The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, March 11, 1885, Image 1

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rfi-M. JtiTisr
QTBusineee and profeoeio&alcarda
of fire lines or leea; per nnnuns, nre
I3f For time advertisements, apply
at this oalce.
aTLegal advertiscmenta at atutato
- m. i. aumsrER & co.
Froprietori and Publishers.
OFFICE, Eleventh St., up tairs
jk in Journal Building.
Six months.... -.---
Three months
tyPor transient ndTortining, aeo
rate on third page.
0-A11 adTOrtlaomonta payable
: '- -
WHOLE NO. 774.
Single copies. ..
'i to
.1 - l.zs c . '
Rnnun s
CASH CAPITAL, - $75,000
Lzan-der Gkebabd, Pres'l.
Geo. TV. Hulst, Fice Pratt.
Julius A. Reed.
R. H. Henry.
-' J. E. Taskeii, Cashier.
Bank of epo-It. DIacoumi
id Esckaace.
CeIIectiom TPreMptly Made
all Polats.
Fay latere! ea Tlaso Oepoe-
Furniture, Chair, Bedsteads, Bu
reaus, Tables, Safes. Lounges,
&c. Picture Frames and
tSTBepairing of all kinds of Upholstery
Buckeye Mower, combined, Self
Binder, wire or twine.
Pomps Repaired on short notice
ISTOne door west of Heintz's Drug
Store, 11th Street, Columbus, Neb. 8
TI'ljIT T)for working people. Send 10
H Hi i p cents postage, and we will
J-LJ-iAJ-l. mail you free, a loyal, val
uable fcaniplc box of goods that will put
you in the way of making more money in
a few davs than you ever thought pos
sible at "any business. Capital not re
quired. You can live at home and work
in spare time only, or all the time. All
or both sexes, of all apes, grandly suc
cessful. 50 cents to $5 easily earned
everv evening. That all who want work
mav test the business, we make this un
paralleled offer: To all who are not well
satisfied we will send $1 to pay for the
trouble of writing us. Full particulars,
directions, etc., fcent free. Immense pay
absolutely sure for all who start at once.
Don't delay. Address Stixsox & Co.,
Portland, 31 nine.
FARMERS, stock raisers, and all other
interested parties will do well to
remember that the "Western Horse and
Cattle Insurance Co." of Omaha is the
only company doing business in this state
that insures" Horses, Mules and Cattle
against loss by theft, accidents, diseases,
or injury, (as also against loss by fire and
lightning). All representations by agents
of other Companies to the contrary not
withstanding. P. AW IIENR1CH, Special Ag't,
15-y Columbus, Neb.
ZBnt a Grand Success.
ter Trough for stock. He refers to
everv man who has it in use. Call on or
leave orders at George Yale's, opposite
Oehlrich's grocery. 9-6m
Livery and Feed Stable.
Is prepared to furnish the public wfth
good teams, buggies and carriages for all
occasions, especially for funerals. Also
conducts a-sale stable. 44
The best accommodation for the travel
ing public guaranteed. Food good, and
plenty of it. Beds clean and comfortable,
charges low, as the lowest. 13-y
Send six cents for
postage,and receive
free, a costly box of
goods which will help jou to more money
right away than anything else in this
world. All, of either sex, succeed from
first hour. The broad road to 'fortune
opeas before the workers, absolutely
sure. At once address, True Co.,
Augusta, Maine.
far IMS. 0 (.
Hi av
... luJ Oatfete. BanH
lkra MawSSU.
III .fatr1TMlMUl I1 ,r.
sjaeAB'gnhlBawaBaap ji,
rsinsi a am
wy XH
: yjfzs-? v
How TUi Bird Cam) by Its Absurd Ap
jlltloa Sometbtar Ahoat It Habit
ud tfc Skill- BaqaliW "or Its Casta-iv
The absurdity of Jccal. names' y?not
more emphaticajjy;shownjtbAn,;.in that
of "turkey," as applied, to the subject
of this article. It was aname bestowed
upon the bird by the English for no
better reason than atrthe time of its in
troduction into England most foreign
articles were supposed to eosnofronitsio
East. The? French' dmdoni- a corrup
tion of cog (Tlndc, and the Italian gallo
d1 India, would imply a similar ignor
ance on the part of the other Continen
tal nations. As a matter of fact, the,
wild turkey was carried tby the early
conquerors of Mexico to theWestjhdia
Islands, thence to Spamand other parts'
of Europe. The.confiieion of the East
with i $bcjrestflqdiesjras probably the
origin of the misnomer. ,
. There can be no question that 'this,
bird, was unknown to, JropleWfOtt'er
lands until atUxJki 'djjstoy ery of Ameiv
ica. The North American continenVis
his birth-place. To the wild stock there
first known the world is indebted for
the domesticated species now. found in
every part of the civilized world. Cultivation,-
it is claimed, has not improved
me unxu. itrojuirca viguruuasircu;u
of the imagination to discover culinary
merits in the wild turkev, which are
not equaled or surpassed by the do
mesticated species peculiar to certain
chosen localities. Moreover, there is
claimed on the part of the wadbird a
more'brilliant plumage.- j This; also is
a popular fallacy.' "The bronze 'turkey
of the farm-yard in his early spring
feather is in size, weight and brilliancy
of color the peer of his savage brother.
The most easily-observed differences
between the wild andfarm-yard bird
are the presence in the latter of a fleshy
dewlap extending from the under man
dible to the neck, the. bare wrinkled
skin of -its head and neck is -much less
blue, and is sprinkled with a smaller
number of hairs.
In the barn-yard species there is a
great diversity of - -color, ranging
from the bronze U. the .purest , white.
The-plumage of the wild bird is a' beau
tiful golden copper, with purple and
green reflections, mottled and blended
with soft black. The. lower part' of
the back is an iridescent brown, and
the ta:l. which is a darker hue, has a
broad black band at a short distance
from the extremity, with an outer bor
der of dark yellowish-brown. The
plumage of the female, a -very much
smaller bird, rarely exceeding nine
pounds in weight, has a gray tinge,
and in general color very much less
brilliant. The male weighs between
sixteen and thirty pounds, the' average
weight being twenty pounds.
No animal, and certainly no other
birr", requires for its capture more skill,
patience, or the exercise of the keener
instincts of the gunner. To be a suc
cessful turkey-hunter one must, thor
oughly understand the haunts and hab
its of the bird. Lightness of foot and
keenness of vision are indispensable.
With many varieties of game fowl a
close imitation of the call of the bird is
frequently "a great assistance. With
the wild turkey, the power to imitate
the gobble of the male or the softer
notes of the female is an indispensable
adjunct to success. There are very
rare and exceptional instances where
persons have the gift of imitating with
wonderful precision and exactness .the
cries of these birds by the .voice alone.
As a rule, however, artificial aid is re
quired; this is lonnd oy making a
"call" out of the small bone of a tur
Jjey's wing or out of wood or brass.
The gobble of the male is imitated by
the human voice alone; the '-"call" is
used exclusively to. counterfeit the
notes of the female. A gunner expert
in the use of this instrument, weirvfild
den in a blind near some open spofl&
our Southern woods for it istherJoMsly
that the few surviving flocks ofavtid
turkeys can be found equipped with
endless patience, may by perseverance
and skill lure the lusty gobbler within
gun-shot He must be alert, however,
or his colored, brother will have har
vested the crop before him. Between
the Southern darkey and the wild tur
key there is an affinity which has exist
ed from the earliest days of slavery.
Since the i ar, as the restraints which
formerly kept the darkey under sur-veilance-
have been removed, he has
waged relentless warfare on the wild
turkey. He scorns all legitimate meth
ods of killing film. He traps him, he
baits him, he "calls" him, and he gives
him no peace at any season of the year.
The results of thislire the same as with
all of our game fowl; the' wild turkey
will in a few years become as extinct as
the dodo.
The proper season to hunt wild tur
keys is late in the autumn, when, after
a summer diet .of wild strawberries and
other fruits, they-have had a couple of
months' run among" the "acorns and
mast. At this season, copiously fed
and in brilliant plumage, they are so
uncommonly alert and shy that only by
the exercise of great skill and patience
they can be approached 'within the
range of a rifle. While stalking these
birds is probably the fairest way of kill
ing them, "calling," where birds are
moderately abundant, is the method
which requires the greatest display of
skill, and keeps the nerves of the hunt
er at a greater tension. Even moose
"calling is not more exciting. If one,
however, has well-trained dogs, is in
sensible to fatigue, and a prime rifle
shot wild-turkey-stalking through the
Southern woods in December is a sport
as exhilarating and fascinating as any
within reach of "the sportsman. Gaston
Fai, in Harper's JPeekip:''
iBveatleaa 1b the CvIIbmjt Art DeslgMd to
Adi Zet to the Appetite.
"We have to be thinking up new
things all the time," remarked a well
known caterer reflectively. "Wealthy,
fashionable people such as give, of
course the handsomest entertainments
want novelties in our line, just as
they do im others; and we have to give
them to them, or they will think we are-
behind the times. Take, for example,
the custom of placing raw oysters on
the table. in Sk partially scooped out
block of. clear ice.Itisa most. exeelr
lent custom. It looks, well .and t keeps
the' oysters at the 'right temperature,
but I should hardly dare to serve oys
ters uf that way at a really -aweU' diii
ner the device is too old." .
"Is the custom of serving birds in
plumage still sanctioned by our "first
"Ys; work of that kind, skillfully
xecwtsd, will, -1 believe, .always be
coMtteced comae il-faat
'The head aad plnmaged skin of the
bird, of whatever kind it- is are first
carefully resaoved, an operation re-
huibst sone uuw s&ut. -iue utru is
L -
bo d with dressing, you know
1 i
and the boBSd meat returned to. the
skin."1 At least, th.tis the way it1J us
ually done. A pheasant jerred in this
wavunakes,. a particularly attract. ve
disk Taft, you know, -aosaetiares
serves 'roasted humming birds -in wal
nut shells, and it is quite "possible s
serve small-sized reed birds im the same
way." I .
"Rather an expensive dish, I imag
ine?" '
"Very: But'some people, yon know,
will pay heavily for havlig their pal
ates. or their fancies tickled. -A com
paratively new and very pretty custom
is that of placing 'a large .mirror in the
.center of the dinner or supper table, as
thecasetaay be, assunooading it with
ssftilafc. .It has the eCsct of a miaia
fare'Iake.: and this elect is heightened"
uuweta--paHi wr wHswwmg w uit
klid-ver its surface?" T-
Diaer tables are. sootiBaes deco
rated with vegetables, are they not?"-'
"165 that has, or late'reara, become
'an-importanf -ieatore"of "dinner-table"
J .? .T TiZ- s-T m. a
uecorauou. oww, carrots, turnips,
eta, can be cat so as to resemble
flowers -Of--many kinds. ' One of our
"cutters" recently made what a casual
observer would have taken for a hand
some basket of flowers, and it was
made, basket and all, oat of vegeta
bles." ' .
i - "Yes," said another leading caterer,
"we have a-numberbf new devices. We
make ice glasses now of the shape of
small wjne glasses aad fill them with
Roman punch. As, perhaps, yon can
imagine, the effect is excellent. Air
other novelty is -a-hotoe- made- of ice
cream, with-.a light iasida of it, giving
it the appearance af a .miniature noose
on fire. ""A rained castle of ice-cream,
with a light inside of it, is also"very ef
fective; and a tower of clear ice, light
ed in the same way, looks like a minia
ture lighthouse. .We make ice-cream
in the shape of .all kinds of flowers, and
put them together in the form of bo
quets. Then we have what appear to
be perfect walnuts, filberts, etc, which
are filled with sugar plums. In mak
ing these we use real shells. We make
imitation cherries, grapes and plums,
and fill them-in the -same way. They
decorate a table very nicely."
"Do you think of anything else
"Oh! yes. 1 heard of a party recent
ly where a caterer served what ap
peared to be perfect eggs, and when
they were opened they were found to
contain live canary birds. One of the
parry, a.young lady, broke into one of
the eggs rather carelessly not know
ing what it contained and by so doing
killed its poor little inmate. I am tola
that her sorrow at the accident rather
interfered with the enjoyment of the
dinner. I hear that a New York man
recently designed what'must have been
a very pretty table decoration, it con
sisted of a miniature forest, made of
spruce, pine and hemlock branches, be
neath which were scattered moss, cones,
pine needles, etc. Perched among the
branches were a number of birds and
little squirrels. I know, too, of a ca
terer who sometimes uses a -musical
cake basket. The minute it is raised
from the table for the purpose of pass
ing around the cake it commences to
play, and when it is again placed on
the table the musio ceases.
"What ' do you consider the most
novel device that you know of?"
"Well, perhaps the most novel is one
that I heard of, but never saw. It was
a large block of clear, greenish Jelly,
in the center of which was a duck, in
full plumage, headed for some sprigs of
celery. The upper surface of the block
was made in little ripples, and looked
just as -water would after a duck had
dived through it Around the- block
grasses were arranged, and I'm told
that the piece, taken as a whole, was
very effective. I've seen another very
pretty piece by the way. It was made
of ice cream, and represented a man in
a sle'gh drawn bv a reindeer Under
neath the sleigh was a music-box,
which played about fifteen minutes af
ter the piece was placed on the table,
and running through the music was
the peculiar grating sound made by
"The custom, "of introducing odd ta
ble devices is very old, is it not?"
"Very. You "will perhaps remember
hearing of Jeffrey Hudson, the celebrat
ed dwarf, who 'nourished in about the
middle of the seventeenth century. He
was. a great favorite of Charles L of
England, and was on one occasion
served up in a pie at a royal entertain
ment. When the cover to the pie was
removed he sprang out upon the table,
clad in full armor: And you remember
Mother Goose's time-honored melody:
And wtaem tbe pie was opeaed
The birds began to stag-,
And wasat that a dainty dish
To set before tbe king?
I have seen and heard of so many odd
devices that I question if even the ap-pearanee-of-
four -and-tweoty black
birds' at a feast would startle me very
much. Boston Globe.
Carefulness in Old Ago.
A medical man compares an old
to an old wagon; with light loading and
careful usage it will last for years; but
one heavy load or sudden strain will
break it aad ruin it forever. Many
people reach tbe age of fifty or sixty or.
seventy, measurably'free from most of
the pains and infirmities of age, cheery
in heart and sound, in 'health, ripe in
wisdom and experience, with sympa
thies mellowed by age, and with rea
sonable prospects and opportunities for
continued, usafnlnesg in the -world foca
considerable time. Iet suck persons be
thankful, but let them also be careful.
An old constitution Is like an old bone,
broken with ease, speeded with diffi
culty. A young tree bends to the gale,
an old one snaps and falls before the
blast - A single hard Eft an. hour of
heating work, an evening of exposure
lo rain or damp, a severe chill, an ex
cess of food, the unusual indulgence of
an appetite or passion, a sudden .fit ot
anger."1 an improper dose 'of medicine
any of these or other similar things cut
off a valuable life in an hour, ahdleave
the fair hopes of usefulness and enjoy
ment but a shapeless wreck.
An adjustable electric, apparatus
has been applied to, a thermometer
which rings' a bell whence3 tempera
ture rises or falls above or below a de
sired point A dry and wet bulb ther
mometer has been jnade which does'
the same thing. It will be readily seen
how useful such thermometers might
be made in discovering incipient fires
aad as an aid to sleepy witch
Chicago Times.
.i ii
A writer in a Frenifc snejlieal je-sr-nal
proposes that cities be aufplie
with-fresh country-air. A large field.
in the country is to, he seurrownded with
a high wall and planted with balsamic
trees to absorb tsiasMeC and the sir
from this field is to be conveyed
through pipes into every tUg house.
-Toojur swells in New York
ions to have white skins hare thent
selves bled or nee cosmetic.--. T.
An actual and careful test shows
that fifty-ight.per cent of the power
exerted in driving the propeller of an
ocean steamship V lost, or rather is as
yet unaccounted for. i ,
--According to the official returns of
the Health Department of "New York
there were resorted in the ten years
' ended with 1883,34,697 cases of diph
theria, of which 15,657 proved fataL
' Perhaps the largest pumpkin-patch
dust ever existed Is located in the Santa'
Clara Valley, CaL, between Los Gates
and San Jose. It extends for six miles
along the line of the South Pacific Coast
A pretty Baltimore girl who ad
vertised for some one who' would be
kind to her received forty offers. the
first day., it ought not to be very
hard to be kind' to a pretty Baltimore
girt Philadelphia Call.
Whan a house is to be let in Mex
ico the owner 'sticks'an' old newspaper
in the window. It isn't very tasteful
eeldom improves the appearance
efthe house, but it is economical and
is understood by tho community.
In three million years the mean' an
nual temperature'of the earth will have
decreased thirty degrees, and eventu
ally the terrestial hemisphere will be
frozen up, according to the latest
astronomical computations. It makes
one shiver to think of it
In Birmingham, Eng., there is
building forthe, London Northwest
ern Railway a pianoforte railway carriage,-
and the London Queen explains
that "appliances will be provided by
which the sound of the carriage wheels
will be deadened so as to preserve the
harmony of the music."
The largest bridge in the world
crosses Lake Ponchartrain, at New
Orleans, and is twenty-two miles in
length. It is trestle-work, on piles,
and is made of cypress wood which was
first saturated with creosote oil, which
renders it impervious to moisture and
proof against the attack of barnacles.
N. O. Picayune.
The American steam brake is now
in use upon nearly all the railways in
both England and France. These
brakes are in most cases manufactured
abroad, but Americans hold the pat
ents. Though no account of this ap
pears in the export figures, American
brains are thus exchanged for Euro
pean cash in considerable quantities.
Chicago Herald.
The seacoast of California has been
visited this season by several varieties
of birds which have never before been
known to leave the mountains. This
has generally been supposed to indi
cate a severe winter, but according to
science, the migration is more prob
ably due to the prevailing scarcity of
all kinds of seeds in the mountains this
season. San Francisco Chronicle.
A young Englishman has insured
his whole body against accident ex
cept his lett leg, which no companv
will now insure, as he is subject to sud
den weakness in this limb, and it has
been the cause of much loss to com
panies. If he has a fall through this
falty member he will be unable to re
cover any amount from the companies
in whose office his body is insured.
N. Y. Sun.
Texas was received into the Union
bv joint resolution of the United States
Congress after a treaty for that pur
pose had been rejected by the Senate,
and under the act it was stipulated
that Texas should keep her own' lands
and pay her own debts. Under the
compromise of 1850 Texas was paid
$5,000,000 for the cession of her claim
to the Territory of New Mexico. Gal
veston Tex.) News.
The marble trade of San Francisco
is worth $4,000,000 annually, one
fourth of which sum has heretofore
been paid to the Carrara Quarry, of
Italy. With the new San Francisco
company operating in the Alaska quar
ries, the city hopes to purchase here
after its entire supply from its own cit
izens, and at the same time to get a
marble of equal beauty as heretofore.
San Francisco Call.
In the time of Louis XV. of France
the ladies at their toilet thought noth
ing of destroying half a dozen pairs of
S'oves before they got one pair to fit.
ey were made of white skins, but
ornamented with little ribbons and fine
rosettes. English sewn gloves were in
the greatest request and it used to be
a common saying that for a glove to be
good three kingdoms must contribute
to it Spain for the leather, France for
the cutting and England for the sewing.
A musical dry-goods man puts the
trade of 1884 in this way: At first it
was an allegro; in March came the alle
gretto fortissimo, and in July followed
the frosty adagio,, with a continuing
cresendo up to December. Then the
recitative was upon us, and the music
of the future became the daily theme.
Piano, piano, pianissimo, and all will
be well was the cry; the big drummer
and the bold trumpeter would dimin
undo somewhat and the careful and
conservative flute and oboe were soon
to lead off! Opus 1885. Chicago Times.
m m
Perpendicular Real Estate.
Apropos of earth, they tell a good
story of Judge Jackson. He went out
to one of the new towns of the Far
West which -is built oh a side hill.
Reel estate was booming and real
estato speculators flocked around him.
One of them conducted him to a lot
about as desirable for a residence as a
perpendicular wall and said: "There's
the place for you! Only six thousand
dollars! Ain't it fine?''
"Ah, but it's so steep in topography
That's just it" said the real-estate
man. "You see that lot below it?
WelL tbe man who owns it will have to
have dirt to fill it up, and he'll give you
five thousand dollars for the earth
graded from your lot"
The next day another real-estate nun
said: "I'll show you a piece of proper-
. There's a fortune in it Look
ere!" and he pointed down toward
the lot below the side-hill that the other
speculator had offered him.
"Yes. but look at that lot above it"
urged Judge Jackson.
"That's just it" replied the specu
lator. "The man who owns it will
give you five thousand dollars for a
place to dump the dirt when he grades
down his lot"
The Judge did .not buy any perpen
dicular real estate. Cleveland Hermld.
Henry Aleendorf was arrested in
"Philadelphia recently for stealing a
.string of sausages, and would have gone
'to the ..penitentiary but for his age
'ninety-five. 'Gray hairs are indeed the
old man's irmot.IhOadelphia Press.
National Bank !
Aitnsriied Capital, - - $250,000
Paid Ii Capital. - ' 50,000
Sirjplis aai Preflts, - " -J 6,000
omens axd dtkkctors.
A. ANDERSON, Prett."
- SAH'L C. SMITH, Viee Pres't.
O. T. ROEN, Cashier.
..J. W. EARLY,
Foreign and Inland Exchange, Passage
Tieketi, ana Real Estate Loans.
afcvol.M-ly .
D.T. Jf iimr, M. D. P. J. SCHUG, M. D.
U. S. Examining Surgeons,
Local Surgeons, Union Pacific, O., N.
St B. H. and B. & M. R. R's.
Consultations in German and English.
Telephones at office and residences,
aarofflce over First National Bank.
p D. EVANS, M. D..
tsro&ce and rooms, Oluck building,
11th street. Telephone communication.
pt J GARLOW, Collection Att'y.
Office with J. G. Higgins. 3i-3m
On corner of Eleventh and North "streets,
over Ernst's hardware store.
Stt Stmt, 8 Jeers west f Haamsad Hosss,
Columbus, Neb. 49l.y
Office on Olive Stf, Columbus, Nebraska
Foreign and Domestic Liquors and
llth street, Columbus, Neb. 50-y
Office up-stairs In "McAllister's build
ing, llth St. W. A. McAllister, Notary
Keeps a full line of stationery and school
supplies, aud all kinds of legal forms.
Iusures against fire, lightning, cyclone
and tornadoes. Office in Powell's Block,
Platte Centei. 19-x
AtUtuj sal Xsurj Pair e. Collietcr.
Columbus, : : : Nebraska.
(Successor to Dr. C.G. A.Hullhorst)
Regular graduato of two medical col
leges. Office up stairs in brick building
north of State Bank. 2-ly
J. J. MAUC211A2V,
Justice, County Surveyor, Notary,
Land and Collection Agent.
narPartieB desiring surveying done can
notify me by mail at Platte Centre, Neb.
T? 0.RVSCRE, .
llth St., opposite Lindell Hotel.
Sells Harness, Saddles, Collars, Whips,
Blankets, Curry Combs, Brushes, trunks,
valises, buggy tops, cushions, carriage
trimmings, c, at the lowest possible
prices. Repairs promptly attended to.
Plans and estimates supplied for either
frame or brick buildings. Good work
faaranteed. Shop on 13th Street, near
t. Paul Lumber Yard, Columbus, Ne
braska. 52 6mo.
Will do general surveying in Platte
and adjoining counties. Office with S. C.
Carpenters and Contractors.
Have had an extended experience, and
will guarantee satisfaction in work.
All klaes of repairing done on Bhort
notice. Our motto is, Good work and
fair prices. Call and give us an oppor
tunityte estimate for you. 0"Shop on
13th St, one door west of Friedbof &
Co's. store, Columbus. Nebr. 483-y
Tin and Sheet-Iron Ware !
Job-Work, Xoofinr and Gutter
ing a Specialty.
tTShop on Olive Street 2 doors
north of Brodfeubrer's Jewelry Store.
His lands comprise some fine tracts
la the Shell Creek Valley, and tbe north
ern portioa of Platte county. Taxes
paid fer non-residents. Satisfaction
guaranteed. 20 y
Datles as Thr Cxlst la
rolnU for ttta PtopU.
For the ordinary work of committee
or societies, it is by no means necessary
that Ihe chairman should be a good
speaker perhaps the reverse, on the
whole. A chairman who likes to hear
the sound of his own voioe will very
soon ruin the committee or nceting
over which he presides, unless steps bo
taxen promptly to remedy the mischief.
The molel chairman should bz able to
say his say in a few brief, appropriate
enteuces when circumstances requires,
it as, for example, in. stating the ob-
'ects for which a meeting is being held;
ut usually he has to do more with
controlling Sao speaking of others.
He must be a man of tact judgment
and an even temper possessing the
knack of coming if need be. to a
swift aud sound- decision upon the
spur of the moment A professional or
business man, of good social standing
in the locality, ought as a rule, to be
invited to take the chair. He will at
once give an air of substantiality to
the committee, stumping it with the
sign and seal of worth. Often enough
the success of a movement or of a so
ciety has been secured forthwith be
cause a certain particular man has
consented to head it And on the
other hand many a committee has
fa led to make the slightest headway
though the object for which it exists
may be unexceptionable simply be
cause the co-operation of Mr. Sfo-and-so
has not been obtained. Though
this may not indicate a very cheerful
state of things, it is nevertheless a com
mon experience. A committee ot
society having been established, and its
chairman appointed, it becomes incum
bent upon the latter to attend the meet
ings with unfailing regularitv. For his
own comfort and convenience he will do
so, since it must be obvious that the mo
ment he "loses touch" with the affairs
of the committee he then and there
labors under a distinct disadvantage,
and his usefulness, moreover, is dimin
ished. In committee work he will have
due regard to punctuality beginning
the proceedings at the selected hour.
If he is lacking in this respect he will
find the members of the committee
soon growing equally remiss not to
the benefit of the business which calls
them together. In committees it is
customary to permit of a good deal of
the conversational style of transacting
affairs, and within well-defined limits
this is unavoidable. But in a meeting:
on a larger scale, public or otherwise,
the chairman must regulate the busi
ness in the strictest possible manner.
Again, Mr. Chairman must take care
.hat his meeting docs its work. Let
him always have it well in hand. He
must not allow any one to speak more
than once or to wander from the sub
ject, or to obtrude upon an unwilling
audience. The only exception to tho
first point is made in favor of the
speaker who introduces a subject and
who is accorded a right of reply
which, however, is usuallj' not clamed
at public meetings. As regards the
second point, he will call the errant
orator's attention to the irrelevancy of
his remarks, and invite him to discuss
the matter under consideration, or re
sume his seat And in reference to the
third, which has not unfrequently
proved itself a thorn in the chairman's
side, should the sneaker persist in ad
dressing people who are manifestly re
luctant to hear him, the chairman" w II
probably be able to put an end to the
unseemly scene bj' requesting the audi
ence to vote as to whether the obstruc
tionist is to be heard or not In all
cases tho chairman must sec that his
ruling is upheld and acted upon. Re
spect for the chair must be a cardinal
principal. CasseVs Family Magazine.
Wonderful Properties 'of a Plaat Walcm
Grows In South America.
Coca leaves, when chewed like to
bacco, arrest the waste of the system
and keep up its nervous tone and vigor.
Dr. Smith, in his "PeruAsIt Is," says:
"When used in moderate quantities, it
increases nervous energy, enlivens the
spirits, and enables the Indians to bear
cold, wet great bodily exertion and
want of food to a surprising degree
with apparent ease and impunity."
in isou, two men ouneu in a mine
eleven days were kept alive by the
small amount of coca they had with
them. The natives of Peru make a
three days' journey over the mountains
with no other support and reach their
destination without exhaustion.
The recent discover.- that the most
difficult surgical operations can be per
formed on the eye without causing
pain, by simply dropping in it a l.ttle
solution of the active principle of the
coca, has given it new interest and we
add the following, gathered from the
New York Medical Uecord:
"The leaves resemble those of the
tea-plant, and in fact, the active prin
ciplesthe alkaloids, as they arc termed
are essentially the same. The tree
grows w Id in the monntains of Peru
and Boliv'a. and is also cultivated in
"In 1864 the annual product was val
ued at two and one-half millions of dol
lars. The leaves are worth in Peru
seventy-five cents a pound. They have
been used by the natives from a remote
antiquity. The high esteem in which
they were held is seen from the fact
that they were among the offerings to
their gods, and it was believed that the
latter would not be propitious unless
the priests chewed the leaves during
the ceremonies. It is estimated that
thirty million pounds are now annually
consumed by e'ght millions of people,
each using two or three ounces a day.
"It is about twenty-five 3ears since
the discovery of its active principle (the
alkaloid) and of the properties of the
latter. Its present name, cocaine (pro
nounced coca-ine), was then given it
"It crystallizes insix-sidcd prisms.
It unites with acids to form various
salts. The salt now used to deaden
sensibility is the muriate of cocaine.
Like all the alkaloids, it is a poison in
large doses, the symptoms being cere
bral excitement complete paralysis of
sensibility, tetanic (fixed) spasms, and
death. It is thought that theine (tho
alkaloid of tea) may have the same
anaesthetic properties, and be substi
tuted for it Caffeine the alkaloid of
coffee is also radically the same."
YouUi's Companion.
The German people, who were
only 25,000.000 in 1816, are now 45,
500,000, and their present rate of in
crease is greater than that of any
European race. The population, which
in France only increases bv 26 a year
for every 10,000 and in Great Britain
by only 101, increases in Germany by
115. and this in spite of a vast emigra
tion which, since 1816, has carried.
away 3,500,000, mostly soung adulu.
The account given me by the oldest
and best informed of my native ac
quaintance (and I am not talking hero
of Bengali demagogues, but of men
holding it rnay be or who have held
high often under Government and de
servedly trusted by it) of the gradual
estrangement which has come about
within their recollection between then
selves and the English: in India, is most
instructive. In the days, they say, of
their youth, thirty and forty years ago,
though there were always among the
company's officers men who from their
abuse of power were disliked and justly
feared, the general feeling of the na
tives toward the English civilian was
one of respect and even of affection.
The Indian character is, affectionate,
enthusiastic and inclined to hero
worship; and the English in early days,
from their superior knowledge and
strength of onaracter, exercised no
little fascination on the native mind.
Nearly all of the older men talk with
reverence and esteem of certain teach
ers who instructed them in youth, and
of certain early patrons to whom they
owed their success in after life and
they willingly acknowledge tho influ
ence exercised over themselves and
their generation by such individual ex
ample. The English official of
that day, they affirm, had more power
than now, but he exercised it with a
greater sense of responsibility, and so
of honor in its discharge. lie took
Eains to know the people; and, tn fact
e knew them well. Except in the
very highest ranks of the service he
was readily accessible. He lived to a
great extent among the people and ac
cording to the customs of the people.
He did not disdain to make friends
with those of the better class, and oc
casionally he married among them, or
at least contracted semi-matrimonial
relations with the women of the land.
This may have had its ill consequences
in other ways, but it broke dowa the
hedge of caste prejudice -between East
and West, and gave the official a per
sonal interest in the people, which no
mere sense of duty, however elevated,
could supply. The Englishman of that
day looked upon India not unfrequently
as his second home, and taking the evil
with the good, treated it as such.
England could only be reached by tho
Cape route. Traveling was tedious
and expensive, the mails few and far
between, and many a retired officer had
at the end of his service become so
wedded to the land of his adoption
that he ended his days in it in prefer
ence to embarking on a new expatria
tion. It is easy to understand from
this that the Anglo-Indian official of the
company's days loved India in a way
no Queen's official dreams of doing
now. Also that loving it he served
it better than now, and was better
loved in return. Fortnightly Beview.
How to Msdc Tffjr, Caramels,
Csady aad Battar-Seotck.
Here are some receipts for making
candies at home which are easy of
For peanut candy half as much sugar
as glucose must be used, and as much
or more weight in peanuts as the sugar.
In fact, the peanuts must be stirred
into the syrup just as thick as possible.
Let the syrup come to a boil, throw in
the nuts, and stir constantly until the
syrup "hairs" when it drops from the
spoou. Then pour it on a slab. That
which is to be cut up in bars is marked
while soft Almond and filbert bars are
made in the same way. Cocoanut
candy is softer. The best cocoanut
candy is that made with some maple
syrup in it
V good proportion for making cara
mels is one gallon of cream, five
pounds of glucose, two pounds of sugar,
using such flavoring as desired. Three
quarters of an hour is long enough time
to cook caramels When done the
syrup should be poured on a slab and
Molasses taffy is made by using three
pounds of glucose to five' of sugar and
one quart of molasses. There is no
candy more difficult for a novice to
make than molasses taffy. It must
neither be cooked too fast nor too slow,
too much nor too little.
Equal portions of molasses and sugar
should be used. To two teacupfuls of
each, for instance, put in about a tea
spoonful of butter and three table
spoonfuls of vinegar. When it is
ready to remove from the fire add
about a half teaspoonful of baking
soda, and immediately pour into a but
tered pan. When cool enough to
handle, knead it just like bread, sprink
ling lemon extract over it and then
pull it well, till you grow tired on
any convenient hook.
Butter-scotch is good only when
fresh. It is made in the proportion of
thrp nnnndu of srlnnnsa tn fiv nf
Mail and Express.
m s
The Silver Question.
There is a young lawyer in our town
who. among other things, is noted for
his ready wit Fortune once smiled
kindly upon him, but now the chilly
breath of her disfavor follows him
wherever he goes, and he is in constant
need of money. Recently he was ap
proached bv a man who inquired of
him hurriedly whether a Government
promissory note for two dollars was a
good bill.
Yes, it is good," replied the law
yer, hastily scanning the bill and im
mediately placing it in his pocket
"Please give it to me?" said the
frightened interrogator.
"I never give advice under two dol
lars," replied the lawyer; "but as I am
a humanitarian and a patriot having
the interest of my country at heart
"take this silver dollar, which I am cer
tain is sure to go into speedy circula
tion, thereby doing your family a ser
vice and saving the Treasury Depart
ment at Washington with being bur
dened with at least one chunk of sil
ver." "The silver question did not trouble
that unfortunate client Albany Ex
press. There is not a man in the State of
Georgia who has had his faith more
fairly tested by family afflictions and
wholesale bereavements than Mr. A.
H. Edwards, of Oconee County, he
losing his wife and five children in less
than forty-eight hours, and if we are
not misinformed he aided personally
in the burial of each, carrying his wife
out of the window of his house at
night to hide her death from the rest of
the family. Crawford Monitor.
Fred Douglass is worth $150,000..
Washington Post.
Moss Alice M. Bacon, an American
girl, has recently won success as at
pianist in Berlin.
Edward Langtry, husband of the!
Jersey Lily, is achieving fame on hi"
own account by writing stones for the;
Irish press.
The King of Bavaria has a daily;
income of two thousand seven hundred
dollars. This slightly leads that of thai
average newspaper man.
Beda Lucas died at Corley, Ark.,
recently at the age of one hundred andi
twenty-five years. She claimed that
her father was a Cherokee Indian and
ker mother a white woman.
Rev. Dr. Robert G.. Seymour has
been Chaplain of the Massachusetts
House of Representatives for six-years,
and during all that time it is saki'that
"he never made two prayora at all
alike." Boston Journal.
L. P. Farmer, the old passenger
agent of the Pennsylvania Road, lived
on a milk diot for one year after he
resigned his position and recovered his
health. He is now in the employ of
tne same company at Boston. Boston
Mr. Hamilton Fish spent seventeen .
thousand dollars a year, Mr. Evarts.
twelve thousand dollars, and Mr. Fre
linghuysen ten thousand dollars, over
and above their salary, while holding
the office of Secretary of State. Har
per's Bazar.
It is claimed by those who are sud
posed to be high authority on the sub
ject that the gentle, graceful and re
toseful blonde young lady, who for so
ong has reigned as queen in fashion's
world, is now, for a season at least to
retire. Harper's Bazar.
Miss Annie Boyer, who died a few
days ago at Middleton, Del., at the age
of eighty-two, left an estate of fifty
thousand dollars and the nails on her
toes three inches in length, it being one
of the worthy spinsters eccentricities
never to have them cut N. Y. Sun.
Victoriano Nievez lives at Carmen,
in Mexico, and is a millionaire. The
other day he and his wife celebrated
their golden wedding anniversary. Ho
gave a banquet and scattered dollars
right and left Five hundred thousand
dollars in one lump was sent to the
poor in the locust-eaten districts and
ten thousand dollars was given to the
Republic to help pay off the American
The late Augustus Sherman, of
Glen's Falls, N. Y., left an estate val
ued at from two million to three
million dollars. Mr. Sherman operated
seven or eight lumber mills, starting
years ago as a workman in one of
them. He was eighty-three years old
when he died and until afew clays prior
to his death gave personal attention to
the details of an enormous business.
Troy Times.
John P. King, Mark A. Cooper and
Junius Hillyer, statesmen of promi
nence long before most people now in
the world were born, aro still living at
their homes in Georgia, and all watch
the march of tbe present actors on the
stage of affairs. Mr. King, who lived
the life of a gentleman of leisure in
Paris as long ago as 1820, was in tho
United States Senate in 1836. Colonel
Cooper was in tho House forty-five
years ago, and Judge Hillyer in the
forties. Chicago' Herald.
Black silk hose for fire companies
are not in vogue this season. Life.
Mrs. Partington says that it is not
true that her son Ike has ulsters in his
throat Somerville Journal.
Klickitat is an Oregon town. A
man with a pistol would doubtless find
something there to klick it at Louis
ville Courier-Journal.
"Aw, do, please. Miss Banger, favah
me with some music. Youh music is
always so chawming, ye know. It
quite transports me." "Certainly, Mr.
Thinshanks. if I can do anything toward
your transportation!" Chicago Times.
A Mormon editor of Salt Lake City
had the following in a recent number:
"The unknown woman who was killed
at this place about three months ago by
the cars proves to be one of the wives
of the editor of this paper." Chicago
A firm in Japan is about bringing
out a-work called the "Meifin Titcu.
Why one of those things was not
brought out years ago has always been
a mystery to us. We don't seu how the
Japs managetl to get along without
Norrislown Herald.
Little Willis had often stood by
the window and watched the robins
feed their young. "Ma, did you know
our hired girls eat worms?" "No,
Willis, of course she does not." "Yes,
she does, too. I seed pa a-feedin her
behind the kitchen door this mornin'."
Oil City Derrick.
wContributed by the coachman:
I "Mp speak tbe words her tongmo did falter.
?SjO Spi
it an ner icurs ami prayers wc-rc mie;
father forced her to tho halter.
For bo'd determined oa the bridle
She did not wish to stirrup strife.
And so bar feelings sbe did smother;
But saddlo bo hor married life,
Sbe wedded one. but loved another.
Boston Courier.
There is a charming absence of
circumlocution about the following
verdict recently rendered by an Arkau
sas Coroner's jury over the remains of
a well-known drunkard: "The feller
come ter his death by switchin' off from
one kind o' whisky "ter another. The
moral o' this hear verdick Ls, don't
switch." Arkansuw Traveler.
"And what is the name of the man
whom you are to bless with your hand
and heart my dear?" "Oh, his name
is Arthur Mills." "And how do you
like him?" "Oh. he's just the loveliest
of men a heaven-sent prize. He's a
trifle slow, though." "On, well, never
mind that You know the mills of the
gods grind slowly." Boston Times.
Master "Well, Susan, did you
mail my letter as I told you?" Faith
ful servant "Yes, sir;but I had it
weighed first and as it was double
weight I put on another stamp."
Master "Good girl; only I hope you
didn't put it on so as to" obliterate the
address." Faithful servant "Oh, no,
indeed sir; I just stuck it on top of tho
other stamp so as to save room."
Paris Paper.
The particulars of the Freedom
affair have at length come to hand. It
seems that Freedom was skating
around the rink in company with Koe
dusko on the evening in question,
when her foot slipped in attempting
the grape-vine roll, and she went over,
.carrying her partner with her. "Free
,dom shrieked when Kosciusko fell!"
Of course; so would any other girl in
her place. Kosci must have weighed
two hundred and seventy-five pounds,
without his skates, at the time. Buf
falo Express.