The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, July 02, 1884, Image 2

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National Republican Ticket.
lor President,
Of Maine.
.For Vice-President,
Of Illinois.
Republican State Convention
Has been called to meet at Omaha, Wed
nesday, August 27th, 18SJ, at 10 o'clock
a. m., to nominate five candidates for
presidential electors. Also, for Govern
or, Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of
State, State Treasurer, Auditor of Public
Accounts . Commissioner of Public Lands
and Buildings, Superintendent of Public
Instruction and Attorney General.
Platte county is entitled to seven del
egates. ,
G. TV. E. Dobsky, Chairman.
S. B. Colson, Secretary.
May 2V1884.
The Hastings Gazette-Journal Ib
in favor of "protection for revenue
An Irish-American, Blaine and
Logan club has been organized at
C. C. Caldwell of Omaha died
Thursday, aecd 50 years. He leaves
an estate worth $300,000.
Robert Griffin, of London, calcu
lates that the world will not be large
enough to hold the population in a
thousand years from now.
Billy IIdmphbies saloon and lunch
room at Blair, Neb., was entered the
other night by burglars. The entry
was made by taking out a pane of
glass. The loss was not great. Bur
glars not detected.
The Boone county News announces
Loran Clark as a candidate for con
gress in this district, and gives him a
good "send-off," as "tho best and
strongest candidate in the field," and
has "no doubt of his nomination and
D. C. Simon, commauder of T. Z.
Cook post, G. A. R., mysteriously
disappeared the other day and has
not been seen since. He was in poor
health. His age is about 40, thin
face, prominent nose, high forehead,
dark hair, blue eyes and medium
Blaine is very unpopular among
the aristocracy of England. Blaine's
intense loyalty to American interests
on the seas and in foreign lands is
very agreeablo food for tho average
American mind to ponder on, consid
ering that Blaine is to bo iho next
The committee appointed by the
national republican committee to in
form James G. Blaine of hw nomina
tion as a candidate for president of
the United States, veiled Augusta,
Me., one day last week and gave Mr.
Blaine formal notice of his nomina
tion in quite a lengthy address pre
sented by Gen. Henderson. Mr.
Blaine made a brief and appropriate
reply to the address accepting the
nomination. Later tho committee
was tendered a reception at Portland.
"Like an armed warrier, like a
Plumbed Knight, James G. Blaine
marched down the halls of the
American congress and threw his
shining lance full and fair against the
brazen foreheads of the defamcrs of
his country and the maligners of his
honor. For the republican party to
desert this gallant leader now is as
though an army should desert their
general upon the field of battle."
Speech R. G. Ingcrsoll, nominating
Blaine for President at Cincinnati
June 1876.
Van Wyck introduced a resolu
tion the other day requesting the
judiciary committee to inquire
whether the Union or Pacific railroad
companies have become responsible
for a guarantee on any bonds other
than those specifically authorized by
congress or outstanding at the date of
the passage of the act making appro
priations for legislative, executive
and judicial expenses of the govern
ment for the year ending June 30,
1874, and if so, to what extent and
under actual or alleged authority;
also, whether any new 6tock has been
issued by either of said companies in
violation oCsaid act, which resolution
was laid over until June 17.
The ex-soldiers and Bailors, resi
dents of Washington, serenaded Gen.
Logan the other evening. They as
sembled at the city ball and forming
in platoons of twelve, marched, head
ed by the Marine baud, to the Gen
eral's residence, where a crowd of
over 3,000 bad already assembled.
Gen. G. B. Raum made a brief speech
introducing Gen. Logan who ad
dressed the citizens in quite a lengthy
speech abounding with many patriot
ic sentiments which were frequently
aud most heartily applauded. Speech
making wa6 continued to a late hour
in which tho ex-soldiers participated,
among whom were Senators Plumb
and Harrison, Gen. Cutcheon, of
Michigan; Gen. N. Goff, of West
Virginia; Hon. Peltiboue, of Tenn.,
and Gen. T. M. Baync, of Pennsyl
vania. An old street car driver in the West
Division had been listening to two
men who were ridiculing Logan's
lack of scholarship until he boiled
over something like this:
"Prob'ly John Logan can't talk in
er grammarly manner. Prob'ly he
can't, but let me tell yer or one time
when he did talk aud it sounded
good to every, one that heerd him,
whether grammarly or not I dunno.
We'd been pelting the reus afore At
lanta and they'd pelted us until I
guess we both got tired I know we
had. My bat had been shot off and I
horrered another from a friend of
mime who dropped by my side.
Pretty soon iboy got some .guns
round ob Iho left and began whip
MWJo mi. I seen some of our men
firing; ten fool In the air and thore
tu't aolbhig hut tab anywhere
rosd, 1 looked back foramiMte
it m If br ww wftjr wm
who'd I see a coming np follered by
about ten thousand blue coats but
John Logan. He didn't have no hat
on and he was about fifty yards in
front of the boys and says he to ns
when he comee np : 'Fall back there,
boys ! Don't fire no more ! Close np
and fall back and give ns a chancel
We're a coming for 'em, our
souls !' Now I spose maybe that wan't
grammarly, but an angel right from
heaven couldn't have sung no sweeter
words to me iust then."
StreastM 1st lalea.
Our Humphrey contemporary, the
Independent, affects to think that "If
there is a political party cxiBtmg to
day with a higher principle and a
nobler purpose than to get, or hold,
the offices, and divide the stealings,
it is only in the minds and political
thunder of politicians, who have an
'ax to grind' or are paid for influenc
ing public opinion." Political parties
are made up by honest, fair-minded,
useful, manly voters uniting to ac
complish a purpose or institute a
policy of goyernment which they
deem for the good of the country,
and they aud their adherents are
much to be preferred to that nonde
script creature who has no political
principles, works with nobody, has
noeWoio-citizens and thinks all men
mercenary. Iu the times or rcoeuion
it was not an uncommon saying with
this class that our loyal soldiers were
in the service of their country merely
for the $13 a month that they got, and
this assertion of the Independent that
present political parlies exist only
"to get or hold the, offices and divide
the stealings," is as unfounded as the
other, and is an insult to the intelli
gence of every honest grccubacker,
anti-monopolist, democrat or repub
lican who chooses to be a factor in
the management of affairs, rather
than be a political dude.
It was expected at the time it oc
cured that that "compromise"
between the Senate Judiciary Com
mittee and the Union Pacific Railway
Company would lead to scandalous
comment, but it was hardly looked
for in the Senate itself. Yet Mr.
Van Wyck, who is a very outspoken
Senator, has called it up in open
session, and asked by what authority
the Judiciary Committee could mako
such a' bargain and clinch it by a
formal resolution. The more one
looks at the action of that committee
the more Van Wyck's action would
seem to be justifiable. What right
has any committee of either house to
make bargains as to legislation, make
compromises with recalcitrant corpor
ations, without once consulting the
full body? It seems liko a high
handed piece of work, for which even
so high and mighty an organization
as the Senate Judiciary Committee
should be brought to account. There
has always been a great deal of
subserviency in the Senate to the
Pacific railway companies, and of late
the public has grown restive under
it The action or the Judiciary Com
mittee iu hastily resolving to relieve
the Union Pacific of the consequences
of amending the Thurman act with
out even consulting the Senate Is well
calculated to call attention anew to
this suspicious subserviency, and it
certainly merits sharp comment in
the Senate and out of it. We are
glad that it seems likely to get it.
Chicago Herald.
Lincoln's police amusement is &aid
to consist in bagging tramps.
It is reported that the cheese factory
at Blair is in successful operation.
Jos. Lambert, a farmer near River
ton, waB killed by lightning, June
Dr. D. H. Schultz, a veterinary sur
geon of Kearney, was found dead in
his bed June 22, cause, apoplexy.
A good condition of affairs exist in
the city treasury of Fremont in show
ing a cash balance on hand of $1,605,
48. An unknown man walking along
the edge of the Platte river, was seen
to fall into the water, by the ground
under him giving away at Kearney.
Some of our exchanges express the
opinion that the indications are good
that the proposed Western Soldiers'
home will bo located in Nebraska,
and that every effort should be made
to that end.
A. C. Pemberton, of Central City,
this state, some time last April went
to Utah, and his son at Central City
recently received a letter from Utah
announcing his death. On account of
certain mouoy transactions the son
has suspicions that his father has
been foully dealt with, aud has taken
steps to have the matter investigated
by the U. S. Marshal of the territory.
A wholesale raid was made on
sportiug bouses at Fremont recently
and eleven women and seventeen
men arrested and confined in jail for
the night. There was considerable
excitement. This was the second
raid upon the houses of prostitution,
aud will probably break up the busi
ness for a while. Good citizens of
course sanction the proceedings of the
Charles Stewart, ofPapillion,Neb.,
left his home one day last week to go
to Omaha to sell a horse. He was
last seen at an Omaha livery stable,
where he Bold the horse, put the
money in his pocket and started for
home, but had not at the latest report
reached. A son of the missing man
has been in Omaha searching for him,
but thus far the search has been in
vain. Suspicions are strong among
his friends that he has been mur
dered for bis money.
The Omaha City Council is as good
as a circus any day. The chief at
traction lately has been the situation
caused by the indictment of the
Mayor, Champion S. Chase. On
behalf of elevea members of the
Council, Isaac Uascall presented
charges against the Mayor, .and de
manded his suspension from office.
The array of charge is fearfal, in
volving habitual drnnkenness; in
competency caused by drunkenness
and derangement of the nervous
system, which have affected his brain
and produced unsoundness of mind ;
taking and ' receiving bribes from
gamblers and others ; conspiring and
conniving with R. C. Guthrie, city
marshal, for gain, to allow and suffer
the laws and ordinances of the city to
be violated without prosecuting or
punishing the offenders. Hascall
stated that the Mayor was incom
petent, and that it was manifest he
was not in his right mind. Mr.
Lccder said that the thing that
soffened the mayor's brain was that
be had telephoned too often to Has
call's beer garden and called him
down to give him advice. Mr. Has
call, (who is well known to be able
to give as well as to take bard
blows,) rejoined that if anybody rep
resented the wine and beer element
it was Leeder and not himself. Ho
sometimes went to LeederV'shebang"
but the whiskey was bo vile that it
drove him out the back door. The
Mayor was fiually suspended. We
notice, in our Omaha news, that
Chase's counsel, Thurston, Connell
aud Bloom, have asked that the in
dictment against him be quashed for
misjoinder, and defect of form.
The Political Oatltfok.
A letter to tho Chicago Tribune,
written from Fremont, this state, has
some very pointed things to say to
and of George William Curtis, the
editor of Harper's Weekly:
"The question which he raises is
this: 'Are the people to be trusted
longer in the selection of their candi
dates, or is it necessary to have a few
self-constituted reformers select can
didates for them?'
If the people are no longer to be
trusted, if the republican form of gov
ernment is a failure, the people will
not be satisfied until they learn that
from somo different source than
Goorge William Curtis, a sniveling
toady to English aristocracy.
The couutry has been waiting for
years for Curtis to inaugurate some
great reform, but so far he has only
proven a great disappointment. He
lays great stress upon civil service
roform, at the &ame time he is as mute
as a mouse upon other far greater
eyils which are threatening our gov
ernment. If he would circulate a little out
side his narrow den, and come to
Nebraska, for instance, he would soon
learn that the people are far more
interested in having the rates of
transportation reduced so that they
can realize a fair compensation for
their labor than they are in all this
talk of civil service reform. To ro
form our civil service is, no doubt,
quite necessary, but a real roformer
will attack the greater evils first.
Curtis stock is not now, nor never
was, at par in Nebraska, and never
will be unless he ceases riding hob
bies and goes to work iu earnest in
the interests of the people."
John Brcnnan of Sioux City writes
a letter to the Western Celt of Omaha,
giving the reasons why he leaves the
Democratic part' this time, to vote
for Blaine :
"Why rush back forty years for my
politics? My generation will carve
out its own issues. When the Lon
don Times, the Evening Post, .Tone's
New York Times, Puck, and Har
per's Weekly, the Cobdeu club and
the Orangemen of Pennsylvania and
New Jersey are on one 6ide, give me
the other side, please. If these things
were in Heaven and I had to train
with them, I would never onter the
gate. I have groped amid the tombs
too long. I am at last living under
the light of reason. I am not the dog
of the republican party, nor the dupe
of the democratic party.
I have faith in freedom, faith in the
capacity of man for self-government,
faith in the future of my raco. 1 be
lieve in the equality of ail men before
the law. I have hope for the down
fall of England. Hope for the per
petuity of American institutions. I
shall vote as seems to me best for the
advancement of all these. I shall
vote for whom I please. I shall vote
for Blaine and Logan. My soul is
my own, my ballot ditto."
The following speaks for itself, and
is doubtless one of many similar
letters :
"Columbus, Neb., Jnne 20, '84.
Messrs. Harper Bros., N. Y., Gen
tlemen : I have been a reader of
your publications for many years;
my bouse contains many volumes of
them. Since the disgraceful, aud, as
I believe with eight-tenths of the re
publican party, dishonest act of your
man Friday, Goorge W. Cnrtis, at the
Chicago convention, I have directed
the newsdealer to 6top them. When
you undertake to kill the republican
party you will find your influence
amounts to about the same that it did
when you attempted to stab Abraham
Lincoln. The republican party con
demned your infamous course at that
time, but this yon will find the un
pardonable sin which will never be
forgiven. It will bury you bo deep
that the trumpet of the Arch-angel
will never awaken you; execration
will be your monument.
An old reader,
Saml. C. Smith."
And now it is whispered that Hon.
. K. Valentine is in the hands of his
friends, with a view to the guberna
torial chair next term. Oh! ah!
Perhaps our congressman wasn't so
premature, after all, looking at it in
this and that light, in hastening to
inform the people that he didn't want
to be congressman again. But, then,
perhaps he isn't after tho govern or
ship. Central City Courier.
fin this department the people talk, and
not the editor. Each writer must hold
himself ready to defend his principles
and his statements of facts. "Iu the mul
titude of counsel there is wisdom." Ed.
Corporal Faalsaateat ia Pablic
Editor Journal: An article in
the Journal of the 18th ult. demands
consideration. Please allow the other
side a place in yonr excellent periodi
cal. Your correspondent demands
that corporal punishment be banished
from our public schools or our pres
ent board of education put out of
office at the next election. While
mental culture ia the first object of
of the school, discipline is necessary.
If the pupils be allowed to disobey
the teachers in the school-room and
on the play -ground the public schools
will not help to train them for law
abiding citizenship. If in childhood
they disobey the law of the school, in
maturity they will disobey the law of
the land. Your correspondent has a
lively imagination indeed. Look at
the overdrawn picture. "Back lacer
ated. Hands blistered with a ferule.
Teacher acting as judge, jury and
hangman at pleasure. Outrageous
brutality of scourging a weak, help
less child I" No teacher in our city
schools sat for that picture. I have
frequently visited our schools and
find the teachers to be ladies and gen
tlemen of fine culture, good judgment
and tender feelings. In the name of
fair play why should any one inti
mate that tboy are brutes? Two
years ago when our teachers rebuked
the children they defiantly replied,
"What will you do about it? You
dare not touch us." Now it can bo
seen in the school-room and on the
play-ground that tho teachers, and
not the scholars, are at the head of the
schools. For several years I taught
in public schools and do not want my
children to attend any school, the
directors of which say, "Corporal
punishment must in no case bo in
flicted." If it were only cruelty that
"Parent" condemns I would agree
with him ; but he denounces all cor
poral punishment as a "rolic of bar
barism." Before me lies a book adapted to
the highest civilization, which says:
"He that spareth his rod hateth his
son ; but he that love him chasteueth
him betimes." Proverbs xiii, 24.
In the eye of the law of Nebraska,
the teacher is, during school hours, in
the place of the parent both iu gov
ernment and responsibility.
A Subscribe!:.
Prepared for the Fourth.
Humphrey is putting iu hor crojs
walks now under the supervision of
M. C. Blocdorn.
Miss Fromholz who has been teach
ing in Ohio, is visiting her brothers
and sisters here.
Your correspondent wa9 the re
cipient of a nice bunch of cherries
grown and presented by Mr. From
holz, cast of town.
Wm. II. Jones was in town last
week and says he can boast of the
best field of wheat now that he has
ever seen in the county aud that grain
on the Shell Creek valley is nearly
all good.
Wo regret that through illness your
correspondent could not be present
at the dedication ot the new Catholic
church at St. Bernard by Bishop
O'Connor. A small part of the
grand affair however we saw. Tho
Bishop was met at iho train ou Fri
day evening aud conducted in a car
riage to the residence of Th03. Ottis,
accompanied by a cavalcade of horse
men, when the Huraphroy Cornet
Band played them soveral pieces of
music, aud after the evening meal,
the Bishop was conducted with the
same army to St. Bernard. The next
we saw of them was an imposing
sight, worthy of larger cities than
Humphrey, the Bishop's return here
on Sunday afternoon led by the
Cornet Band with Hags unfurled and
music that stirs the soul, from sixteen
pieces; over forty horsemen making
one grand parade, and with the firing
of the anvil, they marched up to the
church, when the crowd very sud
denly dispersed. They are to have a
baeket dinner here to-day (Monday
time of writing) which will un
doubtedly be a grand success. C.
Lost Creek Items.
A good rain would do lots of good ;
the grass in places is drying up. It
seems that our vicinity did not get a
share of the showers that have been
going the rounds the last few woeks.
Miss Moncrief finishes her term of
school this week, aud returns to
Ogdensburgh, N. Y., accompanied by
her cousin Mr. J. E. Moncrief, who
has not seen his old home for 12
years. W.
Walter Jewell has completed one
of the largest and best residences in
this vicinity, which adds much in the
appearance and value of his farm.
Farmers of this section are looking
forward to the binder exhibition to
be held on the J. It. Smith farm July
7th, as the proper place to decide
which machine they will buy. It is
to be hoped all leading binders will
be represented.
WHEREAS, It is proposed to issue
the bonds of the school district of
the city of Columbus, in the county of
Platte, in the State of Nebraska, in the
sum $12,000 for the purpose of purchasing
a site for a school house, to build a school
bouse thereon, and to furnish the neces
sary furniture and apparatus for the
same, said bonds to be issued in sums of
$500 each, to run for the period of twenty
years, but to be redeemable at the option
of saiJdistrictatany time after ten years
after the date thereof, with interest at the
rate of six per cent, per annum, interest
payable semi-annually.
Now, therefore the qualified voters of
said school district arc hereby notified
that r vote is hereby ordered to be taken
on the above mentioned proposition on
8th Day of JTmly, 1884,
at the usual places of holding elections in
said district, viz: in the first ward at the
Court House; iu the second ward at the
City Hall; in the third ward at the School
House, each and all of said places of
voting being in said city of Columbus.
All voters in favor of the issuance of
said bonds shall have written or printed
on their ballots the words "For the issu
ance of bonds and the levy of special tax,"
and those not in favor thereof shall have
written or printed on their ballots
"Against the issuance of bonds and the
levy of special tax."
Polls at said election shall be opened
at 8 o'clock a. in. and closed at 6 o'clock
p. m. of said day.
By order of the Board of Education of
the city ot Columbus.
Carl Kramer, Pres't,
John F. Wermuth, Sec'y,
J. N. Taylor,
W- A. McAllister,
7-4 Joux Wiggins.
Send six cents for
postage, and receive
free, a costlv Imr of
goods which will help you to more money
right away thau anything else in this
world. All, of either sex, succeed from
first hour. The broad road to fortune
opeus before the 'workers, absolutely
sure. At once address, T&iuc & Co.,
Augusta, Maine.
, -.rf v -
Hurrah! Hurrah! Hurrah!
Dry Goods Merchant
Owing to the great success of our last GRAND CHEAP SALE, we
are induced to offer once more a grand closing out sale of Spring and Sum
mer Goods and to which our customers who have examined and purchased
will testify to the fact that we offered BIG BARGAINS and will continue
our cheap' sale by offering on the 4th and until Saturday, we will give to
any customer 10 yards of the Choice Calico for 20c ; and to even' boy or man
(as long as they hist) one Duck Jumper for 20c; also a good Cheviot Shirt
for 20e, worth 40c, and one for 40c, worth 80c; also
Boxes Paper Collars 05c, worth 20-25c
yards Heavy Shi rting . 105c, worth 08c
Corsets 12 l-2c, worth 30c
Ladies' and Children's Hose 05c, wortli 10-loc
dozen Thread 10c per dozen.
Heavy Duck Overalls
Ladies' and Children's Untrininied Hats..l0c.
pieces All-wool Bunting 15c,
yards Table Oil Cloth 20c,
yards Fancy Lawns 05c,
yards Straw Matting, 3G inches wide 20c,
yards White P. K's 04c,
yards Brown and Blue Duck 10c,
yards Blue Deniims 08c,
dozen Buttons, all styles 05c,
pairs 4-Button Black Kid Gloves 30c,
pairs 2-Button Colored Kid Gloves 30c,
pairs Ladies' Kid Shoes 60c,
pairs Men's Low-cut Shoes 75c,
pairs Ladies' Serge Buskins 40c,
Ladies' Kid Button Shoes 85c,
Misses' Side Lace
Men's Alexis
Children's Suits
Summer Silks
yards Grass Cloth
Colored Embroidery, 2 yards for.
Ladies' Berlin Gloves, per pair
Ladies' Linen Collars, 2 for
Ladies' and Children's Underwear
Ladies Summer Skirt
Lace Ties, all colors, 2 for 05c.
Ladies' Collars and Cuffs, per set 10c, worth 25c
Ladies' Pocket Book 05c.
Men's Gauze Undershirts 25c, worth 50c
Carpets, Summer Silks, Dress Goods of all descriptions during this Sale
yards of all kinds of Remnants will be sold during this Sale at ONE
Please notice the following, then
Ever offered, before they are all gone.
Men's strictly All-wool Suit S9.00 worth 815.00
Men's Union Cassimere 6.50 worth 12.00
lA careful examination in every department is solicited. Remember,
these prices are no humbug. Owing to the great damage done by fire in
Schuyler, we are compelled to force them at less than one-half their value.
Remember the place,
Remember, July 4th and 5th. L. KRAMER, Frop'r.
In the District Court for Platte County,
Nebraska. Iu the matter of the estate.
of Edward I). Shcehan, deceased. Or
der for hearing.
A hearing in open court this 27th day of
.nine, iil, upon tne petition or Henry J.
Hudson, administrator, and Ellen Shce
han, administratrix, of the estate of
Edward D. Shcehan, deceased, late of
riatte County, Nebraska, for license to
sell the real estate of said deceased de
scribed in said petition, tor the purpose
of paying the debts outstanding against
said deceased and for paying tne costs
and charges of administering on his said
estate, and it appearing to the court from
said petition that there is not suflicient
personal estate in the nanus or saltl ad
ministrator and administratrix to pay
said debts outstanding against said de
ceased, and to pay the costs and cnarges
of administering his said estate, and that
it is necessary to sell the real estate
hereinafter mentioued, and in said peti
tion described, in order to provide for
the payment of said debts and charges
of administration,
It Is therefore ordered by the court
that said petition be heard at chambers
of the undersigned Judge of said court, at
the citv of Columbus, in Platte County,
Nebraska, on the sixteenth day of
August, 1884, at four o'clock in the
afternoon, that all persons interested
in the estate of said deceased, then
and there show cause, if any they have,
why license should not be granted
to said administrator and administ ratrix
to sell the said real estate situated in
said Platte County and described as fol
lows, to wit:
The middle twenty-two (22) feet of lot
No. four (4) in block No. one hundred
and nineteen ( 119), in the city of Colum
bus, also the following described tract of
land beginning at the southeast cerner
of the southwest quarter of the northeast
miarter of section No. twentv-ninc ( 29.
in township No. seventeen (17) north, of
range JNo. one (l) east, running inence
north three (3) chains, thence west ten
(10) chains, thence south three (3) chains,
thence east ten (10) chains to the place
of beginning, containing three acres; and
it is further ordered that a copy of this
order be published for four successive
weeks prior to said day set for hearing
said petition in The Columbus Journal,
a weekly newspaper printed, published
and of general circulation In said Piatt c
County. A. M. POST,
10-4 Judge Fourth Judicial Dist.
Estimate Tor City Expenses.
At an adjourned meeting of the Council
of the City of Columbus, held June ICth,
'84, the following resolution was adopted:
Be it resolved, By the Mayor and
Councilmen of the City of Columbus, that
the following estimate be and is hereby
made for the fiscal year ending May 1st,
1885, for the purposes as follows:
For salary of Mayor and Council .$ 200 00
" " " City cierK suu uu
u i " City Treasurer 150 00
" " " Police Force 1200 00
" per diem of overseer of streets 200 00
" grading, and repairing streets
and avenues, and protecting the
same by sprinkling and tbe con
struction of bridges, culverts,
crossings, and sewers
For piotection against fire
" books and stationery
" printing ordinances
Si Ut W illbo
400 00
500 00
25 00
SO 00
75 00
" miscellaneous purposes 250 00
And that the foregoing estimate be
published in a paper ot general circula
tion in the City for four weeks, as re
quired by law.
John M. Mackakland, Mayor.
Attest: David Dowty, Clerk. 8-4
At my farm 2 miles west of Becker &
Welch's mill, Thursday, June 19th,
12 to 15 years old, weight about 900 lbs.,
both fore feet shod; had on a leather
halter; is branded on left hip 03- Owner
will prove property and pay charges.
10-5 Edwin Ahbbxb.
worth ific
nevaraold for
laaa than
81.25 and upwards.
wortli ( oc
wortli 10-15c
worth 10c
wortli 15c
wortli 15c
at 50 per cent, less than cost.
25c. worth 50c
rustle and get to KRAMER'S and get
Land Office at Grand Islaxd Neb.,
June 23d, 18S4. f
AT OTICE is hereby given that the mi
ll Iowing-named settler has tiled notice
of bis intention to make hnal proof iu
support of his claim, and that said proof
will be made before Clerk of District
Court of Platte county at Columbus,
Neb., on Saturday, August th, 18S4, viz:
Wendelien Branncr, Homestead No.
7010, for the W. K S. E. , Section 2.
Township 19 north, Range 1 cast. lie
names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon, and cul
tivation of, said land, viz: Henry Wur
deman, Henry Hunteman, Carl Staab,
of Bohcet, Platte Co., Ne'., and John
Hocssel, of Columbus. Platte Co., Neb .
10-G C. HOSTETTER, Register.
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.,
tfuue oviu, ioch. )
OTICE is hereby civen that the
following-named settler has filed
nonce or nis intention to make final
proof in support of his claim, and that said
proof will be made before Clerk of the
District Court at Columbus, Neb., on
August 7th, 1884. viz:
Julius Schmidt, Homestead No. OOltf,
for the N . U, of S. E. i, Section 22, Town
ship 17, Range 1 west. He names the
following witnesses to prove his con
tinuous residence upon, and cultivation
of, said land, viz: John Bredehoff, Val
entine Losak, John Gerber, and John
Hosner, all of Duncan Nebr.
10-0 C. HOSTETTER, Register.
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.,)
3Iay 20th, 1884. f
NOTICE is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice
of his intention to make final proof in
support of his claim, and that said proof
will be made before Judgeof tbe District
Court of Platte county, Nebraska, at
Columbus, Nebraska, on 18th day of
July, 1884. viz:
Lucy M. Adams, formerly Lucy M.
Bishop, Homestead Entry No. 8584, for
the E. i of S.AV.Ji Section 20,Township 19
north, Range 3 west. He names the fol
lowing witnesses to prove. his continuous
residence upon, and cultivation of, said
land, viz: James T. Ferree and George
Mahood, of Postville P. O., Platte Co.,
Neb., and George G. Glass and Henry
Hurley, of LookinsKlass P. O.. Platte
Co., Neb.
6-6 C. HOSTETTER, Register.
U. S. Land Office, Grand Island, Neb.)
June 19th, 1884. f
NOTICE is hereby given that the fol
lowing named settler has filed notice
of his intention to make final proof in sup
port of his claim, and that said proof will
be made before Clerk of District Court
for Platte county, at Columbus, Neb., on
Friday, August 1st, 1884, viz:
3Iikkel Sorcnsen, Homestead No. 8758,
for the W. X S. W. Ji Section 14, Town
ship 19, north of Range 4 west. He names
the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon, and cultiva
tion of, said land, viz: Jens Christensen,
Hans N. Christensen, of Palestine, Platte
Co., Neb., Peter Christensen, Hans John
con, of LookingglasB, Platte Co., Neb.
9-C C. HOSTETTER, Register.
Land Office at Grand Inland Neb.,)
June 21bt, 1884. f
NOTICE is hereby given that tbe following-named
settler has filed notice
ot his intention to make final proof in
support of bis claim, and that said proof
will be made before the Clerk of the Dis
trict Court at Columbus, Nebraska, on
July 31st, 1884, viz:
Joel E. E?gleston, Homestead No. 11017
for tbe S. W. M, Section 28, Township
20, Range 1 east. He names the fol
lowing witnesses toprove'his continuous
residence upon, and cultivation of, said
land, viz: E. A. Sage, of Creston, Neb.,
L. Staab, D. D. Hardy and Charles Staab,
all of Bobeet, Nebr.
9.6 C. HOSTETTER, Register.
Teas, Coffees, Sugar, Syrups,
Dried and Canned Fruits,
and other Staples a
GoodM IelivoretI Free (o nny
pjtrt of the Cily.
Cor. Thirteenth and K Streets, near
A . JV. Depot.
Dry Goods and Clothing Store
Has on hand a splendid stock of
Ready-made Clothing,
Dry Goods, Carpets,
Hats, Caps, Etc., Etc.,
At prices M were per
I bny my goods strictly for cash and will give my customers the
benefit, of it.
Give Me a call and covince yourself of the facts.
U. S. Laud Office, Grand Island. Noli.,)
Mav 20th, 1SSL f
t COMPLAINT having'been entered at
J this office by .Jenkin Evan-., a;aitit
David Ford for 'failure to comply with
law as to Timber-Culture Entrv No. l.'MS,
dated March 13tb, IS", upo-i the N. . 'A
Section 8. Township 10 north, Itanc i
west, iu Platte County, Nebraska, with
a view to the cancellation of said entry;
contestant alletn; that the said David
Ford did not break or plow 10 acres of
said land during tbe years 1ST7, 1373, 137'J,
1880, 1831, 1882, 1883 aud 1834, aud did not
set out trees as required by law. The
said parties are hereby summoned to ap
pear at the office of Win. A. McAllister,
Notary Public at Columbus, Neb., on the
14th day of July, 1834, at 10 o'clock a. m.,
to respond and furnish .testimony con
cerning said alleged failure. A decision
in above case will be rendered on Julv
24th 1334.
" 0.0 " C. HOSTETTER, Register.
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.,)
.Mine 17th, 18S4. C
NOTICE is hereby given that tbe fol-lowing-uamed
settler has tiled notice
of his intention to make final proof in
support of his claim, and that said prool
will be made before the Clerk of the Dis
trict Court, at Columbu, Nebraska, on
August 1st, 1834, viz:
Nils Johnson Homestead No. 3405 aud
!107 for the N. E. X, Section 32, Town
ship 13, Range S west. He names the fol
lowing witnesses to prove his continu
ous residence upon, and cultivation of,
said land, viz: Olof Larson. Jacob Jern
berg, Peter Larson and Nils Lindberg all
of Genoa Nebr.
9-C C. HOSTETTER. Register.
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.,)
jiay -zaa, ijkh.
OTICE is hereby given that the
following-named settler has filed
notice of his intention to make final
proof in support of his claim, and that
said proof will be mado before the Judge
of the District Court at Columbus, Ne
braska, on the 12th day .of July, 1881, viz:
John Flakus, Homestead No. 8093, for
the N. E. i, of N. E. J, Section 20.
Township 17, north, of Range 1 west. He
names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon, and cul
tivation of. said land, viz: George
Borowiak, V. Losek, John Treba, Sobas
tyan Formanski, all of Duncan P.O.,
Platte Co., Neb.
6-0 C. HOSTETTER. Register.
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.,i
3Iay 29 1834.
NOTICE Is hereby given that the follow
ing named settler has filed notice of
his intention to make final proof in sup
port of his claim, and that said proof will
be made before Judge of District Court,
at Columbus, Nebr., on the 19th day of
July, 1884, viz:
William Stahmer, Homestead Entry
No. 7357, for the N. H A. W. i Section
18, Township 18 north, of Range 1 west.
He names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon, and
cultivation of, said land, viz: John Saal
feld, C. Yeiter, Jacob Mattia G. Krunm
Iand, all of Columbus P. O., Platte Co.,
C6 C. HOSTETTER, Register.
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.,)
May 27th, 1884. f
NOTICE is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice
of his intention to make final proof in
support of his claim, and that said proof
will be made before the Clerk of the Dis
trict Court, at Columbus, Nebraska, on
July 10tb, 1884, viz:
nans H. Skgelstad, Pre-emption No.
5922, for the S. E. i of N. W. i Section
1. Township 20, Range 4 west. He names
the following witnesses to prove his con
tinuous residence upon, and cultivation
of, said land, viz: Adolf Janson, Nils
Janson, Ole Julson Sopus and Hans Ol
son, all of Newman's Grove. Nebr.
6-0 C. HOSTETTER, Register.
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.,)
3Iay 29th, 1884. f
NOTICE is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice
of bis intention to make final proof in
support of his claim, and that said proof
will be made before the Judge ol the Dis
trict Court at Columbus, Neb., on the
17th day of July, 1881, viz:
Fremont W. Tate, Homestead Entry
No. 9035, for the S.- E. i S ection 34, Town
ship 20 north, of Range 2 west. He
names the following witnesses to nrove
his continuous residence upon, and culti
vation or, said land, viz: G. W. Clark, W.
11. Selsor,W. T. Sibley, Nils Peterson,
all of Humphrey, Platte Co., Neb.
6-0 C. HOSTETTER, Register.
But a Grand Success.
ter Trough for stock. He refers to
every man who has it in use. Call on or
leave orders at -George Yale's, opposite
Oeblrich's grocery. &m
WbitcbreastXumpl'oal 5.00
Nut " 4.5U
Canon Wtv " 7;00
Colorado Hard " 10.00
Boots & Shoes, Hals & Caps,
M of More it Goli
Cor. Olive and 13th Sts.,
Have always on baud a new and rull
line of
Well Selected.
Dried and Canned Fruits of all kinds
guaranteed to be best quality.
A well selected new stock which will be
sold as cheap as the cheapest.
Flour at Prices to suit all Pockets !
and all kinds of countrv nroducc taken
in trade or bought for cash at the highest
market prices. i-y
Will Open
THE 23d of JUNE, 1884.
A complete course for teachers and
those desiring a higher English educa-
tion, a full businesa course, with training
in actual business practice and general
correspondence, short hand, ornamental
penmanship, elocution, German and mu
sic. Splendid rooms, large, light aud
well furnished, charges very moderate,
cost of living reasonable, society good,
experienced teachers. For further par
ticulars, inquire of
3-3mo Council Bluffs, Iowa.
Buckeye Mower, combined, Self
Binder, wire or twine.
Pumps Repaired oa short Motice
KJTOne door west or Hcintz's Drue
Store, 11th Street, Columbus, Neb. 8
Is warranted to wear lonjrar, lit
the form neater, and Klvabatter
satisfaction than an j other Conet
Jn th market, or price paid will
b refunded. Thelndonemeatiof.
pany each Comet. Price. JLOO and upward, juk yaar
merchant for them. . wjwr
nnfcturera.0&:tl21candolpuSU, Chicago.
A P PATTC! wanted for The Lives
AvjJjlN I kj ot aU tue Presidents
It Y , . of the U- s- The larg
est, handsomest best book ever sold for
Ies than twice our price. Tbe fastest
selling book in America. Immense prof
its to agents. All intelligent people want
. nX, one can become a successful
i1Ll!fi,Ll'."- " Co-