The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, March 11, 1885, SUPPLEMENT, Image 5

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Los Angeles county, California,
'boasts of 275,000 sheep.
A prune orchard of thirteen thou
sand trees is being set out near Gilroy,
Tveaty dollars per cord is the price
of wood at Tombstone, Arizona, and
it is scarce at that.
Twenty-two of the great sugar plan
rations of the island of Cuba are farm
ed by the Jesuit order.
There are 333 boys on board the
United States training-ship New
Hampshire, at Newport, R. I.
It is stated that Lord Garmoyle at
the opera in New York changes his
gloves whenever the curtain falls.
The largest potato starch factory in
the world is at Carlbon, Me. Its ca
pacity is from 200,000 to 250,000
New Hampshire has 193 Presbyteri
an churches. Seventy-live of them do
not sustain permanent preaching with
out help.
Tlvc Massachusetts legislature has
refused to allow a woman preacher of
Nantucket to perform the marriage
Dr. Dio Lewis says that tomatoes
are a medicine and not a food, and
should only be eaten when prescribed
by a physician.
The Columbian university, of Wash
ington, has decided to admit women
to' the study of medicine, with the
same privileges accorded to men.
The widow of (Ion. Stonewall Jack
son has consented that his war-horse,
Old Sorrel, shall be exhibited at the
New Orleans exposition for the benelit
of the Confederate Soldiers' home.
A Kansas City physician expresses
the opinion that hundreds of people
are buried alive every year, and that
an average of three out of every hun
dred corpses might be resusitated.
A Chinese opium den has just been
broken up at Dalton, Tex,, in which
)cepholes were rented for 25 cents per
lour to thoso who wished to watch the
female victims of the drug enjoy its
A largo meteor fell recently near'
Gainesville, Ga. Its course lay di
rectly over tho town, and, as it
passed, so intense was its brightness
that it rendered objects in darkened
rooms plainly visible.
The diaphragm of a new telephone
through which conversation has been
held between New York and Cleveland
is made of cork. Tho extreme sensi
tiveness of this substance to the tones
of the human voice is a late discov
ery. The ink pencils lately brought into
use aro stated to be dangerous innova
tions, as the transfer ot writing made
by them is a very easy matter. Any
signature can be reproduced by using
two sheets of dampened paper. The
tirst will take tho impression reversed
and the next will receive it precisely
as originally written.
About a decade ago a German postal
official hit upon the idea of printing a
New Year's wish upon tho bands or
wrappers of mail matter that was ad
dressed to foreign countries. The
conceit took, and now the middle offi
cials in nearly every country in the
postal union greet each other, ot the
beginning oi tho year, in this novel
Di. Crudelli, of Rome, gives the fol
lowing directions for preparing a
remedy for malaria, which has proved
efficacious when quinine has given no
relief j Cut up a lemon, peel and pulp,
in thin slices, and boil it in a pint ami
a half of water until it is reduced to
half a pint. Strain through a linen
cloth, squeezing tho remains of the
boiled lemon, and set it aside until
cold. The entire liquid is taken fast
ing. The total number of banking institu
tions that failed in 1SS-1 is 121. 11 of
which were national banks, 22 state
banks. 11 savings banks, and 77 private
banking institutions. Nineteen of
these failures are traceable to the fraud
of bank officers; 25 of them resulted
from unfortunate operations in stocks,
disconnected from the element of fraud,
and 67, or more tnan one-half of them,
were due, either directly or indirectly,
to some form of speculation.
It is asserted by some wicked person
that it is now tho custom for lovers to
write peculiarly affectionate remarks
on tho outside cf envelopes, and to
cover such remarks with a postage
stamp. Thus a young man may write
a. note which any young girl could
show to her mother, while at the same
time he could use the most affection
ate language under cover of a stamp.
All the young lady has to do is secret
ly to remove the stamp without de
stroying the writing underneath.
For a recent marriage the groom
purchased a new coat and the bride a
silk dress. The two were packed in
a trunk for the bridal trip, and the
happy pair started west. The train
had not gone far when the bagjjage
master noticed the odor of burning
wool, and an examination resulted in
seeing smoke issue from a trunk. It
was the trunk of the newly-married
couple, ami the new silk d ss and the
new coat were ruined. JJ-pontaneous
combustion owing to chemical dyes in
the silk, was the probable cause."
A guest at a fashionable reception
narrates that he overheard a lG-year-ld
dandy say to a still younger belle:
"I am glad that my family got out of
radc fifty years ago. My father was
never in business, but devoted himself
'n a science as a hobby. Ho "made
several discoveries, you know, that
have got a permanent place in the
ooks." Then he looked into the girl's
face for admiring wonder, but saw
nly gentle commiseration. "So your
poor papa had employment?" " she
said, and then, with a gleam of proud
disdain she added: "My father never,
never did anything at all."
The consumption of chocolate in
this country is largely on the increase,
one manufacturer stating that last
year he made 1,500,000 pounds and
used a ton of sugar per day. The best
cocoa beans come from Venezula and
Mexico, and the cheapest from San
Domingo. The two great chocolate
'onsuming countries are France and
the United States, but manufacturers
:n the former country, so far as the in
terchange of markets is concerned,
have greatly the advantage. Pre
pared chocolate entering this country
iias a duty of 2centsperpound to pay,
while the'same goods entering France
must pay 16 cents per pound.
BOa Inaagaral Address Taking the
Oath oroce-Tfae New Political
Regime In Full Sway.
"Washington, March 4. There are
fully one hundred thousand strangers in
the city to-day. Never before were such
crowds seen in Washington as to-day,
as early as 10 o'clock a. m., occupied
the streets along the line of march. Al
most every building in the city is dec
orated and graceful arches span the
streets through which the procession is to
march and the decorations on many build
ings are very elaborate. President Ar
thur breakfasted with his family at the
white bouse about 9 o'clock a. m. An
hour later Vice-President-elect Hend
ricks, in company with Senator Ha wley,
of the committee of arrangements, drove
up to the white house in an open barouche,
lined with crimson satin and drawn by
four beautiful white horses. Just as he
arrived President Arthur's carriage,
containing Senators Sherman and Ran
som, started to the Arlington for the
president-elect. This carriage was also
an open barouche drawn by four spank
ing bays. After a short delay
Cleveland entered the carriage in
company with the senators and was rap
idly driven to the white house, where
President Arthur and Hendricks were
waiting. At 10 o'clock the presidential
party left the mansion and, entering their
carriages, took their places in the line of
which had formed in the meantime.
Cleveland and Arthur and Senators Sher
man and Ransom occupied the tirst car
nage. They were greeted with the wild
est enthusiasm. The first division of the
procession, escorting the president-elect,
then began to inarch to the capitol. The
scenes on Pennsylvania avenue almost
bailie description". A great, surging
mass bid the sidewalks. Above them
stately buildings were covered with cloth
of various colors, arranged in patriotic
device ; the soft springlike breezes stirred
innumerable flags and streamers and
special aids, inbrilliaut uniforms, dashed
hither and thither lending animation to
the scene. The regular troops came
first. Their ranks extended clear across
the avenue and presented a most impos
ing appearance. The mariue corps, with
their magnificent baud, came next.
Following them were the artillery battal-iou-s.
This portion of the procession pro-
fi'Pilptt mj fjir fis tlif smith front nf the
treasury department and then halted and j
came to a parade rest, m order to aflord
au opportunity for the presidential party
to fall into line, when the inarch was re
sumed. The president's elegant carriage
was preceded by Gen. Slocum, the chief i
marshal, and his stall and a troop oi
United States cavalry. Surrounding the
carriages were a dozen mounted police
men. The partj'
nil nlnnrr t)u l!n( nf mnri'li . "Men I'lipprpil.
u"f, - -- - -...... ... .- ,
women waved handkerchiefs and clapped J
hands and the greatest enthusiasm was ,
evinced by the immense throng. Presi- j
dent-clcct Cleveland kept his silk hat in j
ui.s uauu aiiu uuwuu w iue uuiauu iun
as the carriage rolled slowly along. A
number of colored militia formed a part
of the first division, ana presented a
highly creditable appearance. Local di
visions of the Grand Army of the Repub
lic closed the escorting division.
A little before 11 o'clock the doors of
the president's gallery wore opened and
people entitled to admission were escort
ed in. Among them were Cleveland and
Mrs. Hoyt, asister of the president-elect;
Rev. W.A. Clevelaud and wife and their
two sons; Mr. Hastings, nephew of the
president-elect; Miss Hastings, Miss
Nellie Yoeman and Miss Annie Yoemau.
nieces of the president-elect; Mr. and
Mrs. Bacon, of Toledo, and Colonel and
Mrs. Lamout. The blue tapestried scats
of the diplomatic gallery remained the
longest vacant, but they, too, were filled
by a quarter past 1 1 o clock . The arrival
of the diplomatic corps, fifty strong, clad
in their uniforms, varying from the silken
robes and mandarin caps of the Chinese
to the gorgeous. gold-bedecked
dresses of the Europeans, occas
ioned a suspension of the buzz
of conversation fora moment. They en
tered unanounccd, and were escorted to
the seats in front and upon the right of
the chair, .lust before the entry of the
members of the supreme court, arrayed
in their ample black silk gowns and pre
ceded by their marshal, the annual act
of turning back the hands of the senate
clock was performed by the veteran door
keeper. Capt. Isaac Bassett. The su
preme court justices were placed upon
the right and front of the chair. Presi
dent Arthur was now announced and his
coming was greeted with warm
in recognition of which he bowed grace
fully to the assemblage. A moment
later and the buzz of conversation
was again suspended in antici
pation of the announcement: "The
President-elect of the United States."
Mr. Clevelaud had already entered the
hall with bis escort and halted within
sight of the assemblage while his arrival
was being announced. Applause, clap
ping of hands, at first, and then cheers,
loud and prolonged, welcomed him.
Then a stalwart voice in the gallery arose
above the din demanding "three cheers
forGrover Cleveland." This was not
held by the assemblage to be in good
taste, ard Edmunds proclamation,
'that order must be preserved or the
galleries will be cleared," was a
superfluity. The vice president-elect
was now escorted into the cham
ber and. without delay, but with
a solemnity and decorum befitting
the occasion, the oath was administered
to him by the president pro tempore.
Hendricks then took the gavel and called
the senate to order in extra session.
Prayer was offered by the chaplain, after
which the vice president made a brief ad
dress, fhe new senators were sworn In
and, after reading the message of the
president convening the senate, a pro
cession was formed and tiled its way to
the platform on the central portico of the
capitol. At precisely 12:30 p. m. the
procession appeared coming out of the
east door of the capitol. President
Arthur stepped to the front of the plat
form, followed by Presideut-elect Cleve
land, Chief Justice Waitc and the ser-geaut-at-annsof
the senate. Cleveland
than began his inaugural address to the
vast throng, estimated by Senator Haw
ley at 150,(K)0, as follows":
Fellow Citizens : In the presence of
this vast assemblage of my countrymen.
I am about to supplement and seal by
the oath which I shall take the manifes
tation of the will of a great and free
people in the exercise of their power aud
right of self-government. They have
committed to one of their fellow citizens
a supreme and sacred trust, and he here
consecrates himself to tneir service, llns ;
Impressive ceremony adds little to the '
solemn sense of responsibilitv with which :
I contemplate the duty I owe to all the '
people of the land. Nothing can relieve
me from anxiety lest oy any act ot mine
their interests may suffer, and nothing
Is needed to strengthen mv resolution to
I engage every faculty and effort in the
promotion of their welfare. Amidst
party strife the people's choice was
made, but its attendant circumstances
have demonstrated a new strength and
safety of government by the peo
ple. " In each succeeding year it more
clearly appears that our democratic peo
ple need no apology and that in its fear
less and faithful application is to be found
the surest guaranty of good government.
But the best results in the operation of
the government, wherein every citizen
has a share, largely depend upon the
proper limitation of purely partisan zeal
and effort and a -correct appreciation
of the time when the heat of the partisan
should be merged in the patriotism of the
citizen. To-day the executive branch of
the government is transferred to a new
keeping; but this is still a government of
all the people and it should be none the
less an object of their affectionate solici
tude. At this hour the animosities of
political strife, the bitterness of partisan
defeat and exultation of partisan triumph
should be supplanted by ungrudging ac
quiescence in the popular will and sober,
conscientious concern for the general
weal. Moreover, if from this hour we
cheerfully and honestlv abandon all sec
tional prejudice and distrust and deter
mine with manly confidence in
one another to work out harmonously
the achievements of our national destiny,
we shall deserve to realize all the bene
fits which our happy form of government
can bestow. On this auspicious occa
sion we may well renew the pledge of our
devotion to the constitution which,
launched by the founders of the republic
and consecrated by their pravers aud
patriotic devotion, has for almost a cen
tury borne the hopes and aspirations to
those who will succeed to the blessing of
our national life. The large variety of
diverse and competing interests is subject
to federal control, persistently seeking
the recognition of their claims, need give
us no fear that the greatest good to the
greatest number will fail to be accom
plished. If in the halls of national leg
islation that spirit of amity and mutual
concession shall prevail in which the con
stitution had is birth; if this in
volves the surrender or postponement
of . private interests and the
abandonment of local advantages, com
pensation will be found in the assurance
that thus the common interest is sub
served aud the general welfare advanced.
In the discharge of my official duty Ishall
endeavor to be guided by a just and un
strained construction of the constitution,
a caieful observance - of the distinction
between the powers granted to the fed
eral government and those reserved to
the states or to the people, aud by a cau
tious application of those functions which
by the constitution and laws have been
especially assigned t to the executive
branch of the govenmient. But he who
takes the oatlTto-day to preserve, pro
tect and defend the" constitution of the
United States, only assumes the
obligation which "every patriotic
citizen on the farm, in the work
shop, in the bu-y marts of
trade and everywhere should share with
him. The constitution which prescribes
his oath, my country men. is yours: the
government you hae chosen him to ad
minister for a time is yours: the suffrage
which executes the will of the freemen is
yours; the laws and the entire scheme of
"our civil rule, from the town meeting to
the state capitol, is yours. Your every
voter, as surely as your chief inagi-trate,
under the same high sanction, though in
a different sphere, exercises a public
trust. Nor i? this all ; even citizen o es
to the country a vigilant watch and close
scrutiny of its public servant? and a fair
and reasonable estimate of their fidelity
anil usefulness. Thus is the people's
will impressed upon the whole framework
of our civil polity, municipal, state and
federal, and this is the price of our liberl
and the inspiration of our faith in the re
public. It i the duty of those serving
people hi public place to closely limit
pubic expenditures to the actual need- of
the government economically adminis
tered, because thi-. bounds the right of
the government, to exact tribute from the
earnings of labor or the property of citi
zens and because public extravagance
begets extravagance among the people.
We should never be ashamed of the sim
plicity and prudential economics which
are best suited to the operation of a re
publican form of government and most
compatible with the mission of the Amer
ican people. Those who are for a lim
ited time to manage the public affairs are
still of the people aud may do much by
their example to encourage consist
ent the dignity of their
official functions in that plain
way of life which, among their fellow
citizens, aids integrity and promotes
thrift and prosperity. The genius of our
institution?, the needs of our people in
their home life, and the attention which
is demanded for the settlement and de
velopment of the resources of our vast
territory, dictate the scrupulous avoid
ance of any departure from that foreign
polity, commended by the history, the
tradition and the prosperity of our re
public. It is the policy of the independ
ence favored by our position and tic
fended by cur power: it is the policy of
the peace so suitable to our interests; it
is the policy of neutrality, regretting any
share in foreign broils and ambitions
upon other continents, and repelling their
intrusion here: it is the policy
of Monroe and Washington and Jeffer
son "Peaci-. commerce and honest
friendship with all nations, entangling
alliance.? with none.'' A due regard
for the interests and prosperity of all the
people demand that our finances shall be
established upon such a sound, sensible
basis as shall secure the safety and con
fidence of business interests and make the
wages of labor sure and steady and that
our system of revenue shall be so adjusted
as lo'relievo the people from unnecessary
taxation, having a due regard to the in
terests of capital invested and the wurk
ingmen employed in American industries
and preventing the accumulation of a
surplus in the treasury to tempt extrav
agance and waste. Care for the property
of the nation and for the needs of
luturc settlers require that the public do
main should be protected from purloining
schemes and unlawful occupation. The
conscince of the people demands that the
Indians within our boundaries shall be
fairly and honestly treated as wards of
the government and their education and
civilization promoted with a view to their
ultimate citizenship and that polygamy
in tlie territories, destructive of the fami
ly relation and offensive to the moral
sence of the civilized world, shall be re
pressed. The laws should be rig
idly enforced which prohibit the
immigration of a senile class
to compete with American labor with no
intention oJ acquiring citizenship and
bringing with them and retaining habits
and customs of repugnance to our civili
zation. The people demand reform in
the administration of the government and
the applicat.on of business principals to
public affairs. As a means to this end
civil service reform should be m good
faith enforced. Our citizens .have the
right to protection from the incompetency
of public cmplo3es who hold their places
solely as the reward of partisan service and
from the corrupt influence of those who
promise and the vicious methods of
those who expect such rewards,
and those who worthily seek
public employment have thought
and insisted that merit and competeiicy
shall be recognized instead of party sub
serviency or the surrender of honest po
litical belief in the administration of a
government pledged to do equal and ex- '
act justice to all men. There should bo
no pretext for anxiety touching the pro
tection of the freed men in their rights or
their security in the enjoyment of their
privileges under the constitution and its J
amendments. All discussion as to their
fitness for the place accorded to them as
American citizens is idle and unprofitable,,
axcept as it suggests necessity for their
improvement. "The fact that they are
citizens entitles them to all the rights due
the relation and charges them with all its
duties, obligations and responsibilities.
These topics and the constaut and ever
varying wants of an active and enterpris
ing population may well receive the at
tention and the patriotic endearance of all
who make aud execute the federal law.
Our duties are practical, and call for an
industrious application of an intelligent
preception of the claims of public office,
md, above all, a firm determination of
united action to secure to all the people
of the land the full benefits of the best
form of government ever vouchsafed to'
man; and let us not trust to human effort
alone, but humbly acknowledge the
power and goodness of Almighty God,
who presides over the destiniesof nations
and who has at all times been revealed in
the country's history; let us invoke His
aid and His blessings upon our labors.
The stand on which the president de
livered his inaugural address was erected
almost on a level with the lloot- t the
senate and house and directly in front of
the middle entrance to the capitol. It
was about one hundred feet square, the
largest ever erected for an inauguration,
and was covered by two thousand chairs.
These were occupied by senators, mem
bers of the diplomatic "corps and judges
of the supreme court, members of the
house of representatives aud press repre
sentatives. Before thepresident left the
senate chambvr the crowd in front of the
stand had increased until it became one
for four hundred feet in front of the
stand and more than one hundred feet on
either side. The crowd continued less?
solidly in the rear of this multitude.
The trees in the great towns were filled
and the roofs of the surrounding dwell
ings were covered. On the roof of the
capitol some two hundred or three hun
dred men and boys had congregated. In
approaching the avenues and streets the
military companies and society organiza
tions w'erc massed in columns, forming a
brilliant vista as far as the eye could
reach. On elevated stands enterprising
photographers had placed tiieir instru
ments to perpetuate iu photographic de
signs the assembly on the stand, and the
sea of hats and faces that moved contin
ually like waves of the ocean. This great
throng was variously estimated as to
numbers. President Arthur subsequent
ly said it was simply immense: the
greatest crowd he ever saw."' Senator
flawley, as he looked at it, said he
thought it numbered about lf0,000
people. While waiting for the arrival of
the president-elect some one would oc
casionally venture iu front of the plat
lorm. and his presence was the signal
for repeated cheers. President-elect
Cleveland was clad in a full suit of black,
Prince Albert coat, high, old fashioned,
stauding collar and black tie. In speak
ing he held his left hand closed behind
him. and emphasized his speech with
gestures with hi right hand. He spoke
without manuscript, but occasionally
consulted a small piece of paper bearing
the notes of the heads of his discourse.
I lis voice was clear and resonant, and he
slowly enunciated his words aud occa
sionally turned about at the pauses as if
to note the effect of his remarks.
When Mr. Cleveland first began his
inaugural address the crowd applauded
whenever he paused to take a breath, but
after awhile contented itself with cheer
ing him as he made his principal points,
llis reference to the prohibition of foreign
contract labor called out loud and long
continued applause, but his allusiou to
civil service reform met with a faint re
sponse. The address was very brief and
at precisely 1 :02 o'clock it was concluded
with the invocation of the blessing of
Providence, and. turning to the chief
justice and bowing to him. Mr. Cleve
land informed him that he was prepared
to take the oath prescribed by law. As
the chief justice arose to administer the
oath the vast assemblage cheered
again and again. The president-elect
stood facing the, chief justice, with the
crowd on his right. Chief Clerk Mc-Kenne-,
of the supreme court, stood just
to one side of Cleveland and held the
Bible upon which the oath was adminis
tered, the president-elect also held it
with his right hand. The Bible used is
a small morroco-covered gilt-edged vol
ume, pretty well worn. It is the Bible
which Cleveland's mother gave him
when he left home as a young man. At
his special request the committee of ar
rangements had it in readiness for the
ceremony. The crowd preserved perfect
quiet as the impressive ceremony of ad
ministering the oath was taking place,
but when it was concluded, aud as
President Cleveland laid down the
Bible, after reverently kissing
it, and shook hands with
the chief justice, who was the first to
congratulate him, they
Ex-President Arthur was the second
man to congratulate the president and
then followed Chief Clerk McKenneyand
Senator Sherman. President Cleveland
was thou introduced to the remaining
judges of the supreme court, to Lieuten
ant General Sheridan and General Han
cock. The other persons on the platform
then pressed forward and many of them
shook his hand. As he re-e tered the
capitol he was again greeted with cheers.
llo walked to the basement entrance,
where he first came into the building,
and entered his carriage to be driven in
the procession to the white house.
Washington entertains to-day 100,000
strangers. They began to come before
the dedication bf the monument, aud
they have been coining day and night
ever since. They have come iu family
parties, in clubs, and companies anil
regiments. The hotels were filled a
week ago aud private boarding houses
and dwellings have since done what they
ould to lodge the shelterless and feed
the hungry. Nevertheless, not a few of
the later "oiners, who brought little be
sides their patriotic memories aud ex
ultaut hopes, tramped the avenues last
night from necessity, and breakfasted
this morning with coffee aud a sandwich
from the venders at the markets and
street corners. The morning opened
haz3, but with an excellent
promise of fair weather, which
was fulfilled before nine o'clock. The
throngs were abroad earl-, walking aud
riding from point to point to see what
they could ot the public buildings, the
parks, statues and monuments before the
great event of the day began. Fifing
and drumming and marching of clubs and
troops were the enlivening elements of
the early forenoon, while the morning
serenades tendered to the popular polit
ical favorites served to amuse and interest
the participants and crowds. Whatever
it is possible to do with scantling and ,
lifvirfls nnd hnntinc jinil 'rilf to bedeck a
town for an occasion, Washington has I
undertaken and performed. The harvest j
of decorators aud carpenters began ten j
days ago, and the noise of their sawing t
and pounding, and the click of their j
hammers have been heard day and night ;
ever since, down to tne moment
of the starting of the procession.
At first ugly erections of rough timber
broke out all along the proposed line of
march from the white house to the capi
tol, covering doors and windows of
stores and dwellings and filling up the
little parks and openings, and upon
these were advertisements of seats to
rent. Later flags, banner , streamers
and tasteful devices in show,) colors con
cealed the rough woodwork and then
building fronts began to
The completed work is very beautiful and
the stateliest of American" avenues has
been transformed into a moving maze of
gav colors, which fittingly typifies the
heartiness of the citv's welcome to the
new administration. The building at
the corner of Twelfth and Pennsylvania
avenue, occupied by the pension bureau,
was perhaps the most elaborately
decorated structure in the city and the
decorations were at once pleasing and
unique. Long lines of streamers were
citztinriflml liotivnmi tlin tlflir Btnff OtJ ihrt
roof and iust below, on either side of the
clutched long lines of red, white and
blue bunting, which were artistically
woven into a vast network covering 'the
entire buildimr. At the intersection of
the lines of bunting shone stars of gold
and, framing the whole design, were
handsome shields bearing the names of
the states of the union all locked together
with gilt chains. At the second story
slender staffs bore graceful tricolorcd
standards with the names of the various
presidents of the United States. The
west front of the building re
presented the legislative branch
of the government. A mammoth
pictures of the capitol was dunked by
great Roman fasces. At the corner of
the building
armed with sword and shield, repre
sented the executive branch of the gov
ernment. An eagle, bearing a national
.(Hi c.iii , ut-.uiiis uaiiui,.,i
irmounted the l.gure, and an
jil portrait of heroic size of the
elect was suspended above a;
ring the name of ew kork i
shield, surmounted the figure, and au
excellent oil
shield bearm
state. On the south face of the building
Justice, blindfolded, with sword and '
scales, represented the judiciary. Alto- j
gether the effect was very pleasiug. The i
hotels were tastefully decorated. Wil- !
lard's was profusely dmped in graceful'
festoons of gayly colored fabrics. Words
of welcome wrought in tiusel shone above
an immense blazing star at the door
way aud a great arch of gas
jets spanned the circle, enclosing
the symbolic owl head of the Amerieus.
club, of Philadelphia. Elegant designs,
wrought in cunningly woven bunting,
transformed the marble facade of the
Metropolitan iuto a thing of beauty.
The Ebbett house was fairly covered with
tings and picturesque figures, and the
other hotels showed great ingenuity in
devising pleasing and original decora
tions. A great fioral ladder reaching to
the roof ot a business house on Pennsyl
vania avenue bore upon it rungs the
words Sheriff," "Mayor," "Gover
nor." 'President.'" thus graphically
symbolizing the life work of the president-elect.
All the government build
ing on the line of march were
Large American Hags encompasseAhe
gray columns of the treasury and long
lines of penauts of ever- hue of the rain
bow ran across the granite front of the
great building and relieved its severe
architecture by giving it an appearance
iu keeping with the gala day." Hand
some rosettes and designs in parti-colored j
bunting adorned the state, war and navy I
department buildings. Long before the '
hour set for the movement of the proccs- .
sion the music of hundreds of bands
heading the different organizations seek- i
ing their posts blended in one confused '
roar. Everywhere the shrill note of ,
the fife and the kettle drum was
heard. T3' 10 o'clock the entire ;
population of the city seemed to have de
serted their homes and occupied the j
streets on the line of march. The crowd
was something unprecedented even in j
this city, accustomed to receive the out- ,
pourings of the nation's population. !
Men, women and children pushed and I
elbowed iu the vast throng: yet it was a j
good naturcd crowd and evidently dis- '
posed to do justice to the occasion. It '
w:ls willing and anxious to be amused
and plucked fun from the slightest inci-
dents, as, for instance, when an unhappy-looking
individual passed up the ,
avenue iu his shirt sleeves, pushing a '
wheel barrow iu which reclined, with a i
self-satislied air. another person, bearing i
a tlag. shouts of laughter and all sorts j
of jibes and jokes greeted the ;
equipage on its travels. A large crowd
congregated around the white house and
another equally large one around the en
trances to the Arlington hotel at an
early hour in the morning, fertile pur-,
pose of obtaining a view of the president
and the president-elect as they took the '
places assigned to them in the "line. Both
men rigidly denied themselves to visitors '
during the morning. The members of '
the general inauguration committee met :
at the Arlington hotel before 10 o'clock
and placed their services at the disposal '
of the president-elect.
At the conclusion of
ceremonies at the capitol
escorted the presidential
the white house. The
the inaugur
the procession
party back to ,
two carriages
which contained Presidont Cleveland and
ex-President Arthur. Vice President
Hendricks and the senate committee of
arrangements, took positions in the front
division and the line started. The
greatest enthusiasm was manifested all
along the route. The crowd on the
sidewalks had increased so it was
Many people were forced out into the
roadways, and the police had all they
ii'iil(l ilo to keen tlm mvcihio iniii for tln i
... ,,J .... , ,', .t. i:.. .
jiun:ssiuii. m nuu uiu urau ui nit; inn;
readied Fifteenth street a halt was made
and the carriage containing the president
and ex-president left the pro
cession by way of Executive
avenue to the white house,
which the party entered. The vice
president's carriage proceeded up Fif
teenth street nearly to New York avenue
before leaving the line. Mr. Hendricks,
however, soon joined the president at
the white house, and when everything
was in readiness the entire party pro
ceeded to the reviewing stand on Penn
sylvania avenue, directly in front of the
mansion, and the order was given for the
line to move. The reviewing stand had
been profusely decorated with flags and
bunting, amfpresented
The president and ex-president were
plaee'lon.a projected plitfonn. which
was covered with flags so as to make
a handsome canopy, and at the
same time so arranged as to afford
a clear view of the procession. Arm
chairs were placed upon it for them, but
the president remained standing during
the entire review. Ex-President Arthur
sat on his left aud Vies-Provident Hen
dricks and the members of his house
hold occupied seats to the right and ju-t
back of thepresident, while the families
and friends of the president and ex-president
sat in the front row on the right.
Among those who occupied seats on the
presidential stand were Secretaries Fre
linghuysen. McCulloch, Lincoln, Chand
ler and Teller. Postmaster General Hat
ton. Lieut. Gen. Sheridan. Maj. Gen.
Hancock. Daniel Manning, Mr. Vilas,
Mr. Endicot, of Massachusetts; Senators
Bayard and Garland, Col. Lamont.
Mayor Grace and ex-Mayor Cooper,
of "New York, and a large num
ber of other prominent per
sons, including many officers of the
army and navy and thediplomatic corps.
There were a great many ladies on the
?tand and their rich costumes added to
It Is estimated that there were on the
stand about one thousand persons. It
was 10 minutes past 2 o'clock when the j
president, escorted oy cot. uarrett, oi r
he Inaugural committee, took his place
at the front of the stand aud the head ot
the procession started from the corner of
I Fifteenth street to pass in review. The
president's appearance was the sequel for
a general shout from the concourse of
people who had gathered in front of the
stand and filled the street for several
hundred vards both wavs. The president
quietly bowed his acknowledgments.
good deal of confusion was caused in the
vicinity of the grand staud by
the "efforts of the police to
clear tho streets for the approaching
procession. The work was finallv ac-
complished, but with great difficulty, the
mounted police, riding into the dense
throng anil driving the people back with
their batons. The review from the
nrxil(iifi:il tnnl wns n ro?il cirri,:- mill
I it was the generally expressed opinion
. that no more brilliant pageant
I I'- .-.. .. . .. M. .... .J(... .a.
in this country. All the organizations
gave a marching salute as they passed
the grand stand and tho president re
cognized the compliment by raising his
hat. The first division was composed of
regular United States troops and all local
military organizations. As they passed
the stand the president saluted the chief
marshal and his aides and thecomiiriies,
which marched iu gor-t time. The
second division was composed entirely of
Pennsylvania national guards. There
were about 7,i)00 in this di
vision. Governor Pattisou rode
: at the head of the division. The presi-
dent also raised his hat out of respect to
i the battle- orn Hags of the Thirteenth
and Eighteenth and sever
ment5 The president r
comj)llment to the Sixty-n
rcTimut, Bochambeau i
thUe Bu-ch zouaves, of
and Eighteenth and several other regi
ments. The president paid the same
mth-New- iort
bt. Louis. A
large number of colored troops were
included iu the third division and their
soldierly bearing and good marching
elicited much praise from the people.
Tke New Jersey soldiers, in plain uni
forms, with red blankets rolled above
j tueirknapsacks, also attracted attention,
as did the Washington infantry, of Pitts
burg, clad in navy blue with black
shakos. The Fifth Maryland, about
500 strong, with black helmets and blue
suits, who are old favorites in this city.
were warmly welcomed. A striking uni
form of olive green with black plumes,
which attracted much attention, was
worn by the Clark Guards, of Augusta,
Ga. The New York Slxtj'-ninth regiment
was in this division about six hundred
strong and its tine band and excellent
marching fiSly met the expectation
which had -been raised as to the
appearance of this regiment. The
Grenadiers Rochambeau, of New York,
were also well received. The Busch Zou
aves, of St. Louis, wore the most elegant
uniform in the procession. Company
C, Sixteenth Ohio national guards, in a
showy uniform of gray, closed this di
vision of the procession. The fourth and
! i15 division
composed eutirelv of
civic organizations, ami was commanded
i by Mai. Thus. Luttrell. The Jackson
Democratic association of the District of
Columbia, carryiiu
; rough hickory sticks.
I acted as an escort to the
.New lork or-
f ganizatioiis. After them came six Indian
I braves in war paint and feathers, bearing
Tammany s banner. I he Uammany
men. who numbered 1,000, carried sil-er-headed
sticks at their shoulders and
marched nine abreast. They were
followed by the Tammany Knick
erbockers in quaint and ancient cost
ume, carrying long gold-headed staves,
with which they beat inarching time on
the asphalt pavement. Then came Irving
Hall, represented by one hundred gentle
men, all wearing "silk hats and spring
overcoats and carrying canes. Gihnore's
immense band heralded the approach of
the County Democracy long before they
were visible. Fifteen hundred men
wearing light gray overcoats and silk
hats, carrying caiies with Cleveland's
head wrought in silver and wearing pur
ple and gold.badges on the lapels of their
coats, represented this branch of the
New York democracy. The Albany
Phalanx, numbering eighty men. pre
sented a neat appearance clad in brown
coats, white beavers and carrying silk
umbrellas. The King's County Demo
cracy had about V2o men in line, dressed
in dark blue overcoats, and carrying the
inevitable cane. The lluffalo legion, in
dark clothes and silk hats, brought up
the rear of the first brigade. In the
second brigade of the division the
Bayard legion, of Wilmington,
Del., was the first out of
town clubs and was followed by the
Joel Parker club, of Newark. N. J., the
(orty representatives of the Iroquis club,
of Chicago, and the Columbus, Ohio,
glee club, dressed in gray and carrying
minature brooms on the lapels of their
coats. One of the neatest uniforms, in the
line was that of the Duckworth club, of
Cincinnati, consi-ting of a light overcoat,
dark troupers, high white hats and gold
and purple badges. There was not a
finer looking body of men in the proces
sion, and as they turned into Fifteenth
street, inarching twelve afront, the great
and the ladies clapped their hands and
waved handkerchiefs. The Jefferson
club, of Cincinnati, followed and madi
a most creditable display. They were
also greeted with applause and other
demonstrations of approval. A colored
man. clad in a sky blue swallow-tailed
coat and bright red pantaloons, and wear
ing on his breast an enormous silver plate
. "
the name of the organization,
preceded the .Jackson democratic club.
of Columbus. O. Its eighty members
were dressed iu gray and carried canes at
a salute. Maroon overcoats and vcllow
kid gloves distinguished 100 mem
bers of the Amerieus club,
of Philadelphia. The Samuel
.1. liaudull association, of Philadelphia,
had about an equal number of men in
line. The Moyamening legion, of Phil
adelphia, had" seventy-live men inline,
drcs-ed in brown and red. The Eleventh
Ward Randall club, of Philadelphia,
bore a magnificent banner of blue plu-h
aud gold with .-in excellent portrait of the
patron of tin club. One hundred men
represented the Central club, of Harris
burg. They wore gray overcoats, black
hats and red silk badges. The Calumet
club, of Baltimore, presented an excel
lent appearance with three hundred neatly
attired men iu line. Th Topeka Flam-br-au
club aI.o made a fine appearance.
The Cook county club, of Chicago,
turned out forty men in gray overcoat-,
silk hats and badges. This club and the
Iroquois. club, of the same city, were re
ceived w'ith marked favor. Some com
ment was excited by the appearance in
the procession of a" Blaine inauguration
club, of Maine. A splendid banner of
black aud gold floated over live hundred
men representing the Crescent club, of
Baltimore. A notable feature of the
procession was a troop of cavalry, of the
District of w hich the electoral
votes of the states that furnished Cleve
land's majorities were represented by
horses, one for each vote, arranged iii
states by colors. They were followed by
the Cleveland and Hendricks club, of
Lenisville. Virginia, and by a number of
mounted clubs wearing colored sashen.
The live roosters which were carried by
theTammanv club and County Democra
cy, of New York, were made conspicu
ous as they passed the staud and caused
much amu-eiuPiit. Taken all in all. as a
combined military aud civil display, the
procession was undoubtedly the largest
and finest ever seen in Washington. At
the conclusion of the review the president
and party proceeded to the dining room
of the white house, where they partook
ot luncn oruereu lor tuem oy ex-rreai
dent Arthur.
The public celebration of the day endefi
with a display of fireworks. In charae
ler it was like all displays of fireworks,
but in volume and variety it is said to
have excelled any former pryoteehnical
exhibition upon this continent. Withal
it was successful to the minutest detail.
The scene of the exhibition was the whtte
lot, an area of two hundred or three hun
dred acres, siopiug gently away from the
south fronts of the treasury and the ex
ecutive mansion and state department.
Uncounted crowds began early to lied
their wav towards the spot from every
quarter "of the city. For an hour
or more they waited, commenting
meanwhile upon the singular ap
pearance of the monument, a Iran
dred rods beyond the fireworks
enclosure. The lower third of the shaft
was not visible, but all above was dimly
outlined, like a ghost of itself, against
the black sky and reflecting to its peak
the rays of the electric lights iu the city
half a'milc away. It seemed cnormously
higher than by daylight. When the
preparations were comp'.etfd and tho
display had once begun, the people iu
charge had the good taste to have uo in
termission. Jack O'Lauterf; danced.
from place to place about the enclosure,
and whenever one paused au explosion
followed. Rockets, balloons, miniature
fountains, bombs, batteries and shells
were sent heavenward in volleys for half,
au hour, filling the air with showers ot
fire. Explosions sometimes half a milc
obove the earth took piace and. wafted Uy
a gentle breeze, constellations numbering:
thousands .of beautifully tinted stars
floated away over the Potomac. Three
'set pieces" of mammoth proportions
were among the last and grandest:
features of the entertainment. 'J he first
was -Jefferson . ' ' There was a fi-z'
audible a mile away as a Jack O Lantern
touched his torch to a piece and thcu a
mammoth face in points of white fire, en
circled by an oval frame in red , w:l!x a,
banner in colors festooned gracefully
about it, burst out of the darkne-s.
It glowed for a minute iu
full brilliancy. then an cvo
went out with an explosion,
followed by a portion of the nose and.
last of all.the blue stars of the banners.
The face of the titular patron of sim
plicity aud uuostentation was probably
not recognizable to the masse.- of tins
spectators, but when the letters of his
name beneath were made out
in prolonged cheers. The next large
piece represented the national capitol.
with excellent portraits of the president
and vice president, flanked by mo::oe.i
aud emblems. This piece was li;o feet
long by seventy-lic in height, the larg
est set piece ever fired iu America. 'Itic
flight of o.OOO rockets at once, forming
a vast floral bouquet iu the heavens, ter
minating the display. No estimates of
the numbers who witnessed the firework
would be trustworthy.
The voluntary dispersion of a multitude
when gathered in a park open on all
sides would seem to be a simple affair,
but the experiences of the euening proved
to the contrary. Carriages became en
tangled with each other and pedestrian.
wandered about in bewilderment trying
to find their way through or out ot
crushes which occurred in a hundred
places. No one was hurt, so far as U
known, but many ludicrous episodes oc
curred. Family parties became sepa
rated, wives and hu-bands lo.-t each
other, and parents found themselves
leading children not their own. The
calls ot one to another in the dark some
times indicated distress or fear, but th?
people were for the mo-t part exceed
ingly jolly and laughed at themselves
and each other as if it were
all a part of the programme.
Thft lirilliant finale to the inaurruratlou
ceremonies was the ball to-night iu the
unfinished new pension building. As
the door opens on the enterior the eye is
dazzled by the sudden blaze of light and
color and" the mind confused by the im
mensity of the scene revealed at a glance.
A hall SIC feet long by 1M wide is lighted
by sixty gigantic gas burners of iiOU can
dle power each, which are suspended
from the roof, whose peak is lost to the
sight ninety feet above the floor in a per
fect forest "of streamers and flags. On
the acre of waxed floor thousands of
couples in brilliant toilets are moing
about in the mazes of the dance, while
thousands more circle around on tho
outskirts in a ceaseless promenade,
and other thousands look down
on them from numberless balconies
surrounding the room. Decorations,
rich in color, cover the whole interior of
the structure in red. white ami blue tints,
the American Hag predominating. Banks
of tropical plants surround the bases of
the eight large columns which support
the roof, and wreaths of evergreen- are
twined aroiiud the columns from thebaso
to the top. On the broad faces of tho
columns arc scattered, with unique ef
fect, great leaves of palm. At the east
end ot the hall a plate glass mirror, six
teen feet high and ten feet wide, in a
frame composed of six hundred pieces of
cut glass, rises from the
against a background of deep crimson,
and reflects from its surface the lighti
aud color of the ball room. The music
stands arc hung w ith rich green and pur
ple silk damasks, and flags are twiied
about their supports. In each of the four
corners of the ball room tiers of stands
reaching to the height of the balcony are
placed and on these ferns and other fo
liage are massed iu profusion. Tho
richest part of the decoration, however,
ia ou the front of the balcony. Along
the entire length around the ball room is
stretched, on this balcony, a deep bind of
maroon velvet, two yards wide, heavily
embroidered for half ii depth with gold
thread in elegant design. The hack
ground of this hnlcon) i- tri-colored burn
ing with which the walN are hung. Out
lined again.-t this arc the .-mail pillars
which enclose the balcony and sup
port the one above il. To eneli.
of the.-e is suspended an American silk
standard, surmounted by a circular
shield, on which is blazoned the arms of
one state or territory. At the height of
the balcony, at one end of tin; hall, is a
large spread eagle formed of ga- jets and
at either end a live pointed .-tar fornxnl
in the same manner. Over all i- the
bewildering network of half moou
shaped flags projecting downwards from
the peak of the roof and from which
spring a marvelous number of streamer
in all conceivable colors. The rooms .ft
ajiart by the committee for the Use of tho
president are
and heavy with the perfume oi
flowers, " which abound cvery
wheie on the walls and ceiling,
and are grouped in large stands
di-tribnted about the room- A prome
nade concert opened the festivities of the
evening and was continued from S to
11 o'clock p. in. Dancing began upon
ne close of the concert. It was half past
10 o'clock when President Clevefanui
arrived iu the bal! room. He was
immediately escorted to the president's
room, where, for half an hour, he held1
an inlormal reception. The president
was accompanied by Miss C'i veland and
Mrs. Hoyt. his sisters, aud by hi
brother. Rev. W. A. Cleveland, and his
wife and their two sons: Mr. Hastings,
his nephew: Miss Hastings, Miss Nellits
Yeolnans and Lizctte Yeomaos and Mrs.
Bacon, the president's brother-in-law
and wife, of Toledo, and Col. and Mrs.
Lamont. About the same time ex-President
Arthur arrived and he, too, wa?
escorted to the president's room.
J iiliinw.-H-
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