The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, December 17, 1884, Image 3

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i r
At cost
At A. & M. Turner's.
"Follow the crowd"
To E. D. Fitzpatrick's for toys.
JlMHger faraitmre.
Mask ball New Year's eve.
Toys at cost at A. & M. Turner's.
"Wool hose at Condon & Mc
Kenzie's. A fine list of new books at A. &
M. Turner's.
A full line of groceries at Condon
& llcKenzie's.
Horse blankets and lap robes at
F. II. Ruschu's. 32-5
Albutns, the finest in the land, at
E. D. Fitzpatrick's.
Coffins and all kinds of funeral
goods at Muuger's.
Toys from all parts of the world
E. D. Fitzpatrick's. 8-31-it
Rubber goods just opened out at
Condon & McKenzieTs.
You will save money by trading
at Wermuth & Hcettcher's. 21-tf
Keep in mind the Cornet Band'?
mask ball New Year's eve.
Christmas cards in silk, satin and
plush at E. I). Fitzpatrick's.
Toys, a great variety and cheap,
at A. & M. Turner's, 11th st.
Go to Honahan's for boots and
shoes. Bargains for cash only.
When every base burner fails to
give you satisfaction try a Grand.
The cold weather of Monday
made trade in warm clothes lively.
Call and bee the Wonderful Mus
ical Ship, and large doll at "Fitz's."
Sociable at tho residence of Rev.
O. V. Rice to-night. All are invited.
Pride of the Kitchen Soap, for
cleaning tinware, at Win. Becker's.
Honahan will sell boots and shoes
cheaper than ever for cash and cash
only. 32-3
The most toys for the money at
A. & M. Turner's book and music
Guns and ammunition are sold by
Wermuth & Bcettchcr at bottom
prices. 20
Only one of those Grand square
base burners left at Krause, Lubker
& Co's.
Revs. Pangborn and Cruise have
been holding a protracted meeting in
Down, dovn, toys are down
cheaper than ever at E. D. Fitz
patrick's. Beautiful hanging lamps Buil.ule
for holiday presents at John Heit
kemper's. 31-4t
Desirous to close out our stock
of toys, we offer them at cost. A. &
M. Turner.
The celebrated bane burner
"Splendid" for sale at Wermuth &
Bcpttcher's. 21-tf
The celebrated Moline wagon sold
at very low figures at Wermuth &
Bcettchcr's. 20
For the largest aud best assort
ment of holiday toys call on John
Heitkemper. 31-4t
A car-load of new blue grass
seed received from Lexington, Ky.,
at Oehlrich Bro's. 29-6
The largest and best assortment
of cook stoves and ranges at Wer
muth & Bu-'ttcher's. 20
Highest grade of silverware at
reduced prices at A. J. Arnold's, op
posite Clother House. 32-4
Boots and shoes at Condon & Mc
Kenzie's. The best heating and cooking
stoves for the least money at Wer
muth & Bcettcher's. 21-tf
Parties in need of dry goods can
save ten per cent bv buying for cash
from Condon & McKenzie.
Pianos and Oryaj. A hand
some Christmas preseut, save money
and buy from E. D. Fitzpatrick.
All new goods at Condon & Mc
Kenzie's. Books, books, gift books from 1
cent up, at E. D. Fitzpatricks's.
All persons indebted to us on
note or account are requested to call
and settle. Taylok, Schuttb & Co.
The Phosa McAllister Dramatic
Co. appear at the Opera House Fri
day night in "Ingomar, the Barbarian."
Morrissev Bros. & Weaver al
ways pay the highest prices for all
kinds of grain. Give them a call.
Krause, Lubker & Co. ofTer spe
cial inducements in order to close out
every heating tove they have on
No goods delivered on Christmas
and New Years day. Store open only
from 9 a. m. to 12 m. Julius Ras
musson. 34-3
Ten per cent discount given on
all cash purchases of dry goods of one
dollar and over at Condon & Mc
Kenzie's. The lira department was called
out on Thursday to test the wells on
13th 6treet which have lately been
put in repair.
Last and only chance in this year
to get a fine heating stove cheap,
cheaper than ever before, is at Krause,
Lubker & Co's.
The provident Santa Claus has
been looking over the shops and stores
to find something suitable for the
X good boys and girls.
John Timothy, Esq., dealer in
school books, stationery, etc., at Platte
Center is the authorized agent of the
Journal at that place. 5-tf
A. & M. Turner's book and mu
sic store is now located in the Jour
nal building, Eleventh st. School
supplies kept on hand.
AH parties knowing themselves
indebted to the undersigned are re
quested to come forward and settle
OB or before Jan. 1st. V. A. Macken.
At cost
At A. & M. Turner's.
Two horse thieves passed through
town Friday on their road to Lincoln.
The walls of the new schooi
building have been completed and
the same will soon be enclosed.
Arrangements are being made
by which those desiring can proenre
costumes of F. W. Ott for the Band's
mask ball New Year's eve.
A. & M. Turner have moved their
book and music store to the Journal
building on 11th st. They are selling
their stock of toys at cost, to close
them out.
Morrissey Bros. & Weaver have
put in a steam engine in connection
with their elevator, and also milling
apparatus for grinding chopped feed
and corn meal.
About all our merchants have
learned that the best method of ad
vertising is in the columns of the
newspaper or by poster or circular,
exclusively theii own.
Anthony Keller shows us an egg
weighing four ounces, laid by one of
his Plymouth Rock hens, that is res
ponsible for one of this kind every
other day. Valuable bird.
From reports from neighboring
towns it seems that Columbus is
leading this winter in paying all the
market will bear for the marketable
products, especially corn and hogs.
Everybody buying a dollar's
worth of toys from John Heitkemper
will be entitled to one chance in a
drawing for a beautiful, large doll to
come off on Christmas Eve. 31-4t
In our description of Mr. J. II.
Reed's new barn, in another place in
these columns, we omitted to mention
the fact that Mr. Fred. Blasser was
tho efficient builder of the same.
Chas.Zieglcrsaith the base burn
er they bought will keep fire forty
eight hours with one hod full of coal.
It is the prize stove exhibited by
Krause, Lubker & Co. at the fair this
fall. 5-33-tf
Even collectors are not. happy
these times, and complain that ex
pense bills of the officers are about all
the returns they are able to get in
even when extreme measures are
resorted to.
The first snow of the season in
these parts fell last Saturday. The
fall was slight, and if there is any
good result it may be in making the
stock fields temporarily less danger
ous to cattle.
Parties knowing themselves in
debted to the undersigned and whose
account is past due. will please pay
the same before Jan. 1st, 18S5, or it
will be collected by law. Julius
Rasmusscn. 34-3
A runaway team attached to a
load of lumber made things de
cidedly lively on 13th street on Wed
nesday of last week, but did no ser
ious damage. Did not learn who
was the owner.
A dozen eggs or a pound of
butter is worth more than a bushel
of corn, and double the amount of
these marketable products and it will
command more cash or its equivalent
than a bushel of wheat.
Rev. Father Smyth of O'Connor
sends us a renewal of subscription
with these words of cheer: "The
Journal is always a welcome visitor,
bringing as it does every week, tid
iugs of friends never to be forgotten."
All parties knowing themselves
indebted to the undersigned, will
please call and settle on or before
Dec. 30th, 'S4, after that date all un
settled accounts will be placed in the
hands of a collector. Condon & Mc
Kenzie. 34-2
There i6 no vaunting announce
ment Euch as "fifteen artists aud every
one a star" about the coming of the
McAllister Co., but their repertoire
contains such dramas as "Romeo and
Juliet," "As You Like It," "Ingomar,
the Barbarian," etc.
Columbus Engine Co. No. 1 will
give a grain! ball on Christmas night
at the Opera House. The boys never
fail to make their balls very pleasant,
and of course all lovers of the dance
will remember to arrange their holi
day amusement program accordingly.
All parties knowing themselves
indebted to tho nndersigned are re
quested to come forward and settle
on or before Dec. 25tb, '34. All ac
counts not paid by the aforesaid time
will be placed in hands for collection
without fear or favor. J. B. Dels
man. 32-4
Regular services at Grace church
on next Sunday, the fourth in
Advent, also St. Thomas' Day, Dec.
21. Christmas services at 11 a. m.,
Thursday Dec. 25. The S. S. will
participate in the services of that day.
The public are cordially invited to be
The Columbus Cornet Band will
give a mask ball on New Year's eve
at the Opera House. The ball is be
ing gotten up for the purpose of a
holiday good time and to aid the
Band to pay for a set of new silver
horns, five pieces of which have al
ready been purchased.
Our hog dealers were kept busy
last week. D. Anderson paid in one
day to three farmers over $1,100 for
fat hogs, and paid ont the same day
$1,700 for hogs alone. He also ship
ped out in ten days about fourteen
cars, and this only about two-thirdB
of what was shipped from Columbus
in the same length of time.
Mr. John S. Kerr, who some five
or six years ago, with his family and
team spent a few days with friends in
tbiB city, then on bis way from Cadiz
Ohio, to Wyoming Territory, is now
the owner of a large and valuable
ranch, and was chosen at the recent
election to represent his county in the
Territorial legislature. Grit and true
merit is putting John at the bead of
the class of weatera pioneers.
At cost
At A. & M. Turner's.
In a talk with one of the city
school board, the'other day, ye repor
ter learned that the city schools were
doing excellent work this winter and
consequently giving good satisfac
tion. The probability is that about
the first of January the high school
department will remove to the new
Report of H. E. S. S. or Sunday,
Dec. 14, '84. Attendance 58. Com
mittees were appointed to arrange
for the Christmas tree, Christmas
evening. More teachers are needed.
Who will come forward and assist in
instructing the youth? Song prac
tice on Tuesday and Thursday, at
4 :30 p. m. at church.
A dispatch to Grandma North
from her eon, the Major, last week,
announced that on the 9th instant, the
boat containing the Wild West outfit
6auk in the Mississippi near Rodny,
Miss. Of course the dispatch could
not contain minute particulars but
there was no loss of life, and, it ie
concluded, no serious loss of property.
It is a little late in the season for
big records in wild goose shooting,
but this is an open winter and there
may be plenty of opportunity for
sports who would like to beat that of
August Ifflin who relates that inside
of two hours he bagged twenty birds.
The exact locality of this wind-fall
of luck might be of interest to some
of our sportsmen readers, but ye re
porter neglected to note it.
The public schools will close
Friday, Dec. 19, for the Holiday vaca
tion. To-day public examinations
will begin in all the grades. Friday
afternoon beginning at two, literary
exercises of a pleasing character will
be held in the different rooms. It is
hoped that parents and others will
visit the schools during these exami
nations and look into the work. The
winter term begins Jan. 5, '85.
Some "Smart Aleck" in Custer
county, possibly with a desire to
emulate the enterprise (?) of some of
our daily newspaper reporters in get
ting up sensational lies, has been
humbugging the local press of that
county with a fictitious account of a
horrible murder, which has been cop
ied extensively by the press of the
State. That fellow's reportorial pro
clivities Bhould be summarily snuff
ed out.
The Gordon Press, published at
Gordon, Sioux county, Nebraska,
mentions the fact that a B. & M. rail
road official recently spent several
days at that place and opines that he
was there in the interests of that
road. It does not seem improbable
that the B. & M. may conclude to
branch out into the new northwest
from some point where it has tapped
the U. P., and why may not that
point be Columbus, and the lime the
year of 1885?
Wm. Smith returned Saturday
last from Lincoln. He gives a favor
able account of the capital city and
the improvements made this season.
The new German House, diagonally
opposite from the Commercial, is des
tined to eclipse that institution, hav
ing all the modern conveniences of a
first-class hotel. The water works,
just completed, will give Lincoln
ample protection against fire and fur
nish abundance of pure water for
household purposes.
It would appear that a party from
David City recently tried successfully
a little confidence racket in this city.
By representing that he bad money
in the National Bank of David City
and was a little short of cash, through
the endorsement of an acquaintance
here, who believed him to be an
honest man in a little strait for money,
he succeeded in getting one of our
prominent citizens to endorse his
draft, which draft the said citizen
was subsequently obliged to pay.
The Platte County Teachers' As
sociation will meet at the west end
school house Columbus, Jan. 9th, '85.
All teachers and patrons interested in
the school work, are earnestly solicit
ed to be present and listen to the fol
lowing programme: Music; M.
Brugger, paper, method of study ;
George Harmon, paper, writing and
drawing; Mazie Carrig, select read
ing; J. J. H. Reedy, paper, book
keeping in the public schools; M.J.
Hogan, paper, bow to teach arithme
tic. Music ; Edna Schrack, recitation ;
Augustus Davis, paper, incentives to
A lawyer the other day, in the
trial of a suit here said that D. L.
Brueu had been sent for to help out
the case ; that Bruen, although a farm
er, didn't do anything but read anti
monopoly papers, of which he took
more than anybody else In the county.
It is true that David takes a great
many papers and reads them, but he
is also an industrious man otherwise,
and the lawyer who undertakes to
bamboozle bim on politics, will have
to get up early in the morning, and
eat whale for breakfast. Certain gen
tlemen perhaps remember a contest
they once had with Brnen and how it
Thursday evening last Geo. B.
Hardell, manager of the skating rink
here, accompanied by his little son
and several of the best skaters of the
city, besides a number of young
folks who joined the company for the
purpose of a good time, took the
train for Albion to be present on that
night at a grand opening of the new
rink at that place. Of those who may
be mentioned as expert skaters were
the Misses Emma Heeben, Mary
Tschudy, Phoebe Phillips, Jennie
Finnecy and little Enor Clother,
Messrs. Fred. Mullen, Chas. Finnecy,
Geo. Smith and Chas. Pearsoll.
Altogether, the delegation nunbered
about twenty persons.
W. M. Cornelius was at Ulysses
last week on legal business.
John Myer started Saturday to try
bis fortune at the capitol city.
Mr. John Penfield, bsnker of St.
Edwards, was in the city last week.
Judge R. L. Rossiter, of Platte
Center, was in the city last Monday.
Mrs. Walter Gat ward of Cedar
Rapids is visiting friends in the city.
Lon Miller started to Chicago Tues
day morning with a shipment of
S. A. Cooper and wife of Bellwood
are guests in the family of W. B.
Bacus. E. Johnson, with E. J. Baker, Run
ning Water, Wyo., is home for the
Frank Hagel, of Boone county, a
former Columbus boy, is in the city
visiting friends.
Young David Chestnutwood is
again a resident of the city, in the
employ of F. W. Ott.
J. G. Reeder and Harry Newman
were the guests of the metropolis of
Shell Creek last Friday.
W. H. Winterbotham, of Genoa,
was in the city last week and made
this office a welcome call.
Mrs. S. Button, of North Hebron,
N. Y., has been visiting her daughter
Mrs. Anna Galley for the past week.
Sheriff Brown, of Seward was in
attendance at the meeting of the
State Association of Sheriffs held in
the city last Thursday.
Daniel Jenny has been troubled
with a very angry felon for days past.
It Is doubtful if Job was peatered
with one of these pain-mills.
J. E. North and wife started last
Sunday morning for a visit to the
exposition at New Orleans, expecting
to be absent about two weeks.
There was a family re-union at W.
J. Belknap's last week, at which were
present from abroad Mr. Belknap's
brother with his wife, aud also his
sister Mrs. Clayton.
A. D. Walker returned last week
from a trip through the northwest
portion of the state. We understand
he was seeking an advantageous in
vestment in real estate.
Jack Echols went to Albion Thurs
day last to commence work on the
school house at that place, the con
tract for the painting of which was
awarded to him on a bid.
Mrs. F. W. Riemer will visit the
exposition at New Orleans and also
the home of her childhood some
where in the Sunny South we be
lieve in the state of Kentucky.
Miss Foster, teacher of the Morse
school, four miles west of the city,
was taken suddenly very ill during
school hours on Friday last, to the
great alarm and distress of her
Miss Clara Cook, kuown in this
city from childhood as Clara Rickly,
who recently joined her father at
Dodge City, Kas., writes to frieuds
here that she is well pleased with her
new home.
Dr. Bixby of the Nance County
Journal was in the city last week and
made us a pleasant call. He has the
true idea of an editor's duty to guard
the public against all manner of fraud
by publishing facts.
W. B. Backus, of the efficient corps
of city teachers, has classes in the art
of penmauship in the city and at the
Bean school house, numbering
twenty scholar, to whom he is giving
excellent satisfaction.
H. P. Coolidge started yesterday
morning for Ida Grove, Iowa, to be
present at a re-union of the Coolidge
family. The family is quite numer
ous, and will be united for the first
time in seventeen years.
Mrs. Zetta Cooper, who has been
engaged in teaching the Humphrey
school, has been compelled to take a
vacation on account of ill health and
is again in the city at the home of
her sister, Mrs. W. B. Backus.
David Duffy aud family of Alligan,
Mich., arrived in the city lat week,
and expect to make Nebraska their
future home. Mr. Daffy has been a
resident of this state before, and so
much pleased with it as a temporary
home, that now he comes to stay.
C. C. Valentine returned last week
from his duties in the 9th judicial
district as court reporter. He men
tions as an interesting item in the
court proceedings of Cedar City,
Wheeler county, that three persons
plead guilty to a charge of horse
stealing. They were sentenced by
Judge Tiffany to two years each in
the pen.
Miss Phosa McAllister, support
ted by a first-class company, open
their engagement at the Opera House,
Friday night. The play selected is
that magnificent love story of Marie
Lovell, "Ingomar, the Barbarian." It
is a rare treat to have one of the
standard dramas presented here, and
especially one by the gifted authoress.
It is in happy contrast to the trash
usually dished up, and even if devoid
of the scenic effects and accessories
worthy of the piece, it will be enjoy
able if well rendered. Miss McAllis
ter comes under the tongue of dis
criminating report as an admirable
actress. The St. Paul Press says,
"She is the finest actress that has ever
graced the stage in St. Paul." If this
be true, her rendering of Parthenia
should be the best we have ever beard
here. The company is a large one
and is highly spoken of by the eastern
and southern press. The Salt Lake
engagement was so great a success
that it was extended one night be
yond the season advertised. We trust
our people will manifest their appre
ciation of the standard drama by
giving the McAllister company a
crowded house.
WMIck Aralies to the Yictlau of I
Laii Week's Fallare.
The Journal in its last week's issue
merely mentioned the fact that Mrs.
B. F. Stump, late milliner and dress
maker in this city, had failed and that
her stock of roods was in the hands
of Oberfelder & Co., of Omaha, by
authority of a chattel mortgage held
by them. Since that time further
facts in connection with the matter
have been developed which will be of
interest to the public, and also the
fact has appeared that Mrs. Stumps
list of creditors is much larger than
was at first supposed, her liabilities
aggregating, in round numbers, to her
wholesale dealers and other claimants
who have been represented here, to
about $15,000, to say nothing of num
berless bills for small amounts, which
are in the back ground in utter hope
lessness of realizing any portion of
themselves in a scramble. The larg
est claims were held by Oberfelder &
Co., of Omaha, who were creditors to
the amount of $2,900, Rosenheimer &
Levis, St. Louis. $2,600, and Chas.
McDonald. Omaha, $1,500. It would
appear that Messrs. Oberfelder & Co.
first became aware that their interests
were in danger, and immediately set
about securing themselves. They
telegraphed their lawyers here on
Sunday last and the next morning
were in possession of the store by
virtue of the mortgage before men
tioned, and commenced to dispose of
the goods. And right here let us re
mark that for lightning rapidity in
securing a debt by a mortgage and
ultimately taking possession of the
property, that record ia hard to beat,
as the entire proceedings did not
cover a lapse of more than twenty
four hours. During the day every
thing was serene and lovely for the
fortunate claimant, and the goods
went off at the sacrifice figures like
hot cakes. On Tuesday attachment
proceedings were instituted on behalf
of Rail Thayer, Williams & Co., and
ihe eager throng of seekers after bar
gains wero compelled to await an
adjustment. The claim of these par
ties amounted to $247.88. Appraisers
were appointed and goods sufficient to
cover the claim were taken from' the
stock, and again the doors were
thrown open to the public. But the
raking in of the shekels was once
more interrupted on Wednesday, this
time in the interest of Lederer, Strauss
& Co., of Des Moines, Iowa, with a
claim of $97C. A repetition of the
preceding attachment proceedings
followed, and the final kick against
the order of things which had been
instituted by the party of the first
part, Messrs. O. & Co., was made by
Chas. McDonald, of Omaha, who re
pleviued a parcel of the goods and
took them from the stock.
This little cross-purpose business on
the part of the different claimants will
doubtless lead to considerable litiga
tion and will consequently be fruit
for the lawyers. It is understood to
be the iutention of Oberfelder & Co.
to sue the bond, in each instance. In
the meantime the firm has bad clear
sailing in the closing out proceedings.
The Stumps made their advene in
the business circles of this city some
thing over two years and a half ago,
and up to the very time of their un
doing enjoyed the confidence of the
best business talent of the community.
There was a brach store at Ulysses,
on the B. & M., and we believe a store
at Norfolk, on the U. P., was also sup
plied with stock from the store here,
though having a business responsibil
lity of its own. Mrs. Stump was the
ostensible head of the business, and it
seems to have been money which was
undoubtedly her own, coming to her
from her father, with which the bus
iness here was first started, B. F.
Stump, the husband, however, ap
pearing to manage the business part
of the enterprise, and attending prin
cipally to buying the goods. He bad
been absent from the city for several
days previous to the climax in affairs,
with the avowed intention, we be
lieve, of looking up a new location
for business.
There are different opinions here as
to the exact status of this affair, and
as to who is responsible for the fail
ure, and where the money has gone.
The theory which seems to find most
favor here, notwithstanding the fact
that Mrs. S. professes to believe that
her husband will come back is that
a swindle was deliberately meditated
by Stump, which theory seems justi
fied by the fact that the vast amount
of goods purchased have been dispos
ed of in a very short time, there being
left to the creditors here not to exceed
$2,500, and we understand the branch
store to be similarly short of availa
ble assets. To this apparent swindle
Mrs. S. may be an accessory and she
may not.
The Seward Reporter of last
week mentions the fact that "a slick
looking chap was around in the resi
dence portion of the city selling sil-'
ver-plated ware, which he carried
around in his over coat pocket,"
which singular manner of conducting
a business created suspicion that he
was a crook and the sheriff took him
in on suspicion that be was disposing
of the fruits of a recent burglary at
Omaha. No evidence could be ad
duced to warrant bis detention, how
ever, and he was turned loose, and
later with a man who seemed to be
acting as a partner in the enterprise
he took the train for Columbus. Of
course, every crook, dead-beat and
scalawag that gets within hailing dis
tance of Columbus, comes to see us,
and will come until our people shut
their hearts and their purses upon
them, and make it impossible to live
and thrive among us.
All persons indebted to me, either
by note or account must settle forth
with, as after the 1st of January all
claims will be placed in the hands of
a collector.
34-2 (Dajt Condon.
On account of the stringency in money matters
and the low prices of grain we have determined,
for the NEXT 60 DAYS, to close out our winter
stock of
At such prices as will make the poor able to buy
better goods than they could afford to buy before,
and the rich anxious to buy more than they are
really in need of.
This Sale will be for Cash Only !
Give us a call before you purchase somewhere
else. Please remember the place,
J. H. Galley & Bro.,
Has now on hand a
Parlor Suits,
Chamber Suits,
Kitchen Suits,
All for sale at
A Fine Hearse at the
K v0n&Ww4Fsr-JBL JL.
Heavy and Shelf Hardware,
Stoves and Tinware,
Pumps, Guns and Ammunition.
The Celebrated Moline Wagon Sold Here.
Notes from ike Neigkborhood of the
Beaa School House.
J. W. Davie has leased the England
Duncan Webster has removed to
Polk county, opposite Duncan.
Chas. E. Morse contemplates rent
ing his farm and removing to Co
lumbus. Mrs. Wm. Hess, who has been on a
visit to Pennsylvania, returned home
last week.
Mrs. Isaac Jones was taken serious
ly ill while engaged in out-of-door
work one day last week, and for a
time her life was despaired of.
Averages at the M. E. S. S. for
the periods named, ending Nov. 30th :
Attendance, 49; collection, 48 cts; '.l
weeks, 45, 44 cts ; 4 weeks, Ait, 45 cts ;
5 weeks, 45, 44 cts ; G weeks, 44, 41
cts; 7 weeks, 40, 37 cts; 8 weeks, 39,
35 cts ; 9 weeks, 38, 34 cts. For Dec.
7th, '84, attendance 54, collection G4
cts. Averages for like periods be
ginning Sept. 5th, '84: Attendance,
29, 27, 29, 33, 35, 35, 30, 38 ; collection,
2G, 22, 22, 26, 30, 31, 32, 34 cts. Aver
aging from later date shows best for
the school, but the necessity of care
in the workiugs of the school to keep
up the percentages must be held sec
ondary to the training of those In
attendance. f
A. Lawyer's Opialoa of laterest
to all.
J. A. Tawney, Esq., a leading at
torney of Winona, Minn., writes:
"After usiug it for more than three
years, I take great pleasure in stating
that I regard Dr. King's New Dis
covery for Consumption, as the best
remedy in the world for Coughs and
Colds. It has never failed to cure the
most severe colds I have had, and in
variably relieves the pain in the
Trial Bottles of this sure cure for
all Throat and Lung Diseases may be
had Free at Dowty & Chiun's Drug
Store. Large size, $1 00. 11
Baclilea Aralca. Salre.
The Best Salve in tins world for
Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcer?, Salt
Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped
Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all
Skin Eruptions, and positively cures
Piles, or no pay required. It is guar
anteed to give perfect satisfaction, or
money refunded. Price 25 cents per
box. For sale by Dowty & Chinn.
june 18-y
Corn Starch is the most delicious of
all preparations for Puddings, Cus
tards, Pies, fec. None equals it in
Pority and Whiteness. This 6tarch
never varies; is made from selected
Corn ; a marvel of strength and whole
lomeness ; more economical than any
other, and is recommended by the
best Chemists as being free from
adulterations. Ask your grocer
for it.
splendid assortment of
Book Cases,
Sofas, &c,
Moderate Prices.
Command of the Public.
Ab Aaawer Wasted.
Can any one bring us a case of Kid
ney or Liver Complaint that Electric
Bitters will not speedily cure? We
say they can not, as thousands of
cases already permanently cured and
who are daily recommending Electric
Bitters, will prove. Bright's Disease,
Diabetes, Weak Back, or any urinary
complaint quickly cured. They pur
ify the blood, regulate the bowels,
and net directly on the diseased parts.
Every bottle guaranteed. For sale at
5Cc. a bottle by Dowty & Chinn. 1
"Another Preclnrt."
"Nov. sixteenth, eighty-four,
Long remembered be the day,
Just after the election o'er.
There came to 'JutldV to stay."
We congratulate Mr. J. J. Judd and
are happy to hear that mother and
child are doing well. We are inform
ed by the attending physician that the
boy tips the beam at eleven pounds,
so that we need not be surprised at his
poetic effusion. It i.- enough to make
any one sing. T.
I herewith notify all tax-payers of
Columbus township that I will re
ceive taxes at my house on Mondays,
Wednesdays and Fridays, and, alter
Dec. 15th, every day, except Sunday.
33-3 Jacob Louis, Collector.
To Tux-payer.
I will be at Wm. Bloedorn'a hard
ware store in Platte Center, on Dec.
5th to 11th, for the purpose of col
lecting taxes; also at hotel in Lost
Creek, on 15th to 17lh.
Ed. IIoakk, Treas.
Letter L.IhI.
The following i a list of unclaimed
letters remaining in the post-otlice. in
Columbus, Ken , for the week ending
Dec VI, IsSJ:
C David Cunningham.
G Mrs. Lise Grover.
H Thomas llelltn, 2.
3i S. Kiuholz.
I Herthe Preibe.
X Norris C. Stull, Garrison Shadd.
W W. B. Williams.
If not called for in 30 days will be sent
to the dead letter office, Washington, D.
C. When called for please say "adver-ti.-ed,"
as these letters are kept separate.
II. J. Hudson, P. 31.,
Columbus. Kebr.
sroOKEK To Mr. and 3Irs. George
Spooner, on the ICth inat., a son.
GALLEY To Mrs. Anna Gallev, wife
of J. J. Galley on Monday the sth'inst., a
nice bouncing son.
PRICE EUSDEK In this city, Dec.
13th, at the residence ot the bride's
parents, by County Judge .I.J. Sulliva'n,
Mr. Frank J. Price to Miss Mary Etisden,
all of Columbus.
dence of the bride's parents Mr. and Mr.
H. J. Hudson, Wednesday evening. Dec.
10th, by Kev. O. V". Rice, Mr. Richard
Jenkinson and Miss 3IabeI Hudson, all
of this city.
A large number of the relatives and
friends of the happy couple were in at
tendance, and the wedding presents were
both useful, valuable and beautiful. The
Journal adds its sincerest congratula
tions to those of the hundreds of others
of their friends here, for long life and
Description. S. T. R, per Acre.
W.Joi fS. E. K--13 1" least $12 00
Kot S. W. .... 13 17 1 " 12 50
J4fS. E. K It IT 1 " 12 CO
E. H 1.1 IT 1 ' 15 00
W. . .. 15 IT 1 " 13 00
H of X. E. H . 21 IT 1 " 15 00
E. Ji 22 IT I " 15 00
W. SI IT 1 " 12 00
VofK.E.Ji . 23 IT 1 " 12 00
E. y 21 IT 1 " 12 00
li of K. W.i....3l IT 1 " 10 00
Terms: One-third cash, balance on
time to suit purchaser at 3 to 10 percent,
interest. Apply to
J. W. IjOTE,
Fremont, .eb.
Corn in ear . ...
Corn shelled
Oats new,
Fat Hogs
Fat Cattle
Rock Springs nut
Rock Springs lump
2 60(23 50
10 14
3 00
3 OO35 00
3 00
$ 5 00
14 00
ti 50
T 00
C 00
G 00
Advertisements under this head Ave
cents a line each insertion.
Choice quality of Nebraska winter
apples at Win. Bockfi-'s. 41-lt
For good young lirredmg stork of
all kinds, call at Hloomiugilale slock
farm. A. Heurich. o0-tf
Come and see the Queen lce corn
sheller and grinder combined at
Henry Luers's. .12-3
Wm. Schiitz makes boots and shoes
in tho best styles, aud uses only tho
very best stock that can be procured
in the market. 52t
All parties against whom I have
notes and accounts will be sued in ten
days after notice to settle is given,
unless favorably heard Irom. C. J.
Garlow. 4-2p
Thos. Flyun has on hand a largo
number of brick and is burning still
more. Those who know they shall
be in need of brick would do well to
call at once. 11-tf
We have made arrangements to fur
nish to Ihe subst-riluT" of this paper,
that excellent agricultural and stock
journal, The Xi bra-s.a Fttrnwr, for the
small .sum of .l.Ct per ye:r. The
Farmer is published at Lincoln, Neb.,
O. M. Druse, Editor, and is devoted to
agriculture and stock growing in the
west. Every fanner should take it
Send $UX) to this otlice and we will
have the Fanner sent to vou.
From the farm of L. II. Jewell, five
head of calves, two marked with
swallow lork in rteht car and two
with same mark iu 'ett ear and one
with under slope in right ear. Any
one returning or givinjr information
of the same will be suitably rewarded.
L. II. .Iewei.l,
:il-2t Lost Creek, Xeb.
I.:ib1 fur Male.
In Colfax Co., near Platte Co. line,
80 acres, 70 of which are under the
plow ; frame dwelling, horse and cow
Btablea, cow pheds and corrals, corn
cribs, windmill and 2 pump (water
40 ft. from 'urtace), some lruit and
forest trees.
Also 1G0 acres, 120 under cultiva
tion, 7 acres of forest trees. Both
tracts have lir-t rale Mock range, and
road facilities. $2,500 tor each tract,
on easy term.
la-x K. Macicenzik.
Improved and Unimproved Farms,
Hay and Grazing Lands and City
Property for Sale Cheap
Union Pacific Land Office,
On Long Time and low rate
of Interest.
tSTFinal proof made on Timber Claims,
Home-tead-) and Pre-emption.
J3TA11 wi-hing to buy laiidi of any du
acription will plea-r i-all and examine
my listoflamU before looking eNe where
E37AI1 having land- ti ell will please
call and give me a description, term,
prices, etc.
E3J-I a"so am prepared to tn-jiire prop
erty, as I have the asreney of -everal
tir.-'t-cla?.- Fire insurance companies.
F. W. OTT, solicitor, -peaks (irrman.
NA.mi:i. c.s.nirn.
30-tf ( olumbu-, N'ebra-ka.
And all kinds of countn produce ta
ken in trade, and all goods deliv
ered free of chary e to any
part of the city.