$kmhm Intitpi tATES OP AIWEMTISINC;. EsTBuaineM and professional cards of five lines or less, per annum, five dollars. 137 For time advertisements, apply at this office. ISTLegal advertisements at statute rates. tSTFor transient advertising, see rates on third page. J5TA11 advertisements payable monthly. ISSUKI) KVKRY WKINKMAY, M. K. TUKNER & CO. Proprietors and Publishers. tST OFFICE Eleventh St., up stairs in Journal Building. TKitMS: THE JOURNAL. I'd year 3 0 Hx inoiilli 1 OO Three months SO Sini:le cojilea ... ... OS VOL. XV.--N0. 15. COLUMBUS, NEB., WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 6, 1884. WHOLE NO. 743. 1 I- ff h V- & J r BUSINESS CAEDS. !.''. .Mauti n. .M. I). V. .1. M'UKi, M. I). Drs. JIARTYN & SCHTJG, U. S. Examining Surgeons, Local Snrjrron-. I'liion racilir, (., N. .V 1'.. Il.amJ It. A- M. K. US. iiMiltitin i (JiTinan anil Kn;li-li. Ti-li-plioiieo at ollire anil res'uli'nco. COLUMBUS. - NEBRASKA. I-J-v i ioi!4;iii:ktv. m. . ' YS1CIA N f- SUB G BON. Jj?HMlin- sffoml ilcmr r.itof iio.t-ollicc. ."l-v J. I H.S(. .tl. physician e sent; eos. MNimsi") ol woimii ami clillilron a spc fialiv. Count liviri in. Oil'n-i- forme r l or.-ni.i.il l." lr. HniicMri-l. Ti-lepbom- 'P 'li:iii!;i'. :2t O 1,1. A ASH K A i;-H, .. DENIAL V A BLOB, On M.rnir of Kh-M-ntli ami North itrecl, oi-r i:rn-C- lianlwan- store. c 0101:1.11 s v si:i.i.ivai. A TTOltXE YS-A T-LA W, Upstairs in (Uiu'k P.uildinj,', Ilth atrcct, Above the New hank. "IT .1. iisidmo:, xotaby run LIC. 1'Jlh Mrrcl.i iloors west oT Hammond House, Columbus. Neb. -H-y rrillJKSXO.-N A: lOWi:iKS. 1 s u na eon i extis ts, 5r5rlie in .Mitchell Itlock, Coluni-lni-, Nebraska. 11-tf J. ;. ki:i:ii:ic, A TTOBXEY A T LA W, Ollieu on Olive M.. t'oliunbu, Nebraska. J-tf V. A. MACKEN, DKAI.KK IX Forciyn ami Domestic Liquors and Ci (jars. nth street. Columbia, Neb. ."0-y Mc AI.IJSTHK 1IKOM., A TTOliNEYS AT LA W, Ollice up.tair in McAIliftcr's build in;. Ilth t. W. A. .McAllister, Notary lMblie. .1. M. MAl-KAIlHSli, . n. COWPKIIY, tv.zz-.t7 ssi Hctiry Vzt z. C:ll9:t:r. LAW AND COLLECTION OFFICE OK MACFARLAND & COWDERY, Culitmhtrs, : : : Nebraska. i i ki;i-i:ic, .11. iM (Siieei'-ir to Dr. C. U. A. Hulllior.st) HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND SUB U EON. Ki-KUlar railuate of two meilieal eol lees. I Mire Olive St., Olll'-lialf lilnek mirlh of ll.iiniiionil House. --lv j. .1. ;viAt;4-iiA:, Justice, County Surveyor, Notary, Land and' Collect ion Ayent. JSTPartics ilesiriw? hiirveyiiij; ilone can notifv me by mail at Platte Centre, Neb. r.i-Gni r? ii.iti;sriii:, Ilth St., opposite Lindell Hotel. Sells Harness, Saddles, Collars, Whips, Itlankets. I urry Combs, llrtikhes, trunks, valises, biiy tojw, eu-hious, carriage, trinmiiiiv's. A.V., at the lowest possible priees. Repairs pr nipllr attended to. $66 a week at home. $.".00 outfit free. Pay absolutely sure. No risk. Capital not reiiuiretl. Header, it vou want biisinesb at Which persons of either sex, youn or old, eau make yreut pay all the time they work, with absolute certainty, write for paitieulars to II. IIai.i.kt .t Co., Port laud, .Maine. GEORGE SPOONER, CONTBA CTOB FOB ALL KINDS OF MASON WOBK. Ori'iOK, Tliirteeiith St., between Olive and Nebra-ka Aenue. Kesideneu on the corner of Kiirhth and Olive. All Worlc Guarantood. 4S-tf JS. MURDOCK & SON, Carpenters and Contractors. Havehadan extended experience, and will miaranteo satisfaction in work. All kiuds of repairing done on short notice. Our motto is. Good work and fair prices. Call and give us an oppor tunity toestiniateforyou. jSJ'Shop on Kith St., one door west of Kriedhof & Co's. store, Columbus. Ncbr. 4S3-V O. C. SKLAJSTJSrOlSlT MANIKACTUUKU OK Tin and Sheet-Iron Ware ! Job-Work, Roofing and Gutter ing a Specialty. I3"Shon on Eleventh Street, opposite Heintz's Urui: Store. 4G-y G 1 XV. 1'I.AKK, LAND AND 1NSUBANCE AGENT, JIUMI'IIBEY, NEBB. His lands comprise some fine traets in the Shell Creek Vallev, and the north ern portion of Pl:tte county. Taxes paid for non-residents. Satisfaction guaranteed. iO y C OI.ILllltllS 1'ACKHG CO., COLlTJfJiUS, - NEB., Packers and Dealers in all kinds of Hoc product, cash paid for Live or Dead Hogs or grease. Directors. 11. II Ilenry, Trest.; John "Wiggins, Sec. and Treas.; L. Gerrard, S. Cory. TAJIKS SAI.MO., CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. Plsns and estimates supplied for either frame or brick buildings. Good work guaranteed. Shop on 13th Street, near St. Taul Lumber Yard, Columbus, Ne braska. 52 timo. TOTICE XO TKACHKK8. J. E. Moncrief, Co. Supt., Will be in bis office at the Court House on the third Saturday of each month for the purpose of examining applicants for teacher's certificates, and for the transactton of any other business pertaining to schools. 667-y COLUMBUS STATE BANK! COLUMBUS, NEB. CASH CAPITAL, . $75,000 IHIIKCTOnS: l.KAN'IIKIt (iKKItAKll, PrCS,i. (Jkik W. IIui.st, Vice Prcs'l. Jui.iiis A. Rkkh. lv. II. Hknkv. J. E. Tasicku, Cashier. Bank of IepoIt, IklNCoant uad KichaaRe. Collect Iobn l'romptlj' Itlade oa nil PolntN. Pay IstcrcMt oa Time DepoM Um. 274 I. J. DKKBKKT, Casilor. iitA n. ititior.LK, Asdstu. CuUcr. -the- CITIZENS' BANK ! Iir.MPIIHEY, NEB. tSPrompt attention given to Col lections. JSTPay Interest on time deposits. ISTInsurance, Passage Tickets and Real Estate Loans. S-tf LINDSAY &TEEKELL, WHOLESALE AND 11ETAIL FLOOR AND FEED STORE! OIL CAKE, CHOPPED FEED, Bran, Shorts, EDITED i MILTED HI HSAI. GRAHAM FLOUR, AND FOUR KINDS OF THE WEST WHEAT FLOUR ALWAYS ON HAND. J3AI1 kinds of FUUITS in their sea son. Orders promptly filled. lltJi Street, Columbus, Sfelr. 47-Om HENRY G-ASS, COFFINS AND METALLIC CASES xsv dkalhu in Purnitnre, Chairs, Bedsteads, Bu reaus!. Tables, Safes. Lounges, &c. Picture Frames and Mouldings. qSTBcpairing of all kinds of Upholstery Goods. C-tf COLU3I1JUS. NEIL GOLD for the working class Send 10 cents for postage, and we will mail you free a royal, valuable box of sample goods that will put you in the way of making more money in a few days than you ever thought possible at any biiM iiess. Capital not required. We will start you. You ean work all the time or in spare time only. The work is univer sally adapted to both sexes, young and old." You can easily earn from 50 cents to $." every eveninir. That all who want work may test the business, wo make this unparalleled offer; to all who arc not well satifticd we will send $1 to pay lor the trouble of writing u. Full particu lars, directions, etc., sent free. Fortunes will be made by those who give their whole time to the work, (ireat success absolutely sure. Don't delay. Start now. Address STIXSON& Co., Portland, Elaine. A WORD OF WAUIX;. FARMERS, stock raiders, and all other interested parties will do well to remember thatthe "Western Horse and Cattlo Insurance Co." of Omaha is the only company doing business in this state that insures" Horses, Mules and Cattle aainst loss by theft, accident's, diseases, or injury, (as also against loss bv fire and lightning). All representations by agents of other Companies to the contrary not withstanding. HENRY GARN, Special Ag't, 15-y Columbus, Neb. NO HUMBUG! IBut a, Grand Success. RI. KRIGIIAM'S AUTOMATIC WA- tcrTrough for stock. He refers to every man who has it in use. Call on or leave orders at George Yale's, opposite Ochlrich's grocery. JMJm J. WAGKNER, Livery and Feed Stable. Is prepared to furnish the public wfth good teams, buggies and carriages for all occasions, especially for funerals. Also conducts a sale stable. 44 LYON&HEALY SMt MMrMSts..Chicafl. "Will msJ fnpU t y ritai It IID CATA1.UUUE . AA VIA ibw r7""Jlr"",lIv Mtfc DV3U. VWHU BHK FbamII fmm.1mmm. rhntm VIM 4Etlh BmJ 4tCUHmi r !! Hftkdk MA vTl'itiaS f-Kp Hfarl . ErfrL r ii TH FIRST National Bank ! COLUMBUS, NEB. Authorised Capital, - - 8250,000 Paid In Capita, - 50,000 Surplus and Profits, - - 0,000 OFFICERS AND D1KKCTOKS. A. ANDERSON, VrcsH. SAM'L C. SMITH. Vice Prcs'l. O.T. ROEN, Cashix-r. A. W. EARLY, HERMAN OEHLUICH, W. A. MCALLISTER, (J. ANDERSON, P.ANDERSON. Foreign anil Inland Exchange, Passage Tickets, ana Real Estate Loan. 2ii.vol-i:i-ly COAL LIME! J. E. NORTH & CO., -DEALERS IN Coal, Lime, Hair, Cenient. Bork Spins J'oal, Carbon (Wyoming) lloal . Eldoii (Iowa) Coal .$7.00 per ton .. 6.00 ' .. 8.50 " 0 Blacksmith Coal of best quality al ways on hand at low est prices. North Side Eleventh St., COLUMBUS, NEB. i4-::m UNION PACIFIC LAND OFFICE. Improved and Unimproved Farms, Hay and Grazing Lands and City Property for Sale Cheap AT THE Union Pacific Land Office, On Lony Time and loir rale of Interest. ESTFInal proof made on Timber Claims Homesteads and Pre-emption".. EflrAll wishing to buy lands of any de scription will please call and evamine my list of lands before looking eNe where 37All having lands to sell will please call and give mo a description, l:rm , priees, etc. 3SJI -I'so am prepared to injure prop erty, as I have. the agency of several lirst-ctass Fire insurance companies. F. W. OTT, Solicitor, speaks Herman. ttAIHIIi:i C. SJIIXII. ;;0-tf Columbus, Nebraska. BECKER & WELCH, TROPRIETORS OF SHELL CREEK MILLS. MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLE SALE DEALERS IN FLOUR AND MEAL. OFFICE, COL UMli US, NEIl. SPEICE & NORTH. Ocnoral Agents for the Sale of REAL ESTATE. Union Pacific, and Midland Pacific R. R. Lands for sale at from $3.00 to $10.00 per acre for cash, or on five or ten years time, in annual psuymentB to suit pur chasers. We have also a large and choice lot of other lands, improved and unimproved, for sale at low price and on reasonable terms. Also business and residence lots in the city. We keep a complete abstract of titleto all real es tate in Platte County. C21 COLUMBUS, NEB. LOUIS SCHREIBER, All kinds of Repairing done on Short Notice. Buggies, Wag ons, etc., made to order, and all work Guar anteed. Also sell the world-famous Walter A. Wood Mowers, Beapers, Combin ed Machines, Harvesters, and 8elf-binders the best made. "Shop opposite the " Tattersall." on OllV St., COLUMBUS. 26-m BlacMHainlu LOGAN'S LETTER. Washington-, D. C, July 22, 1884. To tlio Hon. John IL Henderson, Chairman : Dkak Sin : Ilnviug received from yon on the 24th of Juno the official notification of my nomination by the national republican convention as the republican candidate for Vice-President of thc'Uuitcd Statea, and con sidering it to be the duty of every man devoting himself to the public service to assume any position to which ho mty be called by tho voice of his countrymen, I accept the nomination with a grateful heart and a deep sense of its responsibilities; and if elected shall endeavor to dis charge the duties of the office to tho Lest of my ability. This honor, as is well understood, was wholly unsought by mo. That it was tendered by the representatives of tho part in a manner so flattering, will servo to lighten whatever labors I may be called on to perform. Although the variety of subjects covered'in the very excellent and vig orous declaration of principles adopt ed by the lato convention prohibits, upon an occasion calling for brevity of expression, that full elaboration of which they arc susceptible, 1 avail myself of party usage to signify my approval of the various resolutions of the platform, and to discuss them briefly. lMtOTECTIOX TO AMERICAN' LABOR. The resolutions of the platform de claring for a levy of such duties "as to afford security to our diversified industries, and protection to tho rights and wages of the laborer, to tho end that active and intelligent labor, as well as capital, may have its just award, and the laboring man his full share in the national prosperity," meets my hearty approval. If there be a nation on the faco of the earth which might, if it were a desirable thing, build a wall upon its every boundary line, denv commun ion to all the world, and proceed to live upon its own resources and productions-, that nation is the United States. There is hardly a legitimate necessity of civilized communities which cannot be produced from the extraordinary resources of our sovora! 6tates and territories, with their man ufactories, mines, larms, timber lands and water ways. This circumstance, taken in connection with the fact that our form of government is entirely uniqne among the nations of the world, makes it absolutely absurd to institute comparisons between our own economic systems and those of other governments, and especially to attempt to borrow system from them. Wc stand alone in our circumstances, our forces, our possibilities, and our aspirations. In all successful governments it is a prime requisite that capital and labor should be upon the best terras, and that both should enjoy tho highest attainable prosperity. If there be a disturbance of the just balance be tween them, one or the other suffers, and dissatisfaction follows, which is harmful to both. The lessons furnished by tho com paratively short history of onr own national lite have been too much over looked by our people. The funda mental article in the democratic creed proclaimed almost absolute free trado, and this, too, no more than a quarter oi a century ago. Tho low condition of our national ciudit, the financial and buMurs? uncertainties and gener al lack ol prosperity uudcr the sys tem, can be remembered by every man in middle life. Although in the great number of reforms instituted by the republican party sufficient credit has not becu publicly awarded to that of tariff re form its benefits have, nevertheless, been felt throughout the land. The principle underlying this measure has been in process of gradual develop ment by tin: republican party during the comparatively brief period of its power, and to-day a portion of its an tiquated democratic opponents make unwilling concession to the correct ness of the doctrino of an equitably adjusted protective tarill', by follow ing slowly in its footsteps, though a very long way in the rear. The principle involved is one of no great obscurity aud can be readily comprehended by any intelligent per son calmly reflecting upon it. Tho political and social systems of some of our trade-competing nations have created working classes miserable in the extreme. They receive the mer est stipend for their daily toil, and iu the great expense of the necessities of life, are deprived of those comforts of clothing, housing and health-producing food with which wholesalo men tal and social recreation can alone make existence happy and desirable. Now if the products of these coun tries are to be placed in our markets, alongside of American products, eith er the American capitalist must suffer in his legitimate profits, or ho roust make tho American laborcr'sufl'cr, in the attempt to compete with the species of labor above referred to. In the case of a substantial reduction of pay there can be no compensating ad vantage for the American laborer, because the articles of daily consump tion which he uses with the excep tion of articles not produced in the United States, and easy of being specially provided for as coffee and tea are grown in our own country, and would not be affected iu price by a lowering in duties. Thereiore, while he would receive less for his labor, his cost of living would not be decreased. Being practically placed upon the pay of European labor, our own would be deprived of facilities for educating and sustaining bis fam ily respectably ; he would be shorn of the proper opportunities of self-improvement, aud his value as a citizen, charged with a portion of tho obliga tion of government, would be lessen ed; tho moral tone of the laboring class would suffer: iu turn the inter ests of capital, and the wcll-beiny of orderly citizens in general would be menaced, while one evil would react upon another until there would be a general disturbance of the whole community. The true problem of a good and stable government is bow to infuse prosperity among all classes of people the manufacturer, the farmer, the mechanic and tho laborer alike. Such prosperity ia a prevent ive of crime, a security of capital, and the very best guarantco of general peace and happiness. The obvious policy of our govern ment is to protect both capital and labor by a proper imposition of duties. This protection should ex tend to every article of American production which goes to build up tho gcnoral prosperity of our people Tho national convention, iu view of tho special dangers menacing the wool interests of the United States, deemed it wise to adopt a separato resolution ou tho subject of its proper protection. This indastry is a very large aud important ouo. The necessary legislation to sustain this iudustry upon a prosperous basis should bo extended. No one realizes more fully than myself the great delicacy and diffi culty of adjusting a tariff so nicely and equitably as to protect overy homo iudustry, sustain every class of American labor, promote to the highest point our great agricnltural interests, and at the same time to givo to one and all tho advantages pertaining to foreign productions not in competition with our own, thus not only building up our foreign commerce, but taking measures to carry it into onr own bottoms. Difficult as this work appears, and really ia, it is susceptible of accom plishment by patient and intelligent labor, and to no bands can it be com mitted with as great assurance of success as to those of tho republican party. OUR MONETARY SYSTEM. The republican party is the indis putable author of a financial aud monetary system which it is safo to say has never before been equaled by that of any other nation. Under the operation of onr system of finance the country was carried through an extended and expensive war, with a national credit that has risen higher and higher with each succeeding year, until now tho credit of the United States is surpassed by that of no other nation, while its securities, at a constantly increasing premium are eagerly sought after by investors in all parts of the world. Our system of currency is most admirable in construction. While all the conveniences of a bill circula tion attach to it, every dollar of paper represents a dollar of the world's money standards, and as long as the juat and wise policy of the republican party is continued, there can be no impairment of the national credit. Therefore, under present laws relating thereto, it will be impossible for any man to lose a penny in the bonds or bills of the United States or in the bills of tho national banks. The advantage of having a bank note in tho bouse which will be as good in tho morning as it was the night before, should bo appreciated by all. The convertibility of tho currency should be maintained intact, aud the establishment of an international standard among all commercial na tions, fixing the relative values of gold and silver coinage, would bo a measure ol peculiar advantage. INTER-STATE, FOREIGN COMMERCE AND FOREIGN RELATIONS. The subject embraced in the res olutions respectively looking to the promotion of our inter-state and foreign relations are fraught with the greatest importance of our people. In respect to inter-state commerce there is much to be desired iu the way of equitable rates and facilities of transportation, that commerce may flow freely between tho states themselves, diversity of industries and employments ho promoted iu all sections of our country, aud that the great granaries and manufacturing establishments of the interior may be enabled to send their products to the seaboard for shipment to foreigu countries, relieved of vexatious re strictions aud discriminations in mat ters of which it may emphatically be said, 'Mimo is money," and also of unjust charges upon articles destined to meet competition from the pro ducts of other parts of tho world. As to our foreigu commerce, tho enormous growth of our industries, and our surprising production of cereals aud other necessities of life, imperatively require that immediate and effective means bo lakon through peaceful, orderly, aud conservative methods to open markets, which have been aud are uow monopolized largely by other nations. This more par ticularly relates to our sister repub lics of Spanish-America, as also to our friends the people of tho Brazilian empire. Tho republics of Spanish-America are allied to us by the very closest and warmest feelings, based upon similarity of institutions and govern ment, common aspirations, and mutual hopes. The "Great Repub lic," as they proudly term the United States is looked upon by their people with affectionate admiration and as the model for them to build upon, aud we should cultivate between them and ourselves closer commercial relations, which will bind all together by the ties of friendly intercourse and mutual advantage. Further than this, bciug small commonwealth in the military and naval sense of the European powers, they look to ur as, at least, a moral defender against a system of territorial and other en croachments which, aggressive in the past, has not been abandoned at this day. Diplomacy and intrigue have done much more to wrest the com merce of Spanish-America from the United States than has legitimate commercial competition. Politically we should be bound to the republics of our continent by the closest tie, and communication by ships and railroads should be en couraged to the fullest possible ex tent consistent with a wise and con servative public policy. Above all, we should be upon such terms of friendship as to preclude the possi bility of national misunderstandings between ourselves and any of the members of the American republicau family. The best method to promote uninterrupted peace between one and all would lie in the meeting of a general conference or congress, whereby an agreement to submit all international differences to the peace ful decision of friendly arbitration might be reached. An aggreement of this kind would give to our sister republics confidence in each other and in us, closer com munication would at once eusue, re ciprocally advantageous commercial treaties might bo made, whereby much of the commcrco that now flows across the Atlantic would seek its legitimate channels, aud insure to tho greater prosperity of the Ameri can commonwealths. The full ad vantages of a policy of this nature could uot be stated in a brief dis cussion like tho present. FOREIGN POLITICAL RELATIONS. Tho United Slates has grown to bo a government representing more than fifty million people, and in everv tienso, excepting mat oi naval power, is one. of the first nations of tho world. As such, its citizenship should bo valuable, entitling its possessor to protection iu every quarter of tho globe. I do not con sider it necessary that our govern ment should construct enormous fleets of approved iron-clads and maintain a commensurato body of seamen in ordor to place ourselves ou a war footing with the naval powers of Europe. Such a course would not bo compatiblo with the peaceful policy of our country, though it seems absurd that we havo not tho effectivo means to repel a wanton invasion of our coast towns and cities againt any power. Tho great moral force of our country is so universally recognized as to render an appeal to arras by us, either in protection of our citizens abroad or in recognition of any just international right, quito improbable. What wc most need In this direction 19 a firm and vigorous assertion of every right and privilego belonging to our government or its citizens, as well as an equally firm assertion of the rights and privileges belonging to the geaeral family of American republics situated upon this con tinent, when opposed, if ever they should be, by the different systems of government upon another continent. An appeal to the right by such a government as ours could not be dis regarded by any civilized nation. In the treaty of Washington we led the world to the means of escape from the horrors of war, and it is to be hoped that tho era when all inter national differences 6hall bo decided by peaceful arbitration is not far off. EQUAL RIGHTS OF CITIZENSHIP. The central idea of a republican form of government is the rulo of the whole people as opposed to the other forms which rest upon a privileged class. Our forefathers, in the attempt to erect a new government which might represent the advanced thought of the world at that period upon the subject of governmental reform, adopted tho idea of the peoplo's sovereignty, ami thua laid tho basis of our present republic. While technically a government of tho people, it was in strictness ouly a government of a portion of tho people, excluding from all participa tion a certain other portion, hold in a condition of absolute, despotic, and hopeless servitude, the parallel to which, fortunately, does uot now exist in any modern christian nation. With the culmination, however, of another cycle of advanced thought, the American republic suddenly as sumed the full character of the gov ernment of the whole people, and four million human creatures emerged from the condition of bondsmen to the full status of freemen, theoret ically invested with the uamo civil and political rights possessed by their former masters. Tho subsequent leg islation which guaranteed by every legal title the citizenship aud full equality before the law in all respects ot this previously disfranchised peo ple, covers tho requirements and se cures to them, so far as legislation can, the privileges of American citi zenship. ISut the disagreeable fact of tho case is, that while, theoretically, wc are iu the enjoyment of a govern ment i'f the whole people, practically wc arc almost as far irom it as we were iu the antebellum days of the republic. There arc but a few lead ing and indisputable facts which cover the whole statement of the case. In many of the southern states the colored population is iu large excess of tho white. The colored people are republicans, as arc also a considerable portion of tho white people. Tho re maining portion of the latterare dem ocrats. In face of this incoutestible truth theso states invariably return democratic majorities. In other states of the south the colored people, although not a majority, from a very considerable amount of the popula tion, ami with the whito republicans are numerically in excess of the dem ocrats, yet precisely the same result obtains the democratic party inva riably carrying the elections. It is not even thought advisable to allow an occasional or unimportant election to be carried by tho republicans an a "bliud" or as a stroke of finesse. Careful and impartial investigation has shown those results to follow the systematic exercise of physical in timidation and violouce, conjoined with the most shameful devices ever practiced in the name of free elec tions. So confirmed has this result become that we are brought face to face with the extraordinary political fact that tho democratic party of the south relies almost entirely upon the methods stated for its success in national elections. This unlawful perversion of the popular franchise, which I desire to state dispassionately, and in a manner comporting with the proper dignity of the occasion, is one of deep gravity to tho American people in a double sense. First. It is in violation, open, di rect, and flagraut, of the primary principle upon which our government is supposed to rest, viz: that the con trol of the government is participated in by all legally qualified citizens, in accordance with the plan of popular government, that majorities must rule in the decision ot all questions. Second. It is in violation of the rights and interests of the Btates wherein are particulary centered the great wealth and industries of the nation, aud which pay an overwhelm ing portion of the national taxes. The immense aggregation of interests embraced within, and the enormous ly greater population of these other states of the union, are subject every four years to the dangers of a wholly fraudulent show of numerical strength. Under this system minorities actu ally attempt to direct the course of national affaire, and though up to this time success has not attended their efforts to elect a president, yet success has been so perilously imminent as to encourage a repetition of tho effort at each quadrennial election, aud to sub ject tho interests of an overwhelming majority of our people, north and south, to tho hazards of illegal sub division. The stereotyped argument iu refu tation of theso plain truths is, that if tho republican olouient was really in the majority thoy could not bo de prived of their rights and privileges by a majority; but neither statistics of population, nor tho unavoidable logic of tho situation, can be overriden or escaped. The colored peoplo of tho south have recently emorged from the bondage of their present political oppressors ; they have hail but tew of the advantages of education which might euable them to compete with (he whites. As I have heretoforo maintaineil, in order to achieve tho ideal perfection of a popular government, it is abso lutely necessary that tho masses should bo educated. This proposition applies itself with full force to the colored people of tho south. They must have better educational advan tages, and thus bo enabled to beconio the intellectual peers of their white brethren, as inauy of thorn undonbt ly are. A liberal school system should be provided for the rising gen eration of the south, and the colored people be made capable of exercising tho duties of electors as the white people. In tho meantimo it is the duty of tho national government to go beyond resolutions and declarations on tho subject, and to tako such action as may lie in its power to secure the absolute froedom of national elections everywhere, to tho end that our con gress may cease to contain members representing fictitious majorities of their people, thus misdirecting the popular will concerning national leg islation, and especially to tho end that, in presidential contests, tho great business and other interests of the country may not bo placed in fear and trembling, lest an unscrupulous minority should succeed in stifling the wishes of tho majority. In accordance with the spirit of tho last resolution of the Chicago plat form, measures should be taken at once to remedy this great evil. FOREIGN IMMIGRATION. Under our liberal institutions tho subjects aud citizens of every nation havo been welcomed to a homo in our midst, and on a compliance with our laws to a co-operation in our government. While it is the policy of the republican party to encourage the oppressed of other nations and offer them facilities for becoming useful and intelligent citizens in the legal definition ot tho term, tho party has never contemplated the admis sion of a class of servile peoplo who are not only unablo to comprehend our institutions, but indisposed to become a part of our national family or to embrace any higher civilization than their own. To admit such im migrants would be only to throw a retarding element into the very path of our progrese. Our legislation should bo amply protective against this danger, aud if uot sufficiently so now should bo made so to the full extent allowed by onr treaties with friendly powers. THE CIVIL SERVICE. Tho subject of civil service admin istration is a problem that has occu pied tho earnest thought of statesmen lor a number of years past, and the record will show that towards its solution many results of a valuable and comprehensive character have been attained by the republican party since its accession to power. Iu the partizan warfare made upon the latter w.th tho view of weakening it in the public confidence a great deal has been alleged in connection with the abuse of the civil service, the party making tho indiscriminate charges seeming to have entirely forgotten that it was under the full sway of the democratic organization that the mot to, "To the victors belong tho spoils," became a cardinal article iu the dem ocratic creed. With the determination to clcvato our governmental administration to a standard of justice, excellence, and public morality, the republican party lias sedulously endeavored to lay the foundation of a system which shall reach the highest perfection under the plastic hand of time and accumu lating experience. The problem is ono of far greater intricacy than ap pears upon its superficial considera tion, and embraces the sub-questions of how to avoid the abuses possible to the lodgment of an immense num ber of appointments in the hands of tho executive; of how to give en couragement to and provoke emula tion in the various government em ployes, in order that they may strive for proficiency aud rest their hopes of advancement upon the attribuus of official merit, good conduct and ex emplary honesty ; aud how best to avoid the evils of creating a privi leged class in the government service, who, in imitation of European proto types, may gradually loso all profi ciency and value in the belief that possess a life-calling only to be taken away in case of some flagrant abuse. The thinking, earnest men of the republican party have made no more wordy demonstration upon this sub ject; but they have cudeavorcd to quietly perform that which their opponents arc constantly promising without performing. Under repub lican rule the result has been that, without cugratting any of the objec tionable features of the European systems upon our own, there has been a steady and even rapid eleva tion of the civil service in all of its departments, uutil it can now be stated without fear of successful con tradiction that the service is more just, more efficient aud purer in all of its features than ever before since the establishment of our government, and it defects still exist in our system, the country can safely rely on the republican party as the most effective instrument for their removal. I am in favor of the highest stand ard ot excellence in the administra tion of the civil service, and will lend my be6t efforts to the accomplishment ot the greatest attainable perfection in this branch of our service. THE REMAINING TWIN RELICS Or BAR BARISM. The republican party catno into ex istence in a crusade against tho dem ocratic institutions of slavery and polygamy. The first of these has been buried beneath the embers of civil war. The party should continue its efforts until the remaining iniqui- ly shall disappear from our civili.t tion under the force ol faithfully executed laws. Thero arc other subjects of import ance which 1 would gladly touch upon did space permit. I limit my self to saying that, while thero should bo the most rigid economy of gov ernmental administration, thero sho'd be no self defeating parsimony either in our domestic or foreign service. Official dishonesty should be prompt ly and relentlessly puuished. Our obligations to the dofouders of our country should never bo forgotten, and tho liberal system of pensions provided by tho republican party should not bo imperiled bv advorso legislation. Tho law establishing a labor bureau, through which the in terest of labor can bo placed in an organized condition, I regard as a salutary measure. Tho eight hour law should be enforced as rigidly as any other. Wo should iucrcaso our navy to a degrco enabling us to amply protect our coast Hues, our commerce, aud to givo us a forco iu foreign waters which shall be a ro spcctablo and proper representative of a country liko our own. Tho pub lic lands belong to the pooplo, aud should not bo alienated from them, but reserved for frco homos for all desiring to possess thorn ; and, finally, our present Indian policy should bo continued and improved upon as our oxperienco in its administration may from timo to timo suggest. I have the honor to subscribo my self, sir, Your obedient servant, John A. Loo an. PoIsohm aad their AmtidoteM. Accidental or intentional poisoning is so frequont that every ouo ought to know somo simple autidoto for thoso poisons in most common tiso. Whon poison has been taken into the stomach the first thing to bo done is to causo vomiting, then somo remedy may bo given which will neutralize or destroy the action of tho poison. Vomltiug can usually be caused by drinking a large quantity of tepid water, then tickling the throat with tho fingor or a feather. Or a tea spoouful of powdered mustard in a glass of warm water may ho given, or an emetic dose of ipecac. Try tho tepid water first drinking it rapidly. Arsenic Excite vomiting as soon as possible ; also give warm, greasy water, warm milk, cream, equal parts of sweet oil or melted lard and lime water, or the whites ol eggs. Either of thesis romedics, or two or three of them should be given as soon a- possible, in connection with measures to procure vomiting, and arc to bo repeated occasionally afterward. Corosive Sublimate. Causo vom iting as soon as possible, and at tho samo time let tho patient drink freely of eggs stirred up in water. If egs aro not at hand, give milk, or Hour and wator. Opium. Excite vomitiug as quick ly as possible. Pour cold water over the head, spine and chest ; if the pa tient is a child, plunge the body in warm water then suddenly removo it into the cold air occasionally. Do not let the patient fall asleep, keep him walking. Do not give vinegar, but give ten or coffee. Alcohol. The effects of alcohol in poisonous doses, may be counteracted by showering the head ami body with cold water, when the body is hot. Ex. A seamstres-i was arraigned iu a New Haven court on a charge ot hav ing stolen three gold com-; irom her employer. She blamed the theft u her baby. In order to find out tho truth or her stop', the baby, which was eleven months old, wan brought into the court-room ami the threo coins were placed on a table near its mother's chair. The baby looked at the coins for a moment, and then clutched them with a miser's eager ness, refusing to give them up. Tho seamstress was allowed to go tree. Ten years ago a penniless man, with a peculiarly shaped head, made a bar gain with a London professor of ana tomy by which the latter was to havi: the head on payment ot the man's funeral expenses. Meanwhile the man became wealthy, and when ln died the other day his friends tried to avoid fulfilling the contract. Hut thu professor insisti'd, and the matter in to be brought before the I&w courts. Pending the decision the defunct gun tlcmau has been buried with his head on hi- shoulders. A correspondent "Pocta," wants to know what n "port's club' in. We can't say about other offices, but our jioet's club is a wooden bar about three feet long and heavily loaded with lead at the business end. Further information will be personally sup plied. New York Graphic. Fried Tomatoes. Peel tho to matoes, cut in slicos about half an inch thick, dip each slice into white flour, then into beaten egg; spriukio pepper and salt over each slice and try in hot lard. These make a good garnish. A skeptical young man one day, conversing with tho celebrated Dr. Paar, observed that he would believe nothing he could uot understand. "Then, young man, your creed will be the shortest of any man I know." A man whose knowledge is based on actual experience bays that, when calling on their sweethearts, young men should carry affection in their hearts, perfection iu their manners aud confection iu their pockets. "What does Good Friday mean?" asked one Halsted street urchin ot his companion. "You'd better go home and read your Kobiusou Crusoe, the withering reply. was A health journal says that you ought to take three-quarters of an hour lor your dinner. It is well also to add a few vegetables and a piece, of meat. You may set a clock and it will go automatically correct ; not so with men aud women. W- ,T9