i a m h M M ftfattbtisfttttttNl WEDNESDAY, DEC. 17, 1884. Sexatou Maxdebsoi:, at his own request, has been released from ser vice as member of the committee on claims. It is believed that the Spanish treaty will meet with strong oppo sition at Washington on account of some particular local trade interests. News has been received by Presi dent Arthur of the successful nego tiation of reciprocity Ireatiee with Guatemala, San Salvador and the United States of Columbia. Secuetauy Telleh, postmaster general Hatton, assistant postmaster Hazen and railway superintendent Thompson will form a party to attend the opening of the New Orleans exposition. It is claimed that the North was sufficiently solid to give Mr. Blaine a plurality of 431,000 voteB, notwith standing the fusion of Butler and Cleveland in Michigan, Iowa and Nebraska. The Omaha lice is good authority for the statement that the C. B. & Q. railroad proposes extending its sys tem of roads into Northern Nebraska, in the same manner they havo sup plied the southern portion of the state. The fourth annual meeting of the Nebraska State Farmers' Alliance will be held at the Academy of Music in Lincoln, Tuesday evening, Jan. 27tb, 'S5, and continue four days. By authority of the president, J. B. Reynolds. The presidential electors met at Lincoln on the 3d inst., and elected C. II. Dewey chairman and A. L. Burr, secretary. R. B. Harrington was chosen messenger to Washington and C. II. Dewey chosen to deposit tho duplicate of the proceedings with Judge Dundy. There is an effort being made to have President Arthur open the great exposition from Washington City by electricity, setting the whole ma chinery of the exposition in operation by the touch of the wire at the White House. The President has decided to perform that pleasant duty. Late the other night the creamery owned by a company and located about a half milo south of Kearney, Neb., was burned to the ground. It is not known how the fire originated. The cost of the building was $7,000 and was insured for $4,000. It is un derstood that the company will re build in the spring. llroacl JLefftslation. For years the people of Nebraska have been demanding restrictive rail road laws at the hands of tho legisla ture. The demand has been parried, pushed aside, thwarted, until the sen timent haB grown to such proportions that there is no longer anything like even a show of opposition against it. The railroad organs that two years ago declared there was no railroad monopoly in this state and could be none, that there was no ground for opposition to railroad dictation (be cause there was no dictation), that freights and fares were low enough, &c, are now, by the force of public opinion and nothing else, compelled to assume a different attitude, viz: that there are wrongs committed by the railroad companies that ought to be righted ; that thero arc just rights invaded, for which remedies must be found. The people will find, how ever, that this is merely tin assumed attitude on the part of the organs re ferred to, and that they will really be found in opposition to ovcry just measure looking towards the libera tion of the business public from the yoke of railroad dictation. The Saxon race havo almost unlim ited faith in the efficacy of a statute, and are not well content so long as what ought to be declared law, is not so declared. What is left uudono by the next legislature will so remain for two years yet to come, and it behooves members to settle upon a lino of action, and promptly carry it out. It seems to us that the people will bo satisfied with a law limiting pas senger faro to three cents a mile, mak ing its provisions so binding that the railroads cannot run through it. As to freight tariffs, it is not so easy to fix the basis, but Homcthing can be done so that the producer may have some profit of his labor, and not leave him at the mercy of the companies who fix the rates at the highest notch that will bear shipment at all. The conscientious representative of the people who shows himself able to cope with the railroad attorneys, and to organize the people's representa tives to express in 6olid law the peo ple's will on this question will make himeelf an abiding name in the annals of the state. CONGRESSIONAL. aary of the Most Isapertaat DoIbgp of tbe Body. The striking miners at tho village of Angus, Iowa, have created great excitcmem at that place by arming themselves with shot-guns and small arms with the determination of forc ing the new men out of the mines. Gov. Shormnn 1ms been applied to and has ordered out troops, to pre vent any outbreak rather than to quell actual riot. A good thing for our legislators to do would be to secure the passage of a bill that will place delinquent taxes within the same restrictions as any other debt which outlaws after a cer tain period. Why should the state havo more rights than the individual? Jiurtonian. By the same token why should there he a five per ceut. penalty un less it goes to the school fund, or twenty per cent, interest, instead of eight or ten ? People thought it was a big jump down from forty to twenty, hut just why tho state should be allowed so much more than the in dividual, is not clear. The federal grand jury at Chicago returned hills of indictments to the United States district court tho other ovening against Joseph C. Mackin, secretary of the Cook county demo cratic central committee. Arthur Gleason and Henry IJiehl, clerks in the county clerk's office; Dr. S. Strausser and S. P. Shields and Peter Hansbrough, judges; and Edward Kelly and W. J. Sullivan, clerks of election in the second precinct of the eighteenth ward, at the late election, in the Brand- Leman fraud. Bench warrants were at once issued for the arrest of the indicted persons. North-Nebratilra Bar. The members of the Bar of North Nebraska are hereby requested to meet at Norfolk, Nebraska, Tuesday, the 23d day of December, 1884, at 10 o'clock a. m., to consider the matter of formulating such amendments or changes to the Code and Statutes of our State as may be agreed upon at such meeting, and to make proper provisions to have such suggestions presented to the next Legislature, through our North-Nebraska repre sentatives in that body; and for the further purpose of having a fraternal, social time, and something to eat. N. A. Rainbolt, Brome & Ddrlaxd, J. C Sherwin, Augustus Satti.ek, J. L. Pierce, Wkjtox&Whitham, Geo. N. Beels, Isaac Powers, Jr., Jas. II. Brown, J. H. Cole. Norfolk, Neb., Dec. 8th, 1SS4. Tho above call for a meeting of the bar of North-Nebraska, we clip from the Elkhorn Valley News of Norfolk, and cheerfully give it space in the Journal. There is undoubtedly room for much improvement to the code and statutes of our state in the interests of all, and if, as has been suggested, the members of the coming legislature be invited, and should par ticipate in the deliberations of the body, there is no reason why much good in tbe general interest may not be accomplished in the way of ueces Bary amendments. Appointments. McCulloch, of Maryland, secretary of the treasury; Frank Hatton, of Iowa, postmaster-general ; Schuyler Crosby, of New York, for first assist ant postma6ter-general ; James Har lan, of Iowa, presiding judge of the court of commissioners of Alabama claims; John Baker, minister resident and consul general to Venezuela; Thomas O. Osborne, of Illinois, min ister resident and consul general of the United States to tho Argentine republic; Wm. P. Dun woody, of Iowa, member of the national board of health. McPheuson- introduced a bill in the 6enate to suspend the coinage of sil ver dollars. The bill provides that tho secretary of tho treasury be dir ected not to re-issue any United States treasury notes of a denomina tion less than $5 and destroy those now existing; that upon the deposit of silver bullion the depositors shall receive silver certificates having on their face the weight and market value of tho metal deposited in gold dollars. The resolution calling for an investigation into the leases made by the Indians of their lands was agreed to. A bill in the house making temporary provision for tho naval service, was reported from the com mittee ot the whole and passed. In the centennial M. E. conference sitting at Baltimore the other morning several resolutions were referred to appropriate committees, one of which proposed a uniform hymn hook. A friend suggests that the present col lection of hymns used in the church service may he good enough, but the music is certainly a great failure. If the conference will adopt and use Bradbury's music, it will gain a great point in the church service. This friend has no other interest in the matter than the fact of securing first class music for the M. E. church. senate. The chair laid before the Senate an application of Frank Hatton, ppstmati tcr general, asking for an appropria tion of $100,000 for tbe railroad postal car service, for the remainder of tbe current fiscal year. Mr. Mitcbel read a letter from Gen. Grant, in which tho General express ed a hope that the bill would be with drawn, as under no circumstances could he accept a pension even if the bill passed both houses and received the approval of the President. The bill was withdrawn. The finance committee agreed unanimously to report favorably the nomination of Secretary McCollough. By Mr. Blair for an appropriation of .$50,000 to promote tho colored peo ple's world's exposition to be held in Chicago in September '85. By Ingalls, making tho day of tho inauguration of the president of the United States a legal holiday in the District of Columbia. Sherman introduced a bill to pro vide for the erection of a6tatuc to the memory of Lafayette. Slater called up the Oregon Central land forfeituro bill, but the senate, by a vote of 2!) to 30, refused to con sider it. It was then decided by a party vote yeas 34, nays 25, to tako up tho bill for tho admission of Dakota. The repub licans voted in tho affirmative and democrats iu the negative. Sheffield, the new senator from Rhode Island, has been appointed to the membership of tho committee on claims, mines and mining, revolution ary claims and woman suffrage. Sabin to the committee on examining the several brauches of the civil ser vice. Dawes to the committee ou naval affairs. Slater to the committee on Indian affairs. Morgan to the committee on fish and fisheries, aud Maudorson to the chairmanship of the committee on printing. The Senate passed a bill authorizing the Commercial National Bank of Chicago to increase its capital stock. Tho Nicaraguan canal treaty and Spanish reciprocity treaty were re ceived from the President. The treaty with Hawaii and San Domingo has been signed. nousE. Bill introduced by Townsend, pro posing a constitutional amendment providing that treaties shall be made by and with the consent of the House, as well as tho Senate. By Ryan, to open a homestead set tlement in certain portious of the Indian Ty. By Beach, a bill to maintain eecrecy of the ballot in the election of repre sentatives and delegates to congress. By Ellis, appropriating $25,000 for the erection of a monument to the officers and men who perished in the Greeley expedition. Chalmcr? introduced a hill to re store a republican form of govern ment to the state of Mississippi. Referred. Derisive laughter from the democratic Bide greeted tho read ing of the title of this bill. The hill makes it a crime punishable by fine and imprisonment for any person to assault, intimidate, threaten or insult any inspector or clerk appointed by candidates for congress at each voting precinct, who shall be permitted to witness all the proceedings, aud it further provides that state and con gressional elections shall be held ou the Bame day. liobison, of N. Y., submitted a res olution calling for further informa tion relative to tho imprisonment of American citizens in Great Britain. A joint resolution for continuing the work of the census bureau passed. The proper committee have agreed upon a bill appropriating $60,000,000 for pension purposes, and the bill will be submitted to the House. Keil'er offered an amendment to the bill relative to qualifications for ap pointments to the grade of lieutenants in the army, confined to graduates of a military academy, meritorious non commissioned officers and including enlisted men and making the law ap plicable in time of foreign war. The bill was passed. C. S. Corp, one of the oldest resi dents of Wahoo, aud a well known attorney, died on the morning of the 12th iuBt, after an illness of only a few days. He prosecuted several cases in tho district court only the week before his death. The city property committee of Philadelphia, Pa., held a meeting the other day and the question of send ing the old liberty bell to the New Orleans exposition came up and re sulted in a tie vote and the subject was postponed. A private dispatch received tho other day in New York from Vienna, says the suspension of the mortgage company caused a great pauic ou Vienna bourse,, shares falling from 70 to 30 florins. Many banks are embarrassed. The workmen in tho American Iron Works, at Pittsburg, about one thousand iu number, have decided to accept a reduction of 10 per cent in wage1. The laborers at the Cresent stool works have also accepted a reduction. It is stated that many negroos of South Carolina, becoming tired of tho rulo of the government of that state, aro leaving in large numbers for Arkansas and California seven hun dred having started already for California. The committee of North Nobraska Conference of the M. E. church has located the conference seminary at Central City on the proposition of the citizens to donate half a section of land adjoining tho corporation aud $20,000. A TERR) kle gale the other day pre vailed on the Rappahanock river cap sizing tho boats occupied by about twenty-seveu colored men dredging for oysters, who wero drowned. Thirteen bodies have been recovered. Citizens of Nebraska have been awarded the following patents: George Grebe, DcWitt, burglar trap ; John D. Reed, York, electro-magnetic car uncoupler; Dian B. Wirt, Hast ings, mouse trap. It is stated iu an exchange that within thirty days 70,000 meu havo been thrown out of work in Penn sylvania, Now York aud Now Jersey. The list is growing, but tho end will soou be reached. Recent news from St. Paul states that a special from Golden City, B. C, says that a commercial traveler named Baird was killed aud robbed of $4,500 near that place. A large number iu give abundauce of water "on tan " hot pursuit. auywhere in the basement, so that the caro of stock will be a pleasure for the products of the laud. We had heard from a dUtanre aud seen, something of Mr. Heed's now barn ou tho bluffs north of town, but only the other day did wo look at it at short range, and surely it is worth seeing by every man who has a farm in Nebraska, and expects to keep in the business of raising grain and stock. No description, however ac curate, will do justice to the struct ure, and nothing but an actual view of tho premise will give one au ade quate idea of its meat usefulness. Built on a side hill, entrance is made at either eud on a graded road, euding in a bridge next to the barn, so that a wagon, heavily loudened with graiu or hay, can enter at one door, be unloaded, and pass out at the othor. Tho barn is 7Cx9G feet, 12 feet high at the eaves, and 42 feet high at the comb. Tho north wall, into the hill, is G feet high, solid stone. Tho base ment story is 9 feet high, very solidly built, and neatly partitioned. The young stock, oue hundred head, are in a place by themselves; the older stock, two huudred head, will be tied, two aud two, in stalls, while tho horses will have a place provided for them. Wo think Mr. Reed's plaun for ventilating the basement are com mendable. The usual ventilator will be placed at the comb iu tho center of the building, while large, square chutes will reach from the lower ceil ing to near the roof, answering the double purpose of a hay aud feed chute from tho upper story, (by opeu ing a side-door) aud as au oscapo of impure air from below. The upper room, any lively farmer would call a "daisy." One side, to be filled with wheat, oats, corn, barley, e.c., the other with hay, with a feed- room for placing a stalk and coru cutter, a grinder, a big churn, etc., the man who sees every hoof under him in warm, comfortable quarters, with plenty of good rich provender to eat, will feel that ho is doing his work as he ought, and we aro very sure that this will be one of the sources of greatest comfort to Mr. Reed, that, in the hardest storm that blows, he may sleep sound, knowing that tho crea tures under his care are comfortable and thriving. With a barn like this, one man could better tend this stock than four men could the ordinary way, and with less feed. An elevated tank near the wind-mill is capable of hold ing 175 bbls. and a cistern of 400 bble. to catch the drip from the roof will FIAL. PROOF. Land Office, Grant! Island, Ncb. Dec, 10th. 184. f NOTICE is hereby given tint the fol lowing named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in sup- Eort or his claim, and that said prool will e made before Clerk ot District Court of Platte county, at Columbus, Neb., on Friday, January 30tb. 18S5, via: Wadyslaw Bogus, Homestead No. 9G57, for the N. of S. E. . Section 8, Town ship 19. north of Range 2 west. He names the following witnesses to prove bis con tinuous residence upon, and cultivation or, said land, viz: John Torcon, Charles Szawica, John Chechon, Charles Kula.all of Platte Center, Platte Co., Neb. 31-0 C. IIOSTETTER, Register. FFNAL. PROOF. Land Office at Grand Island, Neb..) Due. 12th, 1881. f NOTICE is hereby given that the following-named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make tinal proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Judge or the District Court, at Columbus Nebraska, on the 21th day or January, 1385, viz: Peter Karney Hmetcad Entrv No. 10015 ror the N. K. J. Section 2 Town ship 10. North, Range west. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultiva tion of, said land, viz: T. Brady, Henrv McCabe, James Butler, aud "Thomas Reagan, all of Platte county Xeb. 31-0 C. HOSTETTER. Register. COLUMBUS BOOMIIsTG! FINAL. PROOF. Land Otliee at Grand Inland, Neb.,) Nov. 12, 1881. NOTICE is hereby given that the following-named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make tinal proor in support or his claim, and that said proor wilt be made berore Judge or District Court, at Columbus, Nob., on the 27th day or December, 1881, viz: Johaun .Muting, Homestead No. H51MI, ror the S. Z, N. W. , Section C, Town ship If) north, of Range 2 west. He names the follow in; witnesses to prove his con tinuous residence UDon.and cultivation of, said land, viz: Croiby, S. E. Morgan, Peter Noonan. James Noouan, all or Platte County, Nebraska. ao-0 C. UObTKTTEK. Kegister. WM. BECKER, DKALElt IX ALL KINDS OF STAPLE AND FAMILV GROCERIES! I KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND A WELL SELECTED S I'OCIv. Teas, Coffees, Sugar, Syrups, Dried and Canned Fruits, and other Staples a Specialty. CHEAP FUEL! Whitebreast Lump Coal Nut k I'aiion City " Colorado Hard ' J3TA GOOD SUPPLY. 5.00 4.50 7.00 10.00 TAYLOR, 8CHUTTE& CO. 45.tr CJocmIn llivro(I Free to part of Hie City. aay C'or. Thirteenth and K Streets, near A . fr iV. Depot. JACOB SCIIEAM, )DKALKIt I.N DRY GOODS ! Boots & Shoes, Hats & Caps, furnishing goods m notions. LOW PRICES FOR CASH. ."l-tt FINAI, PROOF. II. S. Land Olliee, Grand Island, Ncb.,1 No.'2t;tb, 1884. J NOTICE is hereby given that tbe fol lowing named settler has tiled notice or bis intention to make tinal proot" in support or bis claim, and that aid proor will be made berore tbe Clerk or tbe Dis trict Court or IMatte eountv, at Colum bus, Nebraska, ou tbe 0th dav or Jan uary, isn, viz: John J. Maughan, Hc.me-.tead Entrv No. 11170 Tor tbe S. E. , Section 31, Township 20 north or Range 3 west. He names tbe following witnesses to prove bis continuous residence upon, and cul tivation of, said land viz: Thomas Gogan ot" Farrall post-office. Michael Lehnerz of St. Bernard post-office, Peter Karuey, Thomas F. Noon, or Liudsav post-otlice, all or Platte Co., Neb. 32-U C. IIOSTETTER, Register. THE REVOLUTION Dry Goods and Clothing Store Has ou hand a splendid stock of I Fkaxcis Messineuk, Annie Lynch aud Ellen Colgaro wore burned to death the other cveuing at Chicago, in a lire on the second floor of Gray, Toynton & Fox's candy factory. The Spanish government has ac cepted the modus videndi treaty ot commerce with Euglaud. Spain con cedes to England's "most favored nation's clause." Chinese telegraphic messages arc sent in figures, each word being rep resented by a certain number, aud the receiving operator translates tho fig ures into words. It has been computed that during tho next 250 years, there can be only one total eclipse of the sun that of August 12, 1999 which can be secu in England. Minors and married women arc allowed to open accounts in French Government saving banks without the authority of their parents or hug-bands. Musk-rats in Tawas Lako are building their houses in rather ele vated location?, which is taken as an indication of high water in the spring. Of the forty-nine railways iu Rus sia only four use wood, notwithstand ing every lino runs more or less through immense forests. A. IJ. Wilson, the inventor of the Wheeler and Wilson sewing machine, was taken the other day to a Hart ford insane retreat. A petition is bciug circulated mong the farmers and business men of this county, addressed to the U. P. road, to reduce the freight rate on grain from here to Omaha to twenty cents per hundred pounds. It is our honest conviction that tbe road should heed the prayer of this petition. It would really benefit the road !t6elf, besides reviving business with our business men, give tho farmers a fair price for their corn, and make busi ness for the road. Unless something of this kind is done to aid the farmers of the county, times will be hard, not only with them, but with all classes of our people. With a fair price for corn, farmers can pay on tneir in debtedness, aud some of them have a surplus to keep them over wiuter. David City Tribune. Prince Alexis Saigo, of Japan, who has been a member of the house hold of Baron De Struve, tho Russian minister in Washington for cpuomi years, died on the morning of the 10th inst., of typhoid fever. The Prince was only eleven years old. Col. Oyama, Japanese minister of war, now on a visit to this country, will accompany his remains back to Japan. Fairmont has been recently infested with a gang of hog thieves. The other day Wm. McEwen, A. E. Teck, L. Teck, Grant Jeweese and James Simpson were arrested and will soon have a preliminary hearing. The parties are young and all live in that neighborhood. It is understood that one of the prisoners -will turn state's evidence. Charles Stevens, the desperado known as "Omaha Charley," who killed Herbert Kramer, at Marysville, Mo., Dec 3d, was tho other morning taken by a mob from the jail and hung to a railroad bridge near Marysville. Notwithstanding the efforts of the sherifl to keep off the mob, that officer was overpowered and the prisoner captured. Sioux Citv bad a firo tho other morning burning the Clifton House and Northwestern Hotel. Both were old buildings. The latter was the first structure of the kind in tho city ana was famous for nianv oarlv events that occurred there. General Hancock was given a reception at the hotel on his visit to that place several years ago. A recent writer has discovered that the two alleged greatest men of all times, Julius Ciesar and Napoleon Bonaparte, could not regulate and control their own wives, and they had six between them. This would seem to show that it is easier to govern the world than one's own household. This news comes from Paris in the La France-that the Chinese com mander has been commanded to sus pend hostilities. rather than a task- There are numberless ways in which such a structure is valuable on the farm. Here is the dairy, for in stance. The milch cows can be treat ed to any sort of extra feed, and no interference from the others. The hay, under cover, is worth much more than when exposed. The root, cellar, near by, where will be stored the succulent turnip and the saccha rine beet, will yield up its treasures, while the feed room above will pour down the cheap raw product which helps tectum off 80 to 100 lbs. of rich butter per weo, for which the good wifo can always get a gilt-edged price, aud find a ready market. Mr. Reed, like other cattle men in this country, is thoroughly alive to the importance of raising good hogs, and is already Dlacino- dinner ttm length of his barn on the south side an addition 10 feet wide, with several apartments and outside yards for the accommodation of his large number of hogs. Mr. Reed is also a believer in thor oughbred stock, as his fine, large herd amply testifies; evidently, he is lay ing his plans to make everything on the farm secondary to tho stock in terest, and we noticed that he is not without some experience in tame pasture, having 6eedod down twonty five acres to rye, timothy and clover, which he said made a very excellent pasture for pigs. FINAL PROOF. U. S. Land Office, Grand Island, Neb, Nov. 15th. 1884. VTOTICE is hereby given that the fol i lowing named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make tinal proor in support or his claim, and that said proot will be made before Judge or District Court, at Columbus, Neb., on tbe 27th day or December, 1884, viz: Franz J. Nnssen, Homestead No. !rl0, ror the E. y., or N. AW M, Section 14, Township 1J north, or Range 1 east. He names the following witnesses to prove bis continuous residence upon, and cul tivation or, said land, viz: II. Hacken- hus, II. Wurdcman, II. Kcrscli, II. Asche, all or IMatte Countv, Neb. S0-G C. IIOSTETTER, Register. FIiAl, PROOF. Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.,) Dec. :!d, 1884. j NOTICE is hereby given that the rol-lowing-named settler has tiled notice or his intention to make tinal proor in support or his claim, and that said proor will be made berore the Clerk ot the Dis trict Court at Columbus, Neb., on January 8tb, 18.V, viz: Bird W. Ellis, for the W. y., of S. W. K Section 4, Township 10. Range 1 eat. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, anil cultivation ot, saul land, viz: .John Wurdenian, Herman Wilkin, Fred Itoen ing and Henrv Kersch, all ot Columbus, Nebr. :i3-(J C. IIOSTETTER, Register. Ready-made Clothing, Dry Goods, Carpets,, Hats, Caps, Etc., Etc., All t never m of Before ii Colirtis I buy my good, .trictly for cadi and will give my customer, the benefit, of it. Give Me a call and convince yourself of (he facte. I. GIUCK. YOUR BEST TIME FOR ACQUIRING A PRACTICAL EDI.'CATIO.V IS NOW. FILIAL. PROOF. Laud Office at Grand Inland Neb. J Dec. ad, 1881. f NOTICE is hereby given that the following-named settler has tiled notice ot his intention to make tinal proor iu support of his claim, and that said proot will be made before the Clerk or the Dis trict Court ot IMatte county, at I'oluin buH, Nebraska, on .Saturday, Jauuary 17th, 1885, viz: Karl August Harnapp, Homestead No. f.00, for the E. N. W. J .Section '22, Towuship 19. north Range 1 cast. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and culti vation of, said land, viz: Henry Her chenhan, Henry Iirock, of Columbus, Platte Co., Neb., Henrv Kersch, John Doersch, of Ncboville, i'latte Co., Neb. 33-G C. HOSTETTER, Register. CONDON & McKENZIE, Cor. Olive and 13th Sts., Have alwavs on band lint- of a new ami mil GROCERIES, "Woll Selected. Dried and Canned Fruits of all kinds Ifuaranleeil to be best qualify. The South lost iu tho late war more men than England did in all her wars from William the Conquerer to Queen Victoria. Mr. Losses by fire in the United States during the current year have been es timated to amount to about $110,- 4 000,000. It appears that cholera has not en tirely left Paris. Twenty-one deaths reported last week. It is proposed iu New York to erect a monument to Father Matthew, of temperance fame. Tub wheat crop of America is said to have doubled during the last ten years. The average daily coneumptiou of eggs iu the United States 18 45,000,000. ADDITIONAL LOCAL. Sekatou Sherman favors the stop page of tho coinage of the silver dol lar, or else making it 470 grainB, in stead of 412, which would raise it to a gold standard and make it passa ble throughout tho world. If this change were to be made, Mr. Sher man states that be believes tbe effect on trade would be magical. A smart rascal and thief by the name of Fuller representing himself to be Mr. Fuller, President of the Des Moines Iowa Loan and Trust Company, swindled the citizens of Omaha the other day out of about $2,000, besides several swindled par ties yet to hear from. Woukmzx engaged in cleaning out a cellar in the Carlton house, N. Y., found the decomposed body of a woman which had lain for manv years in tbe place where found. The indications were that the woman had been murdered aud the body buried in the cellar. An Ilotir at J. II. Reed'a. The Journal is anxious to do what it can to further all good interests of the community in which it lives and moves, and to this end is desirous of knowing about all the striking, sub stantial improvements made by busi ness men and farmers, in Platte county. Every man who takes from tbe landscape any part of its unsub dued condition and makes it blossom as the rose, does a good thing for himself and also for bis fellow meu. He who encloses a pasture, erects a shelter, constructs a dwelling-house, puts up a barn, adds, not only to the value of his own farm, but to that of every acre in his township. In Pennsylvania, a state noted for its fine farms, 4he immense, side-hill barn is oue of the chief fixtures of the place, and a regular bank of deposit . tit. Edwards. Lewis Wright has Durchased 80 acres in section 9, of Wm. Saun ders, and built him a house; it begins to look homelike already. We hear Mr. K. II. Johnson has rented his farm, sold his team and contemplates moving to St. Edward as soon as he can build a house ; has bought a lot and let the contract for building the bouse. John .Clark, late from Ohio, has purchased the farm owned by Mr. Hugh Smith. Consideration $3200. Mr. Clark's is tho fourth family from Ohio, relatives of Mr. Wm. Wright that has settled near hero within the last year, and is just such citizens aq Nebraska is glad to receive, and the people of this neighborhood extend a hearty welcome to them all. The neighborhood is sorry to part with Mr. Smith as he is one of the oldest settlers and very much respected by all who know him. We understand he has purchased a farm near St. Ed ward, and expects to go to Iowa and spend the winter, but will return in the spring to improve his farm. On the 5th of Dec. the train brought to St. Edward from Illinois 75 head of superior grade cattle including 15 head of thoroughbreds, and 3 very handsome thoroughbred short-horn bulls, the property of L. S. Dorman, L. C. Thompson, S. J. Howard and J. W. Devore of this neighborhood ; these gentlemen being convinced that tbe difference in quality, grade, and price made it a paying investment. We understand Messrs. Dorman and Thompson are prepared to raiee thoroughbred stock, as they have some very fine animals registered in the American short-horn herd book, FINAI, PROOF. Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.,1 Lec. au, &ii. l Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make tinal proor iu support or bis claim, and that said proof will be made berore the Clerk or the District Court, or Platte county, at Columbus, Nebr., on Friday, January lGth, 1S, viz: John Torcon, Homestead No. 1HJ15, ror the AV. H, or N. E. , Section 18, Town ship 1! north, Range 1 west. He names the following witnesses to prove his con tinuous residence upon, and cultivation or, said land, viz: .1. F. Shure, Michael Wieser, August AViescr, ot Humphrey, Platte Co., Neb.. Frank Paproski, or Platte Center, Platte Co., Neb. 33-0 C. IIOSTETTER, Register. Fl AI. PROOF. Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.,) Dec. 4th 1S3J. J NOTICE is hereby given that the rol-lowing-named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make tinal proof in support of his claim, and that said proor will be made before Clerk of the District Court at Columbus, Neb., on Friday, January 23d, 1885, viz: Anthony Kuntze, Homestead No. 8413, for the W. J, of N. E. , section 18, Township 1! north, of Range 3, west. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: Peter Peterson. Louis Anderson, Hans. .1. Jensen, of Lookiuirglass, and Joshua .M. Robinson, of Postville, Platte Co., Neb. 33-G C. IIOSTETTER, Register. A DECIDED SUCCESS. FREMONTNORMAL AND BUSINESS COLLEGE, AT FRE3IONT, NEB.. Opened successfully October '21, with ten teachers ana a goou attendance, w;iich doubled during the tirst live week.-, and is still steadily increasing. Fifty Students in the Hiisiness College and Short-hand Classes: nearly lifty in the Normal or Teachers' Department and common branches, and a good attendance iu the Music and Art Department.. The Faculty. PRESIDENT JONES has had over twenty years experience in Educational work. PROFESSOR HAMLIN, Principil f the Business College, has had over fifteen years' experience and is a Superior Pen man and Evpe-t Accountant. PROFESSOR MOHI.ER is an original and inspiring teacher in the Natural Science and IJ'isines. Department. PROFESSOR LA WTO V, of Boston, Mass.. is a superior instructor iu Music. Miss Sarah Sherman, of Chicago, i- an artist or rare talent and skill, and a mot successful Teacher. Mio Lydi.-i L. Jones and Miss Je.ie Cowle are grad uates or the Northwestern Pniversity, and able teachers. Mr. A. A. Cowles in a practical short-hand reporter and an adept at type-writing. The other teach ers are thoroughly iualilicd. DRYGOODS! A well selected new stock which will be sold a-, cheap as the cheapest. BOOTS AND SHOES, A NEW AN'D WELL SELECTED STOCK TO CHOOSE FROM. Flour at Prices to suit all Pockets ! J3TBUTTEK, EGGS and POCLTRV, and all kinds or country produce taken in trade or bought ror cash at the highest market prices. j y PWAL PROOF. rand Nov. Land Office at Grand Island Neb. ) 19th. 18SI. f NOTICE is hereby given that the nd-lowing-jiamed settler has tiled notice " in iiueiiunn to make final proor FiftAL. PROOF. Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.,) Dec. 8, 1381. f NOTICE is hereby given that the for lowing-namcd settler hva tiled notice or his intention to make tinal proof in support orhisclaim, and that said proor will be made before tbe Clerk or the Dis trict Court or Platte county, at Colum bus, Nebraska, on Saturday January 24th, 1885, viz: John Bruckner, Homestead No. 0-10.1, for the E. M, ol S. E. i, Section 20, Township 2, north or Range 1 wost. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: Joseph FroemmeL Josenh Haschke. Fer dinand Fuchs, and Conrad Fuchs, all of Humphrey, Platte Co., Neb. 33-G C. HOSTETTER, Register. kii:ni:s vi:itv low. Tuition for fifteen weeks I.". Board costs from $2.50 to $3.00 a week. In clubs and by self-hoarding it costs less. Places can be found for several more students who wish to pav part or whole oi noaru ny Housework or chores. I Vacnilonx. The WINTER TERM on.', weeks will begin Dec. 30, but students can kntkic atanytimk, and are doing so contin ually, paying charges only from time ot entering to time or leaving. ror particulars address the under signed, W. P. JON ES, A. M Prest. or Normal College, Fremont, Neb. 32-4 mo. LEGAL NOTICE. C. H. t L. J. McCokmick, Plaintills,) against i- Leo C. AVkioaxd, Defondant. ) QAID DEFENDANT WILL TAKE O notice that on the 27th day or Octo ber, 1884, said plaintiff commenced an action against said defendant in the Dis trict Court of Platte county, Nebraska, aim uicu Luu-ii jiuiiiiua against you in saiu case, anu caused an order of attach ment to he issued object and praver is to obtain a judgment against you for in "".it"' i- "i "is eiaim, anu mat said proor will be made before Clerk or District tourt or Platte county at Columbus, -Neb., on 'I uesdav. .linn-.n- iv,i. T !., VIZ August Bentel HomesteHil Vn w:iui tor the S. y2, or N. W. , Section a;, lownship 20 north, or Range 1 west. He names the following witnesses to pro ve his continuous residence upon, and cul tivation of, said land, viz: Ignatz Zach. Ignatz eith, John D.ilv and Albert Schrocder, all or Humphrey, Platte County Nebraska. ! C. HOSTETTER, Register. fi.xai, proof. Land Office at Grand Island, Neb J Nov. 22d, 1884. 'f TyroriCE is hereby given that the Xi rollowiu-named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proor iu support or his claim, and that said proor will be made before the Judge or the District Court at f!niin!. v-- braska, on the 2d day or January, ltfcC., viz: " ' David L. Conard, Homestead No. 11280, for the N J S. W. K, and lots 3 and 4, of Section 14, 'township 18 north, or Range . .Ul IlllllltV lllr WM. nesses to prove his continuous r.Cioi.... upon, and cultivation or, said land, viz: Wm. J. Irwin, John J. Truman, John leter-on, Joseph L.Truman, all or Platte I ounty, Nebraska. C IIOSTETTER. Register. de1nnsaiacti-oautathc: NSTI(E " Yu?'th or which saUI netition , 'owing-named settler has tiled no mMtil "fc? final proof N( FIXAE. PROOF. Land Office at Grand Island, Neb., -lOY. -UlU, 1WH. J OTICE is hereby given that the dlowing-named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said roof will be made before Clerk or the istrict Court at Columbus, Nek., on January 2d. 185. viz: Daniel T. Dickinson, Homestead No. 9561, for the S. E. , Section 1, Township 20, Range 2 west. He names the follow, ing witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation or, said land, viz: L. It. Leach, Rufus Leach, E. H. Leach and David Cunningham all or Humphrey, Nebr. ii-M u. H05XETT.KK, .Register. mc -. w - f. Sfif-rinn IS Tnivnvu;-. , north or Range 1 west. He names the' following witnesses to nrov hi nf;n on) alen T)lai1 Pti... !,... 1L-1 it. - .- Vxu uulp ui luc p, j GABLOW, Collection Att'y. reucivcu bi iug nme time, regiBierea v in the Illinois Poland China herd SPECIALTY MADE OF BAD paper. book. D. W. OMcewithJ.G.Higgins. 31-3m FIXAL PROOF. Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.,l UV. Otll, 13MJ. I fol- notice nrnnf It, r u..n..n- .. i . i . -- " ,-.wv. ... the amount due on two certain promis- wi II be m, Ip i,nf Jh "iV'1!11 S;,,d Proot ou u "fe"V """""" v-pcw.u'i eacn, one hut. Vchruk-i nn v-i.i " V """" due on October 1st, 1877, and the other ' 20th 1884 yl"- Friday, December uue ou wiuuur isi, lOiS, OOIU UraWin" I Wilhnlm ..t i ,r interest from date until due at te n? LJ V-"1,.55-"1". IIo'"cstead No. 023.1. . , - , r. r- r I ui i tcui. jier uuuuui, anu irom une until paid ;il iHi-nc per ceiu. per annum, also pro viding for a reasonable attorney foe, given by said defendant to said plaintiffs, and upon which there is now due the full amount mentioned in said notes, with interest as aforesaid, and also attorney lee equal to ten per cent, of the whole amount now due. Said plaintiffs also caused an order of attachment to be issued in said case and attached the following described lands as the property of said defendant, to wit: The southeast quarter or the southeast quarter or Section one, in Township nineteen, north. Range 3 west, in Platte county, Nebraska, containing forty acres mere or less. Said defendant is required to answer said petition on or before the 12th day or January, 1885, or said petition will be taken as true and judgment rendered accordingly. c. H.i l.j. Mccormick. By McAllister Bros., their Attorneys. 32-4 ous residence upon, and cultivation or. said land, viz: John P. Shure, Jacob Mansbach, Anton Rein, Charles Brandt. all of Humphrey, Platte Co., Neb. .! 20-C C. IIOSTETTER. Register. F1XAI. PROOF. Land Office at Grand Island, Neb. ; Nov. list im ' T-OTICE is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice or his intention to make tinal proor in support of his claim ,i i..p5r?.. Fh "n- Vl1-1 made before "e Clerk or the District Court at Columbus, Nebras ka on January 5th, 1885, viz: for tS f .SD' f Pre-emption 0328, ior ineN. Y.i, Section 20, 19, 4 west He names the following witnesses to prove h s continuous residence uoon and cultivation of, said land, viz: Ne?s "& Souerbarg, all of Platte Co., Neb. 2W C, HOSTTTEB, Begister. V ,1 "