," she replied. Well. I knowed it was some kinder garden truck." Texas Siftings. t One Andalus'an said to another: "I say, mate, 1 must have dropjicd off to sleep all of a sudden last night, for when I awteke this morning 1 found my hand on my forehead just as I left it when s'gning the cross on lying down." '"Why, man, that's nothing. I'll tell you what once happened to me. One morning as I awoke I found myself resting with my hands on the bod and my body strctchin? out in the afr." "What?" "I must have zone to sleep in the act of jumping into bed." Dublin Times. For whipped cream sauce take oae cup of cream, one teaspoonful lemon or vanilla, half a cup of powdered sugar, white of one egg. Mix the cream, vanilla and sugar, and whip it without skimming off the froth. Add the beaten white of the egg and beat all together. Serve it on any puddimf. usually beaten with sugar aad cream. iY. 1"." ZndcpiTtdeat. CHEAP PORK. FOREIGN GOSSIP. A new seedles grape has jusl come into not ce. in France. ll is calculated that for evr.- tiger killed in lud.a then; are thnrc Lorn. The ui.mufai-lu'v ami sale of to bacco in Paris a govcr.imjnl mo o -olv. the supply of The weed be ng un der the oatro! of the Min ster of Fi nance. An ingen ous ind vldual h i calcu lated that riur ng the" iorr-e of every vearKng-i'h r-i lw servants get no ln-s thau i":5.K' M .n t ps fioni th p'ub lc Alger.a ha " ikM.OJ ac.v. of ee.l t vateri l-inri. .M, Ti7 .mplcments. H"i. (V.): her-'-. !J;t).''-0 head of cat tie. fi.00 '. 0 slv.-.;i . ml 'U"U Ma)') goats. - TI.e "ir.r'sh V.o yl Agricultural So e'etv w-ll lie.eafier hold examinations of da rv work mn -men -auA women -who will been.n ned .is butter-makmg anil cheese-mak ug. and to those con sidered prolic enl a diploma w 11 lw given. - The (iciunau Society for the Devel opment of Aer.al Xav gation have ac least gone eo far toward the realization of the'r idea! as to pif 1 sh a monthly niagaz ne entirely devoted to the dis cussion of que-tions of :er al naviga t'on. -In Iit'4 the total value of all the Scotch salmon i Sher rs was set down at less than i.7-:Urt0. but in 1US the value was siqq osod to have been rai-ed to j-tM.M0. and In 1877 to iI&O.JO0. since which there is said to have been ,a rise in value of at least fifteen pel cent. Lightn ng has killed 4, ('OS per on? iu France s nee is;i:. An e .ual num ber hae been serousty, though not fatally, wouurii d. and five times as many'stru.' . The hot years were the most fatal, and these are remarkable as hav ng been the best wine seasons. There has not been a single death fr.uu lightn'ng in Pai s or the Department of the Se'ne s'nee LS I. though there have been manv violent storms there during that lime. - The ffoit .i.il uf t'ic Ministry oj I'itKtncr, a l'usj a-i paper, gives some interesting par. eulars eoneerning th trade bet we n Utissia and China. In 1800 Buss a only rccv.veri .sij.OOO pools of tea per annum, in 1S.V U"ic amount had r sen to :i.' '.000 poods, and in 18S:5 it was no less than 9l:,(KM) poods. But in spite of all ihe assistance rendered to merchants bv the (Jovenffuent of St. Petersburg. Kuss-an cvports into China have fallen o'l from G.fHlO.OT? rubles iu 18o.' to i,.,0U.(KM rubles in 18SI-3. The excess of births over deaths n London s 1.."1 per cent, per annum, a rate considerably in excess of the av erage of the whole of the thirty-Mt large towns of the United Kingdom oi the ltegisirar-Cte eral's list,, namely. 1.08 per cent, tlie balaucS iu favor ot London b 'ing ('.'" per cent. Th's balance would 1 e ncarlv tw'ce as great if it were not tii.it the Ifgh ra'e of Lou don goes to swell the average of the other th rty. There s only one town on the contine t of I'uropc vh eh ha an exce.-s Irrth rate equal to that of London and that is The Hague w tl a rate of i.TJ. THE OUEEN.OF NAPLES. The Oul.-t I'.v tiiic f a rjiily Uln link ltf.-n Ktimrii t It mi tni'i. Another Queen's private ck" stence is not without its characteristic features. The name of the Queen of Xaplct evokes a figure out of some romance ol chivalry and legends. She appears to our fancy as a heroine in scnsat.onal adventures of love and warfare, some times heading fantastic masquerades anil mad revelry in the palace of the Bourbons at Naples, at others defend ing the last bulwarks of threatened royalty on the bastions of Gaeta; visit ing th" dying in the casemates under the bombs of the Caribaldiaus. or kneeling at the feet ot the Pope to re ceive his blessing on "his dearly be loved daughter." This is the portrait lingering in our imagination. In reality the Duchess de Castro: as she is called now, is a qu'et, subdued, silent woman, leading a life almost monastical in its monotonous repose, n an ordinary hotel of the Hue Bolssy d' Anglais, in Paris, a street near the Champs F.hsees and abutting on the Plac de la Concorde, where another Marie lost her life and her throne. She has live I there through the long years ot her eile after the cottage of St. Mai.de was abandoned, in 1874, for the Hotel u'ilemouf where the King and Queen oceiipy ivo large apartments on the first and second floors. The King litis one secretary ami the Qucea one lady in wa tiuT. A butler and four men and four maids compose the whole of their private stall' of servants. For the rest they avail themselves of the general resources of public establish ments. The royal couple have re nounced the pomps of palaces. Even when isiting Mun'ch, the Qjen's na t eeity. they put up uncerempn'ously at the Hotel I'cllcvi.e the oua'ut old hostel rv. with its h'ghly colored, al most historical decorations. During e.ght months of the year the Duchess de Castro resides iu Paris. The tenia nder of tjie time she spends at the seas'd and in Bavaria. She seems to eschew all splendors, all rep nssentat on ei en th social arivantges she might enjoy in a city where she would be welcomed by so many illus trious families, more or less related to her. Almost her only amusement is riding, e ther in the open air or in a riding school. She owns large stables in the Champs Klysces. wlfch she su perintends herself, and in which she has the warmest interest. She never entertains. Hotel life is a sufficient excuse for the non-giving of balls or recept'ons. Her only v s'tors an; a few old and tried friends, some travelers from Naples, men and women, whose names are wr.tten on the same pages of past happiness and past sorrow. On Sat urday only a few moreareadm'tted. but their nuni b.-r is a ways limited. She is hit mate only with the Laches d'AIea con. The "Queen subscr b- wi lely, almost prodigally, to ay char, able undertaking s t on foot by the rch. noble and fashiot.able women of the best world n Pars. The early wor shipper, at th? Madelaine know that the quiet, fam'l ar figure kneel ing every morning at the same hour, before the same altar at low mass, is the w fe of the mau who accompanies fter a man with a black mustache, a Bourbonian nose and the 1 ght Italian swaggering gait and that they are the Royal ex ilea known as the Duke and Duchess de Castro. X. Y. Sun. The editor was a gentleman of cul tivated mind and a B. A., and on a mo mento'is occasion he wrote to the ob ject of his affections: "Dearest: I have carefully analyzed the feelings I enter tain toward you. and the resnlt is sub stantially as follows: 1 love you! Will you be mine? Reply by return" of post.' And then apparently" he fell into absent-minded' dreamy musing, for he added: "Write only on one side of the paper, plainly, and give real name and address, not necessarily for publica tion, but as a guarantee of good faith." X Y. Herald. The manufacture of wood-working machinery has made very rapid pro gress of "late years. Ten years ago tfiere were comparatively few establish ments devoted to its' manufacture. Now they are 'scattered over the coub try, and some of then cover ten to twenty acres. The capital, invested ranges from $100,000 to. $1,000,000 ajad the number of hands.employed in eaeh from 100 to 1,000. Boston Journal. OF GENERAL INTEREST. Josiah Harper, an Otsego' County fN. Y.) farmer, hid lx: hundred dol- ; lars under his potato bin and the rati carried oh all but ten dollars. Until the death of Lord Mat or N t- I'Jage recently, noLordMayorof London has died in the Mansion liou-e for o::o hundred and thirty-four years. Miss Ella Tavlor. of Middleton. O.. j was frightened to death while pairig through the city cemetery by cna f ! her companions calling out to "look at the ghost." Cleveland Leader. , If'you desire to buy a monkey or a tame bear or a Guinea-pig cheaply, do i not ;o to an animal store, but repair t:i some family that has had one of these creatures for thirty days. Cur rent. Among the best dances of to day are many of the delights of the -ball-room of one hundred years ;igo: "Boston's Delight," "Pea Straw," "Mnnv Po-nt." "Haymak ing;." "Innocent Maid" and "111 Bj Married in My Old Clothes." Boon Jottrnal. Several thousand houses, rauging in size -from eight to twenty room, and provided with every modern con venience, are to be built iu Philadel phia, besides a number of French flats, several large and costly churches and half a dozen or more public institu tions. -Philadelphia " rexs. The census of 1830 gave Texas a population of one million five hundred and ninety-seven thousand six hundred and eighteen. (Jovernor Ireland, of that state, now places it at two million seven hundred and fifty thousaud. If correct, this would indicate an increase of about seventy-five per cent iu four years, an increase unequalcd by any of "the old States. A London journal tells this story of Mr. Spurgeon, who lately visited San Remo. On one occasion, when he was crossing tl Ital an frontier, the redoubtable preacher was ordered by the doitaniers to give up to them cer tain fruit which he was carrying. Thereupon he retired three paces into the French territory and ate it. Thirty-two per cent, of the con scripts enrolled in the Russian army during the past six years were married, showing that a large portion of Rus sian marriages are early ones. The husbands are compelled to spend five ears in the array, during which time their wives and children not infre quently become burdens upon the state. An adjustable mirror has been patented n an inhabitant of Charles town. Mass. This invention covers the use of a specially contrived frame for holding the mirror, and in which th mirror can be readily adjusted and held in any desired position, for Use of either tall or .short people, or for chil dren sitting ou the floor, so that mir ror of medium size may be made more useful than large mirrors as ordinarily hung. Boston Post. Italian antiquarians have dis covered false teeth in a skull which has been excavated in au ane'ent Etruscau Cemetery', with many other curiosities, at present safely stowed away at the .Museum of Antiquities at Corncto. in Tuscauy. The sepulchre out of which the skull was taken dates, according to experts, from the fifth or sixth century B. C. and the false teeth are nothing but animal teeth attached to the human teeth h means of small gold plates. -It is said that the transposition of one word was the foundation of Daniel Clark's great fortune. He had bouglit 1.920 square toises of land in that part of New Orleans that afterward became its commercial center. In i ho engross ing of the deed the "l.iteO square toises" was carelessly made to read "1.920 toises square,' and increased the value of 810.000 to 820.000.000. Mr. Clark took advantage of the error, and the law of New Orleans was powerless to prevent him. X. Y. Tribune.. A complete collection of the native woods of the United States is be'ng prepared for the New York Museum of Natural History. It will comprise thirty-six varieties of oak, thirty-four of pine, nine of fir. five of spruce, four of hemlock, twelve of ash, three of hickori'. eighteen of willow, three of cherry" nine of poplar, feur of maple, two of persimmon and three of cedar. Each specimen will display both longi tudinal and trausverse grainings of the wood, as well as the loir iu its natural condition, with the bark attached. A'. Y. Mail. "See here," said a citizen of St Louis to the proprietor of a book store, "you 11 have to take the book back. I asked you to give me a volume of poetry to put ou the parlor table, but every diirned word in this book i straight prose.'1 "Why. man alive, that was written bv Shakespeare." "1 don't care who writ it, its prose: I've looked it all through, here's a specimen: For instauce. "How silver sweet sound lovers' tongue by uhrht. Like softest music to Htteudiu ears." "Do vou call that poetry, rhyruin' ears with night? You can take it back. I don't want it." X. Y. Times. When the late Chief Justice Chase chose to unbend himself be could be wifty as well as wise. At a social gath ering at his house during the war, the subject of taxation having been mooted, a distinguished naval officer' present said that he had paid all his tae. ex cept the income tax. "I hae a little propert'. said he. "wrich .brings me in a yearly rental, but the tax-gatherers have not spotted it. I do not know whether I ought to let it go that way or not What would you do if yon were in my cae. Mr. Chase?" There waa a merry twinkle in the eyes of Sec retary Chase, as he answered archly: "1 think it is the duty of every man to live unspotted as long as he can." Philadelphia Record. Transactions on the Oil City, Brad ford'. Pittsburgh and New York oil ex changes aggregated last year 11,.''04. 879.000 barrels, which at the yaar's average price represents a value of 89,496,089,360. The production of oil iu 1'884 possible to put into certificates amounted to 20,400,219 barrels. The average daily runs for the year were 68.000 barrels, anil the average daily transactions :'7,682,9."9 barrels, so tha't the daily production wa turned over 554 (irnes in tWe five hours which ex changes are open daily. The transac tions dailv exceed the number of certificates" by 19.6S2,930 barrels. The brokerage "and carrying charges amounted to $16,000,000. The daily production of the oil region was sold every thirty-two seconds of the time that the exchanges were open. Pitts burgh Post. The White House. The White House covers about one third of an acre and it has cost up to the present time about 82,000,000. It is modeled after a castle in Dublin, and the architect, who was a South Caro lina mau named Hoban, got 8500 for drawing the jilaus. When it was first built, awav buck in the nineties, it cost $300,000. but the British burned out its inside, and its cost has since added to that -sum about 81,700.000. In it all the President since Washington have lived and have added to its beauties and its expense. John Quincy Adams bought thfirst billiard table' which was used in it. But in John Adams' time it was only half furnished, and Abigail Adams used to dry her clothes in the big east room. Year by year, however, the furnishing has gene on, until now it is a sort of a museum of art and beauty. Wattcng- A""""""""" JTWv INDIGESTION To strengthen the stomach, create an appetite, ami remove the horrible degres sion and despondency which ivatilt from Indigestion, there it nothing mi eftective as Aycr's Pills. These Pills contain n calomel or other noi-onotis driur. act directly on the digestive ami asshnilatixe j organs, ami restore health and strensth to the entire .ystetn.. T. P. Homier. Chester. . Pa., writes: "I have used Ayer's Pill for the past SO years, and am satisfied I should not have been alive to-day. if it had not been for them. Thev Cured mc of Dyspepsia when all other remedies fulled, and their occasional Use has kept me in a healthy condition eor shieo." L. X. Smith, Utiea, X. Y.. writes: "I have used Ayer's Pills, for I.iwr troubles and Indigestion, a good many ear". nud have always found them prompt and efficient in their net'oii.' IJiehard Xori i. Lynn. Mass., writes : "After much Miiii r iuar. I have been cured o; Dyspepsia um Liver troubles By Using Ayer's Pills. Thet have done me more good than any other medicine I haveeer lakeu." Joliu IJurdett, Troy, lowa, writes:. "For nearly two jears my life was rendered miserable by the horrors of Dyspepsia. Medical treatment alTonled me only temporary relief, and I became reduced in flesh, and very much debili tated. A friend of mine, who had been similarly afflicted, advised me to tr Ayer's Pills. I did mi. ami with the happiest results. My food soon ceased lo distress- me, my appetite returned, and 1 became as strong and well :s eier." Ayer's Pills, PKEPARED BY OS. J. C. AYES &, CO., Lowell. Mau. For sale by all Druggists. THE SUMMER TERM OF THE FREMONT NORMAL AXI BUSINESS COLLEGE, At Fremont, ielrn.ln. Will begin JULY 7th, 1885, and End Aug. 29th. UNUSUAL A DVANTACES WILL I5E AFFOKDEI PEHSOXS Wl.-IIIXC TO PKEPA11K FOR THE EXAMINATION FOU STATE AND F1IIS I'GU.VDK t'EK TIFICATES. TO BE HELD P.V THE STATE SUPEBIXTEXOENT AT FREMONT, AUGUST 26th and 27th. The Business Department will artord every opportunity for improvement in Penmanship, Business Arithmetic. Book keeping, Commercial Correspondence, and imitation of actual business Music. We can peak with the utmost conii deuce of the instruction jrhiu in our Music Department. .Miss Kose Conrad, instructor of.the Piano Forte, a graduate of the Cornell Conservatory of .Music, is not only a brilliant performer, but a pains-taking anu superior leaciier. me instructors iu Vocal Culture, Note-reading and Sinking are tliorou-zli and suc cessful. Expenses. Tuitiou for eight weeks, s to ?10":if paid strictly in advanie. This in. eludes admission to Normal and Business classes. 31usic, $12 for twenti lessons. Short-hand, $12 for twenty lesson-. Type writing, with use ot instrument, flu tor twelve weeks. Good Hay board can be obtained iu the College Home at $2.2. per week. Rooms .10 cts. to 7.1 ct. per stud ent. The Fall Term will begin Sept. 1st, and continue ten week; tuition, $10. Fur further particulars addres-, w. p. joi:s, a. .. President of Normal Calleere, Fremont, Neb. SPEICE & NORTH. Genar&l Agents for the Sale of REAL ESTATE. Union Pacific, and Midland I'aeitic R. B. Lands for sale at from $a.00to$in.(x) per acre for cash, or on live -or ten yearj time, in annual payment to suit pur chasers. We have also a large au I choice lot of other lands, improved and unimproved, for sale at low price and on reasonable terms. Also bu.sine.H and residence lots it, the city. We keep a complete abstractor title to all real es tate in Platte County. 621 COLUIff BUN. NEH. BECKER & WELCH, PROPRIETORS OF SHELL CREEK MILLS. 3IANUFACTURERS AND WHOLE SALE DEALERS IN FLOUR AND MEAL. I) VF1QE. COL UMB US, NEB l PWiSPA "WMP a book o' ' rnge. 2"slSJrfr"fcl The. best book for an liKiBMHfeMBjtaaBA advertiser to con- Itcontaiu&listA or newspapers anil estimates oftlaecoMofcdvertisliur.Theadvertiscrvrho wants to spend one dollar, flri.is in it the in formation lie requires, while forliim who will lavest one hundred thousand dollars in ad trUstng. a scheme is Indicated which will meet his every .requirement, or can be made to do to bf flight changes easily arrivedat bycor rttpemdenci. 149 editions have been issued. Seat; post-paid, to aay address for 10 cents. Write to GEO. P. HOWELL A CO., NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING BUREAU. a03pzsceSt.?:l2tisgHou3eSq.) Ks Yorfc. r A 1 iff r "-s Aim fM m nil ? t ssffpfin1 aMwM 5trEi 4 "Krtf "fe CJO TO A. & M. TUMER-S BOOK AND " . IVIUSIC STORE vou run BEST GOODS Tins Lowest Prices! (CONSULT TrlE FOLLOWING ALPHA-. 1 BETICAL' LIST. iia.BSa'l3.W. Arithmetics. Arnold's ink ireimiUf). Alsiehras, Autograph Allium-. Aip:al.t-t i. n-;s..i:thor's Cards. All.', Aicouiv-oiis. Aliptr.iet I.O!al Caji. Kit B.'Sia IIS. I'u-Uts.lW.v Tows. Bool,-. Bibles. BelN b,r 'os, itbuiL Books. C:;llidt Cinls. Basket But;s:ie. boN TWI-ch. ss. Balls, Banker's t'as'e.,. Sitis Wauiis. Sleds ami Wheelbar rows, Butel.er Books, Bniss.odi.-eil Bub-is, Bill -books, il.tolc sUr-its, B-ise Bills and Bats. .f25 '.?. i'-irds. Calling Cards, f:.rd 1'i-e- t'omlis, r(,m! I'.-i-es. t'iijar i.'i ses. Checker Boards. Children's 'u iirs, t.'iils and Saucers i fancy) Circulating Library. Collar an.f I'uti" Boxes, (,'opy Book.s,( uristm.i.s Cards, Chinese Toy.-, Cra oils. Checkers, chess-men, t'roiuej set-. kkO.lII.S'IK' euiti- .Midlines, Oravv im: I'.iper. lresinjj Cases, Drum, IMarics, (hafts in hooks, ()olU, Dressed l'olls, liomitiofs, (iriiviui; tooks. IVJIS.OI'FS, Elementary s.-hool luniks. Erasers IdaeMioard), Erasers t lubber;. H'M'l'KkOt Books, Plot il Mbuuis, Fur niture idlsh. S.:a:V?a:A5:N, Oeo!rap!iu-, ilfome tl :es.i;bv e l.es, o Omis,0 ro-ieoies (lo illustrate the laws of motion). 31 U:'i'.ItS Koi.lei-. handsome lloli t i uitts, H ,in!-s;l:tsses. Hobby-horses,-ll.tttii-sateheU, llistorit's. !!...( ill ;.iod kind .in. I colors). Ink standi icomnr.ni and fancy). .3i:;VB-:S. Cases, .leus harps. Italia. of ink. Kitehea sets. x.B'EUaK-'IC.o'. Ledger paper, Lejral cap. Lunch baskets. Looking-glasses. ii S. A: ll-.mlin Organs, Magnet, rsiu-ic boves, .Ma.itiie, Mustache cups. Month or-rans. Memorandums, Mllsie books. Mi.s;e lii.id.'r-, Machine i :l. .Mats, Modeiatoi'.s lecords, Muei lam. Microcopes. IilL.3I.9'-' tor .sewing midlines. Xole p i per. iUii .."., Mil for seuiii- machines. Mi:. ii stool-, Mr in seats. .:SSI02at'AB.S. Pictures, Puzzle block).. Presents, Picture book,Piaiios, Pens, Papetries. Pencils-, Purses. Pol isi for furniture. Pamphl-t cases. Paper cutters. Pip r tisteneis. picture pit., .'b's, l'it I tt IV tl allies. Pueket books, Pcrtumery an. I IVrtumer cases, paper rack, Pencil holders. Bt'lVtlCI cards. Bubber balls, Uuh ber dolls. SCHOOL book. s,eiii!i .stands, School satchels. Mates, Metroscopes and pic tures, Scrap books. Scrap pictures, Sewing machine needles. Scholar's com- , pauioiis, Specie purses, Singing toy canaries, sleds for boy-. Shawl straps. Shell goods. 'ri:i,B'OII.. Toys- of all kind. children Trunks. Thermometer., " Tooth brushes (folding). Tea set. for girl. Pool chests for boy, Ten-pin sets for box s, Tooth picks, Tin toys. " , : VBOS.fiAS and strings, Vases. ' lYOOIdHEtmUi: Or-ans. AVork bas kets. Waste baskets, Whips (with ease), Webster'-, dictionaries. Weather glasses. Work boves. Whip for boys. Wagons for boys. What-nots, Wooden tooth pick. Etenth Strest. Journal" Siilng, : Cures Guaranteed! .- DR. WARN'B SPECIFIC No. 1. A ertain Cure for Nervou.s Debility, Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Emis sions, Spermatorrhie'i, and all diseases of the geni to-urinary organs caused by self abiisc or o er indulgence. Price, ?1 ( per Iok, nix boxes $.1.00. DR. WAR2TS SPECIFIC No. 2. For Epileptic Fits, Mental Anxiety, Loss of Memory, softellillg of the Braiii, and all those diseases of the brain. Prie $1.00 per box, six boxes $.1.00. DR. WARN'S SPECIFIC No. 3. For Impotence, Sterility iu either sex. Loss of Power, premature old age, and all those ili-cas.-s requiring a thorough in vigorating of the sexual organs. Price $2.ixi per bov, siv boxes $10.00. DR. WARN'S SPECIFIC No. 4. For Headache, Nervous Neuralgia, and all acute diseases ol" the nervous system. Price fiOe per bo, sjx boxes $2.."0. DR. WARN'S SPECIFIC No. 5. For all dise;ies eiused by the over-iiie of tobacco or liquor. This remedy is par ticularly elHcacious in averting palsy and delirium tremens. Price $.0i per 'mv. ix boxes $5.00. We Ouarantee a t tire, or agree to re. fund double the ninney paid. Certificate in each hox. This guarantee applies to each of our live Specifics, pent by mall to iiny address, s,;1.ire from observation, on receipt of price. Be careful to mention the number of Specific wanted. Our Mpeciiics are only recommended for spe cific diseases. Beware of remedies war ranted to cure all these diseases with one medicine. To avoid counterfeits and al ways secure tne genuine, order ouly from IIOHTV Sc 1II, DliCUGISTS, PM ColumbiH, Neb. Health is Wealth 1 Dn E. C. West's Nektb akd Brain Tbzat BIEXT, h Ruaranteod f pfcific for Hysteria, Dizzi ness. Convulsions, Fits. "S'crrous. Neuralgia. Headache, Nervous Prostration caused by tho usa of alcohol or tobacco. Wakefulness. Mental De pression, Softening of tho Brain resulting in in BAnity and leading to misery, decay and death. Premature Old Age. Barrenness, Loss of powec in either sex. Involuntary Losses and Sponnat orrheca caused byover-czertioaoi tho brain, self aboso or over-indnlgenco. Each box contains ono month's treatment. SLOOa box.or six boxes CorjXU, sent by mail prepaidon receipt of prico. 1VE GUA1LAXTKE SIX. BOXES To euro nay case. With each order rpceivodbyns for six boxes, accompanied vrith $3X11, via will end tho purchaser our written guarantee to re fund tho money if the treatment doeasoceffact A euro. Guaranteed issued only by JOHN C. "WEST & CO., 862 W. MADISON ST., CHICAGO, IU.$., Sole Prop's West's liver Pills. S500 REWARD! He wilt r it aboT rtwtr j (brany cuccf LirrCoorlle tyiprpii, Skk Ktaduha, te(st!os,Ceast?uoa or Cill.au. t cisaot cti wnh Vet' VptM Ltw nlli, wba th imt Com u itrirJjr co3f.l!t lli. Tby ar partly vtftUbl, a&l UTtrbll to srf mUiacUon. Begir CofVd. lirj tnin.coa' U!a!3C20pC!s.i5cfati. 7T ul by aUUnraUu. 0.arct CK2t:&IU aad l-ntmlna. Tta jtsafea EanUirtur4 oalr fcf 0H.1 C. WEST A CO., 131 A lJ W. Ualfeoa St. CMeaju. Ha, tial fackaf wat ly uaU prrpiiloa reccijUfaa cutitiBI "lT7T"jyT more money than at anything W I l e'3e Dy king au agency for "Li1 the best sellimr book oat. Be ginner succeed grandly. Xone fil. Terms free. Hallett Hook Co, Fott land, Maise. 4-32-y AJHI " Cstk ' '- iMk. ill n I . . i .: .- V. Iu r. . 3?T?n:i.'-- rfSSJT-arQ'''