The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, November 05, 1884, Image 4

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Eiterei at ths F::t:2:, Ccltsta, Hoi.,
diss niter.
Once a man was walking along,
Among the trees;
Ho saw the birds and flowers,
And then the bumble bees.
But looked he only at the birds,
For one he wished to catch;
That it might lay some eggs,
And for him some young birds to hatch.
And then he laid the net.
And caught the poor bird;
It begged for freedom,
And said of such cruelty never was
But the man only answered,
But then I want you;
In the woods and the air,
"What good can you do?
The bird said I can sing and chirp,
And you can come into tne grove:
And hear me sins: the praise of God,
And then of Him my love.
But after awhile
The man himself was caught;
And for his liberty
With all his might he fought.
But he was overpowered
And into prison he was threw;
Then of the poor bird's feelings
Very much he knew.
But when he got home
He let it flv away to its nest;
And now he "always thinks before he docs
And always thinks for the best.
Charles D. Wilson.
School Examinations.
J. P. Sprocher, principal of the
Norfolk schools, and ouo of the ablest
workers in the state, has a very sensi
ble article in the News, which we
herowith reproduce. If promotions,
upon merit shown, are made often
that fact alone causes greater progress
among the body of students striving
to get forward :
"Examinations of some 6ort are nec
essary that tho teacher may obtain
information in regard to the mental
improvement of pupilp. While serv
ing this purpose, they may also bo
made incidentally useful to pupils in
stimulating them to greater exertions ;
by revealing their imperfect knowl
edge of a subject; or .by aiding them
to a fuller understanding. Somo of
tho evils connected with them are
that they may occupy too great a
pharc of timo and attention ; may re
act injuriously on the pupil's physical
health through nervous excitement
and too lorn: continued and intense
application, or on hip moral nature by
inducing him to resort to trickery
that he may rank high.
"With a view to securing tho great
est benefit with the least of accomp'a
nying evil we propose the following
system of examination?. There shall
bo no regular monthly, term, or year
ly examinations occupying from a
day to a week at a time. Promotions
-will not bo made en masse at stated
times as the result of a single 'ex
haustive' examination. Teachers who
have had their schools subjected to
such tests know that their best pupils
6omctime3 utterly and unaccountably
fail whilo a poor one may achieve a
rank he is far from able to sustain.
It is better to watch the daily work of
pupils, and whenever it becomes evi
dent that from an error in the orig
inal classification, inequality of men
tal capacity, irregular attendance,
indolence, or any other cause a pupil
ought to be promoted or dropped, let
it be done. By this gradual readjust
ment there is no necessity for a final
examination. The pupilB who remain
in a class at tho cud of the year will
generally be able to go lorward with
the work of the course the next year,
though some readjustment will usu
ally take place at that time. No ex
amination will continue longer than
one-fourth of the day's session, at
most about ouo hour and a quarter's
work. Examinations in writing and
spelling will not occupy over thirty
minutes. If possible, no class will
havo examination in more than one
branch on tho same day. Examina
tions in writing, spelling and reading
will occnr on the second, third and
fourth Fridays of the month. Exam
inations in other branches will occur
whenever the claes has finished the
text-book work on some subject or
division of a subject iu that branch ;
and these may not occur regularly
every month, but will mark intervals
of progress, Thti6 a class will not
spend more than about one day each
month in this work, which is not an
undue allowance of time for this test
work; and scattering it on different
days throughout the month the vital
energies of pupils will not be over
taxed, nor will their mental vigor bo
subjected to a strain through long
continued effort that will prevent
their putting forth their best endeav
ors. Thus we hope to mako our ex
aminations something to be looked
forward to without dread ; an incite
ment to higher efforts rather than a
"The teacher's main object in ex
amining is to obtain information. To
this end there must be perfect honesty
in the work on the part of pupils.
The sentiment of honor must be cul
tivated in the pupils and measures
taken to prevent and detect cheating.
Again the questions must net bo so
difficult as to overreach the ability of
the pupils nor so easy as to make tho
examination a farce. And since, by
a comparison of rcsultp, we desire to
ascertain the relativo standing of
classes and of different pupilB iu tho
same class, all lists on the same sub
ject given to different classes should
involve equal amounts of test-work
and marking of answers should bo
done on a uniform plan ;and all ques
tions on the same list should involve
equal mental tests or have a value
assigned to it proportional to its
difficulty. Further, a series of such
lists on different subjects given to the
same claes must involve equal
amounts of test-work or the results
obtained by averaging the standing
in different branches would not rep
resent accurately the relative merits
of different pupils. Considering then
the difficulties in the way of prepar
ing proper questions; of assigning
proper valueB to each question; of
making equal tests in different
branchea and classes ; and the differ
ence in value that different teachers
would put upon the same answer in
marking, it will be seen that exami
nations require great care to make
them serve their proper function;
and that the figures on the examina
tion rolls of different schools; of
different rooms or classes in the same
school, or of different pupils in the
same class may give very erroneous
ideas in regard to the relative merits
of such schools, rooms, classes, or
John Brennan, the Irishman elo
quent of Sioux City, spoke these for
cible words in Fanuell hall, Boston,
before the election :
My brothers : Under the roof tree
of Fanuell hall in the vicinity of Bun
ker Hill, amid the echoes of tho voices
of Sumner and of Wendell Phillips
loud cheers J, I feel that'I am stand
ing on holy ground, and I deem it my
first duty to offer up upon your behalf
and upon behalf of the oppressed peoy
pies of the world, the humble homage
of our gratitude to tho warriors and
orators whose blood was shed and
whoso voices were lilted to heaven iu
the sublime cause of our common
liberty. Cheers and applause. Wo
are on the eve of a presidential battle,
and this presidential battle is not a
vulgar fight for spoils. The armies
consist of 10,000,000 of men. They
are the most numerous armies that
were ever engaged in the history of
the world in any moral or political
combat. The issue iu this combat is
as to who shall controll this govern
ment, whether it shall be controlled
by Americans or by tho power of
England and tho power of the English
government. Let it go forth from
Fanuell hall to-night to all America,
and to all the world, that, whenever
America is troubled by any foreigu
power, whether it comes from Eng
laud or from France or from Home,
we Irish-Americans stand by the side
of our adopted country. My home is
in tho far west, in the state of Iowa,
the eldest sister of Massachusetts ; in
in the state where, in the valleys, the
corn grows twclvo feet high, and
where fat swine and cattle are graz
ing leisurely on sunny hills; where
thero is an army of school teachers
disseminating thought throughout tho
land ; where the popularity of James
G. Blaine is such that when tho book
agent comes around to sell Blaine's
"Twenty Years of Congress," the
family bull dog comes out and opens
tho garden gate. Laughter and ap
plaupc. Wo of Iowa are an agricul
tural people Wo have there the
finest crops that the baud of God over
gavo the children of men. Onr gra
naries arc bursting with wealth. Wo
have everything that an abundant
harvest could give us. You of Mas
sachusetts aro manufacturing people,
who live by the labor of your hands,
and whoso labor is protected by tho
policy of protection to American in
dustries, and I of the west am here
to-night to ask you of Massachusetts
whether you aro willing that the good
things raised in Iowa shall feed the
pauper months of Europe, or shall be
eaten by the free laborers of Massa
chusetts. Cheers.
Diplomatic Secretary Fisk.
Governor Hamilton Fish was noted
for his deportment, and he took great
pride in Bending to the courts of Eur
ope in a diplomatic capacity gentle
men whose dress and manners would
not excite comment. He was much
concerned, however, when it became
his duty to commission Horace May
nard, of Tennessee, as Minister to
Turkey, and Godlove 8. Orth, of In
diana, as Minister to Austria. Neith
er one waB remarkable for his observ
ance of the social proprieties, and it
was some time before Governor Fish
could devise to give them a lesson
in dress. At last, so the story goes,
an idea struck him, and sending for
Orth he said something like this to
the Indiana statesman :
"Mr. Ortb, I have a favor to ask
"Anything I can do for you, Mr.
Secretary, I'll be glad to."
"Thank you, Mr. Orth, thank you,
Bir, you are very good. Mr. Maynard,
you know, is an excellent gentleman,
but he is not accustomed to the ways
of society as you or I are," and the
Secretary smiled pleasantly at the
guileless Orth, who had on a sky-blue
necktie and nnblackened boots. Af
ter having clinched his point he con
tinued : "I am afraid he will invent
somo startling innovation on the cos
tume usual among gentlemen when
they are out in society. He may
startle the foreign courts with a red
necktie and a sack coat, and now what
I want to ask you, Mr. Orth, is to
givo him a hint, as you are both going
over on the same steamer, about what
you and I should wear on social occa
sionsthe dress coat, black trousers
and waistcoat and the simple white
tie. You will know precisely how to
do it, and you will oblige me greatly
by attending to tho matter of so much
importance, as you, as a member of
polite society, know."
The hint was taken, and Mr. Orth
was noted among the diplomatists at
.Vienna for his faultless attire. Mr.
Maynard, with his long black hair and
Indian features, was not so apt a
scholar. Ben. Pcrley Poorc in Bos
ton. Feeding "Store" Cattle.
One great specialty of agriculture
ib tho breeding and focding of beef
cattle for market. The expert in this
business has learned that thero must
be, for the highest profit, no stand
still in tho life of the beef auimal.
Where there is no growth, the food
eaten is lost. All growth comes
from tho extra food ; if only enough
is given to support tho animal, it
must remain stationary, without any
increase in weight or in valne. A
numerous class of farmors keep what
they call "store" cattle, through tho
cold season, in a stand-still condition ;
and thoy do not seem to rcalizo that
they have been throwing away all
the food consumed through the win
ter, because they have not given food
enough to produco any growth.
This ought to bo so plain to them as
not to need explanation. Tho store
animal, that makes no growth, is
actually becoming less valuable, be
cause its capacity for digesting food
becomes impaired, and it often takes
a month, on good grass, to get these
storo cattle in a thrifty condition
again. If these farmers would study
this storing system carefully, they
certainly would not repeat it. As
we have often shown, it takes two
thirds of a full ration to keep the
animal alive, without growth, and
this is lost unless tho other third is
added, to produce a vigorous growth.
It costs from $10 to $15 to storo a
steer through the winter, and if the
farmer has ten head, his loss will be
from $100 to $150 ; whilo bad he fed
$50 to $75 worth more of feed, the
growth would have paid a profit on
the wholo.feed. This system, then,
shows a great want of foresight.
National Live-Stock Journal.
We see that the atrocity" of voting
gold headed canes to public men con
tinues. This is a relic of barbarism.
It is wrong to induce people to vote
at ten cents a ballot for a choice as to
whom the cano shall be inflicted
upon. But the cruelty does not stop
here. It goes on and appoints a com
mittee to solemnly approach the re
cipient and stuff him full of lies
about how popular he is and how his
friends have ached for several years
for a chance to show how much they
thought of him and how they all hope
the cane will bo a comfort and sup
port to him through many years of
old age. And then tho victim in
forms the committee that he is over
come with emotion, that he is deeply
touched and that he will never forget,
and all that. And tho victim wears
the cano around for a day or two,
feeling like a fool. He then throws
it into the back end of the deepest
closet in tho house, and the miserable
affair gradually fades from the mem
ory of men. Slate Journal.
The Horse Creek murder mystery,
to far as developments here are con
cerned, remains just as it did when
the coroner's jury returned its verdict
any reports published in papers of tho
State to tho contrary notwithstanding.
Sheriff Zibble Btarted somowhere the
latter part of last week in response to
telegrams which gave him encourage
ment that Furuival had been arrested,
but whether he went to Springfield,
Mo., or to the iutcrior of Mississippi,
as the diverse accounts published in
the Omaha Bee, Lincoln Journal and
St. Louis Glubc-Dcmocrat, is not gen
erally known here. Indeed, it is dif
ficult to put much crcdcucc in the ac
counts alluded to, so long as they
contain 60 much purporting to be the
statements of Mr. Zibble of the facts
of the case aud the probable action of
the people here. It is more likely
that much of such accounts are the
imaginations of enterprising reporters
than that Mr. Zibble is so excessively
communicative abroad aud so reticent
about the matter at home I'ullerton
Tho last words of a pressman of a
Boston paper who was crushed iu his
press recently were: "Go ahead
with the press, boys. Get the edition
off aud don't lose any bundles." The
sentiment expressed by tho humble
pressman in tho dingy press room,
amid the clatter, of the ponderous
presses, is just as noble as that of tho
gallant Lawrence of the American
Navy, whoso last words, "Don't givo
up the 6hip," have become historic
Rochester Union.
Blataal Toleration.
"My dear," said a wife to her huB
band, "I know that I am dreadfully
cross with you at times, that I am not
as patient as I should be, and I think
.the same can be said of you."
"Yes, certainly," he frankly ack
nowledged ; "I am almost as bad as
you are."-
" What's that?"
"I I say that I am just as much to
blame as you are."
"I think," went on the lady, "that
we ought to cultivate a mutual tol
eration of each other's faults," and
she bent over him fondly and kissed
"You are not looking well to-night,
my dear," he said, stroking her hair.
"No," she replied; "my feet pain
me dreadfully."
"That's because you wear shoes
two sizes too small for you."
Then the trouble began once more.
The Next Lefflnlatare.
Among the specific things promised
by candidates for the legislature we
find tho following. It will bo well
enough for the people and press to
bring forward the work needed to be
done by the next legislature. Much
demands in having bills ready for in
troduction and discussion early in tho
session :
1st. Change the time for assess
ments from April to January 1st, so
that stock owned in the county can
be assessed before they go to market.
2nd. Makea taxes become due
March 1st, instead of Jan. 1st, bo that
farmers and others will not be re
quired to pay taxes when all other
bills become due, and produce is
forced on the market at the lowest
pri ce.
3d. A bill regulating R. R. traffic,
which shall do eqnal justice to all
A farmer out in Harlan county
(says the Lincoln News,) is terribly
mad. He bad a big pumpkin that he
intended to send for exhibition
among Nebraska products at Now
Orleans, bnt he missed hia cows re
cently, and after two days search he
found them penned up inside tho
pumpkin. Some of tho boys had cut
a door through tho side, put the cows
in and fastened the piece in again.
Ho might not have found the cows
rat all, but the vine was still growing,
and it dragged the pumpkin around
over the ground so fast that tho piece
jolted out.
"No," said Mrs. Briny to an inquir
ing stranger, "we don't havo malaria
here, I admit, but it's the best board-ing-houso
on tho bay shore, and my
daughter Sally makes lemon pics that
can't be beat 'round these parts."
When the visitor had gono Mrs. Briny
said to her daughter: "Well, .lane, I
guess we'll have to lay in a stock of
that malary, for all of 'em as comes
here keep askin' if we've got it."
"I loHt my dog," said Mrs. Ilarity.
"Why dou't your husband look for
him ?" some one asked. "Who, Jim ?
Why, you know Jim's on the detect
ive force. Ho can't find anything."
In the whole univcrso thero aro no
agentB to work out the misery of tho
soul like its own fell passions. Not
the fire, the darkness, tho flood, or
tho tempest. Dr. Dewey.
!5EiS"H l(Ha
XaTnUEKRr 5c
The season for self-binders and reapers, which has proved successful to us beyond anticipation
in the extremely large number of machines we sold, as well as in the perfect operation of each ma
chine and the unbounded praise and satisfaction expressed by each purchaser, being over, we are
again ready, and offer to the farmers of Platte and adjoining counties goods which are now in season
and which we propose to sell at EXTREMELY LOW PRICES.
XebraNkn Sclioota at the Expo-
Superintendent Jones has issued a
circular in respect to Nebraska's
showing in public school work at the
world's fair at New Orleans, ne
says :
The work of the children of the
state is of the highest importance,
and should occupy the most promi
nent place. The teachers of the state
are especially requested to make this
department most creditable.
Examination, daily written work,
map -drawing, free-hand drawing,
compositions, specimens of penman
ship, which may be copies of several
lines of prose or poetry, specimens of
handiwork in or out of school, in
fact anything that shows what our
children arc doing in an educational
Ungraded, graded and high school
work will be included in this depart
ment. The county superintendents,
teachers and principals are earnestly
requested to lend their assistance and
urged to co-operate in making this
department all it should be.
All pupils' work should be upon
one paper of uniform size, 8xll
inchep, with a margin of one inch,
written only on one side and neatly
bound for preservation.
This department will be in tho
hands of Superintendent J. J. Points,
of Omaha.
f A I
Tiot According: to Bro. Roan.
A man from the outside world of
realities describes tho life of Arkan
sas as follows: Long days of doing
nothing beget little energy. Little
food is needed, and less new cloth
ing. In the fall and winter the crops
are gathered and turned over to tho
merchant, who holds a mortgage. To
sum up the labor of the year: I was
on the placo yesterday, and found an
old double log house, so nearly rotted
down that it was propped up all
around ; the windows wero without
glass, the door frames were without
doors, the children could pass out be
tween tho logs in any direction, tho
lady and a friend were sitting in a
"gallery," a space between tho two
cabins, on splint chairs, contentedly
"dipping" snuff, while tho lord and
master, in dirty, begrimracd clothes,
gat under a tree doing nothing, but
looking happy as tho day is long.
Fences rotted down, and loan pigs
with "pokes" on them, two sorry
lookiug horses trying to pick a living
from 6hort grass, and littlo children,
half a dozon or more, with but a singlo
garment on, were listlessly playing
in tho shade. The land, originally
poor, withbut two or three inches of
soil on the prairies, was worn out and
abandoned. Rising Independent.
The board of managers of tho state
fair mot last night and audited bills
incurred at the late exhibition. The
expenses were about $19,000, and re
ceipts $20,000, leaving a profit of
$1,000. Tho expenses were swelled
this year by tho high rent charged by
tho driving park association. The
secretary was instructed to advertise
in tho Omaha and Lincoln dailies for
locating the state fair for the next
five years, beginning with the exhibi
tion next year; bids to be received up
to Jan. 1st. Lincoln Journal.
Prepares Young Men and Women
To Enjoy and Adorn Somo and Social Life.
: Superior Instruction in:
Penmanship and ALL THE OTHER
COMMON BRANCHES, in Commercial
CorespoHiIence anil Book -keeping.
Samples of writing teachers' script sent
to inquirers.
The President of this College has had
IENCE. in educational work, and has
thoroughly inspected and compared the
construction, organization, methods, ar
raxgements, and equipments of more
than one hundred Universities, Normal
Schools, and Business Colleges.
FALL TERM (10 weeks) will begin
Oct. 21, 1SSJ.
WINTER TERM (13 weeks) will begin
Dec 20, 1884.
SPRING TERM (12 weeks) will begin
April 13, 18S5.
Families can purchase houses and lots
near the college on easy terms as to time
and interest. For particulars address
Prcst. of Normal aud Business College,
Fremont, Neb. 11-lm
Hay Rakes,
Hay Sweeps,
Farm Wagons,
Buckeye Mower, combined, Self
Binder, wire or twine.
Pimps Repaired ei short notice
3TOnc door west of Heintz's Drug
Store, 11th Street, Columbus, Neb. 8
Spring Wagons a Buggies,
Sulky a Walking Plows,
Wind Mills,
Pumps and Pipe.
AT)T) TrVTJl Send Hix ce
r MLh. K,Tcoa8nA
cents for
costly box of
goods which will help you to more money
right away than anything else in this
world. All, of either sex, succeed from
Jirnt hour. The broad road to fortuno
opeus before the workers, absolutely
sure. At once address, Tkuk & Co.,
Auguita, Maine.
At the Lowest Living Prices. Come and Gonvince Yourselves.
We sell the celebrated AULTMAN & TAYLOR, and C. AtJI.TMAN & CO.'S
Threshing Machines,
Horse Powers and Engines.
and Daisy,
i3 ik
s m- f"!! a-jipy-py- - siw"- wm jt"
Buggies and Spring Wagons.
Light - Running Orchard City Wagons.
08 p
-t P
We cordially invite everybody to call on us. We are always ready and glad to show anything
in our line, and will give you BOTTOM PRICES.
Thirteenth Street, near B. & M. Depot,