The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, March 11, 1885, Image 2

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The Crow reservation, in Montana,
has been opened to settlers.
Several cases of hydrophobia were
reported last week at Hastings, Neb.
It is estimated that 100,000 were
present in Washington City to witness
the inauguration.
The State Teachers' Association
will .hold a, three days session at Lin
coln, commencing March 31st
The first official act of the new sec
retary of war Endicott was to coun
tersign Gen. Grant's commission.
Bekjamik Buttebwoeth, commis
sioner of patents, handed' in his resig
nation oa the 3d to Secretary Teller.
t ...
The three cent passenger rate rail
road bill was passed the other day in
the Honse at Lincoln by a vote of
84 to 7. m
It is stated in recent news from
England that she holds one hundred
and fifty thousand men in readiness
to fight Russia.
A coubt-maetial has been ordered
for the trial of Medical Director
Philip S. Wales, on charges preferred
by Secretary Chandler.
According to the usual custom the
members of the old cabinet on the 3d
inst, placed their resignations in the
hands of President Arthur.
President Cleveland's first official
act was the nomination of his cab
inet, and his second' to affix his
signature to the commission of U. S.
Grant as an officer on the retired list
of the army, with the rank of General.
The chamber of commerce at Den
ver the other evening unanimously
adopted a resolution requesting the
new secretary of the treasury, stop
the -contraction of the currency, and
relieve the business depression of
the country.
'President Cleveland and secretary
L. Q. C. Lamar have requested Gen.
John C. Black to accept the position
of commissioner of pensions. Gen.
Black has telegraphed from Chicago
his acceptance. Tho appointment
was unsolicited.
The ice in the river at Valley, Neb.,
is gorging. The bottom land is
flooded and fears are apprehended
for tho safety of the Union Pacific
bridge. Last Saturday a large force
ofmen were engaged in blasting tho
ice near the bridge.
We understand that Bear of Nor
folk, Ireland of Nebraska City and
Gallagher of Omaha are the prom
inent candidates for U. S. Marshal
of Nebraska, providing we are to
have a democrat. Mr. Gallagher
seems to have the inside track at
present, and he certainly has a hoBt
of friends who -wish him well.
The Norfolk Journal crows lustily
oyer the location of the asylum for
the insane, at that point, .and calls
upon Norfolk people to remember
their friends when it comes handy.
Legislation, these days, U mainly a
matter of dicker, and from what we
can learn, this particular dicker was
understood about six years ago.
Among the last acts of the senate
was the passage of tbe law placing
Gen. Grant on tbe retired list of the
army, immediately followed a com
munication from President Arthur
nominating U. S. Grant to bo a gen
eral on tbe retired list of the army,
with tbe foil pay of snch rank. The
senate confirmed the nomination
Earl Derbt said the other day in
tbe honse of lords that England for
merly possessed undoubted rights
along the St. Lucia bay. These had
been in abeyance some time. Tbe
raising of the British flag at different
points in tbe Cameron mountains
bordering on Camerons territory now
occupied by Germany was at present
the subject of the correspondence be
tween London and Berlin.
The public debt during February,
was lowered $3,204,975, being a de
crease since June 30, 1884, of $44,126,
886; cash in treasury, $484,460,557;
gold certificates, $153,110,220; silver
certificates, $141,419,830; certificates
of deposit, $30,580,000; refunding cer
tificates, $251,350; legal tenders, $346,
681,016; fractional currency, $6,998,
306. For Beveral gbod reasons this
statement may be an excellent thing
to preserve and refer to during the
coming four years.
Cleveland's cabinet is not proving
altogether satisfactory to tbe breth
ren, many of whom think tbat it has
a leaning towards Wall Street and
the moneyed interests of the country
generally as against the "bone and
sinew." Tbe other objection urged is
that, while the south is represented
by the three strongest men of the
cabinet, those who will probably have
the greatest influence in shaping tho
policy of tbe administration, tbe great
west is totally unrepresented, except
by Mr. Vilas, who is not far "out
President Arthur tbe other day
Ordered a general court martial to
convene in tbe city of Washington on
the 11th for the. trial of Brigadier
General W. B. Hazen, chief signal
officer of the army, on charge of con
duct prejudicial to good order and
Military discipline in having officially
And publicly criticised the action of
the secretary of war for not following
ids recommendation to send an expe
dition to the relief of Lieut. Greely
in September '83. Orders were also
issued for his suspension, and to con
sider himself under arrest until fur
ther orders. CapL Mills, of the signal
.tarrice, has been ordered on duty as
acting ckier signal officer, pending tbe
iftWtf tbe trial of Gen. Hazen.
Tme Ttevr Aelnnlmlstraittan. '
Republicans generally are taking a
watchfnl interest in the new state of
affairs. As patriotic citizens, they
wish to see the country continue to be
as prosperous as It has been for the
past twenty-four years under repub
lican rule ; as good Americans, they
wish our republican fornfoff OveVh
ment to grow in the affections of the
people, not only of this but of other
lands, to the ultimate end that every
where the people may be independent
in thought and deed, free to develop
their God-given faculties for the good
of KAokind; as good partisans, like
wise, republicans wish the best possi
ble example of a democratic adminis
tration, so that when Fortune's fickle
wheel turns again, partiran pride may
be aroused to emulato a good exam
ple. In all of which there is nothing
mean or groveling.
Indications are, however, that
Cleveland's severest critics are to
come from 'the ranks of the democ
racy. And tbe music has -already
begun. It is charged tfiat the "heavy"
men of the cabinet are all from the
south; that -to New York state is
given two positions to be filled by
men of only moderate mark; that the
wonderful west, comprising, half of
all the country, seems to-be unknown
to the new president, and tbat be
needs take some lessons in geography
in.order to become better acquainted
with ?the lay of the land" over which
he has been selected as chief magis
trate; that California and Oregon,
Kansas, Nebraska, Iowa or.eyen Illi
nois might have given one satisfac
tory member to the cabinet; that
Thurman, the democratic anti-monopolist,
and Pendleton, tbe demo
cratic apostle of civil-service reform,
were not invited as councilors of the
new democracy ; &c, &c. As we look
at it from our window, however, it
seems that the main trouble is to
come ; democracy is practical ; and it
will not be satisfied with the -elevation
of one of its chiefs ; the rank and
file must feel and know what it is to
have a change ("you bet your sweet
life," says one of them in our hear
ing) ; civil service reform is too tbin
a soup for men who are hungry and
need solid sustenance, and many of
them are beginning to say, "Why,
here it is March 10th, six days after
inauguration, and 'the rascals' have
not yet been turned out. Why did
we vote for Cleveland? What are
we here for, anyway ?" We are in
clined to fear tbat tbe hunger and
thirst to which tbe good G. William
Curtis' referred last year will make
trouble in the democratic ranks this
year, and we beg of the brethren that
they will not crowd around the crib
so numerously as to crush the deserv
ing weak members.
Two Mem.
With Whitney and Manning in the
Cabinet Mr. Cleveland will indulge
in the unusual proceeding of taking
two men from ouo state. This would
not bo objectionable in some cases
and it would not be in this if Messrs.
Manning and Whitney represented
anything in particular that is de
sirable or bad been long enough in
public life to have established charac
ters by which all men might know
There are two men in this country
living in tbe same state whose ap
pointment to Cabinet positions would
mean somethings Thurman and
Pendleton are both citizens of Obio.
One of tbem is known from one end
of the country to tbe other as a sturdy
opponent of monopoly, a learned
lawyer and an unbending exponent
of plain and honest republicanism.
The other is no less distinguished as
a man of high principle and his name
is associated with the idea of hostility
to the spoils system in politics- Both
have been long in public life and
both are esteemed far beyond the
limits of their own parties. Both
have been made in a sense the victims
of a monopoly-bound and office
hunting syndicate in their own state,
at the head of which are the Standard
Oil politicians and at tbe tail the in
consequential Johnny McLean. If
these men had been approachable, if
they had been willing to throw their
influence on - tbe side of monopoly,
or if they bad been capable of mixing
with the petty spoils chieftains they
would not now .be .in private life.
They have been hounded out of office
by tbe lies and greed and money of
the most selfish gang of political
cormorants in America.
Mr. Cleveland was elected as a man
who was supposed to favor the im
partial execution of the-laws, who
would have no monopoly favorites or
speculative jobbers at his elbow, and
whose professions of a desire to re
form the ciyil -service were something
more than campaign platitudes. It is
of course too early to say tbat this
popular conception of Mr. Cleveland's
intentions is erroneous, but he coald
have done nothing better calculated
to make it appear well founded than
the appointment of Thnrman and
Pendleton to seats in his Cabinet
ihey are associated in the public
mind with the ideas which he has
been supposed to represent. Messrs.
Manning and Whitney are not
Chicago Herald.
In the house of commons the other
afternoon Gladstone said public pol
icy forbade his answering the ques-
uons relating to the Russia-Afghan
frontier difficulty. The Marquis of
Hartington announced that the gov
ernment intended to increase the
strength of the army..
The British steamship Strathleven
arrived 'the other day at Gibraltar
with a cargo of Remington rifles and
ammunition. As her destination is
presumably. China, the French consul
telegraphed to Paris for-instructions
as to whether to allow the vessel to
Canada's debt is growing at an
alarming rate. It is now $243,000,
000, or more than $54 a head.
A gentleman of fifty-two remarked
recently that he had married when
yonng (twenty), had raised his family
and had seen them settle down in
life, well-to-do, and he felt a satisfac
tion over this which could iiot be ex
pressed. He believes in and advo
cates early marriages.
The good housewives of Columbus
are beginning to think of blooming
flowers, as the skies brighten and the
sun's rays grow warmer.
A republican who was twitted the
other day about being under a demo
cratic administration made a sensible
remark, as well as a literally truthful
one, "I shall have justc as good a
president the next fonr years as you
will have." So say we all.
Mr. Newman of the Union Pacific
force was in town Friday, and in
conversation with us said that he had
recently been over the western coun
try, including Washington Territory,
Oregon and California, and his opin
ion of Nebraska has gone several
notches higher. He gives as his be
lief that tbe next five years will show
the most wonderful development of
Nebraska interests, astonishing every
body who haB not had special facili
ties for knowing something of the
volume of emigration setting in this
direction. Already eighty to ninety
car loads a day are crossing the Mis
souri river - for Nebraska and the
west, and it is very safe to say tbat it
will not be many years till Nebraska
public lands will all bo taken.
The coroner's jury lsst week sitting
in the case of James Griffin the rob
ber of the State Treasury, who was
shot and killed by A. L. Pound, de
tective, rendered a singular verdict
indeed. It was got up in the shape of
a three itemed verdict two of the
jurors agreeing tbat the killing was
felonious and so signing and return
ing the verdict. Three other jurors
arriving at the conclusion that the
killing was unlawful, and so signed
and returned the verdict. One other
juror eays "I believe the killing was
not felonious;" and thus signed and
attested by the coroner this strange
verdict is given to the public. As a
.matter of additional news Maguire,
one of the robbers has made full con
fession of his guilt, and asserts that
Daily was tbe instigator of the plan
to rob the treasury, and coaxed Griffin
and himself into attempting the rash
act Daily, who claims he acted as a
decoy, has been arrested and will
have to be tried or discharged.
Nmtleaal .Capital.
The extra session of the U. S.
Senate was organized with Vice
President Hendricks in the chair.
President Cleveland sent a mes
sage to the Senate containing his
cabinet nominations, as follows:
Secretary of state, Thomas F. Bay
ard, of Delaware; secretary of tbe
treasury, Daniel Manning, of New
Tork; secretary of war, William C.
Endicott, of Massachusetts ; secretary
of the navy, William C. Whitney, of
New' York ; secretary of tbe interior,
L. Q. C. Lamar, of Mississippi ; post
master general, William F. Vilas, of
Wisconsin ; attorney general, A. H.
Garland, of Arkansas.
Riddleberger, in executive session,
objected to immediate consideration
of the nominations. All went over
nnder tba rules of the Senate for a
day, but were then confirmed with
out debate or division.
Intense excitement was caused at
Evansville, Ind., recently by tbe dis
covery that an' old boilding, for a
number of years used by the medical
fraternitA3 a college and public dis
pensary, were found in every room of
the building portions of hnman re
mains, aud in the garret particularly
scattered about on the floor were
found the remains of forty-five human
beings, both white and black, male
and female. Tbe building is owned
by the county and has been visited by
hundreds of curious people.
It !b estimated by the secretary of
the state board of agriculture in Ohio
that the winter wheat is damaged 50
per cent by the freezing weather in
the south half of Ohio. This means
that 25 per cent of tbe total crop of
the state is lost Facts have also
been collected and an estimate made
at Milwaukee, and given to the pub
lic by S. W. Talmsge, that according
to late advices from all tbe principal
winter wheat 6tates, the yield of
1885 will fall largely below that of
last year.
It is stated that at least three
thousand visitors a year go through
the Mammoth Cave in Kentucky.
The cave is on the line of tbe Louis
ville i, Nashville railway, ten miles
from the nearest station. The cost
of stopping over, including a moder
ately' extensive exploration of the
cave, is about $10 to each person.
A man in Ohio has invented an
auger that will bore a square hole. It
is estimated that this new process
will save the labor of three men who
work with chisels. This auger is to
be seen and tested in a machine shop
in Cleveland, Ohio. Who next?
It is claimed that valuable silver
discoveries have been made in
Ritchey county, West Virginia, and
it is asserted that the Baltimore and
Ohio railroad ballasted its tracks for
miles through the mountains with
silver quartz.
Josiah Locke, of Indianapolis.
dropped dead, the other morning in
the Journal office of heart disease.
He was editor and proprietor of the
Journal a number of years ago and
later business manager of the Chicago
. Isaac Clark's skating rink at To
bias, Neb., burned the other morning.
Loss $1,500. Sapposed to be iacea-ifcry.
'Mexico imports corn from Texas.
The bank of England now covers
throe acres of ground. , -
The London Times is theriargest
daily paper published in the wrld.
One hundred and sixty-three col
ored pupils attend the Omaha iebools.
The Rothschilds never employ a
man who has the reputation for ill
The Mormons continue their colon
ization of the territories surrounding
Railway material is 40 per cent,
cheaper now than fT- was two
years ago. y,
Cuban ' policemen stand "on . the
street corners with lanterns hung on
long poles.
American apples sell on the street
stands in London at from 8 to 12
tents apiece.
Some writer claims that the horse'
cannot jump more than twenty-seven
feet at one leap.
Our exchanges report Nebraska
land offices crowded with applicants
making entries.
George W. Williams, of Mass
achusetts, has been7 confirmed as
minister to Hayti.
Cleopatra's Needle, in Central
Park, is gradually crumbling away.
Can't stand the climate.
Miss Lizzie Callis has been re
elected state librarian in Indiana; and
Mrs. Hatton in Tennessee.
A petroleum well, gushing twenty-five,
barrels an-rhour, -has been
struck in Dallas, Wyoming.
Wonders will never cease. A
printer up iu Maine got religion, quit
drinking and became a preacher.
Lord Wolselet, of London, has
been advised to pass the summer in
Cyprus for the benefit of his eyes.
The British troops are said to be
suffering greatly at.Suakim and in
that vicinity from -the scarcity of
Old residents declare that the
heavy ice in the Platte river will
surely destroy the Fremont bridge
this Bpring.
In China a man who steals a dog is
beheaded. There are localities in this
country where snch a thiof wonld be
given a chromo.
Jackson Martin, for the murder of
John Cameron' in May, 72, was found
guilty the other day at Beatrice, Neb.
The penalty is death.
Within gnu shot of the New York
City Hall 3,000 men work all night,
or nearly all night, in the offices of
morning newspapers.
Emma Johnson, a Kentucky negress
who emigrated to Liberia, is now
Prime Minister to King Opobo, of
the Camerons country.
It is said that ninety-five thousand
sheets of paper are 'daily consumed
in printing the government's money
and internal revenue stamps.
New York has a population of
4,000 Chinamen and in Brooklyn over
three thousand five hundred are en
gaged in the laundry business. -
Mrs. H. D. Sumner, of Waukesha,
the wife of Congressman Sumner, has
been admitted to practice at the bar
of tbe supreme court of Wisconsin.
An Indiana sheep dog has been
trained to take tbe bell-weather of the
flock by the ear and lead him about,
tbe other sheep following, of course.
Horses and cattle are dying in
large numbers in the Caldwell (Ohio)
section from a mysterious epidemic,
the loss to farmers thus far reaching
At Macksbnrg, Ohio, new petro
leum wells are being opened daily.
Three spouters were struck the other
day, which averaged seventy-five
barrels each.
Mrs. Eliza Blaine Walker, of
Baltimore, sister of Jas. G. Blaine,
died on tbe morning of tho 3d inst.
Her husband, brothers and daughters
were with her.
The assembly at Sacramento, Cal.,
has passed a constitutional amend
ment providing that railroads shall
pay a tax of two and one-half per
cent of their gross earnings.
Carl Herman, aged 22, of Bloom
iugton, 111., has been seized in Ger
many, and will be forced to serve the
alotted term in the army unless the
American Minister interferes.
A singularity about hymnology
is that many excellent hymns were
written by persons who were not re
ligious at all, or whose claims to re
ligion rested on very slight founda
tions. If the day is not cloudy on AugUBt
12, 1999, it has been calculated by an
American scholar that England may
view a total eclipse of the sun, the
only total eclipse in the next 250
A tire at Hooper, Neb., fourteen
miles from Fremont, occurred the
other morning about 6 o'clock, de
stroying about thirty thousand dol
lars worth of property. The origin
of tbe fire is unknown.
After eating oysters at a church
social in Silver Mills, Ohio, tbe other
night, fifteen persons were taken vio
lently ill, two or whom died in a few
hours. A physician declares it to be
a case of arsenical poisoning.
Mrs. Hattie Dennison has been
confirmed by the U. S. senate as
postmistress of Vancouver, W. T.
This is the first instance in the terri
tory where a woman has been ap
pointed to a presidential office.
Thomas Stewart, who has recent
ly died a peaceful and natural death
in Berrien county, Georgia, in his
time bad been badly "chawed" by a
tiger, bitten by a moccasin,' struck by
lightning and tried for murder.
Joseph Morrell, of Coshocton,
Ohio, died the other day, it is claimed
from the effects of fright Serenaders
visited him a few nights ago on the i
occasion u tin marriage ana sent a
bullet through a window In bed.
A tekkific explosion occtirred'vthe
other morning in tbe llHworlh "col
liery in Sunderland, England, kitling".
thirty-Bix persons. 'Tho.exulosioft
was caused" by - fire damp. ? The'
bodies of the' killed have been re
coverod. -.--
The graves of tbe dead in Cuba are
like the homes of the living, glaring
white, and their only decorations are
wreathes and crosses made of "shells
and beans. In none of the cemeteries
is there the slightest gUmpse'of flow
ers or foliage. ' ' - -
Mis? Sarah E. Raymond been
for the past nine years the superin
tendent . of the public schools of
Blooniington, III. She graduated -at
the Illinois Normal University' in
1866, and has been engaged in school
work, ever si nee., , , ."'"
Miss-M. BiLL--brought the first
wheat to the elevator at Menbkeo,
Dakota, last fall. She delivered 172
bushels of No. 1', hard, the product of,
seven acres put- in - by herself last
spring. Miss Bell formerly taught
school, but, believing farming more.
profitable, took a claim last spring,
with this result.
The oldest apple trees west of the
Missouri river are said to be .those on
the .Alpowaix. Some ; of them are
over a foot in 'diameter. The 'seeds
were brought over by Rev. Spauldihg
the missionary, who was stationed at
Lapwai many years ago, and father
of Mrs. Eliza Warren, tbe first white
child born on the Pacific slope. "
Mr. John Clark, has recently pur
chased a fine young team."
Mrs. Dencie Crozierhas bean vis
iting at the Cedar- for- a week or ten
The oyster supper at Hardy's Hall
on the 27lh passed off very pleasantly
and profitably, the-amount received
being $30.75.
Tho meetings closed at the Mt.
Pleasant school-house on the eve of
the 26tb; there were three persons
received into tbe United Brethren
Mr. Northrop has leased tho Ken
nedy farm for tbe coming year,which
will soon be vacated by Mr. D.
Shafer, who expects to move to St.
Mr. J. W. Rose has been under tbe
care of Dr. .Clark for a few days,
being threatened with the brain fever,
but we understand he is now con
valescent. Mr. Jas. Dickinson called Dr.
Martyn of Columbus, on March 4th,
as council with Dr. A. J. Clark. Mr.
Dickinson has been very sick for
some time with jaundice.
Through the kindness of Mrs. A.
M. Johnson the'M. E. church at St.
Edward was presented with a silver
communion set on Feb. 28th, the
donor being Hon. J. V. Farwell of
Mr. A. D. Brainard, editor and
proprietor of the Boone Connty
Argus, died of dropsy at his residence
in Albion,on Saturday, Feb. 28tb85,
his funeral was held on Monday at
2 p. m., at the M. E. church, Rev. J.
L. St. Clair, officiating, assisted by
Presiding Elder J. W. Shank and A.
A. Cresman. Deceased was a mem
ber of the I. O. O. F. and A. F. & A.
M. His funeral was very largely
attended. T.
Alllaace Bleetiaa
The Grand Prairie Literary Society
and Alliance met at the Redenbaugh
scnooi nouse juarcn 4tn, 'Ho, with a
large attendance. The president D.
J. Poe in the chair. Minutes of the
last meeting read and approved. Tbe
first in order was the. literary exer
cises which were good. The debate
was strongly contested on both sides
and decided by tbe judges in favor of
the affirmative. The Germans enter
tained the meeting with songs and
music. Several visitors from Colum
bus present.
The question for the next debate
will be, "Hesolved, That the soldiers
should be paid the difference between
gold and greenbacks." Affirmative,
Charlie- Freeman ; negative, George
Shellito. Several interesting speech
es were made in regard to onr Nation
al legislature on the Reagan inter
state commerce bill, also in regard to
onr State Senate in voting down the
railroad bill. A certain lady of the
neighborhood spoke in favor of the
Alliance. She also said she had been
opposed to the Alliance and in favor
of the republican party. This is what
we want, the ladies on our side, and
we are sure to win.
No further business adjourned to
meet Wednesday evening, March 11,
85. Come' one, come all.
D. Li. Bruen, Sec'y.
Hw f SmlM np m. Tewnu
Under tbe aboye heading an ex
change has tbe following sensible
advice with regard to advancing 'the
interests of a town. The suggestions
are all good and are-well worth the
consideration of all who have an in
terest in the welfare of the town in
which they live.
Talk about it.
Write abont it.
Help to improve it.
Beautify the streets.
Patronize tbe merchants.
Advertise in its newspapers.
Elect good men to all its offices.
Fay your taxes without grumbling.
Be conrteons to strangers that come
among yon.
Never let an opportunity to speak a
good word abont it pass.
If yon think of nothing good to say
about, say nothing bad.
Remember that every dollar yon
invest in a permanent improvement
is that mnch money at interest.
Never "kick" against any proposed
improvement, becanse it is not near
yonr own door, or for fear that yonr
taxee will be raised 15 cento.
In this department tho pcplo talk, and
not tbe editor. Each writer must bold
himself rcafty todefend his principles
and his statements of facts. "Iu the mul
titude or counsel tkere is wisdom." Ed.
vHsn'uthat unite wash a little thin?,
Some neighbors of John Stovice
think so. The Po'sodera are respect
ed as well as other people i. e. all
those that are honest and sober and
.peaceable. X.
IN ACCORDANCE with a resolution
passed at a meeting held February
21, 1885, the articles of incorporation of
tbe Columbus Driving Park sad Fair As
sociation were amended as follows:
1st.. That tbe capital stock be increased
te tea thousand dollars.
2d. That the officers of said corporation
shall consist of a board of ive directors'
who shall elect out of these members a
President, Vice-President, Secretary and
. ju . . - J.G. ItOUTSON,
44-4t Secretary.
Tax-tale jtetiot.
To L. K. Beaver:
Toy are hereby notlied tbat the prop
erty described as follows, to-wit: The
northeast quarter or the southeast quar
ter of Section 23, Township 17, Range 1
east, situate in the county of Platte, State
of Nebraska, was purchased by J. A. Hoed
on the 3d day.of July, 1883, at private
tax-sale at the Treasurer's office In said
Platte county,' for taxes assessed on said
land for the year 1880, that said laud was
taxed in tbe name of - L. K.-Beaver, and
that the time for the redemption of the
same. will expire on the. 2d day of July,
1885. jg-St J. A. Hood.
Tax-iale Jfotiet.
To A. Kovntte:
You are hereby notified that the prop
erty described as .follows, -to-wit: The
northwest quarter of the southwest quar
ter of Section No. 14, Township 17, Range
1, east,'situare in1 the county of Platte,
State.of Nebraska, was purchased by J. A..
Hood on the 2d day of July, 1833, at private
tax-sale at the Treasurer's office in said
Platte county, for taxes assessed on said
land for the year 1830, that said land was
taxed in the name of A. Kountze, and
.that 'the time for the redemption of the
same will explreen the 2d day of July,
1885. 46-3t J.A.HOOD.
v. Tax-Sale lotiee.
To Stephen Burke:
You arehereby notified that tbe prop
erty described at follows,, to-wit: Tne
northwest quarter of tbe northeast quar
ter of Section No. 19, Township No. 17,
Range 1, east, situate in Platte county,
State of Nebraska, was purchased 'by
J. A. Hood on the 2d day of July, 1883, at
private sale at the Treasurer's offlce in
said Platte county, for taxes assessed
for the year 1880. that said land was taxed
lri the name of Stephen Burke, and tbat
tbe time for the' redemption of the same
will expire on the 2d da of July, 1885.
e-3t - J. A. Hood.
Notice To Von-Xesidsat Defendant.
L. H. Jeuett non-resident, defendant:
WILL TAKE NOTICE that oa the
23d day of Feb., 1885, J. C. Cowdery,
Justice of tbe Peace in and for Platte
C'ountj, Nebraska, issued an order of
attachment for the sum of $66, In an ac
tion pending before him, wherein Mary
J. Sells is plaintiff, and L. H. Jewett is
defendant, that property consisting of
plows, hay-rakes, harrows, cultivators,
mowers, tc, has been attached under
said order, said cause was contiuued to
the 20th day of April, 1885. at 10
o'clock a. m.
45-3t Mary J. Sells, Plaintiff.
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb., I
Feb. 7th 1885. f
NOTICE is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice
of his Intention to make anal proof in
support of his claim, and that said proof
will be made before Judge of the District
Court at Columbus, Neb., on the 19th
day of March, 1833, viz:
David S. Zimmerman Homestead No.
8303, for the E. ), or S. W. X. Section
28, in Township 19 north, or Range 4 west.
He names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon,
and cultivation of, said land, viz: Henry
Guiles. John Devine, Oliver Guiles, and
Henry James, all of St. Edward P. O.,
42-6 C HOSTETTER, Register.
Lind Office at Grand Island, Neb.,)
Feb. 16th, 1885. J
NOTICE is hereby given that the fol
lowing.named settler has filed notice
of his intention to make final proof in
support of his claim, and that said proof
will be made before Clerk of the District
Court at Columbus, Nebraska, on March
28th, 1885, viz:
George W. Bullen, Homestead No. 8366,
for the W. K of N. E. i, Section 20, Town
ship 18, Range 3 west. He names the fol
lowing witnesses to prove his continuous
residence upon, and cultivation of, said
land, viz: J. A. Zigler, D. W. Zeigler,
William Sippleand Louis Little, all of
Monroe, Ne
C. HOSTETTER, Register.
To all whom it may concern:
to vacate a road, commencing at the
S. W. corner of Section 2, Township 20,
Range least, and running five hundred
feet due east, and to move the center of
the public road commencing at the above
named Section, Township and Range, 33
feet north, thence running five hundred
feet east, thence diagonal to the center
of the section line, has reported in favor
of the vacation and alteration thereof,
and all objections thereto or claims for
damages must be filed in the County
Clerk'sofflce on or before noon of the
16th day of April, A. D. 1885, or such
Road will be vacated and altered without
reference thereto.
John Staufjtr,
42-5t County Clerk.
In the matter of the Ettate of John Jack
son, deceased.
XTOTICE IS- HEREBY eiven. that the
ll creditors of the said deceased, will
meet the executors of said estate, before
me. County Judge of Platte County,
Nebraska, at the County Court room in
said County, on the 20th day of April,
ik, on me ist uay or June, unto, and on
ne isi uay 01 tiune, vsso, ana
the 8th day of September, 1885, at 10
o'clock a. m. each day, for the purpose
of presenting their claims for examina
tion, adjustment and allowance. Six
months are allowed for creditors to
present their claims, and one year for
the executors to settle said estate from
the 3d day of March 1883.
Dated March 9th, A. D. 1885.
' 46-4t County Judge.
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb)
March 6th, 1885. ?
NOTICE is hereby given that the
following-aamed settler has ailed
notice of his intention to make final proof
in support of his claim, and that said
proof will be made before the Judge of
the District Court, at Columbus, Nebras
ka, on tbe 17th day of April, 1885, viz:
John Logeraan, Homestead No. 8635 for
the N. W. i, Section 26, Township 19,
north, of Range 1 west. He names the
following witnesses to prove bis con
tinuous residence upon, and cultivation
of, said land, viz: Wm. Hoefelman,
John Brunken, George Stretter and David
Stretter, all of Columbus P. O., Platte
Co., Nebr.
46-6 C. HOSTETTER, Register.
Land Office, Grand Island, Neb.)
Feb. 5th, 1885. f
NOTICE is hereby given tbat the fol
lowing named settler has filed notice
of his intention to make final proof in sup
port or his claim, and that said proof will
be made before Clerk of District Court
of Platte county, at Columbus, Neb., on
March 28th, 1885, viz:
John L.C. Bead, for the S. 14, N. W.
tf, W. Jf.N.E.X. Section 28, Township
17, north of Range 2 west. He names
the following witnesses to prove his con
Unuous residence upon, and cultivation
of, said land, viz: Christian Breiaz,
James L. Tripp, John C. Wbltaker,
Frederick Meadel, all ofDuHcan, Neb.
C. HOSTETTER, Begister.
Teas, Cofftts, Sugar, Syrups,
Driatl and Cannta Fruits,
ft othar Staples a
asallTorcel Free te
part eCtae City.
Cor. Thirteenth and K Streets, near
A. Jb K. Depot.
Dry Goods and Clothing Store
Has on hand a
Beady-made Clothing,
Dry Goods, Carpets,
Hats, Caps, Etc., Etc.,
At f rins M were per
I say my goods strictly for cash and will givt ;
benafit, of it.
Give He a call and convince yourself of the facts.
rones to moit-reside&t.
B. F. Stump, defendant will take notice
that on the 9th day of December, 1884,
Boll, Thayer. Williams & Co., a firm
composed of Henrv . Roll, Norton
Thayer, Thos. R. Williams and I B.
Welsh, plaintiffs, filed their petition In
the County Court of Platte County,
Nebraska, against said defendant, the
object and prayer of which is to obtain a
judgment against said defendant for
$247.88, and Interest at 7 per cent, from
Dec. 9th, 1881, on account for goods sold
and delivered to jaid defendant at re
questor said defendant. In said court
in said cause praintits' filed au affidavit
and bond legal and sufficient and thereon
an order of attachment was issued and
levied on certain goods and millinery
merchandise of a value sufficient to pay
above claim and' account, and plaintiffs
pray for a decree selling same. You are
required to answer said petition on or
before tbe 6th day of April, 1885.
Dated March 5th, 18S5.
Roll, Thayer, Williams & Co.
Per their Atty's.,
Macfarland 3c Cowdkky. 4-4
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.,)
Jan. 29tb, 1885. j
XTOTICE Is hereby eiven that the fol-
J3I lowing-named settlers have filed no
tice of their intention to make final
proof in support of their claims, and
that said proofs will be made before
the Judge of the District Court, for
Platte"o. Neb., at Columbus, Nebraska,
on March 12th, 1885, viz:
Nile Lundburg Homestead No. S669,
for the N. W. Ji. S. W. M.. Section 23.
Township 18. Range 3 west: Lewis Ce
der. Homestead No. 8230, for tbe W. i,
N. W. K. Section 28, Township 18, Range
3 west: Swan F. Swanson, Homestead
No. 8992, for the S. & S. W. Ji, Section
34, Township 18, Range 3 west: They
name me lonowmg witnesses to prove
their continuous residence upon, and
cultivation of, said lands, viz: Lewis
Ceder, and Lewis Larson, of Genoa, Neb.,
Jonas Anderson, of West Hill, Neb.. Nils
Lundburg, and Swan Swanson, of Genoa,
414? C. HOSTETTER, Register.
Land Office at Grand Island, Seb.J
Feb. 11, 1883.
NOTICE is hereby given that the fol.
lowing-named settler has filed notice
olhis intention to make final proof in
support of his claim, and that said proof
will be made before the Judge of the
District Court, at Columbus, Neb., on
the 28th day or March, 1885, viz:
Heinrich Schulz, Homestead No. 10033,
for the E.Kof N.K Section 6, Town
ship 19 northjOf Range 1 east, as addi
tional to the W. X of N. E. i of same
section. He names the folio wine, wit
nesses to prove his continuous residence
upon, and cultivation of. said land, viz:
Herman G. Luschen, Herman Ludtke,
John Hallweg, Gottlieb Kranse, all or
Boheet P. O., Platte County, Neb.
43 C. HOSTETTER, Register.
FIltfAl. POOF.
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.,)
Jan. 31st, 1885. I
OTICE is hereby given tbat the
following-named settler has filed
notice of his intention to make final
proof in support of his claim, and that
said proof will be made before the Judge
of the District Court at Columbus, Ne
braska, on the 14th day of March, 1885,
Fritz Hyttrek, Homestead No. 11783,
for the E. X, S. E. .Section 10, Town-
snip Yd, nortn, or .tunge 2 west, tie
names the following witnesses to prove
bis continuous residence upon, and cul
tivation of, saidland,viz: EmilKrings,
Joe. Krings, Jan. Zohan, Charles Schaw
iza, all or Humphrey, P. O. Platte Coun
ty. Nebraska.
416 C. HOSTETTER, Register.
Land Office at Grand Island. Neb.,)
Feb. 17. 1885. f
NOTICE is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice
of his intention to make finalaproof in
sspport or his claim, and that said proof
will be made before Judge of District
Court, at Columbus, Neb., on the 3d
day or April, 1885, viz:
Michael Sheedv and Daniel Sheedr.
heirs orWinneford Sheedv. late or Platte
county. Nebraska, deceased. Homestead
Entry No. 5876, for the N. E. or S. W.
H, Section 10, Township 17, north, Range
least. He names the following witness
es to prove his continuous residence
upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz:
John Browner, Patrick Griffin. Martin
flolleran and Martin Reagan, all of Co
lumbus, Platte Co., Nebr.
4 C. HOSTETTER, Begister.
ISMramalt., - 0XiIA,m.
Plaits aud srmcmcxTiova furkishbd
for all kinds or Public Buildings and
Private Dwellings. Architect or Willard
Block, Child's Hospital, Residence or
Hon. J. M. Thurston, Residence or Hon
John I. Bediek, Omaha: Residence or
Hon. G. W. E. Dorsey, Masonic Hall,
Fremont, Neb; Residence or C. C. Crow
ell, Esq., First National Bank, Blair,
Neb; Residence or Thos. Bryant, First
National Bank;-Schuyler, Neb., and ma
ny others. . 43-m6
Wiitebreast Lump Coal
" Nit "
CaioaCity "
Cslerade Hard . "
. 5.00
. 7.00
Boob & Shoes, Hats & Caps,
fish gooi: m NOTIONS.
sp Ian did stock of
H of Mm in
ly customers the
Cor. Olive and 13th Sts.,
Has alwars
on hand a
line of
new and full
"Well Selected.
Dried and Canned Fmits of all kinds
guaranteed to be best quality.
A well selected new stock which will bo
sold as cheap as the cheapest.
Hour at Trices to si all Pockets !
ana all kinds of i-nnntrr rn-n,i,,.. .i
in trade or bought for cash at the highest
utn.v JJaJlia.
J. E. NORTH & CO.,
lock SpiHg Coal, $7.00 per Ion
Carbon (Wyoming) Coal.
EJdon(Iowa) Coal....
. 0
Blacksmith Coal of best quality al
ways on hand at low
est prices.
North Side Eleventh St.,