The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, June 04, 1884, Image 3
yr u .. k I r- v !cifnmhii5?outna!, WEDNESDAY JUNE 4, I8S4. Fire-works Ed. Fitzpatrick's. 6-4 Baby carriages at Munger's. 52 tf Flags For the Fourth at "Fitz's." G-4 Save all the maple seeds and plant them. V. T. Price of Albion was in the city last week. Fire crackers headqnartere at E. D. Fitzpatricks. 6-4 II. L. Small came down from Norfolk Friday. Any book published furnished by A. & M. Turner. Mrs. A. B. Coffroth is visiting friends in the city. Summer silks all the new styles at Friedhof&Co's. O. C. Shannon has removed his tin shop to Olive street. The Adventist camp meeting con venes at Beatrice to-day. Lute North returned last Thurs day from his western trip. ' The most and best goods for the money at A. & M. Turner's. Fire, lightning and wind storm insurance at Early & Niblock's. Labrador herring, the best in the world, at Condon & McKenzie's. 5-2 Volley Weaver is filling a posi tion in the post-office at Norfolk. An entirely new line of carpets, all the late styles at Fridhof & Co. Be sure to go to Gus. G. Becher & Co. for abstract of title to lands. 200 pieces of embroidery from 2 cts. per yard up, at Friedhof & Co. Miss May Stearns was on a visit to friends at North Bend last week. Chas. Morse told us yesterday morning that the Platte was falling. Rev. Otto Kuhne of Uoskins, "Wayne county, was in town Monday. For reliable goods trade with A. J. Arnold fine jewelry and watches. C-2 Mr. aud Mrs. "Walter Gatward, of Genoa, were in town Tuesday of last week. Ncls Hasselbach of St. Edward passed the Sabbath hero with his friends. Judge Crawford held court last week for Judge PoBt in Butler county. Buy your silverware of A. J. Arnold. You know his guarantee is reliable. 1 Tho latest styles in ready-made dresses for ladies, for $6.00, at Mrs. Stump's. 2-tf Miss Ada Millet was visiting friends at Omaha and Council Bluffs last week. Drawing paper and drawing bookB at A. & M. Turner's book and music store. The outlook is very favorable at this time lor a bountiful fruicrop in this section. Early & Niblock represent the best lino of tire insurance companies in Columbus. A. J. McKclvy of St. Edward was in the city last week visiting his brother George. "Good goods at lowest prices," is the motto at A. & M. Turner's book and music store. Clothing, clothing, new nobby suits for men and boys, a great variety at Friedhof & Co. The runaway Indian boys from the Genoa school were captured at Albion and sent back. Money to loan on real estate on short or long time at a low rate of interest, by Becher & Co. Mrs. Stump is receiving every week, the latest styles in hats and bonnets, in large quantities. 2-tf F. Brodfuehrer, in company with some commercial tourist friends paid Humphrey a visit last week. Dr. Thurston has sold his dental practice in this city, and will not do any business after July 31st. 6-4 Household goods, such as table linen, napkins, towls and toweling, in great variety at Friedhof & Co's. Orders for coffins, caskets, and all kinds of undertaking goods promptly filled by J. E. Munger. tf The 17th convention of the Ne braska S. S. Association is to meet at "Wahoo, June 24th, 25th and 26th. A number of farmers with their families came into tho city Friday to attend the memorial-day services. Guy Barnum told us Monday that the Platte is rising all the time, at the rate of four inches in twelve hours. Mr. Sheldon of Missouri was visiting his brother here last week. Herman Peipcr who had bis arm put out of joint last month is just getting able to work a little with it. Becher & Co. are' in the insurance "business to stay and they represent all the leading companies of the world. C. H. Young has completed a one-story frame building on his lot on Olive street, between 12th and 13th. Miss Minnie "Weinschonk, of Chicago arrived in the city last week and is the guest of Mr. Carl Kramer. Bey. Father Flood of Omaha has been in town the past week, and was warmly welcomed by his old ac quaintances here. Geo. D.Meikeljohn, of Fullerton, came down on the train Friday morn ing and took the east-bound U. P. express for Chicago. "W. F. Pritchfield, one of Fuller ton's young legal lights was in the city a couple of days last week, re turning home Friday evening. The Albion Argus thinkB that millers should be compelled by law to put in fish runs, so that plenty of nice large fish could make their way op stream. Columbus is improving somewhat in morals, notwithstanding the pres ence yet of some professionally lewd women. The result of the practical joke over at Glcnwood, Iowa, ought to be a sufficient warning to Brodfuehrer in his old age. Fred. Shaw, late book-keeper at the Columbus State Bank, has accept ed a position in the same capacity with Oehlrich Bros. John Timothy, Esq., dealer in school books, stationery, etc., at Platte Center is the authorized agent of the Journal at that place. 5-tf The Old Sellable Insurance Co. of Gus. G. Becher & Co. is the place to get property insured against loss by lightning or tornado 5-2t Everybody likes to go to Mrs. Stump's to get their hats and bonnets, for she keeps the latest styles, and a large stock to select from. 2-tf Dr. C. T. Wood, formerly of this place, died recently in Georgia, of B right's disease, 'with which he was afflicted before he left here. A Schuyler paper says that the climate of Columbus is bad on circus days, because some Schuyler man re turned home unco' full no donbt. F. "W. Ott was at Grand Island the first of last week attending the marriage of his cousin, Andrew Ott, to Mrs. Catharine, widow of George Behm. John Boans has sent us from Ar kansas a magnolia bloom. We have placed it in water, and are waiting to see it flatten out like a huge din ner plate. One of the congregation tells us that Henry Hunteman has done splendid work on the new Lutheran church in Sherman precinct, also Louis Asche. Levi Jenkins, wife and Carrie Lawson, of Kalamazoo, Madison county, made a flying visit to friends in this city Saturday, and returned home Monday. The new fire bell is in position on its tower in connection with the tele phone exchange. The bell iB a mark ed improvement over the old one in tone and volume. Mr. Ransdell shipped a car load of butter and eggs to San Francisco Friday. The refrigerator car is one of the modern inventions in the in terest of commerce. Rev. H. Meissler, pastor of the German Lutheran church of this city, holds services in German every Sun day afternoon at 3 o'clock at the Presbyterian church. Tho young ladies of the Presby terian church in this city will give an ice cream and strawberry festival in tho church Wednesday evening, June 4th. All are invited. The Wilcox & White organs, also Mason & Hamlin and Chicago Cot tage, for sale at A. & M. Turner's book and music store, or by G. W. Kibbler, traveling salesman. Gen. John M. Thayer wa9 in the city Saturday, and gave us a very pleasant call. The General is one of tho prominent candidates for congress in the Third district, and has a host of friends. H. L. Small came down from Norfolk Saturday and will remove his family and household goods to his new home this week. H. L. speaks well of Norfolk and his busi ness prospects. F. G. Simmons, editor of the Re porter, and W. W. Cox of Seward came up to Columbus Saturday even ing and took the U. P. express Sun day morning for Chicago to attend the convention. Jno. O'Herne, a miner within fiiteen mile& of Durango, Colo., writes to a friend in this city, under date of May 15th, that he cannot get to work on his claim, because of seven feet depth of snow. Miss Anna George, Miss Emma West and Mr. Davis Richardson of Clarks came down on Thursday even ing to see "Otto" and visit friends in the city. They were guests of Dr. Martyn while here. . Property owners are becoming a little more particular about renting their houses to prostitutes and gam blers, and well they may be, for one of these days our grand juries will waken up to their duty. If you wish to purchase the most satisfactory sewing machine ever offered, call on or address A. & M. Turner, Columbus, Nebr., or G. W. Kibbler, Creston, Nebr., who sell the light-running Domestic. We notify each subscriber, every week, of just how hiB account stands for subscription. If you wish the paper sent yon no later than the date printed opposite yonr name, please drop us a postal card so stating. tf Here is the way the Central City Nonpareil comments on the ball club of that place: Our base-ballists are getting ready to wallop the clubs of neighboring towns. (No reference to Columbus last year.) James Cushing's dray team ran away one day last week and in tear ing along the railroad track the wagon became attached to a car in such a manner as to present the novel sight of a railroad car joining the rout of a runaway. Mr. John McCormick, of Omaha, was stricken about 8 o'clock Saturday night, with apoplexy. At 1 o'clock Sunday morning, Mr. McCormick was still unconscious. Dr. Somers who was called to the patient thought he could not recover. The Sun learned on Monday that the railroad surveyors to the number of fourteen, with three teams, were camped at Leigh. They are making a surrey for the Sioux City & Pacific, and are running a route from Scribner to Humphrey striking through the northwest part of Colfax I county. Sun. One of the parties interested tells us that a new bridge northwest of town is a model to go by, and cer tainly thin country is in need of models in that direction, because, once in a while, it is demonstrated clearly enough that we need to have good bridges. A. & M. Turner, news-dealers, take this method of acknowledging the receipt of a copy of Peck's Bos9 Book, the latest out, by Geo. W. Feck, tbenow world famous editor of Peck's Sfkn. The book is certainly a racy one, and will keep up the repu tation of the author. 1 M. Brugger has resigned hia po sition in the city schools to accept a position in the. Columbus State Bank. His resignation so near the end of the term is no donbt an inconvenience to the board, if not detrimental to the interests of the school, over which he has had charge, and in which he has given such good satisfaction. Henry Clayburn is being quite .successful with hiB hog business. Last year he had eleven' litters with a total of fifty-six pigs ; this year, seventeen litters and ninety-one pigs. Recently he sold fifteen of last year's pigs, now thirteen months old, averaging 286 lbs., at $4.30, and has twenty-five yet for sale that now average 275 lbs. Saturday last, while a herd of cattle belonging to emigrants was crossing on the Loup bridge, they were scared by a dog and "bunched" on one span breaking it down and letting the herd into the river. No lives lost. The bridge was im mediately repaired, and is fully capable of sustaining the ordinary pressure. Another large meeting was held at the Congregational church Mon day evening to listen to arguments on the temperance question. Capt. John Hammond, we are told, made an able, interesting speech ; Rev. Z. C. Rush gave the Bible readings bearing upon the subject, and Rev. Fleharty spoke upon the necossity of prohibition. The Journal, haying added a number of new fonts of type of the latest patterns, is better than ever equipped to furnish all sorts of com mercial printing such as envelopes, letter heads, note heads, bill heads, statements, business cards, labels, programmes.weddiug stationery, pos ters, dodgers, lawyer's briefs, sale bills, etc., etc. tf Tho Elba Sun, Howard Co., by A. B. Lewis, is the latest Nebraska newspaper vonture. The editor knows what he is doing when he says, "Help ub and you will help yourselves. Let not your support be of the milk-and-water, lukewarm sort, but let it be hearty, earnest, generous, such as you expect the Sun to givo Elba and Howard county." Wm. Bushell has the contract for the brick work of the new Catholic church at the Monastery, and expects to complete it in about four weeks. The main body of the building iB 48x45 feet, and so arranged that an addition can readily be made to the length of it. The vestibule is 31x26 feet, and joins the Monastery. When this building is completed, the frarao building hitherto used as a church will be sold. Jos-Webster of Monroe was in the city Friday and called at the Jouknal office. He reports a bright ontlook in that locality for a good corn crop, and 6ays that where seed was properly and seasonably selected from last year's crop, there is no trouble from re-planting. His own seed was selected while yet in the milk and before it had been touched by frost, and he has a splendid stand from the first planting. The fearful stench of Tuesday night, last week, came from tho Packing House. Denizens looked around in tho morning to see what could possibly cause such a perfect odor, in the immediate vicinity of their residences. Once in a long while it is necessary to render some offensive materia, and Columbus ought to be as patient as possible con sidering the great advantages of the Packing House to the city. We give the following paragraph for the benefit of our police force. Columbus is not in a mood to receive such accessions to her population as referred to : "One honse of ill-repute in the central portion of the North Side, has been closed and the pro prietress has gone to Columbus. These low dens are becoming a little too numerous in this town and a portion of them disorderly as well, and it is high time that a check is put upon them." Grand Island Inde pendent. At the meeting of the school board Monday evening, Jno. Wiggins was elected secretary pro tern.; the action of the board in employing Chas. Brindley, Esq., to take Mr. Brugger's place as teacher, was ap proved; an examining committee consisting of the committee on teachers and the Superintendent was agreed upon ; a special meeting of the board will take place on the 6th inst., to consider the petition of citizens to bond the district for $12,000 to build anew school-house. Men of little brains with a taste for strong drink may derive comfort from the result of recent experiments which a French temperance society has been making on the alcoholization of pigs, from which it was fonnd that alcohol had no particular injurious effect upon this animal. This fact, it was concluded, wa9 owing to the smallness of a pig's brain; and the difference of the effect of alcohol on persons is attributed to the difference in the size of the brain the larger the brain the more dangerous the effect of intoxication. Consequently, men of low intellectual endowments might indulge their love for the ardent with small danger from de- 1 lerium tremens. Tho following from the Cedar Rapids Era relates to former resi dents of Platte county, who have many friends in this city : "Last Sunday as Will Gibson and his mother were driving one of Dave Calender's teams home from a ride, the team got the start of him coming down the hill south of J. D. Stire's house, and crossing a ditch or rut, the hind end of the carriage tnrned over the front wheels, throwing both out over the dashboard ; Mrs. Gibson was bruised up a good deal, but no serious harm came to either. The team be ing loosed from the buggy, ran over to J. S. Robinson's place where one was thrown and they were caught. The buggy was badly demoralized, but the team was not much hurt, and Will thinks his next ride will be on a stone-boat with oxen." The Blair Republican calls at tention to the fact that fathers of families frequent low dives in that place, thus bringing disgrace upon their families. If the Republican will strenuously advocate the en forcement of the laws, it will not only become unpopular and dis graceful for married men but also single men to frequent low dives; there is an exceedingly strong sense of decency in Nebraska communities when you come to apply the test, and there is absolutely no reason under heaven why Nebraska need have so many dens of infamy. Execute the laws. A few days since, after the Platte river bridge had become impassable a couple of Seward county emigrants to Holt county, on discovering that they could not cross, went to Bell wood and hired transportation for themselves and team to Columbus of the railroad company. One of the men told the writer that he did not object to paying the price of trans portation, but thought he had a right to complain because of being left several rods from an available place to land his property and having to spend two or three hours of hard labor in "heeling" the car to position with a crowbar. Lost Creek Item. L. II. Jewell starts for Texas this week where he meets his father who is engaged selling machinery in that state. Our little village presents a nice appearance. The Union hotel was treated with a fresh coat of paint and also the residence of F. H. Gerrard. A Bon of Mr. Luth's, who lives near this place, was bit by a rattlesnake Saturday. By applying soda the swelling was kept down until whisky was procured which I suppose is the only suro remedy. W. The central committee of Platte connty alliance met at Humphrey, May 24th 1884. Called to order by N. Olson. N. Olson was elected chairman, F. M. Redenbaugh secre tary. Speeches were made by Olson, Kibler, Redenbaugh and others to forward the interest of the alliance. All of the central committee that was absent was excused, and Olson was authorized to appoint others in their place. Adjourned to meet at Platte Center, July 5tb, '84, at two o'clock p. m. F. M. Redenbaugh, sec'y. We regret to state that we hear of much rc-plaiiting of corn, owing to pooF seed and this too in most instances where it. was thought the proper precautions had been taken to procure good seed. It seems most farmers relied on '82 corn for seed, which, as it turns out, has not come good this wet cold season, except under the most favorable conditions. This is a drawback very much to be lamented, now that fine growing weather is hero in dead earnest. Schuyler Sun. One Chaace 1b a Lifetime. Owing to my increased grocery trade, and urgent need for more room I shall offer for the next thirty days my entire stock of Crockery, Lamps, Table Cut lery, Silverwaro and Glassware at net cost. This stock will invoice $1,500 is all new and complete, and in finer lines, embraces all the latest designs of Decorated Ware. Shall positively close out the entire stock, so call early and make your selections. 1-6-eow. Julius Rasmussen. J. P. Becker, wife and children, and Mrs.F. C. Bauer left the city Thursday last for Columbus, Ohio, to participate in the seventy-fifth birth day anniversary of Grandma Becker, mother of J. P. and William, and spend several weeks in visiting at their old home. Owing to rheuma tism, from which William Becker has been suffering, he was obliged to forego the pleasure of joining the party, as he had anticipated. L. H. Jewell started to Texas Monday morning. Lute's father, Elias Jewell, for some time a resident of this county, is engaged in the farm implement business down there and wants his son's assistance during the busy season of harvest which is just' coming on. IVe-tice. Under the new law all taxes not paid before January 1, 1885, five per cent, penalty and ten per cent, inter est will be added. All tax payers will please take notice and act accord ingly. C. A. Newmak, 2-tf Connty Treasurer. The corner stono of the Lutheran church on Elk creek wa9 to have been laid Monday last; we have not heard any particulars, but suppose the cere mony took place in tho presence of a large number of people, as the event had been looked forward to for some time with considerable interest. ladies, Atteatlea! The finest line of summer dolmans, jackets, raglans, ready-made dresses for ladies and children, can be found at Friedhof&Co's. CSIrl Wasted. One who can give satisfactory ref erences can find steady employment, by inquiring at the Joubkal office. We OfeterTe. That the new uniform of the base ball club is nice. That our doctors remark that it is alarmingly healthy. That .dudes, male or female, fio not thrive in this climate. That plum trees, wild and tame, are loaded with fruit That Baker Post No. 9, G. A. R., has a large membership. That our streets are kept in good condition by the sprinklers. That Memorial Day was appro priately observed in this city. That the sheep-item wit of the Democrat is giving his readers a rest. That J. G. Boeder drives the nobbiest turn-out of any lawyer in town. That Columbus has nine organized churches, eight secret societies and eight saloons. That the Columbus Driving Park and Fair Association do not announce any spring meeting. That the weather is very favorable for the growing crops, and farmers are generally happy. That this city purposes to celebrate the Fourth in fine style under the lead of the fire laddies. That the present rise of the Platte river is said by old settlers to bo the highest in their memory. That the appearance of the school children in the Memorial Day exercises was a very pleasant sight. That the Columbus Cornet Band have ordered new uniforms, in which they will appear on the Fourth of July. That our business men are learning to give advertising "snaps" intro duced by strolling canvassers a wide berth. That there appears to be some powerful attraction hereabouts for a certain young stock dealer of North Platte. That S. C. Smith is able to get to his offico and look after his business, and his wounded limb is getting along nicely. That J. W. Early has been "setting 'em up" on the strength of a son (or daughter) born to Mrs. Jas. Austin last Saturday which little event con fers the title of grandpa upon our friend John. That the base ball club of this city went to Platte Center on Sunday to have a friendly bout with the knights of the diamond of that burg, and that quite a sprinkling of citizens went along to witness the game. Character la Edaeatlea. The prosperity of a country de pends, not on the abundance of its revenues, nor on the strength of its fortifications, nor on the beauty of its public buildings ; but it consists in the number of its cultivated citizens, in its men of education, enlighten ment, and character; here are to be found its true interests, its chief strength, its real power. Martin Lu-' ther. We shall never learn to respect our real calling and destity, unless we have taught ourselves to consider everything as moonshine, compared with the education of the heart. Walter Scott.- A beautiful behavior is better than a beautiful face, and a beautiful soul is better than a beautiful form; it gives higher pleasure than statues or pictures, it is the finest of the fine arts. .Emerson. For a settler in a new country, one good, believing man is worth a hun dred, nay worth a thousand men without character. John Brown. "Life is never problematical to & youth whose education culminates in the noblest virtues. He wins in the race. The trumpet-call of duty rallies him for every emergency; and her call is superior to intellect, greater than genius, loftier than fame, higher than art, and more inspiring than pleasure, because it commands them all. Duty! There is no grander watchword for human life; it is charged with conscience; it is ani mated with courage. The dutiful, conscientious man is brave; unprin cipled men and women are cowards. They are the last persons to stand in the breach for the right." Lowell sings, They are slaves who will not choose Hatred, scoffing, and abuse. Rather tban in silence shrink From the truth they needs must think. They are slaves who dare not be In the right with two or three. Tkachkb. Weather Keport. Review of the weather at Genoa for the month of May, 1884: Mean temperature of mo., deg's . . . 59.79 Mean do of same mo. last vear 54.32 Highest do on the 9th deg's 86 Lowest do on the 1st deg's 89 Ordinarily cleardays 15 Very cloudy days 12 High winds days. Calm days Rain fell during; R ain fell during portions of days ... 8 Inches of rain fall inches 4.20 Do same month last year 5.43 Thunder storms occurred 5th, 21st. Hail on the 4th and 5th. Frost with ice on the 1st Lunar halo on the 4th. Very foggy on the 31st. The month has been noted for the heavy fall of rain on the 5th, and the consequent flooding of the eastern part of Platte county, thereby imped ing railroad travel for several dayB. The severity of the storm was local in its effects, and appeared to proceed from what might be denominated as a cloud burst, as two distinct storm clouds were seen in the distance ap proaching each other and finally mingled into one, and as they were both doubtless filled to saturation pre viously, the effect which followed was but the necessary result of com pressing two such bodies into the same space. As my entire stock of Groceries, Crockery, Glass and Queensware must be closed out by June 15tb, I will sell goods at a sacrifice rather than ship. Come all, and secure bar gains never before offered. It Frank A. Smith. j BBSBBBBBsHsS WKBSBBBBbK' BSBSBBBBBBBBBBMvSCBLlKjClABSBBBBBBBBrC You will also And a good line of Brushes, Faints, Oils, Varnishes, Curtain Loops, Pulls, Cord. Tassels and Curtain Fixtures at bottom prices. All orders for house, sign and carriage painting, kalsomlning, glazing and paper hanging promptly filled DECORA-TESTGr A. SFECTATTY. Call and see goods and prices before buying elsewhere. Shop always open Irom 7 a. m. to 6 p. m. l"Don't lorget the place, 13th Street, opposite Firemen's Hall, Columbus, Neb. MEMORIAL, DAY. Tka Ansa! Day for Triaate te tka Natiaa'a Dead Appropriately Oaaerved. The Memorial Day services in honor of the dead soldiers and sailors in Columbus cemetery under the auspices of Baker Post No. 9, G.A.R., were largely attended by citizens from the city and vicinity. Accord ing to program, at half-past one the soldiers congregated at Knights of Pythias Hall and headed by the Co lumbus Cornet Band, firemen and the children of the west end school, marched to the Opera House and filed in, followed by the children of the east end and high schools, who joined them here, the members of the Post and visiting members from Humphrey Post occupying the stage, the school children taking up the front seats. Every nich of the re maining space in parquet and gallery even to the steps was soon filled by interested spectators. The stage was beautifully decorated with flags and lovely floral tributes to the dead, the central attraction being the usual cenotaph to tho. mem ory of the unknown dead. The program of exercises was both interesting and impressive, the chil dren of the different schools, in songs and declamations, adding very mate rially to the interest of the occasion. W. A. McAllister and Rev. Rice ad dressed .the audience in short and appropriate speeches, John Hammond closing with a few happy remarks to the children. After the services the march was taken up to the cemetery and the beautiful and touching service of floral tribute and honor to the dead performed. SLeat Creelr. Corn growing finely and small grain looking well considering the damage it sustained by the atom of May 5th. Mr. L. H. Jewell started Monday for McKinny, Texas, where he in tends to spend a few weeks looking up the advantages and disadvantages of stock raising in that state as com pared with Nebraska. Ladles Day. The proprietor of ' tho Chicago Barber Shop has set apart Thursdays of every week as bath day for the ladies. On, Thursdays Mrs. Woods will be present and the bath rooms will be under her exclusive charge during the day. Brushes and sponges exclusively for ladies have been pro vided. 1 Carpets! Carpets! Ingrains, hemp, Brussels, body Brussels, crumb cloths, &c, at Fried hof & Co's. Letter List. The following is a list of unclaimed letters remaining in the post-office, In Columbus, Neb., for the week ending May 31, 1884: A Mrs. Florence Anderson. C Seva Church. O-R. A. Hughes 3. J Bertha Johnson. K Miss Loise Koppe. M Chas.Hulaney, Mr. John Mullerns. St Mrs. Kate Russell, B. F. Relerds, Henrich Rese, Mr. Peter Reege. B Mr. John Shaffer, Mr. Thomas S lan ley, Mrs. Mary Smith, Ueorge Sigg. T Mr. A. J. Tomaszenski, Mr. D. Talbrbi. W G. W. WiIlom-2. If not called for in 30 days will be sent to the dead letter office, Washington, D. C. When called for please say "advor- tised," as these letters are kept separate. H. J. Hudson, P. M.. Columbus, Nebr. LOCAL NOTICES. Advertisements under this head live cents a line each insertion. Call and examine the new stock of men's and boy's clothing, just receiv ed at Galley Bro's. 4-47-x You can always find a good stock to select from at Mrs. Drake's millin ery store. 39-tf Choice quality of Nebraska winter apples at Wm. Becker's. 41-tf Piano to rent. Inquire of Wells & Walker. Pens, inks, papers, slate pencils, at Turner's. The finest line of fancy shirts are just being opened at Galley Bro's. Wm. Schiltz makes boots and shoes in 'the best styles, and uses only the very best stock that can be procured in the market. 52t For good young breeding stock of all kinds, call at Bloomingdale stock farm. A. Henrich. 30-tf We also carry a good line of white shirts, both laundried aud unlaun dried, at low prices. Galley Bro's. For McCormick, everybody's ma chine, and the boss Osborne Binder No. 11, call on Newell South, Hum phrey. 3-tf Don't forget to look over our line of cambric, percale and cheviot shirts before buying, if you wish to save money, at Galley Bro's. A commodious building, for sale or rent in the village of Humphrey. Can be used for dwelling or business. Apply to F. M. Cookingbam, Hum phrey. . 5-tf Dr. McAllister, Deatlst, Will be in Columbus by the 16th of this month to do first-class work and expects to remain permanently. If he should not get moved by that time, will De in town three days, but ex pect to move before that time. En quire at Steam's Photo Rooms. 6-2 The Largest and Finest Assortment of wm, nm m nn AND WINDOW SHADES IX THK CITY AT GEO. N. DERBY'S fAlT SHOP. Orders for Store Freit Curtails Filled. 1884 SPRING 1884 ANNOUNCEMENT EXTRAORDINARY SPRING OPENING I Having spent the last three weeks in the best markets of the east, we are now prepared to show you f f ? f f THE LARGEST LINE OF Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots & Shoes, Carpets, Etc., EVER IN C0HJMBUS. -AT THE- LOWEST PRICES ! k i I k k In connection with the old store, Ave have secured the store formerly oc occupied by Dowty & Chinn, where with Increased Facilities We can accommodate all who may favor us with a call. FRIEDHOF & CO. While at Humphrey stop at C. M. Sweezey's restaurant and bakery. Good gquare meals for 25 cents. II ot meals at all hours. 50-tf For books, stationery, slates and pencils, also the renowned American sewing machine?, call on F. M. Cook ingbam, the authorized agent for the Columbus Journal and job work, Humphrey, Neb. 46-tf The perfection washer has taken the lead and is selling faster than all others. Oor lady friends 6ay it can not be excelled for good work and rapidity. Call and get one on trial and be satisfied at Marak & Jones, Humphrey, Neb. 6-2 Clover, Timothy, Millet, aad HnHgarlaa Seed, At Herman Oehlrich & Bro's. 2-12t For Male. First-class mill site aud mill in Platte county, by Becher & Co. For Sale. Eighty head of Btock sheep. Call on Scudder Bros., Creston post-office, Platte county, Nebr. 4-3t-p Milch Caws. A nice lot of milch cows for sale, also calves belonging to S. H. Tucker andG. W. Kibbler, Creston, Nebr. 4-C Brick! Thos. Flynn has on hand a large number of brick for sale. Those who know now that they will need brick in the early spring, "had better secure them early. Those who FJmr Are warned not to go to the ponds of Hulst & Arnold at Murray's, Bra dy's and Stevens's, for that purpose. The spawning season is at band, and it is an outrage to interfere with the fidh. Sale or Estray. On Tuesday the 8th day of July, 1884, at the residence of L. Magnuson, in Monroe township, one mile west from Matson post-office, one black mare, taken no as an eatrav. Sain to I commence at 1 o'clock p. m. Terms casn. o-p-o . alzxanpxb, J. PLATTE COUNTS' LANDS! THE TIFFT GRAFF LANDS ARE NOW FOR SALE AS FOLLOWS. Price Description. S. T. It. per Acre. S.W.Jot S. E. K-13 IT least $12 50 S.KoiS.W.K 13 IT 1 " 12 60 S.KofS.E.K 1 IT 1 ' 1250 S.K.K I5 1" l " 1500 S. W. X 13 IT 1 " n 00 E.KofX.E.X ...21 IT 1 " 10 00 X.E.J4 22 IT 1 " . 15 00 S.E. K '-2 IT 1 " 15 00 8.W.K 1T l " 160 X.W.K 23 IT 1 " 12 00 N.Kf"-E-K 23 IT 1 " 12 60 S.E.K 2 1" 1 " 1260 E.KofX. W.X -31 1" 1 " 10 00 Term: One-third cash, balance on time to suit purchaser at 8 to 10 percent, interest. Apply to J. TV. liOVE. Fremont, Neb. 50-tf COLUMBUS MARKETS. Our quotations of the markets are ob- tainedTuestlaj-afternoon, and are correct and reliable at the time. QKAIX, AC. Wheat 03 Corn, new 23 Oats new, 22 Rye 30 Flour 260360 PKODUCK. Butter, 912 Eggs, 10312X Potatoes, 2030 MKAT8. Hams, 10010 Shoulders, 10 Sides, 10H LIVK STOCK. FatHogs 4 004 25 FatCattle 3 60(tf4 50 Sheep 3 00 Coal. Iowa $5 00 Hard H 00 Roek Springs nut 0 60 Rock Springs lump Carbon (?. Colorado 00 Wanted. The undersigned will take 100 hoad of cattle to herd at $1 por hoad for tho Peasou. W. and F. Jewkll. (j-2 11 at to Ceutro. l'u.ture For Jolt. I will take a limited number of colts into my (partly blue grass) pas ture where they will haye good grass, shado and plenty of good spring wa ter. 51-x A. IIexmcii. Strayed. From my premiscp, Tuesday, April 29th, one gray mare, three years old, black mane aud tail, weight about 1,000 lbs. Any information as to her whereabouts, will bo liberally re warded. Jno. Lucid, 2-tf Platte Center. For Male. The property known as the Strasser hotel and saloon at Duucan, Nob., comprising nine lots with building suitable lor hotel aud saloon or mer cantile business also good stubie, shed and ice house, &c.,iu connection. Tho above property will be sold at a bar gain. Apply to Gus. G. Becher & Co. Columbus, Neb. While at Hamplirey, Stop at the Qraavllle IIohmc. Mr. Jacob Stefiis has completed his large and commodious hotel aud will be pleased to bco all of his former patrons as well as new ones. Firut class rooms and beds as well as first class table. Fanners and traveling men call on him. lie has every facil ity lor making you at home. A good livery attached to hotel. 2l-tf l.nal tor Mule. In Colfax Co., near Flatte Co. line, 80 acres, 70 of which are under tho plow ; frame dwelling, horse and cow -stables, cow sheds and corrals, corn cribs, windmill and 2 pumpi (water 40 ft. from surface), some fruit and forest trees. Also 1G0 acres, 120- under cultiva tion, 7 acres of forest trees. Both tracts have first rate stock range, and road facilities. $2,500 lor uach tract, on easy terms. 15-x II. Mackenzie. Paapm Wiad .HUN, Farm W as ohv, Jlaclc ScreWN, Furm llellM, Etc. Chas. Schroeder has just received one car load of a variety of fine wooden and iron pumps ; oue car load of steam and water pipe and fittings for same; one car load of the celebra ted Monitor vaueleds wind mills; ouo car load of the reliable 'Olds" farm wagons, also a lot ot jack screws, farm bell?, cast-iron winks, rubber hose, beltinL', etc., etc. These goods must be sold as fast as possible, either wholesale or retail under the motto, " Quick sales and small margius." Please call aud get prices beforo buy ing anywhere else. He cannot be undersold. 5-2 Adjoaraed Town .Heeling:. The special town meeting that was held at the Reed school-house in Co lumbus township May 21th, by reason of there not being one-third of the freeholders of the township present to constitute a quorum tor the trans action of business, the meeting was adjourned to meet at the same place Saturday, 14ih day of June, 1881, at 2 o'clocK p. m., and as there are ques tions of importance to discus and urgent business to transact. The tax payers of the township arc earnestly requested to be present." Given under my hand this 30th day of May, A. D. 18S4. . .. , A. W. CLARK. SEAL.J c-2t Town Clerk. GROCERIES ! ALWAYS ON HAND A FULL ANP NEW LINE OF GROCERIES "WELL SELECTED. FRUITS! CANNED AND DRIED, of all KINDS, GUARANTEED TO BE OF BEST QUALITY. DRY GOODS ! A GOOD .fe WELL SELECTED STOCK, ALWAYS AS CH EA1 AS THE CHEAPEST, ALSO BOOTS & SHOES ! 12TTHAT DEFY COMPETITION. gj BUTTER AND EGGS And all kinds of count)-) produce ta ken in trade, and all goods deliv ered free of charge to any part of the city. FLOIJE! KEEP ONLY THE BEST GRADES OF FLOUR. 10-tf -3. B. DELS.IIA.