T- V THE JOURNAL. issced -zvssrr xvkdsssdat. :m. e:. tttser & co. Proorietcra and Bunliiaeri . -OFFICZ.-ELezenZh St.. tip 'tavrs m Journal Building . TEBM - Per year 1 ' Six manias ' Three raoctas TZ Single copies S ' 5 31JSI5E3S CAEDS. D.T. jliKXYX. M P r.W. -cm-o..-"-"- . -vr r jjrs. -XS5LTTS & 5 CHUG, U. S. Examining Surgeons. CeHsultatiens m German and Enaiish. Telephones at eiiice and residences. rnT.TTMTJTT?;. . HX3HASKA. - J. .Pii r a ax s cb geox. Di-ea-e- -r women and children a p--,.-.. . nnv.u-na OtUee fanner- rr"I.....i , lr Bouesteel Telepnotir 3S1 exchange o LLA AUBAfU..U.. DENIAL PABLUB. On corner of Eleventh and North streets. over Ernst nardware store. it J. uriwo, yuT ART PUBLIC. lith Mm-t. i J.him -t ftf lUaaonJ How, Colum'iua. Xeb. 4S1-V -r i. KEEDKR, A TTUL XE T AT LA W, Omee on ulir -I.. olunH.us. Nebraska 2-tf V. A. MACKEN, DKALEa n Fortum and Domestic Liquors and Cnjarx llth -trewt. alumoua .xcu. "-- M cALLWTER BK09i. A TTURXE r A T LA W. Olhee np-stairi ins. 11th t. W Public. in McAllister' QQlld A JIi'Aliister. Notary T"OII TUIOTUY, MOTARY 3'JSUC AND COtVEYAMCIH. Keep- a ml. Ine o: -tationery and 3cnool -upplies. and a, kinds of ierai forms, insure azains- nre. Iishtnina. cvelone and tornaaoei Oniee in Powell Klo.-k. Platte centei I,-i J. M. M-iCTARiAXD LAW AND COLLECTION OFFHE MACFAHiiAITD &. COWDERtT F r. Rl.VNEK. M. 1- ir r- A. H.in --: i SOMEbPATHl' FBY-I 1A.X A'D , - T B'rE"y ' Reiruiar railuate o leires uif uo -tair-lartfa ot -tale Bant. t w ,i mediea. eo. m hricV building J. J. IIAIGHA.. Justice. nii surveyor. v,..r7-u. Land ini ' Mlertujn Aten'. STPart is detriHS -arvvmi done can aaut m- n ma:, a: Platte t entre. !.eb. Xi T H- Kl CHE. Iltn St.. opposite Lindell Hotel. -ell. Ham saddles. Collar-. Whipa, BUnsetj.. urrv lomav Brushes. trunks, valise- m2i top-, .-u-hiona. carnage buibht." .t.- a- tne lowest possible ri-e Repair-, pr mpUv attended to. R. II. LAHKOCE. DEPLTl CO SUBVETOB. Will tli general surveying m Platte and adjoining -uuntiei Uilife with . C. smith. COLEMBCs. - - - NTtHRAsKA. IT-tf -r S. MURDOCH. & SON. J Carpenters and Contractors. Have had an extended experience, and will guarantee satisfaction m work. All kinds of repairing done on short notice Our motto is. Good work and fair prices. al. and trive a an oppor tunitv to estimate for sou 3f"-noP on "iath suntte iloor west of r riedhof Jfc Co'a. stare, colambus. Neur 4S2-V o.c. HLS"2sO". 1xaM.FaCTT.REK of Tin and Sheet-Iron Ware ! Job-Work. Soofn? aad Gatter ra a Specialty J--nop on Olive street. 1 doors aorta ot Hroaieunrer - ki -wi.c 4-v G W. CLARE. LAND AND INSURANCE AG EXT. BC2LPHBET. XE3B. Hi- lands compn-e some nne tracts in the Shell creek Valley, and the north ern nnrunn at Platti- countv. Taxe- paid for non-re-idents. -atisfaftion sruaranteed. -' v iOLTLTIBLSi PACKING CO- CULL J12SL2, - -y-a., , Packers and Dealers in all kind. erHojr product, cash paid for Live or Dead Ho- or zrease. iJirecrora. R. H Henry. Prest-; John Wigzins. Sec aad Treas.. L. Gerrard. s. Cory. TAMES SALHO. CONTRACTOR AND 3UILDER. Plans and esamates -upphetl for either frame or brick buildimrs. Good work oTiiranteed. Shop on 13th street, near St, Paul Lumber Yard, braaka. Columbus, Ne- 5 6mo. IS7 TOXICE TO TEACHEKS. J. S. Mcscrief, Co. Sopt rai be in his ofice at the Court Haue on tne third 5amrdav of each zionta far the purpose of exxniini exaniiniac S tn jirtsents jiren rtsaiy-1 Send Us 5 cnts postage. 11H Hv ttimiI Tnn tvill Tft. I '' free a pacxare of :rood- of larre vaine., that wil tart tob m work taat will at once bnnir jou in money foster than any thimr else in America" All about the 53OO.OOO in presents with each. box. Agents wanted everywhere, of either sex, of all ages, for all'the time . or spare time only, ta work for us at their own homes. Fortunes for all workers b olntely assured. Don't delay. H-Hai.-tm k. Co., Portland. "SLiiae. a. R. cifwuititx. muss. n. ( .3tilicaat5 lor teacner's certiacaiea. uu ; ...a.1 . .. i- r .--- . -., .-. leito ij. a itjck 1.1:11 nmia.L minti. for the traasacttnn of any other business nznt awav taan anytainc else in tnis (f neild vociferated in his nariv i , -, rnpii' in of either er. sneceea tram . ... . . TT-LmllZlZr UO SCUDQia. wl-. .. w.. . ... -...,... tf,,,- ff t-?,. na-.w-nry T - . u Tkn V,-n-irt n.,1 Tn mrrnnp KUli,i.r ..;,- -ii uu. Wm VOL. XT.-NO. 34. COLUMBUS STATE BANK! COLTJTCBTTS, 5E3. CASH CAPITAL - $75,000 DIRECTORS: Lean'Dkr Gerhard, Pres'L Geo. W. Hexst, Fi'ce Prea'i. J anus A. Reed. R. II. Henry. J. E. Tasxan. Cashier. Lmk of Deponit, Excktastare. Dicoaat CIlectii m.11 Foist).. i Promptly Made Pay Istserttt asi Xii it- Depo iT4 HENRY G-ASS. TJDETflT AXEE ! COFFINS AXT) METALLIC CASES i't DEALER tN Furniture. Chair3. Bedsteads, 3u- reaus. Tables. Safes, iicunges. &.c Picture Frames and Mouldings. 3"Jiepariag of all tiniu of lvu-lttry Goods. d-tf coLnrars, neb. HENRY LUERS. DEALHR nf WIND MILLS, AND PUMPS. Buckeye Mower, combined. Self Binder, wire or twine. Pumps Repaired on short notice 23"0ue door we-t of Heint'- Drui Store, 11th Street. Lolusnbu-., Neb. - HELP: for worfcimr people, -end in cent postage, ana we win mail vou tree, a ioval. val uable sample box of soott-, taat will put vou in the way of makimr more money m a few davs than you ever thnuirnt po sible at anv bu-iuen. t.apital not re quired. You can live at home and work in spare -tune only, or ah the time. All of both sexes, of ah ae. andlv -ue-eesful. 50 cents to $." easily earned everv evening. That all who want work mav test the busine-s. we make thi- un paralleled oner To all who are not well satisaed we will -end $1 to nay for the trouble of wnan? Us. Full particular-, direcuons. etc . ent free. Lmmen-e pay ab-alutelv sure for ail who -tart at once. Don't deiav Address STUtsON .t o.. Portland, Maine. A WOBD OF WAWWG. FARjfEIiS, stock rai-er.. and all other interested parties will do well to remember that the -Western Hor-e and Cattle Insurance Co." of Omana i the onlv company doinir bume .rnthn state that insures" Hor-e-. ituie- and Cattle against loss by thett. accident.-, di-ea-e-. or injurv, as also against to ov lire and lihtnm'i . All representation-by aent of other Companie- to the coatrar hoi withitandin. P. W. HENRlt H. -pecial Ajr"t. LVv columou-. Neb. NO HUMBUG! a Grrand Success, Btit I P BRIGHAJl'SArTOMArU VTA t ter Trough for stock He refer- to ut- Tmn whn h-t it in n-e all on ar leave" order- at George Yale;, oppo-ite Uehirich' grocery. uhva. J. WAG-NER. ;T. 3 T J Cia.Th-1 1 ,1 VPr :illll rttll rlillllrT j lil CH dUQ T CtTU OiaUIC. , I- prepared to furni-h the pnblic w'th zood teams. l)U2Zie and carriages for all occasions, espeeiallv far funeral-. Al-o conducts a ale stable. 44 nnRArisiT HOUSE. PLATTE CENTER NEB.. ,..T v . JOHVDCKfiV5. .... Prsipnetor. The best accommodation for the travel- ue public guaranteed. Food good, and plenty of i. Beds clean and comfortable. I cbarges low. as the lowest, IS-y I - ' T3T T "JT? d aix cents for . A P Hil L. fSlVr Send six cents for jj.cc. iuju.- w. u nrit hour. The Droau roau to ioixune oDens before tne worker-, absolutely sure. A: Augusta. ; once auurese. Maine. Trux a Co , LYON&HEALY ts t MsBrae Sis.. Chicago. "TZliwil . ilTn nj- ' i I a Bit UTILULUt. ' XBK. sub n-i ..v f.Ti . U. SKUS, UEk Snu. Eaim. CuLxBca. ihm HiwXSai sd war. BuJ Onto. 1'mt'H .lhrrmiT inm n '"- . : iBSSSE9BCHTrI. f nv.A w.J.,, ..?11 laH Tnn m mnep mnnT .tt ... j . r i. r x jniu f 11 !w ijai KtSuaib. " A aPjKMte CiltKfcgs A MISTAKEN GIR-. I tbocznx 3he was a lovely stijat. As daunilv- arrayed in white. Tilth rasy-cheeks and usances crisat Thar summer day She played croquet: Tntlbeneara a shady tree I stopped to rest, winch cnanced to be Where in tae kitenen I could see, Thar summer day She played croquet; And mere aicne in that hot place Eer motner stood -aa eare-ram face. And ironed a irown all tells and lace. That 3uinmer day she played croquet: A iWKi. the very counterpart Of taat sne wore with witching' art; And so stie did nut wm my heart That summer day She played cronuet. Earper't Basar. THE STORY OF HANG- TOWN. Hcrw It Came to 3e Called by TJzax Significaiis Name. The winter of 4-9 wi not severe in the Drv Digging. The populacon wa? maile np ot Engll-h-peakinr people. Sandvneu fciantiers. old Caiifomians. ami aiiL-ii as could gt there before the tide of "49 et in. iliner- from, the fork.- of the American riveri had made their winter quarters there, and there waa. no doubt, a pile of gold dost big enouirn to tempt the cupidity of enter-nre-ing highwaymen. The lo cabins of the men lay along both side- of the main ravine and its branches, and theae were u-ualh diviied into two rooms. the berths or sleeping-cnbs bemr bunt no. one abive anuther. on both -ides of tbi.- partition, which was usually eov- prl with white mushn- but the loir did not come elo-e togtther. and they who iav m bed on the one side mi:rht hear much of that which was spoken, even m a low tone or vuiee on the otner side. It M rell out that one mirnt an Amen- can. frying aw ake upon one side, became mtere-ted m what was transpurmjr m the house of in-, neighoor-. wno were French men. It --em- that there wa- a visitins Dartv of three countrymen tliere and the entire comnanv hal pa d the evenuur plaving, -omeocrdy lo-imr heavily The n,u,nnnnt. rf riiM hniii hriii retired Iij tneu berth.-, and one of the isinng jiy neighoor had placed her two boy nartv nroceeded to ririe the chest, while m'mv chanre. that wnat t saw thev the other two -toou witn urawn citks ..' . Tl by the beils. threatening instant death H either of the -Ieeper moved. All ot thi.- wa- overheard by our mend Nutter. whi under-D)od French. The end of the cabin occupied by hi.- company wa next below and onrV a few vard- di tance from the hall in which we lived and tor wh:cn we paid tne modest little I sum of ?.))) S10 each the other hall , The story wa.- told tar and wide. A ot our hou-e being owned by a ILirtin, spring re-tored good roads and many wno with hi- wife and two children left.eaeh with his own account. -onie tor hved there , Oregon, -ome for ( alifomia. -ome tor .w it -o liippenei tha; in the long the tite. and me tor .-an Franci-co evening- and oaim dav- our little rooni (Teroa Buon). the ncident or the wa- m.ule to -nib-erve tlie mrere-t or a spelling i-ircle. debanng. court or jud icature ttjc tiie rruil of imaginary off-n-e-. and a court of equitv fur the -ettlement of difference- between rnends. It had taiien to mv lot fo pre-ule. and ro thi-datr- matter- had bi-en arra ngi-d -t a thar ail leit that even-nandetl jnnce j had Ot en it-a, our Yen natural! Xurter. the Amncan. made hi- appearance arlv nex morning seeking advice. There wa.- no Ju-tiee ot the Peace there, tor the laws of the United State- had not been extended over tni- regum Then wa- no alcalde except n the tii -i-rtiemenr and mis sions. Ir wa- a -a-e rejuirng prompt dipatcn The villain- miht aireadv be mtunng off with their -rolen gold dust. or. wtat was even wor-e. pernap dtimiciied in our verv mid-t. liki- a lion m ni Lur. readv r pounit? upon -ome oUier unwar onf. The re-ult of a con ference wa- that X'ltter wa- appointed i Shenff. to give tne-e neighbor- a calL 1 and ask for inf"rniarnu .'oucerning ! thtc visitor- wno t-ame and went in the pirchv darkne . The Frenchman rem.-d for rear of venganee. unuLupon a -etmod i-it they wen- notified they tnem-eive- would be arre-ted a- coii-fetitrate- unle thev nyealet! what the fenew There w-x- a cabin -tantiing at tne distanm or. -a, a -juarter of a mile away from all other-.our m a loneiv ravine. pa.-t which men irom tlie :ori-n-uallv came w.th tlieir m-a-iire How it came there, when it eonie.wiio hvetl tliere, what tbe did. wa- ill a my-rerv ( n- old man wa- -omennn -en. but he wa- busy, appearing to nuuee nothing , but his work. Xevenlule . suspicion j hail often pointed her linger at that hab- ' ! iuiritn when -onie nii)erv had bvn I cummitteiLor-iimemi. .1. rei'.manftnind ; tlie fti .idt and wneu X utter re l i.iraed with ui- reptirr that -even ni-u ! li-d then a.'d tliai tlie tiiree robier- w et- a par ot that bantL jrre4uiretl no I lng -pHt-ue- tt brmg the company to i a d-ei-le -tind. Ltcketl in lor the -eason by wretched road- impas-able for team.- ten mile- J Irum the neare-t settlement Sutler - mill the disi-overy ot a ne-t ot vipr at work in our very mul-t can-i-tl each one u feel it to be important rhat no time be lot. The tw Frenchmen were warned uut to move out of their hou-e. Qor to commnnteate bv sign.- or other- wise with anvone during tlie dav Mean tt-1,,2.. TT-,er4 . .s,t!He irrun Tt in.J, ' a- eould be relied npon to acr h o-ini ' i .. ...irT,JT;,rJ fh.itrnm,rrii Nutter opened 2ie door waere the teven amieil at aroimd the supper fcibie. and chargiti them with the theft. , In an m-tant hand- moveti to the re- i . -., " , , ----"" -" "-' volver- bv the -ide-. a -brill whistle bv , tne snerm cnecKeu mem. anu wnen , . - thronrrh thatdoorand sUI aronnil tliem. they surrendered. The excitement was inrensc. Ex-Judge Russell of Oregon, was there at tlie time, and a- I declined to take tlie re-oonsibilirv in the presence j of one skiiled m law." he took the bench. ; A court wa.- organized, jury impanneled. ' pro-ecuting attorney and prisoners counsel appointed, in order that everv thing should oe done lainv The result or "r , , - 1 the nrt trmi was that nothing beyond die act ot robbery was proven, and the three on Sundav monirng received a , -v-.ee of thinv-iune lashe- on the bare b:,c 3100 noce doubted that they de-erveii hanging. Thev had escaped , tne gaiiow-. , J One or tae men tnev called him reneh Chariev a short .stout, restless the e M- KJfcfc-W-J i-i-i. I - in taat acu 2on it came out rhat there wen thirtr-three members of the band opr-mrng otherwheres This awful all proper oeea-huu- di- clun stand Chari v was thct lieareuanr. He vowed J ready co elucidate its doctrine- an" ziv death to judge. jar . and all conserned. f its reasons, but dis am. not one of de oc-Th:- being mterpreted fired tie pop- 1 cashnns. WHIe de attest artpr an" may i.Tf. PnTHrn. fnr?W(?t rln frrrrhe i -i;rvim i?nr t"-irrse ee-If Ar ut- execution of the ntence. L e,, banish- mem rrom tne diggings. It would hare J. bei Ls.e 1-tnng a pack of blood-hounds loo r-i prey upon th- villagers Ihe saalt an battery would pass unqoai ex t -:: -nrxva- attended b die most tioneiLebeiLby a, oae-hoss lawyer. "" tarmen.ng auxittry, as the caorr mi Dcrnii FrurJ'ru. COLUMBUS. NEB.. WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 17. with, open doors day after dax, deter mined'to do nothing rashly. Men wer out in all directions, traveling' sloxviy and on foot, yet getting over ground, notifying all to come and look at tae prisoners, who did not seem to be tm easv. being confident they would noc hair without clear and conclusive ev idence Ims tney believed could not be produced, little did thev believe that their davs were even then numbered, and that thev would be buried.three in one grave, with their boots on and the hempen i collar around their neeks.and that from tnis awful fate should grow the name ef Han Town. The desired witness was mcoving leisurly alons:. little thmk;ng that ink voice would -eal their death warrant. Once he h:ul been assailed. Once tha knife gleamed above mm and he fell When he revived he wa- alone, his money gone, but the face of the would "be murderer had been indelibly en graved npon hi- mind. As he entered file court-room with a fr.end he caugnt sihr of tin.- hariey at mc. hi- cheeks paled, and he -td for the moment transiixed. Bystander noticed all this. and manaired to draw L hariey "s at tention. The robber looked, and in his turn was -urprt-etL but it wa- not much astonishment he did not look long There are -cene- in some lives that ux themselve- with die unviel !mg tenacity of memorv This hardened sinner said that his innocent life had oeen as a man-o"-war man. He had been a slaver, robber and pirate, and when asked to confess said that he had nevr ceased to see blood from the time of the hrst murder He had not loit -ight of that face which he iett for dead. All eyea were riveted on him when he sprang coward the new comer exclaiming "vou alive' vnu here"" and tearing j open the -hirt bo-om his eye caagat -int of the star hi- knife had made. a h ecla.nied -I'm a dead man' This -ettle- my wise'" And it did Three tmie- tr.eil for hi- life, and cleared througn a daw in tne mdictment. he had found eonviction where he lea-t expeeted it. Twu lonir line- of armed men. -tandins: shoulder to -boulder. formed the iruani. through which tho-e three men marsned to the gate- of de:tth. rtrir -rrirt -i-Mmn nnilHV mominP" " nngnt see out it i- a -au. saa signt that of three men writhing in the agonie- of death, and we did not tay j The re-t or the Dand were wametL Thev kept off. The effuse wa- magical. X"o stealing, i no running off horie-.no murder- one'- nure mi?rht he npon the door-tep all dav. none would touch it alter that. writer w.l- related cnw d- or attentive h-rener-. And that L- now the -Dry Diggin- -onth of the American iwk of rht -ac-ramenco River came t. ;ec:died "Hing Tnwn "" Ci ''" He ild. THE LIMEKILN CLUE. sensi ami Vonwau1 trom tlin Eloquent and fcrutllt Unith flartlnr. Brothee (xardner iowmg new lg-nd-wall- during thi tai. A bigo. am mo a-,ntunc-tl the roi t oe nnug on tiie and winter term to be feen-u dan a rule ' "You km silence a man oy snockm him down, but it taKe- argyment to con vince him."" Hnman natur kin sometime- bi de pended on ober night, but it - de -afest , wav to Utke a note of hand fur . "A man - rating am nut how much ' he can run in debt, our how nigh he km I -tinar" up ebt r -aturda nignt." j "Indu-rry am -aran to bring plenty an" economv neoer goe- b'annt in ra ter"" -Between -avm nufiin' an talkin um muca de world lean.- u de man vho hold- his tongue " Our opimou ot onr-elve- make- us all great men I would announce lie facie." tintin ned the Pre-ident, "dar de Hot' -uam-boo -mith of Kenrucks . ha- ipuealed tt) 1L- ctub nir mnd- tt -tart him nt on tie road to leefctur on d -ubjick -i 'Do We Fulnl! Our iL .ou-"' Wh.le he am not a member of di- clut he -eem.- to be a pu on wid a de-iah to aid in de pru-gre- ot de world, an w.- wu Like up a colleckshun fur hi- ben-'Ui. Mr L-aac W.ilpole. will vou pa. ue hat" The hat wa- pa ed a;l tlie collec tion matie and turned over to the Presi dent, who counted Up tile rllJLAgi and -aid -De -sur total ngger- np nineteen cent.-, mcludin" a ilime wui a hole in it De nionev wll be for arded to de Hon. Shamboo. an he can -tart a- -oou a.- he pleases. " The Secretary announced . commnni canon rrom jLm-Ueld. iLu . offering a new variety or -undower -eed- to mem bers or the club at -peei.il rate-, and in viting a cash offer from the niii-euni tor the skull- of -everal celebrated munler- ' er-. Lce afraiti we can t trade wid him. repiieu uie m nieui aiier a brief con sultation with the ( ommitree on Agri culture. "Dl- club doan" ran to -undower- won" a cent, an our line or" relic- doan inelocde any -kuII lower in de ca!e of -oeiety dan a member of tie Legisiachur " Giveadam Jonea hen arose to make an mtiuiry . and when hi- pre-ence hatl been officiall reegniad he a-ketl if the club bi'Iieveil in die doctrine of tlie survival of the titte-i Brother Gardner scratched his head and -eonied to be : con.-ider.ibh perpieteii. and (xjveadam ' coutinueti "in ea-e we dtjan it am an ac knowledgment that the imbecile an" the idler hev de -ame rights an" privileges a- de statesman an" de repre-entarive of industry. In ease wr; do. we who hev survived am consequent! de nttest, an darfore good "nuff. I -uouid like a sjair deci-un in. de case to-nignt." - Brudder Jone-. who put you up to dis business?" asked the President. in a voice mil of solemn warning. There was an interval of -olenee -o deep and painful that Elder Toot- could be heard breathing a he pared down his corn, with a borrowed jack-knife. 1 reckon -ort o put mvseir up to ' ir, sah, came the answer at last. WelL vou sot down to once! On ye nev outlived a heap of odder folks dar vou am any cfcer t'n vou osxr be, or dat your testimony in a case of FIRIT National Bank! COX. Aftttarized Capital. -Paid In Capital, Surplus and Profits, - 3250,000 50,000 - 6,000 OFFICXHS XD DIRECTORS. A. A2TDERSOX. Pres't. 2A1TL C. SMITE. Vice Prii'Z. O.T. ROEX, Cashitz. J. 'W.EARLY. HERMAN OEHLRTCH, W. A. MCALLISTER, G. AXDERSOy. P. ANDERSON'. Farein and Inland Exchange. Tickets, ana Real Estate Loans. -vol-i:-lv Passage COAL LIME! J.E.MmTH&CO.. DEALERS IN Coal, Lime, Hair, Cement. Rock Spin? Cutil S7.U0 per ton Carbon 'Wyomin?' Coal M Eldan Iowa Coa! 5.00 " Blackamitli Coal of beat quality al ways on hand at low est TJrices. North. Side Eleventh. St., COLUMBUS. 14-.!m NBB. UNION PACTFIC LAND OFFICE. Improved aad Uaiinproved Farma, Hay and Gnmg Landa aad City Property for Sale Caeap AT THE Union Pacific Land Office, On Lona Time and low rate 'of Interest. SFin.ii proof made on Timber Claims. H.iuiesteads and Preemptions i 5" li wishing to bu v lands of any de i scription will please call and examine mv list of lands before looking elsewhere 2fAll having lands to sell will pleas i call and .rive me a description, term . prices, eu. I 22TI a so am prepared to insure prop ' erty. as I have the aencv of sever il tirt-clash Fire insurance companies. i K W OTT. solicitor, speaks Ciermju SAMIEL C.S31IXH. olumbus. NebrasSi. .;u-tf BECKEE & WELCH. PRuPRIETOR.- F SHELL CHEEK MILLS. JlA.Nl h Vi-Tl - VLL RER-- AN WUt'Lh DEALER IN FLOUR AND MEAL. nFFfCE, COL UMB US. XEB. SPE1CE & NORTH, lienral Agents for tae Sale of REAL ESTATE. Union Pacinc. and llidland Pacinc R. R. Lands for sale at from 3.00 to Jlu.00 per acr for cash, or on live or ten years time, in annual payments to suit pur chasers. "We have also a large and choice lot of other lands, improved and unimproved, for sale at low price and on reasonable terms. Also busines and residence lots in the city. "We keep a complete abstract of title to all real es tate m Platte County. At' comma, .ieb. LOUIS SCHEEIBEE, BlacMttaiuWaiiMei'. All kinds of Repaitinz Jone on Short Xotiee. Knriei, Tr"a ons. etc.. made to order, and all work Guar anteed. Also sell tha warld-czmmis Walter A. Wood Sowers. Reapers. Combin ed Xachines, Sarrmzen, aad Seaf-binders tie best sade. Shop apposite the Tatters alL" on QlXTw 5t COLLJS-BUS. 3B-m 1884. EUYERS OF OLD BOOKS. SecauJ-Hanil Boalc Dnlar Explains How H Carrie, oa Hit Buiae. "Where do all the old books come trom, VeIL that is a question which. J requires a long answer, it is one wnicn we are asked a srood manvtime during the day," said the proprietor of a second-hand book store to a reporter. There i a prevailing idea that mot of the books unon our snelve- are sold to us bv destitute people who take this I mffln- UL tUi.JiU" Altefat- --. UUb Mlfc iNiintv MrrlA ooh hnT ttif , i true m a limited nunmer ot ca-es only It is true that people wno-e fon-une- have -udd-nly change i for the wore are re:uiy to sell their books if thev have many of them. Many books arebrought to us bv a class of people who have no desire to keep them after ' thev have once been read. Ihe moaev which they get for them a spent for othen. which in turn are -old to us. ! Tl. . . . i U i-Ilirt 3J 31CU1 3LXUU11L!- iUi lUUIV Ui. tlie u-v, uuuu uu.-i:iu wuiuu axe uu uui shelve-. -so many book- are now prinred and sold in pamphiet form, however, that this l- not done -o often a- formerly Only tho.-e book- which are -oLl m bindings by the publisher and are r published m pamphlet lorm reach us in this wav. "The great bulk of our volumes are bought in large number-. whole uoranes ymcu are ouioy tne executor, ot tne wilt, ot decea-.nl persona to sat- I the claims of creditors, or Iibrane- I I !.. , w i i .. .u . I vour emooons when, them, so commou ha-thi-become that ! ;, , , . . .i... i... .... .u.. i . .u.. therowl to your wue r, , u-v"ru"1 "--l"'-"-- l -": oook-s ui cuarge sumiuou uic ottjK. meu ,' and reque-t them tu make estimate- np- . .K . , I. .1. . .. .......- V...I or work. I he highe-t bidd-r gets Che lot. Ihe value ot a hnrarv l-no reg- mmiwi mv i n. nftrni'M .t tit i iiimh. i which it contains, nor tiie condition- of the covers and the general state of ' pre-ervarion. but by the nature oi reatl mg matter contained. Patenrofnce report- and medical and legal book- may co-t fortune- to print, and be the be-t works extant noon rnu-e -unjeet-. Dut i the average bu er- of -eeoad-hand vol- ' am-! are not the poor. uurst..r -tutlents. anxiou- to mip-me tneir munis, which they ar; -imeume- repn--enteti to be. Oeea-ionalh we are af fiieted with a per-in wm spend.- hour looking througj our -helve- for ran work-, but the majonn of our buyers are looking for -ensational work-. . novels, border drama- in their lhelie-t forma and entrant, ing work- of fiction of j al! kinds. ' "The larger the nunmer of the-e wonts in a Iinrary . tiie greater the value or that Iibran ro the -ecoml-hantt otiok dealer The per cent of -olid reading matter sold would not pa the inten-t on the co-t of works or lietion. ehool bootcs are eeored rrom thi cia lhcarion. seeond-uand iook -tore-ap' ne,gmxed a- mark it- f r -ihi oii.sand w- deal .n them htrgelv Pu-pd- gratluaie rruai one et or oook- to another long hefore the uid one are worn out. V, e pay giod prices for fie-e work- when the are standard. for Uie -ell readily anil are quite a goml ind an-wer the -ame oarpo-e to ti!t ouvcr- WrK- on Lrrronom. P'uv-ioiogy. Phys.ognom and Elec tricity are scarce and not equal t rne ' d -mand for tiiem. Latin iiramniar-. ' r--ac:i primers, law and meuicai works ar a- plentiful a- Bible- At pn-ent w- are experencing a demanti for rks on magnet.-m and me-mensm. The prof or or animal magnetLsm have turned the head of boys, and the eraze to become mesmerists. I should judge from the demand, will -oon take tne place of the older idea of gjing West a nghr the Indians."" Wuat price- do you pay for WIL th-y range from rive t seveni -live cents. Good novels which are ponular are worui thirty or forty c ui- if they are in la.r condition iiiustrac-d wors. m iy be worth a- high a.- ventv-tive eents. scienrihc booK. are rarei. worth over a quarter unies uiey Ak: of me kmd thai are in de mand The-e price- ma -eem low tor bound volumes, ou when vou reniem hr that p.opie expect u bny them for alaio-t nothing aad tna: we have to s.e-1 tliem on the -helve- -ometimes for years and som-'ime- fonver. they are in reality high pnees. Bible are wortn tim two to tnree cent- each, unie the happen to ue copies oi "l.l pnn wiii.-h is une or th mprooa.k- hap- L-vniaga. altliougli tw lO 1,1 UlO-e OUKs w uteh are valued in the thoi.-amis of dollars wen- f juud upon ta.- -nelve- of eCO'ltl-ilA.nf l)tofc -rin- "Vv .ie i ( .e-ar wr u ai Commenta ries ue did no. think tna: tue w mid go a i.egg-ng on the shdv ot dealers in oi-l oook.- at twent cents apiee-. nor d d .Jo-t-pii bmith think 1 would have tui-H- rail- m one dj. for Mormon Bibles, which I could not-uppiv Crreeiileaf. wien he uzzieti hi- head to El; paraivze the -chool eniidreu witn hi- 1 , - . , , , , itiiema.icai pniblem . had n. idea . . . - . . ... . .. r. ... 1 - i . - . .... ..' .1. .... I .... . .1 . . I liiL 1. . oiitu oe one ol uie uu-oiv Liuie p-aolem.- how to -ell a -core of eopie or tnem at tu cents apiec" or three for a -,uarte.- Only the writer- of r-n-eent pore-.- can Mope to hav- we:r wrk rui- 1 app e COOte- ot lated. We sometimes have -tandanl niagazi-ie- and uri- odica'- only a montli oui tna. we -et. f.je ten or htteen cear-. The nacu n m two wax- b- the rrtr-n.- wgn nave read tnem. ami - met.me- tne publish- er- -end to tae dealer- copie- thai an- . . . , , , ' . lertonthe.r hand.-, and we ar- thus able to di-po-e of them before rhe leave have been cut." .Wwrrs: .Wrcs. CATCHING A HCG3TER. 1 Grapiua- Description of an Xnliion. ami I'rutntefetl -trujale. 'Wliieh Kiiil- ill a J Vli-torr Hat ijtrle Utti-r tltun Defeat. You tnrow efi" aur .-.ar. an-i after a half hour - manem enng -u.-eeed in get- . cng the roo-ter headed off in a corner. ( when he -tands evemg your approach ! 1 with the mo-t -social indifference. Yea j advance cautiou-h w th arms -pread 1 out on either -ide of your body, until jii-t as you are congratulating your-elf ort a -needv capture, and an- beginning to pitv lui mkocence. he gentiv slip- ..- .C fr.. ,.; ur.r,-, .iv ..rr- it's- eoncernedlv Bv thi'- um. you an strongly inclined to lose your semper, but vou remember taat getrmgmad wul , i .., w. . not neip tne matter .rovou re-oiv to trv again, and start oil whistling cheer fully In dim time your game is -cornered." Thi- nme you determine to dispense with all caution, and rcy one -wit. oolil dash secure your prize. x... cordingix vou orace yourselr in a coa- fidenriarmanner. and jnst a vou mag"- me tiie towl safely fallen off mro a doze. make the descent. Ala-, for the uicon -iSteuey of Diiti.m hopes anil human actiapat ona- iou cocl. dfw anon x our hands and knce an xv jour, n fjMr- aiCo tuv graca aarag? l j irt e-erj rafl, the rooster so as o screaaa WHOLE NO. 762. londly and nutter- up into vonr ace. nrr-riT j. isa m vour chek with hr ciaw-. and rillinr vour eyes with du-s and f -ather um I you are quite bund. 4n? vour wife comes out at the bar! toop" and yells to know if you will be all dav catching Chatcnieken. and if yon mean to tear tae place down. Tour blood is up to nofling pitcn. and you rush madlv forward, resardles- of ail thrairs save the objeet of your wrath, until suddenly yx: ami yourself spravrl ms fiat upon the irround, in eon.e- qwncr ot Uavmir raalvertenuy stum- " -i i - '- - . -w- - have sworn wa- -aie ui the house an nour uefore. You ne. muttering mi- precation on the a-h-pan and. tne per son that wa- alwav meddling wth other people'-, things. and once more turn your attention to the rooster, who ho.-, apparently become quite -anguine i over tne pro-pect o e-4ape. anu. is- en joying himseli at the tartaer end ot tne barnyard. After a -ene- of falls and blunders, intermingled with numerous . and groan.-, vou succeed in running him into an old ouc-house. wnere he ensconce- hmi-eif among the barrels and hoops and miscellaneous debn.- wrirh which it i -trewn. You craw' in after bm. confident tau ie I ce will at la-t erown your labo." You knock vour heail against a bean and tear pantaloons, and burst the bc-iiles off vour supender-. and finallv uc- 1 ...-1 an (Ti.tfnm.tll It- T1"-1 Mi t"f -) teniAeA bmetL Y"ou 5tl f5r the house e; tllIciatIv; w,plIr VOIlr brow to Tot. , lU -j ,1 TOur ca-I a , I at la-t ended. But who can de-enbe upon pre-ennng J -he teli- vou. with uolifteti hands suggestive of th? deepe-t a-tonishment. that you hav noc got the right one alter all. that -he mz Jtfr w - . alter the proper one. nght -tnngut Bv the time the roo-ter with the -whu tuft "" L- captured, your dinner 1--poileil and your inclination Zu sleep nuite gone. Boston Glooe. A HUNT IN NEW GUINEA. How ttl N itives secure Garu A. L-pmu. Chief. Recently it wa- given out that a large tract of conntry. abont six miles from here, wa- to be hunted. About seven o ciock the native- began to move, the men with nets hrst. Th e are cr-ire-mesheiL strong net-, abont four feet deep of various lengths. Far a--"ay to the leeward of the grass to r. burnt thee net- an stood up with short -takes, each man's net joinett to his neighbor s. The gras- i pt3ed up in front of the net- to prevent taem catch ing hre. The owners ot tne net- -tand ov with -pe:ir in -dlence awajmg their prey Ir i- the ra-liion for all she young men to wear their head-dii er- and finery to the hunt. Thev shave the h:ur. tneir temples, svery hair rrom their eyebrow-, and any otner anont their race. All carry several speer ronghiy made rrom a hartl wain wihI Thi point- are 'harpened. and even? ne na- a boar - tus. or oiee of gia.--bottie to -crape them a- ofen a- tnev retiuore it. L.rtfe ooy- of three ami fu: veas-- old. with their ornaments on face- pamteik and pear on their -houlders. march along wnrh the crowd A nuaioer of young gin- go. to. to carrv water for rhe men. It being j. grand hunt, we foreigner- joined th- company on horeoack. Mr. Lawes hemg one of our party The natives aiway- walk in single file, and the hunting proeeion wa- i vert long one. The meet was at a creek half wa tt the Laroge Rivr Tbi was the ren dervoua. when ali re-ted and wa-te.! for a -tnng. -teady wmd The neL- llulI gone i-i antt were in po-inon. The master of ceremonies was a KoitapuCh-ef nameti Mvm. When 1 first knew -lvarr. -ome vears ago. he wy a ane-iooiimg man. agile, and act ive now he !- a pitiaoie object hu toe- And anger earen awav b leprosy and his arm- and legs in a dreatimi state He can hobble about on a snejt. Pnt he cannot walk far Two of his wive- earned him by turn m a netted: hammock on then Dacfcs. sUspendett by a band acra the forehead Th-e are -ome of the honor- which fall to" the -hare or the wive- of NVv- (itxinea. The ngai to carry tneir husband- to the . ml j h The o.d , inner. .,. .. . ., . miserable object though he l-. ha. had six wive-, -ome of them young aad good-loofung. recently annexed to m harem. Soon the wind iegtn 10 whistle tsringh the tree-, and tnen wa- a gen eral stampede The gra wa- -et fire u in manv place-, and wa- -oon crack- I bug, hi uig .uid olazmg awray belore the wind. The air wa- full of -park, and a dense cloud of -motte ra-e above. The native- shouted, the .tog- veiped. 1 , K.. ' ' , x " ,. .. and then. -jme ecaprntr -pear and , . , . . , . ,. .-,, . r, liir, hnr nio-t or tliem tllin"- It re- 4 tt.vnr ifiiuil 'llKjJa T9ilua4 K j nmn- a good deal of pracCce u, -pear a i wallabv going full -peet. -timetime- one would rush past with two or three 1 ! spear- hanging rrom him nd .1 bevr of dog after him. There wa.- a good deal of -langhter aHd -ome -cin or walhroy earned ni. One man wa- badry gored o a wiiii boar Ir 1- onlv verv muck-, men who w.ll race the-e. They carrv a circte of -tout cane, in wb.ch 1- ia-ned . , -e, . . . -u ,. -u- large me-fae- lfai 1- held -o that tae ... . .., . . ..;. ptg ruaae- m anu gee- mnzzieu ov it. then a man throw- himself on the pig j.ad grip- him tight until he w dt patchetL When the have tn.-k- the hunter often get? verv agiy wound.-. The man ww saw had a naty Uoits ploweti in h"- thigh by a -hart tusk. The pig. however, wa.- tverpjwefeti and killed. AVr thunetz .'or S'inrtf Ecrtud. Can n fcalism. Until Mr. Hutchinson wrote i waa not generally crediteii that the We-tera"f Amcans were auaicteti to CAnnitmii-m. out his evsienct l- mc to be douoted. In lv59." he savs. "human flesh was ! expo-ed a butcher- meat m tne i kn at Duketown, old Lalabar." mar It al- mo-t -eems that some religious grounds mav actuate them, a- the -ame writer -rav-- -In Bra. (ortho 3timne coun- .! , - try; '-aanioalism orten occur-. r.ven within the last year a chief or that di me:, named Imamy. nilled two Aertelia people who were saenriced to tlie manes of hi father In Bra. . as iD. Bonnv. thev eat all enemte- taxen m . w-ar. anu tney put icrtn, as a .-unca , tioe for this, that devourmg the fleu ! of their enemies make-, them brave I 1. . . I ? . ane accuun. given uj tne same wnser of tae killing of a native for the pur poses oi canhibahsTn, of wnieh. he was .in eve witness. ia mos-t admirably . . -, , . r grapmc ami stnxmj. inc (jcr,ri. - 1 Mniozzn. BATES OF AJftYEKTlSl'C'. 2T"3usiiie33 and professional cards cf fire lines or less, per amxczn, fire dcllara, ST Tar tine advertisements, applr at inn oEce. SETT-egal advertisements at statcta rates iisTFor transient, advertising,, see rates en third page. advertisements payable niccthlv PERSONAL AND LITERARY. In Aberdeen, D.T.. all the editor are j edges. E. F. Greener, the first colored Harvard graduate, is writing a novel on race distinctian- George Leybcme. the Americac. singer, who died a pauper in London recently, once made 515.000 a year otn ofhi3 voice. Robert Burns Wilson, the poet artist of Kentucky, has been elected Sec retary of the Kentucky Eistorical So ciety" at Frankfort. "Nrr Twain likes to have a good time once in. a while. His last bust coss h? SU200. I: was a bronze ona of HtTT-pTf. Chicago Herald. The popular nhrariea introduced in. Paria hava proved an immense success. There are nearlv eighty, and they hav over 100.COO volumes, Two of she present Governors of the South began life an their own m- j count as clerks on aussissippi iurer steamboats Governor Cameron, of Virginia, and Governor William B. Bate, of Tennessee. General Grant, in writine his an toaiography. says that the things he rememoers most vividly are those ot his early life, and tha: tne Mexican i war seems more distinct to hirn than 1 the rebellion. Cktcatjo Inter Ocean. I An English writer wants to know ' whv it is that Amenean women age M n. treal Star. They don't, say the ilon alarv Anderson has been twentv-one for the past five vears. and aLiggie Mitchell has bien strug gling to reach her thirtieth birthday for the past tarty years. Forty years ago Mr Benamm F. Taylor, the poet of the recent Army of the Cumberland reunion. wa.s edit ing a weekly paper -the Gleaner in Norwich. Conn., and the pre-ent ed itor of the P&st-Espresa was she car-ner-bov who delivered it to its eity subscribers. So neariy as the writer can remember the paper was ably ed ited: it k certain that it was abiy. and. k is noc too muck co say. grace fully, delivered. Badiester PMfEz press. "Gail Hamilton. or Mary Abigail Dodge, which is her real name, is a plain, brown-eyed lady, snort in stanxre and inclined to stoutness- She is said to be very fond of dress, adapting the most advanced styles, not invariably suited to her advancing years. Bus she could probably argue this delicate stric ture of the feminine correspondento until it would seem almost profanity to abate a ribbon. .V T SersUL Dr George Ripley, the scholar and author, aside from being a man of rare gifts and attainments, was devotedly at tacned to his haad-ome and accompfisk ed wife. The lovmg wife s parting with her husband on her death-bed was truly pathetic. She seemed to have a Divine vision, saying- "How bright the room grows."" and. putting her arms around her affectionate husband's neck, ex claimed with deep emotion Qhi George, your gooiiness fi""- the whole room" with light." Her arms feB and she passed onward to her Maker. -V. T. Tribune. HUMOROUS. Oleomargar ne ou. Leo Leo Leo' Le! The -vetes ever -en ' T-ircr. oetter w tad never met, Ou. Leo Mar2urtn- lferzinmt Trareier. Astronomical re-eareb is becoming the most popular and general scienrilic work of the age. Everv few days same theatrical manager djHcover a new star. Lotcfi.' 1 UiZi'u. A new brand of cigar advpred called "Taj IL.cK.er '" We should think that a cigar would be more apt to be a outter than a kicker The ,oat xvho -moke- it k proonbrr the kieker. X Y Mad. L- your chum a dose ssndeat1' wrote a lather to aw -on hi college. "Ymi bet he i. father."" was th reply. "You eoalda't borrow 3 V of hna if yua were in the lat -tag- oi star7otioK. Buritnsfton Frv Prva "Mamma, cneii little Willie. xvant an errand. Oh. I mu-t have an errand'" "Wu. ehild, what do voa mean'" -Oh. Harrv mamma saki ht aad gone dowa-toxvn 00 an erraad. ami I want one to ride os too." Srrjacr'd Bazar She was going oe a journey and a long night's rule wa.- uefore hr iSi dear." she sighed, a- her hii-baad bad hr good-bye m the sleeping-car. that night travel us so rediou.-. ami the hoard are so long." Don tbe discouraged." Ue said. you are on a last train and the night will slip by very raatdly " Boston Trrtn&tpt. -My dear." sad a wife so her ex hausted husband :n a dry-goods sSore. "do yon nonce tno- ladies" pocket books marked firry cents eaeh Tfcey are remarkaDfy cheap " I raooce them, ne -aid. edging m the direeaae of the -rreet entrance, "but rameraher the old mTT NveT buy anysfeiag vou nave no t-e ror because it'a cheap " " Ciaraao Tnuum. That mfema'. old hea hasn't laui an n' m a month. " said Pretzel ta other morning t ui- fraa. I rhinfr Til chop her heat! oS"'' - Don't be so crueL" repfied Gretchen. I hare oase patieacc mit her " Paaenev' Esvea't I be-n patient w-tn iwr3 Aad havent I been to &er ne-t every day for a month? "Dat- all ngh Carl: ysost lotik somewhere else. too. I guess may be she has mislaid them." Pretzetj WeeHv. Clas- m Geography Teacher What is the coitlot country in tke woridT" PrecocaHE, Pupil Chili." Where do the mules come from? "BraziL In what land do thev make ladies" shoes? "Morocco. -"Where do they fry things' ta Greece." "And whence comes our QueeHsware3 "From China," ia what country are the pecole most eara- Zealand." -Thai"ll so: the e11' - dtomiaed. Go-c. itop. Merely a Question cf ume. Merchant "5ee here. I can't staad this, you know Tou get here half aa hour after every botiy else." (Tiers " I get here at evraz and leav at -ax. I believe those are the hocra vou recmre put tn." Merchant - Certainly but veu are never here tJl half past eight." Clers "Oh, i See: you understand the nme matter has never been settled in Detroit, so I go by both standard and local nme I gt aer. by eight o'clock standard nme, that - - .Ju'by your xvatck; seeJ Then. I ieave ay local ume. which. is srr o clock." Merchant "An adrrurabie arrange ment, but as we had local rime here fce fore standard nme was introduced just rive is uk first chance nereafter Get ' sere bveigii; o'clock local and leave j Jy KKjaawdanL" DetniSFree Frss. i