fttttttlosferotat, WEDNESDAY, XOV. 5, 1884. Thebe are 516 lady missionaries in India. The dentist to the court of Italy is an American. Young lady physicians are multi plying in Germany. Maj. James R. Wassok has been pardoned by the President. The decrease of the public debt during October was $8,307,192. Lands in the vicinity of Brewster, Blaine Co., Neb., are being taken up rapidly. The commissioners of DouglaB county have invested $1,000 in grad ing machines. It is stated that one-third of all the banking in the world is done in the British empire Bob Ingebsoll will deliver the ad dress at the unvailing of a monument to Kit Carsoo at Santa Fe. A man recently shot a white pelican in Colfax county that measured eight feet from tip to tip of wings. A Blaiu man sends to. the New Orleans exposition a beet three feet long and weighing 18 pounds. It is only seventeen years ago since the first newspaper was printed in the interior of the state of Nebraska. The mayor of Philadelphia thinks the mother hubbard's a little loose for street wear, but he will not suppress them. The kernal of the peach stone is the bitter almond of commerce. Con fectioners give 20 cents a pound for them. Mayob Edson, of New York has appointed General Fitz John Porter police commissioner in place of S. P. Nichols, deceased. When they can count one hundred farmers' teams on the street the citi zens of Creighton think they have a rather lively town. Hobse flesh is now said to be sold in London as well as In Paris, much to the disgust of John Bull and bis beef-serving butchers. Geobge McNebtv was arrested the other night charged with pouring oil over his wife and then setting her clothcB on fire at Newark, N. J. Patkick Fobd ha? begun a suit for $200,000 damages against persons al leged to be guilty of publishing a spurious issue of the Irish World. An explosion in a coal mine near Uniontown, Pa., the other afternoon, is reported to have resulted iu the killing or mainvng of twenty men. Geobge Bbiggs the Fairfield Her ald says, takes the cake on potatoes. He will have about 2,400 bushels from eight acres, or 300 bushels per acre. The tune of "John Brown's Body" is of Methodist camp-nieetiug origin. It was adopted to its present use by an organist in Harvard Church in 1SG1. Owing to the reduction of postage from 3 to 2 cents the expenditures for the postal service this year will exceed the receipts by about $3, 000,000. It was stated iast week that repre sentatives of a syndicate of eastern men are in Omaha for the purpose of leasing the packing house of the union stock yards. TnE Electric Light Company's build ing at Grand Rapid?, Mich., burned tho other morning, causing a loss of $9,000, lully insured. The city is loft in darkness. Postmasteu-Genehal Hatton was in Omaha the other day and made arrangements for the earlier distri bution at that point of the evening mail from the cast. "Wilbub F. Stobv, proprietor of the Chicago Times, died at his residence in Chicago, on the night of the 27th ult. lie was stricken two years ago with paralysis in Europe. During a democratic demonstra tion at Peoria, III., on the evening of the 30th ult., a torpedo prematurely exploded, instantly killing Charlie Uammondagcd 15 years. Deeb, antelope, jack rabbits, and other game arc quite plentiful in Blaine county, Neb. On some of the small Btreams putting into North Loup fish abound in largo numbers. The body of Mr 6. John Pugh was fountTa few days since by some In dians, floating in a creek in Pierce county, Neb. Iu a fit of insanity tho woman had left homo over a month ago. Burglars took $1,000 in mon ey and $10,000 worth of bonds of the KockawayfBeach Improvement.Com pany from the store of A. B. Smith, at Bockaway Beach, L. I., the other night. The blew open the safe. A large number of hogs are re ported dying in Washington county and are being left unburied. Grave fears are felt that their decaying re mains will poison the air to an extent likely to cause a general epidemic. Scobe one for the American woman abroad. Dispatches from Paris state that at the opeuing of the Italian opera season in that city the Ameri cans unquestionably outstripped their sisters of the old world in good lookB and gorgeous array. Taxes in Fremont precinct, Dodge county, for 1SS4, amount to about 8 per cent on the dollar valuation. Peo ple who expect to live in Nebraska must take considerable more interest in the conduct of the offices and the expenditure 6f money. Jqz Ward, keeper of a tavern and grocery in Egeria Park, Denver, Oct. 27th, being patisfied that there wa an undue intimacy between bis bimtmU with a Winchester rifle and I 1 t"s.ra tiraillD nilf Stlfl Hf.A. V1W .. w THE ELECTION. PrefeaMy Take OMcial Coast to Settle. We had hoped by delaying our issue to Thursday, now to Friday 10 a. m., to be able to record the election of Biaine and Logan, but we cannot do so, although we are not yet altogether without hope that the official returns in New York state will show a plu rality for Blaine. If the Republicans are defeated, the reverse must be attributed to the strong prohibition vote in New York state. The solid, sober sense of this coun try must eventually see that the Re publican party is the party of true progress, holding fast to the good accomplished in the past, while keep ing step with all solid advancement. Of course attention has been chiefly directed to New York state, and tho telegrams fluctuated from sido to side, the last one received here before going to press was dated 1 a. m. Nov. 7, and was to the effect that the offi cial vote of 50 counties gave plurality for Blaine of 59,384 and 69,207 for Clevelaud; tho four counties not in are estimated to give Blaine 9314, Cleveland 487, which would leave Cleveland ahead by 99G. The republican hope hangs some what on a mistake in this estimate. The supreme court of Ohio, three judges affirming and two dissenting, on the 28th ult., declared the Scott liquor tax law unconstitutional. It is claimed that the amount of license collected last year under the law, together with interest will nearly bankrupt all the cities of the state as the court are of the opinion that the amount of licenses will have to be refunded. The decision was rendered by three democrats, two republicans dissenting. In Columbus, Ohio, for example, between $45,000 and $50,000 were realized from the tax last year, and none of the amonnt has been paid this year. The consequence is that the departments are behind two to three months, in the payment of salaries. "It will give the state to the Republicans for ten years," said John A. Shank, a Democrat, who thinks the law a just one. The Fullcrton tragedy continues to excite interest. Some letters, it is claimed, have been found among the effects of Furnival showing that the theories heretofore advanced are all wrong. A number of letters have been found written to Furnival by a certain scion of nobility in England, which prove that Furnival came to Nebraska with a purpose to murder Percival. The latter was heir to a large estate in England, and Furni val's correspondent was the next of kin. About a year ago Furnival made his appearance at Fullerton, coming here direct from England where he had been a neighbor of Per cival. Furnival was warmly wel comed by Percival, and given a lift, financially. Watching his opportu nity, the fiend committed the horrible murders and escaped. This is the latest theory of the crime. The committee having iu charge the proposed Methodist college north of the Platte have decided that any bid for the seminary, in order to re ceive the attention of the committee, must not be less than $20,000 in cash, or its equivalent in endowment, buildings or land subject to the ap proval of the commission. They also decided that 100 acres were necessary for college or seminary grounds, and that uot less than 50 acres could be sanctioned by the commission, as it is expected that the school will eventu ally require this full amount for ab solute use. It has decided that all bids be placed in the hands of the commission on or before the 25th of Nov., '84. The committee adjourned to meet at Fremont, Nov. 25th. Foub yearB ago, after tho election the Chicago Times, a paper at all times regarded as democratic, if some times critically so, closed an article in these words : "The late defeat need not bo attrib uted to any other caoso. Other causes were at work, but they were only in cidental. The tariff was one. Sec tionalism was a second. 'Let well enough alone' was a third. The Oc tober failure in Indiana was a fourth. But all these were trivial,and together could not have accomplised the result. The result was accomplished because the youths of the republic are not democratic. That party is therefore without a future and without a hope. The malediction of the war has pal sied its brain. The curse of slavery has poisoned its blood and rotted its bone. Let it die." Betobe election people inclined to peace were looking towards the great cities with considerable anxiety. In Chicago, especially, trouble was an ticipated becanse of the evident inten tion of fraud. The New York Herald had said: "In Chicago the Blaine men are preparing to play the deputy marshal game." To which the Inter Ocean rejoined: It is not play, but business. The ballot-box and its attendants are in the hands of gamblers and men not to trusted without a close watch. Every honest voter will be allowed to cast an honest ballot, and the Herald stripe of bummers and repeaters, over whose fate it wails in advance, are already doomed. If there is anv law to punish such it will be enforced in Chicago. A tebbible panic occurred on the evening of the 1st inat., at the Star theatre, Glasgow, caused by a cry of fire. During tho rush of the people to escape from the building sixteen persons were killed, and twelve ser iously injured. At the cry of fire the whole audience instantly rose to its feet and made a rush to the several exits. The great mass of people rushed to the pit. In rushing there from,the crushing crowd poured from the gallery, the fearful and fatal blockade, the shrieks of agony and despairing cries for relief could not then be answered. The audience numbered about 2,000. It is claimed that the author of the alarm of fire was a former employe of the theater, who had been discharged. The Lincoln Journal says that Pendleton's speech was in vivid con trast with Morton's on the subject of the tariff, and with a little more go in it and less vagueness, would have answered the purpose of a republican speaker. The Journal adds: ''Un doubtedly the only barrier that hinders him from coming out squarely as a republican is his age and the copperhead speeches he made duriug the rebellion that stare him in the face and that cannot be excused. It iB mnch harder for a copperhead to repent and be forgiven than for an open and armed rebel. Pendleton, unfortnnately for him, went the whole hog with his more brilliant colleague Yallandigham. It will stick to him so long as he lives." Sheriff Zibble, of Fullerton, start ed for Springfield, Mo., on the 27th ult., armed with a requisition from Governor Dawes for George F. Fur nival, the Nance county murderor. Zibble received a telegram from the authorities at Springfield asking for a detailed description of Furnival. It was sent, and word was wired back that the man wanted was at Spring field. It is thought now that Furni val did not go to Omaha as at first supposed, but left the Union Pacific at Papillion, going south on the Mis souri Pacific. Is there any surplus in the treasury of any. Democratic state? Don't all speak at once. Is there any surplus in the treasury of any city ruled by Democrats? A universal chorus of no. The New York papers yell "turn the rascals out," but the treas ury of that city is in debt to-day over $100,000,000, and it is not the rascals who have stolen and misap propriated the money that they want turned out. They want them turned into the Nation's treasury. Inter Ocean. A bepobt comes from St. Helena, Neb., giving the particulars of a tragedy near that place the other day. John Phillips, postmaster at St. Hel ena, and deputy sheriff of Cedar county, attempted to arrest a Daue, name unknown, for burning a num ber of stacks of hay and grain. The Dane barricaded himself and shot Phillips, who was taken home in a dying condition. A posse finally arrested the Dane and hanged him to a tree. A violent storm prevailed at Lon don the other night and day. Houses were demolished at Shields. Vessels in the Clyde were driven from their moorings and many wrecks are re ported along tho coast. Four vessels were driven ashore off Greenock. The steamer from Lisbon for Cardiff and a German cruiser were wrecked. Both crews were Baved. On the evening of the 27th ult., shortly aftor 8 o'clock a distinct shock of eartbquako was felt in Nashua, N. II. It was accompanied by a noise like a heavy explosion, followed by a low, rumbling sound. The general direction of the earth quake was from tho southwest to the northeast. The shock lasted four to five seconds. The Nebraska Signal calls attention to a law passed by the last legislature making it a crime equivalent to lar ceny to purchase goods and then leave tho state without paying for them. Under this law, Jonathan Butler, formerly of Fairmont, waB recently arrested in Iowa and brought back for trial. Suit was instituted. Democrats here and there have made considerable objection to the supervision of the elections on con gressman by marshals of tho United States, but have, as yet, failed to produce a singlo Instance where a fraudulent republican vote was polled, or an honest democratic vote rejected. A United States express package of $7,500 was checked in at the Youngstown, Ohio, office the other evening, bnt was missing from the 6afe when the messenger from Pitts burg was ready to receive his matter. No clue to the thief has yet been ob tained. President Arthub has presented gold watches to Captain Edward Williams, of the British barque Cate Una, and to Captain T. W. Churchill, of the Canadian ship Jessie Burritt, in recognition of hnmane services rendered by them to American crews. The normal school at Fremont opened the other day with good prospects for future usefulness. Fifty students were enrolled at the com mencement and as many more will be enrolled, it is believed, at the end of another week. Blaine's welcome at New York, was a splendid reception, and his response was one befitting the man and the occasion. The republican party has reason to be proud of Mr. Blaine and the canvass that he has made. Arkansas. Gabneb, Ark., Oct. 27, 18S1. Editor Journal: Thinkiug that a letter from this part of the eminent domain of "Our Uncle Samuel" might interest a few of your readers, wo would say that leaving Nebraska the 20th of August our journey from home down to this place was both pleasant and interesting. And that all along the route we were more fully impressed with the correctness of our observations published iu the Journal last summer. But we be lieve the corn crop of our part of Nebraska to be a better average crop than what we saw anywhere on our journey of nine hundred miles. The cotton fields, although below an av erage in growth or prospective yield of the "fleecy staplo," were then a picture of beauty to our mental vis ion, clothed as they were with flow ers of blue, white and shades of pink and purple, with an occasional lower pod already hurst open in full ripe ness, giving us a passing glance at its snowy whiteness. Our visit to Little Rock (the state capital) of two days the latter part of August gave us a better knowledge of its business, its buildings, and also an acquaintance with more of its leading business men. Tho wholesale houses iu drugs, hardware, dry-goods, groceries, glass and crockery-ware, &c, carry a large and full stock and have a largo and increasing business, competing as they do with the immense establish ments of Memphis and St. Louis. In fact the city is a business center of large capabilities, and its flouring mill, with a daily capacity of two hundred and fifty barrels, is a fair index of other branches of business in the city. We ought also to men tion the large cotton-seed oil factory, where thousands of gallons of pure refined oil are made each fall and winter. It is used largely in cooking, but a vast quantity is shipped to Eu rope, bottled and returned beautifully labelled as the pure, unadulterated Olive oil of Italy. Dear Journal, you will perceive that there is cheat in all trades but yours and mine. A city of fair proportions is Little Rock, and beautiful to the eye in its bloom of delicious roses, choice flowers and rare and costly shrubs. But we must finish this letter with the description of a "gentleman of color" residing but a short distance from here and who is to us an ocular demonstration of nature's vagaries, of which we have occasionally read but doubted until the "spotted" gentle man in the living body stood before us gradually changing his "ebon hue" to pure whiteness. This change, so the gentleman informed us, began to appear in small spots on different parts of his body some four years back and have been growiug in size until now there are pieces of white as large as a supper plate surrounded by the original darkness, and from that to the smallest speck just changing its original huo to the whiteness of the pure Circassian. It seems to me that tho whito growths have spread in size during the two months I have been acquainted with him, and he as suredly is a living monnment to the fact that an Ethiopian can bo changed in color if ho cannot change his skin. Peter Taylor would assuredly draw full houses aa a man of two colors, and the physicians of your city would no doubt elucidate the whys and wherefores in much learned non sense why Peter should at thirty-five years of age change his color and probably die a white man. J. Boans. ftoathern Politic. New Orleans, Nov. 1. A Pica yune New Iberia special says that at a political meeting at Lorenville to day some negroes got into a difficulty. Joe Gilfoux stepped in to quiet them, when ho was fired on by a negro, the ball penetrating bis bat. He returned the fire without effect. By this time there was a general resort to fire arms and a general fusilade commenced. Joe Gilfoux was the first to fall, shot dead. He is one of the best citizens and a staunch democrat. Sheriff Theodore Verator waB brought in here wounded, but not dangerously. The parties who brought him say Austin R. Bell, was also shot dead. A. Boutte, a negro politician, and three other negroes were killed. Jules Mcsteyeer and Judge Fontebin are reported among the wounded. A large number of men are under arms thcro and tho excitement is at fever heat. Tho excitement here iB very great. Squads of armed men left for the scene of the conflict. The town will be picketed and patrolled to night. Later A large number of prison ers have been brought in by armed men. Cannot ascertain the number tonight. Thoy are lodged in jail and guarded. Judge Theo Fontebin, Al bert Fontebin, L. Fontebin, and A. fontebin are among the prisoners. The most reliable reports are that the republicans went over there expect ing trouble, and it commenced among the negroes. Judge Fontebin is uot wounded aa at first reported. A. T. Dugas and St. Clair Dngas are re ported wounded. Many others are wounded, but they got off. Most of the reports agree that six negroes were killed, but as tbey stampeded after the first fight it is impossible to say positively how many. ADDITIONAL LOCAL. Real Estate Transfers, Reported for the Journal for tho week ending last Saturday, by Gus. G. Becher & Co : D C Loveland and L F EIHb and wives to Rebecca H Longshore, wd., $336 ; lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, Holman's out lots. Thomas Mclin and wife to Mary A Crossairt, wd., $3500; nw 4, 19, 2w, 162.45 acres. Theresa McGinitie and husband to A Bruce Coffrotb, wd., $250: lot 9, and e lot 8 bl 3 Turner & Hulst's addition. Martha J Long and husband to Francis M Alexander, wd., $500; w iswK8wK618 4w. George A Field and wife to J E Tasker, q c d., $100; all block 20 and lots 1 2 3 and 4 bl 21 Platte Center. George W Smith to Joseph Flynn wd., $75; lot 6 bl 1 Smith's addition. Hosiuia I E-:enliimM- to Peter J. Martz, wd., $1000; mv hw and bw !1W H 20 17 lw 80 acres. Philip Bender single to Win H Campbell wd., $1600; o sw if 23 20 lw 80 acres. Samuel E Hartley to Elsworth Dixon wd., $1200 ; e i ne X 25 20 lw 80 acres. Charles L Hill and wife to Howard Nickell wd., $800; K n Jf lot 1 aud part !ot 2 bl 85. Howard Nickel aud wife to John Knobel, wd., $1100 ; s n ) lot 1 aud part lot 2 bl 85. Harry C. Newman to John C. Rausdell, wd., $700; n lots 7 and 8 bl 153. Michael Weaver and wife to Jose phine Wailed, wd., $100; lots 7 and 8 bl 175. Geo. N. Derry and wife to George Wagner, wd., $460; w lot 2 bl 85. J. H. Uellbush to the German Evangelical Lutheran St. John's con gregation of the unaltered Augsburg confession, w.d., $25; part nw 13, 19, lw. Edmoud Grant to John C. Dincen, wd., $1000; lots 2, 3, 4 and 5, IS, 17, lw, 138.62 acros. Chas. J. Whiting and wife to Geo. W. Hansen, qcd., $150; n l ne and seKne and ne se J 27, 17, le. Thomas W. Olin and wife to Jos eph Kuyaiva, wd., $75 ; lot 3, 22, 17, lw, 33.50 acres. A. J. Zeller and wife to Theodore Wolf, qcd., $2000; sw and n n ) 11, 20, le. Pablic Schools Roll or lfoaor. This list includes those whose av erago class standing is 9 on a scale of 10, and who have been neither absent nor tardy during tho month : High School Ella Hoisington, Cla ra Weaver, Addie Ransdall, Libbie Coffey. Mr.Brindley's Room Abbie Drane, Emma Erb, Herman Albrect, Willie Coolidge. Miss Martin's Room Vincent Gal ley, Willie Schroeder, Ernest Dussel, Irwin Speice, Chad Arnold, Bertie Coolidge, Charles Jones. Miss Conltcr's Room Lida Distle borst, Alma Segelke. Mrs. Ballou's Room Henry Keat ing, Louis Schreiber, Louis Schroe der, Walter Galley, Eddie Jones, Adolph Luers, Mary Bader, Abbie Keating, Annio Stanffer, Liilie Keat ing, Annie Hoppen, Teressia Stovi cck, Irene Ilurd, Mollie Cannon, Pearl Davis. Mr. Tcdrow's Room Alvin Coan, George Whaley, Ernest Gerrard, Eva Clark, Susan Smith, Mazio North. Miss McGath's Room Nellie Post, Effie White, Emma Gregorious, Roy Slattery, Alva Slattery, Charlie Wil lis, Lee Rollins, Eddie Watts, Herbert Henry, Ada Smith. Miss Bauer's Room Annie Becker, Mary Elston, Willie Coffey, Henry Thompson, Johnnie Huber, Fritz Gregorious, Effie Watts. Mrs. Brindley'a Room Ida Lud man, David Martyn, Pearl Baker, Minnie Becker, Georgo Ifland, Chas. Hardell, Willie Gregorious, Alice Elias, Freddie Rawlins, Richard Mockbee, Carrie Norvel. op at- Fer Cist, of Attesusct. 91 70 90 96 86 85 88 86 77 84 Atteadaace at School. Atteution is called to a report pub lished elsewhere of the attendance upon the public schools of the city. Tho highest per cent, of attendance shown for tho pa&t month is in Miss Coalter's department, where, upon an enrollment of 27 there was an average daily attendance of 26, pretty nearly 9GK per cent. The High School comes second on tho list with an average attendance of 30 out of a possible 33, nearly 91 per cent. The two lowest on tho list are 77 and 70 per cent., the averago of tho entire number being 84 per cent., that is, of every 100 children enrolled on the school registers, sixteen of them, for some reason or other, have been absent from their work every day during the past month. Some of these have, of course, been unavoid ably kept out of school by reason of sickness and other good excuses, but wo venture to say that a large pro portion of them might, with a little extra exertion, have been sent to school. Until parents, pupils and teachers fully realize that school- keeping and school-going is work, just as much as any other, and to bo engaged in with tho same prompt ness, fidelity and energy that bring success in any other work, our public, free school system will not be per fect. We believe that it is coming to be generally understood that the pupil's progress at school run6 parallel with his attendance, and parents must not expect that their children who attend during but fifteen days of the school month, will travel aa far around and up the hill of science, as those of like ability who employ the full twenty days at the work. It is because attendance or non-attendance is mainly tho work of parents that we thuB call attention to an all-important element of our school system. ESTRAY HOTICE. Taken up at our premises, Oct. 16th. after many trials, Seven pigs about three months old. Owner will prove property and pay charges. 27-5 Plxtctk Bros. ESTEAY POKY. Taken up by the undersigned at the Columbus Packing House, Saturday, Oct. 18tb, a SORREL TONY, about three years old. Sam'i.. Cory. J-6 ENBOLLMENT AND TER 6ENT. TENDANCE. ATirtp BiUy Sip't. Zanllaist. Atttaliact. High School 33 30 Mr.Brindley's 29 20 Miss Martin's 35 27 Miss Coulter's 27 26 Mrs. Ballou's 60 52 Mr. Tedrow's 47 40 Miss McGath's 42 37 Miss Bauer's 21 18 Mrs.BrindIey'fi58 45 Total, 352 295 ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. In tho matter of the estate of Edward I). Sheehan, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that the un-, dersigned by virtue of a liceiuu to us granted by the District Court of l'latto county, Nebraska, bearing il.ite the Itith day of August, 18S4, to tell the real o.-tate of "said deceased, we, Henry .1. IIudon administrator, and Ellen Sheehan admin istratrix, of tho estate of said deceased, will, on the lltk day of October, 1881, at one o'clock in the afternoon, at the west front door of tue Court Ilou-e iu the city o Columbus, In said Platte comity, otTer for sale, and sell at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash in hand, the said real ctate situated in the county of Platte, and State of Nebraska, described as follows, to wit: The middle twenty-two feet of lot No. four (-1), in block No. one hundred and nineteen ( 119), in the city of Columbus ; also the follow ing described tract of land, beginning at the southeast corner of the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter of sec tion No. twenty-nine (2!l), in township No. seventeen (IT), north, of range No. one (I), east of the sixth principal me ridian, running thence north three (;t) chains, thence west ten ( K) chains. thence south three (."5) chains. thence east ten (10) chains to the place of beginning. Dated at Columbus Nebraska, this Sod day of September, 1S3J. IIknky .1. ltuisox. Administrator, Ellkn Siikkiian, Administratrix, Of the estate of Edward I). Sheehan. 2-2-:: NOriCK OK .UUOUUNMKNT. Notice is hereby given that tho above sale was idjourned until the 2Tth day of October. 1SS4, at one o'elock p. in., at which time, at the west front door of the Court House, in Columbus, Nebraska.we will again oner for sale at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, the prop erty described in the foregoing notice. IlKNitr J. Hudson, Administrator, Ellkn Siikkiian, Administratrix, 2 Of the estate of Edward D. Sheehan. FIXAL. PKOOF. Laud Otlicc at Grand Island, Xeb.,1 Nov. 1st, l.SSI. J "VT OTICE is hereby given that the ji following named settler has tiled notice of his intention to m.iketinal proof in support of his claim, aud that said proof will be made before the Clerk of the District Court, at Columbus, Nebras ka, on January iith, 1S8.1, viz: Truls Martenson, Pre-emption ti'te, for theN. V. , Section ), 19, -1 west. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: Nels D. Anderson, W. Wright, C. J. Carlson, and A. Soderbarg, all of Platte Co., Neb. 2S-6 C. HOSTETTER, Register. F1XAL. PKOOF. Land Office at Grand Island, Xeb.,1 Oct. Itith, 1SU1. J NOTICE is hereby given that the following-named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make linal proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Clerk ot the Dis trict Court at Columbus, Neb., on November 28th, 1884, viz: Olof B. Holm, Homestead No. 7G0, for the S. i, of X. W. XA, Section SO, Township 19, Range 3 west. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and culti vation of, said land, viz: John 31. An derson, Peter N. Bauer, Hans Nils Chris tensen, all of Palestine Valley P. O., and Win. J. Irwin, of AVest Hill, Nebr. 2G-(i C. IIOSTETTER, Register. FlUAL PROOF. Land Oilice at Grand Island. Xcb., Oct. l.'ith, 1SS4. f NOTICE is hereby given that the follow ing named settler ha? tiled notice ot his intention to make final proof in sup p rt of his claim, and that said proot will be made before Judge of District Court, at Columbus, Neb., on Nov. 27th, 1SSI, viz : Samuel Maliood, Homestead No. 9421, for the S. E. i, Section 20, Town-hip 19, It.mge 3 west. He names the follow ing witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: J M. Robinson, Geo. G. Glass, David H. Davis and Henry Hurley, or Postville, Neb. 26-G C. IIOSTETTER, Register. FIXAL. PROOF. Land Office at Grand Island Neb.J Oct. ICth, 1881. J N" OTICE is hereby given that the fol lowing-named settler uas liteu notice ot his intention to make tin a I proof in support of his claim, and that said proot will bo made before the Clerk of the Dis trict Court at Columbus, Nebraska, on November 2Sth, 1SS4, viz: John Peterson, Homestead No. 11217, for the X. E. Section 11, Township 18, Range 4 west. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous resi dence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: Joseph L. Truman, of Genoa, Neb., John II. Ely, Lewi Hcdlund and Jonas Anderson, of AVest Hill, Neb. 2C-0 C. IIOSTETTER, Register. FN AL PKOOF. Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.,) Oct. 18th, 1884. f Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof iu support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Clerk of the District Court, at Columbus, Nebr., on November 29th, 1884, viz: Charles Kaminski, Homestead No. 13390. for the N. K, of N. W. i, Section 32, Township 19, Range 3 west. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and eul. tivation of, said land, viz: Christian Kessaw, Henry Hurley, James Free aud Thomas Bryant, all of "West Hill Nebr. 20-0 C. IIOSTETTER, Register. FirVAlj PROOF. Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.J Oct. 10th 1884. J NOTICE is hereby given that the fol-lowing-named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make linal proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Clerk of the District Court at Columbus, Neb., on Thursday, Nov. 27th, 1884, viz: Samuel Prang, Homestead No. 9130, for the S. W. , section 1 1. Township 20 north, of Range 1 west. He names the following witnesses to prove his contin uous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: Gerd J. Jvuper of Colum bus, Platte Co., .Neb., ami treuericK Fromholz. James L.Brown and William B. Veasey of Humphrey, Platte Co., Ne 25-6 C. IIOSTETTER, Register. FIIVAE. PROOF. Lind Office at Grand Island, Neb.J Sept. 20th, 1884. j NOTICE is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Clerk of the District Court of Platte county, at Columbus, Ne braska, on Thursday, November 20th, 18S4 viz Per. W. Carlson, Homestead No. JhJflO for the N. W. , Section 18, Township 19 north, of Range 4 west. He names the following witnesses to prove his contin uous residence upon, and cultivation of, said laud, viz: N. D. Anderson, A. 31. Anderson, Franz Soderberg, and John Blonitivist, all ot Lookingglass, iPIatte Co., Neb. 23-6 C. HOSTETTER, Register. F1KA1. PROOF. Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.J Sept.: J, 1884. N OTICE is hereby given that the fol lowing-named settler has hied notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Judge of District Court, at Columbus, Neb., on the 15th day of November, 1881, viz: Ignaz Zach Homestead No's. 91S8 and 12971, as additional for the S. K X- E. i, and X. K, s- E- K Section 28, Township 20 north, of Range 1 west. He names the following witnesses to prove his con tinuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: Ignaz Veith, Josenh Haschke, August Wicscr, Mathias Fucbs, alt of Humphrey P. O., Platte County, Nebraska. 23-0 C. HOSTETTER, Register. F13TAE. PROOF. Laud Office at Grand Island, N'eb.J Scpt.22, 18S1. f NOTICE is hereby gi'-en that the following-named settler has tiled notice ot his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Clerk of the District Court, of Platte county, at Columbus, Xeb., on 3Ionday, Xovember, 24th, 1884. viz: John Albracht, Homestead Xo. 9190, for the X. "W. X, Section 26, Township 90 north, of Range 3 west. He names the following witnesses to prove his con tinuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: Simon Brown, Fred. Weasel, Joseph Schmitz, Joseph Wieser, all of St. Bernard, Platte County Neb. 23-6 C. HOSTETTER, Register. COLUMBUS WM. BECKER, !KALKU IN ALL KINDS OK . STAPLE AND FAMILY GROCERIES! I KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND A WELL SELECTED S I'OCK. Teas, Coffees, Sugar, Syrups, Dried and Canned Fruits, and other.Staples a Specialty. C!oo1m Delivered Free lo amy part ol'lfcc -Uy. Cor. Thirteenth and K Streets, near A . If. Depot. THE REVOLUTION Dry Goods and Clothing Store Has on hand a splendid stock of Ready-made Clothing, Dry Goods, Carpets, Hats, Caps, Etc., Etc., At piH M were never tofl of Mors Id Colifc I buy my goods strictly for cash and will give my customers the benefit, of it. Give Me a call and convince yourself of the facts. I. GLUCK. FIXAI. PROOF. Land OOIce at Grand Island, Xeb.J Sept. 27tli, 1-L 1 NOTICE is herein- -riven that the following-named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support ot hi el.iim.and that .said proof will he made lnTon- Clerk of the District Court at Colunibu., XeW., on XoveinherTthwlSSL viz: Albert Schroeder Homestead .-.o. IMG'S for the S. , of S. W. H, Section 30. Township 20, Range 1 east. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and culti vation of, said land, viz: Henry Al lison, E. A. Sage, Uarrv Ilerzenhanu and Wendelin Krauner, all of Cresten Xebr. . , 23-0 C- IIOSTETTER, Register. FIXAK PROOF. U.S. Laud Oilice, Grand Island, Xeb.,) Oct. 2d, ISM. J NOTICE is hereby uiven that the fol low ing named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Clerk of the Dis trict Court of Platte county, at Colum bus, Xebraska, on Tuesday, Xovember lStli, 1SSL viz: Ignatz Veith, Homestead No. i it:, Tor the W. H of S. E. of Section 20, Town ship 20 north, of Range 1 west, aud addi tional Homestead Xo. 1151)0, for the L. of S. E 4 Section 2(5, Township 20 north, of Range 1 west. He names the follow ing witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: Ignatz Zach, August Bentel, John Daly and Albert Schroeder, all of Humphrey, Platte Co., Xeb. 24-U C. IIOSTETTER, Register. FinAL. PKOOF. Land Office at Grand Islasd Xeb.,) Sept. 27th, 1S34. f NOTICE is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Clerk of District Court of Platte county at Columbus, Neb., on Xovember 7th, 1884, viz: Patrick Duffv Homestead No. INhS, for the S. E. Jf Section 33, Township 20, ltaii"e ." west. He names the following Witnesses to prove his continuous resi dence upon, and cultivation or, said land, viz: Edward Rogan, Bernard Cal laghan,John Deean and Patrick Deegan, all of Postyille, Xebr. . 23-K C. HOSTETTER, Register. FI.AI. PKOOF. Land Oflice at Grand Island, Xeb.,1 Oct. Dth, 1884. J NOTICE is hereby given that the following-named settler ha filed notice ni- his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the CJerk of the Dis trict Court of Platte county, at Colum bus. Xebraska, on Saturday November 22nd, 1884, viz: Gerhard Strotmann, Homestead No. S781. for the X. Y of X. E. X, Section 28, Township 20, north of Range 1 wost. He names the following witnesses to prove bis continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: Kiinli:iril Wiehn. Josef Haschke. Louis Wiegand, and August Wie.-and, all Humphrey, Platte Co., Xeb. 2.--G " C IIOSTETTER, Register. -. , .. -" . an oi FIXAL. PKOOF. Land Office, Grand Island, Xeb.) Oct. lltb, 1884. J NOTICE Is hereby given that the fol lowing named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in sup port or his claim, and that said proof will be made before Clerk of District Court at Columbus, Xeb., on Xov.20th, 1884, viz : Heinrich Prang, Pre-emption No. 747, for the X. 4, X. W. i, bection 14, Town ihip 13, Range 1 ca3t. He names the fol lowing witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: Edwin Ahrens, Julius Hembd. John Ahrens and Henry Sander, all of Columbus, Platte Co., Xeb. 25-G C. IIOSTETTER, Register. FFVAL. PKOOF. Laud Office at Grand Island. Xeb.,) Oct. 7tn, 1884. J Nl OTICE is hereby given that the following-nameu settler nas men nntirp of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Judge of the District Court at coiumous, Ne braska, on the 20th day of Xovember, 1881, viz: , Johan Kcrsch, Homestead No. 9292, for the AY. MS.E. i, Section 22, Township 19 north, of Range 1 east. He names the following witnesses to prove his contin uous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: Henry Herchenhan, John Docrsch, nenry iluller and Bird Ellis, all of Columbui P. O., Platte Co., Xebr. 2Ti.G C. IIOSTETTER, Register. A WORD OF WARXEVC. FARMERS, stock raisers, and all other interested parties will do well to remember that the "Western Horse and Cattle Insurance Co." of Omaha is the only company doing business In this state that insures Horses, Mules and Cattle a ainst loss by theft, accidents, diseases, or injury, (as also against loss by fire and lightning). All representations by agents of other Companies to the contrary not withstanding, P. "W. HEN'RICn, Special Ae't, 15-y Columbus, :Neo. BOOMING ! CHEAP FUEL! Whitebreast Lump Coal 5.00 Nut " 4.50 Caiion City " 7.00 Colorado Hard 4k 10.00 JSTX GOOD SUPPLY. TAYLOR, SCHUTTE& CO. 45-tf JACOB SCHKAM, )DEALKU INJ DRY GOODS ! Boots & Shoes, Hats & Caps, FdUHMS G00OS AND NHS, LOW PRICES FOU CASH. :M-tt CONDON & McKENZIE, Cor. Olive and 13th Sts., Have always on hand a line of new aud lull GROCERIES,! Well Selected. Dried and Canned Fruits of all kinds guaranteed to be best quality. DRY GOODS! A well selected new stock which will bo sold as cheap as the cheapest. BOOTS AND SHOES, A XEW AND WELL SELECTED STOCK TO CHOOSE FROM. Hour at Prices to suit all Pockets ! 0-BUTTER, EGGS and POlTLTUY, and all kinds of country produce taken in trade or bought for cash at the highest market prices. 1-y Cures Guaranteed! DR. WARNS SPECIFIC No. 1. A Certain Cure for Xervous Debility, Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Eini-t-sions, Spermatorrhea, and all diseases of the genito-urinary organs caused by self abuse or over indulgence. Price, $1 00 per box, six boxes $.".0. DR. WARN'S SPECIFIC No. 2. For Epileptic Fits, Vental Anxiety, Loss of Memory, Softening of the Brain, and all those diseases of the brain. PrUe $1.00 per box, six boxes $r.00. DR. "WARNS SPECIFIC No. 3. For Impotence, Sterility in either sex. Loss of Power, premature old age, and all those diseases requiring a thorough in vigorating of the sexual organs. Price $2.00 per box, six boxes $10.00. DR. 'WARN'S SPECIFIC No. 4. For Headache, Xervous Neuralgia, and all acute diseases of the nervous system. Price 50c per box, six boxes $2.."0. DR. WARN'S SPECIFIC No. 5. For all diseases caused by the ovcr-iiic of tobacco or liquor. This remedy is par ticularly efficacious in averting palsy and delirium tremens. Price $1.00 per box, six boxes $5.00. We Guarantee a Cure, or agree to re fund double the money paid. Certificate in each box. This guarantee applies to each of our five Specifics. Sent by mail to yny address, secure from observation, on receipt or price, lie careful to mention the number of Specific wanted. Our Specifics arc only recommended for spe cific diseases. Beware of remedies war ranted to cure all these diseases with one medicine. To avoid counterfeits and al ways secure tne geuuine, order only from dowty 4c cm;:, DRUGGISTS, 19-1 Columbia, Xeb. HENNINGS IMPROVED SOFT ELASTIC SECTION CORSET I warranted to -wear lonfr. 116 tho form neater, and (rto better iatlf action than any other Corvc In the market, or price paid will be refunded. The Indorsements of fThicncro'ft best DhYMirLin uvfim. tnnr each Comet. Price. SL.CO and UDward. Ask your merchant for them. ROTHSCHILD, JOSEPH & CO., Manufacturers. ZiO&Stt Uaadolph St., Chicago. For sal9 by FRIEDHOF & CO. A m?"lTrTtCl wanted for The Lives A IT Pj no' a" the Presidents .A XJJ.1 1 of tne u s The ,arg. est, handsomest best book ever sold for lest than twice our price. The fastest selling book in America. Immense prof its to agents. AH Intelligent people want it. Any one can become a successful axent. Terms free. IIat.t.kt Rnriir Co.. 1 Portland, Maine. KtfPSWnv i u I"