The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, September 10, 1884, Image 3

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Calambiis J aurnal.
W EDNE5DAY ?EPT 10. ls4.
At the Grand Pacific Hotel, 5,000
spring chickem, for which the high
est market price will be paid. 14-tf
New goods at Kramers.
Business is tows is picking up.
Bead Mrs. Stump's advertise
ment. 17-7-tf
Come !
Cone ! ! Come ! ! ! to
the fair.
Onr county
fair opens next
" -
j-Good goods and low prices
Boy's boots for tt.00 at J. M.
UOnanan S. --1S--1
For nannels. yams and water
proof go to Kramer's.
The east-bound Denver train was
late yesterday morning.
-The Planter's Wife" to-morrow
night at the Opera Hoase.
Scores of Platte county people are
attending the fair at Omaha.
Lad ie fine kid side lace shoes i
for $1.00 at J. M. Honahans. ;
Fire, lightning and wind storm j
insurance at Lariy & Xiblocf s. ;
The Omaha Daily Republican
looks quite tony in its new suit.
The best boot? and shoes at the
lowest prices at J B. Delsman's. 2
A J. Amod bar sold his herd ot
cattle to Dorgan Broe. & Hurlbut.
Be sure to go to Gus. G. Bcchcr
S. Co. lor abstract of title to lands.
Remember the cattle sale ot R.
McPherson on Monday, Sept. 15th.
Ladies, have vou een the nne
indies' neck-wear a: Mrs. Stump's
Scfaooi books and school supplies ' cuinery at bottom prices. 13-tt
at A. & M Turner - book and music The dragging wreck of a broken
store. Drake hanging to the rear car of a
Farmers, enconrage the fair and freight train which passed through
reap the benefits. They are ymra to 'be city Saturday tore up the side
ea)OV walk crosmg on N street.
The races a: the fair this week John Wagoner, of Humphrey, has
bid fair to bi more than usually inter- achieved a great victory over that
cstinu Veit which i- found in almost everv
-Cans and ammunition are .old bv U " the state. His
Wernmth x Boucher at bottom Annihilator slays bed bugs by
price. 0 j e millions.
-Cliilord at the Opera House to-, The service of laying the corner
morrow night in "The Planter's "one of the German Evangelical Lu-
Wife." theran church will be held on aunday
1 afternoon at :30 p. m. at the site of
I will pav market price :or hog-. , , , , ,, , . ,
r ' , , the new church. All friends are cor-
John ( Tar?ser, at Edwards, Boone i ,. ., . ,
., v K ioa, UaJv invited.
o.. Neb lS--rt ,
, Mr. Stump keep? silk., and ilk
-A reire-ning Bnower rrmay
night, for which al! nature had begun
t.i ta;rit
H Piatt Baker, tormerlv of tht
piai'e. it now -tn engineer at trH:ena,
Lulurido j
Notb haLs and atvlish suits jmt ;
received at Kramer'-. !
(iu... .. Becher Co. represent '
the leading insurance companies of
the world. I
The largest stock and lowest
prices at Eramer'a New York Cheap
Cash Store.
The celebrated Xfoline wagon sold
at very low ngures at Wermuth Jb
Ertttcher'i. iO
Early Niblock represent the
bent line of are Insurance companies
in Columbus.
Ail kinds of campaign badges and
charm- tor iale cheap at G Heit
kemper Bros. 1
Order anvthing you want in the
line ot periodicals, books or music at
A. if . Turners.
The iarge-t and best assortment .
of cook -rove and
muth x. Bieitcner's.
ranges at Wer
20 The celebrated Thomas writing
doid at A. .fc M. Turner's : it does
not corrode the pen.
Kramer has the finest stock.
The best selection ot buggies in '
the market at way down prices at 1
.Krause. Lubker s Co's. 19-2t
Money to loan on real estate on i
short or long time at a low rate of :
interest, by Becher Co.
Ladies go to Mrs. Stump's for
your cue neck-wear. She keeps the
latest and the nnest stock.
Kramer sells the cheapest.
Mrs. Stamp has just received all
the new shapes and styles of hats and
bonnets far the fail trade.
. Becher fc Co. are in the insurance
busines to stay and they represent all
the leading companies of the world.
A car-ioad of Studebaker wagons
just received by Krause, Lubker & j
Co. which they orTer at bottom prices.
A. J. Arnold at his jewelry store
is closing out a stock of Wheeler and
Wilson, and White sewing machines.
It pays to trade at Kramer's.
John C. Tasker has permanently
located at St. Edwards and is prepar
ed to pay the highest cash prices for
Krause. Lubker & Co. have a
large selection of the very best makes
of cook stoves, which they ell
cheap. If li-2t
Columbus's favorites, Mr. Edwin
Clifford and Miss Constance Stanley,
at the Opera House to-morrow night,
one nignt only.
Farmers having good, ripe pump
kins to -ell can find market for them
in about two weeks at the canning
house in Columbus. 1
Weber Knobel have purchased
the meat stand formerly owned by
Eoward Nickel on Olive street, where
they will continue the business.
Special trains have been running
to Omaha tor the state fair since
Tuesday, and will continne each day
until the fair closes, Saturday next.
At the re-union last week the
hand boys were showered with com
pliments on their music, and it waa
conceded by all that they wore the
handsomest uniforms on the grounds.
ips nilliaerr
cl 3f.
Ladies hat, trimmed. . .
Eibfaonr, all silk, per yd
Ribbons, two yds for
AH linen handkerchiefs, two for
All silk lace, 3-inches wide per
Silk gloves
Fine plnsh pocket-book
Ladies' Use collars
Hoop skirt
Bustle .50
Corset, the best for LOO
The cheap velvet and Bilk by the
yard. If yon want to save money go
to Mrs. Stump's.
Wanted, a good girl to do general
' house-work. Good" wages. Steady
employment. Call at Galley Bros.
i store. 11-tf
, TCruTTKir haa hnnirhl- a finar- Una
and a more complete assortment of
dress goods and trimmings than ever
Go to Mrs. Stnmp" for. your
! wedding and birth-day presents. She
keeps the finest stock of novelties in
John Timothy, Esq., dealer in
school books, stationery, etc.. at Platte
Center is the authorized agent of the
Jovrsax. at that place. 5-tf
Halladay wind mills, a car-load
lately arrived at Krause, Lubker &
Co's., and they are prepared to do
better than ever on prices both on
mills and pumps. li)-2t
Mrs. Peter Martz, living near
Duncan, takes the prize at the Jour
nal office for the best sample of
grapes thus far in the season. They
' were large and delicious.
Krause, Lubker xCo. have sold
this season five outfits for manufac
turing sorghum. They are prepared
to furnish the very best sorghum ma-
Cal, Md 3Cfi her priceJ ,
b(jore e,where. JeMfSV
. ... , . . . -
larked .mil a une stock ot cloaks ami i
rt,udv m:ttle uilSt the la,est right j
ironi New York.
Krause. Lubker x Co. are pre-
pared to furnish and put in operation
hot air heating apparatus. Those
desiring comfort combined with a
saving of fuel should investigate this
system for heating. 19-21
The friends of O. L. Baker and
wile will be pleased to learn that
their little son Willie who was re
cently taken very ill while on a visit
with his mother at Omaha, is con
sidered out of danger.
Mr. Jacob Gregorius is the only
authorized agent for the Western
Horse Jb Cattle Insurance Company of
Omaha. Neb. for Platte county. They
insure against death caused by disease
or accidents and theft 1S-4
Mr. and Mrs. Waiter Gatward,
of Genoa, met with a 3ad bereave-
ment last week in the death of their
, ,
little girl, aged about one year The
rnmains were interred in the cenieterv
, . ..
at this place on Friday.
Krause, Lubker & Co. have fitted
up a tin shop in connection with their
..I-,- 1.,.,,-, .7 fc.
ua.uniic nuuuguaiuib auu uarc ,
three tinners busy turning out tin-1
They are prepared to do any
work in this line at reasonable rates
Mr. McDill has sold his interest
in cattle, JEc. to his partner, Mr. Shel
don. Mac. has not yet determined
what he will do ; he has been passing
a few days in Colorado, but thinks I
Nebraska is
much ahead of that !
The Nellie Boyd combination
played Wednesday and Thursday
evenings last week to very fair houses,
giving excellent entertainments. Miss
Boyd is a pleasing artist and is trav
eling this season with first-class
Those having entries to make tor
the fair which opens Tuesday next,
should be on hand on the forenoon of
the first day if possible, and certainly
some time during the first day, aa no
entries will be received after the
business of that day closes.
Visitors to the State Fair at Oma
ha this week will do well to keep
their weather eye open for pickpock
ets, confidence operators and sharp
ers generally. The papers of that city
announce that the city is alive with
gentry of the class mentioned.
Martin Reagan will sell at public
auction at his farm near the city on
Saturday Sept. 27th, S4, 200 head of
cattle cows heifers and steers, and
200 head of hags ; also, 2 good brood
mares and a span of good work
mules. One year's time at 10 per
cent-, 10 per eeut- off for cash. 20-2
The attention at our readers la
called to a notice printed elsewhere
by County Treasurer, C A. Newman.
Our laws are lame in not providing
for notice of delinquent taxes, but
the treasurer does all that is in his
power to remedy the evil law. Look
after your taxes and allow no one to
take advantage of you.
VtM Ida Panyburn is in Colum
bus intending to establish a business
here. She is an experienced dress
maker and milliner. That those in
terested may become acquainted with
her and her work she will do sewing
in families or at her home. For the
present she may be found at the real
dence of Eev. Mr. Bias. 1
3Irs. So
Major Frank North and brother
Luther H. returned home from the
east Friday. Of course our readers
will remember how seriously the
Major was hurt several week? since.
He is recovering very nicely. Before
f his accident he had been troubled for
years with a distressing cough that
lasted one to two miantcs at a stretch,
and the doctor said, if, while his bones
were healimj, one of these fits of
coughing should seize him, it ould
certainly make aa end of his exist
ence, but, strange to say, for two
weeks he was not troubled with them
at all. The Major is known as the
White Father of the Pawnee Indians,
and there are many incidents to show
the mutual attachment of Indiana and
Father. It is said that, in battle, the
Major has never lost them a contest ;
that he has never told them a lie, and
when he commands, they obey im
plicitly. When the Major's accident
happened, nothing could be done with
the Indians at all. The physician told
them they couldn't see the Major, but
nothing would satisfy they would
gather in groups, and refused to do
anything Finally, Cody said to the j
doctor that something must be done i
with the Indians, and the physician
consented that one of them should
j come in to where the Major was and
see for himself. After a little conver
sation, the Major assured his dusky
friend that he was not going to die,
and he seemed satisfied to depart,
' telling hi comrades that the father
said he would not die.and he wouldn't.
The Major expects to return to the
Wild West at Cincinnati, from which
point they begin their southern tour.
The Jewell brothers, L. H
Walter, near Lost Creek, have been
putting up hay aince the season
opened at the rate ofbetween fifty to
sixty tons a day. To persons not ac-
! quainted with the methods and ma
chinery for rushing the woric this
may seem incredible, but alter
witnessing the same in progress it
becomes quite clear that it is no im-
posBiDilitv. lliree macnines are
kept constantly cutting and the hay
as fast an cured is gathered from the
swath with horse rakes, and con
veyed to where the stacker is in
positiou on the site for a stack : here
it is received by the rake which con
veys it up the inclined plane or the
stacker and dumps it upon the stack.
In the process of gathering the hay
from the swath and placing in the
stack four teams and seven men are
capu u. l. uog-a. oi ittwun
Holt county, came down to Colum-
bus last week to consult hir nephew'
r Tv r . -. .
Dr. C I Evan- about the result of
an accidental gun shot wound re
ceived last spring, which was giviug
him no end ot pain. The doctor di
cuvered the trouble to come trom a
buck-ihot, which had struck a boue
and datteued out to a point and
lodged between the ribs near the
spine in such a mauuer as to lacerate
the ilesh with almost every move-
mentof the body. By skillful use of
the knife the difficulty wa- soon re
moved and the sull'erer went home '
The Ducey and Macken brothers
aales on upper Shell Creek, the 2d and
3d, were a big success. Jno. Huber,
the popular crier, was master of cere
monies. Cowa averaged $44; two-year-old
steers, $40; calves, $20;
horses and ponies from $100 to 1250; , grows mostly in inaccessable places,
hogs, $17 a head. A number of ladies j and which in other than practiced
were in attendance, whose presence Alp climbers it is quite an achieve
possibly accounts far the splendid ment to secure. David no doubt feels
i nrrfpr ind crrwii? folTnr nuintainj,? '
,, , , , ,. '
There were refreshments and liquor
was not excluded, but there was no;
tnto-ncation. ,
-The U. P. express was about two '
hours late last Friday and came in '
with a double header and the largest
... i
L"m Ul " "- " y:u "er
..: c :.- .u. u i
Lne.raatt :r aome ?me' Pc:ipaiiy
loaaea witn returning excuruonists
from the re-union at Fremont. A
man from St. Edwards with a
shoulder broken in the accident
which occurred there Thursday was
ODJect of Merest and sympathy
wa"u l'inZ m iac ireignt nouse
waiting for the train to pull out.
We cannot make personal men
tion of all who attended the re-union
at Fremont from this place. There
were a goodly number of them, both
ladies and gentlemen, and barring the ;
frightful accident ail agree that the
oiiai. was as wen manageu ior tne
enjoyment of participators as re
unions usually are, though not so
lHriraltr qftpniiil hj rfi. nna of TToaf. 1
iugs last year nd a decided falling
off ?rom the immense crowd at Grand
Island two years ago.
Yesterday was the day set for an
election in Dodge county to settle the
question of the county seat removal
from Fremont This is an issue
which all county seat towns have to
meet sooner or later wheu located far
from the geographical center. It is a
question which Platte county will
have to meet and settle sometime in
the future, and it would be well for
all interested in the welfare of Colum
bus to bear thi- fact in mind.
Mr. F. E. Smith, of Brooklyn,
New York, who is looking over the
state for a site tor the milling busi
ness, has been in the city for a few
days past, and Is favorably impressed
with Columbus as a point for such an
enterprise. No doubt the business
in the hands of an energetic, practical
man would be made profitable as an
investment, and it would certainly be
a valuable addition to the business of
the town,
See our proposition for the JorjH
sai. and the Weekly Chicago Trib
une, until the issne after the pres
idential election, for 75 ceats. Present
subscribers to oar paper can obtain the
Tribune yhxk by pay lag a year in ad-
-rance for the Journal. Weheartflv
wish all ear SBOscribers woald avail
j thamaelvaa ot" thin liberal oJ5tr. ti
Mr. LGIuck returned from, the east
Saturday last.
Abner Turner returned Monday
from the west.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan. Condon came
home from Grand Island Monday.
Miss Mamie Winslow started Mon-
day for Forest Lake, 111., to attend
D. A. Lord who has been prospect-
ing for a sheep ranche in -Colorado,
has returned.
-ii- a u i- -o . .--v- u
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. BurkB ot North
Platte arrived la the city from the
west Monday.
Mrs. S. E. Phillips, who was in-
jured at the re-union, came up on the
train Monday evening.
W. H. Dorgan and wiie have re
moved to Central City and will en
gage in the hotel business.
L. M. Cook came in from the west
Sunday morning. He will remain a
few days and return again.
Eev. J. Q A. Fleharty left Satur
day to attend the M. E. conference at
Blair this week, beginning to-day.
W. H. Hamilton and wife of Boone
county made the Jocbsai. a call Wed-
nesday last on their way to the re-
Mrs. J. E. Turner started Monday
of last week for Fowler, Ind.. where
she wih visit lor some time with her
Jefi". Ogg, traveling salesman for a
J Lincoln wholesale house, cailed upon
friends at the Jocrxai. office Satur- ,
dav last. i
Mr. Geo. Burke with his sister-in-law.
Miss Gussie Rickly took the ex
cursion train to Omaha yesterday
Hon. A. J. Sampson and family,
who had been visiting friend- here
for a week, returned to their home in
Denver. Saturday.
Mr. S. M. McDill. of Columbus,
Neb., has been spending a day or two
in the citv. Ue i- evidently well
pleased with Colorado. Beiicer
Fred. liobarre and family arrived
in the city yesterday trom the south.
Fred, has his stable ot trotters with
him, and will try to "go to the front"
in some of the races next week.
W. P. Phillips and family, of Lin
coln, accompanied by Mr. M. K.
Turner and a trio of the
cmiureu, went io ooon ru.iaiv v eu-
ne-day to visit with G W Brown'i
I luiftj.
, ,
j Wui. Lee-e. of aeward. candidate ,
I " the Itepublicau ticket tor attorney'
general, and s. S. Ren.ild-. ot Iavid
Citv, Were hi the cilv Weduendav
' evening, bound tor the re-union
' Freuiout.
Mr. Homer II. Martvn. who has
been visiting hti brother, Tr. Martvn.
of this citv lor -oine time pint, return
ed to hi- home at Umou Village. Vt.,
lart week. Thi- wa- Mr. M-. tirst
visit to the vet and he goes back
highly pleaded, and possibly may not i
reel so contented with his New Eng- '
inn.? ci.rrnnn.n.r, -fPP f.viatinu- his I
eves on the broad expanse of our fer
tile Nebraska prairies.
David Sehupoacn. who has been
summering in his native Switzerland,
writes back here to his friend John
Wermuth and encloses an edelweiss,
that rare little Alpine tiower which
nnitu ni-nnii r.f KinHnir nlni"lroi? th
,. . - , .- , 3
little beautv with his own hands. ,
6herm-McCurdv, or Collar coun-
Dagged throUrh hc citv 5llturiiav !
having in charse a man by the name ,
of Joe" Marsnali. who was arrested by '
him at Madison on Friday last. Mar-'
shali is caarged with horse stealing.
the warrant being sworn out by his
own wife. The particulars of this
seeming little domestic drama we did ,
not learn. Wc believe the parties '
live near Schuvler. t
The public schools opened ou
Monday. Sept. 1st. with a lair atten
dance in the various departments.
There are no changes in text books
or grading The system adopted last
year has given satisfactory results,
and is a tair division of labor. The
prosnects m the High School are
flattering, and good results are ex
Last Friday was the most disa
greeable day ot the season a day of I
hot south wind and dnst. This is one ,
of the most disagreeable features of i
jieorassa weatner, out ;me some
other old time uncivilised caaracter
istics seems liabie to be soou remem
bered only as a disagreeable rerainis- i
cence. The summer ha.- been noted
for an absence of these winds. I
Cavtioa to the Iatlie.
Beware of purchasing any cyclo
pedia of reference that contains lesH
than 70) pages. Peale's Popular Edu
cator and Cyclopedia of reference is
the recognized authority on law and
social and business forms, bold only
by subscription. See business ad
vertisement. 14-lm
John Haney. that sturdy old son
of Erin, and a pioneer settler in these
parts, is investing some of his hoarded
shiners in a handsome new residence '
ou his farm down the valley. His
many friends will wish that he may I
live many years to enjoy his new j
home and other fruits of his honest
All entries except tor speed will
be free at the exhibit of the Columbus
Driving Park and Fair Association.
Bring on your exhibits and help to
demonstrate that Platte county can
compete with the world in her pro
ductions. Wermuth Jk Boettcher, the 11th
street hardware and implement deal,
ers, apeak to the public in a new ad
this week.
Programme for the Poor Bays x-
krbir. Com in in cjti g. Tuesday.
Smt. 16th. '84.
The fourth annual exhibit of the
Cclnmbus Driving Park and Fair
Association opens Tuesday next and
continues four days. The list of
premiums offered is sufficiently
lins!e. and VP ro?TTro tha anrana nf-
fered are suSciently liberal to insure
I a showing which will so far ahead of
i ;my" hed ? the co?; The
' arrangements fnr tna anrnrnmnfuifinn
, 0f 3t0ck are such as to insure them
i comfortable Quarters, and n othpr
i exhibits have been urovided for on s.
J thatwfll m? th? ' J?,nrf
, sncceg3 if ihs citizens Qf the county
will aid by coming forward with
1 w-Qatever worthy articles thev may
i uA.t a.niouic. tut iuc ueueuL oi
our readers we give below the nro-
gramme for each day as announced
by the association :
Fisst Day. Reception of stock
and entries, 2 o'clock, one mile dash
running race. 3 o'clock. 2:40 class
trotting race.
Second Day. 9 o'clock, awarding
I committees enter upon their work.
1 1 :3Q o'clock, address by the president
of the association. 2 o'clock, countv
trotting race. 3 o'clock, free for all
running race.
Teihd D.vr 9 o'clock, awarding '
! committees continue their work. 2
JJ 3 g running race. 3
Fousth Dat 10 o'clock iwnri?
! ing SS' tteh work
! ZiTSalT ?.!?
j front 0f grand stand'of all live stock
i which have taken premiums. 2 JO
i o cloca. pony running race. 4 o'clock,
I free for all trotting race.
CoIIapso of the Graad Stand at Fre
mont. Our Own. Injured.
On Thursday last a terrible ac
cident occurred at the re-union
grounds at Fremont, caused by the
giving way of the grand stand
erected for the accommodation of
pectators of the sham battle which
a! lu .vc P:e in me aiter-
i noon. The stand i estimated to hav
, contained from 2.000 to :00u people,
nien. women and children. Without
. .n r - I. ,. !.. - 1 .-
tue least warning tne strurtnre
-waved endwise and collap-ed o
Jiiddeulv that neoDie h:ul nor tim t
even gam their teet, precipitating the
! spectators in a struggling, -hriekmg
mas- among the debrie. From
sevem-nve to eignty persons were
more. or le-r. injured, -onie m doubt
The following persons from Co
lumbus and vicinity were among tbe
injured :
Mrs. John Routsou. bruised and
ankle bone broken.
i Katie Earl v. daii-htnr m J V
tTj-iv i.- Iitiu.) ., :n. ...!
..., w.uu-.j w. ..t.-i-i. .&, iiiinit-u
mternaliv. not .'oiisidereii dan-
geromlv hurt.
' Phonnie Cushinr. d.'in.rhtpr .!- :
- . -
cmhinsr. hip Eighth- .-nif.a.'d. not
coinidered d.ingerou.
Mr- I'liirifv r-iniih. imiii-pii nt ,
' "ouier .ui.i nre:t-i. uiiuriei not .-on- ,
iiiterit itatigeruii-
Grandma Iveilv. living up the Loup
Vtlley, a -enoita ie:tlp wound
Mrs. William rpeue. limb
b rimed
Mri S. E. Philips, knee initired
We believe Mis- Mazie North win
lino -lightly injured
The IMaaiirV Wile.
The attendance at Whitiev'- opera
hou-e last night was much better than
it was
the evening before, and the
play. "The Planter'- Wiie," was put
on In a verv accepuble manner. Mis-
Stanley, we think, appear-! to better
advantage in thn piece than in the
Galley Slave, and the ame mav be
said of Edwin Clifford. Both or them
sustained themselves quite handsome
iv last night. The Simeon Simcoe of
Frank P. Haven wa- very clever." and
he fully bore out the favorable im
pression which he made the night be-
fare. The costumes were quite ele- ;
gant and the mounting of the play
was good. Fremont I'ribune.
The aoove talented company will
appear at the Opera House for one
niirhf nnlT nr-nnin.r Jnf
,,. . . ' ' " ?
11th. in the great niav of "Tne Plan-
ter'3 Wlie'" The "-ompany thn sea-
wn is a splendid one and being great
fa70"1 in our city they should have
a mH hoa'e M ic wil1 be tneir onl
W--" '
i mission is au cts. ana reservea seats
75 cts., ou sale at Dowry .fc Chinn's.
Be sure vou go earlv and ecure
i "
vour seats.
A. Lawyer' OpinioK of laterex
to all.
J. A. Tawney. Esq.. a leading at
torney or Winona. Minn., writes .
'After using it tor more than three
years, I take great pleasure in stating
that I regard Dr. King's New Dis- '
:overy for Consumption, a the best
remedv in the world ror Coughs and j
Colds. It has never tailed to cure the '
most severe colds I have had, and in
variably relieves Uie pain in the
Trial Bottles of this -nrc cure for ,
ill Throat and Lung iMsease- may be
had Free at Dw. A Chiun- Irug '
Store. Large -,:zi. ?! 'Jf 1
Am Aaswer HaHtwl.
Can any one bring us a case of Kid
ney or Liver Complaint that Electric
Bitters will not speedily cure ? We
say they can not, as thousands of
cases already permanently cured and
who are daily recommending Electric
Bitters, will prove. Bright'- Di-ease,
Diabetes, Weak Back, or any nrinary
i - i i i tu I
complaint quickly cured. Tho pur- j
iry tne oioou. reguiate tne uuwms,
and act di recti v on the diseased part-.
1 Everv bottle guaranteed. For sale at
50c. a bottle by Dowtv &, Chinn. ti
IIucUl-ti- 4raiea 5atrf.
The Best amve in the world tor
Cut3, Bruises, Sores, Ulcer-, Salt
Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter. Chapped
Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all
Skin Eruptions, and positively cures
Piles, or no pay required. It is guar
anteed to give perfect satisfaction, or
money refunded. Price 25 cents per
box. For sale by Dowty & Chinn.
jnne is-y
frehibitioa Caacas.
All Dersons interested in the cause
of prohibition, are invited to come to
the caucus at the office of Capt. Ham- ,
mond, Wednesday evening, Sept. j
inth '5a fr, tha nnmn nr Qit:
.ii,, .... . .. ,
ubicALcs uj uue aiate cuuveiiiiou, ior
Humiliation or state ticicet.
At the canning factory, men, wo
men and children as help. tt
- You will also and a srood line of Brashes, Faiata, Oils. Varnishes, Curtain Loopt
FuU"- Cord' Ta33eIa d Curtain Fixtures z bottom prices. All orders for house
sign and carria?rti pintia, kaisominiaff,
call ami -ee sooti and prices Oefore bavins elsewbere. shop alwavs open tram
a. m. to 6 p. a. STDon't tonret the place.
13th Street opposite Firemen's Hali, Columbus, Neb.
Having purchased the butcher shop and fix-
. Qf NIQKELL, 0U Olive Street, I Wish tO
' ,r .. -,-,-,,,-, , -, ,-,
i say to Mr- NickeH's old customers and others
'' that I ShaU Continue the bUShieSS at the Same
, ,
Dlace, and 83 D1Y experience In the business and
the capital invested enables me to furnish the
very best the market can afford, I will guarantee
satisfaction to all my patrons.
Heavy and Shelf Hardware,
Stoves and Tinware,
Pumps, Guns and Ammunition.
The Celebrated Moline Wagon Sold Here.
I.nit! .iIe.
Y . E. ! el. 3t. T la, N of
. ", 4 ..'
1L -1 east, in totlax county, 24 acres
j broke. The tract is to be sold -ooo
and my one wauling t purchase can
addrees, II. W.
R., care or Jocunal,
Coluuiuus, Neb., or call at this otiice.
The followmir i- i li-t of unclaimed
letter- remaining u tile pi-t-oini:r.
' oiuiuhu-. Neci.. for the week
""'i'1- 'l"u a:?4
IK Mr. A. C. Blizzerd. .lira. L. Kall
mann. Mr. W. "IV. Butler. TUonas
C Mi-i Aiire rootc. Mr. W. .J. Cor-.
1 Mr J. W Durmett. Misi Emma
II rhoma- -I. Ilulen. Mr George
Heary. Mr. .1 uue- Haniey.
I. Mr. -J. M. Lewua.
! Mr-. E. E. -hepherd. O. H. steven.i.
i vrl U. mitti, Herman -cumidt.
W C. A. Wmn.
Il not called for in :'M days will tie -ent
to the dead letter ottiee. Wasainton. D.
. When called for please -ay aitver-
tised." .is tuese letters are kept separate.
H. J . Hriisos. P. M
Columbus. Nebr.
-Vf AT7T?TTm
URIMaN MaV HE-TElt A: umo-
aa ou a i. -Ttu. luua .1 I'mniau of Mod-rut-
PI itte -i.unt.. to Eli.zauetn M meaes-te-ofomoaa
Advertisement under tais head ave
eents a Une eaca insertion.
Choice quality of Neoraska winter
apples at Wm. Becker's.
For good young oreedmg stock of
.iu Rinds, cah at Blaomuigdale stock
farm. A. Henrich. 30-tt
Wm. Schiitz makes boots and shoes
in the best styles, and uses only the
very be-t stock tnat can be procured
in the market. 52 1
For books, -taiionery. slates and
pencils, also the renowned American
owing machines, cail on F. M. Cook
inguam, the authorized agent for the
Colcmbc- Jocnsii. and job work,
Humphrey. Neb. 40-tf
Five -ho.n.i that wiii weigh about
10J lbs. eai:h. Wiii liberally reward
tinder i Co.vuon.
C4M.-W lor a.le.
, hjive LCw) ?ood rio.A healthy
?neep and i(JU young cow-j tor a!e
S-x J. M. Qili.. Genoa. Neb.
Fir !ate.
i-uriiu iu i.iii. uuc -uaii ui ui uie-
biiTUt,J anJ WiQU ippiv Mr(1
(..... . . i .
v .-mitb.
west end
i.ith street
I'a-urr l'r "ott.
I will Lake a limited miiiibr of
colt.- into my 'partly blue nu- pas
tun where they will have innl gra-r,
shadt and plenty of good -pnug wa
ter. 51-S A IlKMRU'Ii
4luliB of Farlaernhip.
Having dispn-ed ot mv interest in j ltvaUon of. taul land, viz rteudel-
the Dotu.'-tic Biiierv "to mv !it ! ,.tM1 B,lner of Boheet. Platte . .... N,r.
tne noun -ti. eatery, to ms late ,oaa Bde fl Creatol plaUe , v h
p.irtuer. V m i-ergiisoti. I will no John Hos-el and Heurv Tabfee ot to
longer be re-poti-ibte tor any debt-: lumbus, Platte Co Nebr
coiitnicted for said busine--. ' i:ui C. HOsTETTER. Re-ister
D I. ATDRitsov.
Sept. .)th. 'S4.
luiaid Cr Male.
Tn Pnlfti-r Co.. nr Plsffn Cn lino
en rrt Til nf whi.-h r nmLr thJ
plow : frame dwelling, horse and cow j
tables, cow sheds and corrals, corn j
cnos, wmarani ana z pumps water
40 ft. from surface;, some fruit and
forest trees
Al-o 1MJ acres. I0 nnder cultiva-
tion, i acres of forest trees. Both I
tracts have first rale stock range, and
road facilities. 2,5fjO tor each tract,
on easy terms.
15-x R. Mackenzie.
The Largest and Finest
Assortment of
wi .& mn: mmm
nr thx crrrii
Orders far Start Front Curtains Filled.
glarin? and paper haasing- promptly ailed
At the couut t-tir Mr E C Reler
WlU ntlVe ine exclusive ngU' of tne
etitiug house, lunch ataud. ice i-ream,
,...,,., ,.,.. t... M i. .
J gentleman trom Humphrey who
. knows how to teed the hungry. Ip
' Everybody should attend the county
lair, i ou need not be bothered tak
ing care of lunch baskets as Mr. Reler
of Humphrev wdl be on the ground
with everything that tbeitomach may
desire to eat or drink. Ip
At the county fair beware of pick
pockets and thieves as they attend all
county fairs. Leave your lunch bask
ets at home and pocket books with E.
Reler at the lunch stand and you will
receive voar cash or valuables when
i you return home. Ip
Thos. Flynn has an hand a large
t number of brick and is burning still
more. Those who know they shall
be in need of brick would do well to
call at once. 11-tf
T JluicimM.
Far sale, oue of Loweudall's cel
ebrated Conservatory Violins imi
1 ration Stradnarius in use 4 years,
has been well kept. Will recommend
itself. A great bargain, orice $75.
Apply at this orfice. " 20-3t
Colmaabs 31 mate Mcfcool.
Fall term begins Sept. 15, 1SS4.
Tuition per term of ten weeks,
$10 00, one-hair m advance.
Lessons missed ou account of
' illness, deducted from laat half of
sight singing in class, $1X0, ,
strictly in advance.
Luxiax Smite, Rose T. Pag2
20-4C Assistant.
Prinnma1 '
1 i n
' Wbilemt aaaayitrer-Mtapax the
uraaTiue H
Mr. Jacob Steins has completed his i for the N -. w. yA. -action 25."rwn
large and commodious hotel and will "ii:p 20. nord it Rane '. we-t. He name
bepleaaed to see ah at his former tUe following wirne--e- to prove his
r,an-,na -j ,.. - nA. naJ jt;o ontinuous residence upon, imi cnltiva
patrons as wei a, new ones. First , Uoa oC 4JUfl Linil .nlmand Pach,.
class rooms and beds as well as first . i nnrad Vn.-ti i -n. z.u-h .i..n RmHi.
class table. Farmers and traveling
men call on him. He has every facil
ity tor making you at home. A good
liverv attached to hotel. 21-tf
Cattle ile.
I will nel! at nuolic anction. .it mv
j residence 7 miles eat of Columbu-.
(and 2'. mile" outh or Richland, on
j the Old Military Road, on Monday.
! September 15th. 1&S4. it 10 o'clock a.
m. tne following cattle, to-wit i
2(i miich cows. 22 calves. 2 threi-
VH.-ir-old atir tvn.cp.iri.1 rur. !
t VP-.ri;nr at S ' I
- .- . ...... ..u. . .... ...-ILl
heifer-. 3 yearling heifer-, 1 grade
Durham bull. 5 year- old.
Teum op baE.- Ll month- rime
will be given wirh approved security
at 10 per cent, interest, 10 per cent,
off" for cash.
Robzut McPhhrxov
Cr H. Wklij, Auctioneer W-2
Land nife i- trand l-nml N.
lilL'. 2"tU. '-, ,
VJ"'n E i- ai-reii. iixii Loat the
.1 iol!tvin-nam'i ir-rtl."- aat Sld
noin oi hi- lati-niion t. mak- anal
pniot in -upport .f ai- .-laim and that
-aid proof will ! made ii-for-tlie Clerk
of Uie Distrin i Hurt at ColiimfMi-. Ne
tirasko. ou Fridav -uUer .il. Us-ir. tiz-
Ileury Hunteuiaiin. AddiUonal Home
stead No. llfua. for the E. '-- W. . -Mellon
2. Town-hip 1! north of'Raue lea-t.
He uauie-t the follow lntr witin-n,. t..
t pruve his eonunuous residem-e iinuu. and
FI.I Al. I-K4MF.
Land Oiliee at Grand I-land.
Aniiust2tst t"
"Vj"ori E is herebv iveu that tile fol
.1 lowintr named settler has riled notiee
of his intention to make anal proof in
court at oiumhus. Net, on cet.
im- ih. vi.
John A. Zieirler. Honie-teod JJo. KKfiss.
' for the a. E. . leetlon s',, 1-. Zw. He
his continuous residence upon, and
eultivation of, taid land, viz: Joun
Elliott, of Columbus, H. t . Elliott, of
Po-tv llle, Wm. nipple, ot President, and
D. W. Ziealer. of President, in Platte
County, Neb.
ls-4 C. HOiTSTTES, Reifister
Bcscnaiion. S. T. B. per Acre.
;.W.i-of5.t.K 13 IT least 512 30
5. J-Qli.Tr.K .. 12 IT 1 " 12 50
5. y. of 5. E. H U IT t 12 3U
5. . IS IT I IB 00
. vr. is it i - ir m
e. y. of n E. 2i n i - in oa
N. t. 22ITI" 1500
N. XT. . 22 IT I - 12 ."-I
X. of N" E. r 22 IT I - 12 A)
S. E. 24 IT I " 12 Oil
E. S of K. W. 21 IT 1 10 00
Tersw:-Uae-thini cah. balance an
time tn suit purchaser at to 10 percent,
interest. Apply to
.mi-i: Fremont, Neb.
coLxrxairs jeasxets.
Our luotations of tae market are ol
tain!iiTuesUavafternoon,anit are cornict
ind reliable at the time.
Wheat . Ctft
uorn. new . . r,
Oat- new, ... lf
Rfe il
Flour . .. '2S02S5(i
Butter, ... saifl
Ez-J, lilS
Potatoes 'AHaiS
Hinw. .. uijaw
noulilers, . sclfl
aides. . . IUCI4
Fat Ho-h 3 Hi
batcatue 1 (W0 0.1
-ibeep 3 00
I.iya ? 3
Hard W 00
Kofk -prtn mil O 3l
Rock spnnc luain ' Oil
Carbun. S Otf
Colorado. hJ
l Hu-ntzrls
' .1: n-'f.n, . ,atd
L. D.
1 ti tin" property ites.-ru)nt aj
follows. bi-vit. Hie N. Is.. . of lectioa
. tou-ntln I'.', raflr ' Went, -ituattfii IB
Platte .mnry. tnd tai- i Nflmsk.i
v i purvnaspit u ta- ll t:i of I mnary,
1M. jt ta--iaJe. fy Ur. L. slbv. aatt wn
taxed and d-ltHtj:eHt for ttf rtr test.
that tile -tanir v i- t-ltett ill ttt, uuiRt- f
RietiariN .t Keene. ind tn it tttr UMa at
redemptiou iviK -,"" u ta- Nt Air of
I uiu.irx t".
I'Up..-: W L. SKtUTf.
2" H"wi. tJnrtil.t r P rer fFtsa
1 ttiat thf propertv ti--,-ruil o fc
ltWH. U-vvit Ttle ".!!. l,. M tae S B.
'. l -e-tin SI. towiKiBi'i t. rtHije I
n-l. oUiuiuhI IB Platte ut . .ind -fcl?
il .-rraka. w w pun-aaed n tae ttlth
d:i tniiarv 1. at t o.e. v Hrv
I -flliv. ial vvo.- tTfi tad di-' tBtuQt
lor tD- v.-ii-- (- TT. ",' "" '. tB4l "HU
!.!.!( Tilt UU.- W I 'i I I l!f !I4I8 tl
H m. t-tt-rtbud. inl .aa: i t- 'hb. -i nr-
n vi.l .- nr 'in t ue I . u daw of
nan !".
l!t.(. I Mr i -KLBT
L.iTld'ttire it rind ULmd. VS
Aa;. i an. f4
Jl fiitliiwniir-iianied filler H.i.t Tiled
nuti.iu .. I, iiitDnfiiia r.. f,,!' f,,,.,!
! n..r m , ti-. ,-i iim-aniittmt-tatrf
proof will tie m.tilr- o-iiiri- lerfc af Uie
Distrwt ourt at i oliimtmi. Net... aa
-atardav. -eptetnher iTtii. IN, viz
NiN Nii--H. Donn-itead o. -tTM. tor
the X. E. '.,. -eetiou :. rnwiinhtp 20.
north ot ILuiiie 4 et. lie names tti
following witnes-e- u rov his ron
tinuuua re-idenei- upon, ind i-UltlVUElflR
iif. said l ind. u har'.r-- K tinp. s.
H. John-ton. .J-an !' Joun-mi and Petur
Matson Jill .! Looking tit-. Piatt o
I--. Uu-TETTER. Register
Land Otliee it Grind l-land. N.-h..(
Aii.n-t i'ltn. t-. .
OTICE i hereliv iven tnat the fai-
lowmir-aameil iettler ha -tiled notice
af hi- intention to maice anal proof ih
support ( his cl.iim. .tint tha: -taut proof
will b made heforf ta lerfc of thf Dt
triet onrt of Platte oitntv. tt oinin-iiii-.
on toher 2d. 1M. viz
Mich.ifl J Lark. Ilumr-tuad o. CJtB
for th.-E. . of N W . -ertisn fi
Townsnip U. Ran "I w ;-,t. ! iiamu-i
th following witne--ie- ti prove liw
continnmi- re-idem-e upu i. ind cul
tivation .il -aid laatt. viz Uvev
Met a. . t'fi.ilii.i- U.PbilIin-. M.irUR
M iaor ind -loftu letin. tii of P.i-Cville.
Plaits o.. N.m(
fj eTKTTEK. Rein-ter.
Land urh-e wnnil lt unl. Vo
viu-t isth. 14. '
TOTlCt i- aerco ii.-en tnat tne fal-
lowiair named -f tiler ha- aleit notice
of ui- intention to mae anal proof tn -np-
Por" or ais ',lalnl- &" -nat nitt proof wm
oh mode n-uir lrk of District court
of Platte '-ouatv. it Colnmbii-. Neb., oa
satardav. t-toir !th. 1-54. vi
.Icitf V t.-hir. F7fimr.-tii V.t l!!!!a
n-r. all of IIiimpnrv Piatt otifltv
lii HO-TETTER. Register
Lan1 rh
i ii.i ;
iii..' V
v -:- .
TI' ! - 'i
: n i. af 6J
i i- i ! nti-v
1-ia. : nnif id
tuat -mi irwtl
irk tt tat- rt-
nv,n.' 'i tiii'-t! - -
ot hi- intention -n.iK
-upporto; m-lam. in-:
wil. mad- rtor'- n-
fni'f I .mr ti ni irn'iii
. rj
Tbnrsdav o-uiot tra. '". vi:
Edward 3Iai- H iia-taul lo. 7-i:..
r th h. .. - E ,. --t un 2C Towii-
'U1P B. nolXU lt U1
w -. II.- a.uH)"
toe following .v
ii -- ' ir iv ui"
i -uRtinnou-1
tiviUon '.
1 Ni-..n. -J n:i
W-- H.i!. N
; .f Pali--t.ri-i
.l.-n t- i mo. iuii .-H4-
i .in.' udri-w
a-, t: -v in -. 0 -it
i i ' - i- . - m
x - ".i. .on
M .
n"-rKTrEi ti. l-tr
ALW A- 11
NEW l.i Nh .i" '. '
tt h.,.i -r !.h'
! .
! Kl
CNNEI M '';: i .i ti' ill,
'.t U Mi-i' !'" KK "K
A(imiI.c WELL 'feLKi TK1 -li. K,
t UkAPE-T. AL-t'
And all kuuLs ' mt.i'i'u prtnluce CB--&e
tu frutif. anU ti'. fnuht deliv
ered free of' fkttT'je fit any
part of Uie -tty.
FL)f R.
J. K. bEU.l.t..